Daytonian 1982

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Some things just aren't in the catalogue Between the lines lies much of the story. There's more than course loads, requirements and maps. Although these standards represent the institution, it is the subtleties of student life that provide the heart of the University of Dayton. The 1982 Daytonian is a pictorial of the other side of the coin . Lifestyles, entertainment, sports, and emotions lend themselves to graphic representation so that they will spark a memory of the one time participant or the outsider looking in . 2/0pening




Deciding to join in Spending four years at UD in isolation is unheard of. If one of the 160 recognized organizations doesn't catch your interest, one of the numerous events is bound to. Friendships are built in participation - the foundations of many relationships began at some Sunday night meeting. The gamut of offerings is here, and virtually all choose to take part.





Finding your friends and your heros Whether it be an old faithful such as Santa, some rekindled heros like Batman and Robin, or the new face of Rudy, the imaginations of all come alive with the adoration of a favorite.





• Discovering UD is a

MULTI¡ VERSITY . And so it is under the guise of a "uni" versity that people from so many walks of life find an environment where all are free to grow. The curriculum is diverse enough to satisfy the intellect, while the community of UD caters to the social needs. When its mosaic of interests is considered the name becomes the "Multiversity of Dayton" .



Moments Worth Remembering

18/ Lifestyles


John Houseman

201 Lifestyles

Paper Chase Comes To UD The University of Dayton Art Series opened on Tuesday, September 29, with the appearance of actor, director, and writer John Houseman. Known best for his portrayal of Professor Kingsfield in the movie and television series "The Paper Chase," Houseman was a theater celebrity long before his television fame. Discussing highlights of his career with a crowd in the Ballroom, he contradicted his ficticious image of a cold hearted scholar by delivering a humorous and witty speech. In a mock role as law instructor, Houseman visited the law school and re-enacted his character's mannerisms. His visit was an entertaining and enlightening view of the many sides of Mr. John Houseman.


Li,brary Lawn Sets The Scene For Artists' Showcase

221 Lifestyles

In keeping with tradition, this year UD students and Daytonians alike were again given the chance to break away from their busy schedules to enjoy a leisurely afternoon on the library lawn at the annual fall Library Lawn Art Show. The sun once again shone down on hundreds of painters, poets, sculptors, musicians, and craftsmen as they all displayed their wares and talents to passers-by.

Lifestyles / 23

Uniwersity of Dayton

ContinentaL Cuisine Series ....

Una Serata Italiana

24/Life Styles

In a cultural extravaganza of food, music, and fashion, the Continental Cuisine series presented "Una Serata Italian a ". The event, co-sponsored by University Activities and the Dayton Regional Alliance of Italian Americans, brought together 500 from Dayton as well as surrounding areas to enjoy an eight course gourmet meal, wine tasting, and a fashion show featuring the clothes of Fiona, Inc. Under the leadership of Tony Franchina, one Italian Evening brought the spirit of Italy to America.

Life Styles/25

"Hafli Be


26/Life Styles

Although the Italian evening could have proved a tough act to follow, the "Hafli De Lebnan" had no trouble in holding its own. Co-sponsored 'by Continental Cuisine, University Activities, Dayton Lebanese American Club, and UDELL, the evening began with a cocktail hour in the Torch. After a Lebanese Prayer by Dean Joseph, the dinner of Stuffed whole lamb and stuffed grape leaves in wine was served to 253 guests. To help 'unsettled' the meal, a belly dance was performed by Meelea, as well live music and folk dancing by UDELL students. Responsibility for the success of the evening goes to Tony Franchina, who is chairman of Continental Cuisine and toastmaster for the individual events.

Life Styles127

UD Clubs Appeal To Plaza Crowds

28/ Lifestyles

More than 150 organizations were recognized by the University of Dayton for the 1981-82 year, meeting the student's needs in both service and social areas. In order to inform the students of what was available to them, University Activities once again held their annual Up The Organizations Day in early September. Numerous groups displayed pamphlets, scrapbooks, and banners in the Plaza in an attempt to catch the passerby's attention. The day was a success with the sun shining down upon hundreds of students as many signed up for a year of fun and new friends.


Realistic Drama Open,s PYA Season

October first through the third marked the opening for another theatre season for the Performing and Visual Arts Department of the University of Dayton. For the three evenings in early October, the UD players performed Henrik Ibsen's classic drama Hedda Gabler. The play's central theme dealt with Hedda 's turbulent desire to mold human destiny. Under the direction of L.L. Selka, the UD thespians did a fantastic job dealing with the reality of this theme in their first production of the season.

30/ Lifestyles


Greek Women Rush To The First Stop

32/ Lifestyles

Sorority rushing always seems to bring with it a notion of competition between the different organizations to see which one can get the biggest turnout of prospectives. Twice a year, however, the Greek women at UD transform their competitive spirit into one of joint sisterhood as the six sororities collectively sponsor a joint rush . Held at the First Stop both semesters this year, Joint Rush once again resulted in two hours of chugging, dancing, singing, and general merriment for everyone, no matter what Greek letters were worn, if any at all.


No Labor On This Day It's seldom that an established tradition changes at UD, but this year's Labor Day Picnic provided one exception to that norm. The sun still shined down upon beerdrinking frisbee-throwers, but no longer could they write home saying they's spent Labor Day at the library. Even though the location was changed to Founder's Field, the spirit of the day was carried on in typical UD tradition.

341 Lifestyles


Coffee, Tea, And UD

Once again kicking off the Homecoming Week activities, the annual International Tea was held in the KU Ballroom on Sunday, October 4th. Music from 'round the world filled the air while ethnic displays, dancing, and singing provided entertainment as tea-goers sampled various types of international sweets, teas, and coffees.

36/Homecoming Week

RollOut The Buckets

Most UD students don't have to have an excuse to go to their favorite bar, but for those who sHIl do, Homecoming Week provided two such opportunities this year . The traditional Bar Night found bargain-hunting students taking advantage of various specials at the local pubs. Also, replacing the Greek Keg Exchange was a Bucket Night at Tim's. Reduced prices were offered as many UD "Jacks and Jills" went down to Tim's to fetch a pail of beer.

Homecoming Week/37

Homecoming, Hotdogs, And Football Fun

The highpoint of any homecoming celebration is traditionally the homecoming football game and this year at UD was no exception. Hundreds of Flyer fans started the day off right at the combination pep rally and tailgate by downing a few brews and a hot dog or two before entering Welcome Stadium to view the gridiron battle against the the Bobcats. The fans were not disappointed, either, as the Flyers iced over Frostburg State by a score of 45 to 21.

38/Homecoming Week

Homecoming Week/39

Queen Candidates Entertain Skit-Goers

40/Homecoming Week

"Let us entertain you" seemed to be the theme of this year's night of Queen Skits. Each Queen candidate was given the chance to join forces with some of her supporters and put on a skit in hopes of persuading the undecided in the audience to cast a vote in her direction. TV shows, fairy tales; and hit movies provided many of . the basic themes with each woman adding her own personal UD touch to delight and entertain all of the spectators.

Homecoming Weeki 4.1

Almost as traditional as a homecoming football' game at colleges across the United States is the crowning of a homecoming queen. Typically, a homecoming queen is the one woman students think best represents a particular university, both spirit and personality-wise. This year at UD, eight girls took time out of their already busy schedules to spend hundreds of hours planning, preparing and partioipating in their individual campaigns for Homecoming Queen of 1981 . The weeks of preparation climaxed during the halftime of the homecoming football game as each candidate was honored and Mary Krutko was named the University of Dayton's Homecoming Queen of 1981.

42/Homecoming Week

Crowning Climaxes Queen. Campaigning :


Homecoming Weeki 43

A Carnival Comes To Campus

441 Lifestyles

It's always been said that everyone loves a parade. Well, at UD it seems that it's also true that everyone loves a carnival, as evidenced by this year's Campus Carnival. Thousands of U 0 students relived a few childhood memories as they participated in the various games sponsored by numerous campus organizations. The kids rolled dice, tossed coins, played the odds and even dunked their best friends. All sorts of carnival goodies were available, too, for those who worked up an appetite while the Slugs performed for those whose tastes were more for music than munchies.


UD, with students of all different backgrounds and nationalities, could almost be considered a midwest melting pot. On Saturday, October 17, though, everyone turned German for the day as hundreds flocked to the plaza to celebrate UD's version of the German festival Oktoberfest.

46/ Lifestyles

A Bit Of Germany Comes To UD


Egg Rolls And Dice At The Casino The Oriental Dragon provided a little Chinese atmosphere as the cover-up for this year's Friendly Floyd's gambling casino.

Although business was brought to an unexpected halt at about 11 :30 p.m. due to a fire alarm, the Accounting Club still cleared about $800 for the Children's Medical Center and their scholarship fund.

48/ Lifestyles

Greeks Get Together It's often during the semester when the week seems to drag on forever and everyday one gets farther behind than the day before. It's during times like these that Friday afternoons are welcomed with open arms as a chance to relax and down a few beers to relieve the tension. Periodically throughout the year, IFe and Pan Hel gave Greeks the opportunity to do this by sponsoring Greek Bashes at the First Stop.


Halloween Hobgoblins And Hysterics

50/ Lifestyles



Give a student a chance to get a little crazy and they'll jump at the chance to do it up right. Halloween at the University of Dayton is definitely one of those times when everyone decides to get a little crazy and this year they did it with style. From tanks and machine guns to laundry bags and chewing gum, UD students roamed the ghetto for a bit of witches brew, celebrating long past the bewitching hour of midnight.


Not often does one get a chance to see a masters thesis come alive before their very eyes. For three evenings in November, though, UD theatregoers had the chance to enjoy this rare opportunity. On the nights of November 19, 20, and 21, Fr. Robert Bouffier produced The Duchess of Malfi, an Elizabethan tragedy by John Webster, as his masters thesis for his Theatre degree from the Catholic University of America. Those who attended were able to see the players successfully combine the elements of tragedy and melodrama in a tale of malice and terror.

521 Lifestyles

Second Show One Of Malice and Malfi


541 Lifestyles

Christmas Spirit Envelops Campus


56/ Lifestyles

The feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8 has come to mean a lot more than a day of cancelled classes for U D students, for it is on that day that the University of Dayton annually holds its Christmas on campus celebration. Thousands of students turned out this year to give a little of their time and selves to brighten the life of a small child or an elderly person. Everything from cartoons to opera and choo-choo trains to hot chocolate was offered, creating a joyous Christmas spirit among all who attended .

Lifestyles / 57

Holy Cabooses It's Hello Dolly!

58/ Lifestyles

"Hello Dolly" was brought to Boll Theater on two consecutive week-ends in late February and early March. The play's main characters were Dolly Levi, portrayed by Patti Galati, and Horace Vandergelder, portrayed by Mike Rusconi. The cast consisted of about thirty and received its guidance from Larry Selka. The show was an overwhelming success with the U.D. community.

Lifestyles / 59

Fantasy Comes True For Dynamic Duo

When hearing the word turnabout a lot more than Webster's definition of a "reversal of position" comes to the mind of a typical UD student. Besides the fact that the positions are reversed and for Turnabout the woman must worry about asking the man to the dance, Turnabout brings with it the memories of king skits, drinking, socializing, king campaigning, and this year, with fantasy as its theme, the crowning at the dance of the caped crusaders, Batman and Robin, to reign over the reversal.

60/ Lifestyles


Famous Faces

ABOVE: Speaking on the economics of nuclear arms, Wassily Leontief appeared on campus during October as part of the Distinguished Speaker Series. RIGHT: Famous novelist of the occult Stephen King served as keynote speaker for the Writers' Workshop on March 25 and 26, as well as a lecturer in the Distinguished Speaker Series.

62/ Lifestyles

Writers' Workshop Distinguished Speakers Art Series

TOP LEFT: Appearing on the same evening as Wassily Leontief, Dr. David Blond presented his views on the economics of nuclear arms as part of the Distinguished Speaker Series. ABOVE: Noted American author James Baldwin discussed his work as part of the Art Series on December 3 in the ballroom. LEFT: On February 9 in the ballroom, Dr. Alvin Poussaint, psychiartrist and author. addressed the topic of violence in a Distinguished Speaker Series presentation.


Every year, Pan Hel and IFe get together and sponsor Greek Week, a week-long series of events aimed at creating an awareness of the Greeks' role at the University of Dayton. This year's activities included a pizza-eating contest, a bar night, the Greek skits, a keg exchange, and the traditional Greek 8all.

Each activity had its memorable moments but for those participating in the pizza-eating contest, it was probably something that most of them would rather forget. Each entrant succeeded in consuming a large Domino's pizza, on the average, enabling them to start Greek Week a bit more heavy but a lot less hungry.

641 Lifestyles

Greek Grub


661 Lifestyles

Green Beer And Irish Cheer


I 68/ Lifestyles

Once again the luck of the Irish was with the University of Dayton as the sky was clear and the sun shone down on the second annual Irish Club's St. Patrick's Day celebration. The day was kicked off by the St. Patty's Parade through the ghetto. Several organizations and groups of people entered brightly decorated cars, floats and even couches to help spread a bit of Irish cheer. Immediately following the parade, UD students gathered in Parking Lot E to continue their celebration in typical UD style.


Dayton To Daytona


With finals behind them, 450 UD students manned the Student Association buses to bask in the sunshine of Daytona Beach, Florida. The annual voyage, dubbed "Dayton to Daytona" promised its participants sand, suds, surf and sun to alleviate the second semester shivers. The plaza hotel served as backdrop to the drive-on-beach oceanfront as well as many parties on the pool deck. Volleyball matches helped generate competition which was cooled by a dip in the olympic sized pool. A Bellyflop contest allowed those with strong stomachs to show the crowd their skills plus splash the onlookers. Despite the "Key Clubbers" and the slow elevators, all who attended forgot their troubles and concentrated on their tans.


Sun, Sand,

72/ Lifestyles

Surf & Suds


The Grand Finale


741 Lifestyles

Commencement, held Sunday, April 25, in the arena, offically pronounced the class of 1982 as bearers of master, bachelor, and associate degrees. The two and a half hour ceremony, however, could not serve as fair representation of the work and dedication it took the people to accomplish this goal. Tradition demands the pomp and circumstance, and in the hearts of all those who attended a deep appreciation was conveyed as to the contributions to the university and society made by the class of 1982.

Lifestyles / 75

The Class Of 1982

76/ Lifestyles



78/ Lifestyles

The play "Moonchildren" was brought to the stage, in Boll Theater, on Aprill, 2, and 3. The play's main characters were Mike (John Kovac), Ruth (Julie M. Emmert), Cootie/Mel (Ed Springstead), Norman (Phil DeFusco), Dick (Jeffrey Pagnotta). Kathy (Colleen A. Matthews). Bob Rettie/ Job (Paul Harris), and Shelly (Jaye Liset). "Moonchildren" brought the laughter, tears, illusions, and realities of college to the U.D. community. The play was directed by Robert J. Bouffier, S.M. The cast and crew did an excellent job of presenting college life as it was. and still is.


