2025 C atalog EDC Publishing
Cover and interior i l lustrations from...

Ages: 6 years and up • P • 8 1/2 x 11 28pp • Author: Evie Daye • $9.99
Discover some of the world’s most inspiring people in this beautifully illustrated sticker biography series. Complete each artwork with stickers as you uncover the lives of scientists, artists, and other amazing historical figures.

9 781684 649044
Illustrator: Anneli Bray 9 781684 649051

Ana Sanfelippo 9 781684 649037

Julia Bereciartu 9 781684 649068

Illustrator: Farimah Khavarinezhad

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Dive into a world of imagination with these interactive books, where a charming cardboard character leads the way on an exciting journey. As kids slide the character through each page, they’ll discover new twists in the adventure, sparking curiosity and newfound storytelling skills.

Hands-on Self-Correcting Products for Math & Language
Learning Wrap-ups are the brainchild of Marion W. Stuart. As a fourth grade teacher in 1983, she quickly discovered that her students were falling behind because they didn’t know their basic math facts. Her desire to find a learning aid to help her students master their math facts led to the creation of Learning Wrap-ups. The first Wrap-ups took untold hours to handcraft, but with them her students mastered their math facts in just a few days, and they had fun doing it! In celebration of 40 years of doing business, Learning Wrap-ups recently introduced its newest product line, My First Wrap-ups, a series designed to teach early childhood concepts.

Learning Wrap-ups products provide hands-on learning to assist with the mastery of critical math and reading skills. With their patented self-correcting features, our unique games make learning fun through the utilization of all learning senses, and by providing measurable progress.
Learning Wrap-ups have become a staple for helping children learn basic math and other critical educational skills and can be found in schools all over the world. Especially popular with homeschooling families, our products can be used with any curriculum and allow students to learn individually with minimal supervision.
Marion W. Stuart with an early Learning Wrap-up
My First Wrap-ups

Did You Know?
You can mix and match
Learning Wrap-ups with book orders!

Unique learning tools to help children master basic skills!
Learning Wrap-ups offers a variety of subjects & topics to make learning FUN for kids of all ages and skill levels.

Learning Wrap-ups

Learning Wrap-ups are unique, patented educational manipulatives that utilize all learning senses. The key shaped Wrap-ups are locked together, and the attached string wraps from question to answer. Immediate feedback is provided through the self-correcting feature on the back of each key. Each set contains 10 self-correcting keys and covers all the facts for that operation.
K-101 l $9.99
Addition Wrap-ups
ISBN 978-0-943343-26-6

K-111 l $9.99
Fractions Wrap-ups
ISBN 978-0-943343-36-5

K-103 l $9.99
Multiplication Wrap-ups
ISBN 978-0-943343-28-0

K-102 l $9.99
Subtraction Wrap-ups
ISBN 978-0-943343-27-3

K-105 l $9.99
States & Capitals Wrap-ups
ISBN 978-0943343-30-3

K-104 l $9.99
Division Wrap-ups
ISBN 978-0-943343-29-7

Peggable individual Wrap-ups for retail!

My First Wrap-ups
Hands-on, Self-Correcting & FUN!
Early learning experiences help shape young children’s attitudes towards learning and have a lasting impact. Help children find success with My First Wrap-ups!
Colors l $8.99
ISBN 978-1-59204-391-0

Shapes l $8.99
ISBN 978-1-59204-393-4

Farm l $8.99
Numbers l $8.99
LWU-MFW02 ISBN 978-1-59204-392-7

Same & Different l $8.99
LWU-MFW04 ISBN 978-1-59204-394-1

ISBN 978-1-59204-395-8 Zoo

Ocean l $8.99
ISBN 978-1-59204-397-2

Dinos l $8.99
LWU-MFW08 ISBN 978-1-59204-398-9

My First Wrap-ups help children:
l Predict the next action
l Build and improve hand-eye coordination
l Learn basic reading and math skills
l Reinforce previously learned skills
l Develop problem solving and critical thinking skills

Discover our amazing educational toys and games!

With roots firmly planted in the publishing industry, SmartLab was created in 2004 to fulfill the dreams of its founders — to offer toys that make science fun and accessible to schoolaged kids. That year, they rolled out eight custom toys, each with a fully illustrated book containing science facts and activities. Named for the owner’s beloved chocolate Labrador, SmartLab quickly rose to become a leader in educational toys and games. Twenty years — and 200 titles later — every SmartLab toy still benefits from the expertise, experience, and passion of its original creators.
At SmartLab, we know the best toys allow children to add their individual insights, problem-solving skills, divergent thinking, and perspective to their play. We believe children learn best through hands-on exploration and discovery. SmartLab delivers those experiences by creating inventive toys packaged with engaging editorial content, interactive activities, and solid science. From chemistry to electronics to human anatomy to architecture, our full range of STEAM toys offers playful learning experiences to delight and amaze any child.
STEAM toys encourage kids to develop skills in the core disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math.

Roll, press, squeeze, and sculpt your way to fun! MODO is a modern alternative to traditional doughs with vibrant colors, creative tools, and reusable packaging. Engaging young minds and hands, MODO delivers kinesthetic learning opportunities and hands-on explorations to children and adults that lead to genuine moments of creative discovery. Each set contains three reusable containers with MODO dough, 3 stamp bands, and wooden spatula.

Big Science. Tiny Tectonics.
Build and blast mini-volcanoes that sizzle and fizz, spew lava, and BLOW THEIR TOPS! Mix multi-colored magmas for streams of rainbow lava! Demonstrate tectonic plate movement with interactive paper pop-ups! Test eruption reactions like a real scientist! Have a BLAST exploring the fiery forces that fuel volcanoes in the fact-packed activity sheet and bonus stickers.

Take an amazing trip through the human body!
Use forceps and tweezers to remove the squishy vital organs and hard skeletal system. Then rebuild the model from toes to skullcap!

Over 2 MILLION sold!
Learn how cells, organs, muscles, and bones work together to make YOU!

Take the journey of a lifetime and enter the world of the human body, complete with removable organs, muscles, and bones.

stand, 9 removable squishy organs, 12 removable hard plastic bones and muscles, forceps, tweezers, Body Part Organ-izer, instruction sheet, and a 24-page illustrated anatomy book.

and up 29-piece
Want a bigger body? Turn the page for the
Human Body!
Explore, Discover, and Test Your Knowledge !
Get your hands on — and in — this robust 16-inch-tall anatomy toy featuring realistic removable squishy organs, articulated joints, and an interactive electronic sound module.

"The intestines are part of the digestive system."

Sculpted from a medical model of a real body, the detailed, realistic human body model is composed of 10 removable squishy organs and 15 other removable bones, muscles, and organs.

Place the SmartParts on the electronic SmartScan base to hear fun facts and realistic human body sounds, or try the interactive quiz module to test your knowledge!
16-inch (40.6 cm) tall
Human Body Model, 25 removable body parts, including 10 squishy organs and 8 SmartParts, Scanner Base with SmartScan Technology, removable stand, Organ-Izer Chart, Quick-Start Guide, assembly sheet, and a 48-page illustrated anatomy book.

Secret codes! crack The case on


Hide secrets in plain sight!
This kit includes two fully equipped secret message cases for spies in training. Each case contains everything two kids need to keep their secret messages top secret, including UV ink pens and lights, red filters, codes wheels, and 30 spy science activities. Budding cryptographers can learn and practice real-world codes and hand signals to thwart enemy agents, while exploring the science behind invisible inks, light waves, fluorescence, and much more.

Two sets of supplies – one for you and one for your spy partner. Each "spy" gets a decoy case, UV ink pen with UV light, red filter, red marker, spray bottle, 2 code wheels, phonetic code card, message mask, and decoder card. Includes a 24-page illustrated activity book.

A strategic stacking game!
Use your cards strategically to add, remove, and rotate the DNA pieces to create scoring sequences! Do you earn quick points for a short pattern or hold out for a longer sequence and more reward? Watch out – your opponents may scramble your plans before you have a chance to strike! It takes a watchful eye to spot the patterns in the towering double helix!
20 DNA pair pieces, 50 cards, 2 caps, rotating platform, and game rules sheet.

This introduction to STEM learning features an array of real science equipment and 35 engaging activities that teach and reinforce basic science, technology, engineering, and math principles. Build gear-driven machines, construct tabletop games, experiment with lenses and optics, and conduct chemistry experiments.

Items for assembling the activities such as: boards, posts, axles, gears, wheels, collars, grips, cranks, handles, hubs, rubber bands, foam balls, etc. And a magnifying lens, graduated cylinders, Erlenmyer flask, graduated beaker, papercraft sheets, and 30 activity cards.

Whip up natural skin-care products at home!
Create your own luscious lip balms, moisturizing lotion bars, and sugary lip scrubs with this beauty-based chemistry kit. Just use the soft beeswax and custom molds included, and follow the recipes to create your very own concoctions!

candy-colored lip balm pods, plastic lip balm mold, natural beeswax pastilles, lotion bar molds, sticker sheet, 6 lotion bar gift bags, and an illustrated foldout activity sheet.

This kit teaches budding cosmetic scientists how to use natural ingredients to make over 30 soothingly sweet spa products. Use the included molds and a few household materials to create scrumptious-smelling spa treatments.

bath-bomb molds, 4 bath-bomb fizz packets, 2 large pots with lids, 2 small pots with lids, 2 stir spoons, shimmer powder, and a 24-page illustrated activity book.

A graduated cylinder, 120 mL beaker, Erlenmeyer flask, test tubes and test tube stand, papermaking deckle and frame, large and small bioplastic-forming trays, spatula, shape molds, pipette, 4 latex balloons, 100 mL of glycerin for making bioplastics, funnel, paintbrush, and illustrated 40-page book.

"Kitchen sink," "Kitchen sink shelf," beaker, flask, petri dish, graduated cylinder, test tubes, pipette, funnel, balloon, tubing, syringe, stir sticks, pH strips, powders: sodium alginate, calcium chloride, expanding polymer spheres, glow-in-the-dark powder; and a 36-page illustrated instruction book.

Explore the wide world of science right outside your door!
This 17-piece kit is packed with more than 21 hands-on activities and real science tools that invite you to identify, classify, measure, test, and analyze the outdoor world. The kit features a clip-on macro lens compatible with your smartphones and tablets for extreme close-ups. The activity book features exciting experiments related to soil, bugs, rocks, plants, and water.

Bug-Nabber bug catcher, UV night scope, night scope attachment clip, nature scope viewer with magnifying lens, macro lens with clip, macro lens focusing base, 2 collect-and-store compartments, beaker, 10 pH test strips, 2 takealong ID charts, and a 32-page science activity book.

Be an insect inspector!
Includes: 15-piece playground with air holes, climbing wall, pool, crawling tube, curly slide, jungle gym, assembly sheet, and illustrated science activity booklet. Grab the bug catcher and head outside to hunt for backyard specimens, then deposit your creepy-crawlies in the Bug Playground!

Learn where lightning comes from, what creates weather, climate zones, and more with 18 wild and windy experiments!

Base station with rain gauge, weathervane, compass, and anemometer. Lab station with thermometer, hygrometer, condensation test tube, experiment wells, and an illustrated 32-page science activity book.


Featuring adorable tiny culinary tools and easy-to-follow recipes, young kitchen chemists will learn to whip up pint-sized portions of recipe favorites like deep dish pizza and chocolate chip cook-wees.
Storage tin, 3 wee-spoons, silicone cake and cupcake pan, aluminum cookie sheet, aluminum pie pan, pie server, mixing bowl, mixing spoon, knife, pizza cutter, rolling pin, silicone finger mitts, and a 48-page illustrated recipe book.

Wheelie good food!

Explore the delicious world of food trucks with international recipes, fun facts, and small-scale kitchen tools! Budding chefs can use real kitchen tools to whip up ittybitty tacos, churros, pizzas, crepes, and more. Also includes a tiny food truck and menu board to assemble and display!
Tortilla press, taco rack, pizza/crepe pan, pizza cutter, spatula, turner, tongs, piping tip, pastry bag, 2 silicone finger mitts, 10 food wraps, papercraft food truck and menu board, and illustrated foldout recipe sheet with 20 recipes.


World's smallest ice cream maker, big science fun!
All the equipment you need to make ¼ cup of real ice cream! Use the included recipes, tools, and molds to make over 15 recipes including itty-bitty waffle cones, ice cream sandwich cookies, and more while learning the history and science of ice cream.
Tiny ice cream canister, dasher, lid with crank, tiny silicone waffle cone molds, tiny waffle cone and bowl shaper, tiny ice cream scoop, tiny spatula, tiny ice cream bowls, cone holder, tiny mixing bowl, tiny mixing spoon, wee-spoons, papercraft ice cream truck and menu board, and foldout sheet with fun ice cream facts and 15 recipes.

Cultivate your mind with 20 bodacious botany experiments!
Enjoy gardening at your fingertips with a miniature desktop greenhouse and tiny gardening tools while exploring science principles like capillary action, photosynthesis, transpiration, and phototrophism.

Eight-piece miniature greenhouse, 3 tiny pots, 3 tiny test tubes, tiny hand shovel, tiny hand fork, tiny beaker, 3 tiny garden markers, illustrated greenhouse roof and wall panels, string for hydroponic watering, a tiny ruler to measure your plants, petri dish, green and blue filters, decorative clings, marker stickers, and an illustrated 48-page book with 20 science experiments and explanations.

Eight watercolor pencils, mini mixing palette and water pipette, metallic gold watercolor paint, artist-quality round paintbrush, artist-quality flat paintbrush, 20 sheets of artist-quality watercolor paper, 2 stencil sheets, 4 punch-out frames, miniature wood display easel, and a foldout illustrated manual with art techniques, science, history, and 10 activities. Be a
mini Michaelangelo!
Create, frame, and display 10 mini masterpieces with the teensy paints, tools, and techniques included in this kit, while learning the history and science of art.


This tiny lab has real tools to conduct 20 real science experiments — unleash chemical reactions, discover new ways of measuring, peer through a magnifying glass, and perform optical illusions. Conduct experiments with the world's smallest science lab!

Metal storage tin, 3 test tubes, test tube stand, beaker, Erlenmeyer flask, graduated cylinder, funnel, petri dish with lid, balance scale and 3 1-gram weights, magnifier, stainless steel ruler, pipette, measuring scoop, and illustrated 48-page book with 20 science experiments and explanations.

Score big with tabletop versions of your favorite sports, including cornhole, golf, football, soccer, hockey, pickleball, and basketball, and instructions for 15 games!
Cornhole board, 4 cornhole bags, putting green, football goal post, soccer and hockey goal net, golf putter, 2 golf balls, pickleball net, 2 pickleball paddles, pickleball, 2 hockey sticks, hockey puck, football, soccer ball, basketball, mesh sports bag, 4 cones, and illustrated foldout activity sheet with sports facts, rules, and games.

to your

This 20-piece miniature solar system model with a light-up sun gives young astronomers an out-of-this world experience! The separate Earth-and-Moon model demonstrates day and night, the phases of the moon, and more with ten interactive activities. Includes:
Solar system base with on/off switch and timer for light-up LED sun, 8 planets on transparent arms, Earthand-Moon model, 8 clear planet name stickers, full-color sticker sheet, 26-inch x 4-inch two-sided solar system poster, and an illustrated foldout packed with solar system facts and 10 science activities.

The tiny-but-mighty mini-microprocessor module has all the computing power you need to build 20 electrifying projects, such as electronic dice, magic message wand, doorbell, and 2-player games.
Get amped up about itty-bitty electronics! Includes:
Microprocessor with lights and sound effects, battery pack, 2 push buttons, 7 wires, and foldout electronics manual with instructions, explanations, and 20 activities.


Mix and match axles, wheels, arms, legs, and gears in an innovative transparent chassis to create itty-bitty robots that walk, roll, crawl, spin, and more!

A motor and gearbox, robot head, 5 gears, 3 axles, 5 wheels, 2 arms with grippers, 2 elbows, 2 legs, center roller, chassis, 3 1.5-volt button cell batteries, and a foldout instruction manual featuring over 15 builds, information, and inspiration.

SmartLab Toys Making Science Fun!
Featuring tiny tools and easy-to-follow instructions to make various itty-bitty creations, these amazing kits tap into so many growing trends. The diminutive size and adorable cuteness of the Tiny series will have kids eager to create all the teeny-tiny things!


Books to Empower Children (and Their Grown-Ups)
In 1983, siblings Madeline Kane and Sandy Miller created Kane Miller Book Publishers to publish children’s books originating in countries other than the US in order to “bring the children of the world closer to each other”— books that would allow readers to explore not just cultural differences, but also similarities. The books they published were well received, and when Kira Lynn took over as publisher in 2001, she continued to build and strengthen the Kane Miller list.
By the time EDC acquired Kane Miller in 2008, technological advances had brought much of the world’s citizens together, and today’s children now live in an increasingly global world. But Kane Miller’s commitment to helping children figure out that world, and their place in it, hasn’t changed. We remain dedicated to publishing books that honor childhood, that enrich children’s growth and development, and that are filled with hope and possibilities.
Children deserve the best: the best art, the best writing, the best science. They deserve to have their questions answered, their feelings validated, and their agency nurtured. We believe our books both reflect and enrich the imagination, sense of humor, sense of adventure, and joyousness of childhood. Kane Miller’s books enable children to experiment with ideas, with thoughts, and with feelings, as they make their journey to adulthood.
Siblings Madeline and Sandy
Kane Miller Icons
We know that reading is not a passive experience, and IMAGINE, DISCOVER, CREATE, PLAY, and LEARN are the icons we’ve provided to give a general sense of a book, game or puzzle's primary appeal or attribute. You will find these icons on the back of new titles and within the catalog.

These titles inspire children to broaden their horizons by introducing them to fictional places, characters, scenarios, and ideas. Through engaging with imaginative worlds, children are encouraged to develop both creative and socialemotional skills as they consider the possibilities of worlds both real and imagined.
These titles introduce children to new places, people, and concepts, with strong themes in exploration and cultivating interests. These books encourage readers to ask questions, develop critical thinking skills, and experience the excitement of learning new things.
These titles encourage children to discover new ways to express themselves and experience the joy in creativity through hands-on activities such as coloring, drawing, writing, and crafting.
These titles feature interactive elements or manipulatives to engage with, encouraging the development of a wide range of skills including cognitive, motor, social-emotional, creativity and imagination, and language. Play helps develop curiosity and a lifelong love of learning.
These titles help children build thinking skills, expand their knowledge base, and grow an understanding of and appreciation for their world by exploring concepts and ideas. These titles often offer opportunities to practice and repeat skills needed to solidify learning.
These puzzles and games encourage problemsolving through creativity and innovation. Handson elements help develop critical thinking skills, adaptability, and a growth mindset.
Retailers and readers can visit Kane Miller Books on our website www.kanemiller.com to discover our full frontlist and backlist, as well as explore free sales and learning resources including product information sheets, coloring and activity pages, levels, themes, awards, teacher tips, sneak peeks, and much more. We regularly share new releases, reviews, activities, videos, and additional resources, so be sure to follow us on social media (@KaneMillerBooks) to stay connected and get all the latest updates!

