Daytonian 2002

Page 1


\Y .~rit student I..ife

6 Mini-Mag 6~

At twilight, the Blessed Virgin

Mary reigns over C.lrJ1pUS. Her holy presence echoes the Marianist spi rit of the U 0 community .


66 Residential 118

sports 188 Seniors

236 Ads and Index



(rf/~I I /lI ;'flI I ""



No matter what day of the week, students always chatted among themselves asking, "Do you know anything that is going on tonight?" Whether you were a frequent Flanagan 's patron , a Flyer faithful basketball fan, or would not miss a theatre production in the Black

Box, you


Stu dent Life on campus as a way to escape the bane


academ ic pressures and unwind in a relaxed environment.

ations first years we/cornea to campus by new faces, responsibilities, ana challenges



pulled into campus for the first time: an

official " college student, " You nervously

g lanced around and immediately spotted hundreds of helpfu l "Ask Me" buttons and dozens of racing golf carts. Suddenl y, your "know- it-al l-

h ig h-schoo I-senior" attitude di min ished: you, my f ri end, were a col lege f res hman . After t he chaos of unpacking and the emotion of bidding fa r ewell to

yo ur parents passed, you found yo urself overwhelmed with questions of "Where are you

from? " and "What dorm are you in? " You already wanted to be a senior. Yet somewhere in the midst of the array of orientation activities, such as the

First-Stop Fair and the ever-popu lar Michael John concert, you found yourself actual ly beginn ing to like this place. But once the



Me" Buttons

excitement of the weekend ended, you,

50 Dangling Shoes

along with 1,742. of yo ur new cl assmates,

25 Trips to Meijer

learned your first co l lege lesson: the key is adaptio n . You were a co llege freshmen.

15 Extra Pounas

You learned to adapt to your new- fo und

10 AII-Nighters

responsibilities and freedoms. You learned that laundry pi led up much faster

But only 1...

when Mom was not around, that home-


cooked food had a new meaning, and that getting real " snail mail" made your

day, even your week. You learned that it really was your choice whether or not to blow off that 8:00



impor ta ntly,



wo uld






ba c k








you f ly

you 'd

l earned





days .. . when

freshman .



before so


we ll -

wishing you




go a

The Michael John concert is a tradition at UD orientation. Students, like these braves souls who joined the concert onstage, packed the plaza for their first dose of UD fun and socialization.



more easily to the idea of community showers than 1 thought 1

WOUld.~ Alena Eichenseher Fitness and Nutrition

Move-in day saw 1,743 new students settle into their new home away from home. First year student Jessica Haney remembers the initial thoughts of ~how do we unload in 10 seconds? " as being the most overwhelming.

As part of the weekend-long celebration for new students, some bold participants show their fearlessness by being hypnotized in front of all their new classmates.

We are family! Junior Brady Busold, with help from his roommate Nick Weaver, shows his parents how to party UD style.

--My mom showed up with a birthday cake and a bag of 100 jello shots. Ya gotta love

that!~ Brad y Bu sold Ci v il Eng ineering

Junior Jen Zielonko uses t he Frericks SK ru n as an opportunity to bond with her parents.




.. Jlmily weekend provides quality time with Mom and Vad

ontinuing a tradition from the late 70 'S, parents


of UD students were once again welcomed to a

weekend of College Life


during the annual Parents '

Weekend celebration. Once the frenzy of last-minute

clea ning was complete, students greeted parents with banners expressing hospitality and gratitude throughout

the ghetto. Whether students and parents bonded by ambitiously running in the annual Frericks SK run , cheeri ng on the Flyers at the football game, singing karaoke

together at the Pub, or splitting a Fieldhouse fishbowl, togetherness was the theme of the weekend. Jun ior Jennifer Zielonko remembers t he best

After $60,000 I 've acquired... A taste for beer, An addiction to coffee,

part of t he weekend being "crossing the finish line with my dad during the SK run. It was a great bonding experience." No pa rty was complete without seeing at least one mom or dad fiercely co mpeting

and 15 extra pounds! Thanks a lot Mom and Vad!

in a game of flip cup. Junior Jen Groves was amazed at how much her dad enjoyed the flip cup competition. "He's obsessed with it. He said he's going to make everyone at his company parties

learn it." The action-packed weekend provided various family bonding activities. As everyone took time to celebrate thei r family ties, parents were given the chance to lo r John Edney , along 'h parents John and

Terri, popula r Pla(es~

bel t

o ut

~ Friends

the in


to a packed KU karaoke.

learned that Mom and Dad were more fun than they ever


Pub crowd enjoying some


learn what UD community life was all about w hile students


poo(.ctacu(ar JUMped on



hile children everywhere transformed

themselves into Harry Potter, witches, or

Britney Spears and paraded door to door in search of

opportunity to act (ike a kid

candy, col lege stud ents clothed t hemselves in ma kes hift costu mes from the nea rest thrift sto res and bounced from activity t o activity. Because Halloween

again landed in midweek, students ce lebra ted the occasion

over the course of two weekends. Crowds of creatively costumed students wandered about campus, revealing their

Year ' f ""oft Popular COftuMef

chi ld like spiri t and enjoying their cha nce to dress in disg uise. M&M's, a kissing booth, and

1. Ha rrv Potter

ambitious guys acting upon t hei r desire to be

:I.. Witchef

female for the eveni ng created an interesting

'). Britnev Spearf

scene in the ghetto.

1/-. Weftern Wear

Ph i Beta Chi hosted a f und-raising event at

5. VaMpv or fu(trv

Tim's to enjoy Halloween and, at the same time, raise money to help purchase a fire truck for the state of New York.

Participants who dressed for the event received a

discount at the door. Although Halloween, as a college student, is not quite as exciting as it used to be, UD students celebrated the day wit h a touch o f personality.


M (I.... call requesting delivery of milk ASAP. 4,



Lf!'1 Th ltv Iy group )f p ty 91 ha gone all out in their Halloween costumes, maki ng the Ghetto even more crazy for the evening!

010 YOU KNOW •

12% of Americans believe that



should not be celebrated because it has

occult origins and Mo


overtones. "P





come out during

were so exerted for

Halloween to make

Halloween and were having so much fun that they could not even

sure there's no ghosts

roaming about the Ghetto.

keep their feet on the ground!


UD Miracle

••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •

: • ••• •

• •• : • : • : • : • : • • • • ••• • •• • : •

Santa for a Day

C hristmas just isn't Christmas without Santa laus. This year, junior Martin Linder was asked to play the role of St. Nick for the Christmas on Campus festivities. Here's how Martin felt about being U D's Santa for a Day: Q : What was the most unique gift request you

received from a child? A: A child asked if I could make him rich. One of the more humbling gifts that a child asked for was a new pair of shoes. Q: What was your favorite part of being Santa Claus for the day? A: Having children excited to see you and knowing that you help to make Christmas a good experience for them was awesome. Q: Did being Santa teach you anything about kids or Christmas? A : Children are willing to listen. They believe almost everything you tell them so you have to be careful not to set unrealistic goals that their parents won't be able to meet. Q: Did you have any other funny stories/tidbits? A: Children love to pull on the beard so I had to be careful. I was surprised how many gifts I was given. I never knew people gave Santa gifts. One ~ child even made me a Christmas card.

•• : • : • : • : • : • • •• ••• • • • : • :

· 1 ~·································


nderground determine if everything is really better unctergl'OUlld


hat's missing from this picture?


exuberant and rowdy undergrads and

alumnae ce lebrating the weekend? 2.5 crazy floats parading down Kiefaber Street? Early bird students N

taking a break from "kegs and eggs to root on ambitious SK runners Saturday morning?

Unfortunately, on the weekend of October 18-20, what shou ld have been Homeco m ing weekend, all of these things were missing. Due to the pandemonium

that took place during last year's Homecoming ce lebration, which included co uch burnings and bottle breakings, the weeke nd-long celebration was cancelled. Brian Renner, a sophomore bu siness

management major said, "When the school took away Homeco m ing, it upset many students because it has been a tradition for so long and not having it this year is a rea l letdown." Disappointment was t he feel ing for most every student, causing some to

"It was extreme to cancel Homecoming. but it did get the point across that it must not happen again. I just hope we get another chance."

attempt to override the university's decision by creati ng t heir own " Undergroun d Homecoming. " School administrators, however, caug ht on qu ickly and did their best to hinder a repeat of last year's actions. Sophomore Shannon Gardner understood the university's decision however and agreed that "something did need to be done to stop the destructiveness." Multiple warnings were sent out to students and

.. Junior Megan Pease

possi ble severe consequences we re threatened. Public safety officers could be seen at every street corner along with

undercover cops and State liquor patrol officers. Although the weeke nd was met w ith app roval by administrators, students still felt disappointed. Students are hoping that since campus behaved well this year, Homecoming will be reinstated next year. Anyway yo u look at it, it was clear that everything just wasn't better underground.

What are YOU looking at? UD

cops made their presence known

throughout the weekend.

Whether they were plain路

dothed or undercover, their presence

was enough to keep the rowdiness in

the ghetto to a mi ni mu m.

Some clever U 0


housemates make certa in that thei r pa rty does not get busted by fencing

off their area to monitor who is allowed in. Students are hoping that this is not going to have to be a new "trad ition."

While some students chose to go home or leave UD for the weeke,nd, these loyal student, Erin Horne, Leanne Downey, and Sarah PieKielny,

plastered their Homecoming spirit on


Junior Denise Hammons and her nephew Nick Moore enjoy the Big

Kids' Fun Day at the PAC.

Andrew Grieshop bull rides way to a fun-filled weekend wit h his old er sibling, Alison.


Freshman Katelyn Blackwood shows her younger sister Kristy the fun UD has to offer.







weekend reminds students


weekend. Nearly

tllat Lm E

sibs can make us BIG kids

n invasion of siblings hit campus Valentine's Day 400

siblings came for the weekend

to show their older siblings how to act like a kid again . The Student Government Association had an entertainmentpacked weekend planned for all. Whether students took their siblings to the dive-in movie, Shrek, on Friday night; took part in the Big Kid Fun Day including sumo wrestling , bungee bull, and boun cy boxing on Satu rd ay; cheered the Flyers on

at the Saturday evening basketball game; or took part in the festivities of the ghetto, they found that little siblings provided big memories

"Youth comes but once in a lifetime ~

throughout the weekend. Junior Stacey Scheid said her favorite part of the weekend was just having her sister come here. " With me being away, 1don't get to see her much and we don't spend a lot of time together, just the two of us. She is only


and her

favorite activity by far was the inflatables Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

at the PAC ," remembered Scheid. Some students gave their siblings who we re a bit older a taste of the party life at UD. Junior

Katy Roth and her sister took advantage of the ghetto scene. "My sister Justine is only 16 and is already ready for college. She fits in with everyone and loves the ghetto. Little Sibs weekend is our special time together," recalled Roth. Whet her it was partying or playi ng, LImE sibs helped students remember how to be BIG kids again, at least for one weekend.

ption- 2 I

n its 9th year, Option To ... proved that cliches still hold

the valuable meaning . "Where There's a Will, There 's a Way" OV/1Ortunity showed a fami ly reunite after their deceased uncle's will sent to explore spirituality them on specia l quests that forced them to interact. The show was a result of innumerable hours of collaboration

among core team members, actors, and dancers. A core team of twe lve students, under the guidance of Campus Minister Jen Viali, began meeting weekly in August to brainstorm ideas for their ultimate goal: a production incorporating drama, dance, and music with an overarching spiritual theme. "Option To ... gives students

on the core team, in the production, and in the audience the chance to reflect on their spirituality in a non-traditional way," expla ined senior Suzanne Palmisano, the co-producer of the show. A weekend retreat allowed the team members to grow as a "fa mily" and to develop an outli ne for the script. " Playing sardines in the dark on Saturday night of the retreat made me realize how much fun everyone on the team was," expressed senior Mary Mazik. By November, a script was complete and stage directing began. All of those involved in the production realized the worth of their service in January as they experienced the show created entirely by them. The dynamic core team, coup led with energetic actors and gracefu l dancers, emitted rays of creativity and spirituality with their successful production.


Freshman Alex Shay, sophomore Marylee Herrmann, and Junior John Scheiding pose for their cast photo. Dedicated students like these made the production of Option-2. possible.

Theatre director j un ior Erin KUlean and stage d irector Chrissy Princehorn show the effects of late night practices.

The performance was also highlighted by ta lented student danc~


aith T

or many UD students, sharing their faith led to the biggest celebration of the weekend

he music erupted. Sounds of instruments,

clapping hands, and vo ices bellowed through the air. Smiles, hugs, handshakes, and pure excitement were everywhere. "Welcome to the

biggest party of t he wee k," Father Ken warmly announced each Sunday at 9 p. m . to t he loyal McGinn is mass crowd t hat fil led every chair, lined the perimeter of the room, crammed the stage, blocked the doorways, and overflowed into the hallways. The mass united students of different religions and ethnic backgrounds who wanted to celebrate both their faith and their community.

" Sometimes I feel like McGinnis mass is part of my being--I miss it when I go to

church at home or to other masses. Persona lly, I fee l faith more strong ly than

re ligion; McGin nis mass is like a 'stripped down' version of mass, wit hout the

chan t ed creeds and t he kneeli ng, etc.--not as traditional, " explained senior Jes Jewell. Fifth year student Lisa Rechtsteiner added, "McGinnis mass basicall y sums up community at UD. From the moment you introduce yourself to your neighbors at the beginning of mass, to the sign of peace that ends up taking 15 minutes because you have to hug every single one of your friends and roommates, McGi nnis mass was full of love and support. The music rocks, and before you knew it, people were dancing in the aisles, ce lebrating faith and life and friendship. No wonder the place is always packed! "

Student participation, such as helping to distribute the Eucharist, is part of what makes McGinnis mass so unique and special to the UD community.

Megan Houston, Emily Inkrott, and Dan Hummel, all part of the McGinnis mass choir, help the UD community experience prayer through music.

Ya gotta have faith! These loyal McGinnis massgoers don 't mind sitting on the floor or in aisle ways as long as they are there to share in the celebration.

eadership of service and integrity honored at ZOOl Virtue Awards

ropelling a space shuttle into orbit, fighting


for the U.S. during WWII and seizing the Ohio U.S.

senate seat for fo ur terms, John Glenn captured the attention of the American people. Because he exemplified vision, courage, commun ication ski lls and commitment through these accomplishments, Glenn earned recognition from the U.D. community by receiving the "Leadership with Virtue " award. Presented to him on September 20, the

award acknowledged Glenn's admirable qualities. Over 350 distinguished guests, including select UD students, filled the KU Ballroom and listened

"1 don't look in

intently as Glenn announced his eagerness and his duty to promote politics to young

the mirror and say, 'Oh, you virtuous person!Âť

people. "The comm itme nt of our fathers is

th e calli ng of our time," he expressed. Adm itting that some label col lege students as pathetiC and representative of a " Me"

-John Glenn

generation, Glenn defended them as the builders of a " We" generation. Although John Glenn is the oldest man

to travel the realms of space, he is grounded in his connection to young people, particu larly co llege Students, w hom he believes possess a vital awareness and dedication to their country.

John Glenn exhibits not only vi rtue but also represents the t rue Amer ican values. Glenn reflects the qualities of a true leader to all UD students.

After twenty-three years at the helm of the University of Dayton, our beloved President, Brother Raymond Fitz S. M ., bids farewell .


oodbyes are never easy. The University of


Dayton was assured of this as it bid farewell to

its commander-in-chief of twenty-three years, Brother Raymond Fitz S. M. Fitz explained that the university was experiencing a period of "strong momentum" and that this was an appropriate time for transition for the

community. He praised his experience, admitting, " Most of all, I'll miss the community of UD--the people, the faculty, and the alumni. I'll also mi ss being the leader of such a great university," Fitz claimed that " Putting together a university community that has

produced such outstanding students" as his greatest accomplishment. A well-earned s-month spiritual and intellectual sabbatical was in Brother Ray 's future upon his retirement. Although he left his leadership position, his impact will forever be a part of the university. Along with his continued focus on community involvement, Brother Raymond Fitz left an amazing legacy, set by his own example: " Learn, Lead, and Serve."




swarm to the library, lounges, ana lawns aayafter aayto hit the books


e all knew it was inevitable. No matter how successful t he procrastination techn iques

were, the dreaded nights of studying were all too much of a reality for most UD students. Finding

private areas for studying was a necessity for students. Ju nior Marketing major Angie Klei nhenz trod the dreaded path to Roesch Library a few too many times.

" I knew that if I stayed in my room , I'd get nothing accompl ished. Whether I liked it or not, that trip to the 5th floor libra ry was unavoidable," she admitted.

All students, however, didn't horde the library and study lounges. Students found their own

places of solitude in hopes for a peaceful night of concentration. Senior Aaron Sorrentino

discovered pOSSibly the most secluded place on campus to study: "I study in the 6th floor library bathroom. It's completely isolated and it has the best view." Some students used a bit more creativity when choosing where they spent their late nights of cramming. Senior Education major Julie Hart remembe red her unique study room freshman year. " I found this old janitor room in the Marycrest basement. It was completely private and quiet. Plus I didn't have to worry about anyone disturbing me back there," she recalled. No matter where students decided to hit the books, from living room couches to the H~manities

Pl aza lawn, all UD students could eventua lly be heard singing the studying blues.


Senior l eigh Ann

sobehart takes advantage of the solitude of the Blend to do some


First Year Gretchen Graber and Erin Weiss use their study time as a chance to do a bit of roommate bonding. Too much comf ort during studying <an lead to those inevitable naps!


First Year, Thomas Day, along with the help of his headphones, finds

a quiet studying spot outside the Kennedy Union.

uck oJ the prove they can celebrate responsibly



or on ly the second time in eight years, UD students were given the opportunity to prove their

responsibili t y over St. Patrick's Day weekend. Students were warned with numerous emails and letters from university officia ls of increased security. However, the massive number of public safety officers and liquor cont rol agents did not hinder the ce lebration. Nick Weaver, junior marketing major, remarked about the activities that occurred throughout

the weekend by saying, "We had to replace our carpet, our toilet split in half, and part of our ceiling fell in.

What a great weekend." Students were sure to make the most of their sing le opportunity to celebrate St. Paddy's Day on campus instead of being home for spring break. Even though students worked hard at painting the streets green, and many times even themselves, throughout the weekend-long celebration, the ir actions were still met with approval by university officials. Dr. Will iam Schuerman, Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students, sent an email note of appreciation to t he students, applauding them on t heir responsible partying tactics. It just goes to show that students were able to celebrate St. Pa ddy's Day responsibly wh ile sti ll passing around the luck of the Irish.


uperstar evening displays students' theatrical talent


cose bumps, tears and laughter were

all a part of the performance cast

members of Jesus Christ Superstar offered their audiences. The " rock opera " did not disappoint those in attendance and definitely " rocked " the house, " I was very impressed with the job they did," remarked senior communicatio n major, John Preisel. Telling the story of Jesus'

last days as a human, senior John Sursa, a music performance major, portrayed the lead role of Jesus. His amazing

acting and singing abil ity is evidence of a promising career in his near fut ure. Sarah Lamb, fifth year Visual Communication Design major, also delivered an exceptional portrayal of

Judas. Overall, the performance was emotional, enterta ining, and crowd-pleasing

and showcased t he great "superstars" UD had to offer.

Cast members present audiences with their entertai ning portrayal of The Last Supper.

Fifth路year student Sarah Lamb and Senior John 5urso perform an early scene as Judas and Jesus. Both seniors gave unforgettable performances.

provides students

with hands-on learning experience


ey Largo, Key West., Saepelo Island-sounds like lyrics from the popular song

" Kokomo." But for thirty UD students, these places were the site of the ir summer ma rine biology trip. Knowing how much students enjoy learning through hands-on experiences, Dr. Kearns and Dr. Williams generously spent two weeks with (ollege students. Participating in field work, swimming and snorkeling, or just exploring the islands, the students learned and had fun everyday. Junior biology major, Jen Callery said, "The marine biology trip was the best experience of my life." The trip was not all leisure, though. Each night, the group met from 10 untilu to

discuss the days activities and learn a new section of the course. The class was unique in that each

student was assigned a chapter and had to present it effectively to the entire class. After riding in the school vans for twenty-six hours and surviving two flat tires, the students returned home with knowledge and strengthened friendships, but mostly with the memories of an experien ce of a life time.


-• 1

Afte r board ing the ship, the marine biology crew tries its luck at traling for the day. A local on Saepelolsland showed the group how to use

huge nets to catch crabs and shrimp from the

bottom of the ocean. Scuba Sam and Scuba Tim entertained the group with their aquatic accessories and endless jokes.

The " marine biologists" for the week pose for a group picture outside their camp ground on the beautiful island

Key largo.

on kitchen, students find various ways of curbing their appetites


fter a day of note-taking, listening to lectures and lugging around bags of books, many students

could not wait to retire to their homesteads to escape the trials and tribulations of a busy day. For most

students, this meant raiding their refrigerators or

dashing off to the closest cafeteria. From the Marycrest and KU cafeteria 's variety to Kettering 's all-you-can-eat

appeal, students crowded the cafeterias. Junior Accounting major Angie Strasburg remarked, "Even though I have my own kitchen , sometimes the

convenience of just going to KU for lunch is more appealing than walking all the way home to cook

something," Beyond the cafeterias, many students welcomed the opportunity to rid themselves of the

mundane cafeteria options and prepared their own meals. Junior Biology major Christina Yeager agreed, " Having lived in the dorms for two years, I loved having my own kitchen to make whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted and not having to worry about when cafeterias were closing." Wherever they decided to eat, students, with packed schedules and hungry stomachs, always made sure to find time for meals: Bon Appetit!


Sophomores Dale Jones, Derrick Shey, Paul Francis, and Chip Cruea enjoy the convenience of Kettering's all-you-can-eat cafeteria. As residence hall residents, student s were reqUired to purchase a meal plan .

First-year student Elizabeth Krugh takes advantage of the friendly service provided by our favorite lunch ladies in Marycrest.


urr,cane "Here comes the story of the Hurricane,


speech Rubin carter, receiving inspiration ana hope

The man the authorities came to blame. For somethin' that he never done. Put in a prison cell, but one time he could-a been The champion of the world." --Bob Dylan


Ubin "The Hurricane" Carter, a top middleweight boxer who, in 1966, was wrongly arrested and later convicted

for a triple-murder in a New Jersey bar, came to UD and spoke

to a crowd of nearly 1,600 on February 6. Throughout his trial and more than 20 years in pri son, Carter

"Hate put me in prison and love

maintained his innocence until he was finally exonerated and freed in 1988. Carter's plight has

personified the true spirit of su rvival and

busted me out." -- Rubin Carter

determination. His heroic story, now a movie, chronicles the price Carter paid for being black. "At the prime of my boxing career, 1was

fighting for my life," not a belt, remembered Carter. Carter stressed to the Dayton community the greatest lesson he learned: there is only "one race--the human race" in the world. Now, with the movie of his life c,?m pleted, Carter said he has a sense of release: " I don't care what it does at the box office. To me, the blockbuster's already happened."

Vice President of Student Government Luis Llop and Director of Multicultural Affairs Jackie Cervone prepare to present Carter with an honor plaque in appreciation from the university community.

Vice President of Student Government Luis Llop speaks to the crowd of 1,600 eager listeners as they await Rubin Carter's address.

n welcome RUdy's FIY-

Buy sister store



he UD community welcomed the arrival of Rudy 's sister store in the Stuart Complex lobby. The Rudy's on

the Hill dedication served as a culmination of a two-year development and, more importantl y, as a celebration of a student-run business. Alexa Marinos, senior Vice President of Public Relations for Rudy's Fly-Buy and project consultant for ROTH said, "It is a rea lly good feeling when something that you and your management team worked so hard on finally gets the recognition that everyone feels it deserves." ROTH provided not only a convenient location for the Stuart residents, but it

also served as a learning experience for the student workers. Marinos also stressed the importance of such a business to the entire nation: "Consideri ng that Rudy 's is only one of three student-run convenience stores in the nation, this is an extremely important accomplishment!" The accessible location of the new co mplex gave Stuart residents a greater feeling of incl usion in the UD community. Freshman Stuart resident Jamie Thomas commented how the new store "is great for those little items that you need on the spur of the moment such as laundry detergent or groceries. It provides the essentials without having to make a big trip to the store." With ROTH employees' continued hard work, they were confident of the success their new business would

THUMBS Up! Rudy gives the sign of approval to his new sister store. If the success of Rudy's Fly-Buy is any indicator, Rudy's on the Hill will be a great add ition to the campus community.

Rudy's employees Jun ior Mandy Posse and senior Brandon Fi lipp prepare for the grand opening of Rudy's on the Hill. Thanks to the entrepreneurs hip of student s, this endeavor was possible.

The new Rudy's addition provides Stuart residents with convenient , quick shopping opportunities.

SenIor Todd Galloway gets a headstart and encouragement f rom his teammates in the tricycle race. The t ricycle races proved to be entertaining and cha llenging for all involved .

Seniors Kate Ruda and Chad Va nCure battle at the net during the vOlleyball tournament . The com petition proved fierce and intense throughout the weekend-long games.

hetto I-est Darkside residents team up for a weekend of competition and community

L et the games begin! While searching for a campus-wide activity that could incorporate fun games and friendly competition while also offering students a break from the normal weekend activities, the Student Government Association created the idea of UD's first annual GhettoFest. Ghetto and Darkside senato rs, along

with the help of Neighborhood Fellows, led the weekend-long celebration which

included field games, food, and entertainment. Students had the opportunity to showcase their athletic abilities as many sport events were part of GhettoFest. Whether students were part of their team 's tug-af-war efforts,

fearlessly took part in the tricycle races, or showed their talents in volleyball and

kickba ll, fun was had by all. The weekend was culminated by a live performa nce of the band Red Wanting Blue in the McGinnis Center with a cookout and beer tent provided. Jeff Meyrose, a senior Darkside senator, remarked, "The day turned out to be a great success, not only for the Student Government Association but for the entire Student Neighborhood. We couldn't have been happier with the turnout and enthus iasm." With one year of success under their belts, SGA had hopes for the continued entertainment of GhettoFest in the fut ure.


pin find time

to complete the dreaded



emember those dreaded Sunday nights ? You looked around your room at the ungodly mess that had

accumulated on your floor over the past two weeks. You

remembered this morning when you took out your last pair

task of

of clean underwea r and put on the same pair of jeans you'd

doing laundry

been wearing for four days. And you realized you must give

in; you simply could not put off doing you r laundry any longer. Senior Beth Nock admitted to procrastinating when it ca me to doing her laundry. " I literally wait until the last

minute to do mine. I even have a washer and dryer in my house but the

basement is just too scary. It's so pathetic. " There are some students who found their way around waiting in lines in the laundry rooms. " I live close enough that I just take my laundry home. It's free for me, plus I get to go home for a few hours," said Junior Amy Peppard. Some students found other ways to avoid doing their laundry. Junior Tim Bailey had his own philosophy: "Laund ry? Just Febreeze it." No matter how stu dents handled their laundry, with or without ca re, it was another one of those inevitable tasks faced by U D students.

These ghetto residents ca n breathe a big sigh of relief as they have finally completed their laundry.

Stain. Stain. Go Away... • Shirt too smoky from a night at Tim's? Air it out in a steamy room ana soak in cola water. • Mysterious /ipstick on your shirt collar? Pre· treat with stain remover then pre·soak. • Coffee spill from an all· nighter? Blot stain with vinegar ana water.

Far left : Boxers or briefs? JuniorTim Blum answers this question as he takes care in folding his boxers at McG innis.

Left: Mom, Hel p ! First year student, Ralph Rosenberger, attempts to sort through his clothes during a trip to the laundry room. Doing their own laundry was one of the big adjustments first year encountered th is year.

fie: Spencer Izor gets her dai ly weight At 7:04 A.M. sopho Wa5fj member of UD's Women's Softbal l workout completed. early morning workouts. (Photo by team who endured ma

Barbie Evans)

Eighty-six thousand four hundredl" thousand four hundred forty r[11nu',,:•. hours. That's how long it t ook students and one campus. four photographers used 12 catching the essence of U D cam,>"'" a day in life at UD.

t hopes of

I At 9:45 P.M . Juniors Katie Sime Szulwach prepare for a long i for their Accounting Block. At year student Vince Ciraldo by Megan Haas, Andrew




9: 58 a.m. First-year student Sara Kasmer focuses on completing the detailed work of her self-portrait for her Color and Design class in the Rike Center. (Photo by Barbi Evans)


2: p.m. Thi s worn-out student tries to hide from all the work he has to do and catches a quick nap in the Humanities

Plaza. The plaza served as a popular area for students to study, sleep and social ize. (Photo by Paul Colietti)

12:03 p.m. Students in Dr. Peipgrass's orga nic chemistry class mix chemicals and perform experiments during their lab. UD's science labs were kept fume-and-steam-filled all year long. (Photo by Paul Colletti)

1:37 p.m. Construction workers intently work in the ghetto moving sand. Thanks to workers like these, the ghetto's volleyball courts are put into good use. (Photo by Paul Colletti)

• •


10:56 p.m. Junior Andy Gapinski focuses on his SGA election campaign late into the evening_ Gapinski, along with running mate, Sarah

Grover, were elected as U D's newest president

and vice president ticket. (Photo by Andrew Smith

and Megan Haas)

3: 08 p.m. Senior Jim Westfal l concentrates on perfecting his vase on the pottery wheel. For many art majors, the Rike Center became a second home and place of many late evenings. (Photo by Paul Colletti)

10: 50 p.m. Junior Nick Weaver works to sweep the commuter lounge in the Kennedy Union. Many UD students earn their spending money by working on the KU staff.

12:00 a.m. Junior Thomas Johnson can't help but smi le as he flashes his Ld. to a bouncer. Johnson, like many newly-legal students, chose to celebrate his birthday at the Fieldhouse with his first drink. (Photos by Andrew Smith and Megan Haas)

After twenty-t hree years under the leadersh ip of Brother Ray, UD prepared to welcome its f irst lay preSident, Daniel Curran.



nxiously awa iting the end of the 19-month presidentia l search, over 600 students, faculty, and staff filled KU Ballroom on a fitting February 18,

President's Day. UD's governing body elected Daniel Curran, the executive vice president and vice president of academic affairs at St. Joseph Col lege, as the fi rst lay president in UD's 152-year history. As he addressed the commu nity for the first time, Curran said, "What attracted me to t he University of Dayton was its

comm itment to social justice, strong campus commun ity, an d its vision to be a nationa l leader in Catholic higher ed ucation ," With his distinguished background of academic ach ievements, Cu rran w ill provide the un iversity with both academic and co mmunity goals. Ric hard Finan, the chair of the presidential sea rch comm ittee and board of trustees, comme nted , " I think he's a wo nderful pick. He will fit the Marianist culture like a glove." Finan w as not the only individual boasting about this decision. Kate Ruda , the SGA president, said, " It was a true honor to be a student rep resentative in the president selection process. Dan Curran is an excellent fit tq fu lfil l our mission. He has a tru e understanding of our Marianist heritage and our strides to be recognized as a leader in Catholic higher education." The University will deeply miss Brother Ray and his dedication to leadership but it looks forward t o the transistion of a promisi ng new leader.

The UD community held a memorial mass where friends and family could gather to celebrate the life of junior Bret Scanlon.

the saddened campus community faces the sudden loss of fellow

classmate and treasured friend

Don't think of him as 90ne away-his journey's just be9un, life holds so many facets-this earth is only one ... just th ink of him as restin9 from the sorrow and the tears in a place of warmth and comfort where there are no days and years. Think how he must be wishin9 that we could know today how nothin9 but our sadness can really pass away. And think of him as livin9 in the lives of those he touched ... for nothin9 loved is ever lost-and he was loved so much. By E. Brenneman

The University lost a beloved member of its community over Easter break. Bret Scan lon, son of Terrence and Patricia Scanlon and a junior finance major, was killed in a tragic car accident near his home in Brecksville, Ohio. Bret's absence could be felt all through campus. But his presence certainly remained in the hearts of those who loved him .


relocates to the beach to toast the ena of the year








Are you ready to RUMBLE?

Rachel $umme displays her singing talents du ring the ever*popular karaoke at the Pit Stop.

Chicken fight contestants battle it out to the cheers of poolslde


Half t he fun of the t rip takes place in the hotel rooms getting ready and partying with friends.




UD's Daytona trip is home to the world's largest Flip Cup Tou rnament with well over 100 teams participati ng ~

;n the day-long tournament. W;nners of the tournament ,ece;ved a f,ee tc;p to Daytona next yOM.


With over 200 different clubs and organizations, each student found a way to become involved in something they believed In. Joining an organization provides a beneficial experience to every individual involved. By developing leadership skills, volunteering for community service projects, and contributing to advanced education, each


a" izati0"

the students who comprised it and in 2002

reached new

successes . .

uniquely represented



undred s of students f looded Humani t ies Pla za to lea rn about the many organizations th at UD offered t he student body. From fraternities and sororities to academic groups, UD had an

organization t hat meets th e needs and wants of almost all stude nts. After being postpon ed once due to inclement weathe r, the annual Up the Organizations Day t ook place in Human ities plaza. But

t his year there was a different feel to the event. As the nation began to pick up the pieces left behind by the

terrorist attacks that took place on September 11 , the UD community joined t he nation in a da y of prayer and remem brance. Students,

faculty, and staff stopped what they were doing to join the country in a moment of silence in remembrance of those w ho died in the tragedies at the World Trade Cen ter and the Pentagon. At '1:55 students and faculty packed Humanities la wn and created a hauntingly si lent sou nd of prayer. After the serv ice was over, there was a feeling of unity t hroughout the fair. Students eagerly walked from ta ble to table gatheri ng f lyers and pamphlets about various orga nizations. Strangers became f riends and many studen ts wa lked away w ith a sense of belongi ng as wel l as with new ways t o get involved.

Members of the Flyer TV show what they have to offer in style. Flyer TV is responsible for all the shows that run on channel 50 including R U Dating and UD Cribs .

Students crowded Humanities Plaza throughout the day in hopes of finding a new way to get involved. More than 100 organizations were represented at the event.




hool Spirit




Alpha Phi Omega ~ -

Row 1: Rebecca Zakelj, Nicole Moseley, Timothy Mead, Emmy Moosbrugger Row 2: Amanda Dickman, Laura Shu la, Shannon Conlon, Sarah Gainer, Casey Smith, Andria Rasile, Michelle Abfalter, Laura Berger Row 3: Jose Pratts, Dale Quirke, Melissa Simons, Dominic Irwin, Lauren Morgan, David Karol, Brian Kelly, Nicholas Roberts Row 4: Timothy Fernandes, Kate Ruda, Kati Ford, Vince Chehval, Samuel Hanke, Brian Maxwell, Matthew Meier

Row 1: Carrie Bidigare, Medved, Ben lambers, Laura Murphy, Jen DeCraene, Sarah Gaynor, Row 2: Elizabeth Ernst, Sarah Vecci, Kathy Cullen, Mel Dougherty, Molly Brown, Amanda Fox, Row 3: Kristin Ligus, James Lamb, Deborah McManamon, Ian Cook, Shannon Lively, Sarah Knisley



โ ข

ยงe AmericGn Inst. of Chan. Eng. /

Row 1: Yana Permana, Lisa Muckley, Jeff McCutcheon, Rachel Miketa Row 2: Brian McMorrow, Ryan O'Rourke, Gregory Rosebrock, Brian Downey, Holly Roetgerman Row 3: Nicholas Trombley, Bradon Dreyer, Zachary Smith, Greg Bajbus, Chris Henry Row 4: Christopher Braddock, Ryan Schwarb, John Kuhn, Ryan





ru Y

American Marketing Assoc.

Row 1: Sarah Swartz, Aaron Sorrentino

American Advertising Federation

RoW 1: Lauren Eva nko, Emily Wearstler, Sarah Swartz, Tera

Martin, Stacy (ooreman, ROw 2: Dyl(ia M o rell, Jennifer McGuire, Christin Severt, Paige

American Chem. Society

Row 1: Amy King, Dale Quirke, Nicole Brown Row 2: Matthew Meier, Brent Caldwell, Emily Moosbrugger

Scheidler, Adam Reuscher, Hanh Nguyen

American Red Cross Volunteers

ROW 1: Ashley Kory tkowski, Amritraj Loganathan, Jill Kantor, Robb Winkle, Jacki Cervone

A""",lcan Soc. of Mach. Eng.

Row 1: Amy Poeppelman, Joshua Jam ison, Mandy

Brogdon, Row 2: Steve Fann ing, Steve Teubl. Kevi n Goetz, Adam Schofield,

Before the Cincinnati Reds baseball game, members of SGA goof around and show how SGA is not all work. SGA participated in many community and social events throughout the year.

Seniors Alicia Bau r, Coleen Pratt, and Luis lIop, flip burgers in a crowded McGinnis Greenspace for the in t tation of t he ~ Ghe t to Smarts" campaign. Tim Armstrong, a senior business senator, challenges himself wh ile walking on his hands on a high ropes course. SGA ventured to Cincinnati in order to strenghten leadership sk it ls for the upcomi ng year.

AiiViiStY Intimational

Amanda Tcckman. Kirstie Bowling. Katie Leisner. Deborah Hin

for ComputIng

Row I: Dr. Jenn ifer Seitzer (ad visor). Edward McPhillips, Jcll"rcy Wassi1. Michael Hutt Row 2: Greg BU7..zard, Bankirn C haregaonkar. Brian McGee, JetTGalics

l/ze {tlCf/ Taking "One giant leap for UD," Kate Ruda and Luis Llop led the student body to new heights this year. First, by electing twice as many students to

serve on the executive co mmittee, the association extended awa reness to all students. The organization exceeded their goal of ?10,OOO by raising ~2.oJooo for the United Way student campaign.

"We were aliso excited because we went beyond our goal! Reaching the goal was the product of the entire student body contributing," exclaimed Senior service liaison, Amy Queenan. SGA also helped convince the presidential search committee that student representation was an essential part in selecting a new president for the university. After long days of debating, Tim Armstrong (Business Senator), Luis Llop (Vice President), Kate Ruda (President), Jonathon Pyles (Humanities Senator), and Gabby Kusz Ounior senator) were chosen to represent the student in the interview process. SGAfocused its efforts on the students' well being by leading "g hetto smarts. " A new campaign that reminded stu dents about partying safely. With all of their outstand ing accomplishments during the year, SGA reached out to the students, responded to their wishes and led the UD commu nity in a new direction .

Asso. for



Row I: Benson. Melissa Lacon. Julie lIart Row"- . J.~nnl ,.I.'r Adlof, Amanda .,' I,mil,,, Row 3: Kristen Kidder. Elizubcth

MCManus Row 4: MIchelle llelislc, Renc '",h',"d. Rebecc,a KrcC1.ko. Rachel Glidden. Not Pictured: Kim Bobeck, Andrea

Row I: Pat Flannery. Dan Hoying. Mark Bruns, lefT Meyrosc, Josh Janicek. Row 2: Nick Weiekc1, Jason Griffi th, Bryan Ortwcrth, Matt Brown. Doug Wasil Row 3: Brandon RuybouOle, Greg Popham, Brent Puthoff, Brian Mercedes. Andy Hyduk. Row 4: Jim Berkemeier, Mall Bruns. Dan Dietz, Will Lamb, Mark Hoying

or many on campus, math is a subject that an,d-nlerJ;"1V taken to fulfill requirements, but for some is just one of the many academic dubs which students could join this year. The dub was started several years ago b math ajors looking for students with similar majors and i terest . " joined math dub to meet people and to have the opportunity to further my skills," president Julia Tosi said. The dub meets once a week to discuss various topiCS and practice for competition. This past year the group took part in several competitions. These events gave members a chance to practice their skills and bond with one another. "Some of the best times from this past year took place at competitions," Tosi continued. The dub also holds severa l social functions, as do most organizations, which gave members an opportunity to get to know one another on a more personal level. All in all this was a good year for the club, they did not win much but they made great friends.

