Creative Process Journal Edward Kerfoot

FEB MAR Initial FurtherConceptResearch and ProjectDesignInsightsExplorationDirectionChangePrototypeTestingModellingandEvaluation Project Interim PROJECT MAPPING Final Modelling
APR MAY Project Visualisation Project Submission Packaging and RenderingBranding Photography
CONTENTS PROJECT BACKGROUND CHAPTER ONE A brief overview of my project direction based on my research and findings in FMP Part One INITIAL CONCEPT CHAPTER TWO Considering a concept storyline that reuses homeowners waste cooking oil FINAL MODELLING CHAPTER EIGHT An overview of the final modelling process and considering how it would be made in reality HANDLE CHAPTER SEVEN Using ergonomic data to design the perfect handle to pour the refined oil from the device RESEARCH AND INSIGHTS CHAPTER THREE Further research into oil usage and existing oil filtration PACKAGINGproducts AND BRANDING CHAPTER NINE Designing the packaging for the product and the overarching brand identity 01 - 14 15 - 20 21 - 28 81 - 100 101 - 120 121 - 126
DESIGN EXPLORATION CHAPTER FOUR Looking at form through sketching and development to further develop the concept LOCKING MECHANISM CHAPTER FIVE Exploring how the product can be unlocked and taken apart for cleaning FINAL IMAGERY CHAPTER ELEVEN Images of my final model in realistic scenarios to convey when and how it is to be used CAD VISUALISATION CHAPTER TEN Rendering the final model in 3D environments to communicate the product further FILTER CHAPTER SIX Considering the shape and size of the filter as well as how it will house the cheesecloth PROJECT REFLECTION CHAPTER TWELVE Looking back and reflecting on my experience throughout my Final Major Project 29 - 48 49 - 64 65 - 80 127 - 138 139 - 146 147 - 158
PROJECT BACKGROUND CHAPTER ONE A brief overview of my project direction based on my research and findings through testing in FMP Part One 01. 01.

The project is centred around the concept of oil filtration and how that can be performed on a small scale within the home so that homeowners can filter their own waste cooking oil for personal use
The project outcome is to design an oil filtration device for use in the kitchen that supports sustainable cooking practices

55% of homeowners are unaware that they can filter and reuse their waste cooking oil up to eight times before it has to be disposed ONE - INSIGHTS
Oil can be refined and reused up to eight times for cooking and cheesecloth can be reused to filter liquids up to around five hundred times before replacing it
Around 95% of homeowners do not know how to filter waste cooking oil, with 100% of those saying that they would reuse oil if the filtration process was simple
Over 65% of homeowners admitted to pouring their waste cooking oil down the sink within the past seven days

“Oils, fats and greases travel down kitchen drains and slowly solidify. They catch on bends and joints, which caused a blockage that we once had to fix. I now use kitchen roll to wipe off excess oil from pans, but it would be useful if there was a way to filter and store leftover oil on a domestic level, similar to grease traps, but a smaller scale worktop equivalent”
“Eighty thousand tonnes of FOG’s enter the sewer network each year, which causes fatbergs and blockages that restrict sewer capacity. We clear seventy five thousand blockages per year, with seventy percent of those being as a result of FOG’s. Water jets, drilling and bacterial dosing help clear blockages but they are generally difficult to treat”
Stuart, Homeowner54 with Oil Drainage Issues
Rachel, 38 Thames Water - Networks R&D Manager 04.

Filtering oil through a mesh strainer and funnel removed the larger food particles but not the smaller ones, so was not a suitable method

Filtering oil through cheesecloth, a mesh strainer and funnel removed nearly all visible food particles, which suggested it was a suitable method for filtering

OIL FILTRATION TESTING - TEST TWO Capsules in clear and solid white acrylic were vacuum formed to hold the refined waste cooking oil, along with laser cut and 3D printed capsule lids to hold layers of fine mesh cheesecloth in place during the filtration process 07.

Two layers of cheesecloth proved to be the most effective method of filtration based on the quality of the refined oil and time taken to filter
Several tests were carried out to examine how effective different numbers of layers of cheesecloth are at filtering waste cooking oil 08.

60 SECONDS180 SECONDS 450 SECONDS This is good as the homeowner can pour the oil into the device and let it filter in the background ONE LAYER TWO THREELAYERSLAYERS It only took three minutes for 100ml of used cooking oil to filter through two layers of cheesecloth TIME TAKEN TO FILTER 09.
CLEANING AND DRYING THE COMPONENTS Cheesecloth and specialised filters can be cleaned and reused up to five hundred times before they need to be replaced for new filters 10.

