Dear One, This past year we had a thought: what if each one of the women in the church had a devotional that would encourage them to pray each and every day of the year? We wanted it to be a personal reflection of women just like you, a collection of God-breathed thoughts and prayers from our very own ladies. This devotional was written by many of these women -- right from River of Life Church. We h a v e a p r a y e r f o c u s e a c h d a y, a s h o r t i n s p i rational thought and a prayer that each one of us can pray together every day of 2017. Our hope is that you take these prayers and these daily devotionals and apply them to your everyd a y l i f e t h r o u g h o u t t h i s c o m i n g y e a r. Every new year is a chance to start new. L e t ’s s t a r t t h i s y e a r o f f right by digging into our Word, read ing t hese devotionals and praying i n a d e e p e r w a y. A n d , l e t ’s d o i t t o g e t h e r.
w i th l o v e ,
Pastor Miriam
Day 32: February 1, 2017 Topic: Finances; Promotions and Favor
Humble yourselves before t he Lord, and he wil l l ift you up in honor. James 4:10 (NLT) We al l want to recei v e honor and recognit ion, but somet imes it doesn’t arrive in t he same season in which we t hink it is due. This is a d ifficul t test. How do we persevere when we aren’t receiving t he recogni t ion or ho no r t ha t we f eel we ’ ve e arn e d, or m aybe don ’t even feel appreciated ? What happens when t he God-dream for our l ives is big, but it feels l ike not hing is happening to get you t here? God ’s word tel ls us t hat if we humble ourselves (bet ter to humble yoursel f t han to have to be humbled by someone else, let me tel l you!), t hen HE WILL l ift us up in honor. We wil l be acknowledged, we wil l receive honor, but God ’s t iming is always best ! Lord, I put my trust in you and Your t iming. I know t hat pro mot ion is coming, t hat increase is coming, t hat your favor is on me even now. Make me t he person t hat I’l l need to be when I get to t he next level, and strengt hen me during t his season. I n J e su s’ Name , A me n .
Day 33: February 2, 2017 Topic: Israel and the Nations
Dear brot hers and sisters, t he longing of my heart and my prayer to God is for t he people of Israel to be saved. Romans 10:1 (NLT) Israel is so dear to God ’s heart t hat t he Bible tel ls us in Gene sis 12 t hat our fate is l inked to t hem: “I wil l bless t hose who bless you and curse t hose who treat you wit h contempt. Al l t he fam i l i es o n ea rt h w il l be ble sse d t h rou gh you . ” ( NLT) Eitan and Connie Shishkoff are provid ing pract ical and spiritual ministry to Israel wit h “Tents of Mercy,” where t hey plant congregat ions and give to t he needy in t he country. River of Life supports t heir vision and cal l ing, financial ly and prayerful ly. Let ’s pray for t hem now! Jesus, cover and protect t he Shishkoffs as t hey wal k out t heir cal l ing in Israel. Bless t he work of t heir hands, renew t heir vision day by day, and bring t hem a harvest t hat reflects t he harvest we want to see in t he rest of t he world. I n J esu s’ Name , A me n .
You can learn more about Tents of Mercy at
Day 34: February 3, 2017 Topic: America; City of Jacksonville
“ M ay ou r s o n s f lo u r i s h in t h e ir yo u t h l ik e we l l- n u r t u re d p la nts. M a y o u r d a u g h t e r s b e l ik e g r ac e fu l p il lar s, c ar ve d t o b e a u t i f y a p alac e . ” Psalm 1 4 4 : 1 2 ( NLT) D i d y ou kn o w t h a t J a c k s on vil le is t h e yo u n g e st c it y in t h e U nited States wit h a n a v e r a g e o f 2 2 . 8 ye ar s o ld ( as o f t h e 2 0 1 0 c e nsus)? Young ad u l t s b e t w e e n t h e ag e s o f 1 8 an d 3 5 m ak e u p alm o st fifty perc ent o f o u r e n t ire p o p u lat io n ! We h ave an in c re d ib le o pportun i t y t o re a c h a n d sh ap e t h e fu t u re o f o u r c o u n t r y r i g h t he re in J ac k so n vil le ! M any pe o p le t h i n k p o o r l y o f yo u t h , an d I imag in e t h at is wha t inspi red t he s c r ip t u re i n 1 T imo t h y t h at says, “ Do n ’t le t an yo n e look dow n on y o u b e ca u s e y o u are yo u n g . ” We c an al l me n t o r someo ne, ev en i f w e a re y o u n g . Le t ’s t ak e a mo me n t t o t h in k ab out t his que s t io n : w h o a re we p e r so n al ly me n t o r in g r ig h t n o w? Let us al l e m b r a ce t h e v i s io n fo r o u r c it y’s yo u t h t h at is o u t l ined in Ps al m 1 4 4 a n d p r a y : “ J e su s, e mb r ac e t h e yo u t h o f o u r c it y. Let our s ons f lo u r i s h l ik e w e l l- n u r t u re d p lan t s, se t t in g an e x ample for ev ery one . M a y o u r d a u g h t e r s b e l ik e g r ac e fu l p il lar s, t h e st rengt h and bea u t y o f o u r co m m u n it y. Br in g me n t o r s in t o t h e ir l ives to teac h t he m t h e w a y t o g o . Le t t h e m me n t o r t h e yo u n g e r g enerat i o ns , al l ow i n g t h e m to shat t er t hro ug h g lass c eil ing s. Let your w i l l b e d o n e i n J a c k so n vil le !” I n J e su s’ Name , A me n .
