Daytonian 2006

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Founded in 1850 by the Society ofMary, the University

300 college park

of Dayton is one of the nation's ten largest Catholic

dayton, oh 45469

universities and Ohio's largest private university.

enrolilnent 6,913



UD boasts a vibrant living-learning conununity environnwnt and its students are conunitted to upholding the University's lnotto: learn, lead, and serve.


I defining un

table. of contents. (n.)

student. life. (18-63) Photo by: Katy Koran

organizations. (64-99) Photo by: Katy Kora n


Illini. Illag. (100-115) Photo by: Katy Koran


residential. life. (116-203)

Photo by: Katy Koran

sports. (204-251)

Photo by: Katy Koran

seniors. (252-311)

Photo by: Katy Koran


20 I defining UD

Joe Hoffman jumps into the blow-up pool provided at a luau. Students enjoyed moving in and moving out by getting together and having themed parties. Photo provided by: Julie Jones

student life




defining un

orientation. (n.) first-year students are introduced to the UD lifestyle through group meetings and activities.

The orientation program was packed with events for the incoming first-years from begining to the end. Photo by: Janelle Young

Every student has done it. No, we are not talking about filling out a 'ollege application , but we are Lalking about ompletin a the Orientation Prcwram here at VD. First-year stud nt路, arrived on campus on Thur$day, August 18th in a n <tllel11pt to move-in and O'et situated ea rly belor " the mandatOry programs set forth by the University. Stud ' nts arrived as early as 8 a, m. trying to b 'ar the rush and move-in as seamlessly as possibl e. With the help of the Blue Crew, students w re able to get help finding and moving their posses. ions to their rooms. The Blue Crew mt:l11bers, being able to mov pO$sessions much easie r w'ith the help of golf ca rlS, macle the Illove-in a quick alld painless process. First-year Visual Communication Design lll<uorMichad Blake states, "As someone who lived in a foreign country and moved to the States, going to an American colleg> is a great experience and move-in day is something that will SLay with me throughout my university experit" nce."

Students listened intensely as author David Hilfiker reflected on his noel "Urban Injustice: How Ghettos Happen." All incoming first-years were required to read this novel before orientation .

AbouL a dozen returning slUd ' nts and 85 incoming students had the opportunity tu participate in a se n~ ce project through nine diJkrent Dayton organizations. T he students were bussed out around 12:30 and returned at .') [or a chance to talk about u1eir experien "es of the day. Friday morning began in the UD Arena with Jvlas$ and a welcome ceremony spearheaded by Dr, Curran . Following the ceremony, Professor rvlargareL Karns, spoke about an academic chaJlenge: "it's your \,Vorld- Know it'" All first-year students were required to do some summer reading entitled

"U rban Injustice: How Ghettos Happen" by David Hilfiker.


in Frericks Convocation Center the reading "ame in ha ndy because NIl'. Hilfiker hjmself came to speak on his reflections about the book and how he pu the book together. " My [avor'te part of the whole ori ntation pro ess was Listening to Me HilfIke r speak,

r really enjoyed

the hook, and it just

student life

Chris Schramm presented to the incoming firstyears about being a part of the UD community. Photo by: Davor Photography

really put the pieces together hearing him speak," shares Blake. Following the lecture, students were th en sent to different rooms for small group discussions 011

the book with select fac ulty members.

The clay was not over for students. Students attended required programs, such as "The Real Deal about Alcohol at UD" and " Becoming a Member of the

D Community. " Part of the required summer "homework" for the

students was to participate in an onlill' three-hour education course, which was touched on in "The Real Deal about Alcohol at UD." This is UD's first yea r doing an online alc;pbol education course. SlUlday \-vr ppcd up -he weekend with two more programs: "W ho am P " and " an I Kiss you?" both in the KU Ballroom .

The incoming first路years walk to another orientation event in the Frericks Convocation Center. Photo by: Davor Photography



defining un

First-years having fun at the Campus Activities Board event on their first night as UD students. Photo by: Davor Photography

Clumps of new friends converse at the Marianist ice cream social on the KU greenspace. Photo by: Davor Photography

The largest first-years class in UD's history crowds into an orientation meeting in the Science Center. Photo by: Davor Photography

student life

' '''alking around on c. mjJlls to you r n same people you u 'Cd you. ''\fhil >. tuden



cI 's you rna have noticed th I

see everyday are no long r walking acUacent with

leav campus and start careers aftcr g raduati n, th . 11 ' w

school ye r brings a n w wave to replace th m: th first

ar sludents. You

may have s en or noticed them on campus, and you should have because this is on

or the University of Dayton's larges t first-year classes to date.

Sophomore entrepreneur major Brett Rogers states, "The large class brings a greater diversity of students to the university." It's the small things that make this year's class different from ones in the past. You see many more people neecl1essly riding bikes to class, and on some instances, you may see a few kids skateboarding down Stuart Hill. "It's like they are bringing the total of kids biking to class from 5 to 50," Rogers adds. The national average enrollment of first-years in unive rsities was up 5% while CD su rpassed the average, having enrollment up 6.4%. Approximately 1,98 ] first-year students have enro Ll ed of the 6,037 who wer' accepted by un Not only are there more of them, they are th e most intelligen t batch of students tlw Un iversity has seen. Averaging 25.5 on the ACT andjusl ove r half of them being in th " top percentile of their g radu ating hio'h s hool class, they 'Iightly bring up th e numbers from the pI' vious first-yea r classes lhat were admitted to

<C\ Vith the fff'shmen cJas: gettin O" bicrger and bigger every

yea l~

we're going


have to build even more dormitories for the ever-growing class," ~ays junior History

111 <~or

Brendan Fitzpatrick. UI) has ke pt to its tradition in h,wing

an equal place for aU by having a diverse class of both men and wornell split

down th e middle at 49.9% women and 50.1 % m ' n enrolled .

big. first-year. class. (D.) consisting of over 2)200 students) the class of 2009 is one of the largest in UD's history.

First-years look on as Dr. Curran and other professors file into the Frericks Center for the new student convocation . Photo by: Davor Photography

Students stand for the new student blessing as their parents look on with pride. Photo by: Davor Photography



defining UD

hurricane. katrina. forulD. (n.) an effort on the part of Phi Sigma Tau and the Philosophy Departm,ent to educate UD students about the effects and devastation of the hurricane. In late August of 2005 , Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast and became the worst natural disaster that this country had see n si nce the San Francisco earthquake or 1906. Over one million people lost their hom es, thousands were left dead, and the cost of the disaster had far surpassed 100 bill.ion dollars. Thi s storm, a category five, exceeded the destruction of Hurricane Andrew in the early 1990's. More shocking than the large number of people who died in the actual storm itself, the vast flooding left the Gulf coast devastated with water-born disease. The catastrophic effects of the Hurricane became not only the talk of the campus, but of the world. Relief efforts were being put together faster than people could donate, and the societal support of the victims was both overwhelming and humbling. Many, if not all, of the professors on campus discussed Hurricane K a trina and her wrath during classes. A few professors in the Philosophy D epartm ent wer saddened and baffled when some of th ir students had no reaction to thc devastation and the death toll. It was not because these students were apath 路tic, but rather they had not watched the new's or read the newspaper. One wou ld think that college students would stay up to date with current "vents, but sometimes accessing the new:; is not always a priority. These professors then contacted Dr. Bill Marvin , Chairm an of the Philosophy Department, and he decided that he would contact the officers of Phi Sigma Tau, the International Philosophy Honor Society, to decipher what wou ld be the best effort to educate t.he student population. The executive decision was made that a forum should be orga nized a nd attendance would be open to all studen ts, faculty, staff, and administrators. The forum too k shape in mid-September and eve ntually evolved into a panel discussion of six students: Kevin Fitzgerald, Andrcw Kopec, Brian May, Lindsey McVay, Jonathan Prier, a nd Luciana Zolli. Each student research ed the effects of the hurricane as th ey corresponded to six dillc rent disciplines.

The student panelists were responsible for the following

disc iplines in respective order to their names listed above: Philosophy, Economics, Religious Studi s, Political Science, Civil Engineering, and Social Justice. All of the prokssors on campus were notified about the event, and so me

student life


professors even offered extra credit to their students in excha nge for attending. On Tuesday Octub · !" 4·th , Scars Re ·ital H all hous'd the student organized, panel discussion. Though not every seal in the house was fill ed , the panelists were quite pleased with th ' ·lUdem turnout.

Ht r the fonllll ,

the students had an opportunity to as k the pan elists questions, and ma ny of

th ' ques tions raised iss ues and granted information on how students could help the vi tims of Hurricall' K at rilla. iVlany Stu Ciotl ts and facul ty left rhe forum with mixed ern Jtions and tho ughts; the pa nelists discussed many hotbutton issues, and o·ave multiple interpretatioll$ and opinions on the subj ect. Each of th' six panelists he.ld a difle r ' nt opinion , which crea ted for exciting and intelligent discussion. T h pelll eli. ts ac hi eved their ·ommon goal successfully opened lll ' ey sol' lhe student population



the immediate and

long-term devastation of Hurricane K atrin a, and called the students to do more than just donate money, but also to beco me eJu ca ted.

Luciana Zolli comments on issues that surround the effects of Hurricane Katrina as the other panelists, Jonathan Prier, Li ndsey Mcvay, Brian May, Andrew Kopec , and Kevin Fitzgerald. listen attelltively. The forum helped attendees to understand many issues surrounding the effects of the hurricane. Photo by: Katy Koran



defining UD

Students including Julie Jones (Center) and Katy Koran (Right) enjoy the first annual Art Prom, The night was filled with dancing, eating, and good times, Photo by: Janelle Young

student life

I 29


defining UD

Erin McGovern and Sarah Wingert laugh while they use side-walk chalk. Sidewalks were decorated with chalk to brighten the event. Photo by: Janelle Young

Students gather around to get their share of the free food. The food served as an attraction for many students to draw them to the event. Photo by: Janelle Young

student life


art. beat. (n.) a student gathering to celebrate the arts.

Katie Condit expresses her artistic side . Art Beat was adorned with colorful image s and peopl e. Ph oto by: Ja nelle Young

Beau tiful weather and great music was what made th 2nd annual Art Beat Festival a spe tac ular Lime. On Friday Septemb r 23 rd students flocked towa rds one of

D 's newes t instalJm ents for cliJTerent events and a walk-

th ro ugh of th e newly built houses and apartments. Despite great weather, th e student turn out appeared to be dovvn from the trcmendous student involvement th e previous year. Kicking off at 3 p.m. bands LOok center stage on the newly built ampitheatre and continually played mu: ic until the start of the eveninO". Loeal band blas ted music th ro ugho ut the student neighborhood for the amusement of all attendees. T he fea tured bands included T he l\1elring Room, Porcelain Proj ect, G reg H ansberry and T he Goods. Students had an opportunity to ge t refreshed by having a meal o r drink from th e Art Street Cafe. or just a great piece of cheesecake to hold them ove r. " I've bee n to the events bo th years they have had it, and it is a great experience; people should Lry and make their way out to see. It is an opportunity to sec on > of the newe r pl aces on campus and to talk with some of the residents who h ave the privilege of living there. It 's al. 0 great to s c the houses and apartm ents for people who want to live there in th 路 comin ~ oph o m o re Jack

yea rs," said


Although Art Street may seem Like an eyesore to some, others feel that if people find out wh at it is abo ut, their ideas may change.


Beat is events

I re ommenci people go to se 路 som etime in their fl)ur year. h re at Dayton," concl uded Auriem<1.

Jason Nigro shows off his juggling skills . Jugglers wert one form of entertainment at the art beat celebration. Photo by: Janelle Young


defining un

art. street. atnpitheater. (D.) Outdoor music venue located in ArtStreet to bring performances into the heart of the student neighborhood.

r\rtStreet's lates t a.ddition, the new a.mphitheater, completes the goal of incorporating a !i\;ng and learning environment for students centered on the arts. Giving CD its first designated venue tor outdoor bands, the amphitheater could mean big things for the community, as it provides a more appropriate place for bands to perform . Stud e nL~, facu lty, anu stalT all have access to use the stage for benefits and concerL~. "Vhen you are at the amphitheater, it has the same reel as many outdoor concert venues, just on a smaller scale. DilTerent benefits ranging from \ HI 's Save the Music to BatLle of the Bands held th eir pel{ormances here. This is good news after recent discussion of closing down The Pub inside K U The outdoor th eatre is equipped with the works, from lighting to professional sound equipment. Essentia.lly, there is no better location to have put this v ' nue than in the heart of th e st udent neighborhood itself. This amphitheater will : urely get much use in the years to com e.

The Art Street Ampitheater provides a state of the art facility for local and national bands to play. Bleeding A Memory, a local band takes a break during a performance. Photo by: Katy Koran

student life

The roof of the ampitheater was created with an architectural design allowing the sound of the music to be heard from any place on Art Street. Photo by: Katy Koran

Bleeding a Memory, from Cleveland, Ohio played for UD students on April 7th . Photo by: Katy Koran



defining un

parents. weekend. (n.) a weekend where parents join children to spend time living as a UD college student) parties and all.

Karen Gibson, Lyndsay Peters and Mr. Peters pl ay a round of flip cup. Photo by: Luciana lolli

Parcnts from fa r and wide ca me to Live and experience college Iifc yet again during the anllual U niversity of Dayton Pa rents VVeekend . The ""eekcnd kicked ofT O ctober 2 1st alld was a weekend of good times, and fo r most students, a n opportunity for them to get their pantry closets and shelves restocked with food. On Friday Night, Th ' Pride of Dayton Ma rching Band got things rolling in Humanitie Plaza by play in O" enjoyable music to all who p assed by or took the 6me to sit and watch the performance. Just a short walking distance from the performance, the J'vlen's Soccer team ~ o u t confe re nce rival Sr. Bonaventure on Bauj an Field with a score of 2-0. Saturday morning, all across campus, was the 13Lh annual Thomas .J. Frericks Memorial 5k Run/ walk. Open to students of present , past a nd fac ulty, it was a great bonding experience for the runners.

Natalie Walters flips her cup while Sarah Luckhaupt, Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. Peters look and cheer on Mr. Gibson . Photo by: Luciana lolli

No Parents \Nee.kend would be complete without a flyer Football game he ld at Welcome Stadium. The Flycrs played th eir game versus the Valparaiso C rusaders and did \.v h al the football team does best: win and win big. T he fl ye rs domina Led the field and continued throughout the gamc, coming out wilh a 52-7 victory. A la rge crowd turn-out made finding a good seat with parents all but a dream. Students and

p a re nt~

were able to share a spec.ial experience which they

do not get to do often when students are at school: attend Mass together. Sunday morning concludcd the weekend 's festivities with thc annual Parcnts \Neekend M ass held in Frericks Convocation Center. Following the ivlass, students and parents flocked towa rds KU fo r brunch , and parents learned about the type of food their kids have been consuming. Students th en said their goodbyes and sent their parents off on their trek back home while a little more money miraculously ended up Karen Gibson , Lyndsay Peters, Mr. Peters and Sarah Bracht band together to form a flip cup team . Playing drinking games was a fun activity for the parents to enjoy with their kids. Photo by: Luciana loll;

in the students' pockets. 路路Overall it was a great weekend. Ther' were lot~

of aetivities for pa rents to do, and everyone had a great time," stated

sophomore International Business student Quinn .M acaE.

student life

Photo by: Janelle Young



defining UD

Stephen Balzer, Damon Stachler and Nick Sowder dress up as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for Halloween . Halloween festivities for students included much fun and child-like play.

Photo by: Katy Koran

student life

an excuse for UD students to dress up in ridiculous costu'lnes and party.

The imagin ation and ingenuity of U D students is never more obvious than on the night of Halloween . S tudents on a limited budge t ( reali v"ly transform campus into a chaotic mi xture of'

l~lIlt asy,

horror, and hil arity to

create a world unique e nough lo r the fes tivi ties. On what othe r night would L\rIario and Luigi run aro und in their red and green overalls in a consta nt qu est to save the princ


The U nlversity of Dayton hosts many celebrities on H allowee n as weLl. I,

Ryan Koller. David Rice and Christina Dolrich celebrate halloween. Some of the students ' creativity was out of control in making their costumes . Photo

for one, found myself staring dumbfounded as the man behind th ' counter in the Emporium ca lled Johnny Depp's name, wh o was next in lin fo r a sandvvieh. Standing to my right was none other tha n my favo rite a tor in fullJa k Sparrow gear from Pirates of th e Caribbea n. Saturday night, many Gh etto pa rLie rs were lucky enou" h to catch a glimpse of Jeff G ord on racing Dale <,a rnha rclL, Jr. and oth er NASCAR g reats down Lowes Street in shoppino ca rts.


word of cauti on, however: iC you

ha ppened to see Britney Spears and her hubhy Kevin FedcrLin ' walking th , stree ts of the G hetto a nd asked Brit f(ll" her a utog raph , you might have ended up with UD Sophomore Stepha nie Gro\'(:r's signature. Jim Smith. Matt Carr and Joe Capretta get together for a quick picture . Students took hours to craft their costumes for the holiday festivities. Photo by: Katy Koran

Steph Shearly, Jessica Cooney, Mark Radel, Chris Kinese , Jim LeBlanc, Sarah Hampton and Meredith Effler dress in themed costumes. Many groups of friends dressed in similar garb for the holiday.

Photo by: Katy Koran



defining UD

art. series. (D.) A continuing manifestation of art at UD committed to distinctive and diverse expressions.

AI10lh or yea r a l

D meant a no ther yea r lo r the Art Se ries. The purpose or

the Art 'e ries \路, as "spo nsoring distinctive, va ried a nd engaging a rts events The Dayton Contemporary Dance Company II is

to enrich the cultura l life of our communit y," NIa ny (onns of dance, music,

recognized as one of America's outstanding dance

tltea tre, and p oeLry were displayed , providing som e thing appealing for all.



Photo by: Katy Koran

\n Series ra n fi'om early O ctober up tl1ro ugh March , wiLl1 ticke ts to

t:'Vt'11 ts

only 5.

"' rtet fo r the End of Time' sla n ed ofl' Lhis yea r's festivities in th e Imm acu la te ~L

o ncepLion Chapel.


T he symph ony \vas created by Oliver

ssia n whi.le he was interning tn a Ge rm a n pl'ison 'amp during the

ccond Wo rld ' ,Val'. His work was firsl pe rfor m ed in front of prisone rs or thi. amp, With the help o r the Dayton Philhar monic Orchestra , Messiaen's work rea Uy cam e a live. Late r ill O cto be l~ another perform a nce, this tim e by The O rf(!o n Sa n .Juan Bau tista, was h eld in the U D Imm aculate Conception C hapel. This

;:u:apdJa d o ra! e ns 路 mhl e displayed their tale nts through the usc of Puerto Rican academic a nd popula r pieces and difrerent selections from Ce nu'a! DCDCII showcases innovative contemporary works by established and emerging choreographers. Photo by: Katy Koran

Photo by: Katy Koran

and SO llLh America.

student life

Photo by: Katy Koran

DCDCII captivates the audience with their facial expressions.

DCDCII provides the highest standards of artistic excellence with talented performers.

Photo by: Katy Koran

Photo by: Katy Koran



defining UD

Robert Post had the crowd laughing with his skit that he was late for a date. Photo by: Janelle Young

(,ollLinuedjimn jloge :3 fJ Poe t <Ind Prokssor or English Hcrberl \'VoodwardlVIartin was greeted to a te rriCic audience in Boll Theatre on November 3rd for his portray or Pa ul Lauren ce Dunbar, an es teemed native of' Dayton. Although his poe try is over 100 years old, Dunbar's lise o f' Standard Encrlish in inspir ' c1 , and continues


hi ~

cla sical poetry

inspire, man y individuals today-

f ollowing suil wilh Ihe other musical pe rformances this year, The Co re Ensemble:


Ebony Embers look 'Iage Feb ruary 7th in Boll Th 'alre. A

ll1usical show, il fea tured one-actor and three musicians c 'lebrating the pocLry and music of the Harlem Renaissance. Akin Babatunde did th e acting with support from Tahirah \VhilLingro n on cello, Hugh Hinton on piano, and ?-.lichael Parola on pncussion. Th e peo ple portrayed in Lhe show Robert Post exemplified satrical humor with his birth to bride skit. Photo by: Janelle Young

were artist Aaroll Dougla~ and poets Claude McKay, Countee Culle n, and Langston Hughes. The show could be as mu ch a concert as a play, or even a recital for that matter. It ombined the three for one amazing performance. The Dayton Contemporary Dance Company II (DCDCTT) took to the stacre in Boll TheaLre to perlorrn COnll'mpora r, work , of established and rising choreog raphers. This dancing grollp rallges in ages from 16 to 22. This Dayton modern dance group was fiJl'ITled ill the early 1980's as the Dayton Contemporary Dance Company lI. The :\.rt Series carne to a dose with th e help of physical comedian Rob n Pos\. Post lIses props and his a ting ability to perform hilarious skits. IVluch o r his influ ence came frolll J erry Lewis. Pust is a theatre professor at The Ohio State University a nd does pcrlormanccs of his own on the side. The skit. that Post acted out wlC re both clever and funny, leaving the audience with lillie time to breath between th e laughs.

Robert Post played many versitle characters including both men and woman. In this skit he was hilarious portraying an old woman. Photo by: Janelle Young

student life

Robert Post performed Tuesday March 28th at the Boll Theater. He used many props in his brilliant skits including long johns. Photo by: Janelle Young



defining un

baby. (n.) A true American musical comedy set in the 1980's that explored diversefamily relationships. Throughout th e yea l~ Ih UD Th eatre Program consistently presented intriguing and engaging performances. Baby, performed February 24-26th and. la rch 2-4th proveclto be no exception. Essentially, Baby, a true American musical comedy, utilized diverse family situ ations- onc middle-

Arlene and Alan discuss how a baby would change their lives at a late stage in life. They were played by Melissa Durst and Joe Beumer. Photo by: Katy Koran

agcd couple, played byJoe Beumer a nd Melissa Durst, Olle newly married co uple, played by Mike Blocksidge and Katie Bollin, anc! one dating couple in coll ege, played by Joe Shackleford and Emily Barrows (or stand-in Kymberl y T indall). Set in a college town in the 1980's, Baby presented th e three couples' problems a ll centered a round one thi ng- a baby- anclth play followed each couple through the pisoclic co nflicts that came with be>

ing, or tIying to be, pregnant. Underlying this Lh erne of having a baby, all the co uples also battleel wit.h th e problem of marriage that having a baby has brought to the sur/ace. Ultimately, the message of the play s emecl to be that love, if it i strong enough , can conqucr any problems that arise in a relationship.

Arlene and Alan look at each other.... Photo by: Katy Koran

Mike Blocksidge and Katie Bollin play Nick and Pam, the just-married couple. They kissed after deciding to keep trying to get pregnant after some disappointing news. Photo by: Katy Koran

student life

Emily Barrows and Joe Shackleford play Lizzie and

Danny plays Lizzie a song he wrote for her about

Danny, the college-aged couple.

going away to get a job to make money for their baby on the way.

Photo by: Katy Koran

Photo by: Katy Koran

The play's Ensemb le and Dancers groups back up Danny's performance . Photo by: Katy Koran



defining UD

rec. plex. (n.) newly constructed, Jnulti-Jnillion dollar, indoor recreational center to proJnote student fitness and wellness.

I-Ll\ing a plac(' to get in that dail y workout has never been easier with the addition or the RccPk x to Dayton's campus. The RecPlex's location on what remaillcd of Founcln's Fidel proyid cs a more central site for students than its predecessor, the PAC. The new logo is prominently displayed in the lobby. Students could not wait to start using the building at the start of the second semester. Photo

"Thl' goal of the RecPlex was to be put

closer to the Student ncighborlIooci and University community. One of the other places that was discussed was on Brown Street," Dr. Curran explained during a n interview with Flyer TV Whlle home to numerous racilities aimed at exercise for the body, the RecPlex also pays notice to the mind, offering a large and sma ll classroom, to be used for meetings or class s. In addition to the classrooms, something new for students is The Chill--a small snack shop that offers anything from high protein foods and energy drinks to so ft serve yogurt. The aquatic ce nter is also a major area or improveme nt from the old l)AC.

It contains a vort ex leisurc pool, divino路


' 11, ,mel a heated pool section,

while the lig htin g Lhroughollt gives th e impression of ou tdoo r swimmillg. Th e outdoor area will accomll1odate sand yolleyball and a sundeck.

III addi tion , the Rcc Plcx I oasts tll addition of two mulLi-activity ourts. Shaped like a small indoor hockey rink, they contai n basketball hoops a nd Students look out at VWK as they workout. The airy second floor lets more natural light in than the old building. Photo by: Katy Koran

hockey nets. Tht'se rinks include hockey a re na walls, so intTamural sports C<1.11

be ta kell to Lh e next I vel.

The true defi ning fa ctor of th e RecPlex, howeve r, is th e amount of" open space within Lhc center.

The size and space were m;:uor considerations

during the construcoon of the

f~1 ' ility.

Sophomore civil engineering major

D avid Hayson com111 -nt , "There is a lo t more pact' and equipm elll, yo u don't have to wait in a line to sta rt working out. " From the track on th e second floor, on 'can see aJmost eve ry part of" the centel; from the racque[hall and basketball COllrts, to th 路 mac hine weights and the climbing wall...not to mention the incredible view o f ca mpus. "The openness or thc buildina brings a better Zll.lll OSphere Lhan that of the old dark Pa ' . It actuall y makes me want to work ou t more," f"plains Hayson . The R ecPlex, designed with th e 路anW charac teristics as its n ighbor :M ariani. t Hall , brings an updated look to campus. With Lhe acldiLion of tl1 RecPlex, students ca n finall y say Lhey njoy working out.

student life

Some students shoot hoops between classes on the new basketball courts. The upper-level track was built above the courts to make for an interesting design. Photo by: Katy Koran

Pictured above is the front of the building. Every facet of the new Rec Plex is pleasing to the eye. Photo by: Katy Koran



defining UD

Matt speaks to the students in an animated manner. Photo by: Janelle Young

student life

leading. with. faith. (n.) Mattfr01n MTV's Real World speaks to UD students about livingfaithfullives.

l\1any of


Real \ IVorle! E'l11S can remember the good times and people The

Real World New Orleans brought us: Julie, David, and Kelley.. .jusllo name a few. With all the outrageous things going on in the house, it may seem strang ' to see Matt Smith, a hip-hop Catholic a pa.rt of it all. On November 5th, Matt

~ topped

by campus for what seemed to be just another day in Ul e

life of the spokesman of Life Teen, a Catholic yo uth organi zation of roughly 50,000 members.

"Club 6" plays some mellow music at the event. The band instituted a retreat-style feel to the evening. Photo by: Janelle Young

Matt 's talk, or performance rather, in the VvVK mam meering room was something for the ages. The whole speech seemed to be more like a Church retreat than a basic monologue. Before i an even ent 路 red the room, Christian music blared throughout th ' room. A rendition of "Famous One," followed by many other songs, star cd off th e night's ' venl. \IVhen i'vlatr eventua lly appeared, applause fill ed th tightly packed room. H e started by explaining th at although he grew up not being very religious, he ane! his siblings convened to Catholicism whil, in high school. H e spoke of The Real World, of life expelienees, and what had really happened to him on ?\tTV's Real 'World Gauntlet. Matt toldta..l es of what IITV did not real ly want to show: his faith helping out other.. Participating in ev'ry saner ancl singing every lyric, Nfart made SLIre that he "va~

not just the speaker, but also a part of the audience. H e finished his

speech by sharing how his faith got him through tough times and what it means to him now. The evening came to a close with a few more songs, and thank~

to tlle help of PowerPoin t, all had th chan e to


t involved a lld share

their voices if th ey so wished.

Matt incorporates much emotion into his speech. Photo by: Janelle Young



defining UD

christltlas. on. caltlpus. (n.) one of UD's oldest and most respected service events celebrating the true spirit of the season.

With the winter season well und(,rway and snow scattered across campus, it was time again for Christmas on Campus to spread hoLiday cheer all throughout the city of Dayton. Stockings with the names of the COC committee members hang in Torch Lounge . Photo by: Katy Koran

For the 42nd annual celebration,

Christmas on Campus participants fought through the fierce weather determined to carry out the evening's festivities. C nfortunately, the snow and ice kept some kids from ever reaching campus, and the petting zoo intended for the KU green space never made it very far up the frozen stretch of I75 . "Although the snow was a problem, the kids enjoyed it much more than th e students. The kids seemed to adore the snow, but the students thought of it more as a hassle. With all that, it didn't seem to put a damper on the night," says sophomore psychology maJor. The kids arrived on buses from local area elementary schools in the designated spot of B-Lot. Here, UD students picked up their children and gave them O'ifLs that they had purchased for them. From there they could go to the tent in KU Green space for Christmas carols, cookie decorating, Christmas cards, a nd other various crafts. Inside KU, there were just as many activities to do. The Hangar was the sce ne of many kids bowling and playing pool, and at the food court they could take a break and get some hot chocolate and cookies. If you looked around closely you could even see mascots of the children's favo rite TV shows, such as Dora the Explorer or SpongeBob SquarePants. wIore arts and crafts were on the 2nd and 3rd floors, ranging from reindeer puppet bags


favorite Christmas movies. Delta Sigma Pi, among others, used

its members ' help to aid th face painting rooms for the children. Of course, the kids couldn't leave without seeing the ice sculpture outside of Humanities or Santa in the KU Plaza . Regrettably, however, before the kids got a chance to do eve ry activity, it was time to send them back to the buses. 'Overall it was a rewarding experience to see underprivileged kids having such a good time and knowing I was helping make a difference," Piccolomini. The children participated in making crafts with the kids. Many activities were sponsored by various organizations. Photo by: Janelle Young

student life

A student from a local Dayton elementary school flashes a quick smile to the camera in the midst of all the fun . The UD students enjoyed giving back to the Dayton community by volunteering at the event.



Photo by: Ilaty Koran


50 I defining un

Brian Plummer, Kyle Moorman, Brice Williams, Mike Ponticelli, and Dave Lucking hang out at 225 Kiefaber. Students spent much time hanging around with their friends at their houses. Photo by: Janelle Young

student life




defining UD

resonance. (n.) an intensive art show to cotnmunicate the effect of art reverberating through the University of Dayton community.

\'Vhen students \\lam to find fine an around campus, many look to the source of

D 's aspiring anist:;, the Rike Ceiller. An exhibit in Roesch

Linrar)', howeve r, gave art lovers on campus the opportunity to view some of the very best pieces made by student artists. " Resonance- A Student Art Retrospectiv'," on display from Nov. 10th to Dec. 15th, presented work suhmitted by a variety of students. Katy Koran, a junior photography

m <~jor

and committee member of

th ¡ show says, "\'\ie wanted all students to be able to submit their work, including Ilon-art majors. \ Vc also wanted there to bc a broad range or years that the pieces were created; hence, the ' Retrospective' in the titl e." Types or art li'om the show included photographs, paint.ings, and ceramics, among others. Essentially. the general aim or th e pieces in the art show was to evoke emotion and express individuality. Th e show itself took up thl"e fl oors of Roesch, including til" 1st Aoor lobby, til second floor mczza nin e, and the arollnd floor LTC. Roughly 3.1 artists suhmiu.eci.illst over 60 pi -' 'es or art. Th' selectioll process li) r the sltow lVas very intense, and the com mittee Ivas selective in taking pieces into th e sltow. " Resonanc-' was intended to be a showcase of aU th e ha rd work and interesting pieces of artwork that were created at the U niversity or Dayton every year," comment'S Koran . Some memorahlc pieces from the show include Brook Ludi's Black and \Vhite Nostalgic photographs, whi ch were located in the gallery, and \m)' Nlauck\ Bright Pink and Red Abstract Painting, which was located on the second floor. Although there were no mvards or judging, just having a pi ece in the show was ac omplishment enough. Once again, our art department went above and beyond in more ways than one.

Lyndsey Baldwin's metal sculpture captivates gal, lery spectators. The piece was one of the many three-dimensional artworks spot-lighted in the StlOW.

Photo by: Eddie Landry

• -~--

student life

Janelle Young's piece "Vulnerable Autonomy" represents her artisitc style in the show. Photograph y was a main medium for many of the artists. Photo by: Janelle Young

Julie Jones' images, "The Family Reconstruction Series," stands out as one of the series hung in the gallery section of Roesch Library. Resonance proved to be a great success for all of the artists featured. Photo by: Eddie Landry

Katy Koran 's piece " Light Leak #3 " appears on the promotional card for the gallery show. Koran experimented with alternative processes to create this image . Photo by: Katy Koran



defining un

little. sibs. weekend. (n.) LiZ' Sibs Weekend: A weekend in the winter semester where siblings of UD students corne to Dayton and enjoy campus. Clear skies and nice weath ' r played a major role in making this year's Lil' Sibs \!Veekend a total success. On


-h 3rd, UD students welcomed their

much excited siblings for a weekend all had been anticipaLing. '1\ Pirate's Life for Me, Witl1 Lil ' Sibs at UD" was this year's theme and SCA foll owed through with kee ping to that idea. Friday started off in the same t)1)ical vvay for th e even t with regisLration pick-up and ti 'ket distribution; howe er, the re were



twists. Campus Activities Board and KU offered their help and had pizza and crafts in the K

lobby for the kids, giving them something to do on

the first night. Sticking to theme, back-lo-ba -k pirate movies, Pirates of the Caribbean and Hook, were shown in The Hangar. FinaLly, free bowling and billiards concluded the night fi)r the sibs. Sibs woke up to a special treat Saturday morning:

breakf~lst at

K .

The only problem , however, was that only tl1e Grill was op rational making the line for food a tr("mendous wait; at one point, the ' nd was outside K iLself \'\lith some regained energy in their syste m:, sibs and students alike took the trek to UD Arena to watch the flyers battle it out with the Rams from th University of RJlOoe Island. Despite their best flons, the Flyers lost Lhe match 65-56. The day didn't end (here fc)r sibs. They still had the Pirate's Playground oITered at the newly built RccPlex from 4- to 7 p.m. CAB put on t11f' event fiJl t'd with UD favorites co rn hoI and basketball, but also with new things for the kids like inflatable jousting and an inflatable laser tag. Kids who want d a quick snack were givell free yogurt 'ompliments or The Chill. To finish Saturday off right, a hypnotist performed at Bpm in the main meeting room of '''VI{. A Pirate Pancak(" Breakfast was offer d in VWK for the ea rly Sunday mo rning wakeup. Following hre(lkfa.sL, Nlass was ofT red at 10 a.m. in the Immac ulate Conception Chapel. Afte r this exhausting \.veekend , students sent their sibs back home and away from campus. Leaving the campus with o nly the best memories. the sibs a nticipated anoLher round the f()[lowing year.

student life

One activity for Littl e Sibs weekend is a hypnotist show. A group of volunteers were hypnotized as the crowd got to watch and laugh along. Photo by: Janelle You ng



defining UD

student. employment. (n.) provides students with a job that pays wages or a salary. Students often find themselves strapped for cash as a res ult of their daily expenses and the hefty price of boo ks each semester. NIa n), of th ese students tend to find jobs on or about campus. Just filling out a few forms and being enrolled in six credit hours is all it tak s to be eligible. Students who submit U1e FAFSA are eligible for employm ' nt as part of their financial aid package. Studcnts are permitted to work up to 20 hours per week during school and 40 hours per we "k during vacation periods. One spotli<Thted job that students apply for is working for the Office of Admission s, \vh ere they can becom e student a mbassadors or tour guides, the most talented , tudents on ca mpus at walking backwards.


student ambassadors often give lhe campus tours, many students choose to go the route of voluntee ring through Campus Connection so Lhey may apply for the job at a later date. Coordinator of Campus Chat sophomore Tracie Johnson said regarding Campus Chat: ""We have all students from all different grade levels gree t the students and meet them right when they com 路 . They a nswe r questio ns and walk them to appointments-- sort of their Erst encounter with U D,"

There are currently 21 student ambassadors

on the job, but roughly 92 active volunteers


help assist them on bigger

w 'ck "nels in the Admissions office. Johnson added , "Being a toUt' guide is

on of the most beneficial jobs on campus because you can help people. By showing off your school and welcoming them to the community, yo u a rc Plloto by: Katy Koran

part of th c next year's class," Another lucrative position on ea mpu' is with selvices.


Services employs students to work in all their clinin faciliti es. T as k difTer rr

for students from day to day depending on th e facility in wh.ich Lh ey work. Junior political science major and food services employee at K U Patrick Bri ckma n said ," One good thing about working at K . is th at they allow you to pick your own work schedule; they let


\vork around your classes and

other commitments. On a normal day, I clock in, o'et my apron and Ilame tag, and head out to find one of th e supervisors to ask them whi ch tas ks


will b路 duing on any given day. All employees rotate difkrent tasks based on necd , wh eLher it is th e grill , the deli , or Zac's special jobs." Many of the employees wiLh Dining Services are full-time workers, but students can fl nd j obs at thcse places vvithoU( a problem. "The mini sense or community really helps deal vvith the minor stresses of the job. Everyo ne I work with Christina Seiker separates pancake batter into cups in between serving customers. KU food service employees worl~ed hard to keep hungry tud ents happy all yea r.

Plloto by: ({aLy I{o ran

knows what everyone is going through , and that kind of support is unrivaled by anywhere I have worked in the past." recalled Brickman. If you always feel like yo u a re tj<Tht on cash and want a head starr on future employment, go out and look around. Next year is just around Lh . corner.

student life

Photo by: Katy Koran

Photo by: Katy Koran

Teresa Recker leads a group of prospective students on a tour of UD's campus. Tour guides often served as students' first welcome to UD. Photo by: Katy Koran

Photo by: Katy Koran



defining un

stander. cup. (n.) A tournament of unusual games requiring participants to think 芦outside the box. "

Teams gather round to play UD Jeopardy. There were mind games as well as athletic events duro

The Stander Cup, established through the HSS department in April 2005,

ing the competition. Photo by: Brian Sullivan

created by a host of Sports Management stude nts, with Chris Hart as the

takes place in conjunction with the Stander Symposium. The Cup was fi rst Student-Director with assistance from Professor Dr. Peter Titlebaum.

It allowed students to participate in events that test the mind, body, and competitive spirit. The eve nts required students to think "outside the box," which is how the Stander Cup delivered a uniqueness of its own and separated itself from other events. "This event proved to be a suc es路; working in the RecPlex allo'wed us to showcase the

f~lc ility

to the campus

in different uses and showed the campus tl1at Sports Management students playa major role in order to provide memorable and valuable events to the 路niversity of Dayton ," said Stud nt Co-Director Drew Formentini. T he goal of the Stander Cup was to provide an everlasting experience to the University of Dayton community and elebrate the importance of th e SLander Symposium by encouraging students to participate in a fun and sa fe fashion. The memorable events included dodge ball, an old favorite, and a new event, stacking J enga blocks. Participants had to stack sers to the highest level in order


win. It tested the strategic skills of all participa nts.

"The Stander Cup is a one of a kind event and is truly unique. 1v10re than evel~

this is an experience for everyone to be involved in , and it shows that

the University of Dayton deserves to have more student run events such as this one. Also, an event such as The Stander Cup sheds light on what Sports Management students are all about, it markets and brands th m," sa id Event Advisor Professor Dr. Peter Titlebaum.

A team stands behind its block tower at the end of the competition . Photo by: Brian Sullivan

student life

Two students participated in the towel dragging contest. This contest was one of the many events in which students participated during the Stander Cup. Photo by: Brian Sullivan



defining un

spring. breakouts. (n.) international or domestic service trips) where students spend their spr拢ng break making a difference by helping a community in need.


sp ring brea ko ut l'xperien 'e has bee n one tha t 1 will rem om be r fe)r the

rest of my life . T welve of us were lu cky e no ugh to be picked to go to T ijua na to live a nd wo rk a t a children's orp ha nage. So w a ll piled int o va ns, th en planes, th t:n more va ns un we fi liall y ma de it down there. \Ve spent m os t of our fiTe time playin u with the kids, who ra nged in ag > from I to 2, yea rs old , a nd durin g the days we helped build a n ' w, bigge r Orph iU"Iag fell' them. T he new orph a nage is being built down t.he coas t, so eve ry m o rninG" we go t bac.k in those lovely va ns a nd drove to th , site. T here, we shoveled a nd poured fo unda tio n for th e new buildings. After abo ut e ight ho urs of wo rk, we headed back to the orpha nage. H o\路 'eve l~ when we \.ve ren't wo rking, vl'e go t to experience a whole n nge of cultural acLivities. During o ur Lim e in T ijuana, we were a.ble to see and lea rn about th ' wid espread prosti tution; wc passed out tood at th e city dump to the peopl " wh o Ii\' 'd ther' ; we \.vcnt to the beach a nd h ea rd local dnllllme rs pe rfclrming; we , ttended a n all-Spa nish mass ; \ve traveled o ut of OLlr comfi)I"t zo nes to lear n abou t th e culture. An d through all of this, we wer able to ma ke a real onne- tion to

t.he peopl e who lived th ere.

~ros t

importa nLly, w ' we re ahl 路 to

putl~lc e s

to the multitude of hom eless, a bused, underprivileged , a nd disadva ll taged individu als who exist all over the world. :\!o

I O ll~re r

can I think a bout a poor

pe rson without seeing the fa ce of a two-yea r-old nam 'd Linda, whosc front fOLlr teeth ro tted away from malnutrition, or tvvelve-yea r-old Daniel, who is wh eelchair-hound from muscular dystrophy. I now have a direct r'lationship to thest: children that doesn't allow me to forget them. Their presence has ma d

me assess mysel f a nd the things that are importan t in my life

- a ll th e things I take for granted. After coming ba k to UD, I found that


neecled to r "-evaluate a lot of my life choices. I couldn't be the same person once I ha d experi nced evc: rvthing tha t was T ijuana . Sarah Rini

student life

The participants of the spring breakout to Tijuana bond with some local children. Photo by: Sarah Rini

One of the loca l children takes a swing at a inata. The children enjoyed playing games with the UD students. Photo by: Sarah Rini



defining un

lit.fest. (n.) an eclectic festival sponsored by the English Department that showcases the literary aptitude of UD students. In its 5th year as a unive rsity event, LitFest is still showing us all why poetry is still an art form of lts own. Poets from different areas of the coun tr; come to un to help uppo rt poetry. LitFest is a Literature festival that incorporates poetry into everyday life through different workshops and a poetry slam. It is A variety of poems were on display. Photo by: Katy Koran

also a time for amateur poets Lo meet the g reats and open up new ideas with futur ne tworking amongst them.

Th re are many workshops held throughout the weekend in wruch students can improve on their poetry and lea rn from the techniques of experienced and

st'a~o ned

poets. The workshops took plac in different studios of Art

Street. Th e workshops were led by different faculty from universities all across the US fro m as far as

CLA. The workshops, lasting a little over

an hour each, covered ditTerent types of poetry, mostly modern, showing the influences and types of poetry. It also gave students a time



their poetry writing ability that they normally would not be able to do in a classroom by learning from many different poets firsthand. A faculty adviso r to LitFest Albino Carrillo said, "The addition of Art Stree t for Lit.Fest was a Many signs were used for LitFest on Art Street. Photo by: Katy Koran



use. It gave us the ability to better reflect the poets in a spacc

accommodated for their artistic expressions'. Bringing poetry to the campus ""'as our main priori ty. " The most popular event for students would be the Poetry Slam which took place in the KU Pub on Saturday night. It was free-style poetry readings that had students and participants alike enthused. Most of the credit should be given to De nnis McGlothin, Ryan Boyd, and Bridget Cruttenden, UD English graduate students who actually planned most of the events and the itinerary. Credit should also be given to faculty advisors Rebecca Potter and Albino Carrillo.

"We COnte front a generation of on modern poetry. Photo by: Katy Koran

screanters. Silence is not golden. " -Tiffany Smith, poetry slam contestant

student life

Ed passionately read his poem aloud at the successful Poetry Slam. Photo by: Katy Koran

The audience enjoyed the talented Meg as she read her poem at the Poetry Slam.

The microphone stood empty after the last poem was read aloud at KU Pub, site of the Poetry Slam.

Photo by: Katy Koran

Photo by: Katy Koran



defining un

up. the. orgs. (n.) a day when org representatives gather in the hum.anities plaza to recruit and inform. new m.enbers

It's "n af"tcrnoon quite like no ne o th(~ r. Every seco nd Friday in Septcmbe r in Humaniti es Piaza, organizations ' personn el set lip a sea of ta bles with lhe intent of bomba rding unsLlspecting students with information abo ut A student signs up for UD's Water Polo team. Many students signed up to get information from various organizations. Photo by: Ryan Dugan

Gr ek Ii/e, sports, campaigns, a nd o rga nizati o ns as they try to m a ke th eir way th ro ugh the crowd to ge t to lass. R egardlcss of what yea r yo u a re,

chances a re there is alleas t one o rganization that you didn't ve n know existed ... aJJClthar is just the point. p the Orgs Day gives students th e chance to explo re new opportunities on campus. Joining a n or?"aniz3tion is an excelle nt way to netwo rk with other stude nts who share yo ur ("ommon interests.

~Ira ny

students establish

deep li-iendships by joining o rga niza lions and parti -ipatilJO" in activili es thal fost er 路 "D's community spirit. Senior Sarah Kit chin says, " I was working a table, and I stillmanaged t ) leave with h and-fulls of Aye rs and candy fi"om othe r tables. i\;ot to m enLion I have no clue what I siO"ncd up for!" \'Vh 路 ther they ime nci to o r not, allllost everyon e who wa lks through the pl aza e nds up signing lip fiJI" some gr lip. Indeed , all th e organizations on campus are truly what make "D the unique pIa e th a t it is. Up the Orgs D ay is a chan ce


o路et involved , do something yo u normally

wou ld not do, a nd most importantly mee t ncw people. In addition , bea use it's a OTeaL way to build a resume, this day ofr rs a vital tool for any student. It is th e best opportuniLY to ,ce what fellow stud nts a re doing and get involved carly in yo ur coll egc career. The ollie. of Student Involvement a nd Leadership coo rdina tes the event. Up the Orgs D ay is ye t anothe r way UD continues to build hara -te r throllgh co mmunilY.

The Dayton Improv Club attracts new members at its table. Many orgs used incentives to draw students near their tables. Photo by: Ryan Dugan


A view of Humanities Plaza depicts the craziness of Up the Orgs day. Humanities Plaza was fiooded with tables and students who were looking to get involved. Photo by: Ryan Dugan


defining un

circle. k. (n.) a group of caring students who corne together to learn, lead and serve in the Dayton community.

Circle K , a collegia te orga ni za60n dedicated to servic AIR FORCE CADETS Row 1: Jess ica Rapagnani, Meredith Lu ikart, Matthew Harp, All ison Nooning Row 2: Wi lliam Styrcu la-McCuddy. Aaron Bl ain, Kevin Branick, Brian Nigro, Colin Huber, Ryan Compto n, Alex Treadway. Kyle Spain, Mike Gibson, Leo Burkardt. Ben Link Row 3: Kevin Byram, Anthony Zelasko. Brandon Gulick. Paul Klockars. Adam Remi llard. Gregory Caylor, Michael Schubert Sean Sletten. Adam Ryba, Art Bull, John McDaniel

comprised of approx imately t" \'enty


<U1e1 leadership, is

active me mbers who hm'e a p assion

for ser\'i c and ta kin g action in the ir cOl1ll1lunili 路S. UD's chapter is one of

600 loca ted o n campuses in the west rn hemisp here. Its m e mbers are p roud to be among th e 10,000 m emb ers in th e Circle K family, J d h e), Gus tafson is th

presiden t of UD C ircle K

2006 school year. An enLhusiastic lead


DC K ) for the 200--

Gustafson has big pl a ns for UDCK

this year. First and loremo. t, he wa nL, to "set a new pace fo r the club through a ddi.n g new service possibiliti es ." Anothe r is a goal or 850 se rvic' hours a nd 650 I a ders.hip hou rs a ttribut d to th e club. In addition II 路 wa nts

th e a rray of prqj ec ts

CUrl' >ntly


add to

offe red in a ccordance with Lh e theme "our

flmlre- ou r focus- o ur children. " GUSLafson expla ins, _路v\ c'r in rhe process o r r working the proj ects. ' In addition to th e regu larly a lTe red proj p "cia l on

' S,


the club


parLi cipatt; in som .

such as wo rking wit h D::tyton Ea rly Coil ge Acadcm , (D ECA).

" \,Ve'r ' pa rtnering with DCCA to mentor the sLUdel1ls to help o ut with The Castle, a place f'or specia l needs a nd disabled -'hiklren ,. h comments.

