Reviews of New Publications

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NEW PUBLICATIONS Development and Security in Southeast Asia, Volume I: The Environment Edited by David B. Dewitt and Carolina G. Hernandez Aldershot, United Kingdom: Ashgate, 2003. 248 pages.

Reviewed by EVELYN GOH Development and Security in Southeast Asia is a three-volume series that addresses the complex and difficult—but very important—nexus between “the dynamics of development and the challenges to security” (p. 4). Volume I: The Environment examines the environmental dimensions of these linkages in Southeast Asia, a diverse region underrepresented within the literature on environment and development. Editors David Dewitt and Carolina Hernandez have assembled eight case studies, mainly from Indonesia and the Philippines, that together provide rich and fascinating insights into local and regional issues such as hazardous waste, deforestation, pollution, mining, food security, and climate change. A significant contribution to the literature, the volume adds knowledge through careful onthe-ground research into the key linkages connecting environment, development, and security. It contains two particularly strong chapters: In Chapter 4, Peter Dauvergne explores the links between commercial forest management and community insecurity in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia. He reveals that the commercial importance of timber, backed by state-business alliances with strong financial interests, so dominate civil society that even in the face of local conflicts and resistance, environmental reforms are unlikely. In Chapter 7, Mary Young looks at the easily politicized issue

Evelyn Goh is a university lecturer in international relations at St. Anne’s College, University of Oxford. She recently co-edited Reassessing Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific, published by MIT Press.

of food production in the context of Indonesia’s national development and security, teasing out the complex relationship between notions of food security (national versus local self-sufficiency; rice production versus crop diversification), sustainable agricultural methods, community social capital formation, the impacts of globalization on indigenous crop production, and national food policy. Overall, authors in the volume use two main concepts to encapsulate the linkages among environment, development, and security: • Human security—the notion that sources of insecurity extend beyond military conflict to include environmental degradation, economic insecurity, and political persecution, all of which threaten not only states, but also individuals and local and transnational communities; and • Social capital—“the social glue that binds together networks of community cooperation and creates layers of social trust…crucial to enable…effective action to promote


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