Our Heavenly Mothers Wisdom, Knowledge & Understanding
Table of Contents Complete Glorification of the Lord’s Table….…….……………..pg. 26-31 The Daughters of God ………………………….….……..…….…..pg. 47-49 The Female Side of God……………………………….……….……..pg. 1-12 The Invitation ……………….…..…………….….….……..…….…..pg. 42-46 Mother Knowledge…………………………………….……………..pg. 19-22 Mother Understanding……………………………….……….……..pg. 23-25 Mother Wisdom…………………………………….….……………..pg. 13-15 Why We Must Commune with the Wisdom of God……………..pg. 32-36 Wisdom’s House……………………………….……………………..pg. 16-18 Wisdom’s Table ………………………………….….……..…….…..pg. 40-41 You Are Invited to Sup at Wisdom’s Table ……….…….…….…..pg. 37-39
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The Female Side of God: A Mystery Revealed When we think of who God is and all his vast power, our minds cannot fully comprehend because we are limited by this flesh. There is of course the bible that teaches us about the Lord but no single person can understand every verse or text in the scriptures. Again, we are limited because we are human beings, with sin and death in our minds and our bodies. But one day, all things will come to light. We will see clearly. We will know and understand. We will rejoice and be on one accord in mind and in spirit. But for now, we grow measure by measure in the truth, applying it to our lives with hope for salvation. Brothers and sisters, this is a profound blessing, because most people know little about God and who He is. Instead, they choose to create their own paths and their own ways, intermingling lies with a little truth or they may reject God all together. So who exactly is God? God began with the Father, who then divided himself, creating the heavenly throne. Now when we say the throne of God, who are we referring to? Some will say the Trinity, which includes the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. And when reviewing the scripture in I John 5: 7 which states, “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” it would appear that that this would be so. But there is a mystery that not all are privy to and this is the female side of God, our heavenly Mothers, that of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding. To most, the very thought of a female God, is strange and difficult to comprehend but let us dig deeper into the bible. First, consider the creation. When God created humankind, he created both male and female genders. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them,” (Genesis 1: 27). Read carefully the words that God said in Genesis 1: 26, “ Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”
Keep in mind the following points: 1. The ancient use of the word ‘man’ was gender neutral and is equivalent to the modern word ‘person.’ So when God said “let us make man,” he was referring to both male and female genders. 2. Note that the Lord used phrases such as, “Let us,” “our image” and “our likeness.” The words ‘us’ and ‘our’ are plural, meaning more than one. This means that there was not just one Godhead during creation. This was a joint work and effort from the entire throne of God. 3. I want to also draw your attention to the term ‘likeness,’ which means resemblance or similitude in shape or form. Now when you look at a man and a woman in their natural shape and form, you can see that there are distinct differences. This is not a coincidence but God’s will. So I ask you this. If the male gender was made in the likeness of God, what of the female gender? Who do women resemble? Sisters, we too, were made in the image of God. The female side of God. 4. On this earth, it takes male and female who are separate, yet come together as one to multiply and have offspring. The entire throne of God, including the Father, Christ, Holy Ghost, Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding are plural yet they are one. It required both the male and female sides of God to create the heavens, earth and all living creatures. Many years ago, when our church learned of the female side of God, we first learned about Mother Wisdom. Her origins, characteristics and works are written throughout the entire bible but is perhaps most plainly described in the books of Proverbs as well as the Wisdom of Solomon and Ecclesiasticus of the Apocrypha. Yet Wisdom is not alone. There is also Knowledge and Understanding. They too are described in the bible but not as apparent as Mother Wisdom. 2
That is why the female side of God is indeed a mystery and one must first have an established foundation in the word, the Holy Spirit and diligently study the scriptures before they fully understand who the Mothers of the Universe are. We will not merely speculate. To prove that our Heavenly Mothers exist we must go to the scriptures, answering key questions. 1. Who created Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding? God the Father created them from the very beginning. He spoke and from His mouth they came forth. “For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding, (Proverbs 2: 6) “Wisdom shall praise herself, and shall glory in the midst of her people. I came out of the mouth of the most High, and covered the earth as a cloud. He created me from the beginning before the world and I shall never fail,” (Ecclesiasticus 24: 1, 3 & 9). Notice that Wisdom described the one who created her as “the most High.” The Father is the most High God of the entire throne. He is most powerful and everything was established and created according to his will. The Father is also referred to as the “most high God” in books such as Mark and Luke when they reference Christ as the “Son of the Most High.” 2. When did the Father create Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding? He created them in the beginning of time before the heavens, earth or other living creatures were established. “The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old. I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was. When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water. Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth: While as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world.,” (Proverbs 8: 22-26).
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“The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the heavens. By his knowledge the depths are broken up, and the clouds drop down the dew,” (Proverbs 3: 19-20). In Proverbs 8, Mother Wisdom depicts her beginning in great detail. But we can also see in Proverbs Ch. 3 that Mother Knowledge (“by knowledge the depths are broken up”) and Mother Understanding (“by understanding he established the heavens”) had to be created in the beginning of time in order to be present when the heavens and earth were made, which helps answer our next question. 3. Did the Mothers of the Universe play a role in the creation? Absolutely, as indicated in Proverbs 3: 19-20. Wisdom of Solomon of the Apocrypha 9: 9 also states, “And wisdom was with thee: which knoweth thy works, and was present when thou madest the world, and knew what was acceptable in thy sight, and right in thy commandments.” It took the entire throne of God to create the heavens, earth and all living creatures. Each having a distinct role but yet overlapping for the good of all. We will briefly expound upon each role to give a more complete perspective. God the Father can be liken unto an architect. He designed the blueprint of creation and salvation. He divided himself and power, creating the throne of God including Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Heavenly Mothers. Christ was given the work to create everything beneath the throne of God, including the heavens, the angels, the earth, humankind and all other living creatures, (St. John 1: 1-3). The Holy Spirit is the breath of life and power of God. He was also there during creation, for he moved upon the face of the waters while the “earth was void and without form,” (Genesis 1: 2).
! When Christ created man and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, it was the Holy Spirit that made him a living soul, (Genesis 2: 7). The Holy Spirit is not only in humankind but goes through all things that exist, and gives it power to be and remain unto the Father wills. The Mothers of the Universe taught and ordered this earth and all living things to function according to God’s command, (Wisdom of Solomon of the Apocrypha 8: 1). Each creature knows its role and how it is to function. For example, a cat automatically knows to bathe itself with its tongue or to eat grass. We don’t have to teach them this because our Heavenly Mothers have already done so. You can also look at the seasons and weather patterns we have grown accustomed to. The sun rising up and setting each day and the moon and stars that shine at night. This is the great order that has been placed in this earth by our Heavenly Mothers. And when Christ created the worlds and the heavens, our Mothers gave them beauty that we cannot fully describe nor comprehend.
4. How has the entire world benefited from the works of our Mothers? Our Heavenly Mothers taught the sons of man how to subdue the earth. Look at all of the witty inventions and technologies that continue to advance over the years (Proverbs 8:12). Also consider the increasing knowledge and understanding that man has gain in medicine, benefiting not only the saints but the wicked as well. This is not by man’s own talent and ability, this is because the Lord had mercy by pouring out Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding upon the entire face of the earth. Remember, that all goodness comes from the Lord even in common matters (James 1: 17). 5. Do our Mothers play a role in our salvation? Yes. Just as it took both the male and female side of God to create the heavens, earth and all living things, it takes both sides to save us. Each Godhead plays a role in our salvation.
! God the Father is the beginning of all things. He wrote the names of all of his children on the Lamb’s Book of Life and then decreed for Christ to make us in their image (Ephesians Ch. 1, Revelation 21: 22-27, Romans 8: 28-30). Not only that, he determined what time we would be born in, who are parents would be and when we would be called to the truth. Now of course, we were made with the ability to make choices, so not every aspect of our life was planned in advance. Our life is also largely influenced by our own personal choices and actions. When Satan attempted to destroy his children by deceiving Adam and Eve in the garden, the Father already had a plan to save us. For Christ, his only begotten son, was the lamb slain before the foundation of the world to save us from our sins (I Peter 1: 17-21, St. John 3: 16, Revelation 13: 8). Christ is the Godhead we are most familiar with because he is the way, light and doorway to salvation, (St. John 10: 9). He is the one who will present us to the Father but we first must be prepared. Christ prepares us on this earth in the volume of a book, which is the Word. In the word, we learn of the commandments, testimonies and everything we need in order to obey and be saved. When he walked on this earth in the flesh, He showed and proved to us that one can be perfect in righteousness even when subjected to this flesh. And of course, he sacrificed his life for us and shed his blood, granting us grace to repent and live our lives according to his law. Christ’s blood is no ordinary blood. There is power and life in it. It not only granted us grace but will seal us and permanently blot out our sins from our record books so that they exist no more. We have to have his blood in order to overcome sin and death (Hebrews 9: 22).
