et | Gary, IN 46404 | householdofisrael.org
ppy Day!
4 8 20 to 4 15 20
“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” (Ecclesiastes 12: 13)
11:00 am – 5:00 pm (CST) 6:00 pm (DST)
please see Church Covenant. us in worshiping God for all or service. We are happy to share uth and light that God has so feel free to call the following e at our Church if you have end a bible class. We would be o suit your convenience. our website
of Jesus Christ: 219.949.9308
Derrick Pointer (Minister): 219.796.3510
rs (from l to r) velyn c. Pointer, marjorie walls, g. & Deborah grisby
“But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend. Thou whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called thee from the chief men thereof, and said unto thee, Thou art my servant; I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away.” (Isaiah 41: 8-9)
HOUSEHOLD OF ISRAEL TEMPLE OF JESUS CHRIST INCORPORATED SINCE 1978 Greetings To all God’s children that He has called out of darkness into His marvelous light, Peace and Welcome. We are the Household of Israel Temple of Jesus Christ. We are a commandment keeping Church that worships God on the true Lord’s Day, the seventh day Sabbath, which was established from the beginning and decreed in the Ten Commandments. Our Church was started in 1954 with James and Ethel Webb, when the Spirit of God called them out of other churches and revealed to them the brightness of His truth and the promise to His chosen people. The Church began as a single family that worshipped in the home. Eventually, other families and individuals joined us, and for years, we worshipped from place to place and from home to home without a permanent church building. The Household of Israel and Temple of Jesus Christ, as it is today, was incorporated in May of 1978 under the leadership of Ethel V. Webb, founder and church mother. She dedicated her life to the study of the scriptures. She was a model steward and was tireless in her service in the house of God. It was her life’s dream to have a permanent church home, and the Lord blessed her to see this fulfilled in September 1992, when much through her financial as well as her moral support, and her excellent example to all of us, we began worshipping here at our present address, 2266 Arthur Street. From different families, our church today has become one family in the body of Christ and the family of God. We are all one in God and in the fellowship and the unity of the Spirit. We know that the Spirit of God works with all of His children and that in the last days “thy sons and thy daughters shall prophecy,” (Joel 2: 28-30) therefore every member is encouraged to testify before God and for the edification of the Church on the Sabbath Day. 1
Official Order of S
-Service called to order
“But the Lord (Habakkuk 2: 20 &
Scripture reading of 96th, 95th &
Songs performed by
“Holy, Holy, Holy,” “I Need th Opening prayer led
Opening song select
Reading of G
The 10 Commandm The Testimonies Lighting of
Song performed by c “Father We
Reading of Ch Song S Sermon provided b Testimonie Announcemen Closing
“Saying Amen....”
Closin “Let the Words of My M
knees at all times (I Timothy 2: der), cover their heads in service do not wear long hair, braids, ning to women or sodomites must be worn in our services. resses, clothing that expose the f a revealing nature must not be
Testimonies raise God, to give instruction in tion of the Church and the of praise before God, and speak esians 5: 19-21, II Timothy 3: orinthians 14: 26, Colossians 3:
y 5.5 hours. All anointed and ged to testify.
Our Creed
As with all the children of Israel from ancient times, we have signed a written covenant between God and us (Nehemiah 9: 38, Nehemiah 10: 28-29). Statement of Our Beliefs The Foundation......Our confession of faith and belief in Jesus Christ accepted as the authority by our Church. We the Household of Israel, Temple of Jesus Christ are founded upon the belief in the full throne of God and Jesus Christ as our Savior and Redeemer (I John 5: 7-8, St. John 3: 16, St. John 14: 15-20). We adhere to all of the written Word of God as founded in the King James Version of the bible, including the Apocrypha, the Oxford University Press (Psalms 40: 7, Hebrew 10: 7, Mathew 5: 17-19). The Law......the Law is the truth – “to the law and to the testimony if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them,” (Isaiah 8: 20). We believe in the Ten Commandments written by the hand of God (Exodus 20: 1-17, Exodus 31: 12-18), and the testimonies of Jesus Christ (Mathew 5: 1-12). This includes the belief in the fourth commandment elevating the seventh day as a holy day above all (Luke 6: 5, Mark 2: 27-28), because Christ is Lord of the Sabbath. The Sanctification......Our disassociation with traditional religions and organizations. We are not affiliated with or associated with any traditional established religious organizations. We have found evidence that the doctrine of traditional religious groups do not adhere strictly to the commandments of God and the testimonies of Jesus Christ, (II Corinthians 6: 17-18). “I am the Lord... I change not,” (Malachi 3: 6). The laws of God are binding upon all people from the beginning unto the end (Ephesians 4: 1-6).