Kane Miller Books are now available to order from Ingram!
Ages: 6 years and up • P • 8 1/2 x 11 28pp • Author: Evie Daye • $9.99
Discover some of the world’s most inspiring people in this beautifully illustrated sticker biography series. Complete each artwork with stickers as you uncover the lives of scientists, artists, and other amazing historical figures.

Farimah Khavarinezhad

9 781684 649044

Illustrator: Ana Sanfelippo 9 781684 649037

Anneli Bray
9 781684 649051

Illustrator: Julia Bereciartu 9 781684

As seen on our catalog cover!


Ages: 2 years and up • Cardboard carry box with handle • 8 1/3 x 11 10pp • Illustrator: Sarah Wade • $16.99
Each box set contains a vibrant board book and five jigsaw puzzles, each with a different squishy texture and four chunky puzzle pieces. A sturdy handle allows take-along fun.


Ages: 3 years and up • BD • 8 x 10 • 10pp • Author: Georgie Taylor • $12.99
With reusable, child-friendly play pieces for supporting play and learning fun, there are so many scenes to explore and create, plus animals and vehicles to spot and learn about.

Ages: 3 years and up • BX • 10 x 10 1/2 • 24pp • Illustrator: Jayne Schofield • $19.99
Packed with fun activities to support learning first numbers and letters, these sets include activity books, wooden play pieces, wipe-clean cards, and more!


Colorful play pieces and wipeclean cards help little learners develop basic skills!

Ages: 4 years and up • P • 8 1/2 x 11 • 32pp • Author: Elizabeth Golding • Illustrator: Angelina De Sol • $12.99
Create thousands of imaginary creatures by combining the split pages any way you like! Use the included tracing paper to trace, color, and display your favorites!

Ages: 8 years and up P • 8 1/2 x 11 • 80pp
Author: Elizabeth Golding
Learn and practice twelve different lettering styles, and get tips on how to create fabulous hand-lettering projects. Perforated pages enable you to trace, copy, or scan the alphabets.

Ages: 2 years and up • P • 8 1/2 x 11 24pp • Author: Toni Stemp Illustrator: Olena Herasimova • $6.99
These fun sticker books are designed to improve fine motor skills, as well as support cognitive development. Six pages of bright, colorful stickers are included in each book.


9 years and up • P • 5 x 7 3/4 • Author: Sarah Ann Juckes Illustrator: Sharon King-Chai • $8.99
Ages: 6 years and up • H • 9 7/8 x 11 1/4 • 36pp • By
Peek through die-cuts and lift flaps as you follow that cheeky book-nibbling monster Nibbles on his new hunt for just the right book for his next meal!


Ages: 5 years and up • P • 5 x 7 • 128pp • Author: Philip Reeve • Illustrator: Sarah McIntyre • $7.99
Witty and heartwarming, with a gentle eco-conscious message, this vividly illustrated series delivers just enough danger and excitement to engage and enchant readers. Drawing guides and maps are an added bonus!

See more Adventuremice on page 136

Young readers will truly be over the moon for this installment in the Adventuremice chapter-book series, which bundles silliness with imagination and rip-roaring escapades. The color illustrations capitalize on the story’s humor and add whimsical details to an already funfilled read that kids will adore.”

Find Adventuremice activity pages at www.kanemiller.com

Ages: 10 years and up
P • 6 x 9 • 256pp
By Nigel Baines
• $11.99
Cooper's dad taught him everything he knew about magic tricks before he passed away... but Cooper's willing to believe in real magic if it can help him see his dad again. A funny, heartfelt graphic novel that explores grief, growing up, and finding magic when you need it most.


A simple, heartfelt examination of grief after the loss of a parent.

Illustration from Mice on the Ice

Ages: 9 years and up • P • 5 x 7 3/4 • 224pp • Author: Jenny Valentine • Illustrator: Claire Lefevre • $7.99
After years of living around the world, the ever-optimistic Joy is challenged to find the silver linings when she and her family move in with Granddad.

Ages: 9 years and up • P • 5 x 7 3/4
288pp • Author: Sarah Ann Juckes
Illustrator: Sharon King-Chai • $8.99
As Nora struggles to cope with her mother’s post-traumatic stress disorder, she’s visited by rainbow-tinged ghost animals that lead her on a journey, both actual and emotional, of discovery, healing, courage, and hope.
Ages: 9 years and up • P • 5 x 7 3/4
272pp • Author: Sarah Ann Juckes
Illustrator: Sharon King-Chai • $8.99
Ten-year-old Jasper sets off on an expedition in search of his beloved nightingale and his vanished sister in this heartbreaking, hopeful journey about discovery, loss, and the healing power of nature.

Comical and whimsical, with a lovable and precocious narrator.

A compassionate, message-driven story about mental health.

A beautifully written novel, pervaded with bittersweet and complex internal conflict."

(Starred Review)

Ages: 3-6 years • H • 10 1/4 x 10 1/4 • 36pp • Author: Carron Brown
The shine-a-light format puts an engaging new spin on core themes in these books designed to help young readers navigate their physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being.

Illustrator: Stef Murphy
Illustrator: Manuela
Illustrator: Ashlee Spink
Liliana Pérez
Illustration from Getting Sick and Feeling Better
Illustrator: Wesley Robins
Illustrator: Vanya Liang

Ages: 4-8 years • H • 10 1/4 x 10 1/4 • 36pp • Author: Carron Brown • $12.99
Shine a flashlight behind the page or hold it to the light to reveal what is hidden in and around different places and things. Discover a world of great surprises!

This Shine-a-Light book explores the worlds that wake up when we go to sleep. Readers will meet the people working night shifts to deliver packages or keep us safe, search for secretive nocturnal animals and insects, and marvel at the sun, moon, and stars, from dusk till dawn.These warmly realized nighttime worlds make for a perfect bedtime read.
Illustrator: Bee Johnson
Illustrator: Giordano
Illustrator: Ipek Konak

Illustrator: Bee Johnson
Illustrator: Charlie Davis
Illustrator: Bee Johnson
Illustrator: Bee Johnson
Illustrator: Alyssa Nassner
Illustrator: Wesley Robins
Illustrator: Wesley Robins
Illustrator: Alyssa Nassner
Author: Heather Alexander Illustrator: Ipek Konak
Illustrator: Ipek Konak
Illustrator: Ipek Konak
Illustrator: Giordano Poloni

Illustrator: Becky Thorns


Author: Sara Hurst
Lucy Cripps

Shine a flashlight behind the pages to reveal the secrets of a prehistoric world! Discover the world as it existed millions of years ago, when dinosaurs called it home.

Illustrator: Carrie May
Illustrator: Rachael Saunders
Author: Susie Behar
Illustrator: Essi Kimpimäki
Inspire imagination and creativity with Activity and Play books and games to help kids explore their passions, from coloring and illustrating to journaling and solving puzzles.

Ages: 3 years and up • BX • 10 1/8 x 7 1/8 x 1
Illustrator: Hannah Abbo • $19.99
Create your own fairy tale! The set includes 10 enchanting stand-up scenes, 30 play characters, and a story-starter book with fun prompts to ignite imagination and storytelling.


Make your own fairy tales with this stand-up scene!

Ages: 3 years and up • BX • 12 1/4 x 8 7/8 x 1 • Illustrator: Yi-Hsuan Wu • $32.99
This play set includes a reversible felt board, 30 felt pieces, and a 24-page story-starter book with fun story prompts to encourage imaginative play in and around the felt town.

These felt pieces are perfect for playtime!
9 781684 647965
9 781684 647972
Ages: 3 years and up • BX • Illustrator: Libby Burns
Busy Town brings inspiration to little imaginations! Design a new world every time you play with these 24 interchangeable, double-sided puzzle pieces.
Create 12 fun 3D figures with the Busy Town 3D Play Set, a buildable play set, perfect for imaginative little ones. Press out the pieces, slot in the stands, and get ready to play!

Combine the Busy Town puzzle pieces with the 3D Playset to create fun new worlds!
Ages: 3 years and up • BX • 11 x 11 x 2 • Illustrator: Emily Balsley • $26.99

Guess who’s who and what they do! This two-player guessing game includes game boards, character cards, and playing tokens, as well as a 24-page booklet with fun details about each job in the game.

Ages: 1 year and up • BD • 7 1/2 x 10 12pp • Author: Susie Brooks
Illustrator: Sally Payne • $12.99
Animals and dinosaurs are playinguse the puzzle pieces to complete each scene! These books help to improve fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

BX • 5 1/3 x 5 1/3 x 2
By Emilia Dziubak • $15.99
Simple puzzle games, ideal for tiny hands! Each puzzle contains large pieces with whimsically illustrated forest animals.

These simple games are the perfect companions to the A Year in the Forest board books on page 80.


BD • 7 x 10 • 12pp
• Author: Susie Brooks
Illustrator: Dawn Machell • $13.99
Ages: 3-6 years • FB • 4 3/4 x 6 1/2 • 8pp
Illustrator: Natasha Rimmington • $14.99
Join the animals on their adventures – close the book, pull back on the wheels and watch them gooooo!


Ages: 3 years and up • BX • 10 x 10 1/2 • 24pp • Illustrator: Jayne Schofield • $19.99
Packed with fun activities to support learning first numbers and letters, these sets include activity books, wooden play pieces, wipe-clean cards, and more!

Colorful play pieces and wipeclean cards help little learners develop basic skills!

Author: Hannah Campling
Author: Stephanie Moss
Ages: 2 years and up • Cardboard carry box with handle • 8 1/3 x 11 • 10pp
Illustrator: Sarah Wade • $16.99
Each box set contains a vibrant board book and five jigsaw puzzles, each with a different squishy texture and four chunky puzzle pieces. A sturdy handle allows take-along fun.

Ages: 3 years and up • BD • 8 x 10 • 10pp • Author: Georgie Taylor • $12.99
Spot all kinds of things that go and animals around the farm, as you complete the pages with the reusable play pieces! LET'S EXPLORE!

Ages: 2 years and up • BD • 7 7/8 x 8 • 16pp • Author: Harriet Stone • $14.99
Through the magic of Venetian window technology, illustrations change with every page turn in this board book series, perfect for little hands.

Ages: 1 year and up
BD • 7 1/2 x 7 1/2 • 10pp
Illustrator: Elsa Martins
Turn the wheel to choose the best match, or just pick whatever makes you laugh!

Simply turn the pages to see creatures transform!

Illustrator: David Partington
Illustrator: David Partington
Illustrator: Neil Clark
Illustrator: Neil Clark
Illustrator: Giovana Medeiros
Illustrator: Giovana Medeiros
Spread from Animal Magic: In the Ocean
Ages: 3 years and up
BD • 7 1/2 x 10
12pp • Author: Susie Brooks • Illustrator: Sally Payne
Each book comes complete with a rod for catching the magnetic creatures, helping to improve fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination as the child retrieves the numbered animals.

Ages: 3 years and up
6 1/2 x 8 1/4
Imagine your own funny stories and create crazy characters as you flip through the split pages and muddle things up!

Ages: 3-7
Die-cuts throughout these interactive, personalized books (and fun stickers to spell out the child’s name) allow young readers to be featured on every page!

Young readers can use the split pages to create countless quirky character combinations!

Spread from Muddle and Match: Imagine
Author: Georgiana Deutsch Illustrator: Vicki Gaudsen
Author: Danielle McLean Illustrator: Kathryn Selbert
Ages: 2 years and up • BD • 8 5/8 x 8 5/8 • 12pp • $12.99
Colors appear like magic when you wet the white parts of the eye-catching artwork with either a brush or your finger in these engaging story activity books. The color fades when the water dries, so you can “paint” as often as you like!

Card Deck • 2 3/8 x 3 1/2 By George Grancharov
Entertaining card sets designed for anyone who loves to create! Each deck includes instructions on how to use the different cards as prompts. The decks can be combined, too. The possibilities are endless!

Illustrator: Kim Faria
Illustrator: Kim Faria
Illustrator: Laura Garrido Amador
Illustrator: Laura Garrido Amador
Illustrator: Vanja Kragulj
Illustrator: Vanja Kragulj
Illustrator: Vanja Kragulj
Illustrator: Vanja Kragulj
Ages: 5-8 years • P • 8 3/8 x 11 • 16pp
Illustrator: Felicity French • $12.99
Share a little kindness and happiness with these inspiring coloring books! When you've decorated the pictures, tear them out and thread the yarn through the corners so you can hang them. Each page makes the perfect gift for a friend too!
Ages: 4 years and up P • 8 1/2 x 11 • 16pp • $5.99
Place the gatefold at the back under each tracing paper page to color with your favorite felt-tip pens. Then tape your page to a window for maximum effect!

Ages: 5 years and up • P • 8 1/2 x 11 • 96pp • $8.99
Filled with templates, coloring pages, activities, and ideas for things to make, these books are designed to encourage positive feelings.

Author: Eve Robertson Illustrators: Nastya Rizaeva & Lindsey Sagar

Illustrators: Nastya Rizaeva & Lindsey Sagar

Author: Eve Tombleson Illustrator: Lindsey Sagar
Author: Eve Tombleson Illustrator: Lindsey Sagar
Illustration from Stained Glass Princesses
Ages: 10 years and up P • 9 1/2 x 12 • 48pp • $6.99
Large-format poster books with uplifting, motivational words and beautiful artwork to color and decorate. The perforated pages are easily removed for display or gift-giving.

Ages: 8 years and up • P • 8 1/2 x 11 • 80pp
Author: Elizabeth Golding • $12.99
Learn and practice twelve different lettering styles, and get tips on how to create fabulous hand-lettering projects. Perforated pages enable you to trace, copy, or scan the alphabets.

Ages: 8 years and up
10 x 10
Awaken your inner artist with these elegant coloring books featuring twenty intricate mandala designs inspired by the natural world.

Ages: 8 years and up • P • 6 x 8 • 144pp
Illustrator: Charlotte Farmer • $9.99
These clever journals encourage creativity with 365 activities, one for each day of the year!

Author: Anne Rooney

Author: Anne Rooney

Ages: 6 years and up • H • 7 7/8 x 8 7/8 • 36pp $12.99
Warm-up activities, a book planner, stickers, and visual prompts from real-life illustrators enable children to create their very own hardcover book in this innovative series.

Author: Lucie Stevens Illustrator: Rupert Meats

Author: Keith Tilbury
Stephanie Belbin

Ages: 7 years and up • KT • 7 1/2 x 10 • 96pp
Author: Marion Bordier Illustrator: Emmanuelle Teyras • $7.99
Make your own diary - everything you need to start journaling! Each page includes prompts to write or draw.

Author: Kitty Harrison Illustrator: Ben Hawkes

Author: Kitty Harrison
Cris Martin

Ages: 8 years and up • P • 7 1/2 x 9 • 96pp • Author: Dr. Sharie Coombes
The age-appropriate exercises and activities are designed to tackle the complex emotions a child faces and help the child to work out how and why they feel that way.

Thesupportiveactivitiesinthis bookaredesignedtotacklechild anxietyandstress,helpthechild toworkouthowandwhytheyfeel worried,encouragethemtotalkto othersabouttheirworries(ifthey want to), and feel calmer.

Illustrator: Katie Abey
Illustrator: Katie Abey Author: Steph Clarkson
Illustrator: Katie Abey
Author: Lily Murray
Illustrator: Katie Abey

Ages: 5 years and up • P • 6 3/4 x 6 3/4

Bepreparedforplentyofgroans... andlotsoflaughswhenyoushare thesehystericalone-linerswithyour friendsandfamily!

Gettingachuckle,giggle,groan,or guffawwillbeaneasypun-dertaking with this humerus collection of word-playjokes!

Each book in this series is packed with 300 hilarious one-line jokes arranged from A to Z, so finding the perfect gag for every occasion is as simple as A, B, C...

Ages: 8 years and up • H • 9 x 11 • 48pp • Author: Dr. Gareth Moore • $22.99
Create your very own escape room experience at home! Put together objects from the press-out die-cut card sheets contained in the envelope, then work out how to use them to solve a series of progressively harder challenges!

Comes with over 30 items to press out and make!
Ages: 8 years and up • H • 9 1/2 x 12 • 48pp
Author: Matt Edmondson • Illustrator: Garry Parsons • $24.99
Elliot’s great-grandfather had once been known as The Greatest Magician in the World and he’s desperate to follow in his footsteps. Join Elliot on an exciting magical adventure in this interactive novelty gift book with its cast of personality-packed magicians and everything you need to perform seven jaw-dropping magic tricks.

Includes seven jaw-dropping magic tricks!

Ages: 4-8 years • P • 6 x 9 • 80pp
Author: Tamara Macfarlane and Ellie Wharton • $7.99
Enter into a caring, fun-filled world of mythical creatures! Read their stories, and learn all about their personalities, skills, and secrets; plus you’ll find recipes to make their favorite foods as well as lots of other fun activities and crafts.

CAN YOU ESCAPE THE MUSEUM? Illustrator: Beatriz Castro
Illustrator: DGPH Studio
Illustrator: Ciara Ní Dhuinn
Illustrator: Paula Franco
Ages: 5 years and up • P • 7 1/2 x 10 • 16pp plus pop-ups
Author: Elizabeth Golding • Illustrator: Elisa Paganelli $9.99
These are coloring books like no other – 8 spreads and 8 press-out pieces to color that pop up when glued or taped to the book.

Ages: 8 years and up • P • 7 x 9 32pp • Author: Elizabeth Golding Illustrator: Anton Poitier • $12.99
Create your own wildlife display with these 3D animals to decorate and assemble by following the simple instructions and helpful tips throughout.

Ages: 2-4 years • BD • 6 3/8 x 6 3/8 • 12pp By Matt Hunt • $8.99
These delightful pop-up board books are not only lots of fun, but they also promote early concept learning and encourage imaginative play.

Includes 27 curious creatures to decorate and slot together!
Spreads from Color & Pop-up Monsters
Ages: 5 years and up
H • 8 7/8 x 8 7/8 • 12pp
Author: Eve Robertson
Illustrator: Ana Jimenez
As you lift the flaps, shine a flashlight on the scene that pops up to reveal the hidden shadow, adding a delightful interactive dimension to these classic stories.
Ages: 3-6 years
BD • 7 x 9 • 16pp
Author: Patricia Hegarty
With colorful characters and pop-ups on every page, these charmingly illustrated books are an adventure readers won’t soon forget! (And they’ll learn their letters and numbers, too!)

