Did you know that the church begins within you? The church is God’s house. The Spirit of God comes into your heart and your mind like a soft voice. When you get the feeling that you should do right, and that you shouldn’t do something bad, that is the Spirit of God.

Everyone knows the difference between right and wrong. Some people call it your conscience. But when you study the bible it teaches you more than what is right and wrong.

It teaches you how to be holy like God wants you to be. It teaches you to obey God and keep his commandments.
It teaches you that if you disobey God’s law that you are sinning. It also teaches you that God is going to come one day and judge everyone according to their works.

He is going to reward those who are obedient with everlasting life, and joy and happiness. He is going to punish the wicked with everlasting destruction and death.
God is going to judge everyone individually, one at a time.


Since the church begins in you, what must you do to be a true church of God?
Obey God and keep his commandments, read your bible, sing and praise God, pray to God, remember the Sabbath to keep it holy, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, share with the poor, obey your parents.

This sounds like a lot, but it isn’t. This is just the way that a child of God is supposed to act.
When we celebrate the feast of Dedication, we are celebrating God’s house, his church. Remember, you are the church. All of God’s children who love and obey him are the church. And the church begins in you.