HOUSEHOLD OF ISRAEL TEMPLE OF JESUS CHRIST INCORPORATED SINCE 1978 The Sacrament……Jesus Christ set the example. We practice the following sacraments which symbolizes sanctification, perfection and being born again (I John 2: 1-6, Mathew 5: 8, St. John 3: 1-5): Baptism (Mathew 3: 13-17, Acts 2: 38, Colossians 2: 12-13); Foot washing (St. John 13: 1-15); Hand washing (Psalms 24: 3-5, Isaiah 52: 11); Communion (Mathew 26: 26-29); Anointing (Mathew 26: 7-13) The Sabbath Day......We worship God on the Seventh Day Sabbath, which has been sanctified by God as a holy day of rest. The seventh day is the day that God rested from His work and sanctified after He created the earth (Genesis 2: 1-4). He set the seventh day apart from the other days of the week and ordained it most holy. God blessed the seventh day and named it the Sabbath and decreed it a law in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20: 8-11). We are to stop work and rest as God did (Exodus 31: 12-18). We are also to cease from our common activities and pleasures (Isaiah 58: 13-14). We do not celebrate weddings, family reunions or funerals on the Sabbath day The Holy Days Holy days are special days set apart and sanctified by God for worshiping Him. The bible tells us the days that God has set apart as holy. We do not celebrate Christmas, Easter, Halloween or Valentine’s Day or any common holiday that we have found is based upon paganism. We celebrate the following days as sacred and hallow to be kept like the seventh day (Exodus 23: 14-16, Leviticus Ch. 23): Passover (Feast of Unleavened Bread), Pentecost (Feast of Harvest or Firstfruits), Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles (Feast of Ingathering). We also observe Purim and the Day of Dedication, and we have set apart one day during the year to acknowledge the Wisdom of God (Wisdom’s Day). Observance of the New Moon......Our Church assembles at the beginning of each month. Our church assembles at the beginning of each month to observe the New Moon with a worship service (Numbers 10: 10, Isaiah 66: 23, Ecclesiasticus of the Apocrypha 43: 6-10). 3
Tithes & Offerings......Our Church regarding tithes and offerings. The bible is supported by the freewil based upon the good example gave a tenth of their earnings to cast her mite (Mark 12: 41-44, A 16-17, Genesis 14: 17-20, Gene
The Food laws......Our Church is regarding the food laws. We insti the bible. We, as a peculiar peo Lord, recognize that our bodie have received instruction from destroy our bodies (I Corinthia only those foods that have been (Leviticus Ch. 11). We do not p in smoking or drinking alcohol (
Our Id We are true Israelites, the ch Jacob. We have found through true Israelite is identified as a pe Egypt, and later sold as slaves (Zephaniah 3: 10, Isaiah 18: 1 least of all people, the tail and byword that would not succeed 15-68). The only people who among the slaves brought to th their descendents. God has be back to Him. God has promised the Gentiles a people, He would David, which has fallen down 14-16, Amos 9: 11).
Statement of All members must dress modes should appear before God in pants or split skirts (culottes) in o
set the example. We practice the ch symbolizes sanctification, ain (I John 2: 1-6, Mathew 5: 8, Mathew 3: 13-17, Acts 2: 38, shing (St. John 13: 1-15); Hand h 52: 11); Communion (Mathew w 26: 7-13)
God on the Seventh Day Sabbath, which oly day of rest. The seventh day is His work and sanctified after He 1-4). He set the seventh day apart week and ordained it most holy. and named it the Sabbath and ommandments (Exodus 20: 8-11). as God did (Exodus 31: 12-18). common activities and pleasures not celebrate weddings, family bbath day
oly Days t apart and sanctified by God for ells us the days that God has set t celebrate Christmas, Easter, or any common holiday that we anism. We celebrate the following o be kept like the seventh day s Ch. 23): Passover (Feast of (Feast of Harvest or Firstfruits), abernacles (Feast of Ingathering). the Day of Dedication, and we ng the year to acknowledge the ay).
Our Church assembles at the beginning embles at the beginning of each Moon with a worship service 66: 23, Ecclesiasticus of the
HOUSEHOLD OF ISRAEL TEMPLE OF JESUS CHRIST INCORPORATED SINCE 1978 Tithes & Offerings......Our Church is established according to the Bible regarding tithes and offerings. The Church as established in the bible is supported by the freewill offering of all its saints. This is based upon the good example of Abraham and Jacob, who gave a tenth of their earnings to the Lord, and the widow, who cast her mite (Mark 12: 41-44, Acts 2: 44-45, Deuteronomy 16: 16-17, Genesis 14: 17-20, Genesis 28: 20-22, Malachi 3: 7-10). The Food laws......Our Church is established according to the Bible regarding the food laws. We institute the food laws according to the bible. We, as a peculiar people, who are sanctified unto the Lord, recognize that our bodies are the Temple of God. We have received instruction from God, commanding us not to destroy our bodies (I Corinthians 3: 16-17). We eat and drink only those foods that have been sanctified and blessed by Him (Leviticus Ch. 11). We do not partake in illicit drugs or indulge in smoking or drinking alcohol (Proverbs 23: 29-35). Our Identity We are true Israelites, the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We have found through searching the scriptures that the true Israelite is identified as a people who were taken, bound to Egypt, and later sold as slaves beyond the rivers of Ethiopia (Zephaniah 3: 10, Isaiah 18: 1-2). These people became the least of all people, the tail and not the head, a proverb and byword that would not succeed in this world (Deuteronomy 28: 15-68). The only people who fit this description are found among the slaves brought to the New World from Africa and their descendents. God has begun to call His people, Israel, back to Him. God has promised that after He had taken out of the Gentiles a people, He would return and build the House of David, which has fallen down (Zephaniah 2: 1-3, Acts 15: 14-16, Amos 9: 11). Statement of Dress Code All members must dress modestly in appropriate clothing. We should appear before God in our best. Women do not wear pants or split skirts (culottes) in our services. 4
HOUSEHOLD OF ISRAEL TEMPLE OF JESUS CHRIST INCORPORATED SINCE 1978 Hemlines are to be below the knees at all times (I Timothy 2: 9). Women and girls (12 and older), cover their heads in service (I Corinthians 11: 4-5). Men do not wear long hair, braids, earrings or anything pertaining to women or sodomites (Deuteronomy 22: 5). Shoes must be worn in our services. Shorts, sleeveless tops and dresses, clothing that expose the midriff or back, or anything of a revealing nature must not be worn. Purpose of Testimonies Purpose of testimonies is to praise God, to give instruction in righteousness for the edification of the Church and the opportunity to bring one’s gift of praise before God, and speak of His wondrous works (Ephesians 5: 19-21, II Timothy 3: 14-17, Psalms 145: 4-12, I Corinthians 14: 26, Colossians 3: 16-17). Our service is approximately 5.5 hours. All anointed and baptized members are encouraged to testify.