Beta Beta Beta

Row1; i I, i Theresa Teschendof, Jennifer Callery, Kristin Scott

Row 2: Suzanne Sunnenberg, Molly Burns, Brian Kuzan, Michael Merriman, Katie Meier, Crista Montgomery, Justin Caserta, Jessica Giancola

Big Brothersl Big Sisters

Row 1:


Kaufman, Elizabeth Andrea Mahrt Row 2:

Crista Montgomery, Gregory

Smith, Mark Jones, Rene Suchland, Jennifer Callery


Child on Row 1: i Qadeer, Thaila leisinger, LaChelle Barnett, Usa Melton Row 2: laToya Dreher, Heather Nooks, Lauryne Bailey, Tiffany Friend, Tre Johnson, Aaliyah Asadl, Juan Farmer, Jewel Harden Row 3:)oi lathian, Shannon Shelby, Brandon Riggins, Jason Simmons, Domini Malcom, Jerron Parker, Charnita Westry, Knasarae Orr

Row +: Marie Pettijohn, Betsy Berlinghof, Jayson Quinones, LeRoy Fullwood Jr., Stephen Offord II, lawrence Flack II, Terrance White, lydia Harris.

Campus Activities Board

Row 1; Karen II lammi, 'Ii~,~;:~~~~ Kathleen Norman, Amber Rose, Tasha SI Row 2: Kathryn Clark. Maureen Kelly, Paul Barbatano, Michael Sparks, Trevor Crossen, Kathryn Schock. Maura Carroll

,----------- --------------------------

tMilt fJVJci{ Those who have been to a Dayton Flyers basketball game could not help but notice the sea of red

t hat overpowered the north end of the arena. This was the section t hat is always on their feet showing their school spirit in hopes of chee ring the Flyers to victory. RedScare consisted of over two hundred students who waited in line for hours and com peted in games such as UD basketball trivia, Twister, and balloon waving

co ntests to inc rease thei r chances of getting a shot at purchasing season tickets. "I've never seen that big of a game of twister or that many people waving balloons for such a long time/, said Christy Riccardi , a RedScare board member. This yea r's RedScare saw many notable

cha nges. Theme nights were created, chee rs were cha nted, and props were added to encourage student involvement. Members were also required to help for a total of t hree hours with some sort of RedScare activity and each member was required to sell five fund ra ising cards. " People may not realize it, but th ere is a lot be learned from belonging to an organization such as RedScare," president Greg Pophaim explained. " One can learn about commitment, dedication, teamwork and responsibility- all of which are traits directedly related to everyday life. "


Carrie lierman, Jessie:! Lynn. Amber

,w,. Grn", Mills. Nicholas Long. Timothy

Row I: Chris Bomba. n ung Lu Row 2: Councny Monlgomery, Susan Smith. Gail Bichlmeir. Phil LUlhman, Krislin Carmody. Eric Rcttcrb~sh, Mel issa Rau Row 3: Greg Steffens. I'h il licring\o n. Darius Babcock. Justin Budd. Michael Koss, Will Freed. TilTany Slack Row 4: Paul Ko. Brad Schweitzer, Mike Biers, Man Jones. Sean Brennan. Mike Trinity

Stu d

ents race to get a seat during f

. I

a challenging ga me 0 mUSlCil

chairs. Interested students reici pated In a number of ~ f .

activitieS in hopes 0 getting chose n as a RedScare member.

The executive members of RedScare pause for a picture bef ore a game. The executive committee is in charge of coordinating all RedScare events as well

as choosing the members for the season.

Fans and RedSca re members cheer the Flyers against a school

rival, Xavier. Red Scare sported red and blue wigs and waved balloons to help distract the opponent. This year Red Scare chose different theme night s throughout the season to give members a chance to dress up and show their school spi r it in a

d ifferent way.

Chi Epsilon

R~w 1: Ene Olldcmk, Paul Goodhue. SUs.1n Grillo. Joseph DeLong. Elizabeth Kuypers, Row 2: Laura Sullivan, Emilie Worley, Seolt Piil72a. Erin Bickley, DilYid Beach, Ah~y Krop f. Ro ..... 3: Tommy Arnold, Lisa Mellon. Slephen n owell, David Kall, Lori Haycs, Mike Dooley

Christmas on Cam

Row 1: Jackie Weckesser. Julie Fcnal. Kim SlClmaszak, Kmic Digman, Holly Roetgennan, Katie Tichar. Lisa Muekley. Anne Digman Row 2: Holly Barrell, Anthony Watkins. Judy Stenner. Patrick Norwood. Lisa Kaiser, Amanda Ahrens. Elizabeth Zelasko. Jessica Grocnke, Row 3: Jeanine Forsythe, Lauren Gress. Mike Droege, Bryan McEldowney. Carl (Bill) Eger. Paul Eben. Dean Weseli, Kerry Barker

L tu:.O!ugI1jttleir involvement in PRSSA, studenls proved Ihat there was more their major Ihan going to class . ....The U~hapl er of the national organization PRSSA, or the Public Rel~tions Studenl Society of America, was dedicated to pr viding the necessary tools for one to capitalize on the fastgrowing ipdustry of public relations. PfilSSA gave students concentrating in Public Relations Ihe opportunity to make valuable contacls and to practice their future trade. Members also Iraveled to nalional and regional conferences w~e re they had t e opportunity to meet other students involved in PRSSA. ,,"":,=,= "PRSSA provided free PR work 10 organizations on campus," President Mari Jo Vazzo said . "It was a greal two-way relationship, they received a service and we were able to practice our skills." This year the group held its first panel discussion . Ten communication professionals from the Dayton area were invited to address questions ranging from post graduation plans and getting a job to networking a resume. "PRSSA gave me an opportunity to gain public relations experience before I entered the real world, and it helped build my leadership skills," Vazzo declared.

Row,: Todd Engel, Jillian Teten, colleen Savage, Andrew (.lin Row 1.: Jennifer Huscroft, Sarah Sydlowskl, Andrea B09uszewski, Shanna Daly, Susan Santen, Sara Fields, Kimberly Wilhelm Row 3: Gretchen Graber, Rachel Seitz, Peter Birmingham II, Alison Grieshop, Fran(ine Smith, caitlin Lynch, Kari Blaeser, A5hely Kr0gel Row 4: Madeleine Dy, Katrina Ware, Victor Finomore, Thomas TImmers, Michael Senger, Amanda Wilke, Lee Lust

Row 1: Jacob Hemmerick, Catherine Evans, Bryan Whitaker, Melissa Will Row 2: Matthew Matzek, A. J, Booth, Patrick Sablich, Ceborah Hirt

Collegiate Middle I.cYeI Association

Row 1: Elizabet h Carr, Lauren Sylvester, Maureen Kaiser, Aimee Vogt, Katherine Coyle Row 2: Christina Phelps, christie Meehan, Jenn Grothouse Row 3: Shelley Creque, Heather Johnston, Meghan Doyle, Molly Barnes

Concert Board Mem bers of PRSSA gather at a social fljnction. Academic orga nizations helped improve important skills needed for the future, as w ell as allow members to meet new people.

Row 1: Ryan Douglas, Brett Dawson, Krist! Guggisberg, Sara Lowery Row 2: Emily Mahon ~ Timothy Fogarty, Kevin Seidenwand, Patrick Hunt


Brothers pose for a picture during a Halloween party at Tim's. Social events are an ~ important part of the f ra ternit because they give members anY U// 4 opportunity to hang out in a ... relaxed environment.



Brothers take a break from walking homeless dogs for a loca l anima l shelter. Service work is one of the many aspects of the fraternity that allows members to give back to the community.

Row 1: , i , Kaitlin Caldwell, Casey McDonald, Peter Ross, Anthony Tintelnot Row 2: Adam Shaw, Scott Kerns, Mark vossler, Andrew Foster, Charles Hofstetter Jr. (coach), Michael Foley, Evan Krekeler, Sean Yandle, Ryan Schwieterman, Sean Corcoran,m Row 3: Chris Murrer, Greg Schena, Joseph Wey, Brendan Daly, Daniel Horwitx, John Collins, Vincent Farinacci, John Jelercic, James larson, Ryan Barrer Row 4 : Tim Holt, Samer Ghafarl, Matthew Heyrman. Paul Demmy, Chris SChraff' Timmy O'Toole, John Hemmert, Collin Delaney, David Filipski, Sean Winchell, Joe lauherty



Sophomore Tim Bailey and juniors Mike Littler and Brian Bourne stop to smile du ring a winter rush party. Interested students are req uired to three rush parties as wel l as part in a formal interview in order to be eligible to joi n the fraternity.

i Reina HayeS, Courtney pfenning, Ariel Hoehl, King, Emily Kohrman, Jessi'" Cunningham Row 1: CecilIa Stoner, Jessica Magno, Audrey Bentz, Raffaelli, Linda Casola, Sarah Metzger, Deana Soffos, Nadia Zaaldan, Michelle Francis Row 3: Amy Wagar, Hedi Fichtner, Lisa Edgar, . Brunner, Christina Wagner, Adrienne Niess, Danielle Owad, Emily Abraham-Linesch, Andrea Marvin, Karen Keating, Jamie Thomas,


Check Row 4 : Lindsay Rowland, Amy King, Michelle Mchone, Nicole Moseley, Julie wenck, Lindsay Wilson, Elizabeth Daly, Rachel Glidden, Christina Skoch, laura Torres, Nimmons

mmunicafion iA !tet,


Communication is important in life and no organization knows this better than Phi Beta Chi professional communications fraternity. Founded in the spring of 1989, the fraternity was organized to promote the best in the communication fie ld, to live a life of service, and to seek and develop the highest type of humanity. " Phi Beta Chi is more than a professional fraternity, it is an opportunity for students to meet people in their major and form lasting friendships," junior Michelle Desmaretz, president, said. Phi Beta Chi is just one of the many professional societies students at UD can join. The fraternity offers students the opportunity to interact with other students in their major as well as other students that have the same career goals. Throughout the year members attend chapter meetings, participate in fund-raisers, and listen to guest speakers who are employed in various aspects of the communicat ions field. "I am excited with the new direction the f raternity has taken," Desmaretz explained. "We are a growi ng organization with no where to go but up." In add ition, members participate in service opportunities as well as members plan and attend socia l events such as forma ls and date parties.

bance Marathon

Row 1: Shannon Conlo n, Dave Ziat ', Andrea Livingston, Beth Wechter '

~ow 2 : Megan Cull en, Kate


, Laurie Brock, Laura

abcock, Debbie Schroeder Row 3: len Zielonko, Nate Baldasa e, Marcy Carew, Tara Bertke, Christopher Kasch


Row 1: Beth Wechter, Mandy Pouder, Tim Bailey, Megan Haas, Jill Triplett Row 1: Paul Colletti, Micaiah Kline, Lisa Distelzweig Kyley Brand , Eileen Daudelin , Jeff Meyrose

Row 1: Dana DelMedico, Amy Rag land, Katie George, Colleen McGrath, Sarah Grover Row 2: And rea Paliwoda, Maria Marzano, Stephanie Jones, Natalie Sut herland, Tessa Fraser, Megan Haas Row 3: Mary Kate Gocke, Emily Gag non, Sean McM ani man, Jay Scherger, Andu Leibold, Julie Bennett, Annie Gossett Row 4: Mi ke Kemer, Steve Huelsman, Nick Beck, Matthew Arko, James Glaser, Erin Dwyer, Kyley Brand

Row 1 : Owen Serey, Kevin Lane, Row 2: Maegan Swisher, Jenn ie Ha ines. Kelly Sch reier, Bridget Hen nessy Row 3: Eric Lall y, Patrick Hu fford, Pat Hart , Jo hn Tisdell

Delta Sigma Theta

Row 1: Knasa rae Orr, Joi lath ion, Wendy Spencer


Habitat for--"-Humanity

Row 1: (ara Fisher, Josh Wilson, Rachel Miketa, Anthony DesPlaines, Mike Rutigliano, Mel Goss Row 2: Sandra Pochmara, Marina Stanberry, Er in Link, Greg Rosebrock, Bridget Hamblin, Mandy Brogdon, Karen Brinkman Row 3: Sean Mason, Dan iel Olson,

Joseph Barger, Sarah Swartz, Jonathan


ROW1 : Stephanie Reilly, Brianna Olson, Michelle Klinker, Jane Brewer, Angie Dambrosio, Clarissa Goosby Row l : Christina Wagner, Katherine Jarasiu5, Rachael Pitman, Merrily King, Julia M erski Row 3: Katy Ursie, Stephan ie Ward, Jessica Flischel, Emily Kohrman, Latisha Willia ms

Roller Hockey

Row 1: Matt Behm, Jason N iemann, Emmett McDonald, Dan Owen, Frank Benenati, Row 2: Vincent Pourbaix, Steven Schulte, Russ Goetz, Nate Kaplan, Greg Rambo

ver wo nder W 0 chooses the movies that you stayed up late watch ing on the mo ie channe l ? Or who represented the voice of resid ential life can -erns when dealing with the administration? :rhe Resident Student Association , or RSA is it is widely known on cam p-usr ! the umbrella organization for several areas of campus. They work with councils from all the resident halls and communities among the unive~ ity to assist in coordinating hall programs and community buildi gs. "RS;A; is a antastic opportu ni ty to get involved," commented nne Condron, the movie channel coordinator. As a proud affiliate of the National Association of College and University Residence halls, RSA participated in regional and national conferences, working with similar organizations from allover the cou ntry. They attended the national conferences, held on the campus of Rutgers University, and attended the national co nference ..._ - _. : in M innesota. With what the members learned at the conference, they were able to get UD involved with 'Of t he Month', an award that recognized spectacular people, organizations and events that improve campus life. Not only is RSA an organization that helps to improve residential life, but it also improves the skills of its members as well. " RSA has been a key component to the development of my leadership skills, senior Andrea Livingston, president of RSA said. " It has been one of the major elements in my experience at UD, and I am to all the I I have worked with! " If

Committee members pose f or a picture duri ng the NACURH. M embers worked with students f rom other

~OOIS tq gain ideas on how to improve resident ial lif e at UD.

International Club

Punsin, Yana Permana, Augustine Permana Row 2: Susana Puig, Liliya Stoyanova, Akey F Loaky, Kevin O'Keefe Scott Haywood, Robyn Gorman

Row,: Meo,," -;;Q;iSO:;; ;:;m;:;; McDonald, Mich Sex Row 2: Kylea Corbin,

Sarah White-Petteruti, Megan Donahue, Ann Dinda, Kelly Moroney, Katie O'Shaughnessy Row 3: Sarah Grady, Katelyn Blackwood, John Edney, Jason Niemann, Ashley Geisen, Danielle Owad, Cindy leskey


A committee member shows off his ideas to other students at the conference.

RS A members take a break

during a jam-packed day full

of guest speakers and small group discussions. The

Students participated in many different activities throughout the (onvention in hopes of generating ideas.

Marrero, i ClaudiO, Dykia Row 2: Sanibel Acosta, Francisco Lugo, Roberto Espada, Rolando Colon, Daniel Mardel, Tiburcio Zapata, luis Pratts路 Emanuelli

Math Club

members who attended the conference brought away new ideas to share with the UD co mmunity.

i Michelle Franz, Katherine Hesketh



For many students, the dream of broadcasting live on the radio became a reality on FAA 99.5, Flyer Radio, "the sta t ion with too much rock for one frequency," Originally an AM radio station whic h was buried in a closet in KU, Flyer Radio has come a long fro m the days when its transmission ba rely

reached students in the Ghetto. Today the station about 75 DJ's that work sh ifts playing music, ng co ncert in f ormation an d promoting t he l e',ellts the station sponsors. "The staff pu t s a Jot of time and effort into I makinq sure the station funct ions well," General nager Ji llian Hanigosky said. liThe DJ's are on the If",", line making sure t hat the music is played, ing fun, and learn ing fro m the experience." For many students concentrating in I broa,j castilng, the st ation gave them t he I OI)pI)rt l nity to gain experience on t he air. Six ior student OJ's were even invi t ed to broadcast life from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Clevela nd, OH. Nex t year the stu dio w ill be redecorated and wit hin 3 yea rs, it w ill be moving to t he Lea rn ing Li ving Arts center in the cente r of the Ghetto. " It was a good year and a good staff, we had ou r problems" but hopeful ly with the makeover the sta t ion wi ll get the respect it deserves," Sophomore Hunter Quinlivan mixes' Hanigosky said. up during an afternoon broadcast.

Militia of the Immaculata


i Akers, Amy Ryan, Mcintyre, Elizabeth DeTardo

Row 1: Paul Jusseaume, Michael Cardillo, Eric Culier, Brad Schweit,zer


Bands was the most popw event held by flyer Radle This year more com peted for t~ an 14 bal the tOP pn sattle of tt

A local UD band performs to a packed crowd in the Pub. Band competitions this year.

Moc Tr ial Team


Model - United Nations ,


j Row 1: Hea tt Karney

Ga lioto, Jacob Sulek, Brian Murray, Shawn

~ow 2, : Jennifer Bla zer,

Erin Kuenzig, Anne Johnston, Marissa artley, Elaine Beren dsen Row 3: Ja mie Hans haw, Jason Brueshaber, Patrick Vallely, Casey MLJrph,y M eQan M acos ko, Dan Burkhart

Row 1: Deborah Hirt, Alyson George, David Kall, Renee Michel, Amanda Teckman Row 2: Holly Armstrong, Kirstie Bowling, Pat Sablich, Katie Leisner Row 3: Andrew Ramser, Gavin Kubes, Ryan Shafer, Theresa Strob

Music Therapy Club

Row 1: Yvonne

Hanefel,j, Katt,eclneK,eln,bl1;["

Meredith Rossbach, Sarah Koester Row 2: Lindsay Wilkins, Julia Brock, Melissa Grant Row 3: Renee Young, Miranda McGovern, Laura Booher

Ohio Collegiate Music Edu, Assoc ,

, Row 1: Debi Kostek, Brian Holder, Melissa

Shuster, Row 2.: Maureen Mahoney, Betsy Glass, Abby Doss, Erin Cullin, Alison Kohrmann

Omicron Delta Kappa

Ben lambers and Stacy Livingston Row 2: Leslie Fitzgerald, Karen Fisher,

Meyer play with children during a trip with Dunbar Manor Kids to the Children's Museum in Dayton .

Elizabeth Daly, Jeffrey Shafer

Orpheus Sen!or Ben Lambers helps to dean up the swimming pool at Camp Birch by carrying as many life

jackets as he can. Most of Alpha Phi Omega's service work takes place off campus in areas of need.

Tom Immen, Lauren Weiss, Katie Varatta

OU ll d ,'d in 1990. t he Alpha Gamma Xi chapter of Alp ha 121j11"ga:~7.~~~ted to three basic pri nciples: leadership, friendship "AIPtlg-IPhil-0 rm'ga offers t he students of University of Dayton a ch,m'ce t he commun ity surround ing the University in a different D", t Ben Lambers said. "Being part of a co hesive service all o,v-" people to explore various service opportunities and get to pe'qple on a deeper level rather than am idst t he typical col lege ghout t he year members had opportunities to participate in servi,:e ~,( t i vi t il'"both on and off the U D campus. The organization y,'lrk,edjwiith several groups in Dayton and th e surrounding cities I",:lU'Q"l9 Woma nline, Dun bar Manor and Ch ild ren's Medical Center . ....- 路1'1 .0. P.E, or helping other people event, is the organizations largest annual f undraiser. Th is year members formed tea ms an d competed in a scavenger hunt t hroughout the city of Dayton. All the proceeds of the event went to Daybreak Foundation, a local shelter for runaway teens. "Members interact with child ren, t he el derly, participate in food drives, va r ious f und raisers fo r commun ity organizations such as Daybreak run-away shelter, the H umane soclety of Dayton, Dunbar Manor and several ot hers," Lamber exlpained. "Last semester alone the close to 50 members of Alpha Phi Omega contrib uted close to 900 ( yes nine hundrea~ hotlrs of com unity service, " In addition, Alp ha Phi Omega worked with seve ral other service orga nizations on ca m pus incl uding Habi t at f or H umanity, Int o the Streets and Christmas on helpi ng t o make t heir efforts a

.Mollie Mallin and Ama nda Fox ma ke decorat ions f or COe. Alpha Phi Omega works w ith many ot her ~ . orga niza t ions on cam pus t o helpi ng out whenever t hey can .


While in Washington D C Brooks Vankirk Photog~a'Phs one of the many protesters outside of the White House.

Members take a minute to smile for a picture durin9 a dinner at one of the many conventions the or9anization attended .

Pagan & Secularist Alliance

Row 1: Morgen Schuler, Janelle Brophy, Karolyn Budzek, Ruth Braid

Pershing Rifles

.Row 1: Brian Noel, Nicole Hendel, Amie Nicola Row 2: Anthony T. Howell, David Erwin , Jay Ross

olitically (J{t)'/r:'t'/

Understanding the issues of our day so that one impact our community in a positive way is portant. No group knows thi s better than UD's I chlapterof College Republi ca ns. The University of Dayton College Re publicans is of four political organizations on campus in which I st'Jdents could participate. The goal of the organization to aid in the election of local, state, and national I R"p'JDlican candidates and to involve as many students possible in the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. " We help promote campus awareness of issues l o,:culrriing in t he news," President Sean Bartley plained. " By working along side the other political roups on camp us we have gotten many registered to I ve,re. " Thro ugh week ly meetings more than fifty I menlb,>rs of College Republicans coordinate schedu les to IWIJrk with politica l campaigns throughout the Miami In the fall, the group hosted the Ohio Col lege I R"p'Jb liC21O State Convention. The convention invites I scho,ols from thro ughout the state to come together and IdisCIJSS important issues. "Col lege Republicans allows an outlet for t he open l e,:chanoe of ideas," Bartley contin ued. "We openly brace other points of view so that we ca n intel ligently l e':Dress our opinions. "


Phi Alpha Theta

Alpha Delta

I FUrman Krist;n~~

Sprouse, Mlc:h.,,~ ' . GarcIa, Stephan ie Potts, ~~~~:~~,~~:~ Row 2 : Carne Miller, Melissa I DeVllllers, William

Row1 :



Lamb, Sarah Male nich, M ichele ~~w 3: Catherine Evans, Nikki Irt, Lisa 5 hroeder, Erin Meyer

RO~ Strong,


Row,路 J H S I . mle anshaw, Jacob, H~~~~~~~!2!~::.2 0~ .n~i~.IU a em I. AI any Booth, Ariel U

Row 1: Suzanne Thomas, Elaine Berendsen, Ju lia Santucci, Kim Novak Row 2: Usa Hoops, Sarah Hagye, Elizabeth Rea, Erica Nooney

he National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) . fall paying tribute to hundreds of UD honor scholastically throughout college. is a group that values scholarship and service to underclassmen whose academics reflect a and above and whose involvement in extracurricular exemplify the ideals of the organization. group of six students, spearheaded by sophomore I Brent Kirkland , started the UD chapter in the One of more than 120 chapters nationwide, i boasted one of the highest new member I Midwest region , with nearly 500 students honored at the September '01 induction. "When we were approached with the idea, we viewed it as a great challenge ," vice president John Popelar said. "I was just amazed at the response we've had. It's become something that UD, hopefully, can develop and grow around for years to come." With no where to go but up, this organization, while still in its youth , has great potential to eXI,arldfov" "'b..",a'Xbil"~I"Jf',a,&<"",'" campus.


-"'=-"'- -


NSCS executive members Brian Armentrout, Mar ~ l~inoee. Colin Brabeuder, John Popelar,

Brent Kirkland stand at attention during i

Phi Beta Chi

Row 1: Jen Semelka, Sarah Chapman, Roger A. Young, Brooke Folkerth, Row 2: Mari Jo Vazzo, Tim Bailey, Kristle Stewart, Ana Durand, Megan Cullen, leslie Fitzgerald, laura Sturtz, Kimberly Stachler

Pi Mu Epsilon

Row 1: Chris Bomba, Julia Tosi, Marcy Carew, Michelle Franz, Katherine Hesketh

Annette Gable, NSCS scholarship re<ipient, poses with a representative from the organization. Each member had a chance to win a scholarship based on a written essay, academic achievement, and community service.

Veronica Jamieson, Andrea DiSantis, Ann popelar, Regina Taylor, Annette Gabel, Jessica Martin, Row 2: Julie Helimniak, Lauren Teemer, Sharon Wright, Rachal Ven Loveren, Sarah Arszman, Kasey Cheesman Row 3: Karen Clancy, Christa Montgomery, Kelly Carney, Kimberly Williams, Matt Minton, Kathleen Jeffers, Kristy Taylor, Ni kki Morris

Prof. Josh Schranl, NSCS advisor, gives a speech to students and paren ts before new members are ind ucted.

Prison Action Group for Education and SerYice

Row 1: , II Christina Rutherford, Row 2: Jason Inkritt, Gregory Hyland II , Von Der Embse


Row 1: Marl Jo Vazzo, Meghan McFadden, Allyson Naour, Andrea Livingston, Row 2: Amy Herron, Katie Hauer, Erica Young, Laura Sturtz, Katie Mannhard, Anna Klapp, Kate Con rad

Rugby (Women's)

Row 1: Bob Richthammer ( coach), Brianna DeBai,;, Maureen O'Malley, Ke lly vennekotter, Patrice Fino, Andrea Herman , Shannon Vandenhaute, Brian Colson (coach) Row 2: Brea Lheureux, Meagan Meehan, Mallory Carlson, Abbey Groeschel , Lau ra Ri chart, Joanne Pfeiffer Row 3: Colleen O'Connor, Kelly Sizer, Yarissa Peart, Ka t hleen Kress, Ei leen Madigan, Shannon Wa lker

Row 1: Erin King, Nicole Brown, Peter Kennedy, Erica Chenoweth, Matt Hal" Joe Carroll, Amanda Tipton Row 2: Andy Albers, Brian Ho ltel, Stephan ie Klotz, Jenny DiBla Christine Kimba ll , Molly Middleton , Mike Guy, Ryan Matley Row 3: Megan Gorndt, Ellen Convery, Erika Moorman, Katie Brown, Matthew Krugh, Brian Kelly, Kathy Kopec, Row 4 : Bill Groth, Sam Hanke, Brock Andreatta, Pete Wysock.l, Scott Voelkerding , Matt Bern ing, Timothy Mead

tnS St. V"1I1CIIrIt de PcU Sccicty

Row 1: Mike Card illo, Chris Vehar, Steven Buck, Eric Culler, Mary Carol Burkhardt, Kathryn Ringenbach Row 2.: Erin Teague, Laura White, Kathleen Winter, Emily Brown, Anne Gabonay, Colleen Rosshirt


RoW 1: Elena Cortez, Philip Garver, Andrea Livingston, Robert Bidlack, Anne Condron ROW 2. Jenn ifer Hesch, Kevin Measor, Marc Ring, Lawrence Flack II. Carrie ( aspio

Row 1: Trevor Wall, Nicholas Roberts, Brian McDermott, Donald M. Dumford III, Demetri Preonas, Jared Roe, Eric Ottensmeyer, Sean Cullen Row 2: Chris Fogt, Vince (iraldo, Micheal Chccolini, Tom Lehner, Kent Hall, Jason Anderson, Daniel Rush Row 3: Tom Walters, Matt Cable, Brian Jackson, Keith Markfield, Paul Tabernik, Mark Meyrose, Keith Isselhardt, Chuck DeRee Row

4:Will Wiencek, Grant Mi lls, Mark Palchak, Chad Marshall, Mark Hauer, Bill Eger, Dan Hummel, Dave Perkins


Sigma Alpha Iota ~

( Row , lisa Muckley, Brian McMorrow, Jeffrey McCutcheon, Grego ry l3ajbus, Holly Roetgerman, Yana Permana Row 2: Greg ory Rose brock, Bradon Dreyer, John Kuhn, Ryan Osterday, Ch ris topher Henry, Brian Downey

Row 1: Meredith Rossbach, Elizabeth Palmer, Yvonne Hanefeld, Sarah Ford, Elizabethh Romig, Katherine Kreinbihl, Row 2: Katie Digman, Kelly Sheets, Janelle Brophy, Lyd ia Harris,Erin McDowell, Maureen Mahoney, Nicole Moorman, Row 3: Jessica Gruenke, Stephanie Brooks, Miranda McGovern, Laura Booher, Leslie Carson, Anne Marquett

Being a part of an organization is not just restricted to service and social organizations- it also includes recreational and club sports. With more than 20 different club athletic teams on campus t o chose from, even those who are not pro athletes can participate in their favorite sports.The Men's Club Volleybal1 t eam is just one of these organizations. The men's team has a very active membersh ip of 24 players that represent two team s and is coached through volunteer assistance as wel1 as by members of the w omen 's volleyball team. "We receive a great amount of support from the athletic department and the women 's volleyball team ," Kevin Measor first-year graduate student said. " We are provided with financial contributions for setting up and working at the women 's matches." As a recognized member of the NIRSA division II athletics, this team can do more than just bump, set and spike. "We are a club in every sense of the meaning," Measor explained. " We have an executi ve board and about five different committees from fund-rais ing to social functions. " The club participates in many community service opportunities throughout the year including working with the YMCA as well as planning to raise money for the United Way at their home tournament.


Ade"d, Eri n Cacchione, Chris it","o, Amy Thompson, 3: Elizabeth (hrenclk, ~'rollll" Verst. Jessica

i , Amy Cowgill, Mary I Von Kl uck, Katie O'Sha ughnessy Pitorak, Dara Abraham, Christine Kimba ll

Soc. of Manufac:t\ring Eng.

Row 1: Susa n Kotowski, Ellen Kotowski, Row 2: Keith Anthony, Andrew Kenmi r, Scott Vanke

-. go Pen attacks from the .


right side as Ion MI ller covers the attack.

Team members gather in a huddle before a big game. Many organizations work not only as a team, but as friends.

Teammates Todd Fitz and Isaac Klostermann work together to block the opponent during a game versus Cincinnati. Working as a team is an important skill that members learn from many organizations.

Soc. f Women Eng.


Row 1: Chr ina Ha rris, Kathy Schwartz, Sarah Knisley, Kristin Mu. ley ,

Row 1: Jennifer P Davis, Karen Fisher,

Row 2: Molly Brown, Tara Bertke, Marcy Carew, Heather

Row 3: Brian Baddorf, Jeff Galles, Mi<helte Folk, Jennifer

Argad ine, jessica Ly nn

Row 2: Marty luckosky, OeCraene

Sports Managment

Row 1: Amber Rose, Nichole Sand, Amy Vogel

Student Alumni Council

Row 1: Sarah Muluahy, Emily Duell, Bill Hunt (advisor), Kristy Miller, Sarah Allen

Row 2: Brad Mueller, Christi Severt, Mark Ferguson, Erika Moorman, lindsay Miller

Student Dietetic Ass.

Row 1: Anne Witsken, Candace Dolezal, Sarah Weidenbenner, Sarah McNamara

William Geoghagen, Matt Hager and Emily Kline pose for a picture at New York's Grand Central Station. Members of the Flyer News staff attended a writing conference in New York in February.

Row 2: Mandy Kent, Bridget Wehrman, Julie Winters, Hannah Rowley

Students for Life Jennifer Rogers and Matt

, Row 1: Erin Kuenzig, Emily Sokolowski, Sarah Dunmye

Row 2: Melissa Motsinger, Anthony Smith, ~wehrkam p


Hager take a break from <onferen<e sessions to do some shopping in New York. Staff members who attended these <anferen<es were able to bond through various a<tivities su<h as shopping and site seeing.

fj,r'"d"y and Friday hundreds of students cou ld be cl'l5s'iJr o,},calllpu5 reading the latest edition of the Flyer News.

"~[:~~~~':~:~~;:: of September 11th and the I~

presidential search to

scores and the "2 dix" controversy, Flyer News was the many turned for the latest news. " Flyer

is vital to the UD community," Chi ef Editor Emily Iy does it keep students, facu lty and staff updated events that have a direct impact on them , but it al so a forum to voice opin ions of members of the community. " With onl y one returning section editor, th e young staff had many challenges to overcome this year. For some, these chal lenges may ha ve

stood in the way of success, but they on ly made this staff work harder and made them prepared for September 11th. "We were faced with a new event of a magnitude none of us had ever been exposed to," Kline explained. "We stepped up though and nearly the entire staff helped out with our is sue that covered the tragedy," The staff also attended two national conferences in New Orleans and New York, which were vita l to the success of the paper thi s year. These trips also gave members a chance to bond and get to know one another better. "To say 1 was happy with this year's staff would be an understatement," Kline declared. " I personally got to know several people this year who 1 consider to be some of my best friends! "

At a convention in New Orleans, members pose for a pictu re during a dinner. Studen t s from around the country attended t he national med ia convention held in October,



Gretchen Nielsen, Saundra Marcel and Stephanie Hill smile during a trip to Chicago. Members had a chance to travel t o different cities throughout the year to visit design firms and art museums.

Students in Design members take a break from bowling to smile for a picture. Social events such as bowling al low art students to get to know one another outside of the classroom.

Students in Design

Row 1: Jackie Cervone, Kylea Corbin, Irmallz Perez, Alison Giles, Lindsey Schloss, Sarah Grover, Lindsey longacre, Sharon Wright, Kelli Johnson Row 2: Alicia Baur, Kim Zsabo, laura Krabbe, Jackie Charbel, Adrienne Perfilio, lauren Pettibone, Kelly Klausner, Suzanne Grover, Katie Miller, Taryn Osborne Row 3: Sean Bartley, Jeff Meyrose, Mark Ferguson, Amy Queenan, Kelly Stearnson, Jason

l'!pdY' Dao ""kh<et Row Coli'", )<emd Ro" Roberto Proh las, Kate Ruda, luis LJop, Paul Forst, 4'


Tim Armstrong, Mandy Pouder

Row 1: lillian Warner, Rebecca Henry, Tom Immen, Denise Minch Row 2.: Elizabeth Hagen, Andrea Atwood, Eric Olmstead, Adrienne Niess, Stacie Schaurer

Ever wonder where to turn when you need a design for a t-shirt or help designing a brochure ? Look no further than Students in Design. The organization, which is a chapter of the American Center for Design, gave students a chance to play an active part in a professional design organization and is one of over thirty national chapters involved in the national association of design professiona ls. " Students are given th e opportunity get involved in the design world both inside and outside the university," Tom Immen , president, said. "It establishes camaraderie among students within the art department and show s a commitment to design education. "

As the heart of t he art department it he lped to

Stude<ltsgdthec after a tong day uring SI D's visit to Chicago. St udents were given t he chance to have t hei r portfolios reviewed whi le in t he W indy City


io Theatre

Row 1: Chritie Cerio, Nora Rya n,

lamb, Sarah Gomes Row 2 : KatiE.' Compton Michael '''!,dh" m, Eri n Mlhailk, Cafa

D'A " mata. Morgen Schuler Erin i Ro . . I K'IIW. 3. Bob Nea ."', , Chris Puccio, I I

Scot Ehrhardt Sernoffsky, Brvan ', grove, Peter Roccaforte, Dave '1" ,1(11(, Joseph Hammerle

battle issues that needed improvement like overcrow ding in the computer labs and organized a letter w riting campa ign when the school's registration w ebsite w asn 't compatible with Macintosh computers. In addition students w ere gi ven the opportunity t o have their portfolios reviewed several times throughout the year, including on ce by the American Center for Design in Chicago. With a small space for art student s to w ork in, Students in Design also helps to bring art students together in a social setting. "Our mission is to connect people sociall y too," Immen explained. " We go bowling, ice skating and ha ve dances just as a way for students to hang out together."

Swing Club

Row 1: Kelly Biscopink, Casey Smith, Jessica Jewell, Ka t herine Hesketh, Eric Culler Row 2: Lauren Hoke, Jill Mortime r, George Mertz, Sarah Schouten, Kelli Bartlett


" learn, lead and serve" motto of the ilj ersi'ty,;i50 UD students mentored and influenced ch ildren th"b ulgh rm'_'>lla BroFhelrs Big Sisters program. The UD of Big Brothers Big Sisters is a service club ~'o[)en to of the com munity who are dedicated to the d¢vellof'n;i,ent of underprivileged ch ildren. service club, though small, strives to make a difference the of the children we touch," president Shannon Conlon N",mbpr< benefited f rom the organization by taking pa rt in mc)ntlhl v activities w hich allowed the chil dren to take part in a fun acltivilv. such as watc hing a movie, that they migh t not normally get to In addition, members t uto red children at St. Paul 's M.' trfoclistchurch and made weekly vis its t o the YMCA daycare to pla y chi ld ren in after-school programs. This year a new program was introduced in coo peration with Patterson Kennedy elementary school. Members were matched with a little from the school and once a week they went to th e school to tutor the m. " It does not matter what kind of day we ha ve, seeing the smal l face light up whe n we co me to tutor or take them to acti vities makes it all worth whi le," Con lon explained. "Whatever happens during our days on campus does not seem that important when we go to spend some time with the kids!"

Bigs and Littles Tiffa ny, Gary and Christian smil e proud ly after bu ilding a t ower wit h plasti< <ups.

Tau Beta Pi

; McMorrow, Jeffrey McCutcheon,Julie Chapman Row 2: Heather Argadine, Mike Daniel, Jeffrey Shafer,Tara Bertke, Mark Kasmer,Marcy Carew, Chris Braddock, Jill Kantor



Christopher Kowalski, Edward Mack, Nicole Brown Row 2: David Winkel, Michael Hilton, Eric Alexander, Ryan Scheper, Brendan Uien, Trygve Koren, Timothy Wilmetti Row 3: Tux, Thomas Schmidt, Jesse Burnette, Joel Brand, Graham Wiemer

United Students Against Sweotshops

A Big and Little take a break from games to smile for a picture at a picnic which was the fi rst of many events this past year.

Row 1: Mary Fischer, Debroah Hirt, Paul Jusseaume, Michael Flanagan, Katie Leisner, Amanda Teckman

Volleyball (Women's)


Partners line up for a series of games at Carillon Park. More than 30 children participated in the days events of food, fun and games.

Row 1: Christine Valdini , Stephanie Crider, Katie Upina, Meagan Doty, Amanda Henschen Row 2: Catherine Weber, laura Krabbe, Lynn Walrath, Em ily LO<~ " Kristen DeGeeter, Amanda Murphy Row 3: Angie Alt, Emily Berty, Valerie Forbes, Kristen Sincla ir, Elizabeth Broxterman, Kimberly Tissi



the sun whi le sporting enormous sunglasses at a baseball game.

Huddling together, some LASA members enjoy each others' compa ny at a Latino dinner.

Volleyball (Men's)

Water Polo


Row I: Paul Zialic, Oren CilrpCnlCr, Jacque Henes (coach), Andrew Butz. Matthew Deck Row 2: Andrew Lesinski. Keith Halln. Jon Miller. Todd Fi tz, Mark Saclzkr. JcfTGcorgc

Row I : Aaron Schneider. Amy Zink, Andrew Hickey, Nicholas I·!elll\ ig. Abby White Row 2: Gus Tcnhundfcld (Coach), Mark Rastetter, Nicholas Long. Sieve Graham. Jonathan Snyder. Nate Burgci. Mike Kuncman


As part of its mission, the Latin American Student Association provided a link among students to increase diversity in the UD community through religion, social, service, and academic activities. For instance, Lasa hosted the infamous "Merengue Night" a few Saturday nights in the KU Pub. At th is year's first Merengue night, the club grossed over ~102.0. Headed by president Omar Marrero, the cl ub also hosted the ir first Latino Dance Competition in which Dylcia Morel and Fransi cois Flamand won top honors. The club hoped for contin ued participation and that would begin an annual competit ion. Stephanie Ramos and lizmarie Gonzalez cooked home-made rice and beans for the Latino dinner held at the McGinn is Center. At this annual festivity, aJi members joined in a competitive game of Jeporady which concluded the evening. With all of their campus activites, LASA extended their sm iling faces to help UD students tranisiton to col lege life.

