Hong Kong Cleanup 2015 Introduction

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8 MILLION TONNES OF PLASTIC FROM LAND TO SEA EACH YEAR “The quan2ty entering the ocean is equal to about five grocery bags full of plas2c for every foot of coastline in the world.” – CNN “5 trillion pieces of plas2c are floa2ng in the world’s oceans, collec2vely weighing nearly 269,000 tonnes.” – The Guardian China ranked top polluter as figures suggest total plas2c liOer ending up in the seas could rise tenfold by 2025.” – BBC News Source: Plas4c Waste Inputs from Land to Ocean, Jenna Jambeck, University of Georgia

Established in 2000 as the city’s first 1 EVENT community coastal cleanup, the Hong Kong Cleanup has evolved into a civic 15 YEARS movement and is now the region’s largest environmental volunteer event. 200,000 PEOPLE 17,000,000 PIECES OF TRASH

THE CHALLENGES With its expansive coastal areas, Hong Kong has a special rela2onship with the marine environment, and as such this event has inspired tens of thousands to take part in its protec2on. Beach cleanups bring awareness to the vast and vital issue of marine debris, and allow par2cipants to engage with their coastal ecosystems.

Hong Kong’s country parks are one of our most valuable assets. They offer not only beau2ful vistas and recrea2onal ac2vi2es, but also absorb carbon dioxide and are rich in biodiversity. Detrimental amounts of liOer and trash can be found in all of our country parks. Cleanups educate about liOering and its effect on the natural world we all need and enjoy.

Every day, more than 10,000 street cleaners manually remove copious amounts of liOer from our city streets. Trash from our homes, offices and schools is sent to already-­‐full landfills, or swept down storm drains and washed out to sea. Cleaning our city streets will provide an eye opening experience for many.


To empower Hong Kong ci2zens to become ac2ve agents in keeping our beau2ful coastal areas, country parks and city streets safe, clean and trash free To increase awareness and ins2ll a level of understanding that communi2es are pivotal to changing a]tudes towards environmental protec2on To advocate for change in policy related to waste management, liOering and pollu2on, and for improved coordina2on of government departments to minimize Hong Kong’s waste produc2on.


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