The most effective way of filtering was through two layers of cheesecloth as it removes all visual food particles in a short period of time
The vacuum formed acrylic capsules became very oily over time, whereas a glass capsule would be easier to wipe clean
The inner walls of the capsule lid should be taller so that a greater volume of oil can be poured into the filter

How can the user filter and store different types of oil separately?
Should the user be able to see the filtration process? What size should the filtration device be based on existing kitchen products? How would the user hold the device when pouring in the oil?

PROJECT DIRECTIONOIL FILTRATION IN THE HOME “It would be useful if there was a way to filter and store leftover oil on a domestic level” 13.
frying pan
waste cooking oil 14.
A with and utensil that filtering and reuse of
promotes the
filtration device
INITIAL CONCEPT CHAPTER ConsideringTWO a concept storyline that the user will follow in order to effectively reuse their waste cooking oil 02. 15.

This chapter explores the initial concept storyline and various existing products that follow a similar aesthetic to that I would like mine to follow The initial concept consists of a cookware set including a filtration device, frying pan and range of utensils

Cook with fresh oil in the frying pan Remove food from frying pan using the utensils Pour excess oil into filtration device Use the sponge to clean the frying pan INITIAL CONCEPT STORYLINE 17.

01. The filtration device 02. Modular bases and filters (for different oil types) 03. Frying pan (with pouring spout) 04. Range of utensils (to pick up food) 05. Sponges (to clean the frying pan) COOKWARE SET CONCEPT 18.

COOKWARE AND UTENSIL INSPIRATION Existing cookware and utensils that I consider inspirational and follow a particular design language and aesthetic that I would like my project to follow 19.

I go on to change the project direction to focus on the filtering system and thus remove the need for a frying pan and utensils as a result of the design and form of the filtration device

RESEARCH AND INSIGHTS CHAPTER THREE Further research into oil usage and characteristics as well as exploring existing oil filtration products 03. 21.

Understanding how people use cooking oil on a daily basis gave insights into how the filtration device needs to be integrated into their cooking practices
Researching basic existing oil filters and gathering feedback from industry and cookware specialists will also support my design decisions

FILTERING PRODUCTS Existing gravy strainers help filter out food particles which is the main aim of an oil filtration product 23.


It would be beneficial for the oil filtration product to have multiple compartments for the different types of oil which is why it is useful to look at existing containers

“When it comes to frying pans, simple is best. Stainless steel or iron lasts forever and works well for frying pans. The ideal pan tends to be eight to ten inches with a comfortable handle”

“The capsule is too small which caused me to spill some of the waste cooking oil when pouring it from the frying pan. There was also a decent amount of oil to pour into the capsule, however the lid is not tall enough to hold that much at any one time”
Cooking Observations - Video One 27.

“I used extra oil part way through cooking, which added to the waste oil that I had to pour into the capsule”
Cooking Observations - Video Two 28.

DESIGN EXPLORATION CHAPTER FOUR Finding form and product dimensions based on existing kitchenware product form 04. 29.

This chapter explores form based upon the project direction change to removing the need for a frying pan and utensil range It also explains design decisions that effected form based upon existing water filter containers that I have taken inspiration from 30.

Initial sketching based on the vacuum formed capsule from FMP Part One. The sketches suggest how an angled lid can make it easier for the user to pour their waste oil into the filter and how there could be separate compartments for different types of cooking oil

Exploring how waste cooking oil can be poured into the device and how the subsequent refined oil can be poured out of the device in one fluid movement

Further sketching to find form with the inclusion of a sloped compartment that draws the waste cooking oil towards the layers of cheesecloth filter, as well as it being removable for easy cleaning

Exploring how the filter compartment can slot into the base of the device and how the refined cooking oil can be poured out through the lid of the device without the food particles which are sitting upon the filter being tipped out

Researching and understanding the product design language of existing water filter jugs and how they include a spout for water to be poured out of the top, which is what I need to consider and factor into the design of my oil filtration device DESIGN LANGUAGE AND PRODUCT FEATURES 35.

Sketching in the style of water filter jugs with the inclusion of the features required for a filtration based device

Exploring the various angles the filter should slope at to draw the waste cooking oil towards the cheesecloth layers ADDING SPOUT AND HANDLE FEATURES 37.

