Edward Kerfoot - Industrial Design Portfolio

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Edward Kerfoot Industrial Design Portfolio

About Me Introduction I am Edward Kerfoot and I have recently completed my fourth and final year as a Design for Industry student at Northumbria University. I believe my work showcases my passion for design as well as my eye for detail that allows me to take on projects and develop concepts to the best of my ability. Alongside this, my hard working nature helps me engage with projects to be able to understand real world problems before going on to design simple and practical solutions to everyday issues Experience


Quarmby Colour June 2018 to July 2018 (work experience)

St. Mary’s Catholic Academy (GCSE’s and A-Level’s) GCSE’s taken in 2016 - all A’s and B’s

Layers Studio March 2020 to July 2020 (industry placement)

A-Level’s taken in 2018 Maths - A Product Design - B Physics - C

FullBlown and Studio Vertigo March 2021 to July 2021 (industry placement)

After high school I went on to attend Northumbria University where I recently completed my degree in Design for Industry and had a thoroughly enjoyable time doing so

Collaborative Projects Partners During my time at Northumbria University I have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to work alongside companies such as Hallmark, Shark Ninja, Reckitt Benckiser and DCA

Professional Skills Throughout my time at Northumbria University I have developed my design process and thinking as well as many other practical software skills Photoshop Illustrator InDesign Solidworks Keyshot Model Making Sketching Time Management Teamwork Contact edward.kerfoot@btinternet.com edward.kerfoot@northumbria.ac.uk instagram.com/edwardkerfoot_design/ linkedin.com/in/edward-kerfoot/ 07951 069612

Awards and Recognition

I was invited to showcase my work at New Designers 2022 along with my Design for Industry course mates. During the show I was able talk to industry professionals about my project and was awarded shortlisting honours by Joseph Joseph and John Lewis. I am so proud to be able to share these accomplishments and enjoyed the show thoroughly


0 1 . Lio

02. Surface Steamer

0 3 . Forma

A filtration product that allows homeowners to

A collaborative project with Shark to design a

A creative play tool that enables children to

filter and reuse their waste cooking oil

new home cleaning product

understand and manage their emotions

0 4. Resa

05. Placement Work

Connecting children with their parent through

A summary of the projects I was involved in

an interactive storytelling chalkboard

during industry placement opportunities

0 1.

Cooking Oil Filtration Cooking oil waste is a major factor in a homeowners ability to uphold sustainable kitchen practices. Lio provides homeowners with the ability to filter and reuse their waste cooking oil up to eight times so that it can be used to cook with again. The solution also helps the user overcome any psychological barriers they have surrounding the cleanliness of refined cooking oil

Final Major Project - 6 months

The Issue

Cooking oil waste is a major environmental issue with over sixty five percent of homeowners admitting they pour away their waste cooking oil on a regular basis. This negative aspect of consumer cooking practices causes detrimental blockages within sewage systems. Lio allows users to filter and refine their waste cooking oil up to eight times for the purpose of cooking with it again

Through providing homeowners with a cooking oil filtration product that enables them to alter their perceptions on reusing cooking oil, they can cook in a more sustainable manner whilst also providing them with the ability to dispose of the waste cooking oil sustainably after its eight reuses

Finding Form

Sketch ideation to find the form of the product whilst considering how the lid component that includes the filtration system would join to the lower body that holds the refined waste cooking oil. The final form is one that follows that of existing kitchenware products to not look out of place in the kitchen environment. It also incorporates a pill shaped product language that can be seen throughout, giving the product character and charm

Concept Development

Breaking down the concept into the separate components as well as understanding what size and form they should take, based upon consumer cooking oil use data, allowed me to develop each part thoroughly. Being able to focus on these components separately supported the development process and made it a much more flexible process as opposed to trying to develop the final product as a whole

How It Works




Allow waste cooking oil to cool to seventy degrees then pour it into the filter

Attach the filter lid to block odours whilst the oil filters through into the base

