Interface VOL. 33, NO. 4, Winter 2024

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The Electrochemical Society has led the world in ele c tr oc hemi st r y, s olid s t a t e s c ienc e and t e c hnolog y, and allie d subje c t s sinc e 1902, pr ov iding a r ig or ou s and hig h - quali t y home f or t he w hole c ommuni t y.

ECS is dedicated to moving science forward by empowering researchers globally to leave their mark on science. The Society connects a diverse and representative constituency to accelerate scientific discovery, facilitate the engagement of an inclusive network, and champion the dissemination of research to support a sustainable future.

For more information on becoming a member, or publishing in ECS publications, visit


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Happy Trails, Bill Eggers (and a Bubba Update)

Anyone who uses electrochemical instrumentation knows Bill Eggers of BioLogic USA. I first met Bill Eggers just about 40 years ago when, if I recall correctly, he was working at FMC in New Jersey and was visiting Johns Hopkins to learn about electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for corrosion measurements at the feet of the master, John Scully. I was there as a lab gopher, and I was a bit starstruck with the two of them, truth be told. Over the ensuing decades, I had the chance not only to work with Bill professionally, but also to get to know him personally. Without a doubt, the short course we taught at Hopkins and later at Virginia on the use of electrochemical methods for corrosion research would not have been possible without Bill’s contributions. While at EG&G PAR, Bill arranged to provide enough potentiostats to make the laboratory portion of the course impactful for the participants by keeping the group size to three. After establishing Bio-Logic USA, Bill continued to be a great partner in helping UVA (and many, many other universities and organizations) stay current in state-of-the-art electrochemical instrumentation. He listened to our needs and wants, provided reality checks when necessary, and worked with his team to innovate and supply superb customer service. Throughout his career he has been a great supporter of The Electrochemical Society as well as various technical meetings, like Gordon Conferences (GRCs). At the past few GRCs on Aqueous Corrosion, he and I held down the back row of the auditorium. When he told me that he was planning to effectively retire at the end of 2024, moving into more of a part-time, advisory role, my first thought was, who will be able to fill those shoes in our community?

The second thought was, will we still play golf? Over the past 25 years or so, Bill and I have been part of a group of knuckleheads (including E. J. Taylor, Doug Hansen, Pat Moran, Roque Calvo, and Paul Natishan), who would meet in the Pinehurst, North Carolina area to play golf and watch college basketball, as the trip often coincided with the March Madness tournament. Bill played college basketball and is a rabid Gonzaga fan, so he always supplied insights during the games, and consoled me when UVA became the first #1 seed to lose to a #16 seed in the first round. Ok, “consoled” may not be the most accurate description of his response, but let’s go with that. I think Bill will keep on going with these outings, especially now that he has two bionic knees and his insatiable competitive streak remains. No matter what, though, Bill, I wish you a long, relaxing, and joyful retirement with Karen and the rest of the Eggers. On behalf of the entire electrochemical community, thank you for all the support over the years.

Now, as promised, an update on Bubba T. Dog. I have been so touched by the many of you who have asked about how our boy whippet, Bubba, is doing. As a refresher, four years ago I shared with you Bubba’s battle with soft tissue sarcoma on his left Achilles. The surgery followed by the daily radiation treatments over four weeks were very tough, particularly because it went on during COVID. But with the support of a great medical team at the Virginia Tech Animal Cancer Center and the love of his family, Bubba made a full recovery. He is the Cancer Center’s poster boy for radiation treatments, and his scans have continued to look great (knock wood). He turned 10 years old this past May, and while a second knee injury has slowed him a little bit, he still loves chasing tennis balls with puppy-level enthusiasm—except in the side yard where he tore both CCL’s (dog equivalent of our anterior cruciate ligament in our knees). He has also become velcroed to me. For example, as I write this epistle on our couch, he is sleeping on his back, legs in the air, keeping his nose on my elbow. When I travel, he can become a bit of a grumpy pants, at times lying down on the floor and barking and whining at Heather, especially if she is late more than two minutes with his dinner. My family and I so deeply appreciate all the kind thoughts you have sent his way. He richly deserves every single one. Best dog ever (just like every other one).

Until next time, be safe and happy.

Published by:

The Electrochemical Society (ECS) 65 South Main Street Pennington, NJ 08534-2839, USA Tel 609.737.1902, Fax 609.737.2743

Editor-in-Chief: Rob Kelly

Guest Editors: Uroš Cvelbar, Eva Kovacevic, and Sreeram Vaddiraju

Contributing Editors: Christopher L. Alexander, Christopher G. Arges, Scott Cushing, Ahmet Kusolgu, Donald Pile, Alice Suroviec

Senior Director of Publications: Adrian Plummer

Senior Director of Engagement: Shannon Reed

Production Editor: Kara McArthur

Graphic Design & Print Production Manager: Dinia Agrawala

Staff Contributors: Frances Chaves, Genevieve Goldy, Mary Hojlo, Christopher J. Jannuzzi, John Lewis, Anna Olsen, Fern A. Oram, Jennifer Ortiz, Francesca Di Palo, JaneAnn Wormann

Advisory Board: Jie Xiao (Battery Division)

Eiji Tada (Corrosion Division)

Vaddiraju Sreeram (Dielectric Science and Technology Division)

Luca Magagnin (Electrodeposition Division) Qiliang Li (Electronics and Photonics Division)

Katherine Ayers (Energy Technology Division) Cortney Kreller (High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division)

Paul Kenis (Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division) Eugeniusz Zych (Luminescence and Display Materials Division)

Jeff Blackburn (Nanocarbons Division)

Shelley Minteer (Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division)

Stephen Paddison (Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division)

Praveen Sekhar (Sensor Division)

Publications Subcommittee Chair: Francis D'Souza

Society Officers: Colm O'Dwyer, President; James (Jim) Fenton, Senior Vice President; Francis D'Souza, 2nd Vice President; Robert Savinell, 3rd Vice President; Gessie Brisard, Secretary; Elizabeth J. PodlahaMurphy, Treasurer; Christopher J. Jannuzzi, Executive Director & CEO

Statements and opinions given in The Electrochemical Society Interface are those of the contributors, and ECS assumes no responsibility for them.

Authorization to photocopy any article for internal or personal use beyond the fair use provisions of the Copyright Act of 1976 is granted by The Electrochemical Society to libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC). Copying for other than internal or personal use without express permission of ECS is prohibited. The CCC Code for The Electrochemical Society Interface is 1064-8208/92.

ISSN : Print: 1064-8208 Online: 1944-8783

The Electrochemical Society Interface is published quarterly by The Electrochemical Society (ECS), at 65 South Main Street, Pennington, NJ 08534-2839 USA. Subscription to members is part of membership service. © Copyright 2024 by The Electrochemical Society. *“Save as otherwise expressly stated.”

The Electrochemical Society is an educational, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with more than 8,500 scientists and engineers in over 75 countries worldwide who hold individual membership. Founded in 1902, the Society has a long tradition in advancing the theory and practice of electrochemical and solid state science by dissemination of information through its publications and international meetings.




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Chips in the 21st Century: Is the Revolution Over?

The CHIPS and Science Act: A Perspective for Solid State Science and Technology

Workforce Development for the Semiconductor Industry – A Perspective

This month’s cover is based on a figure from an article in this issue, “Semiconductor Dry Etching Innovation in the Era of 3D Monolithic Integration,” by Thorsten Lill and Andreas Fischer. The figure depicts the step sequence for a thermal isotropic atomic layer etching process. The reactant in the surface modification step modifies only the material which will be etched in the removal step. The pre-cursors are shown as circles. Image Source: Y. Lee and S. M. George, ACS Nano, 9, 2061 (2015) Cover design: Dinia Agrawala

3 From the Editor: Happy Trails, Bill Eggers (and a Bubba Update) 7 From the President: Symbiotic and United— Our Society’s Mission Looking Ahead

Candidates for Society Office

Society News

Websites of Note

PRiME 2024 Meeting Highlights

Summer Fellowship Reports

Looking at Patent Law

PSymbiotic and United— Our Society’s Mission Looking Ahead

RiME 2024 is behind us, yet its memory lives on. For some of us, the shorter days and colder weather is in stark contrast to the idyllic weather of that early October week in Honolulu. PRiME 2024 was a melting pot for interaction and collaboration, showcasing the breadth of highquality scientific research and shared vision of ECS, ECSJ, and KECS, our members, and all the attendees and supporters. We were fortunate to have had nine technical sponsors. That amazing meeting featured 50 symposia with 5,122 scheduled abstracts by attendees from 60 countries. Of these, 3,249 were oral presentations (with 674 invited talks and 48 ECS award and keynote talks) and 1,851 were posters (including 327 from Z01, and 268 late submissions), with students accounting for 2,233 of all abstracts. While the student poster session is a highlight of every ECS meeting, it was especially so at PRiME 2024. Over 200 more posters were presented than in most meetings! With the support of ECSJ and KECS, we were able to fund 10 award winners this year. And you can read about many of the meeting’s memories, events, highlights, awardee details, and much more in this edition of ECS Interface

ʽ“ECS United” embodies the integration and interdependence that our modern-day technologies require—their power sources, their function, their capability, and how they add to the quality of life.ʼ

When we look into our Society’s mission, its meetings and publication content, and the growing diversity in division activities and symposium topics, we also see this symbiosis mirrored. Batteries, supercapacitors, fuel cells, and the electrochemical and materials science disciplines that drive their developments, are joined at the hip with semiconductor chips and devices where electronics, materials, optics, and chemistry are the building blocks. Add sensor technology, engineering, and processing, and it becomes very clear, very quickly, how ECS’s topical interest areas feed into many of the core sciences found in most modern technologies. Our meetings are breeding grounds for a united scientific effort, where discipline collaboration is as powerful, and as necessary, as personal collaboration. Disseminating the bigger picture of ECS’s stewardship in uniting the science and technology of the electric future will also form a key aspect of our fall 2025 meeting. Look for updates soon.

As we look forward to the 247th ECS Meeting in Montréal, Canada, in May 2025, and outward to the 248th ECS Meeting in Chicago in October of that year, there’s a lot to be excited about. The Montréal meeting’s theme, “ECS United,” embodies the integration and interdependence that our modernday technologies require—their power sources, their function, their capability, and how they add to the quality of life. What we all work on and what we will present at these meetings all contribute to the evolution of our way of life—and little exists in a vacuum anymore. In many of these technologies, a strong sense of symbiosis has also evolved. These days, it is difficult to find a device that does not contain a multitude of separate technologies developed to work with each other, that ultimately evolved to depend upon one another. You could argue that we all get great benefit from the technologies we create, and we develop better technology because we strive for new knowledge, meaningful interaction, and a better way of doing things that matter to us.

All forms of collaboration, from ideas to technologies, from people to projects, are the key enablers—the hallmarks of an engaged and progressive Society focused on being a significant contributor to a cleaner and better future. ECS membership is growing significantly. All members, from students to emeriti, continue driving our mission at every meeting, such that record numbers of abstracts and attendees are being set since returning from the pandemic. Here’s to more interactions, collaboration, and a united global effort to solve the scientific and technological grand challenges of our time. PRiME 2024 and the plans for 2025 remind us, in a nutshell, how meaningful interactions and scientific advances can be achieved through cooperation in our global community.

Candidates for Society Office

Biographical sketches and candidacy statements of the nominated candidates for the annual election of Society officers.

Candidate for President

James M. Fenton is Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Central Florida and Director of the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC). He leads more than 70 faculty and staff who research, develop, and evaluate clean energy technologies, and prepare the current and future workforce for careers in clean energy. FSEC, which celebrates its 50th year in 2025, focuses on seven program areas: solar energy, high performance buildings, energy storage, decarbonization, transportation electrification, STEM education and workforce training, and energy policy research. Prof. Fenton has more than 40 years of experience in electrochemical engineering and education areas, including redox flow batteries, hydrogen, PEM fuel cells, solar-to-PEM electrolyzer system analysis, fuel processing, high temperature corrosion, oxidizing agent generation, and metal recycling.

An ECS member since attending his first meeting as a student in 1982, Prof. Fenton’s service to the Society includes the offices of Secretary (2017–2021) and Vice President (2022–2024), as well as all offices of the ECS Boston Section (now the ECS New England Section) and ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division. His committee membership has encompassed the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, Council of Local Sections, Individual Membership, Finance, New Technology, Interdisciplinary Science & Technology Subcommittee, Publications Subcommittee, Education, Ethical Standards, Technical Affairs, and Ways and Means. Prof. Fenton chaired the ECS student poster sessions for four years and chaired the Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells Student Poster Session from 2021 to 2022.

Prof. Fenton holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles (1979), and MS (1982) and PhD (1984) in Chemical Engineering from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. The author of over 200 publications, he received the honor of Fellow of The Electrochemical Society in 2007 and the ECS Energy Technology Division Research Award in 2014 for his work on proton exchange membrane fuel cells.

Candidacy Statement

It is an honor to be nominated for President of The Electrochemical Society, and, if

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Candidates for Third Vice President

Marca Doeff is currently an Affiliate with the Energy Storage and Distributed Resources Division (ESDR) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Prior to her retirement in June 2024, she was Senior Scientist at LBNL and Deputy Division Director of ESDR from 2019 to 2024.

After receiving her BA in Chemistry from Swarthmore College in 1978 and PhD in Inorganic Chemistry from Brown University in 1983, she completed postdoctoral work at the University of California, Santa Barbara and University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Doeff joined the Naval Ocean Systems Center in 1986 to research antifouling coatings, then in 1990 began research related to electric vehicle batteries at LBNL. Industry, the US Department of Energy, and the California Energy Commission were the primary funders of her research, which focused on materials for lithium-ion batteries, sodiumion batteries, and solid state batteries. She has published approximately 170 peerreviewed papers and patented extensively in these areas. A Fellow of The Electrochemical Society and Royal Society of Chemistry, Dr. Doeff has received the 2024 ECS San Francisco Section Award, 2024 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Director’s Lifetime Achievement Award, 2023 US Department of Energy Office of Vehicle Technologies Distinguished Achievement Award, and 2020 R&D100 award. She has held a number of positions on the ECS Battery Division Executive Committee, culminating with Chair from 2019 to 2020, and volunteered on Society committees, including Technical Affairs (2003–2007) and Honors & Awards (2014–2018). From 2020 to 2024, she served as Secretary of The Electrochemical Society.

Candidacy Statement

It is my great honor to run for the position of 3rd Vice President of The Electrochemical Society in 2025. As ECS Secretary from 2020 to June 2024, I saw firsthand the ECS staff’s dedication as they overcame the challenges of the pandemic. We had to quickly pivot to online meetings, and while perhaps not ideal, it allowed us to keep up with electrochemistry during those difficult days. I remember the excitement and relief at the conference in Vancouver in May 2022, when we could finally meet in

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E. Jennings Taylor is Senior Advisor for Faraday Technology, Inc., an electrochemical engineering company he founded in 1991. His vision was to develop novel pulse plating processes devoid of chemical additives and/or hazardous chemicals. This initial vision evolved beyond pulse plating to include pulse electrochemical processes such as surface finishing, electrochemical machining, deburring, polishing, through-mask etching, destruction of pollutants, dewatering, and chemical conversion.

Dr. Taylor has 54 issued patents with additional patents pending, 200+ technical publications/articles, and two invited book chapters primarily related to various embodiments of pulse electrolytic processes. He co-authored the first paper describing pulse electrodeposition of nanoscale gas diffusion electrode catalysts for fuel cells (J Electrochem Soc, Vol. 139, No. 5, May 1992). ECS recognized his work with the Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering (IE&EE) New Electrochemical Technology (NET) Award in 2021. The National Association of Surface Finishers (NASF) and European Pulse Plating Symposium have also given him numerous awards related to pulse processes. Dr. Taylor was named Fellow of The Electrochemical Society in 2015 and Fellow of the National Association of Surface Finishers in 2016.

Dr. Taylor completed a BA in Chemistry at Wittenberg University and MS and PhD in Materials Science at the University of Virginia under Prof. Glenn Stoner. He conducted his PhD research in electrochemical kinetics and fuel cells at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Dr. Taylor obtained an MA in Technology Strategy and Policy from Boston University and is admitted to the US Patent & Trademark Office bar. Before founding Faraday, Dr. Taylor worked at International Nickel Co., Giner Inc., and Physical Sciences Inc.

Dr. Taylor joined ECS in 1978. He has chaired the ECS Boston Section (now known as the ECS New England Section) and several ECS committees, including Development and Sponsorship, Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee, and Individual Membership. He co-chaired the original board-appointed Free the Science subcommittee that addressed making ECS publications more open and accessible. Dr. Taylor has served in IE&EE Division

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Photo: Nick-Waters

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elected, I look forward to the opportunity to serve our member-driven Society of worldclass researchers from industry, academia, and government. ECS has bounced back from the COVID-19 pandemic stronger than ever with increased meeting attendance, reaching more of the world than ever before; increased engagement with our wider community, now offering new membership opportunities; the successful launch of openaccess journals, ECS Sensors Plus and ECS Advances; increased communication through social networking sites, videos, webinars, and podcasts; and increased STEM education and outreach opportunities.

It is through all of these means of engagement that ECS will inspire its future members—graduate and undergraduate students, as well as pre-college students—to choose careers in electrochemical and solid state research. This future workforce will, with our help, develop the technologies that tackle important problems related to energy, health, education, the environment, national security, global development, and climate change. Most of us believe that climate change is a greater global crisis than the COVID-19 pandemic. ECS is uniquely positioned to mitigate climate change. Rapid decarbonization by direct and indirect electrification of energy-producing and manufacturing processes will allow the world to limit the long-term increase in average global temperatures to less than 2oC by 2050, a goal set by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

In my role representing ECS, I will encourage divisions and local sections, student chapters, and corporate affiliate members to work with regional education systems to provide educational tools for K–12 teachers. Promoting awareness of technical developments in electrochemistry and solid state science will extend the impact of research carried out by ECS members, and support climate change mitigation efforts by the public at large.

As ECS President, my commitment is to collaborate with each of you, the officers, and our outstanding professional staff to define and implement new visions and new initiatives to enable our members and future members to solve the grand global challenges.

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person again. The vestiges of online meetings are retained to this day in the form of some recorded or live-streamed content, but I think most of us agree that there’s nothing that beats meeting our colleagues face-toface and hearing and giving live talks. We emerged from the pandemic stronger than ever and even increased our membership from the pre-pandemic baseline. During

my tenure as Secretary, we also launched several initiatives, such as the new journals Sensors Plus and ECS Advances, battery workforce development courses, and efforts on sustainability and diversity.

As 3rd Vice President, I’d like to continue to develop and expand these efforts as resources allow. We could, for example, run hands-on training courses for battery workforce education in addition to the online classes we have now, and perhaps include other topics such as hydrogen and fuel cells in conjunction with partners in industry, academics, national labs, and/or other professional societies. We should also consider beefing up our flagship publications to improve impact factors. One way may be to run focus issues on hot topics, inviting authors with relevant expertise to write perspective or review articles. We might consider broadening into topics for these special issues that are not currently part of our technical interest areas but bear relevance to our research, such as policy, technoeconomic analysis, and life cycle analysis.

As climate change becomes more evident, governments around the world are seeking ways to mitigate the effects and encouraging clean energy solutions through policy. This is spurring innovation in the form of start-up companies and new initiatives in established industries. The Electrochemical Society is uniquely positioned to address these issues, considering our technical interests in energy storage and conversion, the water/energy nexus, semiconductor science, and more. I’d like to encourage more industry activity at ECS meetings for the benefit of all. We might consider hosting regular industry days or seminars at our meetings, inviting scientists and engineers from large and small companies to speak on their priorities. I have found that interacting with industry folks has broadened my perspective in my own research and has sometimes led to new collaborative efforts. A heightened industry presence at our meetings would also benefit students and postdocs seeking their next career moves. More active industry engagement and collaboration is one fruitful way to translate fundamental electrochemical science and engineering into action to combat climate change challenges.

It’s an exciting time to be involved with The Electrochemical Society and to be part of solutions that benefit society as a whole. Please feel free to contact me with your concerns and ideas, and if elected, I’ll do my best to take action in consultation with members of the ECS Executive Committee and ECS staff.

E. Jennings Taylor

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officer positions and as ECS Treasurer. He is active in co-organizing symposia, including those focused on electrochemical innovation/entrepreneurship and the Bill and Melinda Gates water initiative. Co-author of a recurring series of Interface articles

related to patent law, he has also presented ECS tutorials on “Intellectual Property for Electrochemical Scientists, Engineers, and Technologists.”

Jennings and Barbara have one son and recently celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary. They enjoy kayaking, pickleball, walking on the beach, and traveling. Jennings and his son are avid golfers.

Candidacy Statement

When I attended my first ECS meeting as an MS student, I was impressed at the breadth of science and technology discussed. I felt welcomed by well-established and renowned electrochemists and was captivated by the strong sense of community. Since then, I have attended most biannual meetings, and am thrilled to see how electrochemical and solid state science and engineering is more relevant than ever. I remain passionate about the impact our science and technology continue to have on critical global challenges, and always look forward to attending ECS meetings to learn about new advances and reconnect with colleagues.

Due to its diverse membership and the networking and information sharing facilitated by our meetings and publications, ECS members possess the breadth and depth necessary to conceive innovative solutions for addressing global challenges. In my work experience, I observed firsthand the crucial role that a diverse group of scientists and engineers working within an inclusive culture play in developing creative and innovative solutions to practical problems. Diversity of thought, perspective, and opinion are essential for all organizations, including ECS. Moving forward, we must continue to enhance diversity and inclusion, maintain the quality of our meetings, uphold the integrity and impact of our publications, expand opportunities and platforms for information sharing, and continue meaningfully engaging our diverse membership—including our younger members who represent the future of ECS.

I am proud of my small role in addressing the challenges of the Free the Science open access initiative. I believe that within every challenge lies an opportunity to shape a new and better future. Open access aligns with our mission to cultivate and disseminate our science and technology to both the electrochemical and broader scientific communities. Since the initial launch of the original Free the Science open access initiative, ECS has implemented and continues to implement organization-wide efficiencies to decrease costs and increase revenues, making us the low-cost producer of high-quality publications.

I am deeply honored to be nominated for the position of 3rd Vice President of ECS and ask for your support. I understand and accept both the stewardship and fiduciary responsibilities associated with being a member of the Executive Board and the Office of 3rd Vice President.

James M. Fenton
Marca Doeff

New Editorial Appointments for ECS Publications

The ECS Publications team is excited to announce six key editorial appointments to the Joint Journal Editorial Board. These additions include five new members and the re-appointment of a dedicated Associate Editor, reflecting ECS’s commitment to driving innovation in electrochemical and solid state science.

Aimy Bazylak from the University of Toronto joined the Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES) as Associate Editor for the Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers, and Energy Conversion topical interest area, beginning September 1, 2024.

Pietro Lopes of Argonne National Laboratory was appointed Associate Editor for ECS Advances starting on September 1, 2024. His appointment is expected to elevate the journal’s impact through his deep research knowledge.

Katja Froehlich of the Austrian Institute of Technology joined ECS Sensors Plus as Associate Editor, starting on August 19, 2024, bringing her expertise in sensor technology.

Olja Simoska from the University of South Carolina joined ECS Sensors Plus as Associate Editor, starting on August 19, 2024. The journal will benefit from her expertise in sensor technology.

Kent Zheng from the University of Texas at Austin brings his deep research knowledge to his appointment as Associate Editor for ECS Advances starting on August 19, 2024.

Michael Adachi of Simon Fraser University has been re-appointed as Associate Editor for ECS Sensors Plus, continuing his term on November 12, 2024, acknowledging his significant contributions to the journal’s success.

We warmly welcome these editors and look forward to their leadership in advancing ECS’s mission of fostering excellence in research and publication.

Farewell to ECS Transactions: A Legacy of Knowledge

After many years of serving as the official proceedings publication for the Meetings of The Electrochemical Society (ECS), we announce the sunsetting of ECS Transactions (ECST). The final volume of ECST, Volume 114, was published on September 27, 2024, and fittingly included select full manuscripts of groundbreaking research scheduled for presentation at the PRiME 2024 Meeting.

We extend our deepest gratitude to the authors, symposium organizers, editors, and subscribers who have contributed to ECST throughout its journey. Your dedication, expertise, and passion have

made ECST a valuable resource for the electrochemical science community, capturing the latest advancements and innovations presented at ECS meetings for more than a decade. The impact of your collective efforts has left an indelible mark on the field, helping to shape the direction of research and technology in electrochemistry and solid state science.

As we close this chapter, we encourage readers to continue exploring meeting-related content through other ECS publication platforms, including our peer-reviewed journals and ECS Meeting Abstracts. These outlets will carry forward the tradition of disseminating high-quality research from ECS meetings, ensuring that the latest scientific discoveries reach our global community

Thank you once again for your support of and contributions to ECST. Together, we will continue to advance the mission of ECS and drive innovation in the world of electrochemical and solid state science.


Publications Update: From the Director’s Desk

As we close out 2024, The Electrochemical Society (ECS) Publications team reflects on a remarkable journey filled with significant achievements, a reaffirmed commitment to ethical standards, and a celebration of diversity within our scientific community. This year, ECS journals have reached new heights, peer reviewers have been recognized for their invaluable contributions, and the organization has continued to promote inclusivity across its publications and events.

Advancements in ECS Publications:

Scopus Indexing and Beyond

One of the most exciting developments of 2024 has been the inclusion of ECS’s newest gold open-access journals, ECS Advances (ECSA) and ECS Sensors Plus (ECSSP), in Scopus, one of the world’s most utilized indexes of scholarly work. Since their launch in 2022, these journals have consistently showcased groundbreaking research in electrochemical and solid state science. Their indexing in Scopus not only amplifies the reach and impact of this research but also enhances the visibility of the innovative work done by our authors across the globe.

This milestone is a testament to the dedication of the editors, authors, reviewers, and the entire ECS community who have worked tirelessly to elevate the standards of these journals. The inclusion in Scopus underscores ECS’s commitment to advancing scientific discovery and highlights our role as leaders in the electrochemical and solid state science fields. It ensures that research published in ECSA and ECSSP is accessible to a broader audience, driving greater impact within the scientific community.

Upholding Ethical Standards in Scientific Publishing

As we celebrate our achievements, it is equally crucial to address the importance of maintaining rigorous ethical standards in scientific publishing. Recent discussions in the scientific community have highlighted growing concerns about research misconduct and its impact on the integrity of the scholarly record. At ECS, our commitment to upholding the highest standards of ethics in research is unwavering.

The ECS Author Submission Guidelines and Policies, along with the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the resources provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), form the cornerstone of our ethical publishing framework. These guidelines ensure that all contributions to ECS's journals are accurate, transparent, and adhere to the highest standards of integrity.

Adhering to these guidelines is not just a procedural requirement; it is imperative for scholarly integrity. It is the collective responsibility of authors, reviewers, and editors to ensure that each piece of research published in our journals contributes meaningfully to the body of knowledge in electrochemistry and solid state science. By following these principles, we continue to build a trustworthy and reliable scientific record that future generations can build upon.

Honoring Peer Review Excellence: A Cornerstone of Scientific Integrity

The peer review process is at the heart of scholarly publishing, ensuring the quality, validity, and impact of research. During Peer Review Week 2024, ECS celebrated the invaluable contributions of its peer reviewers who uphold the integrity of our publications. The theme of this year’s celebration focused on collaboration and the rigorous standards that define the review process, highlighting the

crucial role that peer reviewers play in shaping the future of scientific discovery.

Peer review is more than a mere checkpoint—it is a rigorous evaluation process that determines the credibility and reliability of scientific findings. Reviewers assess the significance, methodology, and relevance of research to ensure that only the highest quality work is published in ECS journals. Their dedication to this process helps prevent the dissemination of false or misleading information, safeguarding the integrity of the scholarly record.

Recognizing the Top ECS Reviewers of 2024

This year, ECS proudly introduced the inaugural group of our named Top ECS Reviewers, acknowledging 39 outstanding individuals whose dedication, thoroughness, and expertise have set a high standard for the entire peer-review community. These reviewers represent the top three contributors across each of ECS’s topical interest areas that are covered in our peer-reviewed journals: the Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES), ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS), ECS Advances (ECSA), and ECS Sensors Plus (ECSSP).

Below are the Top ECS Reviewers for 2024, representing the breadth of the fields of electrochemical and solid state science:

Batteries and Energy Storage

Liqiang Mai, Wuhan University of Technology, China

Ryoichi Tatara, Yokohama National University, Japan

Xing-Long Wu, Northeast Normal University, China

Carbon Nanostructures and Devices

Onur Akyildirim, Kafkas University, Turkey

Melih Besir Arvas, Istanbul University, Turkey

Muhammet Meriç Atan, Hitit University, Turkey

Corrosion Science and Technology

Gerald Frankel, The Ohio State University, US

Elena Romanovskaia, University of Virginia, US

Venkata Bhuvaneswari Vukkum, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US

Dielectric Science and Materials

Rongli Gao, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, China

Shridhar N. Mathad, KLE Institute of Technology, India

Ramakanta Naik, Institute of Chemical Technology-IOC Bhubaneswar, India

Electrochemical/Electroless Deposition

Po-Yu Chen, Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan

Wei-Qun Shi, Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Michael F. Simpson, The University of Utah, US

Electronic Materials and Processing

Puneet Jawali, Lam Research Corp, US

Jihoon Seo, Clarkson University, US

Qinzhi Xu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Electrochemical Engineering

Arash Namaeighasemi, Ohio University, US

Venkat Subramanian, The University of Texas at Austin, US

Geethapriyan Thangamani, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Electronic and Photonic Devices and Systems


Jihyun Kim, Seoul National University, South Korea

Han-Yin Liu, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan

Stephen Pearton, University of Florida, US

Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers, and Energy Conversion

Lorenz Gubler, Paul Scherrer Institut Electrochemistry Laboratory, Switzerland

Kevin Huang, University of South Carolina, US

Yudong Wang, University of Connecticut, US

Luminescence and Display Materials, Devices, and Processing

Xiaoyong Huang, Taiyuan University of Technology, China

Venkata Krishnaiah Kummara, Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering, India

Kai Li, China University of Petroleum, China

Organic and Bioelectrochemistry

Antoine Juneau, McGill University, Canada

Scott Prins, McGill University, Canada

Meijing Wang, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry

Asma Khoobi, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran

Andrzej Lasia, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada

Dianping Tang, Fuzhou University, China


Pramod Kumar Gupta, Fraunhofer Coatings and Diamond Technologies, US

Yuanjie Su, University of Electronic Science and Technology, China

Somayeh Tajik, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Iran

These exceptional reviewers have contributed significantly to ensuring that the research published in ECS journals is advancing the boundaries of knowledge in electrochemistry and solid state science. Their efforts play a vital role in maintaining the trust and reliability of ECS as a leading voice in scholarly publishing.

Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion in ECS

Diversity and inclusivity are not just values for ECS—they are fundamental to the advancement of science. In October, during Global Diversity Awareness Month, ECS highlighted the importance of diverse perspectives in driving scientific innovation. A diverse scientific community brings together different viewpoints that lead to novel solutions for complex problems, enhancing the quality and impact of research shared across ECS publications.

ECS has long been committed to fostering an inclusive environment within its journals, conferences, and engagement programs. We encourage members of all backgrounds to actively participate as reviewers, support local student chapters, and engage with initiatives that empower the next generation of electrochemical scientists. By embracing diversity, ECS continues to lead in creating a community that reflects the richness of global scientific contributions.

Honoring the Contributions of Women in ECS

In March, ECS celebrated Women’s History Month by highlighting the critical roles women have played in the fields of electrochemistry and solid state science. From editors and peer reviewers to authors, women have been catalysts for change within ECS, pushing for a more sustainable and innovative future through their scientific endeavors.

ECS publications have dedicated issues to elevating the voices of women in science, such as the “Focus Issue on Women in Electrochemistry” and articles like “Diversity in Science” in ECS Interface. These contributions underscore ECS’s commitment to promoting gender equality and to recognizing the achievements of women in advancing the scientific landscape.

Looking Forward: Engaging with the ECS Mission

As we approach the conclusion of 2024, ECS reflects on the journey thus far and looks forward to even greater achievements in the coming year. We encourage all members to actively engage with our mission—whether by contributing to the peer review process, supporting young researchers, or submitting their innovative work to ECS journals.

ECS will continue to host events like the PRiME 2024 meeting in Honolulu, Hawai'i, bringing together a diverse group of scientists from around the globe to collaborate and accelerate scientific discovery. These gatherings are not only an opportunity to share ideas and insights but also a platform to celebrate the contributions of the ECS community to the advancement of scienc.

Conclusion: A Year of Achievement and Commitment

As 2024 comes to an end, ECS stands proud of the progress made in advancing electrochemical and solid state science. From the significant achievement of Scopus indexing for our new journals to the unwavering dedication of our peer reviewers and the celebration of diversity and inclusion, ECS continues to pave the way for a more innovative and inclusive scientific community.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the entire ECS community for their support, dedication, and contributions. Together, we are shaping the future of scientific discovery, grounded in integrity, diversity, and excellence.

For more information and to access the latest research from our journals, visit the ECS Digital Library at

Thank You, Thierry Brousse: Honoring a Legacy of Service and Scholarship

After twelve years of dedicated service to the Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES), Dr. Thierry Brousse will conclude his final term as an Associate Editor for the Battery and Energy Storage topical interest area. Thierry’s journey with The Electrochemical Society (ECS) began in 1996, marking nearly three decades of invaluable contributions to JES and the broader electrochemical science community.

Thierry’s tenure as Associate Editor has been characterized by his unwavering commitment to advancing the field of battery and energy storage. His dedication to maintaining the highest standards of peer review has ensured that JES continues to be a leading publication in the field, disseminating research that drives innovation and technological progress. Through his guidance, countless researchers have seen their work elevated and refined, making a lasting impact on the scientific community.

In addition to his editorial role, Thierry’s own research has significantly shaped the landscape of energy storage technology. His prolific body of work, accessible at Google Scholar, includes numerous publications that have advanced our understanding of electrochemical capacitors, materials for energy storage, and the fundamentals of battery technology. His research has been a cornerstone in the development of sustainable energy solutions, influencing both academic and industrial advancements.

As a token of our appreciation, Thierry Brousse will be honored for his exceptional service at the ECS Honors and Awards ceremony during the 247th ECS Meeting (May 18–22, 2025) in Montréal, Canada). This recognition is a testament to his enduring impact on the community and his dedication to advancing the mission of ECS.

On behalf of the ECS community, we extend our deepest gratitude to Thierry for his years of service, leadership, and scholarly contributions. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors and look forward to celebrating his achievements in Montréal.

ECS Board of Directors Report

The ECS Board of Directors held its fall gathering on Thursday, October 10, 2024, in conjunction with PRiME 2024, which took place in Honolulu, HI, October 6–11. ECS President Colm O’Dwyer called the Board to order and kicked off the meeting with a warm welcome and an update on the efforts to create the Community Inclusion Officer position. Colm also reported on ongoing community inclusion efforts such as the recent talk he gave to the 1st ECS-Mexico Student Congress, held on Thursday, September 19. Chapter growth has been tremendous in Mexico. ECS looks forward to continuing to expand engagement in Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America with the launching of a new meeting, the Pan American Conference on Electrochemistry and Sustainability (PACES). Look for more information about this in 2025!

ECS Secretary Gessie Brisard presented the last Board meeting’s minutes and had the pleasure of announcing the recently elected board members: Jie Xiao, ECS Battery Division; Eiji Tada, ECS Corrosion Division; and Praveen Kumar Sekhar, ECS Sensor Division. Their two-year terms began immediately following the Board meeting in Honolulu and end in October of 2026. Congratulations and best of luck to our newly elected Board members!

Following the Secretary’s report, ECS Treasurer Lisa PodlahaMurphy presented the 2025 ECS budget, which includes funding not only for ECS core operations, but also for critical initiatives such as ECS Advances and ECS Sensors Plus, ECS workforce development courses, and new membership offerings. The budget was unanimously approved.

Individual Membership Committee Chair E. J. Taylor was up next, with support from Shannon Reed, ECS Senior Director of Engagement. They reported that ECS membership was at an all-time high with more than 9,600 members! And with eight new student chapters approved at the meeting—from the US, Europe, and Asia— it’s clear that ECS membership is poised for continued growth worldwide.

Next, Education Committee Chair Alice Suroviec reported on ECS’s educational activities. She highlighted the expanded student poster awards given at PRiME thanks to additional financial support provided by ECS’s PRiME partners, The Electrochemical Society of Japan (ECSJ) and Korean Electrochemical Society (KECS).

ECS Senior Vice President and Technical Affairs Committee Chair Jim Fenton presented the Technical Affairs Committee report. He updated the Board on the latest information concerning ECS’s publications and meetings operations, noting that, with nearly 5,000 attendees, PRiME 2024 was the largest event in ECS’s history. Jim then presented a series of critical motions for Board approval: the appointment of David Cliffel of Vanderbilt University as the new Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society; reappointment of Ajit Khosla as Editor-in-Chief of ECS Sensors Plus; and reappointment of Krishnan Rajeshwar as Editor-inChief of the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. Jim concluded his report by asking Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee Chair Jennifer Hite to discuss the subcommittee’s expanded role in programming symposia across divisions and incubating new and emerging technologies within the Society’s fields of interest.

The meeting concluded with Honors and Awards Chair Adam Weber’s report presenting some important award rule changes for approval, along with new Society award winners: Debra J. Rolison, US Naval Research Laboratory, for the Allen J. Bard Award; Hideo Hosono, Institute of Science Tokyo, for the Gordon E. Moore Medal; and Doron Aurbach, Bar-Ilan University, for the John B. Goodenough Award.

Last, a motion to close the meeting was made, seconded, and unanimously approved. The Board reconvenes in March 2025.

19th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC- XIX)

July 13–18, 2025 – Stockholm, Sweden

The Brewery Conference Center

Abstract submision open

2025 Battery Safety Workshop

June 5–6, 2025 – Charlotte, NC

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

To learn more about what ECS sponsorship can do for your meeting or to request ECS sponsorship for your technical event, contact


New Division Officers

Battery Division


Jie Xiao, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Vice Chair

Jagjit Nanda, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center


Xiaolin Li, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


Neil Dasgupta, University of Michigan

Members at Large

Veronica Augustyn, North Carolina State University

Thomas Barrera, LIB-X Consulting

Dominic Bresser, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

Jang Wook Choi, Seoul National University

Jason Croy, Argonne National Laboratory

Betar Gallant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Joshua Gallaway, Northeastern University

Andrew Haddad, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Kelsey Hatzell, Princeton University

Nobuyuki Imanishi, Mei University

Byoungwoo Kang, Pohang University of Science and Technology

Boryann Liaw, High Power Research Laboratory, LLC

Feng Lin, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Yi-Chun Lu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Lauren Marbella, Columbia University

Rana Mohtadi, Toyota Research Institute of North America

John Muldoon, Toyota Research Institute of North America

Dan Steingart, Columbia University

Venkataram Thangadurai, University of Calgary

Roseanne Warren, University of Utah

Claire Xiong, Boise State University

Kang Xu, SES AI Corporation

Marina Yakovleva, Arcadium Lithium

Won-Sub Yoon, Sungkyunkwan University

Corrosion Division


Eiji Tada, Institute of Science Tokyo

Vice Chair

Rebecca Schaller, Sandia National Laboratories

Division Secretary/Treasurer

Yaiza Gonzalez-Garcia, Technische Universiteit Delft

Members at Large

Samantha Gatemen, Western University

Rajeev Gupta, North Carolina State University

Michael Rohwerder, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH

Brendy Rincon Troconis, University of Texas at San Antonio

Hiroaki Tsuchiya, Osaka University

Sensor Division


Praveen Kumar Sekhar, Washington State University

Vice Chair

Dong-Joo Kim, Auburn University


Leyla Soleymani, McMaster University


Harshini Mukundan, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Members at Large

Sheikh Ali Akbar, Ohio State University

Shekhar Bhansali, Florida International University

Michael T. Carter, 582 Applied Sciences LLC

Pengyu Chen, Auburn University

Dong Dongmei, Rowan University

Seyedehaida (Aida) Ebrahimi, The Pennsylvania State University

Jay Grate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Peter Hesketh, Georgia Institute of Technology

A. Robert Hillman, University of Leicester

Gary Hunter, NASA Glenn Research Center

Takeo Hyodo, Nagasaki University

Mira Josowicz, Georgia Institute of Technology

Ajit Khosla, Xidian University

Jessica Koehne, NASA Ames Research Center

Jing Li, NASA Ames Research Center

Chung-Chiun Liu, Case Western Reserve University

Sushanta Mitra, University of Waterloo

Rangachary Mukundan, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Milad Navaei, Georgia Institute of Technology

Antonio Ricco, Stanford University

Michael Sailor, University of California, San Diego

Yasuhiro Shimizu, Nagasaki University

Joseph Stetter, KWJ Engineering, Inc.

