When Our Emotions Get the Best of Us

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When Our Emotions Get the Best of Us Finding Remedies Through God

Introduction God made human beings to have emotions. It’s an integral part of who we are. We laugh. We cry. We fear. We become angry. Christ, who is an example to us in everyday life, felt emotions as we do yet he did not sin. When people were selling in the temple of God, he was angry, (Matthew 21: 12-13). When Lazarus died, he wept for him. (St. John 11: 14 & 33-36). And when it drew closer to the time for Jesus to be cruciďŹ ed, He was extremely sorrowful and perhaps fearful (Matthew 26 38-39 & Luke 2: 42-44). Most important of all, Christ loved us so much, that he gave his life for our sins according to the will of the Father.

What is Emotion? For teaching purposes we will define the term emotion: • A state of feeling that results in both physical and psychological changes that can subsequently influence our behavior or actions. The majority of humans beings will experience these emotions including love, joy, surprise, anger, sadness and fear. You should know that emotions are complex and there are said to be many more, however, the ones I mentioned are the most basic ones.

Worldwide These feelings are not confined to a certain group of people or geographical area but instead are identifiable to human beings worldwide. With emotions we are able to communicate and interact with others whether it be through our words, facial expressions, gestures or our bodies. But it’s so much more than that. For our feelings affect how we think, how we behave/respond to others or a situation and how we adapt, giving us life experience, whether good or bad. Let me share a few examples of how emotions impact our behavior in a positive way.

Positive Examples !

• Example: You may experience a lot of anxiety before a job interview. In fact, obtaining this job would mean financial security for you and your family. This anxiety, therefore, motivates you to prepare yourself in every way to increase your likelihood of a successful interview.


• Example: The strong love a parent feels for a child compels them to do all they can to provide their offspring with food, clothing, water, shelter and affection. Even if it means sacrificing their own personal needs and desires.


• Example: You are at a party where people are drinking excessively and becoming more outlandish. You are fearful that a fight may break out soon and want to avoid harm so you leave.

When Satan Comes All of these examples show positive and productive responses to emotions that were felt and that is what God intended. But where God is, Satan follows, seeking to cause pain, to harm and to ultimately destroy us. As such, our emotions can lead to unseemly behavior. It can lead to sin. And what is sin? This is the transgression or breaking of God’s laws, which is exactly what Satan wants you to do.

The Garden When Adam and Eve took of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, our lives would never be the same. Sin and death took root in our minds and bodies and now the devil has direct access to our minds and therefore, direct access to our emotions. Why? Because the emotions are controlled by different chemicals in the brain. More speciďŹ cally, an area in the brain known as the limbic system, deals with showing, recognizing and controlling the body’s reaction to emotions.

Satan & the Knowledge of Evil Satan and the Knowledge of Evil have been very successful at manipulating people’s emotions so that they act abruptly, forget reason and consequences, and ultimately sin against God. Emotions in itself are not a sin, after all, God created us to have them. But emotions can become sinful if it causes you to give into the unclean desires of your flesh, which so often happens to people in this world. Uncontrolled emotions can cause violence, suicide, fornication/adultery, sodomy and so much more. Satan wants us to do the exact opposite of what God commands. For example, Christ teaches us how to love, yet Satan teaches us to hate. These emotions directly oppose each other….like good and evil; life and death; God and Satan.

In the News We have seen in the news how emotions unchecked can lead to devastating and sometimes deadly consequences. The are the Days of Noah, a time of violence. Let us review a few examples that I’m sure many of you have heard about in the news. Movie Popcorn Shooting: 43 year old Chad Oulson is fatally shot by Curtis Reeves in a movie theater. The men were disputing over Oulson texting while the ďŹ lm was playing or about to. Oulson allegedly threw a bag of popcorn to which Reeves responded by shooting him dead. A life unnecessarily taken due to the uncontrolled emotion of anger from both individuals.


