Registered with the Registrar of Newspapers in India under serial No MAHENG/2015/65640
April May 2020
Vol. No. 5 Issue No. 4
Price Rs.10
EDUCATOR'S COLUMN Golden year of Earth DAy
in the spotlight
CAREERs in the outdoors
02 04 05 06 08 09 10
the vulnerable FROMLearn THEabout EDITOR Indian Bison Looking Ahead
03 ON THE BRINK Sei whale
EDUCATOR'S COLUMN Golden Year of Earth Day
Playing Monopoly in the Financial Capital
TRAILBLAZERS RECOMMENDS Planning a meaningful vacation
09 IN THE SPOTLIGHT Frontline Warriors
Careers in the Outdoors
LOOK FOR US ON Trailblazers.TheOutdoorSchool Trailblazers - The Outdoor School
Printed, Published and Edited by RANJAN BISWAS on behalf of TRAILBLAZERS ADVENTURE TRAVEL PVT. LTD. Edenwoods, Bay House, Ground Floor A, Gladys Alwares Marg, Off Pokhran Road No. 2, Thane (West) 400 610
Download softcopy from Call us to participate in our camps/activities: 022 21739737 or 022 21739732 OR email us on:
: Ranjan Biswas
Associate Editor
: Sachin Sata
Reporters : Nayantara Deshpande, Sachin Sata Photo credits : Nayantara Deshpande, Himani Kende, Sachin Sata
editorial Dear Readers, As the world grapples with the COVID 19, I pray for you and your families’ safety during this pandemic. I am sure you are trying to make the best out of the situation, by honing your hidden talents. I also believe we shall come out stronger than before, from this epic threat that spans the Earth. Looking at the brighter side, this situation has resulted in the environment stabilising and wildlife recovering. This is no small coincidence, a break from humans was sorely needed. While we sit in our homes, the earth has given us an unknowing gift, the gift of time. So much time to do all those things we could not before. Time to introspect, time to heal broken relations and get to know ourselves better. I say, the knock on our head was called for, as we spend this precious time inside, the earth has begun regenerating itself. We should not look at this event as a doomsday scenario as it is being portrayed by the world media. Things will return to normal with some necessary modifications. We are moving towards herd immunity, and now is the right time to share with you the need to expose our children to the outdoors. As mentioned in the previous issue, we must help, build their immune systems stronger. Children need to be in more direct sunlight, have more interactions with the soil, and with nature at large. Here on, schools must include compulsory sessions about mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and most importantly how to be joyful and happy. We need to evolve from the system of learning presently, to a more child centric, nature related learning. To ensure happiness, students should be encouraged to first, discover and then pursue their passions. The fascination of making it to the IIT’s and IIM’s must fade away to a more humble, empathetic and compassion based learning. This edition of the Ecotrail focuses on careers and ways to follow your passion. Offbeat jobs are on the rise, you no longer need to be a doctor or an engineer to have a secure future. Unless we as educators and parents open our mind to these thoughts, the children will never be aware of the vast possibilities that lie in front of them. The organisations that students can join post their education extends from the Government of India, state governments, United Nations bodies to elite universities, non-governmental organisations and private placements. A job should primarily be driven by passion to get the most satisfaction out of it. Especially after the pandemic, as we prepare our children for the future, we must also teach them to keep in mind the environment. Since we have made a mess of the planet, there is plenty of need for repair men and women. Every subject you pursue can have a link to the environment. One example which has much scope, is Environmental Economics. Economics and the environment are so closely interlinked. It is because of the bad economics being practiced by countries all around, that a need has arisen for environmental engineers, taxonomists, wildlife biologists, green architects and so on. Many universities across the world offer excellent courses in these subjects that students can opt for. Finally before I end, I must say we at Trailblazers have re written our work ethics and SOPs for conducting post COVID camps as per the norms set by our team of experts, the Government of India and the World Health Organisation. I hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Ecotrail and I look forward to your inputs. If you have any suggestions or ideas do let us know. We would also be thrilled to have you contribute articles/pictures. Please send us your articles and photos on or Hope to hear from you soon. Till then stay safe and stay engaged. Ranjan Biswas Editor- Ecotrail | Managing Director, Trailblazers Adventure Travel Pvt Ltd | Trustee- Trailblazers Foundation
sei whale
Balaenoptera borealis