Shine a flashlight on the pop-ups to reveal their wonderful secrets!

Craig Shuttlewood

Ages: 3 years and up
Find fun pop-up elements on every page!

These pop-ups are like no others — they're double-sided and designed to build vocabulary, develop literacy skills, as well as provide a treasure trove of fun!

Illustrator: Maddie Frost
#1 Bestseller!

9 781610 673624

Illustrator: Henning Löhlein $12.99
When Dog hurts his foot, Sheep scratches her tummy, or Bear sits on a splinter, young readers will be eager to help make things“all better”with the five reusable and repositionable stickers.

Illustrator: Henning Löhlein $12.99

9 781684 648061
Baseball, football, tennis, soccer, basketball... every game is a good game when you play with friends! Use the five reusable and repositionable ball stickers to join the animals in their favorite sports.

Ages: 3-5 years • BD • 8 1/4 x 9 1/4 • 16pp • Author: Bernd Penners
These interactive sticker books feature charming characters who need your help - young children will love placing the repostionable stickers on the pages again and again.

Illustrator: Henning Löhlein $12.99

Christine Faust $12.99

Ages: 2-4 years • BD
8 7/8 x 8 7/8 • 16pp
Author: Bernd Penners
Illustrator: Henning Löhlein $12.99
Animal friends are hungry and you can feed them! Choose from the five food pieces, drop them in the slot, and help fill their empty tummies.

Christine Faust $14.99

Henning Löhlein $12.99

Henning Löhlein

Illustrator: Henning Löhlein $12.99
Ages: 3 years and up • P • 9 x 12 • 24pp • $9.99
Designed for little hands, these big sticker books offer activities, lots of items to spot, and a huge fold-out scene. Great for improving fine motor skills and dexterity, building vocabulary, and creative play!


Lauren Holowaty Illustrator: Maria Neradova
Author: Lauren Holowaty Illustrator: Alistar
Author: Pat-a-Cake Illustrator: Maria Neradova
Author: Fiona Munro Illustrator: Alistar
Illustrators: Teresa Bellon & Denis Razumov
Author: Amanda Lott
Author: Emma Munro Smith
Author: Elizabeth Golding
Author: Emma Munro Smith
Author: Emma Munro
Ages: 3 years and up • P • 9 7/8 x 9 7/8 • 24pp • Author: Kathryn Jewitt • Illustrator: Sally Payne • $6.99
These early learning activity books, with over 500 reusable sticker shapes to match to the pictures, are designed to increase color and shape recognition, as well as support fine motor skills development.


Ages: 3 years and up • P • 8 1/2 x 11 • 24pp • Illustrator: Christos Skaltsas • $6.99
Each book boasts over 500 stickers for decorating 12 brightly illustrated scenes in any way you like! You can make up your own stories about them too!

Author: Elizabeth Golding
Author: Josef Rose
Author: Elizabeth Golding
Author: Toni Stemp
Spread from Enchanted Ocean
Spread from Unicorn Kingdom
Author: Kathryn Jewitt

Bring amazing creatures to life with these sticker-by-number books! Discover what makes each animal special, then use the 300 reusable stickers to complete the colorful illustrations.

Author: Cath Ard
Ages: 6 years and up • P • 8 1/2 x 11 • 28pp
Author: Evie Daye • $9.99
Discover some of the world's most inspiring people in this beautifully illustrated sticker biography series. Complete each artwork with stickers as you uncover the lives of scientists, artists, and other amazing historical figures.

Ages: 4 years and up P • 9 1/2 x 12
24pp + 8 sticker pages
Author: Lisa Regan
Illustrator: Sarah Wade $6.99
Bursting with fun and facts, these brightly colored books contain 100 stickers to help make learning fun!

781684 649044
Illustrator: Farimah Khavarinezhad
Illustrator: Anneli Bray
Illustrator: Ana Sanfelippo
Illustrator: Julia Bereciartu
781684 649068
Ages: 3 years and up • P • 8 1/2 x 11 • 96pp
Illustrator: Sally Payne • $8.99
This activity book provides lots of opportunities for children to practice their scissor skills, developing their fine motor skills as they follow the guided lines to cut out and piece together the pictures.

Ages: 4 years and up • P • 8 1/2 x 11
32pp • Author: Elizabeth Golding
Illustrator: Angelina De Sol • $12.99
Create thousands of imaginary creatures by combining the split pages any way you like! Use the included tracing paper to trace, color, and display your favorites!


Ages: 2 years and up • P • 8 1/2 x 11 • 24pp • Author: Toni Stemp • Illustrator: Olena Herasimova • $6.99
These fun sticker books are designed to improve fine motor skills, as well as support cognitive development. Six pages of bright, colorful stickers are included in each book.

Ages: 2 years and up • P • 8 1/2 x 11 • 32pp • Author: Amanda Lott • Illustrator: Laura Garrido • $5.99
With fun activities on each page, these books are designed to help children develop their processing and reasoning abilities.

Ages: 3 years and up P • 8 1/2 x 11 • 48pp
Author: Sally Rippin
Illustrator: Chris Kennett
Bridge the gap between school and home to ignite the spark of learning with the lovable School of Monsters characters in teacherapproved worksheets and activities.

Illustration from Fun with Letters!
Ages: 7 years and up • P • 8 1/2 x 11
192pp • Author: Amanda Lott
Illustrator: Fabien Laus-Pillot • $11.99
Each activity pad is packed with cool games to play – some are easy, and others are really tricky! From crosswords and word searches to number pyramids and maze puzzles, every page has pencil-and-paper games that will keep you amused for hours. There are games you can play with an opponent, and also plenty you can play solo.
Ages: 6 years and up • P • 8 1/2 x 11
112pp • Author: Heather Alexander
Illustrator: Michael Mullan • $14.99
A road trip to remember with word searches, matching games, letter scrambles, and more, highlighting state mottoes and famous monuments to natural wonders and roadside attractions!

Ages: 6 years and up • P • 8 1/2 x 11 • 64pp • Author: Claire Saunders • $9.99
Learn fascinating facts about the United States while coloring, playing, and puzzling through the pages of creative writing games, word searches, mazes, crosswords, and more.

Illustrator: Neil Stevens
Illustrator: Thomas Paterson
Illustrator: Bethany Lord


Illustrator: Angela Keoghan

9 781610 675451
Animal lovers will treasure this engaging, educational book that makes veterinary science fun and accessible!The games, quizzes and activities, along with stickers, a poster and press-out game cards, make this a special treat.

Ages: 7 years and up • P • 7 3/4 x 9 1/2 • 64pp • Author: Steve Martin • $12.99
The academy series features activities, cool quizzes, and super skill tests. Stickers, model, poster, and games included. Whimsical art and creative fun for anywhere!

Hannah Bone

Illustrator: Essi Kimpimäki
Illustrator: Nastia Sleptsova
Illustrator: Essi Kimpimäki
Illustrator: Maisie Robertson
For curious and creative kids, this series introducing basic scientific principles with experiments using everyday objects makes for plenty of learning, and fun for the whole family!

Illustration from There's Science in Eggs
Spreads from There's Science in Salt

With board and cloth formats specifically designed for little hands, our narrative and first concept books for Babies and Toddlers are where stories begin.
Ages: 0-3 years • CL • Book: 4 1/2 x 5 1/2 Package: 7 3/4 x 8 • 6pp • By Sally Garland • $13.99
This clever box houses an adorable hand puppet, story book, and cuddly toy – all in one! Kitty loves to dance and drink and snuggle. Follow the prompts in the story to make her come alive!

Document your little one's big moments with the removable cards!
Ages: 0-2 years • BD • 7 x 7 • 10pp
Author: Rebecca Weerasekera
Illustrator: Rachael McLean • $8.99
Enjoy page by page, and also document important milestones as your baby grows by removing the colorful card on every page, placing it next to baby and taking a picture to treasure forever.

Ages: 0-2 years • CL • 8 1/2 x 5 1/4 • 6pp • Illustrator: Lie Kobayashi • $9.99

Filled with colorful characters and paired with rattle handles, these cuddly cloth concept books for the very young are perfect to “chew” on.

Ages: Infant and up • CL • 7 x 7 • 6pp • Illustrator: Sally Payne
Babies will love these multisensory play books! The combination of classic nursery rhyme, mirror, and storybook stimulates babies' senses.


Ages: 0-2 years • CL • 6 x 8 6pp • Author: Susie Brooks
Illustrator: Sally Payne
Designed to support babies as they build head, neck, and upper body strength as they grow, these interactive cloth play books, with lift-the-flap surprises and a mirror, can fold flat or form a soft playhouse.
These plush toy/storybook combinations are wonderful for bedtime!
Ages: 0-2 years • CL • 4 3/4 x 4 3/4 8pp • Illustrator: Teresa Bellón • $10.99
Illustrated with bold, high contrast blackand-white patterns, and featuring a crinkle effect on every page, these small-size cloth books support visual development and engage concentration.

Spread from Crinkle Pets
Ages: 1-3 years • Author: Susie Brooks
Illustrator: Wendy Kendall
Charmingly illustrated with lively rhyming text, these baby books introduce an assortment of friendly animals in their own habitats.

Ages: 1-3 years • BX • 7 1/4 x 13 1/2 12pp • Author: Elizabeth Golding
Illustrator: Amanda Enright • $19.99
Six simple first concept books for toddlers! With bold, bright illustrations, they are unbreakable, and adorable! Each book is printed on tearproof, waterproof, wipeclean material and sewn to withstand tough handling.

Ages: 1-3 years • BX • Case: 3 3/4 x 3 3/4 x 2 Books: 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 • 4 books per set, 10pp each $7.99
Each box set contains four adorable little concept board books, perfectly sized for little hands. The clear and bright illustrations help to make each book ideal for lap-time sharing.

Packaged as a set for retail

By Ana Martín Larrañaga
By James Croft
Illustration from My First Words
Ages: 1-4 years • BD • 6 x 6 • 4 books, 12pp each
By Michael Buxton • $23.99
The secret agents of this boxed set of board books will make kids feel amazing! With puns, jokes, and a cheesy sense of humor (!), healthy eating is the winner every time!

Ages: 2-4 years • BD • Case: 1 3/4 x 1 7/8 9-book set, 10pp each • By Amanda Gulliver $12.99
This collection of nine tiny board books is perfect for little hands! Each simple, beautifully illustrated book features one animal, and each case serves as a matching game for the youngest learners.

Ages: 0-3 years • BD • 6 x 6 • 4 books, 14pp each By Rowena Blyth • $21.99
A fun little library of first books featuring Hoot the Owl! Includes four colorful board books that each introduce a key early learning concept.

781684 646982
Ages: 2 years and up BD • 6 x 8 • 14pp
By Emily Bannister • $9.99
Baby bunny tries to sleep through a storm, but there are so many strange noises outside! Mama reassuringly explains each sound and ends with the gentle PIT-A-PAT – the song of Mama’s ever-loving heart!
Ages: All ages • BD 6 1/4 x 8 • 18pp • $8.99
Peek through the pages to see fun foods that are hap-pea-est together. This book can please everyone a waffle lot.

Ages: Infant and up BD • 5 x 5 • 10pp
Author: Susie Brooks
Illustrator: Sally Payne $4.99
Little ones will love these compelling characters and feel-good endings of each story. Along the way, different animals are introduced, with all their varied sounds and features.

Ages: 1-3 years • BD • 7 1/2 x 9 1/4 • 12pp • By Clive McFarland • $12.99
With understated artwork and printed felt flaps, these simple bedtime narratives introduce basic concepts to children in a way they’re sure to remember. GOODNIGHT!

Illustration from Baby Bear
Illustration from You Complete Me

TOTS! Adorable books for

cute and sturdy books in the Friendly Faces series are designed for little hands! The bright colors and simple, decorative patterns of these books grab the attention of babies and young children while the simple text helps with early letter recognition.

Ages: 1-3 years
BD • 7 x 7
Cut-through pages and a mirror allow little readers to imagine and see themselves reflected in each of these interactive board books. With animal sounds and vibrant illustrations, there’s learning and laughter in equal measure.


Ages: 2 years and up • BD • 8 x 8 • 16pp • Author: Jackie McCann • Illustrator: Sandra Eide • $14.99

Babies will love seeing themselves reflected through the special cut-outs in the pages of these beautiful board books.

Author: Jackie McCann
Ages: 0-3 years
BD • 8 1/2 x 8 1/2
These stylish board books introduce everyday emotions with humorous inspirational tales for toddlers.


Ages: 2 years and up • BD 6 x 6 • 20pp • Author: Laura Baker Illustrator: Siski Kalla • $5.99
These books will have young readers ready to play with their lively rhyming text – basic vocabulary highlighted – and energetic illustrations featuring a diverse cast of characters.

Ages: 1-3 years • BD • 7 x 7 • 12pp • Illustrator: Sebastien Braun • $9.99
Die-cuts throughout these interactive, personalized books allow the child to be featured on every page. The board books include a slot-andslide card to write the child’s name on.

Your child's name appears throughout the book!

A Ye ar in the Forest

Celebrate nature with these colorful books and games!

Welcome to the forest! Meet all kinds of animals and learn when they sleep and what they eat, what their habits are, and what they like doing. You’ll wake them up, clean their fur, and more. The A Year in the Forest books and companion games nurture young readers’ awareness of forest animals, inspire children’s imaginations, and develop their skills of perception and logical thinking.

Ages: 1-3 years • BD • 6 1/2 x 6 1/2 • 16pp • By Amy Huntington • $5.99
Through their sweet, gentle tone and soft, accessible illustrations, each of these books encourages readers to slow down and take notice of the natural world.

Ages: 2-4 years • BD • 7 1/8 x 7 1/8 • 14pp
Especially appealing to the eco-conscious buyer, these gently educational recycled board books with die-cuts offer an interactive early-learning introduction to the natural world.

These books are full of clever peek-through holes!

Ages: 1-3 years • BD • 7 x 7 • 20pp • By Nastja Holtfreter • $6.99
These board books are each three books in one: a shopping game, a shopping story, and a shopping picture dictionary to promote language learning! Each book starts with a shopping list, and young readers must find the items on the list as they move through the story and are offered lots of choices.

Ages: 1-3 years

There's a lot to discover in the four habitats of this brightly illustrated series. These titles are perfect for the budding naturalist as they explore the world, pointing out the answer to each question.

Ages: 0-2 years • BD • 8 x 8 • 20pp • Author: Hilary Robinson Illustrator: Mandy Stanley • $8.99
Children can search and find Gregory Goose camouflaged against the background in this brightly colorful interactive board book series.

Ages: 2 years and up
BD • 7 1/2 x 7 1/2 • 10pp
Illustrator: Hannah Wood
Early learning has never been so much fun! Each spread in these colorful board books has a fold-out flap with thumb-cut for easy page turning!

Ages: 0-3 years • BD • 7 7/8 x 7 7/8 18pp • Author: Hilary Robinson
Illustrator: Mandy Stanley • $10.99
Tatty Mouse is the ultimate recycler. She doesn't like to see anything go to waste and loves to think of inventive ways of repairing and reusing what others throw away. With her supercool tool kit and craft box, find out how Tatty Mouse becomes a rock star and a super racer!

Ages: 2 years and up • BD • 7 5/8 x 7 5/8 • 18pp • Author: Kathryn Jewitt
Illustrator: Ailie Busby • $9.99
Help the youngest readers to explore BIG feelings in these simple story books with questions to share, a mindful activity, and a wheel to play with.

Ages: 1-3 years • BD • 7 3/4 x 7 • 20pp • By Emma Yarlett • $11.99
Follow Nibbles the book monster as he chomps his way through these adorable books!


Ages: 9 months and up • BD • 7 3/8 x 7 3/8 • 10pp
Illustrators: Maxine Davenport and Cindy Roberts • $7.99
First Focus Frieze titles are filled with panels of recognizable, high-contrast black-and-white images and patterns to aid visual development in the early stages. Gently introduce your baby to numbers, first words, and farm animals with these fold-out, stand-up books, perfect for tummy time!
See our Nibbles plush and titles for older readers on page 101

BD • 7 7/8 x 7 7/8 • 32pp • Author: Lily Murray • Illustrator: Jane Foster • $10.99

Each book in the series presents four read-aloud stories and high-contrast, bold artwork from Jane Foster. Created in consultation with early years experts, these story collections are designed to progress with baby in their first year.

Ages: 0-3 months


Ages: 9-12

Ages: 1-3 years
Uniquely engaging, interactive concept board books designed especially to encourage independent page-turning and fine motor skills.


Ages: 2-4 years • BD • 8 1/8 x 8 1/8 8pp • $12.99
Press the sound button to hear favorite nursery tunes charmingly illustrated in these adorable board books!

Share a celebration of joy with your little one! These bright, beautiful board books encourage us all to be thankful for the world around us. I'M THANKFUL FOR...
2 years and up

Illustrator: Hannah Wood
9 781684 647279
Illustrator: Sanja Rescek

Little ones can explore hands-on learning with these interactive titles covering Preschool concepts from numbers and letters to daily routines.
Ages: 2-5 years • BD • 8 x 8 • 22pp
Author: Ruby Brown • Illustrator: Alisa Coburn • $8.99
What do you want to be when you grow up? A deep-sea diver? A stuntman? An astronaut? When you grow up, you can be anything you want to be!

Ages: 3-6 years
8 3/4 x 8 3/4 • 10pp
Author: Patricia Hegarty • Illustrator: Hilli Kushnir
There are five different fastenings to practice, together with step-by-step illustrated instructions, in this fabulous book designed to teach children how to tie their shoelaces and button their clothes.

Ages: 1-4 years • BD • 7 x 7
22pp • Author: Paul Schofield
Illustrator: Anna Terreros-Martin
These gently rhyming stories remind young readers how much Mommy and Daddy love and miss them while they’re at work, and look forward to being together at day’s end.

Ages: 1-4 years • BD • 8 1/4 x 8 1/4 • 16pp • Author: Jane Clarke • Illustrator: Georgie Birkett • $8.99
Discover the big moments and daily routines of every toddler’s life with lovable animal characters and playful rhyming text. Each story features a child and their very own baby animal.


Ages: 2-4 years • BD • 8 x 8 • 16pp • By Michelle Nelson-Schmidt • $8.99
Learn all about shapes, kindness, and other early learning concepts with Whatif Monsters! These bold and colorful books encourage discussion and help young children develop pre-literacy skills.

Ages: 3 years and up
H • 7 1/2 x 7 1/2 • 24pp
By Michael Buxton
• $7.99
These stylish, child-friendly, sturdypaged picture books embrace uniqueness and positivity.