In the News Suicide of Amanda Todd: a 15 year old teenager from British Columbia, Canada takes her own life after being abused, bullied, harassed, and stalked online and in person. The teenager unfortunately allowed an anonymous individual on Facebook to convince her to reveal her nakedness online. This individual then sent the picture to Amanda and it went viral. When others saw the picture, this resulted in a mass of cyber bullying as well as physical confrontations in multiple schools. Amanda made a Youtube video prior to her death, which also went viral. She expressed how she experienced emotions of depression, anxiety and a panic disorder. Again, a life unnecessarily ended. We see that Amanda’s feelings of sorrow and anxiety overtook her and led her to suicide. And we can also see how lust, anger and hatred all inuenced those individuals who took part in harassing this young girl.


In the News Brooklyn Love Triangle: Steven Whittingham was arrested and charged with double homicide for allegedly stabbing both his wife and the gentleman (he was married also) she was having an affair with after catching them in the act while in a parked vehicle. Lust, which may have been misconstrued for love, led to these victims committing adultery on their spouses (transgression of the 7th commandment). When Wittingham found out, he went into uncontrollable rage and anger; thereby, committing murder (transgression of the 6th commandment).

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Racism A HATRED or intolerance for another racial group(s). We can also look at the ongoing hatred directed towards black Americans for centuries. This is because God placed a curse upon the people of Israel and his chosen remnant is found in us, those who came in ships, who are the tail and not the head, and a mere byword. Israel was indeed cursed but Satan took advantage of our punishment and amplified it, making it much worse. He knew who God’s remnant was and wanted to destroy us in any way he could. Our people were enslaved. I would say that greed was the initial driving force behind slavery. However, it was more than greed. There was a deep rooted hate for us, which allowed for whites to abuse, torture and kill so many black slaves. Then slavery was over but hate pressed on as blacks dealt with the Jim Crow laws, separate but equal ideologies and brutal lynchings. And then we moved to the Civil Rights Movement. Finally, a glimmer of hope. A doorway for God’s people to have equal rights, at least on the surface. Though slavery and Jim crow laws are over, the hatred towards our people has not ended. Little value is placed on black lives. More violence, particularly towards black men, has increased greatly, exposing the hatred and racism that exists towards our people even today.

Sodomy We are living in the Days of Lot (or Sodom and Gomorrah). We know what Sodomy is. It is an abominable sin. The bible makes this very clear. Conjugal love should be between a male and female who are united in marriage. Sodomites have given into a vile affection, a lust that is unnatural as described in the bible. However, they misconstrue this abominable lust and mask it with the emotion of love. In fact, many sodomites and their supporters claim that God created them to be this way‌.that He loves them just as they are. Know that this is a lie and contradiction of the bible. This is not love according to God’s laws. This is the work of Satan and the Knowledge of Evil who use the notion of love and acceptance, which is seemingly good, to spread Sodomy at a rapid pace. We can see the ever growing presence of Sodomy through all media outlets, in politics, in our schools, at work, in our neighborhoods and sometimes in our own families.


Psychological Disorders It is also very common for people, both the wicked and saints alike, to suffer from psychological disorders that disturb or impact the emotions, some including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. However, for the purpose of this lesson I will focus on anxiety and depression, both of I which I have experienced ďŹ rst hand. ! ! !


Anxiety Disorder There are multiple types of anxiety disorders including panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, specific phobias and of course generalized anxiety disorder. Although each anxiety disorder has its own distinct symptoms all of them are characterized by irrational fear, worry and dread. So much so, it can interfere with a person’s ability to function in all aspects of their daily life. Some other symptoms may include: •Feelings of panic, fear, and uneasiness •Problems sleeping •Cold or sweaty hands and/or feet •Shortness of breath •Heart palpitations •An inability to be still and calm •Dry mouth •Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet •Nausea •Muscle tension •Dizziness

Anxiety Disorder Anxiety disorders are said to be caused by a combination of changes in the brain as well as environmental triggers. Common treatments for anxiety disorders include medication and psychological counseling. ! !

