EcoNews Vol. 52, No. 1 – February 2022

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51 Years of Environmental News


Arcata, California

Vol. 52, No. 1

February 2022

NEWS Published by the Northcoast Environmental Center Since 1971

THE IMPACTS OF RISING TIDES Página 8 en españo l

Meet the New Executive Director | Radical refuge: Earthseed | Sea Level Rise in Humboldt Where does your water come from? | Elwha: A river Reborn | Missing & MUrdered Indigenous PeopleS

Dea r EcoNews

EcoNews Distribution Volunteers NEeded We are looking for monthly volunteers to help distribute EcoNews to southern Humboldt, northern Humboldt, Del Norte, and Trinity County. Are you interested in helping? Email NEC staff at

Do you have a burning environmental question? Write to “Dear EcoNews” and we’ll get a professional in that field to address your eco quandaries, concerns, and queries.


Bouquets Bou quets Sincere Gratitude To: Dave Spreen, friend and co-conspirator in the struggle to make a more verdant and just world, passed away in late November. Dave was a founding Board Member of the Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities (CRTP), a staunch advocate for safe and sustainable transportation, and a long-time opponent of the Richardson Grove highway expansion project. His background in freight transportation and industry was unusual in environmentalist circles, but he could fit in anywhere with his characteristic humility, wisdom and good humor. The EcoNews would like to give a special thank you to Dave and a bouquet to his loved ones, with whom we share grief and many fond memories.



415 I Street, Arcata, CA 95521 PO Box 4259, Arcata, CA 95518 707- 822-6918 |

Guests on Goudi’ni, Wiyot Territory EcoNews is the official monthly publication of the Northcoast Environmental Center (NEC), a non-profit organization. Third class postage paid in Arcata. ISSN No. 0885-7237. EcoNews is mailed to our members and distributed free throughout the Northern California and Southern Oregon bioregion. The subscription rate is $50 per year.

The ideas and views expressed in EcoNews are not necessarily those of the Northcoast Environmental Center


Greetings from the

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- EcoNews -

The mission of EcoNews is to inform and educate the public on environmental issues around the world, state and bioregion. Many of these issues are complex and have varying levels of support throughout the environmental community. Our goal is to provide a platform to explore, discuss and debate these topics in order to better understand their nuances. The ideas expressed in EcoNews do not necessarily reflect the positions of the NEC or its member groups. We appreciate and welcome alternative points of view.

NEC Staff

Since 1971, EcoNews has brought information on important environmental issues to readers on the North Coast. 4,000 print copies of Econews are distributed monthly in addition to free unlimited viewing on our website. Consider advertising your business or event! EcoNews is supported by businesses like you, and you are a crucial part of helping us to continue this important work. Visit w w w. yo u r n e c . o r g / sponsor-econews to learn more.

NEC Board Of Directors

NEC Member Groups

Executive Director & EcoNews Editor Caroline Griffith,

President: Larry Glass, Safe Alternatives for our Forest Environment

Humboldt Baykeeper

Administrative Coordinator: Carlrey Arroyo, Coastal Programs Coordinator: Ivy Munnerlyn, Outreach Coordinator: Chelsea Pulliam, EcoNews Journalist: Elena Bilheimer, Office & Event Support Staff: Reina Trombetta,

Vice-President: Margaret Gainer, At-Large

Sierra Club, North Group, Redwood Chapter

Secretary: Scott Sway, At-Large Treasurer: Chris Jenican Beresford, At-Large Jennifer Kalt, Humboldt Baykeeper Marisa St. John, Calfornia Native Plant Society CJ Ralph, Redwood Region Audubon Society Gregg Gold, Sierra Club, North Group Tom Wheeler, EPIC Dan Sealy, At-Large

Proofreaders: Kris Diamond, Fhyre Phoenix, David Andrew Niedrich Authors: Larry Glass, Caroline Griffith, Ivy Munnerlyn, Elena Bilheimer, Tom Wheeler, Jen Kalt, Maggie Gainer, Colin Fiske, Felice Pace, Carol Ralph, Dan Sealy, Marth Walden, Michael Pulliam, Susan Nolan, Chelsea Miraflor Trillo, George Clark, Ali Ong Lee, Elaine Weinreb, Carlrey Arroyo Cover: Waves overtopping the levee between Humboldt Bay and Klopp Lake. Photo by Michael D. Pulliam, Jan. 3, 2022

Aisha Cissna, At-Large

NEC Affiliate Members Friends of Del Norte

Zero Waste Humboldt

Californians for Alternatives to Toxics

Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities

350 Humboldt

California Native Plant Society North Coast Chapter

Redwood Region Audubon Society

Safe Alternatives for our Forest Environment (SAFE)

Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC)

News From the Center Larry Glass, NEC Board President Caroline Griffith, NEC Executive Director

Nordic Aquafarms

In This Issue 3

2021 NEC Donors


2021 NEC Sustaining Donors


Meet the New E.D.


Letters to EcoNews


EcoNews Report

7 8

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples Pueblos Indígenas Desaparecides y Asesinades


Radical Refuge: Earthseed Laboratories


Humboldt Baykeeper: King Tides


EPIC: Redistricting


Sierra Club: Logging during Wildfires


The Sandpiper


Zero Waste Humboldt: Enforce Plastic Laws


California Native Plant Society


CRTP: Positive Developments


NEC Library Unveiling


Elwha: A River Reborn Book Review


Where Does Your Water Come From?


In Memoriam: E.O. Wilson


Sea Level Rise in Action


No Coal Humboldt


Nordic Aquafarms Energy Use


Eye On Washington


DIY Zero: Biochar


Get on Board for the Climate: Energy


Solutions Summit


Community Coastal Column


The long-awaited draft EIR for the proposed fish farm on the Samoa Peninsula has finally been released. Our early takeaways from review of the document (which is 1,700+ pages long) is that they assume that the effluent that will be discharged into the ocean will have “no significant impact” on biological resources. We’ll be carefully scrutinizing this assessment, as well as greenhouse gas emissions and impacts of water intake from the Bay, as we prepare to comment. Comments on the draft EIR are due on February 18. The document can be found on the Humboldt County website.

Rolling Meadows Lawsuit

At the last minute, the judge assigned to our case recused herself and a new judge was randomly appointed by a judicial commission. This judge (not local) seemed to have a very difficult time recognizing that true harm could happen to the environment and seemed to think that harm could only be measured in dollars, which makes the deck stacked against us. So our request for a preliminary injunction fell on deaf ears as we couldn’t show financial harm, even though real harm to the environment is taking place. We are considering whether or not to appeal this decision. In the meantime, we felt it necessary to bring a second action against the County for its failure to enforce the rules required under the Conditional Use Permits issued to large cannabis developments. It’s become obvious to us there are dual standards being applied in the enforcement of Conditional Use Permits, with many large projects allowed to wholesale change the nature of their whole project, while smaller projects are being strictly held to what their Conditional Use Permit says.

Another Salvage Attempt

The Mcfarland Fire salvage project area in the Shasta-Trinity National Forest is 3,000 acres, and according to the maps of the project area, it appears that about 50% of the area burned hot while the rest of it either didn’t burn or burned at low intensity. The concern we have so far is the Forest Service wants to log throughout the entire 3,000 acres. The areas that burned hot are generally old clear-cut blocks, while most of the rest of the area is Late Successional Reserve (LSR) that is home to a mating pair of northern spotted owls. We believe the Forest Service should be protecting this LSR through fuels reduction, not reducing the canopy cover to 40 percent. We will be joining in with Kimberly Baker of EPIC and submitting comments on this poorly conceived project which appears to be more about green tree mining than actual salvage.

Don’t Look Up

Don’t Look Up is a movie that captures, in a satirically humorous way, the real insanity that we are faced with in the new post-factual world that we find ourselves in. If you haven’t seen it, Larry recommends you take the time to check it out, although he cautions that it uses dark humor and it is a grim look at our world, so if you are already having a hard time finding hope, maybe it’s not for you.

bell hooks

Gloria Jean Watkins, better known by her pen name bell hooks, was an American author, professor, feminist, and social activist who passed away in December of 2021. The name “bell hooks” is borrowed from her maternal great-grandmother, Bell Blair Hooks. hooks was an inspiration to us because of her ability to point out that everyone was a victim of patriarchy, including men. She could highlight the flaws in our systems, from patriarchy to capitalism, while showing compassion for all of us who are forced to take part in it and hope for the future. Her focus on intersectionality was an inspiration for our Nexus column and we are sad to mark her passing. We highly recommend that you seek out her work because, as she said, “Hope is essential to any political struggle for radical change when the overall social climate promotes disillusionment and despair.” And we are in need of radical change. You can find her essay Understanding Patriarchy at UnderstandingPatriarchy.pdf

Teaching (and Learning From) the Next Generation of Climate Activists

One way that we are finding hope is through working with youth and students to deepen their activism and organizing skills. As the decisionmakers of the future, young people should be at the forefront of the climate movement and it is our duty as their elders to help prepare them to step into these roles. We are excited to start offering workshops designed to share the skills we have learned advocating for the planet with the next generation. With a focus on campaign organizing and civic engagement, these workshops will begin in March, so stay tuned or follow us on social media for more information.

HSU Social Justice Summit

Speaking of workshops, HSU is hosting its 28th annual Social Justice Summit from February 28 - March 5. This year’s theme is Climate Justice and Intersectionality. NEC staff are excited to be teaching a workshop called “Sustain Your Activism” on Monday, February 28 at 1pm. Find out more at


2021 Donors

Many thanks to all of the NEC’s supporters in 2021. As we enter our 51st year, we are grateful for so many friends and allies. From all of us at the NEC, thank you so much for your support in protecting our wondrous North Coast and all of its inhabitants! Jennifer Raymond & Stephen Avis Paul & Margaret Abels Amy Aberle Gisele Albertine Dave and Leah Alcyon Marsia Alexander-Clarke Tom & Katy (Catherine) Allen Catherine Allen Darlene Amann Carol & Ken Ampel Janice Andersen Gordon Anderson Charles & Leslie S Anderson Clifford Anderson Gary & Janice Anderson Stefanie Anderson Karen Angel Charlie Solo & Sandra Antonson Dillon Arevalo Chip Sharpe & Celestine Armenta Sue Armstrong Will Bagnall Mark & Melinda Bailey Cheyenne Balsley Mark & Vicki Lynne Barber Florin Barnhart Susan K. Barnstein Amanda Barragar Nina Barroll David Baruch Stacy Becker Kathleen Becker Norman, Carolyn & Rachael Bell James & Susan Bentz Jan Weydemeyer & Ken Berg Dr. Robert Berg Lynn C. Berner Kimberly Tays & Stanley Binnie Annalise Borstel Renay Radniecki & Bill Bowman Dr. Milton J. Boyd Teddee-Ann Boylan Scott & Lucinda Bradshaw Carol Brant John & Barbara Brimlow Maggie Murchie & Tom Bronchetti Diane Brown Geba Greenburg & Petey Brucker Jeffrey Bue


Barbara Burns Lee Ann Burns George & Kathy Burtchett Kenneth Burton Geoffrey & Mary Caldwell Donna Sund-Caldwell Kevin Caldwell Bruce Campbell Rita Carole Sydney Carothers Patrick A. Carr Lina Carro Chant’e Catt Linda Centell Charles Chamberlin Robert & Laura Chapman Sarah Christensen Marilyn Foote & John Christianson George & Kyoto Clark Thomas J. Clark Carol Clark Christopher Cole Beverly Brand & Dale Condon Gregory & Carol Conners Hayley Connors-Keith Romain Cooper Maya Cooper Amanda Cordova Joan & James Courtois Nancy Cox Andrew Cranfill Carol Toffaleti & Bill Croft Casey Cruikshank Christina and Graham Cunliffe E.M. Zsa Zsa Dallenbach Kit Davenport Robert Fox Davey John Davidson Jessica Davis Deidre DeFranceaux Rita Carlson & Timothy Dellas Janet Dickey Gerald Dickinson Mike Diggles Jeff Dillion Elizabeth Ditto Louis N Dolbeare Steve and Sandy Doran Mary Dosch

Robert Ducate & Family Susan N. Dunn Perry Dunn Chuck & Sally Dwelley Matthew Ebert Diana Jacobs and Rick Elefant James Elliott Mark G Ellis Karole Ely Richard Engel David & Patty Epstein Ward Estelle III Benjamin & Elizabeth Etgen Bob Evanhoe Robert Benson & Becky Evans Libby Fair Wendy Rowan & Ben Fairless Gayle Garman & Gary Falxa Marjorie Anne Fay Clark A. Fenton Frances & Francis Ferguson Patsy Fergusson Colin Fiske Cynthia Folkmann Joanne & Robert Fornes Jon D. & Cynthia J. Forsyth Bobbi Fortner Jack Freeman Merldene Friel Jim Froland Margaret Nulsen & Chris Frolking Daniel Frost Julie Fulkerson Linda M. & John M. Gaffin Sheila Gallagher Cynthia Elkins & Peter Galvin Genia Garibaldi Lydia Garvey Thea Gast Hal & Margot Genger Manette & Philip Gerstle David & Kerry Gibbs John & Sue Gilchrist Don & Sharon Gillespie Charnna Gilmore Patsy Givins Valerie Gizinski Larry Glass Bettye Godwin Shawn Goff Abby Golub Marvin Goss Shawn & Kristen Gould Kathleen Graham Marie Granshaw Sallie Grover Marylee Guinon Susan Haase

Stephen W. Hager Pete & Judy Haggard Steve Hamilton Melody & Gerald Hamilton Robin Hamlin Karen & David Hammer Bev Hanly Mr. & Mrs. William B Hansell Mary Susan Hansen Richard Hansis Hal & Wendy Harden Betsy Harrell Nicholas Harris Louis Hartmann Harriet Hass Ginni Hassrick Jason Hassrick Chris & Robin Haynes Elizabeth Heikka-Huber John Sacklin & Mary Hektner Lori Hendrick John & Laura Hennings Ben Henshaw Madeline Henshaw Sarah Herbelin Sandra Hill Shirley M. Hillman Bart Hinesly Judith Hinman Cynthia Savage & Stanley Hino Jeff Hogue Susan Holt Lisa Hoover Judy Horne Emily Hovland Kathleen Hughes Susan Huntress Colleen Haining & David Imper Richard Ballew & Iris Ruiz Peggy & Jack Irvine Laurie Irwin Mordechai Liebling & Lynne Iser Bernadette Webster & Jack Glick Alan & Jean Jackman Susan & Paul Jacobsen Nicholas Jacobson Lisa Jaeger Joe James Sherman Schapiro & Eva Jansen Chelsea Jensen Tisa Jewell Ronalda & Daniel Jordan Ken Jorgensen Marla Joy Gary Grounds & Victoria Joyce Julie Joynt Alan Justice Elizabeth Kadle