Store the device in a place that provides and maintains a cool temperature until the next use




Pour the refined oil from the device into your frying pan to use for cooking

Tip any particles of food caught on top of filter into the bin after each use

Use the waste oil as a natural pesticide to protect your plants after eight uses

How It Is Manufactured The main components of the body of the product will be manufactured out of injection moulded polypropylene with the handle section being machine lathed sustainable beech as it is both food and liquid safe

Filter Lid

Blocks unwanted odours and covers food scraps that do not filter through into the base

Filter Body

Contains three layers of cheesecloth to filter the waste oil and is angled to direct oil flow away from the spout

Main Lid

Comprises the spout to pour out the refined cooking oil and the upper section of the handle

Bayonet Slots

Friction welded to the under side of the main lid so that they are at a ninety degree rotation to the pins

Bayonet Pins

Ultrasonically welded to the upper edge of the base allowing the pins to sit within the base


Holds the refined oil and shows the level of oil through a clear window that is ultrasonically welded in place


Slots into the handle section of the main lid and angled to allow for easy pouring

End Cap

Provides a place for the thumb to rest when pouring and allows for additional grip

Concept Details

The filter lifts out of the product to allow the bayonet lock to turn and be removed. This allows for easy cleaning when changing the type of cooking oil stored within the product. Alternatively, the homeowner can have a range of lio products each with different colour tints so that they can distinguish between the oil they use for sweet or savoury food, or the multiple types of cooking oil they use regularly

Cheesecloth is the most effective means of finely straining liquids. Lio takes this material to structure the basis of the filtration process with three fine mesh layers of cheesecloth, lasting up to one thousand uses each. This mesh arrangement helps thoroughly purify the waste cooking oil for reuse. After eight reuses the refined cooking oil can be used as a natural pesticide to protect plants and encourage growth

Final Product

“This would be a useful product for homeowners to have in their kitchen, as it is a nice shape and would not take up too much space. Preventing oil being poured down the sink after a single use is also such an important issue you have addressed and would be very beneficial for people to use at home” (Rachel Cunningham - Thames Water)

“It is very honest and mature industrial design that is clearly well thought through. You have not gone over the top with the form, it is well restrained and solves a real need. I like the cyclic element that you can sustainably dispose of the waste oil after it has been reused eight times. It is really lovely work” (Darren Mullen - Shark Ninja)

Handheld Surface Steamer Shark Ninja challenged us to design and develop a new product for their home cleaning range. Through analysing their existing products I found a gap in the market that would allow them to expand into kitchen surface cleaners whilst utilising their current technology. The solution promotes easy cleaning and aims to optimise the cleaning experience for the user in a simple way

Collaborative Project with Shark Ninja - 3 months

The Issue

Cleaning surfaces little and often and without the use of chemicals is a healthy and practical method of cleaning. Creating a product that removes the need for chemical based surface cleaning sprays and single use wipes is a much more environmentally viable solution than common cleaning practices that most homeowners uphold

Finding Form

Sketching to find a suitable form that incorporates space for the key elements of the concept. The product is to follow the design language of the current shark cleaning products on the market and include their dual battery technology that allows the user to swap out an old battery for a fully charged one so that they can clean for a longer duration

How It Works




Whilst the product is on the dock the user opens the water spout and pours water into the water chamber up to the fill line

The user boils the water by pressing the button on the base of the product and waits for the light to indicate that the water is up to temperature

The battery powers the steam intensity through the vaporisation chamber which the user can adjust using the top control panel




The user takes the product off of the dock and begins to steam clean their surfaces without the use of chemical sprays

Press steam technology releases a burst of steam and the rubberised body allows the product to tilt to get into hard to reach areas

After the cleaning process is completed the user plugs the product back into the dock to recharge the dual batteries

How It Is Manufactured The main body of the device is made from polypropylene with the base being stainless steel. The fabric cover is rubberised to stretch over and secure to the base