Day 35: February 4, 2017
Topic: Relationship with Christ; Growth in Holiness/Fruits of the Spirit
“And t he Lord – who is t he Spirit – makes us more and more l ike Him as we are changed into His glorious image.” 2 Corint hians 3:18b God has a way of refining us a l it t le at a t ime, so we are able to hand le each change as it comes. It ’s l ike peel ing away t he layers of an onion –- only t here’s somet hing beaut iful inside, not just … onion. Maturity doesn’t happen al l at once, does it ? It happens over t ime, t hro ug h l i f e l es so n s. I m agin e h avin g to tak e al l of t hose lessons at once. Yikes! Thank God t hat He does it for us a bit at a t ime. Even t hough t he process of learning t he lessons is hard (real ly hard !) — be encouraged. God is making you more and more l ike Him wit h each layer! God, t hank You for Your refining process. Even when it hurts, or it feels l ike t he l ist of t hings in need of change is end less, I know t hat You love me. I know You’re cheering me on at every level, in every season, making me into Your image. Help me to reflect Your image in my personal and publ ic l ife. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
Day 36: February 5, 2017
Topic: River of Life Church and Souls for the Kingdom
“Our bod ies have many parts, and God has put each part just where He wants it. How strange a body would be if it only had one part ! Yes, t here are many parts, but only one body.” 1 Corint hians 12:18 (NLT) God real ly outd id himsel f when He created t he human body. Every part works in harmony wit h ot her parts to operate perfect ly -– but, boy, when just ONE part is out of place or stops operat ing, we sure can feel it ! We al l ha v e a p art to play in t he church “body.” If you’re missing from t he place in which you you’re meant to be, or if you’re a toe trying to be an ear, it can real ly d isturb t he natural fl ow of ministry and t he balance of your l ife! Let ’s ask God to affirm to us t he areas in which we can serve Him today, and where we fit wit hin t he local church. J esus, t hank You for al l of t he parts of our church body, which labor in love for Your Kingdom. Please show me if t here’s an area in which I can use my own unique gift ings to minister to ot hers wit hin t he local church. Please also reveal if t here is an area in which I was never meant to or am no longer needed to serve. Thank You for bringing balance to my l ife and Your church! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Day 37: February 6, 2017 Topic: Relationships; Singleness
“Whatever God has promised gets stamped with the Yes of Jesus. In Him, this is what we preach and pray, the great Amen, God’s Yes and our Yes together, gloriously evident. God affirms us, making us a sure thing in Christ, putting His Yes within us. By His Spirit He has stamped us with His eternal pledge – a sure beginning of what He is destined to complete.” 2 Corinthians 1:20-22 (MSG) “Sheng Nu” is a Chinese term that refers to unmarried women in their late 20s and beyond, and basically means “leftover women.” Let that sink in for a moment. As an unmarried woman in my 30s, I found this term totally offensive, and yet — in moments — I truly felt like a leftover. In those moments, I questioned my attractiveness, I questioned my value, and I questioned God. Let me encourage you today, YOU ARE NOT A LEFTOVER. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God has a plan for you and it’s a plan for your good. Only God knows why that plan doesn’t entail marriage in this season, but His whole plan is for your success and you can trust in that. I know it’s hard and you’re tired of reading books about waiting for your Boaz. Let’s pray. Lord, thank You for this season of singleness. Help me to find the joy in this season, to celebrate it and not merely endure it. Strengthen me to wait for Your good promise, I KNOW that if You said it, You are DESTINED to do it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Day 38: February 7, 2017
Topic: Health and Healing; Practical Application
“Whoever wil l cal l on t he name of t he Lord wil l be saved.” Romans 10:13 Lauren careful ly made her way down t he wooden steps in her sl ippery foot ie pajamas. “Mommy! Tricia is being mean!” “Tel l her to have t he peace of Jesus in her heart !” her mom yel led back. “Ok, but t he way she’s act ing, I t hink she needs t he W HO L E of Je su s, n ot ju st a pie c e !” Lauren was right ! “Sav ed ” in Romans 10:13 in t he Greek is “sozo” which means to save, protect, heal, del iver and be made whole. We tend to focus on t he promise of salvat ion but forget al l His benefits in t hat verse t hat are for our t ime here on eart h. He promises t hat when you cal l on His name, He wil l also heal you from al lergies, d iabetes and female issues. He wil l respond to your prayer to del iver you from ad d ict ion to f o o d , TV a nd van ity. Wh ate ve r you n e e d — cal l on t he na me o f t he Lo rd ! Th e wh ole of Je su s is you rs today! Lord, t hank You for Your “sozo” promises and by fait h today, I cal l on Your name to save me and my loved ones — replacing anyt hing missing, repairing anyt hing broken, saving anyone t hat is lo s t. B y f a i t h, I b e l ie ve You h ave h e ard an d an sw ered, In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
