The Marian Library Newsletter November 1958

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Volume XIV - Number 2

November, 1958

Lourdes Publications in French in The Marian Library s Clugnet Collection -Marian Library Study,



The Clugnet collection is an imposing assortment c f more than 8,500 items, including books, pamphlets, newspapers, periodicals, engravings and medals, all referring to the cult of the Blessed Virgin-especially in F'rance. The Marian library at the University of Dayton secured this library of the em nent French bibliographer and librarian of the University of Paris, Abbe leon Clur :1et ( 1848-1920), in 1954, the Marian Year. Lourdes Publications in the unique collection is or ~ of the first attempts to open the riches of Clugnet's scholarship and acquisitio 1s. It is the result of the painstaking efforts of Brother William Fackovec, S.M., over several summers. Brother's classification and annotations of all the lourdEs material in the Clugnet collection will be of particular assistance to students of Marian literature, lourdes, bibliography and French religious history. This is the fir t of a series of bibliographic studies on the Clugnet collection projected by the Marian Library. Previous studies are: Mary and the Mystical Body by Thomas Stanley, S.M., 25¢. The Blessed Virgin and Social Reconstruction by John Griffin, $1 .00. Mary in Protestant Theology and Worship by Paul F. Palmer, S. J., 25¢. Copies are still available.

ORDER Lourdes Publications in the Clugnet Collectiun $1.00 FROM The Marian Library, University of Dayton, Dayton 9, Ohio

Th6 MARIAN LIBRARY NEWSLETTER is publish :d monthly exc6pt July, August, and September, by the Marian Library, Univtrsity of Daytan, Dayton 9, Ohio. The NEWSLETTER will be sent f"ree of chargr> to anyone requesting it.

QUICK Sl.RVEY OF CURRENT MARIANA events-Colombia is forging ahead in the Marian field with a new Mariological society, with the ultir•1ate objective of forming a Spanish-American Academy of Marian Studies. The cornerstone was laid for the Centro Mariano de Colombia at the shrine of Nuestra Senora de Ia Pena, February 11 of rhis year. The center is planning a Marian library and is publishing a fine magazine, Regina Mundi, covering in a thorough manner Marian theology, devotion, history, art, poPtry and bibliography. -Consecration of each .family to the Immaculate Heart of Mary should be held before the end of th Lourdes Year as urged by Pius XII in the encyclical, The Lourdes Pilgrim• ;~. art source-Grailville, lovt!and, Ohio, offers original Marian art in multiple, but limited editions, at pdces reasonable for those wanting something special in contemporary Marian statues and plaques. From the center further information can be had on The God-bearer, Fiat, African Madonna and other artifacts. films-The Miraculous MeJal Story is a third printing of the Catherine Laboure history (125 color slides, 20 minute RCA recording, from Marian Center, St. Joseph Central House, Emmitsburg, Maryland). phonorecords-Hymns to Mary is a new LP-record of traditional and liturgical Marian music by the St. lawrence Seminary Choir, Mt. Calvary, Wisconsin. plays-Mary Productions, ;ource of short, royalty-free scripts, has expanded its Marian titles for grm. ps planning assemblies and dramatic productions. Address: 58 Lenison, BE !ford, New Jersey. poster materials-Christ in .Christmas also means Mary in Christmas. To emphasize the religious in Christmas, posters and other materials may be obtained from Christ in Christmas P divities, N. 35th Street, Milwaukee 10, Wisconsin and from Christian Motht; ·s Association, 220 37th Street, Pittsburgh 1, Pennsylvania. periodicals-The Marianist, the Marian Library's unique all-Marian, semi-popular magazine of family Lfe, theology, spirituality, art, poetry, devotion is celebrating its golden year with a special January jubilee issue. Some of the contributors are Anne Freemantle, Bishop John Wright, Brother Stanley Mathews, S.M., Ade de Bethun·~, Father Philip Hoelle, S.M., Paul Hume, Father Daniel Berrigan, S.J., Micha• ! de Ia Bedoyere, Father William Ferree, S.M., Msgr. John Kennedy. annuals-Bulletin de Ia So11ete Francaise d'Etudes Mariales 1957, the proceedings of the French Mariological Society, is now ready, containing the fourth and final section of "La Nouvelle Eve." The Society does not meet in 1958 because of the international Mariological Congress at Lourdes in September. Ephemerides Mariologicae, 1958, the international Mariological yearbook, is now published.