Thomas Thundat, University at Buffalo

Lok-Kun Tsui, University of New Mexico

Raluca van Staden, National Institute of Research for Electrochemistry and Condensed Matter

Petr Vanýsek, Northern Illinois University

Nianqiang (Nick) Wu, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Tomoyuki Yasukawa, University of Hyogo


ECS Division Contacts


Jie Xiao, Chair

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Jagjit Nanda, Vice Chair

Xiaolin Li, Secretary

Neil Dasgupta, Treasurer

Doron Aurbach, Journals Editorial Board Representative


Eiji Tada, Chair

Institute of Science Tokyo

Rebecca Schaller, Vice Chair

Yaiza Gonzalez-Garcia, Secretary/Treasurer

Sannakaisa Virtanen, Journals Editorial Board Representative

Dielectric Science and Technology

Sreeram Vaddiraju, Chair

Texas A&M University

Eva Kovacevic, Vice Chair

Zhi David Chen, Secretary

Thorsten Lill, Treasurer

Peter Mascher, Journals Editorial Board Representative


Luca Magagnin, Chair

Politecnico di Milano

Andreas Bund, Vice Chair

Rohan Akolkar, Secretary

Adriana Ispas, Treasurer

Takayuki Homma, Journals Editorial Board Representative

Electronics and Photonics

Qiliang Li, Chair

Peking University

Vidhya Chakrapani, Vice Chair

Zia Karim, 2nd Vice Chair

Helmut Baumgart, Secretary

Travis Anderson, Treasurer

Aniruddh Jagdish Khanna, Journals Editorial Board Representative

Fan Ren, Journals Editorial Board Representative

Energy Technology

Katherine Ayers, Chair

Nel Hydrogen

Minhua Shao, Vice Chair

Hui Xu, Secretary

Iryna Zenyuk, Treasurer

Minhua Shao, Journals Editorial Board Representative

High-Temperature Energy, Materials, and Processes

Cortney Kreller, Chair

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Xingbo Liu, Vice Chair

Teruhisa Horita, Junior Vice Chair

Dong Ding, Secretary/Treasurer

Minhua Shao, Journals Editorial Board Representative

Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering

Paul Kenis, Chair

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Elizabeth Biddinger, Vice Chair

Chockalingam Karuppaiah, Secretary/Treasurer

Paul Kenis, Journals Editorial Board Representative

Luminescence and Display Materials

Eugeniusz Zych, Chair Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Chong-Geng Ma, Vice Chair

Marco Bettinelli, Secretary/Treasurer

Won Bin Im, Journals Editorial Board Representative


Jeff L. Blackburn, Chair

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Ardemis Boghossian, Vice Chair

Yan Li, Secretary

Hiroshi Imahori, Treasurer

Dirk M. Guldi, Journals Editorial Board Representative

Organic and Biological Electrochemistry

Shelley Minteer, Chair

NSF Center for Synthetic Organic Electrochemistry

Jeffrey Halpern, Vice Chair

Sabine Kuss, 2nd Vice Chair

Ariel Furst, Secretary/Treasurer

Janine Mauzeroll, Journals Editorial Board Representative

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

Stephen Paddison, Chair University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Anne Co, Vice Chair

Svitlana Pylypenko, Secretary

Iwona Rutkowska, Treasurer

David Cliffel, Journals Editorial Board Representative


Praveen Kumar Sekhar, Chair

Washington State University

Dong-Joo Kim, Vice Chair

Leyla Soleymani, Secretary

Harshini Mukundan, Treasurer

Netz Arroyo, Journals Editorial Board Representative

Stefano Cinti, Journals Editorial Board Representative


2024-2025 ECS Committees

Executive Committee of the Board of Directors

Colm O’Dwyer

James Fenton

President, Spring 2025

Senior Vice President, Spring 2025

Francis D’Souza 2nd Vice President, Spring 2025

Robert Savinell 3rd Vice President, Spring 2025

Gessie Brisard

Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy

Nominating Committee

Gerardine Botte, Chair

Secretary, Spring 2028

Treasurer, Spring 2026

Christopher Jannuzzi Executive Director, Term as Executive Director (ED)

Audit Committee

Gerardine Botte, Chair

Immediate Past President, Spring 2025

James Fenton Senior Vice President, Spring 2025

Robert Micek Nonprofit Financial Professional, Spring 2025

Colm O’Dwyer President, Spring 2025

Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy Treasurer, Spring 2026

Education Committee

Alice Suroviec, Chair Spring 2025

Damilola Daramola Spring 2027

Fernando Garzon Spring 2028

Samantha Gateman Spring 2026

David Hall Spring 2025

Stephen Maldonado Spring 2025

Wen Shen Spring 2026

Maureen Tang Spring 2027

Roseann Warren Spring 2028

Mustapha Bello Spring 2026

Elif Selin Sahin Spring 2025

Gessie Brisard Secretary, Spring 2028

E. Jennings Taylor Chair, Individual Membership Committee, Spring 2026

Ethical Standards Committee

Gerardine Botte, Chair

Gessie Brisard

Immediate Past President, Spring 2025

Secretary, Spring 2028

Peter Fedkiw Past Officer, Spring 2026

Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy

Treasurer, Spring 2026

Daniel Steingart Past Officer, Spring 2027

Finance Committee

Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy, Chair

Treasurer, Spring 2026

Paul Kenis Spring 2026

Dong-Joo Kim Spring 2025

Thorsten Lill Spring 2026

Robert Micek Spring 2025

Gessie Brisard

Immediate Past President, Spring 2025

Mark Allendorf Spring 2025

Brett Lucht Spring 2025

Peter Mascher Spring 2025

Robert Savinell 3rd Vice President, Spring 2025

Christopher Jannuzzi Executive Director, Term as ED

Technical Affairs Committee

James Fenton, Chair

Gerardine Botte

Senior Vice President, Spring 2025

Immediate Past President, Spring 2025

Francis D’Souza Chair, Publications Subcommittee, Spring 2025

Turgut Gür 2nd Immediate Past President, Spring 2025

Jennifer Hite Chair, Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee, Spring 2025

Colm O’Dwyer President, Spring 2025

Robert Savinell Chair, Meetings Subcommittee, Spring 2025

Christopher Jannuzzi Executive Director, Term as ED

Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee of the Technical Affairs Committee

Jennifer Hite, Chair Spring 2025

Jeff L. Blackburn Spring 2025

Vidhya Chakrapani Spring 2026

Huyen Dinh Spring 2026

Alanah Fitch Spring 2026

David Hickey Spring 2027

Greg Jackson Spring 2025

Christopher Johnson Spring 2025

Chockkalingam Karuppaiah Spring 2027

Luca Magagnin Spring 2025

Rangachary Mukundan Spring 2027

James Noël Spring 2025

Alok Srivastava Spring 2027

Sreeram Vaddiraju Spring 2026

Meetings Subcommittee of the Technical Affairs Committee

Robert Savinell, Chair 3rd Vice President, Spring 2025

Francis D’Souza, Vice Chair 2nd Vice President, Spring 2025

Xiaolin Li Spring 2026

Peter Mascher Spring 2025

Xiao Su Spring 2027

Publications Subcommittee of the Technical Affairs Committee

Francis D’Souza, Chair

Secretary, Spring 2028

Tim Gamberzky Chief Operating Officer, Term as COO

Honors and Awards Committee

Adam Weber, Chair Spring 2027

Elizabeth Biddinger Spring 2027

Stanko Brankovic Spring 2027

Mikhail Brik Spring 2028

Dev Chidambaram Spring 2026

Wilson Chiu Spring 2027

Uroš Cvelbar Spring 2028

Alanah Fitch Spring 2025

Andrew Hoff Spring 2026

Shigeo Maruyama Spring 2025

Shirley Meng Spring 2026

Jean St-Pierre Spring 2025

Thomas Thundat Spring 2027

Siegfried Waldvogel Spring 2028

Colm O’Dwyer

Individual Membership Committee

President, Spring 2025

E. Jennings Taylor, Chair Spring 2026

Mohammed Hussain Abdul Jabbar Spring 2027

Jedidian Adjetey Adjei Spring 2025

Uroš Cvelbar Spring 2026

Jiaxin Duan Spring 2025

Joshua Gallaway Spring 2025

Qizhi Liu Spring 2025

Shruthi T. Kumar Raj Spring 2025

Kent Jingxu Zheng Spring 2026

Gessie Brisard

Secretary, Spring 2028

Alex Peroff Chair, Institutional Engagement Committee, Spring 2025

Institutional Engagement Committee

Alex Peroff, Chair Spring 2025

Vimal Chaitanya Spring 2026

William Cohen Spring 2027

Hanping Ding Spring 2026

Hemanth Jagannathan Spring 2026

Jacob Ketter Spring 2027

John Muldoon Spring 2027

Yaw Obeng Spring 2025

Santosh Vijapur Spring 2025

Yoko Yamakoshi Spring 2025

Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy

Treasurer, Spring 2026

E. Jennings Taylor Chair, Individual Membership Committee, Spring 2026

Robert Savinell, Vice Chair

Rohan Akolkar ECSA Editor, Spring 2027

Robert Kelly Interface Editor, 5/31/2025

Ajit Khosla ECSSP Editor, 10/21/2027

Krishnan Rajeshwar JSS Editor, 12/31/2025

Xingfan Jin Spring 2026

Daniel Schwartz Spring 2025

Marc Secanell Spring 2026

Chunsheng Wang Spring 2025

Symposium Planning Advisory Board of the Technical Affairs Committee

Robert Savinell, Chair

3rd Vice President, Spring 2025

Kathryn Ayers Chair, Energy Technology Division, Spring 2025

Jeff L. Blackburn Chair, Nanocarbons Division, Spring 2026

Jennifer Hite Chair, Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee, Spring 2025

Paul Kenis Chair, Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division, Spring 2026

Cortney Kreller Chair, High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division, Fall 2025

Qiliang Li Chair, Electronics and Photonics Division, Spring 2025

Luca Magagnin Chair, Electrodeposition Division, Fall 2025

Shelley Minteer Chair, Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division, Spring 2025

Stephen Paddison Chair, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division, Spring 2025

Praveen Kumar Sekhar Chair, Sensor Division, Fall 2026

Eiji Tada Chair, Corrosion Division, Fall 2026

Sreeram Vaddiraju Chair, Dielectric Science and Technology Division, Spring 2026

Jie Xiao Chair, Battery Division, Fall 2026

Eugeniusz Zych Chair, Luminescence and Display Materials Division, Fall 2025

Other Representatives

Society Historian

Roque Calvo Spring 2025

American Association for the Advancement of Science

Christopher Jannuzzi Executive Director, Term as ED

National Inventors Hall of Fame

Adam Weber Chair, Honors & Awards Committee, Spring 2027

Websites of Note

Selected for you by Alice

Semiconductor Insiders

This is a weekly podcast series by is a website/forum for semiconductor professionals. A new topic is discussed every week with leaders in the field of semiconductors. semiwiki-com

The Circuit

A podcast on the business of semiconductors. The podcast hosts are Jay Goldberg (formerly of Qualcomm and Peregrine Semiconductor) and Ben Bajarin (currently at Creative Strategies). This weekly podcast looks at the business and the future of the semiconductor industry.

The Semi Interesting Podcast

This semi-weekly podcast examines the latest legal issues in the semiconductor space with special emphasis on intellectual property issues. The global perspective on this topic sets this podcast apart from many other semiconductor-focused podcasts.

About the Author

Sarah Hazuka joined the ECS meetings team in September as Meetings Coordinator. Sarah received her BFA in Stage Management from the Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University in January. Throughout her time at Rutgers, she noticed how applicable stage management skills are to other career practices, and thus decided to pivot to Event Management and Coordination. Directly after graduation, she worked as the Offsite Event Coordinator for a Jersey Shore local music staple, Lakehouse Music Academy in Asbury Park, NJ.

Alice Suroviec is a Professor of Bioanalytical Chemistry and Dean of the School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences at Berry College. She earned a BS in Chemistry from Allegheny College in 2000. She received her PhD from Virginia Tech in 2005 under the direction of Dr. Mark R. Anderson. Her research focuses on enzymatically modified electrodes for use as biosensors. She is a Fellow of the Electrochemical Society and Associate Editor of the PAE Technical Division for the Journal of the Electrochemical Society. She welcomes feedback from the ECS community.

Staff News

ECS Welcomes Sarah Hazuka, Meeting Coordinator

Sarah is now working with the meetings team to provide support for symposium planning and the overall logistics of ECS biannual meetings. In her free time, Sarah plays the drums in a band and fills in for other local musicians. Sarah is thrilled to be a part of the team and honored to play a role in creating meetings that produce worldrenowned research.

John Lewis, ECS Senior Director of Meetings, says, “We are very excited to have Sarah join the meetings team and have her working with Francesca, JaneAnn, and me to ensure the continued success of all ECS meetings.”

The 2024 Battery Safety Workshop

The 2024 Battery Safety Workshop was hosted by the University of South Carolina (USC) from August 5 to 6, 2024 in Columbia, SC, USA. This annual battery safety workshop series was started in 2022 by Prof. Jun Xu at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The workshop aims to provide an open technical forum to discuss current issues and technical progress in the safety of lithium-ion batteries. This year’s workshop attracted more than 80 attendees, including academics, industrial researchers, and technical experts from US national labs.

The two-day workshop was fully packed with 22 invited speakers. The keynote speaker, Dr. Thomas Barrera (LIB-X Consulting), started the workshop with an excellent review of high-profile battery accidents and lessons learned. Following Tom, a group of industrial researchers (from GM, Fraunhofer Research Institute, Inventus Power, and Stanley Black & Decker) provided industrial perspectives on battery safety. Researchers from American Lithium Energy, Seteria, Dow Chemical, 3M, and NREL presented innovative

materials-based solutions. Researchers from Sandia National Labs, Pomega, and Argonne National Lab discussed the safety of nextgeneration batteries. On the second day, the topics covered included battery failure behaviors and mechanisms, numerical modeling, safety testing, and evaluation. The invited speakers were joined by 14 poster presentations by graduate and undergraduate students from six universities. Four poster awards with cash prizes were given to Victoria Colon-LaBrode (USC), Shinto Francis (Clemson), Devadharshini Kathan (USC), and Hunter McRay (USC).

The workshop was organized by a group of USC battery researchers (Professors Xinyu Huang, Golareh Jalilvand, Austin Downey, William Mustain, and Bing Zhang) with a lot of help from Prof. Jun Xu. The workshop was sponsored by The Electrochemical Society and IEEE. It was additionally sponsored by Neware, NantG Power, and MDPI. The 2025 Battery Safety Workshop will be hosted by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, June 5–6, 2025.

Group photo from the 2024 Battery Safety Workshop at University of South Carolina. Photo: Christopher Woodley

XLVI Workshop on Electrochemical Measurements

, a PhD candidate in the Department of Chemistry at Case Western Reserve University, explains various aspects of cyclic voltammetry to a group of participants to the Workshop while running a few experiments.

The XLVI Workshop on Electrochemical Measurements took place the week of August 12th, 2024, on the campus of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. ECS was a sponsor of the meeting. The lecturers included world-renowned electrochemists, including Daniel Scherson (interfacial electrochemistry, kinetics, electrocatalysis, batteries, and in situ spectroscopy), Andy Gewirth (thermodynamics, electroanalytical chemistry, electrolysis) and Jerry Frankel (corrosion). Participants included Mark Orazem (impedance spectroscopy), Rohan Akolkar (electrochemical engineering), Robert Savinell (fuel cells), and 21 scientists from national laboratories, academia, and industry.

In addition to lectures, the workshop included four hands-on laboratories in the areas of cyclic voltammetry, microelectrodes,


The spring 2025 issue of Interface will feature the Sensor Division (SENS). Founded in 1988, the Sensor Division’s topical interest areas (TIAs) encompass the design, fabrication, testing, and field deployment of devices that can detect and discriminate chemical and biological species, as well as sensor advances and new methods of measurements based on electrochemical principles. The theme of the issue, which is guest edited by Praveen Sekhar, will be to address one of the critical bottlenecks in sensor reproducibility and will cover topics that include:

rotating disk and ring disk electrodes, and impedance spectroscopy, which allowed participants to become familiar with these techniques and enabled them to run their own experiments. In addition, faculty presented demonstrations in the areas of corrosion and batteries.

All activities were presented and recorded in real-time to allow those participants taking the workshop virtually to review the material at their own leisure. Arrangements were made with the International Society of Electrochemistry through its Executive Secretary, Prof. Petr Krtil, to announce to its members from underresourced countries that their registration for the event would be waived. More than 15 participants from these countries took advantage of this offer, including researchers from Nigeria, Turkey, the Philippines, Mexico, India, and South Africa.

• Sensor repeatability

• Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) principles

• Initiatives from publishing venues to address the reproducibility barrier

• Generic model evolution and development on gauging reproducibility.

Plus, Pennington Corner, the 2024 year in review, a sneak peek at the next ECS meeting, and of course updates on the Society, people, divisions, sections, and more.

Mr. Saurabh Pathak
Photo: Saurabh Pathak
Prof. Andy Gewirth from the Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, delivers one of his lectures in front of the in-person cohort attending the Workshop.
Photo: Saurabh Pathak

MXenes Changing the World

MXene: Changing the World, the Third International MXene Conference at Drexel University was held August 5–7, 2024. MXenes (pronounced “maxenes”) are the fastest-growing family of 2D materials and probably the largest family of inorganic materials discovered in the 21st century. M stands for early transition metal (Ti, Nb, V, Mo, etc.), and X stands for carbon or nitrogen (oxygen substitution is possible) in the MX formula. Following the discovery of 2D Ti3C2 in 2011, 2D carbides, oxycarbides, carbonitrides, and nitrides of transition metals have greatly expanded the nanomaterials family. More than 40 stoichiometric carbide and nitride MXenes have been reported, and the structure and properties of numerous other MXenes have been predicted. Moreover, the availability of solid solutions on M and X sites (at least 50 have already been produced), multi-element high-entropy MXenes with 3 to 7 transition metals, diverse surface terminations, and the discovery of out-of-plane ordered double-M o-MXenes (e.g., Mo2TiC2), as well as in-plane ordered i-MXenes (e.g., Mo4/3C) offer potential for producing dozens of new distinct structures and an infinite number of solid solutions. The versatile chemistry of the MXene family renders their properties tunable for a large variety of applications.

The conference welcomed more than 250 attendees from around the world to share their research and participate in discussions about this remarkable family of materials. While 90% of participants physically joined the meeting at Drexel, virtual attendance allowed attendees and presenters to participate from around the globe. We saw a 74% increase in physical attendance from the second meeting in 2022.

On the Sunday before the conference, an immersive one-day MXene course was presented to a sold-out room of 50 participants who received a condensed overview of the synthesis, characterization, and electrochemical applications of MXenes. The day began with a welcome address from Professor Yury Gogotsi, followed by presentations on the fundamentals of MXene synthesis, XRD, Raman spectroscopy, and XPS analysis of MXenes. Afterward, participants toured the A. J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute lab and saw demos that offered deeper understanding of the developing capabilities of MXenes.

The conference began on Monday morning with welcome addresses and live music—a new MXene song composed and performed by Dr. Ben Davis! The first plenary lecture, “Defect Engineering of 2D MXenes at Ambient and Elevated Temperatures,” was presented by Prof. Babak Anasori. Important keynote lectures from Profs. Michel Barsoum and Husam Alshareef followed before breaking for lunch, where energized discussions and collaborative ideas were shared. This was a truly meaningful component of each day.

Monday included parallel sessions on synthesis of MXenes, optical and electronic properties, and processing, and a panel discussion, “The Place of MXenes in the Nanomaterials World,” moderated by Prof. Paul Weiss of UCLA. The panelists Prof. De-en Jiang from Vanderbilt University, Dr. Paweł Michalowski from Łukasiewicz Research Network—Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics in Poland, Prof. Zahra Fakhraai from the University of Pennsylvania, and Prof. Po-Yen Chen from the University of Maryland discussed the importance and impact of MXenes.

Group photo from the Third International MXene Conference at Drexel University.

The second plenary lecture, “Inorganic, Organic, and Organometallic Surface Chemistry of MXenes,” by Prof. Dmitri Talapin of the University of Chicago, was followed by a poster session. More than 100 posters were accepted for presentation, and 81 were on display. The array of posters graphically presented the breadth of MXene capabilities and research directions.

Tuesday began with a plenary lecture, “Processing and Applications of 2D MXene Inks,” by Prof. Valeria Nicolosi of Trinity College Dublin. It was followed by Texas A&M University’s Prof. Abdoulaye Djire’s keynote: “Operando Spectroelectrochemical Techniques for Elucidating the Mars-van Krevelen Cycle for Green Ammonia Production on Nitride MXene.” A panel, “Applications Making an Impact,” provided an interesting discussion from experts in different fields working with MXenes: membranes, water, textiles, healthcare, and energy storage.

Following the invited talk by Prof. Andreas Rosenkranz from the University of Chile, “2D MXenes – Tribological Potential, Bottlenecks and Challenges,” Talks in sessions that included Processing, MXenes and Water, Energy Storage, Energy & Catalysis, and Optical and Thermal Properties filled the afternoon.

The morning of the final day opened with “The Future of MXenes.” Dr. Gogotsi provided an important presentation offering a look ahead at where this world-changing material can potentially take us. Prof. Mohammad Zarifi (the University of British Columbia) followed with his keynote lecture, “MXene Guides Electromagnetic Waves in Communications and Shielding.” The day’s parallel sessions included Biomedical Applications, Environmental Applications (Water & Catalysis), Electronic Properties & Applications, and Emerging Applications with High Impact. As with every day of the conference, the challenge was deciding which talks to hear.

After many lectures on the capabilities of MXenes, and many

questions about how applications can be possible without the necessary quantity, a panel on scaling up was offered by industry scientists and entrepreneurs from Ballydel, Tesla, MXene Inc, and Nanoplexus. Drs. Brendan Delacy, Armin VahidMohammadi, Kyle Matthews, and Thomas Moissinac discussed the challenges in, need for, and potential impact of bringing MXenes to commercialization. The final plenary lecture was presented by Prof. Michael Naguib of Tulane University. With no need for an introduction, as Michael was the student behind the discovery of MXenes, he presented, “MXene Nano- and Atomic-Scale Engineering for Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion.”

Prof. Gogotsi provided the closing remarks and presented 19 poster awards from leading journals, including from Springer Nature, Royal Society of Chemistry, MDPI (C-Journals), and Elsevier. Following this ceremony, Agilent formally presented Profs. Yury Gogotsi and Michel Barsoum with their Solutions Innovation Research Awards. Drexel was extremely honored to receive two of the three national awards this year.

An appreciated 23 sponsors supported the conference this year! The support ranged from large open funding to poster awards, including sponsorship from The Electrochemical Society. We are especially grateful for a grant from the NSF to support students from US universities in attending the conference, which covered registration for the course and conference, as well as accommodations for 43 students.

The 3rd International Conference at Drexel University, MXene: Changing the World, was a big success. Watch for the next meeting in 2026!

The conference included a lab tour and demos.
Parallel sessions were well-attended.
The conference featured lectures and keynotes by leading researchers.
More than 100 posters were accepted for presentation.


of The Electrochemical Society of Japan, The Korean Electrochemical Society, and The Electrochemical Society


HI, USA • OCTOBER 6-11, 2024

Since 1987, this joint Pacific Rim international meeting has been a preeminent global meeting on electrochemical and solid state science. East and West came together in October in beautiful Honolulu, HI, for this, the ninth PRiME. Attendees, electrochemists, and solid state scientists from around the world gathered in one place to connect, share ideas, and build a better world through their science.

PRiME Opening Reception

The PRiME 2024 organizers—The Electrochemical Society (ECS), The Electrochemical Society of Japan (ECSJ), and The Korean Electrochemical Society (KECS)—welcomed a record 4,812 registrants (and an additional 89 non-technical registrants’ companions) representing 60 countries, making it the largest event in PRiME—and ECS—history. The meeting encompassed 50 symposia with 572 sessions. A total of 5,122 abstracts were accepted, including 2,233 (or 44 percent) student abstracts. There were 3,249 oral talks, including 1,171 (or 36 percent) student oral talks. Of the 1,851 posters presented, 946 (or 60 percent) were by students. The meeting featured 674 invited talks and 48 ECS awards and keynote talks.

More than 1,000 people kicked off PRiME 2024 at the Opening Reception. Delicious food, hula dancers, live music, and an open bar set the stage for reconnecting and forging new connections at the outset of the meeting.

ECS Awards and Recognition Highlights

ECS Executive Director and CEO Christopher J. Jannuzzi delivered the meeting’s opening remarks, stressing the importance of the Society’s mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and to champion research and technologies for a sustainable future. He thanked the general meeting sponsors, symposia sponsors, exhibitors, meeting attendees, volunteers, and staff who made the mission and meeting possible. He expressed gratitude for the Society’s Institutional Partners’ support through their annual partnerships. Chris invited everyone to engage in all that makes up the once-ina-lifetime experience that is PRiME 2024.

Chris introduced ECS President Colm O’Dwyer, Professor of Chemical Energy at the School of Chemistry, University College Cork, who opened the Awards and Recognition Ceremony, stressing the prestige of ECS awards and their recipients’ empowering accomplishments and outstanding service to ECS.

Colm presented the 2024 Leadership Circle Award to Gold level partner Teledyne Energy Systems, Inc. for their 25 years of institutional partnership and support for ECS. Wujun Fun accepted the award on behalf of Teledyne.

Lydia Meyer of the Colorado School of Mines accepts the Norman Hackerman Young Author Award

Marvin Frauenrath of STMicroelectonics accepts the Bruce Deal & Andy Grove Young Author Award

Colm presented the Norman Hackerman Young Author Award to Lydia Meyer, Colorado School of Mines, recognizing her paper as the best published in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society by a young author or co-authors for the volume year preceding the award.

He then recognized the 2023 winners of the Bruce Deal & Andy Grove Young Author Award celebrating the best paper by young authors published in the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology Marvin Frauenrath, STMicroelectonics, was present to accept the award; however, co-author Nicolas Gauthier, CEALeti, was not present.

Colm introduced ECS Senior Vice President James (Jim) Fenton (from the University of Central Florida) who recognized the ECS Division Chairs whose two-year terms ended recently, thanking them for their oversight of the divisions and stewardship at the Society level by serving on the Board of Directors:

• Andrew Hillier, Past Chair, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division (2021–2023)

• Uroš Cvelbar, Past Chair, Dielectric Science and Technology Division (2022–2024)

Toasting to the meeting’s success at the PRiME 2024 Opening Reception!
ECS Executive Director and CEO Christopher J. Jannuzzi addresses attendees at the ECS Awards and Recognition Ceremony
Wujun Fun accepts the 2024 Leadership Circle Award on behalf of Gold level Institutional Partner Teledyne Energy Systems, Inc

Uroš Cvelbar, Past Chair of the ECS Dielectric Science and Technology Division, receives a certificate in appreciation of his oversight of the division and stewardship at the Society level by serving on the Board of Directors.

Kailash Mishra is honored for his 12 years of service as Luminescence and Display Materials, Devices, and Processing Technical Editor for the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology.

Marca Doeff’s service to ECS as Immediate Past Secretary is acknowledged with a certificate of appreciation.

Andrew Hillier, Past Chair of the ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division, receives a certificate in appreciation of his oversight of the division and stewardship at the Society level by serving on the Board of Directors.

Jim recognized Kailash Mishra, Luminescence and Display Materials, Devices, and Processing Technical Editor for the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, whose 12year term (the maximum length) ended in 2023. His dedication and tireless service as an editorial board member ensured the quality of ECS publications content and advanced their mission on a daily basis.

ECS members who served in the executive leadership of ECS through their work as ECS Society Officers were acknowledged and thanked by Jim:

• Marca Doeff, Immediate Past Secretary (2020–2024)

• Gerardine Botte, Immediate Past President (2023–2024)

Gerardine Botte’s service to the Society as Immediate Past President is acknowledged with a certificate of appreciation.

Jim moved on to honoring the Fellows of The Electrochemical Society for their individual technological contributions in the field of electrochemical and solid state science and technology, as well as active membership in and involvement with the Society. Members of the 2020 Class of Fellows who had not been acknowledged at prior meetings were introduced:

• Hiroshi Iwai, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

• Yet-Ming Chiang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Yet-Ming Chiang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is inducted into the 2020 Class of Fellows of The Electrochemical Society

The 2024 Class of Fellows of The Electrochemical Society was welcomed:

• Rohan Akolkar, Case Western Reserve University

• David Cliffel, Vanderbilt University

• Jeffrey Elam, Argonne National Laboratory

• Masayuki Itagaki, Tokyo University of Science

• Sushanta Mitra, University of Waterloo

• Rana Mohtadi, Toyota Research Institute of North America

• David Shifler, Office of Naval Research

• Jean St-Pierre, Cummins Inc.

• Yong Yang, Xiamen University

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ECS President Colm O’Dwyer congratulates the 2024 Class of Fellows of The Electrochemical Society (from left to right:) Colm O’Dwyer, Rohan Akolkar, David Cliffel, Jeffrey Elam, Masayuki Itagaki, Sushanta Mitra, Rana Mohtadi, David Shifler, Jean St-Pierre, and Yong Yang.
ECS President Colm O’Dwyer congratulates Hiroshi Iwai, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, for his induction into the 2020 Class of Fellows of The Electrochemical Society

(continued from previous page)

Yuzhang Li, Assistant Professor in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the Samueli School of Engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles, receives the 2023–2024 ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship Award.


The Electrochemical Society of Japan, The Korean Electrochemical Society, and The Electrochemical Society

Colm returned to the podium to introduce Timothy S. Arthur, Senior Manager, Research Strategy Office of Toyota Research Institute of North America (TRINA), who presented the ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship. Tim described how the fellowship, which has awarded more than 1.5 million dollars to date, elevates talented researchers pushing the boundaries of green energy technology. With their $50,000 grants, they will further their groundbreaking work in electrochemical research. He then congratulated the 2023–2024 ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship Award winner, Yuzhang Li, Assistant Professor in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the Samueli School of Engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

Dr. Li received his PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from Stanford University in 2018 under the supervision of ECS Fellow Yi Cui. He completed a postdoc under Robert Sinclair at Stanford, then joined the faculty of UCLA in 2020. His research focuses on renewable energy generation and storage, nanomaterials design and synthesis, cryogenic-electron microscopy (Cryo-EM), and in situ transmission electron microscopy. His award talk, “Ultrafast Electrodeposition of Faceted Li Metal,” described efforts to solve the fundamental challenge of decoupling simultaneous electrodeposition from surface corrosion of reactive metals, and observing their reactive nanoscale interface.

The recipients of the 2024–2025 ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowships will present their work at the 248th ECS Meeting:

• Zheng Chen, University of California, San Diego

• Zhongyang Wang, The University of Alabama

• Juner Zhu, Northeastern University

Betar Gallant, Associate Professor and Class of ’22 Career Development Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), receives the Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award

to the continuation of Moore’s law. Best known for the miniaturization of MOSFETs from 8 μm to recent sub-50 nm generations, an RF CMOS project he initiated in 1995 resulted in the success of Bluetooth. From the early period of large-scale integrated circuits, he participated in developing product technologies: the first NMOS LSI technology at Toshiba in 1975, several generations of memories—1k SRAM, 64 k DRAM, and 1M SRAM—and bipolar and BiCMOS technologies for analog and RF.

Betar Gallant, Associate Professor and Class of ’22 Career Development Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), received the Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award which recognizes outstanding scientific and/or engineering work in fundamental or applied electrochemistry or solid state science and technology by a young scientist or engineer. Prof. Gallant leads MIT’s Energy and Carbon Conversion Laboratory, which focuses on advanced battery chemistries and materials for high-energy primary and rechargeable batteries, including fluorinated cathode conversion reactions and lithium, sodium, and calcium metal anodes and their interfaces. She completed her SB, SM, and PhD in Mechanical Engineering at MIT, followed by a Kavli Nanoscience Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship at the California Institute of Technology. Her award talk, “Lithium Oxide Content in the Li Metal Anode Solid Electrolyte Interphase Drives High Coulombic Efficiency,” described efforts to build upon and advance chemical titration by coupling to gas chromatography and other liquid-phase assays, which enabled tracking of an extended array of key SEI phases and their proportions over cycling.

Colm then presented the ECS Society Awards, beginning with the 2021 Gordon E. Moore Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Solid State Science & Technology, which had not been previously acknowledged in person. Hiroshi Iwai of the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University and Professor Emeritus of the Tokyo Institute of Technology received the award for his 50 years of contributions

Paul Kohl, Regents’ Professor and Thomas L. Gossage Chair at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), accepted the 2024 Edward Goodrich Acheson Award for distinguished contributions to the advancement of the objects, purposes, and activities of The Electrochemical Society. Dr. Kohl is past Editorin-Chief of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society and founding editor of Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters and ECS Interface An ECS member since 1975, Prof. Kohl served as the Society’s President from 2014 to 2015. ECS has honored Prof. Kohl with the 1977 Edward G. Weston Fellowship, 2001 Carl Wagner Memorial Award, 2017 Gordon E. Moore Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Solid State Science & Technology, and 2008 Dielectric Science and Technology Division Thomas D. Callinan Award. He received a PhD in Chemistry from The University of Texas in 1978 with Allen J. Bard as his advisor. While employed at AT&T Bell Laboratories from 1978 to 1989, he participated in the development of new chemical processes for the manufacture of electronic devices. In 1989, he joined Georgia Tech’s faculty in the School of Chemical

Ayari Iwai joins her husband, Hiroshi Iwai (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University) as he accepts the 2021 Gordon E. Moore Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Solid State Science & Technology
Paul Kohl, Regents’ Professor and Thomas L. Gossage Chair at the Georgia Institute of Technology, accepts the 2024 Edward Goodrich Acheson Award

and Biomolecular Engineering. His research interests include electrochemical devices for energy storage and conversion, new ionconducting polymers electrolytes, and advanced polymer dielectrics for electronic devices. He is the author of 340 journal publications, 69 US patents, and more than 500 conference presentations. His award talk, “Improvements in Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis Materials and Devices,” outlined how the uptake of alkali cations within the AEM plasticizes AEM (i.e., increases ion diffusivity) and migration of the hydrated cations to the cathode increases the overall water transport. Improvements in the anion exchange membrane synthesis and fabrication have been found which can lower the overall electrolysis cost. Long-term AEMWE durability with the optimized electrodes and low pH/high ionic strength anolyte is demonstrated.

Chris Jannuzzi concluded the ECS Awards and Recognition Ceremony with heartfelt congratulations to all the award winners and service recognition recipients and repeated his sincere thanks to sponsors and exhibitors.

Plenary Lecture

Chris welcomed attendees, reminding everyone to thank the many supporters who helped make the meeting possible. He then introduced KECS President Professor Jae-Joon Lee of the Department of Energy & Materials Engineering at Dongguk University.

Jae-Joon reminded attendees that in the eight years since PRiME last convened, the challenges facing the planet—climate change, energy sustainability, environmental pollution, and resource depletion—have only grown more vast, urgent, and undeniably interconnected. Scientists pursuing electrochemistry and solid state science have the potential to drive solutions—but not in isolation. The collaboration exemplified by the PRiME meeting brings together diverse perspectives and unleashes the full potential of our collective ingenuity. At PRiME, we come together as a united community from ECS, ECSJ, and KECS. Science brings us all here, and our shared pursuit of knowledge reminds us that we are working toward the same goal—to improve life on earth and secure a better future for all. He asked attendees to keep the spirit of collaboration in mind throughout the week.

President Lee introduced ECS President Colm O’Dwyer, who commented on the breadth of research presented at PRiME 2024, how vast and dynamic the gathering is, and attendees’ shared commitment to advancing science.

Colm introduced Prof. Yasushi Idemoto of the Tokyo University of Science, President of the Electrochemical Society of Japan, who noted that ECSJ celebrated its 90th anniversary the previous year. Prof. Idemoto described how the PRiME Meeting has always featured groundbreaking presentations at the intersection of electrochemistry and solid state science, singling out Tadashi Matsunaga’s 2012 presentation, “Cell Biochemistry and Biomagnets”; Michael Graetzel’s 2016 presentation, “Photoelectrochemical Cells for the Generation of Electricity and Fuels from Sunlight”; and Nam-Gyu Park’s 2020 digital presentation, “Perovskite Solar Cells: Past 10 Years and Next 10 Years.”

Yashushi introduced and highlighted the career accomplishments of Plenary Lecturer Hiroshi Nishihara, Vice President of Tokyo University of Science and Emeritus Professor of The University of Tokyo (UTokyo). His research spans electrochemistry, coordination chemistry, organometallic chemis-

try, photochemistry, and material science. In 2013, Prof. Nishihara synthesized the first example of conducting coordination nanosheets. Since then, he and collaborators have created numerous coordination nanosheets (CONASHs), unlocking their unique properties and applications.

Prof. Nishihara received his DSc from UTokyo in 1982 and was then appointed Research Associate at Keio University. He served as Visiting Research Associate at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from 1987 to 1989 and was named Associate Professor at Keio University in 1992. He became Professor at UTokyo in 1996, a position he held until he retired in 2020. Prof. Nishihara has received numerous awards, including the 2016 Chemical Society of Japan Award, 2015 Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry Award, and in 2011, Doctor Honoris Causa from the Université de Bordeaux. He is a Fellow of The Electrochemical Society of Japan (2020) and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2014). Prof. Nishihara has served academic societies in diverse roles, including as President of the Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry (2016–2020), President of The Electrochemical Society of Japan (2016–2017), Vice President of The Chemical Society of Japan (2013–2015), and Vice President of the International Society of Electrochemistry (2011–2013). He joined The Electrochemical Society in 1998 and has served with distinction on Society committees and in officer positions for the ECS Japan Section.

In “Coordination Nanosheets – Electro-functional 2D Polymers of Metal Complexes,” Prof. Nishihara focused on the rich science and technology of coordination nanosheets (CONASHs) relating to electrochemistry and electronics, reviewing their history and synthesis, structures, properties, functions, and applications. He described how, in recent years, atomically thin films “nanosheets” of inorganic 2D materials such as graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs, e.g., MoS2) have been intensively studied in both basic science and applied technology because of their unique physical and chemical properties based on their 2D topology. Over a decade, a new class of 2D materials has developed: CONASHs, which refer to ultrathin films of 2D metal complex polymers composed of metal ions and planar bridging organic p-ligands. Utilizing these advantages, a variety of CONASHs have been synthesized and their unique characteristics and multiple applications in electrochemistry and electronics have been reported. In contrast to graphene and TMDCs, CONASHs can be synthesized using facile solution reactions in ambient conditions. Many chemical structures of CONASH resulting in different chemical and physical properties are creatable because a large number of metal and ligand combinations are available. CONASHs, which are organic/inorganic hybrid nanomaterials, have rich chemical structures and exhibit unique properties and functions; thus, their application potentials are infinite. He forecasted that

(continued on next page)

Plenary Lecture speaker Hiroshi Nishihara, Vice President of Tokyo University of Science and Emeritus Professor of The University of Tokyo, takes the stage.
From left to right: Plenary speaker Hiroshi Nishihara, Vice President of Tokyo University of Science and Emeritus Professor of The University of Tokyo, answers questions posed in the Q&A session moderated by ECSJ Secretary/Treasurer Wataru Sugimoto, Shinshu University.


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researchers in various fields will develop the science and engineering of these 2D materials, and CONASHs will become important basic materials in the next generation of science and technology.After the presentation, Chris introduced ECSJ Secretary/Treasurer Wataru Sugimoto of Shinshu University, who moderated the question-andanswer period with Prof. Nishihara. At the end of the session, Prof. Sugimoto thanked Prof. Nishihara for sharing his ground-breaking research with the PRiME community. Chris returned to the podium, concluding the session by encouraging attendees to visit the Exhibit Hall, actively participate in the PRiME 2024 Meeting, and remember, “Our Science Is Better When We Are Together.”

ECS Division/Section Awards

During the meeting, 16 ECS division awards (including two student awards) and one ECS section award were presented. Learn more about the award winners in the online meeting program.

• Battery Division Early Career Award Sponsored by Neware Technology Limited: Raphaële Clément, University of California, Santa Barbara

• Battery Division Postdoctoral Associate Research Award Sponsored by MTI Corporation and the Jiang Family Foundation: Josefine McBrayer, Sandia National Laboratories

• Battery Division Postdoctoral Associate Research Award Sponsored by MTI Corporation and the Jiang Family Foundation: Jijian Xu, City University of Hong Kong

• Battery Division Research Award: Karim Zaghib, Concordia University

• Battery Division Student Research Award Sponsored by Mercedes-Benz Research & Development: Eric Fell, Harvard University

• Battery Division Technology Award: Debra Rolison and Jeffrey Long, US Naval Research Laboratory, and Joseph Parker, US Office of Naval Research

• Corrosion Division H. H. Uhlig Award: Ingrid Milošev, Jožef Stefan Institute

• Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award: Michael Strebl, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität ErlangenNürnberg

• Electrodeposition Division Early Career Investigator Award: Roberto Bernasconi, Politecnico di Milano

• Electrodeposition Division Research Award: Andrew Gewirth, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

• Energy Technology Division Walter van Schalkwijk Award in Sustainable Energy Technology: Yu Seung Kim, Los Alamos National Laboratory

• High Temperature Materials Division Outstanding Achievement Award: Tatsumi Ishihara, Kyushu University

• Luminescence and Display Materials Division Outstanding Achievement Award: Mikhail Brik, Tartu Ülikool

• Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division Max Bredig Award in Molten Salt and Ionic Liquid Chemistry: Douglas MacFarlane, Monash University

• Sensor Division Early Career Award: Dongmei Dong, Rowan University

• Sensor Division Outstanding Achievement Award: Ajit Khosla, Yamagata University

• Europe Section Alessandro Volta Medal: Paweł Kulesza, Uniwersytet Warszawski

PRiME 2024 Z01—General Student Poster Session

Congratulations to the winners of the PRiME 2024 Z01—General Student Poster Session Awards. Submissions totaled 378 abstracts and 195 Posters. Thanks to generous support from The Electrochemical Society of Japan (ECSJ) and The Korean Electrochemical Society (KECS), 10 outstanding students were recognized with awards.