Michele & Doug Kamprath David Kaufman James A. Kealey Roz Keller Susan Cashman & Harvey Kelsey Gail & Bryce Kenny Doug Kent Bruce & Pam Kessler Jim & Dee Keyser Joan F. Kienzle Xena Kistler Judy & Tom Klapproth Sorrel & Dorothy Klein Jill Korte Ingrid Kosek Kate Krebs Diana Kriger Ellen Krsnak Ron & Melanie Kuhnel Tony LaBanca Dave Lacey Kathy & Dick Laforge Michele Olsen & Roland Lamberson Kate & Chuck Lancaster Andy Lane Barbara Lane Mark Langner Stanley Larson Mark A. & Sydney Fisher Larson Kurt Lauer Ann Lawlor John Lawlor Thomas Lawlor Martin & Leslie Leach David Ledger Kathy Gault and Don Leet David & Karyn Thomas Skyler Leigh Keith & Gail Lester Marilyn & Nick Letsos Ann Lindsay Laura Lipner Steven Walters & Cheryl Lisin Lori Dengler and Thomas E. Lisle Byrd Lochtie Jacques Gagne & Kristine Long John & Judith Longshore Donna Looper Mary M. & L. Alan Lowry Eve Lubowe Cynthia Lueck Leanne Lynch Claire Lyon Elizabeth Mackay Stephen Kamelgarn & Debra MacQueen Ray Olson & Moonlight Macumber


Alan Wolski & Mary Ann Madej Lynne Manget Conway Louise Mariana Aaron Martin Christopher Matthews Barbara Mayhan Robert McLaughlin Suerie & Sam McNeill Julie McNiel Finn McRae Thomas McRae Steven McSkimming Zachery & Lindsey McWilliams Valerie Meisner Ronnie Melin Pam Mendelsohn Gerald & Barbara Meral John Mertes Lorraine Dillon & Mike Metro Aiko Michot Larry & Pam Miller David Kiel & Amey Miller Lorraine Miller-Wolf Mark Mills-Thysen Mike & Jane Minor Charles Minton Redwoods Abbey Monastery Paul Monroe Val Monschke Beth & Clarke Moore Keith Morison Michael Morris Donald & Kathleen Morris Bob Morris Michelle & Mark Moschetti Archie & Sue Mossman Caroline & David Moyer Helen Mulligan Charles & Judith Munnerlyn Janice Murayama Margot & Chris Neamtzu Joyce Hough & Fred Neighbor Tracy Neiswender Mitchell Block & Denise Newman Karen & Thomas Newton Anne Nicksic Cary Frazee & Stephen Nielson Laurel & Scott North Kathleen Nygard Wolfgang Oesterreich Julie Ohnemus Felicia Oldfather Eric & Joan Olson Sue D Oneglia Marina Osechinskaya Irina Osechinskaya Marian Oshiro Felice Pace

Joanne Parkhurst Alison Parks Richard L. Pederson Lisa Pelletier Claire and Eugene Perricelli Julie Perry Tom and Barbara Peters Dottie Peters John & Jackie Petersen Gordon Pfeffer Jeanne Pfeiffer Jesse Blacksmith & Sharon Phillips Ralph & Tecla Pierotti Virginia Plambeck Jennifer Poser Marna & Michael Powell Sean Powers Mark Pringle Barbara Cline & Geoffrey Proust Kathleen Imfeld & April Quigley Kathryn Radke & John Williams Clement Ralph Jason Ramos Terry Raymer Barbara Reisman John & Karen Reiss Kyra Rice Howie Freiman & Barbara Rich Richard Ridenhour Jack & Gina Rimson Michael Rizza Corrina Cohen & Alex Marc Robbi Robert (Chad) Roberts Gail and Paul Robichaud Winchell Dillenbeck & Caroline Roche Laurie Totaro & William Rodstrom Susan & Jack Rogers Lisa Nash & Richard Romano, M.D. Lauri Rose She’om & Paula Rose Jared Rossman Lee & Jody Rusconi Robert A. Rutemoeller Lynn Ryan Diane Ryerson Gil & Mediha Saliba Melinda Salisbury Joan Levy & Steve Salzman Lisa Petterson & Alan Sanborn The Sanders-Raigosa Family Jerry Sattinger John C Schaefer John & Nhu-Quynh Schafer Richard Scheinman Erich Schimps Galen Schlich Mary Schroeder


Sonja & Robert Schultze Paul & Kay Schulz Dan Sealy Patricia Seaton Susan M Shalit Irith Shalmony Jeremy Sharp Dr. Paul Shen Jill Shepard David Shiah Rhonda Berney & Richard Shipps John and Rebecca Shockley Sareah Shute Emily Hannah Siegel Emily Sinkhorn Dr. & Mrs. Nancy Slenger Bruce Slightom Justin Smith Patricia Smith Oona Smith Dr. James P. Smith Jr. Sylvia Soper Lisa & Peter Sorensen Stephen St. Onge Michael & Betsy Stapleton Robert Steeck Trish M. Stefanik Ernie Stegeman James Steinberg Melissa & Christian Stepien Elizabeth Stone Mike Strande Peter Stroud Michele Sudduth Sharon Supporter Linda Sutton Mary Jo Sweeters Janis Taylor Bert Taylor Jim Test Dennis Therry Miranda Thiesen Karen Shepherd & Brad Thompson Ronald & Donna Thompson Ruthe Thompson Deanna R. Thrift Jocelyn Tipple Jeff and Lynne Todoroff Monica Topping Kathy Travers Jacqueline Trischman Steen & Tami Trump Roger Tuan Susan Eigenbrodt & Carl Tuck Gail Tucker Carrie Tully Dr. Dean Tully Donald & Andrea Tuttle

Larry & Donna Ulrich Robert van de Walle Caitlan van de Walle Robert Van Kirk Cindy Vaughan Kate Veerkamp Shawn Nichols & Jackie Wales Don and Trudi Walker Winifred A. Walker Ann Wallace Edward Washatka Daniel Wassenaar Ernie Wasson Kerry & Garrett Watty Jud Ellinwood & Andrea Webb Ollie Weber Elaine J. Weinreb Bob & Lynne Wells Richard & Susan Whaley Jennifer Whiteman Arnold Whitridge Carol & John Wiebe Donna Wildearth Sally Williams Howard Williams Karen Wilson Jennifer Wilson

Jane Wilson Family Trust Chris Winter Robin & Leonard Wolff Robert Lockett & Adrienne Wolf-Lockett Catherine Cheshire & Lan Sing Wu Joe, Linda & Bodie Yonts Dan Yount Stanford Green Library The Andree Wagner Peace Trust Humboldt State University Library Earth Care Landscaping Humboldt Area Foundation ProQuest Patterson/Conners Insurance Sandy Bar Ranch Pierson Building Center Samara Restoration American Online Giving Friends of Del Norte Bower Charitable Foundation Humboldt Friends Meetings Josephine Community Library Green Planet Organics RSF Social Finance Joseph W Welch Jr Foundation

Thank You! 2021 Sustaining Donors Eric & Mary Almquist Chris & Richard Beresford Pat Bitton Jane Bothwell Daryl & Phyllis Chinn Jim & Donna Clark Suzanne & Neal Crothers Kris Diamond Randy Carrico & Deborah Dukes Derek Ferrington Marie Garabedian Gary and Christine Garcia Don & Melinda Groom Daniel & Claire Grunbaum Joshua Hackett Kris Nina Haedrich Susan Halpin Nancy Ihara Jeffery Johnson Lynn & Steven Jones Richard & Marjorie KieselhorstEckart Guy & Cindy Kuttner Jonathan Lee Don Barry & Sarah Maninger

Tim & Mable Mansfield Gordon Leppig & Julie Neander Eric Nelson Janelle Egger & Neil Palmer Jeanne Pendergast Carol & CJ Ralph Nancy Reichard Gina Rogers Tara Root Dianne Rosser Carol Scher Margaret & Mark Shaffer Zachariah Stanton Rebecca Stauffer Nancy Stephenson Scott Sway Robin Renshaw & Richard Swisher Marcia Thorndike Paul Turner Bella Waters Joanie Weiser Alan & Barbara Wilkinson Carol Woods


Caroline Griffith: New kid in town The following is an inter view with the Northcoa st Environmental Center's new E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r, C a r o l i n e G r i f f i t h .

their experiences, and decide what direction we go. I'm also just really excited about that new energy from younger people. I'm excited about the new interns that we are going to be able to hire and the new campaigns that we're going to be able to work on because we have that energy.

How did you develop a passion for environmental justice issues?

What is your favorite part about working for the NEC?

Elena Bilheimer, EcoNews Journalist Caroline Griffith, NEC Executive Director

I think it came out of living in Portland, Oregon in my early 20’s when I got a job canvassing for an environmental organization. I really enjoyed the job, mostly because I like talking to strangers and had an interest in politics. Also, we all need clean water and that's mostly what we were talking about. The job was going door-to-door in neighborhoods throughout the Portland metro area fundraising. Going to different neighborhoods with people of varying socioeconomic backgrounds and talking to them about environmental issues was incredibly eye opening, particularly seeing the wealth disparity and the caring disparity in different neighborhoods. I think that's what kind of radicalized me, to go to these higher income, predominantly white neighborhoods where people did not care at all and to hear people say things like, “I don't care about the pulp mill dumping dioxin in the river. That’s just part of doing business and I don't worry about it. I just don’t fish near where they dump.” And then we would go to neighborhoods that were right next to Superfund sites because of the dumping in the river and to have people who were very working class and people of color be like, “Yeah, I know that's a problem. I see it. You know, my kids can't swim down there, but I just don't have the time and energy to do anything about this because I'm so worried about just living.” And that really just drove it home to me that these are not just issues of clean water and clean air. It's about who gets access to the clean water and the clean air.

What experiences have you had that have prepared you for being the Executive Director for the NEC?

Strangely enough, I have to say that the experiences that I have had as a waitress and a bartender have prepared me for pretty much any job that involves interacting with the public, hearing their concerns and managing a lot of different things at once. Obviously, as the Executive Director of the NEC it is a little bit different than all the things that you come up against as a bartender, but a lot of it is paying attention, listening to people and deciding what


That's a super good question. I really do like that because the NEC has been around for a really long time, there is a certain amount of trust that it seems people are already giving me simply because of that. I have had a number of people who have a lot of experience that I don't have approach me, not necessarily to take me under their wing, but help get me up to speed on things, which has been really exciting. The information and the things that I've learned in the last few months, just by being able to step into this role, has been really exciting. I also really like the staff and enjoy working with them. The energy that is there is invigorating to me, especially in this very weird time.

What is your biggest hope for the NEC? Caroline Griffith, NEC Executive Director, at the Arcata Marsh. Photo by Jen Kalt.

is the most important issue at the time, and kind of triaging things. I've also done a lot of work on different political campaigns, state and local electoral campaigns, and building coalitions with different people who are working towards the same goal. I think that a lot of those skills translate to the NEC. I've also worked a lot in nonprofits as well, so I'm used to the labor of love involved with working for underfunded organizations.

What most excites you about becoming the Executive Director for the NEC?

The possibilities. I think that there's a lot of different directions that we could go in as we transition into the next 50 years. There's just so much work that the NEC has done that we could follow any of those directions. It's exciting to me to think about taking the institutional knowledge and expertise that a lot of the folks who have been involved over the years have and bringing that to a younger generation of activists. We're in a period of generational transition in general. I think a lot of the folks in the movement are kind of graying out. We also are a largely white organization, and I'm excited about transitioning out of that and into having a more diverse board and more diverse staff and to be able to learn from new younger people of different backgrounds, learn

Oh, I really hope that we are able to get with the times. My biggest hope is that we are able to open up and welcome more people of color, younger people, and people of different socioeconomic backgrounds into the movement. I think that my biggest criticism of the environmental movement in general is that it is predominantly white and pretty elitist. I don't think that is the intention of most of the people involved in it, but definitely there's a whole big sector of the population that I think could have a home in this movement if we were to help make them feel welcome and give them that space. So I hope that we can gracefully make that transition into younger, more diverse leadership.

Where is your favorite place to connect with nature?

Right now, it’s the Smith River. I absolutely love the Smith River and I think it's such an important and beautiful place. It's one of the few wild, undammed rivers in California, and it’s amazing to see the difference compared to some of our other waterways. The clear, cold water, the geology, the rare plants, all the salamanders, it’s a very special place. There's still work to be done to heal the damage done to the mouth of the river by agriculture and settler colonialism, and to head off continual threats of mining operations at the headwaters in Oregon, so I am grateful to know there are so many people working to keep it safe.


Le t t e rs t o E c oNe w s

EcoNews Report

Recent EcoNews Reports:

THE PAST HASN'T PASSED Thank you EcoNews for featuring Samantha Gaiera's insightful and blistering critique of our nation's century-old compulsory schooling experiment. Its legacy of historic increases in college graduates and poverty was documented decades ago, (Schooling In Capitalist America, Bowles and Gintis, 1977). Few educators know public schooling’s history, unable to explain its omission from textbooks and exclusion from the plethora of history units at public colleges and universities; or why there were no centennial celebrations. In short, public schooling promised less violent "social stability" for the world's monarchs by intervening between peasant children, their parents and the community (blamed for rising resistance, revolts and revolutions). Unfortunately, parental and community influences also provide youths with experiential, project-based learning where nearly all of human history's greatest discoveries and innovations are derived entirely outside academia by individuals in their 20's (M.I.T. textbook "Discovering" by Robert, Scott, Root and Bernstein). Three centuries later, influential U.S. psychologists and their industrialist patrons spearheaded compulsory public schooling to produce "predictable responses to authority" and


just enough literacy to follow orders, (The Leipzig Connection, Lionni / Weapons of Mass Instruction, Gatto). Outside of homeschooling (and with rare exceptions in public and charter schools), the active literacies of rhetoric and effective writing, including collaborative apprenticeships, are emphasized exclusively within elite boarding schools and universities where top corporate executives, lobbyists, attorneys, legislators and U.S. presidents are culled by America's wealthiest families to maintain nationwide dependence upon their outdated industries, technologies, monopolies and ideology, commonly called "corruption"; a process of looting public treasure and collapsing civilization's economies for millennia ("Tragedy and Hope", Quigley). Today’s unprecedented environmental, climate, economic, social and epidemic crises threatening humanity are inevitable consequences of generational contributions to systemic corruption and its destructive ideology prioritizing investment opportunity over livability. When enough communities learn to reverse this priority, the nation will follow. Sincerely, George Clark (Retired business owner and credentialed K-12 teacher)

Letters to EcoNews

We want to hear from you! Write us a letter 300 words or less that’s relevant to EcoNews and we’ll consider publishing it! The NEC reserves the right to reject any submitted material for any reason.


