The Bible By Tamla Walls
What is the Bible and Which one do we use? To begin, we must understand that there are many kinds of bibles used today. There are women’s bibles, men’s bibles, teen bibles, young adult bibles, and children’s bibles. Modern language bibles, bibles written in ebonics and so on. But the bible that we hold as the true spoken word of God is the King James Bible, including the Apocrypha.
What is the Bible and Which one do we use? The Bible is God’s word. The Bible was written by holy men, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and is sacred and pure. It is through the words of the Bible that we come to know who God is and the real truth about Jesus Christ. In the Bible we learn of the Commandments and Testimonies and how to apply them to our lives.
Through the scriptures we learn of the meat eating laws, holy days we must keep, and what it means to be perfect.
We learn of God’s beautiful creation and his plans for our salvation if we are obedient to him. Through the scriptures we discover the full throne of God: God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Wisdom,
Knowledge, and Understanding. The Bible teaches us how the full throne works with each of us to bring us to repentance and obedience to God. The Bible teaches us how to overcome and defeat our enemy, Satan.
Prayer, Fasting, Singing Over the past few Sabbaths, we have learned about Prayer, Fasting, and Singing to reverence God. Where do you think you will learn how to pray, fast, or sing songs of praise?
Prayer, Fasting, Singing In the Bible is where we will learn about those things. Prayer is our special communication with God. The scriptures tell us how to begin our prayer, as well as what we should and should not pray for.
Prayer, Fasting, and Singing In the Bible, we learn what Fasting is and why we must Fast. Fasting brings us closer to God. We learn what the words contrite and repentance mean and their relation to Fasting.
Prayer, Fasting, and Singing Singing praises to God is represented throughout the Bible. The scriptures teach us that we ought not use vain repetition when singing to God. Songs should represent the utmost praise unto God.
Psalms 100:2 tells us to ‘Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
READING THE BIBLE We should study the Bible every single day!!! Can you eat & drink only every now and then and survive? Nope, you cannot. We eat and drink, daily, to nourish your physical body. You must read the Bible DAILY to feed your spiritual body. Isaiah 34:16 says, “Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read:” What is the book of the Lord? The Bible. Didn’t God tell us that He comes to us in a volume of a book? We have to search out all of the Lord’s ways and walk like Him.
READING THE BIBLE The Bible is full of many lessons and parables that we all can relate to and apply in our very lives today. There is nothing Jesus did not overcome while in the flesh. His very example of resisting sin and satan is second to none. Do you want to know how to fight satan? Read your Bible. Do you want to know what God expects from us? Read your Bible. Do you want to know what to eat? Read your Bible. Do you want to to be saved? Read your Bible. And read it EVERYDAY!!!
TIME FOR FUN *In the Bible, where do we find the Commandments? *Where are the meat eating laws found? *Where do we find the Lord’s Prayer? *Where are the testimonies found? *What is the 1st book of the Bible? What is the last book? *How many books are in the Bible? Can you name them?