Day 39: February 8, 2017 Topic: Finances; Tithing
“T he s on s o f L e v i w h o re ce ive t h e p r ie st ly o ffic e h ave a c o mma nd ac c ord in g t o t h e la w t o c o l le c t a t e n t h fro m t h e p e o p le …” H eb re ws 7 : 5 Si m pl y p u t : p a s t o r s a re c o mman d e d b y Go d t o c o l le c t t h e t it he from t he p e o p l e . P r a is e Go d fo r c h u rc h e s wh o d e man d t h e t it he! W h o w o u ld t r ust a c h u rc h t h at d iso b e ys Go d — in an y are a? I m agi ne t h is s ce n a r io : a s yo u are wh e e le d in fo r su rg e r y, a nurse i nforms y o u e v e n t h o u gh it is h o sp it al p o l ic y t o d isin fe c t you before o p e r a t i n g , t h e y ’ re g o in g t o fo rg o it t o re d u c e yo u r bil l. How l on g b e f o re y o u ju mp o ff t h at g u r n e y?! Th e h o sp it al ha s our good w i l l i n m in d w h e n t h e y c o mman d o b e d ie n c e t o t h e ir protoc o ls a n d w e d o n ’t q u e st io n t h e p r ic e . G od l on g s f o r u s t o t r u s t His p ro t o c o l e ve n mo re t h an we do t he hos pi tal ’s ! H e co m m a n d s o b e d ie n c e so t h at He may b le ss us. H e prom i s ed t o m u l t i p l y t h e re main in g 9 0 p e rc e n t an d t h at o u r hea rts w ou l d b e f re e f ro m gre e d . Le t u s n o t q u e st io n t h e p r ice. L ord, reve a l t o m e t h e t r u t h ab o u t t h e t it h e Yo u h ave c o mma nded. I c onfes s t h a t I t r u s t Yo u an d I g ive yo u r mo n e y b ac k wit h a gra tef u l, e xp e ct a n t h e ar t . I n J e su s’ Name , A me n .
Day 40: February 9, 2017
Topic: Israel and the Nations; India, The Prakasams “As we pray to our God and Father about you, we think of your faithful work, your loving deeds, and the enduring hope you have because of our Lord Jesus Christ.” I Thessalonians 1: 3 NLT Reds, orange, purple, gold, and emerald green — splashes of color were everywhere. Hundreds of women in vibrant saris and scarves surrounded Pastor Miriam Phillips with their hands and hearts outstretched. They were hungry for God’s touch as they gently pressed in for prayer from the visiting pastor. Pastors David and Ketzia Prakasam are faithfully shepherding and feeding their flock in the nation of India. They are truly doing the work of faith, a labor of love and demonstrating the endurance of hope. Today, let’s lift up each of their extensive ministries: Bethel City Cathedral Bethel Bible College Church Planting (Currently: 650, goal: 1,000) Medical Camps Financial Aid for the poor Leper Rehabilitation Communities Widow Care Homes Orphan Care Homes Bethel Schools Lord, we bless Pastors David and Ketzia Prakasam mightily with health, provision, wisdom and Your vision for everything in their care. We bless the people of India and pray that Your Kingdom comes in Spirit and power in that nation! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Day 41: February 10, 2017 Topic: America; Revival
“Righ te ousness ex al ts a nat i o n , B u t s i n i s a re p ro a c h t o a n y p e op le .” P rov e r b s 1 4 : 3 4 N K JV W ho c an be rig h t e o u s w i t h o u t Je s u s C h r i s t ? 2 Corin t h ians 5 : 2 1 NKJ V tel ls u s , “ F o r He ma d e Hi m w h o k n e w n o sin t o be sin for us, t hat w e m ight b e c o me t h e r i g h t e o u s n e s s o f G o d i n H im.” If H e is our righteousness and r i g h t e o u s n e s s e x a l t s a n a t i o n , t h e n J e su s ex al ts a n a t i o n — t h ro u g h u s . I f we dream about A m eric a n s t u r n i n g b a c k t o G o d , t h e n o u r f ir st responsib i l i t y i s pe r s o n al revival. I mag ine if eac h p erso n read in g t h i s de vot ion a l w ould behave m o re l i k e Je s u s C h r i s t . We w o u l d h a v e imit ato rs of Christ in every arena — g ro c e r y s t o re s , h o s p i t a l s , s c h o o l s, cit y h al ls, t h e arm ed forc es etc . We c a n a l l b e c o n d u i t s o f c h a n g e i n o u r n at ion by al low ing J e s u s t o c h a n g e u s i n t o Hi s l i k e n e s s . O u r se co nd responsibil ity is t o ma k e d i s c i p l e s . I f w e c a n b e r i g h t e o u s on ly be cau se C hrist l ives insi d e u s , t h e n i t ’s t r u e a l s o f o r o u r n e i g h b o r s. We have a m an da t e t o i n t ro duc e t hem to Him b y o ur ac t io ns and wo rd s ! Be in g a l iving ex am ple of t h e G o s p e l h a s t h e p o w e r t o c h a n g e t h e w orld, o n e d i s c i p l e a t a t i me . Le t ’s pra y. Fat her, forgive me f o r s o e a s i l y s e e i n g t h e s p l i n t e r in my n e igh bor’s eye w it hout rem o v i n g t h e l o g f ro m my o w n . He l p me t o se e w h at You w ould l ik e to c hang e i n me s o I c a n h e l p t o e x a l t t h i s n at io n . I de clare t h at I have t he boldn e s s o f t h e Ho l y S p i r i t t o s h a re t h e go sp e l o f Je su s C hrist to m ak e d isc i p l e s ! To g e t h e r ma y w e ma k e Yo u r na me gre at t hrough t he U n i t e d S t a t e s . I n Je s u s ’ N a me , A me n .