The Sei Whale is a baleen whale and said to be the third largest whale after the Blue whale and the Fin whale. Classified as an endangered species by the IUCN, it is one of the fastest species of whales, reaching speeds of up to 50 kms/hr. A distinctive feature of this species is its sickle shaped dorsal fin. The name Sei, comes from the Norwegian word for pollock, a species of fish that appears around the same time as the whale near the coasts of Norway. Like its cousin the Blue Whale, Sei Whales also feed on krill, zooplankton, copepods and sometimes small fishes. Growing up to 19.5 meters in length the females tend to be bigger than the males. The maximum weight recorded of an individual is around 45,000 kgs. An average adult whale can consume almost 900 kgs of zooplankton or small fish in a day. Though not a preferred species for whaling, when other species of whales received a higher protection status, the whaling of Seis increased drastically during the 1960’s. Even with commercial whaling coming to an end, whaling in Iceland and Japan continues under the pretext of scientific whaling. A study showed that underwater noise pollution is also an active threat to the species. These whales communicate through low frequency sounds and a disturbance in the sound waves is known to cause behavioural changes which can also lead to beaching. Vessel strikes and entanglement in fishing gear remain a major cause in decreasing numbers of the species. Conservation groups and marine researchers are working together to spread the message of safe fishing practices. Studies on methods to reduce ocean noise for marine species might also help the whales. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the US has trained a group of specialists to efficiently respond to stranded whales along the coastline. With widespread awareness and implementation of safe ocean fishing practices, there seems to be hope for the Sei whale populations. 4 ECOTRAIL, ECOTRAIL, APRIL APRIL MAY MAY 2020 2020
MUSIC FOR THOUGHT There have been many scientific studies that have proven that music can be good for increasing focus. Recent studies have shown that there are a variety of ways in which music works to help us get into a concentration zone. Researchers at Baylor University’s Sleep Neuroscience and Cognition Laboratory conducted a study that tested the theory of targeted memory reactivation. Test subjects were made to study Microeconomics through a self paced class. Throughout these sessions, classical tunes by Beethoven, Vivaldi and Chopin were played in the background. The subjects were then asked to spend the night in the sleep lab. For half of them, white noise was played but for the other half the exact same pieces they heard during their class was played. Test scores from a Microeconomics exam the next day showed that subjects that had the study music playing while they slept, performed better. A key point the researchers revealed was that contrary to popular belief it is not just classical music that
works but any music that isn’t too abrupt or distracting can do the trick. Some studies also show that music can help in the release of dopamine, the feel good hormone. Now especially, with all of us being locked in our homes, experts are suggesting that listening to uplifting music can help reinforce positive emotions! So, get those headphones on or play those speakers, sway to the beats and keep yourself engaged and focused on the better times that shall come ahead.
MYSTERY OF THE BLUE HUE After repeated attempts to find out the source of a blue dye that occurs very often in medieval European texts, scientists traced the origins of the dye to a plant, Chrozophora tinctoria. The plant is the key source for the pigment folium, the recipe for which has eluded scientists for a long time. This was achieved by an interdisciplinary team consisting of chemists, art conservationists and biologists. A step by step process was followed from a 15th century book on 'how to make all colour paints for illuminating books'. It was a laborious method written in an extinct language used by the Jews of medieval Portugal. From instructions to where to find the plant to how the fruit looks, the manuscript provided the researchers with essential clues to decode the 1000 year old mystery. Insights like this can help art restorers preserve ancient manuscripts better. It also gives key inputs about the creation of dyes and pigments that can withstand the test of time.
GOLDEN YEAR OF EARTH DAY Mr Sudhakar Solomon Raj writes to us about Earth Day April 22nd, 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day. I have been thinking about it for the past four months. I know we have a variety of days like World Environment Day, World Wetland Day and many others. What makes Earth Day special? Earth Day for me, is about celebrating the Earth which is wondrous. It also nurtures us. Earth Day for me, is the first mobilisation for expressing concern about the Earth. On the first celebration, in the US on April 22nd, 1970, Senator Gaylord Nelson claimed that more than 20 million people participated in the event.
