Dear One, This past year we had a thought: what if each one of the women in the church had a devotional that would encourage them to pray each and every day of the year? We wanted it to be a personal reflection of women just like you, a collection of God-breathed thoughts and prayers from our very own ladies. This devotional was written by many of these women -- right from River of Life Church. We h a v e a p r a y e r f o c u s e a c h d a y, a s h o r t i n s p i rational thought and a prayer that each one of us can pray together every day of 2017. Our hope is that you take these prayers and these daily devotionals and apply them to your everyd a y l i f e t h r o u g h o u t t h i s c o m i n g y e a r. Every new year is a chance to start new. L e t ’s s t a r t t h i s y e a r o f f right by digging into our Word, read ing t hese devotionals and praying i n a d e e p e r w a y. A n d , l e t ’s d o i t t o g e t h e r.
w i th l o v e ,
Pastor Miriam
Day 1: January 1, 2017
Topic: River of Life Church and Souls for the Kingdom
“Don’t fool yoursel f into t hinking t hat you are a l istener when y ou are anyt hing but, let t ing t he Word go in one ear and out t he ot her. Act o n wha t you h e ar! Th ose wh o h e ar an d don’t act are l ike t hose who glance in t he mirror, wal k away, and two minutes later have no idea who t hey are, what t hey look l ike.” James 1:22-24 MSG Someone once said, “After everyt hing has been said and done, more wil l have been said t han done.” How true! God is speaking to each one of us every day. We may be l istening to t he sa me messages on Sunday but God wil l be giving d if ferent act ion steps to each person. More t han giving us some new t hings to KNOW, He’s giving us some new t hings to DO. What is God tel l ing you to do in t his season? How do you feel about it ? Did you write it down? Did you tel l someone? Lord, I need your help to be a Doer of Your Word ! Thank you t hat Your H o l y Sp i ri t i s a He lpe r an d is m ore t h an wil l in g to help me DO what it is t hat you are command ing me to do. I am wil l ing, now fil l me wit h Your power for Your glory, Amen!
Day 2: January 2, 2017 Topic: Relationships; Forgiveness
“But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are hold ing a grudge against, so t hat your Fat her in Heaven wil l for give your sins, too.” Mark 11:25 (NLT) Relat ionships can be d ifficul t. In every relat ionship — marriage, friendship, parent, sibl ing — t here wil l come a point where forgiveness is needed. And let ’s just be honest, forgive ness is not always an easy t hing to give. It can be helpful in t hese t imes to remember just how read ily our Heavenly Fat her forgives us of our sins against Him. We don’t have to earn t hat forgiveness; we don’t have to work for it. We ask Him and He gives it. Fat her, today empower me to forgive t hose who have wronged me. Teach me to show grace and mercy just as You have shown t hese t hings to me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Day 3: January 3, 2017 Topic: Health and Healing
“Look up into the heavens. Who created all the stars? He brings them out like an army, one after another, calling each by its name. Because of his great power and incomparable strength, not a single one is missing.” Isaiah 40:26 NLT Scientists believe there are 10 billion galaxies in the universe, and on average, about 100 billion stars per galaxy, totaling around 100 billion stars in the universe. Our magnificent God placed each one where they were supposed to be and named each of them! That is 100 billion stars that He took the time to get to know and to take care of. He named and placed them in a universe so vast that we may never know how large it actually is. There truly is nothing too great for our God! Recently, my niece was in a terrible car accident in which her right eye was severely injured. When doctors told our family that she had a one in a million chance of ever being able to see again out of that eye, our family was excited! People thought we were crazy and felt like we should be sad about the odds the doctors gave us. In fact, many thought we should throw in the towel immediately. But, we saw hope - a chance! You see, if God single handily placed each of the 100 billion stars in our universe, and calls each one by name, surely “one in a million” is nothing to Him! Miracles happen every day! Healing happens everyday! When society looks at one in a million as a lost hope, we, as Christ followers, must look at it as a healing miracle waiting to happen! Father, I thank you for healing miracles and for the times when all hope looks lost, and the odds are against us. It is at those times that You work mightily on our behalf! Lord, we receive our healing in Jesus Name!
