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American Society of · Civil Engineers
from Daytonian 1938
by eCommons
Eighteen sophomores, juniors, and seniors constitute the membership of the U. D. student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers which was organized and officially recognized by the Board of Directors in 1926. The society received the "1938 Letter of Commendation" award from the national society's president, sharing that honor with nine of one hundred and sixteen U. S. student chapters.
Weekly seminars aiming to acquaint future engineers with the ideals of the engineering profession featured talks by students and graduates, and planned to advance architectural and engineering knowledge. Lantern slide lectures on the Coolidge dam, Catskill water supply, Miami flood control, aerial photographic mapping, and George Washington bridge proved interesting.
Social activities of the student chapter included a banquet and dance ·at the Dayton Engineers' Club , a joint smoker with city engineers in May, and short social meetings at the homes of offcampus members. Student members participated in District Number Nine Civil Engineers Convention held in Dayton , and regularly attended meetings of the city engineers.
Inspection trips were made to the Taylorsville dam, the Municipal Airport, Englewood dam, Sewage Disposal Plant, Wilbur Wright Field, and the Southwestern Portland Cement Company.
Nicol , Kerezsi, Kie fer, Hernandez, Simmons , Hubbuck , Schmitt, Wiley.
Mueller , Dailey , O lejnyik, Gelofcsak, Lorenz, Lusch , Fo ley, Hayes, Mullen , Trost , O'Toole
Leonard , Schroeder , Weis , Darbier, Ryan , McCrate , U nverferth, Ho0enkamp, Metzler , O lcott, Saunders.
Established in 1936 by Professor Andrew R. Weber, S.M., the Mechanical Engineering Society is planned to foster engineering education among members and to increase practical knowledge of theoretical subjects treated in lectures.
Membership is open to all mechanical engineers , and meetings are held the third Friday in each month The group made inspection trips to industrial plants to become acquainted with mechanical apparatus.
The highlight of the year was the February meeting attended by the Dayton chapter of American Society of Mechanical Engineers; speeches by members of the organization comprised the program, which was followed by a tour of the engineering laboratories.