World's Most Dangerous

uggling .Club


Row I: Todd Engel. Mati Beck, ,", il' ''' Ullrich. Joe Mangan

Row 1: Ben Kolber, G. Jonathan Ooeckling, Andrew Gruden, John Blayne, Kary Paukner Row 2: Andrew Putman, Wi lliam Stees, Edwin Frey, Michael Hammes, Benjamin White Row 3: John Meyer, David Cockram, David Noll, Richard Reynolds, Rudolf Hagedorn, Orian 5ut<liffe



For it wasn 't the late night socials, the philanthropic events, or the long hours of that dreaded formal recruitment, but the bond of sisterhood or brotherhood that attract individuals to participate in

Greek Life. Welcoming new members excited all the fraternities and sororities and all the Greeks sought after a new recruiting class to strengthen their organization. The new members found life long friendships within their selected group and began developing a new outlook on life.


Kylea Corbin poses for a picture with Jill Triplett, a sister of Zeta Tau Alpha, during recruitment.

New members selected for Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority pose for a picture on bid night. Bid night is the last night o f recruitment when women receive an invitation to join a sorority.

Chi Omega

Chinska Massillamany, Mary lorenzo, Ashl''Y Row 2: Kathyrn Kuhnz, lauren Wittich, Elizabeth Korb, Doreen Root , Sarah Canty, Anne Digman, Elizabeth Meyer, lindsey Johanns Row 3: lauren Fore, Emily Koterba, Sharon Wright, Julie Vander Pluym, laura Yates, Jill Sibik, Julie Edwards, Susie Williams, Brigid Godic Row 4: Thania Cadet, Megan Ashdown, t~ n Pietromlc, Renee Hartbeck, Allison Lexow, Susan Bishop, . elle McGowan, Katie Kovacs, Cara Hitchcock


Delta Tau Delta

Row 1: Matt Matzek, Joe Keller, Matthew Schommer Row 2: Joseph Re, Shahrukh Mehta, Kyle Novak, Christopher Kasch, Dan Finlin Row 3: Keith Wilson, Anthony Hahn , Andrew Walton, Michael Ferraro, Justin Vitrano, Bryan Whitaker, Brian Strasser Row 4: Chuck Hamman, Dennis Petri, Doug Varin, James Harrigan, Anthony Trimpe, Anthony Redllng, Anthony leraci, Pat Egan, Todd Galloway

/o}( of,.Jle}(hooc! Each year over 200 f reshman, sophomore, junior women spend a week in January sitting by t he phone in anticipation of the cal l informing them which sorority pa rt ies t hey had been invited to. Formal Recruitment, held the second wee k in January, is a time whe n women can joi n th e various sororities on campus. During this time t he women atten d parties held by all seven of t he soc ial sororities

t hat UD ha s and eve ntual ly chose the sorority that is the rig ht fit. " I loved rush ! " Kylea Corbin declared . " It was fun and it got better as the week wen t on." For some the recruitment experience is incredible, but for others it is heartbreaking. Making a good first impression is essential during recruitment . Women had to show their true selves to sisters in order to truly benefit from the experience. "There are worries like what to wear, what to talk about, which sororities to cut and those late nights wait ing for my Rho Chi to ca ll," Corbin explained. During the week women dropped out of the process and changed their mind as to w hat sorority fit

them. On t he last day each sorority handed out olfers of mem bersh ip to wo men who they wished to have join. While not every person rece ived the membership offer she hoped fo r, everythi ng happens for a reason. "I thought rush was a great experience to meet so many new faces and it was just a lot of fun! " Corbin said. " Sorority life is an amazing experience! "

E silo" Delta Tau


Zeta Phi Beta


Row 1: Timothy Stover, David Os nar, Nick Bowers

Row 2,: Bryan Eyring, Matthew Mousser, Kevin Carpenter, Tim Hague, Nathan "",,iller • Row 3- Douglas Utendorf, David Sch ludecker, David Parrish, Jason Frentzel

Row I: Lisa Mellon. Shcrunda Smith, Clarissa Goosby,

Genoa Mox ley

ow was it that the most successful philant hropy ev"nt of a~~I~~~~R: ~t~. or so ority on campus, was pu lled off with the social sororities? Members of Sigma (hi have the "n"w,,," The an!, ual Sigma C ,Derby Day's, he ld in April, was a c~t~;~~:il~i:~~::~ich placed all social sororities on campus against each

oot h.-r in competiti,pns over the course of a week. Brothers of fralte'-pilty served as both captains and teammates of the sororities roug the f ierce cOTIlpetition . event { which ~ a national event held on so速~,inpu seswit~apter of Sigma Chi, was one


the most high-profile events of t he f raternity whic h bring opportu nity and respect to members.

This years Derby Da ys had a theme of American Pride, and kicked off with a house decorating contest. The week continued with a clothing dri ve, skit competitio n, kickball tournament and canned food drive. The week long compet ition ended on Saturday night at T im 's with the announcement of the Zeta Tau

Alpha sororit y as w inners for t he second straight year.



Dressed in character, sisters of Pi (3eta Phi stand atop their decorated house during the house decorating contest. Each oro r ity had to decorate its house in a creative way, one which . corporated the theme, " Surfing USA. "



Phi Beta Sigma A sister of Alpha Phi shOWS t he Sigma Kappas what she is made of du ring the kickball to urnament.


Row 1: LeRoy Fullwood

Phi Sigma Rho

Row 1: Dawn Desserich, Jennifer, Landberg, Elizabeth Kuypers, Mel issa Cruz, Debra Waker, Renae Tichy Row 1.: Carla Williams, Sarah Miller, Jacinda Grubb, Meliss<l Bellard, Erin McDowell, Julie Chapman, Lisa Chase

Pi Beta Phi

Brothers of Sigma Chi went all out during the skit competition. Each sorority had to develop a skit which was performed in t he Pub. T heta Phi Alpha proudly showed off its dedication to t he tWi n to wers. Each sororit y had to create a d isplay inco rporating the t heme wit h the canned f OOds they collected.

Row1: Dowling, LUCy Goeke Row.l.: Sarah Kissell, Christine Hannon, Mary Shanly Sweeney, Katherine Mannhard Row 3: Stacey Coover, Kelly Gribben, Courtney Weiss, Mary Kate Gocke, Krissy Szu t er

Pi Kappa Alpha


Elpers, Jeffrey Lee, Chris MazanecRobert Holub, Tim Smith, Chris Faddis Row 2: Edward Petrozino, Robert Keppner, Christopher Brady, Alex Hughes, Chris Bue~ " , Greg Grosfleld, Timothy Francis, Mark Rhea, Ryan McDonald Row 3: Matt Hausknecht, Adam Barger, Ryan Scott, Kevin Clarke, Kurt Zabor, Zachary Fox, Bryan Ortwerth, Stephen Zvara, Kevin Swank



({ I{/'/~j/ On October 2S forty of UD's fine st took t o the catwalk to strut t heir st uff in a unique pagean t . The Mr. Alpha Phi pagea nt, t he brai n child of t he sorority last year, was Alp ha Phi 's version of a beaut y pageant with a twi st- the contestants were al l ma le st udents f rom U D. "Th is year there were for mal wear an d sportswear competitions;' Dan ielle McCa han, Alpha Ph i presi dent sa id . " But t his was all up to th e conte sta nt imag ination and discretion 50 you can imagine how creati ve the guys were ." The nig ht began wit h t he fo rmal an d sportswear compet ition . Afte r the j udges ma de some to ug h decisions,

the fie ld was narrowed down to ten contestants and participa nt s competed in a tale nt cont est. In the end, Sen ior Ryan Dei rece ived t he crown . Al l of the money raised during t he pag ant went directly t o help the Alpha Phi Foundation, the sororities philanthropy. " Dona t ing f unds hel ps to support resea rch of t he cau se an d treat ment of heart disease in women ," McCaha n explained. With over $1,400 raised, the event succeeded t he sorority's expectatio ns. " It brought togeth er our UD commun ity more t han we coul d have imagined and proved Gree k life itself is something specia l on UD's campu s," M cCahan dedared.


Brian Kaln, T",vls Jericl r om Malik, IR()wl: Matt Nataon, Chris Kq ,ey, Pat Flannery, Peter i Ko,vel,.. kl, Todd Hondru, Joe IIJIn"mlKer

IRow 1:.

Sigma Kappa

Row 1: Sandy Serene, Stephanie Du t cher. Angela Reese, Catherine Wright. Jen Bolger. Ch ristine Frabotta, Am ber Myers Row 2.: Em ily Allman, Lisa Hoops. Elena Cortez, Jennifer Za vadil, Jenni fer Boeshart, Shannon Felkey, Karen Akers Row 3: Kelly Szabo. Kristen Lovins. Rachel Seffe ns, Holly Thoman, Sarah Hagye, Amy Morris, Cindy Guinn, Kim spencer Row 4: Tara Fitch, lauren Hope, Christine Majewski, Cathy Rettig, Kathryn Blaine, Brooke Folkerth , Katie Hauer

A cont estant poses for judging during the compet ition . Both fa mil y and friends attended the event to cheer on contestants.

Junior Dan Kli mas answers questio ns during an interview period. Contesta nts were judged on both appearance and pe rsonality.

Sigma Nu

Sophomore Nick Dunlap shows off his formal wear to the audience. While some contestants opted for the traditional shirt and tie, others chose more outrageous attire.

Sigma Phi . Epsilon . ~

RoW 1: Gregory Smith, Gregory Flick, Brian Steedman, Robert Bartol in, Richa rd Felske, Kellen Oblinger Row 2; Joseph Zani ni, Kurtis Scherzinger, Brett Westerman, Chris Freitag, Sa muel W hite, Shaun Allega, Vishal Shah Row 3: Walter Green, Brandon Woodle, Erik Blaine, Brandon Cross, Aaron Beckett, Travis Wilhelm, Mike Bollin

Row 1: Michael Vasu, Michael Petkosek, Mark Rahla, Damon Powell, Adam Gutschmidt, Mike Marlowe, Jame McFarlin , Lee ' Ryan Busse, Bill Kafiti, David Schoen, Mike Guerrnini, Scott Reymond, Brian Hooper, Adam Son nett


• reek Life on t he University of Dayton's ca mpus proved to be different t han Greek life on most campuses. There have never been big sorori t y houses and less tha n twenty percen of the 5 udent body participates in Greek life. In fact,

exce pt for the letters on Greek houses, the houses are not ve ry different-than the dwellings that all students reside in during the sc hool yea r, W Oe at some sc hools members are required to live in the house for a least Of'l e semester, at UD the unique commun ity environment a lowed members to live w ith whom ever they chose. Stil l, those who do ch se to live in the house had a unique experience. They were able t o see a different si de of th e fratern ity or sorority and th e opportunity t o get to know the fol low members in"the-t:louse on a different level. The face of Greek life residence changed drama ti ca lly in the past few years. In 1999, the Sigma Ch i's moved into a new state of the art house on Kiefabe r. The house w as larger than most Greek houses on campus and incl uded meeting roo ms and areas for social events. Both Chi Omega and Zeta Tau Alpha will be fo llowing suit in the next few years. Both have petitioned residential services to ha ve new houses built w ith the help of funds from alumn i. The new living establi shments increased the spi ritof Greek life.

The sisters of Zeta Tau Alpha are " Su rfin'

Si;;; Chi

De,by Days.


du ring the house decoration contest, which was part of the

Sigma Phi Epsilon L



i Damon Powell, Adam Guhchmidt Row 2: Mike


Jame McFarlin, Lee 'RY<ln Busse, Bill Kafiti Row): David

Schoen, Mike Guerrnini, Scott Reymond, Br ian Hooper,

,Adam Sonnett

Theta Phi Alpha

Row,:Ac;W;:r. Zielonko, Beth Wechter. Pi t man Row 2: Katie Barch;!.'. Tara Morg.Hl, Sarah Kidd. Laura Smith, Carol Grove, Kelly Pierpo nt, Erirl Beitelschees Row 3: Becky J3cobson. Christine Kimball, Abb<!y Groes<hel, Courtney Pfenning. Regina Byers, Cecilia

Chlcone, Beth Polen, Linda (asola, Leslie Korenich Row 4:Laura Koch, Julie Drummond,Grandee Harior, Tracl Hall, Sarah Walda, Kelly Con nell, Kri~ti na Hemp~tead, Liza Fornadari, Je~s i<a Chrin

Z~ta Tau Aleha

The Sigma (hi house located at 461 Kiefaber was the first of mdny new Greek houses to be built in the student neighborhood.

Row 1: Elizabeth Nock, Jennifer M cGui re, Julianne Zett s, Marcy Carew , Gina Fiamingo, Lori Pott Row 1: Laura Snyder, Trac y McManus, Debroah Sch roeder, Jessica Bratnick, Sarah M ulcahy, Usa Vorrasi Row 3: Lauren Gress, Christin Severt, M elissa Simons, Julia Tosi, Er in Kozar

Panhellenic Council The sisters of Sigma Kappa show their American pride by decorat ing their house located at 216 College park in red, white and blue.

Mary Kat e Cressy, Weisgerber, Mary Lorenzo, Elizabeth Graham Row 2: Gina Fiamingo, Thania Cadet, Gina Matacin, Theresa Nemeth, Jill Triplett, Kelly Stearns, lisa Hoops, Abby Groeschel, Gina Felkey Row 3: Meqan Hickey, Katie Nellis, Erin KOZar, Emliy ViI!ier, Anne Hays, Nikki Crot ty , Liza Fornaciari, Marie Hahn, Michelle Williams


2002 L


t·a( Li£€= Decrepid houses and cramped dorm rooms proved that quality of living did not alter one's social activity or zestful living. The address, the dorm number ... .where you lived ... it didn 't matter. It was perfect. Sure, the prime location, the spacious basement, and the inviting j ••

f" a cef

porch made, IV I


appealing to

students. But no matter where the lottery dumped them , they came to realize that their place was the best. Roommates and neighbors made living arrangments bearable and kept social life alive .



Left: A group of Ghetto

residents plays catch with a football. During any day in

the Ghetto, one could witness many different

games going on in streets and yards. Rig ht: The sink suffocates under a mass of d irty dishes. Many students used the clean-as ~ needed method, cleaning only th e dishes they will use in the immediate future.

- ... ..... :~


Above: Evanston Avenue revels in its intrinsic majesty. This street has been home to many a UD student and carries a wealth of memories.


! ,"!-i-. VVI' OAAy

A V01IU{.â‚Ź/




" I really enjoy liv ing on campus . Everyt hing and everybody is so close, " second year Eng ineering student Ty ler Dinkel said. The Front: Al iso n Giles, Mary Kate Gocke, Emi ly Roets, Eileen Daudelin

Back: Da na Del Medico, Melissa Piech ows ki, Alicia Cachat, Lauren Gress

fee ling expressed by Dinke l seems to resonate throughout the UD campus community. The unique blend of studies, parties, and relaxation time makes the campus a thriving entity. Whether you are a First year, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior, UD becomes your home. Students are overheard

Front: Scott Schade, Steve Kowalenko, Brady Bushold Back: Ch ris Kelley, Joe Whittacker, Ni ck Weaver

12 3

fv~01'tIA V01IU{.â‚Ź/

during the ir breaks in their hometowns exp ressing their want to go " ba ck home" to UD. The fa ct that people want to be here and sta y as long as they can is what gi ves this pla ce life. " I just can 't wait for summer to be over so I can co me back to U D," said first year Po litica l Science major Paul

Front: Natali e Kessler, Susan Andrichuck,

Stevens. Anyw here yo u go after graduation,

Amy Maxwell Back: Micaia h Kline, Jessica Durant, Erin

How dyshell

yo u w ill stil l hold a place in you r heart that~ cons iders UD home.


left: Cars seek out close pa rking spots in the 51 Parking lot. For the first time, residents of Irving Commons were allowed to purchase parking permits for the 51 lot. Right: A group of sophomores anxiously awaits its lottery time wondering where they will be living in t he fu t ure.

Above :5tudents enjoy themselves at a party in Irving Commons. These students show that a good time can be had --ghetto or no ghetto.

9 78 IV\I~AVet'UÂŤ'l Irving Commons 29 & 30



away from

HOME The housing shortage posed a problem for some upperclassmen. After the housing lottery, many students, mostly juniors, were forced to consider off-campus housing options for the school year. But luckily, Irving Commons, a large condominium M ichelle Francis, She ll ey McQuaide,

La uren May, Cindy Hanish, Mary Strong

comp lex located near campus, warmly welcomed students. "The units are nicely accomodating with a washer/dryer,

9 78 IV\I~Avet'UÂŤ'l Irving Commons 24

dishwasher, and living space," said junior Whitney Green. Only a short wa lk from campus, Irving Commons became an extension of the community of UD students. Junior Megan McCurdy said, "You cou ld always find someone to jump in the car with or walk to campus with." Although they were separated from the student

Megan McCurdy, Liz Post, Whitney Green, Gabby Kusz

neighborhood, the re sidents of Irving Commons created their own home away from home.



"The location is the best. The

rooms suck because they are so sma ll!" --Ryan Lindsey

"I t smells, but it is homey. It's fun!" --Tiffan y Miner

Men of 1 South: Graeme Daley, Joseph Soucy, Gartholomew Hickey, Zohn Zimmer, Patrick Jack, Daniel Martin , Tye

Kiven Derin i Gates, Sean Grolley, Charles Duerr, Joseph Corace

Row 1: Addle Fi nelli, Kelly Denlinger, Sarah Reck, Jenny Walker, Sarah Hunt, Christy Wha len, Marie Hutter, Katie Fraiser, Ashley Allman Row 2: Carla , Erin Kirkland, Emily Turdio, Jen



. Megann:~~~~i;:~~~~~~1:~:t~~~:~~~:~~~~

RowI J3 S, i MI Kworl, Melissa Hindman, Mariana i Erin Treacy, Katie Kearns Row 4: Katie Ga mble, Ch r issy Rutherford, lauren Rutherford, Kelly lobur, liz linder, Rachel Glidden, Tiffany Clower, Kristen Kidder, Megan Gaxter, Amanda Martin, Ashley Neu, laToya Dreher eRA)


Row 1 : Lisa Edgar, Jen Murphy, Lindsay Kohler, Erin Cerniak, laura Dobsch, Jackie Gender. Emily Kohrman, Maria Gecker Row gin~:~'.~I~~~,~Je~n~pa~C~k~ ' Elizabeth Kolb, Krista Pritchard, Kelly Kuntz, Ka e avy, Row 3: H er Deidra ckel, Francine Moo , ri ny Row 4: e Issa i I Lisa Balazs. Amy lanzo, Meqh,," McCarte, Jennifer Voss, Molly Rausch, Allison Patrie, Megan Emily Bennett, Tiffany Pohl

"I love w aking up 5 m in ut es before cla sses. I enjoy the extra


" I t hi nk Founders is the best. Eve ryo ne is real close knit. It makes the tra nsition better f rom

high school to college, great --Ju sti n Gutschm id t

f riendships !


--Jessica Clark




Jennifer McNeil, Courtney Bauer, Tiffany Sullivan, Kristen Degeeter, Amanda Hobor, Kristy Gruber, Erin Schultek, Jamie Simpson, Liz Fertal, Jennie Hamad, Melissa Sabogal, Katie Clavey, Ashley Ahlemeyer, Karen Setty, Jennifer Pearson, Lucy Conklin Row, : Colleen Mullin, Mary Anzalone, Tiffany Miner, Karlee Kleinhenz, Erin O'Brien , Rean Thomas Row 2: Jackie Valdez, Megan Carroccio, Andrea BQ9usewski, Kelly Walsh, Sara ers, Emily . Usa Connors, Jamie Frederick. Andrea Brower,


f Metzg elaney,

ke ne, S ra


e Zur 1. __ __ Row DeTard~ , Kri yle, oe Me it 0, Meg Herzberger, Jill Gubanish, Missy Hellmuth, Maggie Russell, Debbie Andrews, San ibel Acosta, Jessica Wisk, Laurie Raffaelli, Claudia Alcaraz Row 5: Michelle Griffin, Kelly Kasper, Kristin Kusnik, MaryPat Hanley, Susan Francis, Kathleen Hess, liz Marifjeren, Brooke Augustin, Shawn Hannan Row 1: Matt Heyerman, Dan Foot, Mark Meyrose, Martin Gareau, Row 2: Shane Mosley, Ted Cornell, Drew Bowers, Kevin Sundre, luke Rastetter, Brad Durst, Neal Rankin, Dave Anthony, Scott Huelskamp, Chad Bee R mes Ha ii, Bria erts, e ha at , rt Row 5: Bernard McClellan, Ch ristopher Chenoweth, Pat Browne, Billy Marsh, Mark Hauer, Tim Stefanko, Pat Ryan, Justin Pau lus, Jon l ee, Charles Clay, Joe Peters No Particular Order (List Provided by Jason Norris, RA): William Wash ington, Joe Durniak, Paul Milfiet, Tom Timmers. Nick Palmer, Greg Hope, James latsch, Alex Bertell I. Jeff Schmidt, Scott Foster, Jon Wojciehowski, Mike Miller, Ju Spenard on Parker, Paul Tabernik, Grant Mi lls, Adam Mi lls, Andy l , Jared c ui on, S 路u tte "'5 rti , i . att 130 e. at Ryan Cha W er, Ryan ho~~t Brian Sim ns, Rich~d~RI?c~~~~f:J~ Gutschm , ra ig C011, o n man, , Mike lauck, Drew Chesebro, Kurt Maschari, john Hodges, Tom Luecke, Joe Barnes, Andrew Bixenstine, Nate Eaton, Brandon Staley, Ric~rdo Fontanet, Roberto Prohias, Dan Gudorf, Kevin Feasel, Kevin Conlon, Larry Hill

"I like how it is in the center of cam pu s. And its small, so I ca n get to know everyone." --Moll y Brennan

" Founders is cool because it's so close, but I don't like the floor fines beca use stupid kids puke in the hall and light the lounge on fire." --Chandan Waller

Above: Two Stuart Hall room mates work together to try and figure out what is wrong with one of their computers. Although the

Stuart rooms are not extremely spacious, most room mates get along and become

..en Up, up, and away, located •

al)j~l Stuart H II _ •• vv'u o~lY'b"~~~~y

surviving the climb. Ironically, the dread&! trek made Stuart a.f!vo year hall. "I love. We're isolated fr·(;ofri'.M


rest of campus, so we stick his Stuart,tlalJ residel'l'ts prfter in loms to walking all the way library. Students check their


t R!gt

maIlboxes in hopes of receiving that car' package from home. The grand et ~'nce is also a place to inform studE-nts what is happening in Stuart.

"Stuart is da-bomb--I'm p~ls wit h an RA na med Shawn Ka rn ey."

together. I've be~om lose to 811 the ~ple,W _ _ ""


the dorm, because they 're the ones I see everyday," said first year Stuart


res ident, Ben Weaver.

"The 1/ 4 mile hike to an d from class is invigorating. Each day I wake up, I'm in for a su rpr ise!"

--Anne Johnston --Matt Delawder

Stu Row 1: Lacey Brawn , Amanda Borghi , Ch rissy Frericks, laurel Reeben, Nicole Szastek, Jenny Hesch, Bethany Rak Row 2: Lindsay Thacker, Lisa Price, Helen Pelzl, Mel issa

Stauffer, Lindsay Cravotta, Stacy Montgomery, Rachael Eage , dice Bal n Ro 3( Lindsay Rag oi,J, N19'''f 0 N Kell SOY( s, Erin e

' je i S

0 '[3 , Su an Ca IS Row 4 . I She , Er





Ruschau, El izabeth Groins, And rea Herman, Katherine Ozog, lauren Wetterer, Danielle Nyiran dut iye, Shannon Shelby

Row 1: Ji ll Bernhoet. Colleen Ba rry, Courtney Buss, Cindy

Laskey, Ma llory Ca rlson, Mary Reid, Sara Moser Row 2: Erin Rendina, Sarah Casella, Megan Donahue, Ka~ 'Shaughnesi

Me9~~lI lvan

, Katie Mackermann, Ka ra Freudman,


Row ~ : Carne ( asp lO, en it: r o an i n~ y KI , ari n G n II Jail 0 ez 5chu t ,Ka tie "11tc:'he I, (RI\ ~e la Vaf~nt .t.e.sJj·~w,ro:.;.JI.G..&,j& bM"" Petteruti, Natalie Blake, Sara h Grady. Kelly Moroney

Row 1: Kaitlyn Allegretti , Betsy Anderson , Michelle Elia, Vanessa Al bergo, Allison Bou<her, Lindsay Bertsch, Lindsay Badal u<o, Tessa Fraser Row 2: Alicia Card illo, Erin Rei nhardt, Diana Sherbu rne, Lindsay Ficke, I anial, Lin ay Badertscher, Sarah Aimonov it<h , Rebecca C s · er, lac on . (3 "ei &81 resa O'N Ily ap (lIe Iiza t:ie~h4 . J nCo ,l if r luI' , K stl~ Stre<K)ie~r,~aii!:e Clar , e Ie a !ne<

" It's a long walk up the hill, but the freshman ci vilization is found up there! "

"They sa y it's alcohol free,

but ..... .." --Brad Simon

--Nicole Szostek




Row 1: Maggie Daug herty, leigh Carlton, Danielle Flad ing, Reina Hayes Row 2: Susan Simpkins (Re), Stacie Brown, lucia Villalobos, Jessica Kelkenberg, Ellen Gregory, Amanda Fath Row 3: n walrotlil Emily Th obe, Kat Mi ll er, Carolyn




l a


Row 1: Amber twais, Becky Marsh, Beth Williams, Meagan Doty, Ka te Jordan, Maureen Oakes, Va lerie Smith Row 2: Abby Doss, Megan Fitzgerald, Beth Ploeger, Alida DiMarco, Anson Brennan, Catherine Nicoletti, Am y Zink, Je· etChe~ ,5 Heitkamp, Erin O'Nei ll, Ma ria Koka l,

Ju y Stermer ( Ro elly Har i s o ad izabet d, ~"l,-H~~ K Black Herrmann, Meghan Kenney


" On ce you make the hike,

"Stuart is a good place to li ve.

there is always a party waiting

met a lot of coo l people. Th e onl y bad thing is th e w alk to and from cla ss. "

for you at Sheehy! " ··Steve Buhalis

··Pa ul Stevens

Row 1: Michelle Stachler, Elizabeth Krugh, Emily Poles, Charnita Westry, Jenna laFrankie, Colleen Devanney, Chrissie Valdini Row 2: Tiffany Slack, Katie Haubner, Michele Zach, leslie

I Molly Reeb, Sarah Maxwell,

Row 1: David Little, Fred Everett, Mike Gowling, Matt Schomaker, Jeff Heimann, Dan Solley, Justin Fleming Row 2: Jim Oblock, Frank Maggio, Adam Reuscher, Brendan Clen, John Justice, Greg Bonn, Ray Stineman Ro It ve Ver of Tf orren, Eric Heideloft, Kiffle Y. m Hal

"I like si tting on th e hill checki n' out the babes." -- T. J. Richter





"This goes out to al l of my beautiful babies." -- Josh Wade


RoW 1: James Russell, Mike Johnson, Greg N ic kles, Nathan Do rsch, M ark Tie-meier, Ryan Curry Row 2: Pa ul Cla rk, Carl Mazzo ne, Steve T hesing, Zachary (ull, Trey Anesi Row Ashwi ha e dra, Dan Brown, Ted Donnellan, Sean II, Mik i by E ( 'Grtwi

Ilip AsW>~?'

Row 1: Jerry 13levnis, Charlie Fisher, Brett Fisher, Nate Kaplan, Eric Bloom, Brook Bisra r, Joe Dejohn Row 2: Michael LeMaster, Tim Musil, Pat Johnson, Justin Kroll, Jonathan Finkler, Dave Borowske. N/ A, Matt Frericks.




. Andre ebelak Mille ric Sm I

Row 1: TJ Richter, Matt Drabi', EugeniO Popez, Chris W lsnszenski, Keith Powers

Row 2: Ma tt Hageman, Dan Scarola, Kevin Heintz, Bill Carter, Allan Pautier

i5tOpM; - oro


, Kevin Kearney, Jordan Cohen,


• "If I had to do it all over again, I would most definitely live in Stuart." .

"Stuart is a great place an d all the people are awesome." -- Katie Merzbacher

-- Lind say Badertscher



Row 1: Rodney Godek, Bob Armstrong, William Geoghegan, Jean Godan, Dru Fleming, Mike Jersey Row 2: Monty Boland, Charles Keating, Chad Keffer, Dave Grimmer, Bryan Koesher, Todd Offen berger . . : Thomas Barnell, Doug Berkeley, Drew Kassmann, R U 0 als,n And ew TOw'r, urtil'r' a I:)TI on Vince C 0

"It's a great place to break stuff." -- Matt Drabi c

"I like Stuart ... it's a lot better than Founders." -- Tiffany Sullivan

Row 1, Daniel Trombley, Rajeer Raghavan, Pat Hytla, Donny Palmer, Patrick Jones, Michael Frede, lohnathan Kissell ROW 2: George Phillips, Kyle Hamilton, Jonathan Lamb, Ab . hek Gow a Andrew English (RA) Brian McGee

3: Rob







Row 1: Jon Roney, Adam Shaw, Ryan Burton, Jeremy Masar,

Matthew Dallmeyes Row 2: Justin Roth, Chris Phi llips, Sean Steffanni, Jonathan King, Adam Pedinpaugh ~~~or: .aniel Ci "el, Doug Lucking, John Arrnold, Clayton yth " e t51 c:fij::e -ffi'i;

Row 1. James McMahon, Steve Jukanovic, Dave Bectwith, Matt Ja mes. James larson, Jerome Jenkins Row 2: Joseph Baglieri, Mike Kremel, Emmanuel Peters, John Bentley, Joe Kopn isky

Ro S

cott H



Robert lea, Brian Coffey, Chris Cheh. Tom ell my< vi a i . 0 as






"The R.A. 's made li ving in Stuart super fantastic ." -- Kevin Heintz

" I love Stuart because of t he girls on G Adele!" -- Ellen Shea


Above: This Mary<rest resident takes wave to the <arnera as she begins to to go out on a Friday night. ~The (rest-

take oft-polnt for many stUdents destmation is the Ghetto ~

AbOw: M arya

s.wSPei a student'

cafeteria employees re always happy and eager to pl ease.


~ tvi'arycrest resident wa its

pa t ie ~

for the arrival of the

elevator. Many students prefer the eleva tor to the st ai rs; especia lly if t hey live on the upper floors.

elevator stuck friends reminiscing about

'1.....,lkerld activities.

Most of

Marycrest 's residents would

agree--Marycrest is a convenient and

" 1 like Ma rycrest. I would have li ked it more last year But, hey, what ca n I do?" ..... Spe ncer Laskey

" I rea ll y enj oy livi ng here. I've met a lot of good peopl e." ..... Brie Gabriel

to live!

MarycretJnple& e£FP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ROw 1: Wayne Duling, Adam Kienle, Louis (30na550, Ryan Ganger, Thomas Eckels. Tyler Robertson

Row 2 : Tlbucio Zapata, Steve Brown, Mike Brennan, Nj A, Nick Ricchino, Ray Beard. Stephen. Ros Taylor, Adam Weber Row 3' I(k Mel ke Danie SCIj,'tVla, latrSCf1u ~t5 Do a'ICI]'lory pena lTl ,Rick Raml[ez, eon a de ,Jeff eWIS, Lei~a • Scott Kerns ROW dy Morn on, Rl oa di yan 0 nson, Da ed ti 9 A d Zatik,



Dan arrow, Tom Rass , Bria~ rlS(olt, Ryan retz, '1;;1en

arrlson, Dan

Noltemeyer, Chris Puccio, Craig Stimmel, Dave Brihgman, Adam Doenges. Jeff Hamlenry, Bryce Acer, Ryan Me?, John Douglass, Jason Inkratt. Nathan von der Embse

Row 1: Marcy Brescia, Emm ie Hemminger, Elva Potimis, Carmen Rice, Nico er, Julie B ...~.


te Frit is


Row 1 "Roberto Astagio, Matthew Bailey, Jonathan Schultz, Curtis Gs Ma tt Tr reg Williams, Kevin Skinner II, Ed uardo Arroyo



Row 1: Amy Termeer, Erin Teague, Jennifer Corrigan, Heather Kana, Lizzy Tomber, Lindsay Pruniski, Emily Dowling, Sara Sacksteder Row :I.: Claire Williams, Cara Go<hey, Nicole Sattem-Crouch, Lindsey FusseneiJger, Erin Clarke, helle Bola , :Ai ley Rotondi, Caitlin Kerns urlr r'eRow 'l"1"'!P'roP'"9-O;,c,> licia Dabe, ra a m n e Woodward,

t. KII""o1l~ic h


na ver Ie, G1I>.i>l«or,

Cunningham Row S: Sarah Bauer, Kate Thomeo., Becca Ossio, Yaika McKamie, Eunice Valentin, Katie Clifford, Laurie Goettke, Alisa Godfrey, Erin Ward, Joanie Baucum, Ashley NilhoiS, Natalie Pilgrim, Teresa Day, Andrea Cline, Allie Rack, liz Diaz, Lyndsey Baldwin

" Living in Ma rycrest as a Sophomore has been a different experience t han living in other Sophomore dorms,

but, all in all, it has bee n good ." .... Colleen Alexan der

" [Maryerest isla fabulous place to Ilve and make friends. " ..... Eamon Larkin

Row 1: Emily Urbanski, Nicole Adams, Tricia Volnland, Emily Ehehalt, Erin Schumann, Debbie Hangemanole, Jen Randazzo, Emily Williams, Amanda H~;jjn~ Mann, Aubrey O'Neill


Sarah Kleinfelder, Mauri! McGrath, Sara

Row 4: Laura Schilling, Lindsay Gracie Scherer, Jill Oest er, Robin M iller, Michelle Moots, Michelle Treasure, Dana Leach, Jennifer Davidson, Colleen Walsh, Lois Zins, Shannon Klosterm an, Sarah Willmann, Shauna Novak, Amanda Mahoney, Mary Kate Pika, Laura Ramzy

Row 1: Steve Dobrosielski, lawrence W . Flack, Greg Wil so n, lohn

ladoketta, Dave Jessop, Justi n Stee, Joey Lester, Ed Mack, Ryan Walsh, Andrew Clouse R

d Kennedy, Shahyan Ahmad, Manuel (onoria, n O'M vi s n ik s i, I eGi 11 ba 0 Ti t mu J acofane

Row 1: Sarah Lang, Bethany Guariglia, Tracy Nam, M ichelle Wesig, Molly Barnes, Michele Schafer ( l aying in Front) Candace Knight, Amy Sch illing Row 2: A ndrea Mcintosh, Jenny Schu lz, Anne legaspi, Kelly O'Connor, t n, Aric riguez Allison Gnadt, Shannon Owens , Jenn Su



n Fi sta h~ Kro


,. sf. e~ ~ .. "'-'- .... ~s f~ y Sn d


I, B

ri stina it ney

. Row 4: Katie Gibson, laura Sachs, Jen Satow, Kall Gansmiller, Stephanie wanchech, Kelly Knveven, Lauren Fi nnell, Renee Tyllcki, Mandy Hampton, Gina M itterhol zer, Jennifer Colli ns, Chrissy Phelps, Laura Torres, Shannon Hardman, Stephanie Dittert Row 1: Kevin Hemmelgarn, Billy Shatto, Tim Paff, Ramon' Laco mba, Clifton Parks, Drew Tyrer

rt.~~.:A;d;,am ~.g!~~~_~

Adam Doughty, Ryan Adams, Brett

IDDL "Good times, good food , good location, and great people. What more cou ld a UD student ask for. love da crest." - Kristen Schrei ner

" Redu ce, reuse, and recycle in Marycrest." -Gabe Angelini

Marycre~le& Row 1: Clare Conners, Lauren Armstrong, Sara Radigan, Kari Brinlaman, Kim K.."bey, UnoSE'y Wetzel, Marie Navilio, Erin Gooch Mary Cassinelli, Colleen Kelley, Jessie

~ ,,\ ~

',ti B'~':kIjl~

RoW 1. Je nnie Neis, Betsy Ray, Kathl een McCamor, Ha nna h Needler, Mandy McCoy, Briget te Hackett, Angela Siciliano, Jea nette Troiane Row 2: Katie Shea, Katie Sm ith, Abby Harper, Melissa Tuck, Caitl in McCamey, 路re路 Kea n路 , Li z Chrencik K Ily .1 f" ~. ch II E l L er,

Layi ng Down: Christine Ba uer, Lindsey Weber Row 1: Bridget Hamblin, Sarah Mercadante, Bridg et Hennessy, Jessica Murrell, I Sch neider, Aly Olsen

" I live in the cleanest building on campus! " ' - Liz Klug

" Li vi ng in Marycrest has enabled me to meet a lot of cool people. " ..... Karen Sorensen

Marycre Row 1: Brett Rothholtz, Greg Mette, Greg DeVine, Cory Penderg rass, Josh Wea aughn HE,ilT,. r >

Row 2: Keena


M"asoC!.'l1ric~fi Y'll~" \l:\[li"'1\aJ' Oj(;.Ji,[a~k1'5'~<a,f'i~"'1!'~w

........A. b;:raham-Linesch

" I spend most of my time in VWK. My roommate buddy Melgus is on his computer too much ."

--Adam Hal ma

" It's nice. We don't have to throw parties and pay fo r beer. But we still have a good time. "

--Kate Lybarger

v. W.



place to live because the building is new and

clean, the rooms are [0 leave for a ":?~~~'1,._ ~e ~l1'i5\lOnh.t路

.. _.


statementwit h its decor. student is entering 9 from the:e:old long wa lk Ie grand ntra nce of the ~ m \(es residents feel as if are entering a posh hotel.

" I stil l get lost when I am SOBER. This place is a maze! " . --And y Butz

spacious, and its close to campus. The only bad thing about Kettering is not having a kitchen and being required to purchase a meal plan, said sophomore Julie Drummond. " It is a friendly, heartwarming, homeli ke pla ce." --N ick Rotondo

'l""'t"l0rge, Elizabeth Hack, Nata lie iotan Ka' Garbach, Maiya LeFrois, Michelle Dearing, Courtney Montgomery, Colleen McLaughlin, Hui-lan Wu Row 2: Katie Simon, Rachel Seffens, Mike Valentine, Kelli Bru nswick, Fred Schul ke rs, Kevin Zenomk, Lizzeta Mort

""~~,ore, Craig Mylenbusch, Nathan

"""", . .. ius, J m rgess, Jeff Gormach Row 2: Jeff Geers, Tom Dotson, Dan Diet z, An dy Alien, Jen Martinez, Amanda Smith, Lori Diebel, Beth Kelley, Stacy Smaltz, Jonathan Pyles, Sarah Rhea, Ad rienne Niess, Dawn DeKrell, Paul Bunch, Patrick Elliot

Row 3: Clay Ma rsh, Stephen Yano, Andrew Stahl, Mel l ovesky, Chelle Swift, Julie Drummond, Becky Jacobson, Sara Kors, lindsey Irons, Jason Gries, Aaron Schneider, Jess St ark, Amy DeMatteo, Adam Kocoloski

ass, Will Surlow, Mark Saelzler, Ryan 路.m~I ~ Andy Wiegert, Emily Abe1i, Kim

nn Row 2: Amanda Teckman, Nick Stachler, Michae l Shelley, Jason Merz, Jen Hukaman, Cacki Sca llan, Steve Huellsm." 1 Kevin O'Brien, Michael Kroger, Sean McManiman, KaitUn Huber, Ryan Cook

" Kettering is a nice place t o li ve. The room-sized shower, is

the best pa rt. And I love my RA Doug ! "

. . . Ma tt Burosh

" I feel like 1 li ve in a hotel. " . . . Alison Gettings

v. W.


