Teacher’s Resource Book
The Educational Company of Ireland
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Teacher’s Resource Book DAVIN KIELTHY
The Educational Company of Ireland
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First published 2019 The Educational Company of Ireland Ballymount Road Walkinstown Dublin 12 www.edco.ie A member of the Smurfit Kappa Group plc © Davin Kielthy, Lisa O’Byrne 2019 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without either the prior permission of the Publisher or a licence permitting restricted copying in Ireland issued by the Irish Copyright Licensing Agency, 63 Patrick Street, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin.
Layout: Carole Lynch Project management: Barrett Editing (www.barrettediting.ie) The authors and publisher would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce images: iStock.com: p.1 bernardbodo; p.5 zoff-photo; Shutterstock.com: front cover sdecoret;
While every care has been taken to trace and acknowledge copyright, the publishers tender their apologies for any accidental infringement where copyright has proved untraceable. They would be pleased to come to a suitable arrangement with the rightful owner in each case. Disclaimer: Web references in this textbook are intended as a guide for students and teachers. At the time of going to press, all web addresses were active and contained information relevant to the topics in this textbook. However, The Educational Company of Ireland and the authors do not accept responsibility for the views or information contained on these websites. Content and addresses may change beyond our control and students should be supervised when investigating websites.
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CONTENTS Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. vii Senior Cycle Key Skills ............................................................................................................................................ viii Five Key Skills .................................................................................................................................................. viii Explanation of the Five Key Skills .................................................................................................................... ix Scheme of Work........................................................................................................................................................ xv 5th Year ............................................................................................................................................................ xvi 6th Year ................................................................................................................................................................. Individual Chapter Plans UNIT 1 1 People in Business ............................................................................................................................................... 1 2 Resolving Conflict in the Marketplace............................................................................................................... 5 3 Resolving Conflict in the Workplace.................................................................................................................... UNIT 2 4 Enterprise .............................................................................................................................................................. UNIT 3 5 Introduction to Management .............................................................................................................................. 6 Management Skills 1: Leading ............................................................................................................................. 7 Management Skills 2: Motivating ........................................................................................................................ 8 Management Skills 3: Communicating ................................................................................................................ 9 Information and Communications Technology and Data Protection ................................................................ 10 Management Activities 1: Planning..................................................................................................................... 11 Management Activities 2: Organising ................................................................................................................. 12 Management Activities 3: Controlling................................................................................................................. UNIT 4 13 Human Resource Management............................................................................................................................ 14 Managing Change ................................................................................................................................................ 15 Managing a Business and a Household: Insurance ............................................................................................. 16 Managing a Business and a Household: Taxation............................................................................................... 17 Managing a Business and a Household: Finance ................................................................................................ 18 Monitoring the Business....................................................................................................................................... UNIT 5 19 Identifying Business Ideas..................................................................................................................................... 20 Marketing.............................................................................................................................................................. 21 Getting Started in Business .................................................................................................................................. 22 Business Expansion................................................................................................................................................ UNIT 6 23 Categories of Industry .......................................................................................................................................... 24 Types of Business Organisation ............................................................................................................................ 25 Business and the Economy ................................................................................................................................... iii
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Inside Business Teacher’s Resource Book 26 Community Development .................................................................................................................................... 27 Ethical, Social and Environmental Responsibility................................................................................................ 28 The Government and Business ............................................................................................................................. UNIT 7 29 International Trade .............................................................................................................................................. 30 The European Union............................................................................................................................................. 31 Global Business...................................................................................................................................................... Applied Business Questions and Solutions................................................................................................................. Units 1, 2, 3............................................................................................................................................................ ABQ 1............................................................................................................................................................... ABQ 2............................................................................................................................................................... Units 2, 3, 4............................................................................................................................................................ ABQ 1............................................................................................................................................................... ABQ 2............................................................................................................................................................... Units 3, 4, 5............................................................................................................................................................ ABQ 1............................................................................................................................................................... ABQ 