How is Arcata Planning for Growth? Learn about the Gateway Area! January 8, 2022 – Urban planning nerds rejoice! Humboldt’s housing market has been white hot. If people are coming, how do we ensure that we have enough housing for those who are looking to join our community and for those of us who want to stick around?

The Future of Humboldt’s Nuclear Waste Site January 1, 2022 – One of the first nuclear power plants in the US was built on a bluff overlooking the Humboldt Bay entrance and the town of King Salmon. Shut down in 1976 and recently decommissioned, the site continues to serve as storage for 37 tons of spent fuel and other radioactive waste. Dr. Jennifer Marlow of Humboldt State University is working to facilitate inclusive community conversations about the future of this nuclear waste site.

Coming Soon — Camping by the Grand Canyon of the Eel River December 18, 2021 – Have you ever seen the “Grand Canyon of the Eel River?” Few have, but that might change soon thanks to a major new conservation deal engineered by the Wildlands Conservancy. The former “Lone Pine Ranch,” owned by San Francisco financial mogul Dean Witter, is now the Eel River Canyon Reserve, one of three reserves managed by the Wildlands Conservancy along the Eel River.

Meet RCCER — Enviros Organize for Political Power December 11, 2021 – The Redwood Coalition for Climate and Environmental Responsibility — RCCER, pronounced “rocker” — is aiming to give a larger voice to environmental voters by holding elected officials accountable and by providing model legislation that local jurisdictions can adopt.

Enviros Challenge County Over Cannabis December 4, 2021 – Local environmental groups — Northcoast Environmental Center, Citizens for a Sustainable Humboldt and the Redwood Region Audubon Society — have filed their second lawsuit against Humboldt County concerning a controversial cannabis farm deep in the wild Eel River canyon.

KHUM104.3 Sat @ 10am ECONEWS FEBRUARY 2022



The intersection of human rights, the <<<>>> environment, social justice, and the economy

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples Chelsea Miraflor Trillo (Mindanaoan/Visayan) Indigenous Peoples are integral to Earth because we are of Her. That is why Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples (MMIP) is violence against Earth embodied. Multiple factors facilitate MMIP, however, my focus today is on the impact of extractive industries. Take pipelines as an example. Where do they go? Disproportionately placed in Native territories. Who constructs them? Outsourced labor through temporary man camps. What happens when you have hundreds, often thousands, of non-Native men come to Native reservations? Sexual violence, disappearances, trafficking, and murders against Native Peoples of those lands skyrocket. Why does this happen? One of many reasons is that the majority of Tribes do not have jurisdiction over non-Native visitors who commit crimes on their lands. (Read that again.) For instance, when the Keystone XL pipeline was approved and man camps began to form, I was working with an Indigenous grassroots group from the area who, in the span of a few months, had a dozen preteen girls go missing. Once they were found, no trafficker was prosecuted. Another reason is that extractive industries are more protected than Native Peoples and Tribal lands. We see what happened with the Dakota Access Pipeline and how Native land defenders were met with military force and police brutality simply because they were fighting for clean water. Some are still political prisoners to this day. In my own ancestral lands of Mindanao, corporations for years have been destroying the island with mega-projects like logging, open-pit mining, and monocrop plantations. Lumads (Indigenous Peoples

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of Mindanao) were violently ripped away from their homelands and scattered in sanctuary sites across the archipelago. Lumads who were able to resist displacement and defend their lands continue to b e murdere d by police and paramilitary groups that protect the corporations . Tragically, the number of Lumads murdered have been so high that in Global Witness’s annual list of total land and env ironment al defenders killed, the Philippines has been ranked in the top five every year since 2017. From the Dakotas to Mindanao, we see how MMIP is a global issue. I will always remember when I heard Cutcha Risling-Baldy (local Hupa/Yurok/ Karuk educator/author/ general badass) say, “Colonization is simple: Indigenous Peoples protect the land. You take Indigenous Peoples out, you get the land.” MMIP is merely a weapon of ongoing colonization and imperialism to wipe out Indigenous Peoples so that the rich can extract until there is nothing to extract anymore. Th at i s w hy # L a n d B a ck i s n o t ju s t a n acknowledgement of whose stolen lands you occupy, but an urgent call to literally return the land and the caretaking power of the land (and all its relatives) back into the hands of the Indigenous Peoples tied to those territories. Without which, we have no future. Tribal sovereignty is the only hope for ourselves, for the next generations, and for Earth’s future. In other words: in the same way violence against Earth is embodied in violence against Indigenous Peoples, the wellness of Earth is embodied in Indigenous wellness. When we enjoy any of the foods, animals, rivers, and landscapes of so-called Humboldt County, it is because of the Wiyot Peoples and neighboring Native Peoples that have maintained the area and their own generations for millenia. If thousands of years of stewardship is not proof enough that #LandBack efforts should be at the forefront of environmental work, let’s look at recent studies. In August 2021, the Indigenous Environmental

Network released a report that shows Indigenous land defense efforts over the past decade have stopped or delayed at least 25% of U.S. and Canada’s carbon dioxide emissions. In January 2020, a report released through the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. illustrates how Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon were an effective buffer against deforestation and forest degradation, and how 70% of carbon emissions came from outside of Indigenous territories. Time and time again, Native resistance to colonial impact serves as the strongest protective factor for environmental sustainability. To address violence against Earth without addressing MMIP is to completely miss the mark. If we return the land and center Indigenous Peoples’ wellness, we can begin to restore balance and heal the Earth. Congrats on closing out your 50th year, NEC. For your next 50, I hope that Indigenous Peoples are at the forefront. For any local Indigenous Peoples impacted by MMIP, you can reach out to Sovereign Bodies Institute on their 24/7 support line (call/text) at 707-335-6263 or find out more information at



The intersection of human rights, the <<<>>> environment, social justice, and the economy

Pueblos Indígenas Desaparecides y Asesinades Chelsea Miraflor Trillo (Mindanaoan/Visayan) traducido por Carlrey Arroyo Los Pueblos Indígenas son parte integral de la Tierra porque somos de Ella. Es por eso que los Pueblos Indígenas Desaparecides y Asesinades (MMIP) es la violencia contra la Tierra encarnada. Múltiples factores facilitan el MMIP, sin embargo, mi enfoque hoy está en el impacto de las industrias extractivas. Tome las tuberías como ejemplo. ¿A dónde van? Colocados desproporcionadamente en territorios indígenas. ¿Quién los construye? Mano de obra subcontratada a través de campamentos temporales de hombres. ¿Qué sucede cuando cientos, a veces miles, de hombres que no son Indígenas, vienen a las reservas nativas? La violencia sexual, las desapariciones, trafico de personas, los asesinatos contra los Pueblos Indígenas de esas tierras se suben. ¿Por qué pasa esto? Una de las muchas razones: la mayoría de las tribus no tienen jurisdicción sobre los visitantes que no son nativos que cometen delitos en sus tierras. (Lea eso de nuevo). Por ejemplo, cuando se aprobó el oleoducto Keystone XL y comenzaron a formarse campamentos de hombres, yo estaba trabajando con un grupo de base de un Pueblo Indígena de la zona en la que, en el lapso de unos pocos meses, una docena de niñas preadolescentes fueron desaparecidas. Una vez que los traficantes fueron encontrados, no se procesó a ninguno. Otra razón: las industrias extractivas están más protegidas que los Pueblos Indígenas y las tierras tribales. Vemos lo que sucedió con el oleoducto Dakota Access y cómo los defensores de las tierras nativas se encontraron con la fuerza militar y la brutalidad policial simplemente porque estaban luchando para proteger agua limpia. Hasta el día de hoy, algunos siguen siendo presos políticos. En mis propias tierras ancestrales de Mindanao, las corporaciones durante años han estado destruyendo la isla con megaproyectos como la tala, la minería a cielo abierto y las plantaciones de monocultivos. Los Lumads (Pueblos Indígenas de Mindanao) fueron arrancados violentamente de sus tierras de origen y dispersos en lugares santuarios a través del archipiélago. Lumads que pudieron resistir el desplazamiento y defender sus tierras continúan siendo asesinados por la policía y los grupos paramilitares que protegen a las corporaciones. Trágicamente, el número de Lumads asesinados ha sido tan alto que en la lista anual de Global Witness de total de defensores de la tierra y el medio ambiente asesinados, Filipinas se ha clasificado entre los primeros cinco cada año desde 2017. Desde las Dakotas hasta Mindanao, vemos cómo el MMIP es un problema global. Siempre recordaré cuando escuché a Cutcha Risling-Baldy (Hupa / Yurok / Karuk) (educadora local / autora / xingona en general)


"Indian Girl Lost in the Man Camp" por John Isaiah Pepion (Blackfeet)

decir: “La colonización es simple: Los Pueblos Indígenas protegen a la tierra. Sacas a Pueblos Indígenas, te quedas con la tierra ”. El MMIP es simplemente un arma de colonización e imperialismo en curso para acabar con Los Pueblos Indígenas para que los ricos puedan extraer hasta que ya no haya nada que extraer. Es por eso que #LandBack (tierra de vuelta) no es solo un reconocimiento de las tierras robadas a la que uno ocupa, sino un llamado urgente a devolver literalmente la tierra y el poder de custodia de la tierra (y todos sus parientes) en manos de los Pueblos Indígenas vinculados a aquellos territorios. Sin el cual, no tenemos futuro. La soberanía tribal es la única esperanza para nosotros, para las próximas generaciones y para el futuro de la Tierra. En otras palabras: de la misma manera que la violencia contra la Tierra se encarna en la violencia contra los Pueblos Indígenas, el bienestar de la Tierra se encarna en el bienestar de los Pueblos Indígenas. Cuando disfrutamos de cualquiera de los alimentos, animales, ríos y paisajes del llamado condado de Humboldt, es por los pueblos Wiyot y los pueblos nativos vecinos que han mantenido el área y sus propias generaciones durante milenios. Si miles de años de administración no son prueba suficiente de que los esfuerzos de #LandBack deben estar a la vanguardia del trabajo ambiental, echemos

un vistazo a estudios recientes. En agosto de 2021, la Red Ambiental Indígena, publicó un informe que muestra que los esfuerzos de defensa de la tierra indígena durante la última década han detenido o retrasado al menos el 25% de las emisiones de dióxido de carbono de Estados Unidos y Canadá. En enero de 2020, un informe publicado a través de las Actas de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de los EE. UU. Ilustra cómo los Pueblos Indígenas de la Amazonía fueron un factor de protección más fuerte contra la deforestación y la degradación forestal, y cómo el 70% de las emisiones de carbono provenían de fuera de los territorios indígenas. Una y otra vez, la resistencia de los nativos al impacto colonial sirve como el factor de protección más fuerte para la sustentabilidad ambiental. Abordar la violencia contra la Tierra sin abordar el MMIP es equivocarse por completo. Si devolvemos la tierra y centramos el bienestar de los Pueblos Indígenas, podemos comenzar a restablecer el equilibrio y sanar la Tierra. Felicitaciones por cerrar su 50 aniversario, NEC. Para sus próximos 50, espero que los Pueblos Indígenas estén a la vanguardia. Para cualquier Pueblo Indígena local afectado por MMIP, puede comunicarse con Sovereign Bodies Institute en su línea de apoyo 24/7 (llamada / mensaje de texto) al 707-335-6263 o encontre más información en


Radical Refuge: Earthseed Laboratories Elena Bilheimer, EcoNews Journalist On 40 acres up Highway 299, HSU associate professor of English Renée Byrd is working to create a radical space of healing grounded in abolition ecologies and BIPOC land justice. Named Earthseed Laboratories, this emerging project aims to become a community farm and retreat center that will provide a space for refuge and critical engagement. The idea for this project came to Byrd many years ago when she and her best friend would dream about the concept of a healing farm. Eight years later, their dream is in the process of becoming reality after Earthseed Laboratories was able to acquire the forty-acre land base last spring. The first part of the name, Earthseed, is inspired by Octavia Butler’s Parable book series, which follow a young protagonist, Lauren, who creates her own spirituality in the midst of multiple environmental and social crises. Lauren believes that God is change, and that humans need to learn to shape change so as to adapt and survive as a species. Byrd was particularly moved by this book because Lauren is not portrayed as the stereotypical notion of the intellectual up in an ivory tower. Rather, she develops her ideas on scraps of paper and uses the tools she has despite the chaos of her environment. “I'm really inspired by that, because I feel like I come from a long line of Black feminist thinkers who have produced knowledge from very little in that way,” said Byrd. “Writing poems at the kitchen table in a brief moment on the back of an envelope kind of thing.” The second part of the name, Laboratories, is meant to reclaim notions of experimentation and playfulness in a positive way. As Byrd explains, laboratories often have negative associations for marginalized groups, as there has been a long history of unethical experimentation that folks of color and poor folks have experienced under the guise of medicine and science. By reclaiming the word laboratories as part of the project, Byrd hopes to create “...a space where we can play around with new ways of being in the world, with new ways of structuring the world… and really intentionally grounding it in the wisdom of BIPOC communities and queer communities in a way that we don't often see in similar kinds of retreat, farm, or environmental spaces.” The philosophy and politics behind Earthseed have developed because of Byrd’s experience of working in abolition. Despite being very attached to environmental causes as a kid, she became wary of environmentalism as she got older because she never felt her identity fit in. It wasn’t until the early 2000s when Byrd became involved in a movement to shut down a prison that she became aware of the power of coalition building between environmental and


HSU Associate Professor of English, Renée Byrd, is creating a radical space of healing grounded in abolition ecologies and BIPOC land justice called Earthseed Laboratories.