Control Panel

Provides three increments of steam intensity

Dual Battery

Last up to eight minutes each on a full charge

Water Spout

To pour water into the device to be heated

Power Button

Press to heat water whilst the device is on its dock

Water Chamber

Moves the steam to the vaporisation chamber


Weighted base to further help remove harsh stains

Fabric Cover

Removable and washable for multiple uses

Concept Details Dual Battery

Control Panel Each of the two lithium ion batteries last

The control panel allows the user to

up to eight minutes. The batteries power

adjust the intensity of the steam output

the vaporisation chamber and maintains

at three differing levels depending on the

the water temperature

harshness of the marks on the surface

Precision Cleaning

Press Steam Technology The top half of the device tilts about the

Press Steam is a new technology for the

rubberised polypropylene component.

Shark product range. The user is able to

This along with the long bristles allows

press down on the product in order to

the user to get into tight areas

release an additional burst of steam

The user is able to take off the fabric using the tab and clean it in the washing machine as it will become dirty after several uses. Whilst the product is in use the other lithium ion battery can charge on the dock. These batteries last up to eight minutes as they power the vaporisation chamber that pushes the steam out of the base of the product as well as maintaining the water temperature

Final Product

The product is displayed on its dock until it is removed for handheld wireless use. The user clips the fully charged lithium ion battery into the shelled handle of the surface steamer to maintain water temperature throughout use. The added burst of steam with the ‘Press Steam’ technology as well as the tilting body and long bristles on the fabric cover allow the user to clean harsh stains in tight areas for deeper cleaning

forma Emotional Development Tool Kit Forma is a tool kit that provides a child with the foundations to express and display their emotions through shape and colour as part of an interactive playful dough experience. The corresponding app allows the parent to keep track of their child’s emotional development, as well as learn valuable tips on how to open up the discussion regarding emotions

RSA Project - 3 months

The Issue

“As a result of the recent pandemic, a lot of young children have lost valuable time in nursery and reception classes to develop their emotional and social skills before coming back for Year One”

“I have found play dough to be the number one versatile resource for children. Its benefits include getting into a state of flow and becoming absorbed in your learning as well as being calming and stress relieving”

“Emotional competence is an important predictor of all sorts of positive outcomes for children, including starting and maintaining positive social relationships and improving academic performance”

Year One Teacher - Primary School Teacher

Martin Williams - Founder of Early Impact Learning

Susanne Denham - Child Psychologist

The solution should help children learn about their feelings at home to resolve their under developed emotional understanding. User engagement is crucial as it directly effects whether the child overcomes their emotions and ultimately achieve their positive social outcomes

Engaging and Educating

Testing child engagement levels with the concept as well as seeing how able the child was at understanding the steps to make the dough, with additional help from their parent or guardian and then forming it creatively based on the emotions they are currently feeling.

How It Works




Parent and child make the dough by following the instructions

Child moulds the dough to best represent their feelings

Child names and photographs the dough to add to their journal




Parent learns tips from the app on how to initiate a discussion

App allows user to reflect on their emotions and view averages

Child can then remould the dough when their emotions next change

App Interface Journals

My Emotions




Parental Tips

L egs

The parent can look back through the journals to understand their child’s emotional development over time. When the child takes a photo of a new dough creation the app generates a digital version that allows them to overlay expressive features in augmented reality

The parent can map what each colour means to their child emotionally as they learn through play. They can add new colours and emotions as well as edit existing ones as they develop their emotional understanding further with their child

This section has guides for the parent to learn how to initiate conversations about emotions with their child

Final Product

“The concept is good as it allows greater communication around emotions, the sharing of an experience with their parent and supporting the child with how to best represent their emotions suitably with the dough in a creative way. Teaching the parents how to start these tricky conversations is crucial too” (Sara Moore - Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator)