As with all the children of Isra signed a written covenant be 9: 38, Nehemiah 10: 28-29).
Statement of Our Beliefs The Foundation......Our confession accepted as the authority by our Israel, Temple of Jesus Christ the full throne of God and J Redeemer (I John 5: 7-8, St. J We adhere to all of the writte the King James Version o Apocrypha, the Oxford Un Hebrew 10: 7, Mathew 5: 17-1
The Law......the Law is the truth – they speak not according to this w them,” (Isaiah 8: 20). We belie written by the hand of God 12-18), and the testimonies of This includes the belief in elevating the seventh day as a Mark 2: 27-28), because Chris
The Sanctification......Our disassoc organizations. We are not affilia traditional established religi found evidence that the do groups do not adhere strictly and the testimonies of Jesu 17-18). “I am the Lord... I ch laws of God are binding upon unto the end (Ephesians 4: 1-6
Official Order of Sabbath Day Service
e has called out of darkness into d Welcome.
-Service called to order by Master of Ceremony-
el Temple of Jesus Christ. We are urch that worships God on the nth day Sabbath, which was ning and decreed in the Ten
Scripture reading of the Psalms of Praise 96th, 95th & 100th Psalms
“But the Lord is in His Holy...” (Habakkuk 2: 20 & Revelations 14: 7)
Songs performed by church congregation “Holy, Holy, Holy,” “I Need the Lamb” &“Stand Up for Jesus”
954 with James and Ethel Webb, them out of other churches and s of His truth and the promise to
Opening song selected by music director
e family that worshipped in the es and individuals joined us, and place to place and from home to urch building.
The 10 Commandments (Exodus 20: 1-17) The Testimonies (Matthew 5: 1-12) Lighting of the Candles
Temple of Jesus Christ, as it is ay of 1978 under the leadership d church mother. She dedicated scriptures. She was a model r service in the house of God. It a permanent church home, and is fulfilled in September 1992, cial as well as her moral support, all of us, we began worshipping 266 Arthur Street.
church today has become one nd the family of God. We are all ship and the unity of the Spirit. od works with all of His children hy sons and thy daughters shall therefore every member is God and for the edification of the 1
Opening prayer led by ordained minister
Reading of God’s holy law
Song performed by church congregation “Father We Thank Thee” Reading of Church Minutes Song Service Sermon provided by ordained minister Testimonies & Classes Announcements & Blessings Closing Scripture “Saying Amen....” (Revelation 7: 12) Closing Songs “Let the Words of My Mouth” & “ Sing & Rejoice”
Closing prayer -Amen6
Sabbath Day Service – 11:00 am – 5:00 pm (CST) or 12:00pm – 6:00 pm (DST) For additional information please see Church Covenant. Visitors are welcomed to join us in worshiping God for all or even for part of our worship service. We are happy to share with others the blessing of truth and light that God has so generously given to us. Please feel free to call the following members or leave a message at our Church if you have questions or would like to attend a bible class. We would be happy to arrange a bible class to suit your convenience. Check out our website www.householdofisrael.org Household of Israel Temple of Jesus Christ: 219.949.9308
Marjorie Walls (Church Mother): 219.949.9820
Derrick Pointer (Minister): 219.796.3510
Board of elders (from l to r) April Jackson, Evelyn c. Pointer, derrick pointer, marjorie walls, g. Colleen Henry & Deborah grisby
“But thou, Israel, art m have chosen, the seed of A whom I have taken from called thee from the chi unto thee, Thou art my se and not cast thee aw
2266 Arthur Street | Gary, IN 46404 | 219.949.9308 | www.householdofisrael.org
Oh Happy Day!
4 8 20 to 4 15
“Let us hear the conclusion of the w commandments: for this i (Ecclesiast