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Volume XIII -
Number 3
December, 1957
MARIOLOGICAL SOCIETY MEETS IN DAYTON The eighth annual convention of the Mariological Society of America will be held at the Hotel Miami, Dayton, Ohio, on Thursday and Friday, January 2 and 3, 1958. The theme chosen for the convention, "Mary and the Church", will be treated by five Marian scholars: Rev. John F. Sweeney, S.J.; Rev. Joseph Montalverne O.F.M.; Rev. Francis L. 8. Cunningham, O.P.; Rev. Bernard LeFrois, ).V.D.; Rev. Philip J. Donnelly, S.J. As a special feature of the convention, the f.',arian Library Medal will be conferred on the Rev. Juniper B. Car )1, O.F.M., executive secretary of the Mariological Society, by the Rev. Jhilip C. Hoelle, S.M., director of the Marian Library. Father Carol ha~ been announced as ":'inner of the me9a1 for his book, Fundamenta,s of Mariology (Ben.zrger, 1956).
On Thursday, January 2, a Holy Hour is scheduled at 4:00 p.m. in the chapel of the Immaculate Conception on the campus of the University of Dayton. The Very Rev. John A. Elbert, ~ M., provincial of the Cincinnati Province of the Marianists, will pre< ¡h the sermon. After the sermon the delegates will have an opportun y to visit the Marian Library; dinner in the university dining hall wili follow at 6:00 p.m. Registration fee for the convention is $5.00. For complete information write: Rev. J. B. Carol, O.F.M. Franciscan Monastery 174 Ramsey Street Paterson 1, New Jersey
The MARIAN LIBRARY NEWSLETTER is publi.-.hed monthly except July, Augn.'lt, and September, by the Marian Library, Uni IJer.<Jity of Dayton, Dayton 9, Ohio. The NEWSLETTER will be sent free of chaqe to anyone requesting it.
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PROGRAM of the MARIOLOGICAL SOCIETY CONVENTION Thursday, January 2 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a .m.
Registration General Jssembly Welcome Most Rev. Karl J. Alter, D.O., Archbishop of Cincinnati "Current Theological Thought Concerning Mary and the Church" John F. Sweeney, S.J . (Discussic n leader: Philip C. Hoelle, S.M.)
12:00 noon
12:30 p.m.
Conferrir.; of Marian library Medal
2:00 p.m.
"The Ma1 y-Church Relationship in the ~~tristic Period" - Joseph Montalver~e, O.F.M. (Discussic n leader: Alban A. Maguire, O.F.M.)
4:00 p.m.
Holy Ho1 â&#x20AC;˘ (University of Dayton chapel)
5:00 p.m.
Visit to
6:00 p.m.
Dinner (University of Dayton dining hall)
\arian library
Friday, January 3 10:00 a.m.
"Relation ; hip between Mary and the Church in Medieval Thought'' - Francis l. B. Cunningham, O.P. (Discussi< -, leader: Joseph l. Shannon, O.S.A .)
11 :30 a.m.
"The Ma y-Church Relationship in the Apocalypse" - -Rev. Bernard J~ leFrois, S.V.D. (Paper to be read by Richard l~ugelman, C.P.) (Discussion leader: Christian P. Ceroke, 0. Carm.)
12:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m.
luncheon "The Mary-Church Analogy in its Relationship to the Fundamental Principle of Mariology"- Philip J . Donnelly, S.J . (Discussion leader: Cyril 0. Vollert, S.J.)
3:00 p.m.
Business Meeting: awards; election of officers.
The Mariological Society of America was founded in 1949 in Washington, D. C. by a group of Catholic scholars for the exclusive purpose of promoting a more theological appreciation of Our Lady's preogratives, and to further scientific research in the field of Mariology. Any priest is welcome to join as an active member. Lay persons sharing the aims of the society may join as associate members. Annual dues for active members, $5.00; associate members, $3.00. •
Father Eamon R. Carroll, 0. Carm., is president of the Mariological Society. Earlier presidents have been Father Juniper B. Carol, O.F.M., (1950-54), Father Cyril 0. Vollert, S.J ., ( 1954-56), and Father Bernard J. LeFrois, S.V.D. (1956-57). Episcopal chairman of the society is the Most Rev. John J. Wright, D.D., Bishop of Worcester.
Previous conventions of the Mariological Society have been held in Washington (1950 and 1954); Worcester (1951 ); New York City (1952 and 1956); Cleveland ( 1953); St. Louis ( 1955); Chicago ( 1957).
Studies, the only scientific theological publication of its kind in English, contains the proceedings of the various conventions of the Mariological Society. Eight volumes, all edited by Father Carol, have been published; the first three are now out of print. Other volumes may be ordered from the editor at: Franciscan Monastery, 174 Ramsey Street, Paterson 1, New Jersey. Price, $2.50 each.
Topics covered in previous Mariological conventions: Coredemption, Spiritual Motherhood, Universal Queenship, Immaculate Conception, Divine Motherhood, Perpetual Virginity, and Mary's Death. •
National Mariological Societies also exist in the following countries: Holland, France, Spain, Portugal, Canada, Belgium, and Germany. All of these have been established within the last thirty years.
NEW PUBLICATIONS FOR THE LOURDES YEAR MIRACLES STILL HAPPEN, by B. G . Sandhurst. London, Burns, Oates, 1957. 188p. 6s. OUR LADY OF LOURDES, by Joseph Deery. Dublin, Browne and Nolan, 1957. 272 p . 18s. MODERN MIRACULOUS CURES, by Francis Leuret and Henri Bon. New York, Farrar, Straus, Cudahy, 1957. xviii, 215p. $3 .50 . THIS PLACE CALLED LOURDES, by Sister Maureen Flynn, 0 . P. Chicago, Henry Regnery, 1957. 215 p . $3.75 . SAINT BERNADETTE, by Francis Trochu, with photographs by Leonard von Matt. Chicago, Henry Regnery, 1957. 91 p. 183 pl. $7.00. ST. BERNADETTE SOUBIROUS, by Francis Trouchu. London, Longmans , Green, 1957. 25s.
Marian Reprints (Marian Library) " The Lourdes Pilgrimage" - encyclical letter of Pope Pius XII . 16p. 15¢. "Our Lady of Lourdes, Guardian and Teacher of the Faith" - pasloral letter of Bishop Pierre-Marie Theas . 12p. 15¢
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