One of my favourite hymns, says, in its first verse “O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder, consider all the things thy hands have made, I see the stars and hear the mighty thunder…” The Earth in all its dimensions from the lichen to the mighty tree is utterly amazing. As I write, behind me there are two trees of Queens Flower locally known as Jarul (state flower of Maharashtra) blooming. One is a beautiful light shade of violet, the other one is a very bright shade of pink. There is the constant refrain of 'tuk-tuk' of the Coppersmith or Crimson Breasted Barbet and many other birds calling. I can see, so many shades of green. Every morning at around 6, a White Throated Kingfisher greets me along with a Magpie Robin, Red Vented Bulbul and the Tailor Bird. Sometimes the health of the Earth is visible by how, various species can thrive. I remember in the 1980s on our treks to the Sanjay Gandhi National Park from the Film City side we
would always see Ashy Swallow Shrikes. I have not come across one in the last 25 years. Mindfulness allows us to enjoy all of nature’s expressions and celebrate the Earth. The Earth has possibly more than 10 million species as suggested by scientists like E.O. Wilson. Six new species have been discovered in an area like Aarey Milk Colony in Mumabi. In the last ten years, young researchers such as Zeeshan Mirza (based at NCBS Bangalore) have discovered 35 new species. There are so many species waiting to be discovered. Possibilities of ecological disasters, like Centinella in the 1990s, where a forest ridge in Peru with more than 130 species of trees, not known to science, were cleared before they could be documented; are waiting round the corner. Caring for the Earth means getting people to reconnect with nature. I remember in 1982, when we were on a nature trail at Karnala Bird Sanctuary near Mumbai, Parvez Cama objected to people playing loud music and drinking alcohol. When he showed them a board which prohibited it, he was attacked. This is the case with so many wilderness areas. Tourists that go to National Parks to see tigers, are often a nuisance due to their disregard for the Park rules. There is little respect and sense of wonder for the
share of restoration and practicing nature ethics. She also believes in planting trees, the fruits of which we all can eat. Last monsoon, near Pune she planted many
Tailor Bird
mango seeds. Caring for the Earth means reducing the distress that we cause to it in terms of the choices we make, in our personal lives whether it is the use of water, electricity and other resources. It involves ensuring we can do our bit to reduce the burden of waste on the Earth. One suggestion on this Earth Day, would be to grow saplings of mango and other fruits we consume and planting them in the monsoon. Collect seeds, even if it is to drop it in areas bereft of tree cover. If it does not sprout, it will still add to the
Planting a sapling
Red Vented Bulbul
stunning ecosystems and its species. Caring for the Earth means helping nurse and heal the Earth. I have been extremely impressed by a young Russian friend of mine, Natalia Menon who is very conscientious about a forest patch where she does more than her
biomass. This Earth Day let us celebrate the Earth and care for it every day. In the early years of my teaching, I had an interesting conversation with a young Iranian student, Nadia Zaman. I asked her how she was celebrating a particular religious day. She replied, "why should we celebrate right living, right principles and God’s grace only on special days? It can be done every day!". Similarly, we can celebrate Earth Day every day.
Professor Sudhakar Solomon Raj is a postgraduate in Political Science and heads the Political Science department at Wilson College, Mumbai. He is one of the founder presidents of India’s oldest nature club initiated by the World Wildlife Fund, India. Run independently since then, the Wilson College Nature Club celebrated its 40th anniversary last year and Professor Sudhakar continues to be a part of this thriving community of young nature enthusiasts. Sanctuary Asia has presented him with an award for his efforts in Nature Education and Conservation, celebrating the hundreds of students that have learnt to appreciate nature, thanks to his constant efforts at the Nature Club.