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! ! When Jesus comes the second time, he will come not as a Lamb but as a lion. He will judge this earth, destroying it measure by measure. Jesus Christ will baptize us with the Holy Spirit, granting us immortality. For those saints that have fallen asleep, he will call them from the graves and they too will have eternal life. We all will go to heaven and rejoice during the marriage supper of the Lamb where Jesus will grant us a crown of life and present us to his Father. This is the victory of Jesus Christ, the victory of the saints, the victory of the entire host of heaven. The Holy Spirit is often misunderstood by many in this world. Some think him to be an angel but we know that he is in fact God. He was created by the Father just as Christ and the Heavenly Mothers were. It is impossible for us to be saved or conformed to the truth without the Holy Ghost, for it is written “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts,” (Zechariah 4: 6). The Holy Ghost speaks unto our minds, calling us out of sin and convinces us of righteousness. When Christ described the Spirit, he referred to him as the Comforter and the Spirit of Truth, (St. John 16: 7-14). When Christ plants the seed or word into our hearts, the Holy Spirit is liken to water that is poured out. This water helps the word of God firmly take root within us; thereby, helping us to grow and flourish. As the Holy Spirit continues to work with us he teaches us the fruits of the spirit, (i.e. goodness, faith, peace, etc.), which are characteristics and traits that we must have in order to be more like Jesus, (Galatians 5: 22-25). He also gives us spiritual gifts and talents all “for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,” which is the church, it is us, (Ephesians 4: 12). And certainly we cannot forget that the during the last days, there will be a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit to save his children in the form of grace and supplication, the former rain and the latter rain, (Zechariah 12: 10 & Joel 2: 23).
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! ! These rains will bring all of his children into true repentance, purge our minds and hearts and ultimately remove sin and death from our bodies. Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding also work with the children of God to bring them out of sin and direct them to righteousness. In Proverbs 8: 1-3, “Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice? She standeth in the top of high places, by the way in the places of the paths, she crieth at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors. Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man. O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart. Hear; for I will speak of excellent things; and the opening of my lips shall be right things. For my mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness is an abomination to my lips. All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them. They are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that find knowledge.” Note that in the scripture it said Wisdom stood at the top of the “high places.” Physically, the head is at the top or highest part of the human body and encloses the brain. So our Mothers speak unto our minds or the “high places,” which is a battleground between good and evil. The scripture also stated that “she crieth at the gates and at the coming in at the doors.” A gate or doorway is an entryway. Spiritually speaking, our hearts and minds are the entryways through which God enters in order to communicate with us. Our Mothers teach us to fear God and to obey his law. If we do not fear God’s judgement and the consequences of sin, what would compel us to obey? Proverbs 2: 1-6, “My son, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee; So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding; Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding;
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! ! ! If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God. For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.” Job 28: 28, “And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.” Psalms 111:10, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.” Proverbs 1:7, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Like the Holy Spirit, the Heavenly Mothers teach us to obey the law, and therefore are directing us to Christ. 7. What are the distinct roles of each Heavenly Mother? The Mothers of the Universe are one with each other. They work together for the good and deliverance of their children. However, at the same time, they are also distinct in what they do for each of us. We can look at the parable of the sower and seed to get a better understanding. This parable that Christ taught is very familiar to us (Luke 8: 5-15). To review: The sower is Jesus Christ. The seed represents the word of God The different types of ground, including way side, stony, thorny and good ground represent the hearts of people in different spiritual conditions.
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! ! Knowledge. When Christ plants the word of God into your heart, Knowledge works hand in hand with him. Mother Knowledge is the sum of all truth concerning God, his holiness, this earth and all common good. She is a storehouse of information that has no limits or boundaries. The Lord put everything we need to know about Him and his truth in the bible, which is the word. This bible has been made available to everyone throughout the entire world. Remember, the sower planted seeds in not only the good ground but the way side, stony and thorny as well. It is because of his mercy, that he gives everyone an opportunity to obey. So Mother Knowledge reaches out to all people but most will reject her. When she is rejected, Knowledge will eventually leave. The truth will not take root and the person is left to their own wicked devices. Without Knowledge, one cannot move to Understanding or Wisdom. Understanding. Once the seed is planted into your heart, the Holy Spirit and Mother Understanding work hand in hand with each other. Knowledge was referred to as a storehouse. We cannot use all of the information in this storehouse because it is too much for our minds. Instead, we use only a portion at a time. Mother Understanding is that portion of truth and information that is given to us in measure. Now, the Holy Spirit is the rain poured upon us to help the seed of truth take root and enable our growth as goodly trees. This Teacher of Righteousness gives us the ability to understand the word of God on a gradual basis. We know this for ourselves. After all, who can understand everything in the bible? No one. As we continue on our journeys both the Holy Spirit and Mother Understanding teach us the truth and help us see more clearly. Wisdom. So the seed is now planted. It has taken root. Branches and leaves begin to grow. Now it is time to reach complete maturity and bear goodly fruit.
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! ! These fruits are the works and exploits that one does on behalf of the Lord. Mother Wisdom is our principle Mother. She teaches us how to take what we know and understand and apply it to our everyday lives, both common and spiritual. You see, many people may have knowledge of God. They may even understand what the truth is but fail to apply it to their lives. With Wisdom, what you know and understand becomes action. You will fear and keep God’s commandments. Not only that, Mother Wisdom nurtures you to grow in the person that the Father intended you to be, before sin and death ever was. Wisdom gives us the ability to know and understand the mysteries and dark sentences in the bible. In Wisdom of Solomon of the Apocrypha 8: 8 it states, “If a man desire much experience, she knoweth things of old, and conjectureth aright what is to come: she knoweth the subtilties of speeches, and can expound dark sentences: she foreseeth signs and wonders, and the events of seasons and times.” Like the Holy Spirit, She also gives us skills and talents to help us grow in the Lord. In Ecclesiasticus of the Apocrypha 1: 19 it states, “Wisdom raineth down skill and knowledge of understanding, and exalteth them to honour that hold her fast.” She teaches both male and female how to be virtuous in the Lord. A virtue is a behavior or characteristic showing high moral standards. Some of her virtues are prudence, temperance, judgment, meekness, humility and fortitude (APOCRYPHA Wisdom of Solomon 8: 7). Wisdom is a comforter to her children, giving us the strength to carry on. For “wisdom delivers from pain those that attend upon her,” (Wisdom of Solomon 10: 9)
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Conclusion So you can see, we need all 3 Mothers in order to be complete as well as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. We begin with Knowledge, then Understanding and finally Wisdom. Few people in this world, will truly attain Wisdom. And if one fails to obey the commandments and continues to reject the truth, eventually all Mothers will leave them. We can see this happening now in this world. Not only has the truth been trodden down, but there is a falling away of common good and basic decency. People are becoming more and more foolish. This is the Lord’s will. He is removing his goodness. But his heavenly throne will continue to rise in his children to help prepare us for the end of time. Therefore, we must believe in the entire throne of God, both male and female sides. For they are glorious, they are powerful, they are a part of the Father and they will save our souls. Brothers and sisters, bask in the glory of this mystery. I say amen to Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom, our Heavenly Mothers. Take hold to them. Let them nurture you, feed you, clothe you and teach you about the word of God. Without them, we are not whole. Amen.
Written By: Elisabeth C. Pointer
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Mother Wisdom Wisdom is the Mother of the universe. She is the female part of God. Christ is the Word of God, and the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of God and His Almighty power. Wisdom is the breath of the power of God, and a pure influence flowing from the throne. She is the embodiment of God’s wisdom, of all things known and of all things that can be understood in heaven and in earth. Wisdom was created before all things. She came out of the mouth of God. When the Father created the heaven and the earth, we know that all things came about according to His will, and according to His divine purpose. God the Father was before all, including all who sit on the throne. Christ is the creator. He created all things according to the Father’s will. The Holy Spirit moved over everything that Christ created giving it life. Without the spirit of God all things would cease to exist. The Father also poured Wisdom on the creation. She covered everything like a river or like a cloud. She enabled everything to function according to the will of God. The virtues that She puts in things are its designing nature. Trees and plants have certain natures, so do animals and so do mankind. Wisdom gave mankind the ability to fulfill the commandment to subdue the earth. Everything that man was able to learn, how to build, how to create, how to grow was given by the Wisdom of God. With Wisdom man was able to understand the world around him. But here let us also speak about Understanding that is a part of Wisdom and works with her. Mother Understanding divided out to every generation its portion of understanding of the world. To each generation a portion, and to the last days a very large portion, because knowledge would increase in the last days.
