1 minute read
An episode marked me for life: When nine, I was the victim of older guys who played with perversions, taking me from school to the avenue.
They used to rape me in a dead end alley, they used to bully, inventing bizarre things, like licking cock-cheese from their dicks and filling my mouth with spit. What disgusted me more was the dust from their sneakers' sole, mixed with candy, bread, shit, or market's scraps.
The taste from the sole and the sidewalk on my tongue made me, like it or not, into the scum of the footlovers, and into nothing else.
Um facto me marcou p'ra toda a vida: aos nove annos fui victima dos caras mais velhos, que brincavam com as taras, levando-me da eschola p'ra avenida. Curravam-me num becco sem sahida, zoavam inventando coisas raras, como lamber sebinho em suas varas e encher a minha bocca de cuspida. O que dava mais nojo era a poeira da sola dos seus tennis, mixturada com doce, pão, cocô ou xepa de feira. O gosto do solado e da calçada na lingua fez de mim, queira ou não queira, a escoria dos podolatras, mais nada.