The Story Of The Ark
The Great Flood s
God saw the great wickedness on the earth and decided to destroy it along with living creatures, including humans and animals, with a flood. However, one righteous man and his family was favorable in God始s eyes because they sinned not. This man始s name was Noah. Noah, his wife, their three sons (Shem, Ham, and Japheth), and his son始s wives were sparred from God始s destruction. God instructed Noah to build an Ark with very precise instructions in preparation for this great and terrible flood.
Counting Animals Noah was instructed to gather the animals in pairs, with each pair consisting of a male & female. This means that the animals would eventually have babies so that the earth would be replenished once the flood was over. If they were clean animals he needed 7 pairs, meaning seven females for seven males. Making it a total 14 for that type of animal (Ex: cow).
Counting Animals If they were unclean animals he needed 2 pairs, meaning two females for two males. Making a total of 4 for that type of animal(Ex: pig). If they were birds, he needed 7 pairs, meaning seven females for seven males. That would make a total of 14 for that type of bird (Ex: dove).
Seven days later, the Lord rained water upon the earth and everything that had life, both man and beast died! This also included the fowls of the air. But, Noah, his family plus the animals on the ark were saved. The rain continued for forty days and forty nights This all took place in the 600th year of Noah始s life, in the second month on the seventeenth day.
The Earth Was Flooded Although it rained for forty days and forty nights, the waters flooded the earth for one hundred and fifty days (this means, the water was still on the ground for a total of one hundred and fifty days). The entire earth was covered! Even the high hills and the mountains that were upon the whole earth were covered with water!
The Flood Subsides God caused a wind to pass over the earth and the rain stopped. The ark then came to a rest on top of the mountains of Ararat (in the seventh month on the seventeenth day). Noah then released a dove to see if the waters were dried up. However, the dove came back because it found no land to rest. Noah then resided in the ark for seven days and sent the dove out of the ark again. This time the dove came back with an olive leaf. Noah waited an additional 7 days and sent the dove out. This time, the dove did not return. So Noah knew that the water was dried up from the earth. Noah and his family finally left the ark after almost one whole year and God始s makes a promise to Noah!
A Sweet Savor Noah built an alter and worshiped God, presenting burnt offerings using only the clean beasts. The Lord was pleased with the offering (it was a sweet savor) and he said that he would never curse the ground again in the way which he had done. This meant that the Lord would not destroy the earth again with water and rain.
God blessed Noah and his sons and instructed them to be fruitful and multiply in order to replenish the earth (this means they were suppose to have more children). He then empowered man to have dominion over all the animals (we were in control of the animals). He also permitted us to use the meat/flesh of the animals as our food. However, the blood of the animals, we are forbidden from eating.
The Covenant With Noah God then established a covenant with Noah promising never to destroy again with flood waters and rain. As a sign of this everlasting covenant, between God and the earth, he set a rainbow in the clouds. God looks upon this rainbow, remembering the covenant that he made.
The End!
Special Thanks The content of this presentation was developed by Ebony Williams
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