3 minute read
Changing Concepts of the Universe
December A: Ancient and Modern Greece
13 The Ancient Greeks
Early peoples and ancient societies: Greeks
14 Greece Today
Natural environments; Human environments: Physical features of Europe and the world; People and other lands 43
December B: Materials and Change
15 Building Bridges Materials: Properties and characteristics of materials; Materials and change
46 16 Materials and Change Materials: Materials and change 49 My Learning Log 51
January: Exploring Terrain
17 Types of Terrain Around the World Natural environments; Environmental awareness and care: Physical features of Europe and the world; Caring for the environment 53 18 Amazing Animals Living things: Plant and animal life 55 19 The Landscape of Ireland Natural environments: Land, rivers and seas of Ireland; The local natural environment 58 20 Nomads Throughout Time Continuity and change over time: Nomadism 60 My Learning Log 62
February: Cycles of Life
21 The Sun and the Seasons Natural environments: Planet Earth in space 64 22 Food Chains and Life Cycles Living Things: Plant and animal life 65 23 The Firebird Story: Myths and legends 66 24 The Pencil: A Global Story Human environments: Trade and development issues 68 My Learning Log 69
March: Celebrating Diversity
25 Appreciating People Human environments: People living and working in the local area; People living and working in a contrasting part of Ireland 71
26 Feasts, Festivals and Games of the World
Local studies: Feasts and festivals in the past; Games and pastimes in the past 74
27 Changes for Irish Women in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Eras of change and conflict: Changing roles of women in the 19th and 20th centuries 77
28 Celebrating Local Plants and Animals
Environmental awareness and care: Environmental awareness; Caring for the environment
80©The Educational Company of Ireland
April: 1916
29 The Long Road to the Rising Eras of change and conflict; Life, society, work and culture in the past: Changing land ownership in 19th-century Ireland; Language and culture in late 19th and early 20th-century Ireland; Life in the 19th century 86
30 The 1916 Easter Rising
Politics, conflict and society: 1916 and the foundation of the state 89
31 Plunkett, the Wireless and the Properties of Sound
Energy and forces: Sound 92
32 Cities Around the World Connected with the Rising
Human environments: People and other lands 94 My Learning Log 97
May: War
33 World War II Life, society, work and culture in the past: Life during World War II 99 34 Life During World War II Life, society, work and culture in the past: Life during World War II 103 35 Aircraft Carriers: Machines at Work Energy and forces: Forces 108
36 The World Today: Conflict or Cooperation
Human environments: Trade and development issues 110 My Learning Log 114
June A: Sound
37 Sounds All Around Us Energy and forces: Sound 116 38 Hearing and the Ear Living things; Environmental awareness and care: Human life; Science and the environment 118
June B: South America
39 The Incas Early peoples and ancient societies: Central and South American peoples
120 40 South America Today Human environments: People and other lands 124 My Learning Log 127©The Educational Company of Ireland
Map work
Use the world map on page 94 of your textbook or an atlas to help you list 12 countries in the northern hemisphere and 12 countries in the southern hemisphere.
Tip: Remember that you need to find the equator first. The equator is the horizontal line at 0° latitude on a world map. The northern hemisphere is the area above the equator and the southern hemisphere is the area below it. Countries in the northern hemisphere Countries in the southern hemisphere 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 Extra challenge! 1 When it is daytime in Mexico, is it likely to be daytime or night-time in Australia? ____________ 2 When it is night-time in South Africa, is it likely to be daytime or night-time in China? ____________ 3 When it is night-time in India, is it likely to be daytime or night-time in Egypt? ____________ 4 When it is daytime in Ireland, is it likely to be daytime or night-time in New Zealand? ____________ 5 When it is night-time in Italy, is it likely to be daytime or night-time in Spain? ____________ ©The Educational Company of Ireland