Bits & Pieces Of '82

80/ Lifestyles


Pigskin Pandemonium

The 1981 Flyer Football season was truly fan-tastic. Under first-year coach Mike Kelley, the team finished the season with an outstanding 12-2 record, including a second consecutive appearance in the Amos Alonzo Stagg Bowl in Alabama.

White-Allen MVP . ....... Chris Chaney Miller Lite MVP ......... Chris Chaney Stan Kurdziel Outstanding Lineman ...... .. ... .. .......... . Mike Howard John L. Macbeth Memorial Scholar / Athlete Award ............. Mike Fitz Chief Toxcani Hitter Trophy .. .. . .. . ................ Rick Callinan Flyer of the Year . ... .. .. Rick Callinan Emil Karas Memorial Trophy ............ Jim Pearson fy1ark Hufford Sheriff "Beno" Keiter Trophy ...................... Fred Domicone


Flyer Fever








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Runnin' On Empty In its inaugural year as an intercollegiate sport, the University of Dayton's Cross Country team proved successful. Led by coach Steve Price, the Flyers competed in five meets, defeating Xavier twice, finishing third in both the Cincinnati Invitational and Mound Invitational meets, and dropping the season finale to the Kettering Striders. With outstanding performances by MVP Tom "TQ" Quinn, Carol Pitzer, Paul Calabrese and Mark Findlay, the striding Flyers established their place among the university's athletic community .


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Sticks On Stuart

U.D. Soccer

... A Kick In The Grass Under the direction of second-year head coach Jerry Butcher, the UD soccer team completed a tough season successfully. As a result of the grueling schedule and several minor injuries that afflicted the Flyers, Coach Butcher was able to see many players in action. Thirteen of their nineteen games were played at Baujan field, with Sept. 9 as their home opener.

UD Women's Tennis

Ladies Net Victories


Super Spikers



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Crowd Pleasers




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Flyer Fever



The women's basketball team began the season with the slogan, "Brand New in '82". Unfortunately, tough opponents and spotty performances held the team to a 10-17 record. Coach Linda Makowski, who led the '81 team to a 27-7 record, admitted disappointment, but vowed renewed commitment for '83.

Lady Cagers

Ideal leers Returning to the ice as 1981 Midwestern Collegiate Hockey League Champions, the UD hockey team lived up to its reputation as tough competitors. Dayton had fifteen returning letterman, most notable was Kevin Szani. and. Dave Harackiewicz. Entering his eighteen season, head coach Walt DeAnna kept his tradition of winning season alive with the aggressive show of the Flyers.

Awesome Athletes


Women's Softball Team


UD Lacrosse

Sticks And Stone




UD Baseball

Sultans Of Swing



Flyer Fan-atics

:-~ -.~~



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Arts & Sciences



Gena Acito Youngwood, Pa

Margaret Adamek Kent,Oh

Anne Aiken McMurray, Pa

Margie Alagia Louisville, Ky

Scott Allard Barboursville, Va

LaVerne Allgood Elyria, Oh

Mary Alton Mansfield, Oh

Carolyn Amey Rochester, NY

Suzanne Anderson Plainfield, NJ

Kathleen Andrae Rocky River, Oh

Kevin Aprile Louisville, Ky

Sharon Abrams West Chester, Oh



, '['

Paul Janowiecki Dayton,Oh

1221 Graduates

Barbara Lawler Indianapolis, In

Lynn Armbruster Wickliffe, Oh

Torry Armsfield Washington, DC

. ,.



William E. Baird, Jr, Dayton,Oh

Bridget Barrett Columbus, Oh

Vincent Barry Toledo,Oh

Virginia L. Baughman Fairborn , Oh

Carolyn Beamish Old Bridge , NJ

Lori Beattie Penfield ,NY

Kevin Beechey Kettering, Oh

Mike Bennett Dayton , Oh

Ingrid Berns Glenview, ill

Susan Betz Williamsville, NY

Susan Binasiewicz Warminster, Pa

Donna Blanks Dayton , Oh

Daniel J. Bockrath Dayton , Oh

Mary Alice Boller Flushing, NY

Mark Brado Mansfield , Oh

Barb Brill Franklin, Oh

Margie Bruns W. Alex., Oh

Michael Bryan Hoffman Estates, III

Mark Buchwalder Xenia,Oh

James A. Budzik Parma , Oh

Joy Bula Erie, Pa

Joseph Burt Edison , NJ

Dana Bury Springfield, Oh

David Byrd Portsmouth , Oh

Andrea Capuzzo Babylon, NY

Lourdeen Catherine Carney Philadelphia , Pa

Theresa Carroll Charlotte, NC

Barbara Burger Bronx, NY





.$.-'~ ' " __




~ ~--~ Una Cadegan Toronto , Oh

Robbin Cambron Ft . Pierce, FI




• J

Marianne Campisano Cincinnati, Oh


Marilyn Carton Plains, NJ

Anthony Cash Louisville , Ky

Frank Catanariti Ambridge , Pa

Sharon Ceasor Cleveland, Oh

Keith Charette Wallingford, Ct

Gail Clanton Washington, DC

MaryAnn Collins Lakewood, NY

Barbara Cooke Plainfield, NJ

Jennie Cooper Rochester , NY

Lawrence Corcoran Pittsburgh , Pa

Robert Costa Pittsburgh , Pa

Rochelle E. Creech Dayton , Oh

Maura Cronan Hudson,Oh

Mark Crosby Dayton , Oh

Karen Cruz Canton , Oh

Lon Cunninghis Willingboro, NJ

John Cupo Yonkers , NY

Paula Cwikly Canansburg. Pa

Mary Dagil Oberlin,Oh

Kathryn Dalton Pittsburgh, Pa

Mark Dangelo Grafton , Oh

John D'Argenio Rome, NY

Janice Davis Potomac, Md

Joseph Davis River Forest, III

Marie Del Valle Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico

Renee Derek Latrobe, Pa


£. .A.

. ..

j. ..



lJ .. •· .