prison activists. Through collaboration, the prison was successfully shut down because of the existence of an endangered species. Recognizing the connections between these various issues is at the heart of abolition ecologies, which lie at the intersection of four different kinds of justice: racial justice, climate justice, land justice, and healing justice. This framework requires the critical evaluation of the way colonialism and anti-Black violence are bound up in the current political system. Using abolition ecologies as a guiding philosophy for Earthseed will allow communities to heal and imagine other ways of organizing themselves to meet their basic needs. A big part of that healing comes with centering relationships to land, as Byrd believes the land’s healing and our healing are bound up together. Five years ago, when Byrd’s daughter was born, the urgency of abolition and the importance of slow healing became paramount. Watching Trump get elected while holding her newborn child, Byrd decided she couldn’t wait any longer to build the world that was needed and decided to make the Earthseed Laboratories website. Since then, the project has been steadily gaining momentum. “Given the crises that we face, I don't think we can be sure that we have the right answers all the time,” said Byrd. “But there's no waiting, right? There's no waiting for climate justice. There's no waiting to be prepared anymore. And I

think the last few years have really shown a lot of us that we really can't wait and that we're building the new world now…whether we want to or not.” Buying the land was a big step for Byrd, and this first year has been a practice of listening and learning what the land needs while taking walks with folks who inspire her. Because the land used to be an illegal marijuana grow, there is a lot of remediation that needs to be done. Despite these challenges, Byrd describes the land as “gorgeous”. In addition to the people working hard to heal the land, Earthseed Laboratories has acquired a starter herd of Angora fiber goats who produce mohair, all while improving the soil health. Byrd aspires to build a barn, greenhouse, and a working farm operation that makes non-timber forest products. She imagines a forest farm with logs inoculated with mushrooms, medicinal herbs, and a thriving fruit and vegetable garden. There will be chickens, ducks, and maybe alpacas. They are currently in the process of looking for people to do some kind of hydropower project, so they can take advantage of the natural water sources. In addition to the working farm, retreats will be a big part of the project, and Byrd wants Earthseed to be a place of refuge for people getting out of prison or those in need of a reset. A central part of this vision is working to build businesses owned by those who were formerly incarcerated. As part of the Polytechnic prospectus for HSU, there are also plans for a twin organization called the Rose Braz Institute for Abolition Ecologies. This institute will provide internships, graduate research assistantships, Black farmer technical assistance, and a speaker series in conjunction with Earthseed Laboratories. Building a space that centers Black liberation and prioritizes Black and Indigenous solidarity is important and slow work that can be daunting. However, Byrd thinks that now is the time to be asking how we want to live in relationship with each other and the Earth. “These systems aren't necessarily going to decide that our lives are we need to be thinking about how we build community and also how that has to be really explicitly racial justice focused and decolonial,” said Byrd. Earlier in the interview she articulated “... it's not just about dismantling the police. It's also about building the kind of world we want to live in and one where Black people are safe and belong and we get to bring our gifts to the world.” If you would like to support Earthseed, follow them on instagram (@earthseedlabs) or facebook, sign up for their newsletter, become a patron on patreon ($10/$15 monthly donations make a huge difference), become a founding investor by contacting, or help purchase necessary items from the wishlist


King Tides Photos Help Envision the Future Jen Kalt, Humboldt Baykeeper Director

Stay Connected

The Humboldt Bay King Tides Photo Initiative began in 2011 as a community science project to document the highest tides of the year in areas vulnerable to rising sea level. The King Tides are extreme high tide events that occur when the sun and moon’s gravitational forces magnify one another. King Tides tend to be more dramatic in the winter when storms cause increased wind and wave activity along the coast. These highwater events give us a glimpse into how flooding from rising sea level will impact our beaches, coastal areas, and shoreline communities in the not-so-distant future. This winter, we asked our crowd-sourced photographers to focus on the old defunct rail line around Humboldt Bay to gather information on the impacts of reviving the railroad for coal export (see No Coal In Humboldt by Alicia Hamann in the Dec. 2021 issue of EcoNews). During the first weekend of December, the King Tides were slightly higher than predicted. But in the first weekend of January, a major storm resulted in nearly one foot higher tides than predicted, resulting in more flooding and erosion than we usually see.

h u m b o l d t b ay ke e p e r. o r g a l e r t s @ h u m b o l d t b ay ke e p e r. o r g IG @humboldt_baykeeper TW @HumBaykeeper FB /HumBaykeeper

The old railroad tracks near the Waterfront Trail at Palco Marsh in Eureka. Photo by Mike Turek, Dec. 4, 2021.


Across from the Humboldt Bay entrance, storm waves crash against the rock riprap that protects the old railroad tracks between King Salmon and Elk River. Photo by Robin GrayStewart, Dec. 4, 2021.

The Humboldt Bay area is experiencing the fastest rate of relative sea level rise on the West Coast. That’s because tectonic activity is causing the ground beneath the bay to sink – coincidentally, at the same rate the ocean is rising, so doubling the current effective rate of sea level rise around Humboldt Bay. According to the California Ocean Protection Council’s 2018 projections, sea level in the Humboldt Bay area is expected to rise 1 foot by 2030, 2 feet by 2050, and 3 feet by 2060. But these projections may be outdated: in December, scientists at the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting reported that Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier is likely to collapse within 5 to 10 years, which could result in an additional 2 to 10.8 feet in sea level rise. The primary impacts from sea level rise are increased flooding and erosion. Sea level rise will expand the area vulnerable to flooding during major storms, as well as in the rare but catastrophic event of a major tsunami. Sea level rise will also push groundwater closer to the surface, compound flooding and impede drainage, pollute wells with saltwater, and mobilize contaminated groundwater in low-lying areas. People, infrastructure, and property are already located in areas vulnerable to flooding. Sea level rise

will cause more frequent—and more damaging—floods to those already at risk and will increase the size of the coastal floodplain, making new areas vulnerable to flooding. As sea levels and groundwater rise, flooding will become more and more of a nuisance, impacting road access, sewer and water lines, and other major infrastructure. We need to start planning now for what we know we’ll be facing in the coming decades. We can debate the precise year Highway 101 will be flooded on a monthly basis, or we can plan for the inevitable before it becomes an emergency. We have the choice of planning relocation or waiting for a catastrophe that puts people, property, and the environment at risk.

The King Tide battering the South I Street parking lot and boat launch at the Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary. Photo by Kristen Orth-Gordinier, Jan. 3, 2022.


The Environmental Protection Information Center

The North Coast Holds Together Through Redistricting Tom Wheeler, EPIC Executive Director Redistricting is complete. For more than six months, EPIC has asked for your help in testifying before the California Citizens Redistricting Commission, our non-partisan and citizen-led commission charged with redrawing political maps for Congress as well as the state Assembly and Senate. We wanted to keep legislative districts that melded together the North Coast to help ensure that environmental voters in our region had a strong voice. We also worked to help uplift the interests of the Karuk Tribe, who advocated for moving their ancestral territory together with coastal communities given their interest in protecting salmon fisheries. Over 500 of you sent in unique messages to the Commission, or 1/10th the total number of emails they received. WOW! And dozens more of you provided live public comment. Your efforts paid off. The final legislative maps are in, the North Coast has been kept together and the North Coast’s 2021-2031 legislative maps look similar to their 2011-2021 iterations. Unfortunately, the Karuk Tribe’s testimony was not heeded and the majority of its ancestral territory continues to be drawn with largely salmon-less inland regions in northern California. Keeping the North Coast together was not a given. The Del Norte Board of Supervisors, the Del Norte County Republican Party and Democrats in inland counties made a strong play to create east/west unified

Tweet by Redistricting Insights on October 23, 2021

Northern California legislative districts, pulling Del Norte, Trinity and Humboldt counties eastward to join Shasta, Siskiyou and Modoc counties. (Somewhat curiously, the Republicans wanted out because the North Coast was too liberal for their liking and the inland Democrats wanted us because we were more liberal and could create a more “purple district.”) Go figure. This partisan play had some champions on the Redistricting Commission and there was an 11th hour attempt to redraw maps. Thankfully, the wealth of public comment from you helped to blunt this effort to draw partisan districts. You did such a good job that statewide commentators took notice. Redistricting Partners, a private consulting firm that advises governments on redistricting, took notice of all the comments coming from the North Coast and highlighted the large number of commentators advocating for the North Coast to stay together. As they summarized the comments: “In the community of interest testimony submitted for this region over the summer, residents of both the inland east and western coastal counties saw it the same way. In a region known for its wide-open spaces between communities – there isn’t a single incorporated city in Trinity County, for example -- the Klamath Range really is the redwood partition: coastal vibes.” I am also supremely proud of how EPIC’s members spoke out California Citizens Redistricting Commission logo. Source:


for the Karuk Tribe. The Tribe’s ancestral territory centers around the Klamath River and the Tribe’s enrolled members primarily live in Siskiyou, Del Norte, Humboldt and Trinity counties. Because the Tribe is split across multiple legislative districts, its ability to affect politics is reduced by the way maps are drawn. Given the state of the Klamath and their legacy as environmental champions, empowering the Karuk is one of the most important things we can do to help the environment. Again, your testimony on behalf of the Karuk Tribe was noticed by those paying attention to the process. Unfortunately, the Redistricting Commission did not address the Karuk Tribe’s request. In calls for reform of the California redistricting process, addressing the concerns of tribal governments should be given top priority. As sovereign governments within the State of California, tribal governments should have a separate process and a louder voice in the process. It is unfair to have tribal chairpersons wait in a queue to give a three minute public comment on behalf of their nation. The redistricting process should mirror other areas of state law, where tribes have a unique “government-to-government” relationship. Legislative redistricting is not “normal” for EPIC — it is a once-a-decade exercise — and we are so thankful to have your support. Enjoy these maps for the next ten years. We’ll come knocking after the next census again for your help.

- Stay Connected - IG @epic_wildcalifornia FEBRUARY 2022 ECONEWS

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February 2022

Redwood Region Audubon Society


Redwood Region Audubon Society is holding a bird photo contest, open to all ages, and everyone is ecouraged to submit their photographs under the following guidelines: All birds must have been photograped within the states of California or Oregon. Photos must have been taken within approximately the last year. All submissions should be emailed to the editor ( by March 1st, 2022. (Include precise location and date of photo, age if under 18, full name, address, and phone.) Results will be in the April issue of The Sandpiper. Points will be awarded as follows: 5 Points per photo of any bird within the specified geographical area – maximum of two entries per person (see exception for nuthatches below); 5 extra points for: • Creepers • Multiple bird species in the same photo • Submitting the Native American name of the bird from the Tribal Territory the bird was seen • 3 species of Nuthatches (Red-breasted, Pygmy, and White-breasted), (3 photos allowed) • A Clark’s Nutcracker • A bird with a non-avian, wildlife species in the same photo Extra points will be awarded for clarity, beauty, and unusual qualities. Prizes include artwork by Gary Bloomfield, and a pelagic birding trip with Gary Friedrichsen.

Photos will be judged by The Sandpiper Editor, Gisèle Albertine, along with local photographer and graphic artist, Leslie Scopes Anderson, and local wildlife photographer, Ann Constantino. Have fun! Above: American Avocet, by Leslie Scopes Anderson.

RRAS Field Trips in February! Sat. 5th – 8:30-11am. Arcata Marsh, led by Drew Meyer. Sat. 5th – 9-11am. Our monthly Women & Girls’ Birding Walk will be at the Wildlands Conservancy Seawood Cape Preserve in Trinidad, and led by Maria Morrow, a mycologist extraordinaire and botany professor at College of the Redwoods, and will focus on mushrooms as well as birds. *For reservations and meeting location contact our Field Trip Chair, and raven researcher, Janelle Chojnacki, who will co-lead the walk, at (The March 5th Women’s walk will be led by Jude Power – see our feature on Jude on back page of this newsletter!) Sat. 12th – 8:30-11am. Arcata Marsh, led by Rob Fowler. Sun. 13th – 9-11am. Ralph Bucher will lead a walk at the Humboldt Bay Nat. Wildlife Refuge. Sat. 19th – 8:30-11am. Arcata Marsh, led by Elizabeth Meisman. Sat. 19th – Beginning Birdwatching & Project FeederWatch. Drop-in 10-12 every 3rd Saturday at the Jacoby Creek School Garden. Bring binocs! Contact Denise Seeger, at Sun. 20th – 9-11am. Ralph Bucher will lead a walk on the Eureka Waterfront. This trail is wheelchair accessible. Sat. 26th – Arcata Marsh, led by Ken Burton. Sat. 26th – 9-11am. Wigi Wetlands Volunteer Workday. We will provide tools and packaged snacks: Contact Jeremy Cashen at or (214) 605-7368. *Contact Ralph at for any walks he leads and all Arcata Marsh walks. *Contact Field Trip Chair, Janelle Chojnacki at for all other walks. COVID protocols apply to all RRAS events; see our website.

Godwit Days-associated Contests to Continue in 2022 Flyers with complete information about entering two student contests sponsored by RRAS – the 19th annual bird art contest and the 17th annual nature writing contest – are posted on our website (www.rras. org). The entry deadline for both is Friday, March 18. The art contest, which is cosponsored by Friends of the Arcata Marsh, is open to Humboldt County students in grades K through 12, while the writing contest is open to Humboldt and Del Norte students in grades 4 through 12.

Photo: Shutterstock

RRAS Virtual Program: 7pm, February 14th, 2022 Please join us for our Annual Membership Meeting and; A Presentation on: 20 Years of Cats vs Wildlife, by Monte Merrick A wildlife rehabilitator with over 20 years’ experience discusses the enormous toll free-roaming domestic cats take on native wildlife, and what works to protect birds, reptiles and small mammals – and also allows domestic cats to enjoy the outdoors. Monte Merrick has been the co-director of Humboldt Wildlife Care Center/Bird Ally X for the last ten years. Previously, Monte has worked in the field of wildlife care in Washington and across California, specifically as an emergency responder during oil spills, rescuing and rehabilitating oil-impacted wildlife. He Has responded to spills around the state, and internationally. Monte is co-author of Introduction to Aquatic Bird Rehabilitation; the only manual of aquatic bird rehabilitation in existence.

CHAPTER LEADERS: President – Gail Kenny Vice President – CJ Ralph ................707-822-2015 Secretary – Andrew Orahoske Treasurer – Gary Friedrichsen ..........707-822-6543 Past President – Hal Genger .............707-499-0887 DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE: Ralph Bucher ....................................707-499-1247 Pia Gabriel ........................................707-382-2101 Harriet Hill ........................................707-267-4055 Chet Ogan .........................................707-442-9353 Denise Seeger .................................. 707-444-2399 OTHER CHAPTER LEADERS: Conservation – Jim Clark .................707-445-8311 Eductn/Schlrshps – Denise Seeger ...707-444-2399 Membership – Ralph Bucher …........707-499-1247 eBird Liaison – Rob Fowler …….....707-839-3493 Facebook – Cindy Moyer …...……..707-822-1886 – Andrew Orahoske Field Trips – Janelle Chojnacki NEC Representative – CJ Ralph .......707-822-2015 Programs – Harriet Hill ....................707-267-4055 Publications – CJ Ralph ....................707-822-2015 Publicity – Denise Seeger .................707-444-2399 Website – Susan Penn .......................707-672-3346 THE SANDPIPER: Editor, Layout, & Design – Gisèle Albertine – Proofreader/Copyeditor ............Pia Gabriel Historian – Gary Friedrichsen ..........707-822-6543 RRAS Web Page RRAS Listserve The Sandpiper is published eleven times a year by Redwood Region Audubon Society P.O. Box 1054, Eureka, CA 95502.