Day 4: January 4, 2017 Topic: Finances
“For t he Lord God is a sun and shield; t he Lord bestows favor and honor; no good t hing does He wit hhold from t hose whose wal k is blameless.” Psalm 84:11 (NIV) How incred ible is it t hat t he God of t he Universe would see fit to besto w favor and honor on us? Al l He asks is t hat we would wal k in t he way t hat is right and God ly. The words “sun” and “shield ” in t his verse speak so much to t he nature o f G o d . W hen I pic tu re t h e su n , I t h in k of l ife-giving power and warmt h. A shield brings to mind protect ion in t imes of b a t t l e. W hen we wal k blam e le ssly be fore H im , we experience t hese t hings — l ife and protect ion. Lord, I pray t hat my eyes would be opened to t he way t hat is blameless. I pray t hat I would wal k upright ly in t he pat h t hat You have ordained for my l ife. God, please bestow Your favor and honor on my l ife. Amen.
Day 5: January 5, 2017
Topic: Israel and the Nations; Human Trafficking
“In my d istress I prayed to t he Lord, and t he Lord answered me and set me free.” Psalm 118:5 (NLT) Did you know t hat t here are over 27 mil l ion slaves in our world today? Over 27 mil l ion! It seems outrageous and unbel ievable to t hink t hat every 30 seconds, anot her person becom es a vict im o f human trafficking. This is a very real problem in our world. One of t he greatest weapons we have is prayer. When we cry out to God in prayer, He l istens and He responds to t he prayers of His people. When we cry out to God for free dom, He sets us free! Prayer is powerful ! Heavenly Fat her, I pray t hat You would hear my d istress over t his unt hi nka b l e wro ng h appe n in g in t h e world. I pray t hat You would bring freedom to al l t hose who are held capt ive, who are forced into a l ife of slavery. I pray for heal ing and restorat ion of al l t hat has been lost. In Jesus’ name, Amen. (Source:
Day 6: January 6, 2017
Topic: America; Elected Officials and Leaders
“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2 (NLT) It is so easy to pray that God would place leaders and officials over us that we know are God-fearing. Its also easy to pray for those leaders in office that we know are serving God. That isn’t the prayer this scripture is asking us to pray though. This is urging us to pray for those who are currently in authority. It doesn’t say just pray for those in authority who are Christians, but all who are in authority. We are to pray for them so that we can have peaceful lives. Our prayers for them mark our lives with dignity and godliness. Father, I pray that You would give wisdom to all those who are in governmental authority over America. May their hearts be turned towards You. Let them seek counsel from You as they govern. Surround them with a company of people who are also seeking after Your wisdom for their lives. Bless them, God, Amen.
Day 7: January 7, 2017
Topic: Relationship With Christ; Practical Application
“Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everyt hing you say be good and helpf ul, so t hat your words wil l be an encouragement to t hose who hear t hem.” Ephesians 4:29 (NLT) Have you ever had one of t hose days where not hing seems to go right ? Then, in t he midd le of your bad day, someone offers a compl iment or kind word and t hings begin to look up. You feel encouraged. The words t hat we speak hold so much power. We use our words to eit her build ot hers up or tear t hem down, to bring people comfort or cause t hem pain. Let ’s choose to use t hem to build and encourage. Jesus, I pray t hat I woul d cont inual ly become more and more l ike you. Help me to use my words for good. Let no foul or abusive words cross my l ips. Give me opportunit ies to encour age ot hers wit h a love t hat points t hem to You. In Your name I pray, Amen.
Day 8: January 8, 2017
Topic: River of Life Church and Souls for the Kingdom; Pastors/Leaders
“And I wil l give you shepherds after my own heart, who wil l guide you wit h knowledge and understand ing.� Jeremiah 3:15 (NLT) Its amazing how much t hose in leadership impact our l ives. We tur n to t hem exp ect ing answers and encouragement in t imes o f co nf us i o n a nd de spair. We e x pe c t t h e m to le ad us wi t h a heart t hat is cont inual ly seeking after God. How lucky are we to be under t he leadership of Pastors Chris and Miriam Phil l ips and t he ot her leaders at River of Life Church? God has truly given us shepherds after His own heart. God, today I pray t hat You would pour out Your wisdom on our leaders . I pray t hat t hey would lead wit h knowledge and un dersta nd ing t hat comes from You, Lord. As t hey lead Your people, strengt hen t hem to accompl ish t he cal l ing You have placed before t hem. Amen.