Day 42: February 11, 2017
Topic: Relationship with Christ; Release of Creativity
“We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, t hat we should wal k in t hem.” Ephesians 2:10 Recent ly my 11-year-old dog lost his eyesight. On wal ks, I have to pul l him to avoid fal l ing off curbs or hit t ing car bum pers. He sniffs frant icly wit h wild eyes and t imid steps. When we come to an open roa d free of obstacles or dangers, I wish he would relax and just wal k — run even — wit h no fear and trust what I see. What a picture of our wal k wit h Jesus. I bel ieve t he Lord would say t he same to us! Ephesians 2:10 creates a picture of a sports car on an open road w i t h a g reen l i g ht. I bel ieve t hat God is saying, “Go fort h, my daughter! You are not a crazy dreamer wit h sil ly plans. I have given you t hese talents, invent ions, songs and ministry ideas! I actual ly created you wit h t hese ideas in mind, before you even t hought of t hem. Go ahead !” Creator God, t hank You for t he unique gifts and ideas You have given to me. I declare today t hat I wil l trust what You see; I wil l relax, and run forward in t he good works You have prepared for me, for t he glory of Your Name! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Day 43: February 12, 2017
Topic: River of Life Church and Souls for the Kingdom; Team Ministries “Then David said, ‘From all the Levites, 24,000 will supervise the work at the Temple of the Lord. Another 6,000 will serve as officials and judges. Another 4,000 will work as gatekeepers, and 4,000 will praise the Lord with the musical instruments I have made.’” I Chronicles 23:4-5 NLT Further on in this Scripture, the Bible shows how some people were put in charge of the work of the Lord’s temple; others were officers and judges, gatekeepers, and musicians. Here we see the very first ministry teams in the permanent temple — pastors, ushers, security, administrators, worshippers, musicians and parking team. Well, someone had to find a spot for all those donkeys and camels! Did you catch that no matter what their specific role was, they were all Levites, all from the priestly tribe!? Our purpose in our local church’s ministry teams is summed up perfectly in 1 Peter 2:9: “You are … a royal priesthood … SO THAT you may proclaim the praises of the One who called you out of darkness and into His marvelous light.” So, from the moment a guest drives onto River of Life’s parking lot, they are surrounded by that “royal priesthood.” Everything we do is done to proclaim His praises. Holy Father, our desire at River of Life is to make Your temple and Name great so that all who attend will see Your marvelous light. Lord, assign every person attending to a work group so they won’t miss out on giving You praise. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Day 44: February 13, 2017 Topic: Relationships; Friendships
“There are ‘friends’ who destroy each ot her, but a real friend st icks closer t han a brot her.” Proverbs 18: 24 NLT These days we can feel support ive by l iking a friend ’s post or forward ing a friend ’s prayer request, al l done wit h t he ease of a cl ick. But true and valuable friendship is not so easily attained or always glorious for t he world to see. It can be laying down next to a girl friend who just miscarried and can’t sleep on her own. It ’s washing t he hair of a friend recovering from surgery or even scrubbing her tub before she gets in it. This week, perhaps it ’s t ime to make some deposits into our friendship accounts. Are you ready to hit your knees to see your friend ’s breakt hrough or fast your lunch for t heir heal ing? Somet hing as rare as a friend who wil l wal k wit h you t hrough your darkest val leys costs a great price. Are you wil l ing to pay it ? In t he end, you’re showing God ’s love in a pract ical way. Lord, help me to truly intercede for my friends, d iscerning when t hey need me t he most. Help me to rejoice wit h t hose who rejoice and weep wit h t hose who weep. Teach me, Lord, how to be a good friend. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Day 45: February 14, 2017 Topic: Relationships; The Father’s Love
“Keep me as the apple of Your eye; Hide me under the shadow of Your wings.” Psalms 17: 8 NKJV Not everyone has grown up knowing what it means to be the apple of your natural father’s eye. But most of us have known people that did have that special relationship with their physical father. They seemed to have an inside line; they knew that whatever was important to them was very important to their father. They walked in favor and blessing, and expected things to turn out for them. What a contrast with those who did not grow up in a loving household! The absence of a father (or a difficult relationship with a father) leaves many bereft and without a reference point to truly understand God the Father’s heart of love for us. Here’s the good news: God our Father’s heart explodes with love for us! He’s waiting to reveal it to you and to me! I have found that as I seek Him with that intent — to discover His love for me — that He is faithful and willing to reveal Himself as my loving Father. Sometimes our hearts can’t quite understand the depth of His love, and sometimes we try to argue that we aren’t worth it. He still loves us! We try to work hard to earn