Joan Day Kettering, Oh


Kathy Decaminada Englewood Cliffs , NJ

Philip A. DeFusco Howell, Nj

Eileen T. Deinhart Willowick, Oh

Lori Ann Dick Romulus, Mi

Neil DiSpirito Moorestown, NJ

Patricia Dobremsyl PI. Pleasant, NJ

L. Domenico Chicago, II

Jennie Donatelli Dayton , Oh

Mary Donnelly Oxon Hill, Md

Theodore Dorow N. Ridgeville, Oh

Sheila Doyle Erie , Pa

MaryBeth Dunagan Erie , Pa

Monica Dunsky Dayton , Oh

Vicki Edwards Jamestown , Oh

JeHrey Elder Cincinnati , Oh

Julie Elman Natick . Mass

Donald Elsbernd Centerville , Oh

Lee Elwood Germantown, Oh

Leonardo Espina Dayton , Oh

Carmen Estarellas Rio Piedros, Puerto Rico

Scott Evert Centerville , Oh

Joe Factor Delaware, Oh

Maureen Fay Dayton,Oh

Gerald Feldman II Cincinnati , Oh

Harry Ferere Ivorywast W. Africa

Susan Fertakos Westfield, NJ

Jane Ferry Waukegan, II

Theresa Fetsko Lyndhurst, Oh

Dennis Fillenwarth Ihdianapolis, In

Lisa Fittipaldi Media, Pa

Carol Franklin Fairfax, Va

Ruth Fremgen Kettering, Oh

Karen Folah West Lake, Oh



, ,

Daniel Gerker St. Louis, Mo

Rachael Gerst Fovansville , In

Ellen Gianesello Cos Cob, Ct

Barry Goettl Charleston, WV

Tish Gordon Mentor,Oh

William Graf Kennelon, NJ

Jan Graft Franklin, Oh

Jacalyn M. Green Baldwinsville. NY

Anne Marie Grogan Dayton , Oh

Jeffrey Gudmens Cincinnati, Oh

Gregory Gusching Sidney, Oh

Robert E. Haber , Glenmary Hazlet Township, NJ

Elie Haddad Beirut, Lebanon

Michael F. Haggerty Loveland, Oh

Ellen Halloran Birmingham, Mi

Lori Harris Wenonah, NJ

Mary E. Harris Browns Mills, NJ

Nicholas Harshbarger Kettering. Oh

Timothy Hartwig Youngstown, Oh

Doris Harvey W. Carrollton , Oh

Daniel Henry Biasdell, NY

George Higgins Potomac, Md

Joan Higgins Northbrook, II

Anthony Georgetti Rochester, NY

Diane Geraci University Hs, Oh

Marilyn Gillespie Birmingham, Mi

Juliet Green St. Louis, Mo


Rebecca Hill West Chester. Pa

Teresa Gill Penns Grove. NJ

Robin Hillsamer Xenia. Oh

.;.. .. ''Ie





Lora Hlabse Richmond Hts .. Oh

Anne Hodges Bethel Park. Pa

Bonnie Hoepf Tiffin. Oh

D. Timothy Hogan Louisville, Ky

Kevin Hughes Brooklyn. NY

Angela Humphreys Philippi, WV

Richard Hunt Hinckley. Oh

Elizabeth Hutchins Worthington . Oh

Lynn Ivanick Maple Hts .. Oh

Giuseppe Izzi Watertown, Ct

John Jerozal Angola. NY

Judith Johnson EUclid. Oh

Carolyn Jones Dayton.Oh

Robert Jones Frankfort . Oh

Kathy Joseph Cincinnati. Oh

Stephen Joseph Kettering, Oh

Margaret Joy Manchester, Ct

Katrina Kargl Jeffersontown. Ky

Kathleen Kazar New Providence. NJ

James R. Kebe Euclid. Oh

Kathryn Keelan Wauwatosa, Wi

James Kehoe Marlton. NJ

Carlyle Amelia Kinkade New Castle, In

Grace Klein-Kracht Louisville, Ky

Anne Juenemann Canton. Oh

Paul Judd Sidney . Oh


•, Anita Kelly Allentown. Pa

Richard Kennedy Newtown. Ct

Gerald Kepes Kettering. Oh

H. Todd Kepler Jamestown. Oh


Ann Marie Kleinhenz Centerville , Oh

Mary Kleman Lima, Oh

James Komer Orrville , Oh

Daniel Kosinski Dayton,Oh

Carolyn Lacki Mass, Oh

Laura Laskowski Parma,Oh

Lora Link Celina , Oh


James E. Knight Union , Oh

Mark Knue Lawrenceburg, In

Daniel Kobermann Columbus, Oh

David Koerner Dayton,Oh

Thomas Kozek Maumee,Oh

Mary Krutko Waynesburg, Pa

Anita Kwest Kettering, Oh

Scott Kwiat Toledo , Oh

Denise Landron Coram, NY

Stephen Lang Mansfield. Oh

Gerianne Langan W. Nyack, NY

Larry Langenkamp St. Henry, Oh

Catherine Laruffa Blanchester, Oh

Jane Lawrence Wsmul , NY

Margaret Lecuyer Clifton Park, NY

Teresa Lemm Madison, In

Michael Liddane Livonia , Mi

Timothy C. Lincolnhol Lansing, Mi

Gene Longo Pittsburg, Pa

Maureen Lowry Euclid, Oh

Steven Lucas Dayton,Oh

Lisa Ludington Kalamazoo, Mi

Jeanne Lizza Grosse Pointe Farms, Mi

Sean lynch latrobe. Pa

Patricia McCaffrey Norwood.Oh

linda McCarren Grosse Pointe Park. Mi

Tim McCuen Chester. Pa

Martin McGinley Maspeth. NY

Michael McGlone Dayton.Oh


(t l • I


Mary Elizabeth McGrath Brecksville . Oh

Maureen McGroarty Erie. Pa

Peggy McHale Edgewood. Ky

Virginia McKenna West Milford. NJ

Denise MCKeown Naperville. III

Fred McKernan Williamsport , Pa

Mary McNellis Mt. Prospect. III

Kim McQueeney Spartanburg. SC

Nancy McQuillan long Beach. NY

Dee Mack Cleveland. Oh

Bruce Macleod Dayton. Ohio

Maureen Magner Dayton.Oh

Candida Massimino Westport. Ct

Patricia Mattimore Hamburg. NY

Douglas Messing Southfield. Mi

Cheryl Miles New York. NY

Jane M. Mahon Canton.Oh

Therese Malloy Middleburg. Hts .. Oh

Charlotte Manison Northeast. Pa

Richard Meanix Downingtown. Pa

Steven Meixner Dayton . Oh

Elizabeth Melaragno Columbus. Oh

Kd Martin Irvington. NY

Elizabeth Melone Skok ie. III







Joy Miller WPAFB,Oh

Judy Miller Garfield Hts, Oh

Sara Miller Oldfield, NY

Mark Minardi Kettering, Oh

Elizabeth Molnar Louisville , Ky

Jeff Moore Chicago , III

Terry Moore Glen Ellyn, III

George Morrison Lawrenceburg, In

Sharon Mosie Springfield, Oh

Mary Katherine Moskal Glenview, II

David Mott Cincinnati, Oh

Kenneth Mraz Johnstown, Pa

Kathy Mullen Bethel Park, Pa

Clarence Mulligan Portage, Mi

John Murphy Rockville Centre, NY

Kevin Murphy Youngstown, Oh

Cheryl Musser Long Valley , NJ

Leslie Nail Dayton, Oh

Brian Nappi Landing, NJ

Fida Nasrallah Bourt Hammoud , Lebanon

Elizabeth Neus Cincinnati , Oh

Brian Newbury S. Taunton , Mass

Chris Niquette Ada , Mi

Scott C. Noon Lockport, NY

David Nortman Cincinnati, Oh

James Odell Wychoff, NJ

Elissa Okita Dunwoody, Ga

Charlene Okomski Philadelphia, Pa

Patrick O' Rourke Columbus, Oh

Alison Otto Upper Montclair, NJ


Darlene Packnett Dayton.Oh

Alison Part Ian Wilmette. II

Denise Pavuk Westerville. Oh

Mary Pelszynski Dayton.Oh

Elizabeth Pennington Reynoldsburg. Oh

Caroline Perry Lynelhurst . Oh

Elizabeth Pestian Kettering. Oh

Nicolette Petrone Cleveland Hts .. Oh

Janna Petrosky Kettering. Oh

Angela Phelps New Carrollton. Md

Rodney Player Akron.Oh

Linda Plowchalk Elizabeth. Pa

Mark Potticary Sharonville. Oh

Mark Pottorff Poca. WV

Paddy Powelson Brookside. NJ

James Priest Winchendon. Ma

Kent Primrose Centerville. Oh

Anthony E. Raddell Euclid. Oh

William Aloysius Rauh Wabash . In

Patrick Reddy Troy. Oh

Pamela Reho Willowick. Oh

Carin Reinheimer Kettering. Oh

George Restrepo Paterson. NJ

Susan Rinefierd Liverpool. NY

Thomas Roach Bacimort. NY

Steven Robbe Kettering. Oh

Jo Frannye Robinson Yellow Springs. Oh

Barbara Roemer Ramsey. NJ

Joseph Rittman Monroe Falls. Oh

Michael Rizer Springfield. Oh


Michael Roman Essington. Pa

Mark Romer Dayton. Oh

Antoinette Rossi Middletown. Oh

Susan Roth Erie. Pa

Sharon Royle Parma.Oh


Susan Ruhlin Wadsworth. Oh


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Janet Rumpke Cincinnati. Oh

James Ryan Painesville. Oh

Janis Sabins Dayton.Oh

Cheryl Sacerich Wickliffe. Oh

Susan Samples Bethel Park. Pa

Pamela Sanders Middlesex. NJ

Samuel Sanford Dayton. Oh

Alison Schappach Grand Blanc. Mi

Cynthia Scheihine Fairborn. Oh

John Schlipp Miamisburg. Oh

Marie Schmid Huber Hts .. Oh

Paula Schmidt Cincinnati. Oh

Daniel Schoen Toledo. Oh

James Schubert Wilmington. De

Kathryn Schubert Dayton. Oh

Lisa Schumacher Parma.Oh

Mike F. Schwab Centerville. Oh

Laura Sears Olmsted.Oh

Lattice Shaw Chicago. II

Bart Sheeler Cincinnati. Oh

Douglas Smart Norwich. NY

Roger Smith Michigan City. In

Deborah Seifert Elma. NY


James Seiler Kettering. Oh

Tina Smith Centerville, Oh

Janet Sollinger Cuyahoga Falls , Oh

Karen Spencer East Providence, RI

Mary Spitzer Flanders, NJ

Gail Stachowski Kettering, Oh

Luann Stader Dayton,Oh

Christina Stamper Kettering, Oh

P. Lynne Staudter Dayton , Ohio

Evelyn Strnat Fairborn, Oh

Karen Sunderlin Newburgh , NY

Pamela Sutton Dayton , Oh

Kimberly Swisher Parma,Oh

Kevin Szanyi Kenmore, NY

David Taulbee Miamiburg, Oh

Eileen Tedaldi Crestwood, NY

Frances Telecky Bowling Green , Oh

Sharon Teschemacher Chatham , NJ

Maribeth Thelen Fort Mitchell, Ky

Celia Thomas Sandusky , Oh

Carolyn Thomson Woodbridge , NJ

Kellyann Thurston RVC, NY

Brian Tierney Philadelphia, Pa

Edward Timm Michigan City , In

Mary Timpone Dayton,Oh

Patricia Trausch Arlington Hts ., II

Derek Trial Newark, Oh

John J . Trucilla Erie, Pa

Michael Tullie Providence, RI

Donald Tuttle Charleston, WV

Heidi E. Uhlenhake Tiffin, Oh



" I

David Vadnais Syracuse, NY

Eugene Van Leewen Dayton,Oh

Elizabeth Van Meter Cincinnati, Oh

Charles Verschoore W. Carrollton, Oh

Linda Vizer Rome,OH

Lynn Volk Dayton, OH

Joseph P. VonderBrink Kettering, Oh

Margaret Ward Highland Heights, Oh

Karen E. Warren Annandale, Va

Ann Weaver Farmersville, Oh

Terri Webb Elmhurst, II

Ken Wehrman Ft. Loramie, Oh

Judith K. Wendeln Kettering, Oh

Kay Wert Glens Falls, NY

Karen Weyers McMurray, Pa

Susan Whittemore East Aurora, NY

Eric Wichmann Fort Mitchell, Ky

Sheryl Wilcox Kenton, Oh

James F. Wolff Dayton,Oh

Kevin Woody Lockport, NY

Kendall C. Wright Middletown, Oh


. ~~

Michael Williams Vandalia, Oh

Richard Williams Cincinnati, Oh


William Wilson Dayton,Oh

. ~I-•. :\.-,: ,







.. Rich Wyderski Dayton,Oh


Steven Yuhas Struther's, Oh

Mary Zaller University Hts., Oh

Jeanne Ziegenfuss Glenview, II

Penelope Zonars Dayton, Oh

Mary Eileen Zupp Somerset, NJ

Business Patricia Adams Powell . Oh

Barbara Adrio Lousiville . Ky

,'t路. . ,. -

Bruce W. Alecxih Philadelphia . Pa




... Helen Allaire Cincinnati. Oh

Anne Allen Kettering. Oh

Janet Altieri Fairfield. Oh

Mariane Amatruda Convent Sta .. NJ

Samuel Amore Indianapolis. In

Mark Bade Hudson . NJ

Judi Ballenger Dayton.Oh

Karen Balogh Spring Valley . Oh

Christopher Anthony Banta Louisville. Ky

Karen Barry Aurora . NY

Brian C. Bayman Dayton . Oh

Kathy Becker Erie. Pa

'- i


Thomas M. Doherty Stamford. Ct

Sharon Barney Penfield. NY


Steven Betti Point Pleasant. NJ

Sharon Bell Manlius. NY

Steven Bentley Setauket. NY

Sue Berger Dayton.Oh

Anne Bernard Naples. FI

Gerard Blanda Parma. Oh

Patricia Bojarski Erie. Pa

Chris Bolton Dayton. Oh

Thomas Bowling Indianapolis. In

Michael Brady Mtn. Lakes. NJ

Nora Brickler Rochester. NY

Greg Bronczyk Mt. Laurel. NJ

Teresa J. Bruskotter Ft. Jennings. Oh

Joseph Butler Jeannette. Pa

Paul Butts Joliet. II

Gary L. Cantrell Kettering, Oh

,, ., -z


Kathleen Bertelsman Fort Thomas. Ky


Suzanne Brodeur Miami. FI

rT . ,

• • Brian Carney Cleveland. Oh

David Carter Milwaukee . Wi

Helen Case Middletown. Oh

Stewart A. Casola Uniondale. NY

Sharon Casper Lousiville. Ky

Janet Chain Pittsburgh, Pa

Philip Chick Alliance. Oh

Kevin Ciambruschini Highland. Md

Susan Clark Kettering. Oh

Virginia Clark Centerville. Oh

Roberta Cleary Wauwatosa. Wi

Kevin Clements Kettering, Oh




"1 •

Sharon Bell Manlius. NY

Steven Bentley Setauket. NY

Sue Berger Dayton. Oh

Anne Bernard Naples. FI

Gerard Blanda Parma.Oh

Patricia Bojarski Erie. Pa

Chris Bolton Dayton.Oh

Thomas Bowling Indianapolis. In

Michael Brady Mtn . Lakes . NJ

Nora Brickler Rochester. NY

Suzanne Brodeur Miami . FI

Greg Bronczyk Mt. Laurel . NJ

Teresa J. Bruskotter Ft. Jennings. Oh

Joseph Butler Jeannette. Pa

Paul Butts Joliet. II

Gary L. Cantrell Kettering. Oh

Brian Carney Cleveland. Oh

David Carter Milwaukee. Wi

Helen Case Middletown. Oh

Stewart A. Casola Uhiondale. NY

Sharon Casper Lousiville. Ky

Janet Chain Pittsburgh. Pa

Roberta Cleary Wauwatosa . Wi

Kevin Clements Kettering. Oh

Kathleen Bertelsman Fort Thomas. Ky

Steven Betti Point Pleasant. NJ


\.i...lW";., ~

Philip Chick Alliance . Oh


Kevin Ciambruschini Highland. Md

Susan Clark Kettering. Oh

Virginia Clark Centerville. Oh

Joan Fiehrer Hamilton . Oh

Tammy Filo Dayton. Oh

Lynn D. Frederick Spring Valley . Oh

Cheryl Fromholt Dayton. Oh

Nancy Gannon Minneapolis. Mn

Grace Garver Dayton.Oh

Alfonso Gatmaitan Knightstown. In -

Teresa Gehl Ft. Wayne, In

Roger J. Gemayel Dayton. Oh

Susan Gessling Ft. Myers. FI

Jerome Giltner Akron.Oh

David Girouard Lisle. "

Brian Gleason Sidney, Oh

Ellen Gleeson Oakmont. Pa

David Groene Cincinnati . Oh

Peter Gudath Ringwood, NJ

Amal Haddad Beirut , Lebanon

Gary Halloway Cleveland, Oh

Dale Glenn Cincinnati. Oh

Joy M. Goldschmidt Berwyn. Pa

Jan Fitzsimmons Tonawanda. NY

Timothy Flanagan Allison Park. Pa

Peter Frantz Chagrin Falls. Oh

Regina Frazier Uniondale, NY


,~ I Gerald Harmon Columbus. Oh


Mary L. Harrison Stamford. Ct

Joel Hawzel W. Bloomfield. Mi

Shaun Healy Indianapolis. In

Alice Heiskell Dayton. Oh

Janet Herrmann Bridgewater, NJ

Catherine Brannen

Eileen Hilton GlenRock. NJ

Missia Hoffman Kettering. Oh

Mary Holmes Euclid . Oh

Christine Holt Beaver. Pa

Michael Huffman Dayton.Oh

Kevin Hughes Dayton.Oh

Robert Igoe Sylvan Beach. NY

David Johnson Dayton. Oh

Keith Brady Jones N.P .. NJ

Jeanne Judd Cincinnati . Oh

George Kaczor Jr . West Seneca . NY

Rosemary Kane Parma.Oh

Mike Kanieski Cleveland. Oh

William Kantlehner Louisville. Ky

Sharon Karpiak Kettering. Oh

John Kavanaugh Dayton.Oh

Chris Kelaghan Cincinnati . Oh

Karen Kraft Cincinnati. Oh

William Kramer Coldwater. Oh

James Krasovic Fairborn. Oh

Andrew Kraus Chicago . II

Jacqueline Kupiec Pittsburgh. Pa

Michael Larison Monroe. Oh

Kelly Lawver Danville. II

Elizabeth Leist Kettering. Oh

. & ... . .


~ S~ Patricia Klubert Fairview Park. Oh

Geoffrey Knight Ardmore. Pa

. .



; ,

Elizabeth Kreitler Aberdeen. NJ


Michael Krohn Yandley. Pa


&. \ Stuart Levine Poughkeepsie, NY

John Lieske Libertyville, II

AnnMarie Linton Houston, Tx

Maria Lovisa Schenectady, NY

John Lumpkins Mechanicsville, Va

Tom MacGillivray N. Hampton, Oh

Patty McCarthy Kettering, Oh

William C. McClung Dayton, Oh

Brian McCloskey Verona, NJ

Louis Longo Pittsburgh, Pa


Mary E. Lopina Wauwatosa, Wi

Paul Losiewicz East Brunswick, NJ

Carol McBride Lorain,Oh

Kevin McCarthy Cincinnati , Oh

Kevin J. McCarthy St. Marys, Oh

Collen McGinnis Bowie, Md

Felix S. McGinnis Dayton, Oh

Catherine M. McGrail Dayton,Oh


•, Michael McGraw Dayton,Oh

James McKee Newark,Oh

Joseph McMonigle Middletown, Oh

Colleen McNulty Indianapolis, In

Christopher Mahler Columbus, Oh

AI Madison Bradford, Pa

( $' .' .

I.~~ Teresa Malarky Dayton,Oh


Mindy Malek LaGrange Pk., II

Diane Mallon Narberth, Pa

Michael Maranzana Hollywood , FI

t -




1 , - ",



Linda Marotta Fallston , Md

Jonda Mason Dayton , Oh





Christopher Maurer Emmaus , Pa

Kathleen Mawby Solon,Oh

Debra May Uniontown , Oh

Teresa M. Meade Fairborn , Oh

Theresa Meehan Toledo,Oh

Linda Merker Dayton , Oh

David Merrell Geneva, Oh

Janet Mescher Dayton,Oh

Michael Metz Pittsford , NY

Kathy M . Miller Springboro, Oh

Bob Mockler Wakeman,Oh

Donna Molchan Parma,Oh

Richard Monnier Russia,Oh

Virginia Moran Rochester. NY

Janet Morter Englewood, Oh

Anette Moschitto Brunswick, NJ

Lisanne Mosher Chantilly, Va

Agnes Murawinski North Bergen , NJ

Mic helle Murdock Dayton , Oh

Karen Murphy Ft. Worth, Tx

Maureen Murphy Broadview Hts. , Oh

John Murray Pittsburgh, Pa

Timothy O'Connor Berkeley Hts., NJ

Kristin O'Leary Sidney , Oh

Richard Mates Maple Hts., Oh

~ ~~

'. .. .... ,-~l ....... ~~.







'" ~

,. Mary Mullican Evansville, In



•~ William E. Neff Louisville, Ky

Glen Mielsen Trenton , NJ


i " Joseph Noble Wheaton, II

Mary Noga Cleveland, Oh


William O'Malley Randallstown, Md

Louise O'Neill Columbus, Oh

Linda Orlando Wmsvl , NY

Carol Paper Dayton , Oh

Linda Parenti Dayton, Oh

Jessica Parker Cleveland, Oh

Michael Patriarca Mentor, Oh

Stephen Pavlik Downers Grove, II

Anthony Perri Venetia, Pa

James Petronella Westwood, NJ

Julie Phelps Schenectady, NY

Gregory Phillips Moorestown, NJ

Irene Piotrowski Ridley Park, Pa

Mary Beth Plucinsky University Hts ., Oh

David Prevo Rome, NY

Michael PryChodko Hamburg, NY

James Quinn Marlton , NJ

Thomas Quinn Woodridge, II

;1-. " ,

Michele Ranieri Mtn . Lks. NJ

John Rapp Farmingdale, NY

Barbara Raptosh Richmond Hts . Oh

Cathy Rauch Dayton, Oh

Timothy Robbe Fairfield , Oh

Thomas J. Robbins Jr. La'k ewood , Oh

Elizabeth Rogers Dix Hills , NY

Judi Rohr Cincinnati, Oh


John Recber Hauppauge, NY

Gerard E. Reynolds Edgewood, Ky

Patrick Rooney Pittsburg, Pa

Sam Rose Lancaster , Oh

., ,

" i.