ALPHA EPSILON DELTA Row 1: Rachel Bozeman, Michelle D路Agostino. Courtney Gay, Tiffany Carnes, Sarah Edwards, Katie Cabanski. Katie Roberts Row 2: Ryan Shapiro. Melissa Ri ce . Stepl1anie Heiler, E. Michelle Simons, Brett Cooper, Gina Stoeckle. Mike Wigton. David Lavek, Hanny AI -S amkari. David Alfieri. Ben Wheeler

ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA Row 1: Jessica Jenkins. Kri sten Johnson, Ash lee Hill , Ash ley East. Winnie Gilliard Row 2: Keni sha Guice, Brittany Carter, Ashli Pace. Silaniese Posey, Meli ssa Bush, Angela Latha m, Rayna Rogers

Sri Hoover, Sritney Sartz, Adam Sehm and Jeff Weber take control of a dog. Walking the dogs was one of the most fun parts of the afternoon. Photo by: Aaron Moores


ALPHA PHI OMEGA Row 1: Julie Salamone. Lauren Crediit, Christine Chaffin, Kim Spain, Michelle Jenkins. Paul Scheickarl. Anita Lukey. Jennifer Sl. Pierre. Jessica Trun, Uz Meehl. Hannah Einterz, Lau ren Kelley Row 2: Carly LaCos se. Juliane Burling, Alyss a Sprouse. Amanda Conlon, Teresa Arisco. Lela Greathouse, Allie Brighton, Stacey Freeh, Lisa Ehrman, Laura Chabot, Kristin Sinning. Amanda Boelke Row 3: Rebekah Tieken . Lauren Pollock. Kimberly Daray. Emily Darr. Erin Sabelli. Jessica Brown. Heidi Woolf. Tiffany Boccio. Kristin Ptlrrmann, Audrey Schmidlin. Zac Stinefort

Row 4: Paul Engles. ChriS Geiger. Hilary Ret seck , Abby Weiskitel,

Adam Behm plays with a kitten at the Humane Society. The day's events were filled with exercising the animals. Photo by: Aaron Moores

Erika Hagebhoff. Erin Landers. Michael Honwath, Laura Unger. Anne Crecelius, Stephanie KarpaL Jessica Hoffman. Sarah Kettler. Andrea

Knollman. Jessi Rabie, Jill Gehlfuss Row 5: Doug Vanderhaar. Bryan Boelke. Jeremy Lynch. Ben Thirby. Tim Hall. Jastl Skerl. Daniel Schwartz, John Kupchik. Michea l Detzel,

Mark Flock, EriC Urban

" Pr~j cc t Chri~tma,

IeDonald H ous " and ChrisLmas on Campus a re o th er servi c- opportuniti es l'il Moreowr, the " Secretary's proj e

t, '

C hild ," Ronald

club willund rtake. GusLafson 11a ' been presented with many possibilities thro ug h his m embe rship with Circle K. Wh n asked what his favorite aspec t of th ' club is, he explains, ''Ddinitcly the opponunilies pres 'n led.路 a worthwhile j ob ar al"o motivating

f~lCtors .

com e to Daycar ' to play with th em " is a

\ " 1)'

The daily remi.nd rs of

" eeing kids smile when yo u reward ing expe rience for this

presiden l. Pos 'ibiliti ' s to mov up within tlle orgallizarion and the w "ll-stru ctured natur of th e club arc oth e r

r ~ asons

why he has remained with tll ' club since his first

year. "C ircle K has endless possibiLiti ' 5 and is ther' to loster leade rship; don' t make you a

Icad e l~

\I' '

AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Row 1: PatriCk Dietzel, Darren Geiser

we help yOll become one," he explains. Lt'ade rship

tra ining ses!<ions and confere nc .. ar 路' o Lh er I-- source.- to develop vitali ael shil skills. In this way, " Leadership is promoted on

din-~ re nt


I ' \leis, " h ' says.

In addition to leadership opportunities, C ircle K. olTe rs a gr',H d al of o ther reso Ul' es and connection.". In this r o'ard, e il' Ie K. difl(;rs li'om oLher se rvi "corientecl orga nizations


ca mpus. :ircl 路 K. has " tl1f' ability to a%isL" (,,,ith

funding. In addition to O'as reimbursement.

th ~

club pays for o ne-thircl of' Lhe

programs. Furthe rmore, Circl e K provide' the opportunity " to coUahorat anda hi v('goals." Any sLud 'nt inter 's ted is welcome


come to a m eeting o r proj ec t. JVlee rin<rs

a re Sunday evenings ill KU 222. The we bsite o l1e rs deta ils aboul til dub, pierllres, and a calendar. C he 路k it out o n the web aL http:/ /vvww. uclayton. celu/ ~circlek/.

AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS Row 1: Ju stjn Orofino, Kaylea Balzano, Ashley Adams, Brian Hulewat, Dan Stanley, Alex Beharry Row 2: Jon Engelsman, Rob Mitc hell. Leo Burkhardt. John Williams, Philip Martini, Matt lannitti



defining un

Students line up to begin the Friendship Walk. Theta Phi Alpha sponsored this year's walk through UO's Campus. Photo by: Molly Majetic





defining un

IDeet. the. orgs. presidents. (n.) little knownfacts aboutfour of the University's tnost notable organization presidents.

Name: Tiffanv Carnes I

Year: Senior Hometovvn: Canton, OH Oro"anization: Beta Beta Beta, Biology Fraternity Favorite food: Chinese Favorite quote: " Everything happens for a reason. "

"My favorite part of being in Beta Beta Beta, is being able to get to knowfellow students within 1ny 1najor, and to get to know 1ny professors outside of the classroo1n. "


((Spending tim,e with am,aZlng people who are just as actively interested in prom,oting diversity and interfaith relations on cam,pus as I am, is definitely one of m,y favorite reasons for being a part of the Jewish Student Union. "

Name: Hollie Rawl Year: Junior Hometown: Howland, Ohio Organization: UD Je",,,ish Student Union Favorite food: Brisket and gnocchi as cooked by my mom Favorite quote: " Hold fast to your dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly." - Langston Hughes

Photo by: Katy Koran




defining LTD

JDeet. the. orgs. presidents. (n.) little known facts about four of the university's ntost notable organization presidents.

"The sense of conl1nunity in the Italian Club is antazing.

Spending tinte with ntentbers

of the Italian Club watching ntovies, sharing nteals, etc., is a lot offun."

Name: Jonathan 'Jon" Strano Year: Senior Hometown: Lyndhurst, Ohio (a suburb of Cleveland) Organization: Italian Club Favorite food: Tie between steak and lasagna (but if I had to choose one, I'd choose steak) Favorite quote: "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse." (The Godfather, 1972) - Greatest movie ever, Photo by: Janelle Young





"My favorite part of being a 'me'mber of College Republicans is that it allows 'me the chance to interact with other


students while being

an active participant in the political process. JJ




Year: Junior Photo by: Katy Koran

Hometown: Dublin, Ohio Organization: College Republicans Favorite food: Anything Mexican Favorite quote: "In order to make good in your chosen task, it's important to have someone you want to do it for. The greatest moments in life are not concerned with selfish achievements but rather with the things we do for people we love and esteem, and whose respect we need." Walt Disney



defining un

flyer. tv. (n.) a unique, hands on approach to learning beyond the classroo1n.

For Communicatiol1$ majors, a hands-on experience provides endJe,,; opportunities to grow in the field. Being involved in such organizatjons as Flyer News, Flye r R adio, Flyer TV, The Daytonian and Orpheus is highl y encouraged. Much is learned beyond the confines of the traditional class room setting through participation in these activities. BETA BETA BETA Row 1: Tere sa Meier, Katie Klapp, Tiffany Carnes, Amy Mosawick, Dayna Vivacqua, Diana Tec Row 2: Emily Reinberg , Sarah Barna, lucy Siefker, lisa Ruple, Harry A I-Sankari, Ben Beamon, Andy Palmisano

Flyer TV provides one such learning exp e rience for those interested in broadcasting. 'Whether it's a behind the sce nes job, or an on-air position, Flyer TV provides the found ation for a car er in the television broadcasting indu stry. Flyer TV, channel 51, is UD': student-run campus TV station. Roy Flynn is the faculty advisor for the organization. Brooks Palmer, a se nior broadcasting major, is the General JVfanagw for Flyer TV Other fall 2005 staff members include station manager Leslie Cebula, program ma nage r K \路in Secaur, promotions coordinator Monica .Murray, and director of public af:' fairs Dave Rivelli. Students can be fou nei in chI' lab (KU 107) Sunday through Thursday at va rious times, producing vari()us shows f()r your entertainment pl eas ure. The C MM 440 class produces "Spotlight News," a news show every Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 pm. In addition, as of November 9th, the class added

BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS Row 1: Christine Daly, Kerry Rieder, Peter Visceglia

nightl y news broadcasts to their line-up. These weekly updates are broadcasted Sunday through Wednesday night. "You are a Multimedi a God" is a lighth earted trivia show hosted by Debbie Andrews. Another fun show is "Bobbleheads," a sitcom hosted by Brian iVfcG ee and Phil 路Wehner. For the sports fanatics out there, " UD Overtime" is sure to please. "'Vork it" is an exercise show sure to get your heart rate up. Es 'euti ally, Flyer TV orIers real world experience for those interested in exploring a career in the television industry. Flye r TV is yet another unique asset that defines UD.

CAMPUS ACTIVITIES BOARD Row 1: Carolyn Armstrong , Rebecca Wehner, Kristen Rogers, Dominique Rya n, Elizabeth Cucci, Anita l ukey, Dayna Vivacqua Row 2: Kyle lanterhahn, Col i Carpenter, Michele Kel ley, Cole Ward, Micheal Wade, Erin Fuller


Leslie Cebula, Dale Gill and Manica Murray monitor Flyer TV shows from the production room. Flyer TV aired all types of student produced programs this year. Photo by: Katy Koran

CDT/US ARMY Row 1 Lauro Fowler, Stephen Dormish, Mary Hicks, Jenny Schaffer, PJ,Su ll ivan Row 2: Nicho las Woll, MOHhew Rhodes, Nathan Browell, John McCormack

CHESS CLUB Row 1: Joseph Paulsen, Ben Thirlby, Zoe Steintorf


defining UD

red. scare. (D.) student pride in action. UD's own school spirit section.

CHI OMEGA Row 1: Shannon Gareau. Katie Dresner. Emi ly DeCenzo . Lauren Dickson. Mary Jolly. Katie Duffin. Tracy Buehrle Row 2: Leslie Cebula. Katy Jump. Anne Schmidlin. Meredith Boyd. Halle Bishop. Julia C. Smith. Shannon Simpson. Mary Beth Jos t Row 3: Kristen Ehlers. Colleen McHugll. Alana Jolly. Ashley Skoda. Jess ica Hellerstein. Kath erin e Arm strong. Cassandra Heath Row 4: Jenny Altman. Chelsea DiOrio. Emily Powderly. Monica Murra . Sarah Toul a . Melissa Parshall . Lauren Griesbaum . Kate Grayson. Liza Winkel, Helen Donelly. Jennifer Carr. Shannon Shee Row 5: Katie Bishop. Gina Zakibe. Katie Burgei, Lauren Burgess. Megan Schumacker. Jacqueline Matia , Sami Halma, Megan Mc' Cann , Caroline Degnan. Brenna Finnegan. Christine Wassler

!'vleet Scott. Reel anel blue paint cove rs his the

word ~

top of h,is

1~lc e.

''''ca ring a reel t-shirt WiLh

" R >d Sca re, " on the front, he is sc reaming out o r pride at the lun g~ .

Indeed this is an acc urate dpiction or the typical '.0

basketball bn. Onlc.ially known as "Red Scar ' ," Scott is a member of this loyal bn base that has gained national attention. Reel Scare is the U niversity of Dayto n\ unofTieial school spirit

DTOU]) .

According to their we b ~ ite, " Red S are is responsible ft) r creating an electric atmosph ere for men's basketbaU aJ1e1 chee ring th e Flye rs to victO ry all sports. " In the mid 1990's, the dub was starred



bring the student body roged1er

through a comrn on sense of U D pride. Since then, the club has grown drastically. In fa t, Red Scare is one or tl1e strongest organizations of its kind in Ohio, and perhaps even on the national level. Red Scare is perhaps UD's largest studelll organization. C urrently, the club boasts thin en board


and 1600 memb ' 1'5. Flyer !'vladness, th t:

event that ma rks the sta rt of the ticket sales was held on 0 路tober 14 th, 2005. (Srudems join the club automatically through buying ticket vouchers). M embers receive a free Red Scare t-shirt, in addition to e-mails about upcoming events, meetings and volunte er opportunitics. The mee tings a re CHINESE STUDENT AND SCHOLAR ASSOCIATION Row 1 : Jingi Yao, Hua Jiang. ZhouXue. Xiaomi n Qin Row 2: Yaodong Yang, Dong Yang. Hao Wang, Chunlei Zhang, Weibin Chen

open to the student body and occur about once a month. Seniors Vicki Tobe (presid ent) and Aa ron Hancart (Vice President) arc pro ud to be Reel S 'are board members.

Hanca rt, the current Vice

President and four yt'ar member, valucs Red Scare because it "creates a communit), atmosphere." f or Tobe, it's the comradeship among the student body and " knowing that


support UD" tha t she apprec iates. In addition, coming togeilier

to make decisions as a boa rd alld having an impact on such decision s are other highlights or u1eir positi ons". According to Hancart, "the [intense] atmosphere of th ' gam " is vet another reason he enjoys Red Scare so much.

CHRISTMAS ON CAMPUS Row 1: Anna Young, Brandy Bukauskas, Mary Kate Brosnan, Liz Wojtkun . Kara Danosky, Libby Peterson, Katie Przybysz Row 2: Christine Reddi ngton, Bill Rau , Amy Wa lton, Chrissy Quilter. Li sa Monnol. Sandy Borchers, Ashley Gabel. Liz Nahrup Row 3: Drew Laframbroise , Maggie Schroeder. Gregory Freson, Amy Bretnitz. John Pasternack. Jon Scott, Lauren Griesbaum. Sarah Coffman


CIRCLE K Row 1: Mary Penberthy, Maureen Knorring. Regina Fabbroni. Jacki Chura. Jessica Holliger Row 2: Suzan Bowe, Kori Haynie, Jen McCarty, Leslie Martin. Tim Truster. Gary Baddorf Row 3: Kevin Schultz. Jonathon Bettie. Jeffrey Gustafson. Kyle Fortman, Brother Ed Brink. Fiona Martin. Brianne Hoover

Some members of Red Scare cheer at a UD basketball game. The Red Scare section was always full of proud students during each home game. Photo by: Janelle Young

COLLEGE REPUBLICANS Row 1: Michael Stwarka. Meg Wamemenr. Matt Walsh, Megan Hunter Row 2: Andy Wysocki, Greg Caylor. Melissa Zawadzki. Chris Esquivel, Stephen Salley

While Red Scare is primarily a basketball oriented club, th 'y wish to expand beyond basketball. As Hancart expla.ins, "we're tryin o' to do other sports this year." Furthermore, Red Scare is always 0p'n to student input. "Be creative and come up with new ideas," Hancart encourages. AU are welc.ome to

all '

nd and support the team. For more infc)rmatioL1 about

Red Scare, be sure to check out th e website found at http:/ / daytonHye rs. RedScare.html, or e-mail

them at


uclayton. edu.

COLLEGIATE MIDDLE LEVEL ASSOCIATION Row 1: Jennifer St. Pierre, Kristen Rogers. Dominique Ryan. Angela Caracciolo, Eileen Flaherty. Ann Burkhardt Row 2: Elisabeth Russo. Leah Moyer. Katie Wisniewski. Steph路 anie Wurtz, Lyndsay Peters. Sarah Luckhaupt, Kristy Stiens



defining UD

ud. dance. (n.) a select group of women with a common passion for the art of dance.

Don't be fooled by her small fram c- Erin F ishcr will astound you with her dyn amic stage presence, As the presiden t of UD Dance, shejoin cd tlle dub her first year at opportunity



f isher joined UD Dane 路 bccause it provided her an

do what she loves. " I love getting to know so many cliHe rent

girls and da ncilJO' wilh them throughout the year," she said. COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN Row 1: Megan Dooley, Meagan O'Connell路Carne, Ashley Tornlin, Andrea Avila

UD Dance, formally known as l D Dance Dimemions, was founded in the Fall of 200 I by Courtney Pfenning. Essentially, Pfenning wanted to share her Love of dance with th e UD community, and her dream became a rea lity with the creation of this organization; Fisher con tinued Pfenning's passion and dedication, As the gro up \ kader, Fisher had some distinct goab for th 路路 team this yea r. Explaining her chi .{' objectives, Fisher stated, "The main goal is to become more of a tea m. \'\le have already taken steps to make ourselves look more professional, likc hiring


profCssiomd choreographT to make up our rou-

tine, '" Fisher also hoped [hat the d ance rs would gain individual attention for their hard \ 'o rk and dedicacio n. U D Dance has undero'one some chan!Tcs this year. [n the pas t, an audition was not requ.ired, but this year the [cam was more selecti\'e, "This is the tlrst year that there was a tryout process, The girls had to learn a thirty-second DELTA TAU DELTA Row 1: Leonardo Cisernino, Brett O'Donnell, Andrew Heida, John Schafer, Williarn Strusek, Micheal Shafer, Row 2: Steven Merzweiler, Chandler Tetirick, Vince Amicon, Jason Schafer, Seany Stilling, Wing Wu, Tucker Koch, Row 3: Robert Hebbeler, Ted Huelsrnan, Ned Kelly, John Zerbe, Chad Redrnand, Jon Scott, Matt Guzzo, Row 4: Ben Schrnidlin, Patrick Reilly, Mike Lalla, Tirn Miller, Chris Roland, Thomas Casey, Tirn Schneernan

routine, and for the next tryouts which were held, they had to perform in front of four judges," Fisher explained, After the tryouts, forty girls were selected to be members of the team This season was very busy for UD Dance. Its first performance was .iVIidnight Madness on October 14th at Frerick's Gym. "Midnight Madness is always a fun performance because the crowd is going crazy and the majority of the people there are students," Fisher recalled. The second performance was at the men's basketball exhibition game versus Central State on November 5th in the UD Arena. UD Dance still had much to look forward to for the rest of the year. "Evely year we always get asked to perform at Dance Marathon and Relay for Life," Fisher remarked. Still, the UD dancers hoped for more chances



and demonstrate their school spirit, as Fisher explained, ""Ve are hoping for more opportunities to dance at the basketball games." Clearly, UD Dance was a group of velY hard working and ambitious young performers. EPSILON DELTA TAU Row 1: Michael Erdei, Jon Seuchek, Matt Kelly, Ryan Kehm, Adam Wojnowski, Cory Gillespie, Row 2: Justin Lastrapes , Christopher Orofino, Michael Arnold, Lukas Swedlowd, Phillip Angelo Vedda III


The UD Dance squad entertains the crowd during halftime. The squad succeeded in getting the crowd engaged. Photo by: Katy Koran

The ladies of the UD Dance squad move in unison. The dance team continued to introduce new movements into each of its routines. Photo by: Janelle Young

EPSILON DELTA UPSILON Row 1: Jennifer Collins. Liz Wojtkun , Lizzy Fellows. Collette Cerveny. Katie Eshelman. Eileen Flaherty. Ann Burkhardt. Angela Caracciolo. Emily Reimer. Tiffany Morris. Row 2: Lindsay Kunay. Meaghan Morris. Leah Maya. Jennifer Jennings. Meagan O路Connell路Carne , Clarisse Kowalski . Kristine Morris. Bridget Heppeler. Kay Benten . Sarah Switaj. Nikki Burke. Row 3: Sarah Kleinholz. Katy Shephard. Amy Brinkman. Katie Wigalski . Kristy Suens. Sandy Bertke. Katie Marscll . Kristin Verlings. Row 4: Megan Gray. Kacey Criswell. Megan Dooley. Megan Mikal. Kathleen O路Neil. Sarah Hudgens. Leslie Reinhart. Nick Mancini. Stew Miller. Ashley Wilker. Emily Wagner. Row 5: Allysa Detroy. Kathryn Polzin. Marissa Finocchiaro. Kathryn Bunner. Nick Mickley. Eric Ihlendorf. Megan Guthrie. Stephanie Wurtz. Erin Weber. Caroline McCormick. Eric Bole

EPSILON TAU PI Row 1: Joe Giessler. Micheal Brazeau . Ben Lewis. John Roy Row 2: Nathan Sfara . Ryan Shapiro. Greg Kolber. Mike Schmitt. Geoff Kennard



defining un

Brandon Paluch pushes one of the local girls on a swing during the UDSAP trip. Outdoor recreation was one of the most-loved aspects of interacting with the kids. Photo courtesy of: UDSAP




defining un

UDSAP. (D.) a summer immersion program that emphasizes service,Jriendship and leadership,

FLYER NEWS Row 1: Kiera Gottemoeller. Jessica Parker Row 2: Jerry Martin. Mike Knezvic

A number of U D

~ lud e nls

Lhat plagu




may have the attitude that poverty is a plight countries; however, the harsh reality is L1u ll it

exisLs in our very own backyard. Specifically it exists a few hundreclmiles away from DayLon in the statt of Kentucky. 'niversity of Dayton's Summer '\ppalachia Program ( 'DSAP) is an organization that serves to combat th e ir~iu stj ces

of pm路erry.

In the words or m .mber Eric Eble " . D AP is a 42 year-old traditioll at UD in which a gro up of students traveiLO rv[aodhn County; Kentucky to immerse thcmselvcs in Appalachian culture and provide service, companionship, and friendship to the p ' ople Lhere. ' Students embark to Salyersville, KY on this nine-week program of "service, ommunity, simplicit)'; prayer, and culrural imm ersion " to perform a variery or activities.

s Eblc explains, "Th(' program consists 0 [' five diffe rent areas

of' activiLY: a del)' camp for younger children , which consists 0[' edu cational and r crcanonal aCLivities for young children in the area at a loca l park, a teen ce nte r held at th e house, a nd nursing home and ramil y visits." FLYER RADIO Row 1: Nicholas Joseph Mindigo. MIssy Apman n. Carly Poft. Greg Hansberry. Jimmy Larrabee. Row 2: David Jessop. Tony Blankemeyer. Matt Deasgie . Keith Bange. Nate Fernandes

The Leen C'm er is a bonding experience of


Th ere,

'DS \P'ers and

Loca l teens " hang out, talk abollt life, and hm" a good time." Specifically, as Eble explains, "CD studenL~ take leens to the house and play basketball, talk, and provide positive role models." \t the nursing home, UDSAP'e rs have the opportunity to interact wiLil L1le older ?vlagofTin reside11l" , many who have seen substantial changes in th e area. The visits to 10 al hom es are especially poignant. Eblc desc ribes the experience as a n opportunity to "rorm ule deepest anel mOst cohesive relationships with people who welcome us inro their homes out or a d ep, real sense or hospilaLity.' The program is a truly humblino experie nce. For six weeks, !ourteen students share very lighL quarLers ancllive in simple conditions (i.e. )utcioor bathroom, no television, and bucket showers outside). Through Lhis, all live "in


spirit of prayer, love, and service, " according to Eble.

Brother Tom Pieper, S.YI. serves as Lhe program's advisor. \ man committed to the cause, he helps pla n and implement lhe program. Summarizing Brother Tom's dedication, Eble says, "Without 'BT,' as he's aLlcctionarcly deem,d by all , the program wouldn't happen. " In addition , Brother Tom FLYERETTES Row 1: Stephanie Heller. Nicole Wojnarsky. Jessica Gardner. Michaela Lundy. Row 2: Becky Dunn. Ashley Graeber. Amanda Kruse. Becky Martin

makes the final decision regarding applications. Acceptance into the UDSAP program is based on applications. Students are

organiz ations

chosen by the co-dir ' 'lOr" under Brother Tom 's ctiscreLion. ''Before applying or doing the program , they [those interested] can experience Appalachia by visiting \Iith lorm er 'DSAPers, going un a Spring Brea k Out or allcnding the Appalach.ian Plunge, usually held in 0


the huusc,

路t obe l~ "

Ebk adds.

.For more information, co ntact Broth er Tom bye-m ail or visit tJ1e webpage at http://www. udayton. e du/~esc/ udsap.html.

Eble eloquently sums up his ove rall e.xperience willi UDS P: " tviost simply, it's a grand k <uning experience about many dille r nl aspects of Appalachia and, more generally, human lil<:. "DSAP perf 'cdy represents the 'Ieam , lead , sel'V ' mantra \",;th which students have all become so fam iliar. Students come

FUSION Row 1: Amy Bretnitz , Megan Mulroy. Juan Farmer. Matt Walker Row 2: Joanna Osterfel d. Courtney Keifer. Tom Watson

back from Salyersville as djlrTent people, lookin g at th e world w1th new eyes, loving harder th a n ever, and I路'ncting themse lves to others more frccly in a spirit 01" love a nd simplicity." In short, UDSAP reminds us that there is work to be done all around us. In the words of Bishop J ohn


Taylor: " Our first task in approacilinU' another

people, another culture, a nother relig-ion , is to take off our shoes, for the place is holy. Else we may find ourse lves treactiIlg all peopl \ dreams. More serious still we may forget that God was there before our arrival."

GEOLOGY CLUB Row 1: Andrea Ziegler, Hea ther Stewart. Hillary Sletten

John Graziano colors with one of the local kids. The UDSAPers did a variety of arts and crafts with the ch ildren. Photo courtesy of: UDSAP

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Row 1: Lindsay Brehm . Danielle Ermis, Katie Ro edersheimer, Colleen Rickner. Jen Knapke. Katie lopez Row 2: William Boisen, Nick Hoffman, Ryan Kistner. Ti m Truster. Charley Craig. Karalyn Snider. Brian Jackett


defining un

pride. of. dayton. (n.) UD)s marching band which prides itself in the values of hard work) dedication and motivation.

"Pain is temporary, PRIDE is forev 'r." This is the motto of the UniVl'rsity of' Dayton's Marchin g Band , th e Pride of Dayton (POD), This motto represen ts the attitude of th e Prid e of Day ton - a motto of hard work, dedication and motivation, Through five seaso ns with POD and three cliiferellt directors, Paola Montoya HOPE 4 HOLT STREET Row 1: Liz Sidor. Micela Buccini, Holly Jo DeHaven, Kathleen Lauer Row 2: Kyle Hilgefort, Ali Daeger, Scott Kaufman

has seen a great dral of chZll1gc, Currelltl); POD is led under the direction of Profes.'ior \Viltshire. Fortunately, \Viltshire has been an outstanding direc tor for the band. l\1ontoya, in her first )('ar as CEO of POD, raves, "I think they found the best person for th e Pride and that is Professor Wilt<;hire. The communjcation between the band anclthl' director has never been better," A "caring" and "d edieZltcd" man, Wiltshire has helped POD reach new levels, In particular, POD has grown in enrollment since last year. " With this being his [Will shire'S] second year, our enrollment has increased. Our playing and marching has improved as well [under his direction]," IVIontoya ' xpla ins, Still, lvfontoya has lofty ambitions for next year. " I hope the Pride \,vill keep grmying like it has in the last few y'ars, \Nith Protessor Wiltshire's help and the student leaders' motivation , I knmv it will. I hope to come bac k next year 'Bandcomin r 2006' and 'ee that the Pride spirit hasn't changed,

INSTITUTE OF INDUSTR IAL ENGINEERS Row 1: Jonathon Scalpone , Helen Rodriguez, SI1eema Clement.

but grown," she states,

Kevin Lenahan

Row 2: Chuck Edmonson, Alison Metais, Chris Nleport, Nick Brach

1V10ntoya has a busy season ahead of her, As she explains, " Our main goal for this season "vas


do a dille rcnt halftime show each home game. \Ve

have a -complishedthat by doing our "Patriot' Show (91 I 0), " Vegas" Show (9/17 ), "Cheesy 80's" Show ( lO l l ), "A Century of Sounds" (lOl lS), and

our "Senior Show" ( 10 /22 ), Further more, Band Alumni Weeke nd , a trip to Davidson, NC, high school performances on Fridays, and football pre-game . hows on Saturdays are also a part of POD 's agenda, Looking back on her five years with POD, Montoya has a gr a t deal of memories to take with her. Perhaps most notable is her exprri nee during th e weekend of October 1416, in which they celebrat ed one hundred years of UD Band: ':A, C entury of Sounds. " " Being able to share it with old friends 'mel meeti ng some alumni and past directors made it an unbelievabl ' cxp -rien ce," she r calls.


INTERNATIONAL CLUB Row 1: Zhon Xue. Hong路vy Nguyen. Thuy路vy Nguyen. Bic11路VY Nguyen, Sammi Qin Row 2: Pan Ho, Nikil Kaistha, Due Luong, Phillip Hoerner, Hao Wang, Henry Wolf. Kumiko Nakata

The Marching Band entertains the Parents Weekend crowd at halftime. The Marching Band was a staple at home games this season. Photo by: Brian Sullivan

ITALIAN CLUB Row 1: Ryan Gallese, Nicholas Mancini, Peter Visceglia Row 2: Cindy Leffred, Danielle Mungendst

T he people ar what M.ontoya values most about POD. As she explains, "T he family I gained [lhroughl being in the band is incredible. Everyone knows that th ey hav at least 130 other people that will be there for them in a time of need , fi-om a hug to a shoulder to cryan to helping in a financial or family crisis; we 're always Lher for each other. "

KAPPA ALPHA PSI Row 1: Jason LaFlore, Dasan Robinson, Andrew Holmes Row 2: Chi ron Alderman, CI1aries Kellam


defining un

international. club. (n.) a group of students who want to share diversity anlOng the UD community.

Look around your class room. Not everyone has the same skin tone yo u MEN 'S RUGBY Row 1: Adam Friedermann, Kyle Rush, Tom Lehner Row 2: Matt Coshway, Eric Gasper, Eric Erdman

have or speaks the same first language. Indeed -D prides itself in ctivcrsity. The International Club underlines thjs \'aiue of diversity through it$ role in campus life. The International Club is a m eans for students of aU ethnic backgrounds and cultures to come togeth er. As the preside nt Thuy-Vy l'\guyen explain,:;, " It's for everyone. 'I\Ie help stud 'nes Lo learn about Olher cultures." Th >2003-2006 events included a booth at Up th e Orgs Day, poLiuck dinne rs, the l.nte rnational Fes tival and Christmas on Campus. "''ve made cookies and j ewelry" fo r Chri 路tma ' on Campus, Nguyen reminisced. The m embers also solclt-shjns for Valentine's Day as a fundraiser in Feb ruary, The InterIlational Festival is pe rhaps tht' ITI OSt a nticipated biannual event, <lmon o ' the clulJ's activiti es. The event, ,;vhich usually occurs in the faU and spring, is held in the Virginia Ke tte ring l'vIain i'vleeting Roo m. A potluck of international (oods and the opportunity to he exposed to o ther 'ultures are among the highlights or the festi vities. In addiLion, traditional eLhnic

MODEL U.N. Row 1: Renee Berlon, Andrea Smith-Rippeon Row 2: Chris Esquivel

MUSIC THERAPY CLUB Row 1: Kimberly Ginding, Therese May, Stephanie Smaller Row 2 : Elizabeth Leisn er, Caitlin Perlow, Teresa Re cker

Some of the members of the International Club engage in song at their meeting, Photo Courtesy of: International Club



The members of the International Club learn about some African dances at one of their meetings. The club showcased many different ethnicities and their customs. Photo Courtesy of: International Club

costUlllCS arc worn to provide some cultural exposure. At this timc, students can ask questions rega.rding the culture and traditions of the respt.ctive country. In this regard, the internati onaJ students ea n bring a bit of their homeland to U D. Oth er eve nts included a "student Corum with th 路> fa culty to "s hare the experi ences of international students at UD." About fift e' n intern ational students meet every \Vedn esday


discuss relevant issues bcing th em on

ca mpus. The purpose is to h >lp UD students recognize and learn about diversity and at the same time bui.ld a mort' welcoming environment among

NATIONAL PANHELLENIC COUNCIL Row 1: Angela Latham, Ashlee Hill. Jessica Jenkins, Candace Watkins, Kristen Johnson, Melissa Bush Row 2: James Carter, Jared Davis, Aaron Grant, Bhttany Carter, Rayna Rogers, Andrew Holmes. Jason LaFiore, Ryan Pitts, Chiron Alderman, Ivory S. Penamon

the campus. Nguye n cherish es her memb 路Tship in th e rnternational Club. One of the aspects she values the most is her 路'interaction with all the interna t.ional students." Sh

thinks of" the meetitJO"s as a "chance


learn about other

cultures." Furt.herm ore, the meetings are an opportunity to converse with other f"oreign students a nd bond. In tact, Ng uyen pr fers to think of her CeLlo\\" m mbers as a bmily. As she explains, "\-'\Ie alliin: hr away." For her, the club is mol" than a n extrac urricula r aCLivity; but rather a tight knit bunch. of fri ends. The mee tirws are It "ld Fridays from 4:30-5:30 pm in the International O(hce, loca ted in room 200 of Zch1e r Hall. Th e club has about thirty active mcmbers, most of whom are ((Jreign. '路It's hard to get im:olved on ca mpus [as an international student]", ?\Iguyt,n explai.ns. Sh e encourages more Ameri 'a n students to com ' to a meeting. \ Vhat do you have to lose") You will meet some great people an d perhaps become a bit more cultured in the process! ror more information about the club, check out their website at v..,Nw.udayton. edu/~udie/blog.htm.

You can also call the International Office at x92748.

NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS Row 1: Antl10ny Jackson II, Gerica Brown, Jacqueline Hawthorne, Dysanne Reed, Alexandra Caldwell Row 2: Kevin Richardson, Reynolds Stargell, Tami la Livingston, LaTorie Martin , Loren Walton


defining UD

ORPHEUS Row 1: Amy Tiedge. Justin Zrenner. Kristin Arko

OVEREXPOSEO ANO UNOERDEVELOPEO Row 1: Vashti Joseph. Julie Jones. Katy Koran Row 2: Meghan Brown. Joe Hoffman . Eric Show

PHI KAPPA PSI Row 1: Craig Rossi. Berniw Powderly. Ross Knappick. Colin Hebenstre it. Joe DeLiberato. Kevin Woo. Dan Mi lls Row 2: Scott Geiger. Kevin Roll . Bart Borrelli. Tim Harbage. Gary McCary. John Denham. Tom Sutter

Lauren Burgess and Brooke Lud i pose in KC Wehking's digital photo booth. The booth was installed in Overexposed and Underdeveloped's InHouse Art Show at 33 Woodland. Photo by: Katy Koran


PI BETA PHI Row 1: Meghan Quinn . Tracey Greene, Megllan Kel ly, Valerie Bogus. Katie Haris. Katherine Van Etten. Mallory Khalifa . Nicole Pecaro. Maggie Lang. Meredith Miller Row 2: Brooke Stephenson. Gratia Hickey, Megan Johnston, Annie Reeder. Meghan McCurdy. Lauren Bailys, Michela Buccini. Sara Garland , Kristin Wargo. Sara Beth Garner Row 3: Carli Nielson. Katie Hohnecker. Allison Nooning. Andi Alexande r, Amy Smith, Michelle Gladstone. Katie Martau. Shelley Dahm. Jill Lawall . Katy Arnson Row 4: Danielle Desmond, Lindsay Rzeczkowski. Cara Maim. Cassie Lane. Jennife r Kasten, Kelly McMahon . Kerrie Kirkpatrick. Emily Keyes. Christine Bergman. Lindsey Murphy. Amanda Miller, Nikki Frischmann. Dustie Smith. Bethany Conlisk. Amy Tiedge Row 5: Julie Whitacre. Katie Kissell. Caitlin Gould, Michelle Hibbard. Katie Schumacher. Janelle Hayes. Jessica Bohne . Dani Schwartz. Lauren Arguilla. Erin Gree ly. Rosemary Conrad. Suzanne Hibbard

PHI SIGMA RHO Row 1: Susan Wal shon . Kendra Bunker, Lindsey Doe. Emily Ruthoff. Kristy Kuester Row 2: Haley Ryckman . Adela Pena. Allison Woods. Gina Isgro. Lauren Meindl, Rebecca Ossio Row 3: Amanda Troy. Melinda Crum, Kayla Miller. Nicole Glick. Nikki Woodward. Kandy Hampton. Laura Bright



defining UD

Travis Rindler, Katy Stalter and Caitlin Cronin represent three dramatic emotions. The Studio Theatre group continually entertained UD students with each of its productions. Photo by: Janelle Young




defining UD

theta. phi. alpha. (n.) a unique group of W01nen that share the bond of sisterhood.

G ree k Lill: is a sig ni flc alll part of the campus cul turc at UD. The curre nt Lwelv fraterniLi es a nd nine soro riri ' s comprise abo ut 15 pe r 'e nt of Lhe underg radu aLe p op ul at.ion. All G ree k organ iza Lions e mph asiz e lead e rshi p, se rvice, a nd phila nthro py, a nd 'fhe ta Phi Alpha is no ex '. "ptioll. Junio r E du catio n m a jo r Erin M cQuad e se rveS as th e preside nt fo r the 2005-

2006 sch ool yea r. S he h as be 'n a sister in T h "ta Phi A lpha since J a nuary PUBLIC RELATIONS STUOENT SOCIETY OF AMERICA Row 1: Tyre Goodwin. Liz Sidor. Nicole Miller, Nicole Brooks. Marcy Brody Row 2: Lauren Hacl\elt. Emily Haas. Caroli ne Miller. Steptlanie Barbour. Taryn King

2004 , th e second se m es te r

0[" he r fi rst yea r.

Sbe j oined b eca use she w anted

to " m ee t peo p le a nd ge t im'olved in th e sO ' ial a nd se rvice" asp ' cts. Th ' la Phi A lph a proved to he a n excelle nt o ppo rtunity lVrcQu ad c is proud to be a p a rt o f such a fine


d o bo th.

o rga ni~W Li o n

o n campus.

" The girls a re sO wU Jld er/i.Ii a nd weLl-rounded and have a contagiolls se n se o f e nthusiasm ," she expla ins. Furth e rm o re, lVfcQuade valu es a Ll th e asp ects 0 ["

th e so rority " \Ve o lfe r so many things," she says. It 's a ll th e re-the socia.l,

se rv ice a nd p hila nthro pic aspec ts. Howeve r, it s p hil LUl thropy th at lVl cQu ade believes sets T heta Phi Alp ha ap a rt fi'o m o th e r G r(,t'k o rga ni za ti o ns

0 11

campus. "Service is d ea r to my

hea rt ," M cQuade comme nts. T h ' T heta's service proj ect., Camp Fri e nclship, a ' arnp (o r und e rprivileg路d c hildre n in :vlissi ssippi , is both a st:rvice a nd philanthropi c e Oo rl. At th ' camp, th e siste rs trea t th e childre n in need wi th the love a nd di g nity th ey dese rve. McQua d e en courag es all sisters to RED SCAR E Row 1: Amanda D路Agostino. Aaron Hancart. Erin Meyer. Vicki Tobe Row 2: Tim Dolcich. Nicholas Mancini. Kevin Davidson

ge t involv 'ci with th e ca mp a t leas t o ne Lime in th eir sisLe rhood. Ac 'o rdin g to h ' l; it \ a n (' xc ellent oppo r Lunity to See \路" h e re th e m Oll 'y goes and h oy\! it

sh a p es lives. " \IYe can always d o rn Or ' (() r th e community," rVIcQua d e b el ieves. "'The re is a hva ys room l() r improvem e.nt a nd 11(~\V ways to help aro und us ." In g ne ra!' ~[ 'Quade hopes


the boost camp us m o rale. Coll abo rario n a m o n g

G ree k orga.l1i zatio ns is key. " VYe're all apart o f a co mmllni ry," she exp lains. No m a tt ' r what lette rs o ne wears o n his o r h


s\\路 -a tshirt, lVIcQu acle feels

all G ree ks a re callcd t.o work to'PLher. " \Ve wa nt to O'e t involved with other o rgani za tions, " sh e sa ys . Th e Alpha Psi 'hapte r o f T h e ta Phi Alpha was esta hlish ed a t th e Universi ty of D ay ton in th e s[Jring o f 1986. T he ta Phi Alpha bo asts a current m e mbe rship of ninety sist' rs. Th e o ffi cial colo rs a rc silve r, gold a nd blue. Sap p hire an d pea rl ar c th e o ffi cial j cw'els o f th -' soro rity. T he penguin INa s RESCUE SQUAD Row 1 : Kara Konys. Victoria Pinnock . Tiffany Latta . Guillermo Reichard. Erin CoughllA . Stephan ie Greene. Les ley Smi th Row 2: Kelly Sullivan. NaU1an Sciele. Bill Krebs. Chris Kniese. Mike Wi gton. Mich elle O'Agostino. Lindsay Cranfil l. Nicole Bri ll. Andrea Cappoli no, Katie Klopp. Kevin Heitka mp. Micheal Rodrl ez

ad o pt ,cl as th e m aSClJ t in 1987. The official The ta h o use can be lOllncl at 15 :24 Brown

.~ tree L



SIGMA CHI Row 1: David Rivelli Row 2: Aria Farmand, Denis Jeffries. Adam Calaway. Nicllolas Mancini Row 3: Ryan W. Brown , Mike Eschunbach, Matt Middendorf. Andrew Riebe, David Waruszewski

Some of the sisters of Theta Phi Alpha display the event's attractive t-shirts. Friendship Walk participants each received t-shirts upon entering the event. Photo by: Molly Majetic

SIGMA NU Row 1: Casey Drottar, Jonathon Powers. John O'Connell Row 2: Stepl1en Malone. Beau Hol ley. Ernest Miedlar, Tom Kowalski. Kurt Oblinger, Evan Will iams Row 3: Ryan Miller, Jake Trochelman. William Hadler. Brady Bates, Brent Burns, Kevin Pulsfort. Chris McHerbert. Zachary Cozzie



defining UD

catholic. life. (n.) afaith based organization that explores the Catholic way of life

SOCIETY OF MANUFACTURING ENGINEERS Row 1: Alison Metaism, Brooks Sease, Helen Rodriguez

As a private, Catholic, iVlarianist university, faith is an importaJ1l aspect of 'ampus 'ulturc at UD. Catholic Life provides the opportuni ty to grov\' in one's faith during the college y' a r 路. Everyone 's invited to this journey to "gain better undenanding of the Catholic faith", C mholic Life president Adam Past rnack explained. Catholic Life started at UD three yea rs ago, in the fall of 200 3 as a student group. Now the organization is a branch of Campus lVLnist ry a nd is ad\.i sed by Father Jim as the chaplain. Since then, it has grown has an organization. Catholic Li fe invites you to come join other UD students in seeking "to live an abu ndant life. " What exactly does Catholic Liu路 do in the UD community? Many opportunilies to become involved throughout the week ex ist. Alpha Omega

S1 VINC ENT DEPAUL SOCIETY Row 1: Renee Berlon, Ashley Dwyer, Michele Kelley, Emily Reimer, Li z Sidor, Claire Yerke, Lauren Anders Row 2: Andy Badinghaus, Craig Irwin, Kevin Timms, Charley Craig , Holly St. Meyers , Jessica Rodeck, Kristy Stiens, Ki mberly Vogt, Liz Tracy, Elizabeth Abezetian, Bill Loftus

nights, which are held every other Thursday in VIVK's meeting room, are faith sharing s ssions. Small "LI FE" (Living in Faith Everyday) groups are the "backbone of Catholic Life." The program focuses on three central objectives: faith sharing, faith formarion and scripture. IHOP (Intense H o ur of Prayer) night are held throughout the semes ter. These sessions are oppo rtunities to '" alher toge ther with fellow tudents for a tim e of prayer, reflection , singing, and worship."


program is ano ther option. SpecificaUy, as a Pe





'Minister you are a leader

and role model for fellow students in represe nting Catholic Life. Dllfing this yea r long co mmitment, yo u attend Alpha Omeaa nights, go to the leadership con fe rence in April, lead various service projects, bible studies, and e\'en a Catholic Life com mittee. Most importantly, your ideas can h lp to guide the dire ' tion of Catholic Life. "\ hat can Catholic Li fe do for yo u'.' The spiritual brndits arc endless. STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION Row 1: Matt Maroon, Christie Riepenhoff, Laura Steffey, Nina Jolani, Meghan Gruen, Alai Uriguen, Bridget Brown , Lauren Hausmann, Ryan Gallese, Peter Puskar, Kathleen O'Neil Row 2: Gordon Schweitzer, Drew Navolio, Steve Hileman, Jessica Jenkins, Alisom Kroeger, Meg Lyn sky, Suzie Whelan , Rayna Rogers, Roberto Cre spo, Jon Frigano, Michael Doenges, Zwisel Gandia Row 3 : Phil Bronson, Sean Douple , Christine Pettit, Peter Visceglia, Nicole Brooks, Clare Ziatic, Laura Brislin , Erin Meyer, John Desmond, Andrew Fist. Sarah Wdowiak, Alison Bl ack Row 4: Brad Beck. Chri sten Winkfield, John Ray. Dave Schlueter, Brian Turk, Sean Estell, Kevin Kel ler. Alexandra Petz, Andy Stucensch nejder, RaCfii! Max~ l l , Sara h Fillatraut, M ssy Apmann, Micheel McDermo Emi Hulbu rt, Wade-~uekerr, J frey Gustafson, Ene E;rdman . Greggg Sosaka, Kev,n Bullinger. Bridget Mcllwee, John Gran ier, Joe Jopsik, Bria n Feeler, Ada m Rathe , Erik Elam

Through Catholic Li ie, yo u can "den' lop a betler appreciation for how faith can affc('l your daily life. " Catholic Lill- is a strong com munity of Christian fellowship a nd a means to develop a bl'llcr apprecia tion ()r U]) 's ;\1arianist heritage. Catholic Lite plays a major role in Pasternack's life. In his words, "I enjoy having a community to be challenged and grow,

ne that genuinely cares

ab ut you a nd yo ur well-being." All UD students a re we.iro01C to a ttend Catholic Life even ts to furth er their faith life. For more infO! malion, check out

U1 C

C tholic Life website at h qp:l /wvvwudcatholiclif< .com/ or e-mail

catholiclife@notes. \\;th inq uiries.


Ashley Wagner and Holly Snyder sing and dance during praise and worship. The members of the Catholic Life organization centered themselves around devotion to their faith. Photo provided by: Catholic LIfe

STUDIO THEATRE Row 1: Ka ty Stalter Row 2 : Ama nda Conversino, Nora Coyle, Kati Bakes, Kathleen Bauet i Downs, Nickie Ayers Row 3: Caitlin Cronin, Katie Schneller, Becca Russo, Jessica Coyle, Suzy Va lade. Kevin Boschart Row 4: Ni kolai Lauke, J. Kempir, Joe Beumer, Sarah McLachlan, leslie Sl~gel, Chuck L ~z , Matthew Formanski

TAU BETA PI Row 1: Cllarles Kesting, Michelle Stachler, Audrey Bentz, Emily Brackmann Row 2: Zach Heaten, Kevin Walsh, Jim Alverson, Nick Hoffman



defining UD

studio. the atre. (n.) a--group of students who share a

THETA PHI ALPHA Row 1: Al icia Smith. Keri Buonavolonte. Brittany Kreager. Jen· nifer SL Pierre. Cindy Jackson Row 2 : Lauren Cardone. Enn McQuade. Alyse Harlan. Jenna Naone. Lora Dickerson. Lauren Kleppetsch Row 3: Joanna Newlin. Knsti Patterson. Kristina Hel lwig. Sarah Parker. Megan Stoffel. Leigh Bradford . Courtney Heitkemper. Michel le Stock. Heatiler Doughty


cO Jne

together to

love of dra111.a.

For m ost p eople, stage !-right is a lcgiti ma te phobia to ove rc o me. Especially for the shy kid, geltil1D" up o n stage is a niu-htma re. T his, h O\.\,ever, was not the case for seniorJessica C oyle; to her, being o n stage was second na ture. That vvas exactly w hy she joined Studio T hea tr a t o


A ·tin g since th · fourth

g rade, Coyle decided to c.o ntinue her h obby by j o ining Studio T heatre at the end of her first yea r. In discussing her d ebut to the U D theatre scene, Coyle explained , " I a ud itioned for several shows my freshman year a nd th e first show I go t in was Dr. FriLZ.; or th e E) rces of L ig ht. I played a Hispa ni ' street-ve ndor who was possessed by the spirit o f a G erma n do cto r. Needl ess to say. it \·vas a splendid tim "!" C oyle exclaimed. C oyle raved about how Studio T heatre has enh a nced her life a nd th e rem a rka ble peopl e she has m c t through a cting. She d eclared, "It's helped m y public speaking, socia l, a nd prim a rily writing skills in ways I can't begin to cleseribe. I sta rted writing ske tches, ski ts, and plays m y sopho ll1o r ' ycar and it's bee n incredibly enriching. Ther "s a lso lhe ela tio n of doin g a perform a nce a nd having it well-received by tll e a udience, \vhich is

UD CLIMBI NG CLUB Row 1: Meagan O·Connell-Carne. Lindsey Doe. Victoria Pin· nock. Daniel Koeh ler Row 2: William Boisen. Bria n Morilak. Steven Kerley. Ken Smith

remarkably intoxicating." Coyle explained that Studio Theatre was such a tight knit bunch that has so much fun toge ther, so it was difficult for her to choose a favorite m emory. However, a few have topped her list. In reminiscing over her most cherished memo ries, she recalled that lhey " involved some tasty beverages, a gaggle of fri ends, and my favo ri te tlling in the en tire world: the karaoke machine." In terms of her most m mora ble p iece, her fa vorite starring role was '''Identity C risis," in which she recalled,


got to be entirely spastic and wear fake

breasts. It was one of" the most li be rati ng rol es I've ever had." 'vVhe n as ked how som eo ne ca n get involved in Studio Theatre, Coyle excitedly replied , "Corne to a meeting l Audition for a show! It's so easy a nd fun. " Obvi o usly, the group is very wdcoming of new members. Coyle fur th er explained , "You get involved by coming to our meetings and getting on th e ma il ing list. Yo u ca n audiLion fo r plays without being in the club, but getting into one makes you a m ember. " Coyle encourag d stude nts to com ' o ut a nd support Studio Theatre, UD DANCE Row 1: Bethanu Hey. Brittany Kirk. Caitlin Barney. Enn Fishe r. Liz Coyle. Abigail Doane. Ashlee Essex Row 2: Amy Masowick. Carly Delzell. Sarah Noble. Tiffanie Chow. Jennifer Jennings. Jaclyn Schier. Annie Klapheke Row 3: Diana Giscard D·Estalng. Jenna Freeman. Lindsey Murphy. Stephanie Heller. Teresa Rose Recker. Sara Gelshard. Catherine Cappetta. Kristin Crawford. Jen Cherrington. Chelsea Stripe. Briltany Walliser. Leslie Peaper


especially thjs past year. She uro'eel, " If yo u have the '" ha nce, always m a ke sure yo u make iL to Full C irde, our revie\v of skctch co mecly Ula t we have almost l' vc r


becZl us' yo u ' U probably la ugh ha rder tha n yo u eve r have

(except if you've seen full Ci rcle be u)re)." The One Act plays would ente rta in yo u a~ well. Lasting onl y 15 minut O'ave you " an idca of what m e th ods

0 ["


or ~O, Coyle sa id that the productions

ca n clo and let you experience the differ nL

directing and ac ting that we h ave."