Isometric sketching to better show the sloped filter compartment with the addition of a standard spout to pour the refined oil out of the top and a handle to hold the device when it is in use

Foam modelling the initial form where the two pieces slot together FOAM MODELLING 39.

“It is too small to pour anything into it and looks out of place compared to the frying pan”
Sanded down so that it fits flush, however the scale of the model is too small

Considering how a screw type mechanism can be included to join the upper and lower components together SCREW MECHANISM 41.

Understanding that the diameter of the screw section is dependent on the width and length of the device 42.

PROJECT DIRECTIONFOCUSINGCHANGEONTHE FILTRATION DEVICE Removing the need for a frying pan and utensil range as the filter should work with all pans and utensils homeowners already own 43.
NEW DIRECTION A filtration device with interchangeable bases and filters for different types of cooking oil 44.
The previous pink foam model was too small to be functional, so I made a larger card model to explain the screwing mechanism better

This new card model felt like a more suitable and functional size in comparison to the pink foam model, it also appeared to be a similar scale to other kitchenware products than the other pink model and looks easier to pour into from a frying pan, and the twisting

Rough sketching in my notebook to explore how the filter would slot into the upper compartment of the filtration device

Playing with the concept of having a rubber valve in the lower compartment to keep the device air tight when the upper compartment is not attached

LOCKING MECHANISM CHAPTER ExploringFIVEhow the product can be unlocked and taken apart into its separate pieces for easy cleaning 05. 49.

This chapter explores the development of the bayonet lock mechanism that allows the user to unlock the components It also discusses how human error can cause these components to be joined incorrectly and how this issue can be overcome

A bayonet lock would allow the upper section to twist and click into the lower section with ease which is why I modelled one in solidworks and went on to 3D print it as a test to see how accurate they need to be

The 3D printed bayonet lock was slightly too tight initially so I had to sand the outer edges down a little so it worked smoothly

The notch idea would make the locking mechanism difficult to turn and lift at the same time 53.
Considering how the bayonet lock could be angled and include a notch for the pin to be lifted over to click into place

The 3D printed bayonet lock has an angled slot to gradually lock the two components together I decided to reduce the diameter of the upper part so that it did not need to be sanded down to slot into the lower part

add the wall and holes for the removable filters to slot I found it difficult to get the upper part of the bayonet joint to start at a 90 degree angle to the lower part, and for them to lock together flush

Discussing wall thickness and how the inner walls can be swept to maintain a linear wall thickness
Linear wall thickness should be maintained if the components were to be injection moulded WILL THE PARTS BE MANUFACTURED?
Discussing o-rings and rubber valves that would prevent oil seeping out and how the bayonet lock itself should never be in contact with the oil to stop it from becoming greasy

Understanding how the different sizes of o-rings would attach to the locking mechanism to ensure a tight seal

3D printing the bayonet lock with the addition of the outer walls and hole for the interchangeable filters to slot into. This helped me understand the locking mechanism and size of the device better (the lower part is shorter to not waste 3D printing material for the test) as well as making me aware that human error can result in the two parts not slotting together in the correct manner

Giving the bayonet locks to people to test how they interact with them after seeing them for the first time
People were able to slot them together smoothly, however with the larger bayonet lock, it can be slotted together in two different ways where one of which is wrong

The larger bayonet lock had the ability to be slot together incorrectly and twist the wrong way so that the upper component faced the opposite direction to which it should be facing. I need to design this mechanism in a way that informs the user how to slot the pieces together correctly, or so that it is impossible to slot it together incorrectly

POKAMistakeYOKEproofing processes to eliminate the risk of human error in products 61.
The user can slot the bayonet lock together in two directions, but they should only be able to slot it together in one direction
A simple notch or pin to explain to the user where the two parts need to align would help them understand how to lock them Howevertogetherthis notch or pin would need to be very small to avoid disturbing the aesthetic of the product, possibly resulting in this detail being overlooked and the user still incorrectly locking the two components together

slots so that it can only slot on in the The pin and slot that align on the left ‘x’ diameter and those that align on the right should be ‘y’ diameter combination of the different sized diameter pins and slots with the notch the user joining the two components incorrectly discussion to clarify that this style of bayonet would fix the issue and prevent the user from joining the two components incorrectly and that I would not need to 3D print these pieces to prove it worked

FILTER CHAPTER ConsideringSIX the shape and size of the filter as well as how it will house the cheesecloth layers 06. 65.