Playing Monopoly in the Financial capital Trailblazers conducts an Economics camp in Mumbai
Student receiving certification of completion
Students exploring Mumbai's finest institutions
No matter what subject you chose as a career choice, it is certain, that you understand it only when you step out of the four walls of the classroom. Textbook knowledge can only get you so far. To enhance the love for a subject it must be accompanied by its practical applications and field visits. This applies even to subjects such as Commerce, Economics and Business studies, that do not usually have practical classes associated with it. With the objective to experience the real markets and interact with experts from various fields in the domain of Design Thinking, Entrepreneurship, Commerce and Business Management; Trailblazers conducted an Economics camp for a group of students in the financial capital of the country. The camp included workshops on innovative designs, economic policy simulation, through meetings with entrepreneurs and experts of premier financial and management institutes of the country. These visits were windows to different worlds, roles and responsibilities and the students got a chance to be a part of it. From understanding the workings of small scale industries to learning the secrets of the trade, the students
were immersed in a variety of activities. Not only did they get an insight into the subject but also to myriad career options one can have in the fields of Design, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Commerce, Business and Hospitality Management. Trailblazers believes that the best way to learn concepts, be it demand and supply, its impact on pricing or the supply chain, is by experiencing and visiting actual markets and being a part of the buzzing atmosphere. The excitement of creating and managing wealth can only be felt when you see the entire chain from the ground, working its way up. As a thumb rule, Trailblazers also ensured that apart from the busy markets and institutes, the students enjoyed Mumbai through its food, culture, history and traditions. No one can deny the importance of life skills in today's world, to be successful and happy. Outdoor classrooms or visits offer an excellent opportunity in developing skills like time management, independence, developing a sense of empathy and honing creativity. Glimpses into the business world and its workings helped the students become better and confident individuals equipped with the knowledge of various domains.
Children of the Soil
Trailblazers conducts an SUPW camp amidst farmlands and forests ! Most of us live in a world cocooned by a layer of comforts easily available to us. We only realise the problems of the world, or more importantly, how much there is beyond our world when we step into someone else’s shoes. It is a dicey matter, getting adolescents to understand perspectives. On the one hand you want them to enjoy their childhood while on the other hand you want to make them responsible and broad minded. As a part of a SUPW (Socially Useful Productive Work) camp, Trailblazers conducted a camp on the outskirts of Bangalore for 11th graders from a prominent school. These students were put into the shoes of farmers and made to experience some parts of their lives. As a part of the camp the students took part in activities involving the harvesting of Ragi. Also known as finger millet, Ragi has a high heat tolerance and therefore is grown in the dry season. Once on the fields the students began to help local farmers with the collection of the ready millets. As realised by them, farming is truly a laborious process. Once the heads are cut, the individual seed stalks need to be plucked which can be quite tough on the fingers if you are not used to it. After the crop is harvested, the entire field needs to be cleared for the next sowing season. On interacting with the farmers, they realised that for all the hard work done, the farmers are paid quite poorly. Apart from this the students also helped sow seeds of tomatoes, brinjal and okra (lady’s fingers). To help with the irrigation, they dug out furrows
for the water to pass through the entire vegetable plot. This experience helped the students appreciate every morsel that comes onto their table. To get a full exposure of the place, the students also visited a local school. Here, they conducted a variety of activities for the children; from Math and Science games to Language lessons and even painting a mural on the school walls. After a full day of interactions, despite a slight language barrier, the two sets of students had a glimpse into each other’s lives. Trailblazers also made sure the students were made ecologically conscious by facilitating activities such Students teaching at a local school as seed ball making and building bird attractors. The student’s creativity really stood out during both these activities. Being surrounded by pristine habitats made the students appreciate life away from the city and the benefits that come with it. A break from technology and some socially useful productive work done amidst serene landscapes, helped them gain a newfound respect for the tiny things we often disregard in life. As put beautifully by Oprah Winfrey, “The smallest change in perspective can transform a life. What tiny attitude adjustment might turn your world around?”. These attitude changes can only come when you see the whole picture, therefore at Trailblazers we strive to Students harvesting Ragi make sure our campers have an all round experience that can help create small but impactful mind shifts.
PLANNING A MEANINGFUL VACATION Productive ways to utilize your vacations!
Vacations are a time we all look forward to, it is the time to unwind, relax and just have fun. In today’s narrative however, the definition of fun is slowly changing. As the youth slowly look for more fulfilling experiences, here are a few ways to have fun and be productive. It is always good to start following a passion when you are young. As parents and educators, we must allow our children to have a range of experiences to make them more curious, creative and adaptive. After all, these are the skills that will not only help them in school but also during future job interviews. Listed below are some ways in which students can have enriching experiences and also slowly build up on their college application portfolios.