WOMEN'S CLUB VOLLEYBALL Row 1 : Carrie Lusk, Sarah Switzy. Michelle Honerlaw. Jamie Lovel l Row 2: Nikki Miller. Savannah Spring, Sarah Mltterholzer

WOMEN 'S LACROSSE Row 1: Tracey Greene, Katherine Behr, Laura Diekman. Colleen VanTiem, Jennl Jacobs, Emil y Reinberg. Kara Konys Row 2: Meghan Ginl ey, Michekke Forcier, Kaltlin Smith, Ki ra Baltutis , Moey Babak, Katie Jones, Ahna Lyn Benson , Kee ly Middem , Julie Dillon , Alli e Rowan , Meredith Garibaldi, Kim Yoder, Tyre Goodwin, Jenna Johnson, Ka tie Cox

Caitlin Cronin and Jessica Coyle act out a scene of a skit. The Studio Theatre group provi ded a lot of laughs to all of its audiences. Photo by: Janelle Young

ZETA TAU ALPHA Row 1: Emily Reinberg, Elise Hultgren, Anne Leipzig. Tiffanie Chow. Enn Lee, Ann e Tomber, Tricia Backus, Kristina Sasina, Jessica Hayes

Row 2: Emily Ryan, Elizabeth Abezetian. Kim Strasburg, Jenni Johnson , Julianna Long , Michelle Forcier, Kristi Cool, Susan Krali ch, Katie Jones , Jen Yeager, Laura Cary. Jenna Freeman



defining un

Illag. (n.) a section of this publication dedicated to those who exemplify learning, leading, and serving.

Have you ever noticed someone on ca mpus that might "sti 'k out" more than others in a special kind or way? These type ' or people embod y all that is


A rew 0[' th ese individuals ar' the focal poillt 1'0 1' th Mini tVIag

section , as each person demonstrates his or her ability to either learn , lead or serve the >Iltirc campus in more ways than a typical individua l. \ Vheth er th -y arc professors in class or st-ucl ents involved in so many acuviues that they need thelr resumes in li'ont or them to remember everything, th se people are unique 'md giv -' back to the campus more th an th ey Lake_ The te rms " L >arn, Lead, al1(1 Serve" are a pi\'otaJ aspect w th way in which each person develops his o r her personality and character in life, Som e people, such as Dr, \ndrew Slade and Dr, John ivJcCombe, fo cus on the Learn aspect and t '3ch students day in and day out ("\'eryLhing they need to know abouI th eir course, In addition , Philosophy and English arc nOL the only things thaL these two professors teach in their classroom_ Their goals a rc to tetch the students not just to memorize th e material , but to think abo ut it and use it in life situation' , From the Lead viewpoint of the lVlini .vlag theme, Eileen Sullivan and Brandon Paluch characteriz

this defillition with their abilit)l to guide

people in th eir times of need and help out whenever possible, If it was not for peopl like them, then so many individuals would he at a loss and would not have anyone to help lead them back, Lastly, when thillkin about the Serve section of the ivLnil'vIag, fr, Burns and Emily Nohne r are perfect exa mples or how som e peopl -' an serve others before thinking of th emselves, The two have had so much exp ' rience helping othe r students or less rortunate individuals and sha re the ability to serve withoUl being asked , These three te rms are in many ways the primary foeus of so mallY people's Jives h ere at the University of Dayton, The six individuals featured in this section are example: or Lhese ideals and conti nue to show their strengths on campus and heyond,

ITIlnI lTIag


Dr. Andy Slade and Dr. John McCoDlbe

Eileen Sullivan and Brandon Paluch

Father Norbert Burns and Entily Nohner


104 I defining un

dr. andrew. slade. (n.) afun-loving and brilliant professor of Philosophy.

Some might say that teaching philosop hy at the coUege level is a challenge. H ere at the University of Dayton , Dr. Andrew Slade, a visiting Assistant ProJessor, takes on this challenge every day in the classroom. Beginning his career on UD's campus in 200 I , Dr. Slade has developed a unique teaching method that impresses many of his students. Teaching a vari ety of courses has helped him to better understand the student population here on campus. " I teach a lot," says Slade as he lists some of his courses, which include Introduction to Philosophy, Business Ethics, and Philosophy & Literature. Throughoul the semesters, he has been able to learn how to teach diJferel1l types of people and challenge the norms and experiences that have already been established here on campus. One of the key classes that Dr. Slade teaches, 1I1lroduction to Philosophy, is usually mandatory for most students. "Vhen asked how he thinks students can benefit from taking such a class, Slade responds, "I have a rather odd way of teac hing at UD." Essentially, he expresses his personal perspective to all his sllJdenLs, but maintains, "1 demand my students to engage it [his perspectivcl , but do not care if they believe me. 1 just want them to think about it." His dilfercnt perspective orkrs


the opportunity

to entertain new ways of thinking, possibly helping them in their future careers even if th y do not hold the same beliefs. Dr. Slade teaches both philosophy and literature, and when asked why he chose this combination, he repli >5, "Bc:cause 1 was never satisfied wil.h just one or lhe other. I wanted them both to be interconnected someway." And so he COlltinues each semester demonstrating the many different methods in which he can teach

hi ~

students both subj ects. " Philosophy,"

he continues, , is not aboul answers. It is about questions. A student must remember the importance and seriousness of questioning when learning about philosophy." Clearly, Dr. Slade understands that the most essential part of knowledge is curiosity. To an incoming [-irst year student, Dr. Slade may not seem different than any other professor here on campus. But after taking his classes, students realize they are very lu cky to have a profl-'ssor Like Dr. Slade to help them understand the chaLlenging subj ct of philosophy. "Teaching is not just


lTIlll1 lllag


Dr. Slade illuminates a point in his Contemporary Aesthetics Seminar. Photo by: Katy Koran

Dr. Slade becomes animated during class discussions with students. Photo by: Katy Koran

Dr. Slade rests in his office between classes. Photo by: Katy Koran

about tran smitting knowledge," Slade says, "It involves that, but it is not everything. " H suggests th at teachers eve rywhere should pos questions in order to make the classroom a plac where knowl 'dge Rows. There is never a time where he wants to just be a pe rsoll who idly sits and lectures to a class. Every class is difTeren t, and he sa , s chat he learns new things every day with the students. Dr. Andrew Slade is one-of-a-kind in Illany ways in and outside of the classroom. His unique style or teaching has been a gift


many students

throughout his caree r. The students he has taught will leave this university with a better understanding of the challenges of philosophy.


106 I defining UD

((un is full ofgood students) but the fact that they care about the world is very i1npressive to 1ne.)) Dr. McCombe gives a big smile as he sits in his office between classes. Students could count on seeing McCombe's smiling face everyday in class. Photo by: Janelle Young

john. Il1ccoll1be. (n.) an English professor that connects with his students while still finding time for his family.

Many people might wonder why someone wouJd want


teach college-aged

students. Dr. John McCombe's response to that is simple. After teaching high school studenls for a few years, he soon learned that he shared the same level of humor as college-aged inclividuals, ,vhich would in turn benefit the students as he taught his classes. He goes on to say that another rcason for coming to the college echelon is "a greater percentage of individuals are excited about learning at the university level than in high school." Dr. McCombe lectures to his class from the front of the room. Students looked forward to his strong sense of humor each day. Photo by: Luciana Zolli

ITI1ll1 ITIag

OriginaLly from the area around suburban Pittsburgh, Dr. McCombe has been a parl of the U niversity of Dayton community for five yea rs.


chose to travel west to Dayton beca use it was in a central location bet\veen his wiie's family in Indiana and his in Pennsylvania. R emembe ring his fint visit to campus, McCombe recaUs that the faculty members all seemed to be intelligent, kind people who did not feel the need to remind him all the time of how scholarly each person tended to be. A.lso, "the students in my classes," he comments, "said 'thank you ' to me the first d ay of class," a prime example of how people on campus feel connected al UD. After accepting his position at the University, Dr. McCombe began his teaching career as an English professor. He now teaches many diHerent subjects, such as British Literature, which is required for all English majors, film courses, and first yea r writing

cours ~ s.

lVIcCombe remarks, "Teaching one course

helps you teach another course in general. You begin to see simi.larities in film and in drama as the years prog ress ." This way of thinking has helped him become one of the most talked about teachers on campus. vVhen asked what he thinks stu dents should tak away from his classes, McCombc responds that he hopes they will " become better writers than when they started the course. Every student can improve on that. "

Once someone is finished with Dr.

McCombe's class, the y wiLl surely understand this and have a much better grasp on the many English subjects taught at the Universily in general. Spending many hours in the classroom , Dr. McCombe some times is able to see a student's perspecti ve on life differently than others. He explains, "UD students are a part of the city of D ay ton. UD is full of good students, but the facl that th ey care about the world is very impressive to me." He a lso thinks about the diO'erences betwee n th e students and himself in another way. McCombe comm ents, ",,yhenever I drive through the stud ent neighborhood o n Friday nights, I realiz ' thal my students in class and I have a \vhole diOerent Life." With that being said, however, he is glad that he is able to see the diff' rence and und ersta nd how his students migh l act in a setting othe r tha n the classroom. In between all of' Dr. McCombe's schoolwork , he does find some free time to relax. H e loves lO play with his two young d a uO'hters whenever he gelS a

chance al hom e. H is a lso interested in music and prefe rs the rock, jau. and some classi a l O'enres on his mixed CDs. Finally, belween th e schoolwork, his childre n and his music, .McCombe d oes find Lim to read and enjoy the a

relaxation thal it brings. Dr. John McCombe is a Dayton.

o n e-()r~a-kind

individu al here at the Uni versity of

''''hether he is g rading English pape rs, talking with his students

after class, or listening to the many music a lbums h 路 owns, there is no one quite like lhis professor.

Try lakin cr one of his

cl a~ses



will agree

that Dr. McCom bt路 i not only a n intelligent tC'Khe r, but a lso n all around great man.

Dr. McCombe reads song lyrics along with listening to a recording in class. Dr. McCombe brought music into the classroom to enhance the course material. Photo by: Luciana lolli




defining un

eileen. sullivan. (n.) a one-of-a-kind resident assistant who knows how to experience life to the fullest.

Although she originally intended to go to rvGami U niversity, Eileen SlilEvan changed her mind at the last minute and decided to co me to the U niversity of Dayto n. T his choice, along with deciding to major in Religious Studies, was a crucial turning point in h er Life. Now, in he r third year at the University, Sullivan has since changeel her major to Philosophy and Political Science, but still enjoys every minute spe nt here on ca mpus. Sh e noted that one of the main reason for stayi n cr was, " the teachers were so nice, a nd there is a great se nse of community that you don't ge t from oth r schools." vVhile living on campus th e past three years, Sullivan has become a big role model for many incoming students about to begin their college careers. She was a Resident Assistant for a floor in Mari anist Hall during the 2004-2005 school year, and in some ways, this was a challenge. Coming to the University at such a yo ung age, some of the girls that she supervised were older than she. This odd coincidence was extremely hard for Sullivan as she tried to become frie nds with the resicle nts while attempting to still maintain oreler. This year, Sullivan was a Resident Assistant in Stuart Hall and comments that her gi rls were "perfect." \Vhen asked how she would respond to being in such an a uthoritative role almost '24/7, she responded, "It has given me an outlet to form lasting and meaningful relationships and still Jeel comfortable coming to me with a problem ." This way of thinking has llclpcd her get through some of those tough times when she did not want to be the authority figure anymore. Other than being a Resident Assistant, SulJivan was also involved in the Chaminade Scholars program, which she said was the most influential part of her li fe here on campus. Through this program, she made most of her friends who have stayed with her throughout the years in the good times and bad. Sullivan was also a member of Phi Sigma Tau , a nalional Philosophy Honors Fraternity, and is the president of the Unive rsity Honors program advisory committee. When asked how she thought the University of Day tOll ,"vas different than other colleges, SuLlivan responded, "The fact that stuclcnts and facul ty members are motivated by a sincere love for one another; people here are int('f('stecl in love for one anoth er and do not limit tlll'mselves to the

Ill11l1 Illag

academics." This was a prime example of how someone mi;" ht s "e this university as one-of-a-kind in many djfferent aspects. In addition to her campus involvement Sullivan was also involved in many activities outside campu s. In the 'ummer of 2005, she worked in Cincinnati at an organization 'alled Grace Place, a Catholic Worker Community. She helped African refugees in their time of need , which was an incremble cxperience for her. Throughout Sullivan's career at the Uni ve rsity of Dayton, she cared abou t improving many different aspects of campus and was not shy about saying what was on her mind during the improveme nls. She committed herself to getting involved and making the University the best it can be academically. T hese tasks have not always been easy for her, but as she had proven, she can get the job done when as ked.

Sullivan smiles at the passers-by in the hallway. Photo by: Katy Koran

In the coming years, SuLLiva n hopes to st.ay open and keep exploring new thi ngs. After grad ua tion, she plans to take some tim e off before Graduate School and apply for an international or domes6c service program. 'When asked what advice to give to other underclassmen , Sullivan comm nted, "Think criticaLLy and respect yourse lf, especially coming into your freshmen year and continuing through ou t the next years." These words of wi sdom come directl y from a two-year Resident Assistant veteran and are important

"people here are

to remember when experiencing coUege life.

interested in a love for one another and do not litnit thetnselves to the acadetnics. ))

Eileen Sullivan shows the camera a warm expression. Photo by: Katy Koran


110 I defining UD

((the experiences in Haiti and India with the people of extrerrte poverty have brought rrte to a better understanding of the world. ))

Brandon Paluch takes time to stop and offer a warm smile. Paluch's presence has certainly brightened UD's campus and the lives of many students. Photo by: Katy Koran

brandon. paluch. (n.) the worldly, Metanoia tnan with a plan to help students see a spiritual side of their lives.

Come senio r year, some students try to relax during their final months on campus. Brandon Paluch,

howeve l~

does nothing of the sort. Sure,

everyo ne needs 11me to relax , but ill Paluch\ case, he knows how to r 路 lax and (Tet involved as much as possible herr at the University of Dayton. A native of Zurich, lUinois, a suburb of Chicago, Paluch explained that the community on campus was why he has staycd all fo ur yea rs. " It was more of .iust like a feel. I stopped by randomly on ule way


my grandparent's

house and loved it evcr since," he comm nled on his cliscov(,J'Y of campus. That random vi sit was very important in his life and to t.h e University's, as he has been a tremendous part of countless stud ent activities. Brandon Paluch takes a moment for prayer in the UD Chapel. Paluch's faith has always been a staple in his life. Photo by: Katy Koran

As a double major in Religious Studies and History, Paluch \路\'as involved in several campus ministry socials and events. H " was a part of th e Marycrest H all retreat and eventually b'came a M etanoia retreat leader hisjunior year.



In his senior yea r, he moved up in Lhe ranks and became the co-director of the lVIelanoia retreat that involved sophomo re, juniors and seniors across the enLir - campus. In fact, these retreats provided some of th e most memorable moments during his time at the

nivcrsity of Dayton.

1 ot only did Paluch participate in the spiritual aspects here on campus, but

he was also a pa rt of the spring break out trip to H aiti. In addition, Palu ch was a part of the ultural immersion to India and helped the less fort unate in many different ways. \t\ h -' n as ked how he thought the Universi ty of Dayton was difTerent th an oth er

colleges, Paluch said, "The community aspect here on campus. The ghello is a perfect example. People are able to be together and build community and eventually look out for each other. " This was surely the best way to cles ribe campus. Many people point out UD's community environment after they experience a few years of living near or in the student neighborhoods. Palu ch remembered his Hinduism class as one of the most significant courses he took. " I went into the class with an a rrogant attitude, and it opened me up in so many way. ," Paluch stated. "That is why I went to India and it changed my life profoundly." Another importa nt class cluring his time here was Catholic Doctrines, which gave him a bette r grounding for the person he tri s to be. Additionally, Paluch took Father Burns' Christian Marriage course and noted that he will always remember the lessons of love ancl commitment for the rest of his life . Looking back over the past four y ' ars, Paluch commented on what changed him dramatically from a high school student to a promising college graduate. H e explained , "The exposure to the lVlarianists and their gifts of community and hospitality has been a big factor. Also, the experiences in Haiti and India with people of extreme poverty have brought me to a better understanding of the world." These past experiences were of great benefit to Paluch as he looks to move forward in his years following college. Some advice Paluch gave to the underclassmen on campus was to " not be afraid.Just live it. Don't just come to the University of Dayton to get a degree. It has so much more to offer in your short time here." These words of wisdom clearly explained what a great time Paluch had during the past four years in Dayton. In the future, Paluch hopes to teach at Catholic schools and take classes for a Masters degree in the summer months. Overall, Paluch had many great experiences on this campus and amazing memories to go with them.

Brandon Paluch takes a moment for rest and reflection in the Chapel. Photo by: Katy Koran


112 I defining un

father. norbert. burns.



one of the University of Dayton)s legends on ca1npus who teaches students the Christian view of 1narriage.

To many, Father Norbert Burns, S.M. has been a legend here at the University of Dayton.

Certainly after teaching for sixty-one years, he

has a right La be. Hundreds of stud nLs have been give n the privileg ' of taking his Christian Marriage class at some poil1l in their careers here at lhe U Tliversity and let the record show thal PaLher has never miss d a singl - day of class. Keeping that record has proven Father s absolute dedication to his students day in and day out. Whe n asked why he prefe rs teaching colleo-eaged individuals, FaLh ' r replied , " College is pure delight! high school for [our years, but there was was much more challenging."


r Lried


much discipline involved, and it

ItimateJy, l'athe r's goal has bee n to educate

students in order for them to have a successful life in the real world as they grow a nd begin to form their own families. Ch6stian Marriage has been a class primarily for graduating senIOrs because of its high popularity. "Seniors are at an important stage in their Life," Father expl ained. From the first day of class when he greeted every student with a firm handshake to the last day of class when he bids farewell to each student with a hug, he has viewed each individual he has met as a

soon-to-be friend. This way of establishing a relationship \"Iith each of his students has been the main reason why he has continued to teach year after year. At one stage of his life, he was asked to become an administrator here on campu s, but Father did not take that position, explaining, "1 wanted to spend my life in the classroom and marriage field, not in administration where there were no students everyday. " Throughout the years, Father Burns, S.M., has been involved in a number of different activities on campus. He held the very first Mass for Christmas on Campus many years ago and used to celebrate Mass every week at the chapel. These days, however, he dedicates his time and energy solely on his Christian rVIarriage cla. s. Many might ask why a priest would spend the majority of his life teaching rather than living the " regular life" of a lay man . Father decided to come to the University of Dayton after being invitrd in 1958, and he explained that it has always met all of his needs. vVhether he is teaching a twenty-two year old about marriage or counseling couples in the evening hours, he has always thought his life is

\~I onderful

for him.

Illml Illag


((I wanted to spend tny life in the classrootn and tnarriage field, not in adtninistration where there were no students everyday. "

Father Burns stands at the head of his classroom and gives the camera his warm smile. Students cherished Father's presence in the classroom and in their lives. Photo by: Janelle Young

Father lectures to his large Christian Marriage class. Father's lectures made for much discussion both in and outside of class. Photo by: Janelle Young


114 I defining un

"Don't be afraid to be who you are and to learn who you are as well. Don't be embarrassed by the mistakes because it doesn't matter. Cut your losses at the end

of the day."

Nohner shares a laugh with a group of UD women. Women's Week was the topic of this meeting. Photo by: Katy Koran

entily. nohner. (n.) when you think about service work in Africa, E1nily will c01ne to 1nind.

In some ways, Emily Nohner may look just like any oth er student here at the University of Dayton. This junior from Omaha, Nebraska, however, has gone beyond the typical college call of duty and become a role model for oth.ers, both young and old. Indeed, she has accomplished some of the mosL extensive amounts of community service of anyone else on campus. Nohncr's service involvement on campus began her first year when she became part of a team for the Relay for Life cancer walk held on campus Nohner flashes the camera her signature grin. Photo by: Katy Koran

lllllll lllag

every spring. Nmv, lor the past two years, she has been involved with th . peace group Pax C hriSli and been a part of SOA (S hool of the Americas) protes ting iJl G eorgia . At one point in th e past three yea rs here on campus, she was able to b a part of a group protesting the VVal-Mart C orporation and soo n had a chance to mee t with Lee Scott. After the two met, she W ZiS a ble to fly with oth er students to Bangladesh to ,;[udy s'wcatshops and the e/leers they have on the people that wo rk there. This experience spa rked an interes t that soon led to No hner traveling wi th the School of International Trainjng (SIT) to Uga nda and Rwa nda in the summer 0(' 2005. "Vhile in Africa, she became involved in a program that studied conflict, peace, and the major effec ts of genocide, not onl y for the Afri can people, but also for huma n beings a round the wo rld. All of this ove rseas experience has helped Nohner grow to be the person [h at she is today.

noticed .

No hner's sel\!ice illvolvement is ult.imately renected throughout her campus experiences. V"hen asked what her fa vo rite classes have been, she replies, " I loved Afiican History and Diplomacy a nd Peace. " Sh >has been a part o f the CORE program throughout her time here a nd has success fully compl eted all of its requirements: som cthing all C OR E students understand is no small accomplishment. Looking at th e U ni v> rsity from th Ma lianist perspecti ve, No hner goes on to say, "Lea rnirJ<T ,." hat it m eans to be a Ma n allist is a really interesting process because it is so orga nj . It ca n be what

YO ll

want it



because you can ei th er embrace the communi ty or not, but you are accepted no matter what. The people her ' support yo ur actions, but wa nt yo u to do the work yourself' Clea rly, Nohncr's view is a very un,iquc way of looking at the C atholjc tradi tion th at ,路vas esta blished her ma ny yea rs ago . Some might 1V0nder what else ma kes No hner stand out in the cro wd of thousands of UD students. V\ hen as k d how she feels a bout this ques tion, she respond , 'It is not a bout what what T want

Emily Nohner looks on as someone else speaks. Her dedication and heart have never gone un-


YO ll

do, it is a bout who you arc. T hat's

be re ognjzed for." Aft er co untless hours of working with

other students and people aro und the wo rld to spread th e spirit of service, Nohner has acquired the integri ty necessary to show w'ho she is as a person throughout the rest of her life. I n the future yea rs, Nohner hopes to work in lVar to rn societies. She wants

not only to rebuild the people and the infras tructure, bu t also to take the people out o f the coUateral damage a nd let them exp erience a bette r life. To the underclassmen who may wonder what it takes to become this involved in so many great opportunities, Nohner says, " Don't be afi'aid to be who you a rt' and to lea rn wh o yo u a re as well. Do n't be embarrassed by th e mista kes because it cloesn't malleI'. C ut yo ur losses at the end

0 ('

the day. " VVith that

advice, many p ople ca n a ppreciate all the wonderful sen路i ce that No hner has accomplished Lhroughout her time here at the

nive rsity of Dayton.

Photo by: Katy Koran



defining un

The three towers of Stuart Complex rise into a familiar form at the top of Stuart Hili. Adele , Meyer and Sheehy Halls served as home to many first-year residents. Photo by: Janelle Young




defining UD

founders. hall. (n.) centrally located first-year residence hall with ridiculously sm.all room.s) but a strong sense of com.m.unity.

GROUND SOUTH Renee Adam, Samantha Oberski, Steph Zielanko, Jamie Janus. Christina Hull. Katy Feifer, Jess Fasola . Lisa Aubry, Kelly Legrand, All ison Swan, Lauren Mayer. Amy Casella, Sarah Grady. Betsy Trem. Li z Crombi

\,Vhil e Founders Hall is the oldest student residence haU on UD 's campus, there is no other place where you can roU out of bed five minutes before your class and make it to your destination with a minute and a half



no matter where you are headed on campus. For a lo ng time, I thought that was th e only adva ntage of living in Founders Hall. As a sophomore, I had set foot in Founders all of one time- for abo ut five minutes. I was one of' those spoiled first-years who we re lu 'k}' ellough to land in IVlalianist Hall with arpeting Clnd air conditioni ng, and therefor , l~unders

was below me. Howeve l; I received the assignment to get the noor

photos for all the first-years Living in Founders, anel I was forced to sp nd some time in the old bui lding. That is when I unelerstood the appeal of Founders Hall. No matter which hallway r set foot in , ther ' always stooel an inlormal group of AOOl'mates, simply socializing and havi ng fun. Th e halls 1 SOUTH Julia Arroyo, Alicia Templeton, Kelly Long, Kristin Lang, Kaitlin Bennett. Terri Montes. Amina Moore, Emily Jones, Amanda Leech. Abby Cover, Kimberly Leckwatch, Ashley Whited. Annie DeVine. Kate Mellion

were loude r th an other buildings, not in an obnoxious way, but in a Iriendly way. Doors were wiele open and the lounges were full.

course, wh en]

stood in a n a tual room and reached my arms out in either direction , I could touch the walls with both my hands; but Lhe size of' the place really didn't matter. It was the people who defined Founders Hall.

2 SOUTH Nate Robbins, Matt Franklin , Nathan Franzen, Daniel Regan. Kenel Fernandez, Aaron Janson. Jeff Orr. Michael Jordan, Tony Marinaro, Kyle Rudy, Jesse Cheaseman , Ryan Yost. Michael Kotch. Griffin Mazur. Austin Mitchell , Jay Lyon . Ryan Linhart. Eric Dempsey. Matthew Berner, Andy Meyer, Justin Cusick. Jerry Stoth. Rob Mueller, Brent Pottschmidt


3 SOUTH Row one : Kevin Cyphers. Brenton Higgins. David Lozana, Tim Cahill, Aubrey Keech. Row two: Mike Wiora, Carl Boeshart. Justin Bushong, Chris Romano, Gary Wannemacher, Paul Bradley, Chris Wunderly. Row three: Casey Slattery, Daniel Reck, Anthony Helton. Kevan Halma, Denver Cohee, Tyler Tomlin, Adam Nlcolany, Gelver Vergeldedios, Jeff Leone. Row four : Shane Terrill, Lee Harris, Ryan Hoffman , Garrett Titl ebaum. John Amdor. Steve Kinselk, Eric Falasco, Steve Mazeika, Drew Lohbeck, Chris Bast . Nike Shoen. Rob Deering, Drew Whitehead .

residentiallife 1121

4 and 5 SOUTH Row one: Lindsay Group. CI1ristine Ferraro. Melissa Jewell. Emily Braver. Stephanie Ricker. Georgia Goad. Carolyn Serena. Jessica Fink Row two: Terri Downs Janice Freeman . Tricia Borgerdina. Sylvia. Maye. Betsy Brooks. Sara Krehbiel. Maureen Goble. Martha Muller, Jenny Muller, Caron Backs Row three: Kelly Ahlfeld. Jennifer Spaulding. Daphene Baines. Megan McGrath

1 NORTH Kevin Windmiller. William Boisen, Mike Iacobucci . Brad Fischer. Joshua Vance , Mike Zoldak. Matt Cox

Kyle Rudy and Tony Matisato work diligently at their desks. Founders residents became very creative with their room arrangements to maximize their space. Photo by: Katy Koran

2 NORTH Row one: Scott Hofmeister. Louis Suttmann, David Toppston, Tim Graves, Sergio Betancourt Row two: Paul Keppel. Chris Ruasco. Ryan Peah. Dave Kushner. Mark Menninger, Stephen Dormish, Matt McNamara. Jason Johns Row three: Nick Fahringer. Joe Keller. Kevin Schumacher. Luke Wendling, Tim Michael. David Coppiellie. Nick Piekarski. Mike Braman, Luke Maurer. James Hodge. Dan Longenbaker

3 NORTH Row one: Joseph Matt. Bryan Green, Sumen Bandi. Andy Posani. Jordan Kessler, John Markwell, Greg Fallon. Matt Dean Row two: Tom Ingham . Chad Sheets. Roscoe. Joseph Halsmer. Travis Horesh, Mike Berkemeier. Brad Ryezko , Anthony Sirabella. Jay Semke Row three: David Kapostasy. Victor Velten. Adam Castrucei. Renata Jelic, Michael Rodriguez, Robby Zastudil. Quentin Shafer. Aa ron Cox. Due Luong, James Orhucle

4 NORTH Row one: Jessica Woodward. Kerri Link. Rose Fillenwarth, Jessica Henry. Anna Gebrosky. Alyssa Amedei Row two: Katherine McCormick. Amanda Gilbert. Caitlin Barney. Molly Quella. Kathleen Bauer. Lizz Perkins. Kate Fair, Abby Bowden Row three: Lindsey Scaminace. India Moss. Isabel Manzanillo. Ashley McCafferty. Sara Mittemeher. Hinda Abdullahi. Jennifer Lesko . Gina Maio. Emily Nicholas. Stacey Buescher

122 I defining UD

Photo by: Janelle Young

residential life



defining UD

stuart. coItlplex. (n.) three towers set high on a hill where first-year students work) play and live.

ADELE GROUND Row one: Natalia Owsiany, Emily Holbrook, Kelsey Curry. Anna Whek Row two: Caitlin Cronin . Ali Joyce. Amy McCarren. Katie Mam路 rock. Lindsay Williamson, Kelley Blake Row three: Becca Edwards. Mary Elizabeth Salimbene , Kristin Medve, Charlotte Rakaczky. Lauren Loiselle. Allison Drummer. Liz Goulet. Meg Seeds . Jennifer Daley. Jessica Parlar, Alanna Delahostria

1 ADELE Row one: Bridget Rebeling. Megan Pike. Janna Gribowice. Julie Dillon. Christina Schneider. Kate Grilti Row two: Ashley Rush. Alex Davies. Liz Foley. Colleen Milford. Joy Feola (RC)

Photo by: Janelle Young

2 ADELE Row one: Jessica Seymour. Kendall Jesser. Ali son Schald. Lyndsey Roesch, Caitlyn Garvey Row two : Bridget Hardewig, Collette Yaegel . Mary Orlet. Gretchen Dyer. Kelly Grimes, Danielie Seifert. Jen Martin

3 ADELE Row one: An ne Kleinhenz. Stacy Morton, Katie Kurhul. Jennifer Williams. Alieen Rohrig. Abigai l Welskiltel Row two: Ashleigh Robinson. Sarah Thamann, Jamie Foley, Abby Rossbach , Amy Cross. Allyson Holsinger

Students proudly display the name of their home on a window of Stuart Complex.

residential life 1125

The three taU towers at the top of "the hili" provide many first- yea rs vvith a far-olT goal to reach when walking back from an early morning class.


fortun ately, the goal seems to become harder and harder to reach as the temperature drops lower and lower into the winter months. NoneLheless, everyday, a multitude of weary first-years can be spotted ma kitw th e long trek up the winding blacktop, past Gosiger Hall, past VWK, and finall y to their home: Stuart Complex. Oddly enough, though , no ma tter which first-year student you ask along that path , every single one will teU you that there is no bette r place to live than StuarL Complex. You can as k when there is Slveat dripping down their foreheads in August or when th eir breath is visible in mid-January ... th e answe r is always the sa me. "Stuart Complex is a very old dorm, but I feel it is

5 ADELE Row one: Leah Cowhey, Emily Klein, Beth Hiney. Kathleen Henriksen, Brillney Gaydosh Row lwo : Liz Angie. Sara Storti. Anna Dunese, Eileen Sul livan. Michelle Cunningham, Katie Robisch. Row three: Caitlin Dale, Lauren Kimener, Kelsey Guancialo

the most social on campus. V.rith hallways that arc only five feet wide and dorm room doors that are alvvays open Stuart provides the best OpportUllity to meet new people and become a pan of th e living community," first year Mi chael Vl eisman explains. Perhaps th e tru e virtue of Stuart Complex is that it is so seemitwl secluded from the rest of campus on the top of that hill. Student living there have no choice but to bond with their Meyer, Sheehy, and Adele comrades. Indeed, the grueling hike creates a common link among the students as they all endure the incline toge ther. If nothing else, however, the Stuart crowd is

ultimately rewarded for their daily journeys up and down th hill with the best looking legs on campu s by the end of the year. 6 ADELE Becky Blackman , Amanda Joseph, Erin Ki lkenny, Jessica Vaughan, Ashley Owens , Mitila Arasu. Stephanie Wiezbenvki. Michelle Cybulski, e hristin Hydeman, Katie Vujea, Megan Bren路 nan , Michelle Honerlaw, Erin Sylvester. Sarah Zappitelli. Laure Gueltzow, Hea er Recker. Cassandra Baar, Laura Ebetino, ",aryjo P rages, Elizabeth Collette

4 ADELE Gena Camerlengo, Karen Roth, Elizabeth Storey, Ashley John路 son, Ke lly Buerhle , Meghan Fox , Kate Lackey, Bobbi Schreiber, Ashley Pavone

2 MEYER Row One: Drew Fanagalli, Francisco Morillo, Ryan Donovan, Tom Kenneally Row two: Tom Bush, Phil Beitel. Ryan Noonan, Mike Stanley, Sam Kmetz. Cody Freitag. Matt Ewald Row three: Correll Hammond, Kunl e Folami, Sco tt Perin, Tim Clark, Ryne Slawson, Andy Ciarniello , Steve Smith , Drew Paskert Row four: Steven Parker, Jeff Tonge s , David Minnich, Chris Dues , Gordon Maci ulewicz, Patrick McConmac k


defining un

3 MEYER Matt Haenszel, Andew Zeller, Kevin Bingham, William Kelley, Chad Thompson, Jonathan Mc Fadden, Donald McMorris

tuan Compl .e




uniqu lor its position high on " the hill," but it also p )s>

a numb r of unmatched quaLities that make it all intrinsic part of the

community. Stuart is home to the student-run " Rudy's on the Hill, " a

onvenience st


lor students to purchase all the amenities not available

to til m withollt a car. Rudy's on the Hill also sells an assortment of froz en fiJOds and snacks lor first yea r residents who have had their fill of cafeteria

tood or who don't want to risk the cold to trek down to VWK for dinn Gc Stu art is also the only residence haJJ that doesn't o nly separat 路 the sexes by fioor or wing, but by cn ti r buildings. T his hall co nsists of three dille rent tow rs, \\;th Adele for women only, lV[eycr lo r mcn only and Sheehy with both men and women. H ow ver, the separatio n of buildings does nothing to dimi nish the cOIII Ulu nity

f(~e l


tLlart Complex. T he l.obby conn ecting all

lI1 re buildin rs is onE of lhe mos t popular hang-outs for residents, 4 MEYER Bill Krieger, Adam Parker, Ben Bauer, Chris Heitkamp II, Sean Peace, John Rosalia

5 MEYER Row one: Sam Conley, Matthew Peters Row two: Alex Treadway, Andrew Topp, Kevin Timms, Tom Demmer, Josh Paulus Row three: Nick Price, Ben Czajkowski, Mike McDonald, JonRussell Groenewegen, Jeff Bisignan i, Sigget Bluntz

6 MEYER Row one: Andrew Morton. Michael Stephens. Travis Knight. Josh Foor, Garth Justlnger Row two: Christopher Datko. John Wil liams, Ryan Leslie, Zach Malosh, John Ventimiglia, Alex Carney, Dan Koerber. Jared Henderson Row three: Trent DeVore, Patrick Bruketa, Tyler Rigsby, Nick Barcelo, Ryan O'Keefe

residentia11ife I 127

4 SHEEHY Cassidy Lekan, Sunny Martin, Veronica Lee, Catherine Phillips . Kaileigh Sansom. Julia Petne. Jessica Schulte. Rachel Schmitz. Brittany Yoder. Christine Zach. Betllany Hey. Becky Sweet. Kara Ganser. Julie Sbarboro. Kelly Satterfield. Anna Villarreal. Elise Malinowski. Stephanie Leow. Jillian Kuefner, Laura Pinan, Alicia Gruenther. Ashlee Essex

Matthew Peters. Joe Stempky. Michael Peters, Nick Helmer. and Matt Faig walk down Stuart Hill towards campus, They were on their way to the RecPlex to get their Sunday work-out in, Photo by: Katy Koran

5 SHEEHY Anders Ericson . Bobby Brock. Jordan Huizenga, Vinny DeMaria . Craig Widenski. tom Wiersma, Matt Corcoran, Mick Enright. Mike Pokorny. Pat Nelson. Justin Fetko. Philippe Giscad d'Eslaing, Josiah Stempke, Matt Fajg. Tyler Frederick. Merek Aman, Pal Vohden. Matt Meyer. Pat Cline. Kyle Schimkey. Anthony Antenucc i. Wes Everman. Steve Kaput. Jay Sowers. Patrick Duffy. Dan Wiora, Mike Schoeneman, Steve Olszewski

stuart. contplex. (n.) three towers set high on a hill where first-years work, play and live. 6 SHEEHY Rob Flavlmonte, Casey Nathan. Mike Conochan. John Hartmann, Noel Crespo, Jeff Anthony, Rich Hinman, Adam Young, Kyle Nichting, Jonathan Pelfrey. Nick Mostardo, Joe Veccllio, Dan CahOon, Ben Mongean, Ryan Smolik. Matthew Nelson, Ryan Ferriot. Randy Lonskin, Brian Eder, Kevin Mullen, Brian Morgan. Alex Szewezyk


defining UD

tnarycrest. (n.) sevenfloors, three wings, two big screen TVs, one cafeteria, and hundreds of students.

1 NORTH Row one: Teri Clemens, Kathy Fleming, Nikl<i Kincaid, Erin LaFayette Row two: Cortney Schafer, Michele Rickert, i\atie Epps, LaTorie Martin, Tamika Livingston

Row three: Annette Wilson, Leah Brasse, Grisel Font, Liz Gravel

2 NORTH Row one: John Koziol, Ken Suen, Dan Ho, Mike Manos, Mark SUCllY, Charles Rittenhouse Row two: Aaron Glett, Tom Longville, Jesse Bamber, Mike Demko, Chris Stoll, Mark Para

Latorie Martin and Shelby Crayton eat dining hall food in the public lounge space, They discussed the eventful weekend and the busy weeks to come, Photo by: Katy Koran

3 NORTH Molly Moore, Jennifer Kasten, Sarah Lawlor, Jessie Stewart, Jennifer Giannantonio, Amanda Virag, Abby Taft, Emily Pilgrim, Kimbra Hein, Catherine Cappetto, Allis.on Moon, Amanda Levenberger, Leah Naseet. Erin Stearns, Katie Laufersweiler, Megan Stave, Sara Bour, Ashley Burch

residentia11ife I 129

5 NORTH Row one: Meghan Phipps, Elizabeth White, Rebecca Wehner, Martina Rozzell, Laura McMals, Laura Buehrle Row two: Lauren Strzepek. Stephanie Moore, Katie Brennan, LeeAnn Pisarski. Morgain Wurtz, Kelly Wedell, Audrey Levrash

6 NORTH Thomas Bingham. Harry Kennedy, Jim Hollwedel. Marty Carver. Bob Hanlon. Greg Goodyear. James Polifroni. Jim Rodriguez, Kevin Vineckey, Joe Flippo. Florian Corrin. Alexander Orlowski. James McDermott, Peter Spanel. Adam Hormbacher, Thad Tuschory. Ryan Pivovar, Nick lannarino. Steve Pfeen. Jonathan Schlmenh

Emily Etzkorn and Mary Simon do some studying in the nice April weather. These first year students took advantage of their residence hall's outside space. Photo by: Katy Koran

7 NORTH Row one: Rachel Arnold. Carmon Bens. Jaime Loomis, Karl Kemen. McKenzie Keeley' Row two: Sa manilla Gaulielmo, Jessica Young . Ellie Gravett, LIndsey Alien, Katie Jordan, KIlO Pelrykowski , Sara Gase.laura Bush, Aprfl Capossela. Mich elle RIggiO, Kala Sandberg, Julie Alessi. Carolyn Szafranski, Lauren Clarisey. Ch ri s \in~wkins, Danielle Troilings. Abbie Vaugn


defining un

2 MIDDLE Justin Munafo . Colin Malloy. Mike Rudolf. Ed Nowak. Ricky Pickett. Jacob Peters. Brad Durhanty, Andrew Kirk. Sean Fitzgerald. Jim Schroeder, David Whitney. Charles Kellom

3 MIDDLE Tia Christie. Jenny Szink. Monica Gabriel. Laura De Vita, Allison Hall, Ashleigh Spiels. Rachael Johns. Allie Cohen, Rania Shakkour. Cristin Elmi . Jessica Benoit , Elizabeth Shaheen

Rachel Arnold , Kari Kemen, Erin Turner, Danielle Simon, Jaime Loomis and McKenzie Keeley enjoy a beautiful sunny day outside Marycrest Hall. They had warm weather and friends to join them while catching up after Easter break. Photo by: Katy Koran

4 MIDDLE Nick Stanley. Chris Powers. Steve Salvo, Will Hanlon . Justin Masters. Andrew Cleveland. Trae Reylidds . Zach Whitten . Micl1ael Murphy. Adam Kesselem. Mike Genaze. Tim larkin. Mike Ross , Pat Hurrle, Ricky Schmidt , Chris Mar tirano. Dan Koehler. Adam Redling, Nick Ross. Kyle Cantrell. Michael McDermott

residentiallife 1131

5 MIDDLE Bnttany Bundy. Mana Bustamante. Danlelle Dlmengo. Colleen Durham. Mary Grawe, Katherine Hanke, Ange la Mercadante. Meredith Lui kart. Ashley Horba l. Jaclyn Haines. Kimberly Bertovlch. Kara Hohnecker, Breane Norvel l. Stefana Novotney, Andrea Ross, Jessalyn King, Katherine Becker. Jessica Clark. Anne Markel, Meredith StJean, Leah Makley. Linda Lehmkuhle, Jennifer Schaffe. Katherine Werneke. Katherin Koster, Victona Yeager. Gail Lemming, Megan Lemming. Margaret Pontius. Meghan Wiczynski. Lindsay Baker. Kelly Merydith. Sarah Noble, Kathryn Danko, Mlcllelle Wintering, Maryn Miller

6 MIDDLE Row One: Dan Kahler, Daniel McColvey, Dan Podezerwinskl, Da n Nusbaum, Tim Lesbu rg Row two: Ben Hunt, Richard Hinkle, Ryan Wi ttrup, Geo ff LewIs Seats: Brendan Fitzpatrick, Cooper Bower. Clay Hunt, Evan DeGiralonio Laying: Kyle Garcia

Illarycrest. (n.) sevenfloors, three wings, two big screen TVs, one cafeteria, and hundreds of students.

7 MIDDLE Nina Jolanl , Kelli Finch. Erin Farrelly. Andrea Metz. Katie Brown. Caitlyn Krueger. Meg Fist. Grace Finn, Garen Torchia. Kaylene Miller. Katie Groves . Em ily Koenen, Cassi Barandi, Jodi Lennon. Jo rdie Edge r. Molly O路Grady. Mallaree Blake, Meghan Tobin, Reen Rade l. Kasey Satterley, Al II Sheehan, Marie Bates, Michelle Felce, Ka itlin Wasik, Emily Ahrens. Monica Degiandomenico


defining UD

ll1arycrest. (D.) sevenjloors, three


two big screen TVs, one

cafeteria, and hundreds of students

GROUND SOUTH Row one: Mackenzie Hoops. Danielle Williams, Gillian Powderly Row two: Nikki Dzubay, Molly Socha . Lauren Fineer. Kim Yba rra

1 SOUTH Kate Alhmer, Leslie Becker. Brittany Hammond. Hillary Hopkins. Sarah Crain. Melissa Roberts. Brynn Kelley. Megan Sturm. Vashti Joseph. Tiffany Flick. Katie Korte, Aid en Wil liams. Kelly Foster, Betsy Quam, Emily Cepolla. Caitl yn Robie, Sarah Vidmar, Chelsea Ciardeli, Ahna Benson, Kate Herman, Mallory Wilson, Jen Baker, Mauree n Eyerman, Barbara Rodriguez, Rian Kistner, Andrea Graper, Colleen Braddick. Kelsey Slater, Krist in Smith. Mallory Pohlman, Chelsey Krummel, Ashley Anderson

2 SOUTH Danial Jilani, Nicholas Hogenkamp, Reza Khan, Mike Naleid, Ambrose Longnowd, Michael Baldwin, Adam Schaffer, Mario Gonzalez, Joe Corace, Nick Medley, Andrew Kemen , Mick Lucas, Nick Boston, Rick Gabriel, Jim Sc hroeder. Nathan Hill. David Whitney, Brian Nigro , Kevin Deubenmire, Ben Maatma n, Ryan Zupancic, L.B . Barnes, Joe Houlihan . Jim Pollack. Kevo Maddan, Joe Recker, Andrew Huelsmen , Tyler Short , Brandon Nelson , Steve Cu llen, Kyle Ubinger. Andrew McDonald, Man Cohen , Adam Rose. Evan Corcoran. Lee Theiman, Jim Cosgrove, Wi ll Schroder

Maggie Bohlin and Michael Tyska converse in the outside smoking corner of Marycrest. Many students have sat there during the years to take breaks from studying. Photo by: Katy Koran

3 SO UTH Jamie Lovell. Ten ieka McCleskey, Becky Greene, Lauren Lakeberg, Stephan ie Pawlowski. Kylene Guerra, Mauri Gibboney. Danielle Hawksley, Patricia Moran, Kim Ericson, Diana Tec. Lindsay Camella, Mandl Fi scher. Kaitlin Smith. Kelly East llam, Kendra Stiffler. Maggie Maffat, Megan Clayton , Kristen King, Allie Kamp, Jody Pearl , Amanda Seranski, Anne Karlovitz , Megan Gill , Megan Kosta , Mary Simon, Emily Etzkorn, Emily Gearns, Jaime Anderson, Veronica Conley, Erica Green, Kelsey Jackson . Shelley Smith , Katie Strancar

residentiallife 1133

5 SOUTH Row one: Rachel Bade Row Two: Lindsey Martinez, Corre Lusk, Christine Verst, Haley Rowles, Stacy Walterbusch, Sarah North Row three: Katie Leech, Mary Catherine Roberts, Mary Catherine Schmank, Erin Lambka, Laura Payne, Alyssa Lux

Joe Gulick, Jon Pollock, John Fazio, Liam Keohane , Kevin Stebelton, Corey Boltz, Jeff Webster, Wes Decatur, Joe Tufano, Brendan Corboy. Anthony Coffman, Dom Catanzari!. Tristan Sample, Greg Rodenfels

Photo by: Katy Koran

4 SOUTH Ryan Schaffer, Connor Finnegan, Brian Geen, Mark Dasey. Timmy King, PhilSpakowski, Matt Cripe, Brendan Bergen , RObert Stangen, Tom Johnson , Adam Burgen, Justin Banchy, Oliver Robertson. Joey Apel, Ryan Britt, Dave Reynolds, Brian Gauss, Curry Helten, Joe Kutanski , Matt Frankl in , Zach Norman, Luke Hawks, Paul Rupp , Erik Wi llinger, Jake Cripe , Bryan Baill is. Steven Schmidt

7 SOUTH Jess Tobin, Katy Abelry, Molly Waga , Cara Lanciotic, Laurin Burn, Mackenzie Baines, Laurie Newblom, Nina Pettry, Alece Walter, Natalie Behimer, Clare Connelly, Kate Metcalfe, Kelsey Wirth, Kristen Speca, Vitina Pestello, Nora Jennings, Allison Gates, Alison Hrvovatich, Ker'ry Miske, Katie Feher, Jenny Diemunch


defining un

ll1arianist. hall. (n.) sometimes referred to as "the Hotel, "this 3-wing building is the air-conditioned horne to first-years and sophomores lucky enough to reside there.