2............................................................................................................................................................... Units 4, 5, 6............................................................................................................................................................ ABQ 1............................................................................................................................................................... ABQ 2............................................................................................................................................................... Units 5, 6, 7............................................................................................................................................................ ABQ 1............................................................................................................................................................... ABQ 2............................................................................................................................................................... End of Chapter Assessments........................................................................................................................................ Unit 1 – Chapter 1 People in Business.................................................................................................................. Unit 1 – Chapter 2 Resolving Conflict in the Marketplace ................................................................................ Unit 1 – Chapter 3 Resolving Conflict in the Workplace ................................................................................... Unit 2 – Chapter 4 Enterprise ............................................................................................................................... Unit 3 – Chapter 5 Introduction to Management............................................................................................... Unit 3 – Chapter 6 Management Skills 1: Leading.............................................................................................. Unit 3 – Chapter 7 Management Skills 2: Motivating......................................................................................... Unit 3 – Chapter 8 Management Skills 3: Communicating................................................................................. Unit 3 – Chapter 9 Information and Communications Technology and Data Protection................................. Unit 3 – Chapter 10 Management Activities 1: Planning ................................................................................... Unit 3 – Chapter 11 Management Activities 2: Organising................................................................................ Unit 3 – Chapter 12 Management Activities 3: Controlling ............................................................................... iv
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Contents Unit 4 – Chapter 13 Human Resource Management .......................................................................................... Unit 4 – Chapter 14 Managing Change ............................................................................................................... Unit 4 – Chapter 15 Managing a Business and a Household: Insurance............................................................ Unit 4 – Chapter 16 Managing a Business and a Household: Taxation ............................................................. Unit 4 – Chapter 17 Managing a Business and a Household: Finance............................................................... Unit 4 – Chapter 18 Monitoring the Business ..................................................................................................... Unit 5 – Chapter 19 Identifying Business Ideas ................................................................................................... Unit 5 – Chapter 20 Marketing ............................................................................................................................ Unit 5 – Chapter 21 Getting Started in Business ................................................................................................. Unit 5 – Chapter 22 Business Expansion .............................................................................................................. Unit 6 – Chapter 23 Categories of Industry ......................................................................................................... Unit 6 – Chapter 24 Types of Business Organisation........................................................................................... Unit 6 – Chapter 25 Business and the Economy .................................................................................................. Unit 6 – Chapter 26 Community Development ................................................................................................... Unit 6 – Chapter 27 Ethical, Social and Environmental Responsibility .............................................................. Unit 6 – Chapter 28 The Government and Business............................................................................................ Unit 7 – Chapter 29 International Trade ............................................................................................................. Unit 7 – Chapter 30 The European Union ........................................................................................................... Unit 7 – Chapter 31 Global Business .................................................................................................................... Leaving Certificate Examination Overview ................................................................................................................
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INTRODUCTION Welcome to the Inside Business Teacher’s Resource Book. Many of you and your students will have experienced significant changes in the way that business studies is learned and assessed at Junior Cycle. We created this Teacher’s Resource Book to help you to encourage more active engagement by your students in the learning process at Senior Cycle. The Teacher’s Resource Book is part of a range of materials that accompany the Inside Business textbook, which include: 1 Student Activity Book 2 Online Digital Resources. These elements provide a comprehensive package to engage students throughout the learning journey, as well as providing a range of diversified learning strategies for you, the teacher.
Teacher’s Resource Book
The Inside Business Teacher’s Resource Book supports learning and assessment by offering the following: • A detailed scheme of work for 5th and 6th year • An explanation of the Senior Cycle Key Skills developed by the NCCA • Additional activities for each chapter of the textbook, linked with the Senior Cycle Key Skills • Additional exam-standard Applied Business Questions, including solutions, that align with the unit rotation for the Leaving Certificate examination • End of chapter assessments for each chapter of the textbook • An overview of the Leaving Certificate Ordinary Level and Higher Level Exam
Student Activity Book
This book reinforces the core syllabus content for students through the provision of exam-style Section A questions as well as additional exercises such as crosswords, matching exercises, cloze tests and calculation questions. The solutions for these questions and exercises are available at www.edcolearning.ie.
Digital Resources
Using the digital resources via www.edcolearning.ie teachers will have access to: • PowerPoint presentation for each chapter highlighting key themes and topics, with imagery and diagrams to enhance the visual experience for students • Solutions to the end of chapter questions in the textbook • Solutions to the Student Activity Book • An editable scheme of work for 5th and 6th year • Interactive e-book of the Inside Business textbook • An extensive range of weblinks associated with each chapter of the textbook
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Inside Business Teacher’s Resource Book
SENIOR CYCLE KEY SKILLS The pace of change in Irish society and in the business world is significant. It is led by innovation and new technologies, from both within national boundaries as well as by international and global developments. These trends will continue to have an impact on the nature of the workplace, and on the skills employees and entrepreneurs will be required to possess in the future. This has been recognised by the NCCA, who have developed a framework of five key skills that are embedded throughout the Senior Cycle curriculum. These skills, in addition to further supporting the literacy and numeracy platform, are seen as key in enabling students to reach their full potential, allowing them to participate fully in our society, our communities and in the workplace. Information on these key skills and the national framework follows, with further reading available to teachers at www.ncca.ie.
Five Key Skills
Information Processing
Critical and Creative Thinking
Being Personally Effective
Working With Others
We will now learn about these five skills in greater detail by examining the elements and learning outcomes for each skill on pp. ix–xiii.