NEW MARIAN PUBLICATIONS preview-St. Anthony Guild Press' Bernadette and her Lady of Glory by Valentine Long and Mexico: land of Our Lady's wonders by Joseph Cassidy are still to be published. • The Marian Library's Our Lady in Education has been delayed and will not be mailed for several weeks. e Regnery's long promised Mary, Mother of Our Faith by Joseph Weiger is now scheduled for the first of the year. • The Dogma of the Immaculate Conception, edited by Edward O'Connor, C.S.C., will be ready on November 8 through Notre Dame Press. • Farrar, Straus and Cudahy will put the definitive biography of St. Catherine of the Miraculous Medal by Joseph Dirvin, C.M., on the market November 14. published--Father Stephen Breen authors a description of all scapulars in Treasure Wrapped in Cloth (2579 N. 35th Street, Milwaukee 10, Wisconsin). e The Catholic Digest continues the booklet publication of famous shrines of the world, with recent numbers devoted to Rue du Bac and Our Lady of Einsiedeln in Switzerland. • Mary of Agreda's Words of Wisdom, a section of the City of God, is a reprint of the Blessed Virgin's life as given to the mystic, published by Academy Library Guild. • Jesus with Mary and Joseph is a collection of 107 Marian poems by Brother Francis Patrick, F.S.C., produced by Academy Library Guild. • The Montfort Publications has revised and printed The Reign of Jesus Through Mary by Father Denis Gabriel, S.M.M., the first part of which contains The Secret of Mary. The Montfortians also announce a new work of prayers, meditations and readings preparatory to consecration to Mary, Preparation for Total Consecration According to St. Louis de Montfort. • Hanover House has just released Marguerite Hamilton's Borrowed Angel, the account of the last two years of her teen~age, crippled daughter's life in which Lourdes was so important. e Brief sermons on each title of the Loreto litany are the contents of Wagner's new Litany at Naz.areth by Father James McNally. • Appleton-Century-Crofts has issued Esther Kellner's Marian novel, Mary of Naz.areth, which is Catholic in doctrinal points, but not in tone. • The Marylike Crusade (Bartelso, IITinois) is now distributing The Official Handbook of the Purity Crusade of Mary Immaculate. • Hugo Rahner S.J.'s Our Lady and the Church appears through Pantheon. e The London firm of Samuel Walker publishes The Mother of God and Some Saints by W. J. Randall. e St. Paul Center, a new Catholic printing house, Jamaica Plain, Boston, Massachusetts, has produced within several years a number of translated and original works. Some of their more recent Marian publications are the works of Father James Alberione, S.S.P.: Mary, Mother and Model, meditations on the liturgical feasts of Our Lady; Mary, Hope of the World, a meditative life of Mary; Glories and Virtues of Mary, with a section on devotions; Mary, Queen of Apostles, development of Mary's mission to give Christ to the world. Other recent releases are A Flower of Fatima, the biography of Jacinta designed for the early teen reader, by G. de Oliveira and Father Ermino Crippa, S.C.J.'s The Mother, reflections on motherhood using Mary as model. e My Lady Miriam by Melanie Marnas is a translation of the life of Mary written against historical backgrounds and is Newman Press' latest Marian title. children's books--An American boy meets a young French cripple at Lourdes in Marie McSwiggan's Small Miracle at Lourdes by Dutton, for the seven to eleven bracket. e Four to eight year-olds are in mind with Maryknoll Press' Hail Mary. • Sister Mary Evelyn, S.N.D. de N., presents short, thoughtful stories for children on each mystery of the rosary in Talks with Jesus under a St. Anthony Guild Press banner.

INCUNABULA AND OTHER OLD WORKS ADDED TO THE MARIAN LIBRARY Abrege de l'histoire et des miracles de Notre-Dame du Pillier. Mons, D'Homme , 1706. Bruno , Giacomo , O.P., Sacro teatro dell' eccelenze, perrogative, privileggi, e fritto miracolosi del SS. Rosario. Nap!es , Caro l Porpora, 1698. Co mbes, Barfholome, Feliz Hallazgo . Imagen de Campanar. Valen cia, V. Cabrera, 1714. Gagui nus, Robertus, De puritate co(n)ceptionis B.V.M. Paris, F. Baligaut, 1492-94. Hensbergius, Vincentius, Viridarivm Marianvm septemplici Rosario. Antwerp, Bellervm, 1615 . Nada sai, Joh . S.J ., Annales Mariani Soc. Jesu ab an no 1521. . . . Rom a, 1658. Paulu s, O.S .B. Cam ., Theorema gestorum Thamar nurus ludae. Florence, Sermartellium, 161 7. Pel bartus de Themeswar, O .F.M., Stellarium corone B.V.M. in laudes ejus pro singulis predicationibus . . .. Hagenau, H. Gran , 1501. Santa Maria y Ulloa, Pedro de, O .P., Arco iris de paz y meditaciones del s. Rosario. Barcelona, 1765. Spinola, F. A. S.J., Christo appassionato e Ia vergine addolorata. Genova , 1661 . [Vergerio, P.P.], Sanda Maria de Loreto. N.P., 1588.

MARIAN REPRINTS Thomas Merton, O .C.S.O .'s The Pope of the Virgin Mary and lou is Bouyer, CO.'s Devotion to Mary in the Church are the current reprints of this Marian library series. Subscriptions to these important articles is $1 .00 for eight issues from the Marian library, University of Dayton; an entire set of 61 plus this year's eight issues is $7.00.

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