1 MIDDLE Marianne Lacy, Ashley Kairit, Danyel Gottemoelier. Germai ne Masehoff, Lauren Stukenborg, Katie Kirschner, early Mcinerny

Kathleen Henriksen works out some math problems. Many students took advantage of all the places to study that Marianist Hall boasts . Photo by: Katy Koran



2 EAST Ben Matlak. Chris Rasdell. Patrick Ransdell. Ochuko Evwareye . Dan Sentoli . Kyle Jones. Mark Campagne . Nathan Lammers. Joe Helser. Will Brennan. Jim Fitzgerald . Luke Kramer. David Reyka. Chris Rineha rt . Eric Hilton. Matt Meyers. J. Brockherr. Kevin Richardson

2 MIDDLE Mark Crimando . Cory Griffen. Jim Gaazzali, Chris Van Tren . Luke Magers. Kevin Guilfoyle . Justin Brown. John Krehschach . Jay Wickol . Brian Misner. Paul Tate. Jordan Barth

The learning space is home to lavish study space and convertible classrooms. Photo by: Katy Koran

3 EAST Johnny Le~an. Anthony KI menk. Nick Cooper. Jim Daniels . Dereck Goubea~x. Robert "Ryan" Towe. Joe Krogg. Mike Byer. Kris Turkaly. Dan Pyles . Kevin Craig. Dean Ripploh. Justin Cartel lone, John Buscemi




lIlarianist. hall. (n.)

3 MIDDLE Kassandre Caughlin , Meaghan Cleary. Sara Robertson. Angela Stark, Faith Mulach , Meghan Burke, Stephanie Andrulonis. Emily Ross. Drew Arasmith. Jenn Courtney. Annie Kelley. Caitlin Hale. Liz Meehl. Katie Krisher, Michelle Borchers. Arnanada Bocke, Katie Borucka , Rachel Sekerak. Beth Herdman. Joanna Romer

4 EAST Alexandra Smith, Annette Bonarso. Kirn Sacher. Xiamara Hohman. Becca Curran , Syd Hubbard. Megan Hurley. Missy LoPiccolo. Jennifer Osteruyk. Annie Goedwin, Lisa Nerderrnan

1 WEST Erin Aldrich, Terry John. Julie Salomone, Eddie Pfund, Damon Darbin. Ty Hoying

residentiallife 1137

Colleen Kelly and Joe Olwig use the study booths in the Marianist Hall learning space . Students enjoyed studying in the alternative environment. Photo by: Katy Koran


defining un

Rian Kistner studies in the learning space on the second floor. Students felt comfortable using the plush chairs and open areas to do their work. Photo by: Katy Koran

residential life 1139

2 WEST Melissa Brandlass, Emily Rob erts, Liz Kovalak, Bernardo Rubio , Col in Gorey, Michael Laughins. Steven Orlando. Leia Greathouse. Colleen Ca llahan. Cara Jared. Stacey Freeh. Laura Miller. Lynne Fiorito

The message board displays flyers and pictures of students. Many students posted upcoming events and opportunities on the boards to spread the word. Photo by: Katy Koran

lDarianist. hall. (n.)

3 WEST Mary Penberthy. Michael Lucas, Kristin Ippol iti , Kri sti Graw. Jerome Holland


KeVIn Byram, Kyla Seaberry. Emily Reinberg. Grati a Hickey. Lisa Pedertllano, David Carter. A.J . Eleey, J. Michael Newman. James Rice. Sean Cunningham . Roberto Crespo


defining un

Jon Bailey, Stephanie Grover, Spencer Idstein, Emily Keyes , Katy Arnson and Andrew Eaton lounge in VWK, relaxing after a week of classes. Students often gathered in neighbors' rooms to enjoy TV shows and good conversation. Photo by: Allison Elwer




defining un


virginia. w. kettering. (n.) the longest, Âť'Wst confusing 1naze of sopho1nore suites that runs fr01n Gosiger hall all the way up to Stuart.

GROUND Row one: Christie Fouse, Rachel Hicks , Jessica Hollinger Row two: Matthew Buchta, Josh Skerl. Amy Brinkman, Brad Wolfe

lA Thomas Robbins, Beth Huelskamp, Elizabeth Ohneck, Tyler Sinks , Bradley Peters, Shelly Cerullo, Sam Bogdan , Lauren Theiss, Erin Landers, Mark Laubic, David King

lB Samantha Miadich, Emily Gluth, Nicole Kreyling, David Kelly, Matt Craven, Aaron Burke, Todd Kerlin, Mark Ewalt

Photo by: Katy Koran


Kathryn Wetzel takes notes while lying outside Virginia W. Kettering. Many students spent time outside during the warm weather. Photo by: Katy Koran

MA Allie Brighton, Annie Klapheke, Jason Bollman, Nathan Koffel, Nick Holiday, Spenser Soltis, Jeff Marcus

MB Rachael Zimm erman, Sara McFarland, Mary Kate Reilly, Brit路 tany Sica, Lauren Hausmann, Aaron Rose, Trevor Snider, John Marl<gra f, Dave Kottmyer, Mike Doenges



defining UD


virginia. w. kettering. (n.) the longest, most confusing maze of sophomore suites that runs from Gosiger hall all the way up to Stuart.

2A James wade. Sean Robinett. Lindsay Cuadros. Scott Birke路 meier, Nick Lowe

2B Mollie Schrank, Anita Lukey, Valerie Soller, Leslie Reinhart, Mikala Mcintee, Jennifer Rust, Phil Wehner, Katie Filipek, April Hodgeman. Connie Reming, Elizabeth Stinger, Becka Conklin

20 Chase Adlard, Aaron Moures, Adam Behm. Jim Harrison, Miles Sctlermeshorn, Nick SctlOtzmen, Ellen Riestenberg, Hayley Ryckman. Amanda Rice. Dave Bissinger. Andy Wannemactler. Collen Carson. Robyn Schroeder, Nathan Herrell. Mary Widuch. Lauran Lannors



Sarah Hampton. julianne Burling, Andrea Ziegler, Slephanie Barbour, Kimberly Hessler, Zac Fogt, Colin Joeright

Kim Vanik, Molly Sandberg. Megan Bennett. Mary Sekerak, Hannah Einterz. Moey Babak, Lucy Hayhurst, Paul Engles, Gretchen Branham, Dericko Broomes. Christina Kicak, Nikki Miller. Megan Lachman. Jeni Schneeman. Chris Carr. Fernando Morell, Lionel Pao. Juan Lafont, David Semmelmayer. Patrick Doyle, Jon Bailey, Phil Bronson, Greg Sosoka. Jack Fontana. Nick Wright. Dave Eisner. Andy German. Jonathan Hopkins, Daniel Lackner

residential life I 145

Annie Syrowski does some homework on the greenspace outside of VWK. Students liked to take advantage of nice weather by taking their work outdoors. Photo by: Katy Koran

defining un


virginia. w. kettering. (n.)

3D Erica Salutz, Maria Otte, Susan Leopold, Jessica Hoffman, Katie Hyland, Amanda Weise, Kyle Zeller, Holly Drutlein, Brett Giesler, J, Alex Kevern, Justin Sikorski, Dan Bauer


Johanas Jocovlch, Jim Ottara, Andrew Chamn, Tom Sutter, Dan Bassett, Spencer Idstein, Gretcllen Distelrath, Opie Eaton, Katy Arnson, Kyle L. Spieles, David Hayson, Kyle Vonderhaar, David Blake, Paul Anteuvi llo, Chris Geiger, Ryan Kock, David Daugherty, Joe Vano

4D Mallory Cummins, Joe Capretta, Nikki Kelly, Sarah Kettler, Mary McClure, Jessica Mortimer, Kevin Presion, Mike Helfgot, Meghan Medlock, Maggie O' Unn , Jill Arrogh, Dan Warzoha, Billy Kozuh, Kevin Lamb, Kyle O'Brien, George Peterson, Dan Reder

residential life


---- .....


Photo by: Katy Koran


defining UD

caDlpus.south. (n.) highly sought-after sophomore housing high-rise at 311 Irving Avenue.

Visible from 1-75, Campus South is a student living space that is intrinsic Mary Krane, Joe Reinoso and Aaron Dues discuss the war in Iraq. Many students gathered in the lounges to kick-back and talk.

)1' residential life on the university farth


building (i-om central


D ay ton campus. Although it is the


builcling\ Campus South is still the

Illost popular housing complex lor students with se 'oncl year standing. Rising up It'n stories, this apartment complex

hous e~

lucky sophomores

who h avc ha ppened to fair well in the housing lottery. Of the 1934 stude nts who appl ied to live in Campus SouLh in the past five years, the high-ris\' could o nly hou se a little ove r half of those. Only students who have livcd in Camp us South can aptly explain its appea.l and the unique aura surrou nding it. . Campus South is clearly unique and sits alone as the top priority for sophomore living. Its high-rise 路tyle provides you with an apartment-Like li\~ng

area and is much different and 1110re spacious compared to the

fre hman dorm s. Also you can live arou nd your friends, and people of Joe Reinoso, Aaron Dues and Brian Moore playa game of pool. The pool tables were put to good use by many of the residents. Photo by: Katy Koran


oppositecx. C ampus South allows you to meet a variety of people

YOllr ag ancltrclVel li'oIll room to room on the weekends, especially in the winter; C:S is a hot spot for socializing." '路Campu. soulh i 路 <'I1so equipped with a study room and launclry area that allows you to take ca re of daily needs in your building, which a lot of

r ide nces do not have. The large rooms and locatio n in the ghetto truly n akes Campus South unique, and th e number one spot LO enjoy your sophomore year." Ryan P Stewart

Aaron Dues, Joe Reinoso and Brian Moore take a study break to watch some football. The apartments' common rooms were mainly used for relaxation. Photo by: Katy Koran

residential life

Photo by: Katy Koran

"T he reason that I think Campus SOllth is unique a nd whIt it is the bcst p lace to live is one in th e sam e. It provides one with a sense of fi'cedol1l tha t has ncver bcen fCit

bef(Jr(~ .

Yo u are reall y on yo ur own li\'ing in your ow n

apar tm ent; it is nOLhi ng like living in a do rm. Yo u hav ' a kitchen to cook in , a ba th roo m to keep clea n, and the abili ty to throw big panies with all yo ur fri ends; there is really no o ne to look aller yo u. lL gave me my first sense of wha t it wo uld b路 like to be in the real wo rld a nd 1 loved it! I would say th aL a m a jo r challenge lo r th e people in Campu s South is having to livc with Jjve ot11er people in one ap a rLm e nt. You go fl'om living with o ne pe rson freshm an yea r to living with fl\, 路 o thers, a nd tha t is a big adjustment to ma ke. It is a lo t m o re o-ive a nd ta ke with yo u roomies, yo u

h a\'{~

to h > willing to wo rk

to m a ke tl1e Ijving situ a tio n the best it can be. Ca mp us SOllth is by

I~\ r


best place to live as a sophom o re, I could no t imagine having as much fun livi ng a nywhere else!" Laure n Cardone

Photo by: Katy Koran




defining UD

cantpus. south. (n.) highly sought-after sophomore housing high-rise at 311 Irving Avenue.

2nd FLOOR Aaron Dues , Alex Testa, Trislla Wall, Joe Reinoso

3rd FLOOR Rob Florian , Jason Stoermer, Matt Troha. Greg Hughes, Kara Hemmelgarn , Matt Mlazovsky, John Domanski

4th FLOOR Row one: Ash ley Lewensky. Craig Wolfe, Andrea White , Jenna Plumb. Row two : Alex Petz, Kevin Wolfe, Mark Rock, Kyl e Len路 nox, Jenna Plumb. Kathleen Imhoff

Photo by: Janelle Young

residential life


5th FLOOR Steve Harmon, Liza Winkle, Dan Bade , Ben Rivet. Anna Young, Katie Matteson, Kate Byrnes

6th FLOOR Row one: Andy Taube, Mike Seidel. Laum Houser. Row two: Kathy Shuler. Charity Smalls. Ann Burkhardt. Jessica French. Row three: Jessica Parker. Stephanie Greene. Brittany Osterman, Erin Irish, Mark Campbell. Mi ke Bennett. Kaite Wolf, Monica Burkemeier. Juliana Brown, Holly St. Myers. Evan Wi lliams , Drew Hurst. Carolyn Tallant. Gary Motz

7th FLOOR Dan Mills. Jeff Weber, Brian Eisenhower, Brian Gross, Ryan Wanland. Chris Ogle, Andrew Rive, Sean Stilling, Greg Fitch

152 I defining un

Photo by: Janelle Young

residential life 1153


8th FLOOR Row one: Cla ire Yerke, LIZ Sidor, Christen Davis, Gretchen Giner, Kristen Lauer. Row two: Ryan Kelly, Neil Pelley, Phil Salwan, Phillip Angelo Yedda, Ryan Galicki. Mary Gerstle, Michelle Bruck

9th FLOOR Matt Langel', Tim Andie, Brian Fyfe, Courtney Mullin, Hannah Foster, Chris Esquivel, Chris Sa/lrrnann

10th FLOOR Josh Danielle, Chris Dibartolo, Megan Baumgartnar, Pattie Brosnan, Owen Machmer, Becky Belknap, Andrew Suma


defining UD

art. street. (n.) modernized street of the ghetto with apartments and lofts, complemented with a cafe

Molly MaJetic. Tessia Pi erce

Jama Baldwin. Mary Lynch. Ingrid Bauer. Amy lieble

Art Street students continue to enjoy artwork even in their living spaces. This mural was a collaborative effort between Art Street residents, a professional muralist, and painting major, Rodney Godek. Photo by: Katy Koran


Photo by: Katy Koran



156 I defining un

Photo by: Katy Koran

residential life




defining UD

garden. apartItlents. (n.) highly popular sophomore apartments that contain a kitchen as a source of appeal.

31230 Gina Heiderma, Erin Schroeder, Courtney Pettke, Amanda Kenny

3261A Tracey Kemme, KaltHn Moredock , Ka t ie Duffin, Jane Kaufma n

Photo by: Katy Koran

residential life

3263C Whitney Dawson

Photo by: Katy Koran

338 Group Shot Sherry Bullock . Eri n Reagan. Brad Royalty. James Gilroy. Brian Krause. Tim Leimkuehler. Tom Pitzer



defining un

garden. apartInents. (n.) highly popular soph01nore apartments that contain a kitchen as a source of appeal.

3641A Dan Spisak, Gary McC rary, Andrew Arnett

3641B Dave Rawson , Ben Wichn er, Mark Beilein, Dustin Intihar

Photo by: Brian Sullivan


3641C Jacque Martin, Kate Borgerding

3642B John Hanneman, Derek Dilley, Matt Walace, Mark Kierna

3642C Jen Collins, Elizabeth Hendricks. Natosha Lemery



defining un

3642D Meghan Stoffel. Leigh Bradford . Katie Fehribach

3643A Brandon Hill, Bl air Jeppesen , Breighton Smith

3643B Elise Gorman. Larah Sadar, Jenna Johnson, Carly Brink

Photo by: Brian Sullivan

residential life 1163

3643C Jim Mihalik, Joe Castro , Joe Santoli

Photo by: Brian SuI/ivan

garden. apartlDents. (n.)

3643D Mary Lamping, Virginie Astier, Lynn Robertson


defining UD

Joe Hoffman, Brett Ettenhofer, Carl Ewald and Keith Bange dress up for Halloween . They celebrated the holiday on Woodland Ave. Photo by: Katy Koran




defining un

woodland. (n.) location of street football, and h01ne

of the best parties in the Dark Side.

18 WOODLAND Nick Miller, Dave Senkier, Chris Winchell, Steve Kydar, Phil Hettebert

27 WOODLAND Kari Savona, Jenny Jennings

42 WOODLAND Mike Magnuson, Scott Magnuson, Vince Lorenz

38 WOO DLAND MaryAnne Harasom, Margie Sineiman , Caroline Miller

48 WOODLAND Dave Tambino, Ji m Walter, Mark Barbi cas, Dave Martin. TJ Gigliotti. Nick Lunon

residential life 1167

101 WOODLAND Mark Balson, Kurt Mosher, Andy Carpenter, Marty Keane, Dan Stilling, Tyler Bower, Patrick Gurles , Owen Connelly

104 WOODLAND Pat Johnson, Brett Michaels , Danny MorriS

Photo by: Katy Koran

us WOODLAND Eric Contraesas. Dan Noltemeyer. MIke

Ivc.'c. Malt Manning


defining UD

chantbers. street. (n.) stretch of houses that provide residents with easy access to Brown Street restaurants.

Tranquility a nd harmo ny ar

virtu ~

not often ascribed to the G h tto. Ye t,

a miclst the chaos, the Maria nist communi Lies ..e t a steadfast example fo r students. " \'Ve have rhis uni versity so we ca n develop th ' stud ents," says 14 CHAMBERS Mark Radel. Rob Bordick. Jim LeBlanc . Chris Kaniese

Bro. G eo rge Kemme tl. "1 hop

the way


live is a good exa mple to

Lhe stud ents." There are i\路larianist ho us s located o n Kielaber and C hambers Streets, 'rone mill Road , and Trinity Av ' nu . Th " jV/arianist cornrnuniLies xist to serve both the stude nts and tilt' \'owed r"larianisLs. " I enjoy li\'ing in th e neighborh ood with the studt nts," Kemmett ex plain s. " I study philosophy, :md it a ll ows the o Lher stuclents to get


kn ow me o ULside the classroom ."

Many studcnts would be 'urprised to kn ow th at l\![arianist brothe rs a nd fath ers stTve the comlllunity in a varie tv of ways. jV[,\l'ia nists are ministe rs, gro unchkecpers, a rLists, administrators, musicians and :c holars. Like Kemm


Bro. Bob H ug hcs, a g raphic design r at U 1) Print and

D es ign, lives in th e Trinity Av' nuc cOlllllluni ty. Hug hes >11joys living o n Trinil.Y Ave nue and likes how studcllls ar e invited to join th e coml11llnit y. Th e ['vbrianist cOlllll1uni ries ho.' t live-in \.veeks for stlldents who a rc illter-

68 CHAMBERS Eric Erdman. Brian Terk. Eric Elam. Matt Coswick. Alex Kelly

Several Marianists gather outside their house in the Ghetto for a quick photo opportunity. 64 CHAMBERS Bart Holmes . Tom Halsey. Scoll Manix. Joe Murname . Tim South

Photo by: Eddie Landry

residential life 1169

52 CHAMBERS Natalia Lugo, Helen Rodriguez, Jessed Espinell

62 CHAMBERS Jake Wahl , Ryan Adams, Andrew Henry, Kevin Rotz

60 CHAMBERS Carolyn Solat. Rachel Bozeman, Brigid O'Donnell, Bridget Mcilwee, Karen Eckberg

46 CHAMBER S Sam Skubak, Wes Ehninger. Greg Vescao, Pat Brickmann , Michael Stwarka, Mike Heller

ested in joining the Society or Mary, Hugh es explains, "Live-in weeks are a way ror students to bve and participate in our community, I find it enri ching to live with students," Kemmett and Hughes both want students to ramiliariz > themselves vvith Marianist values, prog ra m s and traditions, In particular, Hughes says


anists have a stro ng s 'ns or spirituality and commitm ent to service and community. Marianists value the gifts o r each individual and lccl th ey have a responsibility to th ' greater community. .. [ would like students to get to know their Marianist neighbors, pay them a vi sit and knock on their dOOI: Stuclents arc welcome at any lime," Hughes says, 'W hcn asked ir the nighllime noise both oreel lhem Kemm ell anel Hughes laughed. "Noise does not bother m >," Hughes sa id , " But som e brothers are bothered by il. "

38 CHAMEBERS Raechelle Smith, Kate Sanders, Meghan Riley, Susan Hagner


defining un

alberta. (n.) path for Dark Side residents to follow to find their way back to CaJnpus.

918 ALBERTA Leslie Bowser. Karla Salay. Sarah Plantz, Tami Roudebush

23 ROGGE Ben Unk , Jason Meyer. Nick Estock

Betsy Rombach, Kelly Hunt, Carla So to and Keely Midden sit in their living room at 704 Alberta. Alberta was one of the most exciting streets on the darkside this yea r. Photo by: Katy Koran

52 WOODLAND Row one : Laura Webers, Jen McCarU. Suzy Bowe Row two: Korl Haynie . Kara Danosky

36 CHAMBERS Ned Donnelly, Craig Hubert. TIm Wechter

residentiallife I 171

26 CHAMBERS Ryan Osysko. Mike Strochman. Nick Lewis . Ryan Ross

4 7 CHAMBERS Steve Dobek. Malt Derose. John Strohl. Brandon Dunn

28 CHAMBERS Justin Bahr. Chris Hoying. John Gibson

57 CHAMBERS Pete Kerman, Nei l Craft, Joe Priar

172 I defining un

lawnview. apartInents. (n.) apartments centrally located in the Ghetto with easy access to the Art Street Cafe and Campus South.


'\ \


101 Lawnview Apts. Regina Clarke, Lisandra Cordero

105 Lawnview Apts Brian Mori lak, Dustin Schick. Joe Pastor

Photo by: Katy Koran

residentiallife I 173

Photo by: Katy Koran


defining un

lawnview. apartlDents. (n.) apartm.ents centrally located in the Ghetto with easy access to the Art Street Cafe and Cam.pus South.

215 Lawnvlew Apts Lindsay Oanber, Laura Newcomer

405 Lawnview Apts Laura Adduce" Nicole Rottmueller, Molly Gotschall, Ana Levy

Photo by: Ali Elwer

residential life 1175

Photo by: Ali Elwer


defining UD

college. park. (n.) curved street leading into the campus with housingfor upper class students.

216 College Park Brendon Ulen, Charles Keating, Matt Cocuzz, Bart Hytla , Zach Cull

232 College Park Luke Reardon, Scott Orwig, Donny Denny

236 College Park Joe Meye r, Anthony Fantone, Lukas Swedlund, Brandon Paluch

Photo by: Allison Elwer

residential life

415 College Park Joe Beamer, Kyl e Brown , Man Formanksi, Josh Rickard!

Photo by: Allison Elwer



defining UD

brown. street. (n.) close proximity to restaurants and businesses for eating and shopping.

1306 BROWN APT B Max Sherry. Eric Gasper

1312 BROWN Andrew O路Donneli. Dan Herene, Mike Moro

1500 BROWN Cassandra Heath, Lauren Griesbaum . Shannon Simpson

1512 BROWN Mike O'Doyle, Aaron Kase an . Alex Flfner

residentiallife I 179

1514 BROWN Caroline McCormack. Olivia Conlon

1516 and 1522 BROWN Luciana Zol ll , Laura FItzgerald. Janelle Young

1534 BROWN B n Stroup. Josepll KOsmach. Mark Badenhop


defining un

frericks. way. (n.) street home tofamous UD houses like ((the Castle )} and

1619 FRERICKS Ash ley Timmer, Maggi Demko, Lindsey Riley, Jillian Krol

1615 FR ERICKS Katie Meyer, Melissa Lees

1515 FRERICKS As llley Levenberger. Courtney Kase,

Photo by: All Elwer


Crackhouse, )}

residential life 1181

Photo by: Ali Elwer

1434 FRERICKS Chad Redmond. Frankie Pacella. Brad Frye. John Zerbe , Ted Huelsman. Ted Merzweiller


defining UD

stonenllll. (n.) streetfull of nice houses reservedfor lucky lottery participants in hopes of being close to Ca1npus.

301 STONEMILL Eli Galayda. Zach Reboleti . Zack King

305 STONEMILL Rob Hebbeler. Tommy Fette

308 STONEMILL Mary Granger. Marie Doenges. Erin Roy

306 STONEM ILL Randy David, Patric k Dietzel

313 STONEMILL Michael Rigby, Brian Campione, Ronald Szewczyk

residentiallife 1183

328 STONEMI LL Doug Lucking. Nick Bruch. Adam Douney. Jonathan King

340 STONEMILL Christine Reddington . Lauren Kelley, Kerry Rieder. Shelby Quinli路 van. Lauren Pollock

Photo by: Janelle Young

410 STONEM ILL Daniel Trombley. Greg Ruffio, Mike Pateras


defining un

stonelllill. road. (n.) streetfull of nice houses reservedfor lucky lottery participants in hopes of being close to Ca1npus.

412 STONEMILL Justin Kral. 路Serta :路 Jimmy Oblock

420 STONEMILL Carrie Pappas . Erin Sweeney. Addie Patterson

424 STONEMILL Brent Hartings. Dane Baldwin. Nathan Hathaway

Students enjoy a game of corn hole on a hot afternoon during the spring. Photo by: Ali Elwer

residential life 1185

104 STONEMILL Bridget Donohoo. Mallory Taylor. Bobbi Dillon

144 STONEMILL Hillary Barter. Kacky Lybarger

Photo by: Ali Elwer

321 STONEMILL Katie Bassett. Jen DuBroy. Amy Bretnitz. Alic ia Hogan

1 43 STONEMILL Megan Wil helm, Ashley Wagner. Chrissy Yaker


defining UD

evanston. avenue. (n.) street of upper-class housing with a tempting view of the new RecPlex.

139 EVANSTON Gabe Moorman. Mike Wigton. Nate Woodard

135 EVANSTON Matt Sheridan, Sean Stelnmer. A.C. Walker

111 EVANSTON Ange la Caracciolo. Lea h Moyer, Amy Masowick

107 EVANSTON Tiffany Carnes, Katie Roberts. Katie Cabanski, Michelle Carroll. Savanna Spri ng

residentiallife 1187

37 EVAN STON Vince Nasserbakht, Bren Everman. Chuck Mohr

23 EVANSTON Zach haning . Phil Stauss. Bill Zimmerman. Noall Stadden. Rey Cabrera

Photo by: Katy Koran

36 EVANSTON Kevin Johnson. Bryan Pelley. Brian Stapleigh. Brian McGee, Kevi n Spacey

defining un


kiefaber. street. (n.) long stretch of road that extends from Brown Street and dead ends into the new Rec Plex- prime upper class housing.

221 KIEFABER Alex Miller, Evin Boke, Jonathan Prier, Tim Schneemann, David


213 KIEFABER Drew Hartley, Terry Desmond, Pete Wamsley

327 KIEFABER Kevin Fitzgerald, Brian McCurdy, John Stefanek

Photo by: Katy Koran

residential life 1189


Brett Pierron, Mike Behme, David Jessop

Photo by: Katy Koran


defining un

kiefaber. street. (n.) long stretch of road that extends fro1n Brown Street and dead ends into the new Rec Plex- pri1ne upper class housing.

222 KIEFABER Maggie Schroeder. Nancy Buchino. Colleen O路Grady. Ashley Gable

432 KIEFABER Kimberly Back. Sarah Kleinhenz. Megan Mulroy, Kristy Gattshall, Ashley Ready

The ladies of 335 Kiefaber work on their tans in preparation for Daytona. Photo by: Allison Elwer

residentiallife 1191

Some Kiefaber residents launch water balloons on a sunny Saturday afternoon to relieve stress before finals week begins. Photo by: Allison Elwer


defining un

230 LOWES Ryan Hughs, Zach McCune. Jay LaHara. Andrew Gregoski

434 LOWES Mark Swanson. Greg Mueller. John Graziano. Travis Rindler

242 LOWES Clare Davis. Anna Schickel. Elizabeth Hay. Kathrine Hays. Megan Burnett

437 LOWES Kris Dihrko p. Greg Hansberry

426 LOWES Mattias Whissman. Brandon Moulton. Scon Broene . Christian Bohn . Jason Beattie. Kevin Prudhoe

440 LOWES John Hemert. Brent Merriman. Ray Stineman

residential life I 193

444 LOWES Jessica Minor. Jen Knapke . Joanna Osterfeld. Amy Heitkamp

Ph oto by: Janelle Young

lowes. (n.) p arty cap ital of the Ghetto.

456 LOWES Chris White. Dan Hellman

194 I defining UD

lowes. street. (n.) party capital of the Ghetto; horne to Lowesfest every spring.

A group of students living on Lowes sit outside to enjoy the sunny Saturday afternoon. Photo by: Allison Elwer

residential life /195

431 LOWES Ch ri s Nieport . Adam Miller, Andy Pumphrey. Ken Barrett

Photo by: Allison Elwer

414 LOWES Katie Wen strup, Julie Kuhn, Cara Marcocchio , Charlotte Pederzol, Maria Kathmann, Colleen Dwyer

4 42 LOWES Nicole Forti n, Maria Behr, Katelyn Bennett, Meghan Kelly, Kath路 erine M. Van Etten, Katherine Mane, Carrie Cook, Jenny Hesch


defining un

trinity. avenue. (n.) S'mall street of upper class housing that is one block long and home to Trinity-Fest.

1906 TRINITY Lisa Cacchione, Maggie Byrne, Justine Marks, Colleen Moran, Valerie Bogus, Arny Hornan

1930 TRINITY Stephanie Avalon, Kaitlin Delaney, Lauren Ranalli

1915 TRINITY Ben Lawis, Joe Glessler, John Roy, Josh Siefring, Greg Kolberi, Jamal Davis

residential life 1197

Photo by: Allison Elwer


defining UD

lowes. (D.) Party capital of the Ghetto.

In the words or a UD student, " Lowes is THE Ghetto. treet. No on knows why, but ev'ryonc who's anvon' wan ts to live on Lowes. " The appeal of Lowes Street is nothing physi cn l- the street looks no ditferent tha n any other that contains upper class housing It)r the University of Dayton. T he houses are no less dilapidaled, a nd the sLreet i: filled wit.h just as many potholes as

l(j el~lber

or Lawnview. 1'h rul es for living on Lowes

ar' no rlilTerent Ulan the rest of the University and th ' rent is no cheaper. But it is still lh e plat' to be. There is notiling lO conclude other th all that Lowes poss sses a special a ura of tradition a nd commun ity thal draws sludenls to its unique mixture of old and new housing. Lowes Str Cl also extends b 路yondlhe cen lral G hetto; it stn:tt hcs all the way to Brown Street, where kids live on the 200 block or Lowes, instead of the notoriOlls 400 block. "We ll I live on the 200 block, which is a lot difJerent than living more in lhe ghetlo part, whic h has a lot more action. but there are sti ll parties on my block. AND it 's funny lo sec and hear Lh t;: huge (' rovlds of people who come out of Tim's when the bar closes a nd wa tch


they all stumble

home," said Lowes resident, Anlho ny Oeb re. T he community feeling of Lowes Street is always evident, but no more so than on a Saturday afternoon in mid-faLl , whell the slIn is sl ill warm, and 10llnging around olltside is more comfortable than inside. It is during on

or lhese days that residents of Lowes can be seen, gat hered on a porch , watching a college football ga me on a TV that was c<tITied outside. Or a group of gi rl. will be scattered

0 11

a law n , sunbathing and laughing abo ut

Sl'Ories Crom the nigh t before. If a nyone is up for il, a sand volleyball game might ensue. During tJl ese days, anyone walkin a down tl1f' Slreet uf Lowes knows why students chose that st reet above any other.

residential life

Photo by: Alliso n Elwer



200 I defining un

lawnview. avenue. (n.) central street of the Ghetto running all the w ay from Irving, past Law nview Apartments and Art Street to Stonemill Road.

18 u\WNVIEW Will Latt. Greg Phillips. Tim Ulrich. Luke Charleton

108 u\WNVIEW Kim Stahl. Jenni Johnson



110 u\WNVIEW Marc Bolden. Scott Reichley. Matt Klapheke. Jonathan Radwan

Photo by: Allison Elwer

residential life I 201

112 LAWNVIEW Pat Dempsey, Tom Eckels, Brad Pace

118 LAWNVIEW Andy Whiting , Ryan Condon, Dick Henkel, Rank Dawson, Kenny Reeder

The guys of Phi Kappa Psi enjoy a sunny afternoon on their front porch. Photo by: Allison El wer

206 LAWN VIEW Ivory Penamon, Ryan Pitts, Jason LaAore , Chi ron Alderman


defining un

irving. avenue. (n.) winding street on the border of the Ghetto, whose sidewalks are often filled with joggers on the two-1nile course around Ca1npus.

223 IRVING Steve Dintaman, Tony Brown, Daniel Trimner, Adam Kells

237 IRVING Ed Rinaldi, Steve BernosKy

515 IRVING Adnrew Andereck, Mike Joyce, Meredith Anderson, Brad Drakesmith, McKenzie Cartwright

Photo by: Allison Elwer

residential life

Photo by: Allison Efwer

Photo by: Allison Efwer




defining un

baseball. (n.) a great group ofguys who played well and played strong all the way through the season.

The \\'ay a'eason starts does not dictate how tJle season will go. The bas 'ball team starled Lh

ut lh ' season with 2 [osseo to \\loflord.

me n's team regrouped itsel f a nd

~ t ar t ed

In an's

'\Ji.e r Lhat,

to play to its high calibe r of

basebaJI. The Flyers had th eir brooms o ut and reacly as they had t.he oppo rtunity to sweep a few team s during' th e season. 'I 'he first sweep "am " in Riclullo nd as th e Flye rs o utscor d th e Spide rs 4 1-23 in a tJl.rce ga m e se ries. Th e seconcl sweep was in Pittsburgh against Duqu esm' wh e re the Flye rs won three close o路ames. Xavi er was th third

v\ inning st reaks

L' a lll to I ~dl

victim to ye t a no th er UD sWl:ep.

\",ere a lso ve ry appa ren t in the 2006 season . The haseba ll

team had a pair o f 6 O"a m e winning streaks and a conle re nc \yin strea k of II gam es during the s 'ason. The Flye rs were a mainstay a t Lhe top of" Lhe A- IO sLanclings LhroughoLit t.h s 路路~so n . Luke Trubee warms up before the game begins. Photo by: Janelle Young


Front Row (L to R): Kevin Miller, Matt Benton , Max Navalinski, Jake Bailosky. Dan Annunziata. Justin McManus, Franki e Tedesco, Austin Keel, Joe Boneau. Ryan Gore Second Row (L to R): Joey McSoley, Kyle Lindsay. Brian Chandler. Josh Burt. Will Benoit. Assistant Coach Cory Allen , Assistant Coach Todd Linklater. Head Coach Tony Vittorio. Assistant Coach Terr y Bell . Luke Trubee. Galen Schumm. Robeno Ramos. Craig Rohren Third Row (L to R): Manager Chris Pert , Brent Pottschmidt . Jeff Mercer. Chris Rubio . Quinn Hase lhorst. Myles Swartzel , Cale Ort , Jose Borges. Sean Finn. Chad Bisnette. Michael Massa. Jordan Gaietto. Bobby Getty, Nick Pfeffenberger. Ph il Ernst , Michael Deluca . Manager Trent Wondra










, -



... .


Craig Rohren tags hi s opponent out while he attempts to slide into first base .

The Flyers' bats were strong and heavy this season.

Photo by: Janelle Young

Photo by: Janelle Young



defining un

softball. (n.) A lady Flyer follows a fly ball in the outfield before making an outstanding play. Photo by: Janelle Young

a group of very strong and talented women who gave it their all on and off the field.

Th e 2006 season for the Lady Flyers' Softball team did not go the way everyone had planned. The team was looking fOIVvard to a winning season despite the abundance of underclassman stepping up and playi ng a lot of inn ings. The season started in Charleston, SC with a loss to the College of Charleston. The Lady flyers played Lheir first 17 games away from UD and accumul ated a record of 6-1 I. Th ' Women's team finally played a home game and defeated La Salle 7-4. However, the team could not tind a "vay to string more than two wins together a nd lost a 10l of close gam es thal could have one either way in the final innings. The season did have some bright spots. Junior pitcher Chelsea Grozenski produced a 7th inning no-hitter. Senior catcher Ch ristina VeLler had anolher stellar season behind tlle pi ale, both in calling games and batting. Standout first-year outfielder Mollie Schrank had a breakout season, leading the team ",路ith the best batting average and commit ting only one error in 32 games for th e Flyers.

A lady Flyer hustles down the first base line to beat

the throw at the bag. Photo by: Janelle Young


Front Row (L to R): Erin LaFayette. Christine Schneider. Ellie Malchow. Katie Jordan. Tamsyn Kellough. Alisha Burnstein. Christine Eggers. Maggie Stopka. Tami Roudebush. Blair Crabtree Second Row (L to R): Assistant Coach Ali Brian. Sheena Rothwell, Christina Vetter. Melissa Myher. Mollie Schrank. Chelsea Grozenski. Laura Matthews. Shalyn Adams. Lacey Severins. Lauren Schneider. Head Coach Jodi Eickemeyer. Athletic Trainer Katie Foucht

The Flyer shortstop makes a fantastic infield play. Photo by: Janelle Young


,'~' I



defining UD

football. (n.) a teatn of strong athletes who dotninated on and off thefield. As th e 2005 Dayton Flyer's Football team celehrat ed th e 100th yea r as a collegiate program, and


Kelly celebra tcd his 25th yea r as head coach,

the expectation \\las a perfect season.

The Flye rs sLarted out the season

dekating TifTin 38-0 and continu ed to dominate in th e next :5 gam es. Matt Mong rushes for another touchdown. Mong was the featured back in the Flyers high scoring attack. Photo by: Janelle Young

On Octobe r 15th at Welcom e Stadium, the Flyers played host to San Diego. Dayton kept the game close in Lh ' firsL half but came LIp sho rt in Lhe second ha lf f~\Uin g to San Diego , 48-24, marking the first and on ly loss of the season. The Flyers fini shed th e season strong with 3 .straight wins and e nding th e seaso n with an overall record of 9-1 and wer ranked second in the final NCAA Division I-I\A



Front Row I L to R): Matt Mong, Tom Jakacki, Ryan Wrobleski, Adam Halay, Adam Love, Ross Mroczek, Pat Weale, John Hoppe, Ryan Winner, Steve Verhoff, Jared Frank, Robert Dence, Tony Ba ll, Brandon Godsey, DeVin Smith, Frank Wilson Secon(j Row IL to R): Kevin McCoy, Marcus Smith, Frank Kohstal l, Joe Krieger, Dan Fedyk, Ryan McNulty, John Schmall , Scott Wintering, Tim Roche, Adam Walker, Adam Hawkins, Mark Fuerst, Tim Watson, Kevin Hoyng, Jack O'Del l Third Row IL to R): Dan Ress, Mark GUinto, Jake Lay, Chad Burton, Brian Kelly, Casey Klaus, Claude NICOl. Marques Warner, Matt Marshall, Kyle Sanna, Chance Walton, Josh DeLod路 dere, Carlton McFadgen, Jon Andryc, John Orbe, Jared Frank Fourth Row (L to R): James Wade, Steve McDonald, Joshua Berner, Jeff Milkie, Greg Wimberly, Blake Bikowski. Ryan Heideloff, Kris Brownlee, Josh Heyne, David Walbright, ChriS Vermi llion, Jim Croghan, Luke Robinson, Nick Ruhe, Bo Balogun Fifth Row IL to R): Chuck Prueter, Brandon Cramer, Rob Florian, Zach Freshwater. Ben Sha ppie, Isiah Morgan, Derek Hall, Ben Schmlzze, Kevin Benol\. Frank Wilson, John Grime s, Brian Kucia, Scott Vossler, Tyler Blue, Marcus Deja, Bart Bergfeld Sixth Row IL to R): Kevin Burns, Bobby Dobry, J. Michael Jonard, Jo~ h Menendez, Cody W!lgner, Chris Green, Austin Roseberry, Chase Merriam, Ryan Zerante, Pat Carley, Brandon Henderson, Patnck McCormick, Tom Ingham, Greg Ochab, Matt Smyth Sevenlh.Fow (L to R): Joe Gul ick, Drew Fu magall i, Kalen Hemmelgarn , Dan Ress. Alan Hartke, Zach Wh itten, Ryan Pollock, Tom Bush, Marcus Overman , W.C. Clements, Corey Vossler,

Mall Swam Back R (L to R) : Head Coach Mike Kelly, Trainer Steve Foster, Student Coac h Mike Neuberger, Assistant Goach Chris Oehs, Assistant Coach Anthony D""ls , Video Coqrdil1alOr Ryan Brennan. Assistant Coach Rick Cilamberlln, Assistan t Coach Fred Schmitz, Ass,stan t Coach c raig lIJrner. Assi stant Coach Nlc Black, Assistant Ooaoh Cha rlie Hoyman, Assi stant Coach Eric Evans, Assi stant Coach Dave Whildi~g;, Assistant Coach Howard Sales



Kevin Hoyng carries the ball down the field. Hoyng was a key player as he started all ten games for the Ayers. Photo by: Brian Sullivan

Brandon Cramer watches as Josh Heyne kicks off. Heyne was the kicker and punter for the Ayers.

Kevin Hoyng hands the ball off to Matt Mong. Mong led the team with twelve rushing touchdowns .

Photo by: Janelle Young

Photo by: Brian SUllivan



defining UD

The women's volleyball team huddles together during a game against Rhode Island. Photo by: Katy Koran


I 213


defining un

wOlllen's. volleyball. (n.) a tea1n filled with talented W01nen who had a stellar season.

T h!'


\Vo mell's Voll eyba ll u路 a m ha d an o ther terrille :-easo l1. IVInl1ll1 ,r

its third straight A-I 0 cha mpio nship and ta king a no th er trip to urna ment. T he ove rall record in 2005, whic h marked



th e NC \r\

l'i l"th straight

yea r th e \ Vom en's Volleyball rea m earn ed a twc nrv-win seaso n. wa s 24-1 I. The La d y Flye rs Sllunblcd a bir in the beginJ1ing o f the season but regained th eir composure. Al"t er a 5-9 stan, the team rattlecl orl" 19 consecutive wins led by a ve tera n senior a nd ta lented underclass men stepping up. Although th e tea m gra dua t 路 d .iu.路t o ne senio r in 2005, it was a big loss. Nicole SChOll \ 'as one of the be-s t volleyba ll pl aye- rs U D has see n a nd she held m a ny school r cords. Fay " Barho rst was nam ed th e A-I 0 player o f the year, and five play >rs, inc.i Barhorst, were invit ed to tryo ut fo r th e U. S. National Vo lleyball Team.

Left to right: Faye Barhorst and Mandy Robbe go up for a block against Rhode Island. Photo by: Katy Koran

Front Row (L-R): Angela Rueve. Brittney Scheeringa . Erin Schroeder. Adri enne Green. Courtney Pettke, Julie Richards. Amanda Kenny, Mandy Robbe. Lauren Markowski , Nicole Schott. ShayJa Warren Back Row: Athletic Trainer Katie Foucht, Ass istan t Coach Tarni Ores . Head Coach Ti m Hor man. Margo Moeller. Robynne Green . Chauntay Mickens . Bethany Akerhi elill. Faye Barhorst. Jamie-Lee Richards. Kortney Norris. Gina Heiderman. Assi stant Coach Jason Oliver. Undergraduate Coach Christy Utnage


I 215

Setter, Nicole Schott, serves against Rhode Island. Schott helped the UD Flyers win by dishing out 42 assists. Photo by: Katy Koran

Middle blocker, Faye Barhorst, watches through the net anticipating the next play. Photo by: Katy Koran


defining UD

Front Row (L-R): Mike Huff. Antti Ars!. Jeff Boyer. Aaron Swanson. Brennen Randquis!. George Nanchoff. Tyler Imbrogno. Damian Blackburn. Oliver Condell. Ryan Hefley. Lubomir Bogda路 nov. Tony DiBello Middle Row: Ian Mulligan. Alex Davis. Josh Paulus. Lawrence DeGeest. Dan Hartwig. Joe Olwig. Devin McKenney. Richie Campbell. Jonathan Welsh. Dasan Robinson Back Row: Trainer Kaname Yamaguchi. Assistant Nick Glaser. Assistant Matt Barnes. Omar Jarun. Conor Ell inger. Ca leb Li ndemann. Nick Tarkany. Greg Robertson. Nate Darr. Terry Alvino. Assistant Paul Souders. Head Coach Dennis Currier

lDen's. soccer. (n.) a steadfast group of m.en who had a num.ber of close-call and a lot offun.

No one really knew what to expect II-om the 2005 r-..'fen's Soccer season. The Flyers started the season beatino- th

Univ rsit), of C incillJlari 2-1 . From

there, the men's tearn kept most of the gam 's close and won a majority of those games.

v\ hen the season ended, the Flyers compi leel an impressive record of


'\ga inst a rigorous schedule. In the A-I 0 tOurnament, h , ld in St. LOllis. MO, the Flyers

1 ~1Cecl

Charlotte and earned a 3- 1 vi 路tory. III the semi-final round,

the men\ team met St. lost a The Men's Soccer team huddles up during a game against California Poly Tech. Photo by: Eddie Landry

llfa rtbr~akt:' r

Loui~ ,

Lhe top-ranked team in the tournament, and

in overtinw on penalty kicks.

Still, th e Flyers had other successes to celeb rate. Three players were selected in the 2006 r-..tfISL in the first four rounds_ There were also players named the \-10 All Conference Teams.



09.0k05 09.09.05 09.11.0;) 09.16.05

09.IH.05 09.23.05 09.25.05 09.29.0:") 10.02.05 10.07 .05 10.09.05 10.14.05 10.1 G.O;") 10.21.()j 10.23.05 10.28.m 11.04.05 II.OG.05 11.10.05 I 1.1 1.05

at Cincinnati at Sacramento State at UC Davis Marshall Cal Poly at .\lissouri State at Eva\lsville Michigan at Wright State Geof(rc \Vashilwton 1"> ~

La Salle at Richmond at Charlotte St. Bonaventure Fordham Xavier at. St. Joseph's at Temple Charlotte (1\-10 (2,trs) Saint Louis (/\-10 Semis)

3-2 0-1 0-1 2-0 1-0 0-1 6-2 2-2 1-0

4-3 1-2 1-1 1-1

2-0 2-0 4-0 :1-1 0-\

3-1 I-I

Defense player Dan Hartwig takes cont rol of the ball at a game against California POly Tech. The Dayton Ayers went on to beat Cal Poly 1"{) in the Dayton Marriott Ayer Classic . Photo by: Eddie Landry

I 217


defining UD

wOll1.en's. soccer. (n.) the amazing group of Lady Flyer soccer players who had yet another great season.

The \'Vomen's Soccer team was primed [C1I' another stell a r ~ 'ason. The Lad~r Flyers hrought back a lot of' C'xperi enc

fro m t.h e previou,' year with eig ht

. e ni o rs mixed in with some tale nteclunderclassmell.

Th ' first game of the sea:'on

~ t a rll'd

away against \ Ves t Virginia where

Dayton los t 3-2. The openin::r loss, howeve r, did no t aITe路t (h ' Flye rs a t a ll as th e)' went 4路-0-2 in th e next six games. Despite lh' tough schedule and losing th e la:;t

2 games o f th e season , Ule Flyers still managed t.o fini sh th e

season stron?

In th e ~- I 0 tournament, th e Ladv flye rs ea rned the # 4 seed a nd played SL Josep h 's in the first round where th ey wer ' victorious with a sco r of 2-1. In the semi-linal ro und, th team m e t the

top-.~ l:eck:cI

. nforLunatcl y, th e ga m ~ end ecl with a 1-0 loss with


team St. Louis.

Louis holding off a

late UD pu sh. Sophomore Courtney Sirmans aids her team in a victory over St. Joseph's. Photo by: Eddie Landry

Two soccer players, seniors Reba Sedla e k a nd Alicija Bredlo, were selected to the first team All A-I 0 Conference team. Sophomore Niki Reed was also recogni 7,cd as one of the top goalkeepers in the country, as she was invited to the Olympic D evelopment Proo-ram's Under 19 Interregional Tournamcllt.


Front Row (L路R): Chelsea Ashe, Kim Sacher. Alii Foust. Stacy Palumbo . Stacy Chew. Amanda Kuntz. Niki Reed , Katie Lowstuter. Gretchen Giner. Jacqueline Luehrs. Meghan Borysiak. Middle Row: Assistant Coach Manoj Khettry. Meredith Pesce. Amy Lopez, Dara Elk. Jen Leslie. Anne Mariscalco. Corey Shubitowski. April Carbajal, Lau ra Boland. Kristen Persichini, Natalia Walters . Assistant Coach Amy Berbary Back Row: Assistant Coach George Demetriades. Athletic Trainer Katie Kohl. Rachel Kohntopp. Stephanie Wurth, Alicija Bredlo. Courtney Sirmans. Reba Sedlacek. Michelle Bruck. Amanda Gallow. Jaime Monahan , Annette Bonasso. Head Coach Mike Tucker

OH.2G.05 at West Virginia


OH.2B.05 at Ohio University 09.02.0;") Furman

1-0 2-1

09.fH.05 Cincinnati




at \Villiam and :'vlary 09. 11 .0.') at Virgi.nia 09. 1;-).(F) \Vright State O~). I [Ul;) at Butler 09.2."d)',) at Xavier 09.30.05 Saint Joseph's 10.02.0.') Temple 10.07 .().') at George \Vashingtoll 10.09.05 at La Salle 10. 1'i.O:i Richmond 10. I G.O.') Charlotte 10.2 I .W) at St. Bonaventure 10.23J);,) at Fordham 10.2B.D-) at Texas 11.03.0.') Saint Joseph's (1\.-10 Qpartcrfinals) 11 .(H.O.') Saint Louis (A-l 0 Semis)

2-2 1-0 0-1 3-0 0-1 5-0 1-0 3-1 0-0 0-1 3-0 1-2 1-2 2-1 0-1 First路year Amanda Gallow breaks away with the ball against St. Joseph's during the quarterfinal of the 2005 Atlantic 10 Women 's Soccer Championship. Gallow scored a goal during the game ; helping the



team defeat St. Joseph's 2路1. Photo by: Edd;e landry



defining UD

Illen's. rowing. (n.) a hard working group of men that finished the year as one of the best club sports teams in the nation.