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Information Processing
Key Skills
Learning Outcomes ➔ recognise the wide range of information sources that is available both within their schools, at home and beyond ➔ access information quickly in written materials by strategies such as using table of contents, glossaries, summaries at the end of chapters and so on ➔ use library catalogues and referencing systems to find books and other materials ➔ access new information quickly through using dictionaries, reference materials and the internet ➔ navigate the internet to find specialist sites related to a topic they are studying ➔ use people as well as hardcopy/electronic sources as sources of information ➔ develop well-focused questions to guide their selection of sources ➔ evaluate the reliability and credibility of sources using criteria such as the authorship, affiliation, currency, bias, expertise of the author ➔ explain and justify the basis for their selection ➔ use systematic observational and note-taking techniques ➔ keep well ordered notes so that they are readily accessible for future use ➔ identify main ideas in a text using both prior knowledge and clues within the text (e.g., headings and sub-headings, paragraphing, conclusions) ➔ use a range of methods for organising information, e.g. lists, concept-maps, flow diagrams ➔ create summaries of information in their own words ➔ integrate information from different sources by systematically examining similarities and differences between them and looking for alternative perspectives ➔ make choices about what medium to use when presenting information, taking account of audience, purpose and available facilities ➔ explain and justify their choices ➔ use a range of ICT tools effectively (e.g., PowerPoint, video clips, digital camera)
Accessing information from a range of sources
Selecting and discriminating between sources based on their reliability and suitability for purpose
Recording, organising, summarising and integrating information communication
Presenting information using a range of information and communication technologies
Explanation of the Five Key Skills
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Critical and Creative Thinking
Key Skills
Learning Outcomes ➔ use a range of methods for identifying patterns in information and ideas, e.g., lists, networks, hierarchies, matrices, flow diagrams, graphs, maps, etc. ➔ explain the relationships between wholes and parts ➔ systematically examine similarities and differences as the basis for comparing and contrasting ➔ be able to group objects, events or ideas according to attributes and explain the basis for their classification ➔ be able to re-classify by changing the basis for their classification ➔ understand the difference between opinion, reasoned judgment and fact ➔ judge the credibility of an information source using criteria such as authorship, currency, potential bias ➔ recognise components of an argument such as assumptions, reasons, counterarguments and conclusions ➔ use these components when making their own arguments ➔ recognise the effects of using emotive words in arguments ➔ develop a line of reasoning from prediction/evidence/conclusion ➔ understand the need to isolate and control variables in order to make strong causal claims ➔ describe the relationship between variables ➔ point out the limits of correlational reasoning ➔ draw generalisations and be aware of their limitations ➔ recognise that problem solving and decision making can be approached systematically ➔ use techniques to help explore alternative solutions and options such as brainstorming, visualisation, listing positive/negative/interesting attributes ➔ predict the likely consequences of options and alternatives and systematically examine the pros and cons of each ➔ recognise the impact of real-world constraints ➔ evaluate outcomes of solutions and decisions both in the short and long term ➔ appreciate the likely bias in analysing by ‘hindsight’ ➔ recognise that different mind-sets are associated with different forms of thinking (e.g., letting ideas flow, building up associations, suspending judgment in order to produce ideas, are often associated with creative thinking) ➔ be motivated to seek out alternative perspectives and viewpoints and to reframe a situation ➔ be willing to take risks and to learn from mistakes and failures ➔ be persistent in following through ideas in terms of products and/or actions ➔ develop a strong internal standard in relation to the merits of their own work
Examining patterns and relationships and classifying and ordering information
Analysing and making good arguments, challenging assumptions
Hypothesising and making predictions, examining evidence and reaching conclusions
Identifying and analysing problems and decisions, exploring options and alternatives, solving problems and evaluating outcomes
Thinking imaginatively, actively seeking out new points of view, problems and/or solutions, being innovative and taking risks
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Key Skills
Learning Outcomes ➔ analyse texts from several perspectives (e.g., intended audience, genre, viewpoint of the author, cultural/ historical viewpoint) ➔ use agreed frameworks for analysing texts and other forms of communication (e.g., the composition of film, visual art, computer graphics) ➔ check the reliability and credibility of sources, and critically analyse arguments and claims ➔ identify how language and other forms of communication are used for persuasion and rhetoric (e.g., for political argument, advertising, propaganda) ➔ identify and explain their own personal responses to text and other forms of communication ➔ recognise the importance of speculation and argument as forms of dialogue for learning and for leisure ➔ be sufficiently open-minded and curious to engage in speculation and argument ➔ marshal and defend an argument while listening to opposing points of view ➔ recognise the possible emotional impact of a robust argument on others ➔ listen attentively to what others have to say ➔ elicit opinions, views and emotions from others through the appropriate