The Feast of Trumpets

During this seventh month of Tisri, we celebrate many holy days outside of the seventh day Sabbaths. The first holy day of the month we celebrate is the Day of Trumpets. The bible teaches us that God commanded the children of Israel to celebrate this holy day. Let’s read.
(Leviticus 23:24-25)
We do not go to school, play, work, watch tv or do any common activities.
When the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they were commanded by God to make two silver trumpets. The trumpets were blown to call the people for assembly, the journeying of the camps, at every new moon and holy day, and over every offering made before God. The trumpets were also blown when Israel went out to war so they would be remembered before God, and be saved from their enemies (Numbers 10:1-10).
Why did they blow the trumpet and what did it mean? The sound of the trumpet represents the voice of God. A trumpet is an instrument with a powerful sound. The powerful sound or alarm of the trumpet lets people know that something important is or will be taking place.
God’s voice is powerful like a trumpet. When God speaks his voice can be very loud and will cause you to stop and pay attention. It is important that we always listen to God’s voice.
There are many examples in the Bible that describe or show the voice and power of God as the sound of a trumpet.
Moses was on Mt. Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments from God. The children of Israel looked unto Mt. Sinai which was covered in smoke because the Lord came down on it with fire (Exodus 19: 18). The people saw thundering and lightening and heard the noise of a trumpet. The people were afraid and told Moses that they did not want God to speak to them for fear they would die (Exodus 20:18-19).
The walls protecting the city of Jericho fell down because of the alarming sound of trumpets. For six days, Joshua along with men of war and seven priests bearing trumpets made from rams’ horns, compassed Jericho once a day. However on the seventh day, God told Joshua to have the men of war and the priests compass the city seven times after which the priests were to blow the trumpets. When the priests made a long blast with the rams’ horns, Joshua and all the men of war shouted with a great shout and the walls of the city fell (Joshua Chapter 6).
During the end of time, God’s angels will sound the trumpet loud to let the whole world know of God’s return. God will save his people and destroy the wicked.