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Mother Knowledge is the embodiment of all things that can be known in heaven and in earth, but Understanding portions it out to individuals, nations, generations and seasons of time, according to the will of God. In the last days, man’s knowledge and understanding of the world around them is greater than it has ever been. Because of this, man is able to venture into space, see unknown things in the deep, and have power and control over the things of the earth. The understanding of science, biology, physics, the nature of plants and animals, and the creation of witty inventions like computers and smart phones is at an all time high. Yet sin and wicked has also increased to the point that violence and filth is all around us. No one calls on the name of the Lord in truth. The most important thing for that Wisdom does for us is that She leads us to God. She gives us not only the knowledge of good, but the knowledge and the understanding of the truth. You see Wisdom is with us to develop us into the people that the Father intended us to be from the beginning. She teaches us the way of life. Her virtues are durable riches, meaning that they never fade away. Wisdom’s tabernacle was with the children of Israel. It is here that the truth was able to take root and flourish. Wisdom comes to all men, both good and evil in order for them to understand themselves and the world around them. She gives them intelligence. She also calls them to God. She speaks to their minds which is the high place of all men. But she will not stay with the wicked. She leaves them to their destruction when they reject her. God gave her children, the ones that he foreknew from the beginning. She talks to her children in their minds and teaches them the ways of God. To the babies, those who are new to the truth, Understanding feeds them the food most appropriate for them. She gives her babies milk, a little at a time so that they can grow. The knowledge of all things holy, prophesy, hidden mysteries, all the components of the law is available in the bible for all to read. Knowledge is like a huge never ending library that continues to grow so that it is impossible to read anything except a small portion of it.
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We cannot know the meaning of all of these things; we certainly can’t know it all at once. Understanding is given to us in measure. It is like she chooses a few books and then reads it to us explaining it as she goes. The beginning of Wisdom is the fear of God. We must fear God and obey him. The laws that Wisdom brings to us are the laws of God. The instruction in the law of God is discipline. Through discipline we learn to overcome the nature of sin that is within us. When we overcome these things we grow and develop into the person God meant us to be from the beginning. Please read the scriptures below: Proverbs 1: 20-33 (How Mother Wisdom calls us) Apocrypha Wisdom of Solomon 6:12-20 (She brings us to God) Apocrypha Wisdom of Solomon 7:1-30 (Her power) Apocrypha Ecclesiasticus 1:1-27 (Her works)
Written By: Evelyn C. Pointer
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! Wisdom’s House “Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars: She hath killed her beasts; she hath mingled her wine; she hath also furnished her table. She hath sent forth her maidens: she crieth upon the highest places of the city, Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither: as for him that wanteth understanding, she saith to him, come, eat of my bread , and drink of the wine which I have mingled.” (Proverbs 9:1-5). What is Wisdom’s house? Wisdom’s house is God’s house. Wisdom’s tabernacle is God’s tabernacle, and the place of Wisdom’s rest, where She plants her feet, is the place of God’s rest, because Wisdom is God. What are Wisdom’s seven pillars? These are the seven churches. What is Wisdom’s table? It is the table or altar of God. God sent Wisdom to the children of Israel to guide them in establishing and maintaining the law and the ordinances in the tabernacle and in the temple, and to teach them how to set up and govern the nation. You can see her work strongly with Moses, David and Solomon. “Through Wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: and by knowledge the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” (Proverbs 24:3-4). Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding build the house of God and the children of God. Our bodies are like a tabernacle or a house. Wisdom develops and forms us into who God meant us to be from the beginning. Let us discuss how each of our great mothers work together to bring us to God. Wisdom is the builder. To build means to form, to order, to develop according to a plan, to unite materials into a whole. The plan that the Wisdom of God has is the foreknowledge of the Father. The materials that She uses are the Law or Word of God. Her virtues enable a person to effectively use the word in every aspect of their lives. She unites all of the law within us so that we can be whole, complete temples of the Lord, perfect and entire.
! The Holy Spirit within us connects us directly to God, and changes our hearts and minds and soul. We are baptized into the body of Christ, washed with His word and changed into a new man according to His example. The Holy Spirit empowers the virtues that Wisdom gives us. Wisdom, as all things, comes to us through the Holy Ghost. She develops us as she sees fit, step by step, overseeing our conversion. She enlarges our minds, so that we can continue to grow and develop. Wisdom is our Mother. We know that the fetus is developed within the womb of its mother and is nourished after birth from her breasts. Understanding establishes. To establish means: to institute, make firm or stable, to introduce to bring about. Knowledge fills the chambers. To fill means: to supply with a full compliment, to feed, to satisfy and to satiate From Knowledge comes everything that is and can be known in heaven and in earth. Every law, statute, every fact, every mystery and prophecy comes from knowledge. She is like a buffet that includes every good and edible food and drink, in every conceivable recipe and combination, that is constantly being prepared and laid out, and where new and tasty recipes are constantly being added. She is like a never ending library where books are constantly added. If you cannot read you won’t be able to benefit from the books. If they are written in a foreign language you won’t be able to benefit from them either. Understanding opens up certain books and opens up certain doorways to your mind. Understanding chooses the appropriate meal, the appropriate amount for each and every person that comes to the table. She chooses those things that you need for your health and for your growth. Those things of the Word, that you must have to establish you in the truth, she gives to you first. These are the things that strengthen you and make the law of God firm within you. We are babies when we first come to God, so we must first be given the understanding of his law. This is milk. 17
! We proceed by being established on the foundation of Christ and we eat the bread and drink the wine, and we learn about the gospel of our salvation. The Wisdom of God builds and enlarges us. We begin as babies, but Wisdom helps us to grow. She teaches and instructs us through discipline. Discipline is instruction as well as exercise. Exercise is the experiences that we have in life that help us to develop. Some of these experiences are not pleasant. We must each drink of the cup of our salvation. The virtues of Wisdom help us to benefit from our experiences. With the virtues of Wisdom we grow and improve. We learn prudence. We know that if we are not prudent, for example, that bad things can happen to our finances. We know that if we are not diligent that we may not pass classes. Our trials and tribulations not only teach us faith and patience but it teaches us fortitude. Temperance and moderation helps us to do well in our common life and to also restrain the temptations of the flesh that could lead us away from God. In every way, the Wisdom of God leads us closer to the Lord. She builds us into a perfect house full of all of Her gifts and all of Her virtues and crowned with all goodness and eternal life. Please read the scriptures below:
! Ecclesiasticus 24:1-34, (Wisdom speaks of Her works and Her beginning) Proverbs 9:1-12 (Her house & Her table) Proverbs 3: 13-26 (What She gives to us).