use of questioning and responding strategies ➔ develop empathy by imagining the situation from other peoples’ point of view ➔ respond perceptively to contributions made by others ➔ identify a range of genres, their purposes and styles ➔ compose in a variety of genres, showing the capacity to plan, draft and revise ➔ express meaning and emotions through a range of performances (e.g., visual art, drama, music, design and graphics) ➔ identify the main purpose of a communication and relate its form and nature to the purpose ➔ make choices about what medium to use, taking account of audience and purpose ➔ make appropriate adjustments depending on whether they are making an oral or a written presentation ➔ use of range of general ICT tools effectively (e.g., PowerPoint, video clips, and more specialized ICT if appropriate) ➔ make appropriate use of dramatic modes of presentation (e.g., role-play, storytelling) ➔ explain and justify choices
Analysing and interpreting texts and other forms of communication
Expressing opinions, speculating, discussing, reasoning and engaging in debate and argument
Engaging in dialogue, listening attentively and eliciting opinions, views and emotions
Composing and performing in a variety of different ways
Presenting using a variety of media
Explanation of the Five Key Skills
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Working With Others
Key Skills
Learning Outcomes ➔ recognise that working with others is an intrinsic part of home, school, work and leisure ➔ explore the contexts in which they work in groups (e.g., learning groups, sports groups, family groups) and examine the differences between them ➔ recognise the need to respond flexibly in different contexts ➔ work in pairs and larger groups to plan the work of the group ➔ co-operate with other members of the group to identify collective goals ➔ co-operate with group members to identify how different roles can contribute to the overall goals ➔ communicate ideas and needs within the group ➔ agree action plans for achieving the goals ➔ agree methods for keep each other informed of progress ➔ help to break tasks down into parts as a way of sharing the work of the group ➔ take on the responsibilities of the role whether as a team member or a team leader ➔ recognise how his/her role blends with the responsibilities of others in the group ➔ express views about how the work of the group is progressing ➔ listen carefully to other points of view ➔ develop empathy and see alternative perspectives ➔ express emotion in appropriate ways ➔ help others to feel included in the group ➔ help motivate the group to persist in the face of difficulties ➔ celebrate the achievements of the group ➔ respect the rights and views of others in the group ➔ recognise that different positions and viewpoints are likely to be adopted and expressed ➔ identify areas of agreement and disagreements among the different positions ➔ make suggestions about possible compromises and alternative ways forward ➔ agree ways to resolve conflict ➔ keep to deadlines and agreed plans ➔ monitor progress in the group against agreed plans ➔ negotiate individual responsibilities ➔ critically evaluate and change the approach of the group if necessary ➔ participate in evaluating the outcomes against the collective goals ➔ reflect on their own contribution to the group and identify strengths and weaknesses ➔ identify ways of further improving their skills in working with others
Working with others in a variety of contexts with different goals and purposes
Identifying, evaluating and achieving collective goals
Identifying responsibilities in a group and establishing practices associated with different roles in a group
Developing good relationships with others and a sense of well-being in the group
Acknowledging individual differences, negotiating and resolving conflicts
Checking progress, reviewing the work of the group, and personally reflecting on one’s own contribution
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Being Personally Effective
Key Skills
Learning Outcomes ➔ identify their own aspirations and what they would like to achieve ➔ set time aside to take stock of current achievements and, with the help of others, to engage in an honest appraisal of their strengths and weaknesses ➔ show the resilience to receive and make sense of feedback ➔ identify areas for action and move on ➔ set realistic personal goals and targets to be achieved within a time frame ➔ construct action plans to help reach the targets and identify methods for monitoring how well the plans are working (e.g., deadlines, feedback from others) ➔ identify any help and resources that will be needed to implement the plans and reach the targets ➔ within a specific time frame, evaluate the extent to which the targets have been reached and engage in personal reflection on the process of setting goals and targets ➔ take responsibility for decisions and actions, making informed choices ➔ identify strategies for making informed choices ➔ recognise that new situations are likely to be uncertain and present personal challenges ➔ take the initiative on some occasions and not always leave it to others ➔ be flexible and be prepared to try a different approach ➔ show that they are reliable in following through with tasks and undertakings ➔ show persistence and not give up at the first sign of difficulty
➔ recognise the need to make their ‘voices’ heard in appropriate ways ➔ become more skilful at ‘reading’ social situations and responding appropriately ➔ celebrate their achievements ➔ develop strategies for maintaining a positive sense of self in the face of disappointment and frustration
Being able to appraise oneself, evaluate one’s own performance, receive and respond to feedback
Identifying, evaluating and achieving personal goals, including developing and evaluating action plans
Developing personal qualities that help in new and difficult situations, such as taking initiatives, being flexible, being reliable and being able to persevere when difficulties arise
Confident and able to assert oneself as a person
Explanation of the Five Key Skills
