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Junior Prom
from Daytonian 1938
by eCommons
Social highlight of the year ... soft melodies of genial Tom Gentry and his Ambassadors permeating the Empire Room of the Miami hotel
Tuxes, tails, stiff shirts and flowing gowns on every side Tom Manning, class prexy, strutting over the sparkling floor with comely prom queen, Elaine Tompkins ••. director Gus Quatman maneuvering the grand march with remarkable dexterity presentation of the royal bouquet to her majesty, Queen Elaine "Ted Husing" French controls the "mike" ... time marches on and the clock tolls twelve ... happy couples and jubilant stags exit from the Junior Prom of 1938.
"Military Ball
Sponsored by the Pershing Rifles, the Military Ball was a bright mass of b'lue and white, with brass gleaming and leather glistening as Bud Shilling furnished the music at the Miami Hotel, May 7. The efforts of an efficient committee were well rewarded by what proved to be one of the most colorful events of the social year. The dance was well attended by students, alumni, and visiting cadet officers from Pershing Rifle units at neighboring universities.
Spring Swing
Now an annual affair, the Spring Swing ~his year was planned in a very unusual manner. Held Friday, May 13, at the Miami Hotel, its theme was one of complete reversal-the young ladies issued the invitations and paid all expenses for the evening. To the melodious strains of Benny Carlen's Collegiate orchestra the College of Women made another contribution to the social successes at the University of Dayton.