Forma provides a playful foundation for ‘pounding, flattening and squeezing which are healthy and safe outlets for extra energy, and can also help children cope with their strong feelings’. Forma encourages the development of motor skills, creativity and emotional self awareness which, in the long term improves communication and critical thinking skills, as well as enhancing decision making and leadership qualities

“Linking colour and shape to emotion is a great way for children to understand and control their feelings. This project goes further by allowing them to construct their own knowledge on what each colour and shape means to them” (Rachel Johnson - Child Psychologist)

A Creative Journey Resa allows a child to connect with their parent or guardian who is away travelling for business. The chalk board works in collaboration with the Resa app that responds to the parent or guardians movement throughout their journey. The child is able to follow the journey from home by creating a storyline that goes alongside their drawn path between the lights that are inset within the board

Interaction Design Project - 3 months

The Issue

A parent having to leave their family to go away for business is never easy. With twenty percent of global travel being business oriented and the average corporate traveller being away from home for around fifty days each year, this separation can be difficult for most young children. Resa connects children with their parent whilst they are away through an interactive storytelling device that turns this separation into a creative experience

Interaction Development

Developing what the board should look like and what the device needs to hold. The concept is a simple blank chalkboard as the child does not need to know where the parent is specifically as it allows them a more creative approach when outlining their story, as well as the fact that it gives the child as much room as possible to draw and doodle on the Resa board to bring their story to life

How It Works




Parent syncs their phone location to the Resa board leaves to go on a business trip

First light glows at random and the child places a peg in the lit hole

The trip progresses and the child joins the pegs with chalk lines and doodles




First peg glows to show the trip is ending and the parent is coming home

Parent and child talk about the trip and use the Resa board as a storytelling device

The board is wiped clean so it is ready for the when the parent next goes away

Concept Modelling

Modelling and testing the concept to ensure the solution provides the child with the means of engaging with their parents trip. The journey starts with a blank canvas on which the child can express themselves in a playful manner. The circular narrative further supports interaction and creates a sense of excitement as the child can see that the journey is coming to an end and subsequently knows that their parent will be home soon

Final Product

Storytelling is a playful and captivating tool for a young child. The concept takes this and adds to it by allowing the child to create their own interactive story that follows their parents journey. Through imagination and creativity the user can doodle on the Resa board to construct a fun story to talk about once their parent is home from their trip

Link To Project Video

Placement Work This section showcases the work carried out during my time on professional design placements. The work generally centred around graphic design, strategy design and UX. These valuable placement opportunities were carried out as part of my studies at university and helped me understand how design companies work within industry

Layers Studio - 3 months FullBlown and Studio Vertigo - 3 months

Layers Studio

During my placement at Layers Studio I was involved in different projects from branding and UX to research and analysing competitors. I enjoyed working on such a wide range of projects as it helped me to understand all aspects of what a design agency does for their clients and allowed me to develop my skills across these particular areas. Here are a few images I am able to show you from my time on placement with the team at Layers Studio

“Ed’s attitude to trying new ideas and concepts whilst taking constructive criticism and progressing his work is all we could have asked for. I think Ed will be an asset for any company looking to take on a graduate designer and I am sure his attitude and skill set will help him become an excellent designer” (James Hanson - Layers Studio)

FullBlown and Studio Vertigo

During my placement at FullBlown and Studio Vertigo I was tasked with working on a new breakaway brand that was to focus on their more high end bespoke products. This project involved creating a brand identity and style that supported these high end products. I created a logo, business cards, website and app interface layouts and look books to showcase their work with sophistication and flair

“Ed has excellent communication skills and proved himself to be a valuable member of the team. He has always contributed with enthusiasm in all areas of his work and has shown an appetite for learning and a willingness to engage with each project, providing useful and insightful input along the way” (Stephen Newby - FullBlown and Studio Vertigo)

Thank You

07951 069612 edward.kerfoot@btinternet.com edward.kerfoot@northumbria.ac.uk

issuu.com/ed_k1999 instagram.com/edwardkerfoot_design/ linkedin.com/in/edward-kerfoot/

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