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Inside Business Teacher’s Resource Book
Five Key Skills Legend Five Key Skills Information Processing Communicating Critical and Creative Thinking Working with Others Being Personally Effective
Icon Information Processing Communicating Critical and Creative Thinking Working with Others Being Personally Effective
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Scheme of Work
SCHEME OF WORK Introduction
The following scheme of work has been produced to enable teachers to plan for the two-year senior cycle business course. All schools are different in terms of class time length, class frequency, and each academic year is impacted at different times by events such as the return to school in August, as well as the scheduling of Pre-Leaving Certificate examinations. These different local operating environments, in addition to students’ interests and ability levels, will influence the teacher’s decision on the time duration spent on each chapter. The attached scheme of work provides the platform to enable teachers to customise the plan for local needs. The editable version of the plan is available to teachers at www.edcolearning.ie. The icon and abbreviation legends below accompany the scheme of work:
Icon Legend Activity Category
Written Visual Oracy & Research Numeracy Digital Literacy Case Studies
Abbreviation Legend Resource Textbook
Abbreviation TB
Student Activity Book
Teacher’s Resource Book
Note! The complete scheme of work file in the Inside Business Teacher’s Resource Book will cover: 5th Year: August–May 6th Year: August–May
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People in Business
Resolving Conflict in the Marketplace
Unit & Chapter
Unit 1 – Chapter 1
Unit 1 – Chapter 2
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August– September
Research, presentation, word cloud, role play Calculation
Cross-Curricular: Home Economics
Senior Cycle Key Skills: Information processing, Critical and creative thinking, Communicating, Working with others, Being personally effective
Fishbone graphic organiser
Create a video
Learning Outcomes: 1–5
Numeracy: Multiplication
Literacy: Contract, capacity, consent, consideration, breach of contract, guarantee, Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC), Ombudsman
Internet, Coggle
Senior Cycle Key Skills: Information processing, Critical and creative thinking, Communicating, Working with others, Being personally effective
Video clip, mindmap
Sticky note game, research and presentation, role play, loop game
Learning Outcomes: 1–5 TRB p. 1
Numeracy: Division, percentages
Cloze test, fishbone graphic organiser
Learning Strategies
Cross-Curricular: Home Economics
Learning Objectives: TRB p. 1
Learning Objectives & Learning Outcomes
Literacy: Commercial business, noncommercial business, stakeholder, interest group, stakeholder relationships
5th Year Business Scheme of Work
1 Etaoin’s Mobile Phone Contract 2 Singer Prince Breach of Contract 3 European Consumer Centre Ireland 4 CCPC 5 Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman 6 The Office of the Ombudsman 7 Small Claims Procedure
Innocent Drinks
Case Studies
1 TB questions 2 SAB questions 3 TRB – end of chapter test
1 TB questions 2 SAB questions 3 TRB – end of chapter test
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Resolving Conflict in the Workplace
Unit & Chapter
Unit 1 – Chapter 3
Unit 2 – Chapter 4
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Numeracy: Division, multiplication, percentages
Literacy: Enterprise, risk-taking, human relations, charisma, decisionmaking, intrapreneurship
Learning Outcomes: 1– 7
Senior Cycle Key Skills: Information processing, Critical and creative thinking, Communicating, Working with others, Being personally effective
Images, infographic, video clip, create a video
Internet, Coggle, Postermywall, Canva, Wakelet, Linoit
Research, presentation, discussion, role play, post to online student wall
Cross-Curricular: Home Economics, Religious Education
Cloze test, fishbone graphic organiser
Internet, Powtoon, ShowMe
Learning Strategies
Poster, images, mind map, create a video
Learning Outcomes: 1– 7
Learning Objectives & Learning Outcomes
Numeracy: Division, multiplication, percentages, addition
Literacy: Industrial relations, trade unions, bargaining, negotiation, conciliation, arbitration, discrimination, equality
1 Freshly Chopped 2 The Big Issue 3 Intrapreneurship at ESB Electric Ireland
1 Industrial Relations at ESB Group 2 Vita Cortex Industries 3 Wildcat Strike in the Prison Service 4 Luas Drivers at the Labour Court 5 A Fair Dismissal Case 6 An Unfair Dismissal Case 7 A Constructive Dismissal Case 8 Employment Equality Act Case
Case Studies
1 TB questions 2 SAB questions 3 TRB – end of chapter test
1 TB questions 2 SAB questions 3 TRB – end of chapter test
Scheme of Work
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Introduction to Management
Management Skills 1: Leading
Unit & Chapter
Unit 3 – Chapter 5
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Unit 3 – Chapter 6
Numeracy: Multiplication, exchange rates
Literacy: Leading, leadership styles, autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, delegation
Senior Cycle Key Skills: Information processing, Critical and creative thinking, Communicating, Working with others, Being personally effective
Cross-Curricular: English, Geography, History, Home Economics, Languages, Religious Education
Numeracy: Multiplication, division, subtraction
Literacy: Management, management skills, leading, motivating, communicating, management activities, planning, organising, controlling, management characteristics
Learning Outcomes: 1– 4
Learning Outcomes: 1– 5
Create a collage, image, draw a Venn diagram
Cross-classification chart
Internet, Giphy
Create an image, create a gif
Crossword, quiz
Internet, Adobe Spark, Explain Everything
Senior Cycle Key Skills: Information processing, Critical and creative thinking, Communicating, Working with others, Being personally effective
Learning Strategies
Research, presentation, discussion
Learning Objectives & Learning Outcomes
Cross-Curricular: Economics
