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Camron Darby
Ever since I can remember I loved music... I was born in 1982 in Oregon. My parents moved around often but we always lived in the valley. Both of my parents listened to music avidly. They had varied tastes so I was exposed to a greater variety of music. I started writing rhymes some time ago... One day I realized something was missing. I lost touch with my roots. I grew up learning about God and the bible. Along the way I lost touch with God. That is when things began to come together. God isn't a distant elusive persona who exists outside of reality evading those who seek him. God is... God desires a relationship with each of us and he offers something which we can only attain through him. ETERNAL LIFE. The day I renewed my relationship with Jesus, God put the right people and circumstances in my path. Now I try to return the favor and tell everyone I encounter. Salvation is yours... if you ask for it.