River of Life Church events are designed to connect you with God and others, reach our community, and advance your spiritual growth. You can find out about all of these events & more on our River of Life mobile app (search ROLC in your app store) or online at www.rolchur.ch/events.
Live2Lead Leadership Simulcast SATURDAY, JANUARY 16 • 9am-1pm River of Life Church, Jacksonville Location
Leaders, join us on Saturday, January 16 from 9am-1pm in our Jacksonville location for a Leadership Simulcast (John Maxwell’s Live2Lead). This is part of our new Apex Leadership Training. Apex is our new intensive leadership training for those who are already serving at River of Life Church. Because Apex means “the highest point, such as the top of the mountain; the narrow tip, such as the tip of the spear,” our goal is to instill the theory and practice of leadership in those being equipped for the work of ministry. Learn more at www.rolchur.ch.
Advance Youth Senior Trip JANUARY 17-20 • All Day Gatlinburg, TN
High School Seniors (12th graders ONLY) are invited to our Advance Senior Trip on January 17-20 in Gatlinburg, TN. The cost is $150/senior, and includes all transportation, lodging, 3 meals per day with snacks while at resort, all preset daily activities, and StrengthsFinder Test/materials. This is going to be a powerful time for our seniors! Parents, all money is due by January 6. For more information, please visit www.rolchur.ch or call Mason Phillips at the church office.
FWP Girls Event FRIDAY, JANUARY 15 • 6pm
River of Life Church, Jacksonville Location
On Friday, January 15 at 6pm, we will have a Fearless Warrior Princess Girls event in our Jacksonville location! You don’t want to miss our first event of the year! For more information, please contact Topeka Benton at the church office.
Nursing Home Outreach THURSDAY, JANUARY 21 • 6:45pm Premier Nursing Home, Jacksonville
Each month, we reach out to the elderly in our community and show the love of Jesus in a practical way. Our River of Life team focuses on Premier Nursing Home in Jacksonville, where we play board games with the residents, talk with them, sing songs, pray with them and give them gifts. Volunteers are needed and welcome -- join us on January 21 at 6:45 pm as we participate in this important outreach.
Baby Dedication WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27 • 8pm
River of Life Church, Jacksonville Location
On Wednesday, January 27, we will have a baby dedication service for all babies and children at River of Life Jacksonville. We will say a special blessing over each child (note: we do not baptize babies). Please sign up in the foyer if you would like to participate in this special time! ROL Outreach SATURDAYS, JANUARY 9, 16, 23 & 30 • 3pm River of Life Church, Jacksonville Location
ROL Outreach is back for 2016 beginning on Saturday, January 9 at 3pm for our Prayer for Outreach Strategies and the Lost! Then, on Saturdays, January 16, 23 & 30 at 3pm, meet us at the church before we head out to local laundromats to bless those in our community with a free load of clean clothes. This is a great way to share the Gospel to those in our city! Join us! For more information, please contact James Grayson at the church office.