1 Leadership at Apple Inc. 2 Autocratic Leadership at Tiger Oil Co. 3 Democratic Leadership at Southwest Airlines 4 Laissez - Faire Leadership at Berkshire Hathaway 5 Delegation at the Marriott International
1 A Day in the Life of a Store Manager 2 Management at the West Waterford Festival of Food
Case Studies
1 TB questions 2 SAB questions 3 TRB – end of chapter test
1 TB questions 2 SAB questions 3 TRB – end of chapter test
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Management Skills 2: Motivating
Management Skills 3: Communicating
Unit & Chapter
Unit 3 – Chapter 7
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Unit 3 – Chapter 8
Senior Cycle Key Skills: Information processing, Critical and creative thinking, Communicating, Working with others, Being personally effective
Cross-Curricular: Accounting, Geography, Languages, Maths
Numeracy: Percentages, statistics, charts
Learning Outcomes: 1–10
Research, compile playlist, presentation
Cross-Curricular: Accounting, Music
Describe and draw an image
List items
Internet, Canva, Coggle
Create an infographic, design a poster, create a video clip, draw a mind map
Learning Outcomes: 1– 3
Numeracy: Percentages
Literacy: Motivating, motivational needs, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, esteem, self-actualisation, McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
Senior Cycle Key Skills: Information processing, Critical and creative thinking, Communicating, Working with others, Being personally effective
Learning Strategies
Discussion, game
Learning Objectives & Learning Outcomes
Cross-Curricular: History, Religious Education
November– Literacy: Communication, verbal, December written, visual, meeting, notice, agenda, minutes, chairperson, secretary, quorum, memo, report
1 TB questions 2 SAB questions 3 TRB – end of chapter test
1 Communication at Tesla Inc. 1 TB questions 2 Written Communication at 2 SAB questions Tesco 3 Meetings at Amazon 3 TRB – end of chapter test
Motivating Employees at Virgin Media
Case Studies
Scheme of Work
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Information & Communications Technology & Data Protection
Unit & Chapter
Unit 3 – Chapter 9
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Senior Cycle Key Skills: Information processing, Critical and creative thinking, Communicating, Working with others, Being personally effective
Learning Strategies
Discussion, research
Learning Outcomes: 1–6
Learning Objectives & Learning Outcomes
Cross-Curricular: Computer Science, Technology
Numeracy: Subtraction, multiplication, percentages
Literacy: ICT, the Internet, email, cloud computing, video conferencing, spreadsheet, data protection, data subject, data controller, GDPR
Senior Cycle Key Skills: Information processing, Critical and creative thinking, Communicating, Working with others, Being personally effective
1 ICT & Data Protection at Amazon 2 PlayStation Hacked 3 Cadbury & Snapchat 4 Crypto-ransomware at Primary School
Case Studies
1 TB questions 2 SAB questions 3 TRB – end of chapter test
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Learning Objective
To enable students to understand the relationship between the principal parties in business and their dynamic nature.
Unit Unit11
Class group: 5th Year Duration: 2 weeks
Learning Outcomes
On completing this chapter, the student should be able to: 1 Define the term business 2 Distinguish between commercial and non-commercial businesses 3 Identify and describe the various stakeholders in business 4 Explain the role of interest groups in business 5 Describe the different relationships that can exist between stakeholders in business, i.e. co-operative, competitive, dynamic and dependent relationships.
Literacy Link Commercial business, non-commercial business, stakeholder, interest group, relationships: co-operative, competitive, dependent, dynamic
Cross-curricular Link
Numeracy Link Division, percentages
Home Economics – work and consumer studies
LEARNING STRATEGIES Activity Category Written
Textbook Activity 1.6 Working with Others
Teacher’s Resource Book
Information Processing
Cloze test on stakeholder relationships pg. 7 Activity 1.2 Being Personally Effective Information Processing The entrepreneur as a stakeholder and application to Fulfil Nutrition – watch a clip and answer questions pg. 3 [Digital literacy – YouTube clip] Visual
Activity 1.7 Communicating Working with Others Critical and Creative Thinking Information Processing Create mind map on co-operative and competitive relationships between stakeholders pg. 11 [Digital literacy – online mind mapping tool e.g. https://coggle.it] 1
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Unit 1
Inside Business Teacher’s Resource Book Unit 1 Activity Category
Textbook Activity 1.1 Working with Others Communicating Types of business – application to your local area pg. 2
Oracy & Research
Activity 1.3 Communicating Critical and Creative Thinking Working with Others Being Personally Effective
Teacher’s Resource Book Communicating Working with Others Stakeholder relationships role play
Identifying stakeholders via sticky note game pg. 5
Communicating Working with Others
Activity 1.5 Information Processing Being Personally Effective Working with Others Communicating
Key terms loop game
Research other interest groups and present to class pg. 6 [Digital literacy – internet] Numeracy
Activity 1.4 Information Processing Calculation on number of trade union members in Ireland pg. 6
ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES Activity 1 – Role Play • Divide students into pairs/small groups. • Assign a stakeholder relationship, e.g. employer and employee. • Allow the students to decide the type of relationship between the assigned stakeholders, e.g. co-operative. • Students work within an allocated timeframe to create a short role play to show the relationship between the stakeholders but should not use the name of the stakeholder in the role play. • After the role play, the other students need to identify the stakeholders and the type of relationship. • Students could also be asked to suggest other examples to show the relationship between the stakeholders in the role play.