Anxiety Disorder We as children of God may be experiencing an anxiety disorder. It will not only impact your common life but can impact your spiritual life as well. Always keep this in mind, you can overcome this challenge; not just with common remedies but more importantly, with holy remedies. You must also realize it is a weakness that Satan will expose and use against you if you are not prepared to fight. How so? Example. You may worry excessively or be in a state of panic about a loved one or a difficult situation. These are known as anxious thoughts. Anxious thoughts will consume you. So much so, it may distract you or prevent you from praying to God or studying your bible as you should. Instead, these anxious thoughts become your # 1 focus, not the Lord. Anxiety sufferers report that their condition negatively impact their relationships, particularly with a romantic partner or spouse. You may be more likely to lash out at your loved ones, finding it difficult to obey the testimonies of Jesus Christ or take hold to the fruits of the Spirit. Satan will also enter your mind and accuse you of your sins, causing you to worry and panic over your mistakes. He will make you fearful and lead you to believe that you will not be saved, that there is no hope for you. Why does he do this? Because the devil knows that if you lose hope, what will motivate you to serve and obey God? !

My Own Story of Anxiety I, myself, have different triggers for my generalized anxiety disorder including issues with my romantic relationship, challenges on the job, disagreements with a loved one, weight gain or major life changes. I begin to worry excessively, letting my anxious thoughts consume my entire day. I begin to eat excessively, have difďŹ culty with sleeping and experience muscle tension throughout my body. I also experience a tingling sensation in my ďŹ ngers, shortness of breath and sometimes chest pain. You may even notice that I rock a lot when sitting in my chair. My anxiety is a thorn in my side. But in my weakness I gain strength through God. We will talk about spiritual remedies in more detail later on in this lesson. ! !

Depression A persistent state of sadness that significantly impairs an individual's thoughts, behavior, daily activities, and physical health. Symptoms include….


•depressed mood experienced most of the day, nearly every day; •diminished interest or pleasure in all or almost all activities most of the day, nearly every day; •significant change in appetite (increase or decrease) or weight (loss or gain); •insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day; •observable psychomotor agitation (feeling restless or fidgety) or retardation (feeling slowed down) nearly every day; •loss of energy or fatigue nearly every day; •feelings of worthlessness, or excessive or inappropriate guilt, nearly every day (not merely self reproach about being sick); •diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness, nearly every day (either subjective account or observed by others); •recurrent thoughts of death, recurrent suicidal ideation without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt or a specific plan for committing suicide.


Depression Most likely, depression is caused by a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. Like anxiety, common remedies include medication and psychological counseling. ! ! ! !

Depression !

God did say “Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted,” for all of us saints will experience sorrow because of trials, persecutions and the wickedness that surrounds us. And though all saints will have to live by this testimony, not all of us suffer from depression. This is a very serious disorder with debilitating effects in all aspects of one’s life, including spirituality. Again, Satan knows our weaknesses. He is a powerful being and uses unfair tactics to destroy us. So how exactly can depression negatively impact your relationship with God? !


Depression Example. You are consumed with sadness and stay in bed much of the day. You don’t pray. You don’t sing. You don’t read your bible because you have lost interest in God. Even if you tried to pick up your bible, you can’t hardly concentrate and have difficulty thinking about the words you are reading. Satan accuses you in your mind regarding your sins and shortcomings. He makes you feel worthless. He makes you want to give up hope in God, to question your faith and so you do. You find comfort and solace in excessive eating or not eating at all. Perhaps you take drugs or alcohol. By behaving in such a way, you are harming your body, the temple that God created. This is a sin. The Lord teaches us to take care of ourselves. Finally, your depression can become so overwhelming that you are at the point of committing suicide, which is also a sin. Now do you see now how depression can destroy you spiritually if you let it?


