Open Forum Davos 2011

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Open Forum Davos 2011

27 – 29 January 2011

Open Forum Davos 2011

27 – 29 January 2011 The Open Forum Davos provides the opportunity for an open debate on globalization and its consequences. The Forum was first organized in 2003. The Open Forum Davos 2011 is organized by the Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches FSPC and the World Economic Forum. Free entry The events of the Open Forum Davos 2011 are free of charge and take place in the auditorium (Aula) of the Schweizerische Alpine Mittelschule, Guggerbachstrasse 3, Davos. The auditorium will open 30 mins. before the start of each session. There is a limited number of seats. Reservations are not available. The debates will be in German and English with simultaneous interpreting for both languages.

Opening welcome Gottfried Locher, President of the Council, Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches FSPC Gilbert Probst, Managing Director and Dean, Leadership Office and Academic Affairs, World Economic Forum

Euro Grounding ?

Thursday 27 January 2011, 12.30 – 14.00 The Euro should contribute to the stabilization of the EU national economies. However, in recent times, it has considerably lost value. Numerous Euro-countries have been unable to keep to the criteria of stability and growth. High national debt brings them to the edge of insolvency. The European Monetary Union is endangered. 1. What effect does the Euro crisis have on Switzerland? How should Switzerland contribute to finding a solution to the crisis? 2. In the long term, how can the Euro and the EU survive? 3. What effect does the crisis have worldwide? Is international financial stability once more facing a collapse? • Wilhelm Hankel, em. Professor of Economics, JohannWolfgang-Goethe-University, Frankfurt a. M., Germany • Patrick Odier, President, Swiss Bankers Association, Switzerland • Nouriel Roubini, Professor of Economics and International Business, Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University, USA • Jean-Claude Trichet, President, European Central Bank, Germany • Dimitri Papalexopoulos, Managing Director, Titan Cement Company, Greece Moderation: Susanne Wille, Swiss Television

Has the West Failed in Afghanistan ?

Thursday 27 January 2011, 19.00 – 20.30 In Afghanistan, the troops of the international community of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) states are more and more on the defensive. The Taliban is gradually gaining terrain. Tribal culture, corruption and cultivation of opium hinder the building of democracy. 1. Has the West failed in its required reconstruction in Afghanistan? 2. Do drug cultivation, corruption and failing democratic structures make Afghanistan ungovernable? What responsibility does the West carry? 3. What are the consequences for Afghanistan and the West? • Martine van Bijlert, Co-director, Afghanistan Analysts Network • Farhad Darya, Singer, composer, peace and human rights activist, Afghanistan • Radoslaw Tomasz Sikorski, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland • Ulrich Tilgner, Correspondent, Swiss Television • Sakena Yacoobi, President and Executive Director, Afghan Institute of Learning Moderation: Susanne Wille, Swiss Television

Can We Fight Corruption ?

Friday 28 January 2011, 12.30 – 14.00 In many countries, nothing moves without bribery or corruption. International organizations, governments and companies condemn corruption; however, it spreads. 1. What strategy is effective against corruption? 2. How can companies avoid corruption without having to accept losses? What effect does corruption have on the economy? 3. Is corruption influenced by our society and culture? • Peter Bakker, Chief Executive Officer, TNT, Netherlands • Huguette Labelle, Chair, Transparency International • Mark Pieth, Professor of Criminal Law at Basel University, Switzerland; Chairman of the OECD Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions • Hu Shu Li, Editor-in-Chief, Caixin Media, People’s Republic of China Moderation: Stephan Klapproth, Swiss Television




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Schweizerische Alpine Mittelschule Davos Aula Guggerbachstrasse 3 7270 Davos Platz/GR

Televised broadcast of the Open Forum Davos 2011 Highlights of the Open Forum Davos 2011 will be televised throughout the day on SF Info from 27 to 29 January. Some discussions will be broadcast live and others will be summarized in reports.

Does Faith Need Religious Institution ?

Friday 28 January 2011, 19.00 – 20.30 The interest of people in existential questions and ethical orientation is unchanging. But the connection to institutions, even to churches, is decreasing. Young people are especially turning to religious beliefs that lie outside traditional structures. 1. How can religious institutions meet the longing for meaning and ethical orientation? 2. What social and socio-political responsibilities do religious institutions have? How do they convert faith? 3. Does faith need collective expression? • Gottfried Locher, President of the Council, Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches • Adrian Loretan-Saladin, Professor for Law and Religion, University of Lucerne, Switzerland • Parinas Parhisi, Senior Officer in Ministery of Justice, for Integration and Europe in Hessen • Jon Pult, President of SP Canton of Graubünden, Switzerland • Rolf Schieder, Professor, Department for Practical Theology and Religion Education, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany • Muslim Leader Moderation: Urs Leuthard, Swiss Television

Sport: Bread and Games, Power and Money ?

Saturday 29 January 2011, 12.30 – 14.00 Sport is today an organized, worldwide billion-dollar activity. Sport connects all classes, creates winners and losers, heroes and models, and releases enormous collective emotions. Outstanding performances are needed for the legitimization of political systems. 1. What importance has sport in our society? 2. Can Violence in connection with sport be avoided? 3. Are outstanding performances possible without doping? What role do fame and money play? • Sandra Gasser, former top athlete; coach (promotion of youth), Switzerland • Gunter Gebauer, Professor of philosophy and sports sociology, Institute of Philosophy, Free University of Berlin, Germany • Oliver Kahn, Goalkeeper, German national team (1994 to 2006), Germany • David Zimmermann, CEO, socialutions; project leader fan coordinator UEFA EURO 2008 Moderation: Sonja Hasler, Swiss Television

Burnout – The Latest Fashion ?

Saturday 29 January 2011, 15.30 – 17.00 Everyone is talking about burnout, making this affliction suddenly socially acceptable. If striving for recognition and success is exaggerated and the balance between work, family life and leisure is lost, it can lead to the so-called burnout, a condition of emotional, mental and physical exhaustion. 1. Why do more and more people suffer from burnout? Why is it the latest fashion to be a burnout victim? 2. Do the strong suffer from burnout, while the weak suffer from depression? 3. How to survive a burnout? What responsibilities do employers have? • Toni Brühlmann, Medical director and chief doctor, Privatklinik Hohenegg, Switzerland • Ruedi Josuran, Personal Coach for crisis intervention, Zurich • Stephanie Pullings Hart, Vice President, Supply Chain and Corportae Services, Nestle – Jenny Craig Inc, USA • Heinz Schüpbach, Director, School of Applied Psychology, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland Moderation: Urs Leuthard, Swiss Television

Die Veranstaltungen des Open Forum Davos sind รถffentThe Organizers of the Open Forum Davos 2011

The Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches FSPC is a federation of 26 member churches throughout Switzerland, representing Swiss Protestantism at the national and international level. The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging leaders in partnerships to shape global, regional and industral agendas. All updates can be found at:

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