==== ==== Thrifty Living Info You Need to See Visit: Thrifty Living ==== ==== By Laura Yates Anyone who has taken one glimpse at the Extreme Couponing television show has probably wondered how they can get in on it too. Considering that money is tight right now for the average family in America, many people have turned to couponing to save a little extra cash. Who wouldn't love to be able to go into a grocery store and leave with a ton of food that hardly cost you anything? The first time I tried couponing on my own, I saved $27 off of $68. I was so thrilled about my savings because I felt like I was contributing to my family in some way. Being a stay at home mom, I am constantly looking for ways to save money, and this has been a great way to do so. My savings amount kept increasing the more I cut coupons and now it saves my family up to $150 a month on our total grocery bill which helps out a lot! With $150 in savings per month, I am able to apply that to our energy bill and cell phone bill. Just a few tips to look into before you make your next trip to the store: •
Make sure you check the weekly specials of all of the stores you plan to go to. See what they have on sale and check your coupons to see if you have any that match the products that are on sale.
Do any of the stores near you double coupons? This can be a HUGE amount of savings. One store that I frequent doubles coupons up to .99 cents. That is a savings of $1.98 on one item!
Sign up for a reward card with your store (not a credit card). Be sure to get on the email list for your local grocery stores as some of them send out special coupons to those who are on their email list.
Most stores will accept a store coupon and a manufacturer's coupon for one item. However, some states do not allow you to use multiple manufacturer's coupons for one item.
Make sure you check with the grocery store you frequent to see what their policy is on how many coupons they accept in one transaction. The grocery store I frequent that doubles coupons does not allow more than 10 coupons to be doubled.
I am still learning the ropes to couponing, and I frequently reference this guide to save money on groceries. I wish I knew about this eBook when I first started couponing, because it would have been a great learning tool. Power Couponer will teach you strategies on how to save hundreds of dollars on a single shopping trip, how to save money on purchases you make online, how to double your savings, and much more. Just read the comments and reviews from hundreds of people who use this guide. It has such a high success rate, it is likely this eBook will pay for itself in your first shopping trip! Shopping for food is not something you can avoid. So why not save your hard earned money when you can? Depending on how serious of a couponer you want to be, it is quick to pick up on and it does not require a lot of time. Article Source: http://www.streetarticles.com/personal-finance/learn-how-to-save-money-bycouponing ==== ==== Everything You Ever Really Need to Know About Personal Finance