His love, and the simple truth is that before we did one thing, He loved us completely. If you’ve never asked Him to reveal His love to you in a personal way, I invite you to do it today! Ask Him in faith, and then spend some time waiting and listening in His Presence! He knows you inside and out, and He knows the way to your heart. Until we experience His great love for us, we will be unable to truly love the ones He puts in our lives. Our friendships and relationships will overflow from our first love — our relationship with our GOD. Father God, I thank You that You love me more than I can comprehend. I am the apple of Your Eye. I ask You to reveal Yourself to me as my loving Father. I choose to wait and listen in Your Presence, with a thankful heart. I declare that those who seek You will find You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Day 46: February 15, 2017 Topic: Finances; Trials and Our Response
“But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.” I Peter 5: 10 NKJV The Bible never tells us that we won’t suffer and have trials! On the contrary, it tells us explicitly that in this world we WILL have tribulation. But we are to take courage, knowing that He has overcome the world. I wish we could skip the trials section of life! But it’s important to realize that God can use them for His purposes. The enemy would also very much like to interfere and accomplish a few things of his own. I’m determined not to waste my sorrows; may God work in me while I keep my eyes fixed on Him and my mouth singing His praises! What are some of the goals God has for us as we go through trials? First, it’s important to realize that these trials won’t last forever! The Word tells us that we will suffer a “while.” Literally, that meaning is, “puny, short season.” I know that His times are not always like our times; however, we can choose how we respond so we don’t lengthen them! According to this verse, the Lord wants to perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle us. Perfect — complete, repair, mend, restore. Establish — to set fast, to turn resolutely in a certain direction. Strengthen — empower, enable. Settle — lay the foundation. What precious promises! As we fix our eyes on Jesus, refuse to complain and worry, open our mouths to praise and worship Him, He will accomplish these mighty purposes in our lives! There are great and precious adjustments to our character that only come forth as we respond properly to trials. As we recognize this, we can truly learn to “count it all joy” as we go through challenging times. Father, in Jesus’ Mighty Name, I choose to praise and worship You during this time of trial. I come into agreement with Your Word, that says that after suffering a while, YOU will perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle me. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!
Day 47: February 16, 2017
Topic: Israel and the Nations; Human Trafficking
“In my d istress I prayed to t he Lord, and t he Lord answered me and set me free.” Psalm 118:5 NLT Did you know t hat t here are over 27 mil l ion slaves in our world today? Over 27 mil l ion! It seems outrageous and unbel ievable to t hink t hat every 30 seconds, anot her person becomes a vict im of human trafficking. This is a very rea l p roblem in our world. One of t he greatest weapons we have is prayer. When we cry out to God in prayer, He l istens and He responds to t he prayers of His people. When we cry out to God for freedom, He sets us free! Prayer is powerful ! Heavenly Fat her, I pray t hat You would hear my d istress over t his unt hi nka b l e wro ng h appe n in g in t h is world. I pray t hat You would bring freedom to al l t hose who are held capt ive, who are forced into a l ife of slavery. I pray for heal ing and restorat i on of a l l t ha t has been lost. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Day 48: February 17, 2017 Topic: America; Praying for Our Leaders
“The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water, He turns it wherever He wishes.” Proverbs 21:1 NKJV “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.” I Tim 2:1,2 NKJV At the time of this writing, the 2016 U.S. presidential elections had not yet been held. It’s been a time unlike any other — a time where there seems to be no end to the tension and squabbling. We’ve watched candidates attack each other, and those that support them have followed suit. In any given church of America, you will no doubt find proponents of both sides, equally passionate about their positions and beliefs. Prominent Christian leaders have spoken out passionately either for or very much against a candidate. By the time you read these words, the election will be history and there will be a new President in the oval office. May we be faithful to pray for our leaders, even if we are not happy with the results of the election. Most of all, may we pray the words of Proverbs 21:1 over our leaders: “Lord, turn the heart of our leaders in the direction that YOU wish.” As the church is faithful to pray, the Lord is powerful and able to apprehend the hearts of our leaders. He has many different means at His disposal to accomplish His will. “Lord, I declare blessing over our country and her leaders. I bless our President. I present our leaders to You, and ask that You turn their hearts in the direction that You please. May America receive Your grace and mercy, “from sea to shining sea.” In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Day 49: February 18, 2017
