Mother Wisdom Written By: Evelyn C. Pointer
Introduction Wisdom is the Mother of the universe. She is the female part of God. Christ is the Word of God, and the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of God and His Almighty power. Wisdom is the breath of the power of God, and a pure influence flowing from the throne. She is the embodiment of God’s wisdom, of all things known and of all things that can be understood in heaven and in earth. Wisdom was created before all things. She came out of the mouth of God
In the Beginning When the Father created the heaven and the earth, we know that all things came about according to His will, and according to His divine purpose. God the Father was before all, including all who sit on the throne. Christ is the creator. He created all things according to the Father’s will. The Holy Spirit moved over everything that Christ created giving it life. Without the spirit of God all things would cease to exist. The Father also poured Wisdom on the creation. She covered everything like a river or like a cloud. She enabled everything to function according to the will of God.
In the Beginning The virtues that She puts in things are its designing nature. Trees and plants have certain natures, so do animals and so do mankind. Wisdom gave mankind the ability to fulfill the commandment to subdue the earth. Everything that man was able to learn, how to build, how to create, how to grow was given by the Wisdom of God. With Wisdom man was able to understand the world around him.
Understanding But here let us also speak about Understanding that is a part of Wisdom and works with her. Mother Understanding divided out to every generation its portion of understanding of the world. To each generation a portion, and to the last days a very large portion, because knowledge would increase in the last days.
Knowledge & Understanding Mother Knowledge is the embodiment of all things that can be known in heaven and in earth, but Understanding portions it out to individuals, nations, generations and seasons of time, according to the will of God. In the last days, man’s knowledge and understanding of the world around them is greater than it has ever been.
Understanding Because of this, man is able to venture into space, see unknown things in the deep, and have power and control over the things of the earth. The understanding of science, biology, physics, the nature of plants and animals, and the creation of witty inventions like computers and smart phones is at an all time high. Yet sin and wicked has also increased to the point that violence and filth is all around us. No one calls on the name of the Lord in truth.
Wisdom The most important thing for that Wisdom does for us is that She leads us to God. She gives us not only the knowledge of good, but the knowledge and the understanding of the truth. You see Wisdom is with us to develop us into the people that the Father intended us to be from the beginning. She teaches us the way of life.
Wisdom Her virtues are durable riches, meaning that they never fade away. Wisdom’s tabernacle was with the children of Israel. It is here that the truth was able to take root and flourish. Wisdom comes to all men, both good and evil in order for them to understand themselves and the world around them.
Wisdom She gives them intelligence. She also calls them to God. She speaks to their minds which is the high place of all men. But she will not stay with the wicked. She leaves them to their destruction when they reject her. God gave her children, the ones that he foreknew from the beginning. She talks to her children in their minds and teaches them the ways of God.
Distinguishing Understanding from Knowledge
We cannot know the meaning of all of these things; we certainly can’t know it all at once. Understanding is given to us in measure. It is like she chooses a few books and then reads it to us explaining it as she goes.
Beginning of Wisdom‌
The beginning of Wisdom is the fear of God. We must fear God and obey him. The laws that Wisdom brings to us are the laws of God. The instruction in the law of God is discipline. Through discipline we learn to overcome the nature of sin that is within us. When we overcome these things we grow and develop into the person God meant us to be from the beginning.
Reference Scriptures Please read the scriptures below: Proverbs 1: 20-33 (How Mother Wisdom calls us)
Apocrypha Wisdom of Solomon 6:12-20 (She brings us to God)
Apocrypha Wisdom of Solomon 7:1-30 (Her power)
Apocrypha Ecclesiasticus 1:1-27 (Her works)