Michael J . Rosso Willard , Oh

Jack Jerome Rotolo Rome , NY

Anne Rotterman Centerville, Oh

William Rozell Troy, Oh

Elise Ruetz Brookfield, Wi

James Sampey Louisville, Ky

Diane Schabath Indianapolis , In

Mark Schaefer Kettering, Oh

Carl Scherer Morristown , Pa

Gregory Schlegel Washington, DC

Daniel Schmatz Mishawaka, In

David Schmitz Dayton,Oh

Patrick Sens Marlon,Oh

Cynthia Shaffer Piqua , Oh

Rosemary Sheehan Matawan, NJ

Joann Smith Grove City, Oh

John Snyder Bellbrook, Oh

Mary Spence Westlake, Oh

Sharon Sullivan Ridgewood , NJ

James F. Sweeney Cincinnati, Oh


'. '~\ 路 I' "


,~ Il

Donald Schuler Trenton, NJ

Gregory Schupp Fairview Park, Oh

Sandra Schwieterman St. Henry, Oh

Lee Shurtleff Cleveland, Oh

Julie M. Skalicky Mauldin, SC

David Smith Springfield, Oh

,.. . .... Michael P. Stanton Euclid , Oh

Cynthia Staudter Kettering, Oh

Janet Steinhilber Cincinnati , Oh

James Stiff Carthage , NY


Thomas Sylvester St. James, NY

Martina Tehan Springfield , Oh

David Terkoski Kettering, Oh

David A. Tesone " McMurray, Pa

John Thomas Louisville, Ky

Susan Topich Centerville, Oh

Mary Treder Grosse Pointe Woods, Mi

Patricia Trick Dayton,Oh

Dennis Tr itinger Pittsburgh, Pa

Edwin Voyles Jeffersonville, In

Anne M. Wagner Cincinnat i, Oh

Sharon Waldrop Columbus , Oh




J. Shawn Walters Beavercreek, Oh

Cynthia Weaver Dayton,Oh

Kevin Weber Seaford, NY

Jim Weegaur Babylon , NY

Keith Weiler Kettering, Oh

Lew White Avon , Oh

Laurel Wilder Xenia, Oh

John Wilson Jr . West Carrollton , Oh

Steven Witt Dayton. Oh

Frances Witte Glenview. "

Richard S. Wooliver Hamburg, NY

Therese Wysocki N. Olmsted , Oh

Edward Joseph Yakeiy Manville, NJ

Michelle Yakovac Lackawanna , NY

Edward Zimmer Rochester . NY

Robert Zimmerman Kettering, Oh

Sue Zimmerman Dayton , Oh


Lawrence Zimmer Rockford , "

Education Mary E. Albright Parkersburg. WV

Melissa Alston Dayton . Oh

Verna M. Anderson Dayton . Oh

Ronald Arcaro Wickliffe . Oh

Lula Arnold Dayton. Oh

Lisa Aversa Leonia . NJ

Elizabeth Baker Centerville . Oh

Peter Baker Canandaigua . NY

Patricia M. Balog Plantation . FI

Donna Baldassate Dayton. Oh

Cynthia Bell Manlius . NY

Kathy Bender Beaver Falls. Pa

Melissa Berry Dublin . Oh

Kathilyn Bigler Vandalia . Oh

It ' 路 i'....' .





. ....~ . '.~".-

Carol Benson Birmingham. Mi



John P. Billingsley Dayton , Oh

Sheila Blanton Dayton , Oh

Diane Bongiovanni Woodstown, NJ

Eileen Bourne Kettering, Oh

John Brankacz Penfield , NY

Sharon Broadbent Dayton , Oh

Brenda Butts Dayton, Oh

Christa Corpstein West Carrollton , Oh

Terrence Dempsey Franklin, Mass

Karen Duffy Rocky River, Oh

Laura Duffy Washington, Pa

Ray Evans W. Portsmouth, Oh

•J Lorraine Fritsch Sicklerville, NJ

Susan Funderlic Oak Ridge, Tn

Ann Gehringer Elm Grove , Wi

Joan Goode Circleville, Oh

Maureen Grennan Cresskill, NJ

Kelly Handwerk Orrville, Oh

David Harackiewicz Ludlow, Mass

Robin Harper Dayton , Oh

Angela Hatch Springfield, Oh

Peggy Haughey Corndog, NY

Tanya L. Hawkins Dayton, Oh

Pam Hegemann St . Marys, Oh

Beth Koch Ottawa, Oh

Sarah Lee Dayton.Oh


,"t·'~.,. ~


~~ ~ .'.,-' Lynne Horner Dayton , Oh


Diane Kaiser Ft. Recovery, Oh

Anne G. Kinnaird ShelbY,Oh

Marabeth Klejna Kettering, Oh

Vincent Lombardo Reynoldsburg, Oh

Sharon McAvoy Rockville Centre, NY

Lynn McGeehan Chatham, NJ

Nancy McGranahan Lakewood , Oh

Karen Meyer West Carrollton , Oh

Jean Miller Mansfield , Oh

Laurie Montgomery Port Clinton , Oh

Patricia Moran Kings Park, NY

Linda Ness Long Beach, NY

Elizabeth O'Connor Louisville , Ky

Mary Jane Patrick Bryn Mawr, Pa

Lisa Phillips Kettering, Oh

-'\. )


fil ~

Barbara Preperato Lancaster, Pa

Joan Puchyr Rome , NY

Patty Rambacher Northfield, Oh

Julie Rechin Rocky River , Oh

Molly Regan Dayton,Oh

Diane Reinmuth Spfld ., Oh

Beverly Robinson Huber Hts., Oh

Christine Roos Springhill , FI

Phyllis Ruffin Dayton,Oh

Mary Sakal Dayton,Oh

Kathy J. Schildnecht Darien , Ct

Jackie Schmerge Cincinnati, Oh

Elizabeth Shay Dayton,Oh

Warren Shillingburg Dayton , Oh

Laura Shine Cuyahoga Falls , Oh

Valerie Slater Fairview, Pa

Elizabeth Smith Germantown , Oh




t Karen Jo Schubert Kettering, Oh


Debbie Spinelle Erie , Pa

Ann Stewart Walton Hills, Oh

Linda Svec Maple Hts ., Oh

Mary Tierney Elyria,Oh

Jeffrey Timmers Cincinnati , Oh

Anne Tortorello Columbus , Oh

Rita Trick Dayton , Oh

Mary Lynn VonMohr Kettering, Oh

Karen Walton Milwaukee , Wi

Michelle Weber Dayton,Oh

Catherine Wiese Waukegan , II

Mary Beth Wolff Dayton , Oh

Mary Beth Zimmerman Kettering, Oh


Engineering Elias Aboujaoude Beirut, Lebanon

Riad Abou-Jaoude Beirut , Lebanon

John W. Aggrey Washington, DC

Edward AIIitt Livingston , NJ

Jenny Andary Dayton, Oh

Robert M. Arends Plainfield, NY

Edward Arndt Clifton Park, NY

Daniel l. Atkins Phillipsburg, Oh

Michael Barrett Portsmouth, Oh

Kevin Beachman Rochester , NY

Greg Bedel Covington , Ky

Jihad Bejjani Beirut, Lebanon

William S. Bernay Painesville , Oh

John Biernacki Dayton , Oh



Martin T . Bergin Morrisonville , NY


John Booher Dayton , Oh

Teresa Boos Hollywood, FI

Jo Ellen Bouley Fairport, NY

Robert Brancheau Toledo, Oh

David Breitenbach Cincinnati, Oh

Edward Brink Endwell, NY

Paul Castello Milford, Ct

Saadiddine Chebhro Dayton,Oh

Oliver L. Davis Dayton , Oh

James Brown Washington , DC

John Buehrle Dayton,Oh

Carol Caliguiri Coraopolis , Pa

Francis Chiappone Painesville, Oh

Thomas J . Cicero Niagara Falls , NY

Tony Constantinos Dayton , Oh

Barry Conway Lackawanna, NY

Lynne Crisafi Canonsburg, Pa

Richard Davis Kettering, Oh

Joseph Deuer Kettering. Oh

Marc DeVincent Dayton, Oh

Jeffrey Deye Louisville, Ky

Jean Diab Beirut. Lebanon

Joseph Dietrich Jr . Wilmette , II

Jerrold Dodd Dayton,Oh

Theresa Drehobl Bedford, In

Richard Dvorsky Greensburg, Pa

Thomas Ebner Wheaton, Md

Thomas Edelmann Gallipolis, Oh

Edmond Elias Dayton,Oh


Dion Campbell Hellertown , Pa

Henry J. Elwell Tonawanda, NY

Alfred England Louisville, Ky

Timothy Evans Upper Montclair,

Joan M. Fisher Dayton,Oh

Luann Fortkamp Dayton , Oh

Thomas Frantz Sidney, Oh


Michael Fullington Amherst, Oh

John Futo Palm Springs, Ca

Lloyd Gall Canonsburg, Pa

John Gambacorta Glenview, II

Gerard Geib Lakewood , Oh

Thomas Geisler Dayton , Oh

Roger P. Gemayel Beirut, Lebanon

Robert Gerung Mineola, NY

Sandra Gindling Cincinnati, Oh

Douglas R. Goergen Cleveland, Oh

Jeff Goodman New Phila , Oh

Walter Gorczynski Niagara Falls, NY

Daniel Grammel Cincinnati , Oh

Leonard Grammel Cincinnati, Oh

Robert Gray Maple Hts., Oh

Kenneth Greene Wenltam, Md

Yvonne Greenlee Dayton,Oh

Michael Gregus Maple Hts., Oh

Charles Hammontree Canton,Oh

Daniel Harmeyer CinCinnati, Oh

Christopher Harting Farmersville, Oh

Thomas Hatala Lebanon, NJ

Carlos Hattab Miziara, Lebanon

William Heise Louisville, Ky


Timothy Heitbrink Dayton. Oh

Elias F. Hourani Marjoyoun . South Lebanon

Charles Huber Northfield. Oh

Dave Huber Cincinnati. Oh

David E. Hughes Pittsburgh , Pa

James Jacoboski Fairfield. Oh

Edward Jauch Kettering. Oh

Thomas Johnson Colonia , NJ

Daniel Kahlig Ft. Recovery . Oh

Sarah Kelleher Hudson, Ma

Dan Kemme Cincinnati . Oh

Coleen Kohn Marietta . Ga

Edward Kotarski Sayreville . NJ

James Kramb Cincinnati . Oh

Gregory Kramer Liberty. Md

Marc Kudla Vandalia , Oh

Bruce Kyle Dover.Oh

Kevin McDonald Kalamazoo , Mi

Douglas McEldowney Versailles , Oh

David Jacoboski Fairfield. Oh



Dan Lauer Dayton . Oh

Bruce Lechleiter Louisville. Ky

Joseph McCabe Dunnwoody , Ga

Joseph G. McCarthy Oaklawn, II

Dawn McGarvey Kettering. Oh

Matthew McGreevy Cumberland. Md

Michael McKinley Phildelphia. Pa

Martin Madden East Palenstine. Oh


Daniel Mahoney Yonkers . NY

Janet Manski Pittsburgh . Pa

George Metz Tipp City, Oh

Jeffery Mickelson Newfield, NY

Michael L. Miller Mansfield, Oh

Margot Minnium Med. Lks., NJ

Richard Montani West Babylon, NY

Thomas Morlock Elma, NY

Christopher Morris Cranford, NJ

Matthew Murphy Cincinnati, Oh

Paul Murphy Mt. Lakes, NJ

Robert Muth Pittsburgh, Pa

Ronald Mysona Garfield, Oh

Robert Niehaus Cincinnati, Oh

James Nonnie Joliet, II

Eric Notheim Amherst, Oh

Kathleen Nousek Lyndhurst, Oh

Philip Oldiges Bellevue, Ky

Michael J. Paesani Peoria, II

Richard Pallante Amherst, Oh

Ronald Parham Washington, DC

Robert Patterson Oceanport, NJ

Michael V. Patuvzo Dayton,Oh

Stephen Peter Cincinnati, Oh

Brian Petersen Bethesda, Md

Karen Prevish Dayton,Oh

William Price Dayton, Oh

David Probst Dayton,Oh

Melhem Raffoul Miziara, Lebanon

Chris Plaver Kalamazoo, Mi

David F. Peishel Oak Ridge, Tn

Paul J. Prisaznuk N. Tora, NY


Robert Rafter Verona, NJ

Souheil Ragheb Dayton, Or

Habia Rai Dayton,Oh

Beverly Randolph Memphis, Tn

Timothy Ravine Canton, Oh

Paul Reineke Norwalk, Ct

Jay Reyher Pittsburgh, Pa

Connie Riedinger Fort Wright , Ky

Allysa Robinson Dayton,Oh

Joseph Roth Brooklyn, Oh

James Routzong Spring, Tx

Michael Sayah Dayton,Oh

Janet Schulz Brookville, Oh

Stephen Schumacker N_W. Mass., Oh

Brenda Seefluth Lebanon , Oh

Jeff Severyn Canonsburg, Pa

Thomas Shults Williamsville, NY

Terrence Smith Nassau, Bahamas

John Stefanek Wiliowick, Oh

John Stewart Pittsburgh, Pa

William Stewart Lima , Oh

Julie Swisshelm Cincinnati , Oh

Jeffrey Szink Canton, Oh

Nabil Tabchouri Lebanon

Mary Lou Tossey Dayton,Oh

Leon Schimmoeller Fort Jennings, Oh

In路 \Wl~

Darrell Smith Dayton,Oh

Garry Smith Louisville, Ky



It1 \.


Jim Stoffel Lombard, II


Russell Stormer McMurray, Pa

Thomas Trick Greenville , Oh

Michelle Trombley Mentor,Oh

Steven J. Turansky Canton , Oh

Wm . Kent Wagner Miamisburg, Oh

Pamela Waymire Vandalia , Oh

Jeffrey Weslow Orland Park , II

Esperanza Williams Helena , Oh

Lowell D. Williams , Jr . W. Carrollton , Oh

Mary Willke Dayton , Oh

Timothy Woods Rochester , NY

Gerald Wright Dayton , Oh

Joseph Yagich Dayton, Oh

Frank Yako Parma , Oh

John Yambor Brooklyn, Oh

Joseph Yerman Pittsburgh, Pa

Kevin Zidek Evergreen Park, II

Michael Zimmer Rochester, NY

Steven A. Zuponcic


A Last Glance

At 1982



Stuart RIGHT; 5 NORTH ; row 1: M. Buczkowski . T . Dressman. row 2 : B. Ernst . J. Brugger. J . Shay. J. Weichert. J. Scheper. row 3: J. Raby. J. Meredith . J. Parasi . C. Madenford. D. Ewin . row 4: J. Salzman. M. Coury. M. Cullers. G. Sabo. S. O路Conneli. row 5: B. Cronin. S. Skipton . R. Marcello. row 6: M. Becker. M. Keleman. MIDDLE; STUART HALL: BOTTOM : 4 EAST; row 1: B. Rici. D. Kaznar . P. Manno. D. Alatorre. M. Wearsch. J. PAGNOTTA. T. Taylor. row 3: E. Clements. M. Hingsbergen. S. McDade. R. Staples. J. Wible. C. Hollander. C. Cae. P. Hutchins. row 3 : C. Langfels. R. Davis. G. Gough. row 4: G. Goodhart. T. Finley. G. Hill . J. Jagodzinski. C. Schreier. S. Ohl. S. Slack. C. Readie. T. Moore.


