It is time to learn about the Feast of Pentecost.
Are you ready?
P-E-N -T-E-C-O-S-T
Did you know that the Feast of Pentecost takes place 50 days after Passover, taking place during the Hebrew month of Sivan.
Pentecost has more than one name. Let’s name them!
H -A - R-V-E-S-T
T-H -E
F-I- R-S-T-F- R-U -I-T-S
Pentecost is a HOLY DAY just like the Sabbath day. God teaches us that we must keep the feast of Pentecost every year in the.
“And thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, of the firstfruits of wheat harvest,” (Exodus 34: 22)
talks about the HOLY
Who is that? The Holy Spirit is GOD. We will learn more
The remaining 11 were all together in one place. Then a rushing wind came and filled the entire room. Suddenly cloven tongues of fire appeared on their heads and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost. Do you know happened next?
The apostles were able to preach the word of God in different languages. This is something they could not do before but it was made possible by the Holy Ghost.
The people were so amazed by this because they could hear the word of God in their own language. This was a miracle.
Then Peter, one of the apostles, began to speak to the people about how Christ was our Savior. He spoke of his death and resurrection and how he was now in heaven with his Father. He also told the people to repent for their sins and to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Baptize? What’s that?
When we are baptized a minister helps you to go all the way into the water and then brings you right back up. Did you know that Christ was baptized? Yes it is true. When you are baptized you are saying that you believe in Christ and in his word and that you will obey him and not live a sinful life. That is why the apostles baptized the people and why our church baptizes. Let’s move on.
There were 3,000 people that were baptized and they received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. The people repented of their sins and believed the word of God that the apostles taught. This was a joyous day in which they prayed to God and worshiped him. Each day more and more people joined the church.
The apostles not only could speak different languages, they could heal the sick, raise people from the dead and perform many signs and miracles.
The Lord told Moses that Israel should offer at the beginning of the harvest the first fruits to the Lord. The first fruits are the 2 loaves of bread. The first fruit represented God’s children. To be a first fruit you have to obey God and keep his commandments and do your very best.
In our church we also wave a basket of 2 loaves of bread. You will see the minister wave 2 loaves of bread on the day of Pentecost.