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Once, a big dog lived sad and lonely, indolently confined in his doghouse. His only toy was that enormous, worn-out sneaker, which still resisted.


He was already the object of gossips and jokes, but his mature age made him feel resigned. His masters wore boots and uniforms. If he ran away, he'd never escape from them.

One day, a shy and pretty kitten searching for a home, snuggled up there. In that cramped place, he stepped on the dog's snout.

The dog roused, resented the intrusion, but soon accepted him. Instead of defending, the dog shared his territory, and now the couple lives happily ever after...


Estava o cachorrão sozinho e triste, trancado na casinha, come-e-dorme. Seu unico brinquedo, aquelle enorme, surrado pé de tennis, que resiste. Ja victima das linguas e do chiste, a edade faz que quasi se conforme. Seus donos usam botas e uniforme. De fuga não ha ropta que os despiste. Até que um lindo e timido gattinho, em busca de refugio, la se deita. Naquelle apperto, pisa-lhe o focinho. O cão accorda, extranha, mas acceita. Em vez de defender, divide o ninho e agora a dupla vive satisfeita.

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