TOP LEFT; 5 EAST; row 1: R. Drumpheller, M. Zerinic, T. Slogett, M. Walbridge, row 2: M. Marron, G. Pedeville, M. Marshall, S. Thomas, J. Paglia , S. McClenton, T. Lennon, row 3: T. Narus, T. Evans , J. Reyher , M. Burke-Andrade, D. Leonard, D. Strange, E. Schlegel , J . Thaxton , J . Spencer , MIDDLE; 5 EAST; row 1: G. Howard , G. Zelenek, J. Anderson, B. Wilder, P. Calabrese, row 2: J. LaRuffa , T. Le, P. Haverland, K. Klamn, D. Guggenoiller, R. Van Winkle , R. Mattheson, C. Hunko, B. Oner, T. Monoigle, Willys, M. Shinners, row 3: S. Long, J. Sparado, J. Bruhn, Enis P, Ubbles B, D. Mott. C. Frazier, C. Galaska, J.T., row 4: L. Sherk, S. Tretch, B. Roy , I. Forget, J. Dell, T. Wilkins, J. Stedwell, K. No, BOnOM; 3 SOUTH; row 1: Vazquez. T. Allgeiei , F. Brennon, M. Lombardi row 2: K. Hely, T. Mackey , T. Harte, A. Nelson , M. Gindaling, M. Mathiasen , D. Winkelman, row 3: Rudolf, B. Word .


Stuart TOP RIGHT; 6 SOUTH; "Smile, You're on Candid Camera." MIDDLE LEFT; TWO Stuart Hall males trying to find some music, MIDDLE RIGHT; 2 EAST; row 1: R. Morgan, T. Devlin, W. Schuch, J. Lander, R. Ruf, M. Maruggi, P. Kloter, T. Clishem, row 2: T. Koempel, R. Alex, J. Ward, M. Snarr, D. Elsas, J. Shorts, S. Pollard, B. Bishop, B. Stouffer, BOTTOM RIGHT; 5 SOUTH; row 1: B. Hayes, K. Schlabach, L. Taranto, J. Courtney, K. Zimmerer, row 2: K. Stechschulte, J. Gazzerr, G. Roberts, T. Mach, J. Barr, row 3: D. Auckley, J. Moutz, M. Deihl, row 4: T. McNeil, T. Montefiori, P. Solliski, M. Soner, P. Dunn, J. Kenney, S. Kallahan, J. White.


TOP lEFT; 3 NORTH ; row 1: J. Campey, B. Hect. row 2: S. Robertson , D. l eu, B. Weimberg, B. Devery, row 3: K. Smith, M. Vaughn , D. Kallos, M. Pie monte, row 4 : J. Cantelmo , T. Ross , B. Maglosky , M. Sublente , T. Bruck, row 5: R. Meinking, J . Daum , MIDDLE RIGHT; GROUND NORTH ; row 1: J . Block and P. Plant. row 2: D. Bertagna, Nobber , M. Tozsu , I. Somoliano, E. Anton, T. Steele , T. Bechert, J . Wenson, T. Simeone, row 2: B. French , K. McKenzie, J . Stell, S. Zidek, P. Mclartney, S. Parker, BOnOM lEFT; 2 NORTH ; row 1: D. DOOlY , D. Auklec . P. Neusman, row 2: J . Shimp, D. STAUB, B. Winterman, P. Skalicky, M. Seutster, T. Cushm an, row 3: K. Soellner , K. Doggett , row 4 : T. Gayhert , K. McCamey, M. Dollan , J . Emmerch, P. Wells , row 5: S. ABBOn , M. Saunders, S. Gingello, R. Beirsdoffer , D. Boezio , row 6 : T. Sletten, E. Schazdler, J. Gineillo , M. Scheutter


Stuart TOP RIGHT; 6 NORTH : row 1: T. Welsh . row 2: T. Petryk. K. Hoffman. W. Riley. H. Kily. T. Doqaihi. J . Michalley . J . Dzedziak. G. Kohl. J. Ban Doren. G. Girmnelbrien. R. Black. F. Wayler. T. Swap. row 4 : R. Coster. W. Hawkins. R. Harrington. K. Zmurdzinste . D. Handley. row 5: C. Rodgers. K. Jackson. MIDDLE; 7 EAST; row 1: J. Taranto. M. Kileen. Painless. Clyde. B. Motts. Clepto. Andrew. row 2: Erwin. Winnie. Buff. Uncle AI. T.F. Roach. row 3: Lunatic. M.F .. John Boy. Slitty. Pinball. Devil. Squird. Prince Valiant. One Sock. Flash. Bizarro. Skoal. Sanchez. Super Toe. LOWER LEFT; 4 NORTH row 1: J . Tivchon. row 2: M. Yako. M. Mikesle. J . Kilfoyle B. Royce. L. D路Allury. M. Grothouse. M. Fay. row 3: K. McAuor. T. Rumunda. W. Reling. J . Costa. C. Morrison. D. Muers. D. Trentman. E. Moses. row 4: P. Baumgarthner. J. Hendricks. LOWER RIGHT ; 3 EAST; row 1: R. Pailes. T. Advent. C. Chura. J. Pallak. P. Caron. row 2: B. Huley. S. Peterson. D. Podman . C. Clark. M. Smuckler. J. Swanson. C. Wawiw. D. Kelley. row 3: M. Bokamp . T. Wehrle. D. Rohmeier. J. Schwegman . J. AlIen . J . Boos. row 4: H. Fahey. M. Gastineau. J. Klecko. M. Hartman. M. McKeon. J. Mandyck.


---' -



UPPER LEFT; 2 SOUTH; row 1: M. Starnes, M. Sendlebach, M. Python, F. Hanlon. row 2: J. Raleigh, B. Stewart, R. Seiwert, S. Sperille, D. Dannemiller. row 3: J. Kanieck, R. Fosheim, M. LaBelle, R. Lempke, M. Meyers. row 4: C. Hickey, T. Zins, T. Hutchinson, H. Sweeney, D. Enghauser. LEFT; 1 NORTH; row 1: D. Butlers, D. LaFayette, M. Murphy; row 2: G. Morgan, T. Carouth, P. Behling, D. Corbitt, J. Weisent, T. Hoyt, J. Zona. row 3: J. Wagner, B. Kendall, J. Vinlent, B. Simpson, B. Sajko. LOWER LEFT; Paul Lauber takes a little time out to do homework.


Marycrest UPPER RIGHT; 3 NORTH; row 1: Paula Kirchner, Susan Woomer, Linda Allison, Kathy Shanabrok Kathy Stapleton, row 2: Kerry Votta , Mary Stoffel, Marcia Igel , RIGHT: MARY CREST COMPLEX , LOWER LEFT; 7 NORTH ; row 1: S. Hampton , M. Popken , L. Hahan, L. Obgerfel C. Casey , Noah (the fish) Drake, row 2: K. York, S. Kaindl, C. Wenning, J. Loc h, L. Kellen . LOWER RIGHT; Marycrest girls anx路 iously awaiting the time to go home .


TOP LEFT; 3 SOUTH; row 1: D. Leahy . row 2: K. Pavlic, V. Iverson, S. Einaisen, A. Uhl, S. Nelson, P. Fritz. row 3: M. Bany, S. Novell, L. Feltham, D. Devaney, D. Pedin. row 4: R. Kronback, K. Kaiser, K. Lempomen, D. Drackton, K. McCarthy, A. Parker, R. Minor. row 5: B. Mortiz, D. Beiting, M. Sacco, S. Clark, A. Kelly, K. Bierman, M. Maselko, V. Rawrence, M. Rooney, P. Runkel. TOP RIGHT; 3 MIDDLE; row 1: M. Thornton, K. Rogan, J. Rosso, D. Wallace, E. Everman. row 2: M. Walker, L. Dell, M. Hess, S. Wagner. MIDDLE: row 1: P. Oswald, C. Pappalardo, J. Biles, M. Mclmerney, A. Mills, N. Hill, B. Rowe ; row 3: T. Ferrari, L. Zimmer, P. Madigan, E. Bornhorst. M. Rash, K. Macaulay, L. Ott, C. Carr, J . Spatz, S. Gorman, row 4: C. Kirke, K. Anderson, B. Nichols, T. Morey, A. Korknay, J . Dawson, L. Cusic, T. Gallaway, Breski, row 5: M. Knab, J. Ramus, M. Gates, B. Doorley, S. Bialkowski, L. Romes, L. Meyhew, C. Fleming. row 6 : J. Smiley, P. Jomalts, T. Lange, M. Conway . BOTTOM L~FT; 2 SOUTH; "Enjoying life at U.D."


Marycrest UPPER LEFT; 2 MIDDLE; row 1: A. Fabrizio, M. O'Neill, T. Carlin . row 2: K. Pax, C. Newkold, A. Fritinger , E. Bolton, row 3: J. Leising, L. De Simone, K. Wendorf, E. Kemme, S. Leeder, M. Padgett, UPPER RIGHT; 7 SOUTH; row 1: T. Hurd , E. St . George, A. Berger. J. O'Connors, P. Brady, C. Furnare, row 2: M. Hanselman , M. Dougherty, B. Burna, A. Oxenreiter , D. Werbrich , L. Sedmock, S. Hoff, B. Mott. row 3: B. Huxley, C. Crisafulli, A. Blum, A. Adams, J. Goulet, D. Buck, L. Connor, row 4: E. Schuchter , M. Mayer, T. Sainato , M . Manek, D. Furey, K. Stack, L. Steethaler, M. Periatt, S. Folisi , A. Barga, L. Hinricks, L. Lamb, A. Novello, row 5: L. Joseph, A. Van Tiem, K. O'Hara, L. Lair, M. Dick, C. Fioritti, J . Hirtz, M. Slavin. MIDDLE; 1 SOUTH; "ON OUR OWN BUT STILL MISSING HOME " RIGHT; RIGHT; 5 SOUTH; "READY FOR A TOGA PARTY"


UPPER LEFT; 4 MIDDLE; row 1: T. McClintock, K. McGlone, M. Fussnecker, J . Bumski, A. Baldwin, M. O'Donnell , row 2: P. Bumski, J. Forti. S. Juriak, row 3: D. Yagic, M. Walter, P. Fairlie, J. Schafer, P. Fahey, M. Graber, M. Manzo, M. Sherman, D. Wall, R. Cucinotta, row 4: J. Alexander, L. Vershinski, T. Howard, S. Baldwin, G. Kuhn, D. Scheafer, S. WILLIAMS, S. Paige , P. Salupo, row 5: M. O'Rourke, A. Onley, MIDDLE LEFT; 4 SOUTH row 1: M. McKelvey, L. Naylor, Makunz, row 2: A. Ambrose, J. Long, row 3 : P. Whelan, P. Doyle, K. Bertel, J. Elwell, E. Morris, row 4: C. Maloney, P. Witt, K. Ripenhopp, L. Matteo, C. Rosse, row 5: C. Morning, S. Hipp, M. Vollmann, D. Muir, B. Robinson, L. Swintek, M. Benz, B. Heeney, row 6: T. Fedders , P. Cook, P. Collins, J. Memering, K. Zerrusen , D. Birdsond, M. Sheehan, T. Steinbach, A. Muth, J. Generie, L. Oelmler, S. Smith, row 7: T. Droesch, D. Fraser, J. Wooddell, E. McKey, J. Roberts, L. Bauermeister, N. Wilson, K. Freeman, C. Hall, M. Witzman, G. Gerwin, MIDDLE RIGHT; ground SOUTH; row 1: C. Gaskin, R. Dunn, B. Creen, D. YOUNG, S. Courtney, J.D. (in memory of roommate) row 2: Paddington, S. Garfolo , Z. Bell, S. Morehead, LOWER LEFT 6 MIDDLE; row 1: A. Cervoni, M. Retalik, M. Koester, G. Mielak , J . Nousek, R. Weisbrodt, row 2: D. Wendeln, C. Santho, J. Hoyning, M. Deardorf, K. Miller, J. Wurst, M. Woodruff, row 3: A. Rochon , L. Schmitz, D. Dunn, S. Lauber, D. Spiegel, L. Vanden-Boom, M. Corbin, T. Wilkerson , LOWER RIGHT: 5 MIDDLE; "THE T-SHIRT GANG"


Founders TOP RIGHT; 5th floor ; row 1; B. Peffley. T. Boat. M. Edman. S. Donahue . B. Girourard . T.F.M. Walle . MIDDLE RIGHT : FOURTH FLOOR CANDID. MIDDLE LEFT; 4th floor; row 1: B. Donahue. G. Kopen . M. Brueggemann . P. Treder. D. Schwab, J. Lancaster, row 2: M. Redman . J. Pitzer. J. Dougherty, row 3: T. Shanley, J. Daniels, P. Ryan. T. Mellotti . K. Stapleton. S. Bonno . J. Leonard . D. DaPolito, row 4: R. Stewart. G. Malacane , S. Downing. G. De Grazia. P. Ritter, G. Root. J. Bohn . RIGHT; 1st floor; row 1: T. Koray, M. Mayes, D. Harmon, J. Slayback, J. Galvir, C. Webb, T. Carmack, K. Selhorst , R. Moorman . J. Verona , T. King, C. Walls, E. Tyson, M. Abi-Anton, A. Torres , M. Brenzel. C. Meurer, K. Vondeylin , K. Bierman . D. Willse, E. Queens, C. Della Rocca . A. Runyan. B. Erhart , E. Thomas, H. Villafana , E.J . McVoy, J. Burkett , T. Beiting, E. Weiss . D. Boothe . S. Junker, W. Flash. TOP LEFT ; FOUNDERS ANNEX


UPPER LEFT; 2nd floor; row 1: P. Runyan, C. Webb, row 2: B. Henson, B. Larey, M. Sewell, M. O'Bryan, row 3: K. Widman, E. Guajardo, Rico, K. Otsuka, LOWER LEFT; 3rd floor: P. Fry, R. Peters, A. Lazlo, J. Basalla, G. Columbardi, R. Cortes, D. Kemp, C. Zapanta, B. Stallings, P. Scanlon, F. Bowling, S. Schier, D. Norwicki, S. Noble, J. Peck, J. Zegers, J. Kovarik, K. Rethman, J . Mutford.


