February 2016 Bulletin

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River of Life Church events are designed to connect you with God and others, reach our community, and advance your spiritual growth. You can find out about all of these events & more on our River of Life mobile app (search ROLC in your app store) or online at www.rolchur.ch/events.



Apex Leadership Training MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1 • 6:30pm

River of Life Church, Jacksonville Location

Apex is our new intensive leadership training for those who are already serving at River of Life Church. Because Apex means “the highest point, such as the top of the mountain; the narrow tip, such as the tip of the spear,” our goal is to instill the theory and practice of leadership in those being equipped for the work of ministry. Join us on Monday, February 1 at 6:30 p.m. in Jacksonville. Dinner will be provided, and the training is free and open to everyone. For more information, please contact the church office at (910) 346-1114. Crisis 101 Men’s Bible Study THURSDAYS, FEBRUARY 4 - APRIL 21 • 7PM River of Life Church, Jacksonville Location

Calling all guys! Join us every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. starting February 4 - April 21* for a new Men's Bible Study -- Crisis 101: Back to the Basics by Robert J. Morgan. All of us are either going into a crisis, coming out of one, or in the midst of it right now. And we know lots of other people in the same boat. So what do we do? How do we handle those "life-changing" times? Learn how to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. He continually stepped into crisis with words of hope, peace, joy and love, and we can do the same. You definitely don't want to miss this time of growth and discovery! *Note: We will NOT have class on Thursdays, March 3, 24 & 31.



Jeans & Jerseys Sunday SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7 • ALL SERVICES River of Life Church, Both Locations

It's getting close to Superbowl time and we are so excited to announce our Jeans & Jerseys Sunday on Sunday, February 7! Support your favorite team & throw on your favorite pair of jeans -- then join us in Jacksonville at 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. or 12noon and Dumfries at 10:00 a.m. for this fun Sunday.



Baptism Sunday SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14

River of Life Church, Jacksonville Location

Baptism is the outward expression of our inward faith, and at River of Life, we celebrate those who want to participate in this Biblical act of symbolically washing away the old and coming out new! If you would like to be baptized, please join us for Baptism Sunday on February 14 in our Jacksonville location. You can sign up in the foyer! There will be a mandatory class on Wednesday, February 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the Annex -- this class will go over what baptism means, how it affects you and what you can expect on Baptism Sunday.



Baby Dedication WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 • 7PM River of Life Church, Jacksonville Location

On Wednesday, February 17 at 7:00 p.m., we will have a baby dedication service for all babies and children at River of Life (in our Jacksonville location). We will say a prayer over each child (note: we do not baptize babies). Please sign up in the foyer if you'd like to participate in this special time!



FWP City-Wide War Room Parties FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26 • 7PM City-Wide, both Jacksonville & Dumfries

On Friday, February 26 at 7pm, we’ll be hosting city-wide War Room Parties for all ladies and girls! This event is free and open to everyone! Come comfy in your PJs for a night of watching the DVD “War Room,” yummy snacks, hanging with other like-minded women and more! Parties will be held across the cities of Jacksonville and Dumfries, and sign ups begin the weekend of January 30! Space is limited, so be sure to reserve your spot! For more information, please contact the church office.

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