1st Prize: $1,500

Chanachai Pattanathummasid, Kyoto University

Z01—4511 Synthesis and F-Ion Conduction of Ba0.57M0.43F2.43

(M = Y, La, Nd, Sm, Bi) as Solid Electrolytes for All-Solid-State F-Ion Batteries

2nd Prize: $1,000

Ju-Hyeon Lee, Kyungpook National University

Z01—4474 Understanding the Unique Phase Evolution of Prussian White Cathodes Mediated by the Intrainteraction in Hexacyanometallate Complexes

2nd Prize: $1,000

Kohki Nagaya, Nagoya Institute of Technology

Z01—4579 3D Impedance Analysis on Mg Dissolution and Its Application to Machine Learning

3rd Prize: $500

Teppei Ono, Yokohama National University

Z01—4499 Toward High Performance All-solid-state Lithium Batteries with Low Volume Change V-based High-capacity Positive Electrode Materials

3rd Prize: $500

Eric Alexander Chadwick, University of Toronto and Hochschule Baden-Württemberg

Z01—4661 Biomimetic Auxiliary Channels for Enhanced PEM Fuel Cell Performance

3rd Prize: $500

Weipai Chuang, Kyoto University

Z01—4730 Ion Transport across Bilayer Lipid Membranes Formed in the Porous Membrane Filter

3rd Prize: $500

Kyosuke Yamada, Graduate School of Science, Osaka Metropolitan University

Z01—4755 Synthesis of Nylon Resin Precursor Materials from Biomass-Derived Pyruvate with Photo/Biocatalyst using Visible Light as an Energy Source

3rd Prize: $500

Kengo Nagatsuka, Tokyo University of Science

Z01—4744 Solar CO2 Reduction to Form Green Syngas Employing a Black Cu3VS4 Photocathode Utilizing a Whole Range of Visible Light

PRiME 2024 Z01 General Student Poster Session Award Winners show off their certificates

3rd Prize: $500

Ho Lun Chan, University of Virginia Z01—4564 Designing and Evaluating Microelectrodes for Molten Salt Corrosion Electrochemistry

3rd Prize: $500

Rebecca Beswick, University of Colorado Boulder Z01—4656 Probing the Trends of Cation Interactions in Cation Exchange Membranes Using Raman Spectroscopy

Thank you to Alice Suroviec and Naoaki Yabuuchi for serving as the Z01—General Student Poster Awards symposium organizers and the ECS, ECSJ, and KEJS members who served as reviewers.

In-person judges

Derek Hall, ECS

Jennifer Hite, ECS

Nobuyuki Imanishi, ECSJ

Kyounsuk Jin, KECS

Katsuyoshi Kakinuma, ECSJ

Virtual judges

Sang Hyun Ahn

Faisal Alamgir

Atsushi Aoki

Cassidy Anderson

Hajime Arai

Veronica Augustyn

Seongmin Bak

Natalia Bencomo

Sarah Berlinger

Xia Cao

Kotaro Doi

Rachel Gaines

Don-Hyung Ha

David Hickey

Eiji Higuchi

Yun Jeong Hwang

Nobuyuki Imanishi

Masashi Ishikawa

Kyoungsuk Jin

Katsuyoshi Kakinuma

Soon Hyung Kang

Joohoon Kim

Yong-Tae Kim

Hishashi Kino

Yoshiyuki Kuroda

Youngkook Kwon

Phung Le

Hongkyung Lee

Youngkook Kwan, KECS

Hongkyun Lee, KECS

Juan Lopez-Ruiz, ECS

Yuki Orikasa, ECSJ

Jinwoo Lee

Yong Min Lee

Martin Leimbach

Jongwoo Lim

Joshua Lochala

Juan Lopez-Ruiz

Luca Magagnin

Wataru Mizubayashi

Toshiyuki Momma

Nobuhumi Nakamura

Milad Navaei

Shinji Okazaki

Yuki Orikasa

Stephen Paddison

Won-Hee Ryu

Neelakandan Santhosh

James Saraidaridis

Hyeyoung Shin

Hafsa Siddiqui

Chang Eun Song

Thiagarajan Soundappan

Wei Tong

Kazuyoshi Ueno

Yan Wang

Yudong Wang

Nengneng Xu

Tomoyuki Yamamoto

Kouji Yasuda

Symposia Best Presentation and Poster Awards

Some PRiME 2024 Meeting symposia presented much-appreciated awards for best posters, presentations, and papers. The symposia organizers thank the sponsors who generously supported these awards.

A04 Advanced Characterization Techniques in Battery Research

Best Presentation (1st Place)

Stanislaw Zankowski, University of Oxford

A04 0526 Do Binders Form Surface Films on Active Particles in Li-Ion Electrodes?

Best Presentation (2nd Place)

Emily Joan Butler, Dalhousie University

A04 – 0414 Rotational Inertia Measurements of Cylindrical LiIon Cells: Watching Electrolyte Move and the Impact of Cell Orientation

Best Presentation (2nd Place)

Mai Tanaka, Tohoku University

A04 0422 Three-Dimensional Visualization of Inhomogeneous Reaction within Individual Active Material Particles in Composite Solid-State Battery Electrodes Using Nano CT-XANES

A06 Fast Energy Storage Materials and Devices

1st Place

JeongHun Baek, Korea Institute of Energy Research

A06 0713 Development of Highly Integrated Electric Double Layer Capacitor and Hybrid Capacitor Based on 3D Additive Manufacturing Technology

2nd Place

Kyungmin Do, Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute

A06 0716 Enhanced Specific Capacitance of Lithium Ion Capacitors By Effective Surface Functionalization for Lithiophilic Activated Carbon

3rd Place

Incheol Heo, Hanyang University

A06 0735 Highly Interconnected Macroporous Carbon Spheres for Ionogel-Based Stretchable Supercapacitors

D02 Semiconductors, Dielectrics, and Metals for Nanoelectronics and Plasma Nanoscience 2

Best Student Presentation

Takuya Hoshii, Institute of Science Tokyo

D02—1819 Threshold Voltage Shift of P-Ch GaN Misfets with Charge Trapping Insulator

Honorable Mention

Sanghyun Moon, Seoul National University

D02—1799 Ultrathin Gallium Oxide As a Gate Dielectric and Passivation Layer for Two-Dimensional Devices with Conductive Filament Contacts

Honorable Mention

Kavish Saini, The University of Texas at El Paso

D02—1784 Optimizing Edge Smoothness in Graphene Nanoribbons for Enhanced Transistor Performance: A Lithography Approach

E01 Electrochemical Deposition for Functional Materials and Energy Applications

1st Place

Julymar del Carmen Rodríguez Azuaje, Université de FrancheComté

E01—1886 Gold and Gold Alloys Electropolishing Using HClGlycerol-Ethanol Electrolytes

2nd Place

Quentin Orecchioni, Université de Franche-Comté

E01—1885 Characterization and Functional Properties of Electroplated Silver and Silver Alloys from Cyanide Free Electrolytes

3rd Place (a)

Piret Pikma, Tartu Ülikool

E01—1880 Adsorption of Organic Molecules at Solid-Electrolyte Interface – the Effect of the Electrolyte and Electrode Structure

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3rd Place (b)

Hsu Tsou, National Tsing Hua University

E01—1890 (111) Orientation Nanotwinned Copper with WellControlled Morphology by System-Optimized Electropolishing

3rd Place (c)

Jakub Pepas, Georgia Institute of Technology

E01—1894 Electrodeposition for the Guided Synthesis and Screening of Binary Alloy Thin Films

3rd Place (d)

Toshiaki Koga, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

E01—1898 Evaluation of Copper Sulfate Electroplating Solution and Film Quality Prediction Using Turbidity Measurement Method

I01 Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Water Electrolyzers 24 (PEFC&WE 24)

1st Place

Hiroki Nishizawa, Tohoku University

I01C—2899 Analysis of Transport Characteristics of Protons in Polymer Electrolyte Membranes in PEFC below Freezing Temperatures

2nd Place

Minyoung Kim, Doshisha University

I01A—2664 Synthesis of Mesoporous Carbon Support Using Two Different Sizes of SiO2 Hard Templates

3rd Place

Masaki Sampei, Tohoku University

I01A—2669 SECM Study for Surface-Grain-Resolved Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction Activity of Polycrystalline Pt Electrode

3rd Place

Yuki Nishio, Yokohama National University

I01B—2773 Relationship between Resistance Due to Bubbles and Electrode Shape in Alkaline Water Electrolysis Cells

ECS Exhibit Booth Raffle

Lucky visitors to the ECS Exhibit Booth won raffle prizes:

• Complimentary Lifetime ECS Membership: Samantha Medina, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

• Free 2025 ECS Meeting Registration: Joshua Beeler, University of Utah

• ECS Monograph: Snehal Sakharam Bhalekar, The City College of New York

Mixing it up at the Student Mixer, attendees show off their PRiME 2024 t-shirts!

Student Mixer

The Student Mixer brought together some 250 students and earlycareer professionals who mingled while enjoying light hors d’oeuvres and refreshments. Everyone received an ECS t-shirt. Special thanks to Pine Research and Scribner for supporting our younger members and sponsoring the event—and Scribner for throwing in drink tickets and koozies!

Notable Special Events

PRiME 2024 Luau

PRiME 2024 attendees gathered under the stars on a warm, breezy Hawaiian night for a festive luau. Guests enjoyed a buffet feast, refreshing drinks, and thrilling entertainment featuring Hawaiian musicians, dancers, and fire performers. A few adventurous guests danced on stage, closing the night with smiles and celebration!

Genki Ala Wai Project

PRiME 2024 attendees met at the Hawai'i Convention Center on October 10 to participate in the Genki Ala Wai Project, an impactful—and fun—bioremediation effort. Participants walked to the Ala Wai Canal as a group, each armed with a special Genki mud ball designed to digest sludge and improve water quality. The goal is to make the canal swimmable again. With a toss, they sent their Genki balls into the canal, contributing to its restoration. Thanks to their efforts, attendees left Hawai'i a bit cleaner and greener!

ECS President Colm O’Dwyer (left) congratulates Dr. Joanna Holmes (right) from iGii, winner of the special Exhibitor Raffle prize (Hawaiian goodies and five percent off a future booth purchase!).
The lights went down, the drums intensified, and PRiME luau guests thrilled to a spectacular demonstration of Hawaiian fire dancing.

Meet the Editors

On October 8, attendees had the valuable opportunity to connect with esteemed ECS journal editors at the ECS Booth:

• Christopher Alexander, Contributing Editor, ECS Interface

• Andrew Hillier, Associate Editor, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry Topical Interest Area, Journal of The Electrochemical Society

• Robert (Rob) Kelly, Editor-in-Chief, ECS Interface

• Peter Mascher, Technical Editor, Dielectric Science and Materials, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology

• Praveen Sekhar, Associate Editor, ECS Sensors Plus

• Wataru Sugimoto, Associate Editor, Batteries and Energy Storage Topical Interest Area, Journal of The Electrochemical Society

• Alice Suroviec, Associate Editor, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry Topical Interest Area, Journal of The Electrochemical Society

The event was more than a simple “meet and greet.” Attendees built connections, got direct feedback on their research, and learned what it takes to get published in some of the most respected journals in our community. Thank you to the participating editors!

Sponsors and Exhibitors

The PRiME 2024 organizers applaud the meeting sponsors and exhibitors whose support and participation contributed directly to the meeting’s success. Thank you for developing the tools and equipment driving scientific advancement, sharing your innovations with the electrochemical and solid state communities, and providing generous support for PRiME 2024!

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Genki Ala Wai Project participants gather before the ball launch.
Into the Ala Wai Canal go the 1,000 Genki balls!
(From left to right:) Ajit Khosla, Founding Editor-in-Chief of ECS Sensors; Adrian Plummer, ECS Senior Director of Publications; and Rob Kelly, Editor-in-Chief, ECS Interface, prepare to answer meeting attendees’ publications questions.
Meeting attendees visited with more than 40 industry leaders at the Technical Exhibition.

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JOINT INTERNATIONAL MEETING of The Electrochemical Society of Japan, The Korean Electrochemical Society, and The Electrochemical Society

PRiME 2024 | Honolulu, HI | October 6-11, 2024 Joint International Meeting of the Electrochemical Society of Japan The Korean Electrochemical Society and The Electrochemical Society THANK YOU TO THE 2024 PRiME MEETING SPONSORS!

PRiME 2024 – General Meeting Sponsors Thank you to our meeting sponsors!

easyXAFS, LLC IOP Publishing Ohmium International Panasonic Energy Corporation

PRiME 2024 | Honolulu, HI | October 6-11, 2024

PRiME 2024 – Exhibitors

Thank you to our exhibitors!



PRiME Partners Technical Sponsors

The PRiME 2024 organizers thank our technical sponsors!

Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP)

Semiconductor Physics Division, Korean Physical Society (KPS)

Society of Polymer Science, Japan (SPSJ)

Korea Photovoltaic Society (KPVS)

Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers (KIChE)

Electrochemical Society of Taiwan (ECSTw)

Electrochemistry Division of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (EDRACI)

Semiconductor Physics Division, Chinese Physical Society (CSP)

Hydrogen Energy Systems Society of Japan (HESS)

Summer Fellowships

Each year, ECS awards up to four summer fellowships to support graduate students continuing their research in a field of interest to the Society from June through August. The ECS Summer Fellowships program comprises four named awards:

Edward G. Weston Fellowship

Joseph W. Richards Fellowship

H. H. Uhlig Fellowship

F. M. Becket Fellowship

The Society also awards the Colin Garfield Fink Summer Fellowship to one postdoctoral scientist or engineer who is a member in good standing. The Summer Fellowship and C. G. Fink recipients are each awarded USD $5,000. Congratulations to the five 2024 recipients!


The Society thanks the ECS Summer Fellowship Subcommittee for reviewing the applications and selecting the outstanding recipients. Subcommittee members are:

• Peter Mascher, Chair, McMaster University, Canada

• Oumaima Gharbi, Sorbonne Université, France

• Joey Kish, McMaster University, Canada

• Patrik Schmutz, Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs-und Forschungsanstalt, Switzerland

• Kody Wolfe, Ohio University, USA

• Junsoon Han, Sorbonne Université, France

Interested in applying for an ECS Summer Fellowship or the Colin Garfield Fink Summer Fellowship? The 2025 award application deadline is January 15, 2025 Learn more about ECS fellowships and grants.

In Situ Simultaneous Neutron and X-ray Tomography of Solid-Solid interfaces in Anode-Free Solid state Batteries

Anode-free solid state batteries (AFSSBs), which utilize a current collector (CC) such as stainless steel (SS) as the negative electrode, are a promising next-generation battery technology for sustainable electric vehicles (EVs).1 Compared to conventional Liion batteries, AF-SSBs offer potential advantages in energy density, safety, recyclability, and manufacturing costs.2 However, significant interfacial instabilities, particularly poor chemo-mechanical stability at solid-solid interfaces (SS|solid electrolyte (SE), SE|Li, and SS|Li), hinder their practical application.3-4 The morphological evolution of these interfaces during Li plating, especially at high current densities (CDs), remains largely unexplored due to the challenges posed by their localized and buried nature5 (Fig. 1A).

In this study, we utilized the sensitivity of neutrons to Li and X-rays to metallic CCs to perform in situ 3D characterization of interfacial degradation in AF-SSBs using simultaneous neutron and X-ray (NeXT) micro-computed tomography (µ-CT) (Fig. 1B-a). My previous research demonstrated NeXT’s capability for non-invasive 3D visualization of electrode degradation on Cu CC,6 and 3D Li morphologies and spatial heterogeneities after fast-charging via neutron-µCT.7

We performed our experiments at the NeXT beamline8 at Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), Grenoble, France. We designed a special electrochemical cell compatible with the NeXT beamline, optimizing it for highresolution (pixel size of neutrons ~ 4 um

Fig. 1. (A) Schematic of an anode-free solid state battery (AF-SSB) consisting of a stainless steel (SS) current collector as the negative electrode, Li₆PS₅Cl as a solid electrolyte (SE), and Li metal as the positive electrode. During Li plating, the AF-SSB experiences significant chemo-mechanical instabilities, including cracking and Li penetration, at the challenging-to-characterize solid-solid interfaces (SS|SE, SE|Li, and SS|Li). (B) (a) In situ simultaneous neutron and X-ray tomography used for visualizing interfacial degradation in AF-SSBs. (b) Neutron and X-ray compatible AF-SSB design, consisting of a Teflon tube, titanium screws and blocks, and small-diameter electrodes (2-3 mm). The right image shows the fully assembled cell.

Fig. 2. Cross-sectional (XZ) reconstructed grayscale images of 3D cell volumes obtained using (A) X-ray and (B) neutron micro-computed tomography (µ-CT) in the pristine state (left) and after plating at 0.5 µA (middle) and 5.0 µA (right) current densities (CDs). The X-ray µ-CT images reveal pre-existing fractures in the pristine cell and crack widening in the cells plated at both low and high CDs. The neutron µ-CT images show “flow-like” Li penetration into the cracks in the solid electrolyte (SE) of the cell plated at high CD, while “filament-like” Li penetration within the SE cracks and deposition on the stainless-steel (SS) current collector are visible in the cell plated at low CD (highlighted by dotted yellow ellipses).

and that of X-rays ~ 6 µm) 3D imaging and enhanced contrast at solid-solid interfaces to detect Li plating (Fig. 1B-b). We imaged three batteries in pristine and plated states at low and high CDs (0.5 µA and 5 µA).

The X-µCT data9 revealed pre-existing fractures frequently near the edge of the SE pellet in the pristine cell (Fig. 2A-left), consistent with our earlier observations varying porosity in sintered amorphous thiophosphate solid electrolytes under different pressures.10 Larger fractures were predominantly observed near the center of the SE pellet in cells cycled at high and low CDs, with both exhibiting significant fracturing (Fig. 2A-middle and right). The neutron-µCT data9 showed no clear evidence of Li plating within these fractures in the pristine cell (Fig. 2B-left). However, in cells cycled at both CDs, Li was observed inside the fractures, with a higher amount of “flow-like” Li in larger fractures at high CD (Fig. 2B-right) and “filament-like” Li in smaller cracks at low CD (dotted yellow ellipses in Fig. 2B-middle) indicating a process ascribed to plating. Yet, no plating was observed on the SS at high CD, likely due to extensive Li penetration into the SE fractures before plating could occur on the SS. However, the cell cycled at low CD did show some “filament-like” Li plating on the SS (dotted yellow ellipses in Fig. 2B-middle).

These findings suggest that the mechanical instabilities (fracture widening) are driven by electrochemical forces at high CDs. Using the electro-chemo-mechanical phase-field model,11 we hypothesize that Li

penetration into SE fractures is due to its viscoplastic deformation, where Li metal flows until it reaches equilibrium with friction. Future work will extend the phasefield model to explain the “filament-like” Li plating at the SS|SE interface. Overall, these results contribute to our understanding of the electro-chemo-mechanical instabilities at solid-solid interfaces in AF-SSBs and may guide the design of more stable interfaces for EV applications.


The author would like to express sincere gratitude to The Electrochemical Society for the 2024 Colin Garfield Fink Research Fellowship. Additionally, thanks are due to the Office of the Dean of Faculty at Princeton University for the Presidential Fellowship 2023–2025. The author acknowledges her Postdoc advisor, Prof. Craig B. Arnold, and her research collaborators at Université Grenoble Alpes (Prof. Claire Villevieille, Dr. Ove Korjus, and Dr. Patrice Perrenot), Institut Laue-Langevin (Dr. Alessandro Tengattini, Dr. Anna Fedrigo, and Dr. Lukas Helfen), and Princeton University (Mohd Shaharyar Wani and Larry McIntyre from the machine shop) for their support in making these experiments possible. The author would also like to thank members of the Electro-Chemo-Mechanics group at Northeastern University (Prof. Juner Zhu, Dr. Wei Li, and Dr. Ruqing Fang) for leading the phase-field modeling aspect of this work. Special thanks also go to Dr. Jacob M. LaManna from the NIST

Center for Neutron Research for valuable discussions on simultaneous 3D neutron and X-ray registration.

© The Electrochemical Society. DOI:10.1149/2.F04244IF

About the Author

Maha Yusuf is a Presidential Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Andlinger Center for Energy and Environment at Princeton University. Her postdoc research combines her expertise in advanced neutron and X-ray–based characterization with physics-based modeling and 3D manufacturing to engineer anodes for long-life lithium-metal–free solid state batteries.

Dr. Yusuf completed MS and PhD degrees in Chemical Engineering at Stanford University with support from the Schlumberger Faculty for the Future Fellowship and Diversifying Academia, Recruiting Excellence Fellowship. Her PhD research used advanced imaging diagnostic tools, particularly neutrons and X-rays, to understand the failure mechanisms of lithium-ion batteries during extreme fast charging (XFC).

Dr. Yusuf has received awards that include the 2024 ECS Energy Technology Division Graduate Student Award

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Sponsored by BioLogic, 2022 ECS Edward G. Weston Fellowship, 2022 American Chemical Society Chemical Abstracts Service Future Leader Award, and 2020 Stanford Distinguished Student Energy Lecturer Award. Dr. Yusuf completed a BE in Chemical Engineering at the National University of Sciences & Technology, Pakistan, after which she worked as a drilling engineer on oil and gas rigs in Colombia.


1. J. Nanda, C. Wang, and P. Liu, MRS Bull, 43(10), 740 (2018).

2. S. Herle, Z. Chen, J. Libera, et al. Challenges for and Pathways Toward Solid state Batteries (No. ORNL/TM2020/1747). Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (2020).

3. E. Kazyak, M. J. Wang, K. Lee, et al., Matter, 5(11), 3912 (2022).

4. K. B. Hatzell, X. C. Chen, C. L. Cobb, et al., ACS Energy Lett, 5(3), 922 (2020).

5. Z. Yu, X. Zhang, C. Fu, et al., Adv Energy Mater, 11(18), 2003250 (2021).

6. M. Yusuf, J. M. LaManna, P. P. Paul, et al., Cell Rep Phys Sci, 3(11), 101145 (2022).

8. A. Tengattini, N. Lenoir, E. Andò, et al., NIM-A, 968, 163939 (2020).

9. P. Perrenot, A. Fauchier‐Magnan, M. Mirolo, et al., Adv Funct Mater, 34(2), 2310739 (2023).

10. C. Villevieille, A. Fauchier Magnan, A. Fedrigo, et al., (2024). In-situ 3D morphological evolution and operando 2D spatial dynamics of Reservoir-Free Solid state Batteries. Institut LaueLangevin (ILL) doi:10.5291/ILLDATA.1-06-47.

11. R. Fang, W. Li, J. Jiao, et al., J Mech Phys Solids, 192, 105799 (2024).

7. M. Yusuf, A. Kaestner, M. Wied, et al., ChemRxiv (2024). 2024 E dward G. wES ton f E llow Ship – S ummary rE port

Understanding the Effects of Intermittent Currents in Liquid Alkaline Water Electrolysis

Hydrogen production via water electrolysis is key for decarbonizing the industrial and transportation sectors.1,2 However, improving the performance of electrocatalytic reactions remains challenging, particularly the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Conducting the OER in alkaline media, known as liquid alkaline water electrolysis (LAWE), allows the use of first-row transition metal catalysts, which are abundant and costeffective.3 Despite their advantages, these

materials undergo chemical changes that affect their performance and decrease the operational lifetime of water electrolyzers.4,5 Understanding these transformations under realistic conditions is crucial, as water electrolyzers face stress from the intermittency of renewable energy sources.6 Power fluctuations cause reverse currents that alter electrode potential, significantly impacting the electrode’s lifespan.7 Therefore, stability testing must consider the dynamic environment to ensure catalyst

resilience. Here, we investigate the influence of intermittent operation on the stability of OER catalysts for LAWE using in situ characterization techniques to understand the electrode transformations. We utilized Raman spectroscopy to interrogate the surface composition of metal oxide/hydroxide catalysts. NiCo and NiFe hydroxide films were prepared using galvanostatic electrodeposition.8 The films were deposited on gold electrodes to conduct surface-enhanced Raman

measurements. (b)

potential vs. time plot for a NiCo(OH)2 electrode under reverse current. (c) Raman spectra collected during the test in (b), with labels in (c) corresponding to the times in (b).

Fig. 1. Reverse currents influence the surface chemical composition. (a) Custom cell for in situ SERS

2. Reverse currents exacerbate metal dissolution. Time-resolved ICP-MS measurements of (a) NiCo(OH)2 and (b) NiFe(OH)2 films on Ti foil. The electrode potential (top) was monitored while the current (middle) alternated between anodic and cathodic steps, with metal concentration profiles (bottom) recorded simultaneously. The red-shaded area represents the pre-conditioning step at a constant current, and the gray-shaded areas highlight the reverse cathodic steps.

spectroscopy (SERS) in a custom cell (Fig. 1a). The electrode was oxidized into the metal oxyhydroxide phase during an anodic polarization step at 1.5 V vs. RHE; then, a reverse cathodic current of −0.25 mA·cm-2 was applied. Fig. 1b shows the resulting potential vs. time profile for the NiCo(OH)2 film. Raman spectra were collected simultaneously at various time intervals (Fig. 1c) to reveal changes in the vibrational modes of the oxide/hydroxide phases.

The film exhibits two main features at 460 and 545 cm-1 that are characteristic of metal oxyhydroxides (Fig. 1c).9 This composition prevails until a sudden decrease in electrode potential occurs after 480 s (Fig. 1b). This feature corresponds to the discharge of the oxyhydroxide phase into hydroxide, driven by the cathodic current. The metal hydroxide bands confirm this phase at 459, 585, and 692 cm-1 9 Eventually, the film is reduced to a hydroxide/metal-like blend upon reaching negative potentials, as confirmed by the diminished intensity of the hydroxide bands. We observed the same transformation for the NiFe(OH)2 film, suggesting that reverse currents transform the oxyhydroxide phase formed during the OER.

In collaboration with the Jaramillo group at Stanford University, we used timeresolved mass spectrometry to investigate metal dissolution during intermittent currents. NiCo and NiFe hydroxide films

were deposited on Ti foil and assembled into an electrochemical flow cell. The electrodes underwent fluctuating anodic and cathodic steps, while the metal concentrations in the electrolyte were quantified using online inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). As shown in Fig. 2, Ni, Co, and Fe concentrations suddenly rise upon re-oxidation after cathodic steps. In contrast, Ti dissolution increases during the cathodic steps. Co dissolution is less significant than Fe, while Ni dissolution is similar for both films. These results reveal that intermittent currents exacerbate the metal dissolution of the catalytic films and the substrate.

Our group is currently examining these transformations at the device level to provide a nuanced description of intermittent water electrolysis. These findings will streamline the development of new strategies to improve the stability of catalysts for LAWE and accelerate their commercialization.


The author gratefully acknowledges The Electrochemical Society for the 2024 Edward G. Weston Summer Research Fellowship. Funding was also provided from the National Science Foundation via CHE Grant 2102307; the Welch Foundation through Grants F-1436, F-2076, and

F-1848; and CONAHCYT for the author’s doctoral scholarship award (CVU 919871). The author thanks his PhD advisor (Prof. C. Buddie Mullins), his collaborators at UT-Austin (Prof. Joaquin Resasco, Prof. Delia Milliron, Jay Bender, Kenta Kawashima, and David Gray), the Texas Materials Institute (Dr. Andrei Dolocan), and Stanford University (Prof. Thomas F. Jaramillo, Ashton Aleman, and Dr. Michaela Stevens) for their guidance and support.

© The Electrochemical Society. DOI:10.1149/2.F05244IF

About the Author

Raul A. Marquez is a fifth-year PhD student in Chemistry at the University of Texas at Austin. He completed his BE (2017) and MS (2020) at the Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua.

Fellowships Raul has received include the UT-Austin Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship (2020–2025) and Mexican National Council

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of Science International Doctoral Fellowship Program (2021–2024), and his awards include the UT-Austin Jeff Byers Memorial Graduate Award (2024), Royal Society of Chemistry Poster Competition 1st Place (2024), and 243rd ECS Meeting General Student Poster Award 1st Place (2023). He is the author of 21 articles (10 as first author) with an h-index of 11. Raul is the Secretary of the ECS University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter.


1. Z. Yan, J. L. Hitt, J. A. Turner, and T. E. Mallouk, PNAS, 117, 12558 (2020).

2. Z. W. Seh, J. Kibsgaard, C. F. Dickens, et al., Science, 355, eaad4998 (2017).

3. Z.-Y. Yu, Y. Duan, X.-Y. Feng, et al., Adv Mater, 33, 2007100 (2021).

4. D. Y. Chung, P. P. Lopes, et al., Nat Energy, 5, 222 (2020).

5. D. Tyndall, M. J. Craig, L. Gannon, et al., J Mater Chem A, 11, 4067 (2023).

6. J. C. Ehlers, A. A. Feidenhans’l, K. T. Therkildsen, and G. O. Larrazábal, ACS Energy Lett, 8, 1502 (2023).

7. Y. Kim, S.-M. Jung, K.-S. Kim, et al., JACS Au, 2, 2491 (2022).

8. M. B. Stevens, L. J. Enman, A. S. Batchellor, et al., Chem Mater, 29, 120 (2017).

9. R. A. Marquez, E. Kalokowski, M. Espinosa, et al., Energy Environ Sci, 17, 2028 (2024).

Formation of Self-Assembling Monolayers on Electrochemically Deposited Gold Nanoparticle-Modified Carbon Ultramicroelectrode Arrays

Self-assembling monolayers (SAMs) are surfactant molecules composed of a head group, an alkyl chain, and a terminal functional group.1,2 Each component of the SAM structure offers specific advantages for applications in sensor development, surface modification, nanotechnology, catalysis, and drug delivery.3,4 These structural components enable versatility in SAM design, monolayer stability, and energetically favorable “selfassembly” onto various substrates, namely, thiols onto planar gold electrodes or gold nanoparticle (AuNP)-modified electrodes.1,2 In this report, we detail the formation of SAMs on AuNP-modified carbon ultramicroelectrode arrays (CUAs). AuNPs are frequently utilized in fuel cells, batteries, and electrochemical sensing devices due to their high surface area-to-volume ratio (SA/V), chemical inertness, conductivity, and strong thiol-gold interactions that facilitate SAM formation.5-7 The electrode substrate (i.e., CUAs) features an arraybased geometry of nanometer-sized carbon electrodes (~90 nm radius) encircled by an insulating metal oxide layer (Al2O3). This unique combination of electrode materials, geometry, and size is associated with improved signal-to-noise ratios, reduced adsorption, fast response times, high analytical sensitivity, and capability for nanomaterial modification.8-10

In our previous work, we demonstrated the electrodeposition of AuNPs on CUAs under different experimental conditions

by varying deposition potential, time, and gold ion concentration.11 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) data from our previous study, shown in Fig. 1, compares the surface

of a bare CUA to an AuNP-modified CUA. Following on this work, electrochemical methods were utilized to characterize the formation of SAMs on AuNP-CUAs.

Fig 1 Electrodeposition of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) on carbon ultramicroelectrode arrays (CUAs). The three-electron transfer redox reaction for the electrochemical reduction of chloroauric acid (HAuCl4) to solid gold is shown, along with the standard reduction potential versus normal hydrogen electrode (NHE). Graphical representations and scanning electron micrographs for bare and AuNP-modified CUAs are displayed. For the AuNP-modified CUA, the electrodeposition parameters for electrochemical potential, time, and AuCl4- concentration were –0.5 V vs. SCE (saturated calomel electrode), 15 s, and 25 µM, respectively. Scale bars represent 1 µm.

Specifically, cyclic voltammetry was employed to evaluate the electrochemical behavior of 6-ferrocenylhexanethiol (Fc-MCH), a SAM molecule containing a thiolated head group, a six-carbon alkyl chain, and a ferrocene-tagged end group (Fig. 2), under various formation conditions.12 Due to the spontaneous thiolgold bonding, the SAM formation procedure is relatively simple, involving the immersion of the electrode into the SAM solution. Herein, we assess the effects of SAM solution concentration and immersion time on the electrochemical behavior of Fc-MCH. Fig. 2 displays the cyclic voltammetric results from the concentration- and timedependent Fc-MCH studies. The highest Fc-MCH concentration of 5 mM resulted in the largest peak anodic and cathodic current response at approximately 0.3 and 0.4 V vs. SCE, respectively. Additionally, the longest electrode immersion time of 24 h yielded the greatest electrical current signal, indicating likely optimal SAMs formation on the AuNP-modified CUAs. The appearance of an additional oxidative peak at longer immersion times (Fig. 2C) has been previously reported,12 and will be further evaluated in future studies. Moreover, upcoming work will include analyzing the influence of the structure of the SAMs (e.g., carbon chain length and end group polarity) on monolayer stability and performance over time.13,14


The author, Courtney Weber, is grateful to ECS for being awarded the 2024 Joseph W. Richards Summer Fellowship. The author gratefully acknowledges her PI, Prof. Olja Simoska, for her continual mentorship, intellectual insight, guidance, and support throughout her graduate studies. Additional funding was provided by the University of South Carolina start-up funding and the 2024 ASPIRE grant.

© The Electrochemical Society. DOI:10.1149/2.F06244IF

About the Author

Courtney J. Weber is a third-year PhD student in Chemistry at the University of South Carolina (USC) where she completed a BS in 2022. Courtney’s research, advised by Prof. Olja Simoska,

Fig. 2. (A) Graphical representation of self-assembling monolayer (SAM) formation on gold nanoparticle (AuNP)-modified carbon ultramicroelectrode arrays (CUAs). (B–C) Cyclic voltammograms (CVs) of 0.1 M NaCl with SAM-AuNP-modified CUAs at 100 mV s-1. (B) SAMs were formed from various concentrations of 6-ferrocenylhexanethiol (Fc-MCH) in ethanol for 18 h of immersion time. (C) SAMs were formed at various immersion times with 5 mM of Fc-MCH in ethanol.

focuses on fundamentally evaluating and implementing label strategies for analyte detection, based on using nucleic acid recognition elements at carbon ultramicroelectrode arrays, offering high reliability, enhanced sensitivity, lower limits of detection, reproducibility, and improved chemical specificity for stress biomarkers relevant to human health. She has received the USC Copenhaver Graduate Fellowship (2022), Southeastern Conference H. Boyd McWhorter Postgraduate Scholarship (2022), and the Joseph W. Bouknight Teaching Award (2022). Courtney has two published articles with two more under review.


1. A. Ulman, Chem Rev, 96, 1533 (1996)

2. J. C. Love, L. A. Estroff, J. K. Kriebel, R. G. Nuzzo, and G. M. Whitesides, Chem Rev, 105, 1103 (2005).

3. J. J. Gooding and S. Ciampi, Chem Soc Rev, 40, 2704 (2011).

4. C. J. Weber, O. M. Clay, R. E. Lycan, G. K. Anderson, and O. Simoska, Anal Bioanal Chem, 416, 87 (2024).

5. C. M. Welch and R. G. Compton, Anal Bioanal Chem, 384, 601 (2006).

6. F. P. Zamborini, L. L. Bao, and R. Dasari, Anal Chem, 84, 541 (2012).

7. R. Sardar, A. M. Funston, P. Mulvaney, and R. W. Murray, Langmuir, 25, 13840 (2009)

8. J. Elliott, O. Simoska, S. Karasik, J. B. Shear, and K. J. Stevenson, Anal Chem, 89, 6285 (2017).

9. O. Simoska, M. Sans, M. D. Fitzpatrick, et al., ACS Sens, 4, 170 (2019).

10. J. Duay, J. Elliott, J. B. Shear, and K. J. Stevenson, Anal Chem, 87, 10109 (2015).

11. C. J. Weber, N. E. Strom, and O. Simoska, Nanoscale (2024)

12. T. Auletta, F. C. J. M. van Veggel, and D. N. Reinhoudt, Langmuir, 18, 1288 (2002)

13. Z. Watkins, A. Karajic, T. Young, R. White, and J. Heikenfeld, ACS Sens, 8, 1119 (2023).

14. A. Shaver, S. D. Curtis, and N. ArroyoCurrás, ACS Appl Mater Inter, 12, 11214 (2020)

Energizing Cellulose: Revealing the Latent Potential of Cellulose Nanofiber for Sustainable Supercapacitors

The development of energy storage devices from sustainable products is crucial to the global renewable energy transition initiative. Supercapacitors, also known as electrochemical capacitors, have garnered significant attention for their exceptional characteristics, such as high-power density, rapid charge-discharge rates, and extended cycling lifespan.1 Most commercially available supercapacitors rely on liquid organic and ionic liquid electrolytes. These electrolytes bear environmental challenges associated with their production and disposal, are toxic to humans, and pose significant challenges for the development of flexible devices.2 This makes them an unsustainable choice for green energy applications, particularly in the context of flexible and wearable technologies where safety and environmental impact are critical considerations.3,4 Consequently, there is an urgent need to develop novel hydrogel electrolytes derived from renewable resources. Utilizing biomass as a renewable precursor offers several advantages, including reduced environmental impact, lower carbon footprint, and the potential for biodegradability, making it a more sustainable alternative. This approach can lower production costs due to the abundant availability and low cost of agricultural byproducts. Additionally, it contributes to waste management solutions by repurposing biomass into valuable materials, thus mitigating environmental pollution.

In this study, we developed cellulosebased hydrogel electrolytes derived from pine wood and fabricated all-pine-based supercapacitors by converting pine bark into high surface area activated carbon for the electrodes. By default, the two forms of biomass-derived cellulose—cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) and cellulose nanofibers (CNF)—function as insulators with low ionic conductivity, restricting the use of pristine cellulose hydrogels as electrolytes in supercapacitor designs.5 Consequently, researchers are actively exploring novel and straightforward methods to enhance the ionic conductivity of the cellulose matrix. One such approach involves incorporating metal ions into cellulose hydrogels, which can significantly improve their ionic conductivity and expand their potential in electronic applications. This approach offers the possibility of inducing conductivity in the cellulose matrix. However, cellulose nanocrystals have a high degree of crystallinity which reduces

the number of active sites available for metal ion coordination. Thus, we focused on exploring the stability and the amorphous nature of CNF extracted from pine wood for the physical crosslinking with Cu2+ as the electrolyte.

To prepare the hydrogel electrolyte, TEMPO (2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidine-1oxyl radical) was used to selectively oxidize the primary hydroxyl (-OH) groups on the surface of pinewood-derived cellulose nanofiber into carboxyl (-COOH) groups. These carboxyl groups then function as the active site for the physical crosslink of Cu2+ ion using Cu(NO3)2 salt. After 24 hours, the mixture was sonicated for 15 minutes and the unreacted salt in the CNF pulp bubbles was extracted using vacuum filtration at low pressure to control gelation. The resulting hydrogel was repeatedly washed with deionized water to neutralize any unreacted salt residues. The obtained hydrogel electrolyte was designated as “CuCNF” and slow poured into a circular mold. The electrode material was also prepared by optimizing the physiochemical performance of a series of activated carbons derived from pine bark. To prepare the pine bark-derived activated carbon (PAC), we used an acid (H3PO4) as the activation agent at 1000 to tailor the porosity and surface area. Fig. 1a

shows the schematic flow of the material and supercapacitor design. Finally, a symmetric PAC//Cu2+-CNF//PAC supercapacitor was assembled and electrochemically tested in a two-electrode system.

Electrochemical Analysis

The activated carbon prepared from pine bark (PAC) exhibits 1016.7 m2/g BET surface area with a well-developed network of pores that allows ionic diffusion. The SEM image and EDX elemental mapping of the CNF hydrogel revealed a network of interconnected fibers composed of 43.61% carbon and 56.39% oxygen. After crosslinking with Cu²⁺, the fibers thicken, and the composition shifts to 16.08% carbon, 49.77% oxygen, 8.71% nitrogen, and 25.24% copper (Fig. 1b). Conductivity measurements at various Cu(NO₃)₂ concentrations identified 0.3 M as optimal, achieving 68.78 mS/cm, significantly higher than the 0.18 mS/cm of pristine TEMPOCNF. This confirms the incorporation of Cu²⁺ into the cellulose matrix, which enhances ionic conductivity in the hydrogel. The electrochemical performance of the PAC//Cu²⁺-CNF//PAC device was evaluated through CV, GCD, and EIS analyses. The CV curves, examined over a wide potential

Fig. 1. (a) Schematic illustration of the preparatory method of materials, device, and testing. (b) SEM micrograph and EDX elemental mapping of physically crosslinked copper in the cellulose matrix (Cu2+CNF).

Fig. 2. Electrochemical characteristics of PAC/Cu2+-CNF//PAC, (a) Cyclic voltammetry at 5 to 50 mV/s, (b) Galvanostatic charge-discharge profile at 0.5 to 4 A/g, (c) Specific capacitance as a function of the scan rate, (d) Electrochemical impedance spectrum (inset: the zoomed-in plot of the high-frequency region), (e) Ragone plot of PAC//Cu2+-CNF//PAC, and (f) Cyclic performance test at 4 A/g after 1000 cycles (Inset: shows the GCD profile of the first and last five cycles).

window (0 to 1.5 V), exhibit stable quasirectangular shapes across scan rates from 5 to 50 mV/s (Fig. 2a), indicating an electrochemical double-layer charge storage mechanism.6 Unlike traditional aqueous electrolytes that degrade above 1 V, the Cu²⁺-CNF hydrogel electrolyte maintains stability up to 1.5 V. GCD experiments across current densities from 0.5 to 4 A/g revealed a near-symmetrical triangular shape, signifying excellent electrochemical reversibility (Fig. 2b).

Specific capacitance values of 470.58, 420.62, 378.11, 339.98, and 320.24 F/g were observed at current densities of 0.5, 1, 2, 3, and 4 A/g, respectively (Fig. 2c), showing a decrease in capacitance with increasing current density, likely due to pore blockage or insufficient time for ion alignment.7 EIS analysis provided insight into the device’s resistivity and charge transfer kinetics. The Nyquist plot (Fig. 2d) displayed a steep slope at low frequencies and no semicircle at high frequencies, indicating fast ion diffusion and low charge transfer resistance.8 This low resistance contributes to the device’s high specific capacitance. The Ragone plot (Fig. 2d) highlights an energy density of 17.88 Wh/kg at a power density of 1276.04 W/kg, with the device also delivering 6.23 Wh/kg at an ultra-high–power density of 21,489.58 W/kg. To evaluate the cycle stability of the

device, we tested its capacitance retention over 1000 charge-discharge cycles at a current density of 4 A/g. Fig. 2e illustrates the capacitance retention at every 100 cycles, reaching a total of 1000 cycles. The initial 100% capacitance decreased to 73.56% after 1000 cycles. This capacitance decay is attributed to pore blockage and voltage-induced ionic dissociation within the electrolyte.

In conclusion, we demonstrated that pine biomass can be repurposed into valueadded products with tunable physiochemical properties. By incorporating metal ions, we successfully induced conductivity in TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofibers, transforming an otherwise insulating material into a functional electrolyte that transports mobile ions for energy storage. These results underscore the potential of pine biomass as a sustainable precursor for supercapacitor design.