President’s Column By Gail Kenny Rare Waterfowl Beware In early December 2021, a rare King Eider in South Humboldt Bay was reported to eBird. I was out of town but looked forward to a chance to see it when I got back. It did stick around for a bit, and I was on my way to look for it when I got the news that it had been killed by a hunter who posted photos of it to a Facebook group. There were no reports of the individual bird later which seemed to confirm the dead bird was the same one. Then rare Emperor Geese were reported on eBird in South Humboldt Bay and the same thing happened. Shortly after, there were reports of two Emperor Geese shot by hunters. This was jarring news to those of us who find pleasure in seeing rare birds. The thought that our rare bird reports could have been instrumental in getting hunters on the birds was heartbreaking. Birders asked whether it was legal to hunt these birds and what we could do to prevent rare waterfowl from being hunted. Per California hunting regulations, it is not legal to hunt Emperor Geese; but it is legal to hunt any duck, including King Eiders. It was still not clear whether it was legal to hunt the eider in the place and time it was killed. It turned out that there were more than two Emperor Geese, probably 5-6 originally and only two were still being reported in late December. The Emperor Geese kills were reported to the authorities and some action was being taken to address it. Rumor has it that the Bean Goose that was in the Arcata Bottoms earlier in Fall, 2021, was also shot by a hunter. The discussion of how to protect rare waterfowl from hunters is wide-ranging. Some birders feel strongly that rare waterfowl should not be reported to public sources

Top-Down Influences of Predators By Mark A. Colwell, Wildlife Department, Humboldt State University Predators, “red in tooth and claw,” have captivated humans owing to the dramatic and violent roles they play in nature; falcons exemplify this perspective. In my article, Bottoms-Up! Birds Benefit from Beached Brown Algae, in the last issue of The Sandpiper, I characterized the trophic ladder of ocean-fronting beaches. One linking allochthonous algal debris, an incomplex assemblage of detritivores, and the (mostly shore-) birds that prey on them in the wrack and swash zone. But I left out the top rung of the ladder: predatory falcons! Here, I give examples of the ecological importance of Peregrine Falcons on the behavior, habitat use, and populations of their prey, with a focus on local falcons and shorebirds. History. The recovery of raptor populations is a conservation success story attributable to legal protections that reduced direct (e.g., shooting, falconry) and indirect (e.g., pesticides) negative human impacts. Today, falcons are widespread and celebrated denizens of cities with their daily breeding activities broadcast via “critter cams.” Here on the north coast, Peregrine Falcons breed at inaccessible aeries, located mostly on prominent rocky headlands. The local population is unique in that breeding individuals reside year-round within territories centered on their nest sites. This resident population is bolstered by passage birds (i.e., migrants) and nonbreeding residents. Collectively, falcons have a dramatic effect on the behavior, ecology, and populations of their prey. Ecology of fear. Predators have diverse effects on their prey, including behavioral shifts and changes in habitat use, with consequences for individual survival that affect prey population growth. When I began studying shorebirds in the 1980s, studies of Sanderling wintering near Bodega Bay described feeding territories arrayed linearly along ocean-fronting beaches. Now, however, Sanderlings NEVER occur alone on such territories. Instead, they form dense flocks. The cause of this change in sociality is indisputably falcons! Other small sandpipers (aka “peeps”) show equally dramatic behaviors driven by predatory falcons. Around Humboldt Bay, mixed semi-diurnal

Above: Emperor Goose, by Jeff Todoroff. such as eBird and Facebook until after the birds are gone. Some feel that waterfowl hunters have done a lot to preserve and protect waterfowl and without them there would be fewer of them to hunt and fewer rare birds for birders to see. Redwood Region Audubon Society acknowledges the contributions of the hunting community towards habitat and gamebird conservation. It can also be argued that if we don’t share locations of rare birds publicly, we are losing out on opportunities to educate the public about birds. If we share rare bird sightings with only a select few, then birding becomes too exclusive. There are also many instances of large groups of birders showing up and disturbing rare species. These human actions potentially cause harm to birds through harassment, energy loss, or disruption of essential behaviors, such as feeding and breeding. The American Birding Association has a Birder’s Code of Ethics (www. that is worth review. Ultimately it is up to each birder to decide whether to report rare waterfowl or not, or whether to delay reporting until after hunting season. We strongly encourage people to make decisions that put the welfare of the birds first.

tides (i.e., two highs and two lows of unequal amplitude) predictably alter accessibility to invertebrate prey within foraging habitats. Consequently, shorebirds predictably move between intertidal habitats and high-tide roosts that confer safety from falcons. At times, thousands of peeps aggregate in dense flocks driven by natural selection for behaviors that minimize risk of predation and maximize vigilance. Although these dense aggregations typically form in open habitats that afford unobstructed viewscapes, on occasion small sandpipers form “aerial roosts” which entails nonstop circling flights at dusk, prior to moving to nocturnal roost sites.

Above: Remains of a juvenile Snowy Plover depredated by a Peregrine Falcon on Little River State Beach, by David Orluck.

The Dunlin is the most abundant wintering shorebird on Humboldt Bay; they are common prey of falcons. During the day, when falcons are hunting, individuals roost together on the periphery of the bay. But at night, Dunlins are more likely to roost (Continued on next page)

Above: A mass of talitrid amphipods (shorebird food), courtesy of M. Colwell.

Bonaparte’s Gull – The Gull That Nests in Trees By Harriet Hill Bonaparte’s is the most common small gull in North America, especially inland. It breeds in the boreal forest across southern Alaska and Canada’s interior. It is common in Humboldt County, especially during migration. It can be seen regularly in fall and winter when the adults are mostly in nonbreeding plumage and immatures in their first winter plumage. In these seasons, both have pinkish legs and a mostly white head with a dark ear-spot. Immatures also have heavy brown and black markings on their wings. (Gulls are notoriously difficult to identify so see a bird guide for details. Around here, Bonaparte’s could most likely be confused with the Black-legged Kittiwake). Bonaparte’s Gulls (Chroicocephalus philadelphia) often feed like terns by their gracefull diving and dipping small prey off the water surface. Indeed, they were initially classified as terns in 1815. They later were included in the genus Larus but recent DNA studies show that they fit neatly into the masked gull group, genus Chroicocephalus. They are not named for Napoleon, but rather after his nephew, Charles, a French ornithologist who studied American birds. Like all gulls, Bonaparte’s are opportunistic feeders, but they seem more health-conscious than some. Unlike the stereotypic “seagull” that seeks out junk food, they rarely dine at landfills and have a varied array of feeding strategies. Their diet includes small, swift organisms such as zooplankton and midges that are too fast for larger gulls. They also eat salmon eggs and small fish. They pick fly larvae off washed-up seaweed and pull marine worms from mudflats. They spin on the water like giant phalaropes to stir up prey.

(Top-Down; Continued from previous page) alone in pastures more distant from the bay. One of my former graduate students, Dr. Jesse Conklin, marked (with radio transmitters) ~50 Dunlins during three consecutive winters to study their use of roosts. What he found suggested that although Dunlin form dense flocks, they “…have no friends.” Specifically, although any individual may be in a large flock, their day-to-day co-occurrence with other marked Dunlin was unpredictable, suggesting that it was more important to be with a lot of conspecifics rather than any specific individual. And, Dunlin often moved among different roosts during a given high tide, especially when chased by falcons! It is challenging to measure the direct effects of falcon predation on shorebird populations because falcons move widely, making accurate estimates of the true number of prey killed difficult. Several studies, however, suggest that mortality from all raptors (e.g., falcons, hawks, owls) can be substantial in some winter populations, especially among juveniles. These observations suggest a strong “top-down” effect of predatory falcons on the distribution of shorebirds occupying ocean-fronting beaches. That said, “bottomup” effects are also important. Without the accumulation of brown algae on oceanfronting beaches, foraging shorebirds would be hard pressed to make their daily energetic budget, and they would be forced elsewhere to search for food. So, food sets the table for shorebirds, and falcons scramble the meal!

And of course, they feast on the massive bloom of flying insects in the summertime boreal forest. The nesting behavior of these gulls is unique. Adults arrive on their Arctic breeding grounds sporting slick black hoods and build a stick nest in a tree, which no other gulls do. In 1977, I observed Bonaparte’s Gulls nesting in Tamarack trees near Churchill, Manitoba, during a Rockefeller University field biology class. When the chicks were around five days old, I heard one of the parents’ voice’s persistent soft calls from the forest floor. Eventually, I was thrilled to see the chicks jump off branches one by one, fall awkwardly about 12 feet down, and land on the duff. When all except one were on the ground, the chicks followed this parent to a nearby pond. This parent eventually returned and convinced the last chick to take the leap. Observing these gulls was my short- Above: Nonbreeding Bonaparte’s Gull adults, by Evan Lipton. term research project for the class and it was not without hardships. I had to don a helmet before approaching my study site since I was repeatedly beaned by a colony of Arctic Terns on the way. My head net thwarted the bloodthirsty insects, but it was hard to see through it with binoculars, and loads of powerful bug repellent on my hands caused the outer layer of my binocs to melt onto my palms. Polar Bears occasionally wandered by. This was long before cell phones, so we all carried whistles and blew them full tilt when a bear was near, then trooped back to take temporary shelter in several dusty rental cars until it was “safe” to return. The summertime Arctic is a challenging environment for humans, but it is also a glorious place. I am grateful to have seen jumping Bonaparte’s chicks, wandering Polar Bears, and legions of birds nesting all over the tundra 45 years ago, before the Above: Bonaparte’s Gull on nest, by Matthew Perry ( impacts of climate change really set in.

Crack the Door Open to Nature – A Visit with Jude Power

By Denise Seeger

One of Redwood Region Audubon Society’s former chapter leaders, and most popular field trip guides, Jude Power, recently took a moment to sit down and talk with me about what drove her to become a birder and a leader in this community. “There was this moment while picnicking in Yosemite with my parents when I was 8 years old. There were birds singing and singing everywhere around us and I just had to know what they were,” Jude recalls. After a visit to the nature bookstore, she found out they were Red-Winged Blackbirds and wrote a school report on them. Both Jude and her father continued birding at home, with him eventually becoming active and accomplished, while Jude got busy with other things in her life. Years later after purchasing property on Kneeland, she was immersed in nature again and that same curiosity to know the birds around resurfaced. “There were so many! I puzzled over the birds and decided I wanted to be a birder. I went on every single Redwood Region Audubon Society (RRAS) field trip.” Learning how to really look at birds – not just what they look like, but how they behave and what habitat they favored – was the most gratifying aspect of birding. “Here’s the thing, you’ve got to learn the most common birds around you first – the birds you see in the park and in your yard. Those are the ones you really need to know because then you will know when you’re seeing something new. “You’ll become curious when you see something different. It’s exciting. You get a little confidence, gain some knowledge and it makes you want to expand what you know.” At the time, RRAS board member Ron LeValley noticed she was actively participating and mentioned that there was an empty chair on the board of directors. That quickly evolved into ‘do you want to be president?’ The organization was preparing to celebrate its 25th anniversary and Jude found herself, along with Chet Ogan, and current President, Gail Kenny, planning the festivities. At the same time, Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge was developing public access to its south bay units, Hookton Slough and Salmon Creek and Jude noted that RRAS could lead field trips there, just as they were at Arcata Marsh. Boom! She was put in charge of RRAS involvement and shortly began leading monthly field trips at Hookton Slough during the winter months, since there were more birds at that time of year. Eventually, she decided to hold the trips yearround and moved them over to Salmon Creek’s Shorebird Loop Trail.

POETRY ZONE About This Poem: Courtesy of “Vermilion is one of the largest lakes in northern Minnesota. Official state documents boast its capacity for settler recreation, the ‘lake of the sunset glow.’ The lake was already named, however, before French fur traders ever translated what they deemed discovery. As Ojibwe

language scholar, poet, and friend Margaret Noodin told me, the Anishinaabe knew and named the place in a storied and cartographically rich way. For Native peoples, the land is carefully remembered and related to. Those are the stories that I am interested in telling through poetry, the ones that orient our relationship to places on Indigenous terms.” Molly McGlennen is a poet of Anishinaabe descent

Over 26 years and 250 field trips later, she retired from that position in 2016. Still active leading trips at Arcata Marsh and other locations and reminiscing about birding trips to Tule Lake, her energy is also involved with the Cat & Bird Safety Committee which just pulled off a successful Catio Tour in Arcata. After seeing Peter P. Marra speak at Godwit Days about his book, Cat Wars: The Devastating Consequences of a Cuddly Killer, Jude was motivated to do something. Unsure about the Catio Tour at first, but being a cat owner herself, she knew the best way to relate to other cat folks was through compassionate solutions to keeping both cats and birds safe. Known as the Bird Lady at her workplace, Jude was amused and touched by her coworkers as they described birds to her that they’d recently seen. She installed some posters of common north coast birds in her office to help people figure out what they were seeing. Once people knew they could ask her questions, they asked a lot more questions, and she appreciated their natural curiosity. “When people come on field trips repeatedly and I see them learn and get excited about what they’re seeing and doing – that is when I am filled with gratification.” For Jude it’s about more than just birds. It’s skill building – using optics, assessing habitat. She added, “People have to learn to use binoculars. I can totally relate. Looking though a scope is a skill, not automatic, and you have to practice.”

“If people love something – they will save it.” One of Jude’s missions is helping people connect to nature; “My bottom line in leading bird walks is to connect people to birds and wild spaces where the birds are. You can be unaware of things that are going on all around you – and suddenly you begin to see so much more, and then become aware that you were unaware.” Jude’s passion for birds, and protecting their habitat is clear; “By protecting wild places next to urban areas, people can easily get outdoors and expand their awareness, maybe even love of nature. As Baba Dioum said, “If people love something – they will save it.” “I think the whole birding community is recognizing the importance of including all people under the birding community umbrella. The November Sandpiper had an article by Mark Colwell, on HSU and Humboldt being a Mecca for Aspiring Ornithologists that emphasized how the Humboldt birding community is really supportive. The more folks you bring in, the more accepting, more cohesive and more inclusive it will be. “Birding is a great way to connect to nature. Even if it’s just the door cracking open, it links you to the boundless natural world.” (Editor’s Note: Jude will be leading the March 5th Women and Girl’s Birding Walk.) Photo of Jude Power, by Ken Burton.

and the author of Our Bearings (University of Arizona Press, 2020); Fried Fish and Flour Biscuits (Salt Publishing, 2010); and Creative Alliances: The Transnational Designs of Indigenous Women’s Poetry (University of Oklahoma Press, 2014), which won the 2015 Beatrice Medicine Award for Outstanding Scholarship in American Indian Studies.