Written By: Evelyn C. Pointer
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Mother Knowledge
What is virtue? Virtue is moral excellency, goodness and righteousness coming from the throne of God, (Wisdom of Solomon of the Apocrypha 8: 7, Ecclesiasticus of the Apocrypha 1: 19, Ecclesiasticus of the Apocrypha 24: 18). The virtue that comes from the Mothers of the Universe is a fountain of water we must drink. This virtue flows spiritually into the minds of God's creation. It has a voice, a sweet influence flowing into a simple mind, (Revelation 1: 20-22, Wisdom of Solomon 1: 7). Inside the fountain of water are the eyes of God, which are His 7 spirits which go forth into the earth, (Revelation 5: 6). God created Wisdom and poured Her over His works, (Wisdom of Solomon of the Apocrypha 9: 9, Wisdom of Solomon of the Apocrypha 8: 3-4). She is the principle Mother, the 1st Mother of the Universe. God spoke and she came forth. The Wisdom of God is the mind of the Father. She is one with Him, and He loves Her, (Revelation 4: 7, Wisdom of Solomon of the Apocrypha 8: 3-4). It is difficult to speak of these Mothers without overlapping with the Fathers, which is God the Father or Ancient of Days, Christ and the Holy Spirit. They are one government, one body that agree as one, and all came from one source, which is God the Father. They are all separate entities on the throne of God, making 6 of them. This is a mystery of God. It is hard to conceptualize because we as people are below them, situated down in the deep, the womb of the earth. But we are blessed to have knowledge of this mystery, which is not given to many, (Ecclesiasticus of the Apocrypha 6: 22, Amos 3: 9). By knowing the full throne of God is life eternal. When you are numbered with his children, God will give you Wisdom for a Mother, but you must overcome evil and keep the laws of God. If you reject Wisdom She will turn you over to your own ruin (Ecclesiasticus 4: 17-19, Ecclesiasticus 6: 22 & 30-31)
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! The Knowledge of God For this lesson, I will focus on the virtues of the Knowledge of God, and how she influences the mind with her virtues. I thought in my heart to know the fine dividing lines amongst the 3 Mothers, to know what are their specific works. Wisdom being the principle Mother was well understood because we learned of her first. Then several years later, which is recent, the Spirit of God came to me and said the Knowledge of God is a storehouse of all things good and divine. Her services are immeasurable. She is like a buffet of food in a great restaurant, offering a great variety of foods and drinks to choose from. The food is prepared many different ways. Yet one can only eat a small portion according to his or her needs. She is also likened to a grocery store, or a clothing store with much merchandise to look at, to buy and to choose. Yet you can’t have it all at once, not even in a lifetime in this earth. The Knowledge of God is with the word of God, which is Christ. She is endless and increases as time marches on. The word of God is knowledge that cannot be changed, it comes with choices and sacrifices. It takes Understanding to enter into your mind in order for you to make the right choices for growth when receiving Knowledge. When the simple mind is young, too much knowledge at once can cause a sensory overload and confusion. It is my understanding that the Knowledge of God is the second Mother of the Universe, which came from the Father as He spoke. She is named for the virtue that is given to all the creation of God. So what is Knowledge, what is this sweet influence it has upon the mind in the beginning of life? Knowledge enables you to recognize, or notice things around you. You have eyes to see and perceive. It is having conscious awareness of all that surrounds you, all things or people you interact with. Not only that, knowledge is the memory you develop from what you see, touch, feel or taste. First, a healthy brain is necessary to have a sound mind. A sound mind has cognitive ability, which is simply speaking, being able to think, meditate and make decisions so Knowledge can enter in.
! Cognition (of a healthy brain and mind) are given to all people made in the image of God. They are quickened with the spirit of life to have the Knowledge of God (Ecclesiasticus 17: 1-12 & 17). Therefore, cognition is a healthy mind, being able to think, to understand, to translate, and to explain. With a sound mind one can read, write, interpret speech, teach and govern upon time and growth. A person with a sound mind can protect, tear down, and build, they can destroy and heal. All these virtues are likened to God to function and operate like Him. With sound cognition, you can find God, you can fear him and learn of his wonderful works and laws. It is with a healthy brain and mind that you develop memory and have the use of the 5 senses, which are taste, touch, smell, sight and hearing. You know the difference between living and nonliving and can make judgement. Also, all living beings, made in the image of God with sound cognitive abilities will receive the use of the 5 operations (or loves) from God. These are divine love, parental love, brotherly love, self love and conjugal love. These relationships make you function and operate like God. When you take hold to these operations or loves within the confines of the law, you become spiritually minded like Christ. So with your learned knowledge from God and understanding, look upon the full throne of God and see evidence of the 5 operations with them. So in conclusion, the Knowledge of God is a storehouse of endless information to choose from. The Understanding of God will measure out information coming into the mind for your growth and maturity and to become what you are supposed to be. Wisdom is the principle Mother who first opens up the simple mind to receive Knowledge and Understanding, measuring it according to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. She then continues to work with you after Knowledge and Understanding to help you apply all that you have learned to your daily life, from both a common and spiritual perspective. It is the Father who determines the timeframe in which a child of God’s mind will be ready to receive the word. But it is Christ who created the body, its brain and how it functions.
! This is a circle of influence the throne of God has on all its creation and those beings made in their image, both male and female, so they can continue to exist. It is the law of God, the truth, the foundation of all things. The laws of God and the testimonies of Jesus Christ is an interrelated system by which we measure our daily lives. Amen.
Written By: Mother Marjorie Walls
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Mother ! Understanding “Give me UNDERSTANDING and I shall keep thy law; yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart,� (Psalms 119: 34). As years pass, our church, though small in number, has grown bountifully in our faith and heavenly education. The entire throne of God has nurtured and fed us with such love, authority and in measure. We have reached milestones. We have leaped over many burdens. Our journey has not ended and we must continue to look to the entire throne of God, acknowledging the female and male sides. I, as a woman, am proud and honored to be made in the image of my Heavenly Mothers. A man should be proud and honored to be made in the image of his Heavenly Fathers. And though we are in their image, we have not obtained full glory. For we remain on this earth, with sin and death as a breach between us and our family above. So what must we do? We must seek them out, learn of them and obey them day in and day out. For the past few weeks, I sought to gain better insight on the Mothers of the Universe. Of course I could see clearly in the scriptures about Wisdom but I was limited on what I knew of Knowledge and Understanding. I prayed unto the Lord and he opened my eyes and now I see. For this class, I will focus on Understanding. Who is this great being? She is a part of the Father. She is God along with the other Mothers of the Universe. All of them came forth from the mouth of the Father (Proverbs 2: 6). They were with him from the beginning just like Christ and the Holy Spirit were. Mother Understanding had a role in creating this earth and all living things. She also has a role in helping each of the saints gain salvation. The full throne of God is like one infinite circle flowing into itself, with their works and characteristics overlapping continuously, yet they are distinct at the same time. So let us hone in on Mother Understanding and find her out in greater detail. When we are born on this earth, the world and all that surrounds us is so vast and overwhelming. We start out as infants, small and quite helpless.
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! As our brains and bodies develop, we interact with our environment using our senses. We begin to learn about this life and the world through what we see, touch, hear, smell and taste. The brain then processes this information and what it comprehends will be used and the rest is stored away. Our brains are constantly taking in information whether we are consciously aware of it or not. This enables us to learn and function on a day to day basis. Now you have learned from the previous lesson that Mother Knowledge is like a storehouse of infinite information on all things good, both in heaven and in earth. She is also like a never-ending library, with more books being written everyday. It would be impossible for any person to read all of the books in this library. Furthermore, we have seen that Knowledge in this world has grown significantly over the years and at a rapid pace. So with all the knowledge being fed to us, you would think we’d be the wisest people of all. But without Understanding, the knowledge we receive is like a foreign language being spoken to us. The words are in code, without proper comprehension. So Mother Understanding takes the information we receive from Knowledge and interprets it to us so that we can comprehend and make sense of it. She does this by measure, little by little, so that we can grow and mature. She also organizes the messages in our brains, placing it in order and relating it to other things we have come to understand. We can use very little of what we know if we do not understand it. For Mother Understanding is like a bright light enabling us to see clearly. Now understanding of common things in this world is often given to just a few. These are called the “discoveries.” These discoveries benefit all humankind, that of the sons of man and the righteous, because of His mercy. For example, the many inventions that George Washington Carver made from the peanut or Thomas Edison and his work towards devising an electric light bulb. And what of the ancient men who sailed the seas, knowing the best times to sail and what trade winds would take them there. This is all by reason of the Understanding of God.
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! Now understanding of holiness and the wisdom of God remained with the righteous, from Adam to Seth, to Enoch to Methuselah. God walked with these ancient men and talked to them face to face. When He chose His firstborn nation, Israel, to them were given the holy oracles and therefore, our heavenly Mothers dwelt with them so that they would prosper in the law. But Israel continued to sin and rebel against God, so they were ultimately punished and dispersed, leaving only a small remnant. This remnant is us. The Lord was merciful and did not destroy Israel entirely. Neither did He take His Spirit completely away from us. Now we stand here today with the holy truth. We have also been blessed to discover who the female side of God is. When we gain understanding of the scriptures, it is a gradual process. Consider when you first started studying the bible, did you understanding every text? Of course not. Even after immense study for several years, one still does not understand the entire bible. Understanding first breaks down the basics, the foundational information, that of the laws of God. It is then through Wisdom that you apply your understanding and begin to obey. As you progress in your faith, you gain more understanding of the Word. Now every individual is different, some people are better able to comprehend and discern the scriptures than others. This is based on a person’s learning capacity, the skills God has given them and their experience in serving God. So I say to you as you study the scriptures, pray for Understanding. She will work with you on your journey of faith. And if you seek Her with a sincere heart, She will never leave you, She will help you grow and lead you closer to God. Amen.
