Web Hosting For Your Online Business

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==== ==== Website Creation Free Info Visit: http://www.masterbusinesservices.com ==== ==== By Tom Marchido I'm sure it goes without saying that without web hosting, you know you won't have an online presence. But, that’s not my point today. Actually, my point is that without good web hosting, you might as well be offline anyway. Let me explain. There are many, many web hosting companies out there and some are of course, better than others. So, which one should you use? It’s a matter of research, quality, price, reliability, and most of all, customer service. I’ll explore these individually here. When you’re finished reading you will have a better idea of what is you should be looking for in a web hosting company. I would suggest that you go online and begin your search for “web hosting.” Look out! You are going to get a slew of hits. Four hundred thirty one million, to be exact! Don’t be alarmed. This just gives you an idea of just how popular and competitive this topic is. Take a look at the first 5 or 10 listings and go from there. While your looking around, keep in mind one thing in the beginning – quality. If you don’t know much about web hosting, you might want to focus your research and start educating yourself about web hosting. You could even research the history of the Internet and learn a lot about web hosting. However, you could save yourself a lot of time if you suffice it to say that web hosting is simply a service that takes your domain and places it on the Internet via their servers (hosting). One criterion for quality web hosting in my opinion, is whether or not they guarantee a certain level of “uptime.” Uptime is just what the name implies. What percentage of time is your website accessible on the Internet? A quality web hosting company will guarantee a percentage in the area of 99.9%. That’s pretty close to perfect, don’t you think? Some even guarantee 100%! The next area I’ll talk about is…price. Price, for most, will determine the quality they receive with web hosting. Even those with the great uptime guarantees fall short in delivering true quality, and the price shows it. To be fair though, I want to stress that some companies will offer no frills, no extras, and no website design services for a very low monthly or annual price. That’s ok, but for this type of service you are literally left to build your site from scratch and you better know HTML code and how to build a site from the ground up. However, for most people, some help in the design area is very helpful because few people know enough about HTML to build and design the kind of site they have in mind. Reliability and uptime go hand-in-hand except for the reliability of the service that is provided. For example, even though your site is accessible 99.9% of the time, does it load quickly and without problems? This is a real sticking point with many web hosting services because of the server set up they use. If you don’t have a dedicated server for your site, then you are sharing a server with many other users who place their fair share of load on that server. Depending on the load on the server, this could determine how fast or how slow your site loads. Remember this when you are shopping for a hosting provider. Be sure to ask if your site is hosted on dedicated server or a shared one. It’s worth the extra cost if you have to pay for a dedicated server. I saved the best and most important aspect of web hosting for last. Customer service is by far the most important tool you can have in your arsenal, so to speak. You are going to have questions and issues going forward. They’re inevitable. It’s crucial to be able to just pick up the phone and call your customer service people to get qualified, professional service to solve your issue quickly. Trust me on this one. If your site ever goes down and you don’t have a clue as to why, having confidence in your customer service department will be your saving grace! I hope I’ve given you some good advice you can use when you start your search for a good web hosting

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