The author gratefully acknowledges the support of The Electrochemical Society 2024 H. H. Uhlig Fellowship and the guidance of Prof. El Barbary Hassan and Dr. Islam Elsayed at the Sustainable Chemistry Lab at Mississippi State University. Additional funding was supplied by the Department of

Agriculture, (ARS) under Agreement No. 58-0204-2-142. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the US Department of Agriculture. © The Electrochemical Society. DOI:10.1149/2.F07244IF

About the Author

Ridwan Ayinla is a PhD student in the Department of Sustainable Bioproducts at Mississippi State University under the supervision of Prof. El Barbary Hassan. His doctoral research focuses on synergizing electrochemical processes and imaging microscopy to develop and understand emerging green batteries and supercapacitors from biomass. His waste-to-wealth approach aligns the renewable energy transition initiative of the US Department of Energy with the clean environment goal of the US Department of Agriculture.

The Nigerian-born researcher obtained his BT summa cum laude in Pure and Applied Physics at the Ladoke Akintola Uni-

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versity of Technology. He completed an MS at the Universiti of Teknologi PETRONAS, then a second MS at Mississippi State University (MSU). Ridwan has published in several peer-reviewed journals and received local and international awards that include the Petroleum Development Trust Fund Scholarship, Nigerian Senate Kwara Class of Honors Award, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Graduate Award, and MSU Rising Star in Chemistry Award.


1. A. Dutta, S. Mitra, M. Basak, and T. Banerjee, Energy Storage, 5, e339 (2023)

2. H. Ge, X. Xie, X. Xie, et al., Energy Environ Sci, 17, 3270 (2024).

3. A. K. Sahu, K. Varadwaj, S. K. Nayak, and S. Mohanty, Nano Energy, 122, 109261 (2024).

4. K. Mensah-Darkwa, C. Zequine, P. K. Kahol, and R. K. Gupta, Sustainability, 11, 414 (2019)

5. W. Gao, Q. Tu, P. Wang, et al., Polym Rev, 64, 162 (2024).

6. K. Ge, H. Shao, P.-L. Taberna, and P. Simon, ACS Energy Lett, 8, 2738 (2023).

7. M. Tsutsui, K. Yokota, A. Arima, et al., ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 10, 34751 (2018).

8. N. O. Laschuk, E. B. Easton, and O. V. Zenkina, RSC Adv, 11, 27925 (2021).

2024 f. m. B EC k E t f E llow Ship – S ummary rE port

Electrolysis with Bipolar Membrane Electrode Assemblies in the Concurrent Presence of Carbon Dioxide and Nitrate

To achieve the Paris Agreement’s target of net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050, current research is actively exploring alternatives that are either carbon neutral or negative for industrial chemical processes with high carbon emissions. In this context, electrocatalysis, due to its zero emissions (or, in some cases, negative emissions) and ease of integration with renewable energy sources, is widely discussed in the development of next-generation chemical processes, such as electrocatalytic CO2 conversion, NH3 production, and urea synthesis.1-3

In recent years, research in the field of electrocatalysis has focused not only on the development of catalysts but also on innovations in reactor design. For example, integrating a bipolar membrane (BPM) with a membrane electrode assembly (MEA) forms a system known as a bipolar membrane-based membrane electrode assembly (BPM-MEA system).4 Unlike ion exchange membranes, BPMs dissociate water to generate proton and hydroxide ions, which are transported to the cathode and anode, respectively, to maintain charge balance during electrolysis. Due to this characteristic of BPMs, they offer new possibilities for electrocatalysis research. For instance, liquid-phase CO2 reduction can be facilitated by the proton flux creating a local acidic environment around the catalyst, which converts otherwise inert HCO3- (or CO32-) into CO2. This in situ generated CO2 then participates in the reduction reaction,

overcoming the challenges of CO2 mass transfer that are typically encountered in traditional liquid-phase CO2 reduction through CO2 bubbling.5 Another example is using BPMs to adjust the local environment, thereby tuning the selectivity of the nitrate reduction reaction.6

Here, we aim to combine the abovementioned reactions (i.e., CO2 reduction and

nitrate reduction) to explore the feasibility of achieving CN coupling using the BPMMEA system. 2M KHCO3 and various concentrations of KNO3 (0.01–0.2M) were used as the carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. Commercial Cu nanoparticles were selected as the catalyst, and the detailed setup of the BPM-MEA system can be found in Fig. 1. The electrolysis was performed

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the bipolar membrane electrode assembly cell used in this work.

under four current densities (5, 20, 100, and 200 mA cm-2), and the results can be divided into two distinct regions: CO2 reductiondominated and NO3 reduction-dominated regions (Fig. 2). When applying lower current densities, the proton flux from the BPM is low, which limits the conversion of HCO3- to CO2. This leads to NO3- reductiondominated electrolysis, where samples collected in this region are primarily reduced nitrogen products (e.g., NO2- and NH3). On the other hand, reduced carbon products (e.g., CO, CH4, C2H4) increase with rising current densities. It’s worth noting that the 1H NMR results indicate that urea was not detected in these samples.

In this report, we demonstrate the use of the BPM-MEA system for electrolysis in the presence of both CO2 and nitrate. Our results show that, instead of a CN coupling reaction, CO2 and nitrate reactions occur separately and prefer different current density regions. One possible explanation is that the co-reduction of CO2 and nitrate to form urea involves a 16-electron transfer process. Since the BPM-MEA system only activates CO2 at high current densities, this environment simultaneously becomes unfavorable for urea formation due to excessive overpotential. This requires future efforts in the development of BPM to reduce the overpotential of water dissociation, thereby lowering the current density (or voltage) needed to generate/activate CO2.


The author gratefully acknowledges the ECS F. M. Becket Fellowship for funding support and the invaluable guidance and support provided by his advisors Prof. Marta C. Hatzell and Prof. Andrew J. Medford

© The Electrochemical Society. DOI:10.1149/2.F08244IF

About the Author

Po-Wei Huang is a third-year PhD student in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. Professors Marta C. Hatzell and Andrew J. Medford su-

Fig. 2. Selectivity from carbon products to nitrogen products after BPM-MEA electrolysis at various current densities in the co-presence of KNO3 and KHCO3. Carbon products: CO, CH4, and C2H4 Nitrogen products: NO2- and NH3

pervise his research, which focuses on advancing sustainable technologies and developing decentralized fertilizers through electro/photochemical approaches. Po-Wei has received a Georgia Sea Grant Graduate Traineeship (2019), and he was selected as a Nakatani RIES Mentor (2022). The author of 11 publications (h-index 6), he has one patent pending. Po-Wei completed his BS in Chemical Engineering at National Cheng Kung University in 2017.


1. J. Resasco and A. T. Bell, Trends Chem, 2(9), 825 (2020).

2. D. A. C. Haro, L. Barrera, H. Iriawan, et al. ACS Catal, 14(13), 9752 (2024).

3. H. Song, D. A. C. Haro, P.-W. Huang, et al., Acc Chem Res, 56(21), 2944 (2023).

4. Z. Zhang, X. Huang, Z. Chen, et al. Angewandte Chemie, 135(28), e202302789 (2023).

5. H. Song, C. A. Fernández, H. Choi, et al., Energy Environ Sci, 17(10), 3570 (2024).

6. P.-W. Huang, H. Song, J. Yoo, et al., Adv Energy Mat, 2304202 (2024)

E. Jennings (EJ) Taylor Receives European Pulse Plating Award

E. Jennings Taylor presented a plenary lecture at the joint meeting of the 11th European Pulse Plating Seminar/European Academy of Surface Technology Forum in Vienna, Austria in March of 2024. After his presentation titled “Experiences in Innovation and Industrialization of Pulse Electrolytic Processes: From Pulse Plating to Surface Finishing and Beyond,” Dr. Wolfgang Hansel presented the Pietro Luigi Cavallotti Prize for outstanding achievements in the field of pulse deposition to Dr. Taylor. The Cavallotti award is presented in conjunction with the European Pulse Plating Seminar which is held every two years. The award citation noted that Dr. Taylor has devoted his entire professional life to developing industrial applications of pulsed electrochemical processes for surface treatment.

Jennings founded Faraday Technology, Inc. in 1991 to develop novel pulse plating processes devoid of chemical additives or hazardous chemicals. This initial vision evolved to include pulse electrochemical processes such as surface finishing, electrochemical machining, deburring, polishing, through-mask etching, destruction of pollutants, dewatering, and chemical conversion. Receiving the award, Jennings noted, “I am honored and humbled to receive the Cavallotti award. I consider this award as a tribute to the talented staff, past and present, at Faraday Technology, Inc. In particular, I’d like to acknowledge my colleagues Dr. Maria Inman and Dr. Tim Hall.”

Jennings is a long-time member of The Electrochemical Society and attended his first ECS meeting as an MS student.

Christopher L. Alexander Receives NSF CAREER Award

Christopher L. Alexander has received a National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award. The award, “Towards Perpetually Limited Corrosion of Steel in Concrete with Tailored Interfaces,” will support integrated research and education thrusts aimed at maximizing the sustainability and durability of the reinforced concrete infrastructure.

Corrosion of steel continues to be a limiting factor in the durability of reinforced concrete and has prevented the use of novel and otherwise durable carbon-dioxide–consuming cement and concrete. This project will identify optimal steel and concrete interface conditions that can perpetually limit chloride influenced corrosion damage considering both traditional and sustainable alternative concrete mixture formulations. The research effort will be integrated with an education goal to improve the ability of civil engineering students and practitioners to address often overlooked corrosion durability issues in civil infrastructure. Research experiences for high school students will be used to enhance interest in STEM careers among underrepresented

groups. Corrosion damage forecasting modules disseminated and administered through an internationally recognized corrosion organization will provide a knowledge foundation and skillset to civil engineering practitioners tasked with ensuring the durability of the civil infrastructure.

The research objective is to characterize the multi-scale evolution of steel corrosion within concrete considering the condition of the steel and concrete interface. Corrosion starts as small, localized pits that can grow and accumulate into more widespread corrosion damage. However, under some conditions the pits can stop growing by the process of repassivation. The project aims to: 1) identify steel and concrete interface conditions required to promote repassivation of chloride-induced pitting corrosion; 2) establish the mechanisms controlling pit shape evolution and damage progression; and 3) identify optimally corrosion resistant interface conditions based on multi-scale damage forecasting models calibrated to exposure testing results.

The CAREER award is the NSF’s most prestigious award presented to junior faculty. The five-year grants support junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through research and education, and the integration of these endeavors in the context of their organizations’ missions.

In Memoriam ... Shimshon Gottesfeld (1941 – 2024)

Dr. Shimshon Gottesfeld, ECS Fellow and Olin Palladium Award winner, passed away on July 5, 2024.

Dr. Shimshon Gottesfeld was born in Haifa, Israel on March 17, 1941. He received his DSc in chemistry in 1970 from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and joined the staff of the Department of Chemistry at the Tel Aviv University in 1972. His research activities at TAU included studies of electrochemical interfaces with spectroscopic techniques, focusing on fundamental and applied aspects of electrocatalysis and on photoelectrochemical energy conversion processes.

Dr. Gottesfeld spent an extended sabbatical leave between 1977 and 1979 in the US at Bell Labs, working primarily on electrochromic materials. In 1984 he spent his sabbatical at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). He continued his stay at LANL, in 1987 becoming Technical Project Leader for Fuel Cell Research. The work of this team in the 1980s and 1990s is recognized worldwide for technology-enabling contributions in the areas of polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) and direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs). During the same period, Dr. Gottesfeld also initiated and directed R&D work in the field of ultracapacitors based on electronically conducting polymers as active materials.

Between 1996 and 2000, Dr. Gottesfeld served as the representative of the US National Laboratories on the Fuel Cell Technology Steering Committee of the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV). In 1999, Dr. Gottesfeld was appointed a Laboratory Fellow at LANL. Also in 1999, he co-initiated the series of Gordon Research Conferences on Fuel Cells, which, a quarter of a century later, is still the highest-level annual meeting devoted to fuel cell science and technology.

In December 2000, Dr. Gottesfeld took an entrepreneurial leave from LANL to become chief technology officer (CTO) of MTI Microfuel Cells in Albany, NY. There, he led the development of direct methanol fuel cells for use in advanced power sources for portable electronic applications. A central development of DMFC technology at MTI under his technical leadership was a novel platform that enables significant DMFC power system simplification. In 2006, Dr. Gottesfeld was awarded the first Grove Medal for Fuel Cell Science and Technology.

In 2007, Dr. Gottesfeld made another new start in the field of fuel cell technology, aiming this time at reducing the technology’s high cost, which was a significant barrier to market entry. He co-initiated a new start-up company, Cellera Technologies, where he was CTO and member of the board until 2015. Cellera initiated the development of a new polymer electrolyte fuel cell technology, alkaline membrane fuel cell or AMFC, based on non-Pt catalysts and inexpensive stack hardware. Cellera has brought AMFC technology to the point of a demonstrated system for back-up power, with a 2 kW AMFC stack which was built in-house based on novel core technology elements and field-operated for several thousand hours.

Throughout his career, Dr. Gottesfeld continued to pursue work of a fundamental nature in the field of fuel cells and electrocatalysis and was considered a world expert in this field. Among his many recognitions were the George Schuit Lectureship at the University of Delaware (2014) followed by being named Adjunct Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Delaware in 2015.

Dr. Gottesfeld subsequently co-initiated and co-taught a new class, Electrochemical Energy Engineering, at the University of Delaware and performed research in hydroxide exchange membrane fuel cells fed with hydrogen and ammonia well into the COVID pandemic.

Dr. Gottesfeld joined ECS in 1986 and was an active member in the Battery and Energy Technology Divisions and as an officer and chair of the Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division. He was recognized as a Fellow of the Electrochemistry Society in 1999, as an Awarded Life Member in 2019, and as a recipient of the Olin Palladium Award the same year. He served on the ECS Board of Directors from 1997 to 1999. A symposium honoring his work took place at the 235th ECS Meeting, where he was presented with a Recognition Award by the US Department of Energy.

From Fernando Garzon:

I first met Shimshon when I was a new, young postdoc at LANL in 1988. To paraphrase, he asked me “what is your field of electrochemistry?” My reply: high temperature solid state ionics. He quizzed me about solid oxide fuel cells, then pulled out of his drawer a sheet of plastic with black coatings on each side. He proudly stated that this proton exchange membrane fuel cell operates at near room temperature and at higher current and power densities than any other type of fuel cell. I quickly learned he was the “Thomas Huxley” of polymer fuel cells, tirelessly advocating for their advantages and the need to grow larger supporting R&D programs.

Shimshon had an unrelenting drive toward achieving a better fundamental understanding of the processes that governed fuel cell performance. He also developed innovative technologies in the areas of polymer supercapacitors and electrolysis. His research efforts and US and international promotion of PEMFC technology were critical to the subsequent technology growth and implementation.

Shimshon, as the LANL Fuel Cell Team Leader, and the MEE-11 Group Leader, Ross Lemons, assembled an extraordinarily capable electrochemical research team which was responsible for many of the game-changing innovations that made PEFCs a viable multimilliondollar technology. These team members included Ian Raistrick, the developer of the ELAT, the first low platinum-content PEFC; Mahlon Wilson, who further greatly reduced the platinum content (continued on next page)

Shimshon Gottesfeld as a student at Technion-Isreal Institute of Technology in the late 1960s.

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with the creation of the printable membrane electrode assembly; and multiphysics modeler Tom Springer who, under Shimshon, developed the first principles models of PEFC transport and performance models with Tom Zawodzinski providing much of the physical chemistry characterization needed for the modeling inputs. Later team members included Xiaoming Ren and Piotr Zelenay, who together with Shimshon and many capable staff, postdocs, and graduate students, substantially improved the performance of direct methanol fuel cells. The LANL fuel cell team gained a worldwide reputation for being the premier site for PEFC and DMFC science and technology.

The quality of LANL fuel cell research and leadership remained very high even after Shimshon’s departure to private industry which the LANL group producing five subsequent ECS Fellows, a testimony to the rigorous programs he founded.

Shimson Gottesfeld was first diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2015. Following surgery and chemotherapy, he lived cancer free until 2023. He died peacefully at home, surrounded by family.

This remembrance was contributed by Fernando Garzon and Shimshon’s wife Marcia Zalbowitz and includes information from the University of Delaware and the Israel Electrochemistry Society

Dr. Shimshon Gottesfeld’s Scientific Accomplishments by Hui Xu, Bryan Pivovar, Yushan Yan, and Piotr Zelenay

Dr. Shimshon Gottesfeld was a pioneer in electrochemical engineering and fuel cells. He was a relentless advocate for fuel cell technology innovation and commercialization. He was a passionate educator and mentor for many young scientists and engineers. He played an essential role in the electrochemical community and beyond, assisting in bringing this field of electrochemical science and technology to the center stage.

Dr. Gottesfeld’s contributions to fuel cell technology have resulted in significant advances in several areas of fuel cell technology, including (1) hydrogen polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) by successfully removing several key barriers for large-scale introduction of PEFCs, most notably, ineffective water management, very high Pt loading, and CO intolerance of Pt catalysts; (2) direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs) by significantly increasing power density via optimization of the methanol oxidation catalyst and the anode catalyst layer, as well as by effectively reducing the fuel crossover; and (3) alkaline membrane fuel cells (AMFCs) by bringing their performance to the level of the acidic PEFC with ultra-low platinum

group metal loading, thus realizing the lower cost advantage of the AMFC stack materials; (4) direct ammonia fuel cells (DAFCs) by considerably advancing ammonia oxidation reaction electrocatalysis and identifying approaches to minimizing ammonia crossover; (5) electrocatalysis in general. All these contributions have impacted in a major way our understanding of fundamental electrocatalysis and electrochemical interfaces, providing insights that continue to guide further work in energy conversion and storage.

In 2019, ECS sponsored an excellent retrospective of Shimshon’s achievements in a special issue of JES. The article that we wrote on the occasion of that special issue, reviewed and approved by Shimshon, summarizes Shimshon’s scientific accomplishments and his abiding legacy.

Please join us at the 247th ECS Meeting (May 18–25, Palais des Congrès de Montréal) for the symposium titled Electrocatalysis 12 in memory of Shimshon Gottesfeld.

Shimshon Gottesfeld with Christina Bock (ECS President 2019–2020) receiving the ECS Olin Palladium Award at the 236th ECS Meeting.


Memoriam ...

Howard Huff (1938 – 2024)

Dr. Howard Richard Huff, recently of Henderson, Nevada, passed away on August 2, 2024. Born on April 22, 1938, in Chicago, Illinois, Howard dedicated his life to blazing trails and making a lasting impact on all who had the privilege of knowing him as Huff Without near perfect silicon wafers, the integrated circuits in your phones, computers, and cars could not be fabricated and would not function.

Howard Huff’s life-long efforts drove silicon wafer technology forward since the inception of the semiconductor industry.

This was made possible by a good education that forged Howard’s career. He received his Bachelor of Science in Engineering Science from New York University in 1960; his Master of Science in Physics from the Stevens Institute of Technology in 1962; and his PhD in Metallurgy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1966. Huff was always a team player, working alongside many other illustrious graduate students who would make critical contributions to the semiconductor industry, including his friend Lionel Kimerling who is now at MIT.

Huff had a critical impact on the semiconductor industry from the beginning of his career. After joining Texas Instruments, Inc. in 1966, he found a way to increase the refresh times of DRAM memory by gettering metallic contaminants away from the active area of capacitors in DRAM. Howard continued to establish an ever increasing and influential network of friends. Howard remained good friends with Dr. Takeshi Hattori (retired SONY) who at SONY had found other methods to getter metallic contaminants. After TI, Dr. Huff joined Signetics Corp. as a Senior Program Coordinator in the Philips Research Labs in Sunnyvale, CA. where he was responsible for IC related silicon materials issues. Huff’s efforts to coordinate silicon materials blossomed when he joined the Monsanto Electronic Materials Co. (MEMC) in Palo Alto in 1983 as Director of Market Development.

In 1988, Howard was key figure in the establishment of SEMATECH. He was one of the original members of a small team that put together the original plan used to obtain DARPA funding. Clearly, they were successful, as SEMATECH was funded and Bob Noyce joined as President and CEO. These were tough times for America’s semiconductor industry. Many thought it a lost cause. Not Huff. Huff and Jack Kilby had been colleagues at TI. Years later, Huff called on Jack to speak at SEMATECH. This was well after Jack’s retirement. It was a great thrill for all who attended and in no small part inspired many to help turn the chip industry around in the late 1980s.

Huff’s leadership contributions continued: He led a number of path-finding working groups, where he mentored countless engineers and scientists. He established and led the international working group that drove the materials specifications for the transition of silicon wafers from 200 mm to 300 mm. This working group brought together leading silicon materials scientists and engineers from silicon materials suppliers, IC manufacturers, and government laboratories such as NIST and the DOE labs. He also led the internal group that established the replacement gate process for integration of hafnium oxide dielectrics into transistor technology, which at the time was a major barrier to the progression of Moore’s law at 28 nm.

Howard’s impact at SEMATECH/International SEMATECH cannot be underestimated. Despite retiring in 2006, Huff is still remembered by many at industry technical meetings for his mentoring and achievements.

Howard’s contributions were recognized by friends and colleagues around the world, resulting in his being elected Fellow of The Electrochemical Society and The American Physical Society. Huff founded ECS’s Semiconductor Silicon symposium in 1969, and, thanks to his enthusiasm, it continued for more than 35 years. The success of these meetings was in large part due to his wife Helen’s devoted assistance in organizing them. He co-edited the associated proceedings for many years.

Huff was a prolific writer who hoped to transfer his enthusiasm to future generations though technical and historical publications. Huff’s edited books include High Dielectric Constant Materials (Springer, 2005), which he coedited with D. C. Gilmer, and Into the Nano Era: Moore’s Law Beyond Planar CMOS (Springer, 2009). He had a strong interest in the history of the semiconductor industry, writing numerous articles that provided substantial technical and historical insight. Of particular interest are: “An Electronics Division Retrospective (1952–2002) and Future Opportunities in the Twenty-First Century”; “John Bardeen and Transistor Physics”; and “Transistors, Integrated Circuits, and Nano-Technology: A Historical Review.”

Huff’s mentoring extended well beyond the workday, with frequent meetings and social gatherings which he and Helen organized. Out of them grew many lifelong friendships, which were formed as the two of them traveled extensively for his work and their pleasure, including many visits to Japan, Hawai’i, China, Korea, Germany, Russia, and Israel.

Beyond his illustrious career, Huff was an avid lover of jazz, big band music, and classic musical movies. He was an active member of Congregation Tiferet Israel in Dallas and Midbar Kodesh Temple in Henderson for many years.

All of us who knew Howard will miss his wit, energy, and insight….

This remembrance was contributed by Dan Hutcheson, Dave Seiler, and Alain Diebold.

Howard Huff—Husband, Father, Friend, Mentor, Leader, and Historian

Looking at Patent Law: Patenting an Invention for Decarbonized Cement Blends; A Case Study...Electrochemical Cement Production

In this installment of the ‟Looking at Patent Lawˮ articles, we present a case study of a patented invention for an electrochemical process for sustainable cement production. The subject invention aligns with an important focus of The Electrochemical Society (ECS) on sustainability and the technical interests of several divisions, including Energy Technology (ETD), Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering (IE&EE), and Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry (PAE). The case illustrates overcoming prior art obviousness rejections by incorporating dependent claim limitations, obtaining prioritized examination for inventions related to “enhancing the quality of the environment” or “conservation of energy resources,” and using a Request for Continued Examination (RCE) after allowance to submit additional prior art in an Information Disclosure Statement (IDS). The case also introduces ECS members to an emerging technology of interest to academia and industry.

Recall from our previous article,1 the prosecution history of a patent application is publicly available in the file wrapper available at the USPTO Patent Center.2 With the USPTO Patent Center system as the primary source of information for this case study, we illustrate the prosecution “events” encountered during the examination of US Patent No. 12,065,379; “Decarbonized Cement Blends.”3 The ‘379 patent issued on August 22, 2024 with inventors Jesse D. Benck, Yet-Ming Chiang, Kyle Dominguez, Leah D. Ellis, Khashayar Jafari, Mariya Layurova, and Ada MacLeod. The inventors consist of a team of researchers from Sublime Systems, Inc., an MIT spinoff company cofounded by Prof. Yet-Ming Chiang, Kyocera Professor of Materials Science and Engineering.

The invention is assigned to Sublime Systems, Inc. Inventors Dr. Leah Ellis and Prof. Chiang are co-founders of Sublime Systems and Chief Executive Officer and Chief Science Officer of Sublime Systems, respectively. According to the company’s website,4 Dr. Ellis was a postdoctoral fellow at MIT after earning her PhD from Prof. Jeff Dahn’s lab at Dalhousie University. Prof. Chiang is a worldrenowned pioneer in electrochemistry and has previously co-founded Form Energy, Desktop Metal, 24M Technologies, A123 Systems, and American Semiconductor Corp. Prof. Chiang was elected ECS Fellow in 2020.

The technology associated with the ‘379 patent is described in a recent publication.5 The subject invention is directed toward an ambient-temperature electrochemical manufacturing process for components or precursors of cement while avoiding CO2 emissions. The invention is based on a neutral-water electrolyzer for decarbonization of CaCO3 and precipitation of Ca(OH)2. Additionally, concentrated gas streams of H2 and O2/CO2 are generated and may be used in in other sustainable production activities (see Background and Detailed Description of the invention herein).

The ‘379 patent abstract generally describes the invention as follows:

“Various embodiments include cementitious compositions with low levels of embodied greenhouse gas emissions, in particular carbon dioxide, as a result of its production and/ or use compared to conventional cementitious materials, such as Portland cement. Various embodiments include any cementitious material or materials with low embodied carbon, as well as any material produced using this cement.”

Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated summaries of the ‘379 patent using OpenAI (ChatGPT)6 are:

Technical Problem Summary

“The main technical problem addressed in this patent centers around the high greenhouse gas emissions, specifically carbon dioxide (CO2), associated with the production and use of conventional cementitious materials, particularly Portland cement. Conventional Portland cement manufacturing contributes approximately 8% of global CO2 emissions. These emissions are mainly due to two sources: fossil fuel combustion and the decomposition of limestone. Given the essential role of cement in human civilization, the challenge is to find ways to reduce CO2 emissions in the cement production process while maintaining the material’s critical functionality in construction.”

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Benefit Summary

“The invention aims to provide cementitious compositions that significantly reduce embodied greenhouse gas emissions, especially CO2, compared to traditional cement products like Portland cement. The various embodiments propose cement blends with lower carbon content, using decarbonized lime and pozzolanic materials. The objective includes not only producing cement with a reduced environmental footprint, but also developing methods for using such materials in common applications, including concrete and mortar for buildings and roads. These innovations seek to reduce the CO2 emissions to less than 1 kg per kg of lime, thus offering a more sustainable solution for the construction industry without compromising the material’s effectiveness and versatility.”

Patent Applications

This article summarizes the prosecution history of US Utility Patent Application No. 18/516,399 leading to US Patent No. 12,065,379. In Table I, we list the patent applications related to Patent Application No. 15/570,848. Provisional Patent Application No. 63/164,395 was filed on March 22, 2021. Recall, claims are not required in a provisional patent application7 and a provisional patent application expires one year from its filing date.8 If a US or international patent application is filed before the provisional patent application expires, the priority date of the US or international patent application is the filing date of the provisional patent application.9 Additional Provisional Patent Applications Nos. 63/274,378 and 63/291,170 were filed on November 1, 2021 and December 17, 2021, respectively. The inventor team used the original provisional patent application as a placeholder while additional experimental activities progressed and were captured in subsequent provisional patent applications. International Patent Application PCT/US2022/021204 was filed on March 21, 2022 within one year of the original provisional patent application and therefore has a priority date of March 22, 2021. The International Patent Application consolidated the content of the three previously filed provisional patent applications. US Patent Application 18/131,236 was filed on April 5, 2023 and is a continuation or US counterpart of International Patent Application PCT/US2022/021204. US Patent Application No. 18/131,236 is pending and has a priority date of the original provisional patent application, March 22, 2021. US Patent Application No. 18/516,399 was filed on November 21, 2023 and is a continuation of US Patent Application No. 18/131,236. US Patent Application No. 18/516,399 issued as US Patent No. 12,065,379 on August 22, 2024 with a priority date of the original provisional patent application, March 22, 2021.

Background and Detailed Description of the Invention

The “BACKGROUND” section of the patent application describes problems in the state of the art related to conventional cement production. Specifically,

“Greenhouse gas emissions, in particular carbon dioxide (CO2), as a result of its production and/or use of conventional cementitious materials contribute to climate change. Currently, Portland cement is one of the most widely used manmade materials in the world. Conventional methods for manufacturing Portland cement account for around eight percent of all global CO2 emissions, approximately half of which arise from fossil fuel combustion and half of which arise from “chemical” emissions from limestone decomposition. Human civilization requires the use of cement, but reducing CO2 emissions in the production and/or use of cementitious materials may be beneficial to reduce the CO2 emissions contributing to climate change.”

The “SUMMARY” section of the patent application further describes the electrochemical cement invention as

“Various embodiments include cementitious compositions with low levels of embodied greenhouse gas emissions, in particular carbon dioxide, as a result of its production and/ or use compared to conventional cementitious materials, such as Portland cement. Various embodiments include any cementitious material or materials with low embodied carbon, as well as any material produced using this cement (including concrete/mortar and applications thereof such as buildings, roads, etc.). The various embodiments also include methods for making and using said materials. Compositions according to the various embodiments include pozzolanic cement blends comprising decarbonized lime, one or more pozzolans, and optionally additional components. Said decarbonized lime may be produced using a process wherein the combined CO2 emissions to the atmosphere from chemically bound sources in the raw material and from the combustion of fuels is less than 1 kg CO2 per kg lime.”

Several figures from the patent application further illustrate the subject invention. The description of Figure 1 from the ‘379 patent includes

“…the lime may be produced using renewable energy as illustrated in FIG. 1 in which a specific example system 200 is shown for generating cement. For example, a reactor may be a neutral-water electrolyzer 202 and the power source may be a renewable energy power source 206 (e.g., providing electricity from wind energy, solar energy, etc.). As a specific example, the neutral-water electrolyzer 202 powered by renewable electricity from renewable energy

Table I. Patent Applications Associated with the ‘379 US Patent.

source 206 converts CaCO3 to Ca(OH)2 for use in cement synthesis by a cement plant kiln 208. The decarbonation cell 202 uses the pH gradient produced by neutral-water electrolysis to dissolve CaCO3 at the acidic anode and precipitate Ca(OH)2 where the pH≥12.5.

Simultaneously, H2 is generated at the cathode and O2/CO2 are generated at the anode. These gas streams can serve several alternative roles in a sustainable production system. CO2 can be directly captured for carbon capture and sequestration (CCS). Electricity or heat can be generated from the H2 and O2 via fuel cells 204 or combustors 205. The O2/CO2 oxy-fuel can be recirculated to the kiln 208 for cleaner combustion in the cement sintering cycle. CO2 reuse and utilization (CO2U) concepts can be employed, such as use in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) or production of liquid fuels.”

The description of Figure 2 from the ‘379 patent includes

“…the neutral-water electrolyzer 202 may be an electrochemical reactor 300 as illustrated in FIG. 2… including a first electrode 301 and the second electrode 302 [T]he production of the base by the first electrode (e.g., 301) results in an alkaline region…near the first electrode… the second electrode (e.g., 302) is configured to produce an acidic output…the first electrode (e.g., cathode (e.g., 301)) is configured to produce hydrogen gas, …the second electrode (e.g., anode (e.g., 302)) is configured to produce oxygen, such that oxygen gas can be produced near the second electrode (e.g., the oxygen gas is produced as a result of an electrochemical reaction in the second electrode). …In some embodiments, the system comprises a separator (e.g., 303) …the CO2 released upon decomposition of said limestone is captured and used, or sequestered, so the CO2 is not emitted to the atmosphere. Thus, the methods of the various embodiments may also diminish or eliminate the chemical source of CO2 emissions associated with the use of a calcium feedstock comprising calcium carbonate.”

The patent application included one independent claim and seventeen dependent claims. Independent Claim 1 is reproduced herein.

1. A cementitious binder comprising:

a. at least 10% lime by mass, wherein the lime has a Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) specific surface area of less than 6 m2/g;

b. at least 20% of a pozzolan by mass; and c. at least 2% calcium sulfate by mass.

In addition to the specification, the applicant submitted the filing fee and inventor declarations with the patent application.10 The declaration included an assertion by the inventors stating,

“The above-identified application was made or authorized to be made by me. I believe that I am the original inventor or an original joint inventor of a claimed invention in the application.”

The declaration included an acknowledgement that the inventor was aware of the penalties for a false statement,11

“I hereby acknowledge that any willful false statement made in this declaration is punishable under 18 U.S.C. 1001 by fine or imprisonment of not more than five (5) years, or both.”

Importantly, the “named inventor” must be correctly represented on a US patent application.12 Specifically, inclusion of a colleague as a co-inventor who did not participate in the conception of the invention is known as a misjoinder and may invalidate an otherwise valid patent. Similarly, exclusion of a co-inventor who participated in the conception is known as a nonjoinder and may invalidate an otherwise valid patent. If an inventor is erroneously omitted or erroneously included as an inventor, the misjoinder/nonjoinder can be corrected and the patent remains valid.13

Establishing and Maintaining a Filing Date

To establish a filing date, a utility patent application must include 1) Specification14

“…a written description of the invention, and the manner and process for making it…to enable any person skilled in the art… to make and use [the invention] …”

2) Minimum of one claim15

“…particularly pointing out… the subject matter…as the invention…”

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Fig. 1. Figure 1 from the ‘379 patent illustrating the decarbonized cement blends invention.
Fig. 2. Figure 2 from the ‘379 patent illustrating the decarbonized cement blends invention.

Taylor and Inman

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3) Drawings16

“…where necessary for understanding the subject matter…to be patented…”

To maintain the filing date, the following additional criteria are required

1) Filing fee in accordance with the current USPTO fee schedule17

2) Inventor oath or declaration asserting18

a. The patent application was authorized by the inventor(s), b. The inventor(s) believe he/she is the original inventor or they are the original joint inventors.

As summarized above, the specification included a background and summary of the invention describing various embodiments of the invention; claims directed toward the invention; drawings illustrating the “elements” of the subject invention; filing fee; and inventor oath.

The filing of the patent application and associated documents met the requirements to both establish and maintain a filing date and thereby avoided being abandoned. On Nov. 21, 2023, the USPTO issued a filing receipt and assigned the patent application number 18/516,399.

Certification and Request for Prioritized Examination

Along with the patent application, the inventors submitted a Track 1 Request for prioritized examination. As noted in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), patent applications may be advanced out of turn for examination without additional fee based on19

1) The applicant’s age or health; or

2) The invention will materially; i. Enhance the quality of the environment; ii. Contribute to the development or conservation of energy resources; or

iii. Contribute to countering terrorism.

The USPTO deemed the patent application to meet one or more of the above criteria and granted the Track 1 Request for prioritized examination on December 26, 2023. As discussed below, the subject patent application was examined faster than the average patent application.

March-in Rights

The work leading to the electrochemical cement invention was supported with funding from the DOE Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA-E). The Bayh-Dole Act stipulates that an invention made with government funding include a government rights statement.20 The subsequently issued patent included the following statement

“This invention was made with government support under government Contract No. DE-AR0001494 awarded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA-E) of the U.S. Department of Energy to Sublime Energy, Inc. The government has certain rights in the invention.”

Regarding march-in rights, a key policy objective of the BayhDole Act is21

“…to ensure that the Government obtains sufficient rights in federally supported inventions to meet the needs of the Government and protect the public against nonuse or unreasonable use of inventions…”

To our knowledge, the government has never exercised BayhDole march-in rights in any invention.

Inventor Assignment and Power of Attorney

The inventors were employed by Sublime Systems, Inc. at the time of the invention. Consequently, the patent application was assigned to Sublime Systems. The patent application included a statement that the applicant appointed patent attorneys/agents from Morrison & Foerster LLP to prosecute the patent application at the USPTO.

Information Disclosure Statement

The applicants submitted an “Information Disclosure Statement” (IDS) to the USPTO after filing the patent application and prior to the first office action addressing patentability. The IDS included prior art references, including those of the inventors as required by the “Duty of Candor.” The “Duty of Candor” requires that the inventor(s) submit an IDS within a reasonable time of submission of the patent application disclosing22

“…to the Office [USPTO] all information known to that individual to be material to patentability…”

The “Duty of Candor” is specific to any existing claim and requires that the IDS be continually updated while the claim is pending. The “Duty of Candor” ceases only when the claim is allowed and the patent issue fee is paid.

The “Duty of Candor” extends to any individual associated with the filing of the patent application including

1) Inventor(s),

2) Patent Counsel, or

3) Persons who are substantially involved in the preparation or prosecution of the patent application.

Substantial involvement in the preparation of the patent application could include technical assistants, collaborators or colleagues. Substantial involvement would generally not extend to clerical workers. Furthermore, the inclusion of a reference in an IDS23

“…is not taken as an admission that the reference is prior art against the claims.”

If a finding of a violation of the “Duty of Candor” resulting in “inequitable conduct” regarding any claim in a patent is determined, then all the claims of the subject patent are rendered invalid.24 The applicant is cautioned not to “bury” the examiner with a long list of non-material references in hopes that the examiner will not notice the relevant material references.25 The specific guidance from the USPTO is to26

“…avoid the submission of long lists of documents if it can be avoided…If a long list is submitted, highlight those documents which have been specifically brought to the applicant’s attention and/or are known to be of most significance.”


The USPTO began publishing patent applications eighteen months after their priority date for patent applications filed on or after November 29, 2000. The patent application was published March 14, 2024 as publication number US 2024/0083819. The publication date was sooner than eighteen months from the US filing date due to the earlier priority date associated with the first US provisional patent application.

Non-Final Office Actions

On February 14, 2024, the USPTO issued a non-final office action (NF-OA) rejecting all the claims in the patent application as being “obvious” in view of the prior art27

“A patent may not be obtained… if the differences between the subject matter sought to be patented and the prior art are such that the subject matter as a whole would have been obvious at the time the invention was made to a person having ordinary skill in the art...”

The patent application was not rejected for lack of “novelty,” which is28

“…the invention was patented or described in a printed publication in this or a foreign country or in public use or on sale in this country, more than one year prior to the date of application for patent in the United States.”

The obviousness rejections were based on a single prior art reference, Chinese patent CN109970373A filed December 27, 2017, which is before the priority date of March 22, 2021 of the subject patent application. The Chinese patent disclosed a cementitious composition with the following characteristics

1) 0 to 5 wt % lime and 0 to 5 wt % slaked lime (i.e, 0 to 10 wt% total lime), with a specific surface area of 0.4 to 0.6 m2/g,

2) 60 to 99 wt % pozzolan, and 3) 1 to 40 wt % calcium sulfate.

These ranges overlap with those in independent Claim 1 of the subject application. The NF-OA noted that the courts have ruled that overlapping ranges between a patent application and a prior art reference represents a prima facie (on its face or on first impression) case of obviousness.29

Applicant Response/Allowance of Patent Application

Usually, obviousness rejections are overcome by adding limitations from dependent claims or from the specification to the rejected claims.30 On February 26, 2024, the applicant submitted amended claims and arguments to the USPTO with the intent of overcoming the obviousness rejections. Specifically, the applicant added the limitation from a dependent claim into Claim 1. The amended Claim 1 is reproduced herein with the inserted text depicted in [brackets] 1. A cementitious binder comprising:

a. at least 10% lime by mass, wherein the lime has a Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) specific surface area of less than 6 m2/g [and the lime comprises at least 90% calcium hydroxide];

b. at least 20% of a pozzolan by mass; and

c. at least 2% calcium sulfate by mass.

While the Chinese patent had disclosed a maximum of 5% of calcium hydroxide in their composition, the applicants pointed out that the “at least 90% calcium hydroxide” in the amended claim is significantly higher. The amendment limited the breadth of independent Claim 1 and the applicant argued that a “person of ordinary skill in the art” would not have a reason to go beyond the 5% maximum disclosed in the Chinese patent.

On March 15, 2024, the USPTO issued a notice of allowance. The amended independent Claim 1 allowed the applicants to overcome the “obviousness” rejections.

Rather than pay the issue fee, on June 10, 2024, the applicant submitted a Request for Continued Examination (RCE) and the

patent application status changed from “allowed” to “pending” or “examining.” In addition, the applicant submitted another Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) with additional prior art references. Recall, the Duty of Candor requires the applicant to submit prior art during the pendency of the patent application. Based on these new references the USPTO reopened the examination.

On July 12, 2024, the USPTO issued a notice of allowance based on review of the additional prior art references. After payment of the issue fees, the patent application issued as US Patent No. 12,065,379 on August 20, 2024.

The Request for Prioritization resulted in an expedited examination of the subject patent application (Table II). Specifically, the time from filing to the first office action (i.e., First Office Action Pendency), was under three months. The time from filing to final disposition (issue or abandonment) (i.e., Traditional Total Pendency), was approximately nine months. The USPTO Dashboard statistics for First Office Action Pendency and Traditional Total Pendency as of July 2024 were 19.7 and 26.1 months, respectively.31 The First Office Action Pendency for the expedited application was less than three months compared to the USPTO average of nearly twenty months. The Traditional Total Pendency for the expedited application was approximately nine months compared to the USPTO average of approximately twenty-six months. Note, the Traditional Total Pendency data from the USPTO dashboard exclude patent applications with one or more Request for Continued examination (RCE). The subject patent application included an RCE which added three months to Traditional Total Pendency. Consequently, the Traditional Total Pendency for the expedited patent application would have been six months without the extra time associated with the RCE.


