EVENTS River of Life Church events are designed to connect you with God and others, reach our community, and advance your spiritual growth. You can find out about all of these events & more on our River of Life mobile app (search ROLC in your app store) or online at
Back to School Bash
SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 • 9AM - 12NOON River of Life Church, Jacksonville Location
On Saturday, August 1 from 9:00 a.m. - 12noon, we'll be hosting our annual Back to School Bash for the community of Jacksonville! This event has the potential to change the lives of a child and their parents, to bring salvation to a generation of world changers, and to ease the burden of going back to school for hundreds of families in our community. Please consider being a part of blessing children with a new backpack and a few school supplies this year. Children need tools to do well in school, tools that can bring confidence and success. These tools include a new backpack and school supplies, which will be provided during our Back to School Bash.
Kidz Zone Camp Dixie
MONDAY - FRIDAY, AUGUST 10-14 • ALL DAY Camp Dixie, Fayetteville, NC
If you're 5 years old to 7th grade, then Kidz Zone Camp Dixie is FOR YOU! On Monday, August 10 Friday, August 14, 2015, we'll be headed to Camp Dixie for a week you won't forget! The cost is $200.00 for each child, with a $50.00 deposit (due by August 2). More information available at
Special Meetings with Steve Thompson
River of Life Church, Jacksonville Location
River of Lifers! We have the awesome opportunity to have Steve Thompson in our Jacksonville location on Sunday, August 16 at all three services -8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and 12noon! Steve Thompson is an author, speaker and business owner with keen insight into helping people succeed in life and the marketplace. He shares remarkable stories of everyday people doing extraordinary things in life. Steve has the capacity to reach people from all walks of life, and helps them to think differently about who they are and what they can achieve. Steve champions the capacity of each person to live out their call successfully and with impact. We are so excited to have Steve back at the River, and you don't want to miss this special time!
Ancient Paths “Transforming Hearts” Seminar
River of Life Church, Jacksonville Location
On Friday & Saturday, August 20-21, 2015, our Jacksonville location will be hosting The Ancient Paths "Transforming Hearts" Seminar, an in-depth course that seeks to tackle issues that Christians face. The Ancient Paths "Transforming Hearts" Seminar is a seminar which may be attended following any Ancient Paths Seminar. It is structured with teaching, sharing, prayer and ministry in small groups. As teaching topics are brought up, the small groups, led by trained facilitators, give opportunity for ministry in that specific area of your life, marriage or family. More information at
Baptism Sunday
River of Life Church, Jacksonville Location
Baptism is the outward expression of our inward faith! Join us on Sunday, August 23 for our Baptism Sunday Celebration in our Jacksonville location! For those interested in getting baptized, we will have a mandatory class on Wednesday, August 19 at 6pm