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By: Evelyn C. Pointer & Elisabeth C. Pointer
A Complete Glorification of the Lord’s
! Communion Table As we celebrate our knowledge on the Mothers of the Universe, two words come to mind, revival and prophecy. What is the difference and how do they parallel? A revival is to rise up and retrieve that which is lost or hidden and to restore it to its former estate (Hosea 6: 1-2). Prophecy is that thing which is to come (Jeremiah 33: 6-9). It is written in scriptures that the Testimonies of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19: 10). Therefore, we wait patiently and prayerfully for thy kingdom to come, (Matthew 6: 9-13). It is wisdom to know that revival and prophecy walk hand in hand. It is the old and new things of God. The servants of the Lord who give meat in due season bring forth out of His treasury, things old and new, (Matthew 13: 52, Matthew 24: 45-47, Luke 12: 42-45 & Daniel 12: 4). Therefore, those things that are lost and hidden must be revealed in its season to come, (Isaiah 42: 8-10, Isaiah 46: 9-10 & 13, Ecclesiasticus of the Apocrypha 39: 16-17). I ask you this, what is lost to us that must be revived? Brothers and sisters, it is the real truth about Jesus Christ and the entire throne of God as well. We must worship before them (Amos 8: 11-13). For years, our church has acknowledged and honored the Mothers of the Universe but on a separate Sabbath Day that we call Wisdom’s Day. The knowledge of the Wisdom of God and the other Mothers is a mystery. Wisdom is known by only a select and wise few, yet Her nativity and Her virtue is all throughout the written Word. So consequently the eyes of most are shut, until the awakening of them before the nations, (Ecclesiasticus of the Apocrypha 6: 22 & Daniel 12: 4). But we are blessed. Our eyes are not close for we know the throne of God, (Revelation 3: 7-8). Today, as we continue to grow up with increased knowledge, both prophetic and revived, we must set up a complete spiritual communion table.
We must recognize and include the Wisdom of God, Knowledge and Understanding on the Lord’s table during communion. But before we can do this, let us clearly understand what communion is? What Is Communion? Communion is fellowship, concord, and agreement when we drink of the cup and eat the bread in a religious ceremony. Christ communicates Himself and His grace to us as we communicate our souls, trust and belief in Him. It is very important for us to understand exactly what we are doing and saying when we communicate our souls unto God. We know that God from the very beginning of creation was plural. All was present at the creation of the world and humankind, (Genesis 1: 26). We know that God the Father foreknew all of His children and put all that were to be created on the Lamb’s book of life. He also holds time in His hand. He is the architect of the worlds. We also know that when Christ spoke He built everything that God the Father placed in the book of life. The Holy Spirit put the breath of life, motion and activity in all that Christ made. We also know that Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding put virtue in all the creation of God. So that each species, each kind and each being knows exactly what his or her role is in the world. Our heavenly Mothers also set in order and decorated the worlds. When we take communion it signifies our continual relationship with God. In everything that God does the whole throne is involved. How Should We Acknowledge the Full Throne of God During Communion? Unleavened bread: Christ is the bread of life, (St. John 6: 35, 48, 51 & 58). Unleavened bread represents a life without sin.
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! Grape or Wine: this represents the blood of Christ, (St. John 6: 56, Matthew 26: 27-28). The blood seals us, it cleanses our record books and removes sin from us. It is also an antidote against death. Water: it cleanses us and quenches our thirst. We grow with water and are baptized with it as well. This water represent both Christ and the Holy Spirit. Recall the holy rains of the Holy Ghost. Also recall that both blood and water came out of Jesus’ side, (St. John 7: 37-38, St. John 4: 10, 13-14, Isaiah 55: 1, Isaiah 12: 3, Acts 1: 5, 1 John 5: 6-8). The Holy Spirit brings us to Christ by repentance. We must receive the communion of the Holy Ghost, (Acts 2: 38, 1 Corinthians 12: 3, II Corinthians 13: 11-14) Milk: spiritual milk represents the very essential and foundational truth and doctrine that we must make a part of our lives in order to reach spiritual maturity or perfection. This foundational doctrine includes the laws of God, that is, the 10 commandments, the testimonies, and all the statutes, precepts and judgments that follow. And just as a mother on this earth first feeds her infant milk, our Heavenly Mothers introduce spiritual milk to their children, bringing us the law and Christ so that we can begin to grow. God the Father gave us Wisdom (Wisdom of Solomon of the Apocrypha 7: 7-9, Proverbs 1: 7). She also helps bring us into perfection by giving us our heavenly education, (Colossians 1: 26-28). Finally , the law is synonymous with Christ, which means milk also represents Him.
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! Looking at the full communion table, you can see that the entire throne of God, though plural, are yet one - with their works interrelated and overlapping. Note that water represents both the Holy Spirit and Christ. Note that milk represents Wisdom and the word of Christ. This is all according to God the Father who divided himself amongst these heavenly beings by His will and power and for the salvation of His children. When we partake in communion what does it represent? It represents our agreement with God and that we are one with God, (St. John 17: 20-21). When we see the table we are seeing God in perfection, which is what God commands us to be, (Matthew 5: 48). It took the full throne of God to create humankind and it will take the full throne of God to save us. When we set the Lord’s communion table, we prophesy that the Lord’s kingdom is in us and that He will come to us with bodily eyes to see, (Luke 17-20-22). We will see Jesus the begotten son of the Father to whom the throne of God said, “to worship him and hear ye him,” (Matthew 17: 1-17). To glorify each God specifically is to know how the throne is interrelated in an eternal divine law, which is a complete circle of oneness. We can see that on this earth it takes two to make one, that being of a male and female. These two join together as one. This law of oneness began at the throne of God for all living creatures, (I John 5; 7-9). And when we worship God and obey the law, we obey the entire throne of God, for though they are plural, they are yet one. Key Questions to Answer: 1. Were the Heavenly Mothers, who was, is and shall always be, involved with the Heavenly Fathers in the plans for the only begotten son of the Father to be slain before the foundation of the earth, (Revelation 13: 7-8)? 29
! ! Key Questions to Answer (Cont.) 2. Were they involved in choosing how the altars of God were to be set up, (Wisdom of Solomon of the Apocrypha 9: 8-11)? 3. Did they choose the fruit to make wine that would be mingled with milk and water on the table? And did they choose the wheat to make bread to represent the Word of God and His body, (Ecclesiastics of the Apocrypha 24: 17, 19-23)? 4. Did they choose trees and perfumes to represent the house of God, (Ecclesiasticus of the Apocrypha 24: 13-17, Exodus 30: 23-38)? 5. Did they choose that special maiden, (Mary) to bare the only begotten Son of the Father? And did they not take part in choosing who the mothers of Israel would be or the daughters of Jerusalem and Zion (Ex. Eve, Mother of all living). 6. Were there works a part of all creation? 7. Were they involved with the birth, death and resurrection of Christ and all things that represent the glory of the only begotten son and the glory of man? These questions can be answered by reviewing the following scriptures: Proverbs 9: 1-6 Proverbs 31: 10-31 Isaiah 55: 1-3 I Peter 2: 2-3 I Corinthians 3: 1-3 Isaiah 28: 29 Hebrew 5: 12-14 Song of Solomon 3: 11. 30
! Conclusion For so long, we have acknowledge only Christ in our communion. Today we must set a full communion table representing the entire throne of God. They are the heavenly Mothers and heavenly Fathers and we need them all to save us. When Jesus was on this earth, he often referred to the other Godheads for they are one. Did he not say that when we pray we must pray to His Father, stating “Our Father.” He also stated, “His Father was greater than He,” and He came down to do His will. Christ said of the Holy Spirit, He is the Spirit of Truth and the other Comforter who will teach us the Word of God. He also said the Holy Ghost is an intercessor for prayers. Jesus said that the Wisdom of God is justified of Her children. She brings them from the broad places of sin and feeds them milk in the beginning of their faith, ultimately leading them into perfection of Jesus Christ. All this information is the mouth of God, found in the written word, which Christ said, “Lo I come to you in a volume of a book, for it is written of me,” (Hebrew 10: 7). Amen!