Topic: Relationship with Christ; Prayer/Warfare “And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven.” Have you ever misplaced your keys? It can be very frustrating! There are some areas in life that simply won’t work UNLESS you have the right key. Years ago I came across the teachings of Liberty Savard, who has written extensively on the subject of the keys of the Kingdom. It has revolutionized the way I pray! We have authority to pray binding and loosing prayers in agreement with the Word of God. That means that if there is an area of our life that is being attacked by the enemy, we can use these keys to pray powerful prayers to bind ourselves to the will of God and loose ourselves from the deceptions of the enemy! One of the favorite tricks of the enemy is to sow seeds of deception into our thought life. He wants us to be deceived about God’s intentions for us, about what others are thinking, and about the situation we are in. I have seen situations turn drastically around when I pray binding and loosing prayers. Let’s say you are experiencing turmoil in your home. Begin to loose yourself from deception, and bind (tie, fasten) yourself to the truth. Pray that your family members would be bound to the truth that sets them free, and loosed from any power of the enemy to deceive. It’s amazing how different everything looks when we cut ourselves free (in prayer) from any spirit of deception. The enemy is the author of confusion and conflict. If he can put doubts in our mind about God’s will for us, he will! Using this key that Jesus gave us will unlock the door to so many good things! Lord, today I choose to bind myself to Your Truth that sets me free. I loose my mind, will and emotions from any deception of the enemy. I bind myself to Your will for my life, in Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen!
Day 50: February 19, 2017
Topic: River of Life Church and Souls for the Kingdom
“And I wil l give you shepherds after My own heart, who wil l guide you wit h knowledge and understand ing.” Jeremiah 3:15 NLT It ’s amazing how much i mpact t hose in leadership have on our l ives! We turn to t hem expect ing answers and encouragement in t imes of confusion and despair. We expect t hem to lead us wit h a heart t hat is cont inual ly seeking after God. How lucky are we to be under t he leadership of Pastors Chris and Miriam Phil l ips and t he ot her leaders at River of Life Church? God has truly given us shepherds after His own heart. Let ’s cont inue to pray for t heir wisdom and peace as t hey lead t he l o ca l church eve n m ore passion ate ly afte r Je sus. God, today I pray t hat You would pour out Your wisdom on our leaders. I pray t hat t hey would lead wit h knowledge and understand ing t hat comes from You, Lord. As t hey lead Your people, strengt hen t hem to accompl ish t he cal l ing You have placed before t hem. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Day 51: February 20, 2017 Topic: Relationships; Victory Over Jealousy
Th at Christ m ay dw el l in y o u r h e a r t s t h ro u g h f a i t h ; t h a t y o u , b ein g rooted an d gro u n de d i n l o ve, may b e ab le to c o mp rehend w it h a l l t h e sain t s what is t he w id t h and l e n g t h a n d d e p t h a n d h e i g h t - t o k n ow t h e love of Christ w hic h passes k n o w l e d g e ; t h a t y o u ma y b e f i l l e d w i t h a l l t he ful lness of G o d . ” E p h e s i a n s 3 : 1 7 - 1 9 N K J V At t h e root of al l jealousy is a l i e . T h e l i e i s : G o d mu s t n o t l o v e y o u . If He re al ly loved you, H e w ou l d ’ v e ma d e y o u p re t t i e r, t h i n n e r, s ma r t e r, f u n n ie r, ric her. I f H e loved yo u , He w o u l d ’ v e g i v e n y o u a h u s b a n d, mo re ch ildre n , a ful fil l ing m arriage , b e t t e r p a re n t s o r a n e a s i e r c h i l d h o o d . If He lo ve d you, your l ife w o u l d l i k e … h e r s o r … h e r s … o r e v e n h e r s. Tru t h is — it doesn’t m at ter w h o y o u c o m p a re y o u r s e l f t o , i f y o u d o n ’t kn ow t h at God loves you, yo u ’ l l t h i n k a w e t r a t h a s i t b e t t e r t h a n yo u ! If je alo u sy is an area t hat you s t r u g g l e i n , G o d ’s o v e r f l o w i n g l o v e is t h e remedy y o u n e e d ! I f y o u w il l b ask in t he trut h o f His lo ve, yo u wi l l dro wn t h e l ies t hat are k il l i n g y o u r j o y. W h a t p r a c t i c a l s t e p s c a n yo u take to day to bask in t he trut h o f Hi s l o v e ? I t ma y b e a s s i mp l e a s p o stin g n o te s w it h Sc riptures of Hi s l o v e e v e r y w h e re u n t i l y o u h a v e t h e m m em orized in you r mi n d a n d ro o t e d i n y o u r h e a r t . Lo vin g Fat her, please del i v e r me f ro m j e a l o u s y. I d e c l a re t h a t I a m happy for m y sisters w hen t he y h a v e g o o d t h i n g s a n d I re p e n t f o r co ve ti ng som e t hing t hey have. H e l p me t o re n e w my mi n d s o I w i l l k n o w t h a t My Me ssiah loves m e and I c a n f i n a l l y e x p e r i e n c e t h e f u l l n e s s o f Go d . I n J e s u s ’ n a me , A me n .