~=~.'l,~~ike Baniak, And rea Harrah, l!J el&rad, Hillary Sulens, Julie Hill, Bob Griffin Row 2: Anne Sargeant, Erika Moorman, Emily Inkratt, Amy Rack, Krystal Neighbors, Katie Hunter

ltaniiak, Andrea Harrah, • Hillary Sulens, Julre Hill, Row 2: Anne Sargeant, Erika Moorman, Emily In kratt, Amy Rack, Kryst al Neighbors, Katie Hunter

Ho<,an, Ch ri stina Graney,

-;~~;c~;:1~t:~~~~';~~: Ehrhardt, Shannon


Campbell, Joe l eigh Row 2: Bobby Owens, Justin Ackerman, Rob Hannon, Tony Broxterman, Nkk Long, Bob Neary

"3C RO CKS!! ! ! ! "

"We love Kettering; w e w ould not change it for th e world ."

- Emily Werner ..... Katie Garbach &

Malya Le Frois

V. W. Ketteri


Row 1" a R


bach, Chrissy Soeder, Emily

Besse· n9 ri9illo, Jay Brown, Zoch Hicks, Andy , en Oblinger Row 2: Shaun Grou p, Ken Swa nso n, David

Matthorn, John Harrel, Megan Koester, Michael Trinity, Micah Sage, Wi ll Freed


Row ndra Pockmara, Katie Tobe, Kurt ScherZI auna Bosse, Katie Bait, Sa rah Wilcox, Kristen Debes Row 2: Kelly Englert, Maureen Kelly, Ma rk Piepmeier, M ikey Boll in, Matt Metzler, Todd Mueller, Laurie Sturtz, Dana Campbell, Jamie Mowery, lauren Check, Lindsey Bodiya, Aud re y Roos

ff Wosman, Doug Grogg, Matt ela Teufel, Emily Werner, Trygue Rosen, 5l~"'1linkel, Carla W illiams, Kinah Patton Row 2: Matt Hulswit, Julie Bennett, Lauren Fore, Kristin Stroh, Katie Signs, Erin O'Rourke, Ki m Vonderbrink Row 3: Joe Meola, Kelsey Stilwell, Mary Fritzen, Stephanie Heringhaus

4 " I don't like th e f ood."

Row : Ant hony Smith, Ryan Riddel, Dyki orell, Jenny Boeshart, Michelle Fa lk, La eal, Anne Huffman, Kelly Schreier, Sarah Wabler Row 1: Rob Morrow, Jen Mach, Karl Miller, Melissa Rau, Sarah Bachey, Doug Martin, El izabeth Bickley Matthew Michael Arko, Michael Mals

" Kettering is a ve ry enjoyable place t o live."

- Jenn ie Krzyszton

-- Jim Coghil l

v. W. Ketteri ch e lasa lle, Mike Gou lis, Craig Rogers, Michelle Vachon, John Row 2: Gilberta lopez, Thomas Da nner, Greg Camp, Sa ra Forthofer, Emily Dobrinich, Cathy Karl, Mari Sl iwi nski, lisa Vega, Megan Yun ker, Michelle Cioffi

Row 1: w 0 nson, Ben 5icnolf, Demetri Preonas, Dann y h,N d Mueller, linda Casola, Kell y Pierpo itche ll Row 2: Jen Me ier, Allison Si rocky, Patrick Hunt, Tim Goettelmann, Stacie Siemionke, Jessica Chrih, Natalie Johnston Row 3: Doug Wasi l, Russell Hartings, Jessica Leudeke, Mark Fedders, Andrea Ciafard ini, Jenn ie Krzyszton, Kelly O'Rei lly, Garret t Wolfe, Michael Castro


Row' or mper, Jill Aug ust ine, Mike Pu nH , Erin Cam pbell, Janet Dubsky, la uren Wi ll iams Row 2: Cleveland Thurber IV, Ann Dinda, I3rlgid Godic, Tim Bai ley, Tyler Din kel, Sean O'leary, Jeff Bllzman, Na t han Cahall, Ca rolyn Verst, 5a rah Hemmer

" It is like a giant fa milY,an d Tekeia is like our mother."

" I just like t he atmos phere here." '" Jul ie Favazza & Ka t e Lawlor

- Tim Ho lland




,"Our whole apartment is dirty;

"( South is great. I've met so

w ith holes in t he wal ls and

many people this year."

roa ches in the bathroom .


.- Heather Breedlove

-- Josh Clevenger


"Who's got next game? "

-- Doug Coffelt

"Watch out for the cameras! "

-- Justin Berg



Mollie Murphy, Lori Large, Sara Henning, Steph Stickley, Amy Thompson, Lauren Conklin, Ji ll Repsold, Colleen Joyce, Amanda Murphy, Heidi Fitchner, Amy Wa ar, Annie Rei ~i Jii m~Berkemeierl David ~'iUI'0bb

itt " Irl U5t ~ . ro

;t2!!, MViendy li " p o , B i t n

"I wouldn't mind living in

Campus South for the rest of my years at UD. I am gonna m iss waking my neighbors after coming back from the

ghetto." -- Emily Duell

e op

" It's nice to have a lot of space." •• Nick Weber

Campu~, Patty Jerl ing, Megan Watson, Lauren Wi lhelm, Kl aus, Dan n Green, Ashley

Caroline Kinsella, Jimmy Barridge, Chris McKnight,

Kelly Sizer, Maureen O'Ma lley, Anna Kel ley, Adrianne Ross, Shawn Foley, Ahmed Abonamah,



elita, Meliss <h dsay

rr!R .

:'" ,S eph Id, John Po

'nger, Renee ha t "


Lessman, Garett Helber, Katy Kuntz, Julie

Brostiwicz, Margo Kel ley, Mol ly McElligott, Carey Wiley, Antonia Mascari

"I' m gonna miss this place for ever and ever in my life."

"The air co nditioning is good." -- Steve Schmittauer

-- Stephanie Jones

2002 --====r:;iii '/


The student neighborhood, better known as the " Ghetto," boasted constant activity. Juniors and

-. -

seniors bonded with their neighbors, rela xed on their front porches, hosted cookouts, played frisbee in the streets, corn hole on the lawns, and screamed invitations from rooftops, inviting fellow Flyers to join in the fun. All the while, student neighborhood cops lingered on street corners to ensure student safety.


Alberta 6' Chambers



71 if. A lhe,vt(N 926 A lhe,vt(N •

James Clark, Kevin Kwatkowski, Tom Kelly, Nick Cebulko, Rob Keppner

Sara Keiser, Michele Berry, Kristin She ridan, Jen Mihalik

Annie Heiles, Rachel Keily

Jesse Coopers

• •

Alberta Er Chambers

... •


• Jill Kantor, Angie Burkey, Sarah Jackson


LaChelle and Malik Barnett.

Dave Jacob, Drew Johantgen, Chris Henry, Christian Donovan

Nate Borelli, Kartik Raju

•• •




• •


• )

• Chris Kaskey


Brooke Folkerth, Dennise Vidosh,

Andrea Mack, Sarah O~rgefell

Pat Hufford , Kevin Lane, Tim Urbanija, Adam Stobinskl

• Kathleen Winter, Katie Moorhead




• Sara Fie!ds, JiIIlan Tetlin, Sarah Syd!owski

Andv (.lIn, TN, lee lust, Tom Novelli

• •

• •



Park~ K~ FrerickS~

6' Trinity


2311 K St"vee:C

Jts Jewell, lisa Rechtsteiner

234 K st"vee:C

• Ma rk. Hepp. Craig Fronek, Paul <;oodhue, Oavt' Emig. Tom Lewis, Kevin (iHlton

• •


Park~ K~ Frericks~


Er Trinity

Theresa f ranzinger, Slephanie Glota, Erin Morgan, M!!'9an Howell, Shawna Aukerman

• ,

1924 TvlA1.iXy



Andy Ramsey. Ni<k Bernard, Jeff Harting

• •



-, •

ChristopherehS(hrllmec" • Macke, .... Ch uck5Dod ge,Matt SchuH ns Kevin zulw(lch '


• , Catherin~

W rig . h t. Erin KOZ(lr Ryan, KI mSpen'S/, Steph()Oi~

• •




• 36fv~o-rv

Ryen O~senmacher, Geoff Miller



Emily Buck, Jessi Simon, Jennie POpp<)w, Ketie Tichar



Evanston Er Lawnview


..• •


• Front: Katie Hartmann, J~ska Dana BliCk: Kristin Fontaine




• i

Chris Thomas

• •


Evanston Er Lawnview


Fronl : Kathleen Knt!<ht, Elizabeth Vossen

Back: Sarah King, Tricia Singer, Julie Accetta

10 LVVWVWLew •



sarah Kidd, Megan Chambers, Kelty Connell, Laura

Koc h, Alison Mac ke

.. •



• •

• Monica Fontaine, Shelley Franz, Tara '''''', J~ Tosi, Heather Argadine

106 LGlMIVWLew

• Will Serilfini, Tim Fernandez. Matt Hummer, Jaden Branciforte

• •




• •

• •


!if •



Amy F~derJe, Beth Polen, R~ini!l Byers, Jennie Meismer, Stephalne Biagi, Brandee Harlor


• •


• •




• •

• Joseph Ashburn, Barry Williams, Brandon Riggms

231I vvvy "'ff

• • i . . Brlt __., J~ssic:a RU99IeriO, ~"9,e HutdlISOn,. . t L,"b~ ~ Amy Barstow

Stephanie Kane,








515 Ivv~

Michelle Gross, Elizabeth

Amanda Sullentro~, H lIihan Jen I<isker Mc:Evoy, K.ltle u ,



• Nicole Aliso n, Matthew ~rown, Mat <annon, Er ic Williams

• •


.. Irving & Lowes

... 632Ivv~


Er ic Qttensmeyer, Mark Pakhak, Chris Clark, Mike Gionnette, David A. Westbrock III


Sarah Winland, Kim DeBlasis, Kelly Cardon, Gena Miklos

• •



Irving 6- Lowes




Anna Drouhard, Janke Oehlke, Canda<e Do lezal, Kelley Dow, lonl Sm ith, Krist in Sinclair

• ,



429 L ow~

, • 4


n. \.P~...




Ann ie Wenker, Kr istin Schulte, Kat ie Purpura, Bryony laburn, Jill Hofhtetter


".("l'( '




'4,-'V<'- . ~?>'4~e , ~()~ o?'>?> -le~





• •





, ~..'v~



416 Lowe1T



• '- t'••

logan Versete, TJ Mucha, Sodus, Mark Morgan, Andrew Griffin

421 Lowe1T

Dan Smith, Lee Sprouse, Mike Sparks, Bri'ln Sheeran.

• •

• •





, Front: Sean McDermott, Pilt Matyas, Bob Hawley Back: Pat Paloscak, Shawn Nichols, Charlie Schreier

• 451



liza Fornadari, Leslie Korenich, Collette DeAngelis, Kristina Hempstead, Kristy Vilimas.

• •



Katie Seifried, Christaine Trentadue


Kiefaber •

• Jay Mala yny, Patrick SIOGn

226 KL.efcWe,v

224 KL.efcWe,v

• Colleen M(earth Laura Mur P hy, Debbie y, Shannon Live Iy, Lisa MeM anaman Schr<>e'd er, , A nna Kaufm ct n

Aaron HI pp,Grennan Randy Shard To y, Steven Kelly Ch . , mmy Har ris





• Marty McN amara, Craig Bruen Allen Sanders T <terman, Je f f Swanson ' , renton Ka r n


• Hickory Henderson, Matt Mint John Fitzgerald,esmond B" O,"O' Jeffery R. Zihlman '




• 312K~


•• ' k

Me9i1n Hie ey,

f ' M ""nicks • Kiera linz, JulltSteame"

d Katie Nellis

Eversger ,



• Ryan

McDonald, Greg Grosfleld, . M att Hausknecht, John Gottschall

• •




• 339K~

Dan Cerwinske, Goose, Thomas Kennedy


Front: Sarah Corlett, Shijron Wright,

Bill Ryan, Ferris Feriamos FarreU, Tiffany Bone<he<k, Sliz Andino, Boogy Pohlman

Kelli Johnson Ba<k: lisa Andr<:ejewski, Shannon

Ja<kson, Nichole Bruntz




• kly Kara h M c

lisa Muc e (oyle, , Jenn" Grothou~e

be, Amy lorenz, Katie

425K~ •

• Melissa Simons, A mY Queenan, Nocole Moseley. h Jessica 3ratolck Sarah Mulea y,





• •

Andrea Bifulco, Reagen Miller, Kelly Connelly, Nicole Welsh

• ,.


• M~I,s sa

Sepos, Catherine Thaman, Marie Akers


• •


• •


Kiefaber E.r Stonemill


• Dave Kilwein, Dave Scimonelii, Bebby Stren9, Chnt Fisher


Brandon Ritter, Kyle Schriner, Mike Brennan, Dan Poutier, Chester Coppcrpo(. Franklin Howard, Travis Jeric, Ale)( (urier, Chris Sipe

• Stephen Sutherland, Thomas Wurm. Michael J. Schmitz

Kiefaber Er Stonemill •

• 233St~

• •

Front: Jessica Giancola Back: Maggie Phillippi, Katie George, Er in Dwyer


• ,



.--~S~t~o~n~e~m~ill"--------------7.~3:09~S:C~ ~~'~~" •

• AI' on DeVilliers, Julie Lusser, Kelly Vennekotter, 5 IS Christa Hemmelgarn Laura Brown, Kllra te ncel ,


Match, josh Reinhart, Chris Hemmelgarn

• •





Jim Westfall, Adam Doane


• •



Steve Bell, Ernest Edwards, Matthew caserta



Matt Bayer, Jared Stonecash, Andy Me rrill, Mike Newlin


Lawnview Apartments .


• Emily Jones, Katie Sime, Kllite Ha uer, Me-gan Haas

104 LCWlvw{,e,w AbU:





Martin Linder, D"vid Perkins


• •

• • •

Lawnview Apartments

.. ,



Jeff Haynay, John Wojton, Timmy Smith

206 LGLWvwt:ew

Jennifer Bolger, Amy Peppard, Sarah Yoshimura,

lindsay nichardson


Lawnview Apartments •



• Chrissy Blachnan, Amanda Naylor, Alyson Melo

305 LcvwYWL.eMJ •

Stephanie Rocafort, Jen Johnson, Michelle Papp, Ru t h Braid


Lawnview Apartments


Front: Se(}n Duggan, Jeff Shafer

Back: Matt Mowrer, Ed McPhillips

310 LC!MJvw[e.w Apt¥.



Rob Brower, Joel Hel ton




• •


Lawnview Apartments Er Garden Apartments 404 LCLWVWlLew Ap~ •


• Neal Bhatnagar, Nick Jacobs

405 LCLWVWlLew Apt¥. •

Tracy McManus, Stacey Scheid, Crista Montgomery, Erica Campise



Lawnview Apartments Er Garden Apartments


, Emilie Proyart,. Sorah Snodgrass, Robyn Gorman, Jill

Gers<hut;z, Paivi kohramen

312 38 StewlM"t

• •



Vince Pourbalx, Dan longhouse, Mike Mills, Nlel




Garden Apartments •

• Steve loas. Mike Bognar, Max lundbeck, Lauren Flint

1110 lCFV0V~ ~"•

Dan Kapostasy, Pat Cutter

• •

• •

Garaen Apartments

• •

• •

1110 20 Fvev~

Doug Varian, AJ. Koharl




" /os~·




, -1.t'(-f;:





Garden Apartments 3142C


• Katie Schock. Kelly Krahe, Katie Kretz

• 3142DLow ~ •

Kyle Panther, John Mejury

• •

• •


Garaen Apartments

• •

• •

312 2C St ewiM"t I


41 Matt Lewandowski, Chad Buck




-11/,'{. <i D(>1



, (:"/~. 1'1(> So




While juggling practice, weight training , and academic studies, UD 's athletes gained time management skills while participating in team environments. The ath letes demonstrated dedication, determination, and mental strength. They showed that athletic involvement shaped not I




only the body, but the mind;


rtf were capable of

developing attitudes and ideals Sweating on the field, yelling in the crowd , coaching on the sidel ines ....Whatever position you played , you won the satisfaction of UD sports.


St. Francif, PA 70-0

RotÂťert Morrif


AUf tin



More"ead State 1'2-2.2

Who would have guessed that college football players appreciated such simple things as candy bars and ice cream sundaes. Coach Kelly arranged inner team running compet itions at Thursday night pract ices; the winners received candy bars, and on Friday nights before away games, players enjoyed ice cream su ndaes. Looking at the success of the football team, players, coaches, and fans would ag ree that the season was full of sweet rewards. Th e Flyers recorded an overall record of 10-1, set a new school record of 31 interceptions, and with an average of 41.2 ppg the team is the highest scoring in UD history. The teams success came with unity and friendship amongst the players. Senior tight-end Kevin Bordegon said, " because we were all friends, we worked well together, and had a better record, " Burke Byer, a senior defensive end said, "week after week we bui lt confidence and we knew we co uld wi n," A few players remembered and honored forme r player, A. J. Cohen by putting a #98 and A.J. on t heir wrists before each game. The team bonded and reaped the rewards of their intense weight training and workouts with an outstanding season. " Never looked ahead, and never looked behind," coach Kelly commented about his team 's effort t his season. continu e<l on nex t page...

l)uquefne 1'2-16

Huddle Up! The Flyer offense prepares to execute another playas they find out if it will be a run or pass. pharo courtesy of UD arhlerics


Sa n C>iego


15 -1'1

l>rake 2'1-'2.1

Canisius 50-18


St. Marv ' , (CA)





The Dayton defense smothers the opponent's ball carrier. The Flyers held their opponents to only 167 poi nts. photo courtesy of UD athletics


Row 1: Todd Blair, Randy Crenshaw, Allen Sanders, Justin Wakter, Eric Willman, Luke Parks, Jeff Swinson, Jermaine Bailey, Marty McNamara, Kevin Boregon, Burke Byer, Marty Coates, Jayson Arllng, Tim Bates, Kyle Buhler Row :2.: Kelly Spiker, Ben Winters, Geno Matioda, Matt Ryan, Trent Karn, Marcus Colvin, Andy Bentley, Ryan Jones, Adam Kendig, Kris Ketron, Alex King Row 3: Tom Linley, Justin Willhoite, Jeff Fallis, Mike Fitz, Nate Moore, Chris Anderson, Terry Hefferman, Mark Kasmer, Aaron Furman, Mike Sullivan, Brent Walton, Jesse Obert, Matt Yonker, Jarrod Wachter, Wayne Artuso Row 4: Mike Stasko, Barry McCOy, Cavid Patterson, Jr. Michael Short, Andy M iser, Brian Westerfield, Dustin Placke, brian Reisert, Nick Sellett, Brett Henry, Justin Plummer, Steve Norton, Chris Dearth, Adrian Nicholas, Brian Gooding, Kyle Magoteaux Row s:Tony Hurps, Chris Giorgione, Chris Fackler, Alan Buckley, Andy Devito, Nick Dunlap, Chuck Harris, Jason Schmidt, Pete Mastandrea, Cliff Sachini, Jason Resch, Doug Jones, Steve Verhoff, Sean Brolley, Scott Foster Row 6: Andrew Ottmar, Brandon Pittman, Ryan Morris, Ryan O'Donell, Trent warren, Eric Heideloff, Graham Halcomb, Brian Heizman, Todd Thobe, Chris Cowan, Matt Ames, Eric Grover, Jeff Schmidt, Jared McQuiston, Mark Willoughby, Joe Stephens Row 7: Mike Neuberger, Bill Groetsema, Nate Eaton, Travis Meddles, Brad Almendinger, Willy Will, Robby Schwab, Ben Llyod, Brandon Staley, Ryan Kuntz Row 7: Coaches Mike Kelly. Chris Ochs, Craig turner, Bryan Johnson, Tony Davis, Brain Tracy, Rkk Chamberlin, Sean Gorius, Fred Schmitz, Howard Sales, Dave whidingg, Josh Boyer, Pat Baker, Charlie Hayman. Photo by Tim Goone


Right : Gameday is here! The Flyers get ready to go on the field and beat up the opponent. The team had a great season and beat up all but one other team. Below : Sophomore defensive back Scott Ridel tries to shed a tackler. Apparently a lot of teams couldn't bring down the Flyers. photos courtesy of UD


Right : Senior tailback Jermaine Bailey busts through a hole and runs all the way to score a spot on the AII-PFl, First team. Bailey scored 9 touchdowns on the season and finished with 933 rushing yards and 136 receiving yards. photo courtesy of UD athletics



"re\lious "age ...

The success the Flyers had during the l001 season and the efforts put in on and off t he fie ld did not go unnoticed. Five players were named t o the l001 Verizon/CoS IDA Academic AII~District IV team. The list is headed by senior corne rback and co~captai n Marty McNamara. The other Flyers named were junior defensive tackle Andy Bentley, j unior safety Mark Kasmer, sophomore offensive tackle Nick Sellett and sophomore wide receiver Jason Schmidt. The fjve Dayton players named to the team was the most from one school. Ten other Dayton players were named to the All-Pioneer Football Leag ue team . Repeating from the lOOO season as a first team selection, senior tailback Jermaine Bailey was top on the list of ten Flyers named . Along with Bailey, the Flyers named as first team selections were junior offensive guard Justin W illhoite, sen ior offensive tackle Eric Wi llman,junior midd le guard Trent Karn, junior linebacker Tyler Bowersock, junior safeties Mark Kasmer and Aaron Furman, junior punter Jeff Fallis, and sen ior kick returner Ryan Jones. Named to second team AI I-PFL was junior defensive tackle Andy Bentley. With the efforts of these men in conjunction with the other players on the team, the Flyers were able to pull off an extraordinary season and a PFL Championship.


Virginia Tech Cincinnati Oak(and 0-1 1-'2. (OT) 2 -1 (2OT)





Wright State Wifc.-Mi'(waukee 2-J 1 J-J (2)T)


The 2001 Season fo r the UD Men's soccer team didn't turn out as they had hoped, After what seemed like a season of alternating wi ns and losses, and ups and downs, the Fl yers found themse lves goi ng 4-0-1 during the final stretch of the regular season. On senior night, also the final regu lar seson game, the Flyers had wha t defender Dan Bestic called, " the greatest win of the season . For seniors, there is nothing better than winning a big co nference game on senior night! " The 1-0 wi n over the UMass Mountainmen w as a great ending to a somewhat disappoin ting season. The Flyers ended up 11-7-2. overa ll and 8-2.-1 in the A-10. Senior captain Erik Nelson said, "the team unity was great' W ithout that, we wouldn 't have the success we did. I feel there was so much talent on the team, it was disappointing not to get into th e NCAA tournament." Nel son we nt on to say, "I am sad it is over. It is hard leaving guys you spent almost everyday with for t he last four yea rs." The Flyer's first game of the A-10 tournament was against #16 ranked and A-10 regular season champs, Rhode Island. The men pulled off a 2.-0 home w in at Baujan Fi eld . Thi s win was a huge boost for the team. However, in the tournament semi-finals, the Flyers lost to a UMass team hungry for reve nge. Regardless of the outcome of the season, the men on the team showed pride in being a Fl yer. The cohes iveness and unit y proved to be an ongoing asset t o the team throughout the season .

Along with Sunday Isename, Se nior Wade Fischer reaches in to congratulate #10 Christain Porto after his goal. Porto finished the season w ith 4 goals. photo courtesy of ua athletics

fY\jchigan )(avier 1-2

1-0 (OT)

LaSalle St. Bon 2-'1 '1-'1



St. Joe' s

Te .. ~(e

T 2-'1 (2Cf)



UMan 1-0

Senior goalkeeper

Matt Hutchins saves a goal off the foot of a Duquesne player. Hutchins

talied S3 saves on the season and four shutouts. photo courtesy of UD


'1 ..... Ii au


Row 1: Joe A""el, Tve Stebf>ins, Jason Kurdziel, Matt Hutchins, Chris Rolfe, Michael Morales. Wot Picturet/: Sa 1\'1 Af\'Ieh , Michael Wrien, Chris-tis", Porto Row 1: Lee CrawFord, Scott Hinshaw, Erik Wel50n , Sunday lsenaMe, l>an ThOMas, Jeff Suzuki, Jene Failv. Row '3: Auistant Coach TaMa Aondofar, Assistant Coach Alberto Mendez, Dan Cerwins-ke, l>ennv Clavton, Joe HaU, JiM GrahaM, Wade Fischer, Chris Moler, Dan Bertie, Head Coach Dave Shureck. 1I0t Pictu red: SaM AI'o'Ieh , Michael Wsien , Christian Porto


Michigan Wright St. Xav ie r ) -0 0-1 Canc ell ed

Oregon St . Ca (."/rvine 1-~


Santa C(ara Stanford Ohio




ref From preseason criticism to post season celebration, 21 women

wo rked toget her, played together, lived together; they did what it took to be successful. As a result, the UD women's soccer team had an unforgettable season. Led by Coach Mike Tucker and senior co-captians Megan McKnight and Sarah Walker, the Flyers began the season with a record of one and five. Preseason pessimism from media and fans tainted the team's reputation. People bel ieved that the star player's transfer to another schoo l was the end for the Flyers. However, the team saw it differently. With senior leadership and optimistic attitudes, the ladies began winning and didn't look back. What seemed at the beginning to be a long, ugly season was actually the beginning of the road to the NCAA Sweet 16. The Flyers won 's straight games and cru ised through the A-10 tournament. With the automatic bid to the NCAA tournament, the team was excited and full of anticipation. After beating Maryland in the first round and Miami of Ohio in the second round, the Flyers met with #3 UCLA in Los Angeles. With a 3-1 loss, the Flyer's season came to an end. The loss of a dominant player actual ly proved to have a positive effect on the team. With no ce nter of attention, the team was able to


focus on the task at hand and played together to win. McKnight ta lked about the team's relationship with each other and said, "This team is amazing. The friendships made on this team wi ll be kept for a lifetime. I can only hope that future teams will have the sa me relationship we all had. " The relationships of the


, Fa players showed on and off the field. Team unity was obvious to spectators as they watched the women on the field. Sarah Walker agreed: "Thi s is a team. There are no individuals on this team. We win together, we lose

together. Everybody needs everybody. It takes all of us to be successful." The 2001 UD women's soccer team was placed in the record books, but more importantly, the women's exemplary efforts were instilled in the hearts of coaches and fans. Victorious in her efforts, Stephanie Weisenfeld sacrifices her body in to make an incredible save.

RiclllYlo nd GW For4haM LaS.tle S+_ Bon, l>uquesne St. Joe 's TeMI'Ie UMau 1-1












Megan McKnight and Liz Brown team up to put the ball in the face of the defender. The Flyers put it in the face of all the uitks by making it to the NCAA Sweet 16 after so many people doubted them early in the season. photo courtesy of UD athletics



Back Row ((eft to right): Ant. CoaCh Shauna CottreU, Aut. Coach George l>et'oletriades, Tesia Koz(owski, #'(ara #'(enne..,., Erin Skladanv, Shannon Kuh(, Erin Showalter, Beth McHugh , Bridget Busht'olan, Ant. Coach Greg Scheen, Head Coach Mike Tucker. Middle Row: Jeuica Me(vin, Megan Mc#'(night, "'ina l>jGuardi, Judi Aschenbrener, Clare Quinter, Lindsev Whitehead, Sarah Maxwe((. Front Row: Leah Phetl's, Sarah Walker, At'olanda Kuntz, Stel'lIanie Weisenfeld, Stacy DeLuca, Liz Brown, Jen Sit'olonetti (A-10)


Xavier S-1


Sweet 16

Marvland 1-0

Mia", (011) 1-0

Mich. St.




) -0


St. Francis CPA) ) -0

Devoting numerous summer hours to strenuous weight train ing, the 2001 volleyball team grew physically and also became emotionally connected; t he team benefited f rom the summer work out sessions

throughout the season. The positive attitudes developed in the preseason mon t hs were matchless. "Confidence was a major factor in this fairly young team 's

success. Every girl wanted to be there and wanted to win," elaborated Susan Westbrock This team unity led to an impressive 21-8 overall record which awarded t hem with the recogn ition of being UD's first ever Alt lantic 10 reg ula r

season champions. The team was led by two


.:!Ib. ,

.. -

,',~ J

Ford #'lilr" )-0


UMan )-0

seniors, Katie Ferriel and Xin Xin Zhang, and also the A-10 co-coach of the year, Peter Hoyer. Ferriel, a middle blocker, su rpassed a previous U D record to become the schools all-time leading blocker. " It is great to leave a mark in the record books. What r am really proud of tho ugh is that UD vo lleyba ll is on the up and up." Although the ladies were disappointed with the final four games of the season, the team closed with an impressive stretch of victories, winning 20 out of their last 24 matches. After this great season, the Flyers are holding their heads high and are already excited about what is in store for the future.

Rhode 1,land


i e",ple )-0

LaSaU e )-0

The team cong ratula tes each other after one of the many points t hey scored on t he season. photo court esy of UD athletics

BG Hoosier PPt>



Wright St. 0-)

)(av ier

Rhode I'land




U n路 3-1





GW 3-1

Duqu e sne


# 12



Kati e Ferriel

Sophomore Erin Treadway and fist year Christy Utnage show some teamwork.; the foundation to t he success of the Flyers this season. phot o courtesy of UD athletics

Row 1: Carrie Snider, Carmen couts, Jukie Neiser, Megan Pease, Kat ie Ferrie ll, Xi nXin Zh ang, Erin Trea dw ay, Sha nnon Gardner, Kell y Scott. Row 2: Head Coach Pete Hoyer, As sistant Coach Sa rah M ikla, Trainer Nicole Chimera, Lisa Poppelman, M eghan Morgan, Shanna Pressler, Katie Beck, Ch risty Utnage, Denni s Hale, Genoa Moxley, Todd Fitz, John Mil ler. Duquesne GW )(avier CinCinnati LouiNitle 3-0 3-1 0-3 0-3

Fiver SI{ Challenge 1rt (of ¥)

Mel Brodt 'nyite


Wational Cat ho(je Invite 6th (of 26)

"CroS"{ Country Onfv " Men ' f Watt. 15t (of 8)

• Young ta lent and senior leadership co mbined with an

e nthusiastic coach to gUide the men 's cross coun t ry team this season. Growth and im provement from last season helped the team f inish 1St in the "Cross Country Only " meet in St. Louis. Senior leadership from Captain Sha un Westfal l and Phil Ran ly proved to pu sh t he tea m to work hard and meet persona l goa ls. "My goal for the season was to bring out each individual 's potentia l in

orde r t o better the team," Westfa ll sa id. This focus began wit h a summer cross


cou ntry "cam p" to bring the men t ogether an d continue with the motivation of coach Ric h Davis. Phi l Ranly said, "Coach Dav is made su re we all pra cticed hard and got along tog ether; this is what led to the team's success." The team also recorded UD's best finish placing 6th at Notre Dame at the Nationa l Catholic Invitational. With all of t he first-years stepping up, the team hopes to co ntinue improving and gaining experience on and off the course. Th e work these athletes put in isn't ea sy. It takes many hours of dedication and motivation everyday fo r th ese runners to sta y in shape and perform the best they ca n on race day.

You try running a fast 5 m iles and see how you would f eel. The F,lyers had an impressive season and these gentlemen helped lead the way. photo courtesy of UD athletics

AU-ohio Cha""~ionfhi~f 9+0 (oF 31)

Queen City Invite 1"~ (oF 楼)

A路1 0 Cha""~ ionf"i~f 7+0 (oF 11)

WCAA Great Lake s Regiona. 1J(oFJ1)

Two Flyers give each other the rock as encouragement before their upcoming race. photo courtesy of Jeff Meyrose

Row 1: 10,.., K'atrahniaf, l>avid Bereda, Brian Ro~erts, Michae( EfI(e, Wesley Ga(a,..,fI, Brett Fisher Row '2.: Asst. Coach Brian Rea,.." Zachary Lewis, Shaun Wes+faU, S+e~"en Streicher, Kevin 1schoU, MuWgan, Phil Rah(v, Coach Rich l>avis.



Fiver 5k


1st (oF 8)

Met Brodt Invite Wationa( PP/)

Cat~o(jc 'it~


Indiana St. In'lite

(oF 26)

6t~ (oF


What a landmark year in UD Women 's cross-country! With the addition of six incoming first-years, two new sophomores, and si x returning upperclassmen, the Flyers were bound for success. They were lead by

two ta lented and devoted senior captains, Kelly Klosterman and Denise Koh lreiser, who helped create a team of woman who achieved great thi ngs as a group and as individuals. This season was f ull of

laughter, tears, and lots of memories. Many team members set personal records, including

Lauren May, Christie Pasto r, Katie Mannhard, and Alison Ke lly. As a team , these ladies achieved great things. These included their annual goa l of beating Wrigh t

State, winning the Flyer 5-K, and winni ng the Queen City Invitational in Cincinnati. Numerous devoted four-year varsity athletes led the team with leadership and experience. Senior Colleen Pratt said, "What a

great season to be a Flyer. We ran like it was our job, achieved great t hings, and had a blast doing it." Kohlreiser summed it up we ll when she

said, "We had a 3-D team ... Desi re, Dedication, and Determination." Despite losing these sen iors to graduation, the team gained valuable lessons that w ill assist the Flyers in

seasons to come. The one-two punch of Kara and Tara Sto rage run together like usuaL This t win action proved t o be too much f or many

opponen ts. photo courtesy of UD clthletics


A((.()hio C"'cl~l>jO"SIli"r 7t~ (oF 11)

Mct>onald 's Invite '1+1> (of 12)

Queen City Invite 1,t (of 5)

A·10 Cha""pionships 6tl> (of 11)

WCAA Great Lakes Regional 17tl> (of '1)

Warming up for a race isn't just stretching. The girls jog quite a bit to get their legs loosened up and their hearts pumpin'. Some of the runners do better in the race if they run a couple miles before the race starts. After a race, the team does a cool down run as well . photo courtesy of UD athletics


Row 1: MicMlle Griffin, t>ana t>uckro, Katie t>ot>ies, Diane Murphy, Kara Storage, Tara Storage, Katie Kennedy, Alison Mahrer, Denise Kofl(rieser, t>enise Ha",,""ons, Kelly Kloster""an, Brittanv kopkas, Jenny Wittich Row 2: Aut. Coach Shelley krall, £""ily Moost>rugger, Ruth Hinde, Denise Miller, Khalee(ah Sneed, Michelle Falk, karen Setty, Mary £ileen Rohan, £(isat>eth Bennett, Alison Kelly, katie Mannhard, Lauren May, Colleen Pratt, Christie Pastor, Laura White, Misti HaM""ons, Coach George Brose.



The men's basketball team completed the 2001 - 2.002. season with a record of 21-11. For the first time since 1968-69, the Flyers finished the season with 20+ wins for the third

time in as many seasons. Although they lost the last game of their regular season, the Flyers made it to post-season play. After losing to Xavier for the third time of the season in the Atlantic 10 tournament, and losing the chance for an automatic bid to the NCAA tournament, Dayton found

themselves invited back to the National Invitation Tournament against

University of Detroit, the team that knocked Dayton out of the N IT the previous year. The Flyers beat Detroit but fell short to Tennessee Tech during second round action. " Finishing the season with a

loss in post-season is better than not


playing in March," senior guard David Morris said. continued on page 207 .. ¡

SCOBfBMRl> Opponent

Result (1Jl>-Gnonentj



Central Michigan a+ ViUano"a at Cincinnati

81-65 57-5~


Morehead St. at Marquette


Eastern Kentuckv at Purdue Austin Peav

8'2.-70 8')-7'l-


Xavier George Washington at l>uquerne Ric"'~ond

51-n 76-61 60-2J 5~-66 8')-5~ 88-~~


a+ LaSaUe at Xavier at Massachusetts St. Bonaventure

71-6~ 5~-75

at Fordh.,,,,

~2-78 5~-6J

at Rich",ond

8')-68 75-81





/,la04 at George 'Wash. at St. Jose"h ' s 1 e"'~le



68-70 70-75 (aT) ~5-7'l-

POft-Seafon A-fO R~o4 e /'la04 St. J ose"h ' s Xavier

lifT l>e+ro it


Tennen ee Tech



" {>e'lV

~aU! " Broo ks HaU's defeF'lse is

He be rt


th e S'~Cia d and in tile OJ}

Conference. Photo Tirv,


Boon e.

Jenica $ifWIl'Ylons, Sal\'lrw.,. SMiH, RalYlod"fha((, M.ark Jones, YUanta Holland, l>avid M.orriS', Greg Kohls, tJ.J. SteUv, Brooks 101.1((, Manager Daniel Hel~ Back Row: Senior Anistant Coach Ron Jirsa, Coordinator of Basketf,aH O~eratio,..s Shaka S~art, AHista,..t Coaeh Frank SlYIith, Nate Green, Sea,.. Finn, Keith WatesKoWsKi, Jason Osf>orne, Head Trainer Steve Foster, AHistant Coach Josh Postorino, Head Coae" OHver PurneU.

Front Row: Manager


Jump! Sean Finn (right) protects teammate Ke ith Waleskowski as he leaps to score. These two men made major contibutions to the Flyers' success on the boards this season.

Dunk it! Nate Green shows his power and strength as he takes the ball strong to the hoop. Photo courtesy of Tim Boone

Loose ball! D.J. Stelly and David Morris dive on the hardwood in hopes to gain that extra possession. photo courtesy of Tim Boone

continued /rofVi previou5 page•••

At the end of the season, awards were given to outstanding players. For the 2001-2.002 season, David Morris took home the MVP honors. The Top Rebounder and Scholar-Athlete Awards went to Keith Waleskowski, while Mark Jones was named Outstan ding Freshman. The Spirit Award went to walk-on Greg Kohls. Ramod Marshall took home the Defensive Player of the Year Award and the Chris Daniels Memorial Most Improved Player award was earned by Sean Finn . Senior Yuanta Holland provided inspiration on and off the court during the season and se rved as a model to his peers after a[1 the games were done. His story began when he came to UD in 1997. Inelgible to

playas a first year student, he paid his own way through his first year of school. Due to his work ethic in the classroom and graduating in four years, the NCAA granted Holland an additional year of basketbal l elg ibi lity. H is story inspired his teammates to excel in the classroom and to play with perserverance and enthusiasm.





The women's basketball tea m bega n the season with a shortage of players, who were out wit h inj uries. However, they did not let that taint their confidence. W it h strong off-season and summer workouts, t he Flyers were ready for t he 2001-2002 season. During the off-season, most of the players stayed in Dayton and lived on camp us. They worked out and played in leagues toget her. Thei r close-knit relationships caused them to play better as a team . Throughout the early stages of t he season, the players' dedication, discipline, and work ethic created a positive atmosphere. This attitu de lasted until it was tested by seasonending injuries of th ree players. With team mem bers plagued with injuries, the team found it difficu lt to be successful.

With goa ls to get to postseason play, the Flyers found ~ themselves at the Atlantic 10 tournament, where t hey had a come-from-behind win against ra nked Temple. This wi n "boosted the spirits of the Flyers for t he latter stages of the season," commented Coach Jaci Clark. The Flyers ended the ir season 11-17 in regular play, and 8-8 in confe rence


Right: Junior guard Sarah Allen tangles up with a Tempfe opponent. Allen, a t ransfer from Arizona State, provided a spark to the team's intensity.