The 2005-2006 Women's rowing team opened the

l ~lJI

season they way th ey wanted with a

ninLh place finish out of 4 6 at th H ead or th e Charles Regatta . Th rowlllO' tea m was re\\'a rded for all their hard work at the Head of the Elk Regalta ,,,he n the) pl aced in the top six in all nine shells they put in the water that clay. Th e fall season ended at Ohio State where many of th e novic - boatt>l's showed a lot of promis for the future. The spring season started against Duque.- ne where the rowers won four of th e five races on th day. The rowing team made it through a tough schedule whi ch finally ended at the D ad Vail R egatta where the Lady Fly ' rs rep 'cHcd as Ligh t \\ e i~)' ht champs beating out L ehigh and

iUa nova in

rhe finals. The rowing team was ranked 8th in th e C:R A C oaches Poll. The yIen's crew team shared in the success with the rowing team. 1n the spring season the crew team showed that they were one of the best club teams in the nation . At the Indianapolis Collegiate Invitational, the Varsity 8 took Ist in the Petit , finals a nd the Novice


took I st in Llll"

Grand finals. At the SIRA's th Varsity 8 placed 2nd which was on e spot bettcr than the year b [, reo The :.\lovicl' 'I- earned th e bronze a ' they compet d with 24 clilTc re nt schools. The hard work and dedi(,arion the crew team had lor their sport showed as they had a nother great yea r in thc water.


Front Row (L路R): Katie Berquist. Jeanna Heink. Erin Kilkenny. Amy Casella. Kaileigh Samson. Kat Hilbert. Raechelle Smith. Bridget Wood. M.eghan Riley. Ti ffany Latta. Katy Jo Brown. Lisa Pedevillano. Anna Gebrosky. Candida Crasto Middle Row: Allyson Holsinger. Kacy Carmichael , Whitney Fields. Anna Heink. Jen Collins . Jess Rasor. Annie Dunn. Nicki Bianco. Susan Leopold. Monica Lange. Katie Butl er. Kate Sanders. Addie Patterson . Marcie Shockey. Stacie Shockey. Amy Cibor. Maggie Matlak Back Row: Coach Jim Catanzarite. Fiona Martin. Sara Huelsman, Ashley Kairit . Kat Kennedy. Caryn Devine. Janessa Wenning. Beth Ann Saracco. Maria Otte. Betsy Fulnecky. Elizabeth Gerbe r. Emily Darin. Al lie Bogenschutz. Mari e Doenges. Melissa Brandfass. Allie Gates . Coach Mike Farrey. Jessica Reed . Coach Anne Feight, Coach Erin Wysocki

wonten's. crew. (n.) a crew of wmnen that competed on the water with exemplary style. Photo by: Janelle Young

Photo by: Janelle Young



defining un

Olen's. cross. country. (n.) a dedicated group of men that set team and personal records.

The lvl ~ 1l 'S

C ro~s

COlllltry tea m competed in the tradjtional Flyer

5 K Chall enge for th e fir~t eve nt o f th e season. Th e Flyers co ntinued their season traveling to the Nauona l CaLholic rm'itatlOl1<l1 placing fifth and a dominating first place fini sh a t th 路' Falcon Invitationa l at Bmding Gree n State Un iversi ty. Th e: rn ' n's tca m didn't slow down as th e\" placed first in l.h e Cedarville eanll~

niversity Ind oor Open v"he re they pia


a new team record and

within a half se ond of the o\'eraLi reco rd . III the final indoor meet of

the spring season at OSU, eight TJD runners set personal bests in the mile and the 3000 meters. Dan Thompson participates in the Flyer 5K Challenge. This race was the only home meet for the Men's Cross Country team. Photo by: Sean Grindstead

Juni or Eric Contreras was named the Atla ntic 10 Student Athlete of the Year in men's cross coun try by the Sports Informati lin D epartm ents of all the Atlantic 10 Teams. Contreras wa s also awarded the High Flyer award whidl goes to the stude nt who best demonstrates the UD student at11 le te. First-yea r Mike Andersen was a\路\a rded both th e Rookie of the Year awa rd and the White Allen JVlo,t Valuable Pe rformer award.

Front Row( L路R): Adam Miller, Mike Peters. Mike Connolly. Billy Przybyla, Eric Contreras, Matt Mann ing, Tony Hollvoigl. Tom Middl eton. Matt Peters, Tim Kaelin Back Row: Head Coach Rich Davis, Bria n Gilch rist. Matt Danis. David Berning. Dan Thompson, Dan Samm ons, Eriksen Van Etten, Mike Andersen. Assistant Coach Pete Christoff . Ass istant Coach Zach Toothman


Fro nt Row (L路R): Meg Watkins. Corey Fullenkamp. Ann e Oltman, Ama nda Tucker, Alli son Smith , Elizabeth Tucke r, Dianne Sl riebe l. Jenny Lowe. and Ellen Nienhaus Back Row: Head Coach Ann Alya nak , Bridget Kuhel, Sydney Hubbard, Ka te Mone. Maggie LaSelle, Emily Haas , Emi ly Deet. Amy Kemp f, Jacqueline Jaworek, Assistant Coach John Scholl

wonten's. cross. country. (n.) a team of runners that held their own and placed well during the season.

Th e 200b \ 'omen's

c ros.~

country team had yet anoth er outsta ndi ng season.

T he season sta rted off as it always does at the F lyer 5K. C hallenge where the Lady Fl ye rs fini shed second. The 'eason continu cd when th e team fini shed fif th our of 3,) tcams at u1e Nationa l Cath olic Illvila LionaJ. At the G reater Louisville C lassic, th e F ly rs finished fi fth out o f" Th e

t~ a m



continuecl their sLrong running at the Al l-Ohio C ham-

pionships wh ere th ey finished in th e top ten . T he team also held th eir own against tough competition in the Atla ntic 10 C hampi onships. Diane Striebel was the 'Tcipient of tlw \,, 'hi t.", Allen Mosl Valu able Performer awa rd. Slriebel was the anchor fo r the wo men's team. First-yea r Amy Kempf was awa rded the Roo kie of the Year a\路va rcl ancl sop hol11 ure Emily De t was gi ven th e Coach es A\vard for h ' r toughness during the seaso n.




defining UD

The cheerleading squad poses with Rudy Flyer on the sidelines of a football game. The squad succeeded in raising the energy of the crowd all season . Photo Courtesy of: Kendra Stiffler

cheerleading. (n.) a peppy group ofpeople who help the crowd cheer on the Flyer football and basketball team,s.

No one pumps up the Flyer faithful like th e Dayton Flyer cheerleaders. Th ey brave the weather to support their football team and direct the fan s and crazy student section during the basketball games. They stay ve ry active at the games during time outs starting cheers, running into the crowd giving things to fans, and performing spectacular routin es. There are two squads of cheerleaders: the red and the blue squads. The red squad is the all female squad and can be seen on the sidelines of football gam s and at women's basketball ga mes. The blue squad is co-eel and cheers at the football gamcs as well as th e men's basketball games. Those that say cheerleacling is not a sport should Lry Lo do the things that the Dayton cheerleaders clo at every event. Back Rips from one side of the court to the other and throwing so me of their squad high into the air are just two examples of the way the UD cheerl eaders use all of their athletic ability to execute their routines. Without the ch erleaders at the games, the fan s would not g t even close to the sa me experience.

A cheering pair leads the crowd in rooting on the Ryer basketball team. Photo by: Jan elle Young


I 225

Front Row: Jessica Henkaline, Katy Kohn, Courtney Kase, Natalie Walters, Emily Cobern Chrissy Gabrinski, Libby Brown Back Row: Dan Hartwig, Tony Ciambrone, Scott Mayer, Aaron Motley, Rudy Flyer, Josh Maly, Brady Partee , Mike Weisman Ryan Galles Photo Courtesy of: Kendra Stiffler

Front Row: Tess Luther, Sharon Winkler, Angela Sutter, Laura Binski , Lauren Nelson, Kate Bauer, Mary LeRose, Ele Meyer, Kendra Stiffler Back Row: Cristi Fouse, Abra Carne, Julie Sommers, Brittany Stewart, Jessica Fasola, Alex Caparros, Kristen Wooten, Nicole McDonagh, Kara Farquhar Photo Courtesy of: Kendra Stiffler


defining UD

lDen's. basketball. (n.) as the pinacle of UD sports, the basketball team remains the team about winning.

The 2005 Men's Basketball team sta rted the season with a morc expenenced squad than the previous year. Led hy 4 seniors, 3 more than last year, and game-tested underclassmen, the l\iIen's Basketball team was predicted to achieve gr .at things throughout the seaso n. The first game of the season, where the Flyers faced


nn essee Tech, was

at home in the UD Arena. The Flyers were victorious with a score of 81-

60. In effect, the Flyers were strong at hom e, posting a record of 12-5. Th e l'.1en's tea m only won two away games, but one 0(' those victories might have been the bigge:;t win of th e season, a: they beat national powcrhouse Cincinnati with a s or ' of 75-66. Sophomore Brian Roberts was selected and the First Team

~ cade mi c


b 路' on th 路' S 路路 'ond Team All A-I 0

All-Cunference Team. Also first-year Charl es

Little emerged as one of the top first-years in the Atlantic 10 w1th his strong play and leadership.

Norman Plummer goes up against Xavier for a basket. Plummer's offense helped UD win by scoring 5 points during the last 59 seconds of the game. Photo by: Eddie Landry

Front Row (L-R): Nick Stafford. Norman Plummer, Jimmy Binnie. Jeff Penno, Warren Williams, Head Coach Brian Gregory. Marques Bennett. Logan White, Brian Roberts. Charles Little. William Brady Back Row: Athletic Trainer Nate Seymour. Assistant Coach Bob Beyer, Director of Basketball Operations Lance Surridge. Joaquin Thomas. James Cripe. Desmond Adedeji. Chris Alvarez. Monty Scott, Assistant Coach Reggie Rankin. Assistant Coach Billy Schmidt





Il.l B.O!) 1l.2 J.();)

'l('nnl'SS(T Tech


at J'vliami



l\lorciwad Statl'


al Creighloll

67-41 90-91


at C inc in nati


12.l.0:) I :2.3.0j

PcppcrciinC' (irambJing

63-43 59-55

12.7.0.) 1:2.10.0.')

CClltral :vlichigan

61-36 54-61

DePaul Arkansas-.\!()nticcllo


Florida A&'\!I

12.22.m 12.2:\.m 12.:-)().O.1

Cincinnati .:\orthcrn [owa


at hmlham ( :hariotl('

1.7.0G 1.1/1.06

I.IB.OG 1. 2 l. O() 1.25.(Hj 1.2H.O(; 2.1.06 2.4.0(;



at Richmond ' I'cmple DllqllcslH' St. Bonavcnture a( Xavier St . .Joscph's at Charlotte

63-+6 73-48 63-81 67-H 60-63 56-66

51-53 85-63 78-,")8 55-60 77-G9 49-62

Saint I ,ollis

67-81 4-G-II

2.1 B.O(;

at La Salle


2.:21.0() 2.25.()(;



l ,'.\Jass

,J. 7-(;(;

:). l.OG :-H.O()

Saint Louis


SaintJoseph's (1\-10_1

72-70 5G-6j 55-(;7

Rhode Island

Photo by: Eddie Landry

65-73 :)0-58

2.B.06 2.11.()(;

at George \Vashington

Guard Brian Roberts is getting ready to make his move against Xavier, Robert's was UD's second highest scorer in the game, just one point behind Norman Plummer's 15 points,

Chris Alvarez celebrates with the Red Scare student section after the win over Xavier. Photo by: Eddie Landry



defining UD

Front Row (L to R): Jennifer Strong. Terri Ramsey. Angela Cape. Cara Wright. Lyndsey DeWitt. Amber Peterink Back Row (L to R): Karah Clox ton, Brittany Holterman , NIkki Oakland. Jennifer Tisza, Marie Rosche. Kiki Lu nd, Ashl ey Armstrong

wOlllen's. basketball. (n.) a hard working tea1n of W01nen athletes that d01ninated on their h01ne court.

T he Lady Flyers expected to do g reat thing, in the 2005-06 seaso n. They opened t11f' season with a win over Akron , whi ch set the tone for L1w rest of the season. In essence, t11f' \ Vomen's Basketball tea m used the expe rienc of' its seniors to sholl' a five game improveme.nt li'om the previous season. Jennifer Strong rebounds the ball in a game against Akron. Strong had four rebounds during the game.

Th e female Flyers were not to be messed with at horne, posting a record of

Photo by: Eddie Landry

many victims t]1 at met the Lady Flyers in Dayton. The Flyers also played

9-4 at U D Arena . Sl. Louis, Richmond, a nd Rhode I 'land were among the tough in two los 'es to Cincinnati and rival Xavier. The \Nomen's Baske tball team posted the most wins for the team since the 1934-85 sea so n. Furthermore, two Lady Flye rs, Cara Wright and Jennifer

Stron g, bo th earned All A- J 0 honors.



11.21.0:> 11.22.05 11.30.0:) 12.0G.m 12.cnm 12.17.05 12.20.0:> 12.22.05 12.28.05 12.29.05 I.04.0G I J)(i.()(j 1.0I--L06 1.13.0b 1.1;).OG 1.19.0(j 1.27.06 1.29.06 2.03.06 2.0;J,()() 2.10.O(j 2. 12.()(i 2.17.06 2.1 ~U)() 2.24.0G 2.2G.0(i 3.(YU)(i :1.0'I.O(i

Akron at Chicago State at Loyola Chicago at Ohio Slate 'Vright State Cleveland State at Long Island Ten ness( 'C-l\![artin Cincinllati Tokdo Samli)rd at ~Ilassachusctts at Gcorge 'Vashinglon Saint I,ouis at Duqw'slH' Richmond Xavier Rhode Island at hmiham Charlotte SL Bonavellture at La Salle

at St. Joseph's at Saint Louis Tl~mpk

Duquesllc at Xavier Rhode Island (1\-10 I st Round) Temple (1\-10 Quarterfinals)

(i 1-;)4 (i:>-79 gO-57 31-73 fi I-59 (i7-59 Ii 1-46 7(i-I)2 55-f):)

79-77 fiB-5q :) 7-5 I bl-7 :) ~J:")- 7:) (i 7-:)5 (i7-(i2 70-H7 (i2-51 72-b4路 74-8(i GG-63 :)0-(i2 (i;'i-G6 72-G7 3G-70 55-70 (ii-71 71-G3 :);)-70

Terri Ramsey challenges an Akron player while playing defense for the Dayton Flyers. Photo by: Eddie Landry

Ash ley Armstrong looks for an open teammate while Rudy cheers her on from the sidelines . Photo by: Janelle Young




defining un

DIen's. tennis. (n.) a delightful group ofgentlemen who excel in the game of tennis.

' I'h ' I'd c n"s Tennis tea lll kllt'\"1 the 2005-20Of-i season was going to be a lillIe bit more dillieult to dominate than the previous year. BE'ca use o nly two seniors returned fwm laq year's team , thi:; Yfa r\ tcalll had a maj ority of first-yea rs Jamison Downs and Tom Murphy congratulate each other after winning a point against Butler. Photo by: Janelle Young

witJ1 a fell' cxplTienceel upperclassm en. Th c bcgillning of th e season started out a littl e rocky. The first mat ch of lhe season result 路 d in a

l o~s



Kentucky, and the flyers Ii.)und

th e lT\~e h-es

1-3 after L(Jur lllaLches. Howeve r. the team bounceel back a lld won the nex t /1\'c

matcht' ~

in a row. The season \Vas full o r nail-biting wim and closc losse.s.

The team finished the regular season with a 10-10 record and nrned a #7 seeel in the A-I () TI.)urnamenl. In thl' A-I 0 tournament, th e Men's tea m bea t h Jrdham and upse t Lh


team in tIll' tournament, Xavier. The flyers leIl to Richmond a nd then to Temple,


U D a fourth-place finish.

Front Row (L to RI: David Peyton. Antonio Rodriguez. Tom Murphy. Jamison Downs. Rex Cabrera. Josh Vance. James O'Connell Back Row (L La RI: Assistant Coach Jonathan Khoury. Philip Gascard D'Estaing , Matias Rocha, Kevin O'Connell, Chris Jones, Brad Roby, Head Coach Steve Brumbaugh


Brad Roby concentrates before serving to Butler. Photo by: Janelle Young

David Peyton returns the ball back to Butler. Peyton competed in a doubles match as well with Brad Roby. Photo by: Janelle Young




defining un

wOlllen's. tennis. (n.) a detennined and optintistic group of wonten who lookforward to next season,

The 2005-2006 womc n's lennis team did nO! have th e yca r il planncd on having. Alter a sLro ng (;tll

~ ··ason ,

in whi ch Lhey Ivc nl 2-0, the Lady Flyers

wenl throu gh a IOllgh A-I 0 sched ul e and

f·ini ~ h e d

wiLh a record of 7-10. Th e

season Ivas full of lopsickd wins and losses by the slimm es t of' ma ro·ins. Th e le nnis team did hav success in th e lo urnamenlS held dllring th season. The lea m made a stro ng impression a t the \Vill e nlJerg Invitati o na l and then placed third in the ]\!Ia rqu en e Invitational. The Lady Flye rs vI·e re very successfi.d in both singles and d oubles mat ches . There were som · brig ht . p OLS in the season , such as eme rging first-yea rs .\1ac kenzie Hoops and Carri e TrigiJio. Trigilio earn ed a record of 8-5 in the fall season and 10- 7 in th e Spring season. Sophomnr ' M egan Gray also ea rn ecl a sea w n record of 20-13 in singl es a ncl 17-1 4 in do ubl es play. Andrea Muresan goes up to return a ball. This was Muresan's first season as a UD flyer. Photo courtesy of Tim Boone


09 .0:-L05

at Indianapolis






at Louisvillc


() 1.21'()(;

Cleveland State at Ball State at JPFW


01.28 .06

o1.29.0G 02.03 .0G 02.04.0{) W.IO.Ot; 02.II.OG 02.18 .06 02.2;) .O()


0-1 1-0

at Duquesne at YOllngstown State


Eastcrn Kelltucky Evansville at :\:Iiami




0-1 -



at Akron ~/I urray Slate

0:>. J8.0G

St. Bonavcnture

04.01.015 04,.04.06

at Cincinnati at Xavier


Wright State


04.07 .O(i






04 .21.06

Saint I ,ouis A - I O) Rhode Island .\-10 ) Fordham 11\-1 () )


0-1-.2:2. Of; (H.2 ::U Hi


, )--


()-I 2 -J:1-6

1--1 ()- -~

Front Row (L to R): Kate Mellion. Andrea Muresan. Amanda O'Connell. Carrie Trigi lio . Kara Metzger Back Row (L to R): Head Coach Erica Echko. Nikki Dzubay. Mackenzie Hoops . Megan Gray. Allysa Detroy

First year student. Nicole Dzubay came to UD from Sylvania NorttlView high school. During Iler first year as a flyer she had an overall singles record of 13-20 and a doubles record of 18-14, Photo courtesy of Tim Boone



defining UD

wOll1.en's. track. (n.) some especially speedy women who represent UD in track andfield events.

The 2005-2006 women's trac k team started out the season with mo r ' stability than last yea r's team v\,iLh new head l'oach Kalldice Erwin, and with the help of last year's coaches Ann /\Iyanak a nd Vaughn Davis. The wome n's ~easo n was full of to ugh vi ctories and broken re ords. Tlw season began at th e Oil ' r Open :lnd tb e Lady Flyers dominated. Several Flye rs posted their pe rsonal bests including senior Kelly Pohlman who se t a new school record in the weight throw. The trend continued at th e CedarviLle Invitational as nine Flyers set new perso nal b sts. The women earncd a seconel pia ~ e overall fini sh ou t of eleven

t ea ll1 ~ .

Ove r spring break, the team traveled to South Carolina where it competed in t.he Shamrock Invitatio nal at Coastal .arolina U nive rsity and bea t nill " Invitational reco rds. First-year Anne Ottman set a new UD record in th steeplechase event and K elly Pohlman earned a NCA !.,. qualjfying mark in Photo courtesy of Tim Boone

the shot put. The women's track team had a tremendous season. The ladies' hard work and dedication paid ofT \路,,路ith new school and personal r co rds. youllg team looks to COlllinue th eir success at the NCAA Outdoor Championships in Califi.Jrnia.


Front Row (L to R): Jessica Schulte. Micella Davis. Kylen e Guerra . Jenni fer Lowe . Amanda Tucker. Lauren Anders. Liz Forster. Bridget Kuhel. Melissa Pickerel. Anne Oltman . Elizabeth Tucker. Candace McKinley Middle Row (L to RI: Head Coach Kandice Erwin . Sydney Hubbard. Amy Kem pf. Jacqueline Jaworek. Stacia Harold . Ellen Nienhaus. Andrea Cornell, Meg Watkins. Connie Fleming. Lisa Aubry. Dianne Striebel. Athletic Trainer Katie Kohl Back Row (L to R): Assistant Coach Ann Alyanak. Kelly Pohlman. Amy Krem er. Emily Deet. Kristen Lauer. Emily Haas . India Moss. Megan Sweeney, Lindsey Brown. Stacy Chew. Volunteer Assistant Coach John Scholl. Assistant Coach Vaughn Davis Not Pictured: Tara Hentgen. Kate Mone

Photo courtesy of Tim Boone

Photo courtesy of Tim Boone



defining un

tnen's. golf. (n.) a team that showed dedication and determination in each match.

Jeff Heisler drives the ball to the middle of the fa irway. The Flyers had a strong season out of the tee box this year. Photo by: Janelle Young

Front Row (L to R): Head Coach Brad Smith. Matt Friend. Matt Doherty, John Zaller. Adam Myers. Assistant Coach Sally Kosters Middle Row (L to R): Mark Juve, Nick Trubee. Jeff Heisler. Rob Chappell Back Row (L to R): Mike Molnar. Mitch Custenborder. Brett Gould. Sam Morton

I :Ul.l .John Piper Intcrcollc<riatc 09.V'(V) John Dallio :'vicmorial Invitational IO.f)(;.()5 (:rosstown Fall Finak



Ilth of l:i :1rd of :-;

10. I I .05 Crmvne Plaza Colonial (:lassic

2nd of 7

10. I H.O:) IPF\Y Fall Classic

(;th of 7

IO.25 .().') ,\ustin Peay Il1tcrcollcgiatc 1000-II.fh CD Fall Invitational

John Zaller looks on as he putts the ball toward the hole. The golf team showed strong poise on the greens. Photo by: Janelle Young

10th of I:)

I I th of I".) 1st or 12

I I.OB.O:i \\'('stern Carolina I1Il('l'('ollcgiatc

lOt II or I I

en.07.()(; Grovcr Page Classic

I (lth of 12

04.04路.0() C( :/CD Intf'rml\egiate Invitational

2nd uf

rH.IO.OG :\Torm Bullock Intercolkgiate Invitational 01.2 /1.( It; CD Spring Invitational

7th or 12

O;i .07.0h Atlantic 10 Championship

Hlb of 1:1




09.06.05 09.20.05 09.25.05 10.02.0:") IO.OG.05 10.18.05 10.2:").0.") 10.;) 1.0:") O:U)7.06 03.26.06 03.28.06 04.0,t .Ob 04.1 h.Ot)

GVS Classic Ball State Cardinal Classic Toledo Rocket Classic Wachovia - Great SlDokies Crosstown Fall Finale IFPFW Fall Classic Austin Peay Intercollegiate CD Fall Invitational Big River Telephone Classic NKU Spring Invitational BellarlDine Invitational UC/UD Intercollegiate Inv. CAA ChalDpionship

I 237

11th of 1B 12th of I I I+tll of 11 2lstof 2+ 3rcl of :) 9th of 9 14th of 17 8th of 1() 9th of II 1:>Ih of 17 7th of 9 4th of 8 8th of q

wOlDen's. golf. (n.) a team that persevered through a tough schedule and overcame strong opposition.

Malia Widder sinks a short putt on the green. Photo by: Janelle Young

Front Row (L to R): Coach Brad Smith , Laura Grande, Mary Kane. Malia Widder, Melissa Gaus. Assistant Coach Sally Kosters Back Row (L to R) : Danielle Hasksley. Melissa Juve, Lindsey Greuter. Michelle Borchers

The UD ladies' team puts in some practice before an event. Photo by: Janelle Young


defining UD

A Flyer is taken on by a pack of UK defensemen , Photo by: Janelle Young

tnen's. rugby. (n.) though they had a rough season, the -men of the UD rugby tea-m look ahead to the upco-ming year with opti-mis-m. With the year coming to a close, th e U D IVlcn's Rugb' C lub pro\'ed to be much improved when compa red to las t yea r'. tcam , c nding a bo ut .500 o n the year,

Althou~' h

II a.lo ng with oth


th e team fini shed last pia e ill the fall e, 'o n in Di\'i 'ion Ohio universiti c , such as O hio u lli\'lTsit y, Ke nt Sta te

U niw rsity and Ivlia mi l nivc rsity, th ey. howcd to ughness a nd pe rscvc ra nce Ihro ugh each or those losses. . mc of tho e gam cs


Lcn:n went right up


til e lasl whis"!', which showed how UD ncver g< \ T lip, Ln the spring . ca. on, U I) Jost a heartbreaker ill thl' Presidcnl 's C up fin a ls to \.Villcnherg; howc\' r, Lhcy capped ofr th e season Brett Chmiel passes the ball to one of his teammates, Photo by: Brian Sullivan

~\ ~ th

an illlpre. sive victory ove r tilt' U D alumni,

dcspite thl' alu m ni Lhinking th y had wo n . \Vith o nly si x :ellio rs ~''l'aclll a ting, m a ny of til(" team 's starters will still be a ro und next yea r. \\'iLh enollgh dedication a nd teamwo rk , till" team will be a ble to \路\,ork their way th ro llo'h the Mid west To urna m ent

LO 111,

k Na tio nals fo r the first timc in six yea rs.

sports I 239

Teammates raise one of the ir own to begin a key play in the game. Photo by: Brian Sullivan


defining un

wOlDen's. rugby. (n.) a nationally ranked team that uses the 05-06 season to rebuild.

Coming ofr of a seaso n \Vh re thcy fini shed fifth in the coun try and losing some great players, the U niversity of DaytOn 's wo nr n's rugby team kn t' \<\' it had to dedicate the O:i/06 season to rebuilding. V\ irh the help of som e fantastic newcomers and th e leadership of th ' seniors, the faJ! and spring seasons were comprised of a hard competitive edg \ decLi cation, and a lot of good tim es, Some highlights or the seaso n incl uded th e Nas hville based tournamenl. NashB as h, where U I) left their mark and the President's Cup, hos ted by Wright Slate, ,,,here the U D wo men took first place. J unior leader J essi 'a DiRusso :;ummed up the U D \ Vo men's Rugby mentality best when sh e says "To pl ay nwby fi)r the

nil' rsity

0 ['

DaY- l.on is to not only

han' teammates, bu t a true family. And every Sunday when we ,.vake up sore from a game th e day bd(xe, we kno\\" it was worth it." The ruggers will say good bye to eight seniors this s 'aso n, including Sarah Ki tchin, CoLlee n Eynon , Lu cy Siefker, Kri stin Wenske, Kerr Bub-ie, J essica j\!IinOI~

i' l ia Roddy and K ate Pa tek. Yet, knmving the bond that this leam has,

those seniors will never he tOo far Ii-om their team.

Wing, Gina Garcia takes the ball at pace through a defender, Photo by: Janelle Young

Kelly Stachler runs in support of teammate Lucy Siefker, The Flyers were victorious over the University of Kentucky because of their teamwork. Photo by: Janelle Young


Front Row: Mia Roddy, Kate Patek, Sarah Kitchin, Lucy Siefker, Kristin Wenske, Kerry Bukvic, Colleen Eynon, Jessica Minor Row Two: Kelly Stachler, Gina Garcia , Allison Martin, Cassie Collins, Emily Mohar Row Three: Sarah Bauer, Jessica DiRusso, Jannis Gribby, Mo SChubert. Efe Evwaraye, Rebecca Gerrety, Emily Kitchin, Erin Meyer, Katie Stirnkorb, Ashley Bretz

I 241

Photo by: Janelle Young


defining un

A Red Scare member paints his body blue and red to show school spirit at a basketball game. Photo by: Eddie Landry

Photo by: Janelle Young


The UD band not only supports the flyer athletes, but also rallies the Dayton fans at the basketball arena. Photo by: Eddie Landry

UD fans old and young know when the ref makes a bad call. Photo by: Eddie Landry




defining UD

The club baseball team congratulates Matt Mickas as he heads back to the dugout after hitting a home-run. The powerhouse batters on the team helped to attain many wins this season . Photo by: Sarah Luckhaupt


I 245


defining UD

club. baseball. (n.) an extrelnely talented and close-knit tealn that had its lnost lnelnorable season to date.

The 2005-2006 seaso n for the M en's Club Baseball team can onl y he d "srriheel in onc 'vvord-domination. T his seaso n was the hesl Ih e cluh team has ever had, going :22-3 and ending with a perfeel r "eord in conlerence play. The first series of th season was al th e ' niver-sil), of K ntll cky. In a three gamc se ries, the Flye rs OUlscorecl Ihe conLinu ed to domi.nate fo r

tll ' 1"5 1 (

Lhe Flyers swept Ohio Slate T\ifiami

Wild c a t~

50- 2. The Men's C lub tea m

I' Ihe seasOn. T he b rooms wc re out as ni ve rsity, KentLlcky, ~lI1d \tVrighl Stale.

T he one leam Ih al stood in th way of a p erfect season was

ni versity of

Wisconsin-Madison. The Flye rs relUrn ed most of their playe rs from the year befo re. Strong coa 'hing by Andrew O 'D onnell a nd Malt Micka.', along wiLh a pe rfect pi tc hing recorel from D a n

T h o mp ~o n

paved the way ror a strong season.

The team we nt to th e NCBA ''''oriel Series lo r their f"irst eve r appearanc Dan Thompson throws a strike. The pitching staff led the team to many great wins this season . Photo by: Sarah Luckhaupt

in Lhis event.


The club baseball team huddles between innings. The team had an impecable comradery among its players. Photo by: Sarah Luckhaupt

Front Row: Pat Stands , Matthew Curtis, Doug Powers, Joe Harrman , Andrew Gibson, Tom Simon, Kevin Vinicky, Michael Show Second Row: John Joyce, Austin Mitchell, Brad Wolfe, Dan ThOmpson, Matthew Hoying, Trey Simpson, Mark Badenhop, Tim Dolcich, Matt Wolski, Matthew Mickas, Brad Wolfe , Andrew O'Donnell, David Lauck



defining un

lIlen's. lacrosse. (n.) a team full of athletic and good-natured guys who attack and defend well on the field.

The r-.Jlen's Lacrosse team did not have the season start the way thEY had planned. The Flyers' first game was at Purclue, in which the Flyers lost 4-6. The second game of the season was the O"ame that was going to put thEm back on track fo r another winninO" season. The game was at UD but the men's team fell to Oakland

ni ve rsity 6-12. Though the Oakland U niver-

sity game ""'as a tough deteat, the Flyers charged on through the season. The season is not defined by the first two games. The Lacrosse team won its third game and then just kept on \vinning. After a 0-2 start, the Fly rs went on a seven game winning streak and finishe.d the regular season ",rilh a 7-2 overall record and a perfect record in their divisIon. At the end of the regul ar season, the men's lacrosse team was ranked the ninth best team in the nation by the CCLA. This team was led by some experienced seniors including midfielder .Mike Gia ngreco and attacker Roy Gordon. The team also had strong support from players Like midfieJder Rory J efIers and captain and midficldcr John Pastorek.

A Flyer attack player passes the ball Photo by: Brian Sullivan

to his teammate .

sports I 249

The Flyer lacrosse team huddles around its coach. Photo by: Brian Sullivan


defining un


0-8 I (l.O2.05 Central Michigan (Away) 8-2 IO.02.(),)


10.02.05 'Yes tern Michigan :Away) 8-2 03.2,t.06 Miami 5-10

m .2;).OG at Indiana ():1.2~-d)6


03.25.06 Purdue 03.31.0() :'\; ort hwestern

7-2 7-9 12-5


04.01.0G St. .\[arv\ OI.OI.OG Im,va


04路.01.06 '''btcrn lvlichigan 04.02.06 Illinois


wOlDen's. lacrosse. (n.)

10-4 9-8

04.09.0(-i Cincinnati 04.(YUHi Ohio Cnivcrsity


0ol.:n. ()() Miami


04.22.06 \ 'Iichigan


a bunch of lovely ladies who enjoy cO'Inpeting in the fast-paced ga1ne of lacrosse.

12-2 Teams usually struggle when a

~p o rt

is first established at a school. T his is

not the case fo r the wo men's lac rosse tea m . Since the sta rt of' th tea m in 2003, th e num ber of playe rs on the tea m has tripled in size. \'Vith more women playi ng for the lacrosse team, the talent level has continued to ri se. T he 2005 -2006 women's tea m was expected to do great things this seaso n. T he fi rst game of' the season was agaimt

~li e hi ga n

in a 0-8 loss. After this

openi ng loss, the team bounced ba -k Clncl wo n the next two, finishing the fa U season at 2-1 . The spring season started OLlt the same way as the fall season with a n opening loss to M iami. T he Lady Flye rs r sponded to the opening loss the same way as in the fall, by winni ng their next few games. T he team came back to wi n nine of its last ten games of the regula r season and earning a fi rth seed in the playoffs in Toledo. In the first roun d of the playoJIs, the women's team upse t the fourth seeded Mia mi by a sco re of 8-7. In the nex t ro und , the Lady Flyers mel the top seeded Michigan team again and los t 14-2. T hree playe rs we re rewarded fo r their hard work on th e fi eld . Merry Pesce was awarded First Team All-League Attack, Allie Rowan was awa rded First Team All-Leagu D ' /e nse, and J enni Jacobs was awa rded First Team A11League l\tLidfieid .


I 251


defining un

Paul A Abdelnour

Lisa K. Abramowski


Ear!)' Chi ldlwod "'"(/ucalion Name

James R. Alverson

Keara 1"\"1. Andnso n

tvlen.:c1ith L. Anderson



Public Relalions

C hristina M. Agostino

Christine 1\1. \la m

Andi L. Alexander






Sodal Work

Kath (' rine E. Armstrong

Eduardo A. Arroyo

Adolescence to l'O ung Adult

Electrical blgincen'ng

Ju stin D. Acres

!\Ilcl issa

. Angst

Po/iliw/ &irmre



Phillip A. Ashbrook

\ndrca L. Avila

Kimhe rly M . Back

Garrett S. Bacldorr

C hri stopher L. Bagi

C hri:;tjan W. Ba lm

tIIlechrll1ica/ Engineeling

Interventioll Specialist


ComjJuter Engincl';ring

Political Scimce

Political Science

Dane P Baldwin

Jam es D. Balmer

Sa ra h R. Ba rbo

Pa m cI a E. Bargo

Kenne th L. Barrett

C hri stin e M. Baue r

Adolescfnt:f to t il/llIg

Elr,ctrir:al Lngince/ing



Nfall! Educatioll/

Midrlle GItildhoorl

Religiolls Studil:S


Adult Educt/lion

.,, . ""'~. .




'M ichael S. Beac hy

Na te P lkarcl!iley

K a th erine F. Beche rer

tVlichael D. Behme

K erry E. Beitel

K athryn E. Bcnke n


Public Relations




Ado/esallfe to l'O lllig Adult "''dllcation


Audrey C. Bentz

D evin]. Be rg

CililJ lcngineering

Sport lvlanagement

Marga ret M.

Brian M. Bisignani

Matthew C.Bold!

Allison E. Bonnem


Early C'llildhood


Ivlath Education/

Sport !l1anagement



Kathleen G. Bopp

Amber L. Borchers

Bartholomew A.

Laura E. Bossard

Suzan 1. Bowe

Eric A. Bozymski

Political Science

Middle Childhood



Ear!y Childhood






Meaghan E. Brand



RreLn ilz

Andrea M.

Sc.ol! M. Broene

Kyle H. Brown

Jam es E Browning



Electn路wl I:-ilgineering

Adolescence 10 Young Adull

Visual Communication




ChemiUlI Enginee!1ng

Nicholas C . Bruch

Nancy A. Buchino

K evin T Buckley

Justin C. Budd

Brandy L. Bukauskas

Kerry A. Bukvic


Public Relations



Leadership Mallagem.ent/

Puhlic Relations

Engineering Technology



I 255

.~. Andrew L. Burgei

Lauren M . Burgess

Megan L. Burn It

Jose A. Cabrera

Chris]. Calo

Angela L. Caracciolo

Chemical Engineering


Ear0' Childhood


Sport Management

Middle Childfwod






defining un

"Everything happens for a reason. Ifs important to just believe in your heart. )) - Lauren Dickson

Lauren Dickson passionately plans an event with advisor Beverly Jergens and Mary Beth Jost. Photo by: Janelle Young

Melissa Parshall asks for Dickson's advice on marketing an event. Photo by: Janelle Young

Lauren Dickson shows her inspiring smile. Photo by: Janelle Young


stand.out. senior. (n.) Lauren Dickson, a passionate student, president of Chi Omega Sorority,featuredfor her constant involvement in activities both on and off cam,pus.

Alfred A. Montapert said, "\;Ve cannot choose the things thal will happen to us. BUl we can

c h oo~e

the attilude we \vill take toward anylhing lhal happens.

Success or failure depends on your attitude. " Senior, Lauren Dickson , who is the outgoing president of the Chi Omega sorority, realizes that lessons can be learned in every experience. Highly invol\'ed in her sorority by planning events and manao-ing the business aspects; she also was a member on UD's 'Nomen's cross country t am for lwo years. She curr-nlly is the coach for Aller High School 's cross counlry tcam . " I love meeting new people," sa id Dickson. Dickson has had many encounters mee ting mow people, considering she has lived in Pennsylvania, \'Vesl Virginia, Arkansas, and South Carolina. "I wenllO three clifTere nt hio'h schools within three years", r "veakel Dickson , "it's goodlo be OUl of your comfo rt zone because you learn to understand people." Dickson is graduating with a double major in Marketing and Accounting. "My parents have pushed me to major in accounting, but I've always had a love for marketing". Her love of marketing was apparent when she participated in the Procter and Gamble Prilosec OTC challenge. Her team won first place by professionally presenting their multilevel marketing campaign to many Procter and Gamble managers.

Her goal is to work at a large advertising firm in a

major city, such as Chicago. When asked about an experience that was worthwhile and meaningful to her, Dickson humbly replied, "Running for SGA president." She admits that even though she did not win, all the hard work and campaiuning made the experience valuable. "It is a life lesson and I'm fortunat because 1 have time to participate in other events that I enjoy." With her strong inner drive to succeed in life, travel, and continuously keep busy, Dickson hopes to always engage with different faces and take meaning from new experiences. "I always try to remember that everything happens for a reason," Dickson shares. "That's what I've always tried to keep in mind growing up. Just believe in your heart. "

((What motivates me is a strong inner-drive to do well. )) - Lauren Dickson

I 257


defining UD

stand.out. senior. (n.) David Prier, a senior who has stood out in the UD com,m,unity, is highlightedJor his Marianist sprit, academ,ic excellence, and his love Jor service.

What does it mean to have the Marianist spirit? Senior, David Prier exemplifies the l'vIarianist spirit of learn, lead, and serve in his daily activities. A resident of Dayton his entire lire, Prier attended Chaminade Julienne High School. He chose the University of Dayton for college because attendin cr

D runs in his family's blood; his brother,

s iste r~


cousins hav all att.ended UD. "This place has changed me from a kid to an adult," refle cted Prier. Prier came to know himself and others t.hrouo路hout bis years at UD by involving himself in multiple activities. As a Chaminade Scholar, Prier majored in math and reLigious studies. He considered himself an ex troverted " math dork" who loved meeting people and expanding his own perceptions of life. Through all the activities he engaged in , Prier has deepened his faitll and made solid fri e ndships. H e was a ncighborhood fellow for the 200 block of Kiefaber, a Mariarust fellow, participated in spring breakouts and retreats, and was the Vi ce President for the REACH program. A Marianist feUow was not the typical st.udent Ivho resides as an R.A. of a neighborhood block. Rather, a IVIarianist fellow was a . tuclenl belonging to a vocational group who exempLified the Marianisl spirit and Christian leadership, partaking in service activities a nd breakollts, and organizing cv nls on campus, such as Chaminacle day.

Chaminade da y is a clay

of recognition of Father Charninade, which Prier helped to organize his sophomor -, junior, and senior years. Having the role or a neighborhood rellow and a jVIarianist fellow ca n seem overwhelming, but vvas not LOa much lor Pri e r to handle. H e was also lhe Vice President f t.he REA.CH program. " It's a program that helps students with mental issu >' and troubles,"shared Prie r. H e exphinecl j ob as a way "to break down stigmas and help kids understand it's okay to

talk when undergoing a crisis or hardship. They don't have to do it

alone." When Prier was not busy traveling to Porthnd for service or leadi ng the Wilderness retreat, he enjoyed playing Frisbee, corn hole, ping pong, and rel ax ing 1n his baby pool. " I love being outside and griLling too," Prier

semors I 259

David Prier tutors Lindsey Bates one-on-one in Math. Prier devoted many hours of his college career to tutoring other students.

Photo by: Janelle Young

said with excitement, "I've already gone through two tanks of propane for my grill this year." After graduation, David planned to go to graduate school to study mathematics. He wanted to teach at a collcge level, specifically at un "It's a great place," commented Prier on UD, "it will have lasting effects on me. It's filled with great teachers and people." David was one of the great people of un He truly epitomized the Marianist spirit and was an example for a ll students. In t.he future, UD wiLl be lucky to have him back as a teacher. Prier will be that leacher who characterizes the spirit of UD through his personality and his love of life. His radiance and care for others will never diminish; he will continue forward to success in his future.

David Prier lectures to a classroom full of students. He explained many complicated math problems and cleared up much of the students' confusion . Photo by: Janelle Young


defining UD



senior. salute. (n.) a bar-crawl event coordinated by SGA specifically for 1nembers of the senior class.

v\ hat better to do on the last day of classes as an undergrad uate other than pile aboard a school bus and go bar-hopping in Lhe Oregon District with your fi'i ends? Each year, SCA coordinates "Senior Salute" which is, in esse nce, a large scaled bar-crawl fi) r the senior class. Ad miss ion is free, and many seniors grab a group or their friends and head down to the Oregon District to imbibe at the ' stablishm ' nts there. Some seniors contended that Senior SaluLe was thei r fond est 111 'mory of college. And although one may no t think the seniors would remember having so much fun that evening, plenty or pictures vvere snapped during the night to help jog the seniors' memories. Senior l\.1ike M om siLid, "Senior Salute gave me the opportunity to drink in the Oregon Dist rict; I had never been to those bars before." The bartenders in the Oregon District were prepped by the members of SGA as to how many people to expect. Though the bartenders were ready, some of the locals were in shock as the seniors piled in and overtook many or the bars. Some of the night's hot-spots included: Newcom's Tavern, Sloopy's, Ned's, and The Night Owl. All of the seniors agreed, Senior Salute was one of the best nights of college. vVhat a way fiJr the seniors to end their great careers here at


This year, SGA had over 950 seniors signed up for the event, and fun was had by aiL


Many seniors gathered at the "Night Owl" Bar in the Oregon District during Senior Salute. Photo by: Luciana Zol/i

Seniors got together to take pictures with their friends during the bus ride to the Oregon District. Photo by: Luciana Zol/i



defining un


Brian T Carberry

lvli chdl c E. Carroll

Allison E. Cashman

American . turlies



Palrick E. Clary

Sheema 1.. Clt:menl

Caroline S. Cochran


industrial Engineering


L(~ sLic

A. Cebula

Ell'Cll"Onic .II/cdia

S,lrah L. Cofl"m an



Ju stin R . Cheatham


iVli chcll ' R.

Virginia A COil


k iu.ric Educalion


Public Relaliolls PS)路chology

KrisLi L. Cool

B oll , B. Coughlin

Conve rsino


r ll1ance

Middle Childhood


Kathrvn R .

M ega n E. Curley

Christine A. Daly

Emily R. Darr

Kyle G. Davis



Public Relations





Sjlllnisll/PoLitiCilI S<-ience

.. i."': . , . ". ~ ..


. i~

Amanda lvl.

ELectronic Media

Daniel 1v1. Cn.lse

S. ChrislOph -r

Coggin ~


Chelsea V COll 'l


VISual COII/municatioll




Kari S. Dege r

Robert]. Denee

Kailyn M. Derek

Anon-a L. DeRose

Michael D. Detzel

Elizabeth i\. DeVito

Electrical Engineering


Journa fjj7n



Art Education




Adrienn e R.

La ura \. Diekman

Lisa i\. DiSrda no




l:'ur!y Oli frlhoor/

Interna/ional Sludies

Illlm tenlioll Sl)eciaiist

Lora B. Dickerson

M egan E. Dool 'y

IlIleroelltion Specialist



r路d. Doll

I 263

EdwardJ Donnelly

Eurcise Sciena



KaLhryn E. Dresner

J enni fer L. Duke

Emily G. Dull

Michael B. Dunneback



AdoLejce1Ir- 10 roullg


Adult EduG'fllioll


Colleen D. Dwyer

Stephen E Eberle

Cai tlin E. Eggi

.JfnnilCr L. Eichl er

R 路 becca M. Elkanick

Anthon\' E. Esposito





Public Re/atiolls/

Civil EI(~if1eeril(1!,


Juli e . . Esposito

JdTrey L. Fa ehnle

Ear?J ChiLdhood

Enulish .~


Lauren M. Farrell


G eo rge \V. re ls

Brian U. Felter

Ada m E. Fernand '$

Chemical Enginfering


Bl/j路illesJ Economics/


IlItmllltiullal /:Jusiwlss

InlenIGlional Studies

Thomas P Fette

David A Filipski

K evin P Fitzgerald

H eather t\. Jo'lernion

Constan ce E. H)ster

Steve H. Friedmann


Indus/riaL Engineering


Public Relations






defining UD

a. look. back. (n.) A view of the pastfour yearsjfriends that have becom-e fam-ily and a cam-pus that has becom-e hom-e.

\" here did th s four years

0-0 .

Every senior asks this qu estion when they

reminisce a memory from first year. It seems as if only yes terday we were mo in il our boxes from the golf carts up to our one room residence halls.

It is astonishing to think four years ago we walked around campus Ilith maps at empting to find our classes; when now we can flawlessly get to Miriam Hall in .

n minutes. As nervous first-years, we would be lucky to walk into

a classroom and recognize someone who was on our floor. Now, we walk into a classroom and know everyone. ConversaLions move beyond " how Ivas your wee kend?" to ""vhat are we doing this weekend'. " 'liVe no longer go to th e ghetto to meet people, but rather to chill with our friends. A night at

BV' 3's or T1m's is a mere gatherin o ' of se nio rs escaping the classroom of presentations and papers to hang out with the classmates they see everyday. It is hearteni ng to look back and see how these everlasting friendships evolved. Nfarycre. I


our mansion. Each floor was a living room where residents

would assemble to spend time together. The cafeteria was our kitchen where Ashley King and Allison Cashman became fast friends their first year. Below, the two share a candid moment in Daytona as they approach their senior year.

we would talk endlessly over chicken patties and biggie Di t Cokes about the weekend . "ophomore year fri ends resided in opposite ends of th e campus;

VWK and Campus South. Livino- in the luxury of apartm ents, we enjoyed the comforu of sec urity. Friends were establish d and branched out throuo-h our classroom

ororities, fraternities, and other activiti es.

Junior year, we became upperclassmen. 'Ve no longer went out to the ghetto, but actually lived in the ghetto. Our first parties were hosted and we proudly represented the fond alumni who we remember treating us to our first party. We- made q uick friends with neighbors;just as we had the past two years. Now, we ar a family. Our senior year is full of lasts. Our last Parent's Weekend , our last I falloween, our last Lowes Fest, our last finals week, our las t year at

'D. \Vhilc it's heart wrenching to know graduation is just around

th' corner' it's also consoling


remember all of the indescribable Limes

we've shared. Pictures bring these memories back. Photos from these four yn rs now decorate


gh tt houses and are perfect for scrapbooks. They tell our story of

the fun we've had, the friendships we've made, and the memories at UD we' ll always hold close to our hearts.


Seniors, Sarah Kitchin , Jessica Minor, Kerry Bukvic and Colleen Eynon began their friendship early during their first year playing rugby. At left the four women gather for a picture after competing for the national rugby title. Photo by: Janelle Young

Above, Chelsea Stripe. Stacey Hammer, Meghan Roberts, and Kara Kolkmeyer pose in the hallway of their residence hall during their first year. Left. the four ladies get together for a quick smile during their senior year.

I 265


defining un

K a lhl 路路 n . 1. f ri es

,I41l rkdillg

Karen]. Gibso n

Ma rketing

Erin j' d. Fidle r

Politicrzl SUClic/'

Ano ' la i'd . Gae to

Eli lvl. Galayda


Polilical Scimre

D,Lie T Gilljr. a C. G iLl ey



E/nlriml EllgillfNing Garn


Kristen S. G a tt shall


Mlddll' Childhood

Language Educatiun


J ohn E. G ra zia no

H a nn ah E. G reen

Rdigious SI,,,dil';

PI/Vii( Relolwns

TelBVI:sioll ifroar/i'II's lill,!!;

Tra cey 1.. G ree n '

Roby n Ivi. G reens lad e

Joseph L. G ri cshop


Early Childhood

Crimillill ]lL\li( '

Kri slen E. G rimms eVil/III Ull ILil lio/!.)

