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Ref.№ 164

dated by 27.11.2008 ORDER

“for approval of Action Program on prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2009 – 2013 years” With the view of ensuring of prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in the Republic of Azerbaijan, I ORDER 1. to approve Action Program on prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2009 – 2013 years. 2. to charge the concerned structural units of the Ministry of Health, the National AIDS Center and other appropriate agencies with ensuring of implementation of the Action Program. 3. to charge the Finance-Economic Department with ensuring of taking of appropriate measures for financing of the Action Program. 4. to entrust Messrs. Abbas Valibayov and Sanan Karimov, Deputy Ministers, with supervising on execution of this order. Ogtay Shiraliyev

Approved by the order nr.164 dated November 27, 2008 issued by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Action Program on prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2009 – 2013 years Introduction As a global humanity issue, HIV / AIDS causes threat to human health and detriment to both social-economic development and national security of the affected countries. In 2007 alone 2.5 million people were infected with HIV. At present the number of people living with HIV exceeded 33 million all over the world with 23 million of which are children. According to opinion of experts of the World Health Organization, 25 million people died from the AIDS during 25 years when it began to spread. In 2007 alone the number of people who died from the AIDS was 2,1 million. Azerbaijan is among the countries with a relatively low incidence of HIV. However recently there is an increase in the number of people infected with HIV in Azerbaijan. In 2007 alone 441 cases of infection with HIV were recorded which is 81 % more compared to 2006. During 1987 – 2007 years totally 1379 people were recorded as infected with HIV in Azerbaijan. 59 of them are aliens, 1320 are Azerbaijani nationals. The total number of citizens died from the AIDS is 195 and the number of those passed into AIDS phase is 294. Within 1992 – 2007 years cases of infection with HIV were recorded in 53 administrative regions of the country. According to opinion of international experts the epidemic of HIV infection is in concentrated phase, i.e. it is observed among the vulnerable groups with high infection risk such as intravenous drug users (IDUs), commercial sex workers, homosexuals and prison inmates. With the view of prevention of this disease, in 1996 Law on Prevention of HIV-Related Disease (AIDS) of the Republic of Azerbaijan was adopted. Besides this, in 2002 National Strategic Program on Prevention of HIV incidence in the Republic of Azerbaijan was approved by the order nr.205s of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan and it was completed in 2006. The Action Program covering 2009 – 2013 years is aimed at guiding of multi-sector activities on HIV / AIDS control. The Program envisages involvement of ministries, agencies, NGOs in the implementation of planned activities as partners as well as collaboration with them. Local and international organizations, public associations, NGOs and mass media may also be involved in the implementation of the Program.

Aim of Program -


The Action Program aims at: improvement of coordination level of joint attempts and all activities of public authorities for responses to HIV / AIDS in the Republic of Azerbaijan, building of partnerships with NGOs, people living with HIV / AIDS and other international organizations with the view of implementation of activities; improvement of epidemiological indicators related to HIV / AIDS and sexually transmitted infections (STI), reduction of HIV and STI among the main population segments with high infection risk; rendering of medical aid, treatment and care services for HIV infected people; enhancement of work on prevention of this disease among the vulnerable population groups with high infection risk (IDUs, commercial sex workers, homosexuals, prison inmates and in-patiens, mobile population groups including migrants and others) as well as among general population groups. Objectives of Program

1. Strengthening of coordination system for governmental and nongovernmental organizations’ activities directed to expansion of opportunities for multi-sector efforts against HIV / AIDS threat, HIV / AIDS prevention and control of it. 2. Expansion of measures directed to prevention of HIV / AIDS and STI spread among the population groups with high infection risk; 3. Expansion of coverage of voluntary consultation and treatment services at the public medical establishments, their development within projects on youth-friendly health care services and harm reduction. 4. Improvement of medical care opportunities, social and general assistance services for people living with HIV / AIDS and their family members, HIV infected children. 5. Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV infection, syphilis and other infections. 6. Strengthening and improvement of epidemiological control system on HIV infection and STI including second generation behaviour control and other researches. 7. Providing of control in blood transfusion and other medical interventions at the medical establishments with the view of prevention of spread of HIV infection, syphilis and other infections. 8. Improvement of education and awareness raising among the vulnerable population groups, youth, children and general population groups towards prevention of HIV / AIDS and STI.

9. Expansion and improvement of activities on prevention, diagnostics, treatment and medical care for the people infected with joint HIV/ tuberculosis infection. Financing of Action Program Please find below a table which shows yearly required funds for the implementation of the Program: Years Total expenses (by thousand manats)











Funds required for the implementation of the Program are provided within health care section allocations in centralized expenses of the annual state budget for the respective years as well as at the expense of other funds allowed by the legislation.

PLAN for the implementation of Action Program on prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2009 – 2013 years Nr.

Name of action

1 1









Implementation of common complex monitoring and evaluation actions on HIV/ AIDS in the Republic of Azerbaijan Creation of a database for HIV / AIDS infected people Prevention of HIV / AIDS / STI among youth

Prevention of HIV / AIDS among IDUs, commercial sex workers, prison inmates and migrant groups Development of HIV / AIDS related voluntary consultation and treatment system

Implementing agency 3 Medical Care Arrangement Department, National AIDS Center

Information Science and Statistics Department, National AIDS Center National AIDS Center jointly with appropriate agencies National AIDS Center, Republican Narcological Dispensary, appropriate agencies National AIDS Center

Improvement of laboratory diagnostics for HIV / AIDS and STI

National AIDS Center, Republican SkinVenereal Dispensary

Providing of access to medical care and social support for people living with HIV / AIDS Increasing of active involvement of organizations of people living with HİV/AİDS in improvement of policies and programs on

National AIDS Center jointly with appropriate agencies Medical Care Arrangement Department, National

Term of implementation (by years) 4 2009-2013









AIDS Center and appropriate agencies


Creation of enabling environment for implementation National AIDS Center of actions against stigmatization jointly with appropriate agencies and discrimination of people living with HIV / AIDS among the country population.



Initial prevention of HIV infection and STI among reproductive age women



Prevention of HIV and other mother-to-child transmitted infections


Rendering of treatmentpreventive and social support to the HIV infected women, their children and families. Enhancement of epidemiological surveillance and control of HIV / AIDS / STI





Medical Care Arrangement Department, National AIDS Center, Republican SkinVenereal Dispensary Medical establishments, Republican Hygiene and Epidemiological Center National AIDS Center jointly with appropriate agencies National AIDS Center, Republican SkinVenereal Dispensary, Republican Hygiene and Epidemiological Center

Ensuring of safety in donor Medical Care blood, organ and cell transfusion Arrangement Department, Scientific Research Hematology and Blood Transfusion Institute Implementation of actions for Republican Hygiene and ensuring of safety in medical Epidemiological Center and cosmetology procedures at the establishments rendering treatment-preventive and cosmetology services Providing of universal access to Medical Care







individual treatment for all HIV infected people 17


Arrangement Department, National AIDS Center Increasing of efficiency of Medical Care primary and specialized medical Arrangement services on prevention of joint Department, National HIV / tuberculosis infection AIDS Center, Scientific Research the Lungs Diseases Institute National AIDS Center, Formulation and Republican Skinimplementation of policy of Venereal Dispensary. informational and educational programs on HIV / AIDS and STI



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