Day 52: February 21, 2017 Topic: Health and Healing; Miracles
“Now a certain woman had a flow of blood for twelve years and had suffered many things from many physicians. When she heard about Jesus, she came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment. For she said, “if only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.” Immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction. … And He said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction.’” Mark 5: 25, 27, 28, 29, 34 NKJV I love this woman’s story! Even after 12 years of suffering, when she heard about Jesus, faith rose up in her. She “saw” herself touching His garment and being made well. Jesus honored her faith & she was healed exactly as she had declared! He did not lay hands on her and call on God to heal her. She was made well in the exact manner in which her faith had led her to decree! Jesus is still our Healer today! After the birth of our first child years ago, I was told by several physicians that I would not be able to have any more children. I had multiple cysts on my ovaries; one was the size of a small orange. I was told I would need surgery to remove them, and then I would have to take fertility drugs. Even then, there was only a minuscule chance that I would be able to conceive. After receiving prayer, I felt much as the woman in the Bible — I knew that Jesus had healed me! Something had changed in my body. A subsequent ultrasound confirmed that all the cysts were gone! The technician exclaimed, “You have the ovaries of an 18 year old!” Since I was 28 at the time, I was thrilled! I knew that I would have no problem getting pregnant! My doctor at the time was more skeptical of my healing. He insisted that I take the prescription for fertility medication. Now, I am not against medication, but in this case I sincerely believed I would not need it. So I respectfully declined. One month later, I was back in his office and got the confirmation that I was indeed pregnant! They had to retrieve my chart out of the “infertility” file. Praise GOD! If you need healing in your body, let your hope and faith arise today! Jesus is still our Healer! Lord, I confess that YOU are my Healer. I confess Your Word over my physical body! Open my eyes that I might see and believe Your plans for me! Let every sickness and disease be made whole, in Jesus’ Name, Amen!
Day 53: February 22, 2017 Topic: Finances; Promotions and Favor
“For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless.” Psalm 84:11 NIV How incredible is it that the God of the Universe would see fit to bestow favor and honor on us? All He asks is that we would walk in the way that is right and Godly. His promise is just that, and this encompasses every area of our lives, including financial increase. The words “sun” and “shield” in this verse speak so much to the nature of God. When I picture the sun, I think of life-giving power and warmth. A shield brings to mind protection in times of battle. When we walk blamelessly before Him, we experience these things — life and protection. Lord, I pray that my eyes would be opened to the way that is blameless. I pray that I would walk uprightly in the path that You have ordained for my life. God, please bestow Your favor and honor on my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Day 54: February 23, 2017 Topic: Israel and the Nations
“Final ly, bret hren, pray for us, t hat t he word of t he Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is wit h you: and t hat we ma y b e d el i v ered from u n re ason able an d wic k e d men: for al l men have not fait h.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2 KJV The apos t le Paul is request ing t he bel ievers to pray for him and his ministry in t his verse. Let us, t he church of t he Living God, start to real ly pray and intercede for t hose in t he front l ine, t he missionaries in foreign countries. Let us cover t hem and t heir f amil ies in prayer and pray t hat t he word of God wil l be spread freely around t he world. Ask God to show you a nat ion or nat ions t hat He would have you pray for so you can be specific in your prayers for t hat nat ion and t he missionar ies t here. Heavenly Fat her, we t hank you for t he missionaries al l over t he world. I d ecl a re t ha t t h e n at ion s be lon g to t h e Lord. I pray t hat t he wo rd o f G o d wi l l h ave fre e c ou rse in Brasil, I n d ia, Canada, Uganda, Israel, England and al l over t he world and t hat t he p eo p l e wi l l ha v e an ope n h e art to re c e ive t h e Word. Protect t he missionaries and t heir famil ies from al l evil, be t heir shiel d a nd b ui l d a he dge of prote c t ion arou n d t h e m. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Day 55: February 24, 2017
Topic: America; Our Elected Leaders and Officials