By: Mother Marjorie Walls and G. Colleen Henry
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Why We Must Commune with the Wisdom of God In this church we now have the communion of the throne of God, acknowledging the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Mothers of the Universe. These mighty beings are all holy and divine. They were created by God the Father and are all one with him. When it was initially presented that we should acknowledge the full throne of God during our communion, I didn’t understand or see clearly. The communion of Jesus Christ was more apparent to me in the scriptures. So what was this new idea and where did it come from? As time passed and with much prayer, it became obvious to me that this was of God. I am thankful that the Lord has opened my eyes so that I may continue to grow in His word. Today, I share what I have learned with all of you. We all know that communion is a sacrament that our church performs as mandated by the word of God. So let us define the word communion. It is to have association or fellowship with; the act of sharing, or holding in common; or participation. When we have communion we are showing that we are one with the throne of God and that we are in agreement with the laws as we look towards that great hope of salvation. Communion is not merely a ceremony or tradition for feasts and solemn assemblies, for God is not a God of coincidence. Everything that God does is purposeful, intentional and for a reason. And everything we do in this church must be mandated by God; it must be a pattern of what is done in heaven and point to our salvation. It is evident in the scriptures that we must have the communion of Jesus Christ. We perform this sacrament by drinking the wine and the bread. Why is this pertinent to our salvation? Let us review Matthew 26: 26-28 and expound further? The bread represents the body of Christ. And who is Christ? He is our Lord and Savior; the word of God presented in the volume of a book, which is the blessed bible.
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And the wine represents the blood that Christ shed so that we would be granted grace to repent for our sins. Today brothers and sisters, we have eaten the bread and have drunk the wine. But everyday, we must read our bible, applying the word of God to our own personal lives. That is how we feed ourselves spiritually and that is how we become one with Christ. And through obedience and oneness with Christ, the shedding of his blood will not be in vain. His blood not only enables grace and forbearance but it will purge our record books clean. These are some works that Christ must perform for our salvation. Now I ask the congregation this. Does it require only Christ to save us? No. If Christ was only required for our salvation why would we be required to learn about the Holy Spirit and why would we be privy to the mystery of our holy mothers. God the Father gave each divine member of the throne of God a role in our salvation. These roles are interdependent and often overlap. As a church, we have been blessed with a profound mystery – that of our holy mothers, Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding. This knowledge is not evident to the world but it has been presented to us because they too, play a role in our salvation. I will focus on our Mother Wisdom today, explaining her origin, who she is, her divine works, why this church acknowledges her during communion and why we have chosen milk to represent her. It was God the Father who created our holy Mother, for in the beginning Wisdom came forth from his mouth (APOCRYPHA Ecclesiasticus 24: 1-3 & 9). Wisdom was present when the earth was created. She taught this earth and all living things to function according to God’s command. For example, a cat’s instinct to hunt, eat grass and bathe using it’s tongue – is by reason of the Wisdom of God. The profound beauty in this earth, the order of seasons and weather patterns – are by reason of the Wisdom of God.
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All witty inventions and technologies used to benefit mankind- are by reason of the Wisdom of God. The Father regards Wisdom with the highest esteem and love, for she is a reflection of his vast power, an image of his goodness, a teacher of his virtues, a keeper of his mysteries and a worker of all things. The Almighty sends her to his children, that she may make her abode in them. And by obtaining Wisdom, we receive the love of our Father and our deemed his friends (APOCRYPHA) Wisdom of Solomon 7: 22-28, Wisdom of Solomon 7: 14, Wisdom of Solomon 8: 1-4). Once we have obtained Wisdom, how does she guide us towards salvation? I have provided a list. Wisdom calls her children and directs them towards God; she enters our minds and enables us to fear God’s judgment. Without fear, we would not be able to obey God’s commandments. (Proverbs 1: 20-23, APOCRYPHA Ecclesiasticus 1: 14, 16, 18 & 20-21 & APOCRYPHA Ecclesiasticus 4: 11 & 17-18) She teaches us how to apply the commandments, testimonies and the word of God to our everyday lives, both on a spiritual level and common level. She teaches both man and woman how to be virtuous – giving us the characteristics of God. Some of her virtues are prudence, temperance, judgment, meekness, humility and fortitude (APOCRYPHA Wisdom of Solomon 8: 7) She provides us with the ability to discern scriptures and reveals dark sentences and subtitles of speech to us (APOCRYPHA Wisdom of Solomon 8: 8). She gives her children skills and abilities that foster their spiritual growth and enable them to perform exploits for the Lord (APOCRYPHA Ecclesiasticus 1: 19). She comforts her children during their trials and tribulations and provides them with the courage and strength to carry on.
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Wisdom justifies her children and their works before the Lord.
Now why have we chosen the milk to represent Wisdom? Let us first briefly discuss milk from a common perspective. Breast milk is the first form of nourishment that a mother provides to her baby after his or her birth. It contains immunity properties, fats, carbohydrates, proteins and other nutrients vital for the baby’s growth and health. The baby’s organs, muscles and bones will grow, giving them the strength to eventually digest other foods. The formula properties of breast milk are so superior that mankind, even to this day, has not been able to develop artificial milk that matches its quality. Even as we progress from being infant, milk should remain a part of our diet. The calcium in milk enables and sustains bone growth and strength and allows muscles to move and contract. And without proper function of the musculoskeletal system, the structure of our body could not be maintained nor would we be able to move, which is absolutely crucial for humans to live and function. Now Wisdom is our heavenly mother. She too feeds us but with spiritual food. When she calls us and instills fear into our hearts- she begins to teach us about the laws of God – that is our spiritual milk – our foundation. The laws of God include the 10 commandments, the testimonies, and all the statutes, precepts and judgments that follow. We first must feed and properly digest this foundational knowledge to gain spiritual maturity and thereby properly tolerate the bread, meats and the sweets. In other words, before we can move to prophecies; before we can understand dark sentences or teach others – we must know, understand and apply the laws of God to our hearts and everyday lives. Now remember that the throne of God works together to save us. Let’s make a few connections. Wisdom speaks to our minds and hearts to call us from the broad path and causes us to fear the Lord; while the Holy Spirit calls us into repentance and changes our hearts so that we continue to seek the truth and fear the Lord 35
! Wisdom speaks to our minds and hearts to call us from the broad path and causes us to fear the Lord; while the Holy Spirit calls us into repentance and changes our hearts so that we continue to seek the truth and fear the Lord Wisdom teaches us the Word and the laws so that we can establish a firm foundation to build our spiritual house, which is us. We also know that Christ is the spoken word of God. He wrote the laws with his fingers. The bible also compares the Savior to the foundation that we as individuals and the church is built upon. So when our Mother teaches us the word, she is bringing us to Christ and helping us become a part of him. Wisdom, the Holy Spirit and Christ all bring us teachings, strength and comfort, enabling us to prevail against Satan and the Knowledge of Evil. Wisdom and the Holy Spirit rain down gifts and skills to us so that we may continue to grow in the truth. And finally, they all come from God the Father who created them. We must dwell with them and commune with them daily to be perfect and deemed worthy to be saved the Almighty. All of these works that Wisdom does on our behalf to save us is the reason why we acknowledge her during our communion service. Wisdom is a part of God, she is holy and divine and we must acknowledge her as such.