Campus South UPPER LEFT; 3 F CAMPUS SOUTH; row 1: B. Fricker, row 2: T. Zeis, P. Oliveri. UPPER RIGHT; 9 D CAMPUS SOUTH; G. Conkoly, C. O'Connor, M. Reddy, Tequila, M. Elwood, C. Fleming. MIDDLE; 9F CAMPUS SOUTH; T. Reynolds, M. McTighe, J. Stanley, L. Geyer. RIGHT; 9E CAMPUS SOUTH; A. Bron Barone, C. Schmidt. J. Murray, L. LaVanch.


TOP; 7F CAMPUS SOUTH; L. Van Thorne, P. Kotyuk, S. Gindling. MIDDLE; 98 CAMPUS SOUTH; C. Gallin, R. Lourette , J. Yokajety, M. Brady, B. Rozell. LEFT; 5A & D CAMPUS SOUTH; L. Fangman, L. Williams, K. Linn, K. Westendork, L. Stevenson, M. Rusconi, D. Agstmyer, C. Ford, D. Gray, R. Freebis .


Campus South UPPER LEFT; Four U.D. Students ready to "get animal" UPPER RIGHT; 5C CAMPUS SOUTH; S. Royle. C. Hoh . C. Benson. E. Halloran. S. Sullivan. MIDDLE LEFT : Two U.D . freshman enjoying a visit to the Graden Apartment. Four U.D. Gentlemen anxiously awaiting to have their pictures taken. RIGHT: SF CAMPUS SOUTH: M. Lamb. L. Wittmer. M. Haggerty. M. Mannix. D. Gee.


TOP; 10C CAMPUS SOUTH; P. Glaser. K. Gazda . R. Schmidt. J. Hyland . C. Anderly. B. Pot. D. Zaukowski . MIDDLE LEFT; 6A CAMPUS SOUTH; J. Soltis . P. Demasi . K. Volpenhein. P. Sturge . M. Stanish . B. Hogan . 5F CAMPUS SOUTH; S. Bell. A. Kapuzzo. C. Bell. A. Kleinhenz. A. Heiskell . M. Fay . LEFT; lOB CAMPUS SOUTH; D. Dankelson. D. Wolf . E. Fetsko . K. Gazda . J. Fabiz. P.K.


Campus South UPPER LEFT; SA CAMPUS SOUTH; M. Lenae , S. De Pilz, B. Tisley, C. Chick, J. Burt , C. Gable . UPPER RIGHT; 2F CAMPUS SOUTH; B. Brown, J. Buckley, F. Schroeder, R. Roseman, D. Jacobs , B. Korteyna. MIDDLE; 2C CAMPUS SOUTH; C. Weber , K. Brophy. RIGHT ; 7B CAMPUS SOUTH; C. Andaray , B. lieser, M. Zimmer, M. Mclimburg, S. Hegedus, B. Schmidt .


TOP LEFT; A U.D. Student happy to be living in Campus South. TOP RIGHT; One of the friendly deskworkers at Campus South. LEFT; 28 CAMPUS SOUTH; M.Schlein. M. Roush. J. McCallister. K. Kuenning. Howard (Spatula and food) BOTTOM; 7C CAMPUS SOUTH; M. Granahan. P. McAuliffe. P. Sheetz. L. Meyer. D. James. L. Kozer.


Garden Apartments TOP RIGHT: 345 Stewartl2A; 1st row: John Harriss . 2nd row Mike Byrd , Mike Reichert, Kevin Conrad . MIDDLE : 341 Stewartl2B; Judi Gambill, Teresa Reeves . RIGHT: 345 StewartilA K. Ambroce, M. Vazquez, B. Haurt. J. Wisniewski, K. Handwerk, J . Handwerk.


TOP LEFT; Rick Long in deep conversation at a party in the garden apartments. LEFT; 36511C; B. Disser, J. Komer, S. Ferns, J. Timmers. LEFT; 350/2A M. Nino, E. Valiarino, Hermones, Lopez.


Garden Apartments

UPPER RIGHT; 338 Stewart/3C; 1st row :

J . Benker , P. Tri ck. 2nd row : M. Naughton , D. Fogelberg, E. Krone . MIDDLE LEFT; 350/30; 1st row : K. Berry , K. Dienhart, 2nd row : K. Murphy, B. News. MIDDLE RIGHT; 345 Stewart/3A; S. Holtman, K. Thiele , J . Nettleship, V. Lankswert. RIGHT: 343 Stewart/3B; L. Orlando, C. Kreitler , M. Berry , K. O' Leary, J . Goode.


UPPER LEFT; 365 Stewart/3C; P. Baker, K. Hughes, R. Montany, M. McGreevy. LEFT; 345 Stewart/2D; 1st row : R. Long, G. Eiser. 2nd row : J. Raum, P. Conlon.


Garden Apartments TOP; 350 Stewart/le ; J. Hanzel, J. Davis, T. Stricker, J . McKinley. ABOVE; Steven Hoff taking a break from his typing. RIGHT; Judi Gambill getting ready to go out.


UPPER LEFT; 312 Stewartl3A; V. Krochenov, K. Kremer, N. Jette, Angus, T. Fetsko , Rapp, M.J .'s hat. LEFT: 345 Stewart 1e; M. Moscal, S. Trescl;)acher, 2nd row : K. Kazar, L. McGeehan. BELOW: Robin being stunned by what she is hearing.


Garden Apartments TOP: 365 Stewart/Ie; B. Disser, J. Komer, S. Ferns, J. Timmers. ABOVE: Two proud seniors: Tom Stricker, and Jim McKinley. RIGHT: 361 Stewart/3B; row 1: C. Chato, D. Bradicich, row 2: G. Cerasoli, M. O'Connor.


TOP; 363 Stewart/3A; K. Logue , S. Huels, M. Leiberman , D. Setzler, D. Marnell. LEFT; 364 Stewart/lC: Top - M. Eilerman , T. O'Neil , G. West, B. Puccio . ABOVE ; 341 Stewart/2C; N. Segro, S. Brodeur. row 2: C. Dvorak . J. Bradzik.


Garden Apartments TOP; 361 Stewart/lA; P. Reddy, J. Nonnie, P. Zimmerman, B. Mockler. ABOVE; P. Kotyuik and S. Gindling happy that school is almost over. RIGHT; Gen Cerasoli enjoying a delicious cake.


CANDID; Jeff Raum in his deep concentration. MIDDLE; 350 Stewartl2C; D. Baldassare, and I. Berns.

LEFT; 345 Stewart/2C; 1st row: R. Pollante, 2nd row: R. Stormer, K. Weber, J. Mikelson.


Garden Apartments TOP; Steven Hoff is amazed at some of the discussions at a U.O. Party. ABOVE: 338 Stewart/Ie; row 1: C. Weaver. L. Marotta, row 2: L. Merker, J. Mescher. RIGHT; 350 Stewart/3A; Becky, Oi Oi, Mar, Mar, Rach.


UPPER LEFT; 345 StewartllB B. Begley, B. Cooke, Y. Torres, K. Leschansky. LEFT; 341 StewartllD ; row 1: J. Blanda, M. Schaefer, row 2: K. Aprile, J . Bradzik. BOnOM: 364 Stewartl3B; G. Clarke , D. May, B. Eicher, T. Fessler, M. Raneiri.


Garden Apartments TOP; 363 Stewart/2A; K. Miller, K. Walton, R. Kane, R. Cambron, "Howdy" MISSING : Irene Piotrowski , and Gareth Dickey . ABOVE; 343 Stewart/lA; F. Smith, L. 01, M.J . Smith, J . Eure, C. O'Rourke, T. Williams. RIGHT; Bonnie Ahern taking a break from her art work.

190/ Housing

TOP LEFT; 341 Stewart/IC M. Kune, D. Henry, A. Madison, T. McCuen. LEFT: 350 Stewart/2C; D. Baldassare and I. Berns. BOTTOM LEFT; 365 Stewart/lB; row 1: T. Wysoki, B. Markovitch, J. Wachowiak, M. Marchland.


Garden Apts. TOP LEFT; ALBERTAI2B ; J . Marshall , B. Glaser, B. Stewart, J . Vargo . TOP RIGHT; ALBERTAIlB ; P. De Fusco, S. Allard, A. Gatmation. S. Meixner. MIDDLE; 350 Stewartll B: J. Mitchell. M. Socha , M. Harriss. RIGHT ; 365 Stewartl3C; enjoying life at U.D.


LEFT; 350 G, Seamands, M, Antonell , J . Snyder, LEFT ; 338 Stewart/3A; D. Lehm an, T, Filoon, J. Vogt. W, Riley . UPPER




ABOVE: 38 Woodland -

Dan Connaughton , Mick Nolan , Jim Strok, missing - Joey Nolan, Jim Mahoney, Kevin Rodenbeck, Tim Shark. ABOVE RIGHT: 56 Woodland Bryan Foreman, Margaret Roleku, miss'ing Nancy Spooner, Rhonda Foreman . RIGHT: 115 Woodland - Cathy Boling, Lynda Gordon, Patti Junker, Kitty Dumm, Anne Zajacy .

1941 Housing

BELOW: 58 Woodland - Barb Presperato, Peggy Muick, missing - Diane Kaiser, Anne Marie Roberts. LEFT: 104 Woodland - Suzanne Estelie, Susan Bruns, missing Lyne Berry, Nancy Manz, Denise Langenheim, Karen Spiezdritiss, Juliie Smith, Tommy Dzurlo.





ABOVE RIGHT: 44 & 54 Chambers - Nora Gutbrod, Andy McGill, Terry Maxwell , Donna Benwitz, Tom Kilbane, Bill Berry, Mike Branigan, Chris Riordan , missing G. Stanton, Mary Murphy, Maureen Abrams, Gary Collopy, Bob Michaels, Ted Rasch. LEFT: 52 Chambers - Jim Fortkamp, Jim Pepa, Bill Worzala, Walter Testa, Lee Schierlok. ABOVE: 116 Chambers Matt "Fruitloops" Murphy, Tim Robbe .


TOP: 50 Chambers -

Dawn Brob, Vicki Pohlman, Lori Coder, Karen Fridel, Jill Kirchner. MIDDLE LEFT: 64 Chambers - Joseph Volk, Albert Hortsman, Tom O'Neill, Larry Dick, Bill Molchan, missing - Mike Hurley. LEFT: 40 Chambers - The most SEXY men on Campus - Guido, Jonesy, Coup, Flanagan and the Mrs., Rocky, Ebb. missing ABOVE: Curt Coley , Chris Collins, Dan Leitch, missing - Blane Collison, Dan Coley, Pat Ogburn .



TOP: Teresa Bruskotter. Mary Spence. Grace Kleine-Kracht, Kyle Bornhorst . Nicki Petrone. Donna Molchan. RIGHT: Bob Wilson. Mike Kerin . Bob Haber. Dick Steineman. Jim Haid. Walt Taborx. Chris Clark. Kevin McCarthy. missing Mike Sloan. Bro. Dennis Craig. Father Mark Paduk.


Middle left: 231 Lowes - Mark. Glenn Turk. Mike. Arthur Dale. Bottom left: 111 Woodland Carol Franklin. Debbie Fair. Carol Caliguiri. Agnes Murawinski. Lisa Fittipaldi. Nora Clark.



TOP LEFT: 242 Lowes -

Maggie Clark. Marynell Wahl. Ann Lincolnhol. Alice Skuse. Mary Robinette. ABOVE LEFT: 117 Lawnview: Chris Schweitzer. Tom Kendall. Mark Bohac. Ray Mirchuda. Telly Savalas . ABOVE: Joy Goldschmidt.

200/ Housing


TOP LEFT: 429 Lowes; LEFT: 449 Lowes - Allison Blake, Mary Berg.



TOP RIGHT: 452 Lowes Linda Kopachko, Beth Koshla, Annette Feldman , Laura Yare , Mary Jeanne Holmes, Colleen Allen . MIDDLE LEFT: 440 Lowes Anne Tortorello, Mary Kyring, Ginger McKenna, Alison Otto, Sue Whittemore. ABOVE: 410 Lowes - Eve Baron, Colleen Landig, Bridgid Doherty , Chrissy Hak, Lynne Corry, Eileen Mitchell.


TOP: 332 Lowes Sue Shaw, Patty Rambacher, Kim Swisher, Terry Moore. ABOVE: 519 Lowes Tim Mueller, Kevin Riley, Shawn Walters, Mike Farrell, Mark Kelly, Tom Jangeles.

MIDDLE: 330 Lowes: Greg Bedel, Tim O'Connor, Dan Kemme, Randy Koellman, Eric Wichmann . LEFT: 322 Kiefaber Diane Hoke, Amy HeIlman, Rene DeRose, Coleen Field, Miche"~ Novak, Lynn Heinold, Mary Jo Beungor.


TOP: 221 Lowes. ABOVE: 456 - A Lowes - Andy Kraus, Sam Mathias, John Bankacz, Joe McCarthy, Jeff Moore. ABOVE RIGHT: 414 Lowes Susan Fertakos, Diane Mallon, Kelly Maloy, Colleen McNulty, Anne Marie Rotterman. RIGHT: 438 Lowes - Eileen Hilton, Jean Miller, Tammy Butz, Carolyn Locki, Jackie Green.


ABOVE LEFT: 233 Lowes Larry Frantz. John Haviland. Bill Kramer. Tim Kremer. Mark L. . Glenn Turk, Mike. Arthur Dale, Gracie. ABOVE: 222 Kiefaber Juliet Green. Torry Armfield. AIlipa Robinson. LEFT: 419 Lowes - Kevin Mierzejewski. Mark Listermann. John Ott. Mike Harp. Pat Hammer. D.J. Keeham.


Irving TOP: 411 Irving - S. Goodrich. D. Schmidt. F. Molfetto. missing - J. Finney. RIGHT: 517 Irving - D. Akin. J. Yagich. T. Zimmer. C. Clennan. T. Killon. P. Sheridan. Frank Ramos - M.I.A. BELOW: Sue 8aujon. Ellen Fein. Patty Carver. Carol Clayton. Lucy Friend.


LEFT: 1923 Trinity - R. Hulbat. B. Ashley, E. McVoy, missing J. Dawson , P. Gregory. BELOW LEFT: 1915 Trinity - N. Noodlehead, S. Ruhlin, L. Shiner, L. Vizer, M. Adamek, M. Tehan. BELOW: 413 Irving - E. Melone, L. Beuer, missing K. Barnes, Fran Witte.

Irving And Trinity


Alberta RIGHT: 1610 Alberta - Russ Latham. Allan Barbadora. Huey. missing - Jim Krupar. Dan Fuchs BELOW RIGHT: 1518 Alberta. M. Pavlic. Maureen Pryor. Shelia Murphy. missing. Patty McErlane. Kim Heigel. BELOW: 1205 Alberta - Mary Kay Brucken. Mary Beth Dunagen . Bridget Buzdon . missing - Sue Dierkers. Geri DiSaboto .


