Did you know that Christ kept the Passover? The last Passover that he kept was the night before he was crucified. On that night he ate the Passover dinner with his apostles. We don’t know everything that they ate, but we do know they had unleavened bread and wine

Jesus took the bread and blessed it and he gave it to his apostles to eat. He told them that the bread was his body. It was an example. Then he blessed the cup of wine


How can you eat his body? You don’t bite him, you just have to keep his commandments and obey him! The bread is an example! The wine was an example too! It represents Christ’s blood. It is the blood of the new testament. You also drink his blood by obeying him.

A testament is a big word that means a solemn promise that can never be broken. God never breaks his promise! What did Christ promise us? He said that he would wash away our sins by his blood. He forgives our sins. He also promises that when people die that he will bring them back to life when he comes again in the last day. This is the resurrection.


God can do anything! No one else can make someone who is really dead come back alive, but God can! Nothing is impossible with God.


Another thing that Christ did after they ate on Passover was wash his apostles feet. He told us to wash each other’s feet too so that we could be like him. We wash feet at church as an example that we are like Christ. It means that we do good things for other people and that we are humble.

Christ was humble and did good things for everybody. What are some of the good things that Christ did? The greatest good thing that he did when he was on this earth the first time was that he suffered on that cross and died for us so that we could live.


When we have communion in church we are following Christ’s example. We serve unleavened bread because it represents Christ’s body and it means eternal life. We serve grape juice wine because it represents Christ’s blood and it means he has promised to forgive our sins and to bring all the people who die back to life.

You will be able to participate in the communion this Passover. You will have your hands washed and anointed with the grown ups and help pass the unleavened bread.