Vermilion The red eye of a loon for vision, depths of water who can say what will pass as, protection reeds edges of place are only temporary,

circling filters the blues and greens as they have always done dives for minutes crayfish, light refracted, what could be slowed just enough to catch a meal

or your eye, indelible flash, a crimson ribbon ablaze, crossing the lake where you stand watching just then with the grasses from shore. – Molly McGlennen

Post-Fire Logging and the Hazard Tree Loophole Felice Pace, North Group Water Chair I have sometimes wondered if the U.S. Forest Service has an evil genie locked in a windowless office in Washington, D.C., tasked with thinking up new reasons to log our national forests. And while an evil genie is probably unlikely, the agency has yet again come up with a new logging scam. Here’s how it goes: Toward the end of a wildfire, Forest Service managers select a national forest road within the fire area which they say must be kept open for public access to trailheads and other recreation sites. They define all trees that are over a certain diameter and within one tree length of the road (about 40 yards) as “hazard trees” and then say the trees must be removed to protect the public while maintaining public access. The logging is accomplished using off-budget firefighting funds while claiming categorical exclusions from environmental analysis and review. The result is linear clearcuts up to a half mile long on both sides of selected roads. Green and dead trees are felled, limbs are removed and the logs are dragged to the edges of the road where they are piled for a timber sale. Because our large fires are never extinguished until the coming of fall rains, the “hazard tree” logging takes place early in the wet season resulting in large amounts of disturbed soil being placed into positions where it is certain to erode over the winter wet period, delivering fine, salmon-killing sediment to streams that should be serving as refugia for at risk salmonids. In this way, Forest Service managers again demonstrate that their expressions of care for our salmon and our streams are empty rhetoric to which their behavior gives the lie.

Wildfire Logging and Its Impacts

The new Forest Service logging scam was practiced at least twice on the Klamath National Forest during October. At the end of the McCash Fire, Six Rivers National Forest Supervisor Ted McArthur approved logging on the Ti Bar Road, Route 14N01, in the vicinity of Ten Bear Mountain. The site is on the Ukonom Ranger district of the Klamath National Forest which is administered by the Six Rivers National Forest. In a similar manner, toward the end of the Haypress Fire, Klamath National Forest Supervisor Rachel Smith approved logging along National Forest Route 40N17, within the South Fork Scott Watershed. Both logging sites are in highly erodible, decomposed granitic soil, also known as DG. Photos of both sites on this page show large amounts of disturbed DG soil positioned where it is likely to erode massively this winter.


Old Growth logged without environmental review along Ti Bar Road. Note the eroding bank above the vehicle and loose soil deposited along the road’s outboard edge.

This new Forest Service logging scam is exceedingly cynical. Forest Service managers who approved the logging know that most trees in locations downslope of roads will fall away from the road and are therefore not “hazards” to those traveling the roads. Those managers also know that most large fire-killed trees will not begin to fall for 5 to 8 years. Thus any substantial “hazard” from trees along these roads is years in the future. Bottom line is that there was ample time for environmental review of plans to remove “hazard trees” along forest roads 14N01 and 40N17. But Supervisor McArthur and Supervisor Smith instead elected to avoid environmental analysis via the “hazard tree” loophole.

A New Brand of Forest Service Cynicism

Apparently there is a conspiracy among Forest Service managers to use the “hazard tree” excuse to accomplish commercial logging without environmental review. How wide that conspiracy may be and who ordered it are still under investigation. In these two cases the logging scam is also a direct and substantial threat to important salmon refugia and, therefore, a direct negative impact to threatened coho and spring chinook salmon that find refugia in Ti Bar Creek and the South Fork Scott River. By smothering salmon nests and habitat with fine soil over the winter and early spring, this logging will likely result in “take” of Coho salmon in violation of state and federal endangered species laws and also of Spring Chinook salmon in violation of the California Endangered Species Act (ESA). Complaints to the federal Interior Department alleging “take” of Coho in violation of the Federal ESA and a complaint to Cal Fish & Wildlife alleging “take” of Coho and Spring

Chinook salmon may be in order. The US Forest Service is an agency of the Department of Agriculture (USDA). That’s why I have asked the USDA Inspector General to investigate the logging approved by Ted McArthur and Rachel Smith and to look into whether there is a broader conspiracy among Forest Service leaders to improperly avoid environmental review of commercial logging plans via “hazard tree” logging during wildfires. I’ve also filed Clean Water Act complaints about the logging with the North Coast Water Board. I want Water Board officials to go to these sites with me after the wet season to investigate how much of the soil, which was disturbed during the logging, has been eroded over the winter and delivered to streams. Look for an update on these complaints in a future North Group Report. If you would like to send Forest Supervisors Ted McArthur and Rachel Smith a message about “hazard tree” logging during wildfires, here is their contact information: Ted McArthur 1330 Bayshore Way, Eureka, CA 95501 (707) 442-1721

Rachel Smith 1711 South Main St, Yreka, CA 96097 (530) 863-3092

What I’m Thankful For

The outrageous logging described above would not have come to my attention but for a local resident who saw something that looked wrong and chose to let me know. That simple act of sending a message led to me discovering two local outrages and intimations of a broader conspiracy among Forest Service leaders to misuse the “hazard tree” designation to commercially log during wildfires without public notice or environmental review. The message resulted in me filing complaints with the USDA Inspector General and the North Coast Water Board. I am grateful to the individual who saw something that was not right and chose to take action. It is via such small acts that we may yet survive as a species and as a planet.

Meeting Announcement

Share your ideas on “hazard tree” logging, Klamath Salmon or any other topic by joining the North Group’s monthly video meetings. For meeting access directions, contact Gregg Gold at or 707-826-3740.


Urgent Call to Enforce Existing Plastic Laws plastic bags force Materials Recovery Facilities to have costly shut downs on the recycling line many times a day to remove bags wrapped around equipment.

Maggie Gainer, Zero Waste Humboldt Zero Waste Humboldt joined a growing coalition of organizations and businesses urging California Governor Newsom and State Attorney General Rob Bonta to enforce existing laws on labeling of plastic bags and films, and distribution of thicker plastic bags. Preparing for the declining market for gasoline-powered cars, Big Oil and the petrochemical industry have increased production of single use plastic packaging of all types – cartons, bottles, straws, cups, utensils, clamshells, film wrap, bags and more. Let’s focus here on plastic bags. Since California voters approved Proposition 67, the Single-Use Carryout Bag Ban in 2016, the reduction of plastic bags has been thwarted by mislabeling. The prevalence of mislabeling and false claims of recyclability, compostability, and reusability on plastics has created such widespread confusion among consumers that the contamination of curbside recycling is at an all-time high – nationwide and on the Redwood Coast. According to The Recycling Partnership, more than half of Californians think plastic bags are accepted in their curbside recycling, even though


February 9, Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. “Silvery Phacelia, Rare Coastal Dune Beauty of Del Norte County.” Silvery Phacelia exists only in the dunes of Tolowa Dunes State Park and Lake Earl Wildlife Area near Crescent City. Naturalist Sandra Jerabek, Director for the Tolowa Dunes Stewards, and Katrina Henderson, of California State Parks, will share the secrets of this charismatic plant, and feature the heroic, ongoing efforts of volunteers to protect its scenic dune habitat and adjacent estuary. Register for this Zoom presentation on our website, and see if in-person is an option.

Silvery Phacelia. By Sandra Jerabek



manufacturers that accept these bags. The best advice to conscientious shoppers is whenever possible, buy without single use plastics, and don’t believe the package and bag labels. Follow the instructions of the curbside recycling collector contracted by your local government.

1. Continued Misinformation on Plastic Bags and Containers to Mislead Shoppers Tedd Ward, Director of Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority, who serves on the Statewide Recycling Commission, said: “CalRecycle has to expand its outreach to manufacturers and packagers to reduce waste, and actually enforce existing laws when manufacturers improperly label non-recyclable packaging materials as recyclable.” Shortly after the Commission’s call for enforcement, I had a personal experience that demonstrated the problem. During the holidays, my family returned home from picking up a Chinese food order with the following falsehood printed on a thicker white plastic bag: “This Reusable Bag is designed for at least 125 uses. . . . It is fully recyclable at the end of its lifespan. This bag is made from recycled plastic including 30% Post Consumer Plastic. PLEASE RETURN TO A PARTICIPATING STORE FOR RECYCLING.” The bag also displayed the recycling symbol of 3 chasing arrows. The problem is that in our region, (and most regions of the U.S.) there are NO processors or

2. California stores should no longer be distributing single-use carryout bags and should inform customers that they charge when providing reusable grocery bags. Currently, the implementation of this law is largely left up to each store clerk at the checkout counter. Trained and conscientious employees will ask, “Would you like to have a bag for 10 cents?” Untrained or careless clerks don’t mention the bag cost, so you are not informed that you have the option to save money by bringing your own bags. Stores respond to the changing preferences of their customers, so inquire about this where you shop and, of course, always take your own reusable bag or box. Zero Waste Humboldt is assisting both store managers and shoppers with Zero Waste training. Email In the meantime, contact California Attorney General, Rob Bonta by email at https://, California State Assemblymember Jim Wood at and California State Senator Mike McGuire at senator. to express the need for enforcement. Truth in packaging is a consumer rights, environmental, and business issue.


in the online Manual of California Vegetation. The VegCAMP program of CDFW produces a vegetation classification system and a list of natural communities. CNPS and CDFW work collaboratively, using data on the extent (acreage) and number of occurrences, with a transparent and defensible rank calculator, to assess threats to natural communities and assign a rarity ranking. The rare types are called “sensitive natural communities.” Most importantly, rankings and threat assessments are used to initiate local and regional assessments and to inform conservation and land-use planning. Northwestern California contains a big “data gap,” lacking information needed to define common and sensitive natural communities. CNPS and CDFW are concentrating on filling the data gap to provide a clearer picture of conservation priorities. Look for future opportunities to work with CNPS in this effort to understand natural communities of the North Coast!

Field Trips

February 27, Sunday. Dry Lagoon-Stone Lagoon Day Hike. A sand spit, two lagoons, and alder and spruce forests await us on a 4.6-mile, out-and-back hike on gentle terrain in Humboldt Lagoons State Park. Meet at 9 a.m. at Pacific Union School (3001 Janes Rd., Arcata) or 10 a.m. at Dry Lagoon. Dress for the weather; bring lunch and water. Contact Carol at 707-822-2015 or theralphs@ Vaccinated people only. Bring a mask.

Sensitive Natural Communities by Carol Ralph & Tony LaBanca Like humans, plants assemble in communities. These “natural communities” are the building blocks of ecosystems. Some are common; others are rare and may need our attention to avoid impacts or extinction. If we can’t describe these natural communities, and we don’t know where they live, we can’t save them. The Vegetation Program of CNPS strives to describe, define, and map California’s plant communities. The results from surveys conducted by CNPS and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) are published

Native Plants for the Garden

While the farm stand at Freshwater Farms is closed, our native plants can be bought during our volunteer work hours at the nursery (5851 Myrtle Ave., Eureka) Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Cash or check only. See website.

Stay Updated:

CNPS welcomes everyone. No expertise required.


Now for Some Positive Developments

Colin Fiske, Executive Director As an environmentalist “development” has long seemed like a dirty word to me. I spent a lot of my childhood in a suburban environment on the East Coast where development meant, to paraphrase Bill Vaughan, cutting down forests and naming the streets after them. As a young adult, I worked for several years in Florida fighting the spread of that paradigm of sprawl, the big box store. At the time, I was known to say that there was almost no new development worth building. The costs, I thought, almost always outweighed the benefits. Over the years, I’ve come to appreciate that there is, in fact, some good development. My change of opinion is largely due to my increasing understanding and appreciation of a different kind of development – the kind that’s often called “infill.” In other words, development doesn’t have to mean paving over the fields and forests. It can instead mean building new things in existing communities that really need them. Don’t get me wrong: not everything called “infill” is great. And all development does come with environmental and social costs that have to be factored into any analysis. But sometimes, the benefits clearly outweigh the costs. That’s

Clockwise from top left: An artist’s rendering of the proposed housing complex to replace a parking lot at 8th & G in Eureka; A diagram of proposed standards for denser, walkable development in the McKinleyville Town Center; A proposed people-friendly streetscape from Arcata’s Gateway Area Plan.

particularly true in many modern American communities, including those here on the North Coast, which were either poorly designed and built in the first place, or were built for the wants and needs of a different era. If we want more humane, equitable, healthier, vibrant, and lower-carbon communities, we’re going to have to do a fair amount of development. It just has to be the right kind, and in the right places.

That’s why CRTP has come out in strong support of some local development plans, like the City of Eureka’s plan to build much-needed housing on downtown parking lots, the densification of McKinleyville’s Town Center area, and Arcata’s new bike and pedestrian-oriented Gateway Area Plan. It’s clear from soaring home prices and the number of people living outside or crashing on friends’ couches that we need to build more homes in our area. It’s also clear that the built environment we’ve inherited from twentieth century planners and builders will not allow us to reduce our driving, reduce our carbon emissions, and improve our health and safety nearly as much as we need to. These kinds of plans address all of those challenges at once. I’ll be honest: I still feel a little uncomfortable going to a public meeting and speaking out in favor of a new development. I still have qualms about the environmental impacts of construction, and I still have problems with the system of private, for-profit building that dominates American development, even with all our plans and zones and regulations. But this is a moment in history when our communities need some significant changes in order to meet our collective challenges, and new development is the only way that’s going to happen. So I hope you’ll join us in supporting the positive development plans that are currently being considered in our area—including “parking lot housing” in Eureka, a denser McKinleyville Town Center, and the Gateway Area Plan. Whatever else you can say about it, development tends to take a while, and we don’t have time to waste.