Alberta ABOVE LEFT: 1519 Alberta Laura Whitacre. Molly Regan, Eileen Mennen, Vickie Shepard, Patrice Rizer. ABOVE: The Woofies of 1515 Alberta - Sue Yersavich, Sally McCaffery sitting in for Liz Molnar, Carolyn Beamish, Meg Hammer, Margie Alagia or Marganza. LEFT: 1522 Alberta Jim Bonner, Joey Mazzola, Jim Tabeling, Mike Dorrain. Mike McDermott. missing - Mike Carroll, Daff E. Duck.



TOP: 1309 Alberta - Louise O'Neil. Mary Willke, Jan Sullivan, Patty Shermann , Kathy Joseph . RIGHT: 1615 Alberta - John Scully , Buggs, Les Crooks. Sylvester . ABOVE: 1511 Alberta - Chris Koller, Steve Frohnapfel, Missing - Sean Glenn Frank Buch .



ABOVE: 1715 Alberta - Sue Frantzen, Patti McCaffrey, Karen Findley, missing June Donka, Martina Lombardi. ABOVE LEFT: Steve Turanski, Eric Szuba . LEFT: 1433 Alberta - Chris Kelly, Paul "Buster" Vollman, Drew Ahlors. David Conners. missing Mike Diehr. Mike Carney. Ron Rohrer.



TOP: 108 Lawnview -

Babe, B.J. Robinson, Kathy Petter, Barb Lawler, missing - K. Kozlek. ABOVE: K. Bamri, John Noble, Joe Noble, missing - Jim Collins, Tim Jostens, John Sullivan. MIDDLE: 118 Lawnview K. Mulligan, J. McKeon, S. Drehobl, J. Peelman, S. White, missing Tom Subman RIGHT: 107 Lawnview - P. Hennessy, K. Rodenbeck, M. Daley, B. Burke, M. Quinn, J. Beebe, G. Morrison, B. Henderson.


Lawnview •

TOP: 212 Lawnview -

Jim Pax, Mark Findley, Bill Siammoh, John Lucy, Joe Cregan. MIDDLE: 113 Lawnview - B. Teitenberg, B. Patterson, K. Beachman, D. Shea, Schmedly & Associates. LEFT: 117 Lawnview - T. Kendall, R. Michuda (Batman), Telly Savalas, C. Schweitzer, M. Bohac (Robin). ABOVE: 202 Lawnview A. Britt, M.J. Patrick, Paddy Powelson, Kelly Thurston, Dana Bury, Cindy Kay



ABOVE: E. Baker , G. Leugers, A. Hull , Leibchen . RIGHT: 204 Lawnview Kathie Coates, Mar j orie Klee , Sally McCaffery, Melinda Poor. DIRECT RIGHT: 104 Lawnview - Joe Dietrick, Scott Cander, B. Quinn , missing, J. Drobnick , M. Woomer .


Lawnview ABOVE: 120 Lawnview - A. Wagner, A. Gehringer, J. Herrmann, K. link, Missing - C. Niquette, B. McDougall. LEFT: 206 Lawnview - E. Takahashi, J. Dusa, G. Sarmiento, G. Orhler. BELOW: 109 Lawnview - P. Hayes, R. Bagnoli, Mary Pat Galvin .



TOP LEFT: 238 Stonemill - Barry Killiam, Mike Schultz (Johnny Gage), Bill Schmatz (Willie), missing - Barry Cash , Dan Ashe , Eddie Bittner, Paul Bellanger . TOP RIGHT: 339 Stone mill Kathy Becker , Sue Tunderlic, Mary Mullican, Jeanne JUdd, Peggy McHale . ABOVE: 309 Stonemill - Bob Cooper, Paul Rogozinski, Bob Zehenmy, Steve Mattler, Keith Tehulve. RIGHT: 323 Lowes. " THE HOUSE OF BLOCK "


Stonemill LEFT: 306 Stonemill - Frank Yako. Mike Berret. Larry Corcorn. Mike Kelthler. Dave Kaser. Norm Miozzi - missing. BELOW LEFT: 317 Stonemill - Allison Partlan. Kathy Bertelsman. Patty McCarthy. Francie Telecky. Kathy Brannen. JoElien Bowley - missing. BELOW: 319 Stone mill Jennifer Stewart. Mary Hays. Becci Rollo .


Stonemill RIGHT: 239 Stonemill - Tracy Duncan. Lori Beattie. Alice Dubine. BELOW: 240 Stonemill Dan Tappel. Garry Chmielewski. Daren Fetcko. Steve Martin. John Duffy. Rick Morman - missing. BOTTOM LEFT: 433 Stonemill Ken Greene. BOTTOM RIGHT: 404 Stonemill - Katy Drew. Sue Shield. Kathy Ruchin. Marti Chalik.

, (




TOP LEFT: 406 Stonemill - Mary Jean Crabb. Renee Ropers. Bonnie Greenlee. Kathy Gobek. missing - Lisa Beyer . TOP RIGHT: 411 Stonemill - Greg Schupp. Joe Vanderbrink. Hank Ellwell. ABOVE LEFT: 426 Stonemill - Jayne Martin. Sue Battersby. Beatrice Schaaf. Kate Young. Mary Schaaf. ABOVE RIGHT: Patty Dobremsell. Sharon McAvoy. missing - Lora Labse. Judy Miller .


TOP: 213 Kiefaber - Voo White, Rastus, Buddha, Dino, Apathetic Lard Loving Slob, Duke, Mr. Slade, missing Johnson, Ron Rico, Jeff Schoen, Rufus, Patty, Peggy. ABOVE: 306 Kiefaber: Greg and Mike, Phil Beckkman, Mark Lauderman, Phil Beckman, Dave Gossier. MIDDLE: 334 Kiefaber Dunk, Greg, Mormier, Mike Metz, Shortie Schuler, Mike Stanton. RIGHT: 328 Kiefaber Vince Zarcaro, Jesse Plasencio, Chris, Matt Hardin, Fabrizio, Eric Ash. TOP CORNER: 460 Kiefaber - Georgette, Malibu Barbie, Michelle, Lori, DEELORES


Kiefaber TOP: 307 Kiefaber -

Frank Perman, Steve Carr, Bob Montanan, Speed Cat, The Monstrosity, Doug Meyer, Mike "Orlando". TOP RIGHT: Susan Hall, Liz Euler, not visible - Mary Helm. MIDDLE: 430 Kiefaber - Kathy Harshbarger, Madelaine Watson, Kathy Sills, Ruth Fremgen, Debbie Eley. ABOVE: 301 Kiefaber Rita Kulnacr, Chrisi Malone, Chris Potber, Claire Ruez, Suzane Ksyaewski, Bro Paul Bredestege. LEFT: 225 Kiefaber - Sean Rees, J. Smith, Andy Trilty, Johnny Rotter, Mike August.



TOP: 16 Evanston -

C. Condon, K. Dowsett, D. Cranmer. ABOVE: Chris Hipskind, K. Price, R. Harrison, T. Pastore, S. Krier, R. Meier. ABOVE RIGHT: 31 Evanston - J. Daniels, K. McCarthy, P. Colan, C. Farrell. RIGHT: 107 Evanston - Dave Prevo, Dave Vadnais, Tom Monloch, Jack Rotolo, Gene Longo

2221 Housing

Evanston TOP: 132 Evanston - R. Boyle, L. Zakrajsek, P.J . Burke, N. Gorie, K. Simpson and M. Kennedy - missing. LEFT: 36 Evanston - TKE HOUSE - T . Hoke, C. Morris, T . Gorie, C. Morgan, J. Ferry. BELOW LEFT: 3 Evanston - Mike Matthews, Kizzy on cap, John Adams, Steve Vargo, Michael Forrest BELOW: 123 Evanston - M. Frericks, Irving, missing - C. Fink.



TOP: 34 Evanston -

A. Juenemann. K. Cutting. M. Gillespie. M.E. Gross. MIDDLE: 108 Evanston - C. An drea. B. Dilley. M. Logan . C. Logan . RIGHT: 119 Evanston - H. Reichert. E. Hurley. S. laquinta. Bob-A-Louie. Pooper. missing - Kelly Malone. Eileen Sales. ABOVE: 116 Evanston - J. Pauls. G. Hufnagel. M. Kelley. T. Roach.



TOP LEFT: 135 Evanston - Mary Krutko, Terry Gill , Patty Trausch, Denise McKueh . TOP RIGHT: 22 Evanston - Mary Torbeck, Sue Thompson, Natalie Duffiele , Peggy Stahl, T. Dugan, T. Mueller , K. Fortunato - missing. LEFT: 124 Evanston - K. Mawby , M.B. Plucinsky, K. Lawver, Janet Chain . ABOVE: 10 Evanston - M. Meomartino , M. Deininger, T. Borros, J. Yasechko, missing - Schockling, T. Cantoni .


"K" & "L" Streets

TOP: 219 K - Pat Rorty, Pat McElfresh, Pat Mulroy, Pat Sweeney, Pat Lynch. ABOVE: Lynn Ivanick, Linda Svec, Lisa Kwiakowski, Colleen McGiness, Susan Rose, Mary Lopina. RIGHT: 231 L Laurie Duffy Stuffy, GANNONBALLS, Karen Kraft. Sharon Waldrop, missing - Vanet Steinhilber, Mimi Amatruda.


College Park Stewart St. TOP: Richard Hunt, Anthony Raddell 237 College Park. LEFT: 372 E. Stewart Street - Lisa Sirett, Paula Civikly, Cathy Clark, Shirley Szczesniak, Diane Reinmuth


1. Model U.N. Club (L-R) - 1st Row - Ann Halpin, Tinn Prinz, Pat Reddy, David Buddendeck, Janet Sollinger 2nd Row - Kinn Zerrusen , Martha Reddy, Rick Schnnidt, Ed Hunt, Una Cadegan, Fida Nasrallah, Dr. M. Karns, Lee Schierloh , Mark Pottorff - 3rd Row - Kevin Zerrusen, Linda Schrad, Mary Scheetz, Mark 2. The Libyan Students Club (L-R) - Seated - Hasan Abdulla, Mufth R. Mansour, Salenn R. Nanal, Mustafa Khatabi, Abdulrahinn Hewaidi - Standing - Ahnned Bngzi, Mulud Ellali, Saad Ksheer, Isnnail Mohanned, Bashir Gayed, Saleh Gabir 3. Alpha Angels (L-R) - Seated - Gail A. Clanton, Suzanne Anderson, Lattice Shaw - Standing - Charlene Flenning, Lisa Merrits, Sarahita Paige, Lisa Cannpbell , Lynnelle Tutler, Traci Hixson, LaVonne Dees



l. Alpha Nu Omega (L-R) - 1st Row - Gunga , Kiki, Weasel , Buck, James Lennon , Mess, Ed Bittner, Ernie , Teke - 2nd Row - Wino, Dennie, Mothballs, Max, Lit, Kelly, Jim Vaughn, Tweety Bird, Sand Nigger - 3rd Row - Harry, Stefanak, Slag, Chute, Rigby, Bonar, Simpson, Jim King, Craig, Coalcar - 4th Row - Daren , Millerman , Race, Cole, Mattei, Pooty, Pohlman, Nort, Barry 2. Epsilon Delta Tau (L-R) - 1st Row - Rick Spizak, Jim Kausch, Ray Alvarado , Scott Reveille - 2nd Row - Harold Stewart, Bruce Ridenour, Chris Colleli, Walt Como, Joe Podsedly, Steve Barski, Steve Bardus, Gary Emmel - 3rd Row - Mark Maurice, Ed Shoemaker, Scott Kunkel, Bob Remler, Joe Bange - Not Shown - Terry Cartwright, Dave Dalrymple, Bob Gerung, Bill Jakobi , Bob Keppi, Mike Neis, Tom Vargo, Cliff Zimmer, Pat Carlin


1. Admissions Student Volunteers (L-R) - 1st Row - Molly Whalen. Susan Healy . Liz Bradner. Gregg Mazzola. Julie Dalpiaz - 2nd Row - Karla AIImandinger. Dave Dosley. Torry Armfield . Sandy Ohlms . Pat Abele. Maureen O路Rourke. Mike Wolfe - 3rd Row - Meg Hammer. Greg McCarthy. Sue Wuebker. Eileen Bourne . John Scully. John Vogt. Rick Long. Greg Massa

2. Marycrest North Council (L-R) 1st Row Eileen Bolton. Jackie Jacoboski. Rose Schmidt. Carol Carney - 2nd Row - Julie Ebner. MarY Jane Graeber. Genevieve Kuhn. Jocelyn Gant. Heidi Zscheippe . Lisa Vershinski - 3rd Row - Anne Wade. Mary Murphy. Teresa Luersman. Francine Stafford . Jeanine Labourne. Anne Rochon. Patti Bornhorst 4th Row - Tammi Weitzel. Sylvia Rittweger. Jane Dietz. Joan Moran


1. Delta Omega Tau (L-R) - 1st Row - Lynn Ivanick, Kathy Kazar - 2nd Row - Mary McCann, Terrie Allen, Theresa Gonzalez, Chris Weber, Cathy Brophy, Maureen Carr, Jean Gentile, Liz Euler - 3rd Row - Vicki Pohlman, Melinda Poor, Lisa Beyer, Kathie Coates , Marjorie Klee, Sharon Teschemacher, Laura Laskowski, Lisa Kwiatkowski, Sally McCaffrey, Lucy Mollo - 4th Row - Jeanne, Culkowski, Diane Durkin, Julie , Vecho, Carolyn Beamish, Denise Kennedy, Marie Gallo, Dee Nazzaro, Jill Kirchner - 5th Row - Meg Felling, Karen Fridl, Diane Bal, Mary Kay Moskal, Sue Yersavich, Louise O'Neill - 6th Row - Meg Hammer, Cindy Scrzypczak, Sue Shaw, Diane Edelbrock, Patti Bojarski, Sandy Robinson , Kate Jones, Eileen Hilton , Kim Riddell, Mary Jean Crabb - 7th Row - Susan Rose, Lori Coder, Julie Baird, Carolyn Benninghoff 2. Student Bar Association (L-R) - 1st Row - Mary Ann Pietrusko, Carol Glasy, Alan Gabel, Leigh Sempeles - 2nd Row - Diane O'Hara, Deb Bonifas, Frank Caruso, Mary Polizzi - 3rd Row - Kevin R. McNulty, Jack Hemm, Mario Caruso, Dan Susi, James Scarmozzino


1. Pershing Rifles (L-R) - 1 st Row - Roy Marcelo, Mike Wills, Christine Krizan, Paul Veneziano , Wayne Rhymer - 2nd Row - Ed Mulholland, Bill Ballway, Mary Harris, Brian Bennett , Tom Rinehart, Jill Hawk, Gerald Wright 2. Delta Sigma Theta (L-R) - Lisa Kirtley , Wanda Gee, Janet Barker , Pam Gregory, Jessica Parker, Janice Davis 3. Social Work Club