This chapter considers the removable filter and how it slots within the upper component of the device It also explores how accurately different people can pour various items from a frying pan into a vessel below to determine what size the filter needs to be

POURING TEST - PAPER SQUARES Testing how accurately people can pour from a frying pan into shapes of different sizes to work out what size the filter needs to be 67.

The key aspect to consider when designing the removable filter is the width of the opening as opposed to the length
The two best shapes appear to be numbers three and five as the majority of paper squares were poured within the lines of the shapes
Carrying out the test with a range of people to find common shapes and sizes they are able to pour accurately into

Participant One Participant Two POURING TEST - REGULAR WATER Testing how capable people are at pouring water from the frying pan into the capsule 69.

Water and oil have different viscosities so oil would pour slightly differently which is why I need to now do a test with either oil or water with the addition of a thickening agent
All participants were able to pour the water from the frying pan into the capsule to a relatively accurate degree, however there was some water that missed the capsule
Participant Three

distilled salt water appeared to have a viscosity similar to cooking oil which helped me understand how accurately people could pour into the capsule which then allowed me to understand what size and shape the area the filter needs to be
To thicken water you need to create a salt water solution and add the salt gradually to the solution in small amounts
First you need to boil the salt water solution then remove it from the heat and allow it to cool
Then add salt gradually to create a thick salt water solution with a similar viscosity to cooking oil


Modelling some of the filter concepts to see how they would slot into the 3D printed upper component and how the user would be able to interchange these filters based on the cooking oil they are using

The developed where the refined oil is stored so that it securing the locking mechanism 74.

Making a Solidworks model of the filter to help visualise it clearly as well as help me understand its dimensions so it slots into the 3D printed model smoothly FILTER CONCEPT 75.

Making a card model that slots I was confident in its dimensions to FILTER CARD MODELLING 76.

FILTER FOAM MODELLING to the correct scale 77.

Testing how smoothly the filter slots into the 3D printed component, with the curved lip being sufficiently tall enough for the user to pinch and lift it out of the base. The angled section directs the waste cooking oil towards the right side of the device to prevent the refined oil coming into contact with the filter when it is being poured out to be used to cook again

Modelling a developed filter compartment which has a more severely angled section to direct the waste cooking oil towards the 79.

that covers the waste food particles that do FILTER LID enclose any odours these waste food particles may give off as well as make them not

HANDLE CHAPTER SEVEN Using ergonomic data to design the handle to pour the refined oil from the device back into the frying pan 07. 81.

This chapter explores the sketching process and development of the handle to ensure that it forms well to the hand and provides a comfortable pour Reaching a final handle design through modelling and testing a range of forms with various different people

Sketching to find a range of handle forms that are suitable for the device to then rough model and test in person to examine dimensions and ergonomics HANDLE SKETCHING 83.

Getting people to analyse handle form to understand their favoured shapes Taking forward four of the favoured forms to then model 84.

Modelling handles out of foam to get a sense of ergonomics and comfort 85.

Handle One Handle Two Handle Three 86.
I plan to take Handle Three forward and develop it further as the various people testing the range of handles preferred it the most, however it may need to be set at a wider angle with additional rounding on its edges
Testing the three initial handle models to examine whether the angle the handle comes out is suitable to tilt and pour from the device based upon the wrists ability to flex inwards
A wider angled handle suggests that the user would not have to flex their wrist as much when pouring, and the curved section for the thumb gives additional grip and stability

HANDLE FOAM MODELLING Foam modelling another of the preferred handle shapes and user holds to pour the refined oil out 87.

Testing how the handle allows the user to pour the device to a certain angle in order to get every last drop of the refined oil out

I went on to 3D print the upper part of the handle and engineering lathed three oak handles that slot into it. The three handles were different sizes and had different fillets on the end of them for people to test which they preferred and test how the handle as a whole fit in their hand

3D printing new upper handle parts to allow for the space between the fingers that wrap around the handle and the body of the device 90.

Through testing it was evident that the oak handle was still longer than necessary and resolving this is the next step in the handles development, along with developing the 3D printed handle part

Making a shorter handle that forms much better to the hand, however the upper 3D printed part sticks out too far for the thumb to sit on easily 92.