In this installment of the “Looking at Patent Law” series, we present a case study of the prosecution of US Patent No. 12,065,379; “Decarbonized Cement Blends.” The ‘379 patent issued on August 20, 2024 with inventors Jesse D. Benck, Yet-Ming Chiang, Kyle Dominguez, Leah D. Ellis, Khashayar Jafari, Mariya Layurova, and Ada MacLeod. The inventors consist of a team of researchers from Sublime Systems, Inc., an MIT spinoff company cofounded by Dr. Leah Ellis and Prof. Yet-Ming Chiang. Prof. Chiang is Kyocera Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT. The case study begins with a brief synopsis of the background of the invention followed by 1) summary of several drawings and the specification of the invention, 2) inventor assignment and power of attorney designations, 3) march-in rights for government sponsored research, 4) submission of the Invention Disclosure Statement (IDS) and associated Duty of Candor, 5) summary of the non-final office action rejecting the patent application for obviousness, and 6) applicant response and allowance of the patent application. The case study illustrates the use of adding limitations from a dependent claim to the independent claim to overcome an obviousness rejection. In addition, the case illustrates an applicant-initiated request for prioritized examination for patent applications addressing environmental issues. With this case study, we hope to de-mystify the patent prosecution process and better prepare electrochemical and solid state scientists, engineers and technologists to interact with their patent counsel regarding their inventions.

© The Electrochemical Society. DOI:10.1149/2.F09244IF

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Table II. Examination Times for ‘379 US Patent vis-à-vis Standard Patents.

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About the Authors

E. Jennings Taylor, Founder of Faraday Technology, Inc.

Research Interest: Founder of Faraday Technology, Inc., a small business focused on developing innovative electrochemical processes and technologies based on pulse and pulse reverse electrolytic principles. Until his recent retirement, Taylor led Faraday’s patent and commercialization strategy and negotiated numerous patents via field-of-use licenses as well as patent sales. He is admitted to practice before the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) in patents cases as a patent agent (Registration No. 53,676). He is a Member of the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA). Pubs & Patents: Numerous technical pubs and presentations, inventor on 40 patents.

5. L. D. Ellis, A. F. Badel, M. L. Chiang, R. J-Y Park, and Y.-M. Chiang, PNAS, 117(23) 12584 (2020).

6. (accessed 9-13-2024).

7. 35 U.S.C. §111(b)(2) Provisional Application/Claim.

8. 35 U.S.C. §111(b)(5) Provisional Application/Abandonment.

9. 35 U.S.C. §119(a) Benefit of Earlier Filing Date; Right of Priority.

10. 37 CFR 1.63 Inventor’s Oath or Declaration.

11. 18 U.S.C. §1001Statements or Entries Generally.

12. E. J. Taylor and M. Inman, Electrochem. Soc. Interface, 26(2), 45 (2017)

13. Manual of Patent Examination Procedure (MPEP) §1481.02 Correction of Named Inventor.

14. 35 U.S.C. §112(a) Specification/In General.

15. 35 U.S.C. §112(b) Specification/Conclusion.

16. 35 U.S.C. §113 Drawings.


18. 35 U.S.C. §115(b)(1)(2) Inventor’s Oath or Declaration/ Required Statements.

19. 37 CFR §1.102(c)(1)(2) Advancement of Examination.

20. 35 U.S.C. §203 March-in Rights.

Work with ECS: Member for 42 years, ECS Fellow. Website:

Maria Inman, Vice President, Faraday Technology, Inc.

Work Experience: Dr. Inman manages Faraday Technology’s pulse and pulse reverse research project portfolio and business development activities.

Pubs + Patents: >108 publications and 7 patents.

21. 35 U.S.C. §200 Policy and Objective.

22. 37 CFR §1.56(a) Duty to Disclose Information Material to Patentability.

23. Riverwood Int’l Corp. v. R.A. Jones & Co., 324 F.3d 1346, 135455, 66 USPQ2d 1331, 1337-38 (Fed Cir. 2003).

24. Manual of Patent Examination Procedure (MPEP) §2016 Fraud, Inequitable Conduct, or Violation of Duty of Disclosure Affects All Claims

25. R. B. Taylor, Mich Telecom & Tech Law Rev, 19, 99 (2012).

26. Manual of Patent Examination Procedure (MPEP) §2004.13 Aids to Comply with Duty of Disclosure.

27. 35 U.S.C. §103(a) (pre-AIA) Conditions for Patentability; Nonobvious Subject Matter.

Work with ECS: Member for 27 years, Chair of the IE&EE Division. Website:


1. E. J. Taylor and M. Inman, Electrochem Soc Interface 26(4), 57 (2017).

2. Patent Center

3. J. D. Benck, “Decarbonized Cement,” US Patent No. 12,065,379 issued August 24, 2024.

4. (accessed 9-11-2024).

28. 35 U.S.C. §102(b) (pre-AIA) Conditions for Patentability; Novelty and Loss of Right to Patent.

29. In re Malagari, 499 F.2d 1297, 182 USPQ 549 (CCPA 1974)).

30. E. J. Taylor and M. Inman, Electrochem Soc Interface, 26(3), 39 (2017).

31. (accessed 9-24-2024).



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The Role of the Anion in Concentrated Electrolytes for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries

The detrimental effects caused by polysulfide shuttling continue to be among the limiting factors preventing the widespread commercialization of lithium–sulfur (Li– S) batteries. Improved capacity retention can be achieved through the use of highly concentrated electrolytes, which are believed to limit polysulfide (PS) solubility. The mechanism for why increasing electrolyte salt concentration improves electrochemical performance of Li–S batteries is not well understood. In this study, researchers performed a systematic investigation into the influence of concentrated electrolytes on the electrochemical performance of Li–S batteries by using different concentrations of three different salts (LiTFSI, LiTf, and LiTDI), in DOL:DME solvent mixtures. The physicochemical and electrochemical properties, including ionic conductivity and PS solubility, of electrolyte concentrations from 1 to 7 M were compared. In general, it was determined that increasing the electrolyte salt concentration significantly improves the electrochemical performance of Li–S batteries; however, the optimum salt concentration depends on the anion used. This report offers valuable insights into an effective method to boost capacity retention of Li–S batteries.

From: A. Kottarathil, Z. Slim, H. A. Ishfaq, et al., J Electrochem Soc, 171, 070506 (2024).

Effect of Different Surface States of Electrolytic Copper Foils on the Performance of Lithium-Ion Batteries

The need for higher energy density means better properties are desired for Cu foils used for anode current collectors in Liion batteries, namely extreme thinness, high conductivity, and high ductility. In a new study included in the JES Focus Issue on Celebrating Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering at Case Western Reserve University, a team based in China reports the effect of Cu foil properties on graphite anode performance. They compared electrodeposited foils produced from standard electroplating baths with leveling additives to foils obtained from baths without additives. Using an additive-free bath resulted in foils with higher roughness, as expected, and graphite anodes prepared on these showed higher specific capacity and better rate performance. The best results came from using a foil with high roughness that was also annealed, which provided several advantages: high roughness, high elongation, and good conductivity. Because the foil has a “burrlike” surface topography it makes better contact with the coated graphite layer. These results demonstrate that the microscopic morphology and mechanical properties of the current collecting foil directly impact the battery’s electrochemical performance.


This points to the possibility of developing improved anode foils by engineering the surface roughness.

From: J. Yu, E. Liu, Z. Bai, et al., J Electrochem Soc, 171, 082504 (2024).

The Effect of Liquid Saturation Transients on PEM Fuel Cell

Impedance: Inductive Loop and Instability of Catalyst Layer Operation

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a powerful tool used for operando testing of a PEM fuel cell. In some cases, some measured EIS data exhibit a low-frequency (10-3 – 10-1 Hz) inductive loop. The origin of this inductive loop has different hypotheses: cathode CO poisoning, H2O2 formation/Pt dissolution, or water transport through the membrane. In this work, the authors developed a physics-based model to investigate this inductive loop from EIS of the cathode. This model considers the effect of water dynamics on oxygen and proton transport in the cathode catalyst layer (CCL). Slow relaxation of the CCL proton conductivity leads to the inductive loop formation and the loop diameter is determined by dependence of the liquid saturation (throughout the CCL depth) on the capillary pressure, where the capillary pressure of CCL equals the difference between the liquid phase pressure and the gas phase pressure. The advent of the inductive loop can reduce cell static resistivity, which improves cell performance. When liquid saturation is independent of capillary pressure, the inductive loop does not form. Instead, a second capacitive arc is shown in the low-frequency Nyquist plot, due to the slow relaxation of the CCL oxygen diffusivity.

From: Y. Sun, T. Kadyk, A. Kulikovsky, et al., J Electrochem Soc, 171, 074506 (2024).

Construction and Electrochromic Properties of Two-Dimensional Covalent Organic Frameworks with Donor-Acceptor Structures of Triphenylamine and Bipyridine In response to an electrical field, some materials can undergo redox reactions that lead to changes in their optical properties such as color or opacity. Known as electrochromism, the phenomenon has been studied since the early 1970s, yet has found only limited commercial applications in some high-end smart windows and auto-dimming mirrors. The search for more economical and better-performing electrochromic materials is still an active research area. In a recent report, researchers from Xi’an University of Science and Technology of China described a system featuring an extensively conjugated two-dimensional covalent organic framework formed among electron-donor and electronacceptor units through Schiff base reactions between amine and aldehyde groups on these units. The synthesis and construction

of the frameworks were investigated under various conditions. The resulting materials were characterized with SEM, TEM, XRD, and other methods. Electrochemical and spectroscopical studies revealed the material’s reversible switching behavior between red and dark gray with a color/fade time of 6.8/11.9 s. The contrast retention rate reached 97.6% and the memory time was 4000+ s. The authors attribute these results to the precise distribution and the ordered structure of donor and acceptor units in the framework.

From: S. Xiong, J. Wu, M. Chen, et al., J Electrochem Soc, 171, 075501 (2024).

Study of Process Variation in

Nanotube Tunnel Field Effect Transistor Tunnel FET (TFET) helps mitigate the limitations in subthreshold swing (SS) and the short channel effects in MOSFET. Nanotube TFET based on doping phenomena is one of the configurations being looked into by researchers to address the low ON state current of TFET. The key variables affecting the performance of such a device are random dopant fluctuations (RDFs), gate work function variation (WFV) and oxide thickness variation (OTV). The extent of these variations and the device performance impact were studied by the research team at NIT Raipur, India, through simulations in 3-D SILVACO ATLAS. For each of these, 100 different device configurations were simulated, with a mean RDF value of 1018 cm-3 and 10% deviation, random WVT, and OTV. The team found that RDFs had minimal impact, while WFV and OTV had significant impacts on the electrical performance. The study also shed light on the key characteristics of nanotube TFET, viz. steeper SS, better current driving capability, and reduced leakage current. The authors concluded the study with recommendations on identification of alternate gate materials and the need for advanced fabrication methods to control WFV and OTV.

From: A. Gedam, B. Acharya, and G. P. Mishra, ECS J Solid State Sci Technol, 13, 071002 (2024).

Tech Highlights was prepared by Joshua Gallaway of Northeastern University, David McNulty of University of Limerick, Chao (Gilbert) Liu of Shell, Zenghe Liu of Abbott Diabetes Care, Chock Karuppaiah of Vetri Labs and Ohmium International, and Donald Pile of EnPower, Inc. Each article highlighted here is available free online. Go to the online version of Tech Highlights in each issue of Interface, and click on the article summary to take you to the full-text version of the article.

Chips in the 21st Century: Is the Revolution Over?

The great era of electronic revolution in the 20th century brought incredible changes in all aspects of our lives. From science and industry to everyday life, health, education, and entertainment, all aspects have been tremendously impacted forever. Chiplets or chips, or microchips, are the very heart of the new, digital era, and we cannot even imagine life without them. Electronics taken out of our lives would lead to a real nightmare scenario, impacting industries, medical procedures (e.g., surgeries), power plant operations, and our lives would be expulsed back in time.

The questions are: Can this happen? Where are we now with this field? Are the big revolutions over? The answer is as follows: Even in the 21st century, the challenges are not over. This is certainly true in the size of the chips (with Moore’s law and post-Moore time). Other challenges concerning our highly digitalized era are related to the processing and operating costs of chips, as well as the data and green transitions.

Since the revolution in technology and materials brought a revolution in chips, which then enabled development of materials and technologies, which brought further revolution in chips, followed again by deep learning and new revolution in materials, human life cannot be more exciting and new development marches on. Overall, these challenges are recognized and supported by Chip Acts in the USA, the EU, and Japan, enabling financial support for intense establishment of R&D, strengthening both fundamental and applied research, stimulating technology transfer, and supporting industry, as well as scientific institutes, universities, and workforce development.

This winter issue of Interface shines a spotlight on these subjects, featuring three articles. The first, by Durga Misra, provides a general description of the impact of the US CHIPS Act. The second, by H. M. C. B. Gunarathne and Vimal Chaitanya, discusses workforce development for the semiconductor industry. The third article, by Thorsten Lill and Andreas Fischer, gives an insight into specific new innovations in the field of dry etching in the era of 3D monolithic integration from an application point of view. These articles span complex economic challenges to the incredible complexity of chip design and the difficulties associated with their manufacture, which are beyond any wild idea from 1950s and the start of the electronics era. The complex geometry that a multitude of high aspect ratio and

selective isotropic etches afford, with everything acting together in next-generation chips, describes the need for new technologies and materials such as advanced deposition technologies like atomic layer deposition (ALD) and advanced dry etching technologies like ALE (atomic layer etching).

Yes, we live in exciting times, with new materials, artificial intelligence (AI), and next-generation chips bringing us further than we have ever dreamt.

© The Electrochemical Society. DOI:10.1149/2.F11244IF

About the Author

Eva Kovacevic, Professor, GREMI UMR 7344 CNRS & University of Orleans

Education: PhD in Physics (RUB Germany), Habilitation in Physics (University of Orleans)

Work Experience: Started career in Zagreb, Croatia—Electrotechnical Faculty ETF and Aeronautical College; from 2001 at RUB, Institute for Experimental Physics 2, Bochum, Germany as research associate; moved to France 2008 with Heinrich Herz Fellowship; 2012 Professorship; 2021 till date PR1- Professor 1st class at University of Orleans, and researcher at GREMI Laboratories UMR 7344

Research Interests: Plasma physics and chemistry, development of green plasma processes for synthesis and functionalization of different classes of materials for applications in fields such as battery electrodes, fuel cells, sensors, microelectronics, renewable energy systems. Diagnostics and control of processes and materials. Pubs + Patents: Eva Kovacevic - Google Scholar, >100 publications, > 70 presentations, >2000 citations

Honors & Awards: Heinrich Hertz Fellowship, Executive member of EPS, Member of CoNRS section 10, Expert for DoE, ERC, MSCA, REA and many others, associate editor EPL (IOP), EPJD (Springer Nature), Contributionsz to Plasma Physics (Wiley)

Work with ECS: Positions served in Dielectric Science and Technology Division: Member-at-Large (board), Vice-Chair Website:

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The CHIPS and Science Act: A Perspective for Solid State Science and Technology

With the CHIPS (Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors) and Science Act enacted by the United States in August 2022, a flurry of activities have emerged that aim at strengthening the resilience and competitive advantage of the American supply chain by increasing the domestic manufacturing of semiconductor electronic chips—the electronic devices used in automobiles, consumer electronics such as laptops and smart phones, data centers, and the defense sector. This resilience is integral to America’s economic and national security.1 In addition, the Act is expected to enhance research and development in government, industry, and academic institutions and to develop a workforce to meet the increased demand. Like the CHIPS Act in the United States, Japan and Europe have their own versions of the CHIPS Act as well. India has also implemented an ambitious Semiconductor Policy designed to boost local semiconductor manufacturing, enhancing India’s strategic independence in this critical sector. This article gives a global perspective and some of the specific activities in the United States.

The CHIPS Act, therefore, initiated an extensive undertaking to boost research and workforce development all over the United States. Funding for innovative research and education in semiconductors in universities is provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the Department of Defense (DoD). Professional societies like ECS have a strong responsibility for disseminating knowledge and providing educational programs to the public. As mentioned earlier the objectives of the Act are to build a strong STEM workforce, be a new approach to revitalize the technology and innovation for the future, bring back the domestic semiconductor manufacturing industry, and in the process create innovative solutions for the climate crisis (Fig. 1).

Collaborative regional Innovation Centers are being formed with the vision to create a pivotal enterprise that brings together cutting-edge academic research, innovative startups, and pioneering corporations to build and drive the mainstream microelectronics ecosystem. NIST has formed the National Semiconductor Technology Center (NSTC),

Fig. 1


a public-private consortium dedicated to semiconductor research and development in the United States.2 These centers and hubs are needed to support the academic and industrial sectors of the nation. In addition to regional networks and workforce development, these centers can facilitate technology transfer and enhance the academic infrastructure that has become depleted over the years in terms of solid state science and technology development (Fig. 2). These initiatives can enhance and support the fabrication facilities, commonly called fabs, being built worldwide and specifically in the United States.

Research and Development

The research programs associated with the CHIPS Act foster a broad range of research, from fundamental research to industry and national-security oriented research and from single-investigator to multidisciplinary and multi-institution collaborative research. These programs develop a central pipeline for the next-generation semiconductor microelectronics workforce and establish a flexible production-class/research-oriented semiconductor fabrication infrastructure that serves the community as a hotbed of innovative technologies and new knowledge. They assist in the national goal of reasserting US technological leadership in microelectronics. For research training, new teaching methodologies that substantially broaden the learning curve and reduce the high barrier for technology access are priorities. They include new approaches to develop advanced packaging technologies with many chips, called chiplets.

To advance the goals of the CHIPS Act, industry-university collaboration is a priority. To that end, many industries, from equipment manufacturers to advanced fabs, are collaborating to achieve this goal. One such example is a research collaboration between TEL Technology Center, America, LLC (TTCA) and the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). This engineering research focuses on innovative process development for the next generation of electronic device manufacturing.3-6 Many such collaborations can help in enhancing process technology for a robust manufacturing strategy. New material development through AI/ML is another area

Fig. 2

(continued on next page)

Education and Workforce Development




Fig. 1. The objectives of the CHIPS Act are to build, revitalize, and support semiconductor research, manufacturing, and technology development for the future.
Fig. 2. The CHIPS Act creates regional networks to enhance the education, infrastructure development, research, and technology transfer ecosystems

of research and innovation that supports the materials requirements of future semiconductor technologies.

Workforce Development

US universities attract the best talent from all over the world. These universities are training graduate students and postdocs who form the major backbone of the semiconductor workforce. These efforts develop the promising long-term career prospects that constitute the magnet for students and researchers. Providing fellowships at the masters-degree level and scholarships for undergraduates attracts motivated students to become educated in semiconductor technology. Furthermore, outreach initiatives for high-school students, first-year college students from diverse backgrounds, and

from community colleges equip the next-generation workforce with a strong understanding of the fundamentals of semiconductor and microfabrication technologies. It is important to enhance the academic infrastructure in a way that balances the economics and management at the university level with the industry-relevant microelectronics research that can lead to collaborations with industry and national labs and for technology translation. Fostering the development of prototyping facilities and subsidizing engagement with universities to promote rapid technology translation and maturation are also critical aspects of workforce development. The NSTC recently announced that it will increase investment through the NSTC Workforce Partner Alliance (WFPA) program to further support workforce development efforts.

The number of new fabs being built in the United States and globally presents a large workforce challenge/gap that cannot be filled with the country’s current workforce development strategy. The increasing need for semiconductors in the next decade will only worsen the situation because the industry is projected to double in size by 2030.7 Industry needs to take a major role in preparing the future employees, students, and researchers upon whom the future of semiconductor innovations resides. Although it is difficult to replicate all aspects of semiconductor manufacturing at the university level, digital twins for various semiconductor fabrications processes can be useful for training the next-generation of students and employees. TEL, an equipment manufacturer, has recently announced that it will participate in the US-Japan University Partnership for Workforce Advancement and Research & Development in Semiconductors (UPWARDS).8 vFabLab (, an online virtual environment, is designed to train students on semiconductor device fabrication and advanced equipment prior to the students entering the cleanroom environment.9 In the chip design space, ChipYard gives students access to a tool to design and evaluate a full-system-on-chip virtually. Many such online design tools can be implemented to advance the design infrastructure.10 Through innovations such as these, students can learn new design approaches, from heterogeneous integration to clean technologies and recycling of semiconductor products (Fig. 3).

Manufacturing Centers

To achieve a microelectronics resurgence in the United States, many companies, such as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), Intel, and Texas Instruments have started building new fabs. As part of the CHIPS Act, the federal government

Fig. 3. Semiconductor microfabrication requires many of the topics that help with workforce development.

has provided funding to nurture more semiconductor manufacturing in the United States, which today represents only 12 percent of the global total, as shown in Fig. 4.7 Although there are many challenges in increasing fabrication capacity, the greatest challenge that manufacturing centers face is the scarcity of construction talent. Once these fabs are ready to start, they will face a different challenge, the technical workforce to run the facilities—unless massive workforce development takes place in parallel with the fab construction.

Clean Technologies and Semiconductor Recycling

Current semiconductor manufacturing has a high level of emissions associated with end products. For some mobile phones, 70 percent of their lifetime emissions are attributable to the phone manufacturing and the chips that it requires.7 The fabs, therefore, have the additional challenge to build sustainability to contribute to a net-zero emission future. While the energy demand is increasing, it is imperative for the fabs to secure the usage of renewable energy to reduce carbon emission. Because approximately 45% of the energy requirement for semiconductor manufacturing is electricity (Fig. 5), the location of the fab is important11 if it is to use renewable energy. In addition, fabs use large volumes of water to manufacture the chips.12 ECS has several symposia dedicated to the cleaning technologies in semiconductor manufacturing.13 The fabs must convert the regular municipal water into ultrapure, deionized water for use in the chip manufacturing process. That can be billion liters of water per year. Water conservation, recycling, and purification technologies need to be improved for uninterrupted manufacturing.

The green economy depends on semiconductor technologies to provide power chips for electric vehicles and other renewable energy systems.14 Furthermore, semiconductors are necessary to the development of more energy efficient IoT technologies, solar panels,

and wind turbines. Semiconductor manufacturing companies should invest a percentage of their annual revenue to meet the net zero goal. At the same time, they should also develop efficient systems that run AI-driven software to enable clean manufacturing.

Computer-Aided Design Centers

The NSF has started a program called “Enabling Access to the Semiconductor Chip Ecosystem for Design, Fabrication, and Training (Chip Design Hub)”15 to establish an integrated micro/ nano-electronic circuit (IC) design and fabrication infrastructure for the academic community. These design hubs will allow access to state-of-the-art electronic design automation (EDA) tools, process design kits (PDKs), and design intellectual property (IP) cores to students and academic researchers, thereby further expanding their participation in IC chip design. These community infrastructures will support an end-to-end IC chip design process by providing licensing, access, and maintenance of a variety of EDA tools. The PDK/IPs at various CMOS technology nodes will be provided in addition to educational/tutorial materials.

Heterogenous Integration

Building all the functional blocks on one die in the same process node decreases the cost of system-on-chip (SoC) ICs due to scaling of the latest process nodes. Heterogenous integration (HI) allows the addition of more features by integrating different chips, chiplets, and chip components in a single package.16 HI resolves the intellectual property (IP) reuse issues in SoC.17 Furthermore, HI allows the integration of new materials, devices, and architectures to deliver a low-cost, advanced, multipurpose system. HI also brings a new set of challenges that need to be resolved.

Technology Transfer

Universities are hotbeds of innovative technologies and new knowledge. They need to enable the spawning of new companies that bring pioneering concepts to the world as well as to engage with the semiconductor industry for the translation of fundamental research into practical technologies. Individual university and multi-university infrastructures need to be developed to facilitate the maturation of technology in appropriate university environments and the subsequent translation to external fabs and/or corporate R&D laboratories. These institutions also need to provide seed grants for prototyping novel designs.


The author wishes to thank Drs. Dina Triyoso, Kandabara Tapily, and Robert Clark of TEL Technology Center, America, LLC (TTCA) for their helpful suggestions and contributions to this article.

© The Electrochemical Society. DOI:10.1149/2.F12244IF

(continued on next page)


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Workforce Development for the Semiconductor Industry – A Perspective

The Need

The foundation of modern technology—the technology underlying everything from sophisticated aerospace systems to smartphones—is the semiconductor sector. The growing use of smart grids, alternative energy sources, and electrical vehicles—all of which call for sophisticated sensors and power management tools—is predicted to raise demand for semiconductor chips. Therefore, having an advantage in the chip manufacturing process is essential for the nation’s economic and security needs.

The United States’ proportion of global semiconductor chip production has dropped over the last few decades, falling from 37% in 1990 to 12% today. If this trend continues, by 2030, the United States will only manufacture 10% of the chips in the global market.1,2 On the contrary, Asia accounts for 75% of chip production, with China intending to have the highest percentage of semiconductor production by 2030.2 Also, China has the highest demand for integrated circuits (ICs) with nearly a third of the global demand.3 Acts have been implemented in several nations to raise the worldwide proportion of chip production. The Chinese government, for instance, has aided the chip industry through several measures, such as the Chinese Semiconductor Industry Association (CSIA), which serves as a link to advance the sector.4

Given that most of today’s industries rely on off-the-shelf–produced chips, supply chain vulnerabilities may arise in unique circumstances, such as what happened during the COVID-19 pandemic. Concerns regarding economic stability, technological sovereignty, and national security are also raised by this reliance on external sources. Despite lagging in the world’s current chip production, the US has a supply chain advantage over other nations because it accounts for 48% of worldwide semiconductor sales.2 Additionally, the government’s legislative assistance and recent strategic investments can boost US chip output. For example, the CHIPS and Science Act (CHIPS Act)

enacted by the Biden administration in 2022 is intended to increase domestic semiconductor production with the goal of regaining US dominance in microelectronics (see the article in this issue).5 Establishing American leadership in semiconductor manufacturing is the primary objective of the CHIPS Act.6 This $280 billion program is therefore investing in promotion of US-based chip production, research advancement in complex chips, stimulation for innovation, and development of an educated and trained workforce for the microelectronics industry.5,7

Strategies and Challenges

As recognized in the CHIPS Act, the US needs a skilled workforce from related fields such as electrical and computer engineering, materials science and engineering, computer science and engineering, and other semiconductor-specific fields. However, due to the large demand for workers already being created by the CHIPS Act, current trends do not show the availability of enough workers for the jobs. The projected job market is expanding rapidly with an estimated 1.4 million unfilled positions by 2030 if the current trend continues. These unfilled jobs will primarily require computer scientists, engineers, and technicians. Among them, approximately 67,000 jobs specifically related to chip manufacturing are expected to remain unfilled (Fig. 1). Out of these unfilled jobs, 26% will be for engineers at the master’s or doctoral level, 35% will be computer scientists or engineers, and 39% will be technicians.

Development of this skilled workforce pipeline requires advanced training opportunities in terms of theoretical knowledge and handson experience. The US National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded several grants to establish the Education Alliance for Semiconductor Experiential Learning (EASEL) program to address these.9 By offering comprehensive, hands-on learning experiences at the New York Center for Research, Economic Advancement, Technology, Engineering, and Science’s (NY CREATES) Albany (continued on next page)

Gunarathne and Chaitanya

(continued from previous page)

NanoTech Complex, the EASEL program is expected to play a critical role in addressing the demand for semiconductor technicians across the United States.9 Also, organizations such as NY CREATES help to provide easy access to technology, stimulating partnership and collaboration to leverage advancement of the technology.10 The CHIPS Act also directly funds existing semiconductor industries, such as the recent CHIPS for America’s preliminary memorandum of terms (PMT) with Intel to provide approximately $8.5 billion in direct funding to strengthen the US supply chain and expand capacity and capabilities in Arizona, New Mexico, Ohio, and Oregon. The PMT also includes $50 million in dedicated workforce funding which—on top of Intel’s own investments—is estimated to directly create over 10,000 manufacturing jobs.11

About $13 billion in total has been allocated through NSF funding to build the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) workforce.6 An allocation of $200 million has been made to jump-start the development of the domestic semiconductor workforce, leveraging NSF initiatives.6 This funding should be allocated to build the workforces needed in the critical fields through scholarships, fellowships, and training programs. While these initiatives are helpful, they alone won’t guarantee the regaining of semiconductor leadership, because other Asian countries, in addition to China, are also taking initiatives to increase their capabilities in the semiconductor industry. For example, the Malaysian government has planned to train 60,000 highly skilled engineers, while Vietnam is expected to allocate $1.06 billion to implement a semiconductor talent-training program. India plans to produce 85,000 semiconductor-related engineers in the next 10 years.12 Therefore, these investments need to be distributed strategically to guarantee equitable opportunities for all in the STEM workforce pipeline to get an edge over other countries. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of these programs are essential to update and refine the funding allocation.

Role of Government, Industry, and Educational Institutions

The CHIPS Act is the most significant workforce development initiative in recent history, accounting for 33 workforce programs.13 These programs help different organizations to achieve a common goal that is to develop the workforce pipeline requirement needed for the chip manufacturing industry.

To address the workforce challenges, government, industry, educational institutions, and research organizations must collaborate effectively. The government should take the lead by implementing supportive policies, providing incentives, and conducting ongoing evaluation. Federal agencies, such as the Department of Commerce (DOC), NSF, and Department of Energy (DOE), play critical roles in disbursing funds and guiding the policy framework that supports workforce development. For example, the DOC is responsible for allocating $39 billion to provide financial assistance to build, expand, or modernize the facility and equipment for semiconductor manufacturing.6 This allocation has been distributed across a range of initiatives and organizations, as illustrated in Fig. 2. As a result, appropriate collaboration and coordination among those groups will allow the fund to be used to its full potential. This collaboration and coordination are crucial to solve the workforce shortage, which is a common concern for all of them. Additionally, by identifying the research gaps, national laboratories and research and development institutes should concentrate on advancing the field through innovation. Educational institutions must adapt their curricula to the newest technological advancements to lower the learning curve for recent graduates entering the workforce. Workforce pipeline development requires coordinated efforts among employers, training providers, educational institutions, economic development organizations, and other key stakeholders to maximize outcomes and ensure a skilled talented pool for the semiconductor industry.13

Addressing the Gaps in Semiconductor Education

Many US universities offer courses related to semiconductor fundamentals as part of electrical engineering, materials, or physics programs.1 Although these courses cover the basics of semiconductors, they do not directly build the skilled workforce required for the semiconductor industry. Because these courses do not aim to develop the specialized skills needed in the semiconductor field, additional effort will be necessary to train graduates for semiconductor-specific roles. This consideration also applies to K–12 education, where technical STEM exposure does not extend beyond computer science principles. As a result, there is a huge disparity across the full skill spectrum, causing a mismatch between K–12 and higher education STEM.15 A study involving 255 students enrolled in a multidisciplinary course indicates that only 9% of them have taken a course related to semiconductors, and only 3% are interested in a career in the semiconductor industry.16 This mismatch might be due to lack of awareness about the opportunities in the semiconductor industry among students, lack of brand awareness associated with semiconductor industries, and outdated microelectronics curriculum which fails to attract student interest.15 Also, aging facilities or lack of infrastructure make it difficult for the universities to offer industry-relevant courses and offer fabrication training. This lack of infrastructure is particularly acute for minority-serving institutions, which often lack fabrication facilities (fabs) and/or clean rooms to provide hands-on training to students. By providing the opportunity

Fig. 2. CHIPS Act semiconductor fund allocation by firm from a distribution total of $39 billion direct funding (adopted from Shivakumar et al.14)

to underrepresented students to join the workforce pipeline for semiconductor industry can not only help address the workforce issue for this industry but also can move the socio-economic indicator for minority students upward.

There have been measures taken to address the curriculum issues in a few institutions such as Ohio State University, Michigan State University, Lansing Community College by creating semiconductor education and research centers.17 Also, companies and organizations are partnering with schools to create notable initiatives to establish meaningful connections with K–12 students, such as STEM@GF, which grabs students’ interest and builds their skills through a variety of engineering projects.18 Even though these initiatives are beneficial, more measures need to be taken to address the significant shortage in the semiconductor workforce. According to suggestions given by Zhou et al.19 and the Microelectronics and Advanced Packaging Technologies (MAPT) Roadmap,20 community colleges and certificate programs need to implement simultaneous learn-and-earn programs, which will help fulfill entry-level workforce demands. At the university level, fabs can be built, and microelectronics scholarships can be provided to enhance research opportunities for students. Additionally, universities need to focus on improving coursework with hands-on experiences to develop students’ skills in semiconductors. Semiconductor companies should organize sponsored events to recruit students and hold workshops to build student interest in the semiconductor industry and provide direct support to educational institutions. Specialized programs should seek to close educational gaps, develop technical skills, and connect educational trajectories with labor requirements in the semiconductor sector.

Involvement of Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs)

As was mentioned earlier, to address workforce pipeline issues, it is important to involve Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) such as Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), HispanicServing Institutions (HSIs), and Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs). These institutions often provide culturally responsive support systems that enhance educational experiences for minority students, thereby addressing systemic barriers and preparing students for successful careers in STEM fields.

Engaging minorities helps create a more robust and diverse workforce for the semiconductor industry, which is crucial in an industry with ongoing research and innovation. In fact, a diverse workforce brings different perspectives, leading to more robust problem-solving and a creative workforce,8 which also reduce educational and economic disparities, empowering underrepresented communities and creating pathways for socioeconomic advancement. Out of the groups who are underrepresented in STEM workforce relative to their share of the US workforce, the Science and Engineering (S&E) portion has the lowest representation in occupation. For example, in 2021, African American workers accounted for 11% of total employment, 8% of STEM workers, and 7% of S&E workers.21 The SIA recommends enhancing regional partnerships between HCBUs, MSIs, and community colleges for the technical programs and increasing the funding for MSIs to develop research infrastructure. One of the main barriers in MSIs is the lack of facilities and infrastructure which involve clean rooms, fabs, and other essential resources to train students in device fabrication processes to offer a good learning experience and enhance the skill required for the different types of chip manufacturing processes. The lack of access to specialized facilities hinders the involvement of underrepresented groups in the semiconductor industry, thereby limiting workforce diversity. Additionally, collaborative partnerships among MSIs, government agencies, and private companies provide valuable opportunities such as internships, mentorships, and co-op programs, which can elevate students’ skill levels in these areas. To make meaningful progress in diversifying the semiconductor workforce, dedicated grants could be allocated to MSIs for the development of cleanrooms and fabrication labs. Additionally, industries should provide more opportunities specifically for MSIs

to increase their involvement in the chip industry. These initiatives are essential to creating a skilled, inclusive workforce that drives innovation and resilience in semiconductor technology.


Preparing a sustainable workforce pipeline to meet the growing need of the semiconductor industry is a daunting task. Although the need is recognized and an attempt is made to address it in the CHIPS Act, several things will need to happen to be successful in competing against well-established ecosystems in countries such as Taiwan. First, the federal and local government, industries, and educational institutions must work in together to address the workforce development issue. Second, US universities will need to modernize their curriculum and emphasize hands-on training in addition to providing theoretical knowledge. Third, interest in STEM disciplines and awareness of the opportunity in semiconductor industry should be built into K–12 education. Finally, inclusivity of underrepresented students in the workforce pipeline may require building fabs and curricula at predominantly minority-serving institutions.

© The Electrochemical Society. DOI:10.1149/2.F13244IF

About the Authors

H.M.C.B. Gunarathne, PhD student, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, New Mexico State University (NMSU)

Education: BS in Mechanical Engineering (University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)

Research Interests: Additive manufacturing, Corrosion

Work Experience: Temporary lectureship at University of Peradeniya (2018–2020), Graduate Assistant at New Mexico State University (Current)

Awards: Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award NMSU (2023), Engineering Research Award NMSU (2021)

Publications: 2

Vimal Chaitanya, Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, NMSU

Education: BS in Mechanical Engineering (MS University of Baroda); MS in Bioengineering (Clemson University); PhD in Materials Science and Engineering (The Johns Hopkins University)

Research Interests: Chemical mechanical planarization, Additive manufacturing, Electrochemical degradation, Failure analysis Work Experience: 40 years in academia as faculty, Center of Excellence Director, University of Central Florida (UCF), and Vice President for Research, NMSU

Work with ECS: Member since 1989. Served as Chair of Dielectric Science and Technology Division, served on Education committee, Honors and Awards committee, Institutional Engagement committee Awards: Synergy Faculty Leadership award (NMSU), Excellence in Professional Service Award (UCF), UCF Leadership Award Pubs + Patents: >100 + 1 patent.


1. I. Obembe, K. Raihan, D. Wieland, in IISE Annual Conference & Expo, IISE, Montréal, Canada (2024).

2. A. Varas, R. Varadarajan, J. Goodrich, and F. Yinug, Government Incentives and US Competitiveness in Semiconductor Manufacturing, (2020).

3. D. Ernst, SSRN Electronic Journal (2016).

4. G. Zhang and K. Li, Handbook of Integrated Circuit Industry, 81–89 (2024).

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Gunarathne and Chaitanya

(continued from previous page)

5. US Department of Commerce, Strategic Opportunities for U.S. Semiconductor Manufacturing, (2022).

6. US Senate, CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, (2022).

7. P. Gwynne, Physics World, 35, 9 (2022).

8. Semiconductor Industry Association, Semiconductor Workforce Development: A Policy Blueprint, (2024).


10. S. P. Rao, (2022).

11. NIST, (2024).

12. IDC Blog, (2024).

13. M. Ross and M. Muro, Brookings Institution (2024).

14. S. Shivakumar, C. Wessner, and T. Howell, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) (2024).

15. A. D. Rizi, R. Noor, H. Kang, et al., arXiv preprint (2023).

16. L. Virgüez, D. Basu, G. J. Kim, and S. Bhaduri, in ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) (2024).

17. M. Adams, Z2Data (2023).

18. GlobalFoundries.

19. K. Zhou, T. Liu, and L. Zhou, in 2015 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., Zhangjiajie, China (2015).

20. Microelectronics and Advanced Packaging Technologies (MAPT).

21. S. Deitz and C. Freyman, The State of U.S. Science and Engineering 2024 I Talent: U.S. and Global STEM Education and Labor Force, (2024).




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Semiconductor Dry Etching Innovation in the Era of 3D Monolithic Integration

Two-dimensional scaling of integrated circuits was the backbone of Moore’s law for 50 years. Today, however, as feature sizes reach physical limits, new approaches are needed. Monolithic scaling in the third dimension is one of the solutions. NAND flash memory started to grow in the vertical direction in 2014 with just 24 layers of memory cells with 128 Gbit of storage.1 The fact that the industry is targeting 1000 layers only 10 years later is testament to the stunning success of vertical integration. One thousand layers will enable petabyte solid state drives by 2030.3 Cryogenic reactive ion etch (RIE) of high aspect ratio holes in silicon-based dielectrics is one of its enabling technologies.2 Logic and dynamic random access memory (DRAM) are also conquering the third dimension. The structures of these devices are very complicated and demand novel selective etching processes which can remove material in the lateral direction.

Fig. 1 shows schematically a block of 3D NAND flash devices and a cross section through one of the storage cells. The device is composed of horizontal tungsten plates (wordlines); a stack of tunnel oxide, charge trap silicon nitride, and gate oxide (ONO); and a polysilicon channel in the vertical direction. One of the reasons this device was the first to scale vertically is its relative simplicity due to the fact the charge is trapped only in the vicinity of the wordline— even with a continuous ONO film.

The critical 3D NAND flash etch application is illustrated in Fig. 2. A stack of alternating silicon oxide and sacrificial silicon nitride is etched using a carbon hardmask. The resulting vertical cavities will house memory cells at each intersection of the cylinder with the SiN layers which will be replaced with tungsten. This is why the process is called memory hole etch. The diameter of the circular memory hole is about 100 nm and aspect ratios are reaching and exceeding 100:1. The aspect ratio of the mask is close to 40:1 and the mask opening is also considered a critical application.

To achieve aspect ratios of 100:1 with equal diameter top to bottom and smooth sidewalls, new approaches are required. Low temperature or cryo etching of the memory hole has emerged as the enabling technology. In this approach, polymer-free or “lean” HF-based gas mixtures combined with wafer temperatures below room temperature and high ion energies are utilized.2 Low wafer temperatures increase the surface coverage with physisorbed HF molecules.4 In conventional etching applications which operate at room temperature and above, the surface is activated by dissociated radicals which can chemisorb. In low temperature plasmas, their density is one to two orders of magnitude lower than the background gas. The effect of enhanced surface coverage at lower temperatures is schematically illustrated in Fig. 3. The reactor is shown with a

dual frequency capacitively coupled plasma source. Other plasma configurations are possible.

The path to 1000 layers and beyond also requires innovation of the memory cell technology itself. Fig. 4 shows two concepts to enhance flash memory performance: leveraging the anti-ferroelectric properties of a hafnium zirconium oxide layer5 or using hafnium oxide instead of ONO to realize a ferroelectric NAND device.6 The metal oxide layers must be crystalline to exhibit the desired electromagnetic properties. Hafnium oxide films deposited with atomic layer deposition (ALD) must be annealed to obtain a crystalline structure. The annealing temperature is higher for thinner films.7 To avoid device damage due to high temperatures, a sequence of thick film ALD / low temperature anneal / thinning is a potential solution.

The etching process to thin the metal oxide layer must be conformal or isotropic with excellent uniformity top to bottom and inside lateral cavities. Thermal atomic layer etching (ALE) can meet this requirement. ALE consists of at least two steps, surface modification and removal as shown in Fig. 5. The two steps are typically separated by a gas purge. At least one step is self-limited. Self-limitation is a pre-requisite for excellent uniformity across the wafer and within a feature because areas with lower reactant fluxes are allowed to reach saturation.

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of reactive ion etching with ion neutral synergy. In the case of conventional or room temperature etching, the neutrals are predominantly radicals while in the case of low temperature etching, undissociated gas molecules can physisorb.

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of a slice of a 3D NAND flash device.
Fig. 3. Schematic illustration
Multilayer mask
Fig. 2. Memory hole etch with ever larger aspect ratios enable scaling of 3D NAND.

Lill and Fischer

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Like cryo RIE, ALE is a novel etching process which enables 3D devices. The benefits of isotropic ALE are the ability to etch laterally in a controlled manner by counting steps and the wide range of materials which can be etched. There are many embodiments of isotropic ALE with and without plasma.9,10 Competing etching processes are radical etching and continuous thermal etching. Radicals can recombine at features’ sidewalls which impacts top to bottom performance negatively. Continuous vapor etching is limited by the availability of suitable gases.