1. Inter Fraternity Council (L-R) - 1st Row - Charles Clennon, Gary Emmel , Mike Hecht. Mike Mehl, Jerry Buckley , Dan Prendergart. Alex Deak, Joe Mekson , Tom Dougherty, Mike Barrett, Larry Frantz - 2nd Row - Tim Mueller , Tim Josten, John Bass, Chuck Morgan, Chris Bade, Joseph Volk, Albert Hortsman, A, Frehley, Brad Van De Sompele - 3rd Row Doug Myers, Pete Vujanovich, Steve Carr, John Aggrey, Charles E. Sutton, Mike J . McAfee, Frank N. Beckles, Kenneth Bamrick, Ward Peterson, Tom O'Neill, Phil Ertel - 4th Row - Lester Crooks, Jim West, Frank Miozzi, Jim King, Mike Hurley 2. Students For Life - L-R) - Seated - Diane Kita, Mike Koenig, Beth Williard - Standing - Diana Boumann, Margaret Adamek , Mary Murphy


1. Alpha Gamma Tau, Visual Arts Fraternity (L-R) - 1st Row - Dan Griesmer, Dan Koberman, Anne Mandyck, Julie Ryan, Joe O'Neil, Pat Conlin, Tom Finke (adviser) 2nd Row - Glenn Phillips, John Henry, Cathy Clark, Linda Sherill, Chris Bozeck, Les Kidd - 3rd Row - Linda Miller, Betsy Freidman, Diane Hoke, Tim Kness - 4th Row - Anne Whitney, Peg Nolan, Genevieve Ceresoli, Judy Gambill, Cheryl Powell 2. Kappa Omicron Phi, National Home Economics Honor Society (L-R) - Seated - Jane F. Clarke, Ann Kleinhenz - VicePresident, Maureen Fay - President. linda Monnett - Secretary, Karen Cruz Standing - Mrs. Jo Ann Lefler - Moderator, Beth Hutchins, Lynn Domenico, Debbi Seifert, Ann Dardinger - Missing - Martha Brower - Treasurer, Eileen OstrOSki, Maura Mannix, Regina Pike


1. Accounting Club 2. College Democrats (L-R) - 1st Row - Laura Whitacre, David N. Marnell, Sherri Whitson, Kenneth Jackson - 2nd Row - Mary Kay Brucken, Pat McDonald, Sue Dierkers, Pippa Henderson


OFF CAMPUS CENTER BLOCK REPRESENTATIVES Front - Ray Adams, Donna Fournier, Bob Kemler. Middle - Rosanne Souhrada, Toni Previte, Beth Koshla. Back - Mike Kline; director.

Lambda Chi


1. Alpha Phi Sigma (Criminal Justice Honor Society) Tracy Carroll , Julia Collier, Kristen Farrell, Tammy Ferrari , Steve Fryburg, Bruce Jamison, Michael Klosinski , Jenni Lambe, Maureen Meersman, Lori Moll, Katie Murray, Dianna Pendleton, Barbara Reno , Alice Smith, Guy Turner. Darrel DeGraw ~ advisor

2. Delta Sigma Pi (L-R) - 1st Row - Phil "The Moose " Oliveri - 2nd Row - Sue Badingheues, Jim Spraven, Bob Puccio, Karen Bardy, Karen Murphy, Donna Fournier, Ginny Clark, Judi Ballergen, Kathy Ryan, Belush, Jean Calabreze - 3rd Row - Dennis Hofmalen , Mike Candwell, Steve Koch, Laureen "Sister Mary" McGowan, Ann Nowak, Ken Rider , Renee Hammer, Lola Robinson, Connie Smith , Cindy Litmer, Barb Tilsly, Michele Groodman - 4th Row - Jeff Buddennally, John Wermert, Sharon Yound, Mike Carrol , Joachin Hidalgo, Tom O'Niel, Ren Ryan , John "Lance" Kiliar, Mike "Vidal Sassoon " Collier, Fr . Mike Ruffalo , Toni Perri, Mike "Caesar" Krohn , Theresa Malarky











MIDDLE: Day toni an Editorial Staff - John Schlipp , Organizations; Peggy Simpson , Organizations: Teresa Bruskotter, Faculty,; Joann Lisa, Business Manager; Judi Gambil, On Campus Housing; Karen Kraft, Editor-in-Chief ; Sheela Moyer , Student Events; Marjorie Klee , Seniors, Kathie Coates, Assistant Editor, Student Events; Agnes Murawski , Sports; LEFT: Daytonian Yearbook Staff


Student Chapter of Amer. Home Economics Association: Row 1; Tina Gentile - Secretary: Marva Mannix - President Row 2: Barb Cooke - Trea surer; Nancy Jette - Publicity: Clara Switzer Row 3; Anne O'Donnel, Caren Rankin, Joan Moran, Row 4; Eileen Ostroski, Ann Lewis, Andrea Capuzzo, Jane Dietz.

Mary Crest Council; Row 1: Heidi Zpcheyore , Clare Carr, Jocelyn Gant. Row 2: Sue Benedict, Kimberly Posey, Kathy McCarthy, Tracey Howard, Jane Schmid , Karen York.


ABOVE: Lambda Nu. Row 1; Margie Alagia, Julie Vecchione, Row 2: Ro路 zanne Scarpelli , Kathy Walsh , Maria Caballero, Jeanne Thome , Ann Glasin, Sue Lipscomb, Row 3: Rachael Gerst, Lori Pinter. Dottie James, Anne Perry , Theresa McNicholas, Kelley Kierham, MaryKay Lischke . Row 4 : Anile Slater, Lisa Burrillo , Eleen Harte, Diane Laman , Susan Betz, Row 5: Lynn Barney, Anna Segna, Karla Yakopcic , Judy Guagenti , Julie Dalpiaz. Right: DDT Little Sisters, Row 1: Char Benson , Kathy Cutting, Priscilla Kasmer, Caryn Schockling, Charlene Okomski, Row 2: Jean Higgins , Mary McGuirk, Molly Scanlon , Jackie Murray, Cathy Schmidt, Missy Driver .


ABOVE: GAMMAS. Row 1: Sara Miller, Denice Langenheim , Sara Miller Nanci Manz, Rita Schenkel , Susan Woomer. Mary Sakal. Row 2 : Julie Smith, Susanne Estelle , Dundy Larroca, Mary Beth Willis, Barb Blumer, Linda Orlande, Row 3: Lynne Crisafi, Cathy Cushing, Trish Mattimore, Karen Dobremsyl , Karen Lesch, Patty Peffenbach, Row 4: Ann O'Connor, Jan Comer, Lori Kerber, Sharon McAvey, Kathy Powderly, Julie Brady. Row 5: Mary Cwan, Mary Pat Langhenry , Andrea Koltz, Susan Bruns, Chris Murphy. RIGHT: KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF COLUMBUS. Kammer , Steve McGlynn, Dan McGlynn , Father Budhorst. Greg Keap , Annette Bowling, Robert Curry, Greg Jutte.


TRI-LAMBS: Row I; Erin Maguire , Joy Goldschmidt. Dianne Bongiovanni , Katie Drew , Tricia Drew , Kathy Rustang. Row 2: BJ. Robinson, Marti Caalin, Mars Marano, Cheryl Sopnrar , Cathy Wiese, Sheila O' Brian , Michele Antolini , Carla Wanaker, Row 3 : Shawn Healy, Lori Movmblow , Jamie Robinson , Veroni c a DeNaroo , Stephanie Bordner, Tracy Duncan , Nancy Storey.

COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN. Row 1: Martina Lombardi , Kata Freeman, Peggy Grimes , Karen Findly . Row 2: Therese Steinbach, Patty Moran, Mark Findley .






Rev . Frank Kenny, S.M. Assistant to the Vice President

Student Development

E. Kurtz, Asst. Dean of Students - Univ. Activities, M.S. Hufnagle Asst. Dean of Students, W. Gilliard, Assoc. Dean of Students, N. King, Asst. Dean Residence Life, A. Malone, Student Publications

Marie Milord, International Students Advisor

Rosemary T. O'Boyle, Assistant to the Vice President James Stocks, Director of Minority Services

Phil Ertel, Director of Orientation


Health Services Gary Schekelhoff Director of Campus Security


Ethel Clark, Administative Assistant, Mary Harmeson , R.N., Director of Nursing

Psychological Services Jack Riley Director of Psychological Services

2541 Administration

Clyde Wisch Associate Dean of Students Student Services


Mary W. Toennesen Assistant Director Of Housing

Joe Belle Director of Off Campus Housing

Julia Wingard Assistant Director of Housing Administration/255



Left: Management: (seated) J. Schenk, R. Miller, R. Berger, J.P. Bowling, O.M. Holland, (standing) R. McClaine, J. Balloun, N. Barrows, F. Ghavami, K. Chen, G. Bohlen, H. Washing, B. Konstantinovich, J. Darr, G. Vlahos, S. Stough, P. O' Neill, E. Zahn , A. Casey. Middle Left: Marketing: H. Murphy, P. Merenski, J. Moffatt, W. Lewis, R. Comer. Bottom Left: Accounting: (seated) M. Eley, M. Herdlick, P. Vorherr, G. Barty, T. Brady, (standing) R. Yerkes, R. Burrows, S. Welborn, A. Fioriti, R. Sanford, K. Rosenweig, P. Root . Below: Secretarial Studies: J. Webster, P. Murry, N. Forthofer. Bottom: Economics / Finance: (seated) R. Frasca, C. Chen, T . Wright, J. Rapp, (standing) P. Louis, L. Hadley, D. Patillo, B. Winger, J. Weiler .


Top Left: Physical Education: (sitting) J. Schleppi, M. Leonard, C. Siciliano, D. Morefield, C. Roberts, (standing) K. Bills, D. Drees, J. Harshman, E. Brown, l. Stritenberger, L. Laubach, K. Emery. Middle Left: Cooperative Education: (sitting) B. Webb, B. Klein, L. Gobich, (standing) E. Deardorf, J. Dominy, E. Janning, E. Iselin. Education Administration: (sitting) R. Carlsen, C. Roddy, J. Britt, H. Frye, R. Klosterman, J. Watras, (standing) J. Himmefyarn, G. Fuch, R. Ritchie, Sr. C. Rudolph, O.S.F., Sr. L. Petit, O.P., H. lorge, G. Anderson, J. Geiger, J. O'Neill

Facu Ity 12 59

Top Left: Aerospace Engineering: F. Eastep, D. Quam, Upper Middle: Chemical Engineering: C. Sandy, E. Rolinski, S. Sandhu, R. Servais, C. Lu. Lower Middle: Electrical Engineering: K. Strnat, B. Schmidt, K. Bkulach, T. Williamson , D. Lewis, Bottom Left: Civil Engineering: (sitting) R. Thomson, E. Payne, S.J. Ryckman, (standing) N. Phi llyn, G. Shaw, J. Salba , T. Anessi. Top Right: Electronic Engineering Technology: (sitting) E. Iselin, R. Hazen, A. Ismail, (standing) V. Rooney, J. Farren, D. Haniman. Above: Mechanical/Industrial Engineering Technology; J. Wilder, R. Puckett, B. Smilg, R. Mott, R. Wolff - F. Kretzler.


Dean Francis Lazarus


Assistant Deans R.E. Peterson, E. Murphy, O.P., T. Wong, S.M.

Top Left: Biology: (sitting) R. Turgeon, A. Burky, (middle) J. Ramsey, J. Laufersweiler, K. McDougall, J. Rowi, D. Geigo, C. Chantell, R. Ventello, P. Bajpai, G. Shay, (back) B. Zalewski, B. Alesk. Middle Left: Chemistry : (front) J. Lucier, A. Frantini, C. Michaelis, B. Lawrence, (back) S. t:veslage, P. Giivary, D.A. Stanislawski, S. Singer, Bottom Left: Chemical Technology: D. Gross, R. Anduez, Top Right: Geology: G. Springer, K. Gray, C. Ritter, Middle Right: Mathematics: (front) J . Kauflin, J. Friel, K. Schraut. T. Ganter, B. Rice, (back) J. McCloskey, P. Eloe, S. Back, R. Gorton, R. Steinlage, J. Shaughnessy, Above: Computer Science: (sitting) J. Kester, Bro. Schoen, (standing) L. Jehn, Bro . Neundorf.

Faculty /263

Top Right: Theatre: R. Bouffier, D. Anderson, P. Gilvary, L. Selka. Upper Middle: Fine Arts: J. Fiealer, P. Gilvary, L. Weber, B. Plogman, T. Strohmaier, G. Richardson, L. Bassman, T. Hilt, A.J. Barrish. Lower Middle: Music: (front) E. Vandervander, C. Minton, M. Sandness, V. Zech, R. Benedum, (back) C. Baxter, P. Magnuson. Bottom Right: Military Science: (front) P. Erbaugh, R. Wright. D. Felder, S. Walters, K. Menser, T. Pence, B. Hopfengardner, R. Barrett, (middle) R. Sweet, W. Chappell, A. Baptiste, R. Tucker, M. Kozup, G. Potts, (back) K. Brenneman, M. Bittner, K. Chapis, T. Harris, C. Soby. Bottom Left: Self Directed Learning: L. Rosen, J. Kalven, B. Taylor. Below: Language; (front) A. Chido, G. Neufang, M. Castello-Lamas, (back) E. Romaguera, C. Galeano, M. Greeley, Z. Zeinz S.M., R. Conard, E. Hatch, G. McKinzie. Opposite Page: Upper Left: Criminal Justice: D. DeGraw, J. Ingram, J. Adamitis. Middle Left: History: (front) L. Eid, A. Vines, K. King, R. Maras, (middle) B. Perkins, B. Taylor, (back) T. Rhee, A. Bannon, P. Palermo, E. Beauregard. Bottom: Psychology: (sitting) J. Allik, E. Butter, S. Nau, K. Kuntz, R. Katsuyama, (standing) B. Berg, J. Korte, C. Kimble, S. Bower, T. Wrobel. Top Right: Religion: (sitting) V. Branick, J. Martin, M. Kohmescher, M. Barnes, W. Cole, (standing) R. Bowen, J. Beirise, H. Bihl, M. Geray, W. Gollar, M. Schierling, T. Martin, M.B. Lamb, R. Boulet. R. Haler, W. Anderson, W. Roberts, C. L'Heureux, N. Burns. Mid-Right: Philosophy: (sitting) W. Richards, W. Vallicella, P. Johnson, R. Baker, H.J. Nersoyan, (standing) R. Herbenick, P. Tibbits, M. Payne, J. Thompson, J. Zembaty, X. Monasterio, L.P. Ulrich.


Arts And Sciences


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