My Own Story of Depression I experienced major depression during my undergraduate years in college. I can’t pinpoint one single cause. Once an A/B student, I began to do poorly in my classes. I cried a lot. I ate a lot. And I didn’t really know God for myself, so I didn’t come to him at first. There were suicidal thoughts and at my lowest my point, my sister caught me in the bathroom with a knife. My poor sister carried the burden most in my family because we lived with each other. I had this habit of lying in a fetal position in front of a space heater, even if the weather was warm. She took the space heater away. My depression strained our relationship. I would take things out on her, forgetting the testimonies and fruits of the Spirit entirely. I know now it was hard for her to see her once bubbly sister, change before her eyes. Melissa, my parents, Auntie Colleen and Uncle Eddie were very supportive of me. I was surrounded by prayers and love. Counseling also helped a lot. This was during my very early 20s. As I grew older, I gradually learned who God was. I had to count on him because over and over, people would let me down. But the Lord never did.

My Coping Strategies As I became closer to God, the Spirit and Wisdom gave me spiritual and common tips to overcome this constant thorn in my side, that of anxiety and sometimes depression. • I must read my bible and pray everyday. Establish a fasting routine and schedule. • Be sure to listen to the praises of God while driving to work, to set a positive tone to my day. Express my feelings through the praises of God. • Keep my environment clean. • Refrain from being idle and make a checklist of activities to do each day, whether spiritual or common. • Light candles with pleasant scents and aromas. • Exercise. Try to eat healthy. Seek out hobbies. • I try never to isolate myself. I spend time with my loved ones. I have learn to give emotional support to others, to not just focus on my own problems. I have learned not be afraid to seek out help when I need it. • Make time to have worship with loved ones during the week.

Remedies Because of the Lord’s mercy, there is also medication and counseling services that can aide people who are suffering from anxiety disorders or depression. There is no sin in seeking this type of help. However, as saints, our primary remedy has to be God. We have to lean on him and seek his guidance and comfort. No one can heal you like the Lord. I know this and believe this with all my heart. ! ! ! !

Spiritual Remedies We can not let our emotions or even disorders of anxiety and depression, prevent us from serving God. The bible teaches us to reason and think about our actions before we do it. You may have noticed that I mentioned the testimonies of Jesus Christ and the fruits of the Spirit. Why? The testimonies are a part of the laws of God. If you look at some of the beatitudes, they relate directly to controlling your emotions. ! ! !

Spiritual Remedies For example. “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.” Meekness is a temper of mind that is not easily provoked and suffers injuries without a desire to take vengeance and greatly summits to the will of God. This is not the only testimony. When a loved one angers us, we bridle our tongue because we want to keep the peace in our house. You have an opportunity to take vengeance out on a person that has hurt you deeply but you refrain from doing so because God commands us to have mercy. You remain steadfast in the truth, even when you are suffering from trials or hurt from the sons of man because God said “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake.” Though you have anxiety or depression, you will not despair. You will remain hopeful in truth. Why? Because God said “Rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.”

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Spiritual Remedies The fruits of the spirit are traits and characteristics that the Holy Spirit teaches us to make us more like Christ. Let us read Galatians 5: 22-23. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.� By taking on these attributes we can better control our emotions and sin not against God. By doing so, we become spiritually minded as opposed to carnally minded. ! ! ! !

Conclusion Everyday, we must remain prayerful, sing praises to the Lord and study our bible. We must also fast. In doing these things, we gain spiritual strength day by day. So when you are at a low point, even then, your relationship with God will help you overcome. He will heal you and pull you out of the darkness. Jesus Christ will say peace be still, and the turbulent waves that surround you will begin to calm. We must always strive to be like Christ, who came in the esh and experienced emotions as we do but did not sin. Therefore, we must ďŹ ght against sin, we must put on the whole armor of God and be perfect as our Father in heaven. As Christ, our Savior said. Amen. ! ! ! ! !

Questions? For questions regarding this presentation please contact us via phone at 219.980.8136 or by email at info@householdoďŹ srael.org. ! ! !

Special Thanks This class was developed by !

Elisabeth C. Pointer ! ! !

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