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Some steps beyond the Marco Zero is the Sé cathedral, almost finished, summarizing in Neo-Gothic the human and the inhuman salad where I was born.


In the north-eastern East I already was a real kid from the rural Vila Invernada. But I was born in Lapa, which is neighboring to the home of a poet who is a panther.

Elíseos, Campos, Brás, Bixiga and Moóca, Belém, Limão, Carrão, Pari, Moema: Which place is my house, grave, hut, hole?

Were I not a genuine São Paulo born! My tongue goes directly to Lavapés street, where it will wash, enjoy and moan!


Alguns passos alem do Marco Zero a cathedral da Sé, quasi accabada, resume em neogothico a salada humana e deshumana onde me gero. No leste nordestino ja fui vero bambino da rural Villa Hinvernada. Nasci, porem, na Lapa, que é pegada à toca dum poeta que é panthero. Elyseos, Campos, Braz, Bixiga e Mooca, Belem, Limão, Carrão, Pary, Moema: Qual minha casa, cova, taba, toca? Não fosse eu paulistano tão da gemma! Na rua Lavapés me desembocca a lingua, que alli lave, goze e gema!

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