September 2015 Bulletin

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River of Life Church events are designed to connect you with God and others, reach our community, and advance your spiritual growth. You can find out about all of these events & more on our River of Life mobile app (search ROLC in your app store) or online at



Communion Services FRIDAY + SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 & 13 River of Life Church, Jacksonville Location

Join us for a special time of communion on Saturday, September 12 at 6:00 p.m., and Sunday, September 13 at 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and 12noon in our Jacksonville location. Everyone is welcome -- we hope you'll be a part of this time.



Fall 2015 Marriage Sessions SEPTEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 2, 2015

River of Life Church, Jacksonville Location

Our Fall 2015 Marriage Sessions will begin on September 7, 2015 through November 2, 2015! These sessions are designed to bring authenticity and wholeness to your marriage. Our "Let's Get Real" study was created to look at the Word of God and learn how you and your spouse can be better together. Through these sessions, you and your spouse to discover: The five elements of being a safe mate The two deepest needs of both men and women The four qualities of authentic love How to make positive changes in your marriage How and why your marriage matters ... And so much more! Please note, this is for married couples only.



For This Cause, Fearless Women’s Event FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 • 7PM River of Life Church, Jacksonville Location

On Friday, September 25 all women and girls are invited to our fall Fearless Warrior Princess Women's Event: For This Cause, Fearless! Dynamic speakers Pastors Sion and Shannon Alford will be joining us, and you don't want to miss it! That night, we'll be launching a new season of our ConnectHER groups (small groups) and have an awesome time of worship -- plus, there'll be gifts, giveaways and so much more! For This Cause, Fearless will begin at 7:00 p.m. in our Jacksonville location, but come early (between 6:00 6:45 p.m.) to sign up for a ConnectHER group and be entered to win an amazing prize! This event is free and open to all women and girls, so invite a friend, co-worker or family member and join us!



Praise & Worship Conference SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 • 8AM - 12NOON River of Life Church, Jacksonville Location

If you're part of the Advance Youth, Congregational Choir, Worship, Sound or Tech Teams, join us for our 2015 Praise & Worship Conference! Our guest speakers will be Pastors Sion & Shannon Alford from Gateway Worship, and you definitely don't want to miss it! The Conference will be held on Saturday, September 26 from 8:00 a.m. - 12noon with breakfast at 8:00 a.m. and the first session beginning at 9:00 a.m. in our Jacksonville location. Congregational Choir members, please sign up with Topeka Benton.

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