EVENTS River of Life Church events are designed to connect you with God and others, reach our community, and advance your spiritual growth. You can find out about all of these events & more on our River of Life mobile app (search ROLC in your app store) or online at
Gift to the City
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2 • 7PM Jacksonville City Hall
Every year as a church, we bless our city with a monetary gift. This year, join us as we present this gift to the City of Jacksonville on December 2 at 7 pm at Jacksonville City Hall. Let's practically demonstrate the love of Jesus to our city!
Promise Weekend
River of Life Church
The first weekend in December, we remember that God so loved the world that He gave. Let the generosity begin! Let the building go up! Let the harvest come in! Please come prepared to give as we move into all that God has for us. Christmas Gift Wrapping Outreach
DECEMBER 6, 12, 13, 19 & 20 • 6-8PM
Wal-Mart (corner of Hwy 17 and Western Blvd)
Join our “Love Your Neighbor” Team and help us spread the love of Jesus to our city this Christmas season! We'll be offering free gift wrapping to the community on December 6, 12, 13, 19 & 20 from 6-8 pm at the old Wal-Mart. If you'd like to serve on this fun and important outreach opportunity, please sign up in the foyer.
Adopt a Grandparent Nursing Home Outreach
Premier Nursing Home, behind Onslow Memorial
Each month, we reach out to the elderly in our community to show God's love in a practical way. Adopt a grandparent this month by donating a throw, blanket or quilt to give to the residents as Christmas gifts on December 18. A box is available in the foyer for your donations!
“A King Is Born” Christmas Concert
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 • 6PM River of Life Church
We are so excited to present our 2014 Christmas Concert, "A King Is Born!" Join us on Saturday, December 20 at 6pm -- admission is free and open to the entire community! Invite cards are in the foyer for you to invite your friends, family members, co-workers and neighbors.
Christmas Eve Service
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24 • 6PM River of Life Church
Join us during this special time of year for our annual Christmas Eve service! Invite your friends, co-workers, neighbors and family members! Invite cards are in the foyer. Join us -- we can't wait to celebrate the birth of Jesus with you, your family and friends!
Ring in the New Year’s Eve Service
River of Life Church
Ring in the New Year at River of Life! We’ll have a powerful time of prophecy, praise and worship, and a party, as we countdown to 2015! This event is free, and we want to see you there! Join us!