Eduw tion

SCO IT A G rundey

Jill N. G uha ni , h



As hl') E. G r L~'ar!y

be l'


Rob 'l'l i'd. . roves Cum/JUler LlIgil({'erilig


Jo hn L. G u

.Jelli'ey M . G usl a lso n

Lauren]. H ack' lt.

Amanda ]. Hampton

PuLitiwl. riOlee

Public RdaliulI)

Comjmler Engineering

Ama nda]. Hargadon

K athleen tvi. H a rris

Brent]. Hartings

Stefanic R. Hauser

Mal'keli ng/


Public ReLations


Chemiwl Engineering

intr:rnatiOilai Busintls

Pryituw.!!) ,




Aaron]' Hancart

Crimilla! Justia

tvIalY K. H a nse n


I 267

Korie E. I-l ay-nit:

rvlaggi ' R. Hazbo un

Robert T H cbbel 'r

Hele ne r H edian

Shaw n M . H eilers

Cath 'rin e A. H cilCr!


Public Relations



Civil Ellgineering

Visual Communication



J o hn L. H emme rt

Richard A. H enHing

'axa h H. H engesbach

D a niel S. H e rene

N icole O. H err

E\'errue Science/

lV/aJ/agemm l l'!fimnal'ioll

A1echalliral Ellgillccl1ng


/vll'clillllical Engi!leering

Public Relations

Pre-pl!)lsicaL Therapy




Mi cheLl e E. Hibbard

J enni fer A. Hickey

M a ry C. Hicks

C indy L. Hili

Ali cia F H ogan

Kati e L. H oh necker

M arkeliny



fndusl1ial Engineering Tech/



Nlalllifaciurin.g Engineenn a Tech


Al yse M. Horton

Va lerie E. Hous '

J am es W. Hu elsman

N icule L. HuO'h es

Courtney E.


Early Itildhood



Hunte r

Public Relations


Eri c D. Ihl endorf

Natha n N. Inkrott

C in a D. Isgro

Rodney L. Iwr

J ess i a I.Jenkins

Broo k E. Johnson

Intervention Specialist









defining UD

Kevin A.Johnson

Kristen N.Johnson

Ashley LJones

Samamha LJones

Kathryn C.Jump

IVlary L Kahle

S/Jor/ ill/anagCJnent


Public Relations

Chemical Engineering




Ma ria D. K athmann

tvfatlh ew D. Kcck

i\ latlhew R. Kee nan

Co unn ey M. Keifer


Computer Sciena/


Visual Ci)mlllllllicatilJn

EarL)' Childhood





Eduw tion



:vI. Kf" men

:vIichael C. Kelly

Chad E. Kennedy

Daniel]. Kesler

Ashley L King

Sarah M. Kitchin

Matthew T. KJapheke

Electrical Eilgineeling


lv!arketi /lg

Exercise Science


Andrea L Klass

Casey M. KJ ein

Sarah A. Kleinhenz



Adolescence to Young

Adolescence to l'iJung Adult Education

Lauren A. Kleppcrsch Matthew A. Klopfenstein Jennifer]. Knapke


Gomputer ÂŁngineen:ng

Chemical l:'nginwillg

Katie R. Kuenle

Kath erine A. Kuhl

Adolescence to Young


Adult Education

Matthew M. Kohl

Chelsea A. Korfel


Environmental Biolog),/ E,wirolllnent<ll Geolog;'

Adri nn e D. Krei" hbaum Matthew L Krock



Adull Education


Donald R.

r, 'aeh

l'vIeli ssa A. Leclinsky

E rin A . Lee

,'\nne E. Legaspi


Puhiic Relalions


I 269

.Jcnna M . La.Fra n.kie

Bradley R. Lawson


PuliticaL Sciencc!henc/i/


Pre- medi.-ille

J e nnife r .'vi. Le hm an

E lizabeth M . Leisn er

T he resa ~l. Lenzini

Eli zabe th A Lindeman

J enni li:: r M.. Loftus


JduSlr Tilera/'J!

Public Rlil/itilms


En IrejJlelll'1/fShip


Lau ren E. Luebbers

Juli e M. Lunarclini

Reiigiow Studies

Afiddle Childhood



COIli/luttl L'ngilleering1ec!l/ Eleril7cal





J\lli anne F Lo ng

Vin ce nt A. Lo ren7.

.\.liddle Childhood



ildanagclIl ent

Edward C. Mack

Ju stin M. IV[agya r

Josh R. M a ly

Stephanie M. M archi

.'.fan L. M aroon

Gerald H. l\Ta rtin

Public Relations

ComjJuter Engineering

Public Relations

Civil Engineering

Politica! Science


Christin e M. ~vlartin cz

Amy E. Masow ick

Emil y M. Mathews

Davina R. i\lIatthew$

Rebe 'ca R. Maur

i\-Iary J Mayer

Early Childhood


Early Childhood








defining UD

Photo courtesy of Davor Photography

graduation. (n.) A com.m.encem.ent that m.arks the com.pletion of one's studies; May 7,2006, the cerem.ony that celebrates the completion of a college education by awarding to the seniors.

All 01' th e la te nights <;l1Idyin g, ramming Illr Les ts, and spending countless hours a t th e library have contri buted to this o ne invaluable token: it diplom a . Each senior \-vas clressed in the customary cap and gown and

Janelle Young goes to give Fred Niles, chair of the department of Visual Arts, a hug after receiving her diplpma. Young graduated with a bachelor of fine arts in photography with a minor in film studies and art history. Photo courtesy of Davor Photography

sectioned with their colleagues whom th 'y have sh a red th e salTl e classes , pro fessors, proj c 路ts, learnin g expe riences, a nd employment inte rests fo r f(lUr years. As the senio rs sat in unisun , they individua lly re 'eived their dipLomas anel were proudly watched hy their family and fri ends. W ith diplomas in hand, the seniors possessed the capacity to 'nter the business world as intelligent, prepared g radua tes from the University of Dayto n. Howeve r, befo re th e se niors ,vere la bel ed as "alumni ," they cele bra ted lor one last time with friends and famil y in the backyards of their ho uses. Th e ghetto gliste ned with white te nts comm emo rating the Ic)ur yea rs spent a t the Unive rsity of D ayton: the academics that ,;vert' mastered , the fri endships tha t we re bo rn , the experience th a t fostered adulthood, and the spirit of U D that has been ing ra ined in each ind ividual p 路' rs o nality.


KC Shockey and Caitlin James celebrate after receiving their diplomas. Photo courtesy of Davor Photography



defining UD

Jeffrey Gustafson waits patiently as his mom helps him put on his hood for the graduation ceremony. Photo courtesy of Davor Photography

Students line up waiting to process into the graduation ceremony. Photo by: Janelle Young

Photo by courtesy of Davor Photography



Mary Hickey walks with her fellow classmates up to the front of the auditorium to receive her diploma. Hickey left UD with an undergraduate degree in mathematics. Photo courtesy of Davor Photography



defining UD

Amanda]. McCall

Jennifer A. McCarty

Timothy P McFa rland

l'vlark P Mcllclufr

Megan E. McKenna


Chemical Engineeling


Public Relations

Biology E(/uwtion

Lindsey M. McVay

Sara K. rvlechley

Meghan M. Meredith

Steven P. Merzweiler

Berhane ['"lessay

Marcia Messay

Political Science

Criminal Justice






Desiree rvl. Michaels


Matthew T.


Shawna R. Mikuluk

Nicole IV!. l'vlillcr


Public Relations

Chemiad Engin.eering








Grant]. J\/fills

Electronic !vledia


·• AJ

,_--: SII.. _.






Stephen]. Mills

Nick]. Mindigo

Joshua R. Minnich

J essica L. lVlinor

Emily T !VEtchell



Criminal Justice

Chemical Engineel?ng

Cizemical Engineering

Jenna C. Moore

Michael D. Moro

Marisa A. Nlorrison

Leah G. Moyer

Gregory S. Mueller

M egan C. Mulroy

Operations 1\1anagenu:nt/

SpOTt Management


Middle Childhood

Adolescence to Young

VlSUal Communication


Adult Education



Genera I Siuriies


Roger T.


Civil Engineering

Joseph M. Murlin

John L. Murphy

Mechanical Eng. 'lec/i/

Commullication ;\!fgml/

Manufacluring Eng. 'ledz

Political Science

Monica K. Murray

Electronic Media

I 275

Mary D. W. Mushi

Ross A. Nagy


Crimillal }mlice


Jenna M . Naone

Christina C. Nebel

Public Relatiolls



Angela R. Nguyen

Kristen E. Niebercling

Jason P Nigro




III/em(1lional Siudies



~~~ ~ " .. -"" ,.






" Daniel L. Nollemeyer

Elaine P O'Brien

IvÂŁcgan A.

Colleen D. O'Gracly

Colleen D. O'Malia

Harrison B. Orenelorf





Public Relations



Public Relalions

IIl/erventiulI S/Jeciali.r/

Joanna L. Ostcrfcld

l\tlega II D. Pack

Miranda D. Pack

Branelon M. Paluch

Kelly D. Parker

Jennifer A. Parrish

Vimal Comrmlllicalion

Public Relaliolls

Public Relations

Religious Studies/

Public RelatioTis

Vimal Communication




Melissa M. Parshall

Katherine E. Patek

Erica L. Patterson

Christina A. Pertz

Lauren R. Pesce

Lyndsay L. Peters

Adolescence 10 Young


PI!)' ical Educali()n

Vzsual Communic(1tion


Middle Childhood

Adult Education





276 I defining un

job. search. (n.) to seek a position in which one is employed.

Photo by: Katy Koran

Photo by: Katy Koran

Photo by: Katy Koran


I 277

For seniors th , second semester no long '[ entails lhe dil mma r selec ting classes and pUlling together th e perfect schedul e. Rather, it involves a more complex dilemma of finding a job. The weight of selec ting th e I;ght ompa ny, chao, ing the best city, and negotiating a salary an be overwbelmingly burdemom'. Lucklly, LID students ha\'e Ca reer S

r\'il'e~ as

a mentor to help advise huild

resumes. network, and pn~cti ce interview:. Ca ree r Sel\/ircs al 0 ho~ts coop 'ntervicw: a nd car lairs on campu' to as 'lst stud lltS wi.t.fu aining experience and finding a j ob. Ca reer Services assembles GlmpUS events >

along with offering a multitude of resources on Lheir website, ranging fl'om joh ofTers to company websites. Senior year comes with the inevitable stress of finding a job. Yet, with the well-rounded education and social skills we acquire fi'om UD, along with the aid of Career Services, every senior has the opportunity to find the idealjob for which lhey train over the past fo ur years.

Tessia Pierce uses the computer in the Career Services Center. Career Services purchased many valuable materials for students to use in preparing for the work force. Photo by: Katy Koran


defining un

D e lUli~

Alison K. Petsche

Christine 1\,1. Pettit

Kristen M. Pfirrmann

Lindsey A. Pfleger





Indwlrial Engineering uch-

Adolescence 10 Young

Operationl" Jl!lanagelilent



Adult h:aucatioll

E. Philipps]r.

M eghan L. Phipps

Allison A, Piszkiewicz

Kristina A. Plucis

J ason M . Pokorny

Lauren E. Pol.lock

Carrie S. Polston

Nyla S. Potter


Exercise cielll'c

Civil Engi.neering


Pre-ph:J'j-ical Therap)'


Jonath a n P Powe rs

Andrew \'\1". Pumphrey

William B. Rae

Jessica L. Ravine

EmilyJ. Reimer

Anne-Marie M . Re nga

Computer Engineering

Ear(y Childhood


Chemical Enginer:ring

Iiztervention ::'peciaLisl




Angela ?vl. Renzelti

Dana M. Reynolds

Abby L. Rice

Allyson K . Rice

Michael P. Rice


Nliddle Childhood


Adolescence 10 Youllg

Ii!lormatioll !J).I"tems



Adult Education






. "


_'1路路' ~~: .


TilTany J. Richardson

NormandJ Rich er

Christie K. Ri epenholT

Ann L. RilTel

Jennife r K. Ring

DavidJ Rivelli

Intemational Studies

Computer Information

Exercise Seienee/

lnterventwn Special-ist


Political 'cienee


Fitness Nlunagement


M eghan A. Roberts

Dario N. Rodriguez

Jonathan R. Roney

Tami R. Roudebush

John C. Roy

TifIany M. Ruhe

Public Relations


t\1echanical En,gintering

Cillil Engineering


Civil Ellgitleeling

Lindsay A.

Karla R. Salay

J utita V Savali

Civil Engineering

MILI1c Education

Jessica E. Schmidt

Amy K. Schroeder

General Studies

Early Childfwod


Lisa 1'vI. Rupk

KyJeJ Rush

Elisabeth H. Russo


Criminal Justice

A'fiddle C'llildhood



COII/municatiOll Studies

J onath an]. Scalpone

\nna C. Sc.hicke!

\.ngela J Schimmoeller

Industrial Engineering




Nicholas D. Schubeler





Anclrea L. Schweitzer

Ke\>i n P. Secaur

Elizabeth l\!!. Sedler


I:J.ectrollic Ivledia



r-.htthew P. Seibert

Kari E. Seurer



injimnalion Systems

iVIichael]. Shafe r

Kathlee n M. Shanks

John F Sheehan

Shannon r..I. Shelby

iVlatthew C. Sheridan

MaxweUJ. Sherry




Electronic t\1edia


Middle Childhood

Iriformation 5.Y.l"tclIIs


I 279


defining un

dayton. to. daytona. (n.) Five nights and six days that culminate the end of the school year.

for seniors, it celebrated the end of 'ollege. Daytona vvas the last " hurrah" for se niors. It was the last gath ering, kno wn as experiencing the ghelto .. .poolsidc. Just as those sen iors who had gone before ll$, the last Photo by: Jonathan King

night had a surreal impact. The usual a tivities took place throughout the day: relaxing on the beer deck, having dinner at MiaTia or Ocean Deck, and then heading to the Arcade . Yet, the atmosphere on the last night was more somber than the previous nights. There exis ted the inevitable rate that college had ended and this night was the last UD "hurrah." The realjzation that we would have to make trips across cou ntry instead of walks across the stree t to visit our rriends was all too agonizing. The heart-wrenching truth that we would not be returning LO 'D but beginn ing our new lives and careers was a bittersweet reality. On this unlorgetlable night , we cried tears for our pasts together and our futures apart. We laughed together and embraced each other d uring the last hours of college with our friends, with whom who we shared classes, weekends,

Seniors Nick Bruch , John Seifert, Jon King, Adam Rose and Doug Lucking enjoy each other's company. Photo by: Jonathan King

Photo by: Jonathan King

houses, and the best four years of our Jives.

semors I 281

Photo by: Jonathan King

Photo by: Jonathan King

The band Buck Fooly entertains the crowd at one of the planned events. Photo by: Jonathan King

Photo by: Jonathan King


defining un

Michelle E. Simons

pjuana Iv1. Sims

LesLie A. Singel

Joanne M. Sklodowski

Casey W. Slattery

Hillary R. Slenen



A merican Studies





Brea L. Stire

Emily K. Smith

Helen E. Smith

Kelly M. Smith

Stephanie M. Smoller

Megan K. Smythe







Pubtif Relatiolls

Christopher D. Snyder

Marcy E. Souder

lVlichelle i\'l. StaehleI'

Amanda E. Stebelton

M egan R. Steuer

Kristy A. Stiens

Computer Science

Chemical Engineering

Chemical Enginming


Criminal Jus/ice

Middle Childhood



Chelsea tvL Stripe

Kelly E. SulLivan

Joseph A. Svarovsky

Sherira E Swanigan

Lukas K. Swedlund

Erin C. Sweeney



Chemical Engineering


Chemical Enginee/1l1g


Abet A. Tekeste

Tara L. Thomas

Sean R. Thomson

Thomas E. Tiemeier

Ashley R. Timmer

Vicki]. Tobe


General Studies



Graphic Deyign



Ashley J. Tomlin

intervention Specialist

Angela M. Trinity


Danie l r. Trombley

Niechanical Engineering

Suzanne M. Valade

J essica M. Wade

Sean tvl. Wade


lldusic Pnformance

Civil Engilleering


international Studies

Matthew C. Walker

Nicholas R. Wall

Amy M . Walton

Thomas A. Watson III

Jeffrey M. Weber

Timothy 'vv. vVechter

Visual Communicalion

Exercise Science

Early Childhood

VISual Communication







Brady F. Wendeln

Ann M. Whalen

William D. Wheeler

Stephanie M. Wigdalski

Kate E. Wisniewski

Matt.hias K. Wissmann



Chemical Engineering

i nt.ervenhon Specialist

Middle Childhood

Public Relatio/ls


Adam H . Wojnowski

Elizabeth M. Wojtkun Ma rie Wong Kung Fong Nathanael W. Woodard

Meclumical Engineering

Adolescence tv luung Adult

Visual Communication



Electrical Engineering

Heidi fvl. Woolf

Stephanie tvl. Wurrz

Early Childhood

Middle C'lzildhood



Jennifer M. Yeaze ll

J a nelle L. Young

John]. ZerbeJr.

Maria T Zerhusen

Luciana M. ZoBi

Early Childhood



Political Science






defining un

senior. polls. (n.) seniors rate their Javon e things at UD.

best place to study on cmnpus .. . Roesch Libra ry H ome Torch Lounge best place to eat on ca1npus .. . Photo by: Katy Koran

KU M arycres t Art Street best restaurant on Brown Street.. . Chipotle Panera Mil anos

Ph oto by: Katy Koran

best bar on Brown Street... B\tV3s Fieldhouse NliJ an os best street in the ghetto ... Kiefabcr Lowes Stonemill

Photo by: Katy Koran

best sporting event ... Basketball Football Soccer


best first-year residence hall ... Marycrest Stuart Founders

best building on campus ... Rcc Plex Humanities Nlarianist Hall

Photo by: Katy Koran

best activity for the weekend... Drinking Sleeping Cornhole best activity to be involved in ... Intramural Sports Fraternities/Sororities Retreats

Photo by: Katy Koran

best outdoor activity ... Sitting on porches Frisbee "Fests" things you'll miss the most... People Parties The Ghetto

Photo by: Katy Koran




I defining un

Ashley, Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around! -Leo Buscaglia The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires! -William Arthur Ward With all the love in our hearts we wish you a life fIlled with happiness, Mom, Dad, Eric & Brittney Ashley Clark

CONGRATULATIONS KEARA! You have the LID Diploma and an Ever Present Smile. Our wish for you is happiness.



Me Q<}


Love Mom, Dad & Micki

~~, A~,



~ f!M«d

0& t4e ~ ~ ~

~WJffle ad aft. ~ kaoe~,



to 6e a. ~ ~/'Ule wid ~

m«d ~ ad tJod'<t ~~'" 'Ule~~,

'IItom, 'Dad, Keara Anderson

Katherine E, Armstrong

7)M, A~, ~,

&'ri«l & 1'IMe<t





Congratulations on all vou've accomplished with true UD spirit.




Mom & Dad Ryan Brennan

Dane Baldwin

Congratulations Colleen!

Congratulations Christine!


We wish you a life full of happiness, love and success as you continue to make us so very proud of you!

We are so ver~ proud ot ~ou!

Ma~ the memories & triends ~ou've made at UD remain with ~ou torever. God bless ~ou alwa~s!

ALL our love, Mom, Dad, Elizabeth & Sasha Christine Daly

Love, Mom & Dad Colleen Dwyer

To the Ladies of 306 Kiefaber: Congratulations and best wishes for a wonderful future filled with continued success and happiness. The Dooley Family Megan Dooley

I 287


I defining un

Dear Devin,

It's hard to believe that it's heell 4 years. So many

l~ice friel~ds

you have made

That you will have for life. Those parents weel(ends will be ll'lissed. It truly is an accoll'lplishll'lent. This was the right place for YOlI. A lot of tl'lings have happened in 4 years. vVe are so proud to be your parents. Good Luck and Congratulations. Devin Berg


As we looked back to the freshman Mass in August 2002, we recall the three themes of UD: Learn, Lead and Serve. Kenny has learned at UD by combining two majors. He has led other UD students by serving on various retreat committees. Kelmy has served

Phillip, Congratulations! You have worked so hard to achieve this goal. One of your dreams has become a reality What a great accomplishment l Use the many talents, gifts, and abilities that God has given you. Ask him to guide you, and he will direct your path w hen you encounter life's many challenges. May you succeed in all that you set out t o accomplish. We're so proud of you! We wi sh you the best of luck with your future Phillip.

his community by co-chairing the Metanoia retreat in 2004 and participated in the UDSAP summer program. Kenny is rooted in Faith and his spirit of Mission is committed to the poor. Ken's living in a Community embodies a family spirit. His actions demonstrate Inclusivity by welcoming all and respecting differences. Kenny strives to live in Mary's example by being compassionate, humble yet strong, steadfast and a model of love. Love, Mom, Dad and Connor

Love, Dad, Mom, and Kelli Phillip Ashbrook

Kenneth Barrett



I 289


I defining un

(( There are two fadlill.9 beqlle<ftd we

ClZll.9ilJe Ollr chJJren: One [,1 rootJ, The other

u wingJ.

Maggie, Congratulations on a job well done! Love, Mom, Dad, Jeff, Joe, David and Dan Maggie Biedenharn

Dear Laura, Congratulations on all you have accomplished. It is hard to believe that you are a UD graduate. You have always made us smile ... always made us proud. You have now earned your final "wings" - so soar and follow your heart. We love you, Mom, Dad and "W" Laura E. Bossard

"From small beginnings come great things. " Congratulations Sarah!


We're so proud of you. Follow your heart. May God bless and keep you. LOVE, MOM, DAD, SUZANNE & JANIE

Leslie Cebula

With 4 wonderful years at u.n behind you and Graduate School on the horizon, we wish you all the love, happiness and success you so deeply deserve. We are truly blessed to have you as our daughter!

"Your talent is God's gift to yo", What YOII do with it is YOllr gift to God." All our love, Mom, Dad, Aaron and Brandon Sarah L. Coffman



Nickolas, You never cease to amaze us!! You have a heart of gold, the ability to adapt and overcome, and not just to dream but achieve. In the last six months you received a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering, made the Dean's List, purchased a home, secured a career, became engaged, and also found time to help out your family! We are very blessed to have such a terrific son and brother. You've worked very hard to be the best that you can be. Take a little time to relax and enjoy all that life will bring. Don't ever forget how much you're loved and the numerous lives you have touched! We love you and are very proud of who you've been, who you are, and who you will be. We Love You Mom, Dad, Stevie & Amber Nickolas Allen Dailey

C:y'rtUzJ!U7{}fU ~J We are so proud of the young woman you have become. L{f-Yf?



@) DatU

~~~ Kimberly Anne Darcy

Congratulations Mike! You've completed your college experience in great form. We're all very proud of you ... wherever your success takes you!


J'm d.o. ~ at ifCUt!

Love, Mom & Dad, Date, Kate & Brian, Liz, Pat

Michael B. Dunneback

J /ewe ifCUt!! j~

Rebecca Dwenger

I 291


I defining UD





Adam Edward Fern andes

(ongratulations George!


We are so Proud 01 you. Delight in Each Day

love, Mom and Dad

Live True to Your Values George W. Fels

Learn From the Past Kris li, \i\fords j u. ( ar

Look To the Future Il ' l


to ( , II ),011 how proud you have made us . \-Ve can ' t wai t to see you ta \.; P off in your teac h ing car('rr. Your" future s tu dents are very lucky! \ ' e love yo u !

All of our love, Mom and Dad

Mom &. Dad Kristina Kemen

Rebecca M. El ka nick





Tommy Fette



OF yoU!!!





I defining UD

Thank you for the memories. Congratulations Jessica! We are so very proud of you Love, Dad, Mom, Amy, Jennifer, Angela & Madison

Jessica Kazmierski


Congratulations Patrick! We're So Proud Of You ... Love, Mom, Dad, Dan, Kevin &Seamus

Jeff, We're so proud!

Love, Mom & Dad

Jeff Faehnle

Patrick Guerin


Rob, You have always been a "star" in our eyes. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments. We are extremely proud of you. Rock on, brother! Love, Mom, Dad and Family

Robert T. Hebbeler

Cathy Heitert





defining un

The Voice There is a voice inside of !:IOU That whispers all da!:l long. "I feel that this is right for me. I feel that this is wrong." No teacher, preacher, parent, friend Or Wise man can decide What's right for !:I0UJust listen to The Voice that speaks inside. She! Silverstein

We are so ver!:l proud of !:IOU, Craig! Much Love, Mom & Dad & !:lour f)rothers!

Craig Hubert

Chad, as the i.nteUectual, interesting, humble, and family oriented man you have become, I am proud to call you my grandsonMany Blessings When a man is truly educated he has a smile on his face. love in his heart, and a song on his lips. Good luck Chad- Mindi As a father, I have watched you become a man of good character, dedicated to the ideals you believe in. You have a good teacher. There is nothing else to say. Love ya As a big sister [ am very proud of my little brother for becoming an engineer. - Love, Felicia Love your neighbor as yourself, don't use money to measure wealth, trust in God, but lock your door, buy low, sell high. and slow dance more. Love, Andrea Chad when we were young, I watched and admired many things you could do .... like climbing Grandma's kitchen wall. Through the years I continued to watch you acco mplish more impressive feats. Graduating is one more thing to add yo the list. Just remember when things get hard , you can always borrow my easy button. - Jordan You have worked hard; you have set your goals high. and you have been persistent in reaching your goals. So, what's next'l You work hard , you set new and higher goals, and be persistent in meeting those goals. I expect nothing less because you are my son. Remember to have fun along the way.

----Chad Kennedy---Chad E. Kennedy


Congratulations Michael!

Continue to enjoy the journey. This is one significant milestone. Psalm 119:9, Philippians 4:13 Love, Dad, Mom, Kimberly, and Timothy

O ne Hundred Years from now Au thor Un. nown One Hundred Yedrs from now, It will not md ter Whdt kind of Cdr I drov , What kind of house I live in, How much money was in my bonk account Nor whdt my clothes looked like. But the world may be t1 better place beCd use I was Importdnt i the life of d child. \'l/e'le so proud of you l Love A lways, Mom & Ddd l Valerie House

Michael J. Hyde

Congratulations Katie! We are so proud ot ~our mar;.lJ accom plishments! We wish ~ou all good things t o r the ~ears ahead . We love ~o u! Mom, Dad , Jess & Dave, E:mil~ & Matt

Katherine A. Kuhl

Sarah Luckhaupt

I 297


I defining UD

Michael. From your first day in kinderearten to your last day in coUeee-We have been so PROUD of you! Go forth and accomplish your Dreams! Love. Mom Mamie and Dada Grandma Sheridan Michael Moro


Colleen, We all love you and are so proud of you! Alvvays be yourself and live your faith! May God be good to you alvvays! Love-Mom, Dad, Janet, Rich, Jacob, AlIi, David, SI1.annon & Connor

Colleen O'Malia



300 I defining un

Shawna Mikuluk


You're the Greatest! We're so proud of you! Congratulations! Love, Mom, Dad, Ashl ey, Brittany, Nana, Et Papa


Member of the following :

(;III1III.1:SS YIIII I\NIl (WillI: Villi. lill(iS 8: MIII:lll.lnfl:, MIIM Matthew L. Maroon

Studied in Italy with UD Summer 2005 Member of National Society of Collegiate Scholars Member of Beta Alpha Psi Member of Delta Sigma Pi Member of Irish Club Shawna Mikuluk


Jon Patrick Parks We are proud of you and we love you. Mom, Dad, Luke, Tom and RJ


Jon Pa rks







We could not b. mor. proud of !Iou on this momRntous occAsion! 1'Ou've work." (And pIA!led) hA .... And it 's All pAid off. We know !l0u'lldo ,nAt tMn,s out in the ' nAI' world. You hA .. e so much to offn And we cAn 't WAit to se. All the plAtes Itou'll ,o! '1od bless !Iou AlwA!lS!!

Chuck Mohr

Christopher Phelan Follow your dream! We love you, son. Mom & Dad Christopher Phelan

Dear Molly, Congratulations on a job well done! We are so very proud of yOU! May God guide you in your teaching and in your life. Our love, Dad and Mom

Molly Kathleen Naples



I defining un


John Reagan

JOSHUA RICHARDT C o ngratulati o ns! We are so pro ud o f you. love, Mo m & Dad Joshua Richardt

J~ (KW,t)

OVla'l ~ yOtAl Ytcwl?/ ~ youv M0111I~VcuL w-vevy pvoud,;, A~ Wl?/ Ytcwl?/ wt;t;t~ fhe" .R:vo-vlfY ~ becuArtful; wo-mcvvv yOtAl Ytcwl?/ 'btvCO111£;, Wl?/ k-tto-w

yOtAl W [fl; g-o- o-Y\I'to-

do-w~~ C~t;t;t~w-rw13aby GWU!!!

OU¥" lovl?/ cUw~¥,

M01111 & VcuL

Jenna M. Naone


Lindsey, May you always enjoy family, good friends, faith, work and laughter. We hope you had the time of your life! We are so proud of you.

Love, Mom, Dad and Lauren

Lindsey Pfleger

Lindsey Pfleger

I 303

304 I defining un

Dear Ana,

Ana V. del Valle

You are who God meant for you to be. You are his special gift to us and to the world. During your life you have touched our hearts and brought joy to our lives and to the lives of everyone you meet. Continue to live and enjoy life as you do. Continue to laugh and spread joy wherever you go. Continue to share your love for life and strive to be the best. You know that our love will be with you forever. Ana, you continue to make us proud. Congratulations Love Mom, Dad, Angela and Tata

Ana V. del Valle


Jessica Marie Wade


We are so proud of you. Continue to follow your dream.

JoeSee what happens when you follow such sage advice as "don't pet a burning dog"? Congratulations!

Love, Mom, Dad and Sonia

Love, Mom, Dad, Mike,Therese and Gina


Chelsea Stripe

Tara, We are so proud oflt/hat you have accomplished. Your faith and determination will always inspire us! Love - Mom, John, & Jamie '0)

Joseph A. Svarovsky

Congratulations Nick!! We

are so proud of you.

God bless and good luck in everything you choose to do in the future. Love, Mom, Dad and Tim

Tara Thomas

Nicholas R. Wall

I 305


I defining un Bill Wheeler

Kate, We love you and are so proud of you!! Mom, Dad, Jake and Boomer

We are so very proud of you . Through your hard work and determination you have achieved your goals. You truly can do whatever you set your mind to. Congratulations just doesn 't say enough . We know you will be successful in what ever you do. Love Mom, Dad and Jeff Kate E. Wisniewski

Bill Wheeler


Dear Adam, The truth is ... everyday in every way, you ;ust keep getting better, and better, and smarter, and better... Kudos to you! I am so proud Of all you've accomplished. Good luck and Godspeed! I love you. Mom XOXO & Taffy, of course.


Adam Wojnowski

Lindsey Wozniak


I 307

Sm:I:I:SS. I'I"S '!'It!: I:OImAGI: i\NI' CONI:II)I:NI:I: '1'0 III:IiIN. I'I~S '!'It!: I'ASSII)~I i\NI' I'I:"SIS'!'I:~II:I: '1'0 l:mUINlJI:. l'I~s '!'It!: H\I.I:I\I'I' AI\lI' 'I'B\lAI:m' 'I'll I:I\\I1SII. l'I~s '!'In: I"JAI'S YOII I:ItOOSI:, '!'It I: Mt:I:lh\lliS YOII Nli\l(l:, '!'It!: IVIlUJiUi\lI\lS YOII MOVI:, i\I\lI' 'l'UI: I:Xi\MI'U: YOII SI:1. l'l~s AU. '!'In:SI: '!'It!NliS i\\\Il) MOIU: '!'ItAT l:mVII'IUSI: "SIJI:I:I:SS:' I\~II' IN TIt!: 1:1\11', WI: I'ON'T .IIIS'I' 1:I:U:llltATI: WIUH YOII IJII', IUlT WltO YOII AIU:.

Melissa A. Wyatt

Collin J. Whelley Two things we have bequeathed you: One, Roots for a strong foundation, Second, Wings, to Soar towards your goals. YOU ARE A FL YER NOW! Love always! Mom and Oad!

Collin J. Whelley

IISuccess usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for if' -Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

308 I defining un

W~ L()V~ ~()U!l LUCI4~4 Luciana Zolli



Congratulations Paola! Tl7e sky:5' the limit!! The whole tribe if veryproud a/you.

YVf ~)e/ tj(}-/lj. J

Paola Montoya

UReal success is finding your lifework in the work that you love:' -David McCullough

I 309


I defining un

速asan 'Robinson We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments throughout the years. You have done well academically and with soccer. Always know that without a doubt you are loved by your family. You were a wonderful child and you have turned out to be a wonderful young man. Always remember the things that your dad taught you as you were growing up. And even though he many not be here physically on earth with us anymore, his legacy lives within you and your brothers. Keep Christ in your life. Congratulations and Praise the Lord!!! Love, Dad Dennis (In Spirit), Mom Darlene, Grandma Emma, Brothers David and Little Dennis Papa Albert and Nana Linda Robinson Uncle James and Aunt Janice Smith Grandma Audrey and Aunt Rhodora Johnson Aunts Darcel, Melvy and Sonja

Dasan Alexander Robinson


"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931)




defining UD

d aytonian. staff. (n.) 13 hard-working and fun-loving people who carne together to bring this great book to you. At th e beo'inning of the year, this stafr started o ut \路virh a fresh look and a positive atti tude. As the yea r progressed , the m embe rs of the stall' became mu h m o re th an (,olleagues--we all be a m e fri ends. Aft


a c razy

weekend in K a nsa:; City, we all re minisced a bo ut the "sta rs" we m et, and Some of the ladies of the Daytonian staff get together with former New Kid on the Block Jordan Knight for a picture. Photo by: Melissa Flanagan

the good Limes we had. T his book would no t hay ' been possible without the hard work and dedication of each staff member. I, as the editor, am privileo'ed to kno w these people and to say that I 'vvas abk to work with t hem. Thank you, thank you , th a nk you to all of you. You all have a special place in my heart and I will never be able to tell aU of you how much you truly m ean to m e.

Janelle: What can I say? You are indispensable. Thank you so much for stayin o' behind after graduation and finishing the yearbook so I could go to D aytona. You have no idea how much this mean t to m e. If it we ren't for you, the yearbook would never have been finished. Th a nk you from the bottom of my heart.

Katy: You really stepped it up and came through in t.he clutch this year, a nd I ca nnot th a nk you enough. I will surely miss you next year.

Kerry: 'Well

Ke l~

we've don it a ll toge th e r, and it m a kes me sad that this

is the end of our road. Thank you for always being who you are and for being my best fri e nd. M uch love



Luciana Zolli, editor

Janelle Young, assistant editor/photo manager/cover design

Katy Koran, assistant photo manager

Lauren Caggiano, organizations editor

Kerry Bukvic, business/PR manager

Brian Sullivan, student life editor


I 313

Joanna: Thank God for you kid. You and Amy really made this book what it is, andl'm glad that I was able to become so close with you. I'll never forget the memories from Kansas City and all the crazy weekends. Axny: Oh ,'-\my, the other half of my "dream team." You were such a pleasure to work with and have b come such a good friend of mine. Thanks for everything. Lauren: You always worked hard to get everything done, alld I sincerely

thank you {or that. Good luck in the future. Brian: You drove me crazy, but you worked hard. Thanks Brian, anel

gooelluck editing next year l Nayla: I can't believe I won't see you sleeping on the couch anymore .. '!

am certain that we will stay in touch, and please know that your presence in my Life has been profound.

Special Thanks To: Our Family and Friends Eddie Landry and Flyer News Herfijones Publishing Eileen McGinley Melissa Flanagan andJonathan King

Mike: 4 years later, he re we are. You've been there for everything -- ups and downs. I can never thank you enough for aU of your hard work both in and outsicie tbe office. AU I can say is thank you, from the bottom of my heart. 1·J.3. Ali: My little elf You were always ready and willing to lend a hand. Thank you , you are so amazing!

Kristi: Kemes, it has been such a pleasure knowing you and working with you. You always brightmecl my day, and you have made some of my memories of coli 'g absolutely unforgettable. AdalD: Your hard work and positive attitude was much appreciated this

year. Good luck next year!

Melissa: I can n('ver thank you enough for being there for me. You helped me real.ize my potential as a leader and you pushed me to do my

Joanna Osterfeld, design editor

best. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

.... .• .• '


:~ -~.

Nayla Kawerk, copy editor

Allison Elwer, residential life editor

Mike Moro, sports editor

Kristi Kemen , senior section editor

Amy Bretniu, assistant design editor

Adam Behm, senior ads/mini-mag editor


defining UD

(D.) A Abdelnour, Paul A. 254 Abdul.lahi , Hind" 12 1 Abelr)" Katl' 133 Abe:tctian, Elizabe th 96, 99 Abramowski , Lisa K. 254 Acres,justin D, 254路 Adam, Rene 120 Adams, Ashley 69 Adams, Rya n 169 Adams, Shalyn 209 Adducci, Laura 174 Adedeji , Desmo nd 226 AclIard, C hase 144Agostino, C hristina M. 254 Ahlldd, Kelly 12 1 Ahrens, Emily 13 1 f\kerhiclm , Betha ny 21 + Al-Sa nka ri, Hanny 68 , 76 Alam, C hristine !v!. 254 Alderm a n, Chiron 87,89,20 I Aldrich , Erin 136 Alessi,Julie 129 Alexander, Andi L. 91, 25+ Alfieri, David 68 Alhmel; Kate 132 Allen , Co ry 207 Allen , Lindsey 129 Allison H all 130 Altma n,jenny 78 Alvarez, Chris 226, 227 Alverson ,james R. 97, 254 Alvino, Te rry 2 16 Alyanak, Ann 223, 234, 235 Aman, M erck 127 Amdor,john 120 Amedei, Alyssa 121 Amico n, Vince 80 Anderec k, Ad m ew 202 Anders, La uren 96 , 235 Andersen, Mik' 222 Anderson, Ashley 132 Anderson ,Jaime 132 Anderson , Kcara YI. 254路, 286 Anderson, Meredith 202, 254 Andie, Tim 153 Andrews, Debbie 76 Andrulonis, Stephanie 136 Andryc,Jon 210 Angi e, Liz 125 Angst, :Vlelissa A. 254 Annunziata, Dan 207 Antenucci, Anthony 127 Anteuvillo, Paul 1+6 Anthony, J eO' I V Ape/,Joey 133 Apmann, Missy 84, 96 Arasmith , Drew 1% Arasu, Mitila 125

ArguiUa, Laure n 9 I i\risco, Te resa 69 Arko, Kristin 90 Armstrong, Ashley 228, 229 Armstrong, Carolyn 76 Armstrong, K atherine E. 78, 254, 286 Arnett, Andrew 160 mold, Michael 80 Arnold, R achel 129, 130 Arnson, K aty9 1, 140, 1+6 Arrogh,jlll 146 Arroyo, Eduardo A. 254 Arroyo,juLia 120 Ant, A.nlti 216 Ashbroo k, Phillip A. 254, 289 Ashe, Chelsea ~ 19 Astier, Virginie 163 \ubry, Li sa I. 20 , 235 Auriema,Jack 3 1 A""lon, Stephanie 196 Avil<1 , Andrea 1.. 80, 254 Ayers, Nickie 97 Azmeh, Rou a 89 Azme h, Souha 89

B Baar, Cassandra 125 Babak , Moey 99, 144 Baa, Kimberlv M. 190, 254 Bac kus, Tricia 99 Baddorf, Garrett S. 254 Baddorl", Gmy 79 Bade, Dan 15 I Bade, Rachel 133 Badenhop, Ivfark 179, 2+7 Badingha us, Andy 96 Bagi, Christopher L. 254 Bahn, Christian W. ~54 Bahl', .Justin 171 Bailey,Jon 1+0, IH BailJis, Bryan 133 Bail osky,jakc 207 Bailvs, Lauren 91 Baines, Daphcllc 12 I Baines, Mackenzic 133 Bakcr,j en 13? Bakel', Lindsay 131 Bakes, Kati 97 Baldwin , D a ne I. 8+, 254, 287 Baldwin,jama 154 Baldwin, Lyndse)' 52 Baldwin, :-'路1icha d 132 Ball , Tony 210 Ba lme l; j a mcs D. ~54 Balogun , Bo :! I 0 Balso n, Mark 167 Baltulis, Kira 99 Ba lza no, K aylea 69 Balzer, Ste ph en 36

Bamber,j e Sc 128 Banchy,justi n 133 Bandi, Sumen 121 Bange, Keith 84, 164 Barandi , Cassi 13 1 Ba rbicas, Mark 166 Ba rbo, Sarah R. 254 Barno ul; Ste ph anie 94, 144 Barcelo, Nick 126 Bargo, Pamela E. 254 Barhorst, Faye 214, 215 Barks, Caron 121 Barn " L.B, 132 Barn es, Matl 2 16 Barne)', Caitlin 98, 121 Barno, Sarah 76 Barrelt, Ken 195 Barre tt, Kenneth L. 254, 289 Barrows, Emily 42 Ba rte l; Hillary 185 Barth ,jordan 135 Ban z, Brirne" 68 Basse tt, Dan 146 Bassett, Katie 185 Bast, C hris 120 Ba te', Brady 95 Bates, Lindsey ~59 Bates, Marie 131 Bauer, Ben 126 Bauel; C hristine M. 25 4 Ba uer, Dan 1+6 Baue r, Ingrid 154 Bauer, Kate 225 Ba uet; Kathleen 97, 12 1 Bauer, Sarah 241 Baumgarrnar, M ega n 153 Beachy, Michael S. 254 Beaman , Be n 76 Bca mcl; .Joe 177 Beardsley, N ate P. 254 Beattie, jason 192 Beche rer, KatlI cline F :2:)4 Bec k, Brad 96 Bec ker, Kathe rine 131 I:let:kcr, Leslie 132 lkharry, Alex 69 BchjmeI: 1\ atalie 133 lkh m, Adam 68, 69, 1+4,3 13 Behmc, M ichael D. 189,254 Be hr, Ka the rine 99 Hehr, Maria 195 Beile in, Mark 160 Beitel, Keny E. 25+ Beitel, Phil 125 Belknap, Becky 15:i Bell, Terry 207 Bcn kc n, Ka!llly n E. 25+ Bennett , Kaitlin 120 Be nnen, Katel vn 19:i Bennett, Ma rques 226

Bcnnell , Megan 144 Benne lt, Mike 15 I B noit,jessica 130 Benoit, Kevin 210 Bello it , Will 207 Rells, Carmon I 29 Benson , Ahna Lyn 99, 132 Bemen, K ay BI Bento n, Mall 207 Bentz, Audrey C. 97 ,255 ilerba l)', \m)' 2 19 Berg, D evinj. 255, 2B8 Bergen, Brendan 133 B rgfeld, Ban 210 Bergman , Christine 91 Berkemeier, Mike 121 Berlon, Re nee B8, 96 Berner, josh ua 210 Ikrnel; Matthew 120 lI'rning, David 222 IIcrnosk)" Steve 202 Berquisl, Katie 221 Bertke, Sandy 81 RClTovieh, K.imbe rly 131 Beta ncourt, Se rg10 121 BellI , jonathon 79 Beumer, jo '~2 , 97 Beye r, Bob, 226 Bianco, Nicki 22 1 Bica, Brittan ), 143 Bidenharn, Maggie 255, 290 Bikowski , Blake 2 10 Bingham , K 'vin 126 Billgham, Thomas 129 Binni~,Jimmy 226 Binski, Laura 225 Birkemeier, Scan 144 Bishop, H alle 78 Bishop, Katie 78 Bisignani, Bria n M. 255 Ilisi ani,jefT 126 \\isnelr ' Chad 207 Bissinger, Dave 144 llIa ck, Alison 96 Black, Nic 210 llIackburn , Damion 2 16 Blackman, Becky 125 Blain, Aaron 68 llIake, D avid 146 Blake, Ke lley 124 B1"ke, Mallaree 131 Blake, Michael 22 Blankemeyer, Tony 84 Block.o; idge, I'vlike '~2 Blue, Tyler 210 Blunt>., Siggel 126 Boccio, Timmy 69 Boeke, Asnanada 136 Iloelk(', Asnanda 69 Boelke, Bryan 69 Iloesh a n , Ca.rl 120 Bogdan , Sam 142 Bogdanov, Lubomir 216 Bogenschutz, 221 Bogus, Valerie 91, 196 Bohlin, M agg1c 132 Bohn , Christian 192 Bo hne, j~ssica 91 Boke, Evin 188 Boland, Laura 2 19 Bold n, Marc 200 Boldl, Matthew C. 255 Bole, Eric 81 , Katie 42 Bollma n,jason 143 Boisen, William 85, 98, 121 Boltz, C orey 133 Llonasso, Annette 136, 219 Boneau,joe 207 Bonnem , Allison E. 255

Bopp, Kathleen G. 255 Borche rs, Ambe r L. 255 Bo rc he rs, iVlich elle 136, 237 Borchers, Sandy 78 Bord.ick , Rob 168 Bo rgerding, Kate Hi I Borgerding, Tricia 121 Borgcs,jose 207 Borre lli , Ba rt 90 255 llorucka, Kati e 136 Bor ,'siak, M eghan 219 Boschart, K"vin 97 Bossard, Laura E. 255 , 290 Boston, N ick 132 Bour, Sara 128 Bowde n , Abby 121 Bowe, Suzan I. 79, 170, 255 Bowel; Cooper 13 1 Bow,;r, Tyler 167 Bowser, Leslie 170 Boyd , 1\路[eredilh 78 Boyd , Ryan 62 Boyc l; jefr 216 Boze man, Rachel 68 , 169 Bozyn ki , Eric . 25 5 Bracht, Sara h 34 Brackma nn , Em ily 97 Braddick, Colleen 132 Bradlord, Leigh 98,162 Bradley, Paul 120 Brady, William 226 Braman, Mike 121 Bra.nd, M eaghan E. 255 Brandfass, Melissa 139,221 Branham , Gretcht:ll 144 Branick, Kc\.; n 68 Brasse, Leah 128 Braver, Emily 121 Brazeau, Mich",,1 81, 91 Bredlo, Alicija 2 18, 2 19 Brehm, Lindsay 8Brennan, K a tie 129 Brennan, Me. a n 125 Bre nnan, Ryan 2 10, 287 Brennan , Will 135 Bretnitz, Asny 78, 85, 185, 255, 312 Bre tz, Ashley 241 Brian, Ali 209 Bri ckman, Patri ck 56, 169 Bright, La ura 91 Brighton 69, 143 , 255 Brig hton, Allie 69, 143 Brigh to n, Andrea M. 255 BriU, N icole 94Brink, Brother Ed 79 Bri nk, Carly 162 Brinkman , Asny 8 1,142 Brislin , La ura 96 Britt, Ryan 133 Brach , Nick 86 Brock, Bobby 127 Brockherr, j. 135 Brody, Marcy 94 Broene, SCOtt M. 192, 255 Bronson, Phil 96, 144 Brooks, Betsy 121 Brooks, Nicole 94, 96 Broom es, Deri cko 144 Brosnan, MalY Kale 78 Brosnan , Pattie 153 Browell , Nathan 77 Brown, Bridger 96 Brown, Geri a 89 Bro wl1, jessica 69 Brown,juliana 151 Brown , juslin 135 Brown, Katie 13 1 Brown , Kat)' jo 22 I Brown, Kyle H . 177,255 Brown, Libby 225

Brown , Lindsey 235 Brown , M eghan 90 Brown , Rya n W. 95 Brown , Tony 202 Browning, james P 255 Brownlee, Kris 2 I 0 Bruc h, Ni cholas C. 183,255 , 2BO Bruck, MicheUe 153, 219 Bruketa, Pa trick 126 Brumbaugh , Stcv . 2:,0 Bucc ini , Liz 80 Buec ini, Michda 9 1 Buchino, Nancy A. 190,255 Buchta, Matthew 142 Buc kley, Kevin T 255 Rudd,justi u C. 255 Buehrle, Laura 129 Bueh rle, Tracy 78 Bu"rlde, Kelly 12 5 Buescher, Stacey 12 I BllkaUSk;, S, Brandy L. 78 , 255 Bukvi c, Ke rry 240, 241, 255, 265, 312 Bull , Art 68 Bullingt, r, Kc \~n 96 Bullo k, Shcny 159 Bundy, Brittany 131 Hunke r, Kendra 91 Bunn er, Kathryn 8 1 Buonavolontc, Keri 98 Burch, Ashley 128 Bu rgei. Andrew L. 255 Burgei, Katie 78 Burgen, Ada m 133 Burgess, Lauren 78, 90, 255 Burka.rdt. Leo 68 Burke, Aaron 142 Burke, Megha n 136 Burke, Nikki 81 Burkemeiel; Maruca 15 I Burkhardt, Ann 79, 81, 151 BurkJ1ardt, Leo 69 Burling, julia nne 69, 144 Burn , Laurin 133 Burnett, M egan L. 192, 255 Burn s, Brent 95 Burns, fath e r Norbert 102, 103, I II , 112, I 13 Burns, K evin 95, 210 Burnste in , Nisha 209 Bun , josh ~07 Burton , Chad 210 Busce mi , john 135 Bush, Laura 129 Bush, Mel.issa 68, 89 Rush, 10m 125, 210 Bushong, justin 120 Bustamante, Maria 131 Butler, Katie 221 Bycr, Mike I 35 By ram. Kevin 68, 139 Byrn e, Maggie 196 Byrn es, Kat~ 151