Community Service – Find a social cause you care about and help in whatever
way you can. It can be something as small as helping with the local animal shelter or collecting toys from your friends to donate to an orphanage. These kinds of activities help you gain empathy and understand a world quite different from yours. You can even participate in larger events organized by your neighbourhood NGOs such as cleanliness drives or fundraisers.
Indulge in Creativity – Explore and fuel your creativity! This is one of the most essential
21st century skills required. What we fail to understand is that creativity is so much more than just art! Learn an instrument, start a blog, create a mobile application, enhance your photography skills, or learn to cook. You never know when one of these might come in use. These are not just essential for your applications but to help understand yourself better. Creative outlets can get us out of the toughest situations and help calm our minds down.
Online Courses – Try and attend a certified course in something that interests you.
We recommend you find courses related to subjects you enjoy. In today’s technology driven world, knowing a variety of software is an essential skill. You will be surprised to know how much more there is to Microsoft excel than what we learn in school! Learn how to create posters on canva or find out the tricks to edit your photos on Adobe Photoshop. Every field, be it arts, commerce or science has some computer application that will help you further.
Volunteering / Interning – Depending on your subject of interest, write to an organization
and volunteer or intern with them. A piece of advice, do not expect to be paid, do it for the experience. This will give you an excellent exposure of what your passion looks like when it turns into a job. Do not worry if the task given to you are menial, everyone starts small, it helps to build trust. Just try and learn as much as you can during your stint at the organisation.
Extracurricular Activities – Gone are the days where you get into the best colleges based
purely on your academic scores! These days college admission officers look for students that are driven, innovative and have an insatiable curiosity about the world. Top foreign universities often look for something called a spike which is a deep accomplishment in/ knowledge of a field. Adventure activities are a great way to show that you are willing to step out of your comfort zones. Get a scuba diving certification, take part in a trekking or rafting expedition. For those of you not into adventure, do not fret, find a subject you are deeply passionate about and try and look for an opportunity that will help you understand it better. Some of you might not yet know what your spike is, do not worry! Use your vacation time to experiment and explore. Though it seems like a lot, the key is to find something that thrills and excites you. These are the things that will eventually help you turn into YOU! And always remember, there might be some tough experiences but that just helps you get the world ready. If you are afraid to attempt things on your own, rope in a friend/cousin or an acquaintance with similar interests. At the end of your vacation, you should feel like you have either learned a little bit about the real world, outside of school or a little bit about yourself!
Trailblazers in conversation with a Medical Student The pandemic has put the world to a standstill, our doctors and healthcare workers are on the frontline fighting off the virus. During this time, Trailblazers caught up with one of its ex-campers who is now on her way to becoming a surgeon, to know more about the life of a medical student. Sagnika Ukil has completed her MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery) from Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore and is currently pursuing her final year MS (Master of Surgery) in General Surgery from R G Kar Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata. Despite her busy schedule, Sagnika is an avid traveller and seizes every chance to discover our beautiful country by indulging in her hobby of photography. We asked her a few burning questions, every parent, teacher, and student has, regarding the medical field especially from the point of view of a student. 1. Where would you say, does the true journey begin for a medical student? I think it begins with CET/NEET-UG. It’s very essential to fully understand that you’re in it for the long haul and you are 100 percent committed. The amount of studying required for the CET is only the tip of the iceberg. 2. In a country like ours where competitive exams for medicine are so intense, what is the best way to get through the stress? It becomes less stressful once you feel passionately enough about the cause and are absolutely certain that there’s nothing else, you’d rather be pursuing. Spacing study sessions with short rewarding breaks with whatever one enjoys doing helps. Listening to music and watching stand up, personally helped me stay sane. 3. With the amount of study time required in this profession, would you say that medical students must give up their social life to excel in the field? Not at all. I think it depends on how effectively one is able to manage time and also on the selected field. Demanding fields like Surgery, Medicine, OBGYN may mean missing out on important family milestones and celebrations sometimes, and incurs a lot of hate from friends and family, but mostly after easing oneself into it, it is possible to just move things around, and things get relatively smoother. 4. What are some of the toughest challenges every medical student must face? The lack of sleep, the perennial state of exhaustion and erratic mealtimes. 5. What was that one moment in your journey so far, where you knew that you were on the right path and that this was the profession meant for you! Moment 1: When an 80 year-old lady with intestinal obstruction was brought into our ER, after a 48 hour long and incredibly hectic sleepless emergency duty which had involved 16 surgeries, I was just as dedicated and excited about making sure everything goes perfectly as I was at hour 0. Moment 2: When we were given study break for exams, and I really missed the operation theatre, the atmosphere and giving my all to help people!
