ECUO Regional Advocacy Strategy EN

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Project overview of the Regional ECUO Strategy on securing access to ART in EECA By 2020 in countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia 100% of funding for antiretroviral treatment for all PLWH who need it and its effective allocation is ensured by the state budget

Results Hierarchy up to 2015


IR 1: In EECA region antiretroviral treatment of HIV-infection is funded from state budget at a level of 50%.

% increase of adults and children living with HIV-infection receiving ART funded by the state budget in EECA region % increase in funding of ARV drug procurement attributable to the National Budget(s) # & % of countries developed and implementing a transition plan for transferring patients receiving ART from Global Fund supported to state funded programs

IR 2: Public funding for antiretroviral treatment of HIV-infection programmes are effective; in line with “price-quality” and “cost-effectiveness” principle

# and % of EECA region countries with nationally approved HIV treatment protocols that are in line with the latest WHO protocols for European region # and % of EECA region countries, experiencing flexible TRIPS provisions # and % of countries, where procurement and supply of ARV medicines is made on time

IR 3: PLWH organizations are able to conduct effective public campaigns aiming at ensuring sustainability of public funding for antiretroviral treatment of HIV-infection programmes

# and percentage of public campaigns conducted at the initiative

of PLWH community that have led to the development of new policies and procedures or refinement of the existing ones, that contribute to the national antiretroviral treatment of HIV-infection programmes sustainability at state budget cost

Stages of the strategy implementation Inception stage: (2012) envisions general assessment of in-country situation and development of detailed national and regional advocacy plans for ECUO member-states and Secretariat. Initial stage: (2013-2015) envisions implementation of national and regional advocacy plans aimed at allocation and/or increase of state budget funding for procurement of ARV medicines and assessment of its efficient application. Main stage (2015-2018) envisions interim assessment of the strategy implementation, identification of new interim results, review of approaches and main activities, if necessary. This stage is aimed at the increase of state funding for ARV treatment and improvement of its allocative effectiveness. Final stage: (2018-2020) corresponds the goal of the strategy and envisions implementation of activities aimed at securing sustainability of ARV treatment programmes at state budget cost in line with “cost-effectiveness” principle. M&E of the strategy implementation will be conducted in accordance with ECUO M&E plan. Achievement of set indicators of the Strategy depends on many factors including efforts of all stakeholders and key partners in this process. Separate indicators to the key activities of detailed national and regional plans of the Strategy implementation will be developed by the end of 2012 to assess ECUO contribution into achievement of the results of the Strategy.


Project overview of the Regional ECUO Strategy on securing access to ART in EECA

By 2020 in countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia 100% of funding for antiretroviral treatment for all PLWH who need it and its effective allocation is ensured by the state budget Activity

IR 1:

Implementation period, responsible

In EECA region antiretroviral treatment of HIV-infection is funded from state budget at a level of 50% Indicator of achievement: % increase of adults and children living with HIV-infection receiving ART funded by the state budget in EECA region % increase in funding of ARV drug procurement attributable to the National Budget(s) # & % of countries developed and implementing a transition plan for transferring patients receiving ART from Global Fund supported to state funded programs



Participation of representatives of PLWH organisations at all stages of budget formation cycle supported by official letters from PLWH organisations to relevant ministries, agencies and committees on inclusion of the ART treatment drugs procurement into the state budget and its approval

During strategy implementation, starting - 2013

Public Monitoring of the HIV / AIDS state budget execution

During strategy implementation, starting – 2013

ECUO member-states

ECUO member-states 1.3.

IR 2:

Participation of PLWH organization representatives in the design, monitoring and evaluation of the National HIV/AIDS Plan(s), including development of country proposal to the Global Fund

During strategy implementation, starting - 2013 ECUO member-states

Public funding for antiretroviral treatment of HIV-infection programmes is effective; in line with “pricequality” and “cost-effectiveness” principle. Indicators of achievement: # and % of EECA region countries, where all WHO recommended ARV drugs are registered. # and % of EECA region countries with nationally approved HIV treatment protocols that are in line with the latest WHO protocols for European region. # and % of EECA region countries, where flexible TRIPS provisions are used. # and % of countries, where procurement and supply of ARV medicines is made on time.



Establishment of working group on treatment under auspices of the Ministry of Health at the initiative of PLWH organizations. Group composition: ECUO member-states, MoH officials, GF MR, UNAIDS, WHO, UNICEF, UNDP, representatives of other ministries and medicine regulatory bodies, civil society, lawyers, representatives of the scientific sector

During strategy implementation, starting - 2013

Negotiations with representatives of pharmaceutical companies, including within framework of joint initiative of ITPC EECA & ECUO EECA

During strategy implementation, starting – 2013

ECUO member-states partners



Project overview of the Regional ECUO Strategy on securing access to ART in EECA







ECUO Secretariat, ITPC-ru

Examine the possibility of using flexible TRIPS mechanisms, as well as possibilities of joint procurement for some countries of EECA region


Upbringing national legislative and normative basis on Intellectual Property in order to accommodate TRIPS flexibilities

2014 - 2015

Enter the dialogue with members of the CIS countries Health Coordinating Council and government representatives of EECA countries about possibility of regional cooperation on the issue of securing access to ART in EECA region


Participation of ECUO representatives in consultations and meetings at international level dedicated to recommendations development for changing policies and procedures to secure access to ART (issue of TRIPS provisions eligibility extension for middle-income countries, revision of WHO HIV/AIDS treatment guidelines for European Region, improvement of national protocols for the treatment of HIV infection, etc.)

As deemed necessary

Monitoring of continued/uninterrupted access to ART in EECA

During strategy implementation, starting – 2013

ECUO Secretariat, members of RAG, experts

ECUO member-states

ECUO Secretariat

ECUO Secretariat, ECUO member-states

ECUO member-states 2.8.

IR 3

Bringing national legislative and normative basis on medicines procurement in line with terms of uninterrupted supply of ARV treatment

Until 2015 ECUO member-states, lawyers, experts, partners

PLWH organizations are able to conduct effective public campaigns aiming at ensuring sustainability of public funding for antiretroviral treatment of HIV-infection programmes. Indicators of achievement: - Number and percentage of public campaigns conducted at the initiative of PLWH community that have led to the development of new policies and procedures or refinement of the existing ones, that contribute to the national antiretroviral treatment of HIV-infection programmes sustainability at state budget cost.


Development of National public campaign plan(s) in EECA countries

2012 ECUO member-states, advocacy advisor


Establishment of the Regional Advisory Group (RAG) Group composition: representatives of: public authorities, UNAIDS, WHO, UNDP, Global Fund, EU, OSI, Medicine Patent Pool, regional communitybased organizations like ITPC-ru, EHRN, etc.

During strategy implementation, starting – 2013 ECUO Secretariat

Format of the group: on-line, meetings at least once a year 3.3.

Conduction of educational seminars, meetings and consultations for representatives of ECUO member-states on such issues as: “Cycles of budgeting process”, “Intellectual property», “Effective skills for

Starting 2012, at least once a year ECUO




Project overview of the Regional ECUO Strategy on securing access to ART in EECA




communication with state officials”, “Overcoming internal stigma” etc.


Conduction of public national and regional campaigns on scaling up access to ART

During strategy implementation

Provision of TA to ECUO member-states organisations on the issues of universal access to ARV treatment in EECA countries

During strategy implementation

Collection and dissemination of best national practices in the field of securing access to ARV treatment in EECA countries

During strategy implementation

ECUO Secretariat, member-states


ECUO, ECUO member-states

ECUO Secretariat, member-states


For more information, please contact Tatyana Khan, ECUO advocacy officer


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