Daughters of God By Evelyn C. Pointer
Man and woman When God created man and woman they were equal. He took Eve from Adam’s side and they were one flesh. Adam was created first. Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. This caused sin and death to corrupt their minds and bodies. It was Eve that took of the fruit first and brought it to Adam. God punished the woman by increasing her conception and her pain, and by putting her under obedience to her husband. This was a punishment.
Man & Woman This was not how it was supposed to be from the beginning. Man was also punished. Because the woman came from the man, she had to share in his punishment also. Women have always had to work very hard. Many died from childbirth and hard work.
The influence of Satan Satan increased the punishment on men and women. He made things much worse. As wickedness increased, men would do unspeakable evils to women and would rule over them as if they were slaves or cattle. The abuse and mistreatment of women is worldwide. God commanded man to “subdue the earth,” but under the influence of Satan men did great evil to each other to pursue wealth and land. They exploited the earth, harming it, the animals and whoever they could control, including women. None of this was God’s intention.
Domestic violence stats 85% - 95% of all domestic violence victims are female 5.3 million women are abused each year As many as 324,000 women each year experience domestic violence during their pregnancy 1,232 women each year are killed by an intimate partner Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women
Women are more likely to be attacked by someone that they know rather than by a stranger An estimated 5.3 million cases of domestic violence occur among U.S. women 18 and older each year, resulting in nearly 2 million injuries On average, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends in the U.S. every day
In the bible There have always been exceptions among women. In the bible women have been great mothers in Israel as well as prophets and leaders. Certain women defeated armies. But even in the bible the great feats of righteous men are at the forefront. Think of leaders such as Moses, King David or Peter.
In the bible There is one woman that did something that no man could do and was instrumental in fulfilling the promise from the garden that the seed of the woman would bruise the serpent’s head. It was Mary, the mother of Jesus. She was unique, blessed of all women, (Luke 1:39-44).
In the bible All of the apostles were male, but there was also a group of women who followed Christ and ministered to him. Of these the most notable was Mary Magdalene. Christ cast 7 devils out of her. She is mentioned most during Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. She was the first to see Christ after he had risen from the grave.
A woman shall compass a man In the last days a woman shall compass a man. In the 1960’s and ‘70s the women’s liberation movement helped decrease the disparity between men and women. More prominent jobs and positions were opening up to them. Laws were put into place to help them. More women entered the workforce.
Evil with Women’s Lib This was not without the addition of the evil that Satan always adds to any good intention. The birth control pill led to promiscuity and abortions were legalized. Women tried to do everything that men could do, good and bad. They felt to be equal to men they had to be the same as man.
Evil with Women’s Lib The good aspects about being a woman and a mother, which is her most important role while children are young, were looked down on as inferior even to other women. Children were being either raised by others or were left on their own.
2 income households Many women had no choice but to work. Poor women always had to work hard. The income for the man, and the jobs in factories decreased. Eventually the economy would become so bad that most families had to have both parents working in order to survive.
The Curse of Black men Because of the wickedness of the world, the Lord also cursed the man. The men of Israel were particularly hit hard. The black man today is diminished, they cannot come close to comparing to our forefathers. There are so few, and of the ones to survive, they do not equal the black woman in talent, education or ability. Most of our men are weak. In this country we now have an African American president. He is an exception. But even this man is not treated with the same respect as other white presidents.
Women of strength The women in these last days must be strong. They must be heads of households. They must be the spiritual leaders in their homes. They must fight against terrible odds teaching their children the way of truth in the face of great temptation. They have to be strong even if and especially if their husband is not.
True Strength Strength is not defined as physical ability, aggression or accomplishment in the world, but as spiritual strength, obedience and devotion to God. Women in our church are strong! They build churches. They establish doctrine. They leap over the wall. They climb mountains. They prepare the way, removing the stones from the path. They defeat the enemy. They are hard working and diligent virtuous women.
The true role of Women So what will be the role of women and the relationship between man and woman at the times of restitution? It’s difficult to imagine because we have no experience to draw from. But we know that the disparity between man and woman was a curse and was not intended so from the beginning. Men and women were supposed to be equal, though not the same.
Different but equal Childbearing was part of what a woman was supposed to do, but not all of what she could do. It is obvious that a man’s body and a woman’s body were created differently. A man and a woman were supposed to be equal partners and a help to each other.
The love between man & woman This is why Eve was taken from Adam’s side. Men were supposed to love and cherish their wives like they loved their own bodies. God chooses leaders from both genders.
The daughters of god God speaks about the church often in the female gender. Christ gave his life for the church. He is married to it. When God removes the curse from his children, he will remove the curse from his daughters also. The daughters of God will stand in the place that they were called to be from the beginning.
Special thanks This presentation was developed from the class entitled “Daughters of God� By: Evelyn C. Pointer, Elder
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