NEC Library Unveiling Caroline Griffith, NEC Executive Director Those of you who have known the NEC for decades probably have a mental association between the NEC and the written word. Besides publishing EcoNews, we have also historically had a large lending library which is available to the community. Now, thanks to the hard work of two amazing volunteers, Ali Ong Lee and Sue Leskiw, the NEC’s lending library has been updated, organized and catalogued so you can browse over 300 titles from the comfort of your home by visiting From bioregional field guides of native plants and animals, to case studies of climate change solutions, economics, literature, politics and organizing, our library has something for everyone. We have books on topics including: Birding, Climate, Conservation, Ecology, Energy, Evolution, Food, Fish, Forestry, Fungi, Legislation, Mammals, Marine Ecology, Plants, Rivers, Urban Planning, Water Conservation, Wildlife, and more. We also have 50 years of EcoNews publications archived if you would like to research an historical environmental issue. If you would like to check out a book please email


or call 707-822-6918 to schedule an appointment to visit our office. We have limited hours due to COVID. We are also seeking to build our collection and be a useful resource for folks throughout the entire spectrum of the environmental movement, so if you have books you’d like to donate, please get in touch and we will let you know if we are interested in cataloguing the titles you have to offer. We have also compiled a “Wish List” of desired titles, if you are interested in either making a cash donation for the library or purchasing books for us to circulate. We are carefully curating our collection with books that are regionally specific, up-to-date, and oriented to inspire people to engage with the natural world and advocate for its well-being. If you are interested in helping with this process, please get in touch to make sure your donations fit our vision. One of the fantastic volunteers who helped with this project, Ali Ong Lee, will be reviewing books from our library to give you a taste of what we have on offer. Check out page 15 for this month’s review of Elwha: A River Reborn to get a glimpse of what is possible when communities work together to remove dams. Happy reading!


Elwha: A River Reborn and a Vision of What's Possible Ali Ong Lee

that ten remaining (of eleven native) species of fish populations, five of which are salmon, will recover over time. As of July 2021, members of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe and other fishing people were supposed to have returned to fishing the Elwha. In March 2021, the moratorium was extended one year to July 2022. This book, although not providing a hard science look at the Elwha, offers this perspective by the Tribe’s Jamie Valdez: “An injustice was done a hundred years ago. And now here is a chance to heal not only the fish, but the whole watershed and the people” (Mapes, p. 160). This is a book that captivates and helps us visualize what may yet come to pass in this kind of ecosystem— locally on the Klamath and the Eel rivers, both slated for dam removals after arduous processes. Free flow. Free fish. Power naturally cascading downstream. A future where people and ecosystems are restored to their ways from a time long before books were ever written.

“And, always, there is the river,” begins author Lynda V. Mapes, staff reporter for the Seattle Times newspaper, in the 2013 publication of Elwha: A River Reborn. This natural history book, compiled in coffee table format, synthesizes 16 years of interviews, observations, research, and photographs about Elwha, a 45-mile long watershed (70 miles including the tributaries) in the northwest corner of Washington State. Mapes offers a contextual map of the 321 square-mile Elwha Watershed, shaped like a contracted California with stomach cramps, early on page eight. It took more than $350 million (in 2011 dollars), nearly a half century of negotiations and an act of Congress to undam both Elwha Dam (1910-1912), five miles from the mouth, and the Glines Canyon Dam (1927) erected further upstream from Washington’s Port Angeles. (Elwha. org/departments/river-restoration). This long (1968 to 2011) process offers insight for those working to “Renewal of the Elwha ecosystem will be a long-term process that will outlast our lifetimes.” remove multiple dams, with tribal - Lynda V. Mapes (p. 158) collaboration, in the Klamath and the most startling with tall layers of sediment Eel River watersheds closer to home. Listen now evident. The history of their truncated lives Elwha’s undamming, restoration, and start of a are revealed in sunlight, feeling the wind as the The Dirtbag Diaries podcast produced an return offers a vision of what is possible when fish, restoration of the river takes place. The stumps exist episode: Endangered Species—The Elwha River and people with Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the 700 acres being revegetated as part of the Recovery ( and their long view ways, are prioritized alongside mudflat restoration. endangered-spaces-the-elwha-river-recovery) science. Mapes explains Elwha’s headwaters are 6,000 Elwha serves as an example of early and frequent feet above sea-level, in the Olympic National Park; collaborations — experiences of communities Visit Elwha ends at the mouth of the Strait of Juan de undergoing a process together from the start, Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, known as ʔéʔɬx ̣ʷaʔ Fuca, draining into the Salish Sea before leading to rather than at the end as a necessary formality. The nəxʷsƛ̕áy̕əm̕ – The Strong People, with the Pacific Ocean. The Strait forms part of the border book describes how communities benefit when interesting facts about the Elwha River: (www. between Canada and the United States and is a mix agreements are made resulting in trust, information, of salt and freshwater, churning without regard to and rivers flowing over rocks and through steep borders. Most of Elwha (87%) runs through the gorges together. length of Washington’s Olympic National Park, a one Also with the Seattle Times, Steve Ringman Watch million acre, coastal rainforest similar to Oregon, provides color and black and white photographic Return of the River ( a Humboldt and Del Norte’s temperate forests and evidence of the river’s return to unobstructed flow movie co-directed by John Gussman, Jessica ecosystems. north, and the people documenting the historic Plumb, and produced by Sarah Hart. After the dam removals, a ten-year moratorium twin dam removal — with Lower Elwha Klallam on fishing for all people, including the River People, Tribal cooperation. Three percent of the Elwha runs was put in place while fish populations recovered. through one thousand acres of tribal lands. Check Out Much of Elwha’s riverine life died when 24 million Of course, Ringman’s 125 photographs The National Park Service provides an overview cubic yards of sediment (20 cubic yards equals one (approximately one for each page of text), include about the restoration of the Elwha River (www. dumpster) was released from behind the dams; since salmon being tagged and hatchery coho breaking the sediment has redistributed more evenly since the water’s surface. Photos of old growth stumps that restoration.htm) initial release, impacting water quality, hope remains were once submerged and now revealed are perhaps



Where Does Your Water Come From? Elaine Weinreb Where does your drinking water come from? If you live in Eureka, Arcata, McKinleyville, or Blue Lake, it comes from the sand beds underneath the Mad River, courtesy of the Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District (HBMWD). This agency, originally formed in 1956 to bring a steady water supply to the pulp mills, pumps, purifies, and distributes drinking water to more than 88,000 households. The HBMWD has multiple functions. In addition to wholesaling water to four cities and a number of smaller communities, it also oversees the health of the 70-mile long Mad River; runs a power producing dam at Ruth Lake in Trinity County; supervises the recreational use of the lake (along with the Ruth Lake Community Services District); and operates two small but attractive parks along the riverbank near Blue Lake. It has two separate systems of pumps and pipelines – one for untreated water going to industrial facilities, and the other for treated water going to communities. The untreated water is drawn from the surface waters of the river; the treated water is first pumped up from the sand and gravel beds, then filtered, chlorinated, and piped to large storage tanks in the cities it sells to. Each city then distributes the water to its customers through its own lines, and collects monthly bills from the residents. The district therefore interacts with government on multiple levels. If a grower wants to start an operation that will draw water from a tributary of the Mad, the County Planning Department lets the HBMWD know and gives it blocking power if members think the operation could harm the watershed. State Fish and Wildlife oversees the Habitat Conservation Plan that the HBMWD created years ago. HBMWD negotiates with the Harbor District to provide untreated water to new industries such as the Nordic Aquafarm, and to provide treated water to new housing developments proposed on the peninsula. State and federal agencies that supervise dam safety inspect the facility, and sometimes demand changes and upgrades to promote safety.


The State Water Resources Control Board also oversees the HBMWD. And of course, the district must interact with the municipal governments of the cities that purchase its water, as well as multiple departments of both Humboldt and Trinity Counties. To do all this, the HBMWD has an elected five-person Board of Directors, as well as a staff of employees. The directors, in the opinion of this writer, are well-informed about both watershed science and the political nuances of the communities that they serve, and tend to stay in their positions sometimes for decades. Directors are chosen according to the district they represent, in a process somewhat analogous to the Board of Supervisors. GHD, a local engineering firm, serves as the district’s engineer (as it does for many other local agencies). The chief problem facing the district at this point is that with the loss of the pulp mills about twenty years ago, it may run afoul of the state’s “use it or lose it” water mandate. The first priority is to keep water sales local, but it has in the past considered selling water out of the area. This has never worked out because the costs of long distance transportation are so high. The wells and water treatment facilities are located along the riverbank between Arcata and Blue Lake: the District Office is in Eureka at 828 Seventh Street. Directors are Neal Latt, Sheri Woo, David Lindberg, Bruce Rupp, and Michelle Fuller. The General Manager is John Friedenbach. A more ethereal figure is King Neptune, the God of Water, who is displayed prominently on the district’s logo, representing the “prudent administration” of the district. Actually, the logo contains quite a lot of mythical symbolism which is interesting if you’re into that kind of thing. Board meetings are usually held on the second Thursday morning of the month. They are lengthy and often take up the whole day. Because of Covid, they are virtual at the present time. Links and agendas are on the HBMWB website at www. The monthly board packet contains an interesting compilation of water-related articles from various publications, and is almost a magazine in itself. Check it out sometime.

In Memoriam: Edward Osborne (E.O.) Wilson 1929 – 2021 Dan Sealy

Studying nature since the age of nine and becoming the curator of entomology at the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology might be accomplishment enough for most scientists. E.O. Wilson, however, continued his entire life engaging and inspiring the world in the study of the planet and all its diverse inhabitants down to the tiniest ant. Wilson won a Pulitzer Prize for his book Ants, one of two Pulitzers he was awarded. He became known as the “father of biodiversity.” I had the honor and pleasure of meeting E.O. Wilson on a couple of occasions, primarily when he assisted the National Park Service in its surveys and studies of wild things, but most recently when he published his book Half Earth. I attended a conference on endangered species legislation at the US Capitol and asked him if he would be kind enough to autograph a copy of his book. I knelt down to speak to him (he preferred to sit when talking as he grew older). When I told him the book would be used to raise funds for the Northcoast Environmental Center in northern California, he said, “Wonderful! Then let’s add some art for the effort!” and in a few seconds inked a perfect ant. Wilson practiced never-ending work, neverending joy and never-ending inspiration. “Nature holds the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive and even spiritual satisfaction.”- E.O. Wilson Watch a short PBS special on Wilson’s life and work at

E.O Wilson (right) with Dan Sealy (left) signing a copy of his book Half Earth for the NEC at the US Capitol.


Sea Level Rise in Action: What Will Become of the 101 Corridor? Elena Bilheimer, EcoNews Journalist

Humboldt is experiencing one of the fastest rates of sea level rise on the West Coast. This has major impacts for the Eureka-Arcata corridor of Highway 101, as it is a primary transportation hub with few alternate routes and most of its sections are considered at high or moderate risk to sea level rise. The corridor also contains essential utility lines, and residential, business, and recreational amenities that are especially susceptible to sea level rise, storm surge, and flooding. Finding a solution to this issue is complex, especially considering that 70% of the corridor is protected by private levies not owned by Caltrans. To discuss the Eureka-Arcata corridor in relation to sea level rise, Caltrans District 1 hosted a workshop on October 27, 2021. This workshop was designed to provide information and gain a better understanding of the community’s questions and concerns surrounding the adaptation strategies being implemented by Caltrans. In response to these sea level rise-related concerns, the California Coastal Commission issued a Coastal Development Permit for the area in 2019, consisting of five component improvement projects within the six mile segment of Highway 101 on the east side of Humboldt Bay. As part of this Permit, there are two climate change related conditions: the implementation of sea level rise and flooding impact monitoring and reporting, and the creation of a LongTerm Sea Level Rise Comprehensive Adaptation and Implementation Plan (CAIP). This plan is due by December 2025 and will incorporate strategies to deal

with sea level rise up until 2100. It will focus on an evaluation of adaptation alternatives, and will require coordination with local governments, public interest groups, and the community. The goal is to build resilience while protecting critical resources, and Caltrans stressed that disadvantaged communities will not be disproportionately impacted. Many of the possible adaptation projects for the corridor will depend on the availability of funding, and the potential options include a combination of a viaduct, causeway, raised road, protective berm, or living shoreline. While relocation is considered a potential option, the corridor is expected to remain in its current alignment due to the disruption and expense that would result from relocation. Although Caltrans District 1 originally had ten years to design this plan, the Coastal Commission recently decided to shorten the deadline to five years. This shorter timeline means there is much work to be done, and requires collaboration from the multiple parties involved. “...We intend this plan to be an adaptive plan, it’s going to have to grow and change as more information comes through,” said Brad Mettam, the Deputy District Director for Planning District 1, “We’re basing it on the best available science now, but you know 25 years from now we may know a lot more and the decisions may have to be adjusted to match that.” The meeting concluded with requests for feedback about the community’s issues and concerns as well as ideas and alternatives for this project. The next workshop will be in the spring. Follow the NEC on social media to stay updated.

No Coal Humboldt

Waiting & Watching Caroline Griffith, NEC Executive Director In early January the City of Eureka passed an ordinance prohibiting the storage and handling of coal on city-owned properties. Shortly before that, Senator Mike McGuire’s bill SB 307 unanimously passed in the Senate Transportation Committee. The bill would “prohibit the use of state moneys to initiate or operate rail service on the authority’s rail rights-of-way north of the City of Willits or for a project that is designed to rehabilitate, modernize, maintain, or repair an existing operation or facility, including a rail terminal, a railyard, a rail facility, and rail infrastructure, on the authority’s rail rights-of-way north of the City of Willits. The bill would prohibit spending state moneys for any new bulk coal terminal project, as defined, within the County of Humboldt.” Although the movement is growing to stop a coal train from coming through our communities, the No Coal Humboldt Coalition is still hard at work, building support and remaining vigilant. To stay up to date on our efforts and sign up for action alerts, visit

High Energy Cost of Farmed Fish Caroline Griffith, NEC Executive Director Nordic Aquafarms California, LLC is proposing to construct a land-based finfish recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) facility on the Samoa Peninsula. The facility, which would be built on the site of the decommissioned Freshwater Tissue Samoa Pulp Mill, is projected to use as much power as the Cities of Eureka and Fortuna combined. This graph is from the Draft Environmental Impact Report that can be found at humboldtgov. org/3218/Nordic-Aquafarms-Project

Graphic from Caltrans Eureka-Arcata Corridor Adaptation Plan public zoom meeting on October 27, 2021



Eye on


Looking Back at 2021: Hope Dan Sealy, NEC Legislative Analyst By many, if not most, measures of conservation progress, 2021 was a welcome change. After the last few years of an administration that took the nation on a reverse conservation course, it was inspiring to see within one year a new administration return the nation to the path of promise. Although conservationists had hoped for a more robust slate of accomplishments in 2021, some of the actual successes that provided hope include: recovery of thousands of acres of national monuments, such as Bears Ears National Monument, from energy and mineral extraction and exploitation; and the reestablishment of regulations and policies to protect endangered species, clean water and a pathway to reducing the nation’s reliance on fossil fuels. Conservationists took pride in the few, but important, pieces of legislation that passed, like the infrastructure bill and improved budgets for managing and enforcing environmental regulations such as the National Environmental Policy Act. These accomplishments gave some people hope that this might allow for a much-needed deep breath and momentary break. That notion was quickly quashed as a narrowly but deeply divided Congress required constant reminders from conservation organizations that giant strides are needed. As the country celebrates the entry of 2022, there is hope for an inspiring Build Back Better legislation (the Reconciliation bill) that could add trillions more to re-educate the workforce and reengineer a more sustainable industry economy to address the Climate Crisis. The work continues. Here are a few details about the successes of 2021.