Surface modification in thermal ALE expands the choice of etching gases. The surface modification step is designed to weaken the surface bonds via oxidation. Typical precursors are oxygen or ozone, fluorine, and chlorine. The resulting oxides, chlorides, and fluorides are removed by ligand exchange, ligand addition, chelation, and other chemical reactions.9,10,11 The first of these processes was reported in 2015,8 and new chemistries continue to be discovered at a rapid pace. Thermal ALE is the right technology discovered at the right time.

The utility of thermal ALE for the manufacturing of 3D devices can be illustrated by analyzing proposed process flows for advanced logic transistors. The roadmap for logic transistor devices is shown in Fig. 6.

The first step toward vertical integration of logic transistors is characterized by vertically oriented channels or “fins” in fin field effect transistors (FinFETs). This architecture was preferred for devices from the 14 nm to the 3 nm node. Nanosheet FETs are being implemented now for the 3 and 2 nm nodes. The roadmap further anticipates so-called forksheet FETs where N-channel (NMOS) and P-channel (PMOS) devices are separated by a common dielectric

wall. In complementary FET architectures, the two channel types are stacked on top of each other. This roadmap is characterized by increasing vertical integration and complexity.

A deep dive into the integration scheme for nanosheet FETs illuminates the need for novel lateral or isotropic etching technologies such as thermal ALE. Fig. 7 illustrates a possible integration flow for a nanosheet FET. Cross sections through source, drain, and channels are shown.

Fig. 7a shows a Si/SiGe fin with a dummy poly-Si gate with a hardmask on top and SiN spacers on the side. The gate wraps around the fin in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the drawing. The fin is cut by RIE using the gate as a mask in step 7b. The SiGe layers are recessed using an isotropic etch step such as ALE in Fig. 7c. Depth control with respect to the target from top to bottom as well as infinite selectivity to the other materials are essential in this step. A nitride spacer is deposited by ALD in Fig. 7d. The cavities that were formed in the SiGe recess step must be filled void free to ensure a smooth surface after spacer etch with ALE in step 7e. Source and drain are grown from the substrate up via epitaxy and the gaps between the dummy gates are filled with ALD SiO2 as shown in Fig. 7f. Fig. 7g shows the structure after mask removal, isotropic dummy poly-Si etch, and selective isotropic SiGe removal, for instance with ALE. Finally, high k gate oxide, a work function metal, and a low resistivity metal are deposited via ALD into the three-dimensional cavity. In summary, four selective isotropic etch processes are required just for this short sequence of steps. Depending on performance and cost requirements, process engineers decide among radical etch, continuous thermal etch, and thermal ALE.

The trend toward more selective isotropic etches such as thermal ALE is not limited to logic devices. The last mainstream device to be integrated vertically is the DRAM. This device is a particularly challenging one because relatively large capacitors must be reoriented from standing vertically in today’s planar DRAMs to a horizontal direction. Two different implementations of a 3D DRAM with horizontal capacitors are shown in Fig. 8. They differ in the orientation of the bitlines and the wordlines.

These proposed designs are incredibly complex and difficult to manufacture. Without going into detail, it is clear from the complex geometry that a multitude of high aspect ratio and selective isotropic etches must be deployed together with advanced deposition technologies such as ALD.

4. Conventional 3D NAND memory cell, cell with anti-ferromagnetic blocking layer,5 and ferroelectric NAND.6

Processing challenges arise not only from complicated 3D geometries but also from the deployment of an ever-increasing number of different materials. The need for new materials is driven by several factors, electrical performance and etching selectivity being two of them. Table I is a list of materials which are in production or research and development for electronic, power, and photonic devices. The information is based on materials mentioned as being

5. Step sequence for a thermal isotropic ALE process. The reactant in the surface modification step modifies only the material which will be etched in the removal step. The precursors are shown as circles. An example is etching of Al2O3 with alternating HF and Sn(acac)2 8


Fig. 7. Example of an integration flow for a nanosheet FET or gate-allaround (GAA) FET. The cross sections through source, drain, and channels are shown. The process steps are described in the text.

deposited by ALD during the IEDM, VLSI, and SPIE Advanced Lithography symposia from 2020 through 2023. The use cases for ALE are projections primarily for selective isotropic ALE based on the structural information of the devices. Whether these etching applications will be ALE, radical, or continuous thermal etch will depend on performance and cost criteria.

In summary, vertical integration is a driving force for innovation in etching technology. The two critical areas are vertical etching with aspect ratios above 100 and selective lateral etching. Cryo etching is emerging as a solution for high aspect ratio dielectric etching, while thermal isotropic ALE is a promising candidate for selective isotropic material removal augmenting radical and continuous thermal etch. The number of these etch steps and the materials is escalating rapidly as electronic devices are taking off in the third dimension.

© The Electrochemical Society. DOI:10.1149/2.F14244IF

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Table I. Materials in manufacturing or research and development of semiconductor, power, and photonics devices. The list is based ALD deposited materials mentioned at the IEDM, VLSI, and SPIE Advanced Lithography symposia 2020 through 2023. The ALE use cases are projections by the author. Gray cells represent use cases.

Material Class

Material ALD ALE

Silicon compounds Si


III-V semiconductors

2D materials











Carbon and carbon polymers amorphous carbon

carbon based polymers

Metals and metal alloys

Metal oxides

Metal nitrides


Mo Ru



OTS (GeAsTe, GeSe, GeTe)


Al doped HfOx



La doped HfZrOx


Y2O3 incl. Eu, Er doping



AlOx , AlOxNy



InGaZnO, InOx



WNxC y

Fig. 6. Projected evolution of logic transistor devices.
Fig. 8. Two implementations of a 3D DRAM: a. vertical bitline (VBL)
b. horizontal bitline (HBL).

Lill and Fischer

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About the Authors

Thorsten Lill, Clarycon

Nanotechnology Research, Inc.

Education: PhD in Physics (University Freiburg, Germany)

Research Interests: Dry etching (plasma, thermal, atomic layer), Atomic layer deposition, process integration

Brief Work Experience: Started at Applied Materials in 1995 where he worked in various technical and management roles on the development of plasma etching tools. Joined Lam Research in 2012 to lead the development of conductor etch products and process integration projects. Launched Clarycon Nanotechnology Research as a platform to link academic research and industry development. Research Interests: Dry etching (plasma, thermal, atomic layer), Atomic layer deposition, Process integration Pubs + Patents:;; Articles: 113; Presentations: 63; Books: 1; Patents: 104; h index: 43

Joined Clarycon Nanotechnology Research, a technology consulting platform, in 2023; Currently head of Etch Engineering at Mattson Technology

Pubs + Patents: >80 US patents; Multiple research papers on atomic layer etching; Invited speaker at several international conferences





4. T. Lill, I. Berry, M. Shen, J. Hoang, A. Fischer, T. Panagopoulos, J. P. Chang, and V. Vahedi, J Vac Sci Technol A, 41, 023005 (2023).

5. E. J. Shin, S. W. Shin, S. H. Lee, et al., 2023 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), San Francisco, CA, USA, 107 (2023).

6. S. Yoon, S. I. Hong, D. Kim, et al., 2023 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits (VLSI Technology and Circuits), Kyoto, Japan, 1 (2023).

7. E. Yurchuk, J. Müller, S. Knebel, J. Sundqvist, A. P. Graham, T. Melde, U. Schröder, and T. Mikolajick, Thin Solid Films, 533, 88 (2013).

Work with ECS: Treasurer of the Dielectric Science and Technology Symposium organizing committee, 3 years Website:

Andreas Fischer, Head of Etch Engineering, Mattson Technology

Education: PhD in Physics (University of Toledo, OH)

Research Interests: Focus on Reactive ion etching, Atomic layer etching, Advanced hardware and process development

Brief Work Experience: Worked for 26 years in technology development at Lam Research;

8. Y. Lee and S. M. George, ACS Nano, 9, 2061 (2015)

9. A. Fischer, A. Routzahn, S. M. George, and T. Lill, J Vac Sci Technol A, 39, 030801 (2021).

10. A. Fischer and T. Lill, Phys Plasmas, 30, 080601 (2023).

11. S. M. George, Acc Chem Res, 53, 1151 (2020).

ECS San Francisco Section

The ECS San Franscisco Section Executive Committee election concluded on July 18, 2024. In attendance were ECS Senior Director of Engagement Shannon Reed, Section & Chapter Engagement Specialist Maggie Hohenadel, Awards and Board Relations Manager Genevieve Goldy, former section Chair Gao Liu, and more than 10 section members. The newly elected board members are:

Executive Committee

Section Chair: Xiong Peng, Research Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

National Laboratory

1st Vice Chair: Chockkalingam (Chock) Karuppaiah, CTO, Ohmium

2nd Vice Chair: Jianchao Ye, Staff Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Recording Secretary: Ahamed Irshad M, Associate Scientist, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center-Stanford Battery Center

Shannon Reed addressed the meeting, relating the history of the ECS San Francisco Section and the importance of, and opportunities for, expanding section activities. He outlined the regulations and provisions necessary for the section’s proper functioning and provided several tasks for newly elected section officers. Maggie Hohenadel and Genevieve Goldy set the task of reviewing the section’s bylaws and regulations. At the end of the meeting, all attendees acknowledged Dr. Gao Liu for his outstanding service over the last two years as ECS San Francisco Section Chair. The section will continue working with Dr. Liu on future activities.

At its September 24 virtual kick-off working meeting, the ECS San Francisco Section Executive Committee defined its objectives, tasks, and plans. Attendees discussed appointing the San Francisco

Meeting Announcement Secretary: Tiffany Chen, Materials Research Scientist/Engineer, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Treasurer: Oana Leonte, Retired; Emeritus Member in Good Standing

Members at Large

• Peter C. Foller, CEO, Foller and Associates

• Xiuyu Jin, Postdoctoral Researcher, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

• Defu Li, Postdoctoral Researcher, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Section Daniel Cubicciotti Student Award subcommittee members and representative to the Individual Membership Committee for a two-year term. Section officers and members at large considered plans to expand future section activities, including outreach to local universities for research seminar planning, engagement with local electrochemical companies to promote industry’s exposure to the section, and introducing new section officers to the local electrochemistry community. The section laid out detailed plans to execute their goals and scheduled a monthly meeting to review progress and brainstorm next steps.

A separate newsletter was released after the fall 2024 San Francisco Section Award Ceremony.

ECS Thailand Section

ECS Past President Prof. Turgut M. Gür presents the keynote lecture, “Overview of Electrochemical Energy Storage for Renewables,” at the International Summer School of Sustainable Energy Storage Systems, held July 13–17, 2024, at Chulalongkorn University.

The ECS Thailand Section is excited to announce its official establishment on June 10, 2024. We are dedicated to fostering a strong community of electrochemical professionals, researchers, and students. Our goal is to advance the fields of electrochemistry and solid state science in Thailand by creating opportunities for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation. With the growing global focus on renewable energy and sustainability, the section aims

Students participate in a hands-on workshop on electrochemical energy storage at the International Summer School of Sustainable Energy Storage Systems.

to play a key role in uniting local experts and enthusiasts to address these critical challenges.

The section’s official launch took place during the International Summer School of Sustainable Energy Storage Systems, which was held from July 13 to 17, 2024, at Chulalongkorn University. The event was well received by the research community, providing

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a platform for the section to introduce its mission and objectives. The summer school featured a keynote lecture by Prof. Turgut M. Gür from Stanford University, who served as ECS President for the 2022–2023 term. In “Overview of Electrochemical Energy Storage for Renewables,” Prof. Gür shared his passion for electrochemical energy systems, inspiring participants and setting a high standard for the section’s future endeavors.

With an initial membership of 27 distinguished members, now increased to 29 members, the ECS Thailand Section is committed to fostering a robust network for collaboration, knowledge exchange, and professional development. The section’s leadership includes Assoc. Prof. Dr. Soorathep Kheawhom of Chulalongkorn University as Chair, Dr. Adisorn Tuantranont of the National Science and Technology Development Agency as Vice Chair, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rojana Pornprasertsuk of Chulalongkorn University as Secretary,

Executive Committee

Chair: Soorathep Kheawhom, Chulalongkorn University

Vice Chair: Adisorn Tuantranont, National Science and Technology Development Agency

Secretary: Rojana Pornprasertsuk, Chulalongkorn University

Treasurer: Wanwisa Limphirat, Synchrotron Light Research Institute

and Dr. Wanwisa Limphirat of the Synchrotron Light Research Institute as Treasurer. The section is eager to recruit new members who are passionate about contributing to the evolving landscape of electrochemistry, ensuring that Thailand remains at the forefront of global advancements in this vital field.

The ECS Thailand Section is poised to become a vital hub in Thailand for electrochemical research and innovation. With its strong foundation of dedicated professionals, the section is set to lead the way in addressing critical challenges in renewable energy and sustainability. We invite electrochemists, researchers, and students from across Thailand to join this growing community, collaborate with leading experts, and contribute to shaping the future of electrochemical science. Stay tuned for upcoming events, initiatives, and opportunities for engagement as we work together to drive progress in this exciting field. Become a member today and be part of this transformative journey!

Members at Large

Anongnat Somwangthanaroj, Chulalongkorn University

Orapa Tamwattana, Khon Kaen University

Patchanita Thamyongkit, Chulalongkorn University

Pawin Iamprasertkun, Thammasat University

Pinit Kidkhunthod, Synchrotron Light Research Institute

Siriporn Jungsuttiwong, Ubon Ratchathani University

Supawadee Namuangruk, National Nanotechnology Center

Invited speakers and the organizing committee of the International Summer School of Sustainable Energy Storage Systems, the ECS Thailand Section launch event held at Chulalongkorn University July 13–17, 2024.
Student participants in the final presentation of the International Summer School of Sustainable Energy Storage Systems, the ECS Thailand Section launch event held at Chulalongkorn University July 13–17, 2024.

Section Leadership

Connect with Local Scientist and Engineers

ECS Sections introduce and support activities in electrochemistry and solid state science within specific regions. Getting involved with a section is an excellent networking opportunity for those new to the field or advanced in their careers. Sections also bring technical news and activities within reach of those who are not able to attend ECS

meetings. Sections participate in overall ECS affairs, work hard to increase ECS membership, and help create awareness for science.

For more information on your region’s section, go to https:// Contact ECS Section & Chapter Engagement Specialist, Maggie Hohenadel, for more information on joining.

Section Name

Section Chair

Arizona Section Candace K. Chan

Brazil Section Raphael Nagao

Canada Section Steen B. Schougaard

Chile Section José H. Zagal

China Section Open

Detroit Section Erik Anderson

Europe Section Jan Macak

Georgia Section Faisal Alamgir

India Section Sinthai Ilangovan

Israel Section Daniel Mandler

Japan Section Yasushi Idemoto

Korea Section Won-Sub Yoon

Mexico Section Norberto Casillas Santana

Mid-America Section Nosang Myung

National Capital Section Chungsheng Wang

New England Section Sanjeev Mukerjee

Pacific Northwest Section Corie Cobb

Pittsburgh Section Open

San Francisco Section Xiong Peng

Singapore Section Zhichuan J. Xu

Taiwan Section Chi-Chang Hu

Texas Section Jeremy P. Meyers

Thailand Section Soorathep Kheawhom

Twin Cities Section Lifeng Dong

Learn more about ECS sections at

ECS Awards, Fellowships, and Grants

ECS recognizes outstanding technical achievements in electrochemistry, solid state science and related technologies, as well as exceptional service to the Society. Recognition is offered in Society, Division, Section, and Student Award categories. As today’s emerging scientists are our next generation of leaders, ECS also offers competitive fellowships and grants that enable students and young professionals in our field to make discoveries and shape science long into the future.

Society Awards

ECS Henry B. Linford Award for Distinguished Teaching: The award was established in 1981 to recognize excellence in teaching in subjects of interest to ECS and consists of a silver medal; plaque; $2,500; ECS Life Membership; and meeting registration.

Nomination period: September 1, 2024 – April 15, 2025

ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship:

Established in partnership with the Toyota Research Institute of North America in 2015, the award encourages young professionals and scholars to pursue research on batteries, fuel cells, hydrogen, and future sustainable technologies. Candidates receive ECS membership and restricted grants of no less than $50,000 to conduct the proposed research.

Materials deadline: January 31, 2025

ECS Vittorio de Nora Award: The award was established in 1971 to recognize distinguished contributions to the field of electrochemical engineering and technology. It consists of a gold medal; plaque; $7,500; ECS Life Membership; and meeting registration.

Nomination period: September 1, 2024 – April 15, 2025

Fellow of The Electrochemical Society: Established in 1989, the Fellow designation honors advanced individual technological contributions in electrochemical and solid state science and technology, and active membership and involvement with ECS. Fellows receive a framed certificate and lapel pin.

Nomination period: September 1, 2024 – February 1, 2025

Leadership Circle Awards: Established in 2002 to honor and thank our electrochemistry and solid state science partners, these awards are granted in the year that an institutional member reaches a milestone level. Awardees receive a commemorative plaque and recognition in ECS Interface and on the ECS website.

Nominations not accepted

Division Awards

Battery Division Early Career Award Sponsored by Neware Corporation: Established in 2020 to encourage excellence among postdoctoral researchers in battery and fuel cell research, the award’s primary purpose is to recognize and support development of talented future leaders in the field. Winners receive a framed scroll; $2,000; and complimentary meeting registration.

Nomination period: October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025

Battery Division Postdoctoral Associate Research Award Sponsored by MTI Corporation and the Jiang Family Foundation: Established in 2016 to encourage excellence among postdoctoral researchers in battery and fuel cell research, the award consists of a framed scroll; $2,000; and complimentary meeting registration. Two awards are granted annually.

Nomination period: October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025

Battery Division Research Award: The award was established in 1958 to acknowledge excellence in battery and fuel cell research, encourage publication in ECS outlets, and recognize outstanding contributions to the science of primary and secondary cells, batteries, and fuel cells. Winners receive a framed certificate and $2,000.

Nomination period: October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025

Battery Division Technology Award: To encourage the development of battery and fuel cell technology and recognize significant achievements in this area, the award was established in 1993. It consists of a scroll; $2,000; and ECS Battery Division membership while recipients maintain ECS membership.

Nomination period: October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025

Corrosion Division H. H. Uhlig Award: This award of a scroll and $1,500 was established in 1973 to recognize excellence in corrosion research and outstanding technical contributions to the field of corrosion science and technology.

Nomination period: October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025

Corrosion Division Rusty Award for Mid-Career Excellence: Established in 2021 to recognize mid-career achievements and contributions to the field of corrosion science and technology, the award consists of a framed certificate; $1,000; meeting registration; and possibly travel expenses.

Nomination period: October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025

Electrodeposition Division Early Career Investigator Award: This award of a framed certificate and $1,000 was established in 2015 to recognize outstanding young researchers in the field of electrochemical deposition science and technology.

Nomination period: October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025

Electrodeposition Division Research Award: This award recognizes outstanding recent achievements or research contributions to electrodeposition, demonstrated by quality papers published in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society or other ECS publications. Awardees receive a framed certificate and $2,000.

Nomination period: October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025

Energy Technology Division Walter van Schalkwijk Award for Sustainable Technology: The award consisting of a framed certificate and a maximum of $2,500 was established in 2021 to recognize research scientists, academicians, and entrepreneurs making innovative and transformative contributions to sustainable energy technologies.

Nomination period: October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025

High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes

Division J. Bruce Wagner, Jr. Young Investigator Award: The award (established in 1998) recognizes a young ECS member demonstrating exceptional promise for a successful career in science and/or technology in the field of high temperature materials. The awardee receives a scroll; $1,000; and possibly meeting registration and travel expenses.

Nomination period: October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025

High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes

Division Subhash Singhal Award: Distinguished researchers’ excellence and exceptional SOFC and SOEC research contributions are recognized by this award established in 2017. Awardees receive a scroll and $1,000.

Nomination deadline: October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025

Presented in July 2025 at the 19th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XIX)

Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division

Manuel M. Baizer Award: The award of a framed certificate and $1,000 was established in 1992 to recognize outstanding scientific achievements in the electrochemistry of organic and organometallic compounds, biological and bioinspired systems, carbon-based polymers and biomass, etc.

Nomination period: October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division

Max Bredig Award in Molten Salt and Ionic Liquid Chemistry: The award of a scroll and $1,500 was established in 1984 to recognize excellence in the field and to stimulate publishing of high quality research papers in this area in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society

Nomination period: October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025

Sensor Division Early Career Award: Established in 2021 to recognize promising early career engineers’ and scientists’ research contributions to the field of sensors, the award encourages recipients to continue careers in the field and remain active in the ECS Sensor Division. Awardees receive a framed certificate; $1,000; meeting registration; and a division business meeting luncheon ticket.

Nomination period: October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025

Sensor Division Outstanding Achievement Award: The award was created in 1989 to recognize outstanding achievement in service to the sensor community and research and/or technical contributions to the field of sensors, and to encourage excellence in the field. Awardees receive a framed certificate; $1,500; meeting registration; and a division business meeting luncheon ticket.

Nomination period: October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025

Section Awards

Europe Section Heinz Gerischer Award: The award recognizes an individual or a small group of individuals (no more than three) who have made an outstanding contribution to the science of semiconductor electrochemistry and photo electrochemistry, including the underlying areas of physical and materials chemistry of significance to this field.

Nomination period: December 15, 2024 – February 15, 2025

Student Awards

Battery Division Student Research Award Sponsored by Mercedes-Benz Research & Development: Founded to recognize promising young engineers and scientists enrolled in a college or university in the field of electrochemical power sources, the award encourages recipients to initiate or to continue careers in the field. Awardees receive a certificate; $1,000; student meeting registration; and up to $1,000 in travel expenses.

Nomination period: October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025

Biannual Meeting Travel Grants: ECS divisions and sections offer travel grants to undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, young professionals, and faculty presenting papers at ECS biannual meetings. Grants range from complimentary meeting registration to luncheon/reception tickets, travel expenses, and more. The divisions and sections maintain their own application requirements.

Application period for 247th ECS Meeting Travel Grants: December 6, 2024 – February 24, 2025

Canada Section Student Award: Established in 1987 to recognize promising young engineers and scientists in the field of electrochemical power sources, this award of $1,500 is intended to encourage recipients to initiate or to continue careers in the field.

Nomination period: September 30, 2024 – February 28, 2025

Colin Garfield Fink Fellowship: Since 1962, the fellowship has supported research by a postdoctoral scientist/researcher from June through September in a field of interest to the Society. The award consists of $5,000 and publication of a summary report in ECS Interface.

Materials deadline: January 15, 2025

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Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award: Established in 1991 to recognize and reward outstanding graduate research in the field of corrosion science and/or engineering, the award consists of a framed certificate; $1,000; and travel expenses.

Nomination period: October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025

ECS General Student Poster Session Awards: Established in 1993 to stimulate active student interest and participation in the Society, the session enables undergraduate and graduate students to present research results of general interest to ECS. Accepted posters are eligible for General Student Poster Awards: 1st place, $1,500; 2nd place, $1,000; and 3rd place, $500. For award consideration, authors must submit abstracts and be accepted into the Z01 General Student Poster Session; upload a digital poster; and be present during inperson judging.

Materials deadline: Corresponds with ECS Meeting abstract deadline

ECS Outstanding Student Chapter Award: Student chapters are recognized for demonstrating active participation in the Society’s technical activities; establishing community and outreach activities in electrochemical and solid state science and engineering education; and creating and maintaining robust membership bases. The Outstanding Student Chapter receives a plaque; certificates; $1,000; and award recognition with a chapter photo in ECS Interface or other electronic communications. Up to two Chapters of Excellence are also awarded.

Materials deadline: April 15, 2025

ECS Summer Fellowships: The Edward G. Weston, Joseph W. Richards, F. M. Becket, and H. H. Uhlig Fellowships were established in 1928 to support student research from June through August in fields of interest to ECS. Fellows receive $5,000 and publication of a summary report in ECS Interface

Materials deadline: January 15, 2025

Korea Section Student Award: The award of $500 was established in 2005 to recognize academic accomplishment by a student pursuing a PhD at a Korean university in any area of science or engineering in which electrochemical and/or solid state science and technology is the central consideration.

Nomination period: September 15 – December 31, 2024

Pacific Northwest Section Electrochemistry Student Award Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific: The $1,000 award was established in 2021 to recognize promising young engineers and scientists in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho pursuing PhDs in electrochemical engineering and applied electrochemistry.

Nomination period: December 15, 2024 – February 28, 2025

San Francisco Section Daniel Cubicciotti Student Award: Established in 1994 to assist deserving students in Northern California pursue careers in the physical sciences or engineering, awardees receive an etched metal plaque and $2,000 in educational expenses. Up to two honorable mentions consisting of a scroll and $500 each are also awarded.

Nomination period: September 15, 2024 – February 28, 2025

Sensor Division Student Research Award: Established in 2021 to recognize promising graduate students conducting outstanding research in the field of sensors, the award consists of a framed certificate; $500; meeting registration; and a division luncheon ticket.

Nomination period: October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025

* All awards are in US dollars.


Award Winners

Join us in congratulating our peers, most of whom were recognized at the PRiME 2024 meeting in Honolulu, HI! The following ECS Honors & Awards Program awards—many established decades ago—recognize professional and volunteer achievement in our multi-disciplinary sciences.

Society Awards

ECS Charles W. Tobias Young Investigatory Award

Betar M. Gallant is Associate Professor and Class of ’22 Career Development Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where she leads the Energy and Carbon Conversion Laboratory. Her research group focuses on advanced battery chemistries and materials for highenergy primary and rechargeable batteries, including fluorinated cathode conversion reactions and lithium, sodium, and calcium metal anodes and their interfaces. The group leads research into CO2 capture and its integration with direct electrochemical conversion in the captured state. Dr. Gallant obtained her SB, SM, and PhD in Mechanical Engineering at MIT, followed by a Kavli Nanoscience Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship at the California Institute of Technology. She has received multiple awards, including the MIT Bose Fellowship, Army Research Office Young Investigator Award, Scialog Fellow in Energy Storage and Negative Emissions Science, National Science Foundation CAREER Award, ECS Battery Division Early Career Award, ECS-Toyota Young Investigator Award, ACS Energy and Fuels Division Glenn Award, and MIT Ruth and Joel Spira Award for Distinguished Teaching. Dr. Gallant joined ECS in 2012.

ECS Edward Goodrich Acheson Award

Paul Kohl is a Regents’ Professor and holds the Thomas L. Gossage Chair at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech). His research interests include electrochemical devices for energy storage and conversion, new ion-conducting polymers electrolytes, and advanced polymer dielectrics for electronic devices. He received a PhD in Chemistry from The University of Texas at Austin in 1978 with Allen J. Bard as advisor. He was employed at AT&T Bell Laboratories from 1978 to 1989, where he participated in the development of new chemical processes for the manufacture of electronic devices. In 1989, he joined Georgia Tech’s faculty in the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. He is the author of 340 journal publications, 69 US patents, and more than 500 conference presentations. Dr. Kohl is past Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society; and founding editor of Electrochemical and Solid state Letters and ECS Interface. An ECS member since 1975, Prof. Kohl served as the Society’s President from 2014 to 2015. ECS honored Prof. Kohl with the Edward G. Weston Fellowship, 2001 Carl Wagner Memorial Award, 2017 Gordon E. Moore Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Solid State Science & Technology, and 2008 Dielectric Science and Technology Division Thomas D. Callinan Award. He also received the American Chemical Society ACS Award in Polymer Science and is a Fellow of The Electrochemical Society and AIChE.

Norman Hackerman Young Author Award

Lydia Meyer is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Her research focuses on developing operando and in situ optical tools for characterizing Liion battery performance and material evolution, as well as novel electrolytes and battery chemistries. Lydia earned her PhD in mechanical engineering at the Colorado School of Mines in 2023. During her PhD research, she developed an operando Li-ion battery to measure electrolyte species concentrations with FTIR. She also conducted research on in situ Raman characterization of Si anodes and in situ analysis of electrolyte transport properties with an FTIR microscope. Lydia earned her BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Missouri in 2019 and MS in Mechanical Engineering from Colorado School of Mines in 2021.

Bruce Deal & Andy Grove Young Author Award

Marvin Frauenrath is with the R&D department of STMicroelectronics at their 300 mm fabrication site. He earned his PhD in 2022 at CEA Leti under the mentorship of Dr. Jean-Michel Hartmann and Dr. Pablo Acosta-Alba. His research there, which led to significant discoveries in the growth mechanics of in situ doped (Si)GeSn, was instrumental in identifying new growth mechanisms and helped to achieve a notable milestone with the demonstration of optically pumped room temperature lasing using (Si)GeSn. He completed his MS in 2019 with a specialization in Nanoelectronics from Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen. His research at Forschungszentrum Jülich, supervised by Dr. Dan Buca, involved exploratory work on low temperature reduced pressure chemical vapor epitaxy of doped (Si)GeSn, which sought to explore its potential for enhancing electronic device performance. He joined STMicroelectronics in 2022, applying his expertise in epitaxial material growth to the development of group IV materials for imager, CMOS, and bipolar technologies. Dr. Frauenrath’s contributions are enhancing the quality and capabilities of consumer electronics, with applications spanning private and industrial sectors.

Nicolas Gauthier is a Research Engineer at CEA-Leti (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies AlternativesLaboratoire d’électronique des technologies de l’information) Platform for Nanocharacterization (PFNC). He oversees and is expert in electron spectroscopies and mass spectrometry techniques applied to electronic materials. Involved in numerous projects, he has developed expertise in the combined analysis of a large variety of inorganic and organic systems. Particularly, his main research is focused on the study of 2D materials by XPS and the quantification of Si-based semiconductors by ToF-

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SIMS. Dr. Gauthier completed his PhD in 2019 in a collaboration between a French battery manufacturer and the Université de Pau, studying Li-ion battery electrode/electrolyte interfaces. He joined CETI-Leti as a research engineer in 2019. The author and co-author of more than 30 reviewed papers, Dr. Gauthier has also delivered reports at specialized surface and interface conferences.

Division Awards

Battery Division Early Career Award

Sponsored by Neware

Raphaële Clément is Assistant Professor in the Materials Department at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). The Clément Group focuses on establishing materials design rules and optimizing materials processing approaches to advance electrochemical energy storage. The group’s expertise lies in developing and deploying magnetic resonance and magnetometry techniques (experimental and computational) for the study of battery materials and beyond, with an emphasis on real-time, operando analysis. Prof. Clément obtained her PhD in Chemistry in 2016 from the University of Cambridge, working under the supervision of Prof. Dame Clare Grey. She then completed a postdoc in Prof. Gerbrand Ceder’s Group at the University of California, Berkeley before joining the UCSB faculty in 2018. Prof. Clement has published over 80 papers in peer-reviewed journals with over 6,300 citations (Google Scholar). A Topical Editor for ACS Energy Letters, she received the 2024 Camille Dreyfus TeacherScholar Award and IBA Early Career Researcher Award; 2023 Materials Today Rising Star Award and ISE (International Society of Electrochemistry) Prize in Electrochemical Materials Science; and a 2022 NSF CAREER award. She became an ECS member in 2015.

Battery Division Postdoctoral Associate Research Award

Sponsored by MTI Corporation and the Jiang Family Foundation

Josey McBrayer is Principal Investigator at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and team lead for the Department of Energy (DOE) Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) Silicon Consortium Project. She obtained her PhD in Chemical Engineering at the University of Utah (U of U) for her research on the solid electrolyte interphase of silicon anodes in lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles. Prior to that, she received a BS Summa Cum Laude in Chemical Engineering and MS in Nanoscience and Microsystems Engineering with Distinction from the University of New Mexico. Dr. McBrayer completed her MS thesis work at SNL on the use of in situ Raman to study polysulfide speciation in lithium sulfur batteries. While at UNM, she received awards recognizing her as an outstanding senior and leader in engineering programs. She earned SNL’s Truman Postdoctoral Fellowship for her proposed new initiatives on garnet solid electrolytes and lithium metal anodes. SNL management has acknowledged Dr McBrayer and her peers with awards for outstanding technical achievement. Active in the Sandia Women's Action Network (SWAN) and Society of Women Engineers (SWE), she mentors engineering and battery students.

Jijian Xu is currently Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry at City University of Hong Kong. His research interests focus on developing advanced electrolytes and novel electrode materials for high-energy batteries. He received his BS (2014) and PhD (2019) from Zhejiang University, followed by a three-year postdoc with Prof. Chunsheng Wang, and appointment as Assistant Research Scientist at the University of Maryland. He then joined the City University of Hong Kong, setting up his research group in 2023. He has authored more than 70 peer-reviewed papers in Nature, Science, Nature Energy, Nature Synthesis, Nature Reviews Chemistry, Joule, Advanced Materials, and other publications, with over 4900 citations and an h-index of 32 (Google Scholar). Dr. Xu is a guest editor of Energy Storage Materials and youth editorial board member of Nano-Micro Letters, eScience, Materials Futures, and Battery Energy. He has more than 10 Chinese and PCT invention patents, two of which were granted to companies for commercialization.

Battery Division Research Award

Karim Zaghib is Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering at Concordia University and CEO of Volt-Age (Canada First Research Excellence Fund). Before joining Concordia in 2022, he worked at Hydro-Québec for 28 years, founding and leading the Center of Excellence in Transportation Electrification and Energy Storage. As Senior Director of Research at Hydro-Québec, he helped make it the world’s first company to devise and use lithium iron phosphate cathodes and to develop natural graphite and nanotitanate anodes. Dr. Zaghib is one of the pioneers of the first commercial solid state lithium-metal battery, the two-electrode photobattery, and ionic liquids with the introduction of LiFSI. Through Esstalion, a joint venture of Sony Corporation and Hydro-Québec, he developed MWh high-capacity energy storage systems based on LFP for applications in the smart grid. Dr. Zaghib is named as an inventor on over 973 patents, which have led to 62 licenses worldwide. He has co-authored 420 scientific articles, edited or co-edited 20 monographs, and co-authored the textbook Lithium Batteries: Science and Technology (Springer, 2016). He obtained his PhD in Electrochemistry in 1990 from the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble and Habilitation in Physics from the Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie in 2002. An ECS member since 1993, the Society has honored Dr. Zaghib with Fellow of The Electrochemical Society (2011), 2013 ECS Battery Division Technology Award, and 2010 Energy Technology Research Award. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Royal Society of Canada, and Canadian Academy of Engineering.

Battery Division Student Research Award

Sponsored by Mercedes-Benz Research & Development

Eric Fell is currently exploring highthroughput electrochemical techniques for the screening of redox-active molecules for aqueous organic flow batteries in the Michael Aziz Group at Harvard University. While he is constantly excited about energy storage, he also has a passion for nuclear science, CO2 capture, and space exploration. His scientific career began at Simon Fraser University (SFU), where he obtained his BSc

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National Lab
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in Chemistry (2017), exploring the electrochemical characterization of water-splitting catalysts under the supervision of Prof. Gary Leach. Dr. Fell took part in the DAAD-RISE program researching gas sensors at the Universität Paderborn with Prof. Michael Tiemann (2015), and electrocatalysts at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München with Profs. Dina Fattakhova-Rohlfing and Thomas Bein (2016). Having split quite enough water, Dr. Fell then did a research about-face and worked on stabilizing aqueous electrolytes in redox flow batteries, obtaining his MSc (2021) and PhD (2024) at Harvard University under the guidance of Prof. Michael Aziz. Fell’s PhD work explored high-throughput electrochemical and computational techniques for the screening of redox-active molecules for aqueous organic redox flow batteries. He has co-authored 16 peer-reviewed papers, one US patent, and contributes to open-source software for batteries and (electro)chemistry.

Battery Division Technology Award

Debra R. Rolison heads the Advanced Electrochemical Materials section at the US Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). Her team designs, synthesizes, characterizes, and applies 3D structured, ultraporous, multifunctional, hold-in-your-hand nanoarchitectures for rate-critical applications such as catalysis and energy storage/conversion. Dr. Rolison was a Faculty Scholar at Florida Atlantic University, receiving her BS in Chemistry in 1975 and the Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry. She completed her PhD in Chemistry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with Prof. Royce W. Murray (1980), directly thereafter joining the NRL as a Staff Scientist. Dr. Rolison is a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Chemical Society, Materials Research Society, and Association for Women in Science. Her major awards include the 2018 William H. Nichols Medal, 2017 E.O. Hulburt Award, 2015 Department of the Navy Dr. Dolores M. Etter Top Scientist & Engineer Team Award (with Drs. Joseph Parker and Jeffrey Long), 2012 Charles N. Reilley Award of the Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2011 ACS Award in the Chemistry of Materials, and 2011 Hillebrand Prize. Her editorial advisory board service includes Advanced Energy Materials and ACS Applied Energy Materials, Chemical Reviews, Analytical Chemistry, Langmuir, Nano Letters, Annual Review in Analytical Chemistry, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, and Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Dr. Rolison also writes and lectures widely on issues affecting women (and men!) in science, including proposing Title IX assessments of science and engineering departments. She has authored over 275 articles and holds 49 US patents.

Jeffrey W. Long is a Staff Scientist at the US Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), where he engages in basic and applied research focused on materials development for electrochemical power sources, water purification, and catalysis. He received the 1991 Wake Forest University Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry (1991) where he completed his BS in Chemistry with Honors in 1992. Dr. Long earned his PhD in Chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1997) under the tutelage of the late Kenan Professor Royce W. Murray. After being a National Research Council Postdoctoral Associate at the NRL (1997–2000), he transitioned to NRL Research

Chemist. Dr. Long has co-authored over 120 peer-reviewed papers and is co-inventor on 36 issued patents and several pending applications. Dr. Long has received three Young Investigator awards (2000, 2004); the American Chemical Society’s 2007 R. A. Glenn Award and 2009 A. K. Doolittle Award; 2010 and 2018 NRL Edison Patent Awards; and inaugural 2014 Department of Defense Laboratory Scientist of the Quarter award. Dr. Long was part of a team (including Drs. Debra Rolison and Joseph Parker) that received the 2015 Delores M. Etter Top Scientists & Engineers of the Year Award, recognizing NRL-based advancements with redesigned zinc electrodes for next-generation batteries. He has been an ECS member since 1999.

Joseph F. Parker is a Program Officer at the US Office of Naval Research where he manages the Expeditionary Energy portfolio, which invests in energy storage, energy harvesting, energy planning, and alternative fuels. He received his BS in Chemistry with High Honors at the Georgia Institute of Technology (2004) and the Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry (2004). Dr. Parker earned his PhD in Chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2010 under the tutelage of the late Kenan Prof. Royce W. Murray. He was a National Research Council Postdoctoral Associate at the US Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) (2010–2014), transitioning to an NRL Staff Research Chemist where he conducted basic and applied research on next-generation energy storage and electrochemical materials. Dr. Parker is co-author of over 40 peer-reviewed papers and co-inventor on nine issued patents. While at the NRL, Dr. Parker received the 11th Annual Postdoctoral Paper Award (2014), 2017 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, 2018 Edison Patent Award, and was named a 2018 Fellow in the Kavli Frontiers of Science. Dr. Parker was part of the team (with Drs. Debra Rolison and Jeffrey Long) that received the 2015 Delores M. Etter Top Scientists & Engineers of the Year Award, recognizing NRL-based advancements with redesigned zinc electrodes for next-generation batteries.

Corrosion Division H. H. Uhlig Award

Ingrid Milošev is the Head of the Department of Physical and Organic Chemistry at the Jožef Stefan Institute and Full Professor at the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School. She is also Research Advisor at the Valdoltra Orthopaedic Hospital and oversees their implant retrieval program. Her research focuses on corrosion processes and corrosion protection of technological materials, including corrosion inhibitors, sol-gel coatings, conversion coatings, and inorganic coatings. Her interest in biomedical materials comprises the study of interactions of metallic materials with simulated body fluids and strategies to mitigate metal dissolution. After receiving a BSc in Chemical Technology from the Sveučilište u Zagrebu (1986) and PhD in Chemistry from the Univerza v Ljubljani (1993), Dr. Milošev was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (1994–1995). She joined the Jožef Stefan Institute in 1987 and was Assistant General Manager for Research and Education at Valdoltra from 2001 to 2019. Dr. Milošev has published some 230 papers in peer-reviewed journals and nine book chapters with over 12,700 citations (h-index of 57). She is an Associate Editor of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society, npj Materials Degradation, and CORROSION. Dr. Milošev received the 2011 Slovenian National

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Zois Award and 2016 Pregl Award for Exceptional Achievements in Chemistry. She joined ECS in 2007.

Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award

Michael Strebl is a Postdoctoral Corrosion Researcher and Lecturer in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität ErlangenNürnberg (FAU). His current work involves investigating the corrosion of metal catalysts in the presence of ionic liquids. Dr. Strebl obtained his BS and MS in Materials Science and Engineering and PhD at FAU. During his PhD research with the Sanna Virtanen Group, he established the respirometric approach in corrosion science and developed novel real-time methods to monitor corrosion processes based on the rate of cathodic reactions. Dr. Strebl gained experience with corrosion-protective surface pretreatments and developed conversion coatings for Mg and Al light alloys in a joint research project with Audi. In addition to his research activities, Dr. Strebl is dedicated to university teaching, giving master-level lectures, tutorials, and laboratory courses in the fields of corrosion science, electrochemistry, and surface modification. He chaired the 2024 Gordon Research Seminar on Aqueous Corrosion.

Electrodeposition Division Early Career Investigator Award

Roberto Bernasconi is Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Materials, and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta” at Politecnico di Milano. His research fields include general and applied electrochemistry, with a specific interest in applications in additive microfabrication. His main interest is bridging additive microfabrication (in the form mainly of 3D printing and inkjet printing) with wet metallization technologies and surface modification processes in general. He is also active in the research of innovative materials for photovoltaics and energy applications and in the development of chemi-resistive gas sensors. Prof. Bernasconi completed his BS (2009), MSc (2011), and PhD (2018) in Materials Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, where he held research collaborator positions from 2012 to 2014 and 2018 to 2020. He is co-author of 54 peer-reviewed papers, 14 proceedings papers, and two book chapters, with over 900 citations and an h-index of 19. He has been a member of The Electrochemical Society since 2015.

