PaTiE - Dissemination Plan Valorisation Activities

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PaTiE:Psychodrama as a tool in Education

Dissemination Plan Valorisation Activities (WP6) WP Leader: ECTE - EUROPEAN CENTER IN TRAINING FOR EMPLOYEMENT Duration: 01/10/2013 – 30/09/2015

DISSEMINATION PLAN – VALORISATION ACTIVITIES In order to ensure that the results of the PaTiE project will be used by the target groups, several determinants must be specified: what should be disseminated, to whom and by what means. The dissemination will be performed continuously. The things that need to be disseminated include: • • • •

Our intermediate results (e.g. research findings) and our final results (the training courses and our experience with them) Reports on the lifespan of the project The synergic potential of the network Added value that the network can bring on the national and international level

Dissemination activities will focus on the following target groups and users: • Project team (PaTiE Network) • Educational authorities and institutions • Adult Education Providers • National Accreditation Centres • Advisors and assessors in VET/CVET institutions • Institution providing training in Psychodrama • Media representatives In communicating the project results, a wide variety of media and dissemination formats need to be used: • Project website, leaflets, e-mails • Workshop, informative events • Contacting national educational establishments, institutions providing training in Psychodrama • Networking • Articles, press releases • Advertisements via internet, leaflets • Working papers, national reports The dissemination plan is closely linked to an exploitation plan. The main exploitation activities will aim at promoting the successful accomplishments of the PaTiE project and will focus on the following issues: • Promoting the broad European character of the project and the quality of the partnership; Producing high-quality studies and research, so that in the future we can valuate the project results by requiring a fee for access to use the training seminar, • Developing a system of synthetic indicators which will help to interpret the results in a quantifiable manner (by using indicators such as the number of reports, publications; the number of participants; the number of countries covered) and in a qualitative manner (by contributions of the project to smoothing the process of ensuring the continuing training of AE in VET, and by upgrade their professional skills)

The members of the PaTiE Network will offer the PaTiE seminar to others on a consultancy basis advertised through the web. Proceeds from this consultancy work will be used by the Network to cover the costs of operating the Network. In addition to membership fees charged for participation in the Network, such consultancy fees will ensure the long-term self-sustaining financial viability of the Network.



Target group

Delivery date/ Project timeline


Press release on the kick-off meeting st Issuing 1 Newsletter on the launch of the project


Interested, end users and wider public

Month 1



Month 1

Distributed all over in Europe

Create the web page of the project Link from the partners web page to the project web page Direct contact with different organizations/ bodies in the field


Educational authorities, Educational Institutions, Adult Education Providers, Ministry of education, National Accreditation Centres, Vocational Training centres, experts in Psychodrama and all interested parties Wider public

Month 2

Distributed all over in Europe

All partners

Wider public

Month 2-3

Distributed all over in Europe

All partners

Educational authorities, Educational Institutions, Adult Education Providers, Vocational Training centers, experts in Psychodrama and institutions providing training in psychodrama Interested, end users and wider public

Month 2

All partner countries

Month 4


Educational authorities, Educational Institutions, Adult Education Providers, Ministry of education, National Accreditation Centres, Vocational Training centres, experts in Psychodrama and all interested parties Wider public

Month 6

Distributed all over in Europe

Month 1-6

All partner countries


Press release on the 2 project meeting nd Issuing 2 newsletter


Presentation on the launch

All partners


of the project rd Press release on the 3 project meeting rd Issuing the 3 newsletter


Press release on the 4 project meeting Networking th Distributing 4 newsletter


Distributing 5 newsletter on the project results, the implementation of the pilot courses, and the modifications of curriculum and training materials th Press release on the 5 project meeting Press release


Interested, end users and wider public, PaTiE international database Educational authorities, Educational Institutions, Adult Education Providers, Ministry of education, National Accreditation Centres, Vocational Training centres, experts in Psychodrama and all interested parties PaTiE international database

Month 9


Month 12

Distributed all over in Europe

Month 15


Month 4-24 Month 18

Distributed all over in Europe Distributed all over in Europe

Month 24

Distributed all over in Europe


PaTiE international database Educational authorities, Educational Institutions, Adult Education Providers, Ministry of education, National Accreditation Centres, Vocational Training centres, experts in Psychodrama and all interested parties Educational authorities, Educational Institutions, Adult Education Providers, Ministry of education, National Accreditation Centres, Vocational Training centres, experts in Psychodrama and all interested parties PaTiE international database

Month 24


All partners

Wider public

During the project lifespan

All partner countries




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