Maths and Me is an exciting new maths programme from The Educational Company of Ireland. It provides children with playful, engaging and creative learning experiences that will help you nurture and strengthen pupils’ maths knowledge and confidence using simple and effective strategies.
Maths and Me is a highly engaging programme that cleverly combines:
High-quality Pupil’s Books
Interactive Digital Resources
Comprehensive Teacher’s Resources
Here’s what makes Maths and Me the best choice for your senior end class.
Developed by a highly experienced team of primary teachers, authors and maths experts
Fully aligned to the new Primary Maths Curriculum (PMC)
Supports teachers to use the five pedagogical practices outlined in the PMC
Carefully structured to support learning and progression
Features a wealth of engaging and enriching learning experiences
Extensive range of free digital resources
Comprehensively supports teachers’ planning, teaching and assessment needs
Includes a free Teacher’s Pack including editable yearly plans and fortnightly plans, detailed lesson plans, a Teacher’s Resources Book, Classroom Posters and more
Colourful, attractive and easy to use
Child-centred, inclusive and engaging