Written By: Elisabeth C. Pointer
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! ! You Are Invited to Sup at Wisdom’s Table Wisdom’s table is about the doctrine, teaching and instruction of God. It is a way that compares these things to food. There are many types of food that do different things for the health and nutrition of the body. There are also many components of wisdom and instruction. It is a body of knowledge. It is like the bible that is compiled of the history, the law, the prophets, the Psalms and Proverbs, and the teachings of Christ and the disciples. All are different components that together make up one bible. Wisdom is the same way. Wisdom’s table is a term found in Proverbs 9:1-2. Food has always been an example of God. The scripture says, “Open your mouth wide and I will fill it.” All things of God are also of Wisdom because she is God. When we do Wisdom’s table we are simply making an example or demonstration of the many components of teaching and learning the word of God. All of this is the Wisdom of God. Ecclesiasticus 24: 23 says “All these things are the book of the covenant of the Most High God, even the law which Moses commanded for an heritage unto the congregation of Jacob.” There are many other examples or symbols for the Wisdom of God, just as there are for the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Some of these are light, water, gold, rubies, purple and lace. But food is a demonstration that we can all participate in. Another thing that we should consider is the breaking of bread. This was always a part of the service and worship of God. In ancient Israel the people also ate the peace offerings though part was burnt on the altar and part was given to the Priest. In Christ’s time he fed the people as well as taught them. We have learned through the Spirit that we must be conscious to put first what is most holy, which is the spiritual food. For example, Christ first taught and healed the people, demonstrating that he was the bread of life. Secondarily he fed them physically. This was also an example to them. From just a little, with the blessing and the breaking of bread, and with prayer a multitude was fed. They all ate of the body of Christ that was broken for them. They ate together in unity with Christ and with each other. 37
! ! We must be like Christ. We must first worship, then we eat in fellowship with each other, demonstrating that unity and accord that we find with Christ. We are all part of that one body and eat a portion of that one bread. So our eating together is important. So on Wisdom’s Day as with all of our holy convocations, we must complete our spiritual feeding in the sanctuary, and then follow through with the physical food in the dining room, bringing it all together as one perfect offering to God. Below are examples of foods with the spiritual relevance of each. Honey: Honey is the sweetest thing and is an example of wisdom and the word of God, (Psalms 119: 103). Milk: Milk is the first food for babies. It is the first and most complete and basic teaching, (I Peter 2: 2). Bread: Bread is Christ’s word. The gospel and teachings. It is the foundation doctrine, (St. John 6: 35). Olive Oil: Used for anointing, mingled with flour for the meat offering, for gladness and as a blessing, (Exodus 30: 22-25). Wine: The blood of Christ, the testament, eternal life, the blessings of God, (Matthew 26: 27-28). Flesh or strong meat: Harder or more difficult doctrine or teaching. Man was given clean animals to eat after the flood. Christ fed the people fish, (Hebrews 5: 14). Herbs: Man’s first food from the garden. Vegetables. Proliferation of blessing after the rain or outpouring of the Holy Spirit, (Hebrews 6: 7). Fruit: The effects of the Spirit, our works, our righteousness, (Galatians 5: 22-23). Spices: Sweet savor, our works and righteousness bringing forth a sweet savor to God, (Exodus 35: 28 & 2 Corinthians 2: 15). 38
! ! Butter: The richest and best things. The blessings of God. Wisdom and understanding is like butter and honey, (Deuteronomy 32: 9-14, Ecclesiasticus of the Apocrypha 24: 18-20). Salt: Our righteousness. The good that preserves everything, (Matthew 5: 13). Water: The Spirit of God that washes and refreshes, (Ezekiel 36: 24-25 & Isaiah 44: 2-3). Eggs: The blessing of the Father. What he gives us when we pray. A seed.
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By: Evelyn C. Pointer
Wisdom’s Table Wisdom’s table tells the whole story of our salvation as a mystery in the Word of God. How so? Let us look at the scripture that says, “She hath killed her beasts; she hath mingled her wine; she hath also furnished her table,” (Proverbs 9: 2). The killed beasts are the clean animals that represent Christ in the sacrificial offerings. They are both male and female, including the young of one year and those of 3 years who have not calved. The Wisdom of God chose them. The blood from the beasts represent his blood. Bullock: represented Christ as the High Priest in the order of Melchizedek in the heavenly sanctuary, (Hebrew 7: 17 & Hebrews 8: 1-2). Ram: the ram is less than the bullock. It represented Christ being an obedient son to the Father who was offered up for the sins of the world. Christ said his Father was greater than Himself, (St. John 14: 28). Lamb: the lamb represents Christ as the begotten son and His power laid down, so he could be subjected to death at the hands of man, Satan and death. Begotten is to come in a figure of a seed. The Father reduced Christ to a seed in the midst of time for our salvation. Goat: the goat represented Christ’s flesh which was made to look like the sinful flesh of man, yet He did no sin. The resurrection of Christ neutralized the power of death on mankind. This is because Christ committed no sin yet He died and was buried for 3 days and 3 nights. Now he has the keys to death and hell and to open graves, (Revelation 1: 17-19).
! Dove: The dove and pigeon represent Christ being filled with the power of the Holy Ghost so that He could fulfill the work to be done for man in the earth while in the sack cloth of man’s flesh, (II Esdras of the Apocrypha 5: 23-27). Remember at the baptism of Christ, that the dove was seen as the symbol of the third Godhead, the Holy Spirit. These animals are the killed beasts that the Wisdom of God presented on the Lord’s table and represent the works of Christ. So when we sup at Wisdom’s table we are actually feeding on Christ’s word, which is symbolic of his body. Remember the words of Jesus “Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life,” (St. John 6: 53-58). The meat of these animals also represents the bread of life that is strong. This is not hard to see if you recall in the Levitical priesthood that the meat offering was actually unleavened bread. This strong meat is the doctrine of Jesus Christ, which enables one to discern between good and evil. The person is then seasoned in the word of God with the sword of defense, (Hebrews 4: 12). Now Wisdom also had milk and wine on her table. The milk is the foundation of life. It gives one strong legs to stand on the rock, (Hebrews 5: 12-14, Song of Solomon 4: 11, Song of Solomon 5: 11, Isaiah 28: 9, Isaiah 55: 1). We also know that there was wine, which represents the blood of Jesus. With his blood is the purging of sin and the cup of salvation, both bitter and sweet. We compare the bitterness to the sacrifices and sufferings of Jesus Christ. The sweetness are the blessings that you gain and ultimately eternal life for serving him. Again, the unleavened bread represents the crucified body of Christ free of sin. It symbolizes eating the word of God, (Jeremiah 15: 16). Brothers and sisters, Mother Wisdom has invited us to sup at her table. Let us take our seats. Let us dine and feast. For this food is spiritual nourishment that will save all of us if we heed to her command. Amen.
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By: G. Colleen Henry
The Invitation Today seemed to be an ordinary day in the land of Sinville, a place where people were brute, foolish and corrupt. Patty Peculiar was a resident but she was tired of living there. “If only I could find a way to escape,” she would say to herself, “but how?” Even the food was nasty. On the outside it looked perfectly fine but on the inside it was, well, it was rotten! But no one seemed to notice, well except Patty Peculiar. She continued to eat the food, but Patty could tell it was making her sick, slowly and surely. “I bet in Holyville the food is good there,” she’d say. “Rumor has it, that the people in that land will one day meet the Ancient of all Kings,” Patty would tell people. But no one in Sinville would listen to her. Instead, they would say, “Patty you are so strange, you’re an odd duck. If you don’t be quiet we’re going to turn you over to Mr. Leviathan. He’ll set you straight.” He was their leader and the most corrupt of all. So she kept silence once more. As always in the afternoon, Patty Peculiar went to her mailbox. “Wait, what’s this? I’ve never seen an envelop like this.” Patty gasp, “Oh wow! An invitation from Wisdom to feast at Her glorious banquet in Holyville at the end of the week on Sabbath. That means she knows the Ancient King! She just has to.” Patty Peculiar told no one but later found out that others in Sinville had received an invitation as well. Many had rejected immediately while others agreed and then backed out at the last minute. But that didn’t stop Patty Peculiar. She was going. When Patty came to the door she was greeted by a Lady, like she had never seen before, who introduced herself as Mother Wisdom. She opened the double doors and welcomed Patty Peculiar in. The banquet hall was breathtakingly beautiful and decked in purple silk, white lace and other fine linen and tapestries. As Patty walked further in, Mother Wisdom introduces her to someone by the name of Mother Knowledge, who showed Patty the banquet tables of food.
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There was so much variety and assortment of foods and drinks. Everything looked delicious. Patty Peculiar was enticed by all the aromas but soon became overwhelmed. There were just so many choices. It seemed endless. Patty thought to herself, “Oh, where do I sit, what foods should I eat? I don’t want to make a mistake? Will these Ladies take me to meet the Ancient King?” Without saying a word, Mother Knowledge knew exactly what she was thinking. So she smiled and said, “Patty I want you to meet Mother Understanding, she will take it from here.” Mother Understanding grabbed Patty Peculiar’s hand saying, “Don’t worry. I will show you your seat. I have prepared a plate just for you.” “A place for me,” Patty Peculiar thought in amazement. So Patty was taken to her seat with her name right on the place setting. Patty sat down with a flood of emotions. She was joyful to be invited to such as place but was sad that she had spent so much time in Sinville. While Patty was deep in her thoughts, Mother Understanding returned with her drinks and food. “Now I have prepared this especially for you. I want you to take your time Patty. Savor every single bite and enjoy every sip. This will heal your body and make you feel much better. Do you understand me dear?” “Yes,” Patty replies. So she began to eat every single morsel, doing her best to eat slowly and experience every bite as Mother Understanding instructed. Patty also took time to scan the room for she was not alone. There were other guests. She noticed that no single guest had the same type of food or the same amount. But one thing was consistent, every person had cups of milk, wine, water and bread. This bread was said to be unleavened. “Hmm, wonder why that is,” Patty Peculiar thought. No matter. Patty was just so happy to be there. She wanted to come again and again and maybe she would muster up the courage to ask one of these Mothers to introduce her to the Ancient King. If only.
