Concept for an UVS Restricted Airspace

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Concept for the Development of UAS Accessible Airspace EDA UVS Media Tour August 27, 2012

Background • In Canada civil government and commercial businesses fly UAS under exception procedures known as Special Flight Operation Certificates (SFOC). • SFOCs are issued on an individual basis to a particular operator for a particular operation. • These certificates are for operations in which the unmanned aircraft (UA) is continuously under direct visual control of the UA Pilot.

Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) Operations • No regulations, standards and procedures exist to enable this type of operation. • Lack of regulations for unmanned systems is a major obstacle to technology commercialization. • The forum to develop these regulations, standards and procedures within Canada will be accomplished through the TC CARAC UAV Systems Program Design Working Group. • Airspace should be made available to permit TC to work with industry in the development, test, evaluation and flight crew training of/for civil and commercial applications.

International Considerations • Australia: Established a Centre of Excellence - the Australian Centre for Autonomous Systems Woomera Test Range is the western world's largest defence systems test and evaluation range It is actively marketed for UAS operations and foreign companies are regular customers

Europe • There is intense activity in Europe to develop UAS with several test ranges: Sweden - NEAT, near the Arctic Circle Finland - Robonic's range North of the Arctic Circle West Wales - small land and maritime UAS test range at Parc Aberporth UK – July 1, 2012 have designated airspace for the specific purpose of UAS testing for civil applications

Others • Other nations have mature military UAS and are looking to civil and commercial use. • USA:  Commercial operations are still prohibited.  The Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) has a MOU in place with New Mexico State University for the University to operate a UAS test range near Las Cruces, in New Mexico, North of El Paso.  FAA will be extending an RFP fall 2012 to establish UVS test ranges in the US

Industry Demand • Discussions with industry, nationally and internationally, clearly identify a significant desire to commercialize UVS. • With the exception of military scenarios ALL acknowledge the lack of standards and procedures to permit civil BLOS operations to occur. • ALL agree that Airspace should be made available for civil and commercial application development, test, evaluation and flight crew training.

Objective-Concept • Concept is to define the parameters within which industry, in step with R&D organizations and Academia, can work with TC and NAVCAN to develop, test, refine and produce the required regulations, standards and procedures to permit BLOS operations for civil applications. • Process will be phased and will adopt a stepby-step approach controlled by the existing SFOC methodology.

Objective-Concept • CCUVS has the insight and expertise to grow a commercial and civil UAS flight area. • CCUVS will take the lead in facilitating the process and be the single point of contact for all regulatory bodies and all participants. • CCUVS will:  Propose an area in SE Alberta to create a CYR Restricted Airspace;  Coordinate all logistic and administrative requirements;  Coordinate/assist in the development of all SFOC requirements and frequency clearances; and  Coordinate/assist the owner/operator of the UAV for submission of their SFOCs for review/approval of TC Regional Inspector.

Restricted Airspace CYR Restricted Airspace is defined by Transport Canada as “Airspace of Defined Dimensions above the land areas or territorial waters within which the flight of aircraft is restricted in accordance with certain specified conditions. Restricted airspace is designated for safety purposes when the level or type of aerial activity, surface activity, or the protection of a ground installation requires the application of restrictions within that airspace.�

CYR • Will allow for wide spread participation from civil and commercial companies that are in need of safe, managed and segregated air space. • Will provide a meaningful and focused area of development for the UAS industry. • Will open the door to safe and advanced systems development. • Will permit TC to develop, prove and establish safe and structured procedures in concert with Industry.

Way Forward • TC:  Jun 12, 2012 - Approved the Concept and Process in principle.  Directed CCUVS to initiate the airspace change process with NAV CANADA.

• CCUVS:  Submit Industry Expressions/Letters of Interest to TC and NAVCAN. Completed.  Initiate airspace change process with NAV CANADA. First meeting held Jun 22 – next meeting to occur in September.  Working with the Regulatory bodies and within the existing regulatory framework, establish the guidelines for UVS BLOS activities within the CYR (CARAC Phase 2).  Facilitate industry, R&D and academia participation and needs.  Source and facilitate required funding.  Coordinate/mitigate all local, regional and environmental concerns.

WHY FOREMOST? • • • • • •

Support of local community Topography ideal for this type of activity Favourable weather Widely dispersed infrastructure Excellent airfield to base operations Limited air traffic

Next Steps • Continue to work the airspace change process with NAV CANADA  soliciting industry input to establish dimensions

• Continue to network and solicit industry participation • Coordinate academia involvement • Establish a Needs Assessment for the airfield at Foremost  develop a statement of operational intent (SOI)  develop a statement of requirement (SOR)

• Develop/refine the Foremost Business Plan

ASK of Industry • Input to establish the dimensions of the airspace • Expression of interest/Commitment to participate • Inputs to identify site requirements

ASK of GOV • Continued support in securing industry partners • Provincial/Federal support in the form of:  political support regionally, provincially and federally  cross Ministerial support  accessing appropriate provincial and federal financial programs

Contacts Project POC: Bill Werny Mobile: 780 721-2594

CCUVS: Sterling Cripps – COO CA303254 Work Mobile

403 488-7208 403 952-6404

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