6. Could you tell us a bit about the situation medical professionals are currently facing due to the COVID pandemic? I think medical professionals are just as scared as the next person. It is as if everything has come to a standstill. We are working in teams and in cycles for now. Working for 7 days and then quarantine for 14 days. So that if one team of doctors succumb, the other team can swoop in. Some of us are even in between exams. With the sad level of safety being provided at the workplace and no foreseeable end to this horror, it all seems rather grim. But hey, such interesting times we live in! 7. Did you face any pressures from your family during the time you were preparing for the competitive exams? What tips would you give to parents of students aspiring to be doctors? My parents were incredibly supportive and have never pressured me. They even suggested I give it up and take up something which would let me have a relaxed lifestyle! Tips for the parents: I’m rather unqualified to answer this. But it is what my parents did with me. They just let me do my own thing! However, you could occupy yourselves with other things and do not centre your lives around the child’s exams! Help them only if they ask for your help! At the end of the day, you must let them fight their own battles. 8. What would be your message for all the future doctors out there? Jump into it with everything you have only if you feel passionately about it! It has been a hugely rewarding and fulfilling experience for me! There will be moments of self-doubt and self-loathing where you will feel rather regretful for inflicting so much misery on yourself but there will also be moments when it will be absolutely worth it! And make sure if asked if you could do it over, would you do the same thing again, that the answer is an emphatic affirmation!
For the adventurous, inquisitive and passionate souls Travel…. The word has a certain charm to it. As information becomes more accessible and we learn further about the world, millennials are looking forward to exploring. Almost every second person you meet is bitten by the travel bug. So, what if, you could pursue a career that allows you to travel? The most essential skill you need for most of these professions is to learn to observe the world better. The true essence of travel is not just taking selfies and posting it on your social media but to understand that place and dig deep into its culture, history and spirit. If all this sounds appealing to you, then here are a few career options that will help you explore the great outdoors. Ecologist / Wildlife Biologist: If you have a passion for the natural world and are keen to protect it, this is a field that might interest you. Wildlife biologists study a variety of aspects of the environment and its ecosystems, from behaviour science, human-animal relations to even discovering new species. Field work is an essential part of the profile, right from when you start your undergraduate studies. Through your field work, you will be able to visit some pristine habitats and really understand the intricacies of the natural world. Education: To get into this field, Biology and Environment studies are a must. You will have to pursue your Bachelor’s in either of the biological sciences, which are Botany, Zoology, Life Sciences, Microbiology, Biotechnology, etc. It is recommended that after your bachelor’s you pursue a Master’s in either Wildlife science, Environmental studies, Biodiversity, Zoology or any other biological field that you have developed a passion for. Filmmaker / Cinematographer: A Cinematographer is a person in charge of shooting movies/documentaries or any video content. Also known as the Director of Photography, he/she oversees the lighting and the general feel of the video. If you are deeply passionate about making professional videos or getting into the film industry this is the job for you. As a Cinematographer you will get to visit exquisite and interesting shooting locations, learn about the place and accordingly plan the shots for your video. It is essential that as a cinematographer you understand the technicality of filming, camera angles and aesthetics. Education: The courses to learn cinematography are usually post graduate diplomas. You can pursue any subject at your undergraduate course and apply for these courses. It is advised to apply for the diplomas at any film and television institutes in the country. An added advantage would be to get work experience during your undergraduate course by volunteering or interning. Archaeologist/Anthropologists: Concerned with studying the history of the human species, Archaeology involves studying ancient sites of historic importance. Paleontology, a branch of archaeology involves studying fossils of plants and animals. If you have seen Jurassic Park, the opening scene of people brushing away dirt on the ground, those are paleontologists. As for Indiana Jones, he is an archaeologist! Though your job will not involve chasing bad guys, archaeology helps reveal fascinating facts about human civilizations. In India, the Archaeological Survey of India, is one of the primary organizations maintaining and preserving all our beloved historical monuments. Education: To pursue Archaeology, it is necessary to take up Humanities from the 11th Grade. Following this you can complete your Bachelor’s in History/ Sociology/Archaeology/Anthropology. To be a qualified professional in the field one must also complete a Master’s in Archaeology and Historical studies. Photographer: Photography is an upcoming field and the branches under it are growing by the day. Rather than a subject, photography is more of a passion. The more you practice and experiment the better you get at it. The career possibilities with photography are immense, some of them are • Food photography • Fashion photography