Resuif (UI>-o~~onent)

CinCinnati St. Mary ' , (CA) Florida St. Marvland at Minr'leso+a St. Louis at Wortherrl Illinois at Marquette WrigM State at Arkansas at 1ofedo


jI ~

58-70 05-n

oO-oJ 50-5J So-OJ '/9-52. 52.-61 oJ-91 89-J~



Xavier at l>uquesne George W.lfhington




at RichMond


LaSaUe at St. Bonaventure at Xavier


at MaHachuS'etts

at R~ode 1,land Te"'~le St. Joseph ' s

at George Wash. at LaSaUe RichlYlond Duquesne




80-68 58-65 (aT) 71-60

88-OJ ~8-50

50-6J 70-77 (01)

87-89 71-69(01)

Row 1: ChriffV Donovan , Stephanie lYIiUer', Atena MartenS', Sarah $ch(ofS, Shannof'l McFadden, Mandv Winner, Kristv Hinetine, Sarah A((en, Marina Su((ivan. Row 2..: Coae" Krisha Green, Coach fHen McGre w, Head CoaCh Jaci Clark, CoaCh 1aMMV S"ain, EMilv WilHelMS, Cvntii' S+u((, Ange(a Cape, Heather H,He(Man, Leslie B<.Irns, Managers- Megan Hal'o'lMerer, Aliso,., Dick, Manl'iv MverS', 1rainer Vic MiUer

photo Courfe$¥ of TiM Boone



• •

The men's basebal l team, with a revamped field and spectator field, proved themselves as Atlantic 10 top competitors. Under the direction of Coach Tony Vittorio, t he team became a disciplined, talented squad of athletes. In Coach Vittorio 's three years at UD, he managed to turn the program around . Bringing in excellent recruits as well as quality junior col lege players, Vittorio made a name for the UD baseball team and its players. His love for the game was shown in his determination to achieve excellence. During the 2002 season, he tallied his 300th ca reer win. One of these


~.,.,;;;."--:~ wins ca me against Ohio State. The team rallied for a comeback win in which every player contributed. At that time, Ohio State was ranked 25th in the nation. The Flyers finished the season by competing in the A-10 t ourna ment. During the 2002 season, all players contributed to the success of this squad.


Right: Senior

designated hitter Scott Kaye waits for

the pitch so that he can hit


one over the

Left: The ball club members congratulat e each other after one of their many victories. The team has recorded an impressive 20+ wins for the past three seasons under Coach Vittorio.

Row 1: Matt Quinter, Mil(e Laucl(, Matt McClesl(y, TOM BeecheM, Jeff BouraS"S"a, Rory Thornton, Todd Presar, tiM Wevius, Roberto RaMos Row '2.: SaM Fischer, Jal(e Hanson, Dave Schindler, Aaron Pahs, Aaron Reesh, Mike K'erins, Scott Kaye , Andy BoehMer, Zaeh Fox, Mike Ro(ih Row'); Manager Alberto LOl'ez, Kaleb ThoMI'son, Mark Eger, Cory Allen, Mark Wahl, Carl King, Forrest Be/eller, Kris Bracken, Jerry Blevins, (Trainer) Wate SeYMour Row 짜-: Drew Cllesebro, Eddie FreUe, Coael'! Todd Linl(later, Head CoacllTony Vittorio, Coacl'! Terry Bell, Coaell Shane Pool, Chad Liter, Howard Corona Wot Pictured; SlIawn BoWnger ~ ,,/loto courtesy of 1i,.., Boone


With multiple returnees to man the mound and with a strong set of back-up players on the bench, the women 's softball team grew up and tried to live up to the coach 's wishes of having them become "experienced leaders." With 18 underclassmen, the team worked for contention in the Atlantic 10 Championship. The Flyers swept the Rams in a double header which completed five wins. Dana Campbell pitched a shutout. Because of this performance and her shutouts against Fordham, Campbell was named Pitcher of the Week. First year Cassie Gross was awarded Rookie of the Week after batting .667 with three runs scored. She also ended t he season leading the Flyers with a .294 batting average. With an impressive showing, the UD women took first place team in the Atlantic 10 (#26 ranked UMass) to ten innings before falling in extra frames 3-2. The women proved that unique batting practice, which involved them hitting tiny beans at the Frerick's Center, paid off. The Flyers finished this season with a overall record of 17-26 and an A-10 record of


Rig ht : Coach Jodi Eickemeyer

encou rages her player as she ste ps up to the plate.


left: Spencer Izor, Dana Campbell , and Kerry White gather on the mound to celebrate an out.

Row 1: Laura Studnicka, Shannon St. C(air, Maegan SwiS"her, Tracie Kerry White, Lindfay Jordan , Cauie Gron, Ste"lIanie White, Anna PoeM'e(~an Row '2.: JaneUe Mucha, Megan Koefter, Carta ChaneY, Afhlea Hohei~er, KeUv SChreier, S"encer Jzor, Tjffa~v Ward, Mary Fritzen, Jenica F(etcher, Angie Barney Monica Munfey frlot Pictured: l>ana Ca~,,~eU photo courtesY of r;~ Boone Weinhei~er,






With a new coach taking over the program, the men 's golf team was refreshed and inspired. Flyer women 's golf coach, Brad Smith, accepted the position and said, " I'm looking forward to the challenge of working with both teams and helping them improve to the next level. " They started their season strong , ~ finishing 6 out of 12 in the University ~~ of Indianapolis Invitational. The ,~ highlight of the season came while ., hosting and winning the Fl yer ." Inv itational on April1S. Another '-':r>:...L:! top finish for the men came in the Duquesne-Robert Morris tournament where they finish ed 4th.They ended their season in rough weather condition s placing 8 in the Verizon Atlantic 10 Conference Tournament. First year A.J. Quinter finished strong for the Flyers (18th) and hopes to lead the team to a successful season next spring.

Right: First year

Bill Everding sizes up his put at the NCR Co untry Club.

Far Right: Tim

Skufca, in his first year on the team,' practices his chipping as he prepares for the round.


Left: Coach Brad Smith overloooks the putting of

sophomore Matt Savage.

RoW' 1: Head Coach Brad Sl'VIith, Matt Savage, Andy Hire, Drew lyrer, 10n'1 Howe((, Ant. CoaCh Turk WaUcerRow '2.: Brvan $chl'Vla#Ce(, BiU Everding, 101'V1 GrunfcenlVlever, n"" Skufca "ho+o cotJrte$Y of nftll Boone


The women's golf team had a season of unexpected happenings. It began with three high tournament placings, but the Sept. 11 tragedy caused cancelled tournaments. After their time off, the Flyers seemed to loose their touch. With an unhappy ending to the fall season, the Flyers vowed to improve in the spring. The women valued their chance to play in a tournament with the U D men's team. For the first time ever, UD hosted a tournament featuring both the mens and womens gold teams. The brother/ sister teams tournament was hosted at the NCR Country Club. The team bonded throughout the season. Senior Stephanie Kane remarked, " We were better as a team and closer on and off the course because we had overcome ~

challenges together."


Right: The team gathers in familiar style directly following a tournament.

left: Seniors, Kelly Jacob, Stephanie Kane, and Kelly Vaughan provided leadership and motivation throughout the season.

Row 1: Ke((v Jacob, Brett Jo~nS'on , Stacy Ziarko, Laura Caleal, Kristen Anna Colosi~o, Jennifer f,ligin Row 2: AHt. Coac~ Turk Walker, Jo rini,. Ke((v Vaug~an, Step~anie Kane, Jennifer Hernlion, Havlev M.ever, Carolvn Fuc~s, Head Coac~ Brad Sl\'Ijt~ Stro~ ,

photo CouI'tep{ 01 TiM Boone




The men's tennis t eam ended their season on a strong note, w hich was the result of multiple high points during the season. Coach Steve Brumbaugh was inducted into the Cedarvill e Uni versi ty Athletic Hall of Fame for his accomplishments during his college career. With an experi enced coach leading, the men looked up to Coach Brumbaugh and challenged themselves to improve through out tbe season. Before Easter break the men put togeth er a winni ng streak of four matches. Senior Ca rl Christiansson led the Fl yers at the number one singles position. In the middle of the stretch of matches, junior D.J. Gebhart was named Atlantic 10 performer of the week, while hi s tea mmate, first year Rob ) A ltena u, was named Rookie of the Week. Saying goodbye t o three seniors, Carl Ch r is iansson, Brad Nykie l, and Chris Wartman, the t ea m finished the season w ith a 17-12


Right: Serving it up, Rob Altenau competes in his fi rst

season as a Fl yer. Far Righ t : Senior Brad Nykie l serves

the ball in hopes to ace his oppone nt.

/ Left: Following through on his forehand, sophomore Ben Kathary shows the strength involved.

'I Row 1: Chris WartMen , Roll A(tenau, Jonathon kf!ourv, Ben KaHary, P.J. MiUer, Derek Grannen I"Uke Schiffler, Chris Barnes, l>.J. Gef>l'Iart,


Carl Christiannot'h Brad Wv(cie( , Head Coach Steve BruMf>aug/'l ,,/toto COllrte$V of Til" Boone


• Rebecca Stanchin and Erin Kirkland caused a racket this season . Both were awarded for their efforts in recording a perfect 4-0 record in both singles and doubles play during the season. Early in the season the women recorded impressive wins in the St. Bonaventure Nike Spring Scramble. The women swept the weekend defeating SUNY Bing hamton, Clevela nd State, St. Bonaventure, and Niagara. The women's tennis team ended w ith a forfei t in the Verizon Atlantic 10 Tennis Championship. After advancing to The Final Four, the women were delayed the final match play by poor weather conditions. The Flyers decided to forfeit because t heir flight home was schedu led to leave. Although the players were disappointed that they were unable to compete, they were proud of their efforts to advance to The Final Four.

Erin l<irldanfi 11-1~

RdeccCJ S+anchin 10-11

Chrifty WhaCen 19-11

Row 1: Ju(ie e<ca Stanchin, Ange(a rigj(jo , Katie Landrigan, Erin Kirk(and Row 1: Coach Mike Unger, Courtney Mcl>oweU, Chri<ty Whalen, Sarah MiUe r, Moreen Wiggin<, Angie l>e(RoHo, AHt. Coach Gina l>v<ard


OMo State

"r. IUPUI \If. St Bonaventure "r. IPfW Wil<e S"ring Scr,,,,,f,Ce "s. Indi,na State \IS.

Youngstown State

Eastern Kentuckv \IS.


\IS. St. Francis \IS. Be(lWtont \IS. Elft Tennessee

\lr. Detroit

'lis. V,C",r,iro \IS. Wright State \IS. Duquesne

"r. Cleveland State 'lis. )(avier

"r La SaUe

"'s Duquesne \IS Ric"",ond \IS.

George W.Jfhington

L 0-7 W 6-1 W 6-1 W 6-1 W S~ , W 7-0 W ~-3 , W 7-0 L 1-S WS~

W 6-1

W"'-3 W 7-0 L 3-'" WS~

W 7-0 W 6-1

L 1-S L 1-S W 6-1 L 1-S W~- O


~-1 O-~ O-~


Prior to the 2002 season, D'Andre Hill was named the head coach of the women's track and field team. H ill was a 1996 Olympian in Atlanta and was a part of three NCAA Di v ision I National Championship t eams at LSU. Th e addi ti on of H il l boosted the program and team t his

season. Th ree Fl yers set new school and track reco rd s in their respected events. Senior Jodi Borg es provided a lift for the t eam with her remarka ble throwing performances. Junior Kara and Tara Storage dominated the long distance running . Many members of the team received awards at th e end of the season. The Atlantic 10 Scholar Award was given to three Flyers: Ju niors Erica Prigg, Kara Storage, and Tara Storage. Th e Atlantic 10 Rooki e of the Week award was given to Afta n Delany after her impressive performance in the Radford Inv itational. The leadership, team unity, and dedication of al l the members contr ibuted to the success of all the athletes. Track is a sport associated with individua l talent of its participants. But this team showed that with support of teammates, a strong team emerged .

Rig ht : First year

student Aftan Delaney

and jun ior

Erica Prig9 enco urage each other to achieve maxi m um potential.

