KIM Photobook

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KIM - Key Competencies for Migrants, Promote Social Inclusion and Gender Equality is a multilateral co-operation project funded by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme (Agreement N째526292 -LLP-1-2012-1-ITGrundtvig-GMP). Under the leadership of FormAzione Co&sO Network (Italy), various Public and Private organisations from Spain, Austria, Germany, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom implemented this project during the funding period 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2014 PROJECT N째: 526292-LLP-1-2012-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP

In itially, the partnership developed a research report which highlights good practices, related to the project topics, from within the partner countries which migrants’ learning processes and to foster their entry into the labour market. In addition, the partnership wrote the KIM HANDBOOK for assessing and validating informal competences of MIGRANTS, aimed at educationalists and supporter workers. These two important activities were the base to develop a KIM training handbook for the delivery of a training programme targeted at educationalists and other professionals working with migrants to foster their social inclusion. The training provides practitioners across Europe with approved methodologies, procedures, instruments and The project arose from the current economic situation which has led most European countries to reduce the amount of public expenditure on social services and assistance. It is necessary therefore that the

materials which have the potential to support and improve their work with the target group of migrants. The training programme was then successfully tested in all the partnership countries. Following the piloted training the participants completed draft KIM

services which support migrants, increase their efficiency and

KIM Individual Social Inclusion Plans (ISIPs) which assess the key,

effectiveness in promoting opportunities for their social and work

informal and non-formal competences of migrants to foster their

integration, so that migrants can become more able and active to

Active Citizenship and their entry into the labour market.

support themselves in a shorter time-scale.

All the work that has been carried out, is summarised in a Green

Thanks to the KIM’s main aim which was to promote Social Inclusion,

paper; in which the partners have included country reports and

Active Citizenship and migrants’ participation in learning, the

made constructive and detailed recommendations as to how the

partnership during these two years produced a variety of tools to

experiences, learning and methodologies of KIM can be adopted

support the migrants entry into the labour market.

and adapted locally, regionally, nationally and at European level.

Partnership and MEETINGS

One of the aims of the KIM consortium, which included both


public and private institutions with significant skills and

FormAzione Co&So Firenze Firenze, Italy

experience - and belonging to EU countries where immigration issues are relevant - was to create an efficient network to strengthen a European understanding and develop European wide methodologies and solutions.


On 7TH and 8 th Febraury 2013 the kick-off meeting of the KIM

Regione Toscana Firenze, Italy

project took place in Florence (ITALY) with participation from all the project partners. At the partnership meeting relevant issues with regards to the KIM management strategy were discussed and important decisions for the project progress were made. On 26TH and 27 th September 2013 the second KIM meeting took place in Berlin (Germany) with the participation from all the project partners and the partnership validated the first products of the project. On 10th and 11th March 2014 the third meeting took place in Glasgow (UK) with the participation from all the project partners and thanks to Bridges Programmes there was the possibility to attend a “class� together with the students/clients and see innovative methodologies of working with the target group in action

Auxilium Graz, Austria Secretaria Autonomica de Familia y Solidaridad Valencia, Spain Bridges Programmes Glasgow, United Kingdom City of Uppsala Care and Education Uppsala, Sweden

On 24th and 25th November 2014 the final meeting took place in Florence (ITALY) together with the Final Conference of the project.

FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin e.V. Berlin, Germany

The development of a KIM Training Course Handbook to support educationalists and other professionals working with migrants to foster social inclusion together with a corresponding training course was undertaken. The aims of the course were to improve competencies in the personnel working with migrants and to deliver methodologies, procedures, instruments and materials which have the potential to support and better up their work with the target group of migrants.

Pilot courses

To ensure that the curriculum of the course was of an appropriate quality, and that the activities were generally able to achieve the above mentioned aims, they were tested with pilot groups in Italy, UK, Germany, Spain and Sweden. In the end, the piloting of the KIM project not only met one of the outputs of the proposed partnership, but it also supported the dissemination activities of the project. In total, 48 participants attended the KIM pilot course .It is important underline that 23% of participants were migrants themselves working with other migrants (Cuban, Nigerian, Argentinean, Cameroonian, Ivorian, Malawian, Iranian, Turkish, Icelandic) The KIM pilot training course was successfully implemented. The main content included: How to apply the Individual Social Inclusion Plan (ISIP),

Key Competencies for Migrants Promote Social Inclusion and Gender Equality

Competence assessment and skills audits. Approaches, procedures and instruments of competence assessment, Vocational language training Methodologies to improve social inclusion through work-oriented language training. EmPloyability training. This



covers searching and applying for jobs, Work placement/internship Methods and techniques to improve the quantity and quality of work placements and improve Employer Engagement. Partners felt very comfortable with the pilots which allowed them to input in a very



practical way and also gave them greater confidence for the future usage of the KIM project materials.





United Kingdom

The dissemination has been wide and every partner has co undertaken many important activities, in particular presenting KIM in conferences both nationally and in wider European contexts over the two years.


In addition each partner

organised an

awareness day in thier country in order to: •

promote the project outputs to the wider public

disseminate the project outputs to the wider learning community

identify the conditions to duplicate the project activities and sustain them in the future

Potential stakeholders and other organisations working with migrants were invited and the




activities, key note speeches, and networking opportunities.





United Kingdom

kim dinners The KIM dinners have been a great success in all the countries and they have been useful to bring together educationalists, support workers, who attended the pilot courses and migrants who and dined together. Potential stakeholders and public organisations working with migrants were invited. The aim of the KIM dinners was to involve the final target groups in an enjoyable way and disseminate the KIM results as well.





United Kingdom

The Final Conference of the KIM project took place the 25 November at the beautiful library of Florence (ITALY) called “Biblioteca delle Oblate�. The participants around 70 participants were particularly satisfied with the conference and the agenda. The venue, the attendance conference convinced them that the project had been a success. The conference provided useful tips and a forum for fruitful discussions. The conference welcome was made by Regione Toscana and the Deputy of Welfare of Florence gave a speech regarding the importance of assessing Migrants competences to help enter the labour market and foster the job inclusion. The success of the project was expressed in two ways. On the one hand partners benefited at a very personal level from the partnership meetings and felt that meeting experts in different settings was very enriching.


On the other hand they learnt a lot about the assessing of formal and informal competencies of migrants and also learnt skills useful to their own organisations.

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