The handle fits well within the body of the device and is the correct size
Making a card model of the body of the device to test the scale

pour well when in use 94.
The new handle the scaled down size of the of the and appears as though would

I adjusted the dimensions, angles and fillets of the upper handle parts to 3D print and test with several different people to understand which were the favourites based on aesthetics and how they feel to hold as part of the full handle 95.

This handle provides the user with three distinct ways of holding it due to the notch that extrudes diagonally that acts as a rest for the thumb to sit on Handle One
This handle has an indent directing the user to place their thumb there for grip and support 96.

The top part of the handle is to be a curved beech end cap that is similar to the handle CAP
This is due to the injection moulding process resulting in two holes in the handle section of the top body where the handle and end cap are to slot in 97.

Testing that the lathed end caps fit into the 3D printed handle models The end cap has a similar fillet to that of the handle to maintain product language throughout the device 98.

PROJECT DIRECTIONFOCUSINGCHANGEONONE TYPE OF OIL AT A TIME Removing the modular aspect to focus the device on refining and storing one type of cooking oil at any one time 99.
NEW DIRECTION A cooking oil filtration device with removable base and filter for easy cleaning 100.
FINAL MODELLING CHAPTER EIGHT An overview of the final modelling process and considering how it would be made in reality 08. 101.

This chapter explains how the product would be manufactured as well as giving consideration to what materials and processes would be used It goes on to explain in detail the stages involved in the 3D printing, model making and spray finishing process

CMF 103.




device will be made from injection moulded polypropylene as it is used for reusable water bottles and food containers. Polypropylene can also be spin welded and ultrasonic welded. It could alternatively be made from polycarbonate as it is safe for food preparation and storage or polyethylene which is used for non-reusable food containers 107.

Silicone is suitable for kitchenware products as it can withstand high temperatures, does not degrade in light and is dishwasher and food safe. The handle would be made from beech dowel as it is good for kitchenware products due to its durable and food safe properties

The injection moulding process can create surface finishes INJECTION MOULDING FINISHES SPI injection moulding has three main grades of finishes which are gloss, matte and textured 109.

The beech handle will be finished with transparent oil that will not affect the natural colour of the wood 110.

MANUFACTURING PROCESSES The majority of the parts will be injection moulded out of polypropylene to ensure a consistent wall thickness 111.

Some parts of the product will be injection moulded and joined by ultrasonic and spin welding This is due to it not being possible to injection mould the entirety of certain parts and them needing to be split into separate smaller parts

Using the Solidworks parts to create technical drawings of the various parts involved so that I could be sure of the measurements before having them 3D printed

Getting the final pieces 3D printed and slotting them together to check that they fit together well before sanding and spraying them 3D PRINTING THE FINAL PARTS 114.

Sanding down the pieces allowing for the thickness of the primer and spray paint to ensure they still slot together afterwards. I then went on to spray the pieces with a thicker filler primer before re-sanding and going back over the pieces with primer 115.

Testing the final coat colour on a spare 3D printed piece before beginning to apply the white spray paint to the rest of the pieces that form the final model 116.

Using the old test handle to make the final handle out of beech on the engineers lathe before ensuring it fits into the old 3D printed test model and finishing it with transparent oil to bring out the natural grain of the beech

Cutting the filter in half to house the cheesecloth layers before gluing them back together and sanding to hide the Coveringsplitlinethe openings with tape to protect the cheesecloth when respraying the piece white

PUTTING THE FINAL MODEL TOGETHER Slotting all of the pieces together to check that they still fit after the final paint coat 119.

Using epoxy to join the handle and end cap to the main lid, and the bayonet pins to the upper edge of the base JOINING THE FINAL PIECES WITH EPOXY 120.

PACKAGING AND BRANDING CHAPTER DesigningNINEthe packaging for the product and the overarching brand identity to go alongside it 09. 121.

This chapter goes through the development of the brand as well as the logo and how it relates to the form of the product It also includes the making of the packaging sleeve and product handbook that explains to the user how the product is to be used

Taking inspiration from the word ‘detox’ to infer that the refined oil is filtered to get rid of its impurities
Lio is the word ‘oil’ backwards to subtly suggest that the concept aims to flip peoples mentality towards oil use and waste. Lio also follows the same shaped’ product language found throughout the device itself

A wrap around packaging sleeve showcases the form of the product better than a box for when it is on display in shops PACKAGING SLEEVE 125.

PRODUCT HANDBOOK Making a product handbook that sits within the filter that explains how the product is to be used 126.