Left: Sophomore Elisabeth Bennett waits to make her move on the final


~~~~~::::::~~== ==~:;~~~~~~~~~~==:! legOfherrace.



Row 1: kat'a Storage, katie CHFford,


Competing lower Left: in the Khaleelah Sneed, a sophomore, gains 800 meter relay, on her competition.

Houston, Tara Storage,

Dana l>ucfcro Row 2: Aftan De(anev, Erica Prig9, Jennv Sauernlleil'Vler,

Courtney Harring, Lauren l'VIav, Allinn Mal'lrer Row 3: Head CoaCh t>'And ~e HiU, kt'!a(ee(ah Sneed, Laura W'Mte, fliza~e+" Bennett, Jacqueline Zur, Jodi Borges, Courtney Stevenson, George Bro se, Vaug"n Davif p!toto courtesy of 1iM Boon e


The women's rowing team made waves w ith a successful season. Led by a strong group of seniors and a great coaching staff, the Flyers showed that they could hold their own in NCAA competition. An exciting debut win boosted the women's confidence, whi le a disappointing second race instilled in them a quest for perfection . With goals of gold in place, the Flyers rowed into the Atlantic 10 Tournament. The first-varsity team grabbed an impressive second place performance, whi le the secondvarsity team happily placed th ird. The Flyers' success caused a ,!,,:::~ • splash of positi ve attitudes that rippled throughout the season. Senior Coxswain Corkie


Scan lon expressed that the season made her " incredibly happy." The team set high goals, and "stroke by stroke, we were able to own the dream ," Scanlon concluded.

Right: Coasting

over the water after a victory, the team admires the beauty of its surroundings.

_ ..: ...'-:~::::;:~~ Left: Paddling against

t he waves, the team stays in sync in order to surpass its opponent.

Row 1: AMber/wais, Sara SIIaw, Beth HUH, £M""'a Bates, t>anieUe Blaha, Lisa Vorras;, Marjorie SehulYlann, Alieia DiMarco , GiFlct M.anlla , Liu CMl\'ler, feresa l>av, Liuv foMt>er Row 1: 1rae; Jines, Sara Potter, Kaneeslla HaU, £l'¥Ii/v Poles, Lisa Price, Anne HuffMan, £Uen Bailev, £Hzaboe+Il GOiM, Suzanna West , Anson Brennan, Corlde SCanlon, CaUete l>eAngeHr, E.rin Wysocki, Dorian Grav Row '3: E.rica Sl'o'Iitll, Geoff OiUard, $(ll"an Gri((o, Me.ghan Kenney, Courtney WUron , Jeri Mii'laHf.c, Lvnn Farrev, Leig" An" Sot>ehart,1iHanv Sands, Jurly Sterfwler, Katie Lerh , At'll'lE' Feig#l+, Alena ficllenseher, Milce Miles Melanie Scharf p/toto COlJriesy




Row 1: Tony Blanchard, Amy Peppard, Billy Shatto, Vaneesha Chatlani, Mike Flaharity, Melissa Fortman, Nate Davis, Megan Watson Row 2: Marissa Chahda, Anna Sandker, Renee Medley, Kate Barrow Row 3: CJ Klakamp, Brian Miller, Todd Bollinger, Dru Flemming





1: Kristen Engetsman, Mi ssy Shuster, Chris Radak, Erin Cullin Row 2: Amber Myers, Stephanie Reilly, Michelle Klinker, Jane Brewer, Kristin Moore, Brianna Olson, Angie Dambrosia, Clint Fisher, Maureen Mahoney Row 3: Laura Shu la, Latisha Wi lliams, Julia Merski, Jessica Flischel, Rachael Pitman, Merrily King, Zach Wi lliams, Pat Irwin, Mark LaPierre, Dave Kilwein, Ben White, Dan Scarola, Miranda McGovern Row 4 : Suzie Detrick, Chri stina Wagner, Katy Ursie, Kat Jarasiu s, Stephanie Ward, Emily Ko hrman, Bridget Mahaney, Chris Storer, Jason Frentzel, Pat Johnson Row s: Debi Kostek, Megan McCroskey, Kyle Hamilton, Susan Kotowski, Alison Koh rm an n, Becca Th omas, Casey Hanley, Kevin Martin, Beth Beickelman, Amanda Killeen, Karen Lemieux, Sarah Weaver, Christy Hu ghes, Candace Parsons, Elizabeth Welenc, Jennifer Prengaman Row 6: Paul Bernstorf, Ni c Palmer, Mamie Kesner, Kevi n Lewis, David Holt, Mike Toerner,Amanda El ick, Cheryl McLaughlin, Ben Reinkober, Paola Montoya, John Meyer Jr., Karen Schwalenstocker, Jessie Hall, Jordan Kathary Row 7: Andy Collier, Clint Kernen, Katie Hizelberger, Erik Kalish , Brett Ca rpent er, Greg Camp, (Directors: Don Avery, Marabeth Klejna, Jim Latte n), Jon Roney, Jacob Cress, David Noll, Shantell Barker Row 8: Tim McFarla nd, Mike Temporiti, Betsy Gless, Ben Tricase, Kevin Miller, Kevin Kapel, Vern Montgomery, Dan Briggs, Jeremy Fox, Kyle Leber, Beth Kleingers, Robin Mako Row 9: Tim Wea le, Abby Doss, Tony Demchak, Todd Ruthemeyer, Brian Holder, Dan Gudz, Eli zabeth Corsetti , Kelly Sheets, M ike Bedel, Lori Takacs, Jonathon Boecklin g, Todd Hal owell

r • ,

y t

o n


With new sports introduced, the intramura l program expanded and improved its efforts on campus. The dedicated intramural staff gave up their t ime to referee and umpire all the games. These students also hand le scheduling , sign-ups, and tournament play. The staff was t rained throguhout the yea r so they could effectively maintain an organization that brings sporting leagues to

campus. Intam ural sports have expanded to include: softba ll, flag football , indoor/outdoor soccer, basketbal l, indoor/ outdoor volleyball, floor hockey, roller hockey, ultimate frisbee, and swim


meets. A majority of students participate in intramural

sports as a way to release stress. Intramura ls provide

a chance to meet new students, exercise, and compete

against each other.

Right: Two women

basketball teams

battle it out underneath the basket.


Intramurals provide rec reational opportunities for all


~--j ;... ---':;~

left: Intramural flag football attracted both men and women students during the fall season.

Above: While participating in the intramural sports sponsored--AII Sports Challenge, Senior Jeff Meyrose throws a ball at a target


The male rugby players faced a challenge to rebuild when their season debued. "Some of our starting players were injured, which slowed us at the beginning of the season," explained senior Don Dumford. Despite the

setbacks, the team was able to finish fifth place in the Midwest for Division II. High lights of the season included an exciting win over Ohio University at the

start of the season, a big win over the ~;;;;;;t :;

University of Michigan in the

Midwest tournament, and the opportunity to participate in

the 32nd annual Mardi Gras Tournament in Baton Rouge, l.A. In that tournament, the team had a big win over Vanderbilt and just

narrow ly lost to Louisiana State University. With a solid core of players with experience, the team was a threat to be reckoned with on a regional and national level.

Left:The players use their

grueling st rength to win a serum on Founder's Fie ld. Lower Left: The

club rugby team basks in the light of improvement

and looks to its young members for continued


Above: The 2002 rugby team delivers some hits wit h pure force ....just look at the guy on the ground.


The UD Women's Rugby team became a powerhouse in Ohio and even in the Midwest through the players ' dedication to the sport . The women began traini ng in late August for the fall season. With over ten veteran A-side starters and a promising rookie class, the ruggers found success. Pre-season rankings determined the team to be ranked #2. in Ohio and #9 in the Midwest in Divisions I, II, and III. While their defeat in t he opening match did not prove their capabi lities, it made them aware of what they needed to improve. Several wins followed , and the tournament trail began, with UD defeating OSU by a last minute try scored by Brea L'Heureux and assisted by Kelly Vennekotter. Ultimately, the ruggers grabbed the title of Ohio • champions! Their season ended with more success, as they became champions of the Midwest Sweet 16 tourname nt. The spring season began in early • March with physically prepared pla yers and a new set of rookies who made leaps and bounds in their rugby career. The team opened their season with a tough ly fought win against t he University of Illinois, marking the first time in UD history, and t hey ended with a local tournament and a larger one in Nashvi lle, TN. The overall success of the year was matched with success in team dynamics for the women players. Senior Kelly Vennekotter summed up the experience: " From t he games, my teammates, and the fun we've had, I've made so many lasting friendships and memories w ith the ruggers."


..... ....,..r . '


Left: Senior captain Kelly Vennekotter tries to fend off a defender as she breaks away from the pack Kelly's dedication and leadership will be missed by her t eammates next season . Lower Left: Jen Manella has her sights set on scoring a try. As a sophomore, len wi ll be one of the leaders next year on the tea m.

Row 1: 'Colleen O'Conner, Af>bev GroeS'c"e(, Andrea Herflllan, Aflllv Poeppell'Vlan, KeUv Venne/(otter, Sri l>eBoiS', Brea L'Heureux , KeUv Sizer Row '2.: Coac" "'eWe, Shannon Vanl>enHaute, Yari Peart, Kathleen KreH, MaUorv Carbon, Melii'S'a Oefinger, Eileen Madigan , S"annon Wal/(er, Jen ManeHa, Maureen O'MaUev, Joanne Pfeiffer, Patrice Fino


The club baseball team had an abbreviated season. Pla yi ng on ly six games due to weather restrictions and cance llations, the team did not ha ve a chance to show w hat they were made of. With a strong foundation of seniors and experienced cl ub baseball players, the Flye rs focused their efforts on building not only a better team, but also a better program. For instance, practices and open gyms, as we ll as fund raisers and meetings, we re held regu larl y to increase participation among team members. Th e beginning of the school year brought new leaders to the program. Senior Mark Bruns took con trol of the squad and immediately made his presence felt. With t he help of Josh Janicek, the experience of Dan Hoying, the guidance of former assistance manager Brandon Raybou rne, and the dedication of th e squad, t he team demonstrated that t hey we re a talented group of men who could play the game wel l. Bruns had a strong vis ion for the 2002 season, bu t due to unruly weather, his great group of players had onl y six ga mes in whic h to show their stuff.

Right: The Flyers huddle up before they take the f ield to smother the competition.


Left : With a leg up on the <ompetition, senior Brandon Raybourne slides into home .. . put one


_ _ _......_ _d


Flyers!up for the more

Row 1; Bart Hickey, Jil'll Berkel'Wleie r, Dan Lorito , Mark Brunr, Matt Brunf, Greg Po,,"a'M, Brandon Rav bourn e Row '2.: Brent Puthoff, Jaron Bai(ev, Pan Pietz, Brain Or+wer+h , Marl< Hoying, Doug Warj(, Wick W'eic{(e(



Days of dorm rooms, meal plans, uncertainty of majors, Thursday nights at Tim 's, roommate conflicts, homesickness, and intro courses were rapidly replaced by ghetto houses, cookouts, ca reer goa Is, senior nights at the pub, roommate bonding, zero trips home, and impossible senior projects. The




grew up. And the reality of the "a dult world" bombarded seniors with concerns and questions and perplexin g choices about what awaited them outside UD.


hat has changed the

most during your four years at UO? "The rules of the ghetto have changed and the set up of the bookstore" Lisa Hoops History "The scenery and atmosphere on campus. The cops have changed their attitude" Joe Guzzeti Education

"The university's stance on women's studies issues" Adam Titak Psychology

"Student involvement in volunteer work" Julie Fertal Finance

"People on campus attitudes have changed and so has the ghetto" Meridith Bennett Accounting and Finance

hat will you rem ember most about UD? "I will remember all of my friends and Marycrest." David Ide II International Business

"The partying, homecoming and the night life" Chris Podus Marketing

"Being comfortable and trusting everyone" Marge Huff Sociology

"My friends and wild keg parties" Mark House Communications

"Friends, fines, the community spirit. Beast!" Jay Harrison MIS



• -~~


. . ..-


The Daytonian yearbook depended on the U D community for unforgettable events to shape this publication. The students provided unique dialogue that helped capture each moment as it happens. We also relied on faithful

to make this historical book financially possible. We hope that you will utilize the index to locate yourself having the time of your life and sharing the Marianist sp irit with other U D students.


Congratulations eddie, You have truly been a gift to our family. No words can ever express how proud we are of all you have accomplished. Eddie, the future belongs to you now. We're all behind you. Love,

t)ad, ~, '7~, e~,

iItik & Sadtf


Congratulations, !ollat/(lfJl :/1",1,(';; on your many accomplishments! Cor.ltim"e to temper your sense ofadventure with your good judgment. but remember to greet each newexp,,,i- I ence with joy and anticipation. Mayall your hopes and dreams be fulfilled as you continue . through lift. W0 are very proud o/you love you very much. With love, .J/om ((m{ fJI('(r/


4th Generation Fl~er Love, '11ttJm aHd 7)ad

'i'Il. eo.-r.

We are so proud you are our son! Congratulations on your graduation! With all our love, 7)44. 'ht-.. & ~ Andrew


QiCK - Congratulations and thanks for all the fun memories With love





.. ,Ir

Thanks for the memories, ~! We love you and are so proud of you, and wish you luck and happiness in all that you do. 11(""..




Congratulations and Best Wishes! Mayall your hopes and dreams come true. May God bless you and safely guide you. You are a very special person. We are so proud of you. We love you so much! YOUQFAMiLY

v-. ~c:UU. ~ tM.t 1 am ~"" ad/-. 1kweCee..~4~ 'fb4 u. HVf file路 ~ 0{- 'fb4. HVf file i4.


~ ad~.

&we ~ 'fb4 -

tde HVf

ad ~ <U 'fb4



We wish you a wc' ....11 full of happiness, love, and success. our love to you, HOH, DAD, BQiAN, ~ HAUQA

L-. ?K-.

P.S. v"" eet<e'< 6J4e tk4e ~

Congratulations, W-'rr i"V-\T"2El< We are very proud of you and all your accompUshments. We wish you the best life has to olEer. Our love, 1'-101'-1, DAD, :JiI'-1I'-1Y, YVE:rTE AND DAViD, AUNT LAUQf). AND UNCLE ~r,u UNCLE l'-1iKE, ~A

my aaugliter Jufia, 9'"ou've arways aimea at tlie moon ana ranaea among tlie most sparKJing stars. 'From your first aays as a aancer to your professiona{ism in 6a{ret to your acaaemic e;,(ce{rence ana correge graauation liave arways maae me very proua. 'lIjep aiming at tlie ,noon, aarfing. Love, :Mom

CATi6, While yl>U {()I/owed Y0Uft bJrotheJr.4 to w ..

You woJrited haJrd ctreatin9 Y0Uft own path . . . You lidened 10 Y0Uft head and heaJrt and wetre ueJrY pJroud of aU of Y0Uft arconfpliN.menfA

Love, 'HOH .eCf.V

Oh. COLLCIT6....... Freshman路 Dorm life and ergim!! Sophomore路 Rowing in the Blizzard! Junior路 Ghetto life. the Bar. Theme Paries. Italy. The Head of the Ohio & The Head of the Charles! Senior路 CCD. Cheerleadine. Mass at Holy Aneels. FlYing. ABC Egypt. and more ROWING! Thanks for the Memories! Congratulations! Love. HOH, DAD, ArVn-IOI\JY, ALYSSA AI\ID cWQiSril\lA

f1e44U4 ~~!!

T O E.we you..w. UA[), MOt-'!, Mf.\)(, ADAt-'!

Congratulation ~ i LL! We are so proud of you. All your hard work paid off! MOM, Cf.\D .e .DMPND()'

We are so proud of your success and accomplishments. You are a truly special young woman to all who know you and a IbIE!ssir.gto your family. May God keep you In his grace as he guides you along the paths you walk in your life. With love,

'J1ton.. Vad. ad ~

?m&1t7 97i?&90'R1/1tI1LS01t 2002 You have chosen the road less traveled, You have engineered your own path,

have exemplified qualities affine character, From which radiant beams will blast!!! May God always bless you with His loving guidance and protection. How very proud w e are for you ! !! Our love;

Congratulations on graduating from the University ofDavton School of Engineering.

We are so verv proud of vour accomplishments (Dean's List, flv Girl. etc). You are a wonderful dauqhter, friend, and person. Mav vou alwavs be surrounded bv love.

We love vou the most,

Mom and Dad ps. Vou'll a/wavs be our "babv"J

"'t>I.EX HUGWCf;

Congratulatiolls Kristy, You were Il very special little girl and now Y01(. are a very special young tuoman. We are so proud ofyou and love you very much. Mayall your dreams come true! Love always

Mom, Dad

Graduates in 2002", "Remember your yesterdays, dream your tomorrows, live your todays. " We love you, reM PI\ft.) L::f..'V

Way to go Bubba



From "pre-school"


Through "college" You have been" double the pleasure" and "double the fun!" love, HOH PND DAD

Wishing you ... laughter, singing, dear friends, happy everafters.

We love you, \'1()()-J()()! 'MOH, DAD, 'MEG, ~iLL, ~ET{..\, DAVE, <;;EAt0, AHY, PETEQ, AHELiA, /JiKOLAS, DLiViA, <;;OP{"\iA, At0D

Y10BY J-짜)GtN

It seems like only yesterday you were gelling ready for your

firs. d ..y of school. How rime flies. We are very proud of you


Joho. We love you .....,.. Good luek ..nd m ..y ..U your dreaDls eomc Iruc .. We love you.

NIom, U,d 1Vt.k" J ere"'i:1 & Om

You ALWAYS did your b es t! Congratulations! We are so very proud! We love you,

Z>ad. 7H-. L~. ~'U4teIt & &...L4 " Do not tollow where the path may lead. Go instead, where there Is no path and leave a trail."

D ear Jillian., W e are so proud of 'IOU . Conqratulations! Cove1V[orn, Thd. Aliy=T.l


congratulations to ~ M")[lGr0N and 'J-160G()N 'HEa--\0N and to aU the wonderful mends they have lDade atUD. May your futures be bright!

you. We love you!

Z'4d, ~.

Sue, ~ & fJedie


Congratulations, <;WEer PEA, on your successful journey. You are a precious gift to each one of us and now the world awaits your special touch and talents. May God bless you with a happy heart throughout all of your tomorrows. Love, MOM, DAD, JOE, GQAIVDMA AIVD UIVCLE DOIV.

Congratulations Advertising Club Officers

2001-2002 Mary Kate Petrovic Tera Martin Emily Wearstler Sarah Swartz Club

I cam be/i(!t}(!

Ipt gJrQd.uated. .. now what do I do??? Congratulations, best of luck!


'Ulw a. &U''''9 'f"4 tV<d '7t u ... '-"" f6 ~ 'f"4 M a. .... ad~. 1eI. ~ aft of rk

--mu'f"4~F--' ~­ aft 'f"4 ~ aeu""""kd a< rk UtiueW4 of V~. 1t-. ptt- 'f"4' a.ea- ad ~ file· L£"e it """~. ~ ad po ...... ad wilt ot..a'l' k tku "" 'f"4. .&we Va.(. ?It- ad ~

._<DM..... "'"

We Did It!


Roommates and Friends

"Don't be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends."

-Richard Bach

"What is a friend? I will tell you . .. it is someone with whom you dare to be yourself." -Frank Crane


~.Sevr.a4! 7Ue ""'''''14' ~... 1'44t a. ' - t<u u. '14"1 Owr. ~ eue fdt "' pU4e ad i«t p.. ~ ~

"""'" ~.

tid ~ ad ~ '14" <U '14" ~.,. t£5e~-.t~.

7Ue 6we '14" """"'14" iW-. 'Dad. & ?ltidaet

Congratulations, we are proud of you and all

Congratulations Brian Frankey! You are very special, and we are aU proud of your accomplishments! Love, Mom, Dad, Dominic Matthew

that you have accom-

Ipllshed. You have grown Into a mature, confident

and beautiful young woman. The future Is VOIUrs

to discover and enjoy. Love ;w... & t:>..t

fJiu IJllin lite !l!t~icl amI do flood,· clwell til. lilf} la"ul ct1ul el"!i()lI .)rr/e !wM{f/ie.

{jjI"/'iJhlll()"4!J"tf Ii, tlte !l!tnd,. aJtrllte fftlll fli'le l/o" lite deJiie.l 0ll/offl head. '(lYJJlI"''''' l/o,,). ((Jalllf) lite :;&;u~· hUlll in Itim. rtJullte ' (Jit! rlf) Mid: .Jfe m,:/Imal.-e l/'Jffi i lfJh{;Xl"JIIf!J.) J/uiw hie 11,,, rl{ff(JJI, tile/"J/r;¥} o/lI(}ft' n",.l" ltie lit"

./110'" ,,,,,( !)P,,,(



We are ex[remely proud of you, and we love you very much. As yo u venture into the wo rld, know that God is with yo u, and that we are always here for you, too.

,'] 7:·'1-6'

CongratulatIons, A[vGi6!

are very proud of you and all of your l ac:compllshments. You have worked Iv., rv hard as a flyerette and a student May God bless you with sucI c.~ss and happiness in your future.

We Love You!

Marie McCabe

Congratulations Marie! You've found very interesting & productive 'places to go' while at Dayton, We are very proud of you and wish you continued success in seeking our your future,

(010(01, DAD, ArvD rvirvA

Dear 2iJ1t ;lluu,//J We have given you wings and you have

You have always brought a smile to our face . Love l'1a'-1 g ?;:I)D

them to grow strong and soar. We are

I ~

Congratu lations!

very proud ofthe person you are and of your many accomplishments. You ar e our precious daughter and w e love you dearly. We know you have what It takes to make your

dreams come true. Love always, J I/()''In

mnr! fjfru /


Tara Coburn

Becca Roberts!

We' re very proud of yo u and always be the nj ng star that you are!

are very proud of your accomplishments and of the beautiful young woman that you have become. Always remember that we are here for you! May God bless you and keep you safe in all you choose to with your future.

Love a lways, Mo m, Dad, Adam, &


Love, Dad and Mom

Susan. Kotowski


come a long way baby even though you ' eJ~~



We've watched you grow and

mature into the wonderful young woman you are today. We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments. Mayall your dreams come true and may God bless you and guide you safely through your j ourney of life. Love

Mom. Dad & Kim


JlPif ~n'''c:..

We are

pro~u~o1.fthe person you have

become and of all your accomplishments! We pray the Lord will continue to bless you and watch

over you . All our love,

Mom & Dad We love you Just as much as you know who!

Congratulations, DAN! You have grown In mind, body and spirit at Dayton. You are on your way to the rest of your life and we know you will excel In everything you do. We love you and are very proud of your accomplishments! Love you lots,

/-'1OK, DAD, Q05 AIVD 5QiAN

Congratula t/ons. Jav!

the first da!l of school we knew were headed towards succcs. God bless !IOU and keep !IOU safe !IOU serve our countr!l a nd ma!l a ll I Vewr dreams for the future come true. Love. f rom

Mom. Dad. Dan. Grandmom and Grandpa

We- bclUwe- """yow ~ lM'e- .10' pvov"d,

of yow.

Shoot; for'

(;he" .I'tl;wl<

Love- ~ God" bie:w

/vi"""" ~ Vcu;l,


Now look at what you've gone and done!? You're all grown up, so mature, so confident, and still so beautiful. We couldn't be more proud of you. Congratulations.

For I know me plans that I have for you, declares me Lo rd, plans fo r welfa re and not for calam icy [Q give you a fmu re and a hope. T hen yo u wi ll call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen [Q YO ll . And yo u will seek Me and fine Me, when yo u search fo r Me with all yo ur heart. Jeremiah 29: 11 -13

Mom, Dad, Jeremy and Jennifer

T han k you for being a reflecti on of God's Jove to us. We love you. Mom, Dad, and Cory

Congratulations .Adam. Best of Luck! We are very proud of you as our son and of your accomplishments. We love you very much. Mayall of your hopes and dreams be fulfilled and may God bless you and safely gUide you through your journey of/ife. Love you always. Mom. Dad & Josh Grandma's & Grandpa's Jeanette, Dewey, Marion & Bob

';ette U'e ttwe tpJ4 ad, , U'e Me ~

ot tpJ4!!!

W ;lVTO GO Sarah! J alIT so prolld ofvou. VOli !ta pe alwavs been nlV precious qifr and now irs tillTe for rile world to know just lton7 wonder ful VOll are. This /5 !lour rime now. Vou qo qlrl!

It seems

only ye!;telr:daIY

Congratulations! We're so proud of you.

Congratulations, Mary Mazik! are all so very proud of you. May God bless you in all your future endeavors. Love always, Mom & Dad, Crissy, Jim & Steve

Congratulations, Shannon! We are so proud of you! We love you,


J ltmn, 9}iarl, Wu/lell!.){t


Pamela, Congratulations! ~ are very proud ofyou and all ofyour accomplishments. You are indeed a precious gift from beautiful person inside and out. loving, witty, sensitive, kind a leader (not lJei.-fe.,t and certainly not boring!) describe • ,U'" the best. You are one of those rare I p.~ople whose dreams will become a reality. Use the gifts you have. Make them '71"oUJ in age, wisdom, knowledge and Continue to share your true self with others. Our prayers and love are with you always. Mom, Dad, Teresa, Lisa, Tony & Nicholas

Mom , Dad. Dana. Pat and Andy

Congratulations, [)(>\\IjJ) ~ PAVaI<A! AKA: Chopper, Schoeder, Flash, "Little Sas", Country, U.D. Social Director, D-A-V-E, D.T., and last but not least, DIRT HAIR. We're proud of you! Love, HOH !il DAD

Congratul ati ons,

Kelli Meehan! You are truly special chase yo ur drea ms Wit h Love, Dad, Gizmo, Fi n, Family and Fr iends

You.'ve chased t.his momellljor a long lime and now it.'s finally here. flct/,s off! La you/or t.his accomplishmenl. We 're always proud of YOll. Love,

Mom, Dad, Chelsea

LiDDYBirS, Congratulations! Seems like yesterday you were in prl!sclhoc)1.1 We are so proud of all 2'\.,C!l~o1 you 've accomplished. ~~~. God bless. Go Flyers! .,',"'••'~' HOH 1Z DAD

We are r.;u:eptiotuU£y prow! ofyou anti your many accomp[isfiments at 'l1:D. .9ls you open anotfier Mor in fife, realize continueti success anti fiappiness wfiile sfiaring your goti·given talents witfi otfiers, We I(now your passinn, tieterminatinn zest for life wi[[ serve you wel[ wherever you go anti in wfiatever you M. We '{[ always 6e fiere for you, anti we love you very mucfi.


We, yoll. have accomp/i.4Hed N> yoll. have a/way.4 made ll..4 ve"y p"oll.d. YOll.!t de1e"minatiM and pe".4e!tve"ance a!te g!teat qll.a/,1ie.4 that we and othe".4 admi!te in Y0il.. YOll.!t time i.4 now and we know Y0ll. will make the mO.4t of ,1 Love, 1-'101-'1 , DAD, ::.lorv, TOI-'1 A rvD Q.::.l.

'J)aa, 'Mom ana'Mi/(f



.r MOUD OF rtJu

.",o"rOa HOH Co~:'~ns


DAD Congratulations


proud of Y'uI ! Thank" Y'u jjr the happiness. la'1lJhte.;and love Y''' have bru'1IJht into our lives. Wale


Trrosure Y'ur memodes and the .fiendships Y'u have made. be proud of Y'ur accompishmerrt.s. and remember that Y'ur possib~ ities are emless. 1V\a2:j all Y'ur dreams come trud

"May the luck of the Irish lead to happiest heights and the highway you travel be lined with green lights!" God bless - we're proud of you, Love

.All our love. lVtomandIW and .. of lJ'U'" aUJtts.

- Mom, Dad, Patrick and Moeve Papa and Nanny Mimi, Uncle Sieve, the Herberts and

uncJ.,s, and cousi..,j

As you look to the future, Brian, cherish the years God gave you at UD. Bring the caring spirit and dedication of UD. into a world searching for the \%y, the Truth, and the Life.

When the first light ofsun----

Bless you When the long day is done---

Bless you In your smiles and your tears---

Bless you Through each day ofyou years---

Bless you

We'll love you forever, Mom and Dad Andrew, Denise, Sheila, Daniel and Amy Anne Marie, Rich, and Liam

Dear Meghan, We love you and we' re proud of


"WheRe t:he root:" pRint:s or C;od {Cad you, >:he 9R<\ce or C;od can keep you:

you. Test Class Forever! Love, Mom & Dad MAQiâ‚Ź,

We are proud of all your successes and accomplishments. But, more Importantly, we are proud ofthe caring and sharing that you have exemplified. We love you and pray that the road you travel will be full of happiness, love and peace. Love


lCh,eril.h the frie ndships and memories have made at U.D. W e are so proud the man you have become. Always IbeIie,ve and have faith in yourself and Ifollow your heart and the good Lord. IV~'" are truly a blessing. God bless you, Love ya, Mom

MOM, DAD >l A t\ln lONY

& Paul Grandma & Pappy

To: BS6il A. B6i6U

You have a lwalls been the jOll ofour lives. We are and a lwalfs will be the proudest parents a nd brothers. W e conqratulate !IOU on this achievement but are con fident tha t this is onl!l the first of ma n!l more to come. Congra tula tions and mav God bless !Iou with health. success and happiness. Aref. May. Waafi & Naji

Dearest t-lOLL Y, Congratulations, Honey! A bright future stretches now before you and we know you're destined great . We're very happy for your success and so proud to be your parents. God's blessings now and always on our "Baby". Love, HOH AND DAD


America is ri ch with heroes. We arc a fortunate cO","ry~ OUf family is rich with potemial heroes. We are a fortunale famil y. God bless you and all the wondcrfuJ young people that have made choices to grow in fa ith, love and service to others. We areall very proud ofyoll for all that you have preserved, cre路

Tomb of the

Unknown Soldier

ated, chosen and accomplished in your young life. You are a great ex-

Changing or the Guard

ample to us all. OUf inevitable lears at watching you graduate will emanate fro m OUf hearts. so full of pride, j oy and tremendous uncond itional. lifeti me love for you.

James Thomas Westfall Class of 2002

Love, Mom, Dad. Joe, LeeAnn, and Jake


~~foryow ...


for~, b-....,,~ ~ W-~yOfA楼wJw/.e,Ufe,~


~tf<e,Lora,.w-!fWe-yow ",~from,tf<e, Jotiwms

Arui-jlA4t~of1f.w ~g.-ac;e.

w-~ yoww.{&1MIiL

We are so proud of all that you have accomplished and the beautiful woman you have become. From the time you were little you have brought such joy and love to all those you have been fortunate enough to know you.



P"GI!)'~tf<e,roa,d,wOf.dd, ,.~w-meet"yOU\


~ ycmr wGl!)' -

As your life heads in a new direction, we wish you continued success, good health, love and joy. You are always in our hearts.

rui-~ I"i4fv~/W iIIO.....:t.-g.-eetyow,



With much love. Mom, Dad, Jeff and Steve

You've come a long way, Melissa. May your hard work be rewarded with many open doors! Co-vtg.Ycttulat(_o"vt~1

With love and prayers Cor happiness oCheart and peace oCrnin~ Mom and Dad

GiNA HAQi6 You are such a beautiful person. Remember always to look at things the way you do now - with sensitivity, honesty, compassion and a touch of mnocence. Every day you grow smarter and more beautiful and every day we are more proud to be your parents. We wish you happiness princess and we love you. Mom and Dad



Your smile r,,~i"tes the be"ut\j withitl '10ur he"rt. M,,'1 '10ur life be fi1le~ with h"ppitless "lw,,'1s "tI~ '10ur smile tlever f ,,~e. Will ,,11 out lov(!. Mom

We are proud of all your accomplishments. Choosing the University of Dayton was a perfect match for you . May life hold for you many wonderful opportunities.


Remember ...

M"tt ft Drew

"What matters is people, What lasts is love, What counts are true friends, and if you treasure these you can count yourself a success," Love,

Mom at1l> Dal> Leanne

Your JOIl",,,' ut nil'l!rsit)' of DO),IOII is throllgh. Congramfaliom - We Lo,'" YOII! 1'011 jill Ollr hearl ",illt 0 mllclt pride and w" /tupe tI,al YOII"'e e"joyed lite ride.

Lll"L' .



/111111 Hefe"

Congratulations Chip!

CONGRATULATIONS DAVID Hold on to that relaxed. selfconfident man you discovered atUD. With love, Mom & Dad

We are so very proud of' you and we love you very much. Mayall your hopes and dreams come true and may God bless you and saCely guide you throughout your Hf'e! We love you, Dad. Mom



Jason Watching you grow and develop into a young man has been extraordinary.

n"m " chorm"l'lli11lc 8irt to" ,,,,,•.Jed''' y>Ul'19

\VUl'YUln. it has been a pcasUl~ to \\utch

lftA 8""J.

Co~ulatjons on rro(..hj~ this mdestonc \\iC It now y>uU a1\\iU~ lert'lCmbcr and c.hcdsh

Y'''''' time at UD W me so vc7J proud of Y'''' and Y' ..... acrompishments. and we ~1l0W God will continue to Hess and Buick (J-lu on lifCs

Congratulations Jay! We are so proud of what you have accomplished. We wisb you well as you venture out into a world of new challenges. May God be with you always. All our love, Mom, 'Daa aM'J{g.taEie


)()URE11-iE :BESr III ~

our love.


1Vlom "nd U,d avlOL£EJ


From Pre-School to the University of Dayton, you have always given us reason to be proud to have you as a son. Mayall of your hopes and dreams be fulfilled. We love you very much. Mom and Dad

Congratulations Kristen!

An ode to "Kwisten Kwupa": To Kristen Krupa. congrats to you! We love and support you in all you do. From Chem E classes to Milwaukee's Best, UP sure put you to the test. Here's to the 4 years of fun you've had. For you are now a UP GRAD!! So we raise a glass and say aloud. Kristen Krupa. you've made us proud! Love, The FAM!

God Blessed us with a very special son. You have been and always will be a blessing to us. Remember with God's helping hand you have the ability to achieve all of your goals! Love Nlom, Utd, ÂŁibb~ & Sarah


( I- __ ,





GSENIORS!! Andrew Melloh & The Men of 44~ Lowes UO/ fun/ friends/ Gheno/ Sparta. NJINVC/ Janitor/ Basketball/ Beer/ Road Trips/ Ocean City. NJ/lone Island/ Turtle/Jets/ Knicks/ Mets [and all the stuff that happened which [thankfullY) YOU will never tell us about!)

"j'rrl/,;, .il('lJwm l:tJ) II)

!1m,., i(]ftlJlf'!I 1(J"m~(1!10ft'

You studied hard. worked hard. and partied even harder! [and did it in four years!!!!!)

(I .)

!1m, /'torc/


(liI'.iO fi't(}lIr/ ()/!I()" .'



Coneratulations. Andrew! We are so Proud of you!

. ;110m, {jim/,

"Jlfl rJi;lIk 9lnooj


Love, Mom, Dad, Dan and Brian

(Jengra'ula'iens Jehn 9 Thanks fer the • memerles ... wishing yeu lu£k and happiness. We Ieee yeu. -Mem9 Oad 8; Jadyn 9

(,Ili;/! 1/~


tulations Michelle lLil7iello

_. ~"t' muj ftO I{UlRt' {il't ifl lh~ unY IWU \ aI". blA ()'IJU 'r~ " ' '''(I)'l 111 my JUQr(,

Y/JU UTe ,\ liII my.:lrild; Ihf" will n ~ l·t!r chUfI;;e. II, ill 'IIW )'uu / 0""':" .md 'hili L\ 01'111 utlch(JltKcabl.:. I "Itt hr.N: jil' ." IJII i" ,h I! ~"JrW ..'up I h UIV .,/~·c,,',) III.-J '" bf'

"u t:""'W

yC,i .... my o('cumplbhmem und ttfJ' mllrc, (J/ t.lfdJrsl pride.

We're venf proud of evervthing that vou've done so fa r, We know that with vour enthusiasm and determination , vou'll accomplish great things in the future , We love vou verv much good luck, and God bless vou , Love, Mom,Dad. & Dan

air(! firuly an anFaJing land the WOhltJ i.4 a 'beNeh pfa~'el • t-nlr the !illl!.4 yOll. Mill! toll.~hed We wi.4h yOll. hoppineM and l(}fA!? IfhOJ.JQlfoJ.J.l YOll.h !ife. God Ote.4.41 LOREN ANDERSON ClASS OF 2002 UNJV£RSlty OF DAYTON CIVIL £NGIN££RING PROGRAM WE LOVE YOU AND AR£ VERY PROUD OF YOU", MOIII.. DAD. :lACH. MIkE. BINGO

Lnue, Mom, Dad, -Anne, Mah/t, John, & 0rin

Congra lula lions, Lea nne !