“I urge you, first of al l, to pray for al l people. Ask God to help t hem; in terced e o n t hei r be h al f, an d give t h an k s for t h e m. Pray t his way for kings and al l who are in aut hority so t hat we can l ive peaceful and quiet l ives marked by god l iness and d i g ni ty.” 1 T im ot h y 2: 1-2 NLT It is so easy to pray t hat God would place leaders and officials over us t hat we know are God-fearing. It ’s also easy to pray for t hose leaders in office t hat we know are serving God. That isn’t t he prayer t his scripture is asking us to pray, t hough. The Bible urges us to pray for t hose who are current ly in au t hority. It d o es n’t s a y j us t pray for t h ose in au t h ority wh o are Christ ians, but al l who are in aut hority. We are to pray for t hem so t ha t we ca n ha v e pe ac e fu l l ive s. Ou r praye rs for t hem mark our l ives wit h d ignity and god l iness. Fat her, I pray t hat You would give wisdom to al l t hose who are in governmental aut hority over America. May t heir hearts be turned toward You. Let t hem seek counsel from You as t hey govern. Surround t hem wit h a company of people who are also seeking after Your wisdom for t heir l ives. Bless t hem, God. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Day 56: February 25, 2017
Topic: Relationship with Christ; Practical Application
“Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.” Ephesians 4:29 NLT Have you ever had one of those days where nothing seems to go right? Then, in the middle of your bad day, someone offers a compliment or kind word and things begin to look up? You feel encouraged, right? The words that we speak hold so much power. We use our words to either build others up or tear them down, to bring people comfort or cause them pain. Let’s choose to use them to build and encourage. This starts with feeding our spirits with God’s word and spending time in His presence being filled. After all, we can’t pour from an empty cup. If we are empty, we can’t encourage others. Jesus, I pray that I would continually become more and more like You. Help me to use my words for good. Let no foul or abusive words cross my lips. Give me opportunities to encourage others with a love that points them to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Day 57: February 26, 2017
Topic: River of Life Church and Souls for the Kingdom
“God can pour on t he blessings in astonishing ways so t hat you’re ready for anyt hing and everyt hing, more t han just ready to do what needs to be done … This most generous God who gives seed to t he farmer t hat becomes bread for your meals is more t han extravagant wit h you. He gives you somet hing you can t hen give away, which grows into ful l-formed l ives, robust in God, weal t hy in every way, so t hat you can be generous in every way, producing wit h us great praise to God.” 2 Corint hians 9:8, 10-11 MSG God has extravagant blessings in store for each member and family in River of Life Church. As we choose by fait h to put H is Kingdom first, we can generously sow into His plans. He is stand ing ready to astonish us wit h grace and fruit fulness in every area of our l ives. He wil l provide t he resources we need for t he new build ing in Jacksonvil le, but He wil l do so much more — He wil l honor our fait hful obed ience wit h blessed rel a t i ons hi p s , heal t h, and favor in many areas. Lord, help me to trust You completely and obey Your voice wit h fait h and ful l confidence. I bel ieve Your plan for me is generous and extravagant. You are my source. Increase comes from You. As I seek You first and give in obed ien ce, astonish me! Mul t iply t he seed I sow. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Day 58: February 27, 2017 Topic: Relationships; Forgiveness
“But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are hold ing a grudge against, so t hat your Fat her in Heaven wil l forgive your sins, too.” Mark 11:25 NLT Relat ionships can be d ifficul t. In every relat ionship — marriage, friendship, parents, sibl ings — t here wil l come a point where forgiveness is needed. And let ’s just be hone st, forgiveness is not always an easy t hing to give. It can be helpful in t hese t imes to remember just how read ily our Heavenly Fat her fo rgives us of our sins against Him. We don’t have to earn t hat forgiveness; we don’t have to work for it. We ask Him and He gives it. We are cal led to do t he same. Fat her, today empower me to forgive t hose who have wronged me. Teach me to show grace and mercy just as You h ave shown t hese t hings to me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Day 59: February 28, 2017 Topic: Relationships; Forgiveness
Love keeps no record of wrongs. 1 Corinthians 13:5b (NIV) If you’re like me, when you’ve been wronged, you have a tendency to re-hash it all over, and over, and over again. It plays like a movie in your mind’s eye. You tell all your friends about it so they can agree that the other person was wrong and you were right. You have imaginary conversations in which you give the triumphant tell-off - Julia Sugarbaker-style! Unfortunately, you’ll find that the more you re-live the incident, the harder you find it to forgive those involved, even if you know that’s what God asks of us and even if it’s what you WANT to do! I found (through experience, the worst and best way) that I can’t let go until I erase the “record of wrong”. God tells us in Isaiah 43:25 (NLT) , “I alone will blot out your sins for my own sake and will never think of them again”. He erases the record of OUR wrongs and forgets them. We are instructed to do the same for others. When we blot out that record of wrong, we’re left with the record of rights – and we can finally forgive. Jesus, show me the areas of my heart which are harboring unforgiveness. I repent for withholding that from them which You have freely given to me. Please help me to blot out the record of wrong, I freely release forgiveness to _________________. Thank You for Your forgiveness and love t o ward me , A me n .