See our other Whatif Monster title on page 105

Ages: 2-4 years • BD • 7 x 7 • 14pp • By Nastja Holtfreter • $5.99
Look carefully! Something’s not the same... Solve the find-the-difference puzzles on every page, and learn something about our colorful world at the same time.

Thiscolorfulfarmhassomeunusualthingsto spot!Findtheonethat’snotadonkey.Which babyisnotachicken?Find-the-differencefun fortheyoungestreaders! 9 781610 675789

Ages: 2-6 years • BD • 8 1/2 x 8 1/2 • 8pp • $14.99
Sturdy cased bedtime board books with a die-cut shape on every page showing a cleverly hidden mini storybook.

Each title contains 4 mini storybooks to pull out and read!

Illustrator: Anna Shuttlewood
Spread from Cluck Cluck Duck 9 781610 679886
Illustrator: Lucy Semple

Lynn Parrish Sutton $11.99 Illustrator: Faith Pray

Lynn Parrish Sutton $12.99
Melissa Babcock Saylor

Lynn Parrish Sutton $11.99
Hazel Mitchell

Author: Lynn Parrish Sutton $11.99
Illustrator: Melissa Babcock Saylor

Author: Penny
By Ariella Abolaffio $8.99
Author: Margaret Hamilton $11.99 Illustrator: Anna
Author: Margaret Hamilton $12.99

With larger formats and visual appeal, Picture Books allow readers to discover worlds near and far, real and imagined.

Ages: 5 years and up • H • 9 1/2 x 11 • 32pp
By Sophy Henn
• $15.99
These titles are all-embracing celebrations of all kinds of animal family life and friendships, reflecting the different ways children live today.

A toilet-training classic, this humorous look at a natural process educates, entertains and encourages“using the potty.”
Over 1.5 million copies sold!

An informative explanation of how and why gas is produced and eliminated is presented in a straightforward, relatable manner.

By Taro Gomi

Author: Smriti Halls $12.99
Illustrator: Ali Pye Ages: 3 years and up • H • 9 5/8 x 10 7/8 • 32pp

A joyful celebration of difference and diversity offering the opportunity for children to examine and discuss what makes each of us unique. It’s a wonderful way to get children thinking and learning about their own families as well as other families who may be different from their own.

Author: Smriti Prasadam-Halls $14.99
Illustrator: Britta Teckentrup Ages: 3-6 years • H • 9 x 9 1/2 • 32pp

A handy guide for new BIG brothers and sisters who are welcoming a new baby into the family. Covering the first 18 months of baby’s life, this book helps readers bond with the new arrival and explains some key developmental milestones to look out for. Fact-filled guide packed with fun and safe suggestions for how siblings can interact and play with Baby.

Author: Mara Dal Corso $12.99
Illustrator: Daniela Volpari

This lyrical and lovely picture book depicts Amelia Earhart as a young girl, growing up with a dream of flying. Biographical details are included.

Author: Claire Cashmore $14.99
Illustrator: Sharon Davey

This fun-filled and uplifting sports story is based on UK Paralympic gold medalist Claire Cashmore’s real-life childhood experience: she was afraid of water! A story brimming with positivity, it will inspire readers, differently-abled or not, to persevere and overcome their fears.

Author: Harriet Evans $14.99
Illustrator: Emily Hamilton

From the days of the week to the seasons, to the pages of the calendar, how we measure time is explained and explored with vibrant illustrations and charming text filled with prompts with space to write your own calendar of special days.

Author: Vix Southgate $14.99
Illustrator: Iris Deppe Ages: 5-7 years • H • 10 x 11 • 32pp

Meet Belka and Strelka, two stray dogs from Moscow who, in1960, became the first animals to orbit Earth and return home safely.This ideal STEM title includes additional information about the space race and other animals in orbit.
Ages: 4 years and up • H • 8 7/8 x 8 7/8
32pp • Author: Noé Carlain
Illustrator: Hervé Le Goff • $12.99
Animals are attending class in this quirky, fun-filled picture book! The laugh-outloud takes on typical childhood events will appeal to young readers who are just starting school.
Ages: 3-6 years

The large pages of these colorful books are packed with fun things to discuss, as little language learners accompany the endearing Roscoe on his adventures.

Ages: 2-6 years
H • 10 1/8 x 12 • 32pp
Author: Rashmi Sirdeshpande
Illustrator: Diane Ewen $12.99
These fabulously funny and wholly heartwarming books celebrate the power of learning with a diverse range of characters.

By Michaela Dias-Hayes $13.99

Beautifully illustrated, lyrical picture books celebrating families, the arts, and the joyful curiosity of childhood.
An exuberantly joyful book of color mixing that empowers children and shows them that brown skin – every skin, whatever color! –is beautiful.

Bob is not a unicorn. His friend Georgeknows that. So does Stella... andTed... andLarry.Infact, it’s definite: Bob is not a unicorn. Or is he?
Michelle Nelson-Schmidt $6.99

Author: Isabelle Marinov $12.99
Illustrator: Chris Nixon

Map-lovingMarthaisyour guideasyouzoomin, pagebypage,toEarth,her community,herhome,and beyondtoherdreamsof afuturewhereanything ispossible.Eachmapis imbued with an irresistible sense of excitement about theworldandoptimismfor thefuturetoexploreagain andagain.

Striking,supportive text and humorous illustrationsbringthese lovablecharacters,and thisimportantlookat navigatingtheworld,to life.Thestorywillstrike a chord with children onthespectrum,aswell asanyonewhoseesthe worldina“different”way.
Stella wants to be an astronaut... but Stella isanelephant.Every timesheappliesto SpaceCommand,they comeupwithanew reasonshecan’tjoin, butwherethere’sawill, there’sawayandStella is determined to reach for the stars.
By James Foley $12.99
Leigh Hodgkinson $14.99

Author: Craig Barr-Green
Illustrator: Francis Martin
Ages: 3 years and up H • 8 1/3 x 9 1/2 • 128pp
Author: Sally Rippin
Illustrator: Alisa Coburn
Billie B. Brown's outsized imagination takes her everywhere in this collection of early school adventures! These playful stories are all about creativity and learning social skills.

Author: Sally Rippin
Chris Kennett
See more Billie B. Brown titles on pages 132-133
Ages: 4-8 years
9 1/4 x 12 5/8
By Emma Chichester Clark
Gentle Bear is curious and determined. These beautiful books by a renowned creator, full of humor and love, speak to the child in all of us.

Author: Olivier Dupin $12.99
Illustrator: Geneviève Després Ages: 4 years and up
Anna has always loved reading and stories, but one night she hears a voice:“Hey!Yoo-hoo! I’ve just about had it!”cried Little Red Riding Hood.“I’m tired of being devoured by the wolf…”So, Anna decides to help out her favorite fairy-tale characters… and the rest is history. (Or at least, her story –how she became an illustrator.)
H • 9 x 11 • 32pp

Illustrator: Patricia Hu

Did you know that all books in the librarycometolife when everyone has gonehome?Follow the adventure of Dustyashefinds his perfect reader and is borrowed for theveryfirsttime.

All books begin with one brilliant idea... Take a journey to discover how a book is made — from acquisition and artwork to publicity and printing — in this inspiring and informative illustrated guide to publishing.

Illustrator: Sandra de la Prada

Errol’s mom is too busy to tell him a story so she tells him he should try to make one up himself. But as soon as he starts, all the creatures in the garden – and beyond! – overhear and all want to be the hero! A celebration of imagination, packed full of humor, energy, and adventure.
A rhyming celebration of reading that is sure to inspire! Read wherever and whatever you choose... an adventure surely awaits you.
By Carolina Rabei $12.99
Author: Sarah Coyle $12.99
Illustrator: Dan Taylor
Author: Becky Davies $14.99
Author: Laura Baker $15.99
Ages: 6 years and up H • 9 7/8 x 11 1/4
By Emma Yarlett
Nibbles the Book Monster is on the loose, and he’s chomping his way through all of these titles! Will anything or anyone be able to stop him?

9 781610 674676


H • 32pp


Ages: 3 years and up • 7 x 8 3/4

Oncetherewasamysteriousthing. Nobodyknewhowitgotthere,itjust was.“It’smine,allMINE!”sayMouse, Frog,Fox,andBear,butwhowillgetto keepitintheend?Readerswillsurely wanttoclaimthisprizeforthemselves!

Ages: 4 years and up $15.99 10 1/8 x 10 1/8

Lift the flaps to see Poppy Pickle’s extraordinary imagination come alive! Poppy’s joyful enthusiasm is infectious and sure to inspire similar creativity in young readers!
Ages: 4 years and up
Illustrator: Cristina Trapanese • $12.99
Author: Helen Mortimer
Each book in this series creates a special moment to focus on feelings and discover the words and phrases needed to talk about them. All the words are carefully chosen, and 10 sharing tips at the back of each book, as well as a glossary, offer easy opportunities to talk about first experiences and new emotions.

Illustration from Our World
Ages: 3 years and up • H • 9 x 9 • 32pp
Illustrator: Julia Green • $12.99
Children are invited to practice simple poses explained by a yoga expert to help them stretch and balance, breathe and relax. Child-friendly illustrations clearly demonstrate poses, and notes to the parent are included.


Ages: 3 years and up • H • 9 1/2 x 11 • 32pp • Author: Susie Brooks • Illustrator: Cally Johnson-Isaacs
These accessible, child-friendly books explore ways for young readers to understand and boost their mental health and well-being through gentle text and comparisons to the animal kingdom.

Authors: Christiane Kerr & Lucy Menzies
Authors: Christiane Kerr & Lucy Menzies
Author: Christiane Kerr
Authors: Christiane Kerr & Lucy Menzies
Authors: Christiane Kerr & Jason Hook

Author: Hannah Wilson $18.99
Illustrator: Samara Hardy

Theottersandbadgersliveon eithersideoftheriver,butthey haveneverseeneyetoeye.One day,shyandgentleotter-baker Francieaccidentallyventuresinto thebadgerlandsinsearchofa newingredientandunwittingly setsoffanewchapterinthe ongoingfeud...CanFrancie’s amazinglydeliciouscookieshelp bothsideslearntogetalong?

Author: Patricia Hegarty $12.99
Illustrator: Sakshi Mangal

Follow an adorable cast of charactersthroughoutthedayas theylearntobekind,considerate, andcaringinthischeerfuland colorfulrhymingbook.

Agentleandreassuring guideforyoungchildrenas theyencountertheeveryday challengesandtypicalfearsof childhood.Thequestion-andanswerformatprovidesan idealstartingpointforfamily conversations about worries.

Author: Pippa Goodhart $12.99
Illustrator: Anna Doherty

BearandHaretrytoreach somejuicypears,butthey needsomehelp.Harefinds three chairs, but is it fair that Hare has two chairs and Bear onlyone?Abeautifullysimple picturebookthatconsiders, "what is fair?"

Discoveramazingfactsabout thehumanbodyandexplore measuringinanexcitingand personalway!Brightandlively artwork,alongwithapull-out heightchart,makethisespecially appealingtoyounglearners.

Author: Nicola Edwards $12.99
Illustrator: Feronia Parker-Thomas

Welcometothejungle!It’sfull ofmisbehavinganimalsfrom messymonkeystogrumpy grizzlybears.Butnowit’stime forthem–andyou!–tolearn howgoodmannersmakethe worldgoround.

Duck’s started a club. But there’s ONErule–everyoneiswelcome! Because when it comes to makingfriends,beingyourselfis all that counts.

The Fruits and theVegetables have always been fighting, but Grape and Mushroom decide it’s time for a change.The intrepid pair set off on the arduous climb to theTop Shelf to seek The Wise Old Cheese. Will he be able to help?
By Anya Glazer $14.99
By Nicola Kent $19.99
Author: John Kelly $12.99
By Alex Latimer $15.99

By Polly
Ages: 2-4 years • H
10 1/2 x 9 1/2 • 32pp

9 781684 640263

A gentle book about dealing with emotions and calming toddler tantrums (and the grown-up dealing with them!) together with an introduction to counting.The perfect picture book for handling bad days and bad moods.
By Emily Coxhead $14.99
Ages: 4 years and up • H 10 1/4 x 10 1/4 • 32pp

9 781684 644490
Cheerful Sloth shares the ways he feels better when he’s mad or sad or scared in this joyful and imaginative book of feelings.This bright, stylish, uplifting book, full of vibrant, colorful illustrations and practical ideas, comes from the founder ofThe Happy News subscription-based newspaper.

Author: Josh Pyke $12.99
Illustrator: Chris Nixon • Ages: 3 years and up H • 11 1/2 x 9 1/2 • 32pp

9 781684 640621
Leonard doesn't like bedtime, especiallywhenthere'safive-nosed, seven-tailed,eleven-handed,scalywailymonsterhidinginthecornerof his bedroom. It seems like Leonard (and hisparents)willneversleepagain... untilhediscoversamysteriousbook calledHowtoFrightenMonsters.

By Michelle Nelson-Schmidt $6.99
Ages: 3-7 years • P • 7 3/4 x 9 • 32pp

9 781610 671187
Jonathan James’ Whatif Monster asks all kinds of questions to stop him from trying new things: What if it’s scary?What if they laugh? Until finally, Jonathan James has a question:What if they don’t?
Nadia Shireen $12.99 Ages: 3-7 years • H 9 7/8 x 11 • 32pp

9 781684 642250
First she has a sock problem, and then there’s a strange pea... Suddenly, Barbara’s Wobbler is out of control! A hilarious story of one big bad mood – and how to make it go away. Here’s a funny, sensitive, and helpful way to understand and deal with tantrums for both parents and children.

Author: Claire Saunders $14.99
Illustrator: Kelsey Garrity-Riley
Ages: 5 years and up • H • 9 1/8 x 9 1/8 • 32pp

9 781684 644575
Take a journey around the world and discover how different cultures and communities show gratitude.You can even learn to say "thank you" in over 50 different languages.

By Kathrin Schärer $15.99 Ages: 3 years and up • H 6 3/4 x 8 1/4 • 64pp

9 781684 646975
Discover a treasure trove of emotions in these remarkably expressive — and irresistibly adorable — animal faces! Even the youngest reader will be able to recognize, and learn to name and differentiate feelings.
All Ages • H • 6 7/8 x 8 5/8 24pp • $9.99
These wordless comics are perfect for children just starting on their reading journey.

Ages: 3 years and up • H • 10 3/4 x 9 3/8
32pp • Author: Stephanie Stansbie
Illustrator: Hazel Quintanilla • $14.99
These empowering books with cool, retro illustrations will encourage the reader to harness their own voice, inner strength, and personality!
Ages: 4-8 years • H • 11 x 9 • 32pp
Authors: Kate and Jol Temple
Illustrator: Terri Rose Baynton • $12.99
Each of these clever picture books has one story that can be read two different ways.
Ages: 4-8 years • H • 10 1/2 x 9
32pp • Author: Naomi Jones
Illustrator: James Jones • $14.99
These entertaining introductions to geometrical shapes encourage perseverance and acceptance.

By Mathis
By Édouard Manceau
Ages: 3 years and up • H • 8 x 8 • 32pp • Author: Harriet Evans • Illustrator: Andrés Landazábal • $11.99
Celebrate brothers and sisters with these joyful salutes to family, filled with whimsical, engaging artwork and lively rhyming text. Depictions of different families and sibling combinations make these titles just right for everyone.

Ages: 3-7 years • H • 10 x 10
32pp • Author: Harriet Evans
Illustrator: Hannah Tolson
Military mommies and daddies do all kinds of jobs in all kinds of places, but there’s one thing every military child knows for sure – “My Mommy/Daddy is a Hero!”

Ages: 3-7 years • H • 10 x 10
32pp • Author: Harriet Evans
Illustrator: Fontini Tikkou
From firefighter to aid worker, from dentist to optometrist, meet the mommies and daddies who keep things going and help everyone stay healthy.

Illustration from Keeping Things Going

Author: Libby Gleeson $12.99
Illustrator: Jedda Robaard
Ages: 3 years and up • H • 9 5/8 x 9 5/8 • 32pp

9 781684 642113
Gentle, lyrical text and sweet watercolor art perfectly capture the excitement of waiting for the arrival of a new baby.

Author: Erin Dealey $12.99
Illustrator: Luciana Navarro Powell Ages: 3-8 years • H • 7 3/4 x 9 • 32pp 9 781610 675574

Some babies come from airports, but all babies come from love. A special, joy-filled Gotcha Day story for all types of families.

Author: Harriet Evans $14.99
Illustrator: Nia Tudor
Ages: 3 years and up • H
9 1/2 x 9 1/2 • 32pp

9 781684 644759
From first meetings to settling in together and creating new traditions, this book gently explores the adoption experience and shows that it is love that binds a family together most of all.

Author: Barry Timms $15.99
Illustrator: Greg Abbott
Ages: 4-8 years • H
9 7/8 x 11 1/4 • 24pp

9 781610 678469
Three little mice.Three very different houses. But which is the happiest home? A tale about discovering true happiness, with flaps to lift and peep-through pages.

Author: Erin Dealey $12.99
Illustrator: Luciana Navarro Powell
Ages: 3-8 years • H • 8 x 8 • 36pp

781610 676175
Whether a grandma fixes cars, goes to the gym, loves loud, silly songs, or catching bugs, time with her grandkids is what she loves most of all!

Author: Clare Helen Welsh $14.99
Illustrator: Åsa Gilland
Ages: 4 years and up • H
9 7/8 x 11 1/4 • 32pp

9 781684 644940
When parents break up, a child may wonder if things will ever bethesame.Thistender,moving story explores the emotions children may feel through this difficult transition.

Author: Clare Helen Welsh $14.99
Illustrator: Åsa Gilland
Ages: 4 years and up • H
9 7/8 x 11 3/8 • 32pp 9 781684 640508

A story about sisters. A story about love. A story about how it feels when someone close to you is diagnosed with a serious illness. A book to help name and explore the complicated feelings borne of heartbreaking situations.

By Rachel Bright $12.99
3-7 years

Join Little Owl and Big Owl as they cuddle up at bedtime thinking of the special times they’ve had together and all the exciting adventures the future holds in this snuggly, cuddly, joyful celebration of love.

Author: Caroline Crowe $12.99
Illustrator: Cally Johnson-Isaacs

Thischarming, heartwarmingpoem showsthatanyone andeveryone canbeagood friend. Includes 12 friendshippostcards tosendorgiveto yourbestfriends.
Author: Emily Bannister $13.99
Illustrator: Ana Sanfelippo Ages: 5 years and up H • 7 1/2 x 10 • 24pp

Illustrator: Julie Vivas

From treehouse to cabin, rocket toskyscraper,this rhyming,rollicking ode celebrates all kinds of abodes but makes clear that where we live togetheristhebest home of all.
Author: Emily Bannister $11.99
Ana Sanfelippo
3-7 years

In this very special story, Wilfrid Gordon helps his 96-year-old friend, Miss Nancy, regain some of her memories. This title is a modern-day classic that celebrates bringing children and the elderly together.
This joyful story shows how to find color and hope when days seem dim and gray: celebrating love, positivity, and the precious relationship between a child and her granddad.