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As Patty was practically done with her meal, Mother Wisdom approaches her. “Patty did you enjoy your meal?” “Oh yes,” Patty replies. Mother Wisdom smiles and begins to speak with Patty very plainly, “You know Patty the land of Sinville is no place for you. Mr. Levithian has deceived many into staying but that doesn’t mean you have to. The food is making you sick and if you stay, you will lose your life my child. I want you to continue to dine with us in Holyville, our food has the best and purest ingredients. The people who eat our food, our healthy and well. And one day, the people in Holyville, will meet our Ancient King. He is the most powerful and all good things come from him. He is the head of our very happy and holy family and one day all people in Holyville will have eternal joy and life. You may join us, but you have to dine at these banquets and heed to all of my advice. You must also listen to the advice of Mother Knowledge and Mother Understanding. That way, you can be just like us. We can help you if you let us. Do you want us to help you?” Patty Peculiar cried and fell on her knees, “Yes. Please help me Mother Wisdom. I don’t want to live in Sinville anymore. I want Holyville to be my home. I felt so sick until I ate the food you have here. It’s like my body was healing with every bite. You can help me I know it.” “Very good Patty. We will help you and one day you will meet the Ancient King. Here is your invitation for the next banquet and never return to Sinville again you will remain here with us in Holyville. You are welcomed here. You are home.” So Patty Peculiar returned no more to Sinville. She continued to feast at Wisdom’s banquets at felt stronger with every meal. As Patty continued her life in Holyville, she was able to try all different kinds of food. Her newly discovered Mothers taught her so much. Patty’s heart was overflowing with happiness because she knew that one sweet, precious day she would meet the Ancient King and her life would never, ever be the same. The End.
Key Notes: Sinville represents a life of sin. The rotten food represents the corrupt religious doctrines and worldly ideologies that are promoted in this world. Mr. Leviathan is Satan. Holyville represents a life of righteousness. The invitation represents how Mother Wisdom calls to your mind to bring you out of sin. She reaches in the broad paths and pulls her children out. The Ancient King represents God the Father. The banquet of food represents the word of God, which is our spiritual food. In this parable, Knowledge embodies ALL information there is to know about God, which is impossible for humans to retain. That is why Patty Peculiar became so overwhelmed. When Understand prepares a plate of food in perfect proportion, this represents her teaching you the word of God gradually and in a way that you can comprehend. She takes each individual in account, where they are spiritually and what their learning capacity is, in order to determine what to feed them spiritually and how much? Note that each guest had different types of food but all had wine, water, milk and unleavened bread. We know that the wine represents the blood of Christ, which we need to have grace, to seal us and purge our record books clean. The unleavened bread is of course Christ’s body which is free from sin. We need to feed on His body, which is the word of God, to make it a part of us so that we can change and prepare to meet the Father.
Key Notes: The water is the Holy Spirit as well as Christ. This water cleanses us. It also points to the baptisms we will receive with grace and supplication, the former rain and the latter rain to ultimately gain immortality. Milk represents our Mothers as well as Christ. How so? The milk represents basic and foundational doctrine. This is the law, which is Christ. We all must start with the law to build a foundation before we can progress. When Mother Wisdom instructed Patty Peculiar to heed to her advice everyday so that she could be like them, that represents the way in which She touches us how to apply the word of God to our every day lives so that we live a life of perfection. In this parable, the Heavenly Mothers were bringing Patty Peculiar out of a life of sin. They fed her the word of God, so that she could be healed. She was commanded to come out of sin and to live a life of righteousness. Only then, would she be prepared to meet God the Father. Only then, would she be able to be joyful and live eternally.
By: Elisabeth C. Pointer
The Daughters of God When God created man and woman they were equal. He took Eve from Adam’s side and they were one flesh. Adam was created first. This was a pattern of the throne. The Father was before all. Christ was the beginning of His creation. Wisdom came from the mouth of God. “She is the brightness of the everlasting light, the unspotted mirror of the power of God, and the image of his goodness,” (Wisdom of Solomon of the Apocrypha 7:26). After the fall, God punished the woman by increasing her conception and her pain, and by putting her under obedience to her husband. This was a punishment. This was not how it was supposed to be from the beginning. Man was also punished. Because the woman came from the man, she had to share in his punishment also. Women have always had to work very hard. Many died from childbirth and hard work. Satan increased the punishment on men and women. He made things much worse. As wickedness increased, men would do unspeakable evils to women and would rule over them as if they were slaves or cattle. Men did great evil to each other, and in pursuit of their desires, accompanied by the great commandment from the Father to subdue the earth; they exploited the earth, harming it, the animals and whoever they could control. None of this was God’s intention. There have always been exceptions among women. In the bible, women have been great mothers in Israel as well as prophets and leaders. Certain women defeated armies. But even in the bible the male led far in advance. What woman can compare to Moses or David? There is one woman that did something that no man could do and was instrumental in fulfilling the promise from the garden, that the seed of the woman would bruise the serpent’s head. It was Mary the mother of Jesus. She was unique, blessed of all women, (Luke 1:39-44). All of the apostles were male, but there was also a group of women who followed Christ and ministered to him. Of these the most notable, was Mary Magdalene. Yet you still cannot compare what she did to what the apostles Paul, or Peter did.
In the last days, a woman shall compass a man. In the 1960’s and ‘70s the women’s liberation movement helped decrease the disparity between men and women. More prominent jobs and positions were opening up to them. Laws were put into place to help them. More women entered the workforce. This was not without the addition of the evil that Satan always adds to any good intention. The birth control pill led to promiscuity. Abortions were legalized. Women tried to do everything that men could do, good and bad. They felt to be equal to men they had to be the same as a man. The good aspects about being a woman and a mother, which is her most important role while children are young, were looked down on as inferior even to other women. Children were being either raised by others or were left on their own. Many women had no choice but to work. Poor women always had to work hard. The income for the man, and the jobs in factories decreased. Eventually the economy would become so bad that most families had to have both parents working in order to survive. Because of the wickedness of the world, the Lord also cursed the man. The men of Israel were particularly hit hard. The black man today is diminished, they cannot come close to comparing to our forefathers. There are so few and it seems that many black women are now surpassing them in education and careers. Their strength has decreased. In this country we now have an African American president, but he is not like you or I. His father was from Africa. He did not come from the slaves where the descendants of the children of Israel are found. We as women of God must be strong. For we may have to be the head of our household. Perhaps the spiritual leader in the house. In this world, women of God must fight against terrible odds to teach their children the way of truth in the face of great temptation. They have to be strong even if and especially if their husband is not. Strength is not defined as physical ability, aggression or accomplishment in the world, but as spiritual strength, obedience and devotion to God.
Women in our church are strong! They build churches. They establish doctrine. They leap over the wall. They climb mountains. They prepare the way, removing the stones from the path. They defeat the enemy. They are hard working and diligent, virtuous women. So what will be the role of women and the relationship between man and woman at the times of restitution? It’s difficult to imagine because we have no experience to draw from. But we know that the disparity between man and woman was a curse and was not intended so from the beginning. Men and women were supposed to be equal, though not the same. Childbearing was part of what a woman was supposed to do, but not all of what she could do. It is obvious that a man’s body and a woman’s body were created differently. A man and a woman were supposed to be equal partners and a help to each other. This is why Eve was taken from Adam’s side. Men were supposed to love and cherish their wives like they loved their own bodies. God chooses leaders from both genders. If we look at the throne, which is our example, Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding are a part of everything that God does. They have their own unique role, just like Christ and the Holy Spirit do. God speaks about the church often in the female gender. Christ gave his life for the church. He is married to it. When God removes the curse from his children, he will remove the curse from his daughters also. The daughters of God will stand in the place that they were called to be from the beginning. In the book of proverbs, the virtuous woman is an example of a powerful woman. It is also a mystery about Zion. Today let us consider the virtuous woman as an example for all of the daughters of God. Proverbs 31:10-31 Judges 4:4-24, Judges 5:1-7 and 24-27
Written By: Evelyn C. Pointer 49