FINAL IMAGERY CHAPTER TEN Images of my final model in realistic scenarios to convey when and how it is to be used 10. 127.

This chapter includes the final images taken to showcase the final prototype model and how it is to be used in the kitchen A minimal photography studio with frying pan and bottle of cooking oil subtly suggests that it is a kitchenware product in a clearer manner




Testing the types of scenarios and angles the final images need to be taken from 132.


These images from the first session are a little too dark I plan to retake these images in a second photography studio session where I will adjust the lighting 134.


The second session in the photography studio went much better with the images being brighter and cleaner



CAD VISUALISATION CHAPTER RenderingELEVENthe final model in 3D environments to communicate the product further 11. 139.

This chapter showcases the final cad renders and visualisation to be shown on the exhibition board These images explain the different components that come together to make up the product, as well as the various colourways it is available in

Rendering the product with various materials and textures to visualise the final design main bodies of the device are rendered in polypropylene with the handle being beech
Assembling the Solidworks Parts so that they slot together with gaps for the beech handle and end cap

The lighting and materials in these renders need to be reworked to create photo realistic images 142.



RANGE OF COLOURS Exploring the different colour ways for the different types of cooking oil and different cooking oil applications 145.


PROJECT REFLECTION CHAPTER TWELVE Looking back and reflecting on my experience throughout my Final Major Project 12. 147.

This chapter reflects on my project and covers elements which have gone well and those where I could have taken a slightly different approach It also explains my design process and thinking throughout the project and why I set about the process in the order I did 148.

Director of Experience Design at Shark Ninja
“It is very honest and mature industrial design that is clearly well thought through. You have not gone over the top with the form, it is well restrained and solves a real need. I like the cyclic element that you can sustainably dispose of the waste oil after it has been reused eight times. It is really lovely work”

R&D Manager
“This would be a useful product for homeowners to have in their kitchen, as it is a nice shape and would not take up too much space. Preventing oil being poured down the sink after a single use is also such an important issue you have addressed”

At the beginning of the project I knew I wanted to design something that helped people reduce their cooking oil waste on a domestic scale I knew it was going to be a system that allowed homeowners to filter and reuse their oil, but was unsure on what they would reuse it for Through research and my own first hand testing it was evident that consumers do not get the most out of their cooking oil as they tend to pour it away after a singular use

As a result of this, I knew that the aim of the project was to alter user perceptions on reusing cooking oil to cook with again up to the suggested eight times My initial concept was to make a range of kitchenware appliances that worked hand in hand to help people filter their oil However, on reflection it was a good choice to move towards designing a stand alone product instead of a range as I was able to focus all my time on the development 4. 5. 6.

7. 8.
Testing thoroughly throughout the design and development stage was beneficial to strengthen and validate the decisions I made If I were to go back through the design process again I would have given more time to the design of the spout to test the flow and accuracy of pouring from different shapes However, on the flip side I feel like I developed and tested the handle and filter well to finalise the ideal forms for those components 9.

I came to a final design at a good stage in the project that allowed me a sufficient amount of time to create the final prototype model I had to prime and respray a couple of the components a few times as they no longer slotted together smoothly once the paint had dried On reflection, if I were to do this step again I would sand the parts more to allow for the thickness of the paint 10. 11. 12.

The brand identity and logo ‘lio’ is simple and effective as well as the fact it follows the aesthetic of the product well From this, I designed the packaging and product handbook that explains to the user how to use the product However, I feel that I could have given more time to design a packaging sleeve that is more realistic by incorporating more text and a barcode 13. 14. 15. 155.

Once I had all the parts completed I was able to go into the photography studio to take photos of my final prototype model On reflection, I am glad I booked two sessions in the photography studio as the first photos did not go to plan For the second session I adjusted the lighting to create bright and spacious images that I was confident in using on my final board 16. 17. 18.

It was a similar situation with the rendering whereby I did not like the initial renders and had to rework the lighting to create photo realistic renders that I was then happy with One of the hardest parts of the project was encompassing the whole project in a singular A0 board that describes the project in a detailed and concise manner On the whole, I am proud of my final deliverables for this project and believe that I have made a well thought out product that resolves a topical issue in an effective way 19. 20. 21. 157.

Moving forward after my final major project I feel that I have a more confident outlook on my design skills, thinking and process that has hopefully shone through in this creative process journal 158.
Thank You