C Cabansk.i, Katie 68, 186 Cabr ra, jose A. 255 Cab rera , Rex 230 Cabrera, R y 187 Caechion c, Lisa 196 CaO'giano, Lauren 313 Cah ill , Tim 120 Cahoon, D an 127 Calaway, ~dam 95 Caldwel.l, Alexandra 89 Cal.lahan, Colleen 139 Calo, Chrisj. 255 Camella, Lindsay 132 Cameriengo, Gena 125 Campagne, M a rk 135 Campbell, Mark 151



defining un

Campbell , Richie 216 Campione, Briall 182 Cantrell, Kyle 130 Caparros, Alex 225 Cap", AngeJa 228 Capossela, April 1:29 Cappello, Catherine 98, 128 Cappolino, Andrea 94 Capretta, joe 146, 37 Ca mcciolo , Angela 79, 81,186,2 -5 Carhajal, April 2 19 Ca rbcn y, Brian T 262 Cardon , Lauren ';18, 149 Carley, Pat 2 10 Carmidwcl, Kacy 221 Carne, Ahra 225 Carnes, Tiffany 68, 72, 76, 186 Carn ey, Alex 126 Carpenter, Andy 167 Carpel1le l; Cali 76 Carr. Chris 144 Can;JeIlniler 711 Carr. iV[an 37 Carrill o, Albino 62 Carrol, iV1i('hdk E. 186, 262 Carson, COUCII 144 Cartellonc,justin 135 Carter, Brittany 68, 89 Carter, Da,.' d 139 Citrter,james ll9 Cartwright, M cKenzie 202 Carver, Marty 129 Cary, Laura 99 Casella , Amy 120, 221 Casey, Thom as 80 Cas hman . Allison E. 262 , 264Castro, joe 163 CasLrop, Rachel 173 CastfllC(i, Adam 121 Catanzaril. Dom 133 Catanzarite,Jim 2:2 1 Caughlin K assandrc 136 Caylor, Greg 79 C,,),lor, GregolY 68 C bula , Leslie 76, 77, 78, 262,290 C polla, Emily 132 Cerullo, Shelly 142 Cerveny, Collette 8 1 Chabot. Laura 69 Chalhn , Christine 69 Chamberlin, Rick 2 10 Chamn , Andrew 146 Chandl- r, Brian 207 C happell, Rob 23G Charicton, Luk(' ~OO Ch aseman,jesse 120 Cheatham. Justin R. 262 C hen, Weibi n 7B C h-rringto ll ,J en 98 C hew, Staey 2 1<J , 235

Chmiel, Brett 238 Cho\\; TifT.~ ni e 98, 99 Christie, Tia 130 Christon; Petc 222 Christopher, Lee S, 262 Chura,jacki 79 Ciambrolll'. Tony 225, Chds ';\ 132 CiarniclJo. Andy 125 Cibo r, Arlly 221 Ciserni no, Leo nardo 80 Cbriscy, Lauren 1:29 Cla rk, f\shJcy 286 Cbrk,jessica 13 1 Cl a rk, Tim 125 Cla rk ", Reg,na 172 Cla ry, Patrick E. 262 Cla)'ton , ."fcgan 132 CI ' a ly, yicag han 136 CI ' m ns, Teri 128 CI..mel1l, Shccma L. 86, 262 Clem ents, W. C. 2 10 CI ~vela nd, Andre,,, 130 Clin e, Pat 127 Cloxton , Karah 228 C obern, Chriss)' 22~1 Cochran , Caroline S. 262 Cocuzz, Mall: I 76 Coflinan, Anthony 133 C offm an , Sarah L. 78,262.290 Coggins, Michelle R. 262 Colt c, DCII\'-'r 120 Cohell, Allie 130 COhCll , Mall 132 Col 'man, M oniqul' R . 262 Collet. Chelsea V 262 COllcllt, El.izabcth 125 Collins, C assie 24 1 Collins, J en 8 1, 161,221 Compton. Rya n 68 Condell, Oliver ~ 1 Conciit, Kati e 31 Co ndon , Ryan 20 I Co ne, Viro-inia . 262 Conklin , Becka 144 Con ley, Sa m 126 <;:onl ' )" \ cronica 132 .o nl.isk, Bethan" 9 1 Conlon , Amanda 69 Conlon , O li"ia 179 Connell )', '!are 133 ConnPily. 0,",," 167 Con nolly, ~Iike 222 Conoch 'l n, !\llik -. 127 Co nl~ld , Rosemary <J I Contreras. Eric 167, 222 (:om'ersino, A,manela 97 . 2ti2 Cook , C arri e 195 Cool , Krisli L. 99 , 262 Coolley.Jessica 37

Cooper, Brett 68 Cooper, iel< 1:15 C o e, Da"id 121 Cora "e, J oe 132 COI'hoy, Brenclan 133 Corcoran, Evan 132 Corcoran , Malt 127 Cordero, Lisand ra 172 Comell, i\nillea 235 C o rrin, Florian 129 Cosg rove, Jim 132 C os!Jway, Mall 88 Coswick, Matt 168 CoughLin, Erin 94 Couglilin. Holly B. 262 Courtn ,)', J enn 136 Cm'n , Abby 120 CmdH':y, Leah 125 Cox, Aaron 12 I Cox , Katie 99 Cox, Mall 12 I Cox, Megan A. 262 Coyle,J cssica 97, 9R , 99 CoyLe, Liz 98 Coyle, Nora 97 C OZl. ie, Zachary 95 Crabtree, 209 Craft. :\'eiJ I 7 I Craig, Charley 85, 96 C ra ig, K evin 135 Crain, Sarah 132 Cra mcl; Brandon 210 , 211 Cr,mfill , Lindsay 94 Crasto, Candida 22 I Craven, Matt 142 Crawrord, Kristi n 98 Crayton, Shelby 128 Crecel ius. ,,\nne 69 Crcdill, La uren 69 Cr po. ]\'0'1 1'27 Crespo, Robeno 96, 139 Crirn a ncio, Ma rk 135 Crip<; Jakc 133 Cripe, j ames 226 Cripe, Mart 133 Criswel l, Kacey 81 Crogha n,Jim 2 10 Cromhi , Liz 120 Cronjn , Ca itli n 92, 9 7, 99, 12'f CrO' ,Amy l '2'f Crum, \ 路Idinda 91 C nlse, D aniel M, 262 Crullcnden , Bridget 62 Cuaciros, Lindsay 144 Cu(;ci, Elizabetll 76 Cul l. Zael. 176 Cull en, Stc\,' 132 Cummins, Mallory 1+6 Cunningham, Kathry n 2112 Cunningham , Mi chelle 125

Cunningham, . 'an 139 url ey, ."1cga n E. 262 C urra n, Becea 136 C urra n, Dr. 22, 25 C urrier, Dennis 2 I 6 Curry, Kelsey I 24 Curtis, },!Iatthew 247 Cusiek,Jusuu 120 Cuslcn ho rder, 1\litch 2' 6 Cybul ski , Michclk 125 C\1)hcrs, Kevi ll 120 Cza jkowski , Ben 126

o D' go,Lino, Amanda 9'1 D'AgosLillo, Nli chcUe 68, 94 Da ge r, \li 86 Oal ll1'l , Itd"'y 9 I Dailey, 1'\i knbs All en 291 Dale, ,a irJin 125 Oal y,.Jcnnifer 124 Da ly, hristi nc 76, 262 , 287 Dan ber, Lindsay 174 Danielle, J osh 153 Daniels, Jim 135 Danis, M an 222 Danko, K athryn 13 1 Danosky. K ara 78, 17 0 Daray, Ki mb 'rIy 69 Dat'bin, Damon 136 Darcy, Kimb 'rly Anne 29 I Darin. Emily 22 1 Darr, Emily R. 69, 262 Oarr, l\ate 2 16 Dasey, Jvl ark 133 Dalkn, Christopher 126 Daugh crtv, Dav; d I +fi Oa\'id, R andy 182 David'lo n, Ke\~n 94 Davies, Alex 124· Oa\;s, Alex 2 I 6 D avi.~, An th o ny 210 Davis, C hrist 'n 1.-3 Davis, C la re 192 Davis, J amal 196 Da\ .s, Jared 89 Davis, Kyle G. 262 Oav;s, .\lli ceIJa 235 Da\is, Rich 222 (Javis, \ a ug hn 234, 235 Dawson, R an k 20 I Oa\l·son. Whitney 159 De Vita, Laura 130 D an, Malt 12 1 Dcasgie, M att 8+ Decatur, Wc- 133 DeC nzn, Emily 78 Deering, Roo 120 Deer, Em ily 223, 235 De ; est, Law r 'nee 2 16 Deger, K ari S. 262 Degia ndo merLico, ~I ()n i ca 13 1 Degnan , Carolin e 78 DeH avcn, H olly J o 86 Dcja, l'vl arclls 210 Del VaJlc, Ana V 3el<! DelaJlOstria, Alann a 124 Delan py, K ai tlin 196 De Lib ' ra to, J oe 90 D c Lodd ~ r", Jos h 2 10 Delue;<, IvIichnel 207 D Iz ' II, Carly 98 D ·.\1 a ri a, Vi.nn)' 12i

D Illel'ri adt's, George 2 I 9 Dem ku, :\il ag6~ 180 Drlllko, Mike 128 OeJ11psev, E ric 120 De mps,·y, Pa t 20 I Dence, RobertJ. 2 10, 262

Denham. J o hn 90 Dr nn), Donn)' 176 Der- k, Kail)11 :\ I. ~62 De Rose, Andrea L. 262 0 ,,1' sc, ." Iau I 7 I Desmond, Daniclle 9 I Dcsnl oncl J o hn 96 Desmond, Te rry 188 Del roy; Allysa 81 , :233 De tzel , i\liehac.l D. G9, 262 ncubenmirc, Kevill 1:)2 DeVinI', Anni e 120 1kd n ', Ca rvn 22 1 IhYito, Eli zabe th A. 2G_ De \'on::, Trt;m 12G Dc\\'iu, 1 ,)' lI d,~ y 22R Di ba rtolo, Ch ris 1:i3 DiBello, Tony 2 16 Dickel"!:;on, Lo ra B. 9R. 263 Di ckson, Lau ren 78, 256 Di 'orle ro, Ad rie nne R. 263 Die km a n. L311ra A. 99, _fi3 Di ~mun c h , Jcnny


Dietzel, Patric k 69, 182 Dihrkop, K,is 19:2 Dilley, Dere k 16 1 Dillo n, Bobbi 185 Dillon,Julic 99, 124 Dimcnl(o, Dan i 'Ue 13 1 Dinta man , Steve 202 DiOrio, Chelsea 78 DiRuss .J essica 24-0. 241 DiS tefa no, Lisa A. 263 Distdrath , G re tchen I 'f6 D oa ne, Abigail 98 D obek, Steve 171 Dob ry, Bobby 2 10 Doc, Lind .. cy 9 1, 98 Doe ng · ·. M a rie 182,22 1 D oenges, .\1ieh ael 96 Doenge . Mike I" Dohe rty, !VIa l! 236 Do lcich, Tim 94" 247 DoiJ, La uren \-1. 263 Dohich, C hrisuna 37 Domanski, john 150 Donc.lly, lIelt:n 7H Donnelly, Edwa rdj. 26 3 DOtlilell", Ked 170 Do no hoo, Bridget 185 Donovan, Rya n 125 Doo ley, M egan 80, 81, 287, 263 Do nnish, Step he n 77, 12 1 Dough ty, H eather 913 D ounev, Adam 183 Douplc, Sea n 96 OO\l11S, \Ii 97 DOwlls,j<lnliso n 230 Oovms, j anice 121 Doyk. Patrick 144 Dmkesmiili, Brat! 202 Dream , Diane ;-,;. :.163 Drcsnel; Kath ry n E. 78, 263 Dronar, Cas,,}, 95 Drumllle r, Allison 124 Orutlein, H olly 1 '~6 DuB ro)~ Jen Du ~ s,


.'I.aron 148, 1:;0 Du 's, Chris 125 Dulfin, Katie 71l, 158 Dull); Palrick 127 Dukc, .Je nniler L. 263 Dull . Emily T. 263 Dunese, Anna 125 Dunn, Annie 221 Dunn, Becky 84 Dunn, Brandon 171 Ollnneback, \lich ael B. 263, 29 1 Durham, Colleen 13 1 DUI'hanly, Brad 130

Durst, Melissa 42 D \\'t n ~c r, Rebecca ~9 1

Dwyer, Ashky 96 Dwyer, Colleen 195,263, 287 Dye r, G re teh n 124 Dzuba)\ f\ ikki 132,233

E Easl, Ash ley fiS e asth am , K ell y 1:1:2 Ent oll . Andre\\' 140 Ealo n, Opie 1'111 Eberle, Str' ph ell E 2(;3 Ebe tino, [., u ra 12:-, Ebl " Eric 84· Echko, E rica 233 Eckbe rg, Ka re n 169 Eckel s, 10m 20 I Edl'r, Brian 127 Edger,.lordie 1:11 Edmonson, Chuck 86 Edwa rd, . Becea 124 Edwards, Sarah 68 Elllel, M e redith 37 Egg 'rs. Christine 209 Eggl, Ca itlin E. 263 Ehlers, Kristen 78 Ehningcr, W ' 169 Ehrman , Lisa 69 Eich ler,J cnrLifcr L. 263 Ei k meyer, J odi, 209 Eim n, H a llnah 69, 144 Ei. c n howCf, Blinn 15 1 Eisner, DJ.\·c 144Elan , Erik 96, 168 Eleey. AJ. 139 ELk, Dara 2 19 Elkrlllick, R becca M. 263, 292 ElI.inger, Con 0 1' 216 Elmi , Cristi n 130 EI\l el; Allison 3 13 En rdslIlan ,J on 69 Engle', Pau l 69, 144 Enrig hl, Mick 127 Epp', K a ti e 128 Erele i, Michael 80 Erelma n, Eric 88, 96 , 168 EI; cso n, Anders 127 Eric so n, Kim 132 E rm is, Da nidie 85 Ernst, Phil :207 Erwill , K a ndicc 234, ~ 35 Esch l.l nbach , Mjke 95 Eshelma n, K a tie 8 1 £Spilldl ,J cssccl 169 £Sposito, \ lIlhollY E. 263 Esposilo,ju lie .'\ . 263 E q uivel, Chris 79, 88, 153 . cx, .'\.shl 'c 98, 127 ESle Il , Sean 96 Estock, Nick I 70 Ellcnhofe r. Brett 164 Etzkorn , Emily 129, 132 Evalls. Eric '210 Everman , Brett 187 Eve rll1an, Wes I ~7 [vwa raye. Ere I 7:J, 241 E",varey " O chuko 135 Ewald, Carl 164 Ewald, Matt 1_5 Ewalt, Mark 142 Eyerman, Maureen 132 Eyno n, C olleen 240, 24 1, 265 Eyrrman , ivl au r 'en 18

F Fabbroni, R"I,ina 79 Fadde n,J onathan 126




defining UD

Faehnle,j efTrey L 263, 295 Faig, Malt 12 7 Fair, K ate 12 1 Falasco, Eric 120 Fal lon, Greg 121 Fanagalli, Drew 125 Fantone, Anthony 176 Fa rmand, Ari a 95 Farmer,Juan 85 Farquh ar, Kara 225 Farrell, Lauren M . 263 Farrelly, Erin 13 1 Farrey, y[ike 22 1 Fasola,j essica 120, 225 Faz io, j ohn 133 F dcrspiel,jon Colin 289 Fedyk, Dan 2 10 Fee ter, Brian 96 Feher, Katie 133 Feh,iba h, Katie 162 Feice, Michelle 131 Fe ifer, Kat), 120 Feight, Anne 221 Fellows, Li zz)' 8 1 ['cIs, George W. 263, 292 ['clter, B,ian D. 263 Fcola,joy 124 Fernandes, Adam E. 263 , 292 Fernandes, Nate 84 Fernandez, Kenel 120 Ferraro, Ch,istine 121 Ferrio!, Ryan 127 r"tko,justin 127 Fette, Tommy 182, 263, 293 Fields, Whitney 221 Fifn er, Alex 178 Filiau路aut, Sarah 96 Filipek, Kati e 1+4 Filipski, David A. 263 Fillcnwarth, Rose 121 Finch, Kdli 13 1 Fin"er, Lauren 132 Fink, j essica 121 Finn, G race 131 Finn, Sea n 207 Finnegan, Brenna 78 Finnegan, COllllor 133 Finocchiaro, Marissa 81 Fiorito, Lynne 139 Fis her, Brad 12 1 Fischer, Mandi 132 Fisher, Erin 80, 98 Fist, Andrew 96 Fist, Meg 13 I Fitch, Greg 151 Fitzgerald,jim 130, 135 Fitzgerald, KeviJl 16, 27, 188,263 Fitzgerald, Laura 179 Fitzgerald , Sea n 130 Fitzpalrick, Brend an 25, 131

Flaherty, Eil een 79,8 1 Flavimonrc, Rob 127 Fleck, Danid 120 Fleming, Connie 144,235 Fleming, K athy 128 Fl emion, H eather A. 263 Flick, Timmy 132 Flippo, Joe 129 Flock , tvla rk 69, 150 Florian, Rob 150, 2 10 Flyer, Rudy, 225 FI )'nn, Roy 76 FOCTt, Zac 144 Foh'inger, Nick 121 Folami , Kunk 125 Fol y, j am ie 124 Fol y, Liz 124 Font, Gns I 128 Fontana, Jack 144 Foor,j os h 126 Forcier, Mich elle 99 Fo rmamki, Matlhew 97, 177 F()rm 路 min i, Drew 58 ForSler, Liz 235 Fortin , Nicole 195 Fortman, Kyle 79 foster, ConsLanc' E. 263 I:ostcr, H annah 153 Fosler, Kelly 132 Foster, Steve, 2 10 Fouchl, Katie, 209, 214 Fouse, Christie 142, 225 Foust, AlIi 2 19 Fowler, La ura 77 Fox, Meghan 1 2~ Frank,jared 2 10 Franklin, M alt 120, 133 Franzen, ~athan 120 Frederick , Tyler 127 Frech, Stacey 69, 139 Frceman ,Jenna 98, 99 Freeman , Terri 12 1 FreiLag, Cody 125 French ,Jessica 15 1 Freshwaler, Zaeh 21 0 Freson, Grego ry 78 Friedermaru1, Adam 88 Friedmann , SLCV . H. 263 Friend, Matc 236 Fries, Kathleen M. 266 Frigano,Jon 96 frischmann, Nikki 9 1 Frye, Brad 181 Fuerst, Ma rk 2 10 Fullenkamp, Corey 223 Fuller, Erin M. 76, 266 Fulnccky, BeLsy 22 1 fum ag"lli , Drew 210 Fyfc, B,;an 153

G Gaazzali, jim 135 Gabel , Ashley 78, 190 Gabriel, Monica 130 Gab riel, Rick I 2 Gabrin ski , Emily 225 GaeLo, Ang la M . _66 Gaietto, jordan 207 Galayda, Eli YI. 182, 266 Galicki , Ryan 153 Galks, Mike 225 Gallese, Ryan 87, 96 Gallow, Amanda 219 Gandia, Zwisel 96 Ganser, Kara 127 Garcia , Gina 240, 24 1 Garcia , Kyle 13 1 Gardner,jessica 84 Ga r a u, Shannon 78 Garibaldi , Meredith 99 Garland, Sara 9 1 Ga rner, Sara Beth 91 Ga rnett, Betsy ]. 266 Garvey, Caitiyn 124 Gase, Sara 129 Gasp r, Eric 88, 178 Gat s, All ison 13 3, 221 GatLshall , Kristen S. 190, 266 Gall lielmo, Sa man tha 129 Gaus, Melissa 237 GallS," Brian 133 Gay, Courtney 68 Gaydos h, Bri tmey 125 Gearns, Emily 132 Gebrosky, Anna 121 , 22 1 Gecn , Brian 133 Ge hlfuss, jill 69 Geiger, Chris 69,146 Geig ,; Scon 90 Geiser, Darren 69 Gclshard, Sara 98 Genaze, Mike I 30 Gerbe,; Elizabeth 221 Ge rm an, Andy 144 Gc rrety, Rebecca 241 Gerstle, M ary 153 Getty, Bobby 207 Giangn:co, Mike 248 Giannanroruo,jennifer 128 Gibboney, Mau,; 132 G ibson, Andrew 24-7 Gibson,John 171 , 266 G ibson , Karen]. 34, 266 Gibson , Mike 68 Giesler, Brett 1+6 Giesslcr,Joe 81, 91 Gigliotti , Tj 166 Gilbert, Amanda 12 1 G ilchrisL, Brian 222

Gill, Dale T.jr. 77,266 GiU, M egan 132 Gillespie, Cory 80 Gilley, Kristina C. 266 Gilliard, Winnie 68 Gilroy,james 159 Ginding, Kimberly 88 Giner, Gretchen 153, 2 I 9 Ginley, M eghan 99 Giseard D'Estaing, Diana 98 Gisead J)'Estaing, Philippe 127,230 Gladsrone, tvLchdle 9 1 G lasel~ Nick 2 16 Glessler,joe 196 Glen, Aaron 128 Glick, Nicole 91 Gluth, Emily 142 Goad, Georgia 12 1 Goble, Maureen 12 I Godek, Rodney 154 Gods "y, Brandon 2 I 0 Goedwin, Annie 136 Gonzalez, iVlario 112 Goodwin, Tyre 9", 99 Goodyear, Greg 129 Gordon, Roy 248 Gore, Ryan 207 Gorey, Colin 139 Gorman, Elise 162 Gotschall, MoUy 174 Gottemoellel~ Danyel 134 GottemoeUer, Kiera 8 '~ Goubeallx, Dereck 135 Gould, Brett 236 Gould, Caitlin 91 Goulet, Liz 124 Grady, Sarah 120 Graham, KeUy R. 266 Grande, Laura 237 Grange r, Mary 182 Graniel;john 96 Grant, Aaron 89 Graper, Andrea 132 Gravel, Liz 128 Graves, Tilll 121 Graven, Emilie 129 Graw, Kristi 139 Grawe, Mary 131 Gray, M egan 81, 232, 233 Grayson, Kate 78 Graziano,john 85, 192 Graziano,john E. 266 Greathouse, Leia 69, 139 Greely, Erin 91 Green, Adrienne 214 Green, Bryan 121 Green, Chris 210 Green, Erica 132 Green, Hannah E. 266 Green, Robynne 214 Greene, Becky 132 Greene, Stephanie 94, 15 1 Greene, Tracey 91,09, 266 Greemlade, Robyn M. 2Gli Gregory, Brian 226 Gregoski, Andrew 192 Greuter, Lindsey 237 Gribby,jannis 241 Gribowice,janna 124 Grie"baum, Lauren 78, 178 Gricshop,joseph L. 266 GrilTen, Cory 135 Grimes,john 210 Grimes, KeUy 124 Grimms, Kristen E. 266 Gt~tti, Kate 124 Groeber, A.shley 84, 266 Groenewegen,jon-RusseU 126 Gross, Brian 151 Group, Lindsay 121

Grover, Stephanie 37, 140 Grove" K atie 13 1 Groves, Robert tv!. 2liG Groz nski, 'helsea 209 Gruen , M eghan 96 Gruenth r, Alicia 127 Grundcy, Scott A 266 GuanciaJo, Kelsey 125 Gubanish ,jill N. 266 Gueh.zow,john L. 266 Gllcltzow, Laura 125 Gu rin , Patrick 295 Guerra, Kylene 132, 235 Guice, Kenisha 68 Guilroyle, KC\'in 135 Guinto, Mark 2 10 Gulick, Brandon 68 Glllick,joe 133, 210 Guries, Patrick 167 Gustaf~on,j~ [rrey


Guthrie, Megan 8 I Guzzo, Matt 80

H Haas, Emil y 94, 223, 235 Hackett , Lauren 94. 266 Hadler, William 95 Haenszcl , Matt 126 Hagcbhofl, Erika 69 Hagner, Susan 169 Haines, jadyn 131 HaJay, Adam 210 Hale, Caitlin 136 Hall, Derek 210 Hall, Tim 69 H~t1ma , Kevan 120 Halma, Sami 78 Hal$cy, Tom 168 Halsmer, j oseph 121 Hammer, Stacey 265 Hammond, Brittany 132 Hammond, CorreU 125 Hampton , Amanda]. 266 Hampton, Kandy 91 Hampton , Sarah 37, 144 Hancart, ,\arOIl 78,94,266 Haning, Zach 187 Hanke, KathlTine 13 I Hanlon, Bob 1:29 Hanlon, Will 130 Hanneman,john 161 Hansberry, Greg B4, 192 Hansen, Mary K . 266 Harasom , 1",l aryAn ne 166 Harbage, Tim 90 Hardewig, Bridget 124 Hargadon, Amanda]. 266 Haris, Katie 91 Harmon, Steve 151 Harold, Stac.ia 235 Harp, Matthew 68 Harris, Katilleen M. 266 Harris, Lee 120 Harrison,jim 144 Harrman,joe 247 Hart, Chris 58 Harting:;, Brent]' 184,266 Hartke, '\Jan 210 Hartley, Drew 188 Hartmann,john 127 Hart\-\~g, Dan 216, 2 I 7, 225 Haselhorst, Quinn 207 Hasksley, D anieUe 237 H athaway, [athan 1[3-1 Hauser, Steranie R. 266 Hausmann, Lauren 06, 143 Hawkins, Adam 210 Hawkins, Christina 129 Hawks, Luke 133

Hawksley, Danidle 132 Hawthornc,Ja cqueiin e 89 Hay, Elizabeth 192 Haycs,janelle 9 1 Hayes,jt:ssica 91,99 Hayhurst, Lucy 144 Hayni e, Korie E. 79, 170267 Hays, Katbrine 192 Hayson, Da\id 44, 146 HazbOlln, Maggie R. 267 I-!eaten, Zach 97 H eath, Cassandra 78, 178 H ebbeler Robert T. 80, 182, 267, 295 Hebenstreit, Colin 90 Hetlian, Helene F. '267 H efley, Ryan 216 Heicla, Andrew 80 H eidelofl; Ryan 210 Heiderman, Gina 158, 214 Heilers, Shawn M. 267 Hein , Kimbra 128 I-Jeink , Anna 221 H ei nk,jeanna 221 H eise r,joe 135 Heislet; jefr 236 Hcitert, Catherine A.. 267, 295 H c.itkump, Amy N. 193, 267 H eitkamp, Chris II 126 Heitkamp, Kevin 94 H ei tkemper, Courtney 98 Helrgot, Nlike 1+6 Heller, Mike 169 H eller, Stephanie 68, 84,98 H ellerstein,Jessica 78 HeUman, Dan 193 HeUwig, Kristina 98 H elmer, Nick 127 H d ten, Curry 133 H eltun, Anthony 120 H mert, john 192 H CJ11l11dga rn, Kalen 210 H mmelgarn, Kara 150 H emmert,John L. 267 Henderson , Brandon 210 Hendcrso n,jarcd 126 Hendricks, Elizabeth 161 H cnfling, Richard A.. 267 Hengesbach, Sarah H. 267 Henkalinc,jessica 225 Henkel, Dick, 20 I Henrikse n, Kathleen 125, 134 Henry, Andrew 169 Henry,jessica 121 Hentgen, Tara 235 Heppeler, Bridget 81 Herdman, Beth 136 H ercne, Daniel S. 178,267 Herman, Kate 132 Hen; Nicole O. 267 Herrell, Nathan 144 H csch,jenny 195 H essler, Kimberly 144 H ettebert, Phil 166 H ey, Bethany 98, 127 H cyne, josh 210, 21 I Hibbard, !\.1icheUe E. 91,267 Hibbard , Suzanne 91 Hick y, Gratia 91, 139 Hickey, jennifer A. 267 Hicke)', Mary 273 Hicks, ?vlary C. 77, 267 Hicks, Rachel 142 Higgins, Brenton 120 Hilbert, Kat 221 Hileman, Steve 96 Hilfiker., David 22 Hilgerort, Kyle 86 Hill, Ashlee 68, 89 Hill , Brandon 162 Hill , Cindy L. 267




defining UD

Hill, Nathan 132 Hillo n, Eric 135 Hin e)'; Beth 125 Hinkle. Rich a rd 13 1 Hinm an, Ri ·h 127 H o, Dan 128 H o, Pa n 87 H odg(',j a mes 12 1 H odgen1<lIl , April 144 H oerner, PhiUip 87 H oOina n.j essica 69. 146 I Ioffm a n,j e. sica 69. 1+6 HoOina n,Joe 90, 164 HoOma n, !\'ick 85, 97 H offma n, Ryan 85. 120 HofmeisL r, Scon 12 I H og a n, Ali cia E 185, 2fi7 H ogen ka mp. i\i cholas 132 H ohm a n, Xi a ma ra 136 Hohn ccke r, Kara 131 H ohn cckcr, K alie L. 91,267 H olbrook, Em il y 124 H oli da y. N ick 143 H oll a nd , jerome 139 H olley, Hea u 95 lIoiJia'T,jess ica 79 H o llinger,jessica 142 H o Uwedel, Jim 129 H o hnes. . ndrew 87, 89 Holmes, Ba n 168 Hol sin<l'C I; ,\Hyso n 124, 221 Holterman, Britlany 228 Huit\'oigt, TOllY 222 H oman, Amy 196 H oneda\\'. MicheUe 99 . 125 Hunwalh J'vlichae1 69 Hoops, Mackenzie 132. 232, :2 ~ :l Hoover, Brianne 68, 79 H opk.ins. Hillary 132 H opkins,Jona than 144 H oppe, J ohn 2 10 Ho rbal Ashley 131 H oresh, T rm'is 121 H ormbachcr, Adam 129 H o rsmon, Tim 2 14 H urton, Alvse M. 98, 267 H o ulihan,Joe 132 H t)us(;, Valerie E. 267, 297 H ouse l; La ura 15 1 Hoying, C hri s 171 Hoying, M atth ew 247 H oying: Ty 136 Hoyman , C harlie 2 10 Hoyng, Kevin 2 10, 2 11 Hrvovat:ieh, Alison 113 Hubba rd, Sydney 136,223,235 Hub ~r, Colin 68 Hub ~ rl, C raig 170, 267, 296 Hudge ns, Sarah 81 H uelskamp, Beth 142

Hu clsl11a n,James W. 267 Hu els man, Sara 22 1 Huelsm a n. Tf'd80 , 181 Hu '!smen, Andre" 132 I-hdL Mike 216 Hu O' h ,~s, Greg 1.-,0 H ughes, Nico le 1.. 267 H ugh , Rya n 192 Huizenga,J o rdan 127 Hul burt, Emi 96 H ub,·a t. Bria n 69 Hull, Christin a 120 H ultg r "Il , Elise 99 Hunt, Bell 13 1 Hum, C lay 131 Hunt , K " Uy 170 Huntel: C OmLn er E. '267 Hunter, lvi ega n 75, 79 H uric)" M egan 136 Hun·lt:, Pal 130 Hu rst, Drew l SI Hyde, ~\'li c ha c1 J. 297 Hyc\cma n. C hristin 125 H yland, K ali" 146 H ytla , Bart 176

Iacobu cci, Mike 12 1 Iann a tin o, :'-lick 129 Ia nniu i. iVIan 69 Idstein , Sp"nee!' 140 , I 'f6 Ihhtd o rf~ e ri c D. 81 , 267 Im brogno, Tyler 2 16 Imho f!: Kathlee n 150 Ingham , Tom 121 , 2 10 Inkrott . Nat ha l1 "i. 267 Inuhar, DusLin 160 Ippoli ti, Krisun 139, Erin l S I Irwin, Craig 96 Isg ro , Gi na D. 91,267 h-cic. r"like 167 Izo r Rodn,·y L. 267

j JackCLL, Brian 85 j ackson , Amhon y 11 89 j :tckson, Cindy 98 j:lck,on, Kelsey 132 J acobs.J:nn; 99 , 250 J a.ka ki , Tom 2 10 J ames, Caitlin 271 J anson, Aaron 120 J a nus,J a mi e 120 jared, Cara 139 J a ru n, Om a r 216 jawore k,jacquelin e 223, 235 J eller<;, ROlY 248

JdJii es, D enis 95 Jelic, Renato 12 1 J enkins, Je,sica 68 , 89, 96, 267 Jenkin s, :\IiLh"Ue 69 j cnnings,Jennii'er 8 1. 98, 166 Je nning" :'-lora 133 J 'pp ' sen, Blair 162 .less '1; K endall 124 J eSSl.lp, David 8'f, 189 Je" e U, M eLissa 12 1 Ji ang, Hua 78 JiJani. Danial 132 Jocovi ch ,J ohanas I+fi Jocright , Colin 1·14 John, Tc n y 136 Johns,Jaso n 121 Jo hns. R achacl 130 Joh n o n, Ashl'Y 125, 268 Joh.nsO I1. Brooke C. 267 John, ol1 , David 154 Joh n o n,J <' nna 99, 162 J oh nso n,J 'nni 99 . 200 J o hnso n. Kf'\·in :\ . 187,268 John so n, Kristen 68, 89, 2fi8 J o hnson, Pat 16 7 J o hnson, Tom 131 J o hnson, T racic 56 J ohnSlOn , IVlegan 9 1 J olani , N ina 96. 13 1 .lolly, 78 J olly, :\lla lY 78 j onarcl,j. Mi chael 2 10 Jones, Ashley E. ~ 68 J o nes, C hris 230 jones, Em il y 1:20 jones, julic 28. j3, 90 .lo nes, KaLi e 99 Jones, Kyle 135 .lones, S:l mal1lha L. 268 J opsik,Joe 9G j ordan , K a t.i . I ~9, 209 J o rd a n. Mich ael 120 j ose ph, Amnnda 125 J osep h, Va,shu 90, 132 j ost, :V1 ary Be th 78, 256 J oyce, Ali 12+ j oycc, John 2+7 .Joyce, Mike 202 Jump. K at hryn C . 78, 2fiB Juscingcl; Garth 126 juve, Mark 236 Juve, Melissa 237

K K aelin , T im 222 K a hl e, Mary L. 268 Kahler. Dan 13 1 Kairit , Ashley 134,221 KaisLha , Nihl 87

Kamp, :\lIi ,· 132 Kane, .\l ar), 237 Kani< 's(' , Chris 168 Kapostas)', Dmid 121 Kapul. Sll'\'C 127 Karlm'il z. Annc 132




Ka 'C, CourlJlcy 180, 225 Kasem a n, .\a1'On 178 K"st 'n ,.Jenniil,,' CJ I, 123 Kalhma nn , :\'laria 195, 268 Kaufma n .Jule 158 Kaufman , S o ll 86 Ka\\'crk, \layla 3 13 K;lZIl1i ers ki, j c:., si('a 29 f Kea ne, ,dan) 167 K <l ling, Cha rles 176 Kcc k, Mau hc\\' D. 268 Keech , Au brey 1"'0 K"d, Au stin 207 Ked e), ~IcKcnlic 129, 130 Keenan . ivlatlh" ", R. 268 Kehm , Ryan 80 Keili:r, Co urtn 'y 85 , 268 Keller,Joe 12 1 Kelle r, Ke\i n l6, 121 Kelley, :\nnie 136 Kelley, Bryn n 1:12 Kd lcy, Lauren 69 , 18::!, 268 Kelley, \ [i l'helc 76. 9G Kelley, Willi am 126 K<:Ilol1l. Charl 's 87. 130 Kellough , Ta rns)'11 209 Kells, Adam 202 Kell y, ;\le x 163 Kdl y, Brian 210 Kell y, Col let' n 1'37 Kell y, Daviel l ·f2 Kdl); ~'( a!l 80. 142 Kl'II), ivleglta n 9 1, 19.-' K(,(I), Michael C. 258 Kdl) , IvJjke 210 Kdl )" "'cd 8 0 Kd l), Nikki 1+6 Kell), Rya n 8 0, 15:1 Knnen , ,\nelrt'\v 13'2 Keme n, Ka ri 130 Knllcn. Ka rl 129 Kcl1'l n, Krisuna \1. 268,292 , 3 13 Kemme, Tracey 158 Kempf, I\my 2:?3, 2:~'i Knllpil; j. 97 Kemtard , G eo lf 8 1,91 KeJln eally, Tom 125 Kcnn cd); C had E, 2bi:l, 296 Kl' III1 Cel)', Harry 129 Kennedy; Kat '!.~ I Kellll); Amanda 158, 2 1+ Keohane. Liam 1:>:3 Keppel , Paul 12 1 Kerley, Ste wn 98 Kerlin, Todel 1+2 Ke rma n , Pe tl' 171 Kcssclem , . \c1anl 130 Kessler,Jorda li 121 Kester, Daniel]. 2G8 Keslin~, ' harks 9 7 K~ttl '1', Sa ra h 5S!, 1.. 6 Kc\' 'rn, ]. ,\I x I 'Hi Ke)c~, LOIily 91 , 140 Kh alil;l, M a llor)' 9 1 Khan , Rcza 132 Khc llry, i\-fanoj 219 Khoury j onathan 230 Kicak, Chrisrina I H f(i c rn a , 1<"Iark I G I Kilke n ny, Erin 125,22 1 Kimcncr, La uren 125 Kincaid, ~ikki 1:28 I(iIl CSC, Chris 3 7

King. Ashley L. 26 f. 268 King-. Da\·id 1·1·2 King, J t·s al)" 13 1 King. Jonathan 183 , 280 King. K,istm 132 Kln g. Ta ryn 9+ King, Timmy 133 King, Zack 182 Kin scl k. Stcw 120 Kirk , ,\IIe1n'\\' 130 Kirk. Brimn) 98 Kirkpatrick, Kt'ni c <) I Kirschne r. Kati ' I :H Kissel l. Katil' C) I l(istnn Rian 1:\2 , 138 Kistner. Ryan 85 Kitchin , Emily 2 .. I Kitchin, Sa ra h 6G, 2 ..0. 2 .. I. 265, 268 Klaphckc, .\nni c 98, 1+3 Klaphl'kc. Matthe\\ T 200, 268 Klass . Andrea L. 268 Klaus, .. SC) 210 Kle in . C ase)' :\'1. :.Ui8 Kil'in , ElIlily 12.> Kleinhe nz. Ann e 12 .. Ki<-inhc nl. Sarah , \. 190 , :lG8 Klcin holz. Sarah 8 1 Kkll1(' nk, Anth OIl)' 135 KIcPP,ts"l1. Lauren:\. 98,268 Klockars. Paul 68 Klopr.·l1Slcin , i\l a ttlll'\\' A. ~68 Klopp, K at ie 7li , 94 Km etz. Sam 125 Kn apke,jen 85, 193, :168 Kn a ppick. Ross 90 Kn cz\'il. ~ likl' 8+ KniesC' . Chris 9 ·f K nig h t, '['ra,i" 126 Kno llm a n. Alldrea li9 Knorri<",. ~,I aureen 79 Koch , Tucke r SO K oc k, Ryan I f6 Koc hln, Dan 130 Koe hl('\'. Danic:l 98 Koenl'n. Emil y 131 Koerber, Da n 126 Koffd . )<alh Oln I ~3 Kohl , Kaue 2 19 , 235 Kohl, ~"atlll \\' \1. 268 Kohn , Kary 225 Ko hnto pp, Rac he l 219 Kohst a ll , Frank 21 0 Kolber. C r 'g 31 . 91 , 196 Kolkm t'Y('I; KaLl 2G::i Kolle r. Ryan 37 Kon l's, Kanl 'j.j , 99 Kopec. Anelr'\\, 16, n Kora n , K aty 18, 52, 53, 90, 3 12 Korle l. Chelsea A, 268 Korpal, Stephanie 69 Korte. Katie 132 Kosmach, Jusep h I 79 Kosta. ~lcgan 13:1 Koster. K ath e rinc 131 Kostns. Sa il ) 23) . 23 7 Kotch, ~Ii chael 120 Kot tmycr, Dave 14·3 Knvalak , Liz 139 Ko\\'abki. Cbri, se 8 1 Ko\vaLski. Tom 95 Knziul , john 128 KOZllh, Billy 1,16 Kral.Juslin 18,1· Kralich, Susan 9<) Kramel; Luke 1:15 Kra ne. j\ 'fary l eiS KI~lU SC . Brian 139 K r agel', Brinany 98 Krebs. Bill 94 Krehbi,,1. Sa ra 12 1

K.rchschaeh.John 135 Kreig hbaulIl , Adri ellne D. :268 K I'{'l11er. Am)' 23 5 Krcyling, Nicole l -f2 Krieger. Bill 126 Kricgl'l; jO": 210 Krishec Kati e 1:16 Krock. :\ latlhew L. 268 Kroe Tc r, Alliso n 9b Kmgg, j oe 1::15 KrulJilii a n 180 Kru{'gt:l~ CaiLlyn I J I Krull.Imel, Chc,->..:y 1::1 2 Kruse, Amanda 8 el Kucia. Brian 2 10 Kuefner,Jiliian 1'27 Ku enk, K, R. 268 K" "qn. Krisry 91 Kuhd. Bridget 2'2:l. 2:15 Kulii. K a thnin e A. 2G8, 297 Kuhn,Julie 195 Kuna), Li ncisa)' 31 KUIIII.. ,\II{;II1e1 a 2 19 Kupchik. j o hn (if) Kurl,,". K a ti e 1'!. f Kushn(,l; D ave 12 1 KUl ;u<s k.i . j o<· 133 Kyclar, St c\-'c 166

L Lachman , M ega n 14+ Lack,,), Kalc 125 Lacknc<; D a ni el 144 laCosse, Carll' G9 Lac)" M a rianne 13+ La f'ayetlc, Eriu 128, 209 L<tFlo re. J ason 87, 89. 20 1 Lafont..!uan I I f LaIramhrois<" Drcw 78 La Fra nki c. J e nna 11,1. 269 La l-I.a ra ,jay 192


La lll'c'n


La mh. Kelon 14li L..~ mbka . Erin 133 Lammers, "ath~n 135 L<tmping, \>fary 163 L<tnciotic. Cara 133 Landers, Erin 69. 142 Lane, Ca. i" 91 l~'l r"', Kristin 120 La ng, j\'(aggie 9 1 La nge. i'vfonica 22 1 Lan gell , Malt 153 Lantcrhahn , Kyle 76 u lrkin, Tim 130 La rra bct', jilnmy 8·1 LaSdlc, \.fa~';c 22 3 Laslrapes,jmtin 80 Lalham, Angela 58. 89 Latl. Will 200 La tta , Ti ffa ny 9~·, n I L. tza . j\fikc 80 Laubic, Mark 142 LlUck. \);l\id 2+ 7 Lauer. K at hlee n 8b Lau(,l, Kris{('11 153, 235 f ,au[,' r,wc ilcT, Kalie 1:l1l Lllig hills, I'l'lichad 139 f ~lU" " N ikolai 97 Law k. Da\'id 68 Lallall, Jill 9 1 Lawis. Hen 196 Lawlor, Sarah 128 Lawson, Bra cUey R. 269 Lay, Jake 2 10 Layillg, E\'a n OcGiralonio 131 Lea ch, Donald R . ~ 69 L Blanc,jim 37, 68 u'ckwalch, Kimbe rl y 120




defining UD

Ledinsky, Melissa A. 269 Lee, Erin A. 99, 269 Lee, Veron.ica 127 Leech, Amanda 120 Leech, Katie 133 Lees, M elissa 180 LefTred, Cindy 87 Legaspi, Anne E. 269 Legrand, KeUy 120 Lehman,Jennifer M. 269 Lehmkuhle, Linda 131 Lehner, Tom 88 Leimkuehler, Tim 159 Leipzig, Anne 99 Leisner, Elizabeth M. 88, 269 Lekan, Cassidy 127 Lekan,johnny 135 Lemery, Natosha 16 1 Lemming, Gail 131 Lemming, Megan 13 1 Lenah an, Ke\~n 86 Lennon,jodi 13 I Lennox, Kyle 150 Lenzini, Theresa M. 269 Leone,jefT 120 Leopold, Susan 146, 22 I Leow, Stephanie 127 LeRose, Mary 225 Lesburg, Tim 13 I Lesko,jenn.ikr 12 I Leslie,jen 2 19 Leslie, Ryan 126 Levenberger, Amanda 128 Leven berger, Ash ley 180 Levrash, Audrey 129 Levy, Ana 174 Lewensky, Ashley 150 Lewi s, Ben 81, 91 Lewi s, Nick 171 Lieble, Amy J54 Lindem an, Elizabeth A. 269 Lind emann, Caleb 216 Lindsay, Kyle 207 Linhart, Ryan 120 Link, Ben 68, J 70 Link, Kerri 121 Linklate, Todd 207 Little, Charles 226 Livingston, Tamika 89, 128 Loftus, Bill 96 Loftus,jennifer M. 269 Logan, Laura C. 269 Lohbe(k, Drew 120 Loi$clle, Lauren 124 Long, ju.!ianna 99 Long, Kell y 120 Longenbak er, Dan 121 Longnowd , Ambrose 132 Longvi.!k Tom 128 Lonnors, Lauran 144

Lonskin, Randy 127 Loomis, jaime 129, 130 Lopez, Amy 2 19 Lopez, Chuck 97 Lopez, Katie 35 loPiccolo, Missy 136 Lorenz, Vince 166 Love, Adam 210 Lovell,Jamie 99, 132 Lowe, jennifer 223, 235 Lowe, Nick 144 Lowstuter, Katie 219 Lozana, David 120 Lucas, Michael J 39 Lucas, Mick 132 Lucken; "Vade 96 Luckhaupt, Sarah 34, 79, 297 Lucking, Dave 50 Lucking, Doug 183, 230 Ludi , Brooke 52, 90 Luehrs,Jacqueline 219 Lugo, Natalia 169 Luibrt, Meredith 68, 131 Lukl'Y. Anita 69, 76, 144 Lund, Kiki 228 Lundy, Michaela 84 Lemon, Nick 166 Luong, Due 87, 121 Lusk, Carrie 99 Lusk, Corre 133 Luther, T(:ss 225 Lu", Alyssa 133 Lybarger, Katherine 185 Lynch ,jeremy 69 Lynch, Mary 154 Lynsky, Meg 96 Lyon,jay 120

M i'vlaarman. Ben 132 Maca.!i, Quinn 34 Machmer, Owen 153 M aci ulnvicz, Gordon 125 Mack, Edward C. 269 Maddan, Kevo 132 MafTal, Maggie 132 ~[a gc rs , Luke 135 Magnuson , Mike 166 Magnuson, Scott 166 Magya r,justin M . 269 Maio, Gina 121 Majetic, MoUy 154 Makley, Leah 13 1 Malchow, EUie 209 MalinolVski. Elise 12 7 MaHoy, 130 Malm, C ara 91 Malone, Stephen 95 Malosh, Zach 126

i'vlaly,Josh R. 225, 269 Mamrock, Katie 124 Mancini, Nicholas 31, 87, 94, 95 Manix, Scott 168 Ma.nning, Matt 167,222 Manos, Mike 128 ManzaniJlo, Isabel 121 Marchi, Stephanie M. 269 Marcocchio, Cara 195 Marcus,jefT 143 Marinaro, Tony 120 Mariscalco, Anne 219 Markgraf,john 143 Markowski , Lauren 214 Marks,justine 196 MarkweU ,j o hn 12 1 1-,'[aroon, Matt L. 96, 269 300 Mars h, Katie 8 I Marshall, Matt 210 Martau, Katie 91 Martin, Allison 241 Martin, Becky 84 Martin, Dave 166 Marrin, Fiona 79, 221 Martin, Gerald H. 269 Martin, Herbert Woodward 40 Martin,jacque 161 Martin,jen 124 Martin,jerry 84 Martin, LaTOIie 89, 128 Manin, Leslie 79 'v[anin , Sunny 127 'v[arrincz, Christine M. 269 Y[artinez, Lindsey 133 Martini, Philip 69 Martirano, Chris 130 Mar.~n, Dr. BilJ 26 MasehofT, Germaine 134 Masowick, Amy 76,98, 186, 269 Massa, Michael 207 Masters,Justin 130 Mathews, Emily M. 269 Matia,Jacqueline 78 Matisato, Tony 121 Matlak, Ben 135 Matlak, Maggie 221 Man,joseph 12 I M allcson, Katie 15 1 Mallhews, Davina R. 269 ;'vlatthews, Laura 209 Mauck , Amy 52 'vlaur, Rebecca R. 269 Maurer, Luk~ 12 1 MaxweU , Rachel 96 May, Brian 26, 27 May, Therese 88 Mayer, Lauren 120 Maye r, Mary j. 269 Mayr: r, SCOtt 225 Mazeika, Stcve 120