• Wildlife photography • Photojournalism • Events/Wedding photography Education: There are diploma courses available to become a photographer, however skill and practice is a must. Once again you can hone your skills by volunteering or interning with a professional. We suggest you find a unique style to your photography at an early age and start building a portfolio. Journalist: In the true sense, a journalist is a person who reports news. Depending on your area of interest, Politics, Sociology or the Environment you can tell your story to the whole world. If you love writing stories or essays, consider pursuing Journalism. A key skill that all journalists require however is to gather information right from the source and verifying the facts. This is what will make you travel, if you want to write about the houseboat traditions in Kerala, you will have to go to Kerala and understand each and every aspect of houseboats to make your story interesting enough. Journalists often work at media houses but there is an option of freelancing as well. Education: Undergraduate courses in Journalism are available in most colleges. If not specifically in Journalism, you can complete your Bachelor’s in Mass media and communication. These are available as B.A. and B.Sc. both. Following this you can also pursue a Master’s in the same subject. Travel Guide / Expert: With travel becoming so popular, people look for enriching experiences in the places they travel to. You can be the one to provide those experiences! Unless you go out into the world and learn about it, it is difficult to create these unforgettable experiences. Think about the last well-organized trip you went for! If you feel curating trips is something you would like to do, this is the job for you. Education: You can get into this field with any degree, however there are vocational courses available at the undergraduate level for Travel and Tourism. Apart from this, you would require exceptional knowledge about certain places. Work experience is a more essential requirement than educational degrees. Landscape Architect: Landscape architects are responsible for creating attractive outdoor spaces. This may be a public park or an eco-garden for a resort close to the forest. Your love for being in the outdoor can help you design unique places that will encourage people to move out of the four walls and into the fresh air. Most of the inspiration for landscape architects comes from the natural world. It would be an added advantage if you also knew more about the local plant species and general information on gardening. Education: After the 12th grade, you must appear for the NATA (National Aptitude Test for Architecture) or the AIEEE (All India Engineering Entrance Examination) based on your scores you can apply to the colleges offering the B.Arch (Bachelor’s in Architecture) course. Adventure Sports Instructor: One of the most thrilling spaces to work in the outdoors is adventure sports. An upcoming field in the country and in the world, people have begun to unwind by learning an adventure sport. This activity will give you an avenue to explore places that otherwise go unnoticed. Based on the landscape you love the most you can either be a scuba diving instructor, a trek leader, kayaking instructor or even a skiing instructor! Education: You must get a certification to teach the sport, there are also independent organisations that offer certification programmes for adventure sports. Apart from this, you require excellent fitness and a first aid training is a bonus. Again, this is a field where volunteering, interning and other work experiences get you brownie points when applying for a job. There are many more fields that can help you make travelling a part of the job. These are some of the more fulfilling and soul-searching professions. All of them require a more in-depth understanding of the world and require you to be inquisitive and creative. While we have listed some of the courses you can pursue in India, universities abroad offer a variety of choices and more niche subjects. Go out there and find your passion, the world is yours to explore!!
LOOK FOR US ON Trailblazers.TheOutdoorSchool Trailblazers - The Outdoor School trailblazers.theoutdoorschool Trailblazers.TheOutdoorSchool 12 ECOTRAIL, APRIL MAY 2020
Printed, Published and Edited by RANJAN BISWAS on behalf of TRAILBLAZERS ADVENTURE TRAVEL PVT. LTD. Edenwoods, Bay House, Ground Floor A, Gladys Alwares Marg, Off Pokhran Road No. 2, Thane (West) 400 610 Download softcopy from Call us to participate in our camps/activities: 022 21739732 or 022 21739737 OR email us on: