In the Beginning
Who is God and why must we serve him? These are two the most important questions that people ask. The answers can be found in the volume in a book. The
Kids corner will now review over the books of the bible. It will be a long journey but a bountiful one. If you are a Christian it is important to know what Christ said and
what he requires of us. When he was on this earth he required his children to obey him and his Father. He spoke about the importance of the Holy Spirit and what impact he would have on our salvation.
Who is God ?
Lord Jesus He taught the people with parables and he read the books of the laws. He also talked about the importance of the laws of God and the promise he has given all of his children. All of this information can be found in the Gospel the four books in the New Testament. However Christ did not just appear suddenly during the Roman Empire. He was there in the beginning because he created everything. He created man from the dust in the beginning and cursed man when he sinned. He visited Abraham as Melchezidec the High Priest. He was on the mountain with Moses and wrote the commandments with his finger. You see God is with his children all the time.
The Holy spirit
Did you know that it wasn’t just Christ. The Holy Spirit breathed air into man and made him a living soul. The Holy Spirit was with Israel in the wilderness
and cursed them when they behaved wickedly. He also made the Apostles speak in tongues and enabled them to heal and raise the dead. He also talks
to us everyday and teaches us how to obey God. He takes our prayers and presents them to God the Father.
The Ancient of Days, God the Father decided that we would be created [and placed our names in a book]. He gave Jesus the blueprints needed to create this world. He spoke with Esdras the Prophet
and explained to him why the road of salvation was so difficult and that all things are done by measure. He sent his only begotten son, Jesus, to die for the sins of his children so we would have a chance
for salvation. We will all stand before him in the end of the world. How do we know this? This information and so much more is found in the bible.
God the Father
The Word of God
The bible is unique. You cannot read it like a novel. Unlike reference books used in biology the bible’s information will never be out of date. There are tools that can help you in your studies: one is a dictionary and another is a concordance. Many people do not realize that the events of the Garden were not just discussed in Genesis. you can find information about the creation in the Psalms, Proverbs, II Esdras, St John and many other places. Each passage gives us more understanding about the pivotal events that impacted every person that would be born in the earth.
In the beginning the entire throne of God created every living thing and they imputed their traits within creation. He gave everything a purpose and made sure there was balance in the
environment. The grass that grows in the field protects the soil from being blown a way. It is also food for cattle and cover for animals like the big cats. He set an order for all things in
the world: for example trees do not grow with their roots on top and leaves at the bottom, the sun does not rise in the north and set in the east, people are not born old and die young and the moon does not bounce in the sky.
god gave commands to his creation on the days he created them. Let us review over Genesis 1:20-23. God told the birds and the sea creatures to be fruitful and multiply. They are still doing this today. It has been well documented that whales and penguins travel thousands of miles to have offspring and take care of them. God commanded the creatures on the land as well. He told man to be fruitful and multiply. He also told man to subdue the earth and have dominion over it. Do you know those rules are still in effect? As humans we have an innate curiosity about the world around us. Sometimes it can be in a small thing like buying a house and making sure the land around it looks nice (that is a form of subduing). Or it can be learning how to manipulate iron ore to make steel (another form of subduing).
the order god set up
Then using steel to make buildings, cars, trains and roads. With these commands God gave us the tools to make sure we could accomplish them. For example many animals are nervous around people. Some actually want us to be their masters. Have you ever gone to the humane society? The animals there are desperate to be your friend. This helps us to have dominion over things. As humans we depend on this order. We become very upset when the order has changed slightly. When the seasons do not behave as they normally should we become confused and concerned.
Last year we had a severe drought and that is not our normal weather pattern. This year we had extensive rain and cooler temperatures. Many have looked towards scientists to explain the changes seen in the seasons because it is
disturbing and sometimes a little frightening. Our studies during the Passover have taught us that God can and will change the order that was set up during creation to punish those who have sinned. He can cause frogs to erupt from the waters and flies to appear suddenly. He can do this with his voice and his creation will obey what he commands. There is a part of his creation that he gave a choice to--man. Adam and Eve were given the choice to obey or not obey God
how would you feel if you woke up and saw these in your window?
choice and consequence Now we all know the story of the garden and how the devil used the serpent to trick Eve. Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. What they did not know was that the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil had the ability to change them. It allowed Satan a doorway into their minds and death into their flesh. There would be a bad side to everything around them. Before the fruit from the forbidden tree was eaten; food just nourished you and made you strong. Now if you eat too much of anything you would now gain weight that would be harmful to you, you could damage your heart, you could hurt your stomach and sometimes you could be allergic to some types of food that may lead to your death.
Now even the sun in the sky and the soil under their feet would have a good and bad side. The sun could now scorch you and the dirt would not be easy to farm. Adam would have to work against weeds and rocks just to make sure he would have enough food for him and his family. This was part of the curse that occurred when they disobeyed God. God warned them that they would die if they disobeyed. No matter what anyone tells you it is important to remember that we must obey God. Disobedience comes with a high cost. Disobedience led to curses being placed on all those that are related to Adam and Eve. It made the road to salvation much more difficult and separated us from our heavenly Father. Everyday we are standing before the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. When we obey God we are choosing the tree of Life. However if we sin we are choosing the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
good, evil and the road ahead