successes of 2021 The Infrastructure Bill (signed into law by President Biden)

The “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act” that President Biden signed into law provides capital over the next five years for the National Park Service (NPS), including Redwood National and State


Parks, to implement thousands of projects that have required repairs to address environmental and historic preservation as well as public safety. The NPS will use some of these funds to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions, critically important in parks which are home to many important migratory populations. Funds will be distributed through two federal programs: the Federal Lands Transportation Program (FLTP) and the Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects (NSFLTP) Program. More details can be found here:

Lessons Learned Remember when the last administration, for purely political purposes, moved the Bureau of Land Management headquarters from Washington, D.C., where all other agency headquarters are located, to Grand Junction, Colorado? Now we find that a General Accounting Office report describes the failure of that move. The move had the effect of increasing vacancies by 169% and creating significant delays to decision-making throughout the agency. In particular, staff who identify as Black or Asian were disproportionately affected in the move. The full report can be found at

Sacred Sites and Traditional Ecological Knowledge Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland announced a new interagency Memorandum of Understanding to increase collaboration with Tribes to ensure stewardship and access to sacred sites on federal lands and increase the use of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in management. The signatory agencies were the Departments of the Interior, Agriculture, Transportation, and Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, the White House Council on Environmental Quality, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and the Tennessee Valley Authority. Learn more at secretary-haaland-announces-interagency-effortprotect-and-increase-access-indigenous

Coming Up in Congress Fisheries

The Committee on Natural Resources: Full Committee held a markup meeting on several bills, including H.R. 404 Driftnet Modernization and Bycatch Reduction Act of 2021. The purpose of H.R. 404 is to improve the management of driftnet fishing. Introduced by Rep. Leu (D-CA), the bill was influenced by meetings Congressman Huffman held in communities across the nation in order to gather input on what improvements were needed for the 1976 Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act to phase out unsustainable commercial fishing gear in federal waters within five years for the purpose of protecting marine life. It was approved in a voice vote in the House Natural Resources Committee following recent Senate passage of S. 273, introduced by Sen. Feinstein (D-CA). Details of that legislation as analyzed by Congressman Huffman can be found here:

Very Sad News Fire and Giant Sequoia

Managers of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks announced that as many as 3,600 giant sequoias in 27 groves perished in wildfires this summer. “This represents 3-5% of the world’s giant sequoia population and comes on the heels of the 2019 Castle Fire that killed up to 14% of the world’s sequoias.“ Source: Los Angeles Times

Make your voice heard Humboldt County Supervisors 1st District - Rex Bohn

707-476-2391 |

2nd District - Michelle Bushnell

707-476-2392 |

3rd District - Mike Wilson

707-476-2393 |

4th District - Virginia Bass

707-476-2394 |

5th District - Steve Madrone

707-476-2395 |

U.S. Representative - California District 2 Congressman Jared Huffman

Look up other representatives here:

California Governor

Governor Gavin Newsom


DIY BIOCHAR: GOOD FOR THE GARDEN, GOOD FOR THE EARTH Susan Nolan You’ve probably heard of biochar, and thought it sounded like a good thing. But you may not have realized how easy it is to convert burn piles to biochar production with a couple of simple changes. Your biochar burn will give off much less smoke and ash, and leave you with an excellent soil amendment. And it will sequester about ten percent of the carbon your burn pile releases. Want to try it?

HOW TO MAKE BIOCHAR IN YOUR BURN PILE 1. First, get your burn permit , same as for any burn pile, and observe all the rules: burn on a burn day with shovel and water handy. 2. B u i l d y o u r p i l e using dr y and uniformly size d material; b u r n b i g w o o d s e p a r at el y f ro m b r u s h . 3. Two changes are then required: light the pile at the top, and put it out when it switches from flame to smolder. You’re probably thinking, “Light at the top – how can that be right?” It’s completely counterintuitive, but you’ll see that it works. What’s happening is as the initial flames begin to heat the wood nearby, volatile gases arise and are consumed in flames. The fire will sink and spread through the pile, burning through the volatile gases. It won’t burn the residual charcoal as long as flames are consuming all the available oxygen. 4. The tipping p oint comes when the flames die down and the pile begins to smolder, at which time you drown it with water.


5. Continued burning will turn the coals to ash. If you’re working out in the woods without access to water, break up and spread the pile so the embers lose their heat, taking care that it’s all out before you leave.

If biochar contains no nutrients itself, how can it be good for plants? Its lattice-like microscopic structure works like a sponge to absorb and release water and nutrients, and creates perfect habitat for beneficial soil microbes. For a very nice local website, see blackripple. com where a Southern Humboldt cannabis farmer demonstrates how he integrated fuel reduction, farming, and some interesting home-made tools. Kelpie Wilson's website is a rich mine of information. Kelpie came to Humboldt County for Redwood Summer. Afterwards, looking around for the next useful thing to do, she settled on biochar and became a leader in the field. Her site includes an explanation of how wood actually burns to produce biochar that's well worth a look:

6. Once it’s dry, you can process it for garden use. The most effective particle size is 1/4” or less. Material that’s completely cooked will break up easily. Some might have to be held over for reburning in the next fire. Mashing with a stout limb in a bucket works great. You can make a sifting frame with 1/4” hardware cloth and scrap lumber. TIP: Wear a mask. Biochar dust is an irritant to the lungs; you want to avoid breathing it. An N95 mask gives good protection, and so does keeping the char a little damp. All the nutrients have been gassed off biochar, so it’s inert and very stable. It can last for hundreds or thousands of years—remember how carbon-14 is used to date ancient campfires? It will continue to sequester the carbon it contains the whole time. 7. Now you have finished char. For best results in the garden, you’ll want to pre-charge it with nutrients. Otherwise it will draw nutrients out of the soil to reach a balance. Simply adding it into your compost pile is the easiest way. A faster approach is soaking it in manure tea or compost tea. If you’re not a gardener, you can just leave it in the woods after your fire is out, and call it good. It will gradually be integrated into the soil, just like charcoal from a wildfire.

USED REDWOOD LUMBER Lorelei Lane, Arcata 707-834-5340




Get on Board for the 3

Climate A Heretical Proposal

6 Martha Walden Civilization's only hope, so far, for getting out from under the deadly greenhouse gas emissions of fossil fuels is to build many wind and solar arrays. That won't mean an environmental Age of Aquarius. Manufacturing solar panels, wind turbines, and storage batteries depends on industrial extractive processes that take a toll on the environment. We will still battle over the impacts of mining lithium, cobalt, and nickel, to give just a few examples. There are those who think the destruction is worth it, and those who don't. Energy and mining corporations will still make and break their green promises. Making the best decisions we can, we hope to walk the damage back, step by step, from this brink of catastrophe where fossil fuels have brought us. Maybe we can hope to get so good at making energy that the trade-offs won't be so stark in the future. In the meantime two basic strategies can help make the conversion to renewable energy as environmentally friendly as possible. Recycling solar, wind, and battery components after their operational life is one of them. At least 90% of the components in solar energy systems are recyclable. These primarily include glass, silicon, and metal plus many other materials in smaller quantities – like silver and copper. However, the polymer layers that seal the panel can make panel disassembly difficult. Approximately 85% of wind turbines are recyclable, including the concrete foundations. The fiberglass blades – which can be up to three hundred feet long – are the most difficult part to salvage. Recent developments have made recycling them much more feasible. Same goes for lithium-ion and other types of batteries. But the reality so far is that landfill disposal is cheaper than recycling, so guess what most energy producers decide to do? According to Grist, a climate issue reportage site, only 10% of defunct solar panels have been recycled so far. Most of them end up in landfills. But most solar panels have not reached the end of their useful life – which is approximately 25 years – so there's still time to avoid a solar e-waste glut. The operational life of wind turbines falls between 20 and 30 years. The mentality of corporations that deploy them has a similar shelf-life. You can watch videos online of them dynamiting the towers instead


of dismantling them for re-use. Old turbine blades have been re-purposed for playground equipment and other uses, but most of them have been thrown away. It doesn't seem right that wasting something is cheaper than reusing it, but throwing away the old and manufacturing the new from virgin materials is good for business. So far. The costs simply haven't caught up to the Ponzi-schemers of capitalism. The second strategy for making the conversion to renewable energy as environmentally sustainable as possible is a simple one: use less energy. Simple but heretical. Using less energy on an appreciable scale would cause the economy to shrink instead of constantly grow like it's somehow supposed to. According to most economists, economic stagnation or shrinking is a fate worse than death. So while I'm being heretical, I may as well recommend a book by Tim Jackson about steady-state economics. It's entitled Prosperity Without Growth.



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CLEANING UP TRASH ISLANDS In October 2021, 27-year-old inventor-entrepreneur Boyan Slat and his team at The Ocean Cleanup collected 9,000 kilograms (roughly 20,000 pounds) of plastic pollution from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch on their first voyage. Their innovative cleanup system is carbon-neutral, capable of collecting particles as small as one millimeter (0.04 inches) in diameter, and poses no threat to ocean wildlife. Slat has spent much of the past decade designing and testing systems for removing waterborne litter, focusing primarily on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP). Ocean garbage patches are massive 'islands' of trash floating on or just below the surface of the water. These islands are usually found where various ocean currents intersect with each other. Current intersections create large areas of slowly swirling water that can trap plastic and other floating debris from around the world. The world's largest trash island is the GPGP between California and Hawai'i and is largely made of tiny pieces of


microplastic, which are extremely difficult to clean up. Slat has launched numerous testing operations in the Pacific Ocean, gaining fame in 2019 for being the first to remove and recycle a boatload of plastic pollution from the GPGP. Since then, he and his team of engineers have improved their technology and made further strides in their mission. Slat's nonprofit organization, The Ocean Cleanup, titled their latest net apparatus 'System 002,' nicknamed Jenny. Jenny is a long U-shaped net 3 meters tall (around 10 feet) pulled behind two boats, one boat on each end of the U. Plastic trash that floats within 3 meters of the surface will get scooped along the net until it reaches the collection zone at the very back. Once the collection zone is full, the crew pulls it on deck, sorts their catch, and takes all the trash to shore for recycling. Jenny is carefully designed to pose no threat to wildlife: the boats move slowly, the net is shallow and open-bottomed, and cameras alert the crew of any nearby creatures who don't swim away. The team uses computer modeling to predict how ocean currents will shift a garbage patch and then they set course for the most dense concentration of trash. Slat predicts that 10 Jennies could clean up the GPGP in five years. The Ocean Cleanup's main goal is to collect 90% of floating ocean plastic from around the world by the year 2040, which would take about 50 Jennies. They are steadily moving toward increasing the scale of their ocean cleanups as well as deploying river cleanups around the world. On the home page of they boast, "We plan to put ourselves out of business – once we have completed this project, our work is done." Sources: Good News Network,


Jeremiah Thoronka, a young student from Sierra Leone, developed a renewable zero-emissions energy generator system able to power 150 homes and 15 schools using only the energy of passing cars and pedestrians' feet. The device uses no battery, very minimal infrastructure, and does not rely on changeable weather patterns. From his childhood in a slum outside Freetown, capital of Sierra Leone, Thoronka recalled, "I have first-hand experience of growing up without energy or electricity. Around 18:00 [6pm], the entire neighbourhood would be in darkness." After receiving a prestigious scholarship at age 10, Thoronka "was moving between two worlds. There was electricity in abundance at school." Seeing the environmental and personal health issues caused by relying on wood stoves or kerosene-powered lamps and generators, Thoronka fostered a passion for addressing energy poverty in the area. While studying at Rwanda's African Leadership University at age 17, Thoronka launched a technology startup company called Optim Energy (not to be confused with American utility Optim Energy LLC). The company's mission is to deliver renewable, clean power to local homes by harnessing the energy from everyday objects in motion, known as kinetic energy transfer. "I wanted to develop a more sustainable energy system, educate people about energy efficiency and stop their overuse of natural resources," he reported. So he drew on a process called piezoelectricity and developed a kinetic energy system that takes pressure, heat, and motion (which all naturally occur during walking or driving) to produce an electric charge with zero emissions. When placed under the pavement on a busy road or sidewalk, the vibrations from vehicle traffic and passersby will generate power without people even realizing it. The pilot program in Thoronka's hometown region successfully provided free electricity to over 10,000 people, almost all students; the 150 homes and 15 schools connected to the system were incredibly receptive to the option, glad to switch from burning wood or kerosene or using the unreliable national power grid. Thoronka, now age 20 and studying at University of Kigali in Rwanda, reported numerous obvious benefits from changing power sources. He saw improvements in children's health and education now that homes were brighter and smoke-free. Street lighting has improved pedestrian safety as well as local commerce. And deforestation has fallen since fewer families are collecting firewood to heat their homes. Thoronka has received numerous international accolades and funding awards for his innovation and thought leadership. His mission continues through community education efforts, as well as branching into the health sector to provide energy to hospitals and vaccine storage facilities. Sources: BBC, Good News Network


Community Coastal Column Coastal Programs Roundup Ivy Munnerlyn, Coastal Programs Coordinator

2021 by the Numbers

In 2021 Northcoast Environmental Center volunteers collected 13,814 pieces of trash across Humboldt County. That included 2,996 fireworks, 2,337 cigarette butts, and 1,225 plastic pieces. Cigarette butts are typically our top item, but this year fireworks took the lead. If you’re looking for one day a year to really make an impact on beach litter, July 5th is a great choice.

Above: Volunteers at the Friends of the Dunes cleanup during Coastal Cleanup Month 2021.

Coastal Cleanup Month 2021 was a smashing success, with cleanups all over the county occurring every weekend of the month. We raised $5,300, which will go towards funding ongoing coastal programs like Trash Trackers, Adopt-a-Beach and Adopt-a-Block, and our litter reduction efforts.

Looking ahead to 2022

Proportion of each type of trash collected in 2021. Source:


In the coming year, the NEC’s Coastal Programs will continue to encourage stewardship of the natural world through our volunteer citizen science programs, advocacy work, and environmental education. In particular, we’d like to target future cleanup efforts towards specific items like cigarette butts, takeout containers, and more. We hope this will allow us to more effectively advocate for reducing these items at the source. Stay tuned for more in the coming months!

Top five trash items collected during 2021. Source:


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