Electrodeposition Division Research Award

Andrew Gewirth is the Peter C. and Gretchen Miller Markunas Professor in Analytical Chemistry at the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign. His work addresses chemistry at interfaces, especially the solid-liquid interface in studies relevant to fuel cells, batteries, and other energy related devices. Prof. Gewirth uses advanced characterization techniques to examine the mechanism of interfacial electrochemical

reactions and uses the resultant understanding to design new materials and catalysts. After completing a BA at Princeton University (1981), PhD at Stanford University (1987), and postdoctoral work at the University of Texas at Austin, he joined the Illinois faculty in 1988. A former Director of the Illinois School of Chemical Sciences, Prof. Gewirth has received awards that include a Presidential Young Investigator Award and DOE Outstanding Accomplishment Award in Materials Chemistry. He has authored nearly 300 papers, delivered over 250 invited talks, organized several conferences, chaired a US Department of Energy panel examining the future of electrical energy storage devices, and served as the Illinois lead for the Center for Electrical Energy Storage (EFRC). Prof. Gewirth is especially proud of his nearly 60 PhD and 20 postdoctoral research associates who today hold positions in academia, industry, and national laboratories. He joined ECS in 1990.

Energy Technology Division Walter van Schalkwijk Award in Sustainable Energy

Yu Seung Kim is a technical staff member at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), specializing in polymeric materials for membranes and electrolytes in electrochemical devices. As an early researcher in the development of hydrocarbon polymer electrolytes for fuel cells, he pioneered the creation of ion-pair membranes for fuel cells and electrochemical hydrogen pumps. Currently, his research focuses on anion exchange membrane fuel cells/electrolyzers, high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells/hydrogen pumps, and alternative materials for perfluoroalkyl substances. Dr. Kim earned his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (1999), specializing in polymer engineering. He conducted postdoctoral research with James McGrath in the Chemistry Department at Virginia Tech, focusing on polymer synthesis (1999–2003), followed by a second postdoctoral position in the Materials Synthesis and Intergraded Devices Group at LANL, concentrating on the electrochemistry of fuel cell materials. Dr. Kim was appointed a staff scientist in that LANL group in 2005. Awards he has received include the 2023 Richard Feynman Innovation Award and Inventor of the Year Award from the Battelle Research Institute; 2016 Distinguished R&D Award from the US DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies; and 2014 Tech to Market Special Recognition from the DOE Assistant Secretary. He has authored over 130 publications (h-index 68), delivered more than 250 presentations (69 invited), and holds over 30 patents, with seven patents licensed.

High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division Outstanding Achievement Award

Tatsumi Ishihara is Professor in the Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, at Kyushu University, where he is also Director of the International Institute for Carbon Neutral Energy Research (I2CNER). His main research area is solid electrochemistry relating to energy, in particular, solid oxide fuel cells and electrolyzers. He received his BSc (1984), MSc (1986), and PhD (1992) from Kyushu University where he was a Research Associate from 1986 to 1989. He was Research Associate, Lecturer, and Associate Professor in the

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Faculty of Engineering at Oita University from 1989 to 2003, when he returned to Kyushu University as a Full Professor. He was named Distinguished Professor at Kyushu in 2012 and completed a Visiting Professorship at Imperial College London in 2014. Prof. Ishihara’s awards include the 2020 Catalyst Society of Japan Award (Academic), 2016 Daiwa Adrian Prize, and 2005 Distinguished Researcher Award from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology. He is the author of 687 original papers, 164 reviews, and nine books. Prof. Ishihara joined ECS in 1994.

Luminescence and Display Materials Division Outstanding Achievement Award

Mikhail G. Brik is affiliated with Tartu Ülikool, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Uniwersytet Jana Długosza, and Univerzitet u Beogradu, and has active collaborations with many academic and industrial research groups in Europe, Asia, and the US. His research focuses on first-principles and semi-empirical calculations of various properties of optical materials doped with transition metal and rare-earth ions. His main scientific contributions relate to the understanding of optical properties of Mn4+ ions in phosphor materials for lighting applications. He completed a PhD at Kubansky Gosudarstvenny Universitet (1995) and Habilitation at the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences (2012). Prof. Brik is an Editor of Optical Materials, Foreign Member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, and Honorary Member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. He received the 2022 Chinese Government Friendship Award; 2022 International Science and Technological Cooperation Award of Chongqing Municipality; 2015 100 Overseas High-Level Experts Project, Chongqing Municipality; 2013 Estonian State Prize in the Field of Exact Sciences; and 2006 Dragomir Hurmuzescu Award of the Romanian Academy. The President of Poland honored him with the title of Professor in 2018. According to Google Scholar, he has more than 16,100 citations with an h-index of 64. He joined ECS in 2013.

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

Division David C. Grahame Award

Yang Shao-Horn is the JR East Professor of Engineering and faculty member in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and Research Laboratory of Electronics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Her research centers on physical/material chemistry to tune kinetics and dynamics in enabling energy storage and making chemicals and fuels. She completed a BS in Metallurgical And Materials Engineering at Beijing University of Technology (1992 ) and PhD in the same discipline at Michigan Technological University (1998). Dr. Shao-Horn received a National Science Foundation International Research Fellowship to work with Claude Delmas at the Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry. A scientist and entrepreneur in electrochemical science and engineering with 400+ publications (75,000+ citations; h-index of 131, Google Scholar), she is among the topmost-cited female scientists in the world focusing on clean energy solutions. She has advised more than 100 students and postdocs at MIT, who now pursue successful careers in startups, academia, and industry, including Tesla, Amazon, and Apple, across the US, Europe, and Asia. Prof. Yang is a member of

the National Academy of Engineering and Fellow of The Electrochemical Society, American Association for the Advancement of Science, National Academy of Inventors, and International Society of Electrochemistry. She has received the Faraday Medal, Dr. Karl Wamsler Innovation Award, Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship, and Humboldt Prize in Chemistry. The cofounder of several startups, Prof. Yang serves on the board of directors of multiple companies as well as public and private organizations, including the Pioneer Center for Accelerating P2X Materials Discovery (CAPeX), Fritz-HaberInstitut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, and Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability. She joined ECS in 1995.

Sensor Division Early Career Award

Dongmei Dong is Assistant Professor at Rowan University. Her research interests include fuel cells, sensor development, and pseudocapacitive energy storage, spanning condensed matter physics, chemistry, and materials science and engineering. Dr. Dong’s interdisciplinary approach integrates electrochemistry, quantitative sensor development, and energy-focused research, addressing critical needs in modern science and technology. Her current research focuses on electrochromic solid films and ultra-thin devices for smart windows and energy savings; proton exchange membrane fuel cells for clean energy storage and conversion and diagnostic microsensor development; and electrochemo nanomechanical effects and deformation at interfaces, addressing fundamental energy-related challenges. She completed her PhD in Condensed Matter Physics at Beihang University, and studied at Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Université de Bordeaux, and Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier. Dr. Dong has worked in the Chemistry Departments at Université de Moncton, Purdue University, and State University of New York at Buffalo, and in Electrical Engineering at Florida International University. She has led innovative research projects, notably in developing a fuel cell membrane diagnostics tool for the Million Mile Fuel Cell Truck (M2FCT) Consortium, funded by the DOE Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technologies Office.

Sensor Division

Outstanding Achievement Award

Ajit Khosla is Distinguished Professor in the School of Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology at Xidian University and Yamagata University. His interdisciplinary research bridges disciplines to address realworld problems, thereby improving quality of life. The focus is on developing micronano-fabricated chemical and biological sensors; turnkey systems with applications in healthcare, environmental monitoring, and restoration (fauna and fauna); and sustainable design and manufacturing; and clean water. In 2012, he received a PhD in the Microelectronics Stream from the School of Engineering Science at Simon Fraser University and the Dean of Graduate Studies Convocation Medal. A Fellow of The Electrochemical Society and Royal Society of Chemistry, Dr. Khosla is the author of over 185 publications in refereed journals, five books, and five US patents. He is Founding Editor-in-Chief of ECS Sensors Plus, an editor of ECS’s family of journals, and Associate Editor for IEEE Access. He has organized over 50 conferences, mini colloquiums, and workshops with ECS, IEEE, ACS, and IOP. Prof. Khosla joined ECS in 2010.

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Section Awards


Canada Section R. C. Jacobsen Award

Venkataraman Thangadurai is Professor of Chemistry at the University of Calgary (U of C). He developed the fundamental understanding of the crystal structure –composition – ionic conductivity relationship that opened up next-generation electrochemical energy storage and conversion technologies. His scientific understanding of the role of chemical doping in solids led to the discovery of solid Li-ion electrolytes that changed the direction of research in all-solid state Li batteries. His solid state Li-ion conductors, based on the garnet-like structure, touched off a flurry of interest and exploration by many researchers, including John B. Goodenough, the “father of the Liion battery” and 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry laureate. Prof. Thangadurai’s current research activities include the discovery of solid state electrolytes and electrodes for advanced batteries and fuel cells. He completed a PhD in Solid State Chemistry at the Indian Institute of Science (1999) and Habilitation in Solid State Ionics at Christian-Albrechts Universität zu Kiel (2004). Prof. Thangadurai is a Fellow of The Electrochemical Society, Royal Society of Chemistry, and Royal Society of Canada. An outstanding researcher, excellent collaborator, and inspiring teacher, Prof. Thangadurai has trained and supervised/co-supervised more than 100 students, fostering and supporting the next generation of scientists and innovators. He has published over 250 scientific papers in international refereed journals (h-index of 66). Awards he has received include the 2021 Canadian Chemical Society Award for Research Excellence in Materials Chemistry, 2019 U of C Peak Scholar Award, and 2016 Keith Laidler Award. Prof. Thangadurai was among the top 1% most-cited authors in the Royal Society of Chemistry journals in 2020. He is the cofounder of Ion Storage Systems, and founder and advisor of Superionics Inc. An ECS member since 2000, his service to the Society includes ECS Canada Section Vice Chair of Membership and membership on the ECS Publication Subcommittee.

Europe Section Alessandro Volta Award

Pawel J. Kulesza is Distinguished Professor at Uniwersytet Warszawski (UW). He contributed significantly to the description of mechanisms and dynamics of charge propagation in solid or semi-solid materials characterized by reversible redox transitions, fast charge propagation, and storage. Prof. Kulesza proposed new functional materials composed of networks of noble metal nanoparticles, carbon nanostructures, metal oxides, polyoxometallates, cyanometallates or their hybrids with polymers for electrochemical science and technology. More recently, his attention has centered on the development of hybrid materials for electrocatalysis and photoelectrochemistry (energy conversion, water splitting, O2-reduction, CO2-conversion, N2-fixation, and generation of fuels). He obtained his MSc from UW, PhD from Southern Illinois University, and held research associate positions and, later, visiting professorships at the University of Illinois with Larry R. Faulkner, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft with Karl Doblhofer and 2007 Noble Prize laureate Gerhard Ertl, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne with Michael Graetzel, and

University of North Carolina with Royce W. Murray. He has also served as Dean of the UW Chemistry Faculty. Prof. Kulesza is a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, National Representative of Poland to the Inorganic Chemistry Division of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, and Associate Editor of Electrochimica Acta. He has published more than 300 refereed papers in international journals. After joining ECS in 1990, he has served as Chair of the ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division and Chair of the ECS Europe Section and is a Fellow of The Electrochemical Society.

San Francisco Section Award

Marca M. Doeff is an Affiliate with the Energy Storage and Distributed Resources Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Prior to her retirement in June, she was Senior Scientist at LBNL and Deputy Division Director of ESDR, focused on materials for lithium-ion batteries, sodium-ion batteries, and solid state batteries. She received a BA in Chemistry from Swarthmore College (1978) and a PhD in Inorganic Chemistry from Brown University (1983). After postdoctoral work at the Universities of California Santa Barbara and Berkeley, she joined the Naval Ocean Systems Center in 1986 to research antifouling coatings, then moved to the LBNL in 1990. There Dr. Doeff began research related to electric vehicle batteries. She has published over 160 peer-reviewed papers with an h-index of 70 (Google Scholar) and has patented extensively. A Fellow of The Electrochemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry, she received a Distinguished Achievement award from the US Department of Energy Office of Vehicle Technologies in 2023 and 2020 R&D100 award. Dr. Doeff joined ECS in 2004 and currently serves as Secretary of The Electrochemical Society.

Adam Z. Weber is a Senior Scientist and Leader of the Energy-Conversion Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), co-Director of the DOE-funded Million Mile Fuel Cell Truck Consortium, and Chief Technology Officer of the Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES). His current research and activities involve understanding and optimizing fuel cell and electrolyzer performance and lifetime using advanced modeling and diagnostics, understanding flow batteries for grid-scale energy storage, and analysis of solar-fuel generators and CO2 reduction to value-added products. He holds BS and MS degrees from Tufts University. His PhD in Chemical Engineering from University of California, Berkeley was supervised by John Newman. Dr. Weber has coauthored over 200 peer-reviewed articles and 11 book chapters on fuel cells, flow batteries, and related electrochemical devices; developed many widely used models for fuel cells and their components; been invited to present his work at international and national meetings; and holds six patents. A Fellow of the Electrochemical Society, he has received numerous awards, including including the 2023 DOD Fuel Cell Award and 2023 ECS Energy Technology Division Research Award; 2020 R&D 100 award for microelectrode development; 2016 Sir William Grove Award; 2014 ECS Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award; 2012 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE); and Fulbright scholarship to Australia. He joined ECS in 2001.

Student Awards

Canada Section Student Award

Anu Adamson is an intern at Northvolt and PhD candidate in Chemistry at Dalhousie University, co-supervised by Dr. Michael Metzger and Dr. Jeff Dahn. Her research centers on the investigation of electrolytes and inactive components of lithium-ion batteries. She discovered recently that the PET tape commonly utilized in commercial lithium-ion batteries to hold together the electrode stack or jellyroll can dissolve during battery operation, resulting in a reversible redox shuttle that causes self-discharge. Findings from her research were published in Nature Materials and featured in media outlets across 15 countries, including major news channels such as CBC and ZDF in Germany. Adamson’s BSc and MSc research at Tartu Ülikool focused on sodium-ion batteries. Currently, her goal is to gain insights into the European battery industry and contribute to developing lithium-ion batteries with diverse applications.

Shipeng Jia is a PhD candidate in chemistry at McGill University under the supervision of Prof. Eric McCalla, with committee members Profs. Janine Mauzeroll and Scott Bohle. His achievements in advancing sodium and lithium-ion battery research have been marked by the development of a groundbreaking high-throughput electrochemical system aligned with green and sustainable goals. This innovative engineering breakthrough enables rapid material screening and battery performance assessment, leading to the discovery of novel battery materials. A significant portion of his research focuses on the sustainable Fe/Mn-based system for sodium-ion batteries, harnessing abundant resources and environmentally friendly features. He also strives to improve the air stability of cathode materials in sodium-ion batteries for battery commercialization assisted with machine learning. Jia completed his BSc at the Southern University of Science and Technology, China. His research has been published in Energy & Environmental Science, Advanced Energy Materials, and Journal of Chemistry Materials A. His collaborations with industry leaders Samsung and Umicore have resulted in two patents. He has received the FRQNT Scholarship, Molson and Hilton Hart Fellowship, Alexander McFee Memorial Award, Clark Science Executive Leadership Scholarship, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad, and inclusion in the CAS Future Leader Global Top 100.

Korea Section Student Award

Minji Kim is enrolled in the integrated Energy Science and Engineering MS and PhD program at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), where she started in the fall of 2018. Her research, supervised by Prof. Won-Sub Yoon at the SKKU Energy Conversion & Storage Materials Laboratory (ECSML), focuses on analyzing the capacity degradation mechanisms of cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries using synchrotron

X-ray. Her investigation of capacity degradation during long-term high-temperature cycles in a pouch fuel cell system, employing commercial Ni-rich layered cathode materials and graphite anode materials, was published in 2023 in Advanced Energy Materials. Kim also conducts ongoing research on various mechanisms of both commercial cathode materials and next-generation cathode materials, including Li-rich disordered materials.

Pacific Northwest Section

Electrochemistry Student Award

Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Ying Xia is a PhD candidate in Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Washington (UW), working under the supervision of Prof. Jun Liu and Prof. James J. De Yoreo. She holds an MS in Materials Science from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and a BE in Composite Materials and Engineering from Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU).

Xia’s research focuses on understanding the fundamental mechanisms influencing metal electrodeposition and biopolymer crystallization at electrode-electrolyte interfaces using advanced surface techniques, such as in situ electrochemical atomic force microscopy. Her work aims to suppress dendrite formation in Zn aqueous batteries by controlling the interactions of polymer additives with electrodes and electrolytes. After completing her PhD, Xia plans to pursue a career at a national laboratory or as a university professor, where she will continue to address critical challenges in renewable energy.

San Francisco Section

Daniel Cubicciotti Student Award

Justin C. Bui is a Postdoctoral Researcher at CalTech with Prof. Karthish Manthiram, working to develop electrochemical reactors capable of oxidatively activating nitrogen to make plastics and fertilizer precursors directly from air. He received his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley and was a researcher in the Liquid Sunlight Alliance US Department of Energy Hub at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Bui earned his BS in Chemical Engineering from Columbia University, working with Prof. Daniel Esposito to fabricate membrane-less electrolyzers for sustainable hydrogen production from seawater. Justin’s research at UC Berkeley with Prof. Alexis Bell and Dr. Adam Weber focused on the use of continuum-level theory to understand the impact of transport and catalysis in bipolar ionconducting polymer membranes, as well as to elucidate the influence of the catalytic microenvironment on the activity and selectivity of CO2 electroreduction to value-added chemical products. Throughout his PhD, Bui worked closely with researchers to drastically advance the development of carbon capture and conversion devices. He received prestigious National Science Foundation and National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Research Fellowships. Outside the lab, Bui developed inclusive, experiential curricula to introduce K–12 students to electrochemistry. In the fall of 2026, he will join the New York University Tandon School of Engineering as an Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering.

ECS is proud to announce the new members for July, August, and September 2024 (Members are listed alphabetically by family/last name.)



Mohammad Abdelkareem, Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE

Onur Akyildirim, Kars, Kars, Turkey

Javier Alvare, Sandy, UT, USA

Daniele Alves, Leixlip, Leinster, Ireland

Ahmad Amiri, Tulsa, OK, USA

Samuel Amsterdam, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Yusuke Aoyama, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan

Keisuke Arimoto, Kofu, Yamanashi, Japan

Loïc Assaud, Orsay, Île-de-France, France


Viktoriia Babicheva, Albuquerque, NM, USA

Carlos Baez-Cotto, Lakewood, CO, USA

Andrew Baggett, Aiken, SC, USA

Naser Belmiloud, Ismaning, BY, Germany

Jacob Bertrand, Montgomery, OH, USA

Janusz Bogdanowicz, Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Belgium

Hanna Breunig, Berkeley, CA, USA

George Burton, Thornton, CO, USA


Suk Won Cha, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Chanmonriath (Michael) Chak, Charlotte, NC, USA

Suraj Cheema, Cambridge, MA, USA

Huiyuan Chen, Austin, TX, USA

Shuran Cheng, Novi, MI, USA

Whirang Cho, Annapolis, MD, USA

Wallace Choy, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Heather Clark, Tempe, AZ, USA

Giorgio Contini, Roma, LAZ, Italy

Elizabeth Cook, Tennyson, QLD, Australia

Oliver Curnick, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, UK


Yohan Dallagnese, London, Greater London, UK

Daniel Damjanovic, Boise, ID, USA

Peter De Wolf, Saint Remeze, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, France

Antonio DiNunno, Auburn Hills, MI, USA

Yifan Dong, Boise, ID, USA

Xiaoniu Du, Auburn, AL, USA

Michael Dzara, Golden, CO, USA

FBaptiste Fedi, École-Valentin, BorgogneFranche-Comté, France

Naoki Fujii, Mountain View, CA, USA

Junichi Fujikata, Tokushima City, Tokushima, Japan


Bruno Galante, Villigen, AG, Switzerland

Rongli Gao, Chongqing, Chongqing, China

Florian Gellrich, Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Ashutosh Giri, North Kingstown, RI, USA

Wooseok Go, Berkeley, CA, USA

Matthew Gordon, Los Altos, CA, USA

Benjamin Gould, Newark, DE, USA

Darko Grujicic, Chandler, AZ, USA

HJeremy Hartvigsen, Idaho Falls, ID, USA

JoonYoung Heo, Pohang, North Gyeongsang, ROK

David Herman, Albuquerque, NM, USA

Soonwook Hong, Gwangju, South Jeolla, ROK

Xiaoyong Huang, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China

Sung-Fu Hung, Hsinchu, Hsinchu County, Taiwan

Inchan Hwang, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK


Hideo Inoue, Soka, Saitama, Japan

Sriram Iyer, Los Altos, CA, USA


Puneet Jawali, San Jose, CA, USA

Jeremy Jernigen, Los Alamos, NM, USA

Chunxin Ji, Union, NJ, USA

Dahee Jin, Richland, WA, USA

Na Jin, San Jose, CA, USA

Olanrewaju Johnson, Crownpoint, NM, USA

Antoine Juneau, Montréal, QC, Canada

Hyeonjung Jung, Menlo Park, CA, USA

KMaths Karlsson, Goteborg, Västergötland, Sweden

Yu Kawamata, San Diego, CA, USA

Asma Khoobi, Kashan, Esfahan, Iran

Dong-Min Kim, Berkeley, CA, USA

In Soo Kim, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Jae Jin Kim, Houston, TX, USA

Sanghyeon Kim, Daejeon, Chungcheongnam-do, ROK

Yong Seung Kim, Boise, ID, USA

Youngkwang Kim, Los Alamos, NM, USA

Donald Kirk, Toronto, ON, Canada

Mikkel Kraglund, Kgs. Lyngby, Hovedstaden, Denmark

Aniket Kumar, White Rock, BC, Canada

Venkata Krishnaiah Kummara, Nandyal, AP, India

Chung-Wei Kung, Tainan City, Tainan, Taiwan

Soonho Kwon, Pasadena, CA, USA


Byoung Hun Lee, Pohang, North Gyeongsang, ROK

Kwan Hyi Lee, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Sang Yeol Lee, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Wontae Lee, Daegu, Gyeongsangbuk-do, ROK

Kai Li, Beijing, Beijing, China

Song Li, Wuhan, Hubei, China

Yanbo Li, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

Yuanqiang Li, Fremont, CA, USA

Ruoqian Lin, Irvine, CA, USA

Han-Yin Liu, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Taiwan

Tian Liu, Richland, WA, USA

Yuhwa Lo, San Diego, CA, USA


Douglas MacFarlane, Clayton, VIC, Australia

Tatsuro Maeda, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan

Rie Makiura, Sakai, Osaka, Japan

Esteban Marques, Rijswijk, South Holland, Netherlands

Shridhar Mathad, Hubballi, KA, India

Mitsuhiro Matsumoto, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan

Haruaki Matsuura, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan

Robert Mears, Los Gatos, CA, USA

Arvas Melih Besir, Fatih, Istanbul, Turkey

Ross Millar, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Reza Mirshekari, Houston, TX, USA

Michael Moore, Reading, Oxfordshire, UK

Mohamad Moosavi, Toronto, ON, Canada

Jimmy Morales, Valle del Cauca, Cauca, Colombia

Virginie Moutarlier, Besançon, BourgogneFranche-Comté, France


Ramakanta Naik, Kalahandi, OR, India

Kohei Nakashima, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan

Kenji Nomura, La Jolla, CA, USA


Matt O’Leary, Missoula, MT, USA

Yusuke Onabuta, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Japan


Jaeyong Park, Madison, WI, USA

Min Hyuk Park, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Min-Sik Park, Yongin, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Prasit Pattananuwat, Patumwan, Bangkok, Thailand


Vinith Gandhi Rajendran, Bedford, NS, Canada

Alan Rassoolkhani, Lexington, KY, USA

Vincent Reboud, Grenoble, AuvergneRhône-Alpes, France

Anders Riisager, Kgs Lyngby, Hovedstaden, Denmark

Nipapan Ruecha, Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

SYoung Jin Sa, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Will Salem, Exton, PA, USA

Soumitra Satapathi, Roorkee, UT, India

Jonathan Schoenleber, École-Valentin, Borgogne-Franche-Comté, France

Sudeshna Sen, Coventry, Warwickshire, UK

Lina Sepulveda, Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Republic

Yanwu Shao, San Jose, CA, USA

Bhavya Sharma, Knoxville, TN, USA

Chenguang Shi, Blacksburg, VA, USA

Weiqun Shi, Beijing, Beijing, China

Yasuyuki Shirai, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan

Jeha Shon, Pohang-si, North Gyeongsang, ROK

Michael Simpson, Salt Lake City, UT, USA

Cathrine Solem, Trondheim, Trondelag, Norway

Youngjun Song, Incheon, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Damoon Soudbakhsh, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Ioannis Spanos, Mülheim an der Ruhr, NW, Germany

Zivile Stankeviciute, Vilnius, Vilnius County, Lithuania

Wiesław Stręk, Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland

Yuanjie Su, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

Yen-Hsun Su, Tainan, Tainan, Taiwan

TSadaf Tahmasebi, Mississauga, ON, Canada

Dianping Tang, Fuzhou, Fujian, China

Michael Tang, Menlo Park, CA, USA

Geethapriyan Thangamani, Torino, PIE, Italy

Pengfei Tian, Shanghai, Shanghai, China

Robert Tomala, Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland

Patrick Trinke, Hannover, NI, Germany

Oladis Troconis de Rincon, San Antonio, TX, USA

UEijun Ueda, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan

VVenkata Bhuvaneswari Vukkum, Richland, WA, USA

WHanyu Wang, Knoxville, TN, USA

Kai Wang, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

Xin Wang, Ithaca, NY, USA

Zhen Wei, Lafayette, LA, USA

Oskar Weiland, Hannover, NI, Germany

Christopher Wilmer, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Tobias Wong, London, Greater London, UK

Hanglong Wu, Cambridge, MA, USA

Tao Wu, Hung Hom, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

XQinzhi Xu, Beijing, Beijing, China

Zheng-Long Xu, Hong Kong, Kowloon City, Hong Kong

YChanwoo Yang, Incheon, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Zichao Yang, Thorton, CO, USA

Ying Yin, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Youngmin You, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Sicen Yu, Seattle, WA, USA

Yating Yuan, Knoxville, TN, USA

Junji Yuhara, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan

ZSaeed Zeinolabedinzadeh, Tempe, AZ, USA

Justyna Zeler, Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland

Jin Zhang, Beijing, Hebei, China

Daria Zimina, Richmond, VA, USA

Student Members


Taiwo Adeniji, Saint Louis, MO, USA

Maaz Afzal, Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan

Hassam Ahmad, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

Maryam Ahmadi, Fort Collins, CO, USA

Sumaiyatul Ahsan, Atlanta, GA, USA

Hiromu Akai, Nagaoka, Niigata, Japan

Ryota Akai, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan

Ecem Akbay, Atasehir, Istanbul, Turkey

Hafiz Adnan Akram, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

Qusai Alahmad, Ames, IA, USA

Muhammad Hammad Ali, Chichawatni, Punjab, Pakistan

Jabari Allen, Los Alamos, NM, USA

Jonathan Amara, Reutlingen, BW, Germany

Shahzad Ameen, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

Maira Amjad, Potsdam, NY, USA

Archis Amrite, Newark, DE, USA

Muhammad Ans, Coventry, Warwickshire, UK

Anastasia Antropova, Ypsilanti, MI, USA

Muhammad Zulqarnain Arif, Knoxville, TN, USA

Kavin Arunasalam, Dublin, Leinster, Ireland

Sabahat Asif, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

Asaf Avnon, Rishon LeZion, Central District, Israel


Md Sadek Bacchu, Lincoln, NE, USA

Ji-Youn Bae, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Dakota Banks, Provo, UT, USA

Makeiyla Begay, Smith Lake, NM, USA

Ashutosh Bhadouria, West Lafayette, IN, USA

Ritwik Bhattacharya, Lafayette, IN, USA

Wayant Billey, Crownpoint, NM, USA

Julian Black, London, England, UK

Sonja Blaseio, Braunschweig, NI, Germany

Sascha Bönhardt, Dresden, SN, Germany

Nicola Bogo, Garching bei München, BY, Germany

McKinley Bowers, Lebanon, OH, USA

Fernanda Brito dos Santos, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Alexandra Brochoire, Birmingham, West Midlands, UK

Steffen Brundiers, Hannover, NI, Germany

Zofia Brylowska, Gdańsk, Pomerania, Poland

Kailee Buttice, Madison, WI, USA

Akleo Bylyku, Shelby Township, MI, USA


Viktória Čákyová, Košice, Košice Region, Slovakia

Caitlyn Cannan, Eugene, OR, USA

Nunzio Giorgio Carducci, East Lansing, MI, USA

Yoolim Cha, Auburn, AL, USA

Tzu-Ching Chan, Tainan City, Tainan, Taiwan

Vismay Chandra, Atlanta, GA, USA

Haotian Chen, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Jie Chen, Stuttgart, BW, Germany

Liguo Chen, Montréal, QC, Canada

Wei Chen, Hefei, Anhui, China

Yu-Han Chen, Irvine, CA, USA

Do Sol Cheong, Ulsan, Gyeongsangnam-do, ROK

Danae Chipoco Haro, Atlanta, GA, USA

Beom-Keun Cho, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Jiho Choi, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Woo-Seong Choi, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do, ROK

Yoon Jeong Choi, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Yujeong Choi, Incheon, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Weipai Chuang, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan

Yu-Wei Chuang, Hsinchu City, Hsinchu County, Taiwan

Khajidkhand Chuluunbandi, Erlangen, BY, Germany

Jakub Ciftci, Warsaw, Mazovia, Poland

Ashleigh Clabaugh, Wooster, OH, USA

Kofi Coke, London, Greater London, UK

Chengrui Cui, München, BY, Germany


Timothee Derkenne, Paris, Île-de-France, France

Andrea Diaz, Melrose Park, IL, USA

David Diaz, San Francisco, CA, USA

Connor Dionne, Warwick, RI, USA

Saudagar Dongare, Cleveland, OH, USA

Gopi Madhav Dontireddy, El Paso, TX, USA

Emily Doyle, Chicago, IL, USA


Pegah Emami Moghaddam, Toronto, ON, Canada


Austin Fan, Princeton, NJ, USA

Xagros Faraji, Isla Vista, CA, USA

(continued on next page)

(continued from previous page)

Omar Farrag, Dar Elsalam, Cairo, Egypt

Hannah Fejzic, Chicago, IL, USA

Olusegun Felix, Columbia, SC, USA

Daniel Fellows, Lakeland, FL, USA

Aderito Fins Carreira, Paris, Île-de-France, France

Farhat Firdous, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

Yannick Fischer, Karlsruhe, BW, Germany

Claire Floras, Halifax, NS, Canada

Arthur Fordham, London, England, UK

Mathieu Freville, Paris, Île-de-France, France

Brandon Frost, London, Greater London, UK

Yichen Fu, Chiba, Inage, Japan

Nicholas Furth, Knoxville, TN, USA

GFrancisco Javier Galang, Berkeley, CA, USA

Musanna Galib, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Shiyu Ge, Evanston, IL, USA

Rebecca Gerber, Burnaby, BC, Canada

Chad Gilbert, Lake Orion, MI, USA

Tianna Green, Evanston, IL, USA

Colt Griffith, Knoxville, TN, USA

Dominika Grzesiak, Stroze, Małopolska, Poland

Yifan Gu, Lakewood, CO, USA

Luis Miguel Guerrero Mejía, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Slovenia

Gulafshan Gulafshan, Mumbai, MH, India

Sumedha Gunasena, Homagama, Western Province, Sri Lanka

Jinzhao Guo, Mesa, AZ, USA

Priyanka Gupta, Coventry, England, UK


Sebastian Hallenbeck, Clearwater, FL, USA

Shibanul Haque, Newark, DE, USA

Michael Harrigan, West Lafayette, IN, USA

Justin Harrington, Newark, DE, USA

Jimmy Hayes, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Andre Hazbun, West Lafayette, IN, USA

Rong He, Lakewood, CO, USA

Zirong He, Albany, NY, USA

Andre Hebenbrock, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, NI, Germany

Michael Herchen, Smithfield, RI, USA

Yuri Hirano, St Andrews, Scotland, UK

Nathan Holland, Athens, OH, USA

Safayat Hossain, Motihar, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Sajid Hossain, Bakolia, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Zhengyang Hou, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan

Jerry Howard, Reno, NV, USA

Jia Hu, Goleta, CA, USA

Atif Hussain, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

Namra Hussain, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

Chang-Wan Hyeon, Daegu, Gyeongsang-do, ROK


Giulia Ioselli, Braunschweig, NI, Germany

Sierra Irwin, Ortonville, MI, USA


Seisho Ishikawa, Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Abdelrahman Ishmael, Shebien Elqanater, Benha, Qalubia, Egypt

Yuga Ito, Morioka, Iwate, Japan

Aritra Jana, West Lafayette, IN, USA

JNikola Jasnakova, Košice, Košice Region, Slovakia

Zofia Jeleniewska, Torun, Pomerania, Poland

Eugene Jeong, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Wangchae Jeong, Gwangju, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Yu Hong Jeong, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, ROK

Bjørt Joensen, Kgs Lyngby, Hovedstaden, Denmark

Bhishm Shankar Joshi, Las Cruces, NM, USA

Dongrun Ju, New York, NY, USA

KDhruvakumar K, Hassan, KA, India

Kentaro Kamada, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan

San Chun Kang, Daegu, Gyeongsang-do, ROK

Fazele Karimian Bahnamiri, Toronto, ON, Canada

Tomoki Katsuyama, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan

Babneet Kaur, Hyderabad, TG, India

Dilmeet Kaur, Athens, GA, USA

Keigo Kawabata, Gobo, Wakayama, Japan

Lukas Kelk, Davenport, FL, USA

Asad Khalil, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

Masoud Khalili, Toronto, ON, Canada

Muhammad Khan, Lahore - DHA, Punjab, Pakistan

Vaishali Khokhar, Cleveland, OH, USA

Joy Kieser, Giessen, HE, Germany

Dong Ok Kim, Champaign, IL, USA

Grace Kim, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Hyoyeong Kim, Pohang, Gyeongsangbuk-do, ROK

HyoYoung Kim, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan

Jae-Ho Kim, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Mihyun Kim, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Min-Su Kim, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Sang Ji Kim, Seongnam-Si, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Yuri Kim, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbukdo, ROK

Fumiya Kimura, Sanda, Hyogo, Japan

Naoki Kishi, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan

An Kitamura, Evanston, IL, USA

Anna Klecha, Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland

Sumin Ko, Pohang, Gyeongsangbuk-do, ROK

Markus Kordel, Stuttgart, HH, Germany

David Koshkin, Socorro, NM, USA

Abiram Krishnan, Atlanta, GA, USA

Simon Kuecher, Munich, BY, Germany

Rui-Tung Kuo, Hsin-Chu, Hsinchu County, Taiwan

Obeen Kwon, Irvine, CA, USA

LChi-Yen Lai, Hsinchu City, Hsinchu County, Taiwan

Benjamin Lam, Dublin, CA, USA

Linh Le, Redwood City, CA, USA

Jaden Leatherman, Blowing Rock, NC, USA

Andre Lee, East York, ON, Canada

In-Su Lee, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Jaewon Lee, Santa Barbara, CA, USA

Jeongin Lee, Ulsan, South Gyeongsang, ROK

Jiin Lee, Daejeon, Chungcheong, ROK

Jisu Lee, Ulsan, South Gyeongsang, ROK

Jun Su Lee, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnamdo, ROK

Sungmin Lee, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Angelika Lepek, Gdańsk, Pomerania, Poland

Lulu Li, Chaplin, CT, USA

Yuqi Li, Menlo Park, CA, USA

Younghwan Lim, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, ROK

Eric Liu, Goleta, CA, USA

Eder Lomeli, Stanford, CA, USA

Haowei Long, Urbana, IL, USA

Francesco Longhin, Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark

Raul Lopez, Weston, FL, USA

Pola Łukaszczuk, Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland

Chia-An Lung, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan

Yiran Luo, Maynooth, Kildare, Ireland

MAiri Maekawa, Ayase-city, Kanagawa, Japan

Aleksandra Malon, Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland

Sanchita Manna, Kharagpur, WB, India

Bret Marckx, Baltimore, MD, USA

Clare Martin, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Graciela Martinez De la Rosa, Saltillo, Coahuila de Zaragoza, Mexico

Rino Masui, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan

Yuna Matsuyama, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, Japan

David Matus Cortes, El Marques, Queretaro de Arteaga, Mexico

Ilya Mazalov, La Jolla, CA, USA

Tate McAluney, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Mitchel McLean, Honolulu, HI, USA

Aidan McMoil, Chalfont, PA, USA

Jillian McNaught, Chapel Hill, NC, USA

Samantha Mebs, Lumberton, NJ, USA

Arturo Medina, Atlanta, GA, USA

Jason Mennel, Reno, NV, USA

Leonardo Merola, Giessen, HE, Germany

Prattakorn Metem, Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Katelyn Meyer, Blacksburg, VA, USA

Arpita Mishra, Mumbai, MH, India

Forough Moghaddamali, Lubbock, TX, USA

Amira Mohamed, Toronto, ON, Canada

Matin Mohebi, Chicago, IL, USA

Ivana Mojžišová, Košice, Košice Region, Slovakia

Simon Montoya Bedoya, Austin, TX, USA

Joao Morais Lima, Toronto, ON, Canada

Elisa Morales, Bolingbrook, IL, USA

Sydney Morris, Merrimack, NH, USA

Wataru Moteki, Uji City, Kyoto, Japan

NSanket Naresh Nagdeve, Athens, GA, USA

Md Shahriar Nahian, Detroit, MI, USA

Adarsh Naik, Bangalore, KA, India

Kota Nakahara, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan

Chihyun Nam, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Eleonora Natale, Milano, LOM, Italy

Matthew Naughton, Groton, MA, USA

Maryam Nawaz, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

Viraj Negandhi, Austin, TX, USA

Thanh Nguyen, Evanston, IL, USA

Yen Nguyen, Evanston, IL, USA

Toshihiro Nishimura, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan

Fang Niu, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Aidarbek Nuftolla, Astana, Astana, Kazakhstan

Ugochukwu Nwosu, Calgary, AB, Canada

Thomas Nyhues, Stuttgart, BW, Germany

Emmanuel Obetta, Newark, DE, USA

OIna Oestroem, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Kyeong-Seok Oh, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Mihir Ojha, Ames, IA, USA

Alaba Ojo, White Rock, NM, USA

Eric Oldham, Provo, UT, USA

Samuel Olusegun, Lubbock, TX, USA

Sammy Onajah, Darien, IL, USA

Philipp Oppek, Karlsruhe, BW, Germany

Richeal Oppong, Ames, IA, USA

Cemre Oral, Atasehir, Istanbul, Turkey

Setareh Orangpour, Siegen, NW, Germany

Riley Orr, Fort Pierce, FL, USA

Aleksandra Owczarek, Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland

Hirotaka Oya, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

PAnanthakrishnan P, Ernakulam, KL, India

Bonian Pan, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Subrat Panda, Chennai, TN, India

Maria Parackova, Košice, Košice Region, Slovakia

Jaewan Park, Naju, South Jeolla, ROK

Jun Ho Park, Changwon, Gyeongsangnamdo, ROK

Huw Parks, London, Greater London, UK

Anand Patel, Lake Hiawatha, NJ, USA

Kinjal Patel, Carlton, VIC, Australia

Saptaparna Patra, Lafayette, IN, USA

Mohan Paudel, Louisville, KY, USA

Matilde Pavan, Gießen, HE, Germany

Wouter Peeters, Eindhoven, North Brabant, Netherlands

Minh Nhat Phan, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Thu Phan, Kogens Lyngby, Hovedstaden, Denmark

Dallen Plummer, Thoreau, NM, USA

Jiankun Pu, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

QRegina Qelibari, Freiburg, BW, Germany

RFarah Radwan, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt

Arooba Rahat, Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan

Lauren Rainone, Millville, MA, USA

Jayanth Ramamurthy, Ames, IA, USA

Murali Ramu, Potsdam, NY, USA

Shahzad Rasheed, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

Enoch Rassachack, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Rathnayake Rathnayake, Chicago, IL, USA

Ahmad Raza, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

Mathias Rehm, München, BY, Germany

Bushra Rehman, East District, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Yi Ren, Toronto, ON, Canada

Sajjad Rezaei, Irvine, CA, USA

Jinwook Rhyu, Cambridge, MA, USA

Merel Rittel, Berlin, BE, Germany

Gala Rodriguez, Fullerton, CA, USA

Samantha Roenigk, Cranberry Twsp, PA, USA

Apurva Rohokale, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Martyna Rosadzińska, Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland

Apoorva Roy, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Stephan Ruck, Erlangen, BY, Germany

Bo Rui, Newark, DE, USA

Rohit Rungta, Phoenix, AZ, USA

Huijin Ryu, Incheon, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Koike Ryuto, Saitama-shi, Saitama, Japan

SAbhijeet Sabnis, Athens, OH, USA

Dagny Sacksteder, Golden, CO, USA

Jarosław Sadowski, Wrocław, Dolnyslaski, Poland

Atefeh Sadri Mofakham, Potsdam, NY, USA

Adolfo Salgado-Casanova, Chicago, IL, USA

Justin Sanchez-Almirola, Opa Locka, FL, USA

Aleksei Sanin, Garching bei München, BY, Germany

Hadarou Sare, Pitman, NJ, USA

Takashi Sato, Sendai, Tohoku, Japan

Kurt Schalper, Hartford, CT, USA

Kersten Schwab, Karlsruhe, BW, Germany

Florian Schwarz, Aachen, NW, Germany

Joanne Searle, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, UK

Philipp Seidel, Braunschweig, NI, Germany

Lisa Seidl, Kgs. Lyngby, Kongens, Denmark

Dhairya Shah, Columbia, SC, USA

Manobin Sharma, Baglung Bazaar, The Western Hills, Nepal

Sakshi Sharma, Atlanta, GA, USA

Nino Shatirishvili, San Diego, CA, USA

Jaehyung Shim, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Drew Shimp, Middletown, DE, USA

Omer Shinnawy, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Chun Yat Sit, Urbana, IL, USA

Heather Slomski, Morrison, CO, USA

Joynab Mohammed Solaiman, Athens, OH, USA

Youhyun Son, Berlin, BE, Germany

Divya Sovani, Troy, MI, USA

Taras Sozanskyj, Del Valle, TX, USA

Hrishikesh Srinivasan, Chicago, IL, USA

Harsh Srivastav, Berkeley, CA, USA

Ethan Stone, Mountain View, CA, USA

Jillian Street, Garland, TX, USA

Taku Sudoh, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan

Razia Sultana, Houghton, MI, USA

Annie Sun, Lafayette, IN, USA

Siyu Sun, North York, ON, Canada

Akihiro Suzuki, Kofu, Yamanashi, Japan

Seth Switzer, Athens, OH, USA


Meti Desalegn Tadesse, Adama, Oromiya, Ethiopia

Sanaz Taghaddosi, Rosenheim, BY, Germany

Devansh Thakkar, Frisco, TX, USA

Bradley Thomas, Crownpoint, NM, USA

Laura Titheridge, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand

Carlos Torres Méndez, Uppsala, Uppland, Sweden

Christopher Tremblay, Victoria, BC, Canada

Vaibhav Trivedi, Mumbai, MH, India

Kyle Troche, Rio Rancho, NM, USA

Dong-Lun Tsai, Hsinchu, Hsinchu County, Taiwan

Ting-Jang Tsai, Hsinchu, Hsinchu County, Taiwan

Liang-Chieh Tseng, Hsinchu, Hsinchu County, Taiwan

Yusuke Tsuchiko, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan

Ko-Fan Tu, Hsinchu, Hsinchu County, Taiwan

Hannah Tubridy, Lakeland, FL, USA

Hrishikesh Tupkar, Madison, WI, USA

Kamila Turganova, Athens, OH, USA

Victor Turpaud, Palaiseau, Île-de-France, France

UMarybeth Ugoh, London, ON, Canada

Irfan Ullah, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

Griffin Usie, Lafayette, LA, USA

Neslinur Usta, Atasehir, Istanbul, Turkey

VSankaranarayanan Venkatakrishnan, Athens, GA, USA

Anush Venkataraman, Atlanta, GA, USA

Ravitej Venkataswamy, Potsdam, NY, USA

Francesco Verducci, Milano, LOM, Italy

Kilian Vettori, Giessen, HE, Germany

Alex Von Gunten, Westminster, MD, USA

Vrisha Nilesh Vyas, Vancouver, BC, Canada

WFaiza Wahad, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

Haochen Wang, Uji, Kyoto, Japan

Lin Wang, Tallahassee, FL, USA

Shilong Wang, Berkeley, CA, USA

(continued on next page)

(continued from previous page)

Sibo Wang, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Michael Warnke, Assling, BY, Germany

Grace Wei, Dublin, CA, USA

Julia White, Seattle, WA, USA

Daniel Whitt, Hull, Yorkshire & the Humber, UK

Leonard Winkelmann, Erlangen, BY, Germany

Janis Woelke, Hannover, NI, Germany

Eleri Worsley, Swansea, Wales, UK

Haodong Wu, St. Andrews, Scotland, UK

Jhen-Cih Wu, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan

Min Chen Wu, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan

Shiwen Wu, Westmont, IL, USA

Shuai Wu, Auburn, AL, USA

Siqi Wu, Auburn, AL, USA

Xinran Xie, Auburn Hills, MI, USA

YAnju Yadav, El Paso, TX, USA

Yuri Yamamoto, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Katherine Yan, Palo Alto, CA, USA

Patrick Yang, Astoria, NY, USA

Hasan Yaqoob, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

Birsen Yavuzyilmaz, Atasehir, Istanbul, Turkey

Maria Yousuf, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

Yong-Hyun Yu, Gwangju, Jeollanam-do, ROK

Homa Zarei, Toronto, ON, Canada

Mahdis Zareie, Toronto, ON, Canada

Chen Zhang, Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Hanrui Zhang, State College, PA, USA

Mingjie Zhang, Torino, PIE, Italy

Shaoning Zhang, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan

Yue Zhang, Auburn Hills, MI, USA

Faiza Zulfiqar, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

New Members

ECS Welcomes Eight New Student Chapters

The ECS Board of Directors approved chartering eight new student chapters at their October 8, 2024 meeting. The Society continues welcoming new student chapters into our supportive, global community, bringing the total number of chapters around the world to 154!