By Peter Carnavas $11.99 Ages: 4-8 years • H • 9 5/8 x 9 3/4 32pp

Will Jessica find a friend atschool?It’snoteasy whenyou’reshy,so everydayshebrings her cardboard box filledwithsomething different to share, until finally,shediscovers thatallshetrulyneeds to share is herself.
Join the hullabaloo as the animals try to convince Duck to quack!This interactive read aloud is a perfect conversation starter about diversity in family, adoption, and belying expectations.
Illustration from How Do You Make a Rainbow?
Author: Mem Fox $7.99
Author: Juliette MacIver $12.99
Illustrator: Carla Martell

Author: Dianne Moritz $6.99
Illustrator: Hazel Mitchell
Ages: 3-6 years • P • 8 x 9 • 36pp

9 781935 279945
Will a day at the sea be filled with numerous things to eat, play, watch and do?Will there be rhymes and wordplay and lots of fun things to say aloud? Will there be delicate, detailed, light-filled illustrations?You can count on it!

By John Kane $12.99
Ages: 4-9 years • H • 10 x 10 • 40pp

9 781610 677110
This hilarious interactive book will have everyone giggling gleefully!Young readers help to tell the story by responding to simple verbal or visual cues –the perfect read aloud and fun for the whole family.

Author: Joseph Coelho $12.99
Illustrator: Allison Colpoys
Ages: 4-7 years • H • 9 1/2 x 10 7/8 • 32pp

9 781684 644698
In this celebration of poetry, creative writing, and selfexpression, a shy child overcomes their hesitancy through the encouragement of an inspirational teacher.With lyrical language, joyfully vibrant artwork, and diverse characters, this heartfelt story of courage, resilience, and determination encourages both self-confidence and empathy.

Author: Eric Ode $14.99
llustrator: Jieting Chen
Ages: 4-8 years • H • 11 1/2 x 9 • 36pp

9 781684 642236
Eric Ode’s playful exploration of the active nature of poems, and how they can shape and transform our world, is perfectly captured in exquisite, energetic illustrations by Jieting Chen. You’ve never seen poetry like this!

Author: Patricia Hegarty $14.99
Illustrator: Alex Willmore Ages: 4 years and up • H 9 7/8 x 11 1/2 • 32pp

9 781684 640584
Hold on to your diapers! Keep your rattles at the ready! There’s a new hero in town... and she means business! GO-GO BABY POWER!!! A laugh-out-loud rhyming caper.

Author: Jane Godwin $14.99
Illustrator: Anna Walker All Ages • H • 9 1/2 x 10 • 32pp 9 781684 644360

From the practical daily things like making your bed and brushing your teeth, to things like remembering to smile, lend a hand, and smell the flowers, this simple and heartwarming reminder about all the comforting things that are important is perfect for family sharing.

Author: Henry Herz $14.99
Illustrator: Shiho Pate
Ages: 4-8 years • H • 11 1/2 x 9 • 32pp

9 781610 678124
What does 2 pirates + 1 robot equal? Tons of fun, plus lots of adventure, times masses of laughter! Robot Lagan might not agree with the mathematics of that equation, but young readers will soon learn that it absolutely adds up.

By Makiko Toyofuku $12.99
Ages: 4 years and up • H
8 1/4 x 10 1/4 • 32pp

9 781684 641307
One night, a white rabbit glimpses a ballet class in progress and is enchanted. She gathers her courage and asks if she may join the class. Soon, other friends join too, and learn – along with classical ballet – that being true to yourself can be beautiful.

Author: Phil Cummings $12.99
Illustrator: Shane Devries
Ages: 4-8 years • H
9 1/2 x 10 1/2 • 32pp

9 781610 677394
Boy can’t hear... yet somehow he stops the fighting and brings peace to his village.

Author: Tom Nicoll $15.99
Illustrator: Ross Collins
Ages: 4 years and up • H 10 x 10 • 32pp

9 781684 647958
Three,Two,One...theracehasbegun and the animals are off! Rhinos on rollerskates,foxesinfireengines, lionsinlargerigs,penguinsonpogo sticks...Butthere'snothingfasterthan a cheetah. Or is there...?

Author: Ellie Hattie $14.99
Illustrator: Brendan Kearney
Ages: 4-8 years • H • 9 7/8 x 11 • 32pp

9 781684 644148
Stop,thief!SomeonehasstolenthediamondwarpdrivefromLady VelocitySpeed’scar!Withoutit,she’llneverwinthebigrace!Can super-sleuthingslothsStanleyandStellacrackthecase?Maybe...with somehelpfromYOU!Jumpintotheactionwiththisinteractivestoryby spottingvisualclueswithintheintricateillustrations.

By Fiona Roberton $12.99
Ages: 5-9 years • H 10 1/2 x 10 1/4 • 32pp

9 781610 673617
When a little girl rescues a strange beast from the woods, she takes him home, but for some reason, the little beast is not happy!There are two sides to every story, and this funny and charming tale is no exception.

Author: Alison McLennan $14.99
Illustrator: Connah Brecon Ages: 4 years and up • H 9 x 11 1/8 • 32pp

9 781684 645558
HowwilltinyEuniceever competeagainstallthose able-bodied athletes in the Great Unicorn Games? But then shehasatrulygreatidea... A celebrationoftheuniqueness of each individual... and the gloriousdiversitythatunifiesus.

By Alex Willmore $14.99
Ages: 3 years and up • H 10 x 11 1/8 • 32pp

9 781684 645114
An intrepid bunch of explorers is studying penguins in the Antarctic. But one young explorer has discovered something different. Something totally wild, spectacularly cool... and EXTINCT!

By Marie Voigt $14.99
Ages: 3 years and up • H 9 x 10 5/8 • 32pp

9 781684 644131
A smile is a beautiful gift. Follow one smile's journey to discover all the joy it brings. A celebration of kindness, no matter what form it may take.

Author: Bethan Clarke $15.99
Illustrator: Anders Frang Ages: 4-8 years • H • 9 7/8 x 11 1/2 • 32pp

9 781684 645497
Gus the Goat and Mavis Mole will have you laughing out loud in this super-silly, quirky, and totally HOLE-ARIOUS guessing game of a story!

Author: Bailey Bezuidenhout $14.99
Illustrator: Maria Lebedeva
Ages: 4-8 years • H • 8 1/2 x 11 • 36pp

9 781684 647330
What do trees have to tell us about themselves? And what can they tell us about ourselves?Take a journey into the world of trees in this beautiful, sensitive book.

By Jess McGeachin $14.99
Ages: 3-7 years • H
9 3/8 x 11 3/8 • 32pp

9 781684 645565
This stunningly illustrated picture book is a lyrical, reverential celebration of the many magnificent creatures to be found in our natural world.

Author: Clare Helen Welsh $17.99
Illustrator: Ana Sanfelippo Ages: 3 years and up • H • 9 x 11 • 32pp

9 781684 645633
Put on your sunny side specs and what will you see?This bright and cheery book empowers children to choose how they want to see the world.

Ages: 3-7 years • H • 10 1/2 x 12
With simple text and vibrant illustrations, these books let readers create their own unique stories. The possibilities are endless!

Perfect for family and friends to gather around again and again.

Step into Millie-Mae’s bright, colorful world in these collections of four engaging stories, perfect for reading aloud. MILLIE-MAE Ages: 3 years and up H • 9 1/2 x 7 1/2 • 52pp By Natalie Marshall • $12.99

Spread shown from You Choose Fairy Tales
Ages: 4-8 years • H • 9 7/8 x 11 1/4 • 32pp • Author: Alastair Chisholm • Illustrator: Jez Tuya • $12.99
Action-packed adventures that will inspire parents and children to embark on their very own storytelling journeys together.

Everyone needs a hug sometimes. A portion of the proceeds from every Cuddle Bear sold is donated to the Scott Carter Foundation to help eliminate pediatric cancer.

Author: Claire Freedman $12.99
Illustrator: Gavin Scott

Ages: 3-7 years • H • 9 1/2 x 10 24pp • By Heath McKenzie • $12.99
Tall hats, long hats, stripy hats, sparkly hats... they're all here! A laugh-out-loud story with rhyming text and vibrant artwork that begs to be read again and again.


Ages: 3 years and up • H • 9 1/2 x 11 • 32pp • Author: Tracey Turner • Illustrator: Summer Macon • $12.99
Well-known fairy tales are mixed together... with hilarious results!

Ages: 3-5 years • H • 9 x 11 32pp • By Nadia Shireen • $13.99
Introducing Billy, a fearless new hero for our times: brilliant, loyal, and ever resourceful, she's sure to have a trick or two up her sleeve (or in her hair)...

Ages: 3 years and up • H • 10 x 11 32pp • Illustrator: Mike Byrne • $12.99
You think that all unicorns love rainbows and sparkles? Think again, because this unicorn certainly doesn’t! These endearing, funny, and heartfelt stories celebrate what makes us different, and... unicorns!

Ages: 3 years and up • H • 10 x 11 32pp • By Ben Sanders • $14.99
Clever banter between lovable Lento and mischievous Fox make these hilarious books a delight to read aloud!

It’s time once again for Rob Phant, Ben Koala, and the rest of the competitors to brave the freezing cold, roller coaster rides, and more — all while staying asleep! Viktor Frog narrates all the thrilling action of this hilarious contest! On your marks, get set... SNORE!

Bearsaretired.Sickandtired.Justwhentheyareinthemiddleof somethingreallygood–likesleeping,snoozing,ornapping–too manystorybooksmeantheyhavetostopwhattheyaredoing,that is,sleeping,andgetuptobepartofastory.Everystory.Well,the bearshavehadenough.Theyaregoingonstrike...butwhocould taketheirplace?

Laura Bunting
Philip Bunting

A simple guide to starting school like no other! From teacher tips to finding friends, these wild and wacky Australian animals have all the advice you'll need.
Author: Emma Adams
Author: Lucy Rowland
Daniel Napp
Author: Laura Bunting $14.99

By Jez Alborough

By David Barrow

Author: Eric Ode

Author: Eric Ode $14.99
Illustrator: Gareth Llewhellin

Author: Eric Ode $6.99
Kent Culotta

Ages: 4 years and up • H • 10 x 11 64pp • Author: Moira Butterfield
Illustrator: Bryony Clarkson • $16.99

Come and hitch a ride in vehicles of every shape and size. With bounce-along rhythms and fascinating facts, any single reading is sure to result in a victory lap or two!

Author: Eric Ode $14.99

Michelle Nelson-Schmidt
Which kind of cat are you? Which dog are you like? Check the mirror in the back of these books to see.

Diverse and inclusive everyday stories with bright and bold illustrations.

Author: Sally Rippin $12.99
Lucinda Gifford

Author: Dr. Lisa Chimes $9.99
By Briony Stewart $14.99
Ages 2-5 years • H • 10 x 10 22pp • Author: Janeen Brian
Illustrator: Ann James • $11.99
Featuring everyone's favorite muddy little dinosaur created by Janeen Brian and Ann James, children will adore the bright, simple illustrations created with watercolor, pencil... and mud!

Ages: 3 years and up • H • 7 1/2 x 11 1/2 • 30pp • Author: Harriet Evans • Illustrator: Jacqui Lee • $14.99
There’s so much fun to be had in these interactive books that will have them begging to be read again and again.

Author: Libby Walden

Ages: 2 years and up H • 9 7/8 x 9 7/8 • 32pp
Author: Coral Byers
Illustrator: Alberta Torres
Follow ten children as they dress up and explore in these colorful preschool counting books based on the popular nursery rhyme This Little Piggy.

Ages: 12 years and up • P • 6 1/4 x 8 1/4 • 160pp • $14.99
Explore the key principles and practice of everyday science by using analogies, experiments, and research with food and drink in the home kitchen environment.

With science and tools for learning, Nonfiction covers everything from coding and engineering to nature, reference and biography.

Ages: 7 years and up • H • 8 1/2 x 11 • 32pp
Author: Anna Claybourne • Illustrator: Luke Séguin-Magee
Meet Professor Pooch and her considerably less-than-brilliant Doberman assistant, who will introduce core science topics in this humorous, comic book series.

Author: Dr. Aidan Randle-Conde
Author: Dr. Katie Steckles
Author: Dr. Katie Steckles
Ages: 3 years and up • P • 7 1/2 x 9 • 32pp
Author: Kaitlyn Siu • Illustrator: Marcelo Badari • $4.99
Learn key coding concepts and gain critical thinking practice through lively robot adventures, complete with glossaries, in this child-friendly, skill-building series written by a neuroscience expert.

Ages: 9 years and up • P • 8 x 10 • 32pp
Illustrator: Diego Vaisberg • $4.99
Take a closer look at different engineering fields and skills needed for our world to function. Simple step-by-step hands-on activities encourage readers to develop their own engineering and design skills.

Author: Izzi Howell
Author: Sonya Newland
Author: Izzi Howell
Author: Sonya Newland
Author: Sonya Newland
Author: Sonya Newland
Ages: 8 years and up • H • 7 3/4 x 9 1/2
128pp • Author: Dr. Maggie Aderin-Pocock Illustrator: Chelen Écija • $16.99
Space scientist Dr. Maggie Aderin-Pocock takes readers on the trip of a lifetime - from the surface of our very own planet to the farthest sectors of the Solar System.


Ages: 5 years and up • H • 6 1/4 x 12 • 12pp
Author: Clive Gifford • Illustrator: Kate McLelland $15.99
Discover the world above and below as you travel through these beautiful pop-up picture books.

Ages: 7-12 years • H • 10 x 11 • 10pp • Author: Isabel Otter
Illustrator: Hannah Tolson • $18.99
Use the magic slider to dig deeper into five amazing scenes in each of these titles!

Ages: 7 years and up • H • 9 1/2 x 12 • 48pp
By Greg Paprocki • $12.99
These books take a fun look at the lives of people all over the world and people now and then, through lovely, retro-style illustrations of relatable, accessible situations.

Ages: 8 years and up • P • 5 x 7 3/4 112pp • Author: Ben Garrod
Illustrators: Gabriel Ugueto, Scott Hartman, Ethan Kocak • $5.99
Packed full of dinosaur discoveries, battles, adventures, fascinating facts, quizzes, and a helpful glossary along with cartoon illustrations and paleo art, these nonfiction books read like novels and are just as engrossing.

H • 10 x 11 1/2 • 48pp
Author: Ben Hoare
Illustrator: Hui Skipp • $14.99
H • 10 x 11 1/2 • 48pp
Author: Tracey Turner
Illustrator: Hui Skipp • $14.99

Author: Kitson Jazynka
Author: Krista Langlois
Ages: 5 years and up • H • Author: Libby Walden • Illustrator: Clover Robin
Discover nature’s secrets and explore these fascinating environments with real-life animal facts and beautiful artwork.

Ages: 6 years and up • H • 32pp
9 5/8 x 9 5/8 • Author: Paul Mason
Illustrator: Tony De Saulles
Comic artwork, hilarious jokes, and fascinating facts in these nonfiction books are sure to amaze, entertain, and educate readers.

Ages: 7 years and up
H • 8 1/2 x 11 • 96pp
Author: Mike Barfield
Illustrator: Paula Bossio
Laugh and learn as you take a peek into the hidden lives of all kinds of weird and wonderful animals from different habitats around the world.

Ages: 8-13 years • H 8 3/4 x 11 1/2 • 128pp
Author: Bear Grylls
Outdoor adventurer Bear Grylls shares fascinating facts about our remarkable planet, teaching you everything you need to know to venture through all of Earth’s many terrains and environments.

Ages: 7 years and up • P • 5 1/3 x 7 1/3 • 48pp
By Bear Grylls
• $5.99
Embark on a wild adventure with Bear Grylls! The Bear Grylls Outdoor Skills Handbooks offer step-by-step instructions and tips from Bear Grylls to prepare young adventurers for the wilderness.

P • 8 1/2 x 11 • Author: Bear Grylls
In the Jungle Coloring Book is packed with amazing images to color, along with facts, statistics, “Bear Says” boxes with great tips, and brilliant photographs. The activity books are full of fun facts, quizzes, word searches, mazes, lots of tips from Bear Grylls, and more than 60 stickers!

Spreads from Going Camping
See page 141 for more Bear Grylls titles



Author: Robin Pridy Illustrator:


Author: Steve Martin Illustrator: Roberto Blefari
Author: Susie Hodge Illustrator: Elise Gaignet

Illustrator: Sara Mulvanny $16.99
Ages: 8 years and up • H • 11 1/2 x 11 1/2 • 64pp

9 781610 677653
Author: Clive Gifford • H

Author: Kristine Carlson Asselin $24.99
Ages: 7-11 years • BD • 10 x 11 • 16pp

From which animal is the fastest to which machine is the biggest, these books of visual comparisons familiarize young children with figures and measurements without using long numbers or complicated concepts.

Illustrator: Paul Boston $17.99
Ages: 7 years and up 9 3/4 x 11 3/4 • 96pp

9 781684 640492
Ages: 9-11 years
P • 5 x 7 3/4 • 192pp
Author: Lauren Holowaty
Illustrator: Martina Motzo $8.99
A chatty style, fun fact text boxes, and plenty of zany black-and-white line sketches take these reference books into the realm of delightful recreational reading!

Illustrator: Ana Seixas $14.99 Ages: 5 years and up 10 x 11 • 48pp
781684 640065 9 781684 640867

Ages: 7 years and up • H 10 1/8 x 12 • 96pp
Author: Anna Weltman
Math in space, sports calculations, symmetry in nature, weird math facts, math in art, and mindboggling number conundrums are just some of the topics explored in this fascinating, illustrated look at math.

Illustrator: Paul Boston $17.99 9 781684 641710

Author: Moira Butterfield $12.99
Illustrator: Clair Rossiter Ages: 3-7 years • H • 9 1/2 x 11 • 32pp

9 781610 678865
Explore homes from around the world and through time, celebrating different cultures and what is central to each and every home: the family who lives there!

Author: Libby Deutsch $16.99
Illustrator: Valpuri Kerttula Ages: 8 years and up • H 9 3/4 x 11 3/4 • 48pp

9 781610 677295
Whydoesalightcomeonwhen youflickaswitch?Howcancheese fromthesupermarkethavecome outofacow?Whathappenswhen yousendatext?Thesequestions andmanymore,bothphysical andmoreabstract,areclearly explainedwithgraphic,flowing illustrationsandchild-friendly text–thebookforeverychildwho ever wondered,“How?”

Author: Nicola Edwards $14.99
Illustrator: Manu Montoya

9 781684 642991
Have you ever wondered why we talk about“buttering someone up”or where the phrase“raining cats and dogs”comes from? Explore these and 27 more idioms from around the world in this voyage of cultural discovery, loaded with fascinating facts and beautiful illustrations.


Author: Molly Oldfield $18.99
Illustrator: Various Ages: 4-7 years • H • 9 x 11 • 256pp

9 781684 644438
Thisamazingcompendiumofinformation grewoutofUKauthorMollyOldfield’spodcast answeringquestionsfromcuriouschildren aroundtheworld.Hereare366suchquestions, alongwithanswersfromexpertsinevery imaginablefield–oneforeverydayofthe yearplusanextraoneforleapyears–with illustrationsbyadozendifferentartists.
Ages: 7-11 years • P • 5 x 7 3/4 • 128pp • $5.99
From real-life narratives to timelines and facts, each fully illustrated book focuses on the life of an inspirational historical or modern figure. Explore the childhood, the achievements, and the qualities of each figure - the very things that helped them have such an incredible impact on the world.

Author: Lara Wilson Illustrator: Sarah Green
Ages: 8 years and up FL • 8 1/2 x 10 1/2 96pp • $17.99
Discover the achievements of over 100 brilliant women from around the world. Featuring scientists and politicians, artists and sports stars, the lives of these women will inspire and empower the amazing women of the future to follow their dreams.

Author: Dr. Sheila Kanani Illustrator: Rachel Corcoran
Author: Kate Scott Illustrator: Anke Rega
Author: Chitra Soundar Illustrator: Dàlia Adillon
Author: Naida Redgrave Illustrator: Alleanna Harris
Author: Martin Howard Illustrator: Freda Chiu
Author: E.L. Norry Illustrator: Ashley Evans
Author: Shelina Janmohamed Illustrator: Ashley Evans
Author: Kate Scott Illustrator: Esther Mols
Author: Craig Barr-Green Illustrator: Salini Perera
Ages: 7 years and up • P • 8 x 10 • 32pp • $4.99
Discover all the amazing facts and figures about your favorite professional sports stars. Each book includes player profiles, career histories, and hall of fame players and teams.

Ages: 8 years and up • P • 9 x 10 1/2 • 64pp • $7.99
Packed with fascinating facts and statistics covering over 40 sports from football and baseball to motorsports and martial arts, with information on famous teams and all-star competitors, this is the perfect gift for avid sports fans.


Ages: 4-7 years • P • 5 x 7 3/4 • 48pp
Author: Sally Rippin • Illustrator: Aki Fukuoka • $4.99

Young readers will love these playful stories!


THE BEAUTIFUL HAIRCUT • 978-1-61067-100-2
THE BEST DAY EVER • 978-1-68464-668-5
THE BEST PROJECT • 978-1-61067-258-0
THE BIRTHDAY MIX-UP • 978-1-61067-182-8
THE BULLY BUSTER • 978-1-68464-132-1
Billie B. Brown prepares girls for new social situations and they will recognize their lives reflected in Billie’s “real world” adventures, from their first sleepover to ballet lessons, to playing with boys and managing friendships.

THE COPYCAT KID • 978-1-61067-389-1
THE CUTEST PET EVER • 978-1-68464-670-8
THE DEEP END • 978-1-61067-390-7
THE EXTRA-SPECIAL HELPER • 978-1-61067-099-9
THE GRUMPY NEIGHBOR • 978-1-68464-218-2
THE HAT PARADE • 978-1-68464-220-5
THE HONEY BEES • 978-1-68464-219-9
THE LITTLE LIE • 978-1-61067-257-3
THE MIDNIGHT FEAST • 978-1-61067-097-5
THE MISSING TOOTH • 978-1-68464-131-4
THE NIGHT FRIGHT • 978-1-61067-391-4
THE POCKET MONEY BLUES • 978-1-68464-669-2
THE SECOND-BEST FRIEND • 978-1-61067-098-2
THE SECRET MESSAGE • 978-1-61067-256-6
THE SOCCER STAR • 978-1-61067-096-8
THE SPOTTY VACATION • 978-1-61067-183-5
SUPER STORIES • 978-1-68464-671-5 • $8.99
The Second-best Friend, The Secret Message, and The Copycat Kid • 144pp
SNEAKY STORIES • 978-1-68464-672-2 • $8.99
The Midnight Feast, The Cutest Pet Ever, and The Night Fright • 144pp
SPECIAL STORIES • 978-1-68464-673-9 • $8.99
The Birthday Mix-up, The Big Sister, and The Spotty Vacation • 144pp

Ages: 5 years and up • BX 11 3/4 x 8 3/8 • 48pp + 60pc puzzle
Author: Sally Rippin
Illustrator: Aki Fukuoka • $14.99
Read all about Billie’s adventure in ballet class, then put together the 60-piece puzzle of Billie and her friends.
Ages: 6-9 years • P • 5 x 7 3/4 96pp • Author: Sally Rippin
Illustrator: Aki Fukuoka • $4.99
A slightly older Billie, her best friend, Jack, and other familiar friends from the original series, solve mysteries at school and in the neighborhood.

Ages: 4-7 years • P • 5 x 7 3/4 • 48pp • Author: Sally Rippin
Illustrator: Stephanie Spartels • $4.99
Hey Jack! is full of down-to-earth, realistic stories, with word art or illustration on every other page. Jack's enormous imagination injects the series with fun and humor, and the books are carefully typeset to provide reading breaks.

Ages: 4-7 years • P • 5 x 7 3/4
80pp • Author: Sally Rippin
Illustrator: Aki Fukuoka • $4.99
Best friends Billie and Jack do everything together. Billie loves reading, but Jack sometimes gets the words mixed up, so they need to work together. But what happens when they get split up for the school reading challenge? A special Billie and Jack story about the joy of reading, and the special joy that comes from reading with a friend.

THE BACKYARD MYSTERY • 978-1-61064-666-1
THE BIG ADVENTURE • 978-1-61067-393-8
THE BRAVEST KID • 978-1-61067-392-1
THE BUMPY RIDE • 978-1-61067-187-3
THE CIRCUS LESSON • 978-1-61067-186-6
THE EXTRA-SPECIAL GROUP • 978-1-68464-133-8
THE LOST REINDEER • 978-1-68464-309-7
THE OTHER TEACHER • 978-1-68464-307-3
THE NEW FRIEND • 978-1-61067-125-5
THE PARTY INVITE • 978-1-68464-308-0
THE PLAYGROUND PROBLEM • 978-1-61067-260-3
THE ROBOT BLUES • 978-1-61067-124-8
THE SCARY SOLO • 978-1-61067-122-4
THE SPECIAL GUEST • 978-1-61064-667-8
THE STAR OF THE WEEK • 978-1-68464-134-5
THE TOP TEAM • 978-1-61067-259-7
THE TOY SALE • 978-1-61067-394-5
THE WINNING GOAL • 978-1-61067-123-1
THE WORRY MONSTERS • 978-1-61067-126-2
THE WORST SLEEPOVER • 978-1-61067-185-9

Sally is Australia’s highestselling female author and has written over 100 books for children and young adults, including Billie B. Brown, Hey Jack, School of Monsters, Polly and Buster, and many other well-loved series. We’re pleased to offer Sally’s first book for adults, written to help readers understand and better support neurodivergent kids to thrive in a world where they may not easily fit.

in t roductory chap t er booksno more t han 50 words per page!

The School of Monsters series is perfect for young children. Simple vocabulary, tumbling rhymes, bright artwork, and large, accessible text design combined with plenty of mischief and an infectious sense of humor are sure to spark a love of reading! First readers start by reading only the last word on every line and work up to reading the whole story.
Ages: 5-7 years • P • 5 x 7 3/4
48pp • Author: Anna Branford
Illustrator: Lisa Coutts • $4.99
From finding hidden treasures to making wishes on dandelion seeds, Lily and her family share delightful adventures.

Ages: 5 years and up
P • 5 x 7 3/8 • 128pp
Author: Harriet Whitehorn
Illustrator: Alex G. Griffiths
Friendly and helpful Freddie Bonbon runs the most amazing bakery in Belville! Baking fans will relish the recipe and glossary terms included in each book!

Ages: 5 years and up
P • 5 x 7 • 128pp
Author: Philip Reeve
Illustrator: Sarah McIntyre
Witty and heartwarming, with a gentle eco-conscious message, this vividly illustrated series delivers just enough danger and excitement to engage and enchant readers. Drawing guides and maps are an added bonus!

Ages: 7-11 years
P • 5 x 7 3/4 • 96pp
Author: Darrel and Sally Odgers
Illustrator: Janine Dawson
Trump is a Jack Russell terrier and she’s also an ALO, an Animal Liaison Officer, whose job it is to help take care of and calm all the animals who come to Pet Vet clinic to see her owner, Dr. Jeanie.
Ages: 7-10 years • P • 5 x 7 3/4
80pp • Author: Lesley Gibbes
Illustrator: Stephen Michael King
Follow Fizz through his police dog academy tryouts and training to become a dog detective, and on to his first cases.

Ages: 7-10 years • P • 5 1/2 x 8 • 96pp • By Kevin Frank • $5.99
Join Captain Hooktail and his hearty gang of Scurvy Dogs as they set sail on their hilarious pirate adventures in this series of graphic novels!

Ages: 6-9 years • P • 5 x 7 3/4 160pp • Author: Anna Wilson
Illustrator: Kathryn Durst
Misery Manor is home to the Impalers – the bravest vampire family that ever lived. Except for Vlad – he's not brave at all.

Ages: 7-10 years • P • 5 x 7 3/4 304pp • By Sally Rippin • $6.99
A spellbinding trilogy about the magic of friendship.

Ages: 6-9 years
P • 5 x 7 1/4 • 192pp By Alex Milway • $5.99
When young Anna inherits a dilapidated once-grand hotel, she’s determined to restore it to its former glory. But this is no ordinary hotel - all of her staff and guests are animals!

Ages: 8-11 years
5 x 7 3/4 144pp
Author: Adrian C. Bott
Illustrator: Andy Isaac • $5.99
Packed with super-cool tech, lots of character diversity, and fast-paced action, this is a funny adventure series about a kid and his robot best friend trying to save the world.

Ages: 7 years and up
5 x 7 3/4 • 160pp Author: Kris Humphrey
Illustrator: Pete Williamson • $5.99
Ages: 8-12 years
P • 5 x 7 3/4
The pace of all of the Extreme Adventure novels keeps readers gripped from the first page to the last. Sam is bounced so quickly from one adventure to another, readers will hardly have time to breathe.

Ages: 7 years and up P • 5 x 7 3/4 • 144pp
Author: M. Chan
Illustrator: Alan Brown $5.99
When Jack's grandpa gives him a magical jade coin, Jack finds himself caught in an ancient battle between good and evil. For he is the new Tiger Warrior, and it's up to him to save the world! Luckily, Jack has the spirits of the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac to help him.
Ages: 10 years and up
P • 5 x 7 3/4 • 176pp
By Felice Arena
Spellbinding, edge-of-your-seat adventure with fast-paced action in thrilling stories of true-to-life heroism, but also of loyalty, determination, courage, and the bonds of family and friendship. Both avid and reluctant readers will find much to enjoy here.

You’re given a magical compass and suddenly you’re no longer at outdoor camp but in an amazing place in the world – with Bear Grylls as your guide!

Ages: 8 years and up • P 5 x 7 3/4
• Author: Petra James Illustrator: A. Yi • $5.99
Twelve-year-old Henrie is the first girl heir of the Melchior family in 200 years. For the House of Melchior (HoMe), in the business of heroes for hire – boy heroes, that is – this is terrible news...

Ages: 8-12 years • P • 5 x 7 3/4 • By Jacqueline Harvey • $6.99

Kensy and Max is a suspenseful, action-packed spy-adventure series for girls and boys featuring a cast of exciting characters, mysterious settings, and family secrets.

Ages: 8 years and up
P • 5 x 7 3/4
• Author: Alesha Bixon with Katy Birchall
Illustrator: James Lancett
A series with all the classic tensions of superhero versus supervillain! This high-voltage adventure series has relatable family and friendship dynamics and laughs on every page.

Ages: 8 years and up • P • 5 x 7 240pp • By Chris Edison • $5.99
Meet Marie Curious, a heroine who uses her science smarts – and her girl squad – to save the world from evil, one invention at a time.

Ages 7-11 years • P • 5 x 7 3/4 112pp • Author: Pamela Freeman Illustrator: Tamsin Ainslie • $6.99
Her father may be the king, but her mother is the spirit of a willow tree, and Princess Betony is determined to have magical, exciting adventures!

Ages: 7-11 years • P • 5 x 7 3/4 160pp • Author: Holly Webb Illustrator: Monique Dong • $5.99
Join Chloe and her friends at The Shine School for the performing arts, where dreams of stardom really can – and do – come true.

Ages: 12 years and up • P • 5 x 7 3/4 288pp • By Fiona Hardy • $8.99
Fiona Hardy's funny, poignant, heartfelt novels feature a cast of diverse characters you'll come to know and love, and compassionate stories exploring the trials and tribulations of tween life.

An Enchanting Treasury of Stories

Ages: 7-10 years • H • 8 1/2 x 10 • 80pp • Author: Claire Cock-Starkey
Illustrator: Zanna Goldhawk • ISBN: 978-1-68464-574-9 • $19.99

Immerse yourself

Ages: 8-12 years • P • 6 x 7 1/2 • 144pp • Author: Meredith Costain
WARNING: You are about to read my UTTERLY BIGGEST SECRETS. Can I trust you? OK then. I’m Ella, and this is my diary.

By Laura Sieveking
Ella is growing up and has started at her new boarding school, and Eden College is everything she hoped it would be.

Ages: 6-9 years
Meredith Costain • Illustrator: Danielle McDonald • $4.99
Ella’s little sister has started writing down her own hilarious thoughts and adventures! It’s time to find out all about Olivia. She’s funny, fearless, and full of fun.

Ages: 11 years and up • P • 5 3/4 x 7 1/2 • 384pp
By Alice Hemming
Set off on journeys of adventure, mystery, and danger with these epic tales filled with magical unicorns, fearsome villains, and inspiring heroines.

Ages: 9-13 years • P • 5 x 7 3/4 Approximately 192pp By Kate Forsyth • $5.99
This magical series features strong female characters, themes of self-realization, courage, and creative intelligence.

Ages: 9-14 years • P • 5 x 7 3/4 256pp • By A.L. Tait • $5.99
Come on a journey full of danger, intrigue, adventure, and incredible secrets.

Ages: 9-14 years
P • 5 x 7 3/4 • 240pp
By A.L. Tait $5.99
Adventure and danger lie just off the edge of the map in this swashbuckling trilogy!

Ages: 9 years and up
P • 5 x 7 3/4
By A.L. Tait • $6.99
Two unlikely allies must learn to work together in a medieval fantasy world...

Ages: 11 years and up
P • 5 x 7 3/4
By Katherine Woodfine
Recently orphaned Sophie Taylor, a shopgirl at the newly opened Sinclair’s department store, finds herself involved in mystery and adventure in Edwardian England.


Author: Katherine Woodfine
Illustrator: Briony May Smith

Scaredy-catSophieisafraidofeverything,butlongs to watch the hot-air balloonist sail across the blue sky.Ifshecouldjustbebraveenoughtofaceher fears,whoknowswhereherjourneymighttakeher? AstoryinspiredbySophieBlanchard,theworld’s first female hot-air balloonist.

Author: Pete Johnson
Mike Gordon

Thispick-a-pathstoryabout thecoolestpartyoftheyear givesthereaderthechance to make the decisions and choosehowthestorygoes!

BZZZZZZZ Jamie’s amazed toturnhisannoyinglittle brotherintoabluebottlefly withthehelpofhismagic cape.Butthenhecan’tturn him back!

Author: Patty Mills with Jared Thomas Illustrator: Nahum Ziersch
Ages: 7-10 years • P • 5 x 7 3/4 • 128pp

9 781684 640225
PattyMillshasalwaysbeengoodatsports,sowhenhetriesoutfor basketball,heexpectsittobeeasy.Whenit’snot,herealizeshe’sgot a lot to learn, on and off the court. But will he and his school team be goodenoughtomakethefinals?

Snowdoniahasbeenbesieged byblizzardsandicestorms.A companyofsoldierssentto investigatehasdisappeared, andtheonlyremaininghopeis asecrettroopofyetiagents–theMythical9thDivision.

Ages: 10-14 years • P 5 x 7 3/4 • 256pp

9 781610 678667
Onekidnapping.One cold case.Two amateur investigators.Only48 hours to solve the crime...

Alltheemotionsseven-yearoldLeroyexperiencesasthe bullyonthebustauntsand threatenshimareperfectly capturedinthissensitiveand beautifullywrittenversenovel.
Author: Julie Frison
By Gabrielle Lord

Author: Vivian French
Illustrator: Marta Kissi

AlfieOnionisoffonagreat adventure...carryinghisbrother’s luggage.Butwhenelderbrother, Magnificoturnsoutnottobethe herohe’scrackeduptobe,Alfie savestheday–withalittlehelp fromhisloyaldog,atalkinghorse, andapairofmeddlingmagpies.

Author: Vivian French Illustrator: Marta Kissi

BoredandlonelyPrincessPeony wantstolearnhowtoDOthings–like cooking!ButwhenPeonyborrowsa cookbookfromthepubliclibrary,the kinghastheoldlibrarianwhotried tohelpherarrestedfor"speakingout ofturn."CanPeonystanduptoher fatherandmakethingsright?

Author: Tom Nicoll Illustrator: David O'Connell

Eventhoughhe’sadisasteratsinginganddancing,it’suptoSam and his best friend, Milo, to infiltrate the band and save the world fromArmageddon.

Author: Barry Marshall with Lorna Hendry
Illustrator: Bernard Caleo Ages: 8 years and up • P • 5 x 7 4/5 • 240pp

WhenMarystumblesonasecretmeetingofNobelPrize winners,Dr.BarryMarshallagreestotravelwithher throughtimetolearnthesecretsbehindsomeofthemost fascinatingandimportantscientificdiscoveries.Funscience experiments included!

By Alesha Dixon

Naomiisthebiggestpopstar ontheplanetwithmillionsof adoringfans.RubyisNaomi's biggestfananddreamsofbeing Naomi'sBFF.Whatwillhappen when,inachancemeeting,they endupswappinglives?