e look back on nursery scllOollllPou g h hig h

5011001a nd

now college, a nd o ilihe

Ihings we wolched LJOU do - bo llel, lap a nd g LJmnas lics; Kangaroo Kids, swimming,

soccer a nd cross country ; !,omecoming, prom a nd so mucll more !

W e are verLJ proud of you a nd a lilha l you IlOve accomplisl,ed. W e've enjoyed seeing you qrow inlo a bea uliful young woma n. Keep hold of LJour drea ms a nd may LJOU a lwaLJs be Ihe beslLJou can be. e wish LJOU Ihe very besl - love, IlO ppiness, success.




Love, M om, Dad, J a nina, Andrew and Non ni e

ENGDAHL Congratulations and Besl of Luck! With love from your family. Boslon,New York,Virginia,Florida, SL Louis, &California. We are so proud of you!

Kevin -

COJGTUffULMIO.J!!.! All yowr ho.!Id w(}!I/t ho.JS paid off! You air(! '.!;perial K - RWYA, Mom, Dad 13!rian, Colin,

Reginc:\, 1 (ove you, Bc:\by! CDom R egin a Bye r s

Ke rstin Ro


Dr-eLl v.....s CC> VI, Oi'1A.~

" VI' lA.



(..l OU


"lA. ()

'IlLS ~ j-J.- -.......""S.

S::Ll 1"1


we Are ALL .so vert)

pY'ou~ t-r---L..

of yOL-\. 1




You r mother and I tried r~ .; to raise YOll, o ur daughter. :: ... . to be an independent, .. confident young woman. We never realized you would succeed beyond our wildest dreamsl Without question you can accomplish anything you set out to do. You have many ta lents, and the wisdom to use them we ll. You have courage, compassion and character; above all you have secured a place in our hearts that will remain with LIS until death do we part. As you graduate we hold a special pride in you. We need not wish you success as surely it is a part of destiny. We love you truly. Your parents ....... Mary & George

We are so you. continue to bless you in the "real wo r ld." Love, Dad, Mom & Annie

Brad Ovep th e yeaps oup ppide has swell ed wa tching you gpow fpom th e boy you wepe to th e man yo u've beco me. You ape now a ma n, oup eyes see th a t, but th epe is a spot pesepved in oup heapts whepe you will a lwa ys be oup little boy. All o up love a nd best wishes fop a futupe of hea lth , happin ess a nd dpeams coming tpu e. M om

& Dad

From the first day of first grade, to the last day at UD, we couldn't have been prouder of you! From "such a cutie," to an accountant and U.S. Marine! .....--~~.. . - a


Thanks for 16 wonderful years of scholastic success and a ton of fun. Now go get a good job and support us in the style to which we would like to become accustomed! All our love, now and forever. Dad, Mom, Donna, and Bryan

lations Always remember. .. "Man is honored for his wisdom, loved for his kindness: -5. Cohen We all love you and are so proud of you!

We are so proud of al l the hard work you've done to make your d rea m rea lity! May God bless you and guide you t hrough your medica l school days. We love you always! and Mom, Adam, and Greg

Mom. Dad. Sean.Xevln and Mollv

To 80

and your great friends at 107 Lawnview --

Thank you for the wonderful memories--We are proud of you. May your future adventures be full ofjoy, laughter, and all God's blessings. (And aren't you grateful Dad didn't embarrass you these past four years?!) Love you. Mom. Dad. and Don


Yo" did it! fiOm I<indC/8"rten to UD i

Yo" jlJowcd (f"r d.... ms and acrompished

(f"r gx>ls. Yo" have made us verlj proud. C heris h the time ljo" spent and th e f dendsh ips ljot< ha ve made at UD and a lwaljs rem ember that we lo ve ljo".

&od:BessY..... :Mami Y'Papi

RPxana Y Orlando

:]\Jam Y ~ & Ita

'flounders to Eloanston tjou haoe accomplished so much. Congrutulattons! 路We ore so proud of qou. It has been fun. 'Chanks for taking us along for the ride. ;m of our loue and best wishes for a bright and heolthq future. 'IGrnlm

You/VIV C<)"WL(V iN ~ W~, 17viAtu;.e;w. WIV'VIV ),& voud.-- of


yow now Ct-f\d, fore;vev. Loviv, ~01'J1.', Dad.;, J ~ Tho-m; J onU, Sear\;, A lee; N~


"'Wd/,. ~ ~

~~/ew't !"*"P ~ lite ~

tUUi ~ wilL /4. "

t4~0MII-~, ~ too OMII-l;uuui.

'We kwe ~, .Mom, tUUi ~aJ

Looe alwoqs, J'I'lom. "Dad d Chris

Beth Wheeler



qPe me PIOIl'; 0/.!I0I. ClCCO/llpliJ!lIIII!//IJ.

u/l11 /em/ler/ CIJ//llilile



..9OhOllo/t!/l/ 11/I11.!I0m

f!jol60e ttJozli:al Itaul .!Ilatt l/euL


eel/tCa/1011 !!Ijolu IIlI/le/,

heml ollli JOll/. Andrew

Congratulations Beth! You have accomplished so much and we are very proud of you. Love you, Mom, Dad, Julie and Kristin

Elit1 M~.\j \jo\olr ioun1~ of life be pavetl Iw1t11 soltlrn oppommities. tlreams at1t1 happit1ess fulfilletl at1t1love 1t1,,".q ot1l\1 C;otl cat1 srat1t. \Nitk love. Mom. Dati. Julie at1t1Jasot1

've worked hard, and plaved hard (so we've heard!). Lastinq memories ofUO to be cherished forever. But most important, children in need have anxiouslv waited while vou have learned how to help them. Thev can't wait to meet vou and share their love. W e are so proud of vou and what vou have accomplished at UO.

;w Our Love, Mom, Dad and Dawn


Lisa! 'We are very proua ofyou ana aC{ ofyour accomp{ishments. Cherish the memories ana the Jriencfships you have moae at 'll'D. ']v[ay goa Mess you as you continue your journey. Love ana :Hugs, ']v[om & 'Daa

Ryan, You ore 0 person ofchorocter and we are so proud ofyou. Continue to seek what is good ond true ond let that guide your path. We thonk God for blessing us with o son like you. Love,

Mom&Ood ondNikki







qfb Inc


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CJlfln all

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ol (o/ll, .fZJtltl (1/1('1 r9trb


[J>O((tp v'/Imo, JV,ilh,; $en ~ $ou/rm

Congratulations Jaden!!

leITGalies Congratulations on your well deserved degree. We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. Go fortb in tbe future with our prayers for God'sblessings as you face the joys and challenges of life.

We knew YOU could do it.

With love,from Mom,Dad,Joe,Tara, Kevin, Sandra,Bob,Maria,Laura,Veronica and Steve

'-{A'-{! I

HADE: (Was there ever any doubt?) Congratu lations, Becky! We are so proud of you! Love you! Mom, Dad, &.. Chris

Congratulations aÂŁ[ 'University off})ayton

(jrculuate.5. :May you Gring us awng everywhere your travers talC? you ana malC? 'WD proua! !

}follllYou have made us 50 proud!! Congratulations!

Jeff, Jeff, Jeff Jeff Jeff

Lisa, I gotta have those beads!

We wirr miss you next year!


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mandy pouder ....................EDITOR IN CHIEF micaiah kline ........................COpy EDITOR maria mciellan ............... BUSINESS MANAGER emily geiger ..................... PUBLIC RELA TIONS jill triplett ..................... STUDENT LIFE EDITOR eileen daudelin ............ORGANIZA TION EDITOR jeff meyrose ..................... SPORTS EDITOR beth wechter ..............SENIOR POTRAIT EDITOR kyley brand ....................SENIOR ADS EDITOR megan haas ................ MANAGING PHOTOGRAPHER paul coletti ............................ PHOTOGRAPHER

lauren armstrong, brooke augustin, tim bailey, katie burns, barbi evans, trent pinto , teresa o'neil , maureen o'rouke, andrew smith, laura smith A SPEcrAL THANKS TO ATHLETIC COMMUNrCATIONS AND TIM BOONE FOR SUPPLYrNG MANY SPORT PHOTOS

LE I I ER FROM THE EDITOR The school year began with a shocking tragedy. On Sepember 11 , 2001, our nation was attacked , our confidence shattered, and our vulnerability proved. Many students were unsure of where to turn. As questions of uncertainty plagued their minds, one thing was for sure--the UD community. The community pulled together and showed faith in the Marianist spirit and in our country. Through all of this , we were able to create the 2002 Daytonian. After long hours of late-night deadline crams, we finally brought it all together. Our goal in the beginning was to create something different , something better, something that strongly depicted this unique university community. We did everything we could to cover the highlights of the year. Some of us even became profeSSional stalkers, antagonizing ind ividuals about pictures, quotes , or information. Oh , and we will never forget the case of the miSSing picture, but then again, who could find anything in the disaster we call an office? Our book would not have been possible without the advisement of Melissa Flanagan, our Herff Jones Rep. Lynn Pickett, and of course, the Daytonian staff. My parents-without your love and constant support, I would not be the individual I am today. You have instilled great values in me. Thanks for pushing me to dream and building my confidence in who I truly am.

Thanks to my sister and her spunky attitude which brightens my day. As the saying goes , A sister is a Forever Friend.

The staff, staff, staffstaff-staff! New Orleans was great! Take 3.5 for me!

Thank you to the lovely Ladies of 1433 Frericks. Thanks for all your support and for coming to pick me up at KU in the wee hours of the morning.

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~. 00iI0;J132 ~, 01WId

~ , O'oluII78



Bd-og/IDI. gelJ)/ 61, 1506


BOfnard. "Iic:II 155

&IlcocI<. taut, 83 8act>ey, s.,,.,, 142 BadaIuoo, lindsay 128 8a(Idor!,

BemIIDe1, Jill 128 BernI. OlIn 147 MIl" 2

&Ian 99

_. ~ ' 28.131

A 1IbeI>e. KlIIIe 130 ADII>~"', MIctteIe 72 Abo!W\'I8Il. Ahmed 147 AblaNom. Cl>MIinII ';Ie N:...ham. DaIa 1iII. 138 ,o.1>fah.IIm-Ur.eICh. Emfy 112. 138 ~ JuUe 159 ~,BtyoIl35 _. ~87 , 126

Marnf. CNwI 135

4c!ams, NIcole 75, 1211 /ldBSSI>, Kelly 98, Idol. Jem/I", 75 AtiIo. Mall 161


~r, A~'26



Anlf;rlda 79 Sata/l 128


MllIIe. O."" 103 Mers. Kat.., 1U .......... Marie 88, 173 Akers, l)IcIoI 153 ~ Cht\$tiniI 155 ~ Va/Iessa 128


-'ica.." , CIa_ 126 ,o\Idetson, ~ 138

AkIsIadI •.Jcw\ 135 Ne>aMoor, CoIkIen 135 AIIi<anOt<. Oeon 135 ...... _.E!Ic;I05 _ . JIorwIiIe< 117. 162 163 sn. .... 115

A.Oson. _

~, KaII!yn 128 ......... Coty In. 211

_ .Ma~111 1

AmDIII, OyIda 142


Anderso<I. 6elsy 128 ,'''&''SOI\, am. 191 ~.Jeaon3


AndIno, SIIz 171 lI.ndrun.a, BrocIc 2 Mo:Irews. 0ebb0I 126 """"rujew!.kI. Usa 171 "'-I. T<ey 131 MQarone. Amy 180 Anget, E.... 1"6

~,9ob132 A~ fdy 82. Bi, ~, JacIyn 85 ~,'T\'n74. 102


Arnold. T~ 71! AnNo, t.IaIty 174 Armold, Jam 133 Atro,o. Elklaldo 135 ~, Satah

Barry. CoIIewl 128 Bar5Ol:tl, Tam 170 Barstow, Atrrt 182 BI"1IIIIl, KtIIII 103 Sarlley. SIll..., 102 Sa1el. David 125


AmIso, Rosen...- 162 Wayno 191 AmnarI, Sarah 156

~ A.aIiyIII161

~,JudI '97

AsN>fooO;, PrlIIIp 131 MIIbum, JoHph 162 " " - . Megan 110. 138 AIhw, MatyAoee 159 M IIIgk>. RobeM 135 AlWood. AncIr.. M. 102 ~.8rookII 126 ~.JII I4J

IwIc ........ SIMI ...... ISS ~. 1.a..,...,1211


1-.! Bk:I<Je)o.E '" 711. 1~ ~ .., CarrIe 72. 185 Bie<I. Mike 79

BiIuIco. Andru 173 ~Bi1sy


B~ , """""""26

1IIackw<>od. KIIlo1yn 20. 87, i21l Bw... 0arIieII0I m Blair-.., EriI< 115 Blaine, KIII!Vyn 114 Blair. Tolld 191

!1. 76

Boland. MlcheDa 135 BoIend. Momy 132


169 8gjgef, ...... 114 ~, S ... wnln

801ft. CourIr>e)o 129 Bollin. MiM 115. 142 Belllnget, Tolld 226 IkItnDa. Ctwlf 78, 81, 95 Bonasso. l.l:>ult" 135,

9oned"1od<. TltIany 171 Bonn. Greg 1:10


BorOegon, DQug 1~ 80feg0n. Kew. 191 80<91, JoIal. 151 Batva. Batghi. _JcxI 223128


6S BeitaIec:MH, Em 117 1leIcnef, ForT"" 177, 211 Selltll. Mk:MIII 75 - . Klmbe<Iy 65, 125 Bell, SI... 177 - . T..-ry 2 11 Beland, JaneIIo 125 BeIDwII. ~ 1.25 8erIde<, Jad<Ie 1.25 a..-tti, Koren 61 lI_fl..nd. Fr&nIc 65. 138

Benko. Regan 135

-~~ iIerYlIIIl, EiIabtth 203, ~ErnIy

125 IIfIor.-. Julio 8<1. 142 1IenIQn, Emily 75 Ber1Ion, Hell"... 1.25 1Ier!lNy.,.,.." 191 a.ntI8jI. JaM 133

a...n. David 125 --~

-...:d, Pal 138 Berlda, David 201 aa.IIJIdNn, EIIIInII 99 Ber~,JusdrI 145. 146 Servtr. La..." 72 Bergman. C/IId 126


Bus., Ccur1nw,o 126 -..RY8fl1.ioe 115.117.146 BuIz, Andr... IDe, 139. 142 Buuara. Greg 7.


Jane 85. 138. 227 Mct<et. Soott 15 1 BriIllll.Oan 221 BrIg/lIon. _ 126 BrIngman , Daft 135 BrlnI<man, Kar.., 65 BrocI<. La .... 83 Bro.!wn."¥at 13D Brogdon. t.Iandy 73, as BrnIoI)o, 124. 125, 191 E\<oO:Ib. StepIIarWe 3 Brop/ly• .JaneIIe 3 Bros.. Geor!te 203. 223 8r<>sdwlcz . ....... 147 Brower,Andrea 126 Brown. Dan 131 _,~2

8"""", KIIl/1eme 2. 125 Broom, lain 176 Browr\. Uz 197 Browr>. Ma-" 75, 163 Brown, M&ghan 18

Browr\, SliW<I 135 Browne. Pal 126 Bro>C1erman. EIubeCh 105 Br\d\, N\C:k 133 Bruencll<man. Cnolg 169 ~, Ja.oo&9

Brurrbough. SIeve 219 Bn.nner. JenniIer 82 BrInr, 135 BrunI, !.\aIIt 235 en..,1.WlIIew 75.1 25.235


Bruns. Mlwt 1045 BrunIz. JoIicmIo 171 BIisu. Basll 289 126

Jom 172 BudcI.J.miJ1 T6. 125 1IuIIaJa. S1ep/I8t1 129.132 BunIer. K)'I& 191 , 212 Bul, """ 145 BufwaIo, Haina 125 Surth. Krltli1 175 8urgeI. Nale 106 ~ Angela &1.151 Burkhatdl. MAry Catol 2

8uodl.M~ 75 Bushman. BtIdge1 197

82 calNl. Lau.. 217 CaI\OU"I, Tom 114 CalIaI\an, P. lnic:k 132 calItfy• ."...."..,. 91

CIIo._ 110 Camp. Greg 143. 22T Campbell, Dana 142. 2 13 ~Erln

1 43


Cenaty, Kevln 176 Cannon. M8l 183 CaMy. Sat1lh 110 Canzano. Pal 145 cape. Angela 209 catdIIo. _ 126



2. 88

83. 85, 97. 95. 99. 105. 117

car.y, Rk:NInI

Sud<J8y........ 191

Sums. Ka1ie 129 Burns, L_ 135. 209 Buma.MaIy 81 Button. Ryan 133

CAIIaIl, NallWl 1013 cat.MI. Erin 172 Celr>. Ar>d)I 153 CaIcilral. Jason 293

c...w.MaUJ1l 145

Suck. Sleven 2

Burkhatl, Dan 89. 102 Bume!l&, Jess. 105 Bumo. JeneI 125

GaDIa. Man 3 C8<:ch1cne, Em III CMet, n. ...... 110, 117


n. 99




B<owrI. NIooI!I 2, 73, 11)1; 8covm, SIIa ...... 162 Brown. S1acIa 129

Bucci.tdFT1eget. _ Buclo:, Em'I\r 157

904<ermann. MII~ 82

8eIwn. Mall 6S 1IeIcbh\an. a . - 12e.2X1

BoJsoId.IJrady 10

Bu&oIcI. BrN 1'5

Brown, Moll\'


B*x>pInk. KeJy 103 8i8fIO!>. JoeIo l::.e Bie1q>. 110. 8isI1U. BrooIC 131

Boeckman. Usa 1(5 _,,,,,,,,,211 BoeQ,MaIl 126 9oeshar1.JemiIer 114.142 8ogus1ewskl. Andrea 78, 12G


~ Joe 195 1<IQ8dirII. HeaIfle, 99, 105, leo ~ M I _ Mk:huI &1,143 ~. Ja)'SCln 191 Mngotal , ~ 156 """""tI0UI. 6II6n 9<1

Gal 18

~, EI_


80"",". KIlle Z26

227 a..dItm, Tom 2 11




Brescia. MIl""! 135 B<ett, Ryan 135

BrowrI. Jay 1-.! Brown.Jen 145

Bloom, Eric 131

_ ,Mi""


lIilgI , ~lIl1

91ur'r1e!"1s!od<, D....... 27/1 8odIya. Llnc!sey 1-.! Boec:Ici"Ig •.b:18ItIDn 227

~. o...l33

AnIIIony. KeMI\ 96, 145 MzaIDno. Mary 126



293 Sa..,...". Joe"", 135 Sa ...... Cour1ney 126 Ba ... r. Sarah 135 88 .... .....,... 74. 102 Saltl.., /,I9g8n 125 &lyer, Mall 177 SUch, David 79 Beard, Ray 135 Kau. 1119 I!tdI. Ma_ _ 106, 107 8ecI<. NO:!< 8<1. 145 8ecIc. Slepllanle 155. 293 _ . MaggIe 175 Karen 126 Bod<er. KriI~ 135 ged\t,. Maria 125 Secllen. A.a ...... 115

ArrCroH,51 ...... 150

1IMl... , ....... 126 9ot1ke. TA .. 83. 85, 99, lOS, 160 Ber1sc:io, lJndN,y 126 Beny. ErniI)I,"lQS Besser!. Emily 142 -.Dan 195 BesIwIcIc, Sar .... 126 Bencher. Cllarlle IIeU.JuIIe 135 1INke. Holy 110. :lOT

_ .ChrIS

Battl810. ~

~.Bmd ' 81

Bllmstort. Paul 227 Barry, MIi;II84e 95. 150

BIake, N.llllie126 BIanc:/'iarI:j.ll>ny 226 147 9layne. JaM 111 8Iauf, Jent1iI&r 89 BIooooino. Jerry 131. 211

BalBI, TOn 191 a.tIIIa. Angel 1(5

M, AngIe 1~ _ u, ROb 218. 2111


&"lIge. 1>Ieysa 177 BlmeII. Thomu 132 Ba ........ CMs- 219 Bames. Da.. 159 Sames. Joe 126 Semen, LaChe ... /II\1. MaIiI< 151 811"..,.. Angle 213 _ , Ryan 82 61,,01\, Holly 79, 290 8ar1"ldge. JImtn)' 141 Sa"",". 0 .... 135

BlI81, Emma 225

..u.n, SanoI1 zoe, 209

........... AsIII8y 125 ~ .E..wy 114

AndotSQn, BI!lI1

BagIiMI. JoteQI"I 133 Balgi, SIep!\&nIe 11 T &l1ley. E.... 225 aa.-y. Jaaon 235 811111y• .IetmBIne 191 , 192 Sailly. La~ 11 811Ii8y,Ma~ 135 Ba~. T1!!anjr 140 1laiIey, TOn 83, ~. 143 aa,t.Js, Greg 72 8a, Gr1IgOO)I 3 Sal<e<.........tk1 1:10 Sal<el. I'll 191 Bakk .... EmIy 125 Sa_no. NIH. 83. 165 Baldwh lj"l'dsay 135 Ba_, Katie 1(2 BaIogr>. (:ar)cjoe 126 &Jous, Mar'isu 125 BartMllanD, P. uI 61 Ba/aIIoIIa. IW I T6 ~.KIITlII 111 168 1lat\IoI.Ms, Ni\J(l 168 Barg&!. JoeepII 65 &orl<e<. KII<rf 711


. -• ...-...1181' 1M

Bren1. MaU/1I


Be.-.....Jln1 75. 146. 23S


CarIoon. Mallory 2. 128, 233 CatIlon, K""'" 154 Cet1lon, ~ 129 Co""""'Y. Kristi1 78. 125 Carney. Kelly as. 95

cams. Palrlcl!

\75. 280

camo.. Fl'8r1k


carollo. Joe 131

CIti:>et>I«.8nttl IDe, 221

Catpet'Met. t<.W> 111 CarT.E_ 176 Carroooio. Megan 126 carroll. Joe 2 cal'n>l.Jom 148 carrol, MIl",. 81 carrol. Shamoln 75, 157 COrrow• 261 ca ..... Kevin 8<1 carson. LaslIa 3 Carl .... BiI 131 Cet1"" RIbin 4'* Casale. Mi1<e 172 CaseIa. S&tIh 126 ca...".. Jusm 81, 145

_.Lain 3. 1(5

1lotQwIl<a, Daw 131

BottoIn, RoI>en 115 8o!'IoIotIo. C8JIIir1 13~ _ _ .S/>aYf\l. . .w.on 1-.! 128 EIougc!. PlI1\ 135 8o</ra$$e.JeII 2 11 8owe, c..lg 138 ~. Ot"'l26

Bowera,NlcIc 111 BowlIng, KirsIIo 74. 89 9owIIng, Mil<e 1:10 9o~.Joe 151 Bc>tar. JoeIo 191 BoyII. LIam as

Il0)0>>. t.Ilc:M ... 135 B/alHIUdIr. Coin 114 B.. o::l\rIn, K'" 211

8taddock, C/IrItIopI)er 12, 105. 150

Bred». Em

172 _ • • Jad8n 160.006 BrIlflCl, Joal 105 Brand, K)'Iey 83, &I

9ruttM, "-1 85 9ra1nldl. Jessica 117. 172


145 176 BrIIwn. Lacey 128

Bre..,. Kyle

~ , He8l/1et 14'*. 146 8rllrr'lfl.... Tom 147 BrwvIan, Anson 129, 2:25 BrJIMM, CMo 168, l.IiI<t 135. 174 Brennan, Moly 125, 126

8roman. 5..... 76

Bremer. DapInI


Britnev S"ears "erfor""s with snake during the f;~.(e of the 2001 M1V VIdeo MUf;c Awart/s1hursdav, Se"t. 0, 1001, at w~ York's Metro"oHtan O"era House.


In, MI5$y


CMc>II.,.l.inIK 82. 801. 117. 143 ~.l1m 132 CNpio. cam. ,. 12& c....~lze

143 CnioIe. SwM 1211 c.r-.~I35

n. 102

""""-- '" ~ , Rid<ltl



~~1~, JulIo I ll!

_,"",e 102

_7' CtllIIatli. Y...-.ha no Char~ ....

CIIoooIInI. MichNI 3 112. 1012 C/'IeNtrIan. KaMy 115. 1151 0IIIl. CIvIl 133 Ct.etwaI. Ylra 72

a-. t..urto.

ct>enowetI'I, Ctv!IIopMr I 26 ~.EfIaI2. 85.I~

~ ""'""' 130 ~[hw ' 20.




.............. 198

u.. 22!! a.m. ......... 117. 143 CIlimM,

~CotI2111 ~, CMo . . 170

CIv\oIr:JII, ""'- 801

CiIIoItOi'II. _


c-.Rywo 1501 c-. Lou 1511 CIaII\, _

1013, 1M



ChIdo. vn;,. 3. 12$ 132


'*""*' .......

"""''''''' c.r..


CItrIIOrI, Otnny "5 CIar!!. 1211 CIart. an ,801 Clart,cttIoIN 147. 184


CIa<!<."""'" 150 C\ari(, . . . . . 125. 1211 a....1(Mtwyn 81.128, 1l1li CIaIII.. liz 135 CIar1I, Paul 131 CI&rQ. Em 1311

ClaudIo, CdiIo 81 Clevey, KIIIlI 1211 CIa!I. ChaIIa 126 CIayIon. o.nny 111:5 a.n. I!tIondon 130 ~.JoIh


CWIc>td. KatiII 135. 223

on.....,."... CInI<. PablCl<

135 132

ac....r. TWIany eo.t.. Marly

75. 125

It 1 281

GoIun. ~ CocaI.8t.o 170 Cockrwn. 0e'<'Id 111 Co<:uuI. Malt 130 CoM. Doug 1045, 1.w1 c.:&y.1IIWI 133 C<*y. u..n. 125 CclgN,Ji'n "2 eor..n.JonIIn 131


CoIo,CAIg 1211 ~Atn

I 3$

CoItDI. P.uI 83. 170 CoItitf. f>M.! 227 ea...c..Ig loll Cc6I&. EmIr 125 _ _ 175

.......... " ~

. . .. HoeII 145 CokIft. AoIIw>dO 17 ~_12$.2 ' 7

CoIoon. Bnan 2 00Mn. " " ' - III' ec:w-.~ &1.210 Con1oitI. Ctorll 125 Coq:om. Klllie 103

--" ""--

Copperpx. 114 CocIpIoo. ~ 1110 eo..c.. ~ 1:lot,I25 eM*\, ~ g, 102, 110 8Z. 135 Cot\tOk. Sota 128 CoIIoO. _ 111 CorIIII. T", 120 Con1QliWl............ 135 CorriIIM. ~ 175 CorNId. 227


E-..o, . . . 110 ~rwn.t 125 E..... "'"' 110 Egot. BiI ,. , . Egot, Ca/I 7SI Egot....... 211 ~Soo! 103 _ _ 225





~ . JocIt




CoUIIo, MIQan .26 125

EIotn. Hid!

eott.r, MaI1 135 eon:r.I. SN"",, 117

'32ElIck.~ 221

eo.aoan. t.wi$U

CovIt. I<f,IlI

a.~ NIgIo 135 lSoi Engdahl. Julie 2118 EI'ogeI. Todd 101

Emiv. 0...



er.IQ. P.1rkt< 125 er-,MegIn M

Sox;ng legend

Cnt-. L.indII01 1211

fjrft Oly,.,..I:tie torch (it fro,.,.. the ea(.jldron in front of a 1't'Ia" dlowin.g the torch ' f rO(.jte ,J(.jring a eere1't'l0ny at Centennial Oly,.,.."ic Parle in Attanta 1uefday, Dec. 'I, 'l.001.1he toreh to light the eaut,Jron waf f,ro(.jght f,v jet fro,.,.. Athenf, Greeee., to Hartffietd Attanta International Air"ort and then f,v 1't'Iotoreade to the "arle, f,eginning a W,·ftate tour to the 'l.OO'l. Winter Oly1't'll:tief in Satt Lalee City.

Cnt-.l.. 111& ~.Randy ltl Croque,!It..-,. 1211 ~'-I32.m Cr_y,IMry~

Cr\dtr. ~

117 lOS

CrriI. Alb! 128 CrontI'\, 0.... 1111


115. 138



CtoIIy.Njdd 111. 16:2

-"" c...n. "n. c...z-,. ~



c....n.1MgM 83.

c.-, EtIo

16:2 SI5

2. III. 103

CuIIn, EIIn 227



~, """"leo !15, 1110

c::u..o. ~


8Z. 135

Curier.AIB IH 511



6:2. 132 II. 0'""""" c.... 103 DMmtuIG. MgiIII 15. 'l27. 281 1$8 o.tIt#n. ~1 1211 DIriIII. ""'- 1211 0enI0I. Mike Ill! o.m., Th<IIrAI 143 OM. 0t'IQ 138


o.t:t. a . -

o.n.. .......

--" ........


m itT




OIBoil. BrIo ..... 2,23!!

72.119. 168




CIcnovM, CMuy 2011 ClorIovan,OIr\t'Ii8n l SI 000iI)r. 11 Oorn.E~ 286 DondI. NaINn 131 DoN. ~ 1211. 'l27 001'/. ~ lOS. 1211



138 Do\.ogI>ItIy. Mel 72 DougIau. John 15. 135 Dow.~ llI!i ~""'_'38 DowIinQ. EmIy 135 ~BtIen 72. 3

-~= 126

DownIng. Mar.,e.tI 125


~, ~



81 . '25 0.0,.. 8reGon 12, 3 0rIN, ........ 130 Dr*>oI. 9rIiIn 135 0rIIc0I. Ur 1So1

0n:IetiJe. .....



OraaII , ~

0IMz. OM 75, 235

Oroo.mrd. """'" lIS 0rutrYn0nc1 . .... 111



Ouctw, ow.. 125. 203, 223


0...1. EniIJ' 15. GO, '45. 1016 0.-. ChatIN 125

0iIIlrd. G«lI1

D.*Ig. WJyne 13!i


~ROII I 32


DiMIrc:o, AIicIo I:HI. 225 0ir0da.1\ro'l 8T, loll




CUncan. s.r... 1'5 t:>ur*'P. EIr\.a 145

0\IrNj). NId< 115, 181


OISantlt._ 95 ~. CIIIre 115

Oinen. Jon

105, 126

00IIn. £'Yf' 138 00INet. c....s- 90. 166 eon.t!w, ..... 17• • 211

~ Mall 131 . 132

DIll ~.

0eDdt. 1<f,1.n 153

~.ChocIII5/l ~MMtI35

00,1II. Mil<e 153

OIO'rIIrI.MN 11. 110. 1.w1 0\grr'I0tt. ~ 3.79. 2lI1 DiOuatd. NN 14.5. 117

01_. CIIriI 1"6 DIy. r..... 136. 225 o.y,~ 31 0IAr9Ik CoIItIte lIST. 225. 21. Dum. CMI 1111

~oldf U~ t~e





DeJo/JI.Joe 131 ~AAan 120.

135 YIcIoriII US 0IBIui. Jotwrt 2. 156 DIcI<. "'-' 208 0Id0;Ir.-I. - . . 72. 1s.t



0IMuwcfI,"'" 130 111


0I'4G, NI<tt 191 0IYlw, 0Imy 163 130 IlIwM. liIm 132



201 0..II,~ 271 0..11, Rid< leo 0..11, llInJ' 1t1 0..lIl, v.,.gM 223

C<w\II;IIr\, luCy 128 C<l!IIon, I<""" 1211 Conlon. S1>Mnan 72. II. 83 ecnn.II, I<M1't 117, 1511

Deo*'Iger.1<H)' In Der EmbM. YtItI 95 OIA .... et...d. 3 DnmoncI. Brft! 168 OetPlUlet, Anlhori't as OIT11rdo, ElizabtII1 128 o.trId<. SUzIt 227 Detzel. MidIuI 125 o...nn.y.~ 130 OIY1i1n. Alton M. 116 OIYOw. Grtog 138


o..w....tonr* N. 12:!I 125





DaIIr. Or_

DeOMttr. Kr\IIM

0eW::a. StIey itT 0emc:Nk. Tor". 130.


O·_.JoJII.I28 0.0.. AIicIo 11'1 o.tot. S1~ 1.w1 o.~G,"_ 12:!1

o..w. Aitt>

0el.0r9 ........ 10 --~

DefmIa. E_ 128 o..m.. KIIlh 1s.t. UIO




loUa 127. 132


a....... o..JIIot EI1n




Coull, Ctotmen 199 eow.n, eMIl It! Cowgill, IU'rtf 98, 126 eox. BrIttaro)' 2111

0IbH, K",."", 1012


EdwW. Jodr:Fey 113

eo.-. _

CondIon, ....... 3 ConIdO'l, lauren 1~

~.KIIIy 17'3 ConnorI. lIM 128

E...... n-.. 135 E-..-I25 EdIIfot. U. 8Z. 125 ECIgtrI,..tonr* 125.211 ~JoM 11 , 87

eoo.-.Kl1I '32


c..uca . ~m


128, 101 Ebott, F'8ut 1'1, 1811 EIIIII._201

Cook. RyJn 175

~ . _150

~ . OMI71.IH



Coo!*, I.IntIIMy 1<1$

c.-. c.m:..c.m.


EIo!Itna. RKt.oI I 21!1


Cook.'-' 1211

c..tor. EINIy



CorMry, E'" 2 _~n


1151 CtIUko. Hid< 150 c.cIwlG.~' 138 KKy Is.t In CerIc>, 0!dII0 103 c.n... ErIn 125 c.-......... .t5.

Cornd. I(aIe 2 CcrncI. U- 125 CorM, AIIIor1 125

83. 305. 307

131 DMI. L-.vwo 135 Oiroon. Mall 138 '" 00bIH. KalIl 203

00IIrInk;10. EmIly 10(3 ~lIln 125


DIInn. Mk:hMI 8T.I45 ~.1<oMn


o.n.nd, ...... 95 DurnIfok. Joe 128 DurII. B<ad 120 1:II.rIcMf. 51""",,,,,, I,.. 283 DMgnI. c..t.en I H DwIt<. BrIotI 132 ow,.w, Em &I. 175

EngMmM. ~ 227 EngIerl.I<.." '012 EngtiIfI, NO .... 133 EngiIo/I,.Ien 187 ~• .k.UIIoI.loIII _~n

~._IST . I32



E-*'>, Lar.nn 13,n 135

E_JoAmoo 13I!I e..rdng.8If 215 E--. Ff811 130 E-.gMI ....... 170 E---".~ 125 E_ 15 E."q. &r,.rI III


F FecIMr. ChrtI 17., 1111 Fega"I. ROIl 1115 Fdy,JMu 195

F.... ~ 1"2.203 FaI.r. liz '28


I t!

__ """'u

F~ S\ewIn

13. 1113

FarIIMIMI<y. _


Fa""",,• .lIan 81 F..,&I. F....... F~ 111 Fwrey, l)llW1 1(S, 22S FaIt>. _ 1211 F.uat, Hal. 103 F.V1IU, ...... ,0(3

FNio. KrIJtin es F-.I,I<"'" 1:!fI F..".,.. Ma.rII 143


,....!omt F..,.... JeuIcot




F*'John 1liZ

F_ _. .-..... 126 ~oo.. 117 ~SIwnIn II'

"......, RIc:/'rwr;I l i S F~ MarIe 85. 110, 102. F - - - . llrnoIrry' 72. as. leo. 301 ~ Mid'IwI 110 F..... 1<8M 1119

-..... " - . tlrJId 135 F........ 1O F.rW. liz 1:1e

I'IMIIr9>. GINo 117, 303

_.HecII 82


FlIIdt. ~ 153 ~.0Wd1l2.130 FINII.~ IZS ~.Oon

114 1511

A'Ike."'" FWoJot,.Jcnd>In 1J1

Fi'1IIn. ow. 110 I'm. SeIII1 205. 2011 R'Io, PalrU 2. 233 n.ctIIt, Mv1 1011 F\od'Itr. SIII1I 211 Flsct>ot. w_ 1\14. 1115 Aahot.Br'" 131. 201 AtI>et, ear. 15, 138 M FloI>er, ~ 131 "-.OW IT., m , 2811


-,-" FItdt, T... " '

Fl\tfw>er. HtOdI H8

All. 81_ Rayman<!


FI!<.lbdd 99. 106, 199 Fltzge_.JoIln 169 F'UgeIUI.U""" 125 F~,LesIiII 81. 95 l'IUgenold. 129 F\Idt. La.........,. 11 3.81 Aading. ~ 129 Raharhy. Mike 2:16 f\aI'lel/ill.~ .. 105

Frien!. W<e 85 Frfesj. Maty 285


Frll<tr\ r.Ia:y 1~2 . 213 F~. AmeIItr 135 F......, JnnnIna 272 Fr"'*'. Cnug 15..0 FucI!s, Carotrn 125. 217 F~"" leFq 81 F'**"Y. Katie 168 Fun'I'IIIn."""" ' lil FUrman.!o1lc:hiteIIa 157 F~, liIdsey 135

F\etrOniI, ON 132,228 FIM>Ing, JIIstin 130 F1III<:tw• .I8ssIcI 129. 213 AIck.~



85. FIoy(1. Nicole 128 Aym. Pa1rlck 13a 1'oget1)o. Bob 17e Fog!,


GoirIs. El<<IbeIh 225 ~.Sara/ll03

Good, Satah 145 Gooch.oo. P...... 79, 15..0 ~,BrIan 191 GooWi. Clarbso 85. 107 GorU,Ssln 191 Gorman, RoOyn 87, 105 G<>!rd:.~ 2 Gorrin. t.Iarla-ltI 125 Go<sJO. !dan 126 Goss. MelanIe 85.156


GabrIel. Brie 1301 Gagnon. EmIl' 84 1~

Foolldfle. KrisM 158 FooI8lrw. t.IOnb 160


AlcarOo 126 Foot. Dan 126 FoIbes. YaloItI. 105 R>n:I. Kati 72, 15..0 FOf(1. Sat"" 3 Fore.LAur1ll'l 110. 1 ~ Forme ......... 1315 Fornaclari,Uza 11 7. 167 _,Arturo 133 Forst, Paul 102. 169 F.... )'IIM,Jean/na 7~ For1!IoIat. Sala 143 F()r1I'I'WI, ..... isu 228 Andrew 82. 131 Fool .... S<:OCI 126. 191


FosII<. S_ 205 _.Milft 145 FrIo • ..."....... 72 Fox. JAr..-ny 221 F.... Zaeh 2\ 1 Fa ••• Kade 273 Ff3bo!Ia,Chris1ine 114

FraIse<.Kode 125 F.. ndo. Micll"U. 82 Franc:iI. Paul 43

Fraocis. Susan 82. 1:ffl FnoociII. nn 153 FranIwy. 8riat1 280 F",,,.., Carolyn 135 F..".., MI<:Mk 85. 67. 95, 29C Franz. SIleky 160 1'fan2inOe•• TherMa 1 ~ FlaW. T _ 84, 128 Mict>ool 133 Frederick. Jamiot 81. 128 f .eed. Wil 78. 142 1'NiI8g.CMs 115. 174 ~ • ..IU<Joll1I.m F.II<ieI<s. CMssy 128


GoeHke, Lal>'lfl 135

GoII!<. K_ 73 Goe!.>, RuSO' 85

GiItlIIo. Anr>eIIt 95

3 FoIori. 82. 145 _MIchael _ 00 FoIe)'. Shawn 147

95. 114.

GoaI< •. l""'Y 145 GorHtaImann.TIm 143




Godk;. BIigId 110. 143,. 135


~.c- I5 9

FIa'Ylefy, Pal 75. 114

FIIsak. Uz In

GIIdOen. Rachel 75. 82. 125 GIoMnt<. Sean 153 Groot, cam 160 Goo::I<tI. MalllCal. 84 Goden. Jean 132 Go!IeII. f\odf>ey 132 GcxI!tey. Aba 135

!'"",rIcI<s, loIatl 131 F....aman.K&ra 128 Fr~ EdIWl 11 I Fr\encI, T'tIany 81

Fn. Mike l Ql

Gainer, Sara/l 72 GaIatrb. Wasley 201 GaIioIo. Hea.1h6r 89 GaIIoIo. MicIIaIII 129 GalIn, Jell 7., 99. 306 Galloway. Megan 126 GaIIowtr,r, Todd 110 GaIomb; _ 145

~.NicI< 126 - . GraMt 130,191 199 H". _131


Hall, ilrII<IU 205

Hal, JosaIo 227 HrII,.x.. 145. 195 HaIf , ~ 22S fI8I. Kent 3

Hall. t.l&n 2 HaIf.!dike 132 HaI.Todd 130

HaI.1lacI 117 Hallett. TlIerfla 160

HaIma,Adam 114. 13a

HlrrrJoaro,Jarroeo 110 1iarlkIg. Co<imey 223 Harris. CIlrIsIirII 99 Ham. Chuck 191 Ha ..... Homer 145

Harris. JoAe 296 l4rrie.lydla 81. 3 liar ..... T""""Y 168 HarrbOn.Men 135 HaITOld. BI\on 174 KIIrt.JuIHr 75. 167 KIIrt. P.l &I Haf1t>tdo.,_110 KIII1inQ, JoIf 155 Hanlngo. R_ 143 KllrUey,.-...n 114. 154 Har1le)t, MatI$s8 89

GoeMrI._ 84

GossmM. 5Ioph 125 GcoIIIN<I. Alida 138 ~.JoM


GouIiA. Mike 143 Gow\Ia, Abhishek 133 G<abNI<J, Chrissy 135 Glady. Man 1012 Grad)'. SsIIIh 87, 128 G""""".EIl_1I> 117 Graham. Jim 145, 195 Graham. 51...... 108 G........... 219 Grano. Kim 96. 129 GrIII'lI.!d1$$y 126 GmnI. N.iI>&n 132

Gambill, KaU. 125 ~lonl35

Gar\o6I. Ryan 135 Ga(IIm.Id. """Y 56.

I-laM.Marll 117. :.189 1ieInes. Jennie &I


GarciIo. MI<:h8&1 145 Gardnoo. SI\8t'lroo<1 199 GarNu. 1oIMIi'1 126 Gar1ock. Jassica 145


Garrel. JamiI 145 Garw<.~ 3 Gaste!, Ban 145 Gayflor. Sarah 72 Geb!la", O.J. 219 GeWnar. Elizabelh 75 Geiserl. Ashley ~7 GalIr.r1r. Sarah 145 GaogII8oan. Wiiatn 90.132 Ge<lrOf. A.fyson 99. 300 Georve. Je" 108 a-g., Katie &I. 175 Gerad.KIm 155 Ghal"". Sarno, 132 GIllIan, Samer 82 Giao<:oIa.JmOce 81. 175

G'"1. Dorian 225 GrHn._ 145 Green. K$'NI 147 Graen.I(tISIIa 209 Graen. Nale 205, 206 G,een. Wa~... 115 G ...... Todd 175 Gr&gOflo. 145 Gragory. ao.o 129 Grfl$.Lau,." 79. 117 Grie:lllop,A.IIson 1;!11 Griesl>Dp, ~ 20 GrlHhop. f'1IiI 161 Gr1tfIn. ~ 166 GrttfIn. BrIgI1id 138 GrttfIn. Chr;, 133



GierIr • • !o1lillln

GMItin. EOdIe 131 G.rlIfk1. Use 129, 145 GriIIIn. ~ 126, 203 GlWtI1, Amanda 153, 286 GrfIiIh. Ja""" 75

tuM. Alison 102 GicorwwIte. Mike 184 GIorglonB, Chri& 174. 1111 GiDIa.;o 155

GO.o"" JIId< 125 Glow. James 84

Griio. S<l$3Il 79. 225 ~.D8ve 132


27 GIBss, 8e1Sjl 2ZI GIew, Bob 145

GroescheI,.\ 2 . 117,233 Groetaem9. Sill 191 GI'O\1II. Doug 142 Groins. ElizaMm 128


Gross. CUM 213 GrosIirIId. Greg Gross. MicI1 .... 170 183

Grott>.8IlI 2. 167 ~.Jenn 172 G""",. Shaun 142 GroYe. 117 GIlM<. Eric 131 . 191 G"""",. Sara/l 56. 84, 102 O",......SUzame 102 GmYM . ....... 15..0 Gruber. GI'MCIWI 31 G"""". f(ri$ty 126 G.... ,...",..,..111


G _ . JessIca 79. 3 G~.Torn 211ii ~.CtII'flII I 35

GuI:Iani$/I. Jill 126 Gudorl. O'" 126 k::"'~ 11 G.m:.Oon 227

~.CIIfiS 132 HanWnry• .)eft 135

H ..... J _ 126

HomIIIon. AmarIlla 75

1ianiIIon. Kyle 133. 2ZI HamiIIon. ~


1-Iarnrnar1. CIIuck 11 0 Ha"""",.... hIegan 209 103 Ha"""""MicIIIoai 111

H liIIas.!oIIgar> 83, 114. 145 KabIacIoter. ...... 133 IiIICI<r'r\a(V'. E .... 146 Ha<k)r. CMo 175 Kllgedam, R ' - 111 HaIJ81Nll' , Man l SI

H!lgen. E,qabellr 102 Haoe'. MaI1llew &1,90 Hague, TIm III Hagye,Sarah 114. 2M

HaM. AnChorrt 110

_.Todd 227 Hamad, J.....,1rI 126 Iiamblln, BrIdgeI 85

Hamrnen.. Joseph

GiJeominl. !d,ke 115. 117 GuInn, Cindy lt~ G..m.. GaY'1tI 87 GLlM.Joth 1&1 Gut$chrnkIl, Ac!am 115. 117 G<mchmIdI. Juslin 125. 126 Guy. Mo' a 2

Arizona ()ia~ondbaci(5 cete60rate deFeating the #lew Yori( Yani(ee5 '3..'2. in Ga~e 7 of the Wor(d Serie5 Sunday #lov. '1,2.001, at Bani( One Ba((pari( in Phoenix. At center Foreground i5 l>ia~ond60ach ' Steve Finley.

Wa5hington Wizards' Michael Jordan drives on l>etroit Pistons' Michael Curry in their ex hi60ition ga,,",e atthe Palace in Au60urn HiUs, Mich., Thursday, Oct.11, 2001. Jordan, ,,(aying in a Washington uni/or~ For the lirst ti~e, scored eight "oints in 17 Iirst·ha(1 ~inutes as the Pistons beat the Wizards 9S·SS in a "reseason ga,,",e beFore a seUout crowd atthe Palace on Thursdav night.

Hammon. Mi$Ii 203 Hammons. o.nos. 20, 203 Kamskl.Joe 146 kancock. Mallflllw 135 Hand , NrrJ 1211 Hanoleid. Y _ 3. 176

H_I>\I1. Jess;c. 9,ll'l1 Hanil<. JessI 128 H_. Samuel 2. 72 Hanley. Cluy 227 ~ MaryPaI 126 Haman. Eric 132 ~. StwI .... 126 liamon.Chrls! .. 145 H......,., Kalft 125

'""'"'..,., "

_,Jemie 89

Hanson .... "" 211 HanIon.~ ~1

liIlMM. KaiI)' 1211 ria""'.Or_ 117, 161 Iiatpe<. Ethan 132 _,John 142

Kar1mam. 1Ca1ie 158 Harly. Erin 125 Harwoo<:I.O<. PhIl 73 Haryadi.8rent:Ia 87. 168

Haoelman, Hea_ 209 ....1oItIner. KoU. 130 Haudan, IlrooI\e as Ha,*. Katie 2. 114

Ha_. Marir 3. 126 Ha ..... Klrillr 100. 130 KIIusI<necI1l, t.18l1 170 Hawley. Bob 167 Hal"'". LorI 79 HaJ'til. ReIna 82. 129 ~.Anne 117

HeIIe!mon. T""Y 191

_ . E,e



0iWrIann, Jell 130 HWwniIer. Gay 145 _ . K avin 131. 133 HaiII<amp, Sara 129 HeitkM. KaH 82. 126

Hei>man. &1an 191 HeI<anHn. Jell 132 Het>er. Garell 147 HoIirmIaI<. JulIo 95 _



I2\; 129




KeIIrroIlr. IoIissy 126 _"OI'.P"'.'75 HellWIg, NIc/'ooIas 10&. 133 Hem. Clar>ieI 16'9. 205

_ . Va"Ilfln


I1emmeIgam, ChrIsIa 176


.--.s...r. 143


~..Iot0182.130 ~.EmmIII35 ~KrIaIna 117.

- - . . Hk:I<or!

'-,Joocquo lOll

_ .1InM

_.... ---'" 221 -.c!. TIm 143


HoIocIIeI. K-.I In HoI. OM:! I2$, 227

"''' ,


......" R-.x. ll1Z

Hir>I'G\i, lWeI 11 ~ ~. BrIan 11 5. 117 ~u- 11 • • 111 HOop&, SocIII 133 MOpIt.o..Q 128



tWri'I;. SIft 1010 ~er.II Itl twvy; ~ 3.

n. 105. 151





~~ I~2

- . ....... ,35

. ......... 170 ,T.l






_ ....... _217 n ........,....,

~.o-az Hoa.~ 171

"""""""'_ '29 \oIiIor1on.Amt

-"'''' _ltd.""""" --~


... 3, 75, 123 M. 103 121! Hey........ " " " _ 112. IN Hk:bI. MHv 110 Hick... 12'5 Hk:I\ejI, """'-' l Oll HicII.eoI. 235 Hid<ey. a..~ 125 HicII.eoI. M ~ 117. 170 Hds. ErriIy 11 0 HickI.2ad'I IoU HiI.D'AncIN 223 HiI.~ 123 ,.., lann 12:; HiI. ~ '02. 1$f. _ . ..... 121! _.~

1U;--.. 8T. _.K.I_


o.o::n a..rt


-'~1011 _ . Ruth 20.1

~. -"'2'5 ......... Kristy IIOIl ~.PaICIt

85 HInIhIw. SaM! 1"5. UK _.MM1&e HIpp._ 158 .... Md'( 215 ~• ..IoM I43 HI!t~ U . l1li. 1M '*"- NiooII ~ HiIc:I'cocII.ea.. 110. "5


~. K.l1II227

_._'21! Hoc:IgN..IoM 128

......... """" " "

~."'M _ . CIIar1Ie Jr. lIZ

HogM\.Jonr.Ihan 135 ~'.A$NM2 13

~.Uo"''''' 103


HouM.CMM 125

~.""""28 HItrzOg, _ 128

-,Ay., _


. &..ncIIy

Ito!, 1115

" - - . _ 125 ....... ..."..,., 129. 225 Il(It. ~213

1110 125


-.r.I. F,onUn 17. ISS -.MeQan ISS _ . SIop1Ien 19


HOMIII. TOI'I)I 215 liCIp'. "",. 199

HoyIng. Dan 75 ~.


- . - . . . . 130

-.PIII 227

.......... ",.."...2,128. 233



lnkI'aII.£moIy 25

114 128

........ ,...". Heringwn. "'" 18


Ier-=I. ~ " 0 .......... Tom 102

Man; 75. 1016. 235



Hoymart. ctwIIe 191 ~JNOII 1 S?

HIoIIIkImp. SCOII 126 ~£miIy


........... M HuII.~287


I'II.IfIInan, Ame IoU. 225 """""" Patr\CIt .... Is:!

....... CMtIy221 tt.II..JcIof<* 135 ......... Krit 163 - . . . . _ .... IoU ........... 0..25.3 ~._Ieo

J ~BrIan 3, 21'8 -"d<son. JolIn 132 .-.on. Satah \S I Jed<.oon, S/'Ironrm Ill . 218 Jacob.Oo ... lSI JItoob. Kily 217 .-.on,s..,q. 117 .wr-. C&iUin 125 _.MIU 133 J.rnieIorI. \It<oniI:oI i5 JamiIofI...IotI>uI 73. 183

.--".,.. Thm



.....,....-.,. 159 JaruIuI. Ka'*fne lIS, 227 ....,..,.,~ 85. 157