!lbmr, G riffin 120 /llcCalTtrty, A<h1ey 12 1 /I /rCall, .\mandaj. 274 ~lc Ca nn , Megan N. 7B , 274 ~ IcC a rr "' n , Amy 124· \k Ca n ', j cnnik r A 79, 170,274 /lir ea r)" G a ry 90 IIIc Cleskc)', Tenieka 132 \ kClure, Mary 14·6 M Co,," y, Daniel 13 1 YIcComhe, hn 102, 103, 106, 10 7 \ 'l cCormack, Caroline 8 1, 179 \ IcCormack,John 77 \IcCorrnack, Patrick 125, 2 10 \ lcCormick, Katherin p 121 ~,fcCo)·, Kevin 2 10 McCrary, Gary 160 McC une, Zach 192 :'v IcCurdy, Brian 188 \ lcCurciy. M eghan 91 \ kDani I,john 68 \ IcDennotl,james 129 ~I Dermott, Michael 96, 130 \ 'icDonagh, li cole 225 /lIcDonaJd , ndrew 132 /lIcDonaJd, Mike 126 \ IcDonald, Srev," 21 0 \ '1 Fadg n, Carllon 210 \IcFariand , Sara 14·3 i\1cFariand , TimoLh)' P 274 \1c(Jc Brian 76, 187 \IcGloLhin, Dennis 62 \ IcGovern , Erin 30 McGra th , M egan 121 :VIcHcrben, Chris 95 1\IcI-lugh, C olleen 78 \lclldufT', ?vlark P 274 1\ 1 ilwee, Bridge l 96, 169 McI nerny, Carly 134 Mcintee, Mikal a 144 i\·IcKenna , M ga n E. 274· McKenllev. D evin 216 i\.fcKinle)j Candac 235 i\·IcLachIan , Sarah 97 \lcMa hon, Kelly 91 McM aJs, Laura 129 McManu s, jusrin 207 McMo rris, Donald 126 \ -Ie. amara, l'"fatl 12 I />.!IcNu.lty, Ryan 210 , 30 I \ ·I _Quade, Erin 94·, 98 :>'-le.Sole)',joey 207 ;\·l cVa)\ Lindsey 26, 27, 274 Mcch ley, Sara K. 274 Medley, Nick 132 Mcellock, Meghan 146 Medve, Kristin J24 i\ Icehl, Liz 69, 136 \1 ier, Te resa 76 \ 'kindl, Lauren 91 Mellion , Kate 120, 233 l\.ftllcndc;t, josh 210 Menningel; Mark 121 Mercadall te. ngela 131 Mercer, jeff 207 I\ kreclilh, M cghan M . 274 iVlerria m, Chase 210 Merriman , Brent 192 Meryd ilh, Kell), 13 1 'lcr;twciicI; Sleven 80 , 274 :derzwc il ler, Ted 181 Messay, Be rhane 274 l\'lcssa y, M a rda 274 M tais Alison 86 , 96 M.ctcaife, Kate 133 \1 erz, Andrea 13 1 Metzger, Kara 233 .\'Ieye r, Andy 120 \I eyer, Ele 225 \{eyer, Erin 94, 96, 241

Meyer,jason I 70

1\1 ')' ·r,joc 176 M 'ycr, Katie 180 !I;lcy 'r, Mall 127

M eyers, Holly St. 96 M eyers, IYhLtl 135 Miadich, Samantha 142 l'vlidlac.l, Tim 121 i\·lich aci !'vlurph)' 130 Mi chaels, Brett 167 Michaels, Desiree M . V4 Mic.kas, Matthew 2'14, 2'f7 Mickens, Chaunla)' 214 Mic.klC}', Nick 8 1 l\,li ddcn, Keel y 99 , 170 \ IIidd c.ndorr, ,Vlan 95 Iy!iddlelon, Tom 222 Mi cellar, Ernesl 95 IVl.ih alik,jim 163 MikaJ, M egall 81 Mikulski , M atthew T 274 I\i[jkuluk, Shawna R. 274, 300 Milford, Coli en 124 Millie, jeO" 210 Mill cr, f\dam 195,222,274 Miller, \kx 188 Mill er, f\m a nda 91 Millel; Caroline 911., 166 Miller, Kayl a 9 1 i\lliUer, Kaylene 13 1 Mi.ll er, K vin 207 Mille r, Laura 139 Mill r, Maryn 13 1 Mill '1', M eredith 9 1 Millcr, Nick 166 Mill I; Nicole 9 1, 94, 99,144,274 Miller, Ryan 95 Miller, Stew 81 M iliCI; Tim 80 :>.I.ills, Adam]. 274 \ .(ills, Dan 90 , 151 Mills, Grantj. 274 Mills, StcphenJ 274 Mincli 0 , NickJ 84,274 Minnich , David J 25 1'viinnich, joshua R. 274 Minor,j cssica 193 ,2 40,241,265,274 Miske, Kerry 133 Misner, Brian 1% IVlitchcll, Austin 120, 247 Mitchell , Emil y T 274Mitchell , Rob 69 Mittemehcr, ara 12 1 i\!litlerhol zer, Sarah 99 Mlazovsky, Mati 150 Moeller, Margo 214 M o har, Emily 24 1 M ohr, Chuck 187,30 1 M o lnar, Mike 236 Mon ahan, e 2 19 Mon e, Kale 195, 223, 235 iVlong, Mall 64, 210, 21 I Mongean, Ben 127 l'vlonnot, Lisa 78 Montes, Terri 120 Montoya, Paola 86, 309 Moon, AJlison 128 Moor, Stephen 0.274 iV!oore, Amina 120 Moo rc. Brian 148 Moore,jenna C . 274 Yioorc. M olly 128 Moo re, Ste phanie 129 :vloo nn~n , Gab ' 186 .\100 rm~n , Kyle SO Mora n, ColJeen 196 Moran, Patricia 132 Moredock. KaitIin 158 Morell . F'.·l'Ilando 144 i\.forgan, Brian 127

Morgan, Isiah 2 10 Morilak, Brian 98, 172 Moriilo, Fran cisco 125 Morkel, Anne 131 Moro, Michael D. 178,274, 298, Morris, Danny 167 Morris, K.!istin e 81 M o rris, \ 1eaghan 81 \ 10rris, Tinan)' 81 Moni son , lvlari sa A 274 \ 'ionimer, j sica 14-6 Monon , Andr'w 126 Monon, Sam 236 Monon, Stacy 124· "'losher, Kurt 167 \lloss, India 12 1, 235 Mosrardo, Nick 127 Motley, Aaron 225 l\1 oLZ,Gary 15 1 Moulton, Brandon 192 Moures, Aaron 144\lloya , Leah 8 1 Moyer, Leah 79, 186,274 Nlroczek, Ross 2 10 Mueller, Gregory S. 192,274 Mudlel; Rob 120 Mulach, Faith 136 Mullen , Kevin 127 i\1 uilc r,Jenny 12 1 Muller, Martlla 121 Mulligan, Ian 216 Mullin , C o urt,,·y 153 Mulroy, Megan 85,190,274 Mu.lva ney, Rog r T. 275 ;Vlunaro,justin 130 Mungendsl, Daniclle 87 Murcsa n, Andrea 232, 233 Murlin,Joscph \ -1. 275 Murn am c, j oe 168 Murphy, J ohn L. 275 Murphy, Linds y 9 1, 98 Murphy, Torn 230 Murray, Moni ca 76, 77, 78, 275 Mu shi , MalY D. W.275 M ye rs, Adam 236 M yers, H ollv St. 15 1 M yher, Melissa 209

N Nagy, Ross A. 275 Nahrllp. Liz 78 Nakata, Kumiko 87 Naleid, lVlike 132 NanchofT', George 2 16 Naon<:,jenna M . 98, 275, 302 Napl >s, Moll y Katl,leen 30 l Nas ct, Leah 128 )lass rbakhl, Vince 187 Narhan, Casey 127 Navalinski, !\.fax 207, DrcII' 96 Nehel , Christina C. 275 Nelson, Brandon 132 Nelson , Lauren 225 Nelson, Matthew 127 Nelson, Pat 127 Ncrdcrman, Lisa 136 Neuberge r, Mike. 210 Ne ugebauer,jeffrey T. 275 lewblom, Laurie 133 Newcomer, Laura 174Newlin,joanna 98 Newman, ,]. Michael 139 Np:lIyen, Angela R. 275 N~u )" cn, Bidl-vy 87 Np:uyen, Ho ng-\"")' 87 N~uyen. Thu y- Vy 87, 88 Nicholas, Emily 12 1 Niehling, Kyle 127

index ~




defining UD

Nicol, Claud,' ~ 10 Nicoiany, Aclam 120 Nicbcrcling, Kristen L 275 N ielson, Carli 91 Ni cnhall", Ellnl 223, 235 Nicpon, Chris 3li, 195 Nigro. Brian 6n, 112 Nig ro,Jason 3 I, 27 3 Nohl ", Sara h 98 , 13 1 No h ne l; Emily 102,103,11+,115 Koltc mt'v(;I; Dan 167 1\ 00 n (1 11 Ryan 125 Noonin g, Allison 68, 91, 300 North , Sa ra lr 133 Norvell, Brcant' 131 Novoll1cy, Slefana 13 I Nowak, Erl 130 Nusbaum. Dan 131 1

o O'Brien, Kvle I'H) O'Connell, Amanda 233 O'Connell.Jam es ~30 O'Connell,John 95 O'Co nn el l. Kevill 2:30 O'Conn dl- .arne, i\[cagan 80. 81,98 O'Dd l.Jlck 2 10 O'Donnell, Anclrew 80, I ill, 2+7 O'Donnell. Brell 80 O'DonnclJ, Brigid 169 O'Duvle, Mike 178 O' G rady, C olleen 190 O 'Grady, \1( 11) 13 1 O'Keefe, Ryan 126 O 'Linll , M aggi e 146 O' l\hlia, C o lleen 299 O'Neil, Kathleen 81,96 OakJand, Nikki 228 O bers ki. S arn~llllha 120 Oblin gt'l; Kurt 95 Ohl oek,ji m l11) 18+ Ochab, G reg 2 10 O ehs, Chris 210 O gle, Chris 151 Ohneck, ELiz" bctJl 1+2 Olivel~ Jboll, 214 Olszews ki. StC' c 127 Oltman, Anne 223. 235 OI \l~g. Joc 137. 2 16 Orbc, John 210 Orcs. Tami ~ H Orhude,James 121 Orlanclo, Steven 139 Orlet, Mary IN Orl owski, Alexander 129 Orofino, Christop her 80 O rofino..Just in 69 Orr,Jell 120 Ort, Cal c 207

Oillig. Scot! 17G O ;;.sio , Rdwcca 91 Ost c rfe ld.joann a g,">, 193, Ost erman. Britta ny 151 Osr eruyk,JenniCer 136 Os)'. ku. Ryall 171 Otla r;l ,jim l·itJ Olle, :-, [ari a 146, ~21 Oll ma n, Anne 23'1, O,·errn all. ts la rcus 21 () Owen" :\ hie) 125 0\\ ,ian), "'a Lllia 124



P Pa CL .\,Idi 68 Pact'. Rr:1d 201 Pacetla . Fran kie lSI Pa ck. \Icgan [) 275 Pack. !\Iirancla D. 2 7;) Palm el; Brouks 76 P" lrlli sano, Anely 76 Pa lu ch , Branrlon82, 102, 1113 . 110. III, 176,27;) Palumbo. St acy 219 Pall , I.ion el 1++ Pappa.s. C a rri e 18l Para, M a rk 12H Pa rkel; Acla m 126 Park el:J e. sica S +. 15 I Parke r, Kc:ll " D. 275 Park er. Sarah 98 Parkel; Sleven 125 Pa rb , jnn ~on Pari al;Jess ica 12 I· Parrish.Jen nifer :\. '2 75 Parshall. \[Cli'''1 78 , 256, 275 Partee. Brach 22.-, Pa ske rl. Drcw 12,) Pa'le rn ack. r\dam 96 Pa >rernark ,jo hn 78 P"'lor,joe I 7'.!. Paslorr k,j o hn 2+8 Pa l~k, Ka te 24·0 , 24 1, 27:l Pal er:lS . \Iik c I Wl Pau ccso n, . \dd i" 18· 1·, 22 I Patlt..: rson . Eri ca 27 .~) Pallt, rso n. Klisli 98 Pa ul sen .jos<-J)h 77 Paulus, josh 126. 216 Pavon e, .\s ble)" 125 Pawlow, ki , Sleph an ie 132 P"\Tle. LllIra 133 Peace, Scan 126 Pea lr , R\'an 121 Pcaper, Lc.,l ie 98 Pca rl.jod y 132 PCGl rO, Nicol e C) I Pcde rzo l., Ch a rl ulle 19:, Pcde\'iHan o. Lisa 1311 . ~~ I Pel rrC\'.jonalh a n 1'27

Pel b , Bryc1l1 1117 Pel Icy. 1\" i\ 15:, PClla, .\dl'b 9 1 8 ~\ 20 I Pcnl,crthy, I\Llr)' 79, 1:39 P"nnu.,JdT' 226 Perin. Scntt 12~ Pcrki ns, Li zz I ~ I Pc ri n\\: C ait.iin 88 Pc rsieiriIli. Kri sten 219 Pert , C hris 207 Pertz, C h ristina A. 275 Pesce:, L:wrcll R, n s Pe,ce, \lcrcd ith 21 9 Pesce, l\lerry 250 PCll (l lllUll. h'LH)

P~stl'UO l

Vilina 113

P[' klink , .\nlClncla 228 Pelers, Bradle\' 1+2 Pe tc rs,jacob I 30 Petc rs, L;'ll cisa >' 3·1, 79, 275 Pel e rs. 1"la n\1<'w 126, 1:27, 222 Pe te rs, ~"L cl l ae l 127,2'12 Pet e rso n. Geo rg<' 1+6 Pel('rsoll . Li hb), 78 Petrie,jnlia 127 PCl1,k o \\'~ k i , Kira 129 Petsche, .\Jj, on K, 2ig Pn ti t. Chr~i s linl' 96~ 278 Pen ke. C omtnc" 1.',8, 214 Pellry, Kina 133 PCI Z , Ales a nclr::r l:)G , 150 PerlOn, Da,'id 23U , 231 Pld Tc:nhergc L Nic k 20 7 Ple nning, Co urrney 80 I'lirrmann , Kristj n 69, 278 PA eO'er. Li ndsc) 278 , 303 Pfri<:n. S res e 1:29 Pfun d, Edd ie 136 Ph elan. Clllist oph er 3() I Phili p ps. D enni s [. , 278 Phill ips, C a rl w ri nc \'U Phil ij ps, G reg 20U Phip ps, :VI g h ;~ n 129 ,278 Pi ckc-I·fl. i'del issa 235 Pickl'll, Ricky 130 Pie kars ki, Nick 121 Pieper, Broth e r Tom , S.:\[, 8+ Pierce, Tessi;; 154-, 277 Pi ' ITon, Bre[1 189 Pik(', M egan 124[Jilg rim, E mily I ~ 8 Pin a n, f ,a ura 127 Pi nnoc k, \ 'j Lori a 9+, 98 Piragc • i'vfa,-yj o 1'25 Pisa rs ki , I ,p e.. \nn 129 Piszki e\\icz, ;\Jliso n i\ . 278 Pi tl.\, R"an 89 , ~() I Pilzer, Tom IS') Prvova r, Ry::tn 129 Ptanl!., Sara ll 170

Plu ~ i, . K.Jisl ina A.

27R 150 Plummer, Brian 50, 226 Plummer, :\orm"n 20·1, :22G. '227 Podezer\\ inski. Dan 13 1 purr: '<lrly 8 1 Poh lman , Ke llv ~ 3+, 23:, Poh lma n , :VI;tlIDt), 132 Po korny, J ason Iv!. 278 Pokorn ; !"uk" 127 POlifron i,James 129 Pollac k.jim 132 Po llock . J o n 133 Pollock, La uren 69, 183,278 Poll ck. Ryan 2 10 POISI(' I1, Ca rri e S. 278 Polzin, a thryn 8 1 POl1licclli , ivrikc 50 ["m ti LIS, :vl argarct 13 1 Po~arti , Andy 121 I' s 'yo -. hanicsc 68 Post, Roue n I·U, 41 Po ttel; ~ yla S. 278 Po tter, Rebecca 62 POll>cillnidr. Bre m 1:20,207 Powderly, Be rnard 90 Powde rl y, Emily 78 POII'd r1 y, Gillian 132 Powers, C hri s 130 Powers, Doug :2+7 Powe,:, j narJ10 n 9-.2 78 Prc...lo l1 , Kevin I 1·6 Pri ru; jo.. 17 1 Pric " N ick 126 Pri r, Da\~d 188, 259 Pri " r, j ollal han ~ 6, W8 Prudh oe, Kevin 192 Pru eter, Chuck '210 PI-I.), b),la , Bill y 222 Przv bysz, K mie 78 PlIl fo rt, Kevin 95 PUlllphrey, Andrew vv. 195, 278 Puska r, Pete r 96 Pyl 's, DJn 135 Plum b, j~nna


Q Qill , Sa mmi 87 Qin , Xiao min 78 Quam, B eLS)' 132 Qudla , Moll" 121 Quilte r. C llris.~) 78 Quinlivan. S h 'Iby 183 Quinn, M cghan 91

R Ra ble, J ess i 69 Radd , Mark 37, 168 Rad I, Rce n 13 1 Ra dwa n . jonathan :200 Rakaczk)\ C harlDli c 1:24 Ramos, R obe rto :207 R al1lsc)', Terri 228, 229 Ranall i bure n 196 Ra ndq uisl. Bre nnen 21 fi R a nki n, Rcg!,<ie 226 Ra nsdc U, Pat ric k 135 Rao, William B. 278 R apa!?, nani ,J essica 68 Rascl 11, C hri. 135 Rasor, j ess I R at he. Adam 9fi Rau. Rill 78 R"11n e, j essica 1. 278 Rawl, Hollie 73 Rawso n. Daw 160 Ray. j o hn 96 Ready, ,i\shlc\' 190 Reagan , E,in 159


Reaga n.John 302 Rca rdo n, Luke 176 Reb ling, Bridge l 12+ RcI)oieli, Zach lil2 Recker. H ea ther 125 Recker.J oe 1:;2 R ecke r, T e resa j 7. 88. 98 Reddington, Cl lri <Lin(' 78. 183 Reck r, Dan I 1-6 R ~( lIin ' .. \da m 13(1 R('cill1(')nci , Chad flO. I UI R('t"cI, UVl'a nn r g~ R,·cci ,.Jessica 22 1 Reed , Ni ki '2 18,2 19 Reecie >. . \nni e 91 Reed c l, Kennv 20 I Regall, Daniel 120 Reicha rd , Gui.Uenno 9+ R"i cld e\ , SCO lt 2()0 Rei ll y. iI·leu: K ate 1+3 Rdl ); Patrick 80 Re im,"; Emil 8 1, 9o, 27R R 'in t)<:'rg, Emi l) 7 . 9<). 139 Reinh a rt, Le, lidl l. I +~ Rein'lsl',.JO' l -l8 , 150 R, ·millard .. \ cla m 68 R"nga, ,\ nnc-!d a ,; c ill. 278 Rc nletti. _\ngela M. :278 Res>. D an 2 1I) R('ls('ck, Hilar\' 69 R(,I-b , David 135 R.. ylidr"- Trae 130 R''\"ll o lds. Da n:, !vL 278 ReYll o lds. D an' 1 3~ Rh o clrs. )'",ralllll'w 77 Ri cc, .\bb)· L. 27 8 Rice, . \lIv.son K, 27R Ri c, .\ ma nd" I I I· Rice, D.l\id 7 Rj (" J a m 's 139 RifT. ~ leli sa 18 Rice, t-.richacl P. 27K Ri (', N<> t.t1ic l\ r. 27H Rirl,arels. j am il'-L ·I· :.! 14 Ri r harel' ,j,u ic 21 I iZichardson, Ke\;n 8~ , 135 Richardson , T iffa ny J. 278 Richarell. ,Joshu a 177,302 Ric he r, l\ormand.J. 27fl Ri c kc l~ Stephanie 121 Ricken, ilJiehdc 128 Rickner. C o lleen 85 Ric be . . \n elrcw 95 Riede r. K e rr), 76. 183 Ricp cnh ofl: Chrisli e 90.278 Ri e' teniJc rg, Ell en 1+4 RifTd . Ann L. 278 R il'{ b)" ,\ fi chacl 182 R iggio, Michelle 129 Rigsby, T yle r 126 Ril e~', Lindsey 180 Riky, \,Jeg han 16'l , ~2 1 Rinaldi . Ed 202 R indlcr. Tra\'is 92, 192 Rin ehart. Ch lis I '~5 Ring, j enni fer K . 278 Rini, Sa ra h 60 Ripplo h , Dean 135 Ritte nho us(', Cha rles 128 R.ive, \ nelrew 15 I Rivd li, Dm'C 76. 95, :278 Ri\·cL. Ben 151 Robhe, M and\' 2 1+ R oubins, Nal e 110 Robbins, T hn l11<1 s 142 Ro bnts, Brian 2:2 . '2~7 Robem. Efllil v 139 Rolmu. Kalie 68, 186 Ro berts. \\·Ia ,)' Cath~rine 133 Roherts. \kg ha n :265. 279

Ro berts, :'del is a 132 Ro be l on , G reg 21 G Ro bertso n , LVlln 163 Robc:rl-'on. Oliwr 133 Ro be rlSon, Sara 136 Robie. Ca iLlvn 132 Robinctl, Sean I J.+ Robinso n .. hlcig h 124 R obin on , Da.s a n 87 . 2 16, 3 10 Ruhimon, Luk 21 0 Rubiseh , Katie 12::; Ruhy, Brad 23U. 23 1 Rllc h" , ~ falias 23 0 Rvcil l:, Till, :21() Ruudy, ~ Ii " '2 Ill. 2'1·1 R uclc.· k , jl·~, i ca 96 Rodcn f'cls, Grc~ 133 R od ri <Tuet. An to ni o 230 Rudriguez, Barbara 132 R od riguez, Dari o :-J. 279 Rud ri~ l cz. H ele n 81i, 96. 169 Rodri '"cz, jim 129 Ro driguez, Mici1acl 12 1 Rucdc rsheimc l; Kalie 8::; Roesch . I .\'Hdse)' 124 Rogers, BreLl 2.> Rngc rs, Kri".:n 76. 79 Rogers, R avna 68, R9. 96 Ro ltrc lI, Craig 207 Rnllrig .. \Ji cl'l1 I ~ ·l Rula nd , Chris So Rumano, :llri, 12U ROll1uach , Be tsy 170 Runt er, j oanna I :lt; Ro ney, j o nathan R. n9 Rosalia ,joltn 12b Rosch e, M ari e 228 Ruscue 121 Ro,,-, Aaro ll I 1·3 Rose, .\ dalll 132.280 R' bebcrry.. \ thtin 2 I [) Ro's, .\Jlclrea 131

RO>.<, El11il)' 1% Ros.', .'vlike 130 Ros;; . .'\ iek 110 Ru", Ryall 17 1 Ros..,lnc h . !\h hy 1:24 Ro"i. Craig 90 Ru ,h, Kar~ n 1:25 Roth\l'('U, S hee na 209

Rrtrtrnlll'iI CI; .'\icol,. 17 l Rnt2, KI;'\'in gO. I (il) R O lldehll ~ h , T~mi

170, 209, 279

RO\\'<ln , Alii,' 9 ~l , 250 Ro\\b . Hal ey 1 3~ Roy. Erin 182 R oy, j ohn 8 I. 9 1, 1% , :27 9 KO),3 Ity, Brad 159 RozzcU, M<lrtiNI 129 Ruasco, Chris 12 1 Ruhi o, B(' rnarclo 139 Rubio. ·ltris 207 Rudolf, 1,[jkc I ~, o Rudy. Kyle 120. 12 1 Rue\'C, Angela 21 l Ruflio, <';I'eg 183 Rllhe. 'i k 21 (I Rld, c, TifTa m ' t-.r. 279 Rupk, r.i s~ 70. '1.79 Rupp. Pall I 133 Ru <h . Ashley 124 Ru, l .. K yleJ 8R, 279 Russo, Becea 97 Ru,<o, Elisabel h H. 79, 27 9 Ru,t,jcnnile r 1'1+ Rutholr, Emily 9 1 Rya n , D o minique 76, 79 Ryan, Emily 99 Ryba , Adam GH Ryc kman . H ayley 9 1, I H




defining UD

Ryczko, Brad 12 I Rzeczkowski , Lind sa), 9 1,279

S SabeUi, Erin 69 Sacher, Kim 136. 2 19 Sadar, Larah 1(;2 Sahrmann, C hri ~ 153 Salamone,julie (;t) Salay, Karla R. 170,279 Sales, Howard 210 SaJimbene, Mary Eli zabeth 124 Salley, Stephen 79 Salomone,julie 136 Salulz, Erica 146 Salvo, Steve 130 Salwan, Phil 153 Sammons, Dan 222 Sample, Tristan 133 Samson, Kailcigh 22 1 Sandberg, Kara 129 Sandberg, MoU), 144 Sanders, Kate 169,22 1 Sanna, Kyle 2 10 Sansom, Kaileigh 127 Santoli,Joe 163 Saracco, Beth Ann 22 I Sasina, Kristina 99 Satterfield, KeUy 127 Sattcrlcy, K asey J 3 I SavaLi, [ulita V 279 Savona, Kari 166 Sbarboro,julie 127 Scalpone,jonalhanj. 86, 279 Scaminace, Lindsey 12 1 Schafer, Cortney 128 Schafer,jason 80 Schafer,john 80 SchaIfe,jennifer 13 I Schaffer, Adam 132 Schaner, jenny 77 Schaffer, Ryan 13 3 Schaid, Alison 124 Scheeringa, Brittney 2 14 Scheickart, Paul 69 Schermeshorn, Miles 144 Schick, Dustin 172 Schickel, Anna C. 192,279 Sehimenh,jonathan 129 Schimkey, Kyle 127 Schimmoe!ler, Angelaj. 279 Schler,jaclyn 98 Schluetel; David]. 96, 279 Schmall, john 210 Schmank, Mary Catherin e 133 Schmidlin, Anne 78 Schmidlin, Audrey 69 Schmidlin, Ben 80

Schmid~, Bi.lly 226 Schmirlt ,j essica E. 279 Schmidt, Ri cky 13U Schmidt, Steven 133 Schmitt, Mike 8 1. 9 1 Schmitz, Fred 2 10 Sdlmitz, Rachel 127 Schmizze, Ben 2 10 Schn emann,Jcni 144 Schnee mann, Ti ,n 80, 188 Schneider, Chrislina 124路 Schn eid er, Christine 209 Schneide r; La uren 209 Schneller, Katie 97 Schoen eman, Mike 127 SchoU,john 223, 235 SChOll, Ni ole 2 14, 215 SdlOtzmen, Nick 144 Schramm, 'hri,23 Schrank, Mollie 144,209 Schn.:iIJer, Bobbi 125 Schruder, Wi.l\ 132 Schroeder, Amy K. 279 Schweder, Erin 158, 2 I 4 Schroede,;jim 130, 132 Schroede r, Maggi 78, 190 Schroeder, Robyn 144 Schubcicr, Nicholas D. 279 Schubert, Mi chael 68 Schubert, Mo 24 I Sd1Ult " jessica 127, 235 Schultz, K vin 79 Schumacher, Katie 9 I Schumacher, Knin 12 I Schumaek r, Megan 78 Schumm , Gal n 207 S hwartz, Dani 9 I Schwanz, Daniel 69 Schweitz ' r, Andr"a L. 279 Schweitzer, Gordon 96 Scieie, Nathan 94 Scotl, jon 78,80 S ott, Monty 226 Seaberry, Kyla 139 Sease, Brooks 96 Seats, Geoff Lc\vis 13 1 Secaur, Kevin P. 76,279 Sedlacek, Reba 2 I 8, 2 19 Sedler, Elizabt:th M. 279 Seeds, Meg 124 Seibert , Matt" 'W P 279 Seid I, Mike 151 Seifert, Dani 'Ile 124 Seifert, john 280 Seiker, ChrisLina 56 Sekerak, Mary 144 Sekerak. R ac hd 136 Semkc, jay 121 Semmelmaycr, David 144 Senkier, Dave 166

Scntoli. Dan 135 Scranski , Amanda 132 Serena, Carolvn 121 Seu hck, jon 1:10 Seu rer, Kari E. 279 Seve rins, Lacey 209 S 'ymour,jessica 124 Seymour, Nate, 226 Sfara, Na than 8 I , 9 I ShaciJeford,joc 42 Shafer, Michaelj. 80, 279 Shaler, Quentin 121 Shaheen, Eli zabeth 130 Sh芦kkour, Rania 130 Shanks, Katll leen M. 279 Shapiro, Ryan 68, 8 1, 9 1 Shappie, Ben 2 I 0 Shea riy, Slcph 37 She ', . ha nnon 78 She han. Alii 13 1 Sheehan ,John F. 279 Sheets, Chad 121 Shelby, Sha nnon M. 279 Shcpharrl, Katy 81 Sheridan , Matth ew C. 186, 279 Sh erry. M axweLij. 178,279 Shockey, KC 27 I Shockey, Marcie 221 Shockev, 'ta cie 22 I Shoen, Nikc 120 Short, Tyler 132 Show, Eric 90 Show, Midlad 24 7 Shubitowski, Corey 2 I 9 Shuler, Kathy 151 Sidor; Liz 86, 94, 96, 153 Sidor, Mice\a 86 Siefker, Lucy 7b, 24-0, 24 I Siefring,josh 196 Si.korski,justin 146 Simon, DanielJe 130 Simon , Mary 129, 132 Simon, Tom 247 Simons, Michelle E. 68. 282 Simpson. Shannon 78 , 178 Simpson , Trey 247 Sims, Djuana M . 282 Sinei man. Margie 166 Singe!, Leslie r\. 97, 282 Sinks, Tyler 142 Sinning, Kristin 69 Sirabella .. \ntl1ony 121 Sirmam. Courtney 2 I 8, 2 19 Skcrl,josh 69, 142 SlJodowski,joanne M. 282 Skoda, Ashley 78 Skubak, Sam 169 Slade. Dr. Andrew 102 , 103, 104, lOS Slater, Kelsey 132 Siall 'rl', Cas 'y W 120. 282

Slawson, Ryne 125 Sletten, Hillary R. 85 , 282 Sle ttell , Sean 68 Slife, Brea L. 282 Sm:ll\s, Charity 151 Smidl-Rippeon, Andrea 88 Smidl, Alexandra 136 SlIlith , Alicia 98 SIn.iLh, Allison 223 Smith , Amy 9 1 .'ill1 iLil, Brad 2 36, 237 Sm ith, Breighton 162 $nlilh, Devi n 210 'midl , Dustic 9 1 Smith, Emil y K. 282 Smith, Hele n E. 282 'miLh,jirn 37 Smith ,julia C. 78 Smith , Kaitlin 99, 132 Smith , Kelly 1vl. 2B2 Smilh, Ken 98 Sm ith, Kristin 132 Smilh, Lesley 94 'mirh , i\llarcus 210 Smilh, Raee hcllc 169, 221 SmiLh , Sh t'lley 132 Smirh , S teve 125 Smolik, Ryan 127 Smolle t; S tepha llie M. 88,282 Smyth , M a IL 2 10 Smythe, Ivlcgan K. 282 Snide r, Karal), n 85 Snide r, Trevor 1+3 Snyd r, C hristophe r D. :282 Snyder, HoU y 97 Soc ha, MoU y 132 Soiat, Carolyn 169 Sull et; Valeri e 144Soiti. , Spense r 1+3 Sommers, julie 225 Soso ka , G regg 96 , 144 SOlO, Carla 170 Soud t; .\flare)' E. 282 Soude rs, Pa ul 216 South , Tim 168 Sowder, Nick 36 Sowers, Jay 127 Spacey, Kevin 187 Spaill, Kim 69 Spai n, Kyle 68 Spakowski, Phil 133 Span cl, Peter 129 Spaulding,J<; nnif,'I" 121 Speca, I:(ristc n 133 Spides, Kyle L. 146 Spicb, A'hleigh 130 Spisak, Dan 160 Spring, Savannah 99, 186 Sprouse, Alyssa 69 St. J ean, M eredith 13 1 St.Pierre, J ennifer 69 , 79 , 98 Staehler, Damon 36 (achier, Kelly 240, 2+ I Staehlet; Mi chllc M. 97 , 282 Stadde n, Noah lil 7 Stanord , N ick 226 talll , Kim 200 Stallcr, Katy 92, 97 'rands, Pat 247 S ta nge n, Robe rt 133 tanlel', Dan 69 Stanley, Mike 125 Sta nley, Nick 130 Staplcigh, Brian I il7 Stargcll, Reynolds 89 Stark, Angela 136 Stauss, Phil 187 Stave, l\'legan 128 Stearns, Erin 128 Slcbelton, Amanda E. 282

Ste bd ton, Kevi n 133 Stcra nck,John 188 Steffey, Laura 96 Stelnmc t; Scan 186 Stcmp kc, J osia h 127 St ·mpky; .Joc 127 Slcphc.ns, Ili chael 12 6 Sl ephe nson, Broo ke 9 1 SteuC!', M egan R. 282 Siewart , Britta n~' 22:) SLCw3rt, I leath er 85 SL 'wan,J essie 123 SLewart, Rya n P. 148 SLiens, Kri sty 79 , 8 1, 96 , 282 S(jlller, Kendra 132, 225 Stilling, Dan 167 Stilling, Se:lIl 80 , 15 1 S tine/ort, La' 6'1 Stine rll"n , Ray 192 Slinelorl; Zac 77 Sti nge r, Eliza bdh I <f4 SLirnkorb, Katie 2' f I Si ock, i'vlichcllc 98 Sto(;cklc, Gina 68 Stu(:nn Ql~ JaS()Jl 1.50 Stotf'l, l\'1 e1-(1In 98, 162 StOHI,Jerry 120 S toll , CIlI;s 1:Z8 StOpka, Maggie 209 S tOr y, Elizabe th 125 StOrti , Sara 1:Z5 Stra nca l; Katie 132 Strano,jonathan 7+ S trasburg, Kim 99 Siri 'bel, Dianne :Z2:" 235 S tripe, Chelsea 98 , 2(ij, 2il2 , 305 S tro ·ltman, 1\'likc 171 Sirohl,jo hn 171 Stro ng, JellnifEr 228 Stroup, Ben 179 St rllsck, William 80 StLF:epc k, Lauren 129 S tuceJlSchne.ideJ: Anuy 96 S tllkenbor<>', Lau ...", 134 , lurm , Mega n 132 Stwarka , iVlichael 79, lli9 Sry r' lll a-M cC uduy, Willianl 68 Suchy, I'dark 128 SU ~ Il. K II 128 S ulliva n, Brian 3 13 Sullivan, Eileen 102. 103, 108, 109, 125 Sullivan, K Ill' E. 94, 282 Sullivan, PJ. 77 • ' lIJTla r ,l-\ndr "' W 153 S urridge, Lan 'c 226 gUIL ' r, !\n ',.[" 225 S utte r, Tom 90, 146 Sultmann, Loui, 12 1 Svarovsky,Jos ph i\. :Z82, 305 Swan, AJliso n 120 Swanigan , S herifa F 282 Swanson, .'\ aro n 216 Swanson , Mark 192 Swarrz , M a lL 210 Swartzd, Myles 207 Swedlund , Lukas K. 80, 176, 28:2 Sweeney, Erin C . 184, 282 Swe ney, Mega n 235 Sweet, B c k, 12 7 Switaj , 'a ra h 81 Switzy, Sarah 99 Sylveste r, Erin 125 Syrowski , Anni 145 Szati'a nski , a ro lyn 129 Szewczyk, Ronald I R2 Sz wezyk, Alex 127 Szink ,J e nny 130


Tafl, Abby 128 Tnllanr, Carolyn 151 Tambino, Dave 166 Tarkany, Nick 216 TMe, Pa ul 135 'l ' lube, i\ nd~' 151 Taylor, i" l all ry 185 ' I'<:c. Di a na 76,132 Tedesco, Franki ' 207 cll:kestc, Abe LA. :ZR2 'l empleton, Alicia 120 ' Ll:rk, Ilria n 16R l<:rrill, Shane 120 'l cSLa, .-\I cx 150 l " Lirick, C ha ndler ilO Thamann, Sarah 12+ Th eiman , Le" 132 T'lH";ss, Laure n 1+2 Thirby, Ben 69 , 77 Th omas, ./oaq uin :Z26 Thomas, TIl'a L. 282, :305 Thompsoll, Chad 126 Thompsoll , Dall 222 2+6 , 2'~7 Th omsun , Sean R. 282 Ticdgt', Am)' 90, 9 1 Tieken, Rebe kah (i9 TiPlllci't; Thomas E. 282 Timme r, Ashley R. 180, 282 Timms, Ke vin 96, 126 Tindall, K ymbcrl y 4-:2 Tis'la, J~n nifCr 228 TitJ "baul1l, Garrc\\ 120 Titlcbaulll, Dr. Peler 58 Tobe, Vicki 78, 94-, 28 2 Toh in ,J ess 133 Tobin. M eghall 13 1 Tom Demm e r 12G Tombcl; Anne 99 Tomlin , \ shle)' 80 To mlin , Ashley J. 283 Tomlin , 'r ylcr 120 lo n~es, J eff 1:25 l oothm a n, ZfH:h 222 l o pp, And rew 1:26 -lo ppsI(m , Da\'id 12 1 'Ic)rchia , Gare n 13 1 Toula, 'arah 78 To",:, Robe rt 13:') Tra~ y, I.iz % Treadwa , /\Irx bU, 126 Tr~ m , Betsy 120 Trii,<ilio, Carri e 2:1:Z, 233 Trimncr, Daniel 202 Trinity, Angda M . 28:1 Trnc hclma n ,jakc' 95 Troh a, Ma\\ 150 Trolling>;, D a niL'lI ~ 129 Tromhley, Da ni'l F. 183, 283 Troy, Amanda 9 1 Trubec, Luke 206, 20 7 'frubee, Nick 236 Trun,Jessica 69 Truster, Tim 79, 85 Tucker, Amanda 219 , 22:1, 23 5 Tucker, Elizabeth 223, 235 Tucker, Mike 2 19 T ubno, Joe 133 Turk, Brian 96 Turkal " Kris 135 Turne r, Craig 2 10 Turner, Erin 130 Tuschory, .fhad 129 Tyska. t-.{ichaei 132

U UbingCl; Kyle I J2 U I n, Brcndon 176 Ul rich , Tim 200 Unger, Laura 69




defining UD

Urba n, Eric 69 U rigut'n , Alai 9fi U lllagc, Chrisll :214 \.'

Valade, SuzarlllC M. 97. 283 V"n Elle n, Eriksen 222 Van Ell n !. Kalherin e 91, 195 Van Tren, C hri s 13.) Van ce, Josi'ruil 12 1. 230 Vandc r haru; DOllg 69 Van ik. Kim IH Vann,Joe 146 VanTi<:rn , Co lleen 99 Vaugh;lIl.j· sica 125 Vaugn, Abbi . 129 V"cchio, Jo ' 12 7 Ve Ida, PhiUip Angelo 80. 153 Vel ten, Vielor I 2 I Venlimig lia.Jo hn 12G Verg Idedios, G elw r I ~O VCTho rr, SIt'\'(· 2 I 0 ''"'''rlings, K';, lin 81 Vermillion, C hris 210 Versl, Chlistine 13:1 Vese-ao. G reg 169 VCLl(T, C hrislina 209 Vidmar, Sa ra h 132 Villarreal, .\nna 127 \'illi" ky, Ke\-in 129, H7 V irag, .\manela 128 \'iscegli a . Pe lC!' 76, 87, 96 \liILo,;o, To n), 207 Vi vacqua, Dayna 76 VOgL, Killlhcrl y 96 Vohdell , Pal 1'2.7 Vonder haa l; Kyle I +G Vo.-skr, Corey 2 10 Vossle r, Scott 210 VLUea. Kali e 125

IV Wade. J ames 144, 2 10 \Yadf', J ('ssica M. 283, 304 Wade, Sean rvI. 283 Wagn. '''I o U), 133 Wao-ner, ~\S l tle)' 97, 185 Wagner, Gody 2 10 Wagner. Emil y 8 1 I"'ah l. J ake 169 Wa iacc, Mall I GI I\';·dbrig ht. David 210 \Yalke r,1\. C. 186 Walke r..'\c1a rn 2 I 0 \"'" Ike r, '-bllhe", C. 85., 283 Wall , Nichola, R. 2f1 3. :lOS Wall , Tri sha 150 Wa lli, r. Brillany 98


\I·al,l1. Kevin 97 Wa lsh , MaLL 79 \I'als hon, Susan 91 \IIa lLer., AleCl' 1'13 \I'a iL er,Jim I b6 lVaiLerhuscl1, SL\eV l 3:j \I'aiL ers, Nata li e 3't,21 9. ~25 lV"iL o n, Amy ivI. 78 , 283 11·,LiL.o ll. C ha nce 110 Wa llun, Loren 811 II'arnskv, Pele 188 I Va n~. Han 78, 87 lI·anla llci . Rya ll 151 lI'''-I1Ill' ma cher, Andy 1+4lI'annc rnadH::r. Ga~ 120 Ward. Cole 76 IVa rgo. K risli II 9 1 Wa rnemenr, Meg 79 Warne r, .\l<u·qucs 2 10 '''',,-rrt''', Shayl" :2 I 4 I l'a ruszc\\'s ki. Da\·id 95 I Varzoha , Dan 1+6 Wasik. I a illin 13 1 INassln, .hrisLi ne 78 \I'atki ns, C a ndace 89 Walkins. tdcg 223. 235 lI'also ll. Thomas . \, III fl5 . 283 Watso n, Tim 210 IIdl)",iak, Sal'ah 9G We ale , PaL :2 I 0 'Vcher. Erin 8 I IVeher,Jeffrey i\{. 68, I;) I. 283 lI'ehers, La ura 170 \\dlSlrr,yrr 133 IIhh Lcr. Ti nlothy W, 170, :283 " h lell. Kelly 12'1 Wehner. Phi l 76, 144 Wc law r. Re hecca 76. 129 Weise .. \ nla ll da 146 WeiskiLt..t , .\ biga il (l'l. 12+ \l'cisn l;rn , \Ii ch;r cl 12:'> Weisman. Ry;rn 2 2"> IVc.lsh.Jonalhan :2 I 6 WCllllch!. Bra dy E 28:3 \I'('j,uLing, Luke 12 I \I'e nll ing, J an""a 22 1 WClIskc. Kristin 2+0 , 2+ I \I'en~ lrllp, Kalie 195 II'crl H' kc. K<llhcrine 13 1 \I' Kathryn 14-3 \I·halcll. Ann i\ l. 283 I I'he' e r, Ben 68 Wh edcl; \\'illi am D. 283. 301:i 'I'h ek ..-\nn a 12+ \I·hd all . S ULi e 96 Il'h elle)'. CollinJ 307 \I'hilcling, Dave , ~ I (I II'hi 'S man, i\[aui as I 9~ II·hit acre, jl.lli c 91 \I' hil(' , Andrea I ~ O

Whilc. Chris 193 I,,,"hilf'. LiizahcI h 129 II'hil (\ Logan L:26 Whiled. Ashley 120 II 'h il eh ca ci, Orc" 120 II'hiling . . \II e1y 201 \I 'h iln ey, D a\,·id I :Hl, 132 lI' hiLLen, Zac h 13(), 210 Wi chner, Ben 160 \I 'icko l,J ay 135 Il'i czynski, M cghan 1:1 I Wi dd t'l; '-Lalia 237 Wi d('n;;ki. C ra ig 127 Widuc h ., "lacy IH VVi crsma, '10m 127 Wiezbenski , S lephanie 12:1 W iga lski, K alie 8 I Wig-dal ski , Stephanie M . 283 \I'igton, )\ like 68, 9·1·, 186 Wilhelm , Megan 18:; Wilke r. '\ , hlev' 8 I IVilliams. Aiden I :~2 Will ial",. Bri ce .-,0 lVill iarm, Dan iell\" 132 lI·illial"'. f.\·a n 95. 151 Willi ams. J cnnik, 12'1· Williarn' ,juhn 69. 126 Willia\lls. Warre n 2:26 Willi anlSun. Lindsn v 12+ l'Ir, lIi ngc r. Erik 133 Wilso ll .. nn cll c 128 Wil sun . Fra nk 210 lVil ,on. i\ .!a ll o ly 132 Wilrshirc. Prof,'ssor Eric 86 Wimbe rly, Greg '2 I 0 'Vin rhd l. Chris 166 Windmill"l; Ke\,i n 121 Winger!. Sarah 30 W inke l, Liza 78 \I'inkfidrl, C hrisle n 96 W inkle. Li za I:' I 'I'inkkr. Sharon 223 W in ner, R van 2 10 WinL ering, :VlicheJlc 13 1 Wintering, SCOLI 2 10 Wior". Dan 1'2.7 Wior". l\ like 120. 127 W inh , Kcis(·y 1:33 W isnie wski, KaLe E. 79.283, :j013 Wi. 'ma IUl, i\1atrllias K. 28 :l lVi Llrup, R yan 13 1 Worlc. ~,!icJwal 76 W ojltar,ky, Nitol e 84 1V0jn()\\'$ki , Adam 80, :283 , 306 Wojtkull. El izaiJe Lh i\J. 283 Wojlkl.ln, Liz 78, 8 1 vl'"II; H('my 87 lI'nIr, K a iLc 15 1 Wolk, Brad 14-2,247 \\'o lre , C raig I SO

\l'olfe. Ke\in 150 Wolski. "[al l 247 \\'olldrd , Trent 207 \Vung. ~/1ariC'


fc-lllg Kung 283

Woo, Kevin 90 \ I'nod. Bridget 221 Woodard, ?\alc 186, 283 \ ' ·nod",a,.d . .J ~' i ca 12 I \I'oodwani NiJilii 91 \I·oo lf. H idi 6~J. :2fJ:) \\'uotOIi . Kristen 22:) Wozn ia k. Lindsc)" 306 \\"righl, eara 228 Wrigill. Ni ck 1'14 WnJbbki. Ryan ~IO \I'll . Wi ng 80 \I'lJ nd ~ rl )', Chris 12() \ "lII"lh, 'tcphan ic ~ 19 Wurtz. Morgain 129 \l'lIt'lz. Stephani.· 79, B I. :2B3 \l'yatl , IIkl issa A. 30 7 Wysocki. And y 7 ~) \I'yso(' ki, Eri n 22 I

x Xuc, Zhon 87


Yaegel, Coll 'll 12-1 Yakel", CIIl"i,,), 185 Y;:unagltchi} K a nam e~ 2 16 Dong 78 Yang, Yaodong 78 Yao, .Jing i 78 YeaO"Cl",j en ClCl

..t'all .~!

YcaK '1', Vi cloria 13 I


)bzdl,je nniG'I" ~8 3 Yerke, Claire 96. 153 Yoder, Brittany 127 Yoder; 99 YOSl. Rvan 120 YOllng. Adam 1:17 Youn g, Anna 7ll . 151 YOlttlg,.Janell,· 53, 1711. 270, :283, 312 YOltng.jc~s i ('a I ~9

Z Zach, Christine 127 Zoch Nu rman 133 Zakibe, Gina 78 Zalkl;john 236 Zapp; I"lli. Sarah 125 Zas111dil. Robby 121 Zawadzki , MeLi ssa 79 Zelasko, Anthony ti8 Zclln: Andew 1211 Zeller, Kyle I 4ti Z('ranl("', Rya n 2 10 Zerbe,j ohn 80, 181. :283 Z e rhus~ n, Maria T 283 Zhang, Chunlei 78 Zhou Xu e 78 Ziegler, Andrea 85, 144 Ziclanku, Scep h 120 Zim mc rman , BiLl 187 Zimmerman, Rarhacl 1+3 Ztalic, Cla re 9G Zolclak, II'like 121 Zolli, Luciana 35, 17'J, :2G, ~ 7, 283, Zrenner,juslin 90, 1 5 ·~ Zupan cic, Ryan 132





I defining un



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colophon. (n.) information at the end of the book that describes all the details. The 2006

D(~)llonian ,

volume 83 , was created by a student stafT at the

University or Dayron. It \vas printcd by HerflJone. Publishing Company in Edwardsville, Kansas wiLh a press run of 2200. consultant was Eile' l1

~lkGinl ey

was Sally Jon es. Our

1~\ C ldt:y

The publishing

and the plant ' usLomer service adviser

advisor \Va.' Meli:'a Flanagan. Individual

senior portraits, organization and graduation photos were taken by Davor Photography, Inc.

AclYertisements were collected by Scholastic

Advertising. The book price was $3 0.

cover The cover was designed by Janelle Young.

Images for the cover were

taken by Jan elle Young. The cover was made from white litllO material dyed black. The eight photog raphs on the cover are black and white v\'ith a uv-Iamination coating. The bineting is squarebacked and smyth sewn. photography All photog raphs were taken etigitaUy with Canon Rebel EOS, Canon EOS 20D and Olympus Stylus 410 digital cameras. Phot oshop CS was used


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printing This book was printed on 80-pound matte paper using black-on-black ink. The first signature use a

V lamination techniqu e over the photographs.

typography All body copy was Baskerville 10 point. All captions and photo credits arc ITC Franklin G othic 8 point. The headlines are Baskerville 22 point and 167 point. The subheadlin es are Bask ' rville 12 point italic. production, contact and copyright The 2006 Daytonian was produced on six MacLntosh computers using Adobe InDcsign CS, Adobe Photoshop CS and ?vlicrosoft Word . The

Daytonian has been [he official yea rbook of the University of' Dayton for 84 years. Editorial contenL and images do not necessarily reflect the views of the U niversity. Address inquires to Editor-In-Chief, Day lonian Yearbook, 305 Kennedy U nion , 300 College Park, Dayton, OH 454690622. Copyright Š 2006, the Daytonian sta Ir and the University of Dayton. All rights r served.

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