By Susanne Gervay

Anextraordinarystoryof ajourneywherepainand traumabecometriumph andapassionforliving, Butterflies isacoming-ofagestorythatcelebrates thefighterinallofus.

Libros en Español
are great for Native Spanish speakers and children who want to develop language skills and expand cultural awareness.
Ages: 2 years and up • BD • 7 x 7 • 20pp
Author: Sam Hutchinson • Illustrator: Vicky Barker
A series of conversation starters in English and Spanish for bilingual – or want-to-be bilingual – families with easy pronunciation guides. Matching games boost problem-solving skills and extra details offer much to discuss and discover.

By Michelle Nelson-Schmidt $6.99
Author: Erin Dealey $12.99
Illustrator: Luciana Navarro Powell
Author: Erin Dealey $12.99
Illustrator: Luciana Navarro Powell
By Angela Muss $29.99

By John Kane $12.99
By Emma Yarlett
Author: Barry Timms $15.99
Author: Nicola Edwards $12.99
Feronia Parker-Thomas
Author: John Kelly $12.99
Author: Eric Ode $6.99
By Madalena Matoso $11.99
By Greg Paprocki $12.99
Ages: 4-8 years
H • 10 1/4 x 10 1/4 • 36pp
Author: Carron Brown
Shine a flashlight behind the page or hold it to the light to reveal what is hidden in and around different places and things. Discover a world of great surprises!

Illustrator: Ipek Konak
Illustrator: Bee Johnson
Illustrator: Wesley Robins
Illustrator: Alyssa Nassner
Illustrator: Alyssa Nassner
Illustrator: Ipek Konak
Illustrator: Bee Johnson
Author: Susie Behar Illustrator: Essi Kimpimäki
Illustrator: Bee Johnson
Illustrator: Stef Murphy
Illustrator: Rachael Saunders
Ages: 7-10 years • P • 5 x 7 3/4 • 304pp • By Sally Rippin • $6.99
A spellbinding trilogy about the magic of friendship.

Ages: 8 years and up P • 5 x 7 3/4
Author: Petra James
Illustrator: A. Yi • $5.99
Twelve-year-old Henrie is the first girl heir of the Melchior family in 200 years. For the House of Melchior (HoMe), in the business of heroes for hire – boy heroes, that is – this is terrible news...

Ages: 8 years and up • P • 7 1/2 x 9 96pp • Author: Lily Murray
Illustrator: Katie Abey • $6.99
The fun activities in this book are designed to tackle child anxiety and stress, help the child to work out how and why they feel worried, encourage them to talk to others about their worries (if they want to), and feel calmer.

Ages: 7-10 years • P • 5 x 7 3/4
128pp • Author: Bear Grylls
Illustrator: Emma McCann • $4.99
You're given a magical compass and suddenly you're no longer at outdoor camp but in an amazing world – with Bear Grylls as your guide!

Ages: 8-13 years • FL • 5 1/2 x 7 1/2
Outdoor adventurer Bear Grylls shares fascinating facts about our remarkable planet, teaching you everything you need to know to venture through all of Earth's many terrains and environments. BEAR GRYLLS SURVIVAL SKILLS HANDBOOK VOLUME 1


Author: Michelle Robinson $13.99
Author: Kaye Baillie
By Katie Abey $11.99
By Fiona Roberton
By Nadia Shireen $13.99 Ages:
By Carly Gledhill
Illustrator: Diane Ewen
Illustrator: Mike Byrne
Author: Coral Byers
Page illustrations from This Little Monster

Illustrator: Clare Baggaley
Illustrator: Laura Garrido Amador
Illustrator: Dawn Machell
Author: Matthew Luhn • Illustrator: Luke Flowers • Ages: 3 years and
Illustrator: Giovana Medeiros
Illustrator: Claire Munday
Author: Toby Reynolds $11.99

Illustrator: Jen Hill
Illustrator: Diane Ewen

By Nastja Hotlfreter $5.99
By Nastja Hotlfreter $6.99
By Amanda Gulliver $12.99
By Rachael Saunders $9.99
By Rachael Saunders $9.99

Author: Rebecca Weerasekera $13.99
Illustrator: Wendy Kendall

Authors: Christiane Kerr & Lucy Menzies $12.99

Author: Susie Behar $12.99
Author: Kathryn Jewitt $6.99 Illustrator: Sally Payne
Author: Carron Brown $12.99
Illustrator: Vasco Icuza $4.99