Day 9: January 9, 2017 Topic: Relationships; Marriage
“From everyone who has been given much, much wil l be de manded; and from t he one who has been entrusted wit h much, much more wil l be asked.� Luke 12:48b (NIV) Marriage is an incred ible blessing. It also brings wit h it in cred ible responsibil ity. In our marriages, it is important t hat we are a reflect ion of Jesus to our spouses. This is not always easy, but it is necessary. Aside from my relat ionship wit h God, my spouse is t he most important relat ionship I have been entrusted wit h. When I am aware of how much I have been given in regards to my spouse, I am bet ter able to understand how much is required of me wit hin t his relat ionship. Jesus, empower me to rise up in my marriage and ful fil l t he responsi b i l i ty t hat You have given me as a wife. Help me to speak in love and understand ing. Cont inual ly remind me of t he impo rta nce o f t he re lat ion sh ip I h ave be e n give n . Make me wort hy of what You have entrusted to me. I t hank You for answering my prayer. Amen.
Day 10: January 10, 2017
Topic: Health and Healing; Mental Health
“Final ly, brot hers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anyt hing is excel lent or prais ewor t hy — t hi n k abou t su c h t h in gs. ” Phil ippians 4:8 (NIV) So many of our act ions and feel ings are shaped by what we t hink abo ut. P ro v erb s 4: 23 e ve n warn s u s to be c are fu l w it h our t houghts because t hey have t he power to shape our l ives. In t his passage in Phil ippians, we find a d irect ion for our t hought s . T hi nki ng o n t h in gs t h at are tru e an d n oble , right and pure, lovely and admirable, excel lent and praisewort hy t hese are t he t ho ug hts t h at wil l sh ape a h e al t h y m in d and a heal t hy l ife. We are to t hink about and med itate on t h ese t hings. Thes e t ho ug hts h ave t h e powe r to brin g posit ive change in our l ives. Fat her, I t hank You t hat I can choose to t hink on t hings t hat are good. In t imes of trouble or fear, help me to turn my t houg ht s to t he p ra i s ewort h y t h in gs in You r Word. S h ow me t he l ife-g i v i ng p o wer o f c h an gin g m y t h ou gh t l ife to re flect t he t hi n gs of God. A m e n .
Day 11: January 11, 2017
Topic: Finances; God-Ordained Jobs and Opportunities
“Let Your servants see what You’re best at — t he ways You rule and bless Your children. And let t he lovel iness of our Lord, our God, rest on us, confirming t he work t hat we do. Oh, yes. Affirm t he work t hat we do!” Psalm 90:16-17 (MSG) It is easy to t hink t hat t he only work t hat God ordained hap pens wit hin t he church or in ministries and programs. This is simply not true. God can use you in your current place of employment and He can provide you wit h opportunit ies to make His name known whet her you are in t he field of med icine or business or retail. You only have to be wil l ing. Lord, affirm t he work t hat I do. Provide me wit h opportunit ies to show Your love in my sphere of influence. Give me t he boldness to engage t he hurt ing and lost around me. May I make Your name famous in t he work You have given me to do. I t hank you for hearing my prayer. Amen.!
Day 12: January 12, 2017
Topic: Israel and the Nations; Pastors Eitan and Connie Shishkoff
“Dear brothers and sisters, the longing of my heart and my prayer to God is for the people of Israel to be saved.” Romans 10:1 (NLT) Israel is so dear to God’s heart that the Bible tells us in Genesis 12:3 (NLT) that our fate is linked to them: “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you.” Eitan and Connie Shishkoff are providing practical and spiritual ministry to Israel through their ministry, “Tents of Mercy”. River of Life supports their vision and calling, financially and prayerfully. Let’s pray for them now! Jesus, cover and protect Eitan and Connie Shishkoff as they walk out their calling in Israel. Bless the work of their hands, renew their vision day by day, and bring them a harvest that reflects Your heart for Israel. We bless them right now with health, provision, peace and we bind them to Your holy will for their lives. Amen! Learn more about Tents of Mercy at
Day 13: January 13, 2017 Topic: America
So if t he Son sets you free, you wil l be free indeed. John 8:36 (NIV) I have been pondering what it means to be “free indeed ”. There is somet hing so wonderful about t his verse t hat it makes me want to spin around wit h my arms outstretched on a hil l top, l ike Maria in t he Sound of Music. When I t hink about t he state of our country, however, I don’t feel l ike spinning “a-la-Maria”. Instead, I feel l ike my head is spinning! But when I t hink about t he spirit in which our precious decla rat ion was signed, I am encouraged. I bel ieve t he ideals con tained in our found ing documents contribute to a God-inspired vision for our country. As Christ ians, we should join in and take responsibil ity for t hat vision and help in any way we can to make it come to pass. Let us pray! Jesus, t hank You for t he freedoms we enjoy in America. Lord, please heal us, restore to us t he vision t hat You had for us in t he begi nni ng . L et ev e ryt h in g t h at You h ad writ te n in Your book for t he United States come to pass. Please show me t he part I can play to contribute. In Your name, Amen!
Day 14: January 14, 2017 Topic: Relationship With Christ; Thy Will
“Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” Luke 22:42 One evening I sat with a group of women at a “Fearless Warrior Princess” Prayer meeting and listened as each of the 15 or so women shared a Scripture and how God was speaking to them through it. One of the main trends I picked up on very quickly was that each of us women, young and old, black and white, married and single, all were struggling in a different way. Each of us had a different struggle, a test, but we knew that God's plan for our lives was much greater than what we were going through. In times of struggle, when confusion is all around, and hurt and heartache are overwhelming, we must remember that He is God we are not! We don't need to understand, we simply need to trust our Father, and allow His will to be done in our lives. Heavenly Father, although I may not understand what is happening at times, or why, I know that You love me. Forgive me, Father, for ever doubting You, for ever questioning You, help me to trust in You 100%. Help me to remember t hat not my wil l, but Your wil l be done. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Day 15: January 15, 2017 Topic: Health and Healing; Hope
“We have t his hope as an anchor for our souls, bot h sure and stead fast.” Hebrews 6:19 An anchor on a boat or ship is a device used to connect a vessel to t he bed of a b ody of water to prevent t he craft from drift ing due to t he wind or strong currents. When it is se cured, t he ship may rock and sway, but it won’t be swept away. We al l know t he s torms of l ife wil l come. Somet imes, t hey’re just smal l spring showers; ot her t imes we’re looking for Noah to pass by on t he Ark. Just l ike t he d isciples fel t on t he boat in t he midst of t heir sto rm, we can be d istracted by t he winds and waves and harsh real it ies pel t ing us in t he face. But if we hook o ur anchor – hope – to Christ, we wil l not only survive but also be strengt hened in our fait h and trust in Him . Jesus, You are fait hful to Your promise to never leave or forsake me. There are situat ions and storms in my l ife right now t hat I w i l l no t s uccess f u l ly su rvive wit h ou t You . I ask t h at You would help me to cl ing to You when t he winds blow fiercely and cl ing to t he hope t hat I am not alone. I put my trust in who You are. Amen.
Day 16: January 16, 2017
Topic: Finances; Blessing the Work of Your Hands
“The Lord wil l open to you His good treasure, t he heavens, to give t he rain to your land in its season, and to bless al l t he work of your hand…” Deuteronomy 28:12 (NKJV) God blesses His fol lowers. As we fol low His instruct ions, He promised He wil l open His good treasure and bless al l t he work of our hands. Can you imagine, al l t he work of our hands being blessed ? What a wonderful l ife t hat would be! As t he daughter of t he King, we must be led by t he Spirit to determine what t hings we are to do wit h our hands. If you are not sure, ask Him and t hen get to work! He wil l provide t he rain , b ut i f t here a re n o se e ds in t h e lan d, n ot h in g w il l grow. Let us be confident in bot h His wil l for us and our abil ity to carry it out wit h His help. Lord, t hank You for Your good treasure and blessing t he work of my hands. Speak to me, Lord, show me what I can do to bless your people. Give me t hose seeds t hat I can plant in fert ile soil so t hat Your rain wil l produce a bount iful harvest, for Your Glory. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Day 17: January 17, 2017 Topic: Israel and the Nations
“Final ly, bret hren, pray for us, t hat t he word of t he Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is wit h you: and t hat we ma y b e d el i v ere d from u n re ason able an d wic k e d men: for al l men have not fait h.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2 KJV The apost le Paul is request ing t he bel ievers to pray for him and his ministry. Have you ever been on a missionary trip and fel t t he desperate need for prayer? Let us, t he church of t he Living God, intercede for t hose on t he front l ine, t he mission aries in foreign countries. Let us cover t hem and t heir famil ies in prayer and ask t hat t he Word of God be spread freely around t he world. Ask God to show you a nat ion or nat ions so you can be specific in your prayers for t he missionaries t here. Heavenly Fat her, we t hank You for t he missionaries al l over t he world . I d ecl a re t ha t t h e n at ion s be lon g to t h e Lord. I pray t hat t he Wo rd o f G o d wil l h ave fre e c ou rse in Brasil, I nd ia, Canada, Uganda, and Israel, to name a few. We bel ieve for open hearts to receive t he Good News. Protect t he missionar ies and t heir famil ies from al l evil and be t heir mighty shield. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Day 18: January 18, 2017 Topic: America; City of Jacksonville
“May our sons flourish i n t heir yout h l ike wel l-nurtured plants. May our daughters be l ike graceful pil lars, carved to beaut ify a palace.” Psalm 144:12 (NLT) Did you know t hat Jacksonvil le is t he youngest city in t he United States wit h an average age of 22.8 years old (as of t he 2010 census)? Young adul ts between t he ages of 18 and 35 make up almost fifty percent of our ent ire populat ion! Many people t hink poorly of yout h. I imagine t hat is what inspired t he Scri p ture i n 1 T i m ot h y 4: 12 NI V t h at says, “Don ’t let anyone look down on you because you are young”. Let us al l embrace t he vision for our city’s yout h t hat is out l ined in Psalm 144 and pray. Jesus, embrace t he yout h of our city. Let our sons flourish l ike wel l-nurtured plants, set t ing an example for everyone. May our daughters be l ike graceful pil lars, t he strengt h and beauty of our community. Bring mentors into t heir l iv es to teach t hem t he way to go. Help t hem also to mentor t he younger generat ions, al lowing t hem to go fart her t han al l generat ions before t hem. Let Your wil l be done in Jacksonvil le! Amen.
Day 19: January 19, 2017 Topic: Relationship With Christ
“Then t he Lord God formed t he man from t he dust of t he ground. He breat hed t he breat h of l ife into t he man’s nostrils, and t he man became a l iving person.” Genesis 2:7 NLT I remember how my l ife was before I surrendered to Christ. It was empty, void, no joy, no real love, no sat isfact ion. I was just surviving but not real ly l iving. But when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, He breat hed t he breat h of l ife into my soul and I begin to l ive, to have joy, to feel loved. My l ife was not empty anymore but it become ful l of His l ife. He gave me a purpose, a dest iny. He completed me and gave me an abun dant l ife (John 10:10). There may be some areas in your l ife t hat feel d ea d . Perha p s you fe e l n o joy bu t ju st a big void or darkness in your l ife. Our God is powerful to breat he l ife into t ho se a rea s a n d brin g t h e m an d you to l ife . Lord, I t hank You for saving my soul. I t hank You for giving me l ife, now help me to l ive t he abundant l ife t hat You have promised me. Please b reat he Your breat h of l ife into me, especial ly in t he area of _____________. I pray, in fait h, for a rad ical change to blow t hrough my l ife. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.
Day 20: January 20, 2017
Topic: River of Life Church and Souls for the Kingdom; Pastors
“And we know t hat in a l l t hings God works for t he good of t hose who l o v e hi m, who h ave be e n c al le d ac c ord in g to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 Leadership is a gift. Despite t he fact t hat people spend t hou sands of dol lars a year trying to learn t he secret to cul t ivat ing it, ul t imately, it ’s answering t he cal l from God and fol lowing His guidance t hat wil l ensure success. Every guest speaker who comes to River of Life Church com ments on t he incred ible leadership we have in Pastors Chris and Miriam. Because we are so blessed to have t hem, it is our duty and privilege to l if t t hem up daily in prayer. Let us not forget t he sacrifices t hey’ve made, t he t ime t hey contribute, and t he uncond it ional lo ve t hey have for us as we ask God to cover t hem wit h His grace, mercy, blessings and favor. Holy Spirit, I l ift up Pastors Chris and Miriam to you. Thank you for t heir wil l ingness and fait hfulness to ful fil l t he assignment You have given t hem at River of Life. I pray you would bring t hem comfort, peace, and assurance t hat You are in con trol. Let t hem rest in Your promises and refresh t heir spirits so t hey ma y co nt i nue to p re ss on in t h e good work s You c al led t he m to do. A m e n .
Day 21: January 21, 2017 Topic: Relationships; Singleness
“Don’t be wishing you were someplace else or wit h someone else. Where you are right now is God ’s place for you. Liv e and obey and love and bel ieve right t here. God, not your marital status, defines your l ife.” 1 Corint hians 7:17 (MSG) The best advice my mot her ever gave me came crying to her about st il l being single as I entered fel t lost, almost incomplete wit hout a husband. words of wisdom resonated deep wit hin “Feel ings are not facts.”
when I was my t hirt ies. I Her simple me:
The enemy wil l whisper l ies making you feel you are not enough – not pret ty enough, not smart enough, not holy enough – for a man to ever want you. But t he fact is, a man already loved you enough to d ie for you and your heart is safe in His hands. Jesus, Lover of my soul, I want to be sat isfied wit h where you placed me, excited about t he assignment you’ve given me for t his sea s o n, a nd co nf i de n t in wh o You say I am . H e lp me to remember my feel i ng s are not facts, and despite t he lonel iness t hat can creep in and overwhelm me, I am never alone. You are more t han enough for me. Amen.
Day 22: January 22, 2017 Topic: Health and Healing; Forgiveness
"When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away. Through my groaning all day long." Psalm 32:3 (NASB) We have all been hurt by those that are closest to us. Some of these hurts go very deep, so deep that unforgiveness has taken hold. When we hold onto unforgiveness we hurt ourselves, our relationships with others, and with the Lord. Unforgiveness is like a festering wound that may appear healed, but beneath the surface there is bitterness and anger. If we keep silent and hold the unforgiveness in our body, we really will waste away. We must confess our sins and forgive those that hurt us. Don't be deceived by the lie that when you forgive you are saying that what happened was ok. Releasing forgiveness sets you free and the person that hurt you no longer has control over you. Healing can begin. The Lord will heal your broken heart and bind up your wounds (Psalm 147:3). He will give you beauty for ashes and joy for mourning (Isaiah 61:3). Lord, shine Your light in the dark places of my heart and expose any unforgiveness that I may have. I choose to confess that sin and release all to You. I choose forgiveness over bitterness and anger. Father, heal me, my body, and my broken relationships. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.
Day 23: January 23, 2017 Topic: Finances; Promotions and Favor
“Humble yourselves before t he Lord, and He wil l l ift you up in honor.” James 4:10 NLT We al l wan t to recei v e honor and recognit ion, but somet imes it doesn’t arrive in t he same season in which we t hink it is due. This is a d ifficul t test. How do we persevere when we aren’t receiving t he recognit ion or honor t hat we feel we ’ve earned, or when we don’t even feel appreciated ? What hap pens when t he God-dream for our l ives is big, but it feels l ike not hing is happening to get us t here? God ’s Word tel ls us t hat if we humble ourselves, t hen HE WILL l ift us up in honor. It is bet ter to humble oursel f t han to have to be humbled by someone else, let me tel l you! We wil l be acknowledged and receive honor, but God ’s t i mi ng is always be st ! Lord, I put my trust in You and Your t iming. I know t hat promot ion and increase is coming, t hat Your favor is on me even now. Make me t he perso n t hat I’l l need to be when I get to t he next l ev el , a nd p l ea se do You r su pe rn atu ral work in me during t his season while I wait. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Day 24: January 24, 2017 Topic: Israel and the Nations
“So let ’s not al low ourselves to get fat igued doing good. At t he rig ht t i me we wi l l ha rve st a good c rop if we don ’t give up or quit.” Galat ians 6:9 MSG Every year people set ambit ious goals for t he future and make New Yea r’s Resolut ions. They start strong, but wit hin a short t ime t hey g o ri g ht b a c k to t h e ir old h abits an d rou t in es. There’s somet hing powerful about doing a smal l t hing over and over again. Sustained act ion is t he key to reaping a great harvest in t he future. Knowing what to do is only hal f t he equat ion. We need to know how we’re going to do it consistent ly. Is what you plan to do somet hing you can hone st ly sustain? Could you do somet hing t hat would make a d ifference commit t ing to only 15 minutes a day? (That adds up to 91 hours and 15 minutes in a year’s t ime!) How wil l you keep going when you’re tempted to quit ? Lord, You know everyt hing. W il lYyou help me to know what t hings I sho ul d sta rt a nd stop doin g t h is ye ar t h at wil l reap a heal t hy harvest in my l ife and ot hers? I bel ieve You wil l show me and I wil l give You al l t he glory when t he harvest comes in! In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
Day 25: January 25, 2017 Topic: America; Evangelizing
“Philip went to look for Nathanael and told him ‘We have found the very person Moses and the prophets wrote about! His name is Jesus, the son of Joseph from Nazareth’. ‘Nazareth!’ exclaimed Nathanael. ‘Can anything good come from Nazareth?’ “ John 1:45-46 NLT When I first got saved, I was just like Philip. I was beyond excited. I wanted to tell everybody about Jesus. And the first person I went to did exactly what Nathanael did - he said something sarcastic and blew me off. I didn't know how to respond. I had pictured the conversation going much differently. My feelings were hurt, I was offended, and to be shamefully honest, I stopped sharing the Gospel with people. . How many of us, when we're evangelizing to others, have experienced the same thing? Our feelings get hurt, or we are offended when someone doesn't feel the same way we do about Jesus. But Philip doesn't get hurt or offended. Instead, he was unmoved by Nathanael's response and challenges Nathanael to come see for himself. Lord, forgive me for allowing someone’s response to deter me from sharing Your Word. Give me power to speak to others with boldness and challenge them to meet Jesus for themselves. Holy Spirit, use me in every way possible, at every moment, in any situation, to spread God's message. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Day 26: January 26, 2017 Topic: Relationship With Christ
“After consul t ing t he people, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to t he Lord and to praise Him for t he splendor of His ho l iness as t hey went out at t he head of t he army, saying: ‘Give t hanks to t he Lo rd , f o r h is love e n du re s fore ve r. ’ A s t hey began to sing and praise, t he Lord set ambushes against t he men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invad ing Judah, and t hey were defeated.” 2 Chronicles 20:21-22 Worship i s a n unconv ent ional weapon used to defeat a pred ictab le enemy. J us t l i ke wh e n Kin g Je h osaph at se n t h is w orshippers before his army, God has promised you t he victory so you can praise Him before t he fight even begins. The more you give glory to His name t hrough singing, danc ing, raising your hands, bowing down or however you choose to worship, t he more skil l ful you become in defeat ing t he enemy. Remember, you’re training for war! Lord, You have cal led me to be a warrior in t he bat t le against t he enem y. Tea ch me to wie ld worsh ip as a we apon , an d w it h every shout of praise, may Your name be glorified and Your kingdom be advanced. Your name wil l ever be on my l ips, and I wil l unashamed ly worship You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Day 27: January 27, 2017
Topic: River of Life Church and Souls for the Kingdom; Involvement
“Our bod ies have many parts, and God has put each part just where He wants it. How strange a body would be if it had only one part ! Yes, t here are many parts, but only one body.” 1 Corint hians 12:18 (NLT) God real ly outd id Himsel f when he created t he human body. Every part works in harmony wit h ot her parts to operate perfect ly – but, boy, when just ONE part is out of place or stops operat ing, we sure can feel it ! We al l have a part to play in t he church “b o d y.” If y ou ’ re m issin g from t h e plac e in which you were meant to be or if you’re a toe trying to be an ear, it can real ly d isturb t he natural flow of ministry and t he balance of your l ife! Let ’s ask God to affirm to us t he areas in which we can serve Him today. Jesus, t hank You for al l of t he parts of our church body which labor in love for Your Ki ngdom. Please show me if t here’s an area in which I can use my unique gifts to minister to ot hers. Please also reveal if t here is an area in which I was never meant to or am no longer needed to serve. Thank you for bringing balance to my l ife and to Your church. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Day 28: January 28, 2017 Topic: Relationships; Forgiveness
Love keeps no record of wrongs. 1 Corinthians 13:5b (NIV) If you’re like me, when you’ve been wronged, you have a tendency to re-hash it all over, and over, and over again. It plays like a movie in your mind’s eye. You tell all your friends about it so they can agree that the other person was wrong and you were right. You have imaginary conversations in which you give the triumphant tell-off - Julia Sugarbaker-style! Unfortunately, you’ll find that the more you re-live the incident, the harder you find it to forgive those involved, even if you know that’s what God asks of us and even if it’s what you WANT to do! I found (through experience, the worst and best way) that I can’t let go until I erase the “record of wrong”. God tells us in Isaiah 43:25 (NLT) , “I alone will blot out your sins for my own sake and will never think of them again”. He erases the record of OUR wrongs and forgets them. We are instructed to do the same for others. When we blot out that record of wrong, we’re left with the record of rights – and we can finally forgive. Jesus, show me the areas of my heart which are harboring unforgiveness. I repent for withholding that from them which You have freely given to me. Please help me to blot out the record of wrong, I freely release forgiveness to _________________. Thank You for Your forgiveness and love t o ward me , A me n .
Day 29: January 29, 2017
Topic: Health and Healing; Stress Management
“Are you t ired ? Worn out ? Burned out on rel igion? Come to Me. Get away wit h Me and you’l l recover your l ife. I’l l show you how to take a real rest. Wal k wit h Me and work wit h Me — watch how I do it. Learn t he unforced rhyt hms of grace. I won’t lay anyt hing heav y or il l-fit t ing on you. Keep company wit h Me and you’l l learn to l ive freely and l ight ly.” Mat t hew 11:28-30 (MSG) It is so easy to get weighed down by t he stresses of everyday l ife. Everywhere we turn t here is somet hing vying for our t ime and at tent ion. If we aren’t careful, we can neglect what is good for t hat which demands our t ime and at tent ion. Jesus offers us a bet ter way. He takes t hose t hings t hat would weigh us down or keep us burdened and exchanges t hem for His rest. He replaces our heaviness wit h t he l ightness and freedom of a l ife wit h Him. Jesus, teach me to l ive in t he unforced rhyt hms of Your grace. Today, I give You my stresses and burdens in exchange for Your peace and rest. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Day 30: January 30, 2017 Topic: Finances; Promotions and Favor
“For t he Lord God is a sun and shield; t he Lord bestows favor and honor; no good t hing does He wit hhold from t hose whose wal k is blameless.” Psalm 84:11 (NIV) How incred ible is it t hat t he God of t he Universe would see fit to bestow favor and honor on us? Al l He asks is t hat we would wal k in t he way t hat is right and God ly. The words “sun” and “shield ” in t his verse speak so much to t he nature o f G o d . W hen I pic tu re t h e su n , I t h in k of l ife-giving power and warmt h. A shield brings to mind protect ion in t imes of b a t t l e. W hen we wal k blam e le ssly be fore H im , we experience t hese t hings — l ife and protect ion. Lord, I pray t hat my eyes would be opened to t he way t hat is blameless. I pray t hat I would wal k upright ly in t he pat h t hat You have ordained for my l ife. God, please bestow Your favor and honor on my l ife. Amen.
Day 31: January 31, 2017 Topic: Israel and the Nations
“...He who touches Israel, touches t he apple of My eye.” Zechariah 2:8b God doesn’t play favorites, but t he people of Israel hold a special place in His heart. And l ike any proud papa, t hose who are kind to His children wil l, in turn, receive His kindn ess. When we l ift up and stand wit h t he Jewish people, we wil l re ceive Heavenly rewards. Don’t be swayed by how t he world may lean in its opinions of Israel and her people. God makes it very clear t hat He is wit h t hem, and since we were made His children t hrough Jesus’ sacrifice and adopted into t he family, we, too, should support our brot hers and sisters and cover t h e m in praye r. Fat her God, I pray for t he peace of Israel and ask t hat You would encourage Your remnant who are unwavering in t heir fait h. In t he name of Jesus, we cancel t he plans and at tacks of t he e nemy a nd s p ea k favor in to t h e l ive s of t h e Je wish people. Raise t hem up to be l ights in t he darkness, and may your name be glorified t hrough it al l ! In Jesus’ Name, Amen!