............ "

........... ' * - I:J3

~o.nIoI 125 ~Ka_81

..Mnl. 51-. 183 Jnn, Jnon 130 ....... ~

11~ ,



103. 1St . - . '!tid 157.225


- - . . . SaAh 1010

tu\'ImI(, ~

148 _ _. f .l. 1511 147


........ Ann 121! ....... P .~ - 143

........ s..t> 125



t+aa'oIL-.. 128 ........ EIeIo 129.1115 225 HuIc:IWtI. _

HuktIIIon. Ntt;1te I62 I'IUII. MieNo.. 1~ Ht.nw._ 125


Joorwy, _




Jirsa. Ron 205 Jood<en. K..... 125 ~1.Jr>cIsIor 1 10,141

ForMer Beat(e George Harrison arrives at HIe High Court in London Wednesday Mav 6, 1998 to give evidence in a court action to reCover at') aMateur recording Made of the Beat(es in HaMf,urg, GerManv, in 1961. Harrison died Thursdav at a friend 's Los Ange(es hOMe Fo(lowing a f,att(e with cancer, (ongti"'e Friend Gavin De Becl(er told 1he Associated Pren. Harrison's wife, Oavia Harrison, and 2.'3, were with hi1'\. son,_Dhani, _ n ~u.v-

~o.- I 51._

Karat,_ 1M

JoMoon,IIen 130


JoMoon. '"" 217

KaIl<eV, CIwIo 152 KatOM. _ 1..e K.I_ , MatI1 1011. 191 K.Is!*. Katll 1504 K.lSI*. Kelly 128 KM'I1\I"'1f'I.o.- 132 KlIIttaty.IIen 219 K.lltllry, _ 227 Ka\saI'Iniaa. Thm 2() I K.luftman. ,II_ 132 K.lufrnan. MrI& 168 K.l1.fman. Gary 81 K.I.....agII. Juh 148 ~,SQaII 210. 211 ~JoqIca 125 KMl,lIoutwI 142 ~KoMn 131 KeMI5, KaIie 125

..IDI'W>M:Irl,Bty... 191 JoMoon. 0.- 143 JonnIon.'-"- 128 JoIw'ison, K. . 102. 171

..Iol>n$on, MiI<, 131 """",-.P., 131 ,221 Jo/tnsorI, Ryan 135 JoItnoon. Thoma. 57



n~ 81. .!oIwIIon. AmI 6, 127 JoIrosIoI\, ~ I~3

JonaltIatI, O.



" " " Q191 JoNs,Dr>1III

-""-..IoM 132 ..IonM, MatI< et. 2CII!

_ ""n

.a-. PatrICk


--.... -

..laMs, RyM 181 JoMs.~ &4, 1"5.,.7 ..IoMI.T_ .. JonIIn, c.ourw..,. I ... 1010 . - . . 00m0IIVI 138 -..K.IIrII29 JonIIn,I..Induy 213


~SarM 1)0

~"""'29 _._'10

..Ic>';ar. CoIIHn 148

KMtng. C!w\tI' 132 ~.""".... 82 -,_138

K.... Mb

Cruise, ~eFt, an(j Pet')eto"e Cruz arrive together to the preMie re of Cruz' s new fUM " Captain CoreW' s MandoHn" in Beverlv HiUs, CaHf., Mondav, Aug. 1'3,2.001.



KaI... Kde 128 ~,£rIo: 138. 227 KaI. o..WI 19. 89 KalWoIn. J.tI 147

Ken4r. S~ 1$2. 211



73, 1(16, 15 \ K ..... 174. 227

K.IpI8n. _


85. 131 IoU

KIm, n.- ' ".191 KwnIy.


l1li, 132

KIflIgan. K.c. 125 _ , M _ 227 Kotmn. K... 191 Ktyet. MIry 85, 135 KI'IouIy.Jonr.II'IOn 219 ~. S&r.h 117. 159 ~. Krill .. 75. 125 ~._'35

KIINn. £m 23. 103 ~_ 1 2!1.227

IQIgra¥e. 8ryw1 I 03 ~ . o..... 1H,227 ~.0VI0IIrW 2, • . 111, 145 KIIrIbk, o.n 138 KkntII..1<dI In King._ leI

King. Amf



~MwgO 1~7

K.IIHr. U- 79. 145

K_ . C _ 135 K...... Soon 8.2. 135



K.lin.BriIn ' ' '. 1~5

K......... Cb 227


~QWl l .

KaIIIl8Ol115, 111 ~ MIty L)M .... 130

KepIc:, Moly 138 ~.JH" 145 Kepp\M<, Roll 150 1Ulma. MiI<.o 211







--~ 159 Ktown. KeItIof 128

KIIIy, RIdItI 150

-"-'me. Paul 811. lOS JuIIIr>o • ..IoM 130


\ 10


n. 82.


KtiIom. CIIar1Ie 133 1<4oIy• ..-on 2():3 KIIty.6tWI 12, 2. 151

__ M Kirt:t>oor. KaU. 1504



Kelly,MI ........ 81. 142


KIng.~ 138 King. CW1 211 ~. Em 2, 182 King, JonIINn 133 King. ~ 82. 85, 227 King. s.r.II 150




KisHI.1.aI.d 11!


KiaMI, JoIwIIhan 133

_.M '''' ' '

Klapp, """'" 2

168 KWt. Thm 150


Kemp.8rtan l i!16 ~"Jo_

175 IoU ~Je",-v 125 _ , Adam _ _1i116 KoonrIiO. I ~r.lor1

KlauI. Kt!al.... 1~ 7'4III 1~ 5 KleIn.£_"'J, 1!12 ~.~ 121!,227 ~.K.I"" 120 ~P_13O


.....,'"", ~ K.l tII

~. Thatr\u ~"""" l e7


K,."., _


IOrIws. o.n 115, 147 KIne, Emiy ... eo KJne.lhIwy In

-_ . ..... ~, ~t:l


-... .... = Urvo, loll I.e

~,_ IH ~_, KIIt)I203

Llo1OrI, EW!lOf\ 135 lItW\,JamH 82, 133


L.INOrI, "

oOou. ~ Il. 125

......... Gi'II 225




, ~,~


/!NpI(e, II...,. 128

~CIndy 1211 ~~I:W


KnAlIIcto. KaM

~JoI8' ."

MICft,.Ien 1'2

I~5 'MIoCN.~ IU

P." n

~~ I25

. . . ., M"'II'"

I.A<d. """" 128. 21 I



KGM!IIIn. EtnIy 12. 85, 125. 227

KdlrmaM. ........ 221

KaI\III. IMrIa 128 1(oIb,~ 125


II' 1\0lIO, 1:15 ~lUolfty 2


I(OpkM. BriPny ' ' ' ' 2D3 I33

......... 2D3.m


MIIvI._ al . 128 ,......... . ...... 911 IoIajIwsIcI.CMttinI 114, 154 !.II)l<r23k. Doug 130 MII<O, RobIrI 227




~ E_lI0. 173


LegM." 1504 LIQ9,_ 165

1'ioI.-.ic:#I.IMM 117. 187 ~ C/IflII<IP"* 131 ,;o,ynsld. NIctloIu 125

L-..1'\ogIf 145 ~,nanu 3, 12S LoitIOkI. Mdu 84


~1wJy 145 ~P-.I35

~~ 12S




So--. 118, W . 2112 lOS

HIck 135 KO.t ... Erin 117. 156 ~TMiI. IV7 ~. 1,.-.n 102, ' 05



K..,n.!<. K-' 16.i1




~ 1oIib 133 ~ ~ 2. 128. 233 KN ~. "-'- ,.,

__ n KNUZ, ...... 135


MIngar\, _





2. 1"5. 203

Ma<ring. NaIl 121 /oWfIIng, ZICI< 132

102 130 MMI:iIII. 0IniII 87, 133 ......".....,.Uz 126


LIII<et; crdy 87 L-.!III1Ie 225 ........... _ ' 4 7

MI/IOWOI. MiIw 115. \17

MefqUtll. Anne 3


~.JePICa I.:)


LeMl.JIIII 135

-.8tdrt 129


hIIrsII. Mt 1211

~~11. K........ 227 ~ ....... leta 73. 2711


MItIro .. 133

~~110 MaaIardrM. PIlI 191 MMKia. GInI 117, 291 -.GIno IiI

1.11II1II R'fWI 2 I.III'I\Om. Da>4d 142 I.IIfyI&. P., 117



MPwtI. Sa,,," 130. 187 ~. l..a\ntI 203. 223 ~. NIII 5e

_SOCIII 130 MUll<. Mary 285

~.CI~131 ~ MIchelI 131 ~. I\IIW"I ,.12 ~.-'- lIS. 2el



/oIcICIfIIy,c- llIiII ~~1211

McCiIIoIItI, EIIn"IIItI 128 McCIeIar"Id.".... 173 ~.Mf,II211


9hrnon 121

Mo:<:ov. BarT)'


MC:CfJM. BNnCIIn 1311

"""""" - =

~""""'3.72, 1~ ~o....l30

MeOwmr>II. BriM 3 MCOIfmoII. SIan 167 MeOonIkl. _ 185 McOonIId.IIobt!y 1 ~ ~CIHV


1WgII,~ 2 K"""" Knlten 295 KrryRIOII, ~ 1.1l.



K:-'GeW1 \19


McElciownl'1. IkE"""" MDt, ,.7 Mc:£twIir\

Bryan 711




IoICeq. EiuDIII 163

MeF-. MIghatI Z

1oICFItIIn, ..... liS, 117 MCGII, _ 74, 133

,.53. 221


Sol. 1(1 -.rI.KIII\ 128

"""""" _


-_ ..

McGcMtII, _



MCDonald. EII'IMII 815, 87 McOonIII1 Ryan 17t1

McF-. sn.nnon 209

12. 145


1oIQ(lcrwWI. ~




r.IcGrMh. CollIn ... 1SS

MICG.iP......... 73. 117 . 187 _.~82

MCHugh. _



--~ ~""""'35 ~CMl

1 47


191 227 -'_133 Mo;Me/1otI. Mir:tIMI 130 1kMInamorI. o.I>ofllh 72.1158



~ l!Iocy 75. 81 . 117 MCMofn>w.8IIIo\ 3. los. 150. 2M MCN_... Marty lSi. 181


- . . SIrIh IJO McHII. JIrriItr I 28 MC:I'hIIpI. E-.I 7' MI:QuisIon, ..IIrId 1211. leI ~ , '-IInl ~

72. 2

IoINO, "T1mDIIly

_ , _ 3, 131 - . TrrAI 191 "*""I. ~ 145. 22tI

MIdYId. IM<I 72. 171


.........I.\IICJ 180 ............. MIIogIrI 2. In. 27B MMIoy. KIll 129


"""'" ShI/VUICh II 0 ......., ..IInI<1.3

1.IIiIf. Jusdn 292 MtIII. KalIl aI , 130 MeItr, ManIMw 72. 73



.....,., ...... '81 ......... NIc:I< 135

~, KrIIItIn72 ~, LIz 125 ~ Ryw> 1 ~. 1211

IMMn.JIMicI li7 - . - ' : ' 195

"""' ......n.

Ugnt..-ae. 130

KtHIbI"II. KMherIne 3. 178 1(I1o_. E_12

!\t\9I. a......



L.IOII&.~ 132.221 LIwia. Tam 154 L.IOII&. ZIdIIIy 201 '--_ _ 110

~Chr\l1 '5



-.:at Saur>ch


\.IDne!Ie. MIuI 166 lMIn5Id. _

~_ Il.


MIIIk. llm 11 4 MdIrI, ...... 145


~~ 110

II .....



-.EfIiII' I10.1"

~. CIw\IIapI>IIt

1158 MM:oIn. 0rw!*lI al

L.IIWtgef. ThIll 81 LMoet. KIt'- 7 •• 119. lOIS ~. MIi:NoII 131

KOMOI<. 0IIbi 227 KoIoWSiI;i.


1.IiIM"._ 131

_.SW1I 1:15

3. 221

MIhanIJ, _

1.IIIloney. MIgI>ItI 155

';",<bc, 275 t<oNn. ~ lOS



~.~Igl ~.~227 _. ~I32

lII!t*'I. ........ 155 lAIlbIng. 8ri\1 UI2 ~,K)'II 227 LIoI. 1\1fiM11n 132 lM.Jon 12tI

110. 142




....... F..... ,30 MIgnD• ..IMIIcI 82

lIz\.U. DIrtn 125 LM. AotItn 133 L.IIcf\. ~ 171

-*'- Doug


~~1l.23:1 I.\IdIIIItI. Mary 172, 27lI



~Mdr.. 12

MIQooII;o. "'-g 145

UwtCrI. RKI>tI 138 ~,KIItwyfI




~.o..IM 173. 2CXI



",-Uoo .. t..wIO<, KIll. 143

142.. 2 13

)(ohIBnCI. Ryall 3O!i KohIw. L...-y 125


. E<Iw.-cI 105 _ _ ISV

~_'32 1,IUIIeRy, _ 12


.......... BryIn


---~ ..................... 125

MMIr«.. DIIlbII I 211

LIIICI:I..-- 128 Lll!en,""" 227

Ko. - . L.auI1o 111. lU

145 117





---'" --~,

... 1S2. 2!Ia

_ _ 12, 85, 221 1CIoenM, ....... 12$ ~,

MIllon. UII

81 . 101



Unk. EM 85. 131 LHdaMr. '!bOd 21 I ~TCIm 18\ Lm. KiItII 170, m LiMt.CNd 211 un.... 00mnIc0 IDe UIIII. 0..010 130 ~ IIobt!y 1016 lMtt< SIw'tIOfI 72. 1M

MeOla. JooI 142 _ _ .SIrlIh M

_ B r i a n 75

MInt. MIIy &MIl In ~/vtItf



.......... 85.221 MItIl. a.or-g. 103

~.KaIie 131




I.MngslorI, _ _ 83. Il. 3


I\J.fwI. ,lain 72. 3



~~I 'O

LIop. u.Io 45, 74. 102

1('*"'V. ErIn

89. \iIO

1(_, HNt1I<



1(II:1tt.KIty 147 KurU:. K.ty 125 KII:1tt.RyM 191


Kunz. Kam 146 ~a.""I32

E _ 7 V.\e& Kuton.~ 8\ 1\..... tkoMkI. KIYIn 150



labwn. BI'fOI\'f I 115

L..dIIN,S- 125

~JQMJr. m

Mrtet. MidIeII 85 MeyOr. w.IIm 130 MIyroM...III1 1$. 83. 102. 229. 307 MoyrtIM. _ 115. 3. 126


MicNl. AenII 69


loIwIz. Amr 172 LcnnzO,1Mry 110. 117 I.oKIoO. AtIdy 12tI

.- "'" '"




"' "


~,""'45 ~Doug 133

\..lIdIoMI. Marlin IU l.i.dIoIII'I.MwIY "


l.uICIII. lorn 12t1 , - , -, BIIwI 150

. . . . Uoo~

u.Io, JOI1I

~~ I 2!I

MidludI. SlephanII 1211

LOpN,AIbtIM 21 1 LOpeZ.~ 117. 1<1.3 LOpeZ. ...... 1211

Uk Eflill'I2t1 L.IIy, EI\f: .... 130 limo. JIIroM; 72 Umb. Jat\ematl 133 limo. SerIII 103 IIIn LInYnl. .. 11



UII Amr '25

u...... Rpn 130 t,DWrf, SW1I 163

_ wo" 72. 111



LlF............. ,30 lMIIrI. ~ 132

u..., CI!tor\I ISV

fMyer._ 169

. . , . .. ,lain III

u.:-.. Mdt_ '32

KusnI<, KI\IIin 126


laM. 8ttIy 170

MI)w. ~ 84. 217 ~• .Ien 159

..... n

LOgtd<>tI. MIke 17' \.DmIlII'O<I. vno. 132 L<w>g. OINII 125 i.oflg.KyIIl32 Long. NIo:IdalI 711. 108. 110

K ~._1116

82. 1211

142 145


~.EIn1Y I~




~. ~H ~,Fr'Id


I,.OCMty. Lynn 1211

o t - . ..... ' " !(!nz. ........... 187



LaIlur. KIIy 125

Kukt\6r,C/IalIH 1211 K&A. 1a.e II

K ~JDn


\.uoD, Franc:loco 81


~. """78 Lull, LIoI 153

"""'""' "

I 35

Tltif if an undated ,,"oto of Saudi dinident OUMa Laden, in Afghaniftan, wanted t.v the United Statef goVernMent on account of t"e 1998 of two U. S. eM6auief in Kenva and 1anzania. Bin Laden if Itidin9 out in Afg"aniftan af 9 u est 01 itf ls(aMic ruters, t"e TaUt. an. Af9haniftan'f hardUne 1an"'an ruters condeMned the devaftating terrorift attach in Wew Yorl< and Washington on 1ue,dav, Se~t. 11, 2.001 and reiected fuggestionf t"at OsaMa Laden coutd f:»e ~eMnd th e ...

MIIiooIT"b. Jim 145 _ • .Ien 125

w-.EM 103 MiIIaIMt..II<l 150,225 MikI1&. RICNI 72. 116, 1511 MIIQa. leg MiIM. In!r 130

_ .... =

126 . . . ., _ '25


~, 8Nn 173, 2211

..... C.rrIII504 MiIIIIr,~I31 ,...,, ~203

..... GIoIII57 ...... JaIn 1119 ..... Jon".l08 t.IiIIIt. KIIrt 1~2 ""', KIl 129 _, ~I02




~.NIc 227 PIIOIcIk.Pllllf17 PanIs.SlIMI 17_ ParIIet. &lan 125 1'atI!eI. &11"""" 128 ParIIe!. Jenon 81 Pf,rI<8r. ScoI1 U 5 PaIkS. K*tie 12\1 P-.t.uI<a 191 .286 Parr..,.""""" 13:1 Pamah. 0.>'11:1 111

Nem.1t!. The_ 117 ,....,.~125 N ~ga",

Mb 191

NeuroIh. er.Jg 17(1 ~.Tlm

21 1 N_dI. AntIll 129 ~.M<1<8 1 n ~,KI""7J

Nic!loIu. Adrian 191

NIctIoIt. BIIt1 126 N- . St1awn 167 N _.Gtes! 131 NIDDkIIII, C e _ 12\1 NIIIIsen. G<e_ 102 NIo/naM, J aoon 85. 67 NIe$8, Mriome 82. 102 N-.oiI,Ao/lIer 135 Nimrncno. CIwIsteno 82 Nod<.~ 117 _._131 NoggI&. JeM 136 NoIan .~ 128 NoI. Da.kI 111 , 221


PuKlr, CIwIs1Iot 203

Nc>vak. Kylol llQ No\oeI1I. Tom 1~ NC7IoOItley. PameIII 305 Nuc:cio. Ma~ In NyIrBncMIye. DanIello 128

JuHa Rof>ertf, ftar of the fill'¥l "Al'¥lerica ' f Sweetheartf", arrivef at the fill'¥l' f prel'¥liere in the WeftwootJ fection of LOf 1uef~av. Julv 17.2001. Mile<. KtlsIy. 90 MiIot.l.JMs.oy 90. 1.5 Miler. Man 12(1 Miler. MiI<e 126 Miler. MonIcII 166 MiIler.Naltlan 111 Miller. P..l 219 MiIer.1\eagIln 113

Miler. StepI'IarW 209 ~.T"'I&8

Miler. VIc 209 MiII.Adam 126 MiI1o. G,am 78. 3. 126 MInch. 0eniMI 102. 155 MnIII. TIIIarYt 12'. 12(1 MIngM. AIsorI 125 Mingee. Mall< 94

Mirroicks. SleIonIe 17(1 MO-I1on, Man 95. 169 MIHr.AncIy 191 "'i_.Jon 143 '-'iI<:naII. Ke1ie 126 To:y1or 125 _ . Ni!<l<lI26 MoIet.CMll95 Molina. RoIaM 157


Monnier,.Ja(:ldoo 13.5 MoNon. JolIn 157 Mon~ Alison 1501 MontgOmery. CIriaIII 95 ~ry; Courteny 78 Monlg<>lnery; CtlAta 81 MonlgOmery. ~ 75 Mo!r1gomery. Kalhy 176 Monl!/t"'N<Y. SIaCy 128 Mom5lO'l'&f)'. 110m 227

MorlIoya. Paola 227 Momrlo. Megan 96

Moody. J.uon 102 Moot.S~ 125 Moor.. CharM 145 Moote. Julie 12'5 Mootw, KrIAtat1 125 Mootw. KrIs1i1 227 Moot_. Note 191 Moore, MIc 20 _ n o Erika 2. 82, go. 2 Mootman, N_ 3 ~. ~ 12.73.200 Moralas. Mich& ... 195 Mot........, Aoben 151 Morehead. Kade 152 MonII, 0yIcia 73. 87 ~,E m

155 Mor9M, Lou,.,., 12 \dofoIItl, Marl< 166 Moftlan. ~ 199 Mo<vM. TIla 11 7. 182 MotaMy. ~ &5. 81. 128 MorrIs. Mrf 11 4 Moms. Olvicl 205. 206

Morris. Fran!< 167 MorTIs, Nikki 9$, Is.!


6ecI(y 303


BtancIon 170. 218.

~IQ .


o OeMs, May,*"" 129 ~SOrah 1~

CIboor'mtier.lfflsay 126 0I>eJ1. Jflse 191 CltIIIryor. K-. 115. 1"2 0bI0cI<, Jim 130 O'Brien. Belt> 128 O'BrIen. E..... 128 Oda.CMs 19 1

'-4onIs. RoD 145 MorTIs. R;'ao 191 Morrioor\. AncIy 13.5 M<>nison, l.ii: 135 MOrrIson., Marisa 129 Matrow. Roll 142 MorIinw..... 103. 135 MooeI8y. N_ n. 82. Mosar,SanI 126


O'Cornof. Cohan 2. 233 O'COMQr. ~ 114. 1~


--~ 90

Mosley. S/lar.e 126 ~,MeIisu

"""'_.Ma""- 111 -.y. Jomlo 102 Ma>1e\I,~ 101. 1119 """"". Janelle 2 13 Mu<:ha. TJ. 166 1oIud<ley. Kris!" 119 Mud<I"'f, Us3 n. 79. 3 . 172 Mueller. 8md 00. 143 M _.lbcI(I l 42

MlJIocaI!y.Sarah 111. 172 MuIhem. Lo",,,,, 135 Muien. B<fttal\)' 125 ~.Tlm 201 MullIn. CoIMn 126 MuIua/"tt, Sarah go ~.Aootr 132 MvnIz. Jotge 87 ~.1.IonIc8 213 ~ . MItIony 274 MutJI/J1. Amandl 105. 1-$6 Mu""". CeN1 89

Murphy. Oianoo 203 Murp/l1. Jen 12'5<Jra 72. 168 MIIrpIoy, _ 1-$6

M....-.y. EII1an \319 ~~13.5

M.....,. CfIris 82 M..... Tlm 131 MIIId:Wr. Katv 75, 161 Muzlk. Maf)' 17(1 1Ityara.""'- 114. 221 Myer&. AncIy 126 Myera. Lori 125 !,lye... Mand)I 145. 209

O'Donnell, KIIlie 135 O'Oonnell. flyan 135. 191 0efI>\l8r, MelIssa. 147, 233 0ahIke. Janice las ~. ToO::! 132 0fI0td d. SIeph9n 81 O'GraQy. Patricl< 125 O'KeaI•• ~""" 87 O'LNry. 143 '*nllBIId. Ellc 102 0I00n. IlMnna 8S. 221 0I00n. D~ 85 O'MaIIoy, MaU<e.t 2. 141. 233

NanIz. KatHo 112

N o _.JlmIo 161 N_"""'. Ma" 11 4 Neary, Bob 103 NHI<In, Pate 1411 NeIgIIt>of$. MIwy 138 /MIse'. .IJk ~ 199 N6.,Kade 110, 117. 17(1 ~ CeIll8tina 145 Nelson. Clam 129

PllUIIOVIch • ........., 164. 279

!'oN. Til!....,. 1:z5

PaIllwYlctl. JtonIca 1.t.5 P........ Justin 126 P.~ DaW:! 285 1'IIvy, Ka1lol 12:5

POIIII'na/I. Booo\r 171 ~.1ot8" JOO


Pe<1dns. Da .... 3

P_, MaIi&&o 125 ""'mana. Augos",,- 81 FWmana. I'IIn8 81. 3



Pelerrnan.e_ l.t.5 Pate ... E............... 133 Pel9rS.;o. 126 F e _. Af"" 138 P-.on. Mark 138 Pati!. Sonliago 99, 1411 ~Mic/lael 115. 117 Pelt\, Dt<vIis 110 Petrinos.l.anI 1411 PfO!ronzlo. Edward 27(1 Pe!1a.r.e. Lauren 102 PI'IIijoM. MariIt 61 Payton. G , _ 85 PIaiIIer. Joarne 2. 2:13 Pferring.Courtney 78. 82, 117, 145 PI,.;ps, leah 19T P!>iIIippt MaggiII 175 ~Chrio 133 Phillips. George 133

Piuuo. ScoU PicI<.eny.




171 ___ 173


f'iefpont.....".,. 117. 143

~ Bet. 117. 161 "-.~ 1:JO. 225 PoImiI. EIYa 135 Polito. C81este 147 PoIIIdt. SOI8ll 14 ~ PI>ol SMnot 211 ~. """ 85. 95. 159 I'ope\af. Jam 94, I" Pop.\at. Mal)' 78 Pqju.~ 131 PopIIam. G"'\I 15. 84, 235 I'IIppaw. _ 157

1'oppeIman.1Jaa 1l1li Pom, CM$Ilan 145

Poet. 06vic1 132 PoIIlOr1oo. Josh 205 f'>ri 75. 117. 1S1 1>00.... SanI 168. 2'25 PoMn, L.esIiI 163 AoucIer, M~ 63. llri'. 154

Pl>urball<. Vncat>I 85 PoulIotr. Allan 131 F'\>oIIet. Dan 11' 1'owel.0fwn0n 115. 117. 279

P<:>wea. 011"" 132 _ . SI\ImCIn 285 Powen. Jona1rIan 135 ~. K elTIoI31

Pratt,CoIeen 85. 10\!, 171, 203 P"~. Susar. 156 Pratts. Josa 72 P"Uto-Eman<.d. luis 67 P~n. JamII ... "1:27 ~.Oet'l'*b'l3. 143

_.TOO<! 1 ~ 5. 211 PressItr. SII8ma 1119 Prir:1t. IJaa 128. 225 Prigg. Enca 222. 223 ~, CMss~23

P_rd. KrIs1. 125 102. 126 P"""" ... _ PM'IisId, l.nI$ay 135 P...::do. Chris 103, 135 ~,MiI<e 1.3 ~,S ..... na 87

""'"' "" ~

0'101 .... TIHH'esa 128 O'N •• Er1rt 129 O'Neill. Krisfioo 159 ~.BrancIII38 O'~ty. t\eI'J 143 On>o., Thad 138 0' fIourI<e. Em 1"2 O'Rou'h. Mau,"" 135 O'Rourl<a, Ryan 12 Ott.I<naM... 81 . &4 ~,Bryan 15. 235 0sI:I0<rNt. J.uon 205 Dst>orn.. Taryn 102 Osanar. oa.kI 111 Os!/OO<I, 287 O'Sha~ tilde 87. 96. 128 ~.Ayan 157 Osoia. Bt10cI 135 0$1e<da). Ryan n, 3 OsIetman • ...."...,. 145 Oste.....tacn. -MIt 1«, 145 0'll:>0Ie. Tlrnrtty 82 Ellc 3. 1&4 Onmat. _ 130, 191 0..,.:1, D&rOeIe 82. 87. 129




Owen, 08rl as 0wens.9«:l<y 125 OlOg. Kalhednoo 128

N N_.~2.157

__ ..Juain 191 SAndra 85.142

Paatl. Vall 233 Peart.~ 2 Megan 18. 199 ~ug/1. Adam 133 Peel,", DanIel 282 f'9!tIy,E,y, 126 Pe/(C. Torry 1 4~ P.tlL He .... 128 PafIamorl.1V'Of)' 13.5 POI"odefQrue. Cory 138 ~r<I,Amt 228 Pe«oz. 11'n"\a1iz 102 Pem.o._ 102. 175


PiItrrIoIr\, ~es

f'lac1<8. Dual .. 1.t.5. UI1 Plank,laIU1I 126 1'Ioa\Ier. BeIt1 129

I'oIIppeIman. ~ 13. 23:1 F'oeppeWnan ......... 2 13


"IomMIn. Kan-. 81 NomoI. Molly 168 - . S - 191 _ . f'81r1d< 79


P . _.C8.vicl191



~. MiI< .

PiIuiI. Pamela 14a. 265 PiMII. - . . . 125 PiIrnItI. _81 85. 111. 221 PiIoraI<, Healher oa Pillman, Braroon 19 1

PaIlOn, Khat> 142 Paukner. Kory 111

""1111. ~ 125

~. 0an135

p"~.&eII 1!l5 PIttroetrto, t..IIIf.n 11 0 J>iIsp1n1.Na_ 135

p I'Id<. Da\oOd 158

_.Jon 12:5

PaOgin. Atr\aIIda 165 P_E~&4

Palls,"",,,,,, 211 Paino. Mark 173

P ........ Marl( 3. 1&4

PaIisin. liz 113

Pa-'Mdr... &4 PHnet,Domy 133 Paim6r, EbAI:>eIII 05. 3

Firft ~adv Laura BUfh, ftanlcetJ f,v Britifh Pril'¥le Minifter10nv B~ajr, ~eft, antJ Wew Yorlc Mavor Rudo~ph GiuHani, right, applautJ PrefitJent BUfh ' f atJtJreH f,efore a joint fenion of COngreH on Capitol Hill in Wafhington ThuntJav , Sept. 10, '2.001.

P\hII. KJIstinI I 65 PuI<uIIo. Adam 233

Rirlg, Marc 3. 125

F'ur'I.n. ErftIy 61 PutCel. MeDan 125

Rlni. Jo 2 17

RlnllkI. Ed 135

SMsran. Maria 125


SIIa1by. S/Ionnon 81 , 128 S/"erttumo. 128


205 F'utpuI • • 1\a1le 165

Fi_. 1ltanIIof> 114 AMoIa. KeiI!I 159

PuInc!II. Blelll 75. 1"6. 235

\35 _ . M_ 2 9 7 _ . CaItIIKIne 126 _ . Emil)' 85


PuImen. And<ew I I I

Q ~. ~ 61

o.-w.. MIV 102. 112 0UinIIvIIn. H.... ,... 88 a.m. MIIgMn XII ~,.II)'8QfI81 01001"... caa.e 191 QuIroI"... Ma~ 211

CUlm, Kate 138 0UIrt<. MIIrySe\II 1"6 OUkIIe. ~ 72. 73 QuIn. •• Mall 126

R Radt, ..... 135

FIa<Iaok. ctv\s 2'27 Ra<kIAI, NIck 131 ~ Alison 125

Ralla .... la..-rie 82. 12tl RaTflo.G,~ 133 flltQIII~an, fill,", 133 Ra~. """""31

Ragland. Amf ~ Reg\an<I. l..k>dSII1 128 ReNa MatIt I IS. 117 ReI$,!u>tJy 159 F\aist:I'I. Brook, 161 flIIju. Kanil< lSI

Flak. Bef1an'; 128 Ratrbo. Greg 85 RanirM. Rick 135 FIamos.1\oOerIo _ _ 211 89 ~.

RttnHy, Ar<fo/ 155 Ramspachef.l.a...." 145 flonkk1, Nul 12tl fbnI)r, PhI 201 Rao. IlI1tn 126 Reo. Mict18e1 85

G,1tlI &4 fIusiIe. """""' 72 FIII_.Tern 135126 _ _.t.UI:II Raqut,

Ruleltar. MaI'o. 106 Ralo/. ctwIa 138 RIIu. MaIi6sa 78, 142 f\tusIl. Ar<fo/ IXI Rtu.d!. Molly 125 Ra ~. IltanIIof> 75. 23S FIa)'tllOt"lCl. C. J . 135 ~.JoMpn


RH. Elr8betII &5 Ream. BI\ar1 201

RechtsteIner, Lisa 154 - . SarII1 125 ~

AnIhot\y 11 0

RtdIiog. Den 135 Reeb, Mofty lX1 ~. laUr8I 126 ~, Cecik 145 - . An\lBIII 114 _,Aaran 211 Raicf\ ....... 126 R.IcI, ......... '~6

Reid,K ..... 125

AeIo1 Mary 126 fWey. ..IoM 112. 'l:r7 Raillog. ~r

In. no

Reily, S\epIlarIIt 85. 2'27

f\endin.II. Em 128 RenM. S1ephanie 129 RerUs. ~ AocaIort8 3112 fIepooIo,A 1016 f\eodI . .Jason 191!eIbu$h, EtIc 78 R&IIIg. CII!I!y 114. 163 FIe..oIdw. Adtm 73. &I. 130

Aeyo. Ann 147 f1eymond,Scon 115. 117 ~ RIohatd " I NaIUh 1016

RIIN, Mart. 188 RIIadas. Richard 126

RJc<:Nno. Nk:k

135 lb. CIIrman 135 1IicrIard. K..... 1&4 ~n , l.a""'2

Ait:htt<. T. J. lXI,


RIchItwnmer. Bob 2

1\ldc:IeI, Ryan


RIcIeI. $(o)tt RiOtIY. MlKe

192 131 RIggins,Blandon 61 . 162

RlI!Iar. Joe 169

5M)r. Ottric:t( 0.3

sr-nakef. I(Isrj" 305 Stlcpea.laun. I~ SttOn. Andrew 126 Shon.!.1icIIaeI,J., 191

~ &\all 128. 201 F\o:II>eIU . ~171 ~ NicnDIos 12. 3

AoO.ns. F\-..:a 281 F\obertshaw, o.... 146 FioI>enson.AmandII 135. ; 53 ~.l'fI-< 135

ston._ 133 SIIoup, EmIy 125 _~.., ........ 130 ~1tIt.

RoceaIone. P _ 103

SI>uI, Tern 133

SI>.INc. c.... '95

5rosIer. MIssy 227


FIooooSIIIH. KiroeI1y 125 FIoeIgerman. 1ioII\' 72, 79. 3. 159 Roet!gerI. Sa,. 126

SobI1I. J I 110 SicId8I, R)'an 132 SIcnoII. Ben 143 Si8mO>rM.SIadot 10.3 .sq.a.l<AbIt 142

Rogers. 1M, 110, 143 _ . Milt")' EMMI 203 _.CIa)"lOn 133 RotwIO. Amf 145 ~ . Chril; 12tI. 185

S"1'I"IrTIOIIS, Briart 126 S/mmorto • .IIsotI 81 Si'nrrtrIN. JessIca 205

RoItl, Mike .. "

Siman, Blsd 128 SImon,.IoU 157


Aoo:rOg. EJi<abeIh 3. 85. I7lS Roney,.Im 133. 2'27 Ro:"onI>g, Kemi1 176, 296 Roos, Aud<e)t 14Z Root. Doreen 11 0 F\O$e."'-'- 76. 61 , 125 F\oMIbrOI:I<. GrtgOIy 3, 1", 85. 150 FIoseIli. KM1 85 l'IoMn. 1'tygue 142 RoHnI>ergo<. IUIPh 51 _ . ~I25 ~_'47

Ro$a, Jay 282 I'\00I$, Peter 82

F\ossbacIo. Io4er.oi1h 3 fIoasIW1. 00Ieen 2. 145


135 RoIt), J\IstkI 133 RctIHIoIU. Blati 138 -'~Q5.176

snonelll . .Ien 197 smons,MeIIssa 72, 111, 172 . 272 ~.Su&an 129

Simpson, Jamie 126 srdair. Kristin 11)5. 165

Inventor Dean Ka~en de~onstrates his Segwav Hu~an Trans~orter , a one" ~erson, f,atterv""owered scooter, Monday, Dec. ,), 2.001 , in Wew York. The device, which travels at a to" speed of af,out 1'2. ~p", uses !Jvroscopes to keep it u"ri9ht and discern where the rider wants to 90.

1'Iorord. Ashley 135 fIotonda. NIct. 139 _._,45 90

-.1<8.,. 72, 102, 17 ' Rut:Il:Id.~I2!1

RueI'tItI. Jessica 145 R~, FIyan 145

RYggItio, Jessic.o RuvgIero• .IIsoIa! 162, 171,27( R ..... 1<8.1kt 170 RL4CfIau. LaLlrie 128, 0anIeI 3. 143 R..... JenrMer 292 R..suII. Jemes 131 RusuII, I.I.IIjI\lIe 126

Ruter. MIRnDI 155 RulNmayar. Todd 227

Sd'Ia ~ .

Scnaur\V. SIaCIe 102 S<:neton. Greg 1517

SabIId'I. PM 89. 132 Sabo!Ia/, M-.o 126 Sa.chnI. ell! I ~I Sa,. 135

Seel2leI. MatI\ 106 Sage. Mit:M> 142 SaIeo. Howaro 191 SatnbIooMI. Arnbe< 126


SancIe<a, Allen 169. lal ~.

Anno 145, 226

S8n1o. MIl"" Anno 145 San\uocI, ..... 85. 2811

s.n.c.-. AmI\ony


SanrrIR. DoIrMI 135 SRsarok. t.IM 1&6 SaUem-C/QudI,"""" 135 ~. Jerny223 ~. SaWy125

SaIl&O". l.I.In 215 Sa'o'ieno. 1.7 Saviano. """" 126


--= Sawlcld. Christirte 12S

ScaroIf,. 01111 131,2'27

ScnIb. Jonaltlan 135 ScttuI>e. Alan 135 Scrun8t1. FIyan 82SctoJrnann,101arjoria 225 ~ ,FIobby 191

-""'~ SchIt'j<. Emi/)I 145


Scheper, Ryan l OS 64

SchoIro-r. .Jt<f

_rI>, Ryan 72 S<ttwatber. Crystal 125

Schf!<IIt. Gttog lX1

ScI>m&I<eI, Bryan 215 Schmkk.Jason 145. 191 ScnmIt;Il. JaIl 126, 191


Sc:t\uIIz, CIainI 126

Sc:!leIdi'Ig. JoivI Zl Sd1eId\er, ~ 73, 1M

FIyan. BiIz 171 Ryan. lola" 174. 191 Ryart. ~ 156. 300 FIymatI. O1r1s1h8 88



Stftr ..... Em 126


~. Kurtis

Fi)tM. PM 128

ScI>JIIe. Kristin 165

ScIUI •.


Ru1IIe<Iord, L.auttrt 125 RuIhmefer, TocId 132 FMJgbno. "'"'" 85. ISO Ryan,Nrff Be Ryart. Bill 147

Ryan. Ncq HI3

ScnuIor. Mi"" 138 Sc/'tUI8c. t.IorgoItt 100 SctodIe• .Im 145

SeaU$fy. MAm 168 SchaeIer. Drew 132 S<:I!&elo!r. Jemie 146 SchaeItit<. Jody 173

RvtheoIotd. CMstina lIS. 125


SOvw, Trk:Ia I S9 SIpe, CIwIo 17( S!r'ock)I, _ 10.3 SIrooon. J_ 128 2. 1(7. 233

sa.... 1<dy

~.1ltIIIan)o 1 25 ~. 0enIeI 173

S\<Jnr1er, KIrm 135 ~Erln197

SMch. CMs1ina 112 S\wbac. Mona 125

SI<ufaI. Tlm 21(. 215

Slack. TIIarIy 76. 130 SIeepe<. MIIft '6<1 SIenen. H*ary 129 SIiwnId, Marl


Sloan. Palricll 1&6

-'1..InIIsa~82 ~,Hamah

Erin 1517

SI'o.Iia. 1I,,1tlI 12. 227

Rodion.".,...' 1$8 RodeOck. 1(JIs!er'l 171 FIoe • .IIftd 3. 102

_,.Ben227 fl eiIeIt,BIIan 145,191

SI!eref. JoivI 172 SI!eref. TUh& 81 SI\eridrItI.)(rIotin 150


AtWwd!. Erlnl28 _ • .Io!t! 176

~ zlan,

~ .. II<IM 1811 ~.~3.227

~.1(a1l"oryfl 1l.145

_ . O..... ZII

ScIIwattt, Ka!l!y99 ~. Brad 16. 108

~. _219

SchwIetem'llt1. Ryan 82

S<:nIos .. ~ ,Oll Schkl$tI. Sanrt/I 209

ScIt:nonaIIi.Oa... 174 500ft, Beoco. 126 Soon. K-'Iy l Oll SooII,~ 81 ScoI\. Slophanie 147

11 5. 142

~.OoM:Il l l,


Schmkk. 'TlIomu lOS S<:hmitmtywr. JoI'tI 110 Sctwnia. Blytn SdImiII, SarII1 126


SchmIII. TocId 1116 ~" 51 ..... 146. 147 ScI'wnIIl, Mld'llloIJ. 17( SctwnItz. Frto:I 191 Schmitz. Ur 145 Schneider. Aaron 106 SdIodo. Kalllryn 81

ScI'Ic>eOIIr. 0eb0taII 95


115. 117

ScIICIIIoId. Adorn 73. 163 Sc:IIc!malle,. IoIan 130

ScIIorTvNH'._ 110 Scnouten. Sa,.n 103 Schra/I. ChrIII &2, 133 Scnrorne<:lI.. C/'I<I$1OpII'" 156 Sd'NlItnm • .Io!t! 132 Sctnn. Joel! 95 Sc:tnibeIs. Sara II 0 ScIv ...... Cnar1Io 85. 167 KaOy &I. 142. 2 13 Sctri'It<. K,'ItI 114 ScI'w<ledIt,9rwII 153


~, DebtoaIo 33. 85. 117, 178


. u..168

Scnuerman. So 115(1, :lOll ScI'IueIh. Karl 126 SdY.letz. ~ 159 Sct1u!I. IoIan 156

ScuIpote. JonIIII'IarI 132

Sczdd. Jell \.5 See. AohIo)I 12i


1 14

Sajba. Mall 150 _ . Nick 191 _~M


SenkIak. Colan 168 113

Seppe\I..Ien 125 SaraIInI. WIIWIm 85. 1110 ~ . Sand)I

11 4


SernoIfsI<y. 'hIe 103 SatsIc... _ 135 SaIt)I, Ka"", 128, 203 s....rt. Otr\stin 13, 90, 1 I 7, 1&7 Sex, MIcII 87 Seymour. Nal8 211 Sllaler. Jef!lwy ' OS SllaJer. Firan IIt9 S!Ia/1,VIsI\eI 115. 17t SIIUI. T...,...,..,.. 209 ~. F\art(Iy 1108 Sllatlo. Billy 226 S/Iaw. Adtm 82. 133 SII&w, Sat8 129. 225 23. 128 SIlea, a... 128. 133 ~ • ..IoMI2tl ShMran, [)an 132

snav. _


smiIh. _

215. 217

SmiIh, ~ 12. 100

SmiIII, 0"" 166 SrriIh. ErIt: 131


SrriIh. F"";'" 125 SrriIt1. Fronk 205 SrriIh. GrtgOIy 61, liS SniIh. James 2Q.4 Srni\h, ..... sIca 125 Srri\II. Josep/I 125 SmiIh, LIIuro 117 SmiIh, IiIdHy 135 Srni\h, LonI 185

SrriIh. pam 126 SrriIh. 282 SrriIh. Semrny 205 Smi11>. SherI.rot:Iot 107 SmiIh,s..... 76 SniIh.llm 112 Srni\h, vaJerIo 129

smiIh. ZAc/'Iary 72

SeIhieG. Kablt 167 SaIR .... JIIrIrifItr Or, 74

s.po.. MeIisSIt


Srn&rt>eck. Jarno.A 132 StriIn. ~ 133 Srni\h, ArnI>ony 110, 1012 SrriIt1. ~ 12S

Smolka. C/Ir1sIle 162

Srrodorv, Jessica

l OS

SmylhII • ..IoM 133

SnMd. ~h 203. 223 Snit:Iet. ca. ..... 199 Snydw, Jonathan 101r Snydttr,launI 117 $nyd&r, Nicole 135 ~,Leigh

Ann 31 . 225

Soedw. ~ 142

So/IoeI, Oeano 82 Soto. Nicoll 125 ~.EmilyIiO

SoIty. [)an 130 SonneII. -... 115. 117 SonIaQ. RJ, 103 Sonya!<..IoM 160 Sofoka. Sa"'" 2110 SomInIIno, /won 72 Soucy• .loMp/I 125

Solum. Mall 130 ~.eo...\orf 175 Sowotn;. 1(ofy 126 SpllIIinD, POW IXI Sparks.MlcIIIIeI 81 . 166 Speigtd, HfHIIher 168 Sj)enard. Ju5tir1 128 Spenctr.Kkn 114, 156 Spenctr. WIIndy 64 ~. Slap/IBnia 145


W.III,ErIro 135 Wlrtj, 85, 1211.227 Wlrd, T1IIImy 2 13 102. 277 w.mon, Trw 130. 181 W."",.,.." 0wisIapnef ZI8, 295 WUItIngIon. WIlliam I 211 w. ... Doug 7S, 143. 235 waMl,JIiIII"I' 14 W........ EMI" wa_, AtIII'oor'\'n, 19 - . J o e 160 WI4Iar!. ~ "7. 226 w.r-, ~ 1411 2Z1



_ .r...



73, 21$

. 8«1121

_. ~138

WHvw. _ . Nk:I< SIra/'I10. 22751 _


_ _

, Adlm l :Jri

, Belli 1311

, , NId< 1411

l OS, lSI!

Wobtf. NIooIu 146

Wtoctnt<. 8e1I'I &3, 117 ~,JIICI\lI


_,JulIe 151 Wth~,s. ..


Actor I>aniel Rad cHfFe , who stars as Harrv Potte r, arriving for th e world preMiere of the filM 'Ha r rv Potter and the Philosopher' s Stone' at th e Odeon Cine Ma in Leicester Squa re , London on Sunday Wov_ 'i, '2.001.


SpokeI, I(Qfy SpoanaI, $WI 174 ~CMI


5pn:luM, LM HIe ~ , ,,,-*

128 Slo... S/Iamof\ 135. 213 SIKNor. ~ 115 130

SIactMr._ SIaht.- l-tl SIaII<y.~

121, 101


St.-,1CIrrm.1y 115. 271 SIanzak. _ 129 SIaAo._ Ig , SIauMr, IMgIWI 145 SIauIW, MtIisII1 128 StNrns, "-y 117 SlIlt>tWw, ry. I ~. 1\115 SINdrNn, Bt1M 11 5 -'~ 1 11

SlManIoo. TIm 128 ~s.... 1 33

&e/IoInI, ar.g 18 Sleigtrwa1d, CIlrioly 147

S,.., ..... ,77 S1eIIy, D.J. 205, 20!1

Slelmallnli<. Kim 78 Slo1Ht, Jo/Ialhan 270 ~ . IWf, 85, 118 SIep/>6nI, Joo 191 S~ ,TIm 135 SI....... ,.MIy 7t, 129, 22!i S I _ P.... 129. 13il S~,~223

S!f!wlltl 0InI0IIII 125 S-,~81 , 85

~, SMpll loe


. K8I$ey 142 ~Cralg 135 s--.RIo1 130 S~_I52 ~. _85

s..-n. Jat.a, MarInI 209 ~IM; 128 s...-., MilIa 191 _ . m.ny 12$. 132 128<.""'"


&2, 98

SI.noh. Ktovin 128 ~su.:.m.el

&no, .Iom l sa. 298 &.IcIi1Io. BrW\ 111 , _a.. ~ SIIprIwI 174 SulI.*I. Jell 11111 19 s-.m. K.r> 1"2 s.u.- 135 s.-u. s-h 73, 85 ~MtgIn 125 S"""-'. Jell I 9 I S\oIIIIw, " ' - - ' a... 213 Syd1owa:I. s..... 153 Syr\arMId. s..... 125

s--.JeI s--w..


SteYtn 105 S~ , KeItt 85, 114. 282


SutIO, KIm 1211 Sz'*-l<. _ 128 SlUIwKl'l, I<tMn lSI! Sryrnanskl, Stwon 132


~,~95 TtyIor. ~ 95 ~. Ron

135 TMoguto, EoVo 2. 135 ~,BeIt> 1153 TIduIw\, -.:to 14, •• lOS


~, ~ ~ T...


202. 203. 223

202. 203. 223 128, 2Z1 SIaIII, PIouI 128 _ , TmDII1y I II ~lAya87

SIr_.1I<iIof> 110. 1'5 ~Kart1 In sv-m. Eriro 128 SIrauci'roatI.,..." 145 ~. KriIIin 1211





SIIIegI. MM1 175 SIfcb. The,.. 119 SII'OII, Ktiali'l 142, 211

T....., MoIwM 135 " " ". Amy 135 -.",.,_81 __ n - . ..... '53



n..:t.., I..JnIIuI' ' 28

rr-, _ '" ~c."*",,,

SUIIV..., ....... 79





r-r., Mike



, sn.n 135

1Iaty, BrUI lal TrasI<ey, o.YIcI 157


T!'oMin\!. s...... ~, TOCICI


Tlucy. EM 1~ T.-.y, EM lW f f...adw, Clw101aN 187 T..-,MatI 135 'lI1cas<I.8«I 132. 227 1I19iIo. Angit 142 TrlmpI, MItrotrt 110 TrW:y. MIc:IIMI 78, 1012 TfllMn, oM 83, 11 0, 11 7 "lIipoII,..... I2tI Tripp6f. Mall 111 frofOOIey, 13-3 TrotrCIty, NiCIIOIIII T_,..:.vtnl"5.201 ~, M'" 181 lIIrdio, EmIly las

n.m.r. .........,132''''

UWo, IIIMdwI 105 IJIriI:ft.WloIen 107

............ Doo.ogIM 111.1:\.3 ~,0wis1y 1119


125 lotS. 1110

JtoWt 112 1~

le11 I~ Ka1~

7!1 VIoc:hoII , MIc:h* 143 Ya<Ia'<lk...:.vtn 133

V-.. E..... I 38 ~ • ..IIIdI;III28

ThomIon. Rofy 177, 211



v.kIWII, CMo1\nll 106. 130 ViIlIfl1in, Eun;c. 13!i

-- .



"""'-'\I, PIIlfk:t. 9

Vano.nHlo ....., SIwInoto 2 , 128, 233 .......,.., ..... ~

11 0

Van l.OIIMorI, ~ II!!


90. 178 213 w.iMoIeIcI, SIepfI&"" 1118. 191 ~,Ka1ie 11 7

W~, T..o.



W-. KeYin

31 1211

~~22 7

WeIth, Nic:oWo 113 Wend<.~ a2 ~._'65

--" -,-w..Ink. Pal 111 w.m., EmIl' 101.2

\YeMJ. CII1IifI 1as WMl,s........ 225

-,_,al ~,,",,*I38


WecIW._ P , I77. 290 WeAW. ShM.oI 20 1 ~, CIIoImili


\ItIIpInI'IIin, Curb '''' V!:wIde< Embu, too ....... 135 VOncMIbfInk, Kim 142 VonDuhn, lou~ 146

..., u..

81. 130

• ......., , 2&,130

- . BfIdfy 181 Wtoy, JoMprI 82. 131 WhaIM, CnriIIy 125




115, 3001

_ . K_,2S

wnidInO\I, Da.. 191 WI'IiIIker, Br}WI 11 0 ~,~1oe ~,~1 " ,227

117, 225 '>'oM. JtmiIef 125 VosHn, ElIzabeth 1S9 ",,--, Mafic 82

WIN,K"",! 213 WIIiI., la!Ita 2. 203. 223 WNta, SarNnltw 2117 'MIll., SetrutI 115

~, M_'38

WIIlIoI, S~ 213 W1tI1., T........ 8 1 WhiI .. P.n.ui, Satah 87, 128 _ , 1.Jn(IUY In WI'IIII>et, lata 170




W_, ""'" 130. 131

W""'r, Ofahlrrol05 WIencM. _ 3, 138 _ . Em 129

w.ctoMI. 1oIIctoMI 103 w.;.r. Amy IS2. 1411 WI9W. CtwIoIIIN 82, 85. 227

W-.s..... 1"2 W""" .. WlI31

, _ " 5, 1111



\.IItIIn, ....... 17. , 291 ~, r"" ' 52 UrtIr:. KMy 8$, 227


~ , ~2 11 ~ , ~1411


~.bIIin lID

Vonario. Tony 2 11

~, Tcm

145 W.a.w...... 181 - . s . . . . . 117. '''' - . ., LMI61 Iftl I ... okI, IIoiiIo :lOS, XI8 , ~ 168 \YdM, ,,",,* 125 \YdM,..JoInny las \YdM, JeuIca 121 ~ , AOI1

TIIomI • • Re"" 126, Mik.

v. .,,~

~, 1Uk 105


ThorToeu,Kal. ' 35 n.or.-, Mrt \Ie.


......... c.dyn II&. 143 ~HIcI< 133 VIdoII\. DIMiH 152 WrMI,I(..... 187,271 ......,.",.,; 129 EmIly 111




W_ , NIck 75. 235

-.DeWlA.1U Ia..

l'ii1i0\,5I<I1I'I 162 - . 1 \ e I y 2. 116, 178. 233 - . S - 130, 191

W_ , 142 W_,O""71


".,., 0.... 215


T1IomQ , ~


'lI>m«. CraiD 191

~.""""'. ~ , s-.227


\IWIagIoI. ~ 135 -.Doug 110 ~Nick &1 V...."",licr... 115, 117 ............ ~211 - . M.i Jo 2, 95 Vtocd, Satwo n IoU ~,CMt2

227 135,

TO'! . .... 85. 87, 05, 117, 180, 213 TtMn.'*'- 132


.Sata/I 138


TdMo, . . 1 ~




-~ ~ l1ssI. ~ 10/;

Troat>.. EmIly 1211

llIomp. o...



nr-. """""" a2.

ThooItfoeI. 1M; 13!i

1horfIu. CMo l SI!

S~'."'I<II I 28

Tr.o. JM1II 135

95. In


SIUbbI, AshIeJI 141

SUIt!<. JIICOb 89

llo::har, KAtie N , In llItnIItf, _ 131 TIrmIM. Tom 1211

~~130, 221

SItOng. Mary 911 SttosroicIef, WII\IMI 1153 S~.~.",. 213 SIOI, Cyndi 21» SIuIIZ, ta .... 2. lIS, 142 SIICM<', Kl>wI 125 Suct\IaM, RanII 15, 81

_...... _.....



~NIdII 35

T......... Pwl3. 126 Ta"-. Lori 227 TtyIor....... 1~

_ .CeciIi& a2 177

s-w., CIwII


90 BncI9tI 90. 1$1.


W. -, Sata/I 197 Waaet. SharIIIOII 2, 233 W...... T. . . . 168 Wiker. -n.~ 215, 217 W... ErrMy 125 WIll. TreIoor 3, 281 WaIaee. KlIIyrI 151 W..... CIooncIDn 128 WaItoIh,Lym 105, 1211 Wq h, Kef)' 126 W...... , R ~ 13:2

Wd"', Trn In WlI1Ieta, T"", 3 wal1orl,~ 110 W-'Ioto, BrtnI 191 W~. AMt



" 5

~~ I 211

w..,. cw.,.




171 128

w....m. ....... liS "7


- '101' ' WI, W*( WillIG, KeYin l l1e

w.., ~ 1611 ..........,-"-*' 191 -...,8etfy 1&2

........... 8efI 1211 ~,CIt1I


IWiM>I. o.n 135

............ ~m

\W!MIl.E.... ,e3 WiIIImI,o.lQ 13/1 W..... Kimbtfly ~ WII1IromI .... ar-. 85, 227 W,. ...... La ...... 143 ~ , M ICIO ...

11 7

W""", Sufltr 11 0 WllIIrN. ZIId> 227 ~.""""35 SorOI


WiIoI1Ir1. EtIc 101 W~. """"111, ..........


WoImMd.~ I ~

_.s..... 27_

- . . Catr\o 1211 ___ M W ..... 225


WIoon._ 110

"""' ""'" "

WlIiIOtI. SCOlII 125 - . ""'-" €ben M ~s-.82. 1 31

WinkII. o..\cI 105. 1Q

--" - ....

_ . l I N 1211

_ . Moroo2y 20t

W8'i1et. KaG1IMn 2, 152 WinIIrI. BIn 111 1

WIIII..1eN1c8 ~ 1211 __ M

~an 1 3 1

WiIka, _



WiIIk:h,..Ieo'vIy I 2$, 203 WiIIicfI. ~ 110 ~.I(OO I M

~"""'211 WojnowoI<i. -... 1211 _.~Ieo

Wo/Ioo.a.nII 1013 Woodle. Brandon 7&. 115 WOO<I$OrI. C<I<..,. 138 WoodwaJII, Jtt\r\IIoor 135 _.~M

_.00ug138 WcwIey. Em'"- 79 WcwIey, Randy 130 W-.JMI ,.2 WriO"I. AncIr'tw 130 ~~I1_ . I511


Wfigt1c. Sho .... ~ 102. 110. 171 1'1'IcrMI 17_




~_ ' 511

'moe, laA 110 'l'Mgef,~

170, ~ 1153 VtItnm, _ 1511

'I'tootnan..- I» 'I'erWt.". 110

_.Maulll l -~, 'ltulg, ~ It. 115 ........,/MgM 1013 ~~M 'MI,~ 7&

z Z.aIdM._82 ZacIl, MIc:t!eIo 13D ZlGel-ScaI., EliM 125 :w.-, Jon 1211 Zajac. W<e 161 ZlI<IoII, A.wa:. 72. :JOG ZIninI,JoupIo 115 Zan!, t..urtI 135 ~ lbu!cio 57. 135 ZI,.,"'-'! 135 Z I - . d t _ I,. Z-'~79

Zeas."'- 117

ZNn;.- 1l1li ZiIr1<o. 217 ZleIDnI<o, .... 10, 113. 117 __ 1511 ~

- . . - , . R leg zm-,~ 125 u..-m.n,.......,. 131 ZInk./Inf1 1011, 1211 Zlnk.AmII 173 ZiAX*<>. VIc:IatI1I 1211 ZIIotic,o... 83 ZIIotic, Paul 1011 Zcn., OM Hit ~Km 102

--" :z..,p... EiIca 1M

Zur, JooapiIine 1211. 223





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