Nastja Hotlfreter
By Nastja Hotlfreter $6.99


Kane Miller Index
1, 2, 3... By the Sea •279945• 110
1 2 3 Counting •674218• 84
1, 2, 3, Do the Dinosaur •640447• 92
1, 2, 3, Do the Robot •645664• 92
1, 2, 3, Do the Shark •643172• 92
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Once I Caught a Fish Alive •646487• 51
2 Pirates + 1 Robot •678124• 110
5 Little Axolotls (Fishing By Numbers) •648177• 51
5 Little Ducks (Fishing By Numbers) •647477• 51
365 Cool Ways to Remember Stuff •643851• 128
365 Words Everyone Should Know •642083• 128
¡No te Preocupes! •679510• 155
¿Puedo Unirme a Tu Club? •644582• 153
AA to Z Animal Joke Book, The •679985• 58
A to Z Dad Joke Book, The •646210• 58
A to Z Dinosaur Joke Book, The •645121• 58
A to Z Farm Joke Book, The •643240• 58
A to Z Food Joke Book, The •642090• 58
A to Z Knock-Knock Joke Book, The •642106• 58
A to Z Punny Joke Book, The •646227• 58
A to Z School Joke Book, The •643257• 58
A to Z Space Joke Book, The •645206• 58
A to Z Sports Joke Book, The •679992• 58
Across the Savannah •678223• 125
Across the USA Activity Book •676854• 69
Adventuremice, Otter Chaos! •648535• 136
Adventuremice, Mermouse Mystery •648542• 136
Adventuremice, Mice on the Ice •648559• 36, 136
Adventuremice, Mice on the Moon •648566• 36, 136
Adventures of Alfie Onion, The •677325• 151
Alfie and Bet’s ABC •676472• 61
All Better! •673624• 62
All Kinds of Animal Families •641918• 94
All Kinds of Animal Friends •643165• 94
All the Wonderful Ways to Read •645473• 100
All Year Round •643417• 95
Alphabet of Peculiar Creatures, The •678346• 93, 157
Also an Animal •677462• 93
Am I Made of Stardust? •643844• 122
Amazing Women •677356• 130
Amelia Who Could Fly •674690• 95
Animally •673457• 93
Animals/Los Animales •643868• 152
Animals of the Savanna
(Read, Touch, Discover) •647392• 51
Animals of the USA Activity Book •642854• 69
Another Book About Bears •640843• 116
Antarctic Attack (Axel & Beast) •676342• 139
Aquí y Allá •679091• 153
Architect Academy •675352• 70
Arctic Animals (Read, Touch, Discover) •647385• 51
Armored Goretusk, The (Leo's Map of Monsters) •644858• 139
Astronaut (Busy Day) •644445• 88
At Home/Las Palabras de Casa •643882• 152
At the Fair (Gregory Goose) •641451• 82
Athlete (Busy Day) •644476• 88
Attack of the Dragon King (Tiger Warrior) •644971• 140
BB is for Bedtime •673686• 93
Babies Come From Airports •675574• 108
Baby Animals (Mirror, Mirror) •642052• 78
Baby Bear •641895• 76
Baby Christmas (Mirror, Mirror) •645343• 78, 158
Baby Dragons (Mirror, Mirror) •643912• 78
Baby Duckling •641901• 76
Baby Unicorns (Mirror, Mirror) •643929• 78
Baby's First Stories (0-3 Months) •649105• 84
Baby's First Stories (3-6 Months) •649112• 84
Baby's First Stories (6-9 Months) •649129• 84
Baby's First Stories (9-12 Months) •649136•
Back to School •642748•
Badger (A Year in the Forest) •645930•
Bakery (Let's Go Shopping) •642328•
Ballerina, The (Star in Your Own Story) •679671•
Barbara Throws a Wobbler •642250•
Baseball All-Stars •641369•
Bat Can’t Sleep •644018•
Battle of the Heroes, The (The Impossible Quest) •674188•
Be Brave! •678612•
Be Positive! •641239•
Be Resilient! •645367•
Bear (A Year in the Forest) •645947•
Bear & Friends (Friendly Faces) •645305•
Bear Grylls Adventures, Cave Challenge, The •679367•
Bear Grylls Adventures, Desert Challenge, The •640423•
Bear Grylls Adventures, Earthquake Challenge, The •640409•
Bear Grylls Adventures, Jungle Challenge, The •640430•
Bear Grylls Adventures, Mountain Challenge, The •679374•
Bear Grylls Adventures, Safari Challenge, The •679312•
Bear Grylls Adventures, Sea Challenge, The •641154•
Bear Grylls Outdoor Skills Handbook, Campfire Cooking •649198•
Bear Grylls Outdoor Skills Handbook, Dangerous Animals •649181•
Bear Grylls Outdoor Skills Handbook, Dangers and Emergencies •649167•
Bear Grylls Outdoor Skills Handbook, Going Camping •649204•
Bear Grylls Outdoor Skills Handbook, Hiking Adventures •649150•
Bear Grylls Outdoor Skills Handbook, Shelter Building •649174•
Bear Grylls Survival Camp •677554•
Bears Don’t Cry! •645145•
Bears Don’t Read! •673662•
Beaver (A Year in the Forest) •645954•
Being Healthy (Big Words for Little People) •644087•...........
Best Behavior •640553•
Bethany Sings Out (Shine) •640362•
Big and Little •279969•
Big and Little (A Year in the Forest Puzzles) •647224•
Big Dog, Little Dog •643837•
Big Race, The •678803•
Big Stickers, Space •647842•
Stickers, Things That Go
Stickers, Vacations
Stickers, Wild Animals •647828•
Story, The •640454•
Billie B. Brown & Hey Jack! Book Buddies, The •641352•
Billie B. Brown, Bad Butterfly, The •670951•
Billie B. Brown, Beautiful Haircut, The •671002•
Billie B. Brown, Best Day Ever, The •646685•
Billie B. Brown, Best Project, The •672580•
Billie B. Brown, Big Sister, The •671842•
Billie B. Brown, Birthday Mix-Up, The •671828• 132
Billie B. Brown Book and Puzzle Set •643905• 133
Billie B. Brown, Bully Buster, The •641321• 132
Billie B. Brown, Copycat Kid, The •673891• 132
Billie B. Brown, Cutest Pet Ever, The
B. Brown, Hat Parade, The •642205•
Billie B. Brown, Honey Bees, The •642199•
B. Brown, Little Lie, The •672573•
B. Brown, Midnight Feast, The •670975•
Billie B. Brown, Missing Tooth, The •641314•
Billie B. Brown, Night Fright, The •673914•
Billie B. Brown, Pocket Money Blues, The •646692•
Billie B. Brown, Second-Best Friend, The •670982•
B. Brown, Secret Message, The •672566•
B. Brown, Sneaky Stories •646722•
B. Brown, Soccer Star, The •670968•
B. Brown, Special Stories •646739•
Can You Escape the Video Game? (Escape Room) •642335• 59
Carnival Caper (Hotel Flamingo) •641284• 138
Cat & Friends (Friendly Faces) •645336• 77
Cats, Cats! •670425• 118
Cautious Chameleon •678926• 79
Celebrate (Big Words for Little People) •644100• 102
Celebration of Brothers, A •640515• 107
Celebration of Sisters, A •640522• 107
Chameleon’s Favorite Color •645756• 87
Chef Academy •677158• 70
Chef (Busy Day) •644452• 88
Cherry Pie Princess, The •677332• 151
Chloe Center Stage (Shine) •640355• 144
Christmas Jigsaw Puzzles (Touch and Feel Puzzle & Board Book Sets) •647668• 32, 48, 159
Christmas Paper Crafts (Family Crafts) •647453• 31, 158
Christmas Sort & Play! •646616• 46, 158
Christmas Story, The •646111• 159
Cinderella and the Seven Dwarfs •643790• 115
Cleopatra Bones and the Golden Chimpanzee •678025• 117
Cluck Cluck Duck (The Funny Farm) •643943• 91
Coco and Fly •645572• 106
Color and Me! •645282• 97
Color & Pop-Up Christmas •678452• 60, 159
Color & Pop-Up Mermaids •678438• 60
Color & Pop-Up Monsters •678445• 60, 156
Colorful World - Construction Site •678483• 90
Colorful World - Farm •675789• 90
Colorful World - Forest •675772• 90
Colorful World - Prehistoric •677387• 90
Colorful World - Safari •677370• 90
Colorful World - Sea •675765• 90
Colorful World - Vehicles •678476• 90
Colors/Los Colores •643875• 152
Comparisons Big and Small •640867• 128
Con buenos modales •644612• 153
Cookie Mystery, The (Freddie’s Amazing Bakery) •640676• 136
Count to Five •678148• 85
Count With Me! (Baby Milestones) •640928• 72
Cranky Paws (Pet Vet) •279013• 137
Crinkle Jungle •679879• 73
Crinkle Pets •679862• 73
Cuddle Bear •670814• 114
Cuddle Bear Plush •670869• 114
Cuddly Kitty •677752• 72
Cuenta un Cuento •678889• 153
Cursed Unicorn, The •643622• 148
Dan, the Taxi Man •670722• 117
Dancing with Doughnuts (Freddie’s Amazing Bakery) •640683• 136
Darkest Unicorn, The •643615• 148 Day and Night (Hello, Baby!) •674874• 72
Delivery Truck (Pull-Back Books) •647255• 47 Different! •641215• 89
Disappearing Act (Kensy and Max) •679930• 142
Dogs Do Science: Forces •647798• 120
Dogs Do Science: Light •647811• 120
Dogs Do Science: Sound •647804 120
Dogs, Dogs! •670418• 118
Dogs in Space •678247• 95
Doing Your Best (Big Words for Little People) •643189• ...... 102
Donde vive la felicidad •644605• 153
Don’t Forget •644360• 110
Dotty and Dash’s 123 •679961• 61
Dr. Maggie’s Grand Tour of the Solar System •640348• 122
Draw an Amazing Story (Art Cards) •647293 53
Draw Cartoon Characters (Art Cards) •647309 53
Draw Cartoon Monsters (Art Cards) •647316 53, 156
Draw Cartoon Robots (Art Cards) •647323 53
Draw Me a Story •640478• 100
Drives a Digger (Star in Your Own Story) •679657• 52 Drowned Kingdom, The (The Impossible Quest) •674171• 148
Duck Goes Meow •648962• 109
EEight Nights, Eight Lights •644414• 159
El Lémur Soñador •678872• ................................................ 152
El Misterio de las Piedras Mágicas (Polly y Buster) •644643•
El Pequeño Pengüino Rojo •679213• ...................................
Ella at Eden, Camp Midnight •646593•
Ella at Eden, Musical Mystery •646586•
Ella at Eden, New Girl •643578• 147
Ella at Eden, School Spy, The •646609• 147
Ella at Eden, Secret Journal, The •643585• 147
Ella Diaries, Ballet Backflip •675215• 146
Ella Diaries, Diary Disaster •643059• 146
Ella Diaries, Diva Drama •646531•
Ella Diaries, Double Dare You •675208•
Ella Diaries, Dreams Come True •675239•
Ella Diaries, Friends Not Forever •678360•
Ella Diaries, Goal Power •643042• 146
Ella Diaries, I Heart Pets •675222• 146
Ella Diaries, Passion for Fashion •646524• 146
Ella Diaries, Pony School Showdown •675246• 146
Ella Diaries, Super Secret Club, The •646500• 146
Ella Diaries, Time to Shine •646517•
Ella Diaries, Total TV Drama •643035•
Ella Diaries, Worst Camp Ever •678377•
En Busca de la Bruja Plateada (Polly y Buster) •644650•.........
Engineer Academy •675468•
Entrepreneur Academy •677165• 70
Escape From Wolfhaven Castle (The Impossible Quest) •674140•
Everyday Journeys of Ordinary Things, The •677295•
Everyone Poops •132140•
Everything Changes •644940•
Everything Under the Sun •644438•
Explore! America’s National Parks •641932• 124
Explore! America’s Wildlife •644711• 124
Extraordinary! •641444• 93
Extraordinary Life of Amelia Earhart, The •641987• 130
Extraordinary Life of Anne Frank, The •640720• 130
Extraordinary Life of Mahatma Gandhi, The •642021• 130
Extraordinary Life of Mary Seacole, The •642014• 130
Extraordinary Life of Neil Armstrong, The •640737• 130
Extraordinary Life of Nelson Mandela, The •641994• 130
Extraordinary Life of Serena Williams, The •641970• 130
Extraordinary Life of Stephen Hawking, The •640751• 130
Extraordinary Life of Steve Jobs, The •642007• 130
Fabulous Feast (Hotel Flamingo) •641291• 138 Fair Shares •640485• 104 Fang-tastic Friends
(Vlad, the World’s Worst Vampire) •641642• 138
Farm Animals (Mirror, Mirror) •642038• 78
Farm (My Colorful Quiz) •643981• 82
Farmers Market (Let's Go Shopping) •642298• 82
Fast Facts: Sports •678322• 131
Fearless Frederic (Epic Historic Adventures) •645381• 140
Feed the Animals! •643103• 62
Find Your Happy •644490• 105
Fire Star, The (Maven and Reeve Mysteries)
Firefighter (Busy Day) •644483•
Firefighter, The (Star in Your Own Story) •679688•
Fizz and the Dog Academy Rescue •676137•
Fizz and the Handbag Dognapper •676151•
Hey Jack! Circus Lesson, The •671866• 134
Hey Jack! Crazy Cousins, The •671217• 134
Hey Jack! Extra-Special Group, The •641338• 134
Hey Jack! Lost Reindeer, The •643097• 134, 159
Hey Jack! New Friend, The •671255• 134
Hey Jack! Other Teacher, The •643073• 134
Hey Jack! Party Invite, The •643080• 134
Hey Jack! Playground Problem, The •672603• 134
Hey Jack! Robot Blues, The •671248• 134
Hey Jack! Scary Solo, The •671224• 134
Hey Jack! Special Guest, The •646678• 134
Hey Jack! Star of the Week, The •641345• 134
Hey Jack! Top Team, The •672597• 134
Hey Jack! Toy Sale, The •673945• 134
Hey Jack! Winning Goal, The •671231• 134
Hey Jack! Worry Monsters, The •671262• 134
Hey Jack! Worst Sleepover, The •671859• 134
History Uncovered: The U.S.A. •640065• 128
Hockey All-Stars •643264• 131
Holey Moley •645497• 112
Holiday Heat Wave (Hotel Flamingo) •641277• 138
Home, Sweet Home •678865• 129
Hooray, it’s Garbage Day! •641147• 117
Hoot’s Early Learning Library •646982• 75
Hotel Flamingo •641260• 138
How Do You Feel? •646975• 105
How Do You Make a Rainbow? •642755• 109
How to Bathe Your Little Dinosaur •674959• 89
How to Brush Your Teeth with Snappy Croc •674942• 89
How to Feed Your Cheeky Monkey •674973• 89
How to Make a Book •643400• 100
How to Make a Movie in 12 Days •646302• 144
How to Tuck in Your Sleepy Lion •674966• 89
How to Win a Nobel Prize •678292• 151
How to Write the Soundtrack to Your Life •646319• ............. 144
Hunt for the Nightingale, The •649471• ............................. 35, 37
II Breathe •679909• 103
I Can Be... Brave •645534• 83
I Can Be... Calm •645510• 83
I Can Be... Happy •645503• 83
I Can Be... Kind •645527• 83
I Can Count •674027• 75
I Can Do It! •640027• 86
I Did See a Mammoth! •645114• 111
I Like Animals... What Jobs are There? •679893• 127
I Like Art... What Jobs are There? •641680• 127
I Like Helping People... What Jobs are There? •642809• 127
I Like Machines... What Jobs are There? •645152• 127
I Like Making Things... What Jobs are There? •645169• 127
I Like Space... What Jobs are There? •641673• 127
I Like Sports... What Jobs are There? •640881• 127
I Like The Outdoors... What Jobs are There? •640898• 127
I Like The Performing Arts...
What Jobs are There? •642878• 127
I Say Ooh You Say Aah •677110• 110
I Try •645688• 103
I Want to Be an Astronaut •674065• 86
I Want to Dance •641307• 111
I’m a Dirty Dinosaur •672962• 119
I’m a Hungry Dinosaur •674614• 119
I’m Thankful for Animals •645619• 85
I’m Thankful for My Body •645596• 85
I’m Thankful for My World •645626• 85
I’m Thankful for Nature •645602• 85
If You’re Happy and You Know It •647262• 85
In the Jungle Coloring Book •677615• 126
In the Jungle (Gregory Goose) •641468• 82
In the Jungle (Magic Window) •643509• 50
In the Night (Magic Window) •646388•
In the Ocean (Magic Window) •643516•
In the Snow (Magic Window) •646371•
Inside the Box! •645589•
Inspirational Quotes •676021•
Christmastime! •640072•
Jumble, Forest •646852•
Jigsaw Jumble, Ocean •646876•
Jigsaw Jumble, Wild •646845•
Jonathan James and the Whatif Monster •671187•
Juan y el Monstruo y Si •679244•
Coloring •646470•
Cuddles, and Good Night! •677974•
LLa Brujita Rebelde y El Monstruo de los Sentimientos (Polly y Buster) •644636•
Las adventuras de Bear Grylls: Un reto en el desierto •679619•
Las adventuras de Bear Grylls: Un reto en el mar •679633•
Las adventuras de Bear Grylls: Un reto en la nieve •679602•
Las adventuras de Bear Grylls: Un reto en la selva •679626•
Laundry Day Sort & Play! •641871•
Leah’s Star •642243•
Learning (Big Words for Little People) •644070•
Lenny and Wilbur •640713•
Leo and the Octopus •642779•
Let’s All Play! Night or Day •648160•
Let’s All Play! Rain or Shine •648153•
Let’s Dig! A Book of First Words •645862•
Let’s Drive!
My First Tag Puzzle, Farm •645961• 44
My Little Library •641864• 74
My Make-It-Myself Diary •679466• 56
My Mommy is a Hero •677219• 107
My Pet (Not Yours) •640850• 116
My Prehistoric Pet •643462• 56
My Secret World of Mermaids •641505• 59
My Secret World of Unicorns •641499• 59
My Sticker World, Enchanted Ocean •647767• 64
My Sticker World, House •647750• 64
My Sticker World, Magical Creatures •647781• 64
My Sticker World, Unicorn Kingdom •647774• 64
My Town (Felt Worlds) •647972• 42, 49
My Year Around the World •644513• 56
My Year of Art •640942• 56
My Year of Discovery •644520• 56
My Year of Nature •642380• 56
My Year of Questions •645732• 56
My Year of Writing •641703• 56
Mystery of the Clockwork Sparrow, The (The Clockwork Sparrow) •674379• 149
Mystery of the Magic Stones, The (Polly and Buster) •679275• 138
Mystery of the Midnight Peacock, The (The Clockwork Sparrow) •678421• 149
Mystery of the Painted Dragon, The (The Clockwork Sparrow) •676618• 149
Nature (Mandala Art) •648450• 55
Never Let a Diplodocus Draw •645800• 96
Never Show a T. Rex a Book •641598• 96
Never Teach a Stegosaurus to Do Sums •643424• 96
Nibbles: Bedtime Book, The •646432• 101
Nibbles: Book Monster, The •674676• 101
Nibbles: Christmas •642953• 84, 158
Nibbles: Colors •641383• 84
Nibbles: Dinosaur Guide, The •676434• 101
Nibbles: Monster Hunt, The •679572• 101
Nibbles: Numbers •678940• 84
Nibbles Plush •675024• 101
Nibbles: Shapes •645480• 84
Nibbles: Very Hungry Book Monster, The •647897• 35, 101
Night Animals, The •649488• 35, 37 Night, Night Busy Town •679886• 91 Night, Night on the Farm •677820• 91
No Worries! •677103• 57
Now and Then •678636• 122
Now That’s a Hat! •642212• 115
Number Games to Go •647132• 69 Numbers/Los Números •643899• 152
Ocean (Mandala Art) •648467• 55
Ocean (My Colorful Quiz) •643967• 82
Old MacDonald’s Little Hen •645091• 73
Olivia’s Secret Scribbles, Amazing Acrobats •678414• 147
Olivia’s Secret Scribbles, Big Chicken Mystery, The •643011• 147
Olivia’s Secret Scribbles, Box Car Racers •643028• 147
Olivia’s Secret Scribbles, Dragon Catchers •646562• 147
Olivia’s Secret Scribbles, Music Makers •646555• 147
Olivia’s Secret Scribbles, My (Almost) Perfect Puppy •678407• 147
Olivia’s Secret Scribbles, My New Best Friend •678391• 147
Olivia’s Secret Scribbles, Super Science Stars •643004• 147
Olivia’s Secret Scribbles, Unicorn Parade •646579• 147
On the Farm •674225• 84
On the Moon (Gregory Goose) •641475• 82
Once Upon a Timely •678537•
One Brave Astronaut •643479•
One More Try •644568•
Operation Robot Storm •670746•
Otters vs. Badgers •644117•
Our World (Big Words for Little People) •644094• 102
Our World (Turn and Learn) •640638• 122
PPatty Hits the Court (Game Day) •640225• 150
Perfect Fit, The •641413• 106
Perfect Shelter, The •640508• 108 Physics of Popcorn, The •640607• 120 Picnic Day Sort & Play! •645107•
Planet Joy •649242•
Pop Pop Pop, Around the House •647507•
Pop Pop Pop, Bugs and Other Small Things •647514• 61
Pop Pop Pop, By the Sea •647538• 61 Pop Pop Pop, On the Farm •647521• 61
Poppy Pickle •645350• 101
Positive Coloring •646548• 54
Precious Ring, The (Lily the Elf) •675307• 136
Predators (Bear Grylls Activity Book) •649310• 126
Press-Out & Make Animals •647149• 60
Prince and the Witch and the Thief and the Bears, The •678490• 114
Princess Betony and the Hobgoblin •647187• 144
Princess Betony and the Rule of Wishing •647170• 144
Princess Betony and the Thunder Egg •647163• 144
Princess Betony and the Unicorn •647156• 144
Prisoner of the Black Hawk
(The Mapmaker Chronicles) •676236• 149
Pumpkin Who Was Afraid of the Dark, The •647286• 157
Pup’s Tale, The (Pet Vet) •673518• 137
Puzzle Sticks, Dinosaurs •647637• 45
Puzzle Sticks, Jungle •647613• 45
Puzzle Sticks, Ocean •647620• 45
Puzzle Sticks, Unicorns •647606• 45
Python Problem, The (Pet Vet) •279167• 137
Race to the End of the World
(The Mapmaker Chronicles) •676229• 149
Rainbow Colors (Hello, Baby!) •674881• 72
Rainbow Days •644421• 93
Rainforests (Bear Grylls Activity Book) •649365• 126 Red Red Red •640263• 105
Red Riding Hood and the Three Billy Goats Gruff •643110• 115 Remarkable Rainforest (Read, Touch, Discover) •647408• 51 Reptiles & Amphibians (Bear Grylls Activity Book) •649341• 126 Respect (Big Words for Little People) •644063• 102 Rise of the Lion Beast (Tiger Warrior) •644995• 140 Robot Hide-and-Seek •642434• 83 Robotic Rumble (Axel & Beast) •676366• 139 Rojo Rojo Rojo •644629• 152 Room on Our Rock •679022•
Row, Row, Row, Little Frog •645084•
Saves the Day (Star in Your Own Story) •679664•
Say Hello to Baby •641420•
Scaredy Cat •678933•
School of Monsters and Beyond, Wheels and Springs and Moving Things!
School of Monsters, Bug’s
School of Monsters, Super Stack of Stories •646647• 135
School of Monsters, William is a Star •644827•
Holidays & Celebrations
40 Shine-A-Light, Human Body, The •674652• 41
Inventions of the USA •645176• 39
My World, Caring for Pets •645190• 38 Shine-A-Light My World, Getting Sick and Feeling Better •642823• 38
Shine-A-Light My World, Making Friends and Getting Along •645718• 38
Shine-A-Light My World, Moving •645213• 38
Shine-A-Light My World, Starting School •642830• 38
Shine-A-Light My World, Staying Safe •645725• 38
Shine-A-Light, Nighttime •645701• 39
Shine-A-Light, Oceans •642885• 41
Shine-A-Light, On the Construction Site •673709• 40
Shine-A-Light, On the Farm •676656• 41 Shine-A-Light, On the Space Station •674119• 40 Shine-A-Light, On the Train •673655• 40 Shine-A-Light, Secrets of Animal Camouflage •674669• 40 Shine-A-Light, Secrets of Our Earth •675369• 40
Shine-A-Light, Secrets of the Rain Forest •673259• 40
Shine-A-Light, Secrets of the Seashore •673099• 40
Shine-A-Light, Secrets of the Vegetable Garden •674133• 40
Shine-A-Light, Wonders of Our World •677189• 39
Shine-A-Light, Wonders of the USA •675437• 39
Shrieking Serpent, The (Leo’s Map of Monsters) •644889• 139
Si Digo OOH Tú Dices AAH •679206• 153
Sleep Tight! •642762• 57 Smile, The •644131• 112
So You Think You Know About Tyrannosaurus Rex? •678575• 123
So You Think You Know About Velociraptor? •678599• 123
Soccer All-Stars •643271• 131
Soon •642113• 108
Sophie Takes to the Sky •640294• 150
Sound of My Heart, The •641888• 76
Space Pirate Bears •647361• 114
Spacely •642281• 93
Spider Bite (Extreme Adventures) •673440• 140
Spirit of the USA Activity Book •642847• 69
Spitfang Lizard, The (Leo’s Map of Monsters) •644865• 139
Splash •644049• 95
Spook-tacular Surprise (Vlad, the World’s Worst Vampire) •641666• 138
Squirrel (A Year in the Forest) •645923• 80
Stained Glass Coloring, Animals •642144• 54
Stained Glass Coloring, Dinosaurs •640010• 54
Stained Glass Coloring, Mermaids •642175• 54
Stained Glass Coloring, Monsters •642168• 54, 156
Stained Glass Coloring, Princesses •642151• 54
Stained Glass Coloring, Unicorns •640003• 54
Star Switch •643592• 151
State Capitals •677653• 128
Stay Strong! •678629• 57
Steady Sloth •678919• 79
Stellarphant •644247• 97
Steve, Terror of the Seas •678254• 118
Sticker by Number, Dinosaurs •648139• 65
Sticker by Number, Rain Forest •648122• 65
Sticker Facts, Dinosaur •646135• 66
Sticker Facts, Jungle •646142• 66
Sticker Facts, Ocean •646128• 66
Sticker Life Stories, Frida Kahlo •649044• 30, 66
Sticker Life Stories, Jane Goodall •649051• 30, 66
Sticker Life Stories, Marie Curie •649037• 30, 66
Sticker Life Stories, Maya Angelou •649068• 30, 66
Sticky Cake Race, The (Freddie’s Amazing Bakery) •640690• 136
Stop That Poem! •642236• 110
Sunny Side Up •645633• 112
Sunshine Baby! (Hello, You!) •646258• 78
Superhero Baby! •640584• 110
Superhero Squad (Lightning Girl) •640799• 142
Supermarket (Let's Go Shopping) •642304• 82
Superpower Showdown (Lightning Girl) •640812• 142
TTaco Truck (Pull-Back Books) •647248• 47
Take Down (Kensy and Max) •644278• 142
Tale of the Valiant Ninja Frog, The •641796• 114
Tale of Two Beasts, A •673617• 111, 157
Tatty Mouse: Rock Star •646272• 83
Tatty Mouse: Super Racer •646326• 83
There Was a Young Reindeer
Who Swallowed a Present •645794• 159
There Was a Young Zombie
Who Swallowed a Worm •645787• 157
There's Nothing Faster Than a Cheetah •647958• 111
There's Science in Balloons •647576• 71
There's Science in Eggs •647552• 71
There's Science in Lemons •647545• 71
There's Science in Milk •647583• 71
There's Science in Paper •647569• 71
There's Science in Salt •647590• 71
Thinking Skills, Matching Things •647040• 68
Thinking Skills, Putting in Order •647064• 68
Thinking Skills, Same & Different •647071• 68
Thinking Skills, Using Logic •647057• 68
This Book Will Self-Destruct •648979• 141
This Boy Can Be Anything •644551• 106
This Girl Can Do Anything •644544• 106
This is Crab •640645• 119
This is Frog •679978• 119
This is Owl •678964• 119
This Little Dinosaur •645770• 119
This Little Monster •645763• 119, 157
This Little Unicorn •647941• 119
Three Little Pigs, The (Pop-Up Shadow Stories) •646340• 61 Time to Brush •640393• 62
Today I... (Baby Milestones) •640935• 72
Tow Truck 1, 2, 3 •645541• 117
Tractor Tractor (The Funny Farm) •643950• 91
Tricky Kind of Magic, A •649075• 36
Tropical Tangle (Axel & Beast) •676359• 139
Tummy Time! Farmyard •641406• 73
Tummy Time! Woodland •641390• 73
Twelve Dinosaurs of Christmas, The •647378• 159
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Lion •645077• 73
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star •647279• 85
Un Libro Para Iluminar, El Cuerpo Humano •679145• .......... 154
Un Libro Para Iluminar, En el Avion •679558• 154
Un Libro Para Iluminar, En el Hospital •679176• 154
Un Libro Para Iluminar, En la Bibloteca •679183• 154
Un Libro Para Iluminar, En la Ciudad •679152• 154
Un Libro Para Iluminar, En la Estación Espacial •679138• ... 154
Un Libro Para Iluminar, En la Granja •679565• 154
Un Libro Para Iluminar, Maravillas de los EE. UU. •679169• 154
Un Libro Para Iluminar, Secretos de la Planeta Tierra •679114• 154
Un Libro Para Iluminar, Secretos de la Selva Tropical •679541• 154
Un Libro Para Iluminar, Secretos del Costa •679121• 154
Under the Sea (Bear Grylls Activity Book) •649358• 126 Undercover (Kensy and Max) •679947• 142
Unicorn Party, The •643493• 56 Unicorns Don’t Love Rainbows •643752• 116 Unicorns Don’t Love Sparkles •645640• 116
Up the Mountain (Gregory Goose) •641482• 82 Upside-Down Detective Agency, The •644148• 111
Veggie Squad, The •642458• 75 Vehicles Jigsaw Puzzles (Touch and Feel Puzzle & Board Book Sets) •647651• 32, 48
Vet Academy •675451• 70 Vet (Busy Day) •644469• 88 Vlad, the World’s Worst Vampire •641635• 138
Wake Up (Little Nature) •642984• 81 War of the Fox Demons (Tiger Warrior) •644988• 140
Water Wonders, Christmas •646180• 53, 158
Water Wonders, Halloween •646197• 53, 156
Water Wonders, In the Arctic •642915• 53
Water Wonders, In the Jungle
Wonders, In the Ocean
Wonders, On the Farm
Wonders, With Dragon
Wonders, With Unicorn •646173•
Wayward Witch & the Feelings Monster, The

EDC Publishing: Our Story
Educational Development Corporation (EDC) is where education and play meet to create meaningful learning experiences for children.
Founded in 1965 to develop supplemental curriculum material for schools, it didn’t take long for EDC to discover its true passion: fostering literacy through books that are actually fun to read! In today’s fast-paced, media-driven world, balancing technology with educational materials is crucial for fostering imagination, socialization, and problem-solving skills. We believe that play is the secret ingredient to success in this mission! EDC’s books, educational manipulatives, and toys are engaging, interactive, open-ended, often multi-sensory, and always memorable.
EDC’s commitment to literacy blossomed in 2008 with the acquisition of Kane Miller Books, publishers renowned for diverse and captivating children’s titles, including favorites like Everyone Poops, the interactive Shine-a-Light series, and the bestselling All Better!. Kane Miller Books offer more than just stories—they inspire children to explore their imaginations, experiment with ideas, and understand their emotions as they journey from childhood to adulthood.
Increasing its reach in education, EDC acquired Learning Wrap-ups in 2021, introducing a range of unique educational manipulatives that enhance learning in classrooms and homes worldwide. Learning Wrap-ups provide tactile ways for children to master fundamental concepts and skills.
The focus on delivering dynamic educational resources was further strengthened in 2022 when SmartLab Toys joined the EDC family. A leader in STEAM-based learning with wellestablished, award-winning products, SmartLab Toys inspires young minds through hands-on exploration. Their interactive toys and kits empower children to experiment, create, and discover, making science fun!
Today, EDC Publishing stands at the forefront of children’s educational content, bridging the gap between learning and fun, and honoring our commitment to literacy. Our diverse collection of books and educational materials reflects our unwavering dedication to sparking intellectual curiosity and nurturing a lifelong love of learning in children.
EDC Publishing
The Intersection of Education &Play
"Play is the highest form of research."
- Albert Einstein

"Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning."
- Fred Rogers
"Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn."
- O. Fred Donaldson
"Play is the work of the child."
- Maria Montessori