Join us in welcoming these institutions into our ECS Student Chapter program:

• Florida Polytechnic University, US

• Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan

• Rowan University, US

• Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada

• Engaging with fellow students;

Chapter Benefits

• University of California, Santa Barbara, US

• University of Chicago, US

• University of Oregon, US

• Uniwersytet Warszawski, Poland

ECS Student Chapter membership provides many benefits, including:

• Accessing career resources;

• Organizing technical meeting programs and scholarly activities;

• Collaborating with members to present posters at ECS biannual meetings;

• Networking with 8,000+ international ECS members;

• Adding impressive extracurricular activities to resumes;

• Funding for chapter activities;

• Partnering with local ECS sections on activities and technical programs;

• Receiving recognition on the ECS website and in ECS’s quarterly member publication, Interface

2024 ECS Outstanding Student Chapter Student Chapter News

Along with the 2024 Outstanding Student Chapter, the ECS Technische Universität München Student Chapter, two student chapters were named the 2024 Chapters of Excellence: ECS University of Michigan Student Chapter and ECS Universität Münster Student Chapter. Congratulations to all three winners for their hard work. ECS is proud to support your journey to scientific knowledge via community, connection, and career building!

The Society established the Outstanding Student Chapter Award in 2012 to recognize distinguished ECS Student Chapters that demonstrate active participation in the Society’s technical activities; establish community and outreach activities in the areas of electrochemical and solid state science and engineering education; and create and maintain a robust membership base.

The ECS Technische Universität München Student Chapter, founded in 2015, won the 2024 Outstanding Student Chapter award for its dedication to advancing electrochemical and solid state science and engineering education.

The chapter, which has approximately 55 student members, is a platform for students and young academics to broaden their knowledge in the field of renewable energy, develop industrial partner relationships, and bridge disciplines. Within the past year,

the chapter facilitated a lecture series that invited Prof. Yang ShaoHorn to present “Electrochemistry Renaissance for Climate Actions” and Prof. Jeff Dahn to present “Long Lifetime Li-Ion and Na-Ion Batteries.” They also continued their Materials & Methods Club speaker series, planned a Battery & Hydrogen Summit, and visited BMW Group, EKPO Fuel Cell Technologies GmbH, and Varta Microbattery GmbH. Student Chapter members have also published several articles in ECS-related journals, approximately 30 of which have been published since 2022.

As the 2024 ECS Outstanding Student Chapter, the ECS Technische Universität München Student Chapter receives an additional $1,000 in funding; a recognition plaque; and acknowledgement in the ECS Interface winter issue.

2024 Chapters of Excellence

The 2024 Chapters of Excellence winners are the ECS University of Michigan Student Chapter and ECS Universität Münster Student Chapter

The ECS University of Michigan Student Chapter, established in the summer of 2023, actively promotes interdisciplinary engagement in electrochemical sciences. They have hosted seminars on topics that include solid state batteries, proton-exchange membranes, and career development, featuring speakers from industry, national labs, and academia. The facility tours, journal clubs, and collaborative events with the ECS Detroit Section that they have organized allow members to present research and connect with professionals. They engage in campus-wide recruitment and social events to grow their membership, which includes students from the sciences, engineering, and beyond. Looking ahead, the chapter aims to expand industry connections, outreach activities, and interdisciplinary collaboration within and beyond the university.

The ECS Universität Münster Student Chapter organized a series of events focused on career development, advanced research, and industry networking in 2024. Kicking off with a March event

About ECS Student Chapters

Visit the ECS Student Center for more information about student chapters. Check the Student Chapter Directory to view the scope of the Society’s global student chapter network.

Interested in establishing an ECS student chapter at your academic institution? Read the guidelines for starting a chapter and fill out a new student chapter application today

Applications for the 2025 ECS Outstanding Student Chapter are due on April 15, 2025.

highlighting career paths for women in science, the chapter hosted nine speakers who discussed diverse professional trajectories in academia and industry. They followed up with specialized seminars, including talks on solid state batteries and lithium-ion battery advancements from distinguished speakers such as Prof. Matthew McDowell and Dr. Dominic Bresser. Other notable 2024 events included an editorial insight session by Nature editor Dr. Rinaldo Raccichini, and an Alumni Career Day, where former students shared their experiences in start-ups and industrial roles. Supplementing these, the chapter supported external events, like the lecture series on energy storage at the International Graduate School of Battery Chemistry, Characterization, Analysis, Recycling and Application (BACCARA), fostering a collaborative academic and professional environment.

In recognition of the chapters’ achievements and continuing commitment to ECS’s mission, the ECS University of Michigan Student Chapter and ECS Universität Münster Student Chapter receive certificates of recognition and highlights in ECS Interface

Student Chapter Award Subcommittee

A special thank you to the Outstanding Student Chapter Award Subcommittee for reviewing applications and determining award recipients from among the many excellent ECS Student Chapters:

• E. Jennings Taylor, Individual Membership Committee Chair, Faraday Strategies LLC

• Uroš Cvelbar, Jožef Stefan Institute

• Damilola Daramola, Northeastern University

• John Staser, Ohio University

• Jiaxin Duan, Paul Scherrer Institut PSI

ECS Case Western Reserve University Student Chapter

This past quarter has been an exciting and productive time for the chapter at Case Western (CWRU). We organized several electrochemistry lectures featuring speakers from academia and industry. In line with ECS’s mission, these events helped members expand their knowledge of electrochemistry and allied fields, and to build connections with industry professionals.

As part of our ongoing electrochemistry lecture series, the student chapter hosted Dr. Saudagar Dongare, who presented his work on reducing carbon dioxide emissions through electrochemical CO₂ reduction, utilizing renewable energy. He discussed the development of nanostructured Cu and Zn electrodes supported by N-doped carbon, and the innovative use of ionic liquids for reactive CO₂ capture and conversion. Dr. Dongare also discussed employing in situ surfaceenhanced Raman spectroscopy to analyze the electrode-electrolyte interface, aiming to create more efficient and selective CO₂ reduction materials and electrolytes.

We are also proud that our chapter president, Desiree Mae Prado, was selected for this year’s global cohort at the Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy & Society. Alongside other early-career researchers from diverse disciplines, Desiree engaged in discussions on tackling the complex challenges of the global energy crisis through interdisciplinary collaboration. The summit featured both structured and informal idea exchanges, a publication workshop, as well as career advising and mentorship opportunities.

Moreover, PhD student Ben Holcombe discussed his research on producing neodymium metal using chloride molten salts, a process that avoids CO₂ and PFC emissions by utilizing a non-consumable anode for continuous, eco-friendly processing. His research highlights significant improvements in coulombic efficiency, purity of as-won Nd metal, and a stable anode for better chlorine evolution kinetics.

The student chapter was privileged to host Dr. Alex Peroff, Electroanalytical Scientist at Pine Research Instrumentation, as part of our Summer Electrochemistry Lecture Series 2024. Dr. Peroff, who is well known for his YouTube electrochemistry videos, gave a talk on the challenges posed by solution resistance in electrochemical measurements and stressed that it is not always practical to adjust experimental parameters to minimize the impact of solution resistance. He discussed how potentiostats can be used to compensate for the iR drop caused by solution resistance through a compensation circuit. Furthermore, he offered an in-depth explanation of iR compensation, detailing how a potentiostat manages the iR drop and the resulting impact on the shape of a cyclic voltammogram, complete with a

practical demonstration. We are pleased to report that his lecture attracted over 100 participants from a global audience, significantly expanding our chapter’s reach.

In September, Burcu Gurkan, Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at CWRU and Deputy DirectorofBEES2(theUSDOEEFRCBreakthroughElectrolytesfor Energy Storage and Systems Center), discussed the growing interest inionicliquids(ILs)anddeepeutecticsolvents(DESs)aselectrolytes in electrochemical processes. She highlighted their advantages, such as wide electrochemical windows, low volatility, and tunable properties. Prof. Gurkan also emphasized the unique interfacial behavior of these concentrated electrolytes, focusing on the potentialdependent restructuring of ILs and the less understood behavior of DESs. She explored how these interfaces impact capacitive storage, electrodeposition, and reaction kinetics in applications like CO2 reduction and organic redox reactions for flow batteries.

The chapter is privileged to contribute to advancing the mission and vision of The Electrochemical Society by hosting a series of electrochemistry lectures and offering all lectures in a hybrid format to broaden our reach and engage a diverse audience. To benefit our members and the Cleveland community, the chapter’s executive board is planning exciting activities, including industry immersion events and high school outreach initiatives. Stay informed about our events and initiatives by following our LinkedIn page

Dr. Alex Peroff, Electroanalytical Scientist at Pine Research Instrumentation Inc., gave a talk and short demonstration on cyclic voltammetry and iR compensation for the chapter’s Summer Electrochemistry Lecture Series 2024. Dr. Alex Peroff (fourth from the left) and lecture series participants (from left to right): Mukhilan Dhasarathaboopathy, Dr. Zechariah Pfaffenberger, Yuanman Ma, Miguel Muñoz, Vaishnavi Sree Jeganathan, and Sam Sankar Selvasundarasekar.

From left to right: Dr. Vaishali Khokhar, Mukhilan Dhasarathaboopathy, Saurabh Pathak, Yuanman Ma, Dr. Saudagar Dongare, Benjamin Martin, Vaishnavi Sree Jeganathan, Sam Sankar Selvasundarasekar, and Dr. Zechariah Pfaffenberger.
PhD student Ben Holcombe presents his work on sustainable production of rare earth elements in chloride-based molten salts to the ECS CWRU Student Chapter.


ECS Gdansk University of Technology Student Chapter ,

The ECS Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech) Student Chapter was not idle during the summer break. Treasurer Zuzanna Zarach received a research grant from the Polish National Science Centre PRELUDIUM program. For the next two years, she will work on “Beyond MoS2: Unraveling Charge Storage Mechanisms in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides as Anode Materials for SodiumIon Batteries through In-situ Raman Measurements.” Klaudia Szturgulewska, Klaudia Prusik, and Zosia Jeleniewska were awarded research grants in the Gdańsk Tech program for research on using TiO2 nanotubes in biomedical diagnostics and new types of microelectrodes for biosensors. The coming year looks to be very busy for these young scientists!

In July, the chapter organized a meeting with Prof. Rodrigo A. A. Muñoz from the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil. His lecture, “Publishing, Quality and Ethics in Science,” a guide to publishing research results in journals, was filled with useful hints for scientists starting to publish. Following the lecture, Prof. Muñoz directed a student seminar with a discussion of progress. Then PhD students and young scientists from all over Poland presented their research. Angelika Łepek, Daria Roda, and Hubert Grabowski represented our chapter.

Chapter members and supporters were also active at many national and international conferences. In June, Stefania Wolff won the Best Poster Award at the NanoTech Poland 2024 conference. She presented “Semitransparent Heterojunction Based on the Hydrogenated Nanotubes Decorated with Bissulfides – Relation between Synthesis Conditions and the Electrochemical Performance.” On July 11 to 13, the 4th Young Science Congress organized by Gdańsk University, Gdańsk Tech, and Gdańsk Medical University was held. Many chapter members participated in panel discussions and poster sessions, presenting research on topics such as the use of 3D printing in electroanalysis and biomedical diagnostics. On September 10, Zuzanna Zarach, Stefania Wolff, and Dr. Mateusz Cieślik delivered presentations at the AMC Young Scientist Seminar on Modern Material Technologies for Electrochemical and Sensing Applications, held at Gdańsk Tech. It was an excellent opportunity for young scientists to share their experiences in topics closely related to electrochemistry. Chapter members also participated in the Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis Conference, The 11th Torunian Carbon Symposium, International Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging Society Conference, and eSPARK International Summer School on Experimental Electrochemistry. Despite these events’

different topics, they presented results related to research projects conducted by the chapter, such as the synthesis of electroactive materials from organic waste, and 3D materials for electrochemical sensors. A big event in September was the 66th Congress of the Polish Chemical Society, the largest chemical conference in Poland, held this year in Poznan. Many chapter members and supporters attended. Chapter supervisor Prof. Jacek Ryl lectured on 3D printed electrodes using the FDM technique, Angelika Łepek presented “The Effect of Acid-Base Equilibrium on the Electrochemical Oxidation of Triclosan,” and others gave speeches.

The chapter has planned activities for the new academic year, including conducting workshops for elementary and high schools as part of the Fahrenheit Universities program in October 2025. This will be an opportunity to introduce students to topics related to the basics of electrochemical methods for energy production, water purification, and 3D printing. The Knowledge Transfer lecture series and research projects will also continue.

Invited speaker Prof. Rodrigo A. A. Muñoz with chapter members and invited guests
Photo: Jacek Ryl
Chapter supporter Prof. Katarzyna Siuzdak and chapter officer Stefania Wolff at NanoTech Poland 2024.
Photo: Stefania Wolff
Chapter members and supporters at the 66th Congress of the Polish Chemical Society.
Photo: Jacek Ryl


ECS Ohio University Student Chapter

The ECS Ohio University Chapter held its first meeting of the semester on September 12 in the Academic and Research Center. Chapter President Abigail Paul ran the meeting. The chapter welcomed and oriented seven new members. Future events and how to sign up as an official member of ECS were discussed. The executive board was quickly introduced. One of the major topics discussed was events planned for the semester.

On October 3, current graduate student members presented their research, talked about how their current research intersects with electrochemistry, and described their graduate school experience. An outreach event at a local school was discussed. On November 7, a speaker from a local Ohio industry spoke about electrochemistry opportunities in the state and about their work. Food was provided for attendees. A social event on December 5 included games, food, and other relaxing activities before finals.

ECS Princeton University Student Chapter

This past June, the ECS Princeton University Student Chapter celebrated its first anniversary as an official chapter. In this first year, 31 members were welcomed and the Princeton University ECS Seminar Series launched with guest speakers Prof. Daniel Esposito from Columbia University and Prof. Thomas Mallouk from the University of Pennsylvania. Prof. Esposito discussed the principles of electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy and its application to materials science. Prof. Mallouk presented progress and perspectives on bipolar membranes electrochemical systems. In collaboration with the Princeton Materials Institute, chapter members met with Prof. William Chueh, Director of the Precourt Institute for Energy, and Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, of Energy Science and Engineering, of Photon Science, and Senior Fellow at the Precourt Institute for Energy (Stanford University). Prof. Cheuh discussed his work on the fundamental understanding of new-generation cathode materials and gave professional advice. The chapter co-hosted Prof. Héctor D. Abruña, Emile M. Chamot Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University, during his visit to the Princeton Materials Institute/Princeton Center for Complex Materials Spring 2024 Seminar Series.

(continued on next page)

ECS Ohio University Student Chapter members at the first meeting of the semester.
Prof. Thomas Mallouk presents “Managing Electrons and Protons in Solar and Electrochemical Energy Conversion” in the Princeton University ECS Seminar Series.
Photo: Alma Hernández
From left to right: Chapter member Lydia Fries and Past President Stephanie Dulovic conduct an electroplating coins experiment with students at Urban Promise Trenton AfterSchool Program.
Photo: Alma Hernández
Chapter members partner with Princeton University’s Office of Science Outreach to participate in the “Spring into Science” outreach event. From left to right: Princeton University Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow Maha Yusuf, newly elected President Ana Claus, Past President Stephanie Dulovic, and Past Vice President Alma Hernández González
Photo: Maha Yusuf

(continued from previous page)


To continue forging an electrochemical community within the university, the chapter organized several luncheons that brought together students from across multiple chemistry and engineering departments to share research perspectives. It has also been a priority of the chapter to establish a connection with the local community and inspire a new generation of electrochemists. The chapter hosted outreach events with the Urban Promise Trenton AfterSchool Program. Students from first through seventh grade learned about ionic conduction in liquids, electroplating, and electrolysis. In “Spring into Science,” the chapter partnered with Princeton University’s Office of Science Outreach to expose over 700 students aged nine to 12 to how electrochemistry is present in their daily lives. Demonstrations included simple things like how coins are manufactured and how to use these coins to generate electricity.

The chapter thanks our 2023–2024 leadership board: President Stephanie Dulovic, Vice President Alma Hernández González, and Treasurer Kailyn Cohen, as well as the founding team of Joseph Stiles and Zilai Yan. We welcome our new membership board. With Ana Claus as President, the chapter plans to continue and to expand its seminar series, social lunches, and outreach events through 2025.

ECS University of Michigan Student Chapter

At the beginning of the semester, the chapter collaborated with MI Hydrogen, a joint venture by the University of Michigan Office of the Vice President for Research, Michigan Engineering and the School for Environment and Sustainability, to host a talk by Dr. Kathy Ayers, Vice President of R&D, Nel Hydrogen US. In “Growing Production Capacity in PEM Electrolysis: Learnings and Technical Accomplishments,” Dr. Ayers discussed Nel’s technological challenges and development strategies in proton exchange membrane electrolysis. In a coffee and bagel social event following the talk, she shared her career journey from the California Institute of Technology to Nel Hydrogen.

The chapter also hosted journal clubs and social events throughout the summer to help inform participants on state-of-theart electrochemical research topics. External Relations Chair Chris Woodley moderated the discussions.

The close collaboration developed between the chapter and the ECS Detroit Section in previous years continued this semester. In


The ECS Princeton University Student Chapter hosted luncheons to bring together students from multiple chemistry and engineering departments.
Photo: Alma Hernández
The ECS University of Michigan Student Chapter collaborated with MI Hydrogen to host the presentation “Growing Production Capacity in PEM Electrolysis: Learnings and Technical Accomplishments” by Dr. Kathy Ayers, Vice President of R&D, Nel Hydrogen.
Photo: Daniel Liao
Members of MI Hydrogen and chapter members with Dr. Kathy Ayers Left to right: Spencer Checkoway, Josh Hazelnis, Rachel Silcox, Dr. Kathy Ayers, Dr.
Keoleian, Dr. Eranda Nikolla, Chris Woodley, and Tung Nguyen
Photo: Daniel Liao
The chapter worked with the ECS Detroit Section to host Dr. Shirley Meng’s talk, “All Solid-State Battery – A Status Update.”
Photo: Daniel Liao


September, the section hosted Dr. Shirley Meng, Professor of Molecular Engineering in the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, Chief Scientist of the Argonne Collaborative Center for Energy Storage Science (ACCESS), and Director of the Energy Storage Research Alliance (ESRA). She presented “All Solid-State Battery – A Status Update” and electrochemists from the University of Michigan presented posters. Our Past President, Daniel Liao, and Chris Woodley earned the event’s Best Poster Presentation Awards.

The chapter celebrates the new semester’s recently elected leaders: President Rachel Silcox, Vice President Joshua Hazelnis, Secretary Tung Nguyen, and Treasurer Julian Lopez. Along with previously appointed External Relations Chair Chris Woodley, Publicity Chair Davy Zeng, and Outreach Chair Hongyi Lin, they will host many events for electrochemists at the University of Michigan through the rest of the 2024–2025 school year.

ECS University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter

On September 14, 2024, the ECS University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) Student Chapter hosted the inaugural Texas Section ECS Student Symposium. Chapter officers organized the entire event and invited students, research scientists, professors, and industry professionals from across Texas. We enjoyed comparing research and building strong relationships among Texans in the ECS community. Our symposium was well attended, with 95 attendees from multiple institutions: the Universities of Texas at Austin, Dallas, and El Paso; Texas A&M University; the University of North Texas; and Texas Tech University.

The morning session featured five plenary speakers: Dr. Perla Balbuena, Texas A&M University; Dr. Geradine Botte, Texas Tech University; Dr. Jodie Lutkenhaus, Texas A&M University; Dr.

Judy Jeevarajan, Electrochemical Safety Research Institute; and Dr. Joaquin Resasco, UT Austin. We enjoyed their presentations on research topics ranging from computational battery modeling to electrocatalytic waste treatment, electrocatalytic water splitting and CO2 reduction, organic polymer batteries, and battery safety.

Dr. Balbuena presented atomistic-based theory and simulations for battery performance. She highlighted advanced atomistic modeling techniques for studying the structural formation, morphology, and properties of the solid-electrolyte layer in Li-ion batteries. Dr. Botte followed with an exciting talk on the challenges of sustainable vs. circular design for transferring technology to the real world. As Director of the Center for Advancing Sustainable and Distributed

(continued on next page)

Texas Section ECS Student Symposium attendees gather after the morning plenary talks.
ECS University of Michigan Chapter Chair of External Relations Chris Woodley and Past President Daniel Liao won the best poster awards at the ECS Detroit Section’s September event.
Photo: Josh Hazelnis

(continued from previous page)


, Dr. Jodie Lutkenhaus, Dr. Perla Balbuena, Dr. Judy Jeevarajan, Raul Marquez, and Jeremy Brinker

Fertilizer Production, she described the center’s progress on using electrolysis to convert sludge into fertilizer and chemicals. Then Dr. Lutkenhaus presented an enlightening talk on organic polymer batteries. She discussed both the mechanisms for charging these batteries and current degradation mechanisms. Dr. Jeevarajan focused her talk on thermal runaway propagation and mitigation in Li-ion battery modules. She discussed the rigorous and extensive safety testing needed to establish safety standards for batteries. The last speaker, Dr. Resasco, reviewed how electrolyte composition can be used to fundamentally understand and enhance electrocatalysis. He showcased some of his group’s first completed research projects on how cation size in electrolytes influences reaction rates for electrocatalytic oxygen reduction and CO2 reduction.

The afternoon session featured a poster session where more than 26 students, postdocs, and professors from the different participating universities presented diverse electrochemistry research. The session was an excellent opportunity for networking, building relationships with peers from institutions across Texas, and meeting with industry and research representatives. Poster awards were presented with

Satya Parkash Suman from UT El Paso winning first place. He recently published his research here. Gopi Madhav Dontireddy from UT El Paso won second place, and David Kuman Yesudoss from Texas A&M University took third place. We hope that many future research collaborations result from networking opportunities like this!

We gratefully acknowledge our sponsors for the first rendition of the Texas Section ECS Student Symposium: ECS Texas Section, SigmaSense, UT Austin Center for Electrochemistry, Texas Materials Institute, Pine Research, and Gamry.

We hope that the Texas Section ECS Student Symposium can occur annually across different Texas universities. We challenge other Texas institutions and universities across the country to organize their own ECS Student Symposiums. We believe that achieving the breadth required to tackle the depth of the most challenging electrochemistry problems requires a diverse research team. Opportunities like these symposiums are fantastic ways for students to grow their networks and expand their research skills.

Electrochemistry is biggest in Texas!

Hook ’em Horns!

Congratulations to Texas Section ECS Student Symposium First Place Research Poster Award winner Satya Parkash Suman from the University of Texas at El Paso
Fun times as UT Austin ECS Student Chapter Treasurer Jeremy Brinker (right) holds court and gets a laugh!
Chapter officers visit with the inaugural Texas Section ECS Student Symposium plenary speakers (from left to right:) Jay Bender, Tushar Telmasre, Dr. Gerardine Botte, Dr. Joaquin Resasco
Dr. Judy Jeevarajan views student research posters during the Texas Section ECS Student Symposium’s afternoon session.

Graduating ECS Members

Please join us in celebrating the accomplishments of our community’s graduates. The list below announces ECS members who graduated from January 1 through December 31, 2024.* Join us in congratulating them on their academic success—and best wishes for their next career steps!

Muhammad Abbas

Alexis Acevedo

Stanley Agbakansi

Abdullah Al Harthy

Abdulmohsin Al Isaee

Mukarram Ali

Jabari Allen

Alessandro Alleva

Sara Alzahrani

Bilal Amoury

Anindityo Arifiadi

Erfan Asadipour

Raymond Awoyemi

Prajwal Ayadathil

Fahmida Azmi

Ridge Bachman

Farzaneh Bahmani

Thomas Baker

Arunraj Balaji-Wright

John Balseiro

Sarmistha Baruah

Shahid Bashir

Mariah Batool

Makeiyla Begay

Matthew Bergschneider

Abhirup Bhadra

Dev Bhakta

Rowan Blake

Marco Bonechi

Thomas Boulanger

Rowan Brower

Uriel Bruno-Mota

Fabian Buchauer

Lena Viviane Buehre

Neal Cardoza

Zachary Carroll

Kelsey Cavallaro

Matthew Chagnot

Ho Lun Chan

Bo Yan Chen

Kung-Hsing Chen

Xin Chen

Joseph Chiong

Nikita Vasudev Chitre

Chen-Lung Chiu

Yen-Shuo Chiu

Yi Hao Chiu

Pin-Yu Chou

Kofi Coke

Allison Crow

Helen Cumberbatch

Roberta Della Bella

Aknachew Demeku

Luke Denoyer

Axel Durdel

Eran Eini

Abdussalam Elbanna

Hosni Elwan

Elisa Emanuele

Brooke Erickson

Luis Esquivel

Tyler Evans

Xiaozong Fan

Eric Fell

Natalia Firlej

Leon Focks

Matthew Friskey

Philip Gamboa

Ariadna García Caballero

Eduardo Garcia Cuateco

Ian Garvie

Michael Geiwitz

Tanner George

Masoomeh Ghasemi

Maike Gnutzmann

Megan Gober

Tobias Graf

Adam Grosvirt-Dramen

Jinzhao Guo

Wendi Guo

Bikesh Gupta

Saptarshi Gupta

Adane Hailemariam

Chengrui Han

Evan Hansen

Hinaka Hashimoto

Catherine Haslam

Md. Mehadi Hassan

Alexander Heenan

Arvind Singh Heer

André Hemmelder

Grant Hill

Keshani Hiniduma

Yuri Hirano

Oliver Horner

Hsin-Lu Hsiao

Chia-Chi Hsu

Kara Hughes

Chi-Kai Hung

Nafisa Ibrahim

Nicholas Ingarra

Jo Jae Ho

Pawan Kumarha

Xiaojia Jin

Yangxin Jin

Ladan Jiracek

Aashish Joshi

Iwona Kaczmarzyk

Kanyawee Kaewpradub

Amrit Kafle

Haitham Kalil

Kapiamba Kashala Fabrice

Michelle Katz

Aaron Kaufman

Yashwant Kharwar

Fadi Khoury

Woojin Kim

Yeongin Kim

Abbey Knoepfel

Fanqi Kong

Trevor Kramer

Katja Kress

Mukesh Kumar

Tejaswini Kumbharde

John Kurowski

Samantha Lauro

Hanh Vi Le

Linh Le

Kyle Leatt

Jordan Lee

Serin Lee

Jiafeng Lei

Mauricio Leyva Aranzabal

Dania Leyva Ruiz

Yi Li

Daohua Liu

Fan Liu

Jiahao Liu

Nicolas Lorenzo Serrat

Sunil Luhar

Karen Ly

Yi-Chun Ma

Wenting Ma

Thiago Machado

Macgregor Macintosh

Mallikarjun Madagalam

Nergis Mahajar

Madhu Majji

Nandapriya Manivelan

Nathalie Mapue

Laura Lupita Martínez


Konstantina Mason

Sophie McArdle

Charlie Meisel

Jason Mennel

Lydia Meyer

Guillermo Mier y Teran

Alvaro Miguel

Maja Milosevic

Jaron Moon

Jeremy Moon

Megala Moorthy

Joy Marie Mora

Sebastián Mori Huerta

Venkata Sai Sriram Mosali

Zyanya Mota Dávila

Jethrine Mugumya

Chinnasamy Murugesan

Kaustubh Girish Naik

Muhammad Nihal Naseer

Vaishnavi Nemaniwar

Carter Ness

Alexander Ng

Hung Nguyen

Ramsay Nuwayhid

Ina Oestroem

Oriyomi Ogunbanjo

Tiwalola Ogunleye

Babatunde Ojoawo

Sayaka Okada

Tatsunori Okamura

Lorenz Olbrich

Jens Osiewacz

Safeer Rahman Ottakath


Haley Otting

Fiki Owhoso

Dilara Ozdemir

Okoroike Ozoemena

Lujin Pan

Jaewan Park

Fnu Payal

Rhyz Pereira

Ethan Perkins

Lukas Pfeiffer

Theodore Phung

Caroline Pliego

Sravani Potham

Hossein Pourrahmani

Klaudia Prusik

Jianting Qin

Carlos Quintero

Carlos Quiroz Reyes

Shomitha R

Silvia Rangel Duarte

Ahmad Raza

Jeygeerthika Reddy

Arjun Rego

Raul Reyes

Phillip Ridley

Venkataramana Rishikesan

Ricardo Rivera-Maldonado

Julymar Rodriguez

Cameron Romero

Indrani Roy

Stephan Ruck

Andrea Russo

Leah Rynearson

Armance Sagot

Raghunath Sahoo

Yonathan Salazar Lara

Michael Saley

Rodrigo Sanchez

Robin Schaefer

Merissa SchneiderCoppolino

Charles Schreiber

Miriam Schüttoff

Angela Selva Ochoa

Deepak Seth

Sameep Rajubhai Shah

Naznin Shaikh

Kritika Sharma

Akansha Sharma

Alexander Shearer

Katey Sheets

Pui Hang Shum

Edmund Shumway

Stephan Sinzig

Kayla Smith

Piper Smith

Rifael Snitkoff-Sol

Nima Soltani

Gabriele Sordi

Jordan Sosa

Erick Soto Hernandez

Shaswat Srivastava

Paweł Stępnicki

David Strickland

Errol John Suarez

Javier Suarez Barajas

Smrithy Subash

Siddhartha Subramanian

Lawnardo Sugiarto

Suganthan Suriyamoorthy

Kimaya Suryarao

Moarij Syed

Zia Syed

Gbenga Taiwo

Vincent Tam

Wuttichai Tanmathusorachai

Tina Taskovic

Modeste Tegomoh

Shikha Thapa

Jovica Todorov

Sanatou Toe

Akshay Tomar

Heron Torres

Isaac Triplett

Cheng-Hung Tsai

Ming-Hao Tsai

Wei-Shiang Tsai

Matthew Tudball

Liam Twight

Gozde Ustuner

Jaya Vikeswara Rao Vajja

Alina Valimukhametova

Geetha Valurouthu

Eduardo Véliz González

Anu Verma

Paola Vilchis Gutiérrez

Bingning Wang

Mengli Wang

Shao-Che Wang

Yuanshen Wang

Shudan Wei

Yu-Ting Wei

Greg Wettlaufer

Nathan Wilson

Luis Winkler

Ho Kun Woo

Shiwen Wu

Wen Yu Wu

Amit Yadav

Chen-Hsun Yang

Daiwei Yao

Ryan Yao

Robert Young

Hao Yu

Weilai Yu

Yong-Hyun Yu

Guan-Cheng Zeng

Mingjie Zhang

Weiran Zhang

Yang Zhao

Haoran Zhong

Shang Zhu

Zhenghao Zhu

Siqi Zou

Huiyan Zuo

* Graduation information as of October 1, 2024. Members must list their graduation date in their ECS My Account to be included in the list.


248th ECS Meeting

Chicago, IL, US

October 12-16, 2025

Hilton Chicago

• Call for papers open now!

• Travel grant applications open in March 2025

• Meeting registration opens in June 2025

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Symposia & technical presentations to thousands of meeting attendees

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Fellowships & travel grants to support emerging scientists


19th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XIX)

Sponsored by High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division of The Electrochemical Society and The SOFC Society of Japan

Stockholm, Sweden

July 13–18, 2025

The Brewery Conference Center


The 19th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XIX) takes place in Stockholm, Sweden, from July 13 to 18, 2025, at the Brewery Conference Center. Scientists, engineers, and researchers from academia, industry, and government laboratories around the world come together to share results and discuss issues related to solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and electrolyzers (SOECs). This forum provides opportunities to learn and exchange information on the latest scientific and technical developments related to SOFCs and SOECs.


To give an oral or poster presentation at SOFC-XIX, submit an original abstract for consideration via the SOFC website no later than February 7, 2025. Faxed, emailed, and late abstracts are not accepted. State the work’s objectives, new results, and conclusions or significance explicitly in the abstract. All oral presentation requests may not be accepted as the number of oral presentation time slots is limited. Therefore, oral contributions may be moved into poster sessions. Research groups submitting more than one abstract should seek a reasonable balance between oral and poster presentations.

After the submission deadline, symposium organizers evaluate abstracts for content and relevance to the symposium topic, then schedule accepted submissions as either oral or poster presentations. Letters of Acceptance notifying presenting authors of abstract acceptance and presentation date, time, and location are emailed in March 2025.


Oral presentations must be in English. LCD projectors and laptops are provided for all oral presentations. Presenting authors MUST bring their presentations on USB flash drives to use with dedicated laptops located in the technical session rooms. Speakers requiring additional equipment must make written request to at least one month prior to the meeting so appropriate arrangements can be made, subject to availability, at the author’s expense.

Poster presentations must be in English. Print posters in A0 format (84.1cm x 118.9cm or 33.1in x 46.8in) and label with the abstract number and day of presentation as printed in the final program.


SOFC-XIX Meeting Abstracts – All extended abstracts associated with a presentation given at the scheduled meeting will be published in the SOFC-XIX online program on March 24, 2025 and then in the ECS Digital Library approximately six months after the meeting closes. All abstracts are copyrighted by ECS and become ECS’s property upon presentation.

SOFC-XIX Proceedings – As ECS is discontinuing ECS Transactions, to capture all of the symposia content, SOFC is transitioning to extended abstracts that will be available before the conference. Authors of the best papers are encouraged to submit to the Journal of The Electrochemical Society after the conference.

ECS Journals – Authors presenting papers at SOFC meetings are encouraged to submit to ECS’s technical journals: Journal of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, ECS Advances, and ECS Sensors Plus. Although there is no hard deadline for submitting these papers, six months from the symposium date is considered sufficient time to revise a paper to meet stricter journal criteria. Author instructions are on the ECS website.


SOFC-XIX includes a Technical Exhibit featuring manufacturers’ presentations and displays of instruments, materials, systems, publications, and software of interest to meeting attendees. Complimentary coffee breaks are scheduled in the exhibit hall as are evening poster sessions.

Interested in exhibiting at the meeting? Exhibit opportunities include unparalleled benefits and provide an extraordinary chance to present companies’ scientific products and services to key constituents from around the world. Combine exhibiting with sponsorship for customized opportunities that suit all needs. Contact sponsorship@ for further details.


All participants, including authors and invited speakers, are required to pay the applicable registration fees. Hotel and meeting registration information is posted on the SOFC website as it becomes available. The deadline for discounted early registration is June 9, 2025.


SOFC-XIX takes place at the Brewery Conference Center, Stockholm, Sweden. Refer to the meeting website for the most up-todate information on hotel availability and specially rated room blocks for meeting attendees.

Hotel reservation deadlines: Hilton – May 14, 2025 Clarion – June 13, 2025


Individuals requiring official letters of invitation should email These letters do not imply any financial responsibility on the part of the meeting organizers.


SOFC-XIX provides a wonderful opportunity to solidify and strengthen brands through sponsorship. Gain visibility with key industry decision makers; develop collaborative partnerships and potential business leads.

SOFC-XIX welcomes support in the form of general sponsorships at various levels. Sponsors are recognized by level in ECS Interface magazine, meeting signs, and the SOFC-XIX Meeting Program and website. Sponsorships for the plenary and keynote talks and other special events offer additional recognition and can be customized to create personalized packages. Advertising is possible in the Meeting Program and ECS Interface magazine. Contact sponsorship@ for further details.


The Electrochemical Society 65 South Main Street, Pennington, NJ 08534-2839, USA

tel: 1.609.737.1902 | fax: 1.609.737.2743

19th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XIX)

Sponsored by High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division of The Electrochemical Society and The SOFC Society of Japan

Stockholm, Sweden July 13–18, 2025

The Brewery Conference Center


The 19th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XIX) provides an international forum for the presentation and discussion of the latest research and developments on solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs), and related topics. Papers are solicited on all aspects of solid oxide fuel cells and electrolyzers. Following is a partial list of topics being addressed:

1) Materials for cell components (e.g., electrolyte, electrodes, interconnects, and seals);

2) Fabrication methods for cell components, complete cells, and stacks;

3) Cell designs, electrochemical performance, and modeling;

4) Stack designs and their performance;

5) Utilization of different fuels with or without reformation;

6) Stationary power generation, transportation, and portable power applications;

7) Prototype SOFC and SOEC systems, field test experience, cost, and commercialization plans will be highlighted in a half-day industry session.

To be considered for an oral or poster presentation at SOFC-XIX, submit an original extended abstract of up to 2,000 words and no more than two image files no later than February 7, 2025, via the website:

As ECS is discontinuing ECS Transactions, to capture all of the symposia content, SOFC is transitioning to extended abstracts that will be available before the conference. Authors of the best papers are encouraged to submit to the Journal of The Electrochemical Society after the conference.

Address questions and inquiries to the symposium organizers: Eric D. Wachsman, University of Maryland; and Teruhisa Horita, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST).

Important Dates*

Meeting abstract submission opens October 2024

Meeting abstract submission deadline February 7, 2025

Notification to presenting authors of abstract acceptance or rejection | Technical program published online ......... March 24, 2025

Meeting registration opens March 2025

Meeting Sponsor and Exhibitor deadline (for inclusion in printed materials) ...............................................................May 4, 2025

Hotel block reservation deadline Hilton: May 14, 2025

Clarion: June 13, 2025

Early meeting registration deadline June 9, 2025


247th ECS Meeting

Montréal, Canada

May 18-22, 2025

Palais des Congrès de Montréal

19th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XIX)

Stockholm, Sweden

July 13-18, 2025

The Brewery Conference Center

248th ECS Meeting

Chicago, IL

October 12-16, 2025

Hilton Chicago

249th ECS Meeting

Seattle, WA

May 24-28, 2026

Washington State Convention Center

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