Activity 2 – Loop Game • The following table needs to be photocopied, laminated and cut into individual cards. • Each student receives one card, which contains a definition and separate key word, both relating to the topic ‘people in business’. • One student begins by reading aloud the definition on their card. • The student that has the corresponding key word reads aloud the correct word. This student then reads the definition on their card. • The game continues in a loop, until all definitions and key words have been used.
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Chapter 1 – People in Business
Chapter 1: Activity 2 – Loop Game I am an organisation that provides raw materials to the business.
I spot a gap in the market and come up with ideas that can be turned into a business.
This is an organisation that runs a country.
I take raw materials and transform them during the manufacturing process into finished goods.
I am a type of business that puts people and the community ahead of profit.
Equity Capital
Interest group
I purchase goods and services for my own use.
I represent the views of the motor industry in Ireland.
This refers to money invested into the business by individuals or other businesses.
This occurs when I provide goods and consumers refuse to services to buy goods and individuals and services to show organisations in their dissatisfaction order to make a with a business. profit.
Loan capital
Local community
I am recruited by a business for my skills and experience. In return I am paid a wage/salary.
I am an individual or organisation that is affected by the actions, objectives and policies of a business.
I am a type of finance used by an entrepreneur that is obtained from a lender such as a bank.
I provide services needed by commercial businesses to operate successfully.
This is a type of income earned by employees based on the number of hours worked.
Service Provider
Non-commercial business
This involves trying to persuade decision-makers to support laws or rules that give an advantage to your industry or organisation.
I recruit people for their skills and experience to help me operate my business.
This is a fixed payment to an employee regardless of hours worked.
This is finance that does not have to be repaid as long as the receiver meets certain terms and conditions.
This can consist of individuals, households and organisations that are located close to the business.
In this type of relationship, the stakeholders work towards different goals.
I am part of a group of people who meet and campaign for a common goal.
In this type of stakeholder relationship, both parties are working towards a common goal.
This is a person or organisation that provides the entrepreneur with capital needed to establish and operate the business.
I am responsible for the day-to-day running of the business.
Dynamic relationship
Trade unions
An interest group that represents the views and interests of employees.
An interest group that represents the views of small and medium businesses in Ireland.
The type of relationship where stakeholders need each other for success.
Dependent relationship
Co-operative relationship
Represents the views of farmers in Ireland and Europe.
Competitive relationship Inside Business Š Edco
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The relationship between the stakeholders is constantly changing.
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Inside Business Teacher’s Resource Book Unit 1
Unit 1
WEBLINKS • See: www.edcolearning.ie
ASSESSMENT • Chapter questions • End of chapter written tests – see pg. 9.
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Learning Objective
To enable students to understand the relationship between the principal parties in business and their dynamic nature.
Unit Unit11
Class group: 5th Year Duration: 2 weeks
Learning Outcomes
On completing this chapter, the student should be able to: 1 Identify and explain the elements of a valid contract 2 Outline the ways in which a contract can be terminated 3 Describe the ways in which a breach of contract can be resolved 4 Identify and describe non-legislative methods of resolving consumer conflict 5 Outline the legislative methods of resolving consumer conflict.
Cross-curricular Link
Literacy Link Contract, capacity, consent, consideration, breach of contract, guarantee, Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC), Ombudsman
Numeracy Link Multiplication
Home Economics – consumer protection, consumer rights and responsibilities, seeking and evaluating information to make wise consumer choices
Teacher’s Resource Book
Activity 2.1 Information Processing Working with Others Communicating Elements of a contract – fishbone graphic organiser pg. 19
Activity 2.5 Communicating Working with Others Information Processing Critical and Creative Thinking Consumer legislation – create a video pg. 27 [Digital Literacy – Powtoon, ShowMe]
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Unit 1
Inside Business Teacher’s Resource Book Unit 1 Activity Category
Oracy & Research
Teacher’s Resource Book
Activity 2.2 Information Processing Communicating Working with Others Being Personally Effective
Communicating Working with Others
Breach of contract – research cases and presentation pg. 20
Contract negotiations role play
Activity 2.3 Communicating Working with Others Law of contract – word cloud pg. 22 Activity 2.3 Communicating Working with Others Sales of Goods & Supply of Services Act 1980 – role play pg. 26 Activity 2.5 Information Processing Office of the Ombudsman – research case pg. 30
Activity 2.2 Information Processing Calculation of breach of warranty fine pg. 20
ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY Activity – Contract Negotiation • This role play shows you how contracts are made through the process of negotiation. • You have been assigned into teams of four. In each team, there will be two clients and two solicitors. • Each side of the contract negotiation will be given confidential information relating to what they want to achieve in the contract. It is important that the solicitor and client work together to achieve the best result for the client. • Once you have received the materials, you will have 5 minutes to discuss the information with your side and make a strategy for the negotiation process. • After 5 minutes, you will meet with your opponents and the contract negotiations will begin. • The team of four must write a contract to show what was agreed during the negotiations.
