Did You Know
God the Father loves us so very much that he sent Jesus his son to this earth to die for our sins.

Did You Know
It makes us sad to hear that
Christ died. But if Jesus did not die, do you know that our sins would not be forgiven?
If Jesus did not die, we wouldn’t have a chance to learn about the bible and to obey him.
If Jesus did not die, we could not be saved from this wicked world.
In fact, we would die forever.

Did You Know
Thankfully, Christ did die for our sins and not only that, he rose from the grave.
Let’s learn more about what happened to Jesus.

Did You Know
Did you know that Jesus was betrayed by one of his 12 apostles. His name was Judas Iscariot.
The apostles were men that Christ chose to be with him while he walked this earth. DO YOU
KNOW THE APOSTLES’ NAMES? They helped with teaching about God. God gave them the power to heal as well.
Even though Judas Iscariot walked with Jesus, he was very wicked.

Last Supper
During the night of Passover Jesus and his apostles came together to worship and have what we call the last supper, which is dinner.
During this dinner they had communion. They had wine and unleavened bread. This is why we have communion on the feast days.

The wine represents Christ’s blood and the bread represents his body.
When we take communion we remember that Christ died for us.

Jesus Prayed
After the last supper, Jesus and his apostles went to a garden called Gethsemane.
Jesus went to pray to God the Father. He was so scared about dying.

Judas Iscariot came with the chief priests with swords and wooden sticks, or staves. They arrested Christ!

Jesus Arrested
The chief priests got people to lie on Christ so they could have a reason to put him to death. They did not want to believe he was God and accused Jesus of sinning for saying that he was. But Jesus didn’t lie. He is God!

Jesus Suffered for Us
They slapped Christ in the face. They spat on him.
They beat him with a whip.
They put a crown of sharp thorns on his head.

They put a robe on him and made fun of him saying, “Hail King of the Jews.”
As you can see, our Jesus went through a lot of pain and suffering.

How Did Jesus Die
His hands and feet were nailed to a cross.
This means he was crucified.
He was crucified during Passover. He was on the cross for 6 hours.

Did You Know
After he died on the cross, the soldiers pierced his side and blood and water came out of his side.
Christ was placed into the grave. He was in the grave for 3 days and 3 nights and then rose from the grave.
To rise from the dead is known as resurrection.

Did You Know
Christ’s death and resurrection gives us grace. What is grace?
Grace gives us the time we need to repent, which means to be sorry for our sins.
Christ will forgive us but we must obey his commandments and testimonies.
Only when we obey can we be saved and live forever like Jesus.

Did You Know
Grace also means that Christ will raise all the dead back to life, both righteous and wicked. The righteous that were dead will be raised to live forever, meaning they will have eternal life. This will be a joyous day. The wicked will be raised from the dead and be punished for all the bad things they have done. They will then die forever.