The Sponsorship Deal Scenario: Taylor Andrews is an Irish tennis player who has recently won three major international tournaments. Oscar Duffy owns and runs SportQuest and would like to sponsor Taylor and for her to be the firm’s first brand ambassador. In return for the sponsorship, Taylor would be expected to wear the firm’s sports clothing and use their equipment.
Taylor Andrews & SportQuest Taylor Andrews: Taylor is nineteen years old and has played tennis since the age of eight. She turned professional at the age of seventeen. Taylor has trained in Europe and the USA and she recently won the French Open grand slam tournament. She travels all over the world to participate in tennis competitions in order to improve her world ranking. Taylor is currently ranked 20th in the world. SportQuest: Oscar Duffy set up SportQuest eight years ago, as he believed that it was possible to create high quality sports clothing and equipment from his factory in Ennis, Co. Clare. For tennis players, the firm manufactures tennis racquets, as well as clothing such as t-shirts, shorts, skirts and headbands. Oscar currently sells his range online but he would like to set up at least two stand-alone retail outlets in Florida and Berlin, with further expansion in the future. 6
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Chapter 2 – Resolving Conflict in the Marketplace
Contract Negotiation Questions How much will Taylor be paid for her contract with SportQuest? What is the duration of the contract? What tennis equipment and clothing will Taylor wear as part of her deal with SportQuest? Will Taylor be allowed to wear clothing and use equipment manufactured by competitors of SportQuest? 5 How many public appearances will Taylor need to make on behalf of the brand? 6 Will SportQuest sponsor other tennis players? 7 Is there a behaviour clause as part of the contract?
Unit 1
1 2 3 4
Confidential Information: Taylor and her Solicitor Taylor believes that her contract with SportQuest should earn her €500,000 per year. In addition, she wants the firm to provide her with free sports clothing. The lowest amount that Taylor will accept from SportQuest is €400,000 plus free clothing. Taylor has won a number of international tournaments over the past eighteen months and she believes that she can improve on her current world ranking of No. 20. If she continues to climb the world rankings, she may be offered very large sponsorship deals with brands such as Nike and Under Armour. Therefore, Taylor wants the deal with SportQuest to last for a maximum length of one year. Taylor has used SportQuest racquets during training sessions and she finds them too heavy. She wants to be allowed to continue using Babolat racquets but wear SportQuest clothing such as t-shirts, shorts and footwear. While confident on the tennis court, Taylor can be shy when she meets new people for the first time. She will agree to take part in radio and print interviews, e.g. newspapers and magazines, but she does not want to commit to more than five in-store appearances. She finds it tiring to travel to different shop locations and instead wants to focus her time on practising her tennis and entering tournaments.
Confidential Information: Oscar Duffy and SportQuest As SportQuest is a relatively small Irish firm, Oscar does not want to pay Taylor more than €300,000 per year, plus free clothing. He will consider increasing his offer to €350,000 with free clothing, if Taylor agrees to sign a two-year contract with his business. In order to increase global brand awareness, Oscar is insistent that Taylor should wear the entire range of SportQuest clothing while training and taking part in tournaments. She must also use their range of racquets. If Taylor does not agree to use the racquets, Oscar believes that this will send a negative message about the quality of the racquets to other players and to the public. If Taylor refuses to use the racquets, it is possible that Oscar will want to negotiate for additional elements to be added to the contract. As SportQuest does not manufacture tennis shoes, Oscar is willing to allow Taylor to wear shoes from other competitors, such as Adidas. In addition, as Oscar wants to raise the profile of SportQuest, he intends to sponsor other world-ranked tennis players. Oscar wants Taylor to feature in all future print advertisements for SportQuest in national and international magazines and newspapers. In addition, Oscar wants Taylor to make at least seven in-store appearances to meet customers. He also intends to run a competition whereby the winner gets to spend one day training with Taylor. While Taylor’s behaviour on the tennis circuit has so far been impeccable, SportQuest wants to insert a ‘good behaviour’ clause in the contract while Taylor wears and uses the firm’s clothing and equipment. 7
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Inside Business Teacher’s Resource Book Unit 1
Unit 1
WEBLINKS • See: www.edcolearning.ie
ASSESSMENT • Chapter questions • End of chapter written tests.
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END OF CHAPTER ASSESSMENTS Chapter 1 People in Business Examination 1 Distinguish between a producer and supplier.
(10 marks)
2 Outline, using an example the role of interest groups in business.
(10 marks)
(i) (ii)
Explain the term co-operative relationship. Describe one example of a co-operative relationship that may exist between the following stakeholders: • Employer and employee • Producer and producer • Entrepreneur and investor.
(i) (ii)
(20 marks)
Define the term dependent relationship. Discuss the dependent relationship that can exist between the following stakeholders: